Trishna (2011) Movie Script

Can we go off road?
The car is stuck
It's stuck?
Are you working next week?
I'm tired. My feet are killing me
But those boys were gorgeous
Next week I want to get a new sari
No, we only live up the road
Ask him to sit at the front
Don't worry. It'll be ok
He doesn't understand Hindi
His mother is English
Let's go
Has he never learnt Hindi?
Now you're in India you'll learn
I know some Marwari
You know Marwari?
You look very beautiful
I want to say - You are beautiful
Aren't you going to invite me for some tea?
No my father is home
Trishna get me some water!
Who were those boys?
In the taxi
Just tourists from the hotel
Wake up
Wake up. You're going to be late
Come on
Trishna. Wake up
How's it going?
Sort that out
Move it along
Put it there
Put it down here
They are taking their time
Get a move on stop looking at me
Not like that
Do you get a lot of pain?
Relax your hand
Lift it up slightly, that's right
Are you ok?
Forgive me
Don't say that. Get some rest
Stop the car
How far to the airport?
Quite far
Is this Trishna's father's house?
What is it?
Is this Trishna's father's house?
It's for Trishna
Trishna! Trishna!
There's a letter for you!
Where from?
Yes dad?
Here. Read this to me
What's it say?
It is saying
They're offering me a place
at the hotel Samode Bagh in Jaipur
Trishna where's Jaipur?
Jaipur is very far
Every week I will get 2500 rupees
And 500 rupees for the journey
I didn't think the boy would come back
Can you go by yourself?
Live all alone?
It's 2500 rupees a week
Go to school every day! Ok?
Hotel Samode Bagh
My name is Trishna
Where are you?
I'm at the bus station in Jaipur
Stay there and someone will pick you up
Ok. Thank you
At your command, sir
You are most welcome
At your command, sir
Yes mum. It's the same. I'm fine
The world has come alive
And dances with joy
Like my heart
With your help
With you by my side
You make me happy
When you look at me
When you touch me
You make me happy
Hi devshri. How are you?
Do you miss me?
When I was at college
I had so much fun
We would finish lessons
Go to the canteen,
drink some tea, eat some food
Then go and sit in the park
We used to make fun of all the new girls
Don't be scared, it won't hurt
Knock on the door
Say, 'room service'
Then show the menu
This is our dining tent
where we serve breakfast
I'll show you the kitchen
A la carte and the buffet
come from the same kitchen
This is for the buffet
My plaster has come off
Yeah. Really
Who is this for?
It's for you
Put the box over there
Yes. It's good there
Turn the volume down
I wish he loved me
In your dreams
I'd have my own hotel
I could do whatever I want
We would go to Switzerland on holiday
How many children will you have?
I haven't decided yet
Trishna what are you doing? Hurry up
Ok we'll be going now
You take out the inside
Hold it like this
Where are you from?
I'm from Ossian. Have you heard of it?
I don't think anything
can happen staying here
Why are you saying that?
It's not so good here
I have big dreams
Be the manager of a big hotel
I am thinking about moving country
Solid planning
Sir is in the bedroom
This pair will match
How do they look?
It's me Trishna
I'm not sure
I think we are just passing the market
This is my friend Chanchal
Chanchal these are all my friends
from college
Hey guys! I was thinking
it's nearly over here
Should we go out somewhere?
Some parties are long, some are short
How about it?
Come on. We've already
told the boss we'll be back by 9
Ok I'm going on my own
- You'll be ok right?
- Yes
Ok take care
She worries too much
Who are you calling?
You can use my phone
Leave me alone
Don't touch me or I'll scream
What's your problem?
Look at you
You haven't got any balls
Where were you?
Go to sleep
Jay phoned me after you left
He was looking for you
I rang you
Why didn't you answer?
Did he find you?
What happened?
I'm fine. Go to sleep
How are you?
You ok?
How are you Lakshman?
Did you forget me?
You have time off work?
Who is it?
Is it Trishna?
How are you?
Don't make it too strong
How is school going?
No I've left school now
We don't have money for the fees
What happened to the money I sent you?
We owe money for the jeep
How come you're here?
I've left the hotel job
What happened?
I just had to leave
Dad I just had to
How are we going to get by?
I can work on uncle's farm
He can't pay 2500 rupees a week
I know
What's happened?
You ok?
Bring some water
Drink this
She's not had her period
Not had her period?
How many months has it been?
Three months?
Any other problems?
I'm sick in the mornings
You have to go to your uncle's
and get work in the factory
I don't want to leave home again
Your aunt Gomti is ill
Dad says you have to go and help out
I don't want to go away again
Dad says that you have to
If that's what you want
I'm going now
Look after yourself
I'm going grandma
Bless you
I'm going dad
What is it?
I'm coming with you
Don't be silly
You can't come with me
Let me go
Where is this address?
It is just over there
Bless you
- How's everyone?
- Ok
How is your dad?
Gomti, Trishna is here
Be happy child
How are you?
I'm not well
It's been 4 or 5 months
I'm in so much pain
My whole body hurts,
I can't even stand up
Your aunt needs food, you're late
Yes almost done
Trishna, someone's here for you
There's someone to see you
Sir, may I take five minutes?
Let's start with the pizzicato
Can you play the track a little lower?
Lower the track in the headphones
I am devoted to you my love
Your beauty makes me love you
I'm devoted to you my love
You mean like this
With you by my side, my love
You turn the night into day
You've captured my heart
You've cast a spell on me
You make me blossom
like a jasmine flower
I want to be with you forever
The world is beautiful when I am with you
I am devoted to you
I want to be with you forever
Your love sets me on fire
When we're together I have no rest
You light up my desire
Hi. Avit
You dance really well
I'm a dance coordinator
I help organize the classes
and the dancers for shoots
That sort of thing
Not for me thanks
How long have you been here?
In Bombay?
Is she a friend of yours?
Yes she is
You didn't even introduce me
You didn't give us a chance to
I was just giving her some advice
How much are the bananas?
Thirty rupees
Do you think you will have to pay
a high price for your mistakes?
How are you?
It's been ages
You haven't called or anything
So tell me
What's happened?
Nothing, I've just been at home
Have you heard from jay?
He hasn't called?
No news at all?
From the ten husbands in this competition
The one who is strongest will survive
I'm sorry
I was assuming this flat would be vacant
The lease is up
So you have to vacate the flat
This weekend?
Is it ok if I have a quick look around?
Yes go ahead
Good morning, are you hungry?
I'll get you some breakfast
- Aggie!
- Yes?
Come on
Can I take your number?
So this is what a shoot looks like
Wow, look at all those lights!
Yes, it's very different to rehearsals
This is playback from 'a' camera
They're good dancers
You think so?
Thousands have been destroyed!
So many hunted!
All the boys are keen to impress
An endless queue, right and left
They beg for love
Oh there will be tension!
It's good to come to shoots like that
You can make good contacts
People who can help your career
One thing you need to do
is get a cine dancer card
It's very important
I can help you get one
- All dancers have them?
- Yes all dancers
It costs money
Then after that once you start getting work
you can pay off the rest in installments
I don't have that kind of money
Take the 30,000 from me
Once you start working
you can pay me off
You'll take it?
Just put it down
Shall we go inside?
Do you know Jay Singh from before?
Where do you know him from?
From another hotel
Before this you were in Mumbai right?
Which hotel in Mumbai?
I was staying at a friend's house
I see
This is the truth
The truth love has taught me
My love, you showed me
how the world really is
You showed me a place
where the storm never ends
You showed me a world
where the night never ends
You took me to the realm of love
With you by my side,
I left this world behind
Every moment I was filled with fear
Every step I took made me more afraid
My love, you turned my day into night
My love, why did you do this to me?
You showed me a place
where the storm never ends
You showed me a world
where the night never ends
You took me to the realm of love
With you by my side,
I left this world behind
Every moment I was filled with fear
Every step I took made me more afraid
My love, you turned my day into night
My love, why did you do this to me?
Wow, you've got so big!
And a new school uniform
Lakshman, how are you?
Look Trishna,
there's a new fridge and a new TV
How are you mum?
Hey sis it's you
God you've got tall!
Step down, let me see you properly
New school uniform?
I'm back at school
Good. Really good
How are you?
Where did you go?
Get me some water
When did she get here?
Just now
This is for you
You can wear this to a wedding
Maybe even your wedding
This is for you. Try it on
Oh wow! You look like Shahrukh khan
and rani Mukherjee!
Come on let's eat
Lakshman stop fighting
and eat your food!
So where's your husband?
Everybody knows that I'm living off you
You should be happy
You have a new jeep
Anyone want more?
It's my fantasy - Come and see
Still doing homework?
Haven't you finished yet?
Have you brushed your teeth? Dirty girl
Then pack your schoolbags
Do all your homework
No TV tonight
Study well Lakshman
You too devshri
Off you go
Stand at ease
Get ready for the prayer
Our father
In heaven
Give us today
Our daily bread
And forgive us
Our sins
As we
Forgive those
Who sin
Against us
Do not bring us
To the test
But deliver us
From evil
Get ready for the pledge
India is my country
All Indians
Are my
Brothers and sisters
I shall give my parents
And all elders
And treat everyone
With courtesy
To my country
And my people
I pledge my devotion
In their well-Being
And prosperity
Alone lies
My happiness