Troll (2022) Movie Script

[epic music builds]
[music fades slightly]
[exhales sharply]
[grunts, gasps]
[man] Hey Tiny, are you coming?
Or you gonna hang there all day?
I'd worry about yourself, you old fossil.
[man chuckles]
[grunts softly]
[epic music continues building]
[exhales deeply]
[music fades]
[man] The Troll Peaks.
[wind howling]
Do you remember the fairy tale?
Come on.
I still don't believe in fairy tales.
That one was your favorite.
Once upon a time, at a big troll wedding,
13 drunk trolls lost track of time,
the sun rose and turned them to stone,
and now they're mountains.
You do know that
there's some truth to every fairy tale.
They're just mountain peaks.
[Papa] You have to see it to believe it.
That's what they say.
It's the opposite.
You have to believe
in something to see it.
[scoffs lightly]
Can you see them, Nora?
Go on, try.
Not with your eyes.
With your heart.
[inhales deeply]
[mysterious music builds]
[stone rumbling]
[stone rumbling]
Made of earth and stones.
With a snow-clad heart.
And icy bones.
From darkness they came,
and died
in the light.
I understand that, sir,
but I can assure you,
we are working around the clock.
The whole team is, uh...
What was that, sir?
I can't hear you,
the reception out here is, uh
Sir? Hello? Hello?
There's, there's
[blows] There's wind and
Has anyone seen our fearless dino hunter?
She just started a new dig, Secord.
- Another one?
- Mm-hmm.
Over there.
Of course.
You plan to dig up the entire beach, Nora?
[Nora chuckles]
I don't like that look.
I just got off the phone
with the university.
[softly] Ah, fuck.
We've been up and down this coast
for what, six months now?
- Nothing to show for it.
- But we just need a little more time.
Nora. Please.
We're so close. I can feel it.
I'm running out of excuses.
All right? And without financing
Hell no. Screw the financing.
What are you doing?
If there was one thing
my father ever taught me,
it was to never, ever
[grunts] ever lose
- faith.
- [shovel clinks]
[soft music plays]
[Nora chuckles]
Ha! [pants]
You're shitting me, right?
Get your ass down here, Secord.
We've got something!
- [people exclaiming]
- [laughing]
Nora, we got something, right?
[laughing] Yes!
My God! Would you look at that?
From a time of giants.
Just like a like a fairy tale.
This is no fairy tale.
- [laughs]
- [people cheering]
[Nora] Look at you!
Hi, beautiful.
[ominous music plays]
[alarm blaring]
[stones rumbling]
[chanting] Let the mountain live!
Let the mountain live!
Let the mountain live!
Let the mountain live!
[machinery beeping]
[drills whirring]
Bring in the explosives.
[drill whirring]
[machinery beeping]
Everyone, out!
[chanting continues]
[all] Let the mountain live!
- [gasps]
- [machinery beeping]
- [distant rumbling]
- [wind gusting]
[brakes squeaking lightly]
Okay, let's get to work!
- Okay.
- Let's go, guys!
- [distant rumbling]
- [man] Huh?
[indistinct chattering]
- [rumbling]
- [gasps]
[stones clattering]
[distant roaring]
- [stones shifting]
- Everybody out!
- [rocks rumbling]
- [panicked shouts]
- [alarm blares]
- Get out! Now!
[rumbling intensifies]
[men shouting]
[men shouting]
- [screaming]
- [roaring echoes]
[tense music plays]
[distant sirens wailing]
- [phones ringing]
- [indistinct chattering]
I'm getting a message about
high seismic activity in Dovre.
- [keys clacking]
- [computer whirring, beeping]
Where's Sigrid?
Requesting to send a reconnaissance
aircraft to Dovre Mountain.
Did I miss something?
- [overlapping chatter]
- [distant beeping]
[pilot] Raven 4, standing by.
[crewman] Raven 4, clear for takeoff.
[tense music building]
[engines whooshing]
[pilot] HQ, this is Raven 4,
approaching Dovre.
[aide] Officer on deck, ten-hut. General.
[general] As you were.
[pilot] HQ, are you seeing this?
- [tech] What?
- [aide] We have visual here for you, sir.
Alert the Prime Minister.
[tense music plays]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[door opens, beeps]
- Good Morning.
- Good Morning.
- Prime Minister.
- How very formal of you, Andreas.
The Minister of Defense
will brief you on the way.
[sirens whooping]
The only intel we have is from
the recon aircraft, which has produced
these images here.
Oh my God. It looks like
it could be a meteor crater.
The crew is on its way now
to assess the situation.
Has word of this gotten out?
I have the media under control.
Oh, Is that so? [chuckles]
There's one more thing.
The planes took images of the area nearby.
As of now, we haven't been able to confirm
that the imprints in the landscape
are directly related to the incident.
But, uh, we're working on it.
[PM] Thanks, Fred.
What the heck is that? Huh?
They almost look like footprints. Right?
[chuckles lightly]
I I guess I shouldn't have said anything.
I'm not qualified.
That's right, yeah.
But we need to find someone who is.
Geologists. Archaeologists. Biologists.
Yeah. Ologists.
- [cork pops]
- [all cheering]
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Speech! Speech!
- Yes!
Speech! Speech!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll do it.
Okay. Uh, "impossible", they said.
They even called us mad.
- Oh, you are mad!
- Yes. Just a little bit.
But I think this proves
that if you really have faith
in something
[helicopter blades thumping]
[quietly] What the hell?
[soldier] Tidemann?
Nora Tidemann?
I'm here to escort you
to Oslo immediately.
- Huh?
- It's a matter of our national security.
[tense music building]
[tires screeching]
Nora Tidemann?
Andreas Isaksen,
advisor to Prime Minister Moberg.
You guys know
that I dig up fossils, right?
I don't mean to be so mysterious.
- But this really is top secret.
- Top secret.
- So I've been told.
- [keypad beeps]
You'll get more information very soon.
Yeah, I heard that too.
You could've just called me.
Once you see,
I think you'll understand why.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [computers chiming]
They don't include this area
in the guided tour.
- Star Trek?
- Sigrid and I have an ongoing thing.
- That sounded bad, not like that.
- Dude!
You've dragged me out here from a project
I spent years financing and planning.
Yeah? I didn't eat anything
and I'm exhausted,
which is a really awful combination.
- I'm in the dark
- The reports we received have indicated
and I'm not getting one damn answer...
[Nora] Hi.
[Andreas] This is Nora Tidemann.
She's a professor of Paleontology.
Paleontology? Really?
That's right. I study fossils.
- [chair scrapes]
- Hmm.
Dinosaurs have been extinct
for 65 million years, so
Yes. Well, I guess
we can cross dinosaurs off, then.
Yes. Continue, Lunde.
First of all, I have to be clear
that at this moment
we cannot say with certainty
that this was not a military attack
or act of terrorism.
But the reports so far indicate
that the incident at Dovre
is geological in nature.
In addition to the crater
in the mountainside,
a series of indentations
were discovered in the landscape.
- Could it be a Karst?
- Excuse me?
Water seeps through
the mountain's porous crevices,
which dissolves calcium sediments
beneath the ground.
This creates underground caverns,
which ultimately collapse.
But it could also be the accumulation
of large subterranean pockets of gas.
Yes, another consequence
of global warming.
[Fred] Yes, well, I guess
we better call Greta. [chuckles]
The demolition work could perhaps
have caused a chain of explosions which...
Are you joking?
- Excuse me?
- Are you joking? Hello?
I can assure you, miss,
that this is deadly serious.
Mm Okay.
Everyone sees they're footprints, right?
Look at them.
Is there a specific type of monster
the paleontologist had in mind?
Well, uh, it makes no sense
considering the deepest footprints
We have something.
A protester got footage of the incident
with a cell phone camera.
It wasn't easy hacking
the cell phone remotely.
It was nearly impossible,
between you and me.
Then I found a back door.
Had to dig a little.
Um, long story short, bingo!
[chanting on video] Let the mountain live!
Let the mountain live!
Let the mountain live! Let the mountain...
[panting] Oh God.
[protesters scream]
[woman] Run, go! Get back!
- [screaming]
- [rumbling]
[scream cuts out]
[man clears throat]
- Could that be methane?
- It very well could be, yes. After years
- The explosion emanates from the same
- [Nora] Hey. Sigrid?
Can... Is it possible to, uh,
go back a little in the film?
Right there, if you can.
- Start from there.
- Let the mountain live...
That sound, it's like some kind of
[screaming, rumbling on video]
- [audio halts on recording]
- [ominous music rises]
[birds chirping]
[snorts softly]
[high-pitched whistling]
[man on radio]
The road past Dovre is temporarily closed
due to construction work
on the new express railway.
The road will be reopened soon,
according to government officials.
- I wonder what's gotten into Solo?
- [woman] Hm.
He's losing his mind out there.
- [barking continues]
- Huh.
Ah, well.
[distant moaning]
[distant moaning continues]
[distant rumbling]
[rumbling intensifies]
- [clattering]
- Huh?
- [barking continues]
- [rumbling]
- [clattering]
- Dear God!
Honey? Get in the basement!
- [house creaking]
- Hurry.
Oh! Ah!
- [coughing]
- [clattering]
- [rumbling, clattering intensifies]
- [electricity crackling]
[rumbling grows distant]
[door creaking]
[eerie music builds slowly]
[dog barking]
Are you claiming it's a hominid?
Give me a break.
- Morphologically See those footprints?
- That is enough.
You have to start using language
that everyone can understand!
As far as I can see,
we have two legs, right?
And two arms.
So what you're proposing here
is that it's a giant chimp?
King Kong. Perhaps?
The largest primates on earth
are only ten to thirteen feet.
According to what we know.
This thing seems to be
over a hundred and fifty feet tall.
That would be unnatural.
Or supernatural.
And is there nothing
else you've found?
Our searches haven't found
further evidence.
What plans do you have?
Are we gonna sit on our asses discussing
theories, or are we gonna take action?
Miss, please, restrain yourself.
[scoffs lightly]
Professor Tidemann, thank you.
I can put my work on hold
for the time being.
To help out with the efforts in Dovre.
But talking about gas pockets with
Professor Sinkhole is really not for me.
[rousing music builds]
[overlapping background chatter]
Nora Tidemann.
The Prime Minister has
made you a Scientific Adviser.
There's been an incident in Lesja.
- We need to go there immediately.
- "We"?
Oh. Yes, I've been assigned
to escort you there.
[tense music builds]
[helicopter blades thumping]
[clears throat]
Uh, so what was, uh
What was the reason
you started digging for fossils?
Uh [chuckles]
Ever since I was a little girl,
I had a love of nature.
And, of course, I was raised
on stories and fairy tales.
My father was a professor
of origin mythologies and folklore.
Yeah, a folklorist.
I thought they were all extinct.
[Andreas chuckles]
And your mother? What does she do?
- [staticky] She died when I was ten.
- I'm sorry?
She died when I was ten.
Well, at least you two had each other.
You and your father, right?
My dad had a huge heart,
and an even bigger imagination, so
Eventually, he kind of
lost touch with reality.
"You have to believe in something
to see it," he always said.
Yeah, and then,
his beliefs went a little too far.
- Ah. [chuckles]
- [Nora] Yeah.
I once believed I'd be a writer.
[Nora chuckles]
I'm writing a book right now, actually,
about a monk that can tear his head off
and throw it at the bad guys
so he can bite them.
- That's unreal.
- [Andreas laughs] Right?
Also, he'll pull off his fingers
and throw them like darts, and...
[helicopter blades thumping]
Professor Tidemann?
- Nora.
- Captain Holm, Special Operations Command.
- Andreas Isaksen, Prime Minister's Office.
- Welcome to Lesja.
- [metal clatters]
- Huh.
Here's what we know.
Whatever it was came from that direction.
It made its way across the river
and into the valley.
The tracks continue
two miles south into the mountains,
then come to a stop.
- Come to a stop?
- Yes.
- There haven't been any other sightings?
- We did a sweep of the area.
We found nothing.
- You're a paleontologist?
- Her main field is paleobiology.
[Holm] Ah Right.
So, uh, what's the theory?
That a T-rex has strayed
into the Norwegian mountains?
Well, that remains to be seen,
Captain Holm.
You can call me Kris.
Captain Kris?
[sniffs] Yeah.
[man] Well, I, uh
I couldn't see it clearly.
It... It was dark.
[Nora] I see.
Were the clouds outside
blocking the sun?
No, ma'am.
It was something else.
[dog whimpers]
It was as if we were
in the shadow of the mountain.
And the mountain was m... moving.
Ugh. It scared Solo to death.
Huh, Solo? Huh?
My poor boy.
- Huh? Yes, it did. Didn't it?
- [Nora] And, um
Are there any other details
you can remember?
Any memory of what happened,
anything at all.
I don't... I'm so sorry, but I'm
[sniffs] I'm still in shock.
[Nora] It's okay.
Mmm. Thank you very much.
There was one thing
-[woman] There was this sound.
It sounded like it was howling?
What are you talking about?
I didn't hear any howling.
Lars can't hear anything.
He has to wear hearing aids.
[Lars] What?
Uh, howling?
Howling like some wind?
No, it sounded more like a melody.
A sad melody.
[crying] It was heartbreaking.
- [creaking]
- [ominous music plays slowly]
It's almost like a natural disaster
made its way through this valley.
A natural disaster on two legs.
[eerie music builds slowly]
What is that?
That smell?
Norwegian nature.
And something
More than nature?
Yes. Hypernature.
Look how deep it is.
- [Andreas] What are you doing?
- [Nora] UV light.
Checking for biological traces.
See anything?
[Nora] Nothing.
Only earth and stones.
[chuckles softly]
[chuckles] What?
Forget about it.
It's just some old rhyme.
Is there a plan?
What are you thinking?
Did you say it was
two miles south of here?
[energetic music playing]
[Holm] It stops down there.
No more tracks.
Look at the thermal scanner.
There's no sign of life.
Nothing's there, just mountains.
Impossible. It's too big
to just disappear into thin air.
And no place to hide.
[Holm] Do you have a theory?
[sighs deeply]
- Damn it!
- What is it?
There's someone we need to visit.
Listen, if it's okay with you,
um, it's better if I do all the talking...
I'm staying here!
I won't go back there.
We aren't taking you anywhere.
Lower the shotgun, Papa, please!
[somber music plays]
Can you lower the shotgun?
It's been a while.
Yes, I've been kind of busy.
What's up with the egghead?
Andreas Isaksen.
Advisor to Prime Minister Moberg.
[chuckles] Yeah.
- Everything okay?
- Hey!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Easy!
- Hey, hey!
Put it down.
This is Captain Kris
toffer Holm.
And Kris, this is Tobias Tidemann.
It's... It's It's her father.
It's a pleasure.
Can we go inside and talk?
Come on. This is important.
Get some pants to put on as well.
[chickens clucking]
I see you hired a decorator.
Uh No.
The winter of 1943,
the Nazis used Russian war prisoners
to build the Nordland Railway,
but only got to Bod.
Some believe the construction stopped
due to something they found
inside the mountain.
Oh yeah? What was it?
[Nora] Something came out of the mountain.
Exactly. But it would've been hard
to prove, so they got rid of the witnesses
and suppressed all of it.
No, Papa. Today.
Something came out of the mountain today.
- [rumbling]
- [screaming]
[screaming continues]
We have followed
footprints of this, uh, thing.
But they just stop, all of a sudden.
[Tobias] Huh, huh, huh,
huh, huh, huh, huh, huh.
And no superstition, fairy tales,
or fantasy, or any of that.
We've put all that to rest, right, Papa?
I just thought there may be
something in your work
to point us in the right direction.
You know these mountains
better than anyone.
Did you know Norway
imposed the maximum penalty
for contact with trolls up until 1840?
Why were we never taught
that trolls actually existed?
[Nora] Tobias!
They wandered freely
a thousand years ago. It's the truth.
Didn't I just tell you
not to bring that up again?
You know a thousand years is just
a blip in the evolutionary process.
If the trolls really lived here,
scientist would've found DNA profiles
or troll fossils in sedimentary rocks,
and their extinction could be explained.
We already know the explanation
for why they died off.
The Christianization of Norway.
Oh, and why does no one else
know about this except you?
That's because I was
this close to revealing it all.
They threw me in the loony bin.
They have always known.
For the love of God
Kittelsen, what was he hiding?
This obvious mistake. Was it on purpose?
- [Andreas] Mistake?
- Please.
The collection of folk tales,
all the myths, all the artwork he did.
- It was to cover up the truth.
- Papa!
Every recorded fairy tale was written
to tarnish the trolls' reputation.
To make fun of them.
Asbjrnsen and Moe's contribution.
- [Nora sighs]
- They portrayed them as dumb!
Evil and stingy. Meanwhile,
the humans were so great!
We're enlightened and mentally superior.
Yeah. If you tell a lie enough times,
people will take it as the truth.
- Ah! The egghead admits it.
- Huh?
Of course!
[Nora] Wait. I think we should take
a couple minutes to breathe
- That sounds like a good plan.
- A couple minutes?
We can't waste a second.
Let's get going, Tiny.
Don't call me that.
An adventure!
Watch your head.
[tense music building]
[Andreas] They stop abruptly.
We're right here, is that right?
That's the spot.
That means he walked
from there all the way here.
I suppose it could be a gyger.
A gyger?
An ogress.
A female troll.
[sighs] Ay
Take the chopper down! Here!
Take it down!
Go down now!
Old man Tidemann.
An interesting guy.
[Nora scoffs]
Hes always been a tad eccentric.
And then, he went so far down
the rabbit hole he lost his job over it.
It's pretty sad, actually.
He was committed
to a hospital for a while.
I see.
I I hoped I would find him
in a better state.
Hey, I should probably help.
- Okay.
- I think that's a good idea.
You find anything?
It's wrong. Everything is wrong here.
What is?
[Tobias] Everything.
Topography. It doesn't match.
Everything is off.
It's been a while.
You and I adventuring,
just like old times.
This isn't a reconciliation between us.
Please don't, okay.
I still remember the sparkle in your eye
when I told you about
the secrets of the world.
The same curiosity as your mother.
What happened?
I grew up, all right?
Oh, come on.
What do you think
we're looking for here, Nora? Hmm?
What you're suggesting
is nothing but a fantasy.
The dinosaurs were also once
considered fantasy creatures.
- Unnatural.
- No, they are nature.
- For God's sake.
- Made of earth and stones.
From within the mountain,
it rose from the ground
- Hm?
- [Nora sniffing]
- What is it?
- That smell.
Look, I bathe every Saturday.
Not you, it's
[thunder rumbling]
- [rocks rumbling softly]
- [sniffing]
[eerie music builds slowly]
- Papa?
- [Tobias] Huh?
[ominous music playing]
[deep rumbling breaths]
- [grumbling]
- [stones clattering]
Start the engine.
[tense music builds]
[roaring softly]
Come on!
Come on!
[energetic music playing]
- [roaring]
- [all shouting]
[epic music building]
Call up Oslo!
Yes. Putting it on the screen now.
[keys clacking]
[troll snarling on monitor]
- [door beeps]
- You need to see this!
What in the hell is that?
- Pretty intense, huh?
- Yeah.
- Even the square is scared.
- Yes, it's big.
- Papa?
- Yeah?
No matter what they ask
Whatever the people in uniforms say,
swear you won't say the word "troll".
Troll? What do you mean, troll?
- Does the sound not work or...?
- He doesn't mean a fairy tale creature.
- It's more like a
- A troll!
This is a troll!
I'm sorry.
The point is that we really don't know
what kind of creature we're dealing with
unless we have more time to...
Time? We don't have one second to waste.
Yes, but we can't make
rash decisions either.
What are you suggesting?
Inviting the troll to a friendly race?
- [scoffs]
- Just like in the fairy tales?
Here's my two cents. All due respect.
I don't think you're mentally stable
if you fail to see
that tunneling through
the Dovre Mountains
- Papa.
- is a mockery of nature.
- But that's what you guys do!
- Tobias.
Just move ahead.
Never stopping to ask if you should!
- What are you doing?
- I'm helping.
No, you're not!
This is just like our PTA meetings...
Are you finished?
- That crazy teacher of yours...
- If I may interrupt.
This isn't a small ogre we're talking
about, but a fully grown mountain troll.
- Get that man out of here.
- 20 years I've been doing troll research.
And I'm the crazy one?! I'm the crazy one?
- I'll take care of it.
- Yeah, good luck!
- Excuse me.
- [Nora] Hey.
[Tobias] Enough!
I'll go!
- Let go of me! Let go of me!
- Prime Minister.
The answer may come
if you please give us more time. Okay?
I'm sorry, Tidemann. The risk is too high.
We're implementing a military operation.
You insist on your fairy tale theories,
but this isn't some
mystical fantasy creature
that can smell Christian blood
and turns to stone in sunlight.
If you're so sure about it,
why'd you come to me?
This is the end of our little adventure.
I'm going back to the dig.
It was nice to see you, Papa.
Imagine waking up,
and everything you know is gone.
You wake up to a whole new world.
Like this troll
This creature
You think it wants to be here?
We can scare it with weapons.
We can push it around.
But I promise, Nora.
Nature will push back.
What do you want to do? Just give up?
Even egghead doesn't want to give up.
The adventure has just begun.
[dramatic music builds slowly]
There you are.
[energetic music plays]
[Nora] Kris!
You're civilians, Tidemann.
This is a military operation.
Oh, so now we're on
a last-name basis, Captain Holm?
We won't be in the way.
We will only observe.
- You won't even know we're there.
- [clanging]
- [man] Hey!
- Sorry. Sorry!
It's completely out of the question.
But we have to bend the rules
a little sometimes, don't we?
Kris. Please.
- Yes?
- Yeah?
If you do come along,
you have to lay low and follow my orders.
And if Oslo finds out I brought you along
Yeah, I
Don't worry.
You'll be dead before sunrise.
[energetic music playing]
Go! Go! Go! Go!
[chainsaws buzzing]
[high-pitched whirring]
[Sigrid] Ladies and gentlemen,
we are live from Heidal.
[Holm] Piranha, this is Viking.
Status? Over.
Viking, this is Piranha.
We are in position. Over.
[Holm] 3-Alpha, status? Over.
Viking, this is 3-Alpha.
We are in position. Over.
Copy that.
What now?
We wait.
[yawns, sighs]
[Tobias] So do I have this right?
He can take off his own head
[Andreas] Yeah.
[Tobias] He can throw it at people
and bite them?
[Andreas] Exactly, or his hand.
He can rip it off and throw it,
like a fist-snowball.
Huh. Fascinating.
Yeah, it, uh
[distant animal calls]
Can you picture it?
Wandering around in large herds.
"Made of earth and stones."
"A snow-clad heart, and ice for bones."
[Tobias chuckles]
I remember it all.
The fairy tales from you and Mom,
and all the emptiness after.
How we dealt with it.
I remember that as well.
The adventures of Big and Tiny.
[chuckles] Is this a reconciliation thing?
You and me?
[chuckles lightly]
[exhales deeply]
Is that a PVS-31?
Uh, it is, actually.
That's what I thought.
- Do you have military experience?
- A little.
Oh yeah?
"Call of Duty."
Nora, the truth is, um
you lost us both,
when your mother died.
You're here now.
You old fossil.
Are you crying?
[chuckles softly]
It's my pine allergy. [sniffs]
- I'm allergic to forests.
- [chuckling]
[kisses, sniffs]
- Ah
- [Holm] Pretty sweet, huh?
These things give you
a real arcade feeling, am I right?
- Yeah.
- [man on radio] 3-Alpha for Viking.
- 3-Alpha for Viking, over.
- Viking, go ahead.
[distant moaning]
Copy that. I need my helmet.
Here Loosen the strap.
- Ow!
- Hold still.
- Get your fat fingers out of there.
- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
[Holm] Man
[distant rumbling]
He's here.
[ominous music playing]
[monitors beeping]
[ground rumbling]
Can I see?
[rumbling continues]
[sniffs deeply, exhales]
[sniffs, grumbles]
It's stopping.
Ah, he knows we're here.
Oslo, this is Viking. Awaiting orders.
[Lunde] Viking,
you are authorized to open fire.
3-Alpha, this is Viking.
Engage the target.
Copy that.
Open fire.
You idiots!
[rockets popping off]
[stones crackling]
[Holm] What the hell
It's not working.
You're pissing him off.
[Holm] 3-Alpha, fall back!
3-Alpha, fall back!
- [roaring]
- [rapid gunfire]
Piranha, open fire! Repeat, open fire!
[man on radio]
Copy that, Viking. 9-8! 9-8!
Open fire!
Take cover!
We have incoming, take cover now!
- [rousing music plays]
- [shells firing]
[explosions continue in distance]
- [roaring]
- [rapid gunfire]
[shells firing]
- [rapid gunfire]
- [explosions]
- Stay back.
- Move back. Everyone get back.
Stay back!
[wailing roar]
- [roar echoing]
- [music fades]
Let's go!
Let's go!
[man screams]
Over here!
- [roaring]
- [rapid gunfire]
[audio distorting]
- [static crackling]
- [men shouting]
[ground rumbles]
[soldier] Hallowed be Thy name.
- [low snarling]
- Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
[low grumbling]
[sniffs, snarls]
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses.
[grunts softly]
Time to move out.
- [grunts]
- [soldier screams]
[soldier] Oh God! Oh shit!
[soldier shouting]
Someone help! Oh!
- God save me, please!
- Christian blood.
[Nora gasping]
He smelled the blood.
We have to move. Come on.
- [Tobias] Hey!
- Papa!
[Tobias] Well, hello there.
All right.
[troll snorts]
[Tobias] Easy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's right.
[grumbles lightly]
[Tobias] It's okay.
That's right
[troll groans softly]
Oh yeah.
[troll moans]
[Tobias] I'm a friend.
[chuckles quietly]
[grunts, groans]
- [gasping]
- [gunfire continues]
[rapid gunfire]
[troll roars]
Papa? Papa?
- Papa?
- [moaning]
[Tobias gasping weakly]
- Ah
- Are you okay?
[breathing raggedly]
[troll breathes deeply]
[breathing raggedly]
Don't move. We'll get some help.
You saw it.
Shh, save your energy.
[Tobias] You saw.
[breathing raggedly]
The palace
The king [inhales sharply]
Listen, my child
[exhales weakly]
[melancholy music playing]
[sobbing softly]
[cries] No!
[somber music playing]
[Holm] So is he a robot?
[Andrea] No, no, no.
He's a zen master using his spirituality
to manipulate the physical realm.
Uh, okay.
- Oh, hey.
- [Andreas] Good morning.
[Holm] Hi.
[Nora] Any news?
[sighs] Well,
we're tracking it with a drone.
It came to a stop in a valley.
They're preparing an air strike now.
What? How come?
We don't have a lot of options.
I mean, uh
What are we even facing?
I can't explain what I saw.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
Let's assume.
Let's assume what?
Let's assume
there's truth to the fairy tales.
[sighs] Nora,
you've been through a lot
in the last 24 hours.
- I think it's best...
- Hey, I found it!
Your father.
He said that Kittelsen
made a mistake in the drawing.
See? Trolls can't survive the sun.
But look. The troll is roaming
the streets in broad daylight.
No, then Kittelsen was right.
What do you mean?
We've seen it during the day.
what other rules
are there from the fairy tales?
Are you serious?
- Okay.
- It's... It's just so
So sunlight aside
Remember. We
We grew up with these, Andreas.
- Come on.
- Uh, don't feed them after midnight?
Tell me you guys are joking right now.
Crosses... Crosses?
- [Holm] Isn't that vampires?
- Crosses? Not crosses
The Christians.
The soldier.
Look. "It smells
like Christian blood in here."
- The Christianization of Norway.
- Okay.
[tense music builds]
The plan you're suggesting
is completely insane.
Foolish and insane!
We can't be advised by far-fetched
[Fred] Come on!
[Nora] Old myths
make reference to trolls
throwing boulders at churches.
Because they hated the sound of the bells.
[laughing] This keeps
getting better and better!
- [laughter continues]
- [sighs]
Where do you stand on this, Andreas?
Uh, Prime Minister.
Um, up until this point, based
on the information we can gather
- We can't seem to find
- General?
Permission to speak freely, sir?
Go ahead, Captain.
This enemy we're facing
it's something we've never seen before.
The modern weapons we tried
had no effect.
I believe that
Professor Tidemann is right.
We have to think outside the box now.
Prime Minister.
Tidemann's proposal is radical.
That's for sure.And if there's one thing
that Captain Holm and I both know,
it's that extreme circumstances call for
extreme measures.
[Moberg] Very well.
- Carry out the operation.
- Are you kidding me?
[monitors chiming]
[Fred] If we evacuate now,
it will be total chaos.
- People will panic.
- But we need a plan.
- But we just can't...
- [Lunde] It's up.
And it's moving southeast.
What's in its path?
- [folksy music playing]
- [patrons chattering]
- Thank you!
- Don't run too far, okay.
[distant rumbling]
- [rumbling]
- Viktor?
- [rumbling]
- Earthquake.
[patrons screaming]
[rumbling approaches]
[ominous music rises]
[patrons clamoring]
[panicked shouting]
[distant bells tolling]
[helicopter blades thumping]
Tidemann, what will the bells do?
Will it explode?
Oh great.
[bells tolling]
[Holm] This is Hocus 1.
Hold formation, let's make the first pass.
- [growling]
- [bells clanging]
- [bells clanging]
- [groaning]
It's working!
[screaming continues]
[troll bellows]
This is Hocus 1. We have to move closer.
- [bells clanging]
- [troll moaning]
- [screaming]
- Viktor!
[rousing music builds]
[groans, roars]
Hocus 3. Incoming, left side!
Mayday, mayday! We're going down!
[bell clanging]
[energetic music playing]
Hocus 4, climb, climb, climb!
[Nora] No.
[bell clangs]
You saw that, right?
Did he mean to do that?
[snarls, grunts]
[reporter] We have shocking images
coming out of Norway at this hour.
We are on the ground here in Norway,
and it's a nation in panic.
People running for their lives
from what seems to be a giant creature.
[in Japanese]
Could it be a Norwegian Godzilla?
[in English] They don't know what
kind of creature they're dealing with.
It just really scared me.
More than a dozen buildings were crushed.
The military is everywhere!
We're talking about a monster here!
- [in French] Devastation.
- [in Brazilian Portuguese] Destruction
[in English] Total chaos.
Imagine the consequences if this creature
reaches more populated areas.
If we follow these tracks, it appears
to be heading straight for the capital.
[woman on TV] In Norway, the military
is struggling to find a way to stop
what appears to be a monster.
[somber music playing]
We know it wasn't the desired outcome,
but we are onto something here.
Because we saw the bells had an effect.
We have to face the facts.
- Sooner or later.
- Yes.
We have a killing machine
making its way towards the capitol.
Yes, time is of the essence.
Which is why it's important to find out
what we're up against here.
We have to find out why it's coming here.
Figuring that out gives us a chance to...
So what is it, then?
If you open up your mind to it
What do you think?
A threat!
- That's all I need to know.
- [sighs]
This is a threat
that must be stopped by force.
- And not hocus-pocus.
- Prime Minister.
The incredible isn't impossible.
[inhales deeply]
Thank you kindly for your contribution,
Professor Tidemann.
[Nora scoffs]
Uh, hi.
[Holm] Nora?
No one could've done any better.
They're making a mistake.
That's what I think.
Captain Kris.
[chuckles softly]
Just let me know,
if there's anything else I can do.
As long as church bells aren't involved.
I'll do my best.
We'll barricade all roads
from the northeast.
And if it breaks through them?
Well, there is another alternative.
No? What are you talking about?
We, uh, have at our disposal,
that have yet to be approved officially.
What you are suggesting
goes against everything
the Norwegian Armed Forces stand for.
Not to mention the catastrophic damage...
What kind of weapons are we talking about?
Why wasn't I informed of this before?
- It was still in development.
- We shouldn't even be considering this.
[Fred] Prime Minister.
Um, should he be here?
[chuckles dryly]
[inhales] Really?
Why don't you leave us alone
for a moment, Andreas?
[Andreas scoffs lightly]
You can consider this my resignation.
Excuse me.
[keypad beeping]
[chimes, buzzes]
[distant chattering]
I'll take it from here.
What are you doing?
You, uh
You forgot this.
Come on. Come on. I... I'll I'll drive.
- [distant alarms blaring]
- [scattered chatter]
What's going on?
They're evacuating Oslo.
[tense music builds slowly]
Fellow citizens.
Many of you have already heard
the news from the Dovre area.
And the media coverage showing
what happened at Gudbransdalen.
And you could have thought that
these were special effects.
However, this is not make believe.
This is all real.
Norway has been prepared
to deal with major crises.
But nothing could have prepared us all
for the crisis we are currently facing.
A creature unknown to science has
risen from deep within Dovre Mountain.
So now our history must be re-written.
But we need to ensure the safety
of our citizens and country right now.
Since the first reports came in
from Dovre Mountain yesterday,
the government, the armed forces,
and our top scientists
have done their best
to get control of the situation.
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you
that our efforts so far,
unfortunately, have failed.
We have deemed it necessary
to explore all options
to prevent the loss of human lives.
I urge you all
to take this situation as seriously
as the administration and parliament does.
I hereby declare a state of emergency.
And the immediate evacuation
of Oslo and all neighboring areas.
We have faced crises
in the past, and endured.
We stood united.
We took care of each other.
With every fiber of my being, I beg you.
Look out for one another.
And God bless us all.
And our fatherland.
[reporters clamoring]
[horns honking]
I said resignation. [groans]
That's something my grandpa would say.
Why couldn't I have said "I quit"
like normal people do?
I'm such a bonehead.
- Sinding?
- [Nora] Mm
I don't get what it means.
He's written it more than once.
Sinding, and something about a Gatekeeper.
It could be Rikard Sinding.
Who's that?
The Palace Lord Chamberlain.
I, uh, kind of know him.
We met a few times at the Royal Palace.
[mysterious music plays]
The Palace
The king [inhales sharply]
- What is it?
- Turn around.
- Turn around?
- Home's the Royal Palace.
[tires squealing]
Sorry, sorry.
Sorry! Prime Minister's Office!
[rousing music plays]
[engine revving]
[guard] Stop!
- [guns cocking]
- [tires skid]
- [handbrake clicks]
- [car door chimes]
[guard] Freeze!
- We come in peace.
- Hands in the air!
- Turn around, walk back to the car!
- We're from the Prime Minister's Office.
- Get back, all right!
- We don't have time for this!
- [weapon clicking]
- This is your last warning!
Fine. We can wait, I guess.
Walk back slowly, towards the car!
[man] Stand down, gentlemen.
Stand down.
[chuckling] Sinding!
Remember me? Isaksen.
Prime Minister Moberg's advisor.
I assumed that someone
would show up eventually.
I can't say I'm surprised
that it was a child of Tidemann's.
[cane tapping]
You have your father's eyes.
I had a lot of respect for your father.
Although I know Tobias despised me,
he really was a good man.
And stubborn as a mule.
I can count on one hand
the number of living people who have seen
what you are about to see.
[metal doors clanking]
I would normally insist
on ladies going first.
I won't tell anyone.
[Sinding] There was a time when
it was believed to be good luck
to build the Royal Palace
on top of another king's home.
It was nearly discovered in the 1920s
during construction for the subway.
And once again.
Twelve years ago.
Twelve years ago?
I deeply regretted what we did to Tobias.
But it had to be done. I'm sorry.
You destroyed the life of an innocent man,
and all you give is some bullshit apology?
I hope this will provide you some answers.
- [power clanking]
- [electricity buzzing]
This was the home of the Troll King.
Oh God!
During the Christianization of Norway,
Olav the Holy rid the land of anything
incompatible with the new faith.
He knew, that even for trolls,
nothing could be more important
than family.
What happened?
An ambush.
It was a massacre.
But, they spared one
of the Mountain King's children.
And used it to lure him to Dovre,
deep into the mountain.
Where they locked him up inside a cavern.
Where they left him
for dead.
Then my father was right.
The king is making his way
back to his castle.
He's going home.
[bones sizzling]
See that?
From darkness they came.
And died in the light.
That can't be right. We
We've seen him in broad daylight.
We've seen him during the day.
But have we seen him in direct sunlight?
How does that help us?
We can't control the sun.
What is the biggest vehicle you have?
[tense music playing]
[monitors beeping]
Open fire.
- [shells blasting]
- [troll growling]
Her Royal Highness the Queen's
personal favorite, right over here.
We've got wheels.
Now, we need muscle.
[indistinct chatter]
[mobile ringing]
Tidemann. [chuckles]
A plan?
- [soldiers screaming]
- [troll groans]
[clamoring, shouting over monitor]
It will destroy us.
All of Oslo.
Prime Minister, it's your decision.
You have my approval.
Let's kill this thing before it kills us.
Downtown is too populated, but if
we lure him away from the city center
Maybe Holmenkollen?
That's too far away.
We need something closer,
and with an easier route.
I can ask my buddies in the Home Guard.
It's just
Where will we find that much U
I've got an idea.
[dramatic music plays]
[man over PA] The following code,
one, six, zero, three,
seven, six, nine, nine,
three, six, five, six, seven, nine.
[Lunde over PA]
The following code, one, seven, eight,
seven, six, eight
[automated voice]Code verified.
Commencing mission immediately.
[monitors beeping]
[tires skidding]
All right! Get in!
[mobile ringing]
Sigmeister, give me good news.
Oslo's barricades have been breached.
Their plan is to bomb Oslo.
- No, that can't be.
- What's happening?
Oslo is going to be flattened.
We need to buy more time.
I mean, can't you just hack the system?
How hard can it be
to hack into a military computer
and override the most high-tech
fighter plane ever made?
Well, sorry!
- I'm just trying to
- No. Seriously.
How hard can it be, right?
[Andreas] Huh?
Ah, there she is.
Make it so.
- [electricity crackling]
- [metal clinking]
[low growling]
There's no time to explain.
So I'll tell you later.
[brakes grinding]
[dramatic music fades out]
[distant sirens blaring]
[dog barking in distance]
All set.
[distant sirens blaring]
Come on.
[monitors trilling]
[distant rumbling]
The target is approaching the city center.
- [rumbling]
- [people gasping]
[man on radio]HQ, this is Raven 4.
Confirming course toward Oslo.
[computer chiming, trilling]
TARGET: RLANDAIRPOR- [trills, alert beeps]
- [Sigrid sighs]
"You shall not pass"
[horn honking]
Salaam alaikum.
Alaikum salaam, brother.
- You have a plan?
- You recruit anyone?
- The cavalry?
- Hm?
[rousing music playing]
- [engines approaching]
- [hydraulics hissing]
[horn honking]
[Holm] If we survive this
- I'll owe you a Pepsi and a Toblerone.
- [chuckles]
- [horn honks]
- [Holm whoops]
[engine revs]
If your hacker friend fails us, then
Siggi is Spock to my Captain Kirk.
Siggi has never failed.
That's not even remotely possible.
[hopeful music builds to crescendo]
[tense music playing]
[alert beeping]
[pilot] This is Raven 4.
Target in sight. Awaiting orders.
Blow it into pieces.
[pilot] Copy that.
[jet engine whooshing]
Firing missile in
Huh? System malfunction.
System malfunction. It's not working.
[jet engine whooshing away]
- What's going on?
- Uh, I don't know.
Why isn't anything happening?
For some reason, I can't establish
contact with the control panel.
Solve it! Just keep going.
Get connected, for God's sake.
[distant rumbling]
[distant moaning]
What if the plan fails?
What if I'm just like my father?
Completely nuts.
In a world gone mad,
then only the crazy can be sane.
And you're the craziest person
on this planet, Nora Tidemann.
Thank you. [inhales]
I guess.
[engine revving]
Okay, Andreas.
Let's do this.
[rousing music plays]
Dear God.
[inhales deeply, swallows]
Let's go.
- [engine revving]
- [tense music building]
[window squeaking]
[horn tooting]
[groans lightly]
He's coming! He's coming! He's coming!
[tires squealing]
[tense music builds]
[tires screeching]
- Oh!
- [clattering]
- We're close!
- Not yet!
- [tires squeal]
- Ah!
[Holm] We need more time.
We don't have it! We'll be there in 15.
[Andreas] Oh shit!
Make it ten.
No, Nora
[slow, dramatic music playing]
We're not ready
[overlapping background chatter]
Let's bring it in!
Come on!
We have an incoming threat
from that direction.
Estimated arrival is ten minutes out.
What's about to come
over that hill right now
is unlike anything
you've been up against before.
And I'll be honest with you.
There's a very good chance
this operation won't go our way.
But we have to ask ourselves
Who are we?
If we lay down without a fight?
Who are we if we let fear control us?
Who could be proud
if we let some damn creature
waltz right over us without saying,
"It ends here!
We'll put you back in the ground!"?
[all cheer] Yeah!
[tires squealing]
[tense music playing]
The bridge is closed!
Wait! The skull!
We-we-we We lost the skull!
[tires skidding, squealing]
[low rumbling growl]
[low moaning]
[mournful groan]
Hi, beautiful.
[roars loudly]
[distant roar echoing]
Party time.
He has nobody.
The last one of his kind.
[roars fiercely]
This reminds me of Big Billy Goat Gruff.
Unless you think
a bigger billy goat is nearby,
I suggest that
you step on the gas especially fast!
[suspenseful music builds slowly]
[low rumbling growl]
- [tires squeal]
- [engine revving]
[tires squealing]
- [tires squealing]
- [troll growls]
[debris crumbling]
[man] Still no connection?
[tech] No, something is blocking
the system from the inside.
[Fred] What are you doing?
Uh I'm glad you showed up.
Um, I think someone hijacked my laptop.
I opened this weird email, it was
from this prince in Nigeria...
Do you realize
what you've done?
[tense music builds to crescendo]
[rousing music playing]
[pilot] This is Raven 4.
The system is online.
Requesting new orders.
You are still authorized to engage.
[pilot] Copy that.
Let's end this nightmare.
[tires squealing]
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
[rumbling approaches]
You need to get out!
Get ready!
- Nora!
- Go, now!
[panting, yelps]
[troll roars]
- Nora!
- [grunts]
Amir, are we ready?
- We're close.
- [rumbling]
Go! Go! Go!
[horns blaring]
[horn blaring]
Nora! Get up!
[troll grunts]
[low rumbling growl]
[troll snarls]
Raven 4 approaching the target.
Locked and loaded.
[dramatic music builds]
- [grunts]
- [power clanking]
- [grunts]
- [energy powering up]
[grunts, growls]
[echoing growl]
- [grunts]
- [troll groans]
[energy clanking, powering up]
[groaning loudly]
[troll groans]
Civilians spotted.
I repeat, civilians spotted.
- Abort.
- Abort.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
[tech] Abort.
No, no, no, no, no.
Screw that. Blow that thing up!
- Raven 4. Abort.
- Blow up that monster!
- Abort!
- [Fred] God damn you!
Blow it up!
- I repeat, abort mission.
- Blow it up, God damn you!
We have to blow it up...
- [scattered gasps]
- [tech] Raven 4.
[pilot] Aborting mission.
- [jet whooshes by]
- [low rumbling roar]
[all whooping]
[troll roaring]
[high-pitched moan]
God, you're a genius!
- Whoo! We did it!
- [laughter, cheering]
[roaring echoes on monitor]
[low growling, groaning]
[moaning continues]
- [low groaning]
- [steam hissing, sizzling]
Oh no This is wrong.
But the plan, Nora, it worked.
It's really working.
No. He won't survive this.
Wasn't that the plan?
- [troll moaning]
- [sizzling]
It's not right.
[troll groaning]
Nora, stop!
- [grunts]
- [powering down]
[troll moaning]
[troll sighs]
[weapon clicking]
Get back!
Stop them!
You have to go!
Please, just get away from here!
- [weapon cocks]
- Amir.
Stand down.
[Amir] Yes, sir.
[Nora] Go!
Go back to the mountains!
Go where you're safe!
[troll sighs]
They'll leave you alone if you just go!
[troll moans softly]
[groaning weakly]
- [groans]
- [sizzling]
[soaring music plays]
[groaning weakly]
- [music ends]
- [stones crumbling]
[somber music plays]
[heart beating]
- [heartbeat slows]
- [stone crackling]
[low moaning fades]
[heartbeat stops]
[stone crackling]
[Holm exhales]
[exhales forcefully]
No more Norway Cup here, that's for sure.
[exhales sharply]
[chuckles lightly]
- Brother.
- Brother.
[chuckles softly]
[exhales deeply]
What do we call it?
"Dovre Boulder"?
[both chuckle]
[Andreas] "Tidemann Hill"? [chuckles]
Maybe "Troll Rock"?
"Tobias Boulder".
- [chuckles]
- That's nice.
- [sirens whooping]
- [uplifting music plays]
[distant sirens wailing]
You look good with a black eye.
Professor Tidemann.
I don't know what to say.
[scoffs softly]
[Andreas chuckles quietly]
Prime Minister, before I go,
I want to be clear, when I resigned,
I didn't mean with work altogether,
but just that I'm quitting this job.
[groans] Berit, I'm gonna be a writer!
[Lunde] Mm-hm.
Do you think there are more out there?
In a cave deep beneath some mountain?
[mysterious music builds slowly]
[intense music playing]
[music fades out]
[wind gusting]
[tense music builds slowly]
- [rumbling]
- [stones clattering]
- [rumbling]
- [stones clattering]
[rousing music plays]
[rousing music fades out]
[somber music playing]
[energetic music rises and falls]
[epic music builds slowly]
[music fades]
[pleasant music plays softly]
[tense music builds slowly]
[music fades out]