Triumph (2021) Movie Script

That's alright, god job, good job!
Are you ready?
Keep your head up. You trained for this.
You prepared for this moment.
That boy, can he?
Alright, Mike.
You know what we went over in practice, right?
Keep your feet wide apart, stay low,
if he puts his leg out there, you take him down.
All right?
- You're stronger than him.
- I can do it.
Let's show everyone in here,
that you can wrestle.
Go get him, Mike.
You can do it, Mike.
Come on, Mike. Come on, Mike. C'mon C'mon.
Shake hands.
Come on!
Take him down, Mike, take him down.
Take that leg and take him down.
Come on Mike! Show some heart!
Go! Go Go. Yeah!
- Take down, two red.
- Yeah!
Hold it down, hold it down!
Keep it down, keep it down! Hold him down.
Ok, one blue.
- Good, good. Chest up. Chest up.
Watch those legs, watch the legs!
take down, two, blue.
come on, Mike.
- Come on, Mike!
- Come on, Mike, come on, Mike!
Get up, get up.
- Get up, get up.
- Good good.
- Ok, one, red.
Get those hands off him.
He's ok. Mike's ok.
Hey, are you okay?
Raise your right arm.
- Oh man, it's broken.
- Yes. We have to take him to the doctor now.
Come on Mike. We will help you.
Let's go.
You did a good job, Mike. I'm proud Mike.
Come on, Mike.
All good. All good.
You'll make it next time, Mike.
Open your hands.
Keep your left hand open.
You are closing!
- Faster!
- No, slow down. This isn't a race.
Hey, open your hands, open those hands.
Open them. Back straight.
Come on man, come on.
- Dammit!
- Do you want to quit?
- I said do you want to quit?
- No!
- Let's go! Go.
- Yes!
- Let's get into our stance.
- Yeah.
- Grab hold.
- Wait, wait, yeah.
Get off me, man!
Well, we're done.
I just wanted to say thank you
for your help, TJ.
Yeah no problem.
Stay calm.
Stay loose, stay cool. Mighty Mike, huh?
Hey, don't be a stranger.
I'll come and I'll find you.
- He's joking, Mike.
- Hey!
- How's your ankle?
- Better.
I should be back on the beam in a couple of weeks.
Cool. Be careful.
Gravity sucks.
Ok son, let's do it.
Okay that's good.
Use your legs, your feet on the pedal.
Yeah! Good job, keep it straight.
You are on your own.
- ok?
- Shit!
Watch your language.
- You about had it?
- You have bruises on top of bruises.
Do you want to try training wheels again?
- ok. No, no, steady.
Very good, you have nice teeth, don't lose them.
All right, you're on your own.
Some things, physically, you cannot do.
I got training wheels for you, we'll go back to them, okay?
One more time.
- Ok.
- One more time.
You got it!
These are for regular senior classes.
You need to see Mrs. Freud.
Right over there.
Right there.
I am a senior.
And those are senior level courses,
nothing special.
Come with me.
Mrs. Freud, this is Michael.
He's a senior.
Senior. Good for you Michael.
I think he needs some assistance with his schedule.
So glad to have you with us.
A student is here to see you.
Okay, I got a few minutes.
you can come in.
Hi, I'm Michael Connelley.
I'm James Tyler, have a seat.
You're new here, right?
Yeah, I just moved here from Kansas.
Have you registered?
I'm trying.
The senior advisors won't approve my schedule.
They want to put me in special ed.
Let me see.
Algebra two, biology, English, weightlifting.
You do know that you can be excempt from PE courses?
Cerebral palsy, right?
I'm taking weightlifting for wrestling.
- Can you wrestle?
- Yes.
I used to a little....
anyhow, can you help me out with this?
Well, it looks like a good challenging schedule.
Are you sure you can handle all this and try to wrestle?
I like a challenge every now and then.
Take this back to the advisor,
and she will register you.
Don't underestimate me.
See you in class.
- Oh hold on.
- Yeah!
One two Three.
Thanks, man, I owe you one.
I'm Mike.
Are you stoned or something?
No dude.
I'm sorry. I'm Jeff.
Hey, you really helped me out on that last rep.
- Thanks.
- What were you, trying to do,
Trying to kill yourself?
Oh. No, I'm trying to drop weight for wrestling.
You know you can't wrestle under.
Under what?
Wow, you should try stand-up.
I get a laugh every now and then.
I bet.
Are you lost?
No, I-I'm taking weightlifting.
Oh are you trying to bulk up?
Training, f-for wrestling.
No shit...
Have you ever wrestled before?
I used to a little, in third grade.
I kinda sucked.
But this is my last year
so I'm going for it.
Well I'm going for a scholarship.
That's how I'm going to college.
- Good luck!
- Yeah.
And you too.
So what's your first class?
It's... Weightlifting.
- Is that a class?
- Yes.
Weightlifting's a class?
See you later.
Have a good workout, Arnold.
What is he, a cripple?
All right, ya'll, gather around.
Hello, I'm Coach Warren.
Come on ya'll, gather around.
Welcome to physical education.
Now, if any of you enrolled this course, because
you thought it would get you out of the first period calculus,
think again.
If any of you took this course thinking ya'll get away
from being scrawny pieces of nothing and out of here like an adonis,
think again.
Lifting weight is a great way
to build a fit body.
But, only if it is done properly.
And if it is done here, it will be done properly,
No exceptions.
Is that understood?
Yes, coach.
Now you all got three minutes
to go get changed and meet me in the gymnasium.
Now! Come on! Move!
Since you all decided that you all had so much
energy left over from that weight room,
I figured it was a nice time for a little impromptu
endurance trial.
This is to weed out the weak from the strong.
Ya'll gonna follow me, we're gonna hit every step.
Legs up! Hit every step!
Coming up...
Going around, knees up, down.
Make your way all the way around.
If you bust your ass, you get your ass up.
Come here, and come back down.
Twenty five pushups.
Move your ass!
Drop, do twenty five.
I know ya'll got it in you, I know you got in you.
Come on, come on, come on, legs up.
Carter, c'mon, make it around.
What are ya'll been doing?
Sitting around, playing Atari, watching MTV?
I want my MTV.
Yeah, well, you're gonna get your chance to watch MTV
as soon as you do three more laps.
Since all your friends like to laugh with you, you all do it together.
The wrestling try-outs
are about to begin very soon.
And you all know that Hillsborough only accepts
the very best of the very best.
C'mon up.
Three more, three more, this is endurance.
Y'all are young men.
if you can't make it up the stairs,
you can run around the perimeter of...
I'm good.
I'm good, I-I got this.
All right, ya'll keep it moving.
Knees up, knees up.
Take one, pass back the rest.
Take one and pass it back.
Take one Michael, pass it back.
Welcome to world literature.
I'm Mrs. Payne.
That's spelled PAYNE.
For the first nine weeks,
we are going to ve studing the craft of poets,
like Frost,
and Wordsworth, among others.
And at the end of this session,
you are going to compose your own poem.
And read it aloud.
You may find that once you are finished you may appreciate,
maybe even love poetry.
Now turning to your books to Wordsworth.
"The world is too much with us".
The use of an index might be helpful.
And that's why she cannot sit with us at lunch.
And she knew Patrick was my boyfriend when she left that
note in his locker, because she knew he would find it.
Of course she liked him and wanted us to break up,
but whatever, you know, I don't even like him.
I like Trevor.
You know I've been into him for a long time...
What's like his major malfunction?
I'm not sure.
He's in my English class.
- Oh excuse me!
- Watch where you're going!
- Sorry!
- I think he wants you.
Get real!
Hmm that is a nice cute butt though.
I'm serious. That's a nice booty.
Okay, stop.
A combination of two substances,
doesn't always necessarily mean
an increase of mass.
Now the key part of this is ratios.
So we're gonna start with
one part baking soda
and we'll add one third part...
One fig newton.
This is one whole number,
How many is left?
Two what?
Come on, use that big brain of yours.
All right, let's try again.
This is a fig newton.
One whole number.
What's this?
One third.
Your brain is just as capable as anyone else's.
We're gonna train that.
I guess?
...the gases
causes a decrease in mass.
When you combine two substances such as baking soda...
Heading for the short bus?
I wouldn't want to take your seat.
Don't touch me, asshole!
Don't push, asshole!
What are you going to do about it, retard?
Don't push me, asshole!
What the hell are you doing?
Are you an Idiot?
Damn, Jeff!
Mind your own business.
See you pinned on the mat later.
I'm sorry about Troy.
He's an ass.
Just leave me alone.
I'm... I'm fine.
You know what? I've got an idea.
Let's go.
Let's go.
What... why are we here?
We're getting you ready for tryouts.
Get on the treadmill.
Mike, get on the treadmill, let's go.
Take your backpack off.
Okay, we're gonna start slow.
Keep it going.
Speeding it up.
Come on, Mike.
Come on, Keep it up Mike! Let's go! Mike, you got this.
I can't!
You said you wanted to do this.
Mike, I'm not going to sit here and watch Troy do that shit to you.
You have to stick up for yourself,
you're going to need some more training.
Do you want to wrestle or not?
Mike, do you want to wrestle or not?!
I want to wrestle!
Ok. I don't know why, but I believe in you.
You just need some more training.
Okay, do you like aerobics?
Left Right. Left, right, pull.
Side to side, let's go!
Step together, step pull.
Step together, step pull.
Keep going.
Together, pull. Step together, left, left. To the right!
Two, three, push, left.
Three, push, to the right.
- Mike, your crack is...
- Keep going. - Your crack!
All right, one more. One more.
Last one!
Remember that the ball is energy. Keep it moving.
Don't allow it to stop.
Come on, Mike.
If you're going to lift the weight, you have to control it,
if you're not controling the weight, the weight is controlling you.
Stop, stop. Too much.
Let's take it down, let's take it down.
Let's take half of that.
We're going to go up to fifty.
It's not about how much you can lift.
It's about how well you can lift what you're lifting.
The power, comes in control, you understand that?
Yes, coach.
OK, go ahead.
And the form is what the muscles respond to.
Control it.
See it doesn't matter
lifting a bunch of weights, trying to impress all these fellas here.
I don't care if you lift five hundred pounds or one hundred pounds.
But the body grows
when you lift it properly.
That's enough for today.
Good form. Let's try your legs.
Wanna put your back down, legs up.
Keep them even with your shoulders.
Push up when you're ready
release the brake and all the weight is on you.
Bring it to your chest
three times.
Nice and in control.
Don't straighten your legs.
Good job, third time, lock it.
You have some strong legs.
We're gonna take you up another 90.
How about that?
How about this?
Remember, it's about control.
Three of them.
When are wrestling tryouts?
About a week or so away.
You gonna come watch us?
I'm going to try out.
Wrestling is a real serious, serious sport.
It requires a great deal of-of agility
athleticism and control.
But do you know what else would be a really great sport
that I think you might be great at?
I'll bowl when I'm retired. I can show all that.
Mike, I'm serious, man.
It's very dangerous.
Just give me one chance.
You want a chance?
Ok. Hey, bring me two 45s over here!
Mike wants to get on the wrestling team.
- Let's give him a chance.
- Oh man.
We're gonna give him a stack of eight.
Four on other side, knock it out three times
then you can try out for the wrestling team.
Don't start it if you can't finish it.
Watch this.
This is funny.
He's not gonna be able to do it.
It's okay, it's okay, we can get it.
Mike, it's okay.
Is this is a classroom?
Each and every one of these machines is a book,
get to studying!
Anything else you want to try?
Let's see what other superpowers you got, come on.
Hey, what are you doing? Nope!
- No.
- Hey!
- No, let's get back to work.
- Wait!
Tryouts in four days.
I think they want to talk to me.
- No. On the field.
- C'mon.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
You can't just let me throw you around like a rag doll.
- Got it.
- Do it again.
You can untie me now.
It's just not sparring with you, man.
You know, I actually made the team.
I already know.
I'm just a little...
I don't know, I'm just a little anxious.
- You're nervous?
- Yeah.
If I don't impress the college scouts at the end of this season,
I won't be going to college.
I'll probably end up...
I don't know, in my dad's garage, helping him for the rest of my life.
So yeah,
I'm pretty nervous.
Oh my Gosh, that class gets so boring sometimes.
But, I mean, I love Mrs. Payne,
- she's such a riot.
- Y-yeah.
She's cool,
- I guess.
- Yeah.
Well, I guess I'd better get going.
Where do you go eat lunch normally?
In the cafeteria, usually.
Oh the cafeteria!
You are braver than me.
If it moves, don't eat it.
Thanks for the... survival tip.
Go get 'im, Troy!
- Ready to get, retard?
- Keep it clean, Cooper.
The goal is to stay on the mat.
Looks like somebody got some power.
You got it, man.
Yeah, get it!
Pin him!
Beating you doesn't count.
That's enough, Cooper!
Nice try, Mike. Come on man.
Get up there.
Alright uh, as you know
there is only room for three more spots
on this team.
And as of now it will be....
Ortega, congratulations.
You are part of the wrestling team.
Lee, you made it.
And Cooper.
But you're a bit of a jerk, so we're gonna work your attitude.
For everybody else,
there's always next year.
Workout, get ready.
Mike, I'd like to talk to you for a second.
Look, there's always room for
the team manager. Would you care to be part of that?
No thanks.
All right.
Hi Patty.
H-hi Pat-.
H-hi Patty. W-would...
Would you like to go to ...
Mike, are you alright?!
I don't want to be like this anymore!
Look, I know it's frustrating.
You don't know!
You not me.
I know.
But feeling sorry for yourself isn't change anything.
You know that.
I'm trying not to.
What happened?
You pissed because you couldn't do something?
Well guess what?
You're not alone.
We can't always have want we want or do what we want, Mike.
I was... trying to prove something.
Prove what?
I tried out for the wrestling team and I...
I didn't get it and I...
I was just fooling myself again.
We've talked about that.
I just want to prove that I can do it.
You are on the path to prove yourelf.
You can best anyone with that mind of yours.
Prove that.
Alright? Prove that to yourself
prove that me, alright?
Come on, ya'll training this Half Nelson maneuver for half an hour.
and your'e still halfassing it!
You got to think, what's the purpose behind it?
Get to the motivation of it.
What are you trying to acomplish?
Mike. What happened to you this morning?
Man, I missed you.
Driving test.
Did you scare someone half to death?
No, that's next week.
Coach, do you uh, do you still need help?
Yeah, why?
If you can't beat them, join them.
That's really big of you.
It's a big responsibility...
helping with training and keeping up with.
Can you handle it?
I'm proud of you!
zzhey everybody, relax.
C'mon ya'll.
Mike has decided to be our new team manager.
Let's give it up for that.
Come on.
Now, there is a bit of an initiation for becoming team manager.
You are the demonstratee and I am the demonstrator.
Now, we've been practicing this Half Nelson,
but there is a purpose behind it.
We lock down one hand.
Back leg, one two Three.
Now I have him here
lift up,
roll over,
lock that.
- You ok?
- Yeah.
How's that mat taste, Mike?
A bit salty.
Come on, you're next.
Remember you are trying to rebuild,
the connection between
how your brain communicates with your body.
Ball of your foot touches the line
each step is like a vortex.
Vortex out.
Centrifugal out.
No, no, no, no, no, no, don't be embarrassed.
Don't be embarrassed. It's not about them.
You are not trying to impress them.
You are not trying to impress anybody.
- This is about you now.
- Yeah.
Do it for yourself, you're not performing.
Start again.
How did this happen to you anyway?
This CP thing.
the umbilical cord
wrapped around my throat.
My mother was left in labor for too long.
Elbows out, vortex.
Remember to roll with the vortex.
Lack of oxygen,
to the brain.
This is what you get!
Is it gonna get worse?
It is not a disease.
It'll uh get better
with time and exercise.
Keep going.
Centrifugal out.
Centripetal, in.
Reach out and pull it.
I understand where you're coming from a little bit. It's hard.
I was once...
I was once like you.
Believe it or not.
What you... were you a geek?
You got to be smart to be a geek.
But I was a kid trying out for the football team.
I thought about how I was gonna score
I don't know, socially?
But I had asthma, you know?
My lungs burned.
So I... humiliated at the end of the day.
Guess we can't win 'em all.
Unfortunately, you can't.
But you did win the best race.
The race to get to life.
Now, you had a little extra challenge 'cause
that cord wrapped around your neck.
I want you to unravel that cord now.
I want you to walk back that cord.
Release the vortex,
release the vortex.
Centrifugal out. Centripetal in.
Come on Jeff!
Come on Jeff. No, no, spread 'em, keep 'em out!
Hey, John, you got this guy, come on.
Mike, where the hell is Johnson?
I-I-I haven't see him.
We can't afford a forfeit.
Hey, coach, Coach!
I can wrestle.
Mike, I know you can wrestle, but you can't wrestle this next guy.
You're not ready. You can't. N-No.
No, no, I need your help right now.
Hey, put me in!
Are you are kidding me?
You're gonna let the cripple wrestle?
That's the same as forfeiting.
- Do you really want to get on this mat?
- Yeah.
Get suited up and weigh it in.
If you you... if you get hurt, that's your ass!
I got it!
We need this win!
Come on Jeff. Come on man.
There you go, you got him!
Way to go, Jeff!
This guy, he's a bit of a beast.
Keep your balance by keeping your legs spread.
- And stay focused on him.
- You got this.
Don't let him... don't let him manipulate you!
- Don't forget to use your legs.
- Yeah.
I really hope he wins. He's such a nice guy.
I hope so too.
Good luck Mike!
For real?
I'll try not to hurt you, crip.
Okay, call him.
- You ok?
- Yes.
Winner red!
Come on, Mike.
- Are you okay, Mike?
- Nice job, are you okay?
- Yeah.
Alright, relax, get you some water now.
Alright come have my seat.
You know, you were actually pretty good, Mike.
It was... it was amazing.
I can't believe I got to be on the mat!
Just wait 'til next time.
It's so...
there's so much energy, and it's just like...
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hey Dad, this is Jeff.
Hi Jeff, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Connelley.
Man, you should have seen Mike wrestle today.
- Wrestle?
- Yeah.
J-Jeff, he's a wrestler. He... he was wrestling.
So were you.
Just an alternate for now, but who knows.
So are you wrestling?
Yes or no?
- Kind of.
- Kind of?
Well, alternates barely wrestle.
if at all...
Why didn't you discuss this with me?
Because I... I already know how you feel about this
and... and what would have been the point?
I don't know why your dad is so against it.
It'll do you some good.
I'm not quitting this time.
Oh good luck telling him that.
Make sure I'm not here when you do.
I think he'll come around.
I hope.
So why do you want to wrestle so much?
I uh...
I like the challenge of it.
Just to be included.
That I am no different than you.
I only care to prove myselg to university scouts.
For my scholarship.
I just want to show my dad,
everybody, that I can do this.
Oh my God.
- Is this a diary?
- No.
No no no hey!
Patty McGrath, huh?
Wow.... You know, I know her.
I've known her since we were kids.
But how did you get her number?
- She gave it to me.
- Yeah.
And I'm Don Johnson.
What... what are you doing?
Stop, I'm not gonna read it, I need the number.
Don't be shy.
Come on, set me up with her.
With you?!
H-hi, is Patty there?
P-patty McGrath.
This... this is Mike Connelley from school.
No sir.
I'm... I'm not drunk!
Wait, what's the number?
- AA...
- Mike, Mike.
It's Alcoholics Anonymous.
You are cracking me up!
- Very funny.
- C'mon.
Mike, do you honestly think Patty McGrath is gonna go for you?
What makes you think that she would go for some
shallow jock?
Sorry. Look, I'm just trying to be your friend.
I don't want to see you crushed, Mike.
You're a good guy.
I think you deserve someone who might be a little more.... you.
I'm only interested in Patty.
And I think she sees me differently than everyone else does.
Dream on.
Dream until your dreams come true.
Shit. Hey, I got to get.
I have a stupid Spanish test tomorrow.
Good luck.
Hey, I hope you're ready for a tough week of training.
I was born ready.
Don't hate me.
I forgot and told Dustin that I would go to lunch with him today.
- What?
- Yes.
- No it's fine.
- Sorry.
- I'm so sorry, I really don't want to go.
- No really it's ok.
I promise it won't happen again now...
Yeah, don't worry about it.
Let's go.
- Hey.
- Hey.
My God, can you believe we're having a test over poetry?
I mean, that really sucks.
No, it won't be that hard.
Yeah right, I'd like to have your brain for this test.
Hey you'll... do fine.
Going to lunch?
Yes, I guess I'll just go grab a bite at home because,
Jade, she ditched me for her boyfriend of the week.
Well uh...
I'm free for lunch if...
You don't want to take a chance on the cafeteria stuff today?
Come on, I can take you to my favorite place if you want?
- uh Yeah.
Maybe you can come watch me wrestle one time.
It's so violent.
It's not for me.
Oh ok.
- Coach, Warren?
- Yes.
- How can I help you?
- I'm Mike Connelly's father.
Oh! Mike's one of my brightest students.
Indomitable spirit.
You got be really proud of that.
Yeah, he's come a long way.
Pull up a chair.
I was just having a little lunch.
- So how's Mike's grades?
- Good.
As long as he's focused on his classes and not on this
wrestling thing.
Mr. Connelly, extracurricular activities are
more than just something that to physically release the body.
It's given him the opportunity to interact
with teammates.
- Coach.
I have the best interest for my son at heart,
but physically he's disabled.
If you are you worried about him getting injured....
When he was nine years old,
he broke his collarbone in a wrestling competition.
He's doing this 'cause he's rebelling against me.
He wants to prove me wrong.
I just want him to graduate,
so he can find his way into the real world.
As his teacher I want him to graduate
and find his way out in this world. But
he needs to understand that right now, his biggest obstacle is himself.
And you as a father, you should know that.
As his father,
I have a better understanding what Mike needs than anybody else.
Mike does not see his disability
as a hindrance.
I think he's stronger because of it.
And if he can take that energy and harness it
and turn it towards himself.
Instead of seeking approval of everybody else around him.
Could you imagine what that young man could acomplish?
I just don't want him to get hurt again.
It's not his body,
- it's his heart.
- Whatever God got planned for Mike,
only God knows.
When I saw that kid come in here
I thought I'd been saddled with a handicap that I had to babysit.
But it didn't take him long
to prove me wrong.
You've got to consider, Mr. Connelly, what this
means to Mike.
If you take this away from him, it will...
- like everything else that matters, be taken away from him.
Alright, it's on you.
But if his grades start to fail, I'm pulling him out.
My grandma can do more than you and she has one arm.
Almost two. Not bad for a beginner.
- Guess what?
- What?
Me and Patty had lunch today.
Well, how'd it go?
Great, I think.
I really like her.
She's smart, sweet....
Well are you going to ask her out?
I think so.
Good luck...Don Juan.
So...what's next?
I can't move that fast.
Hand over hand.
You got this, don't forget to use your legs.
- I'm working on it!
- You got this!
Jeff, Jeff, don't move!
You ok? Don't move. Jeff!
Come on Jeff.
Jeff, you're awake!
What are you doing here?
I came to check on you.
I can't...
I can't feel my legs.
I'm trying to move them right now and...
- and I can't feel them!
The doctor said it's brain and back trauma.
F-for real?
He said that with physical therapy I might go back to normal but...
He said I'm not going to wrestle.
I may as well say goodbye to college.
We can... w-we can fix this!
I don't want to be handicapped like you.
If you need...
- anything,
I'm here for you.
One step.
You know,
My grandmother can out-walk you
and she has one leg.
- Come on.
- I'm trying.
You're trying too hard.
You need to use your mind.
- Not your muscles.
- Got it.
we need to get back to the basics and retrain that brain.
It's hard.
Now your knee. Your left one.
Come on, move it.
- Push!
- I can't.
Come on, push!
- I can't.
- Move the right one!
You got it!
I can't do this!
Let me be.
Be what? A cripple?
He's ok.
Look, if you don't fight now,
You will be battling this your whole life.
Do you want to... give up on your scholarship?
Is that what you w-?
Say uncle!
Get off me.
We walk barefoot on the beach
hand-in-hand under the sun
With no care where we lead
As the sun spills its gift across the sky
our problems drift
And fade away with the tide.
Good poem, Patty.
Very romantic.
Mike, you're up.
It's about a good friend of mine that's injured.
Ok ...
called "Broken Wings".
Like a bird with broken wings
You must try
A dare of will
a test of mind
to reach
that starlight
And if he finds his way
There is hope for a brighter day
For the truly wise
and smart listen
to the head
But follow the heart instead.
Hey, good job.
- Hello, McGrath Residence.
- H-hi.
I-is Patty home?
Thank you for the pickup and delivery.
Thank you for the fun time.
Hey Mike, you can relax.
Can I call you sometime?
Yeah sure, I just...
As long as you understand that we're just friends.
You know, I don't want to lead you on or anything.
- That cool?
- Yeah, I...
I- I understand. I...
I had fun too.
Maybe... maybe we can play air hockey again sometime.
I'd love to.
- Hey, Mike?
- Yes?
Have a good night.
You too.
You feel good?
Easy work.
Alright, c'mon!
There you go.
- You beat him in here.
- Yeah.
Use his height against him.
Come on, Mike!
Come on!
Finish it!
Defense, defense, defense, defense, defense, defense.
You've had enough.
Great effort out there.
Have a seat. Give me a towel, please!
Great job, Mike.
First you take out Jeff when we need him the most,
and now you get pinned by their worst guy.
You're done wrestling, Mike.
Because I say so, that's why.
I'm not quitting!
You're not a wrestler.
Let me be the judge of that.
Do you like being humiliated? Is that it?
You're the only one that's embarrassed of me!
Why didn't you do that in your match?!
That's a good move!
Can I just... finish out the season?
Your future is in your grades.
Let me just see if I can do it.
I just, I want to believe in myself. I...
How much longer in the season?
Six weeks.
Six weeks?
You got six weeks.
But if your grades drop, you're done.
I'm your father.
I just want to see you succeed.
Do you want to wrestle or not?
I want to wrestle.
Unravel that cord.
Yes! I crawled around for three years before I could walk.
Let's go.
I'm not gonna accept less than
- hundred percent.
- Yes, coach!
Your tendons are really tight today.
You better try to relax.
C'mon, take a deep breath. There you go.
Um did ever... wrestle
in high school?
Yes, I did.
Did you win any matches?
I did.
I want so much to win a match so bad.
Straighten it out.
Well as your coach,
I want each and every one of you to win
every match and pin every opponent that you have.
But as a human being
if you won every match you were in
and you still didn't like yourself at the end of it, what's the purpose?
- I don't know.
- It's pointless, right?
It's about liking you.
And the only way you like you
is when you do your very best.
So you have no regrets and you don't need excuses.
You do your best.
All right, everybody, line up.
Straight up here.
As you all know,
our final match of the year is coming up soon,
and this next competitor is a monster.
So we're need your best from
of each and every of you. But I got a question.
Does anybody here remember
the last person who was pinned by a Mustang from this school?
Does anybody remember anyobdy that's been pinned by the Mustang?
They've been forgotten.
Now the question for ya'll is:
Do you want to be forgotten with the losers of yesterday?
Or do you wanna be remembered for winning today?
Because I can give you a positive reinforcement,
a BS about how you can be better than everyone else.
The reality is
some of you have performed better than others.
That's just the plain, simple truth.
And some of you have surprised the hell out of me.
And you know who you are.
I'm gonna expect a hundred percent
from each and every one of you, or you will be off of this team.
Is that understood?
- Yes sir!
- Yes sir!
Ok, one last thing now.
We need somebody that's going to volunteer
to take Jeff's spot.
We need someone around 170.
I will?
Ortega, what are you?
Coach, I'm only 145.
We need 170.
C'mon is there anybody else?
I'm 177, coach.
I-I'm 168.
What the hell have you been eating?
Uhh everything.
Alright then.
Looks like we're going to have a nice little wrestle-off
between Troy and Connelly.
Whoever pins the other one
takes Jeff's spot and gets his 170.
I've been waiting for this.
See how quick you go down.
Come on, Mike!
Be careful of the head! Watch the headbutt!
Come on!
There we go, there we go, Mike!
Ok set him up!
Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
There we go, Mike.
Troy, come on, man.
How that mat taste?
Good job, young man.
We have a wrestler.
Great man!
Hey! Sleeping Beauty!
Go away.
Five minutes, meet me in the garage.
I got something for you.
Five minutes, get up!
Let's go!
What do you think?
I-it's really cool for a trike!
I figured you wouldn't have to wear a crash helmet.
Go get ready.
For what?
Wrestling training.
I figure we start back up again.
OKAY! I'll go get dressed!
Race you to the top of the hill.
- To the top of the hill?
- Yeah!
- I beat you.
- Oh yes.
I owe you an apology.
For what?
For slapping you the other day.
I should have never done that.
But more than that....
I should've never stopped believing in you.
I saw you win.
You did?
I did.
I'm so proud of you.
Thanks Dad.
You got this.
You can do it.
Got to walk.
Let's go.
One more.
I'm walking....I'm walking!
Congratulations Jeff.
- I knew you could it.
- Thanks.
- TJ! Yeah.
Hey, how would you like to work here part time?
He's the guy for the job. He's Miracle Mike!
Miracle Mike...
I... I mean...
I don't know what to say. I...
Why don't you say yes?
Yes! Yes! Yes.
You want to eat right there?
That's it, Jeff!
I'm ready....
I'm ready!
It's funny that wrestling can
teach you so many lessons about
who you are, and about life and stuff.
Because there's so many strengths,
so many necessary gifts that you have to master
in order to be successful in life.
That's why the faculty
and myself have agreed to introduce an entirely new award
for a very special student who's shown us
through his strength of character and his tenacity,
against all odds that we can become better people.
He's inspired all of us.
But has especially inspired me to become a better person.
We are giving to you the very first award for team spirit,
at Hillsborough High.
Michael Connelly, please come on up and accept it.
Thank you, coach.
No, thank you.
See I never...
never underestimate yourself.
You may feel isolated and different,
but use that difference as a talent.
Make it yours. Your superpower.
Never judge another person by...
- by what they can't do.
Because what they can do....
man, what they can do, might blow you away.
- You want to dance?
- Yeah.
Excuse me.
Can I cut in?
Of course.
You're a really good dancer!
Thank you.
You... you too.
We should see a movie sometime.
I'd love that.
Uh hey, Jeff.
Coach wants to see you.
Okay, just give me a second.
I'm gonna finish up with this.
You know, when I first saw you
you could barely do one of those.
Mike, you really worked your ass of to make weight.
You really do want to win a match, don't you?
Yeah. More than anything.
I'm gonna tell coach to put you in instead of me.
It's your last chance.
You would do that for me?
You're my friend, Mike.
Of course!
If you had any idea how much you helped me
to get back on the mat, then you would understand.
Now come on!
I know you can do this.
I'm gonna go tell Coach.
You see, it's not about winning or losing.
Now you're in it.
And like everyone else,
nothing else matters.
Win from within.
Now, you had a little extra challenge 'cause
that cord wrapped around your neck.
I believe in you.
I want you to unravel that cord.
Green, ready?
Bring it in. Red, ready?
Bring it in, guys.
Come on, Mike, come on.
Watch it, Red.
Get back in, come on.
Caution on Red.
Watch for sportsmanship.
Mike, come on!
- Two points, red. Take down!
One point, green. Escape.
Two points red, take down.
One point green, escape.
Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike!
You got him!
Two points green, reversal!
There you go, you got him!
One point red, escape.
Two points reds, take down.
one point green, escape.
Push me?!
Give up!
Give up you damn...
- You wish!
- None of that, stop it!
Alright, c'mon. Ready? Wrestle!
Green, are you okay?
You ok?
Green, come on.
Green, bottom set.
Red, top set.
Green set?
Red set?
I'm gonna pin you.
You can try.
Stay down!
- Stay down!
- No!
- Stay down!
- No!
Come on, stop it.
Enough, that's it!
Give up!
Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike!