Trolls World Tour (2020) Movie Script

Subtitle By: MARSH-MARIE
Subtitle By: MARSH-MARIE
(vocalizes fanfare)
("The Other Side" by SZA
and Justin Timberlake playing)
CLOUD GUY: Once upon a time,
there were two Trolls.
- One was named Poppy.
- Hey. How's it going?
CLOUD GUY: The other was named Branch.
What's up?
CLOUD GUY: Together, they saved the world.
TROLLS: Hooray!
CLOUD GUY: Poppy became queen.
Branch found his true colors.
And the two of them
became best friends.
(imitates fireworks popping)
And that was that.
Pretty cute, right?
Not to me.
I'm the type of cloud
that goes for...
this sorta thang.
(dogs barking, yapping)
Anyhoo, what Poppy and Branch
didn't know
is that their world was
a lot bigger than they knew.
Like, a lot, lot, lot,
lot bigger!
- (water burbling)
- (ocean creatures calling)
(heartbeat thumping)
(crowd cheering faintly
in distance)
("One More Time"
playing in distance)
(cheering and electronic
dance music growing louder)
(music playing loudly)
One more time
One more time,
one more time
What's up, my techno Trolls?!
- (crowd cheering)
- One more time
- One more time
- Yeah!
We're gonna celebrate
Oh, yeah, all right,
don't stop the dancing
Tonight is about family,
love and music!
(crowd cheering)
Come on!
Let me see you jump!
One, two, three, four!
And get ready for the drop!
Are you ready, little buddy?
Let's do this, King Trollex!
- Wait for it!
- (beat building)
Come on.
Wait for it.
- Wait for it.
- Wait for it!
Wait for it.
Come on, man, hit me!
Just do it already!
(beat building loudly)
- One more time
- (beat drops)
Music's got me feeling
so free
- (sighs)
- We're gonna celebrate
- Oh, yeah!
- Celebrate and dance so free
- Gonna party all night
- One more time
One more time,
we're gonna celebrate
Oh, yeah, all right,
don't stop the dancing
- Don't stop the dancing
- Oh, yeah, all right
- Don't stop the...
- (laughs) - (music stops)
(crowd groaning)
Don't worry, everybody.
We'll get back to the party
in a minute.
Let me just take care
of this real quick.

(electrical buzzing)
BARB: Hey, man.
There he is!
King Trollex of
the Techno Trolls, right?
That's right.
Who's asking?
Queen Barb.
Of the Hard Rock Trolls.
And I'm here to take
your string, bro.
(plays loud ascending chord)
No way.
Ooh, don't do it, man.
If we lose our string,
we lose our music.
You mean your bleeps
and bloops?
Beep, beep, beep,
beep-beep, boo.
Yeah. That's not music.
Do you want to hear
some real music?
(frightened murmuring)
(electrical buzzing)
("Rock You Like a Hurricane"
playing, rhythmic grunting)
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane!
(music stops)
electrical crackling)
Okay, okay, enough. Stop.
You're harshing the vibe we
worked very hard to build to.
Oh, but by the end
of my world tour,
we're all gonna have
the same vibe.
We're all gonna be one nation
of Trolls, under rock.
(plays loud chord)
Who's ready to rock?!

("Girls Just Want to Have Fun"
Woke up
in the morning light
Today is the day
that I do everything right
Now that I'm queen,
I've got a kingdom to run
'Cause Trolls,
they wanna have fun
Yeah, Trolls just
wanna have fun
- They just wanna
- Hey
They just wanna
- They just wanna
- Hey
Trolls just wanna have fun
Lived underground
to get away from the world
Till I had my life changed
by a beautiful girl
Just need the guts to
tell her that she's the one
But you know, Trolls,
they wanna have fun
Oh, Trolls just wanna have
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day
is done
Oh, Trolls,
they wanna have fun
Oh, Trolls just wanna have.
(whoops, laughs)
All right, Queen Poppy.
I've prepared an agenda
for the day.
Oh. Well, I hope it says
singing, dancing and hugging.
Uh, isn't that
what we do every day?
Yeah! Good times!
- Good times
- ("Good Times" playing)
We have a good time, yeah
- These are the good times
- (whoops)
- We have a good time, yeah
- Yeah
- Leave your cares behind
- (whoops)
- All right!
- Check it out.
- These are the good times
- (whoops) - Yeah!
Having the best time,
oh, yeah
Leave your cares behind
(auto-tuned scream)
Poppy, come quick!
It's an emergency!
Guy Diamond, what's wrong?
I'm having a baby!
(all scream)
BOTH: We're on jumpsuit duty.
I get to be a role model.
I don't want to be
a big sister.
- (bell dings)
- (gasps, sighs)
CHORUS: Oh, sparkly baby.
ALL: Aw.
What should I name him?
How about... Tiny Diamond?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- (rap beat playing)
Tiny Diamond is my name
Come straight from
my daddy's mane
- My whole body's made of glitter
- Yeah
- And I'll throw it in your face
- Face
- I love when I make music
- Oh, yeah
- And the groove is in my bones
- My bones
Just like
my Aunt Queen Poppy
- Someday I'll sit on the throne
- Get Tiny.
Groove is in the heart
Groove is in the heart
- Ah-ah-ah-ah
- Yeah
- Yeah
- Yeah, hey
They just wanna
- They just wanna
- These are the good times
They just wanna
- They just wanna
- These are the good times
They just wanna
- They just wanna
- These are the good times
They just wanna,
they just wanna
Trolls just wanna have
(Trolls murmuring happily)
Hey! That was some
fancy footwork, Cooper.
Some people just got it.
Biggie, Mr. Dinkles,
you two were on fire!
Yeah, sorry about that,
Queen Poppy.
I'm digging
that new anklet, Legsly.
Thanks, Poppy.
Kisses and donuts
and sprinkles!
Ah, what a Troll.
Tiny Diamond, welcome
to the family, little buddy.
Thanks, Aunt Poppy.
And thanks to this
silver-haired daddy of mine
for bringing me
into this world.
I never knew my heart
could be so full.
Peace and love.
Bless up.
Tiny and Daddy out.
Oh. Okay, bye.
Hey, uh, Poppy,
there's something
I was hoping to ask you.
I-I mean,
I guess it's something
I want to tell you, more so.
- Uh-huh.
- Uh, but listen.
You could feel free
to respond to it,
uh, with an answer,
i-if you wanted.
Sure. What's up?
Uh, what's up is I, uh,
I wanted to tell you that...
You're crushing it
at this queen thing.
Aw, Branch, thank you.
Being a good queen is
the most important thing
in the world to me.
Other than being your friend.
Friend, friend, friend, friend,
friend, friend, friend.
Uh, five it up?
Huh. That could've been better.
Let's try that again.
O-Okay, one more.
Huh. For some reason, we can't
seem to make a good connection.
- (Poppy chuckles, Branch sighs)
- (Fuzzbert babbling)
Oh, yes, Fuzzbert!
- Now, that's a good connection.
- (groans)
BIGGIE: (screams) Poppy, help!
- Ooh.
- Poppy!
- (shrieking, gasping)
- (wild grunting)
Watch it, watch it!
- Biggie?
- TROLL: Oh, run!
- (Trolls clamoring)
- (Biggie screams)
I'm being harangued
by a monster! (gasps)
- Someone stop it! (shrieks)
- (wild grunting continues)
Gotcha! Ah! It's in my hair!
It's in my hair!
- Get it out, get it out, get it out!
- (Branch yells)
There you go.
- (eyes boinging)
- (purring)
There you go. Calm down.
Who's a good boy?
What is that thing?
It's creepy.
BOTH: It's scary.
And nasty.
- Hold me, Daddy.
- Oh.
"To Queen Poppy."
(Trolls gasp)
Oh, don't worry, everyone.
It looks like
it's just an invitation.
- Whew!
- (relieved murmuring, sighing)
Just an invitation.
- COOPER: I love invitations.
- (clears throat)
"Barb, the Queen of Rock,
"announces her One Nation
Under Rock World Tour.
"Bring your string
to the biggest party
the world has ever seen."
- Queen of Rock?
- KING PEPPY: It's nothing!
It means nothing at all.
It's just junk mail.
You don't need
to worry about it.
I mean, quit looking at it,
Forget what you saw!
(chewing noisily)
(Branch yells)
- (grunting)
- (shushing)
- There you go. There you go.
- (eyes boinging)
- Calm down. Calm down.
- (purring)
There you go.
Okay, I'm calm.
I'm calm.
Dad, what's going on?
Well, I have long feared
this day would come.
I was hoping to protect you
from this, Poppy.
Protect me?
I'm not a little kid
anymore, Dad.
I'm the queen now.
You're right.
The truth is we are not alone
in this world.
(eerie warbling)
- (warbling stops)
- (stammers, shushes)
There are other kinds
of Trolls.
- TROLL: What?
- Wow. That's...
Dad, that's great.
The more Trolls, the merrier.
You don't understand.
These other Trolls
aren't like us.
They're different.
Different how?
Different like Legsly?
I love being me.
- Or Fuzzbert? Or Smidge?
- (Fuzzbert babbling)
Or Skyscraper Troll?
(in unison)
Yeah, different like me?
No, it's not that.
They're different in ways
you can't even imagine.
- (vocalizing pop music)
- You see, we love music
with a hummable hook,
with an upbeat melody,
with a catchy rhythm that makes
you want to snap your fingers,
tap your toes
and wiggle your butt.
That's our music.
That's what makes us
Pop Trolls.
- Ooh.
- It is. -Yes.
But these other Trolls,
they sing different.
- (gasping)
- They dance different.
Why, some of them
can't even begin to grasp
the concept of Hammer Time.
("U Can't Touch This" playing)
You can't touch that!
(Trolls clamoring)
- (crying)
- (crying)
- Stop.
- (music and clamoring stop)
How about we break down
to a smaller group?
(birds chirping)
It's a story as old as time.
(clears throat)
In the beginning,
there was silence.
KING PEPPY: Until one day,
someone made a sound.
- (plays note)
- (Trolls oohing)
Our ancestors were
so inspired by the sound,
- they took six strings.
- (melody plays)
And those six strings had
the power to control all music.
They could play anything.
(harp strumming)
- (different styles playing)
- Techno, funk, classical,
country, hard rock and pop.
And every kind of music
in between.
There was something
for everyone.
It was one big party.
KING PEPPY: But little by little,
Trolls became intolerant
of each other's music.
- (Trolls arguing)
- TROLL: I want it!
- I want to listen to techno!
- No fair!
Hey, y'all, I want country.
KING PEPPY: They fought
over what kind of music
the strings would play.
The elders realized
there was but one solution.
blah-blah-blah-blah. Agreed.
KING PEPPY: Each tribe would take a string
- and go their separate ways.
- (Trolls chattering)
Those six tribes have lived
in isolation ever since.
Techno, Country, Rock,
Classical, Funk,
and us, the Pop Trolls.
Now Barb's announcement
makes sense.
She wants to reunite
the strings
so the Troll World
can be one big party again.
Wait, that's all you heard?
- One big party?
- (chuckles) Yeah!
It's when all the Trolls
lived in harmony.
And what's more important
than living in harmony?
Well, I heard fighting.
The strings together
leads to fighting.
KING PEPPY: Exactly, Branch.
That's why we need
to keep our string safe.

The pop music string.
Oh, yeah.
- (Trolls gasping)
- (magic jingling)
It's beautiful.
KING PEPPY: And powerful.
Which is why we can't let it
fall into the wrong hands.
And we won't.
Not on my watch.
What we need is a plan.
Don't worry.
I've been preparing
for this day for years.
- We run.
- Run?
And hide.
On it.
But we don't even know what
we're running and hiding from.
We're hiding from Barb and
all the other different Trolls.
POPPY: You're assuming the worst about
someone you haven't even met.
- You're not listening to me.
- You're not listening to me.
- I'm your father!
- And I'm the queen.
Uh, father trumps queen.
Now, there's no time
to debate this. Let's go.
Come along, Branch.
Well, I, um...
We're all Trolls.
Differences don't matter.
Oh, look how cute you are!
Barb is gonna love
your new look.
Tell her I look forward
to helping her
plan the world's biggest party.
- Poppy.
- (screams)
- What are you doing?
- Oh. Nothing.
Poppy's busted.
BRANCH: Sneaking out to meet Barb?
Headed into enemy territory?
She's not the enemy.
She's a queen, the same as me.
- (growling)
- (grunting)
Bye-bye, little bat.
Your dad just told us
that Queen Barb is bad news.
Well, my dad
doesn't know everything.
He knows more about this.
You didn't even know there was
a string until this morning.
He may be fine in a world where
everybody lives in isolation,
- but I'm not.
- Well, but we don't know
anything about
the other Trolls.
Well, we know they're Trolls.
Branch, look around
Troll Village.
Everybody's different, even us.
(distant sneeze)
Did you hear something?
Stop trying
to change the subject.
Look, being queen means
having a lot of power,
and it's my job
to use it for good.
I can't stay home
when I know there's
a world full of different
Trolls out there just like us.
(sighs) This is a terrible idea
that will most likely
blow up in your face.
- Okay, bye.
- What?
And I guess
I'm coming with you.
Oh! Thank you.
I really didn't want
to go by myself.
- Road trip!
- Yeah!

They are all different.
(gasps softly) A-And this one
looks a little bit like me.
We even have the same hat!
(echoing) ...same hat,
same hat, same hat!

I hope I see you again,
But even though it's scary,
I have to go out there
and see if there's
other Trolls like me.
Oh, man, this is gonna be hard.
- BARB: All aboard!
- ("Crazy Train" playing)
Ai, ai, ai
(rock music playing loudly)
But that's how it goes
Millions of people
Living as foes
Has kept us apart
It's time for the hard rock
Revolution to start
No spats, no tiffs,
no fighting
When everyone's the same
I'm going off the rails
On a crazy train!
- Yeah! I got the Techno string!
- (excited chatter)
Who knew world domination
could be so much fun?
- Yeah! - All right, Barb!
- (Trolls cheering)
All right!
(both yell)
Ha! Queen Barb!
(both laugh)
(heavy electric guitar
chord plays)
(electric guitar riff plays)
Only four more strings to go
until rock unites the world.
(excited chatter)
Dad? Where's Dad?
(toilet flushes)
- (engine revving)
There you are, Dad.
- I got the Techno string.
- Cool.
- What's a string ag-again?
- (back-up alarm beeping)
What? Uh...
- Don't you remember the plan?
- Plan?
- I don't remember... (mumbles)
- Oh.
- Great idea, man.
- Whoa.
Okay, guys, line up.
We're gonna go over
the plan again.
(Trolls murmur, chuckle)
Okay. We're on a World Tour.
And on each stop,
we get a new string.
When I have all six strings,
I'll play the ultimate
power chord.
(electric guitar chord plays)
And I will unite the Trolls
under one music.
Our music!
- TROLLS: Rock!
- (excited chatter)
Oh, here it comes.
(grunting slowly)
Uh, just a little bit more.
Riff, just help him, man.
Yes, Your Rockness.
There it is.
- (Trolls cheering)
- BARB: Yeah!
- Rock and roll!
- Yeah!
(both laugh)
(inhales deeply)
- (sighs)
- All right.
In a short 456 pages, I'm gonna
know how to fly this thing.
- (knuckles crack)
- Ugh, Branch,
we don't need
a giant, comprehensive manual.
- (grunts)
- (gasps)
How hard can it be?
- (console beeping)
- Try one of these.
(Sheila B whooping, laughing)
All right, Poppy!
Easy on the buttons!
- Sorry.
- (snoring nearby)
What was that?
(sleepy murmur)
(whistling exhale)
(sleepy murmur)
(Mr. Dinkles sucking, cooing)
Oh, hello.
Sorry. I couldn't help myself.
You know how I am
around cotton candy.
- (burps)
- Oh, dear.
Now look what's happened.
Mr. Dinkles got all gummed up.
- (squeaks)
- (gasps) Mr. Dinkles!
Mr. Dinkles!
Oh, there you are.
I thought you were...
Oh. Right, then.
We'll just be on our way...
(screams) Hey!
Poppy, wh-where are you
balloon-flying us to?
We're on a mission
to help Barb unite the Trolls,
and I'm so glad
you're coming with us.
I did what in the who now?
Hey, man, join the club.
And I hope you didn't eat
all the cotton candy,
because Barb is gonna love it.
(clears throat)
(clears throat)
Y-Yes, Poppifer?
- What is this?
- Oh, it's nothing, nothing.
- That-that-that-that's just my man stuff.
- (gasps)
I love man stuff!
Ugh. For shame.
Well, I-I...
Violence never solves
a problem, Branch.
- (squeaks)
- (shrieks)
I'm not saying
we have to use them.
I'm just saying
it's better to be prepared
in case we need them.
We won't need them unless these
pointy sticks help you listen
or these rocks help you
put yourself
in someone else's shoes.
And what about these?
Is this... What, I...
Is this some kind of jewelry?
Oh, it's actually
kind of cool-looking.
Gi-Give me that.
We don't even know
what's out there.
Wait! No... Oh, man.
By the way,
I whittled those for hours.
Branch, the only weapons we
need are this guy and this guy,
for hugs!
Uh, you may want
to take a look at this.

(fire crackling softly)
This is gonna take
a lot of hugs.

Something gnarly happened here.
Who said that?
Identify yourself!
PENNYWHISTLE: Uh, are you nice
or are you mean?
W-We're nice.
We're really nice.
Yeah, but not too nice.
So don't even try it.
Oh. Hi.
What is this place?
It used to be called
Where the Classical Music
Trolls lived.
But that was in the before.
What happened here?
Well, it was the most wonderful
place you ever did seen.
(lively classical music
playing, chatter, laughter)
It was a place where all of
the Classical Music Trolls
could live in perfect harmony.
(classical music continues)
Wherever the conductor led,
we followed.
Play, play. (vocalizes)
- (laughs)
- But then Queen Barb showed up.
Oh, no.
'Sup, Trollzart dude?
I'm here for your string.
We will not go quietly.
(playing Beethoven's
"Symphony No. 5 in C Minor")
- (triangle dings)
- (Barb snores)
Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi.
Oh. Oh, I'm sorry,
I-I must have fallen asleep,
because your music
is so boring.
Where are the words, bro?
Now give me your string.
(amplifier buzzes, hums)
(playing Beethoven's
"Symphony No. 5 in C Minor")
- Oh! Oh!
- (Trolls gasping)
(sighs) No.
PENNYWHISTLE: She took our string.
Our-our music.
She took everyone.
(wind whistling softly)
We lost everything.
Barb doesn't want to unite us.
She wants to destroy us.
We need to make sure
our own string is safe.
Uh, our string is safe.
Poppy, are-are you crazy?
I thought it was a good idea
at the time.
I-I can't believe another queen
would use her power for evil.
Okay. Change of plans.
We need to get home
as fast as we can
and get everyone in the bunker.
Uh, no. Change of plans.
We have to stop Barb
from destroying all music.
If we don't stop her, who will?
Poppy, you said this could be
handled with hugs.
How are we gonna hug
our way out of this one?
- It's okay, Biggie.
- Really?
It's okay to be terrified?
When am I gonna learn to stay
away from the cotton candy?!
As your queen,
I promise that I will
protect you, no matter what.
I... pinky promise.
Poppy, you know you can't
go back on a pinky promise.
Never did, never will.

- (electricity crackles)
- (magic jingling)
(wind whooshing)
A pinky promise.
Let it be so.
And so it is.
This just got real.
POPPY: We have to get to
the Country Music Trolls
in Lonesome Flats
before Barb does.
Will you come with us?
Oh, no.
Someone has to rebuild.
And Pennywhistle is
that woodwind for the job.
Good luck, little Pennywhistle.
Goodbye, Poppy.
(whooping, excited shouting)
Wait. Is that...
- Debbie?
- Oh, what?
- Oh, that's a lot of glitter.
- BARB: No!
What did they do to you,
my hairy little baby?!
Come here, come here,
come here.
- Gnarly.
- What-what-what do you...
- What is this?
- What, what...
Pop Trolls?
(clears throat)
"Dear Barb,
can't wait to meet you.
I have tons of
great party ideas."
I like that.
"Maybe you and I
can even be best friends."
Best friends?
Is she making fun of me?
No one says that.
Friendship takes time and years
of mutual care and respect.
You don't just become
best friends.
Plus, everyone knows I already
have a ton of friends.
Like Carol.
Right, Carol?
Okay, you're busy.
That's fine.
Love you, Carol.
(quiet crackling)
POPPY (over speaker):
Trolls just wanna have fun.
- Gnarly.
- (back-up alarm beeping)
Pop music isn't even
real music!
It's bland! It's repetitive!
The lyrics are empty!
Worst of all, it crawls into
your head like an earworm!
(chain saw buzzing)
You know, and you can't
get it out... Uh, I'm tired now.
(whoops) Hating things
takes a lot of energy.
Trolls just wanna have fun
- Trolls just wanna...
- No. No.
Look what their music
just did to Dad.
- Daddy? Come back.
- (slurping)
Come back to me, Daddy.
Nice hair, dude.
No one does this to Dad.
And no one makes fun
of Queen Barb.
Ah! I need that Pop string.
And I know who's gonna help me.
The most feared bounty hunters
in all of Trolldom.
- (smooth jazz music playing)
- (bell dings)
Chaz, the Smooth Jazz Troll.
- ("Mi Gente" playing)
- The Reggaeton Trolls.
- ("Russian Roulette" playing)
- La, la-la-la...
BARB: The K-Pop Gang.
- ("Hocus Pocus" playing, singer yodeling)
- And...
the Yodelers.
As you probably know,
I'm bringing a tidal wave of
rock across this land of ours.

And soon there will be
nothing but hard rock
as far as the ear can hear.
Whoever brings me Queen Poppy
gets to keep
their very own music
in their very own territory.
Right over here.
- (Trolls murmuring, groaning)
- TROLL: Oh.
I don't know.
It looks pretty tiny.
You want it or not?
All you have to do is
get me Queen Poppy!
- Oh, okay.
- Sounds like a pretty good deal.
Do you validate parking?
Dude, where are the Yodelers?
I heard a rumor, uh,
that they yodeled so hard,
an avalanche fell on 'em.
Or something.
Well, I don't pay you to hear.
Actually, I'm doing this
for college credit.
If anyone can find me
Queen Poppy and her string,
- it's the Yodelers.
- Just wanna have fun...
(music distorts, stops)
This must be where
the Country Music Trolls live.
Well, it looks like
nobody's here.
We're too late.
Time to go home.
Come on, guys, let's go.
There is no "I quit" in "team."
Ah, never mind.
(solemn country music playing)
(bell chimes)
We don't hope for
Making things better
All we want is to
Keep it together
- (giggles)
- Every day is a rainy day
- Happy birthday, honey.
- No change in the weather
- Time to get to work.
- (yak breathing noisily)
Okay, Daddy.
- This kind of life
- (milk spraying)
- Has made our hearts
- (children laughing)
- As hard as leather
- Get it.
(playful chatter)
- (tumbleweed yelling)
- (children screaming)
And all these tears
are from
The dust in our eyes
- (Troll crying)
- And all these years
- (tear crying)
- Just keep on
Passing us by
We all know that we're just
- Born to die
- (yaks mooing)
That's the way it goes
when you're just
Born to die
This song is so sad.
Yeah, it is sad.
But life is sad sometimes,
so I kind of like it.
You do? Huh.
But it's so different.
Oh, they must not know
that music's
supposed to make you happy.
(gasps) That's awful.
And all these years
just keep on
Passing us by
- (Trolls grunting, arguing)
- And all this misery
Makes it hard to deny
- (grunting)
- That's the way it goes
When you're just
Born to die.
Okay, guys, guys, huddle up.
(bird screeches in distance)
Growly, growly, growl.
Now, take it easy, Growly Pete.
I feel bad for them.
It looks like they got
beat up by a rainbow.
First things first,
these Trolls need
some serious cheering up,
and we're gonna
have to go top-shelf.
Now, when you say "top-shelf,"
- y-you don't mean...
- That's right.
We need to sing them
the most important songs
in the history of music.
Yes, but which ones?
All of them.
And when you say
"all of them..."
- Yo, I'll tell you what I want
- ("Wannabe" playing)
What I really, really want
So tell me what you want,
what you really, really want
I'll tell you what I want,
what I really, really want
So tell me what you want,
what you really, really want
- I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna
- Ha, ha, ha, ha
I wanna really, really,
really wanna zig-a-zag, ah
- Who? Who? Who-who?
- ("Who Let the Dogs Out" plays)
Who let the dogs out?
- Who? Who? Who-who?
- (squeaking rhythmically)
Who let the dogs out?
Who? Who? Who-who?
- It's such a good vibration
- ("Good Vibrations" playing)
Yeah, come on,
come on, come on
It's such a sweet sensation
- Oppa Gangnam style
- ("Gangnam Style" playing)
(rhythmic grunting)
Gangnam style
- Oppa Gangnam style
- ("Hey Baby" playing)
Hey, pretty girl,
what you doing tonight?
- Gangnam style
- I wanna see
- What you got in store
- O-O-O-O
- Oppa Gangnam style
- ("Party Rock Anthem" playing)
Party rock is
in the house tonight
- Come on!
- Everybody just have a good time
- Rave on, party on!
- Party rock is in the house tonight
We just wanna see ya
Tell 'em, Poppy
Shake that.
(wind whistling softly)
Now, I want you three
to sit in here
and think about
what you've just done.
- That was a crime against music.
- POPPY: Wait, no.
We're here to warn you
about Barb, the Queen of Rock.
(sighs) Sweetie, I already know
and have heard about this Queen
Barb and her fancy World Tour.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I got to go wash what you call
music out of my ears.
You in real trouble now.
Right, Aunt Delta?
- Keep an eye on 'em, Growly Pete.
- Yes!
Growly, growly, growly, growl.
No, no. Music should bring us
together, not divide us!
- Sugar.
- (sighs)
Well, I knew it.
"Who Let the Dogs Out."
Too far.
Okay, Branch.
You can say "I told you so."
I know you want to.

Y-You did great
out there, Poppy.
(Poppy shrieks)
I'll never survive
the big house.
- We've got to get out of here.
- I know.
That was such a rad medley.
I can't believe it didn't work.
Tell me about it.
I did the splits.
No one even clapped.
Am I not cute anymore?!
Come on!
Maybe my dad was right.
The other Trolls are different
in ways I was not prepared for.
Some Trolls, they don't
just want to have fun.
Anybody got a plan B?
Plan B? Right up here.
Step one:
escape from Lonesome Flats.
(snorting, spitting noisily)
(sighs) Plan B it is.
I guess we're going home.
HICKORY: Whoo-hey!
It ain't right
to put you in jail
'cause your music's different.
It seems some folks round here
don't appreciate a rad medley
when they hear one.
(bell dings)
Let's skedaddle.
Yes! Mission back on!
Branch! Branch!
You can stop rescuing us.
Poppy, you don't even know
who this is.
I'm Queen Poppy.
What's your name?
Name's Hickory.
Branch, this is Hickory.
Hickory, this is Branch.
Enough with the formalities.
Let's go!
- Uh, this is Mr. Dinkles, by the way.
- (squeaks)
I said let's skedaddle! Hyah!
Go get 'em, Clampers!
(hisses, blabbering)

(screams) This was
my plan C, by the way.
I feel it coming like
a highball train
- Charge!
- Bearing down on
- The end of the line
- (Hickory shouting)
Hyah! Hyah!
I see the black clouds...
POPPY: Oh, no! Hickory!
I got it, Queen Poppy.
DELTA DAWN: Don't let them get away!
(screaming, shouting)
I'm feeling meaner
than an old bobcat
(Biggie sobbing)
- (blabbering)
- I got the hammer down
- And won't look back
- (laughs)
My mind is headed down
a one-way track
I'm leaving Lonesome Flats,
I'm leaving Lonesome Flats
(whoops) Yeah!
Yeah! (whoops)
- Come on, Growly Pete!
- Uh-oh.
- Do your thing!
- (whooping)
No one can escape my mustache.
That's how you do it!
- Hyah!
- (laughs) That tickles.
Branch, hold on to Mr. Dinkles!
(yelling and straining
- Hyah!
- We're gonna get you now!
POPPY: Hickory, look out!
We're not gonna make it!
Oh, yes, we are.
- Yeah, I'm leaving Lonesome Flats.
- (screaming)
Well, I hope
Pop Trolls can swim.
Oh, for Pete's sake.
- Well, dangity-doodly.
- Dangity-doodly.
(Clampers grunts)
(relaxing music playing)
Welcome home.
(choir singing)
(music distorting)
- (coughs, pops)
- (gasps)
Oh, Mr. Dinkles, you're alive.
For a minute there, I thought
you'd kicked the bucket.
(Poppy and Branch
coughing, panting)
I'm really glad
you came with me.
- Me, too.
- (galloping)
There you are. Whew!
- I think we lost them.
- (grunting)
- We should be all right.
- Thank you.
I don't know
how we can ever repay you.
Oh, wait! Yes, I do.
Gum what?
Oh. Well, thank you.
Whew. That's got a zing,
don't it?
- Uh... Whoa.
- It's not candy time.
It's question time.
- (bell dings)
- Huh?
- Hug time!
- Hug time!
- Ooh. Oh, that feels good.
- Wow.
- Why are you helping us?
- (bell dings)
What's in it for you?
Hey! Branch.
(chuckles) I'm sorry
about my... associate.
HICKORY: I loved your message about
music bringing Trolls together.
You may be Pop, and I may be
Country, but Trolls is Trolls.
(imitates Hickory)
"Trolls is Trolls."
Wow. Deep.
This is the beginning of
a partnership between Trolls
that's going to save
all Trolls.
You're darn skippy.
- (chuckles) Ah.
- (groans)
Okay. We need to get to
the Funk Trolls before Barb.
HICKORY: Well, quickest way
is down that river.
I'll build us a raft.
This ought to be good.
Guy probably doesn't know
the first thing about
building a ra...
Cappuccino, anyone?
- Oh!
- Are you seeing this?
BIGGIE: Oh, wow.
(sighs) I do want one.
But I am not happy about it.
Trolls that look like me!
- Hello there.
- (sniffs)
- (honking musically)
- (funky beat playing)
- (screams)
- (music stops)
Happy birthday?
HICKORY: I can make a cortado,
a macchiato, latte.
- We also do drip.
It is a nice night, isn't it?
Mr. Dinkles loves a full moon.
- Let's get our grub on.
- (sighs)
Food's ready.
(Southern accent)
Well, I'll bring more kindlin'.
Poppy, maybe it's just me,
but are you getting
a weird vibe from Hickory?
(normal voice)
No. Why? Are you?
I just... I don't know.
- I don't trust him.
- BIGGIE: Oh, that's good.
POPPY: Well, yeah, but you don't
- trust anybody, Branch.
- (grub squeaking)
Hey, I just want us to be safe.
And you know what's not safe?
Putting too much trust
into a complete stranger.
Oh, I see.
It's not Hickory
you don't trust. It's me.
Do you not think
I'm a good queen?
Wait, what?
I didn't say that.
I thought we were friends,
I'm starting to think you don't
even know what that means.
We are friends.
And sometimes
that means speaking up
if I think
you're making a mistake.
- (smooth jazz music playing)
- Do you hear something?
Look at that guy's chest hair.
(distorted sigh)
BRANCH: Poppy,
I can't feel my face.
It's... it's like
I'm being paralyzed by its
(smooth jazz music continues)
(bubbles fizzing)
(phone ringing)
Hello. It's me.
Look! Narwhals.
- POPPY: Totally gnar-gnar.
- (narwhals whistling)
BIGGIE (in distance): Poppy!
- (music stops)
- Ah...
BRANCH: Poppy,
how'd you like the sushi?
- (groaning)
- Oh.
- CHAZ: Got you, Pop babies.
- (gasps)
Soon, Barb is gonna
have your string,
and the world will be rid of
cheesy, pointless pop music,
once and for all.
Hold it right there, Chaz.
And who are you supposed to be,
cowboy pants?
- (Trolls gasp)
- My name's Hickory,
and I don't much care
for smooth jazz.
- (Trolls gasp)
- Oh, yeah?
Well, you've just never had
the Chaz experience.
(smooth jazz music playing)
- (music stops)
- Ooh. Ah.
(saxophone honks)
(ears pop softly)
Soundproof and delicious.
Smooth jazz
will be heard again!
Smooth jazz will never die!
(blows note)
Who was that guy?
One of the many bounty hunters
out there looking for you.
That was awful.
So smooth and easy and awful.
I know, big buddy.
It's enough to put you
off jazz altogether.
BIGGIE: All right, that's it!
We need to go home.
Biggie, it'll be okay.
Stop saying that,
and listen to me.
You only hear
what you want to hear,
and it puts us all in danger.
How are you supposed
to save the world
if you can't even keep us safe?
You made a pinky promise to me,
Queen Poppy.
And you broke it.
(blabbering rapidly)
What kind of queen
breaks a pinky promise?!

I'm so lost.
I'm almost there.
I'm so lost.
So hot.

(gasps) I'm saved!
Are you, now?
'Cause last I checked,
I was a mirage.
...a mirage, a mirage.
I'm done for.
And on top of that, I never
found any Trolls like me.
(electronic humming
and pulsing)
(electronic burbling)
Whoa! Whoa!
No! No, no, no!
(reeds vocalizing)
I fall to pieces
How can I be
Just your friend?
Just your friend
Something tells me your heart
ain't in this mission, Branch.
What do you mean?
- I'm here, aren't I?
- Just your friend...
Yeah, you're on a mission,
all right,
but your heart
is with Miss Poppy.
Hey, hold your horses.
I'm sorry, is that offensive?
Not as offensive
as you thinking
I can't see what's right
in front of my eyes.
Did you tell her yet?
I tried, but...
(descending whistle,
imitates explosion)
Well, if you did tell her, who
knows if she'd even hear you?
What do you mean by that?
Well, let's just say only one
of you is doing the listening
in this relationship,
and it's not her.
It's you.
Yeah. I got that. Thanks.
Uh, guys?
(electronic humming
and pulsing)
- (whimpering)
- What in buttered biscuits?!
- Huh?
- I got it.
- Ooh.
- (grunting)
(grunts) Oh!
("Atomic Dog" playing)
Bow-wow-wow, yippie-yo-
Just walking the dog
Atomic dog
Just walking the dog.
- (screams, grunts)
- (whoops)
PRINCE D: Welcome to Vibe City.
You are cordial guests
of Prince Cooper.
- What are you doing here?!
- (laughs)
Actually, I'm over here.
Bacon-wrapped hot dogs!
Okay. Maybe all the jazz
- hasn't left my brain yet.
- (notes playing)
It turns out
I'm actually from Vibe City,
just like my twin brother.
I'm Prince D.
What's poppin'?
(both laughing)
I got a twin brother.
How is this possible?
Well, it's a very
complicated story.
When we were both babies,
my egg got snatched
out of the nest.
Mom and Dad looked everywhere,
but they couldn't find me,
- so you guys raised me as one of your own.
Now dig this. (laughs)
COOPER: And then
when I went out to go find
other Trolls like me, my mom
and dad finally found me.
QUEEN ESSENCE: Q, is that him?
I think our search
is finally over.
Our son is finally home.
I guess it wasn't
too complicated.
- (both laugh)
- Oh.
Poppy, I want you to meet
the King and Queen of Funk.
King Quincy and Queen Essence.
My mom and dad.
Wow, Cooper.
You look just like your dad.
Yeah, that must be
why he's so good-looking.
Was that a dad joke?
It was lame!
- (laughter)
- Well, so that means
you're a Funk Troll?
You don't have to be
just one thing.
I'm Pop and Funk.
- Or maybe you're Hip-Hop, like me.
- Yeah.
PRINCE D: Yeah. I think your map
- is a bit outdated.
- Hmm.
Oh, he's right. Look at that.
It still has Disco.
POPPY: Well, Your Majesties,
we need your help to save
all music from Queen Barb.
If we combine our music,
she'll see that music
unites all Trolls
and that we're all the same
and that she's one of us!
Poppy, I mean no disrespect,
but king to queen,
anything but that.
Why not?
(electrical click, hum)
Let's tell 'em how it was,
Prince D.
Long ago, our world was
without song or dance.
Then the Trolls
found the strings,
and life was one big party.
Oh, yeah.
I-I've heard this story before.
That is, until the Pop Trolls
tried to steal our strings.
Steal your strings?
That-That's not what it said
in our scrapbooks.
Those are cut out, glued
and glittered by the winners.
Let me tell you
how it really went down.
- Oh, oh
- Yeah
- Get started, uh
- Yeah, yeah, uh
We started off a team
Party till we fall asleep,
even on the street
When we disagreed,
we did it on beat
- Did it on beat
- Respect the unique
- Right
- Anything less, it was weak
- The music of the strings made life complete
- Facts
Till that one day
that changed everything
The Pop Trolls
started snatching up
- All of the strings
- Oh, no
Putting melodies
on top of popular beats
They cut us
out of the scene
And then forgot
what it really means
- Not even publishing?
- Should've seen between
All of the scheming,
it seems like
The Trolls they stole from
were meaningless
Walking around like
they were the geniuses
But it's only samples,
auto-tune and remixes
- No, Lord
- I'm a vegan
I don't have
no beef with them
- No, Lord
- Gotta protect my kingdom
- But the dream is to sing again
- Yes
- Being friends, seamless blend
- Yes
Harmony ain't hard
when the keys within you win
- At first, it was all love
- At first, it was all love
- Hands up, superstar love
- Stars up
Then you can have it,
you can have it all love
And you can get it
all you want
But then you took it,
took it all love
- Took it all
- All love
- Turn it up louder
- Turn the music up, come on
Sing along,
get the crowd up
I get the crowd up, come on
But then you took it
all love
Took it all love, come on
Then forgot all about us
Oh, but it's all love
I feel you
Sounds good in my ear
when I hear it like that
I feel you, I say I look good
to the mirror
- And it says it right back
- Nothing says it like that
I feel you
A little love
wouldn't kill you
A little love wouldn't
kill you
You really did me wrong,
it was real cruel
- It was real cruel
- Yeah
Had a lot of love
and I still do
'Cause I feel you
Next morning,
the elders were on it
- Yeah
- They saw the warning signs
- Couldn't ignore it
- (grunts)
Had to figure out
how to save the way of life
They had made,
so they made a play
The Pop Trolls
were coming for it all
All for one and one for all,
so the only way we saw
- How we saw it
- There was one thing left to be done
- What?
- Each leader grabbed a single string
- And said, "Run!"
- "Run!"
KING QUINCY: And the Trolls
never lived in harmony again.
So the Trolls live in isolation
because of what Pop did?
Pop tried to destroy our music.
Just like Barb is trying to do.
I can make it right.
History's just gonna
keep repeating itself
until we make everyone realize
that we're all the same.
But we're not all the same.
It's why all our strings
are different.
Because they reflect
our different music.
Denying our differences
is denying the truth
of who we are.
I hadn't thought of it
like that.
- (alarm wailing)
- (gasps)
Rock has arrived!
It's on!
Prepare for battle!
("Move On Up"
by Curtis Mayfield playing)
(records scratching)
(over speaker)
Assemble the crew.
Bite your lip
And take a trip
Though there may be
wet road ahead
I'm gonna make sure
you get to safety.
And you cannot slip
- No. No!
- Move on up
Let me help you!
- And keep on...
- (music slows, stops)
Aw, you kidding me?
- Hard Rock cut the power.
- They're fighting dirty.
- POPPY: Cooper!
- (Trolls clamoring)
- Hickory.
- HICKORY: Don't worry!
I'll find you guys.
Uh, Poppy.
- (engines revving)
- (rock music playing)
BARB: Rock on!
(Branch whimpering)
(Poppy grunts)
No! (grunts)
We have to get back down there.
There's still hope.
- We can still fix this.
- Poppy, enough.
I've listened to you
and I've done it your way,
and now it's your turn
to listen.
It's time to get back home.
I'm not like you.
I can't just give up.
Give up?
I want to protect
our friends and family.
I can't go home until I've
proven myself as a good queen.
So that's what this is
really all about?
Why are you so upset?
Because your dad was right
and Biggie was right
and Queen Essence was right.
And I've been backing you up
even when you ignore them.
But you never listen to me.
Branch, what are you
talking about?
You want to be a good queen?
Good queens actually listen.
You know what I heard
back there?
Differences do matter.
Like-like you and me.
We're too different
to get along.
Just like all the other Trolls.
- We are really different.
- So different.
- Completely out of harmony.
- Completely.
I don't even know
why we're friends.
Neither do I.
why do I care about you more
than anybody else in the world?
Weird, right?

I know your favorite song
I hear it every day
Whoever made your smile
Made it to get in my way
And every time you laugh
You make that little sound
It's just the hardest thing
To love you
but not know how
I hate that you're perfect
You're perfect for me
What good are words
When they always
just get in our way?
And it hurts the most
Just to know
that you don't feel the same
The same
And I hate
that you're perfect
(bell dings)
You're perfect for me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I hate that you're perfect
You're perfect for me.
(quiet laugh nearby)
BABY BUN (whispers):
I see you, Branch.
ARI (singsongy): Over here.
- WANI: There he is.
- GOMDORI: Can you see me?
- (gasps)
- (laughter)
- (whistle)
- GOMDORI: I can see you.
- BABY BUN: Let's get him.
- (laughter)
WANI: One, two, three.
- ALL: Yay!
- (gasps, grunts)
- (gasps)
- ("Russian Roulette" playing)
WANI: Hey, crybaby.
- Your name Poppy?
- (laughter)
What? No.
Who are you guys?
- We are the K-Pop Gang.
- (whoops)
And you're going to take us
to Queen Poppy.
("Mi Gente" playing)
(music stops)
- Not so fast, Tracy.
- (giggles)
We're taking him.
It's pronounced "Tresillo."
- If you want him...
- (reggaeton beat plays)
- you're going to have to dance for him.
- (laughter)
I can't live in a world
without reggaeton.
And we can't live in a world
without K-pop.
- MALE VOICE: Dance-off!
- (dramatic music plays) - Ooh!
("Russian Roulette" playing,
Trolls singing in Korean)
(singing in Korean)
(singing in Korean)
Russian roulette, b-b-beat.
- ("Mi Gente" playing, singing in Spanish)
- (gasps)

(screaming, laughing)
Un, dos, tres, leggo.
(music stops)
- Wow. - (giggles)
- Respect.
- Respect.
- (grunts)
- Why don't we split him?
- Huh?
- Good idea. - Yeah.
- (laughter)
Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
Why does Barb get to decide
which music gets to be saved?
All music should be saved.
All right, okay.
I'm listening, Pop Troll.
- (gasps)
- (panting)
Poppy, there you are.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
Where's Branch?
We had a fight.
He's gone.
He's heading back
to Pop Village.
(sighs) That's a shame.
(Poppy sighs)
I was so desperate
to be a good queen
that I stopped listening
to anyone but myself.
Including my best friend.
And it's all because of
this stupid string.
- (pop riff echoes)
- (magic jingling)
Poppy, take the string
and run as fast as you can,
- you hear me?
- What?
What are you talking about?
Trust me, just go.
Now! Please! Just go!
- (male voice grunting)
- Hickory, are you all right?
- I'm fine.
- (male voice grumbling)
Hey. Hey, now!
Stop that!
- (gasps)
- Here.
- Oh, whoa, whoa!
- (male voice grunting)
(Poppy shouts, gasps)
- (grunts)
- (screams)
- (grunts) Nein!
- (gasps)
What are you doing, Hickory?!
- Quiet, Dickory!
- POPPY: What's going on?
- Hickory?
- I am so sorry.
Show her who you really are,
("Hocus Pocus" playing,
Dickory yodeling)
(Hickory vocalizing)
(sings high-pitched note)
You're the Yodelers?
Ya darn skippy, playa-play.
And you were gonna give
our string to Barb?
Ding, ding. Give this person a
strudel for the correct answer.
And you've been in back
the whole time?
Next subject, please.
Why would you do this?
(German accent)
So sorry.
Uh, it was the only way to save
our beautiful yodeling.
But trust me, you need to get
out of here right away.
What are you doing, Hickory?
- Nein! - Dickory.
- (grunts)
Shut your mouth-hole, please!
- Let go!
- (grunting)
- We must save yodeling!
- Stop it! - Got you!
- (shouts)
- (laughs)
- I thought I heard a yodel.
- (gasps) Queen Barb.
- (pop riff plays)
- (Poppy gasps)
The final notes of Pop.
It will never invade
anyone's brain again.
I'm not gonna let you do this!
This is who I've been
worried about?
This little pipsqueak?
I'll never stop fighting
until I make things right.
- And I'm not a pipsqueak!
- Uh, yeah, you are,
'cause I'm, like, a whole
centimeter taller than you.
No! (grunts)
Leave me alone!
Leave you alone?
Uh, I'm sorry.
You were the one who was all
desperate to be best friends.
Get your hands off me.
Oh, okay. All right.
You're feisty.
I respect that.
Strong woman to strong woman,
am I right?
But you know
who else was feisty?
Pop Village.
Oh, no. No!
Everyone! Everyone!
We're back!
(gasps) Oh, no.
- Biggie! You won't believe it!
- Hello, Biggie.
We were attacked
by Barb and her barbarians!
She took everybody
to Volcano Rock City.
It was scary.
Rock me, Daddy.
Mm, that's nice.

I shouldn't have left her.
She wouldn't have left me.
Never, no matter
how scared she was.
I've got to go back.
We're coming with you, Biggie.
We got to go save
our best friend.
But how? We'll never
make it past security.
We'll overpower them
with muscles!
- (strains)
- (muscles squeak)
Or... we could overpower them
- with fashion.
- With fashion.

(rock music playing)
Rock and roll! (laughs)
(crowd cheering)
TROLL: All right,
where do we put these things?
TROLL 2: I need a circuit hookup.
(quietly) Okay, come on.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
(bells jingling quietly)
Hey. Stop right there.
(jingling stops)
BIGGIE: Legsly, I told you
not to wear your anklet.
Only Rock Trolls
are allowed back here.
Well, it's funny
you should mention that,
because we are genuine
Hard Rockers.
(electric guitar strums weakly)
(deep voice)
One, two, three, four!
- Rainbows, unicorns
- (heavy metal music playing)
Everything nice, yeah
Sugarplums, fairy dust
Everything nice, yeah
- Brush your teeth.
- (hat squeaks)
Hurry up.
The show's about to start, man.
Queen Barb's
about to go onstage.
We're screwed.
- (rock music playing)
- (crowd cheering)
BARB: So, Popcorn,
is being my best friend
everything you could have
ever dreamed of?
- (grunts)
- (Barb and Trolls laugh)
I am not your best friend.
You don't have to be
embarrassed. I get it.
Being queen
can be kind of lonely.
CROWD (chanting): Barb! Barb! Barb! Barb! Barb!
(chanting fades)
There's all this pressure
to be a great queen.
And instead of real friends,
you're just surrounded by
people who just tell you
what you want to hear.
You know, other than
your terrible taste in music
and clothing
and general lifestyle,
you and me are the same,
Uh... (scoffs)
No, we're not.
We're both queens who just
want to unite the world.
You don't want
to unite the world.
You want to destroy it!
Nuh-uh. No way.
No. I don't know
who told you that.
Music has done nothing
but divide us.
Now that I have
the final string,
I can make us all one nation
of Trolls, under rock.
(guitar roars)
(magic jingling, whooshing)
(pop riff plays)
(rock riff echoes)
What are you gonna do?
Play the ultimate power chord,
and then...
You'll see!
- ("Barracuda" playing)
- (crowd cheering)
(crowd grunting in unison
to rhythm)
- Queen Barb!
- (crowd cheering)
So this ain't the end
I saw you again today
I had to turn my heart away
(crowd grunting in unison
to rhythm)
Smile like the sun
Kisses for everyone
And tales, it never fails
(crowd grunting in unison
to rhythm)
You're lying so low
in the weeds
- I bet you gonna ambush me
- Rock on!
Rock on!
You'd have me
down, down, down, down
Down on my knees
Now, won't ya?
(music and cheering stop)
- (music resumes)
- (crowd cheering)
(laughs) Bam!
- (playing note rhythmically)
- Hey! Look, Daddy!
I'm a rock star!
Uh, this is a little hot.
(crowd cheering)
(electricity booming)
(crowd cheering, whooping)
Give it up
for your former leaders.
Funk, Country,
Techno, Classical...
(crowd booing)
...and worst of all, Pop.
(booing continues)
(electrical crackling,
Who wants to see what the
ultimate power chord can do?
(crowd cheering, whooping)
No. No!
(playing rock riff)
(chuckles, grunts)
(Sheila B whoops)
Ha! I guess a giant
comprehensive manual
does come in handy.
Bla-dow! Just in time!
Well, isn't that puke.
Poppy's little boyfriend
came to crash the concert.
Too late, Branch.
(crowd murmuring quietly)
Rock on!
(crowd cheering)
Oh, sick! Totally works.
Who's ready to get
rippin' tattoos
everywhere but our faces in
case we still need office jobs?
You're turning everyone
into rock zombies?
Yep. I can't wait
to party with you, Poppy.
(rock music playing)
- (grunts)
- Rock and roll!
(door creaks)
BARB: Not so fast, Popsqueak.
Hey, boy toy, it's mullet time.
(strains, growls)
(playing rock riff)

- (gasps)
- (gasps)
Who wants to party?!
Without smiling.
(crowd cheering)
Finish them off.
- (gasps)
- (rock riff playing)
What are you doing?
You're supposed to be
a rock zombie!
Soundproof and delicious.
- (gulps)
- (Trolls groaning in disgust)
(Southern accent) She learned
that from watching me.
Give me that!
I'm not gonna let you
do this to anyone else!
A world where everyone looks
the same and sounds the same?
That's not harmony.
RIFF: Hey, Barb?
Maybe Queen Poppy has a point.
If we all look the same,
act the same, dress the same,
how will anyone know
we're cool or something?
- (crowd murmuring)
- TROLL: Yeah. He's got a point.
A good point.
A good queen listens.
Real harmony
takes lots of voices.
Different voices!
(loud whooshing)
(loud musical rumbling)
(rumbling stops)
POPPY (quietly): Oh.
(Branch grunts)
(quiet electrical jingling
and whooshing)
My strings.
What have you done?
You've destroyed music!
- (crowd gasping, murmuring)
- Give it up, everybody.
Thanks to the Queen of Pop,
we've all lost our music.
History repeats itself.
Pop has ruined everything.
(heartbeat thumping faintly)
(heartbeat thumping
rhythmically over speakers)
- (crowd murmuring quietly)
- (rhythmic heartbeat continues)
(beatboxing to rhythm)
Those are my sons.
Making music.
(heartbeat and beatboxing
(clapping and tapping
to rhythm)
(crowd clapping and stomping
to rhythm, excited chatter)
- (music stops)
- (heartbeat continues)
Queen Barb can't take away
something that is inside us.
Because that's where music
really comes from.
It started with the strings,
but now it comes from us.
(Trolls vocalizing melodically)
Yeah, it comes from
our experiences.
Our lives.
Our culture.
(melodic vocalizing continues)
Beautiful. (laughs)
Listen to that.
Barb can't take that away.
(melodic vocalizing continues)
(vocalizing stops)
Let me hear you sing
Sing it together
Louder than ever
Forget everything
POPPY and BRANCH (harmonizing): Just sing
Like it's
what we've been missing
And they're gonna
listen, listen
Forget everything
- Just sing
- (magic chiming)
- It's all right, Barbara.
- (playing melody)
Just let everyone be
what they want to be.
- Including you.
- (growling softly)
(Trolls humming along)
You think
you've gotta hide it
Don't keep it on the shelf
Let your waist start moving
Watch the way
I do it, do it
See me do it
like nobody else
If we sing it all together
If we sing it all as one
It's louder than yourself
All together, everyone
- Everybody's looking
- Sing it loud now
Watch the way we do it
- Hold up, watch out how I do it
- Do it
'Cause we do it
like nobody else
Let me hear you sing
Don't you stop it,
don't you fight it
Let me hear you sing
If you got it,
can't deny it
Let me hear you
It's waiting for you
Already you know
That you do it
like nobody else
Just sing
- Sing it together
- (whooshing)
Louder than ever, ever
Forget everything,
just sing
Like it's
what we've been missing
And they're gonna
listen, listen
Come on, Daddy!
- Just sing!
- Forget everything
Let me hear you
Hey, I've been right here
where you're standing
I've been standing
on the ground
And the walls are caving in
All the walls are fallen
When my lips start moving
With the soul I put into it
And you never heard it
done like this
- Let me hear you sing
- (yodeling)
(singing in Korean)
(singing in Spanish)
It's waiting for you
Already you know
That you do it
like nobody else
Just sing
Sing it together
Louder than ever, ever
Forget everything,
just sing
- Play. Play.
- Like it's what we've been missing
- (Pennywhistle trilling)
- Beautiful.
And they're gonna
listen, listen
- Forget everything
- Let me hear you sing
I said a-one, two,
three and four
Let's go, everybody
- Get on the floor
- Let me hear you
Oh, let me
hear you sing, yeah
Let me hear you sing
I want you to sing
from your soul
I want you to reach
with your elbow
Let me hear you
Can't hear you way in the back!
All right, all right,
all right
Let me hear you sing
It's waiting for you
Already you know
That you do it
like nobody else
- Just sing
- (electric guitar riffing)
Sing it together
Louder than ever, ever
- Forget everything
- (crowd cheering)
Just sing
Like it's
what we've been missing
And they're gonna
listen, listen
- And rock!
- Forget everything
Just sing
Sing it together
Louder than ever, ever
Forget everything
- Just sing
- (whooshing)
Like it's
what we've been missing
And they're gonna
listen, listen
Forget everything
Just sing.
(crowd cheering)
I love you guys.
Dad, I should've listened
to what you had to say
and not run off like that.
I'm so glad
you didn't listen to me.
You weren't naive
about this world.
You were brave enough
to believe things can change.
Braver than me.
I raised Poppy to be
strong and self-confident.
I was a genius
Ha! Ha! Yeah!
(crowd cheering)
Well, now that
you're not forcing me,
I hope we can be friends.
Did you hear that, Carol?
We have a girl group now!
A girl group? Nice!
(smooth jazz music
plays, stops)
Yeah! Carol! (laughs)
She's psyched.
Branch, I love
that we're different.
And I love you, Queen Poppy.
I love you, too, Branch.
Shall we?
- Yeah! (whoops)
- Yes!
- Now, that's a good connection!
- (laughs)
POPPY: In the beginning,
we were divided.
("The Other Side" by SZA
and Justin Timberlake playing)
Our ancestors thought
we were just too different
to get along.
It turns out they were wrong.
Very, very wrong.
ANCESTOR TROLL: We're sorry.
POPPY: You have to be able
to listen to other voices,
even when they don't
agree with you.
- (Trolls sigh)
- (hands clap)
They make us stronger,
more creative, more inspired.
So whether your song is
sad and heartfelt,
loud and defiant,
or warm and funky,
or even if you're
a little bit of each,
it's all these sounds
and all our differences
that make the world
a richer place.
On the other side...
Because you can't
harmonize alone.
(Clampers laughs, chomps)
Let's not eat our history.
Sorry, Miss Poppy.
- (back-up alarm beeping)
- (funky beat playing)
Yeah, oh, yeah,
oh, yeah, oh, yeah.
Excuse me.
I'm done with my nap
and I'm ready to party!
- Glitter!
- (glitter jingling)
- (humming)
- (grunts)
- Not anyone can move you this way
- No way
- Finally got you loose from the cage
- Okay
I ain't trying to schmooze
you with flowers, baby
Don't play no games
I'd rather make
a power play
- Ooh
- Don't play no games
Imagine all the lives
that we could change
You don't even know the power
you got in them legs
Pick up your face
and be proud for once
Proud for once
Take off your Cooper,
keep stylin' on 'em
- Keep stylin' on 'em
- Okay, now don't slack
- Don't slack
- I need all my rags
- All my rags
- No, we don't hold back
- Hold back
- Act like you know that
- Act like you know that
- Go tell your old man
Go get your whole fam
Fly like the ghost, man
Taking all I can
I just came to feel
all that is made for me
I was made to be the change
we really, really need
- I'm up before the rooster, you dig?
- Ooh, you dig?
- I had to jump the moon to get big
- Ooh, to get big
- How many stone grooves will it take?
- Okay
- 'Fore you skip on my phone play, okay
- O-O-Okay
Ooh, imagine all the lives
that we could save
You don't even know the power
you got in them legs
Pick up your face
and be proud for once
- Proud for once
- Go, won't you
- G-G-Get down with us?
- Keep stylin' on 'em
- Okay, now don't slack
- Don't slack
- I need all my rags
- All my rags
- No, we don't hold back
- Hold back
Act like you know that
Go tell your old man
Go get your whole fam
Fly like the ghost, man
Taking all I can
I just came to feel
all that is made for me
I was made to be the change
We really, really need
Now I fill up
the whole tank
- Whole tank
- Rock and roll!
- And I drive in the cold rain
- (laughs)
Cold rain
And I run like a nosebleed
- And can't nobody hold me
- You can't hold me
- Hold me, hold me, hold me
- You can't hold me
- Hold me, hold me, hold me
- You can't hold me...
- You can't hold
- Okay, now don't slack
- Don't slack
- I need all my rags
- All my rags
- No, we don't hold back
Act like know you know that
Go tell your old man
Go get your whole fam
Fly like the ghost, man
Taking all I can
I feel different now,
you know
Come on
I was made to love
I was made to love, say
I just came to get the love
that was made for me
I just came to get
the love that was made for me
I was made to be the change
That we really need
So get up
'Cause there ain't
no use in lying
So get out
'Cause you got too much
To be tired
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, say
I just came to feel
All that is made for me
I was made to be the change
We really, really need
- Now make the change, yeah
- I just came to feel
- Now make the change, yeah
- All that is made for me
- Come on
- I was made
- (growling)
- To be the change
We really, really need.
Aw, Grissy, I guess
we're late to the party.
- Aw, balls!
- Grissy.
But who's gonna eat
my cheese balls, babe?
("The Other Side" by SZA
and Justin Timberlake playing)
You're preaching
to the choir
Stop hating on yourself
Quit playing with your mind
You're spinning
If you think
that I'm a liar
Just try it for yourself
The clouds will open up
Blue skies are willing
Yeah, I know
it's so hard to throw away
The clouds will open up
Blue skies are willing
Back on your feet again
Lift your head,
hold it high
You wanna run it back
But you can't turn the time
You start to feel like
you're losing your shine
But the grass ain't always
greener on the other side
The other side
Got you stuck in your mind
You start to feel like
you're losing your shine
But the grass ain't always
greener on the other side
Hey, you
Stop stressing 'bout
what you're missing
So blue
Just take it easy,
take your time
If you think
my words are wise
Just try it for yourself
I promise the stars will
light the path you walk
Don't give in
Got a heart of gold
What a shame to go to waste
The clouds will open up
Blue skies are willing
Back on your feet again
Lift your head,
hold it high
You wanna run it back
But you can't turn the time
You start to feel like
you're losing your shine
But the grass ain't always
greener on the other side
- The other side
- Feet again, lift your head
Hold it high
- Got you stuck in your mind
- Run it back
But you can't turn the time
You start to feel like
you're losing your shine
But the grass ain't always
greener on the other side
Just take it from me,
you'll be okay
You'll be okay
'Cause it don't matter
how sweet it taste
- How sweet it taste
- The grass ain't green
Don't worry
Losing sleep,
still want to get
Yeah, you get
Back on your feet again
Lift your head,
hold it high
You wanna run it back
But you can't turn the time
You start to feel like
you're losing your shine
But the grass ain't always
greener on the other side
You start to feel like
you're losing your shine
But the grass ain't always
greener on the other side.
("Rock N Roll Rules" by Haim
and Ludwig Gransson playing)
So you say you wanna be
a rock star
Well, there's some steps
you gotta take
Step one
You gotta know
you're a star
When you get up on the stage
and you grab your guitar
Step two
Pump your fist in the air
And wait two weeks
to wash your hair
Step three
When you're feeling
the bass
Don't be afraid
to give the people a face
Step four
Never do what you're told
Because there's no rules
in rock and roll, ow!
Rock and roll,
rock and roll
Rock and roll rules
Rock and roll,
rock and roll
Rock and roll rules
Rock and roll,
rock and roll
Rock and roll rules
Rock and roll,
rock and roll
Don't forget,
never do what you're told
If you don't rock,
then you're gonna get rolled
When you
When you kick open
the gates
You gotta pay respect
to all of the greats
Before you're ready to play
You better, better, better
know your history
Punk, new wave, metal, ska
Garage, psych, hardcore,
goth and prog
Surf, shoegaze, glam, emo
There's no rules
in rock and roll
Rock and roll,
rock and roll
Rock and roll rules
Rock and roll,
rock and roll
Rock and roll rules
Come on, everybody,
sing it now
Rock and roll,
rock and roll
Rock and roll rules
Rock and roll,
rock and roll
Don't forget,
never do what you're told
If you don't rock,
then you're gonna get rolled
One last step
Real quick
Don't you forget
A rippin' guitar riff
Let's rock
(electric guitar riffing)
Let's rock
(electric guitar
continues riffing)
Sing it with me
Let's rock
Rock and roll
Rock and roll
Rock and roll
- Let's rock
- Rules
- Rock and roll
- Rules
- Rock
- Rules
- Rock and roll
- Rules
- Rock
- Rules
Rock and roll
And there's nothing,
there's nothing
There's nothing you can do
Rock and roll
is taking over you.
(music ends)
Subtitle By: MARSH-MARIE