Triple 9 (2016) Movie Script

You can do more work with these guys.
Fucking bitches.
Things are tight at least you know what to do but this bitch?
I do not know. Shit.
I feel almost breathing down our necks.
I tell you what, man
This work needs better types.
Yes, but we're almost there. brother.
Would swear we were talking about more than bringing bodies
Frankly, I do not want this.
We can not do ourselves. Entraren 3 minutes?
It's not possible
The work has to be done in broad daylight.
That means civilians, that means ground need them.
I'm worried. Train with Marcus.
Be careful. man
These guys, we will deliver, trust me
Mike the Italian, he and Marcus have been known for a long time
Marcus is not what worries me.
Okay, let in two weeks.
United States
Russian mobster arrested "
Who the hell is supposed to be you?
Fuck me, damn, or shot them all
Oh. do you have a girlfriend. Now they can talk about the weather.
Russell, you said your brother met that cute girl you're in love?
I need the job done for me.
Hey, I hear. Do it.
You better be right about this, Mike
Take this.
Ok, do it right.
Testing, testing one-two.
as well?
Hello! Down!
Everyone on the floor!
Franco, change.
Mike. cancel this
I heard the girl from the news.
Face Down!
Where are we going, man? Ok, 512G Route West.
Mike are nearby. Do not make me remind you.
Aili Mike is a man. Their heads are South
Everybody out!
Yes. remember. Colina Norte, east of Maine
Oh. I will leave here someday.
If motherfuckers.
There is an intersection
I have a window.
Shit! Shit!
You might want to take the highway.
I fuck?
I can not see shit, motherfucker!
Camouflage good job, Mike. These on your own.
Franco, thanks for the noise you did back there
Boys. see you, come to the truck.
Come on!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Stupid shit!
Si, si, si.
Shut up, shit. Who do you think you are, you piece of shit?
They burned the truck by idiots like you
Put your shit on the bus.
Female dog.
Three days, unless les say something different
If, you know? It was the flare.
But we all owe me one. now, that shit tnia to be destroyed.
You know.
Do it again Man, to split that.
Frank. You'll need these bullets and would be a fool if you waste, you understand?
Copy that. Copy that shit.
Let's hunt some bad guys. dtectives.
All those shits are waiting for things to happen.
What the fuck will happen to you? Than?
You see what I'm trying to do here?
Quitate I'm not remove, brother
because you'll end up fucking dead.
You've seen the same shit in rm and Marcus.
Well, I see you again
Mike is upset. Mike still cares.
Those other two, Marcus and Franco?
Think they're worried about that?
God cares and you.
It's okay.
It's okay?
He has been clean for 6 months. Is trying.
He was a good cop.
Look, I know you give a damn
We are family We are family man.
The city suffers from rape, killings.
God is the true real devil. for he is the true evil.
Take your piece of alms elsewhere, white.
God requires us to obey, but the originals were black men
You can not pass.
Warning shots, right?
12 ferrules.
Yes. we have secured the entire area for evidence.
We are putting surveillance now.
It seems that took money but were concentrated in a single deposit box
Yes. I already heard it.
It belongs to a wealthy Russian Dimitri Ilamado Vankov
We have no idea that would keep a box so
Dtective Allan. It is the first time you steal? He did not do anything?
You had pictures of my family, my daughters. Where we live
my daughters school
Look, you're a banker. You should be smart enough to know that the monster
already it is gone. true? Be careful what you say to the police.
They are bastards.
Have a nice day. sweetie.
Bye. Daddy.
Everyone listen carefully
I just learned that the captain is still waiting for a report
iniciancin gang car.
It's the same as always.
They start making a circle and hit each other
This is also how link.
Also, the center of our city was assaulted this maiiana.
Apparently they were well armed and spoke Spanish
which reduces it to just a few groups in the city.
I reciento by the racial implications of this remark, Sergeant.
Try to gather in one place so that should not be hard to find.
No Marucs. That's in my area.
Listen to people. Jeffrey Allans, major crimes will be in charge of the investigation.
Speaking of which, let me introduce his nephew. Chris.
Where you come from. again?
Zone 2.
You, emparjate with him. That may make you come to work on time.
And remember, the one who finds a weapon out there has the day off.
That is all. Mr can talk about this?
Heck no!
We are looking for something in particular?
Ok, down there
Hello Baby
Get down from there. Hears. I take care of my own business
Low. I'm having fun.
Baja, now!
Demons. How the hell you went you there?
Let's go. Baby, ven aqui
Do not let her do that
Yeah, listen, I have to call you back
Yes. Thank you.
There is something Marcus? I hope so.
Okay, I'll see you in two days.
You know how it works this
Take it easy, man.
Hi. little man.
I missed you. I missed you
Really no love like the love of a father for his son.
Then you know Michael. Very skilled with the car.
I am very grateful to you. did you get this case to a successful conclusion end.
There is a second job.
No. I finished the work, pay the fucking money.
My sister always waiting for the stupid men.
Why? I do not know.
Maybe it's that my sister is also stupid.
(Speaking in Russian)
But it is very beautiful. Clear.
Regarding men, I do not understand.
Now, look at her eyes and see his young and selfish stupidity
and a complete lack of judgment
Come here love.
Love makes us great demands on all, no?
What do you want?
I'm trying to call back.
Hello Michael.
Hi there
I hope not listen. Damn cops.
Fuck you. man
(Speaking Russian)
If, right now was talking to Michael.
He was about to discuss that with him. What's the fucking deal?
Michael still refuses to this second job.
I already know it.
The FBI has traced the files are in the possession of Homeland Security.
(Speaking in Russian)
Of course not.
Man. we have problems.
We have to meet now, all of us.
They have another job they want to do
Do not take no for an answer.
We should cut those ropes years.
This is not so clean, have the child in the mix.
I will call you later. See you.
Where is Russell? Late.
Then maybe you should have put a GPS in the ass
You okay, what is your problem. man?
My not ask me, no show
What are we doing here '
She has not paid. Shit
He wants another job
What the hell are you talking about? He says it's worth 3 million
Besides what should we
Of course. if not pay us now why you would pay later?
Of course you are playing the.
She got what you wanted, right?
She got what she wanted.
Why the hell I have to deal with that bitch, huh?
You're the Tangle us with this shit This is from you
T deal with that.
You are also in this now
She has fingers in our pockets, honey
So now let us all be one big happy family
and I do not want to hear any of this shit.
Look who decided to show up.
Step aside!
Salt here!
I can not get it out, man.
Okay, and these well.
I do not understand, man.
Listen to what he says
You want it to end?
Do not look.
I knew it was you.
I know
I not am calling me.
I'm going to bed.
My God, what big teeth you have.
If I use this center theft, I have these disguise.
What a genius
Keep the light off.
So we agree that speaking Spanish is crap.
There is no way these guys are gang members.
Let me know if you notice something.
This is not the street. These guys have tactical training
Some of these guys are military insurance.
Irina, what's up?
She did not say
Whatever it is, it is in a building of Homeland Security
He says he used to certain things as station exit and enter the country.
Uardias few?
I do not know. I do not know, but there will be many.
The government sometimes uses private tactical teams. a kind of SWAT rented.
So what we're talking about, five minutes?
No, man, no.
We are looking 10.
you can not do. It is supposed to get out in 3 minutes.
Will kill every one of us if we do this.
We can make 999.
It is not such a bad idea.
Long would it take?
About 20 minutes
Are you kidding?
Enough with this police shit. Speak English.
999? What the fuck is that?
We must love this fucking job
I hope you will not stain that cute outfit
I am not worried.
Enseriarles will you write in prison.
So it seems.
Hey, genius, what are you doing?
Chris Franco Rodriguez, detective.
Detective, this is Chris.
my new colleague. They just bring in Zone 2.
How would all this in Zone 2?
I do not know.
Let's see: "Do not let the tongue speak what the head have to pay"
What singnifica: Lips sealed. the same tabs, American.
Something like that?
I'll get a witness. Nice to meet you
You recognize faces?
Not these two losers, but this out of here ...
is Pedro Marquez.
You heard of him? - Locos C-13?
A gang, but I do not know what the fuck are doing here.
They are probably good advice.
And they talked to those guys?
That's up, guys?
They have long been here?
Hey, I'll just ask questions. man. You did nothing.
You come here and fool us like fools. no, "I fucking"?
I did not say that. It's exactly what you said, motherfucker.
I'm just trying to uarsial averi or hoever saw.
Jodete, times.
I tell you. I'm going to cause more pain than anyone ever.
You want to help your buddy out there?
Shut up and listen. What the hell did you do?
Come here.
Ceded, surrendered. Jdete!
We're closed! Go rte smoking a cigar.
We will close for now
What do cone, man? You could ask you the same.
Well, I was not on the floor trying to start a fucking riot ...
You not hear what he said. What he said? Hurt your feelings?
This is the fucking street is what people do.
You do not know who is that? That's obstruction
He was getting into the middle of my research.
Sal school, man. No obstruction here.
That is Luis Pinto, chief Lieutenant place.
You think someone is going to speak now?
Oh, he is Lieutenant place?
I did not realize, now I have to go apologize, man.
This is not a fucking joke, Chris.
The rules are different here, this is not your area, okay?
So you better learn fast
Let me tell you something. If you have a problem with me lay it on the table
But do not take me aside and me questions like you know something I do not know.
You let a fool like that insult you in front of the whole neighborhood?
You the one who has to explain.
Leave me alone and let me do my job.
Oh. you know the whole game. true?
He unlocks the door. stupid.
Then this trip will take about 10 minutes?
If you kill a cop, you're screwed.
A 999 calls antencin All units come when there is a dead officer
The season is open. Everyone wants a piece.
Jalas cable and all the power goes down the drain
s absolutely sure you can make this happen?
Oh yeah.
very good
You are the police.
Your. you have the balls to take care of the bait?
And what about the 999, Franco?
I have to bury my friend.
Unless you want to help us dig the trench.
Yes. not believe it
Come on, man, get out of here.
You're good?
I should have known better.
There must be another way.
Why suddenly you go crazy for this?
There is a difference, Franco, and you know
Shit, why you have not had feelings like these in the past five years?
Let me tell you something very sad that every policeman is said to himself.
A bad ending for me.
If you are not okay with this. Marcus, I will.
I have no problem killing a cop.
I'll kill a cop just like that.
You're a real murderer
What are you doing there. uncle?
Just playing a little
As she was at work?
Before I wanted to make a difference
I know how it sounds like what you laugh?
Make a Difference? They will not make any fucking difference
They not even know they're here.
What you have to do is your job, stay clean
try not to get killed and Ilegar home at night.
Uncle Jess. You know what kind of places I've been.
I'm worried about you.
clart You have to realize that each of these bastards, you know
It could be a criminal now.
You have to protect ...
Look, I can not ... these bastards fuck, each of these cops.
Hey, police, hear me?
Sit down. They're going to shoot?
Sit sit.
I've always wanted.
Well, it was a cop
Yes of course.
How are you boy?
Estas well? Awesome.
Let's take this off, sit.
Aili got.
You're late.
Good. Mike, it's good to see you. I have to see your sister.
Why cone does not answer my calls?
Michael, I had to convince my sister to forgive you, ok?
You'll do this for me.
I'll see what i can do.
I'm in a hurry, okay? Call me in an hour.
Come. boy. Come here.
No, I will not do that in front of the child, man.
Come on, look at your mother.
Sit down, Michael, I sent you find.
We have much to discuss. What do you want to talk about?
Let's talk sobrej? ussel?
If that.
You want to do that? Get away from my computer
Here you go. sweetie.
So, now that is out of our way
A Vasily would like to know how things are progressing as.
I found a way to make it work.
These are fantastic news
You know, I'd rather you just saw porn
I was good about.
Oh good.
You're smoking baby?
Well, you're parece Fumando
Listen, you wanted this job. remember?
But that was before I knew that would be my companion an ass.
Come on baby. You need to work with these guys.
Do not let them give a shit what they say.
Stop feeling lstima for yourself.
And come to bed
No es mi compaero problem.
s insurance? I do not give a fuck this guy.
the minute Jeffrey Allan knows who killed his nephew sent to every police
to save Truth. Frank?
Yes. He's our guy.
Such is the key. The rest of the project begins from it
very good
It seems that this decided
This guy does not know anything.
Have a family, you know?
I do not care.
They killed Russel. A police either will not deter us this. You understand?
Say, man. Say you understand.
We have to find another way
It's just more work. Just a fucking job
Just kill him now.
No. Do not do this, Mike.
You have a better idea? Your?
Mirate man. Mirate, he screwed.
Fuck you. man! Fuck
It's here
They are on the porch
I'll talk to my sources. You want to come and see how
that police work you did yesterday took effect?
I'm fine
Who are you?
Who are you? Tell me your name. You're that cop that came loose?
It was a misunderstanding
Why do not stray from my colleagues. You know what I mean?
Why do not you go to school you know what I mean?
Here you are just a school, man.
Which? Mine. I teach my skills
I have a question for you.
That sign, where is it?
It is from here.
This is from here?
Hey, go away to school. Get out of here.
I have two or three sources to check.
I'll call you later
If Someone called CP I call
It's okay.
Come on, girl.
See you at the back of the bar.
I have you, girl.
You look good, CP Thank you dear
What you got for me?
Doll. MAMA they will kill if anyone finds.
So this shit gonna cost a lot and I'm talking about.
You have to show me what you got.
Jesus. it goes anywhere.
Look, okay, I'll tell you but that's all. Jeffrey.
I mean, I work here, I do well, but all tell you what I do.
So no more favors.
It's okay.
The other night I heard a dog talking to another girl about bastards.
I was scared, they told horror movie stuff
Now, I only heard in parts but this bitch was still talking
about a guy who looked like the devil.
That bitch would not stop talking. He said the guy had robbed a bank
with an organized group.
That girl you speak. What was your name?
They tell Lia. A drug addict who works here bitch
She dances here quite often and you can see it on the street occasionally
They have a baby or what?
I do not know what it seems
Renando Revera alias Termita
Works for the Mexican mafia, does the dirty work.
Just serve a sentence of 8 years.
Here is a warrant for the house, and incidentally speak with him.
Let's see what he has to say
Hey, Chris, you want lideraresto?
What the fuck are you doing?
Get in the house shit!
Fuck you! This is my home. Do not tell me to put me into the house.
Check the closet. Clear
You right! Copy that.
Review the couch. Care!
We move.
Revised al lado
There's a baby on the bed, next to a gun Go right.
You behind me.
Check the bed. care with the baby.
Now. Come on, motherfuckers! Kill the fucking baby.
Please sign in.
Two closets more left. Check them out.
We move.
Check the right baiio
The bathroom is clear.
Three closets. izquiera two to one to the right.
I have the closet. Check also the bed.
We move.
We move.
It escapes
Down! Down!
Get off the road!
Chris, come on. Come on!
Are you well? Estas bien?
No no no!
Son of..
There marks forward blood.
Show me your hands. Down! Down!
They saw someone? A dbnde was?
To the ground. motherfucker. to the ground
Fuck the police
What her name?
It's a good name. It's a great name
It's a good mombre.
How are you man?
I can not remember a shot yesterday.
You got it?
No, man, it's a survival response by stress.
The adrenaline starts to flow through the brain. everything stops working
you shoot and just ...
I did not see coming, you know?
I mean, just out of nowhere.
You can not blame yourself. man.
You neither.
You're a tough bastard.
I'm going to pee.
Have fun.
You know what this song, Michael?
You know?
Then I'll tell you.
It is about two lovers, betrayed by the secrets kept for other
And they should choose, exile or death.
As I and my dear Vasily.
Vasily eventually return home with me.
Once you complete this work in preventive custody release
We will be a family again.
Where's Felix ?. Important people keep secrets
so we have survived so
Where is Felix?
Felix and Olenna, we can not join tonight.
Here. listen gates misrno
Olenna. Michael.
Where are you?
Irina did not tell you?
Unless you want to problems. I Ponmelo. Carino, this is pope.
Have a good day at the office, papi.
We are on the beach and Olenna says
It was he undo. Felix?
Chill down. In the house of our family, in Tel Aviv.
Felix seems to love
He loves the sea. I do not like so much. there's something about that idiot.
Check out. It is so tender.
Lo ves ahi con Olenna?
We will do the job. We will work
It Neva well with my sister.
So this is the goal.
Need the security key and door codes.
The case comes Marian night, is there for 24 hours and then disappears.
You will not have another chance after this As you go up to you.
Then we decide if Felix comes home for the holidays.
The house burns down and the clock is ticking. Michael.
This is the eye of the ass of a cop.
This is the eye of a policeman ass of this size.
Is a real ass, right?
Hey, Jack, give us a few drinks. come on.
I have it
Why cone come here? You think you will not recognize?
Levantate. estupido.
If you ever come here, I swear to God I'll kill you.
Yes, you could usartu gun.
You're stupid, man? Think I do not know you? How will we do this?
Shut up
You do not scare me. You're a fucking coward
Think this makes you more of a man? Shut up! Shut up!
The longer would not you going?
What was that all about. man? Just a piece of shit.
Let's look for a drink Forget that.
Hit the wife, right?
a whole piece.
What do you do? I have to finish this
There are a lot of shit in here.
It's disgusting.
It's me. If, as I have you the information.
Wash Charles Gabriel. 35 Aryans has served several years in the Police Force.
Oh, shit He was fired by a custionable shooting.
How custionable? Too
What you got there? Yes, I have the file.
Well, I could use so I send it when you can.
You can already get.
Do not you feel good, eh?
Oh, it feels good.
You know...
do not be sad. There are still options for you.
also he says that a guy named Russel walked up the stairs the other day. "
Let's see if we can find a body. "
Okay, wait a second, look. Finally stopped in Highland Park?
Parqueb your bike out there nearby.
Highland Park? Which is the address?
96 Willow Drive.
I'm on my way. Send reinforcements.
We lost it.
We lost by whom?
Why do not you answer your phone? I am sorry. Look. Jack is fine, man.
Things are good. Who is this guy?
Wash Gabriel. Sounds familiar?
I've never heard of him.
It was a cop ... Hey, buddy How are you?
It is now part of the team that I'm investigating. Why come here?
Good. maybe it was a coincidence and has nothing to do with you.
It's too coincidental.
Michael Edwood is part of a security contract. They work for Black Water.
He and Russel were investigated for smuggling weapons in an investigation
Federal sober Vasily Vlaslov
It's case was dropped after four witnesses disappear
What about Vasily Vlaslov? Head of Russian Jewish mafia, to exact.
And get this, they were so afraid of this guy who put him in prison
for four years without charge.
His wife Irina has been handling the Organization.
Fully visible.
This is a big bad wolf. A mafioso fucking kosher
Exactly Watch
You're doing the job without pay?
I told you I'm driving.
Really? Gabe is now under surveillance. Mike.
They have people stuck in all this as we speak.
Not hidden. To his girlfriend they were arrested.
They know me?
Not yet, but soon and he knows everything.
I'm asking you, do something with Gabe.
Mike. I'm obli are. man.
Do not going well?
No. We're still at it
What about Michael Edwood?
We sent a unit, this outside his home, but is empty.
Okay, and the order?
The judge denied the supervision order so ...
Well, that files with all other
Yes, it is becoming more difficult.
Well, that's it?
Until now. ... We will continue to work.
Everyone believes in Jesus Christ or the Lord or the fucking Salvador
And all that shit misrable God?
Well me. . You should not say that.
Well, someone believes that the cops have a sixth sense for these things?
Then someone thinks that maybe something big is about to fall?
Yes of course.
Someone believes that it may be better
do more than sit here and give me a lot of "do not know"?
Let me know if anything changes.
Surveillance Gabe lost last night and now you seek to you
Well, they'll be looking long after today.
Are okay with this? All right with you?
And you, Mark? Are you ready to do your job?
Yes, I know these these
What do we have here?
You're good?
Yes. I'm fine. Your?
Where we go?
Let's see what we have here. SOLUBA
You know where this guy?
Hi. man. Where are you?
Marks, where are you?
Police! Put the gun down. Put it down.
Wait wait. Low. I'll shoot you
The subject was shot.
The autorfue Luis Pinto.
Hears. man
How are you man?
Marcus! Marcus! Marcus!
Hi. man What's your name, man?
What's your name? You will be fine
What's your name?
He came out of nowhere and shot us.
Hey, Marcus. You hear me, man?
Unit 342 have an officer down, 999.
Unit 342. Officer down. triple 9.
There is.
Go away. Go away. You have been here.
You know what, I need ..
Go Go!
What's up?
Chris is.
Shit, come on.
What was the source? Take care not
Then they do not know if Chris shot. We are not sure.
Just do what they want. Just do what they want.
Come on!
Hands up against the wall.
You should not slow down?
Shit, can you hear me?
What the fuck is going on?
You have to do exactly what we tell you
Oh shit!
You have ten times the power head.
No no. Care!
Fire in the hole. Two one
We're inside.
Where is Chris? Where is Chris?
Back to you, Mike. The guard woke up.
Come out of there.
Follow. follow.
Is Latin, as 28 aiios, bald. with tattoos, mustache ...
Good news. Ilevamos out an 999
We are on our way
I saw a week ago he had an argument
I did not hear much but Marcus said he just had to do something.
They saw the man near your home.
That's a huge coincidence.
Remind me to investigate that.
And what about Luis Pinto?
Luis Pinto is surrounded by the SWAT team to a couple of blocks from here.
They seek for the murder.
I arrest him. You may have some answers.
You know this guy?
I do not know Marcus shot
excuse me
The best thing to do is tell them out of here
We need to get to the tunnel.
What the fuck is this? What you wrap to eachother?
No, man, it's for Felix.
I was sure that podi'as achieve.
You left me no choice.
What about the rest of your team?
I would like to finally meet.
They left. They left?
So you do not think I can ask a few favors in the department?
Wash a few corrupt cops? Do not give me that look.
I've heard all this time.
Where my son is?
Where is my son, cursed?
We train dogs to do the job.
That's what they say, every time you need to train dogs
I can only imagine that that's how he felt Olenna
the time I was fucked by that monkey.
Rte but should cure my fucking sister would never forgive me
And more importantly, you do not feel well.
Take your money and go. Michael.
We do not look or know.
Be happy to know that this is a parting gift from his father.
Would do anything for that child
You're good?
I'm fine, I'm fine.
You're bleeding.
It is not mine.
How is it going? This in surgery. The bullet lodged
in his skull and can not remove it because the brain Danana
What's up. man?
things there? Yes, those from there.
This is all?
Yes. that's
Hey, Mike, it's me. Take it easy, man.
I was just kidding.
You're fucking now?
You have the money?
All good.
As Marcus this?
The bastard still breathes. I'll take care of that.
You're good?
A little sore.
That is all?
The last
Come here boy.
You're not my boss.
Here are rules, right?
The first of us to pull a gun on the street has the day off.
We can go home and relax.
You know. why me just say ..
I bet if you lift your shirt will have a gun
You know what I say?
Hey? Yes.
Now tell me something that makes me forget that weapon.
You know my comrade Marcus?
You heard that shot him?
He spoke with my friend Luis
Marcus came here and talk to your friend Luis for being shot?
Fuck me, man No, seriously.
OK dude. Come on, give me the gun.
Who? Chris
Jesus, man
If your brother could see me now.
I think you can tell me about that. Do not be ashamed.
I think it could be worse than that.
It is Marcus
I think the soltb Pinto to try to kill me
You can try it? I think I can.
Marcus and Gabe fear history.
They were in the same district
A tactical team. Michael Edwood.
A dead police should ask.
He had a wound in the back of his hand.
Nobody had recorded because plaa.
Boss? I need a favor.
I need a cop.
I need the name of the leader at the scene police found the body.
Sure, but it should be a little secret.
Mi rate.
You know this fucker?
Hi how are you doing?
What's up? I just wanted to see Marcus.
We were friends. you know?
Oh really? Yes.
It's okay.
Hi, Jeff, I'm coming over there.
Chris, Chris! Yes. I can hear you, man.
Do not do anything. It's very dangerous
You know the name? Dtective Franco Rodriguez.
Okay, back in a while
How are you man?
Your car is out there. I see you at the station
Unit 342. Shooting a wounded officer