Trophy Wife (2014) Movie Script

Just once.
That one for signature ?
Let's discuss that next time
when we're in the office.
Now is the time to mourn
Have you seen Chino ?
I saw him talking to a woman
a while ago.
Excuse me.
Chino ?
Chino !
Sorry to interrupt.
Bro ...
get dressed.
we need you at the dining room.
Hey ...
sorry, Ka .
It's Cassey.
Look, I got to go,
Are we still going to see
each other ?
I'll call you.
To my esteemed children ...
Samuel and Joaquin ...
I give and bequeath
the following properties to wit.
All shares, stocks and lots
of the Lee Group of Companies.
And all shares, stocks,
buildings and vehicles ...
of the First Modern Group of Companies.
And all personal effects properties
except for the following.
To my loyal colleague,
Roberto Penafrancia ...
I givel and bequeath
the following properties to with.
from the Lee Group of Companies.
- What do you need ?
I'm also part of this family.
But you're not needed here.
Come on, bro,
she's still part of the family
I know that.
But this is just between siblings.
We'll talk later,
continue attorney ...
1000 shares from the
First Modern Group of Companies.
And 500 shares from Distiller a Cimpaoco.
- It's okay.
I hereby designate,
Samuel Lee,
the executor and the administrator
of this last will and testament,
and in his incapacity,
I name ad designate Roberto Peafrancia
as his substitute.
cheers ...
Dad's funeral has just been done,
yet you've been fooling around with a girl.
What can I do ?,
She likes me.
And it's a shame
if you'll reject such, right ?
When will you fix life ?
You need to get involve with the business
that Dad left us.
There's an end with our inheritance,
you gotta learn how to relax.
I'm not yet ready,
I still want to enjoy.
You should try it some time.
150,000 a month including
your credit card expenses,
if you won't work with the company.
How will I manage 150,000 ?
You're not paying for the house,
electricity and maid.
It's not even enough for gas.
Then don't go out of the house.
I shouldn't go out of the house.
Is that possible ?
Chino, I'm the one left as guardian
of your in heretance.
I should protect it.
It's for your own good.
How would I live with that ?
If you'll learn how to be thrifty.
Or you'll work.
Are you serious about me ?
You love me ?
I do.
You look lovely.
I'll come to the Philippines and meet you
Really ?
When you ...
going here ?
Someday soon.
And then ...
what's going to happen ?
I will work at a way
to bring you to the UK with me.
Swear ?
Hope u you die ?
Let's meet first.
Let's meet !
Let's meet. Let's Meet.
Ma !
You've been spending hours here,
instead of helping me sell barbecued chicken
I can see better future in this computer.
You might be talking to a killer or a sadist.
Ma, I'm okay.
Don't worry.
That's enough.
Ma !
Just got a few minutes left.
- The money I paid will just get wasted.
- What do you mean just a second ?
You've been there for hours.
Help me sell, please.
Thank you.
Come on.
We've got customers.
What's yours ?
Our sale gets bigger when your here.
Yeah! I love this, ma !
More chicks with my favor guys in the world.
More chicks for us,
not for you.
I'll be the one who'll get the most,
You wanna bet,
I'll get 3.
Dude, it seems like you're
the only gorgeous guy here.
You ?
My skills ...
You're blocking the way !
Get off !
Move ! All the way !,
Move ! Move !
he's taking over.
I'll take care of this.
Watch this.
Get yourself together !
For the devil !
For our brother chino.
I'll be the one to pay all of these,
you fool.
Good to know,
good to know.
Hot chick !
Hot chick !
Send her a shot.
That's better,
- Come on, let's talk to her. Come with me.
- Gotta get up.
- Bro Later.
- Nong !
It's 11 :30.
Australia ?
It would be better,
if you were chatting with a British.
Don't mind it, 'Nong.
Whoever he is.
I just need to get out of the country.
go on and have a drink.
Thanks, 'Nong
5 shots he doesn't do it.
don't challenge me.
You're just a poser.
Come on.
I'll show you.
10 shots on me.
Hi !
You I've around here ?
How about you ?
From Manila, right ?
How did you know ?
Co'z guys from Manila are loud.
Its like they have a license to do that
in other territories.
they're just enjoying.
By the way I'm Chino.
Don't move !
- Who are you ?
- We're arresting you for using illegal drugs.
- And for selling illegal drugs.
- I didn't do it.
- Sammy ! Sammy, help me !
- You have the right to remain silent.
That' not true.
- Everything you say can be used in court.
- Sammy !
Sammy !
Sammy !
help me.
Don't do this to me.
You know the truth.
Help me !
Tell them the truth !
Sammy !
Sammy !
I was born and grew up here Angeles.
The story of my I Fe,
is usual story of the GI babies.
My mom's a prostitute,
my dad's a pilot.
But when the US base pulled out in 1992,
my mom was just pregnant at that time,
that's why I didn't get to see my dad.
You know,
whenever I see an airplane,
I thought of my dad flying with it.
Maybe he's a good pilot.
It's just sad that I didn't get to try
flying with him.
You know, Lani. You don't need
your dad to fulfill your dream.
I don't have a visa,
not even a passport.
I don't even have money to buy a ticket.
You can get it for free.
Is there such Thing as free nowadays ?
There is.
(Speaks I kapampangan)
Can you see how small my house is ?
What's that ?
What do you mean,
"What's that" ?
You should be the one who answer your quest on.
What's that ?
look at the card.
What happened to you ?
I have a boyfriend,
You know that girls in Manila
are one cent for 10
Especially for the rich ones.
that's the point.
There are a lot of girls in Manila
but he chose me.
I just don't want you to get hurt.
don't worry about me.
you have visitor.
Good afternoon.
Lunch ?
You thought we're eating in an
air-conditioned restaurant, right ?
You're wearing a jacket.
don't you like it ?
I wore this for you.
So you'd find me gorgeous.
So what did you order ?
This is obviously a frog.
But ...
We call it "betute".
Frog stuff with meat.
I eat frog legs so I'm okay with this.
That one.
It looks scary.
What's that ?
This one,
we call it "kamaru".
It's Delicious.
It looks like a cockroach.
These are insects
living in the rice fields' mud.
How does it become delicious ?
Insects living in mud ?
They feed on leaves.
Pigs eat swill.
Which one do you think is better ?
You're right.
This ?
This one s delicious.
It tastes like fried chicken.
Eat it.
We call it "dagis".
A lot of people say that exotic food tastes
like fr ed chicken.
I'm scared ...
What's this ?
Okay ...
There's no way I'm eating Mickey Mouse.
Sir here are your keys and your room number.
This way please.
Thank you.
Thaks, guys.
Welcome Sir.
please get me out of here.
I'll clean up.
When you're well already Ella.
I'm okay already.
Come on.
I'll do everything.
Sammy, please.
Ella, when you get out of here, I'll
give you your own condominium unit.
Monthly allowance.
You'll live comfortably.
But with one condition.
What condition ?
You won't fight me with the annulment case
that I'll file.
Sammy ...
Psychological in capacity for using illegal drugs.
I just did it because I love you.
if you resist,
you'll rot here in rehabilitation center.
What kind of offer is that ?
Whichever I pick makes me a loser.
I know.
Go now,
take her.
You're an animal.
Cheers for the friendship and ladies ...
Boys, boys, boys !
Chino, you gotta introduce us to
this fine lady you're with, man
Fine lady, huh.
these are my friend.
Hi !
- We're all single. You might have friends ...
- This is Mon, Albert
Not this one.
He's a playboy.
you were with another ...
Hey morons.
These are on me
I'll take care of it !
For free.
There !
Thank you.
I'm single.
One more round.
Party time.
can you lessen your loudness.
do we have a problem ?
we have a problem.
You're too loud.
We're loud.
This one is stupid.
This is a club, right ?
- Are we loud ?
- Of course, co'z this is a club.
I don't care who he is.
Dude, if you can't take the noise
then go find some other place.
Did you here that ?
Let's go to another place.
get your hands off my date.
that's enough.
you're in no place.
You're in no place.
that's enough.
Chino, that's enough.
It's not his fault.
He just protected me
from the Mayor's son.
Come on.
Attorney Litaua.
You were informed about this already.
Sir ?
Those who are from Manila.
Chino, are you okay ?
Were you hurt ?
Attorney, thank you.
Sorry, I came a bit late.
We had a hard time dealing with this one.
Attorney, what did my brother say ?
Well, he had to pull some strings.
He's really mad.
You should go back to Manila immediately.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Hold it.
Where are you going ?
- I'll come back for you. Wait for me.
- I'll come with you.
Wait for me.
Okay, book it.
Then e-mail me,
the itinerary immediately.
Okay, thank you.
Bro, I'm sorry.
Take a bath.
Your flight is at 5:30am.
It's 2am.
You have to be in the airport in 30 minutes.
Where am I going ?
To America.
Stay there.
I don't want to go there.
What will I do in America ?
Chino, you had a fight
with the Mayor's son.
Do you think your fight
with him ends there ?
They wouldn't stop
until they get back at you.
Now, if you still love your life,
cool down in America.
Put these in the car.
Tell Edwin to take Chino to the airport.
Let's eat ?
No one dies by being broken hearted.
But with an ulcer, there is.
I'm pregnant.
Why didn't you listen to me ?
You're really hard-headed.
Didn't I tell you ?
That men will just use you and hurt you.
Ma, what do you know about love ?
Men's worth is just an amount of money for you,
right ?
Oh yes.
I once loved.
To your dad.
Weren't you the fruit of our love ?
He promised to come back for me.
And like you ...
I believed him.
I was once like you.
My heart leaps whenever a car
stops in front of our house.
But days passed,
Now tell me.
Am I the one that you should question
if I know anything about love ?
Sir chino isn't here.
He's in America.
Ha ?
When will he come back ?
I don't know.
Go now, ma'am.
Sir Ginno is not here.
Wait a second.
Sir !
Please don't close the gate.
Chino !
Wait a second.
Who are you ?
I'm sorry.
I thought you're Chino.
I'm his girlfriend from Angeles.
Someone came here yesterday.
His girlfriend from Cebu,
from Bacolod, from Palawan, from Boracay
So you see,
you're not his only girlfriend.
But he said that he'll come back.
Chino is in America now.
He's not coming back.
So please,
don't come and bother us here.
Wait a second.
But he said ...
Wait a second ...
Hold it.
Please bring out Chino if you don't
want me to create trouble here.
I'm pregnant and he's the father.
Sir, what now ?
- Sir, please let Chino show up.
- She doesn't want to move over. I'll go on.
Sir !
Bring out Chino.
Ma ...
It isn't God's will.
Maybe what happened is better,
than you being a single mom.
You'll find a man,
who's really for you.
Forget him.
why do all my credit cards were declined ?
Because you're spending
beyond your allowance.
Bro, I'm spending dollars.
Chino, if you weren't shopping
at designer outlets,
dinng in expensive restaurants,
you can manage your budget.
But bro ...
Okay, I get it.
You wanna punish me, alright ?
But be reasonable.
You be reasonable.
All the money
that you're spending there,
shall be deducted to your inheritance.
It's not like a deep well
that doesn't ran out.
With your kind of lifestyle,
your money will be gone that soon.
And if it's gone,
you're on your own.
You'll be left sorry.
Bro, how am I gonna live decently
with 150,000
Tell me.
It's easy.
Just learn to be thrifty
or work.
This is BS !
Adobo ?
Pancit ?
You are Filipino, right ?
I thought you're Japanese.
Ah no.
I'm pure-blooded Filipino.
And you ?
Chinese, Filipino ...
A combination.
Do you like ?
Really ?
Before that,
I'm Chino. You are ?
I'm Gwen.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
It's Po son-free.
Wow, I haven't eaten something like this.
Delicious ?
Did you cook this ?
Oh, no,
My grandmother.
My grandmother cooks.
When she cooks,
it's as if like there's feast.
Then there are left overs
that she wants me to bring in school.
She expects me to eat all of it.
Obviously, I can't.
So I look for Filipino here in Minnesota.
Which ending ...
So I just throw it ...
- Dont
- If she's that I haven't eaten all of it,
she'd feel bad.
Throw it to me.
So how long have you been staying here ?
Do I talk too much ?
Okay, just eat.
Thank you.
Still have more ?
I still have spring rolls.
Thank you.
Are the B and the V sounds like ballpen
Say it with me.
And vaity.
And Feather.
This year's Miss Body Valentio is ...
Miss Lailanie Dizo.
Peter Piper ...
Peter Piper,
Picked a peck ...
picked a peck,
of pickled pepper ...
of pickled pepper,
where's the peck ...
where's the peck,
of pickled pepper ...
of pickled pepper,
Peter Piper picked.
Peter Piper picked.
Alright, ladies.
One lemonade and cheese sticks.
Would that be all ?
- Thank you.
- Alright, thanks.
Chino, I think she's ready to order.
I got it.
Hi, I'm Chino.
I'll be ...
Still working ?
Would you take long ?
About 30 minutes, why ?
Do you miss me already ?
Midnight snack ?
All for food, yes.
You're cheap.
Well, you had me in adobo.
Wait 't I you try
my grandma's kare-kare.
You know your grandma,
is she single ?
Can I marry her ?
My dad will kill you.
Well in that case,
I'll settle for you.
You'll marry me ?
This restaurant might have
hit you big time.
You're fluent in Tagalog.
But you speak like
those on the out skirts.
Ah Okay, Oh really ?
Hey, don't get irritated.
It's okay.
Really okay.
If you want,
You can have midnight snack
on your own ...
Hold it ...
Come on, stay.
10 minutes.
I'm just kidding.
I'll get you a drink.
So my mom,
died when I was 10.
My dad he died
3 months ago.
When he was alive,
he was never around anyway.
So my brother Sammy,
he's been father figure ko.
He attended all the meetings,
And Dad, wasn't there.
So he was my father figure.
But then,
He got into our family business.
And he was no longer around.
They didn't care about me anymore.
And that's when I became
this spoiled Iittle rich kid.
I started all these vices,
became kind of a playboy.
And now I'm here.
So why are you here ?
You really wanna know ?
I had a fight with a Mayor's son.
But it's not my fault.
If you have a lot of money
then why did you take the waiter job ?
I guess,
My brother is guilty,
he wants to show me
that he loves me.
Pathetic, right ?
Aren't you a bit old enough
to be rehabilitated ?
Okay so what do you suggest
Miss Psyche major ?
I don't know ...
Psycho-therapy ...
Substitution therapy,
Regression ...
Lobotomy maybe.
I'm scared of your suggestions.
Can't you just be my medicine ?
I don't know.
You might go more insane
because of me.
Maybe I'm going insane.
Hey, sweetie.
Yes ?
How are you ?
I'll join you later.
Have a seat, please.
Have a seat,
- Please ?
- Okay.
What's your name ?
Whatever you like.
Whatever I like ?
I like "Beautiful ... "
This place will do.
Let's grabinside.
I'll be back, okay ?
Where are you going ?
CR ...
What's the ?,
what's the CR ?.
Jingle ?.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Ya, over there.
Is this your home address already ?
Am I going to send
Christmas cards here,
and my birthday cards for you ?
The house is too quiet.
I feel so alone.
The company isn't going to be broke
for you to become too workaholic.
You need a life, man.
You need to enjoy life.
You need a woman in your life.
Women can cause you headache.
After what I experienced with Ella,
I don't want them anymore.
You need a good decent woman.
Don't shut the possibility
of marrying again.
You'll never know.
Sit down.
Join me, come on.
Don't mind if I do.
Hi !
Hey, how are you ?
My cousin Rache.
Hi, Nice to meet you.
Hi, Gwen.
This is my dad.
- Nice to meet you.
- How are you ?
This is my aunt, my uncle.
Fe ...
Fe, Come here ...
Help me.
This is Aunt Fe.
Hi aunt Fe.
How about you ?
Have you eaten ?
My mommy's bestfriend.
My two cousins,
Andrew and Anna.
And wait,
this is my grandma.
Your grandma ?
Nice to finally meet you.
Go ahead and eat.
You know,
you should eat well.
Get everything
and eat all of it.
Because I cooked it.
Okay ?
Your adobo is my favorite, grandma.
That's good, that's good.
I'll do it.
It's okay.
Thank you very much.
It wouldn't light up
if you'll just stare at t.
I don't usually operate this ...
Chino, you see,
there are dots, right ?
This dot is for this.
This one is for that.
And this one is for ...
That one.
Amazing, right ?
I know it hat.
See ?
Next time I know.
Ask for hot water
from your Neighbor.
From my neighbor ?
You just taught me how.
You just turned it on, right ?
You're teas ng me.
How could I live without you ?
You shouldn't even be
in a place like that.
You know,
I actually mistook you for a joiner.
I'm actually do ng a research.
What do you mean ?
I plan to put up a bar like that
and I want to check out the menu,
the bar I st.
And the mechanics of those
who're called joiners.
Yeah, Bring business to that place.
Iced tea and they're good to go.
A little ced tea goes a long way.
I know.
What do you. Where are you thinking
opening this kind of restaurant ?
I'm thinking back in my hometown, Angeles.
But I'm planning to put up a restaurant
here n Manila.
When do you think you are starting ?
I'm actually short on funds right now ...
And I need a bit more time to raise it.
You know what ?
I've been thinking about some business
that I can get into
here in the Philippines.
And I like your idea.
I can't own the business myself.
But why don't I help raise funds for you.
Then you and I could be business partners.
That sounds like a good plan.
In the mean time,
may I invite you
to our charity ball this weekend ?
You alright ?
Can I get you a drink ?
Sorry, Excuse me for a while.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Are you alone ?
I'm with someone.
I can see that you don't
enjoy this e ther.
Never did.
I'm Sammy Lee.
So I assumed,
your with the consul ...
He's a friend.
Would he mind,
if we have coffee at the lobby and talk.
I don't think so.
You don't think
we can talk and have coffee ?
I don't think the Consul would mind.
Ma'am this s from Mr. Sammy Lee.
His driver is here.
Please return that to your boss.
What ?
I don't need what he has sent me.
Ma'am, my boss might get mad at me.
Please tell him,
I can't accept this.
I'd like you to meet Pat and Brenda.
- They work with me at the council.
- Hi, im Lani
This is Ian .
Obviously she owns the place.
everything's going splendid.
Thank you for coming guys.
Thank you for coming.
I just have to check the other customers.
Go, were Fine here.
So I uderstand you've been to ...
Hi, are your orders okay.
Thank you.
Hi, are you okay ?
How about your order ?
Thank you.
Yes ma'am.
Assist our guest in Consul's table.
Yes, ma'am.
Why don't you want
to accept my gifts for you ?
I've got a lot of customers,
don't create trouble here
Wait, I'm not creat ng trouble.
you bring trouble in my mind.
I want to know you.
Like what I said,
I don't need your gifts.
I don't have a bad intention.
I just want to make friends with you.
I don't need friends.
Hold t, I don't understand.
I thought we were having
a good conversat on last n ght.
I thought were okay.
We're okay.
You don't need gifts.
You don't need a friend.
What do you want ?
I want a serious relationship.
Now if you can't givel that to me,
don't bother anymore.
Excuse me.
Ma'am Lani, somebody called,
they're interested
to get our catering services.
What's the problem ?
It's a bit big time.
They want some foods that are not
included in our menu.
What k nd of food do they want ?
I can't understand.
I don't know half of the menu
I can't pronounce the other half.
Let me see.
Here, ma'am.
Just turn them down.
I only know Kapampangan dishes.
Ma'am, it'll be a waster opportunity.
100,000 ?
Yes, ma'am 100,000 for 10 pax.
Call them now.
Tell them that we're accepting the order.
Yes, ma'am.
Good morning.
What ?
You know what ?
I used to hate my brother
for send ng me here.
Co'z here you're not the boss.
But now,
I thank him.
Because ?
if he hasn't sent me here,
I wouldn't have met you.
You got me already,
you don't have to flatter me.
It goes to show
that it isn't what I'm after for.
Are you saying you're in love with me ?
Co'z in-love is different
from being home s ck.
Gwen, if I feel like home sicked,
I would probably wish to be home.
But now,
I can see a life with you here.
Morning bad breath.
You know, you're so beautiful but ...
damn !
Take care of it.
Yes, ma'am.
Here's the billing
for the remaining balance.
Just wait for our boss.
He'll be the one to givel the payment.
Beaut ful.
You ?
I'm beaut ful ?
You are beautiful.
You're playing tricks on me.
Playing tricks ?.
Why ?
I paid my down payment.
I'll be paying the balance.
Why didn't you tell me
that you're my client ?
If I have told you that
I'm you're cl ent,
would you reject me ?
Why ?
Because ...
You told that you want someone ser ous.
I am ser ous.
Where are the guests ?
If I have told you that that 100,000
is for just one person
you'd probably wonder.
You are buying me.
I'm not buy ng you,
it's your food.
What do you need from me ?
One dance.
Are you going to give me a chance ?
Bro, it's 3 am here.
Come home, bro.
I Just got married.
What ?
What did your brother say ?
He's excited.
Really ?
He wasn't surprised ?
Not really.
He was shocked, though.
He never thought I'd marry again.
What would be his mpression on me ?
Chino s happy for me.
And because you make me happy,
you're okay with him.
When will I meet him ?
On Saturday.
He's going home.
That's my brother.
That's my brother.
I miss you, bro.
I miss you, too.
Bro, this is Gwen.
- Hi, Gwen. I'm Sammy.
- Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
We have the same taste with women ?
Beaut ful.
So where's my sister in-law.
She's at home,
cook ng dinner.
She cooks well.
We didn't eat at the a rplane.
We're really hungry.
It's nice to be home, Bro.
You have such a beautiful home.
Well, thank you, Gwen.
Come in, come in.
Bro, where's the beaut ful w fe ?
Maybe she's just getting dressed up.
There she goes.
This is my lovely wife, Lani.
My brother, Chino and his g rlfriend, Gwen.
A toast for chino and Gwen.
Welcome home.
Thanks, guys.
Welcome back, bro.
Thank you.
It's nice to be back, uncle.
You know what saved me ?
Her grandma's cooking.
Excuse me, guys,
I'll just get some food.
You want a drink ?
I'll grab you one.
You guys, okay.
Alright, Sure.
Get red wine please.
Okay, Sir.
What do you need from my brother ?
Chicken galantina is delicious.
I made this.
Does he know what happened between us ?
He wouldn't know if you won't tell him ?
How about you ?
Does Gwen know about us ?
How did you meet my brother ?
- Excuse me, Sir.
- Thanks
How did you two have a relationsh p ?
Howithe hell did you get to marry him ?
Why don't you ask him ?
And why are you mad ?
What am I do ng to you ?
You have an intent on.
I'll find it out.
You know what ?
You are conceited.
The world isn't just about you.
What if I tell you
that I love your brother ?
Wouldn't you believe ?
Let's pray for that.
Are you guilty ?
Or maybe you're just skeptic because
I married your brother
and not you.
Maybe I have such low standards with women,
but my brother is a decent person.
He deserves a good woman.
So whatever you plan is,
don't do it.
If you need money,
I've got lots of it.
Just stay away from my brother.
Eat it.
Here you go.
Excuse me.
So I'm also excited to go.
I really wanna go there for a break.
What are you doing ?
You told me that
he accepted me already.
Yes, what happened ?
He insulted me.
He questioned my intention.
Sammy, I never ran after your money.
I, myself, even told you.
That we should sign
a pre-nuptial agreement, right ?
And you refused.
Honey, I'm sorry.
I don't know why Chino
said those things to you.
But don't worry about it.
I'll talk to him.
You are brothers.
I don't want to be in the middle.
Honey, you are my w fe.
He has to respect that.
If he can't do it,
then he should forget that we're brothers.
Why are you being rude to my wife ?
Because she's not right for you.
Why ?
Do you know her to speak of her like that ?
Bro, you shouldn't marry the likes of Lani.
Why ? What kind of person's Lani
for you to judge her like that ?
Bro, there are a lot of women out there.
Why her ?
Why not her ?
Because you deserve better.
Chino, for years,
I put up with your cheap women
Women who bring trouble,
who chases you,
who mad for be ng fooled by you.
I am happy now.
I didn't feel this with Ella.
Can't you be happy for me ?
I love her.
You love her.
Bro, I hope you'd be happy
and that you won't get hurt.
I'm outt'a here.
I'd be hands off.
What's wrong ?
Noth ng.
Just ...
thinking of my new sister in-law.
I was wonder ng about that.
Why ?
Co'z when you saw her earlier,
it's like as if you've seen a ghost.
No, I'm just really concerned for my brother.
I feel like,
marrying that g rl is a b g mistake
Why did you say that ?
That woman has a bad intention.
I can feel t.
You're making assumpt ons ?
Unless ...
Unless ?
Unless what you're saying has basis.
Of course.
My basis is she's a slut.
You know that, right ?
Since when did you become
d scriminating with sluts ?
I mean,
you still love them right ?
Where did that come from ?
You know,
I don't understand.
What's happening with people here ?
I don't know what's happen ng to you.
Let's just sleep.
The weather is hot.
It feels good to swim.
Come on.
Have you forgotten ?
Lift the arm ad lift the leg
That's it.
Up and down.
And up and down.
And up that's it.
Go dow, and up.
Add your arm ladies, ad lift.
Lower the arm,
lift the arm.
2, 3 one more, very nice.
And 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Arms up.
So you enrolled here, too.
Are you going somewhere after this ?
You're not going out with Chino ?
He's going somewhere.
Let's have lunch ?
I have errands to do.
I thought you're not going
anywhere after this.
Well, I just realized there is.
Do we have a problem here, sis ?
So ?
How's your sex with Chino ?
You know, first love never dies.
But for me,
first sex is the best.
Sammy loves you so much.
Your life now s great.
Why do you still have to do this ?
Don't tell me,
that you're chang ng your mind.
As for me,
I believe they're not ord nary people.
I'm afra d that what we're doing
m ght bounce back at us.
Don't be such a coward.
We planned his for a year, right ?
Why would you feel nervous now ?
Don't tell me
you're falling in-love with Chino.
Lani, everyone falls n love.
Everyone gets hurt.
Don't you think t's time to move on ?
You don't know what you're saying.
You don't knowithe hardships
I've been through.
Except for ...
I've been thinking
that everything's okay now.
We're okay.
We might fail on this.
Do you love him ?
How much pesticide
do you need
to get poisoned with that salad ?
What do you mean ?
Just make sure
that you're not ly ng.
Co'z if not,
your mouth might just get fizzy
with what you're eating.
We're sisters.
I'll do whatever you want me to do.
I'll support you.
Eat more.
Okay, this will really be the last.
Taste this.
That's good babe.
Wait, I'll do it.
Check f it tastes good.
Passed ?
You know honey, the reason why
I end all my meetings early
is because I go home with this goodness.
Please ?
Let's not ru n other people's appetite.
You know, Gwen ...
Please attend to my brother's needs.
He's too envious with me.
I am not envious, bro.
We were just raised up
to respect our food.
Am I disrespecting your food ?
What do you know ?
You don't have breeding, right ?
Stop t.
You look upon me so degradingly.
Why ?
Are you clean ?
Hon, it's okay.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
Let's eat.
It's alright.
I'm sorry, babe.
I just can't stand be ng in the same room
with that woman.
Chino, I need to tell you something.
I mean who the hell
does she think she is ?
Chino please.
Must unknowingly mess
with the Lee brothers
What do you mean by that ?
Women in our lives either end up on cloud 9,
the basement
or 6 feet under.
Aren't you over-reacting ?
I mean she seems okay.
Okay ?
What do you mean by okay ?
I had lunch with her.
We were talking this afternoon.
And what did she tell you ?
Well, she loves your brother
so give her a break.
Gwen, I'm going to say this once, okay ?
I don't want you see ng that woman.
Stay away from her.
What are you plann ng ?
What am I do ng to you ?
I rema n s lent,
and you're like a faggot
who comes up here and talk a lot.
You even dare to talk with Gwen.
Why ?
Is it forbidden
Don't you want her to know
that you enjoyed more with me
than with her.
You've got boring sex I fe with her, right ?
I love Gwen.
Stay away from her,
understand ?
Understand ?
Okay, you said it.
What will Gwen do,
if she sees us like this ?
Ma'am, you're looking for Sir chino ?
He went to the sauna room.
I'm done.
Now you can use t.
I don't know what to do now.
That's new.
The br ll ant chairman of the board,
doesn't know what to do ?
Ian and Chino
don't seem to get along well.
I feel like,
I need to choose between them.
Why do you have to choose ?
If you can make both of them happy.
How do I do that ?
Just give them what they want.
Like n video game,
You should handle the joystick.
How do I make
the two of them happy ?
What are their guilty pleasures ?
What are we doing here, bro ?
Are yous serious ?
Whichever ?
Whatever the price s ?
Your choice.
I know what's happening here.
You're gonna take this out of my trust fund,
aren't you ?
Just consider this as bonus.
Miss, what's this ?
It's the Volvo XC60
XC60 ?
Yes sir.
- Wow !
- Hurry up, before I change my mind.
I choose this one.
And here's the key, Sir
so you could try it.
All yours.
What's this ?
Just a show of love.
Beaut ful.
You're still lovelier.
Did you like it ?
Nice car.
Sorry, Lani.
My taste changes.
Oh come on, Chino.
The first time you saw me,
you got harder down there.
Lani ...
once I put spittle on it,
I don't like t anymore.
No, once you got your saliva on it
you don't givel it away ?
You are the first one
So you have the right.
I'll make you happy just like before.
You know, Lani,
women like you,
will just bring disease to me.
You know I love you, right ?
I wanna spend the rest
of my I fe with you.
Are you proposing to me ?
Gwen ...
will you marry me ?
Hey, what's wrong ?
Are you hav ng second thoughts ?
I just need to do something, Chino.
What s t ?
Chino ...
It's okay.
Of course, I'll marry you.
I just playing hard to get.
Yes, you'll marry me ?
You're gonna givel me a heart attack,
you know that ?.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Hold it,
I'll just lower down the heater
maybe it's too hot.
It's not the water that you feel.
But my heated up blood.
Lani ...
Do you love Chino already ?
You're getting married ?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.
You mean t's an accident ?
A person doesn't fall n love by acc dent.
Lani, Chino is a good person.
Whatever happened between
the two of you before
Forget about it.
Forgive him.
It happened already.
You had everything.
You were the one who got
a good like in America.
What about me ?
What ?
I got rotten in Angeles.
You left me there.
You owe me this one.
I didn't mean to leave you there.
I didn't wish to go to America
and leave you and Ma.
You're my sister.
I'm just doing this
because I want to help you.
But this is wrong already.
This is too much.
It isn't right.
We're sisters.
We're both stupid
when it comes to love.
But do you know our difference ?
I am just stupid.
You're a traitor.
If you'll continue your plan on Chino.
That plan,
I'm telling you,
I'll tell everything to him.
Are you threatening me ?
If you're telling me that you accidentally
fell in-love with Chino,
What if I tell you
that you acc dentally slipped
and drown in jacuzzi.
Be careful, sis.
This is my last.
You okay ?.
How's the wine ?
I know who's you are with.
She's familiar.
Hold it.
Aren't you Chino's friend ?
Yes, sir.
I've seen her before.
I just can't remember when ...
When was that ?
Seems like ...
Let him be co'z he's drunk
Hold it, bro.
She's my friend.
Sam, let's go ...
Ya, it's okay.
He's drunk.
- You're brother, dude.
- He's drunk.
He's Drunk,
Let him be.
I felt hum I ated.
Let me go.
That's Chino's girl.
Your brother has tasted her.
Mon !
Let's just talk outs de, bro.
Hold t, what happened ?
Mon was killed.
And they were told that your brother
was the one who killed him ...
What ?
What does my brother has to do with this ?
Mon was last seen drunk
in an event.
They were gossiping
that your brother had him killed.
What ?
Daniel, you know
that my brother won't do it.
I'll talk to Mon's loved ones.
Dude, maybe next time.
They're still sensitive right now.
Come on, I'll go with you.
Let's go out guys.
Bro ...
What do you know about Mon's death ?
What ?
Mon's family believes
that you asked someone to kill him.
Why would I do that ?
Because of Ian ?
Yes, I got mad ...
He showed rudeness to my wife.
But that's not a reason
to kill a person.
Can't you see it, bro ?
That woman brings bad luck to you.
People are dying.
And now you're a suspect ?
people can talk all they want.
But my conscience is clean.
And Lani isn't a jinx to me.
She's the best thing
that happened to me.
And no one can tear us apart.
Not even you.
Lani, let's talk.
We don't have anything to talk about.
Lani, be careful with sammy.
If he finds out everything,
it's going to be dangerous.
You're interested even with sammy ?
Yes, that's right, isn't it ?
You're greedy.
You want everything to be yours.
If Sammy finds out about your
plan of revenge against Chino,
you'll be damned.
He should be scared of me.
Even you.
Co'z I wouldn't let you
take away Chino.
I'll find a way
to get him from you.
Hi, Gwen.
We're going somewhere.
I'll follow you.
He's crazy over me.
Like how Chino
got crazy over me before.
Just wait.
I'll take him away from you.
What are we doing here ?
I think it's time.
Time ?
That we start a new family.
You mean, baby ?
We weren't thinking of a puppy.
Don't you want to enjoy
our company first ?
Just the two of us.
honey ...
you're still young.
I'm not.
I want to somehow
be capable of chasing our kids.
Not like I'm be ng assisted up walking.
I don't want to have one for now.
Why ?
I'm not yet ready.
What do you need to be ready ?
We're okay.
All we need is a child.
You're not the one
who's going to give birth ?
You're not the one
who'll get pregnant.
Hi, Sir.
Hi, Ma'am.
What are you looking for ?
We're talking,
don't butt in.
I'm sorry, sir.
What's up, man ?
Chino, how's it going ?
Hey, bro.
Hi, Gwen.
Dude, haven't you heard ?
There's already a suspect
in Mon's murder.
You're brother is off the hook.
Who killed Mon ?
It's a senseless killing.
An addict who picked on Mon.
He was a target for robbery.
Then he got into it.
Oh, babe.
I feel bad,
for assum ng that it was my brother.
You were so doubtful about him.
He's thinking too much.
That people has bad intentions.
That's why I don't know what s t
that you like about my friend.
I don't know, too.
Really ?
You're the one who's crazy about me.
What ?
It's you who's saying a lot of things.
Have you been here that long ?
We've been dancing
- Now we're just relaxig
"Chino, help me. Your brother will kill me."
Oh my god.
We should've been here early. We'll actually,
we got caught in heavy traffic going here ...
And then had to put some ...
Excuse me, babe.
You don't mind if I step out a bit ?
Why ?
My friend has an emergency.
I'll just go there.
Where ?
Bro, I'll take care of her.
I'll bring Gwen home.
- Are you sure ?
- I'll come back for you.
I'll take care of her.
I'll just go back.
It's okay.
Gwen, don't worry.
I'll take care of you.
Let's have one drink and then ...
Guys, cheers !
What are you doing there ?
What happened to you ?
Your brother hurt me.
Why ?
He wants to have a baby.
I told him that I'm not ready yet.
He got pissed off on me.
We argued.
He hurt me.
Hurt ?
You don't seem like you got hurt.
What's your drama ?
Oh my god.
Come on.
Get up, Lani.
Come on.
"Do you know what Chino's
doing with me right ow ?"
O, Gwen.
Can you drive me home ?
Come on.
Let's have some fun and dance.
Sorry, I have an emergency.
One drink, please.
Never mind,
I'll just take a cab.
Gwen, Chino told me
to take care of you.
He told me to bring you home.
"Chino, if you truly love lani,
I will not get in the way."
Hey, listen up.
I would like to propose a toast.
Okay ?
Baby, stand up.
To the best woman n the world ...
To the love of my life ...
Best cook ...
Best lover ...
My little brother !
You know my brother, ya ?
I love him so much, too.
I stood up as your parent
since you were a kid.
I'll do anything for you brother.
You're late.
Come on, p ck up, pick up.
Join us.
Bobby ...
Good friend Bobby.
Chino, Lani.
Take him upstairs.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, bro.
No, wait.
- Sammy let's go.
- That's enough
- Come on.
- Let's go Bro ...
Come on.
Where's Gwen ?
She's gone.
Why ?
She found out about us.
Mom ...
Since your new family
brought you to America,
Lani didn't stop finding some ways
to follow you there.
She sought the help of foundations
that might help locate your father.
But everything failed.
I was forb dden by the social worker
to communicate with you.
They told me that ...
it'll be better to focus on my new family
so I could easily adjust.
I'm sorry.
I understand you, dear.
I should be the one
who should ask for forgiveness.
I was forced to have you adopted.
I can't raise two kids at that time.
But Lani,
she didn't stop to reach her dream.
Spent her whole time
on the Internet.
Hoping to find a man
who will take her abroad.
I don't know with your sister.
Her weakness is a man.
Mom, I'm nervous for Lani.
She might get into deep trouble
wh le doing her revenge on Chino.
She lost her baby
because of Chino's brother.
Those rich people are animals.
They hit your sister like a cat.
Mom, hold it.
You mean Lani got pregnant.
Didn't she tell you ?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Gwen, I messed up.
I messed up big.
Look. I ...
I don't know where to start.
I don't know how to tell you
in a way that you
wouldn't get hurt.
I'll admit that Ian
and I has history.
And the reason why I know
she's one of them girls because
I used to mess around with her
a long, long time ago.
But I promise you,
It didn't mean anything, Gwen.
Babe, I'm really, really sorry
for my ndiscretion with her
I know and you witness it.
If you have done
something wrong,
I've got a b gger
m stake than you.
No, babe,
you didn't do anything wrong.
This is all me.
I know what you're talking about.
I know it because she's my sister.
Sister ?
Hold on.
Gwen, what are you saying ?
Chino, we're not just sisters.
We're the best of friends.
We lost touch until a year ago.
A year ago.
I got a call from her,
she told me,
she wants to get back to the man
who cheated on her.
I felt bad for her.
I thought that maybe
it's the only way to make it up to her.
So I looked for you.
The plan is ...
to make you fall n love with me.
And then after that,
I'll hurt you.
But ...
But I fell in love with you.
Your sister s mad at me.
Why did she marry my brother ?
Because she got pregnant before,
didn't you know that ?
You are the father,
And your brother is the reason why ...
I got Lani pregnant ?
You didn't know ?
Your brother was the reason
why she lost the baby.
Rise and shine.
What time is it ?
Pack up your things.
Why ?
We're hav ng our second honeymoon
You, me,
just the trees and cr ckets.
No cellphone, no internet,
no one will disturb us.
Why do we have to go far ?
For us not to be stressed.
So we could have a good vacation.
Sammy started with foul words.
He would call me all sorts of names.
Until he slaps me sometimes.
It depends on his moods.
If he has good mood,
it would be rough sex.
If he's in bad mood,
he becomes a sadist.
He taught me how to use coca ne.
He sells me to his friends.
I got hooked up with drugs.
That's my only way to escape
with what I'm going through.
I want to d e a couple of times.
He would chain me.
Piss on my face.
That's why when Papa died,
I know he was the one
who called PDEA to arrest me.
Because he doesn't want anyone
to partake the inher tance.
Lani is with sammy right now.
I'm worried.
He takes me to an isolated place.
Along with other girls
who taste his sadism.
A hidden place where ...
No one can hear us.
And no one will witness.
This is nice, right ?
It's just that it's too hidden.
Even if we scream here,
no one will hear us.
What if we're too late ?
Honey ?
Let's go downstairs.
Okay, I'll follow.
You really think I didn't know that you and your
sister are making fool of me and my brother.
Do you think I'm stupid ?
I refused to accept
what I saw.
But I started ...
To open
my eyes and ears.
He should be scared of me.
You should, too.
Co'z I wouldn't let you
take Chino away from me.
I'll do everything to get him from you.
Until I saw with my very own eyes.
Damn you.
You are the only woman I loved.
Do you know that ?
How does my brother
make out with you ?
Like this ?
Like this ?
Who's better ?
Him or me ?
Who ?
Sammy, that's enough.
How does he kiss you ?
How does he kiss you ?
Sammy, that's enough.
Lani !
Lani, what happened to you ?
Your brother !
He's hurting me !
Where is he ?
He's inside the house.
Bro !
Bro, I know now everything.
Bro, let's talk.
Bro !
Bro don't do this.
This is all my fault.
Don't ruin your life
because of me.
Bro !
Chino !
What are you doing ?
I'm glad you came, bro.
Did you know that these sisters
have been making a fool out of us ?
Don't tell me you came here for her.
To save this whore.
I came for you.
Why are you doing this ?
This is enough.
This is wrong.
Don't do this.
You know,
since you were a kid
I promised mom,
that I'd take care of you.
That's why I'm tell ng you.
No one can get
between the two of us.
I know that, bro.
But what you're doing sn't right ...
It isn't really right !
Co'z I wouldn't let
that these two will get between us.
That's why they should get out of our way.
Gwen !
Bro !
Enough !
I told you,
it's enough.
Chino, let me go.
Don't do this, bro.
Gwen !
Bro !
Gwen !
That's enough !
Don't interfere !
Enough !
Wherefore, the decision promulgated
on the 24th of October, 2012
is reversed and set aside
for insuffiency of evidence.
And the accused appellant,
Joaquin Lee,
is acquited of the crime of murder.
Joaqui Lee is hereby directed to be released
from confiement.
Unless there is aother lawful
cause warrating further detetion.
So ordered.
Congrats, bro.
Good job.
Let's go home.
I am home.
What is your purpose
for coming to America ?
Just a vacation.
Vacation ?
Why did you choose America
for your vacat on ?
Co'z I wanted to see everything there.
I'll require your birth certificate
and then your passport.
We'll send you, your visa by mail next week.
Have a nice day.