Trolls Holiday in Harmony (2021) Movie Script

'Tis the season.
(EXCLAIMS) Branch down here
looking like a whole snack.
And, got ya!
Buckle up, kids!
Hey, love the bow tie.
Well, you know,
it is the holiday season.
Which is why
I brought you these.
My favorite.
It's too bad
I'm allergic.
Yeah. Too bad.
And we're
done with that.
(BLOWS) Yuck!
Poppy, I know we're going on
a picnic, but do we really
need this much food?
It's not food.
They're invitations
that we're going to deliver
for the first annual
Trolls Kingdom Secret
Holiday Gift-Swap!
First Annual what?
What happened to the whole
"balloon ride over Trolls
Kingdom hang-out" kinda thing?
We're still doing that.
We're just multitasking.
Multitasking, right.
All right, here's the deal.
I put a name inside
each invitation.
Whoever gets your name
is your secret person.
Ah, ah!
Secret. Then in three days,
we all meet back
in Pop Village
and let the gift giving
You on board, Branchifer?
That's what I like to hear!
Now, help me dump
these overboard.
Like a fool, I went
and stayed too long
Now I'm wondering
if your love's still strong
Ooh, baby, here I am
Signed, sealed, delivered
I'm yours
Then that time I went
and said goodbye
Now I'm back and not
ashamed to cry
Ooh, baby, here I am
Signed, sealed, delivered
I'm yours
Here I am, baby
Signed, sealed, delivered
I'm yours
All right, here I am, baby
Signed, sealed, delivered
I'm yours
It's all right
I've done a lot of foolish
things that I really
didn't mean
Oh, yeah, baby
I did not deny
Here I am, baby
You got-gotta give it to me
Gotta give it to me
all right, yeah
Here I am, baby!
Party time!
Me next, me next!
I want one!
Give me one!
TROLL: Don't push, son!
Be polite!
Excuse me.
Little bit of help, please?
LEGSLY: Come on, Tiny!
Going up!
Oh, yeah.
Oh, I got my daddy!
I know the perfect gift.
A holiday rhyme!
It's the holiday season
That special time of year
Poppy's rolling out
the gifts and she's
bringin' lots of cheer
My gift is for my daddy
None other than Guy Diamond
Gonna give him somethin'
special that'll really
blow his mimond
Mimond? Hold up.
Is that even a word?
I can't think of a rhyme.
What's happenin' to me?
Sounds like
you lost your flow.
I've lost my flow?
What am I gonna do
for my dad's holiday gift
if I can't rhyme?
You know, you should see
my friend Rhyme-a-Saurus.
He'll help you get
your flow back.
Of course!
Good lookin' out,
And to you,
Tiny Baby Sir.
Oh, wait.
We almost forgot to
grab our own invitations.
Oh, man. Gift-swaps
are so my jam.
Yeah, you do give
the best gifts.
It's super intimidating.
Oh, no.
Oh, interesting.
Yeah, totally. So cool.
Totally cool.
Better get to work
on a present
for whoever this is.
Yeah, yeah, same here.
Gotta take care of this...
This person's gift.
Okay, catch up with you...
"Rhyme-a-Saurus swamp.
"No need to be nervous. Read
sign out loud to fetch my
Okay, well. I just did that...
Oh! What the...
Hey, there, little friend.
You seem like you're not okay.
I hope that I can help you
rhyme and have you
on your way.
I'm looking for a word
that rhymes with "diamond,"
so I can finish my rap
and get my flow back.
Got any suggestions?
Uh, let me give that one
a think. Consult the page,
review the ink.
Hmm... Diamond...
Science... Climate."
Climate! Yes, climate
is the best I could find.
Give that a shot,
if you don't mind.
Uh... Okay.
It's the holiday
holiday season
Gotta give my dad
somethin' that is pleasin'
He's a special man
A real, real special man
That's why I wanna give him
everything that I can
He's my homie
His name is Guy Diamond
Wanna give him something
special that'll really
blow his climate
Climate? No,
I'm not feelin' that.
Right. Well, then.
Travel by land
and sail the mighty seas.
You need to consult
with the great Wind-Breeze.
Okay, well,
how do I find her?
Uh, she's right there.
Definitely go
with that one.
Oh, yeah, duh.
You're a life
saver, Poppy.
It won't fit.
Hmm... Oh!
It's a holiday miracle!
Peppermint Troll-caccino?
You just read my mind.
Wow, Poppy.
That is one massive gift.
Yeah, who's
the lucky Troll?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
It's a secret gift swap.
This vault is locked.
That's cool.
I respect that.
It's Branch.
I got Branch.
Isn't it so exciting?
Wait, you got
your boyfriend?
That's a lot of pressure.
Pressure? Come on.
It's me we're talking about.
The Gift Master,
the Gift-inator. I've got it
covered. Who did you get?
Mr. Dinkles...
Whoever that is.
That's Biggie's pet.
He's a worm.
A worm? That's awesome.
But, what do I get a worm?
(GASPS) Get him a hat.
He lost his old one.
Contemplating his existence,
Monsieur Dinkles clings
to the solace of
his trusty hat.
See? I'm full of
And there's plenty
to go around.
All right, guys,
not gonna lie.
I've been kinda freaking out
over what to get the ultimate
But I think I figured it out.
Whoa, nice
vision board, Branch.
And not at all
Thank you.
Okay. As everybody knows,
giving the wrong gift
can be a real relationship
death sentence.
If I go too small,
I'll disappoint her.
If I go too big,
I'll freak her out.
I can't let that happen.
So I came up with
an equation that led me
to the perfect gift for Poppy.
"A" represents Queen Poppy.
"B" is all of
her queenly responsibilities.
"C" is the amount
of time spent doing
her hair every morning.
Therefore, "A plus B square,
minus the cosine
of square root of C..."
You both see where I'm going
with this.
BOTH: Yeah.
Poppy never stops
So, I'm gonna build her
something that will
save her time.
I give you the world's first
Troll hair-doer.
I just need to go to Poppy's
place and get the exact
measurements of her head
without her noticing,
and I'm good to go.
Well, that doesn't
sound creepy at all.
Tiny? Are you playing
some kind of holiday
'Cause if so, you win!
Tiny. Tiny, where are you?
Sick cave,
Well, come in,
sweet sparkle child.
Your father is quite
worried about you.
Yeah, I know.
I don't wanna
worry him,
but I can't go home
until I get my flow back...
Uh-uh, I already know
why you're here.
All right.
Just gotta sit back
and get mystical.
(DISTORTED) Why don't
you love me, Tiny?
Why don't you love me?
And we're done.
Your back should
be completely healed.
My back? What?
No, I came here
to get my flow back.
I really need to get rhyming,
so I can give my daddy
his holiday gift.
What do I do now?
Well, you go see
the Cloud Monks at the temple
on the top of that mountain.
I gotta go all the way
to the top of that mountain?
No, not that mountain.
That mountain.
Okay. This is for my daddy!
Come on,
Tiny, you can do it.
Wow, Poppy,
you are so good
at gift-giving.
Hey, when you gots it,
you gots it.
"Operation Measure
Poppy's Head" is a go.
...and then I realized,
"Why am I not using
double-sided tape?"
I mean, it's basically twice
as good as single-sided tape.
The clue's in the name,
you know?
Uh, Branch?
What you doing there,
little bud?
Oh. Hey. What's up?
What a nice surprise.
Yeah. Surprise!
Just came by to borrow
some wrapping paper
for my gift.
Whoa, Poppy,
is this your gift swap
present? It looks great.
Nope, that one's mine.
But it was Poppy that
did it up so pretty.
Sure was, totally.
Guys, my gift box for Branch
is out in the open.
He's gonna know
what I got him!
Oh, my pumpkin pie.
We're on it, Poppy.
Well, look at the time.
We'd better be
hitting the road.
We gotta go...
Go take care
of our cats.
What? When did you get cats?
Meow, meow, meow.
Okay, see you
around, bye.
Uh, anyway,
like I was saying,
I just need to borrow some
wrapping paper, and then
I'll be on my way.
Okay, here you go,
now let's get you
outta here!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
I wanna remember this.
What? Why?
Because... Picture!
Perfect. I'll cherish
this moment forever.
Poppy got me,
and the gift is so big.
Wait, you forgot
the wrapping paper.
I'll probably
just use grocery bags.
You know...
Now, that boy is odd.
Wow, looks good.
Poppy's gonna love that.
Yeah, you're right.
It's not big enough.
Her gift was ginormous.
I'm gonna build a scrapbooking
machine and attach it
to the hair styler.
Sweet. Now it's
definitely done.
Agreed. Still got
to go bigger.
I'll attach a smoothie maker
so Poppy can get
her hair done,
make scrapbooks, and drink her
favorite Troll berry banana
smoothies. Great idea!
It's perfect!
Prince D, you wanna
take her for a spin?
Uh, yeah, no.
All right, here I am.
My hair's getting done,
and then I'm like,
"Oh, rats, I forgot to make
a scrapbook for Biggie's
half birthday!"
It's working! It's working!
Yep! Sure is!
And now, for the final touch.
The smoothie maker!
So, what did you end up
getting Poppy?
I think I broke my butt.
Guys, how am I supposed to get
my flow back
if you're all doing this
vow of silence thing?
"You already have the Gift."
Pff! That's nonsense, tea!
"Look through the clutter."
What clutter?
Come on, Tiny.
What makes him so special?
What do you mean,
what makes him so special?
He's just my...
Yeah! Okay.
I think I got it now.
Been around the world
trying to get my flow back
Couldn't find a single rhyme
Everything I said was whack
But then a Cloud Monk
gave me tea and hit a gong
And I finally realized
that I had it all along
So, Imma flip this verse
like I flip a burger patty
Thought I had to rhyme with
Diamond when I could've
rhymed with Daddy
You did it, son.
Yes! I got my flow back!
Dude, did that guy's
tattoo just talk?
Hey, you just broke
your vow of silence.
You just broke
your vow of silence.
Wait, does
that mean...
I got my flow back
I got my flow back, yeah!
What's up, Branch? You look...
You look bad, man.
No other way to say it.
What happened?
I failed, Tiny.
I tried to make Poppy a gift,
and it blew up in my face.
Say no more, bro.
Let Tiny help you out.
Yeah? Okay.
You just need to look through
the clutter and focus
on what's important.
You already have
the gift, dude.
You already have it.
You see it now,
don't you?
Nope, not even a little bit.
Oh, come on.
The winds even blew
in a magical way.
Look through the clutter.
You always know
just what to get to make
someone feel special.
Don't you, Poppy?
I'm sure Branch
is gonna love his gift.
Hello, everyone.
Who's ready
for the holiday gift swap?
Come on, Dad.
Let's go.
(MUFFLED) Incredible.
Oh, it's lit!
I love it.
Oh, cool!
A Never-Break guitar?
I've always wanted
one of these.
I know.
Here you go, little dude.
So... Who did you get?
Who did you get?
I'll tell you if you tell me.
Both of us at the same time?
One, two, three. You!
One, two, three. You.
Okay. Um...
Do you wanna go first?
Well, I made you this really
cool thing.
I'm sure it's great.
But it exploded
and blew me into a tree.
That's not... Not so great.
Yeah, I may have
overdone it a bit.
Anyway, this is all I could
scrape together.
I know it's kinda lame.
Branch, you scrapbooked?
For me?
Yeah. And I think
I permanently glued two of
my fingers together doing it.
I love it.
It's a gift only you
could give me.
Okay. Now it's my turn.
ALL: Ooh!
Well, that sucks.
Hey, cool.
An invisible
mountain bike?
No way.
I got the same thing.
I didn't get you anything.
Because when I tried
to think about
what to get the coolest troll
in the whole world,
I totally drew a blank.
I mean, what do you even get
someone who is so sweet,
and so funny,
and kind, and cute,
and, like,
weirdly overprepared
for everything?
You know,
the thing I like most
about the holidays
is just being together
with you.
ALL: Aw!
Somebody uke me.
You always wanted
to be hidin'
Like no one
wants you around
Hold your head
a little higher
It's pretty simple
I'm in luck, I'm in luck
I'm in luck
'Cause we're together now
Never stop lookin' up
If it's love
don't even mess around
Together now
I said I didn't
wanna light up
Light up
So, turn the radio down
Maybe I was in denial
But I've changed a little
I'm in luck, I'm in luck
I'm in luck
'Cause we're together now
Together now
Lookin' up, lookin' up
lookin' up
Don't need to look around
'Cause I know
I'm in luck, I'm in luck
I'm in luck
'Cause we're together now
I'm in luck, I'm in luck
I'm in luck
'Cause we're together now
Oh, 'cause
we're together now
'Cause we're together now
We go together better
Than a snowflake
on a sweater
Or a Tiny Diamond verse
On my daddy's favorite record
Now my journey's finally
over, wow I just wanna
say "bla-dow!"
Through rain and stormy
weather, how we'll always
be together now!
I love you, Daddy.
I love you too, son.
It feels so good
to see you again,
you know?
Come here.
Together now
Together now
The bad days are over
'Cause we come together
The bad days are over
'Cause we don't stop
Lookin' up, lookin' up
lookin' up
Don't need to look around
'Cause I know
I'm in luck
I'm in luck, I'm in luck
'Cause we're together now
Together now
Now, now
Together now
Now, now
Together now
I'm luck, I'm in luck
The bad days are over
I'm in luck, I'm in luck
'Cause we come together
I'm in luck, I'm in luck
The bad days are over
'Cause we come
together now
Wow, Poppy,
maybe next year we exchange
songs instead of gifts.
I love that idea.
I hope you guys don't mind.
I brought a few of my buddies.
Everyone, everyone
keep your mouths closed.
We don't know where that's
coming from.
Wait, what?
Guys, wait...
Hey, Branch.
How about another
balloon ride
over Troll Kingdom?
No multitasking?
Nope. Just you and me.
Oh, yeah!
Team Broppy all the way!
Happy Holidays.
Happy Holidays.