Trouble (2024) Movie Script

Please be quiet.
You'll wait here.
Then I'll text you
to bring in the rest of the stuff.
Aight. Capisce.
I'm in position.
What's this?
-One kilogram? We said 30.
We have 'em, but give us the money first.
Yes, we're standing
outside restaurant Bamboo Bamboo.
We can confirm
that the suspects are located inside.
Unit A, you go left.
Unit B, take the back entrance.
Copy that.
Door code?
Left, left, left!
Okay, guys. You know the drill.
Go in and grab 'em,
and then drinks at the bar are on me.
Well, is it true
What they say about it?
They say it's new
But I had to doubt it
And they tell you everything about it
Good. I'll call in the stuff.
Gun! Gun! Gun!
-What the hell's...
Return fire!
No. Fuck!
-Attacker disarmed. Advancing.
Drop your weapons!
Excessive force authorized!
Hit in the vest. I'm fine.
Let's take them down!
On the floor! Get on the floor right now!
-Hands over your head!
-Shut up!
-The drugs?
-Shut up!
There's a lot missing.
Where the hell's the rest?
Hey, hey. Take it easy. Okay, okay.
Relax, okay? Okay. Wait.
Take it. Take the stuff. Don't shoot.
Oh shit.
Ladies and gentlemen,
once again, this is
Captain Conny Rundkvist from flight deck.
As you can see out the window,
we are approaching Stockholm,
Arlanda, any minute now.
And we hope you have enjoyed flying
with us today and hope to see you soon.
Thank you.
Too low terrain.
-What terrain?
-Too low terrain.
-Too low terrain.
-Pull up.
-Jeez, I am pulling up.
-Pull up.
-But I am pulling up.
-Pull up.
-I'm doing it, dammit.
I'm doing it, and nothing's happening.
-Ah, fuck.
-You have crashed.
You have fucked it up. Stupid fuck.
-What are you doing?
-Well, I'm just... crashing a bit.
How about you put your shoes on, sweetie?
-All right.
Crappy game.
Okay, perfect. You're ready.
We have to go to Mom's and Tomas's now.
Uh, what? No, we're going
to school right now.
Yeah, I know, but I forgot my gym clothes,
and we have gym class today.
Are you serious? I mean, it's okay.
That's good. It'll be fine.
Okay, let's go.
-Your birthday soon.
Is there anything special you would like?
Uh... maybe a rock.
-A rock?
But... you know I can afford
to buy more than a rock.
Yes, but a rock would be enough.
Okay. For real, what are you hoping for
on your birthday?
You'll just tell me...
Come on, you don't know
what I'll tell you.
-Tell me now. C'mon.
-Okay, then.
-A horse.
-A horse? Nah.
It's a... uh, a big thing, right?
To own a horse, you know?
Owning a horse is not an easy task.
We'll see how...
We'll figure it out.
-Hi, dear.
She needs to pick up her gym bag.
Look, would it be okay
if we picked up Julia tonight?
-Oh? Um...
-We're visiting Tomas's mom.
There's a horse farm nearby,
and Julia would really like
to try one out.
Right, right. But it'd be more convenient
if you could pick her up tomorrow.
-Like we decided.
Hi, Conny. How you doin'?
-You look tired, honey.
Toronto, Arlanda, you know.
-Well, it's my job, so...
Uh, we can't take Julia tonight, babe.
-Get out. That's too bad.
There's a horse farm close to Mom's place.
It's really not far from here.
-Right. I heard. It's unfortunate.
It's just a matter of bad timing.
Julia loves horses.
She would love to get out...
-What would I love?
-We're not loving anything now.
-Let's just get to the car. Come on.
See you tomorrow.
What are you doing?
Oh, Daddy's just kiddin' around.
-You want more work?
-Yes, please.
Working extra shifts and things like that.
I could use some extra cash.
Online casino?
What? No.
No, no. No. I'm thinking
about getting some riding lessons.
I get it. "Riding lessons."
Riding lessons. For my daughter.
Sure thing. "Daught-er."
-Yeah, my daught-er.
I'll see what I can do.
Don't forget to front the air fries.
Oh. Air fryers.
-I think they're called "air fryers."
Uh, never mind. Mm.
-They need to be fronted.
I'mma work it out
I'mma work it out
Excuse me, do you know
if there are any employees around?
-Well, I do. Hold on. I think that Ali...
-Yeah, he was here.
And then he said,
"I'll be back in just a second."
-I guess he got lost.
-Think that I should call the police?
-No, you shouldn't have to do that.
What type of nitwits work in this place?
Well, yeah.
I'll go with these ones.
They're probably the best anyway.
Uh, um... could I give you
some quick advice?
-Those are much, much better.
Or so I'm told.
They have, uh, noise cancellation.
I actually use them myself, and...
Can't hear you. Sorry.
I said I use them myself,
and they work great.
Ah. Maybe you should be working here.
Nah, that'd be awful.
-I called your name.
-Really? How weird. I didn't hear you.
-I got you some extra hours.
-A delivery. Now.
-Uh... I'll go with this pair, then.
Did he help you?
-Yes. He was the best.
-Um, yeah.
A 50-incher,
including installation and calibration.
-Wow. You were fast.
I need to leave soon, but...
Yeah. Okay. No worries.
I could've done it myself,
but the calibration...
-That seemed a bit tricky.
Right. You mean it isn't?
Uh, not really, but I'm here now, so...
All right. There we go.
Let's see.
DM Tech.
Yeah. Somewhat embarrassing.
Actually, it is a little bit.
-Ooga-chaka, ooga-ooga
-Yeah, okay.
Everything's all right
I'm high on believin'
Uh, excuse me, sir? I need to get going.
That you're in love with me
-Excuse me, sir? Hello?
-I can tell you this!
You won't miss your old TV! That's for...
Oh, sorry.
I... I didn't see you standing there.
No. I was sneakin' around.
No, I wasn't. It is what it is.
-Almost done?
-Yeah, almost.
Now you'll get
a, uh, totally different TV experience.
-I mean, it's 4K and Dolby Atmos.
And, uh, another cool thing about it
is that you can pair it
to your cell phone, for example,
your phone or another device.
And then you can use a screensaver.
-Show a gallery.
-Yeah, if you wanted to.
-That's great. Look, I need to get going.
But I'll be back in a half an hour.
Mm-hmm. Okay.
So you'll be staying here, then?
By yourself.
-I'm trusting you, okay?
All the good love
When we're all alone
A really crazy thing happened
on my way here.
Got a bug from you, girl
But I don't need no cure
I just stay a victim
If I can, for sure
All the good love
When we're all alone
Keep it up, girl
Yeah, you turn me on
I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me
What the...
My phone.
Your phone?
No! No!
Oh. Uh, it's you.
What are you doing here?
Uh, I work here.
What are you doing here?
Uh, I think they want
to ask me a few questions.
All right. Let's take a look at this.
-Hey, you just took my...
-Your what?
My chair.
Interrogation with Conny Rundkvist.
Present are myself, Helena Malm,
Officer Diana Wilson, and Jorma Heikkonen.
It's Finnish.
Well, in fact, so is Heikkonen, but...
Uh, I, uh...
I went to that lady's house.
I was there to set up a TV.
And, uh... then she...
She had to leave,
but I stayed to finish,
uh... the installation.
Then I needed some tools
and walked to the kitchen.
All of a sudden,
I saw this man lying there,
and he said something about a phone.
And at that very moment,
I heard a noise that was coming toward me.
So I grabbed a screwdriver.
I know that was dumb,
of course, but I was scared shitless.
So then, I just...
Oh, good.
Sorry to interrupt. I need to talk to, uh...
my client,
Conny Rundkvist.
Now, please.
I've been assigned
to represent you as your legal counsel.
Or you've been assigned to me. Yeah.
Well, no, actually, I'm assigned to you.
Do you understand?
-Yeah, exactly. I am...
-Is this kind of case common for you?
-What's that?
Do you have any prior experience
with cases like this one?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
-Yeah. Absolutely.
-Mm. Sounds good.
You're innocent, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
Of course you are.
-No, it doesn't matter.
I, uh... I do the same job regardless.
-So weird.
I met him yesterday after work.
I was buying headphones.
He works at Elgiganten.
I didn't get the impression
that he was going to kill someone
with a screwdriver an hour later.
You didn't "get the impression"?
No, he seemed so... nice.
What do you think happened?
-Here's what I think. Conny shows up.
Mimmi opens.
Mimmi has to go,
so he decides to steal some stuff.
But her husband comes home,
and he's caught while rummaging around.
Yeah, or... or... he...
I mean...
Yeah. No. Or, yeah. Maybe.
-All right, they have to be done in there.
-Could be. Yeah. Who knows?
But I don't get it.
Can I go home now, or what?
Um, no...
But it's all gonna be okay.
-I assure you.
-Right on. Good. That's good.
The District Court
finds Conny Rundkvist
guilty of the murder of Luka Stojkovic.
The person convicted of murder
will be transported to and housed
at Grnges Prison.
Sign here.
It's your first time?
Move it, Conny.
Some advice.
Go right for the apple.
-The apple?
-Come on.
Since the offense is
considered extremely aggravated...
...the sentence will be 18 years in prison.
Are you gonna stand there
all day?
I know you've used it.
-What do you mean? I used nothing.
You need to listen to me!
Come on! Hit him!
Make him hurt!
Come on!
Hey, hey.
-Fuck him up!
-Come on!
Musse, stop that! Come on.
Who did this?
Nobody talk.
Who did this?
The party's over!
A, um... a fork was stabbed into my hand.
I'm not entirely sure if...
What should I do about this.
Okay, sit down.
I'm so happy to see you.
Oh, thanks.
Right, so Tomas is
in this picture as well.
You wanted a paper photo.
It's not like we have
tons of those at home.
Um, Julia, sweetie.
I will be getting out really soon.
Because I haven't done
anything wrong. Okay?
-So I shouldn't be in prison, right?
My lawyer, Hasse,
is working on, uh, an appeal. So...
That means we'll see each other again
very soon, sweetie.
Is that true?
I promise.
-This is where you'll be working.
-Mm-hmm. Okay.
Two-two to the gym.
Fight in progress.
-I'll be right back. You stay here.
Yes, I'll be there in two. Hold on.
-What were you thinking?
-But he used the tunnel.
-Yeah. And what's the tunnel for?
-We're getting out.
Exactly. And then?
We're going to Venezuela.
How will we do that?
Well, with the plane Camilla arranged.
And who will fly the plane?
Uh, Sam.
Where is Sam?
-In the infirmary.
-Yeah. And why is that?
Because he's stupid.
No, Musse!
You beat the crap out of him.
Yeah, because he's stupid.
So I beat him up.
-He uses the tunnel to meet some chick.
-We're leaving in three days, Musse.
How do you think
we're gonna leave the country now?
-We'll solve...
-Shh! You'll take care of it.
How the hell am I going to fix it?
It's not like I can take back
my beating him up.
You'll take care of this,
or you stay here in prison! Understood?
Conny, have a seat.
The appeal didn't go through.
I have done my best,
and I'm sorry if I, uh,
perhaps gave you false hope somehow.
Hi there.
But unfortunately, life can be unfair
as hell sometimes.
Uh, I can't believe this. I...
I mean, there was someone else
in that house. I was knocked out.
Knocked out. Exactly.
And that man must have been murdered
for a reason.
A reason, yeah.
And Luka talked about a phone.
-The phone. Right. You mentioned that.
-I'm curious if his phone has been found.
It hasn't.
No, but...
Could... could we make another appeal
if his phone turned up?
-Would it be possible?
-Yeah, but we don't have it.
I know,
but is anyone looking for his phone?
The police conducted
a thorough investigation of the scene.
-But no phone has been found.
-What about you?
-You been looking for it?
You're supposed to be helping me.
No. Or, sure,
I'm supposed to... I...
I do, but, Jesus, Conny.
Time will pass quickly.
You've, uh... got a job. Right?
What did they give you? Laundry?
It's fine. You did nothing wrong.
I understand.
You only did your job.
Let's leave it at that.
Where are you going?
I thought it was my job
to work in the laundry.
First shift starts
at one in the afternoon.
Okay, so no one is
in the laundry room until 1:00 p.m.?
Was I unclear, or what?
You weren't. Not at all, sir.
You were very intelligible.
Okay, let's see.
Does this go straight down?
Line 12 to keshov
departs in four minutes.
You didn't see anything.
-I didn't?
-You didn't. Um...
It's important
to avoid being on the tracks.
You can hang your coat there.
-I'll put on some coffee.
-Please do.
What the hell?
Did you order a layer cake?
Everything is in the fridge.
What did you say?
In the fridge!
Wait! Listen to me.
Ow! Wait, I'm innoc...
Please let me explain.
I'm just trying.
Please. Don't hit me anymore
because it really...
-I didn't kill your husband.
-How the fuck did you get here?
Listen to me now. I also want
to find your husband's murderer.
The real murderer, I mean.
The one who actually did it.
And that is why I came back.
Uh, I've had a closer look
at the Luka case.
-Mm. Listen.
If Conny Rundkvist did not,
in fact, murder Luka Stojkovic,
then someone else must have done it.
-Yeah. That makes sense.
Yeah. And that got me thinking,
why would anyone want to murder Luka?
The last thing he said to me
was something about his phone.
And that's why the murderer was there.
The murderer was looking
for your husband's phone.
-Don't lie!
-No, no.
Okay. You have to listen
to me and believe me.
There is something on his phone,
and that's why he was murdered.
Look. I investigated him further.
Fifty-three years old. Married.
He worked near Bamboo Bamboo.
-Bamboo Bamboo.
You know, the... the place
where we busted the cocaine crew.
But I can't see
where the tip-off came from.
Do you know where?
-No, but I can look into it.
-What are you up to?
-Hi. We were just chatting.
Good work, Diana.
This is my last chance.
Do you have his phone?
No, it's gone. No one knows where it is.
If you find it, you can call me on this.
I just took the cake
from the refrigerator.
Okay. Great.
Who are you?
I'm here now because...
It's you.
He's the one who murdered Luka!
-He's not. This is Marko.
Luka's cousin.
The one who lives in... Australia?
Exactly. I flew, um...
You know.
Oh, Marko!
-It's so good to see you.
-You too. You too.
Older lady.
-Wonderful. What a surprise.
Let's go make some more coffee, Sonja.
-He lives in Australia.
-That's home.
He's travelled far.
-Yeah. Well, then...
How can I trust that you...
What the...?
-Did you think that was smart?
You used the tunnel.
-Okay. Listen to me. I'm new to prison.
-You listen, all right?
-You'll go for a spin.
-What? No, no. Wait.
-Stop, stop, stop.
-I'll fucking kill you.
No, no, no. Wait, wait.
Don't do that!
I'll fucking teach you
not to spy on people! Got it?
Hey. Hey there.
-What are you doing here?
-I... I'm... acting out.
You shouldn't be here.
You have therapy now.
I'm comin'.
Now! Come on.
Stop the machine!
Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Oh, boss.
I'm goin' in.
Thanks for the reminder.
-Uh, Norinder.
-What's going on?
What's going on? Nothing's going on.
-You seem nervous.
-What? No. Uh...
-I don't think I'm nervous.
You know, we should keep a low profile.
Don't do anything stupid
that could result in relocation.
Whose is that?
I don't know. The new guy's.
What the hell are you doing?
Is this you?
Well, I'm afraid so.
He doesn't really strike me
as a pilot, you know?
Well, you can't just judge him
based on his looks.
-Do I look like a criminal?
Okay, that was a bad example.
But that guy is a pilot.
-Why is he soaking wet?
-How the hell should I know?
You've probably read
about the Farsta robbery.
One hundred million in cash.
-Hang on. It does sound familiar.
-Oh shit. That was you guys?
-It was.
The plan is to meet my girlfriend
in Arlanda.
She can set up a private jet.
Fuck, that's smart.
Yeah. She's fuckin' brilliant.
-We're leaving on Thursday.
No problem. That could definitely work.
You good?
-Hi. This is Ayla.
-Hi. It's Conny. Is... is Julia there?
-Hi. What number are you calling from?
-Is Julia there?
I just want to congratulate her. Please.
Julia? Come here.
Uh, hi.
Happy birthday to Julia
-Oh, Daddy!
-I'd love to sing for you now.
But guess what.
You're not allowed to sing in here.
That's weird.
It's really weird, but that's how it is.
Did you get any gifts yet?
Yeah. All kinds of things.
Right. What did you get?
-I have to go now.
-But wait, sweetie. Are you there?
-Has something happened?
Nothing. Uh...
-We're just about to leave, so...
-Right. Okay. Where are you guys going?
We, uh... We're going to see Julia's horse.
Right. Come again? What?
Yeah, Conny... she got a small horse.
From us. Me and Tomas.
She got a horse?
-The fu...
-Don't, Conny.
-But why didn't she say anything to me?
-We really have to go.
-No, come on.
Wait. Hello?
Time for breakfast!
It's breakfast time now.
Yep. Is it... now?
-Yeah. Come on.
Helena Malm.
Could we have a talk? It won't take long.
-Of course.
I have some news for you.
-Dating show, huh?
-It's important to move forward.
-Please join the group.
No, I mean,
I just have something on because...
Uh, it's just something
to keep me company.
How's the investigation going?
Are there any new developments, or...?
-No, I'm afraid the case is closed.
We just want to follow up.
It's so easy to.
Yeah, what can I say?
People who were close
to the victims are often forgotten.
So, how are you?
I'm fine. Well,
"fine" isn't the right word.
The funeral was beautiful.
I'm sure it was.
-So that's good.
It's... a tough process, I know.
Yes, well, there is actually one thing
I'm curious about.
Luka's cell phone.
Have you found it, by any chance?
I'm sorry. What did you say?
Have you found Luka's cell phone?
-What's going on?
-No. Uh, nothing's going on.
Uh... no, I haven't found his phone yet.
And you've been here,
looking for it yourselves.
Why do you need it?
It's important for the investigation.
Which is closed.
Take care of yourself.
You as well.
This is Jorma.
This is Helena speaking.
I need to wiretap a phone, pronto.
On whom?
I'll take care of it.
-What's goin' on?
-Yeah, what's really goin' on?
-Everything okay?
I have..... to pee.
-Ayla, you can't call me on this number.
It's Mimmi.
I found Luka's cell phone.
I know who the killer is
and why Luka was killed.
I mean, the whole thing is crazy.
Something's happened.
What's up?
Where is Conny?
A police officer?
-What police officer?
-Her name is Helena Malm.
Find him now, and come to my cell.
She came to my house.
I can't keep the video at home.
What do I do?
I'll take it. I'll take it,
so you and I need to meet up.
Uh, somewhere with a lot of people.
Um, outside Gallerian.
-I don't know exactly when I can...
-What do you mean, now?
-Lock the door if you want privacy.
Sorry, I didn't mean to...
What the hell you doin' down here?
What do you think I'm doing?
I'm doing some laundry.
Norinder wants to talk to you.
-Come on.
In ten minutes, we're leaving here.
We're getting out of this shithole.
Hang on a second. Didn't you say Thursday?
"Didn't you say Thursday?"
We got an earlier slot at the airport.
We have to act quickly.
We'll need to set off the fire alarm.
Luckily, it's opposite
Snitch Petter's cell.
-And he's going to snitch on us.
-That's guaranteed. No doubt.
Hey! Hello! Norinder did it!
Guards, Norinder set it off...
That's your cue.
We'll change clothes in the tunnel.
-What the hell?
One phone is fucking missing.
That's weird, but...
isn't it in the bag over there?
There will be a car waiting
in the parking lot.
Conny, you'll drive.
I'll drive?
Yeah, you're the driver.
-I mean, sure. I can drive.
In the car,
we'll find everything we need.
What do we need?
Let's go!
We'll drive straight to Arlanda,
where my girlfriend,
Camilla, will be waiting for us.
Hey. So, Mimmi Stojkovic made a call
to a prepaid phone number.
-What? How long ago?
-Half an hour.
-Half an hour, and you're telling me now?
-Well, you know.
It took a long time
because of the intranet.
We've had problems with it. You know that?
I ask for one thing.
How hard could it be? Get out of my way!
Excuse me! Move!
-Has something happened?
She seemed... pretty angry.
No, it's fine. She likes me.
She came to my house.
I mean, I can't keep the video at home.
What do I do?
I'll take it,
so you and I need to meet up.
Uh, somewhere
with a lot of people.
Um... outside Gallerian. Now.
-We'll solve it.
-They won't recognize us in Venezuela?
That guy Franzn,
he shaved his eyebrows off.
You couldn't recognize him.
I swear it's the best way
to change your appearance.
Or acid all over the face.
Doesn't that change
your appearance permanently?
-Where are you going?
-You should have made a turn there.
I thought you guys wanted to stop.
We're not stopping.
We need to act quickly.
We're fucking going
to Arlanda, you bastard.
I thought we'd take a break.
I'll lap the traffic circle.
-Are you stupid?
-Why the hell did you do that?
-Can't you drive?!
You see? He came from nowhere.
What was I supposed to do?
-Back the fuck up!
-I can't. It's stuck. I can't. It's stuck.
-Back it up!
-It's fucking stuck!
-Conny, back up!
-I'm going out to look!
What the hell?
-Jesus Christ, man. Can't you drive?
-I was standing still, you jerk.
-Why were you standing still here?
-Okay. Calm down.
Let's sort this out.
I'm sure you were both at fault. Okay?
The police will have to decide.
-No, no police.
-Put that away.
-What the hell are you doing?
-There was no more damage to...
-Hey, guys. What's wrong here?
-Nothing is wrong.
-Put that away too.
-What's wrong with you?
You got a problem with phones?
What the hell, man?
-Want me to smack you? Do you? Huh?
-Well, if we had a jack or a...
-What did you say?
Uh, I can actually buy
a new one. It's fine.
Musse, for fuck's sake.
Get in the car.
-The insurance will cover this, so...
We have to be in Jnker
in three hours. Let's get going.
-You're innocent.
-I know.
-Do you have the cell phone?
-Yeah, sure.
This is ludicrous.
-Because the video popped up on the TV.
And Helena was sitting
across from me when I saw this.
Hold on. I'll show you. This is so awful.
What? No!
Ugh! It's dead.
-I didn't have time to charge it.
-It happens all the time.
Anyway, it's Helena.
We see her beating up a guy.
And then we see her,
I think, taking his drugs.
And then she looks up,
and she sees Luka filming.
She walks toward him,
and that's the last thing you see.
Okay. Listen, Mimmi.
You need to be careful. You have to go.
I know. I'm not staying here.
You can't go to the police
with that. You understand, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Out of the way!
What the hell?
Yeah, I'll bring it to my lawyer.
That's good. Okay. Good luck!
What the hell are you doing?
-Excuse me!
-Watch where you're going!
Watch out!
Go! Hurry up.
Police! Stop!
What the hell?
Get back here!
What is going on?
Get in! Drive!
Where the fuck did you go?
When I told you that I was going
to go look for a jack,
I thought I was clear about what I meant.
Shut the fuck up!
Both of you idiots!
There are 55 minutes left on the slot.
So I don't want
to hear another word.
What the hell?
I'm watching you. Shut up!
I had a client who said,
"I want the world's best defender."
Then I said, almost without thinking,
uh, "I believe Paolo Maldini is busy,
but I'd consider taking the case."
And, well, Paolo doesn't deal
with robbery-homicide, but instead...
...with, uh... football.
And that, uh...
...uh, is a fun sport.
Listen, guys, we have to interrupt this.
But, uh, you know,
we'll, uh... take care of this.
What are you up to?
Give me that cell phone.
-What do you mean, why?
Give me the phone! Give it to me!
You're right. It might be tracked.
He's fucking up to something!
Well, I'll be damned.
-Is this you? Did you text the police?
-Why would I do that?
-Don't do this!
What the fuck
was I supposed to do?!
For starters, not shoot at the police!
-You want us to get busted, then? Jesus.
-Make sure that moron shuts up!
I can't hear anything now!
All units.
Escaped inmate Conrad Rundkvist
from the Grnges Prison,
on route north in a Chevy van.
I need to be picked up.
Should I get her right away?
They were spotted
on the exit towards Arlanda.
Fuck, I've missed you.
I've missed... those.
I'm just kidding.
Why are you so damn late?
Well, ask this bastard.
Are you the person in charge of flying?
You know, I am, although...
it depends a little on that side wind,
but, yeah, that's the plan.
Let's go.
Fuck me.
Come on. Hop in and drive.
-Come on.
Thanks. No receipt.
You know how to do this?
You know what you're doing?
Yeah, of course.
All right. Please go back in
and put on your seat belt.
I'm watching you.
Abort takeoff. Sierra Echo...
Why are we moving so slowly?
Leave the runway immediately.
Do you read me?
These are just some normal takeoff sounds.
We'll be in the air shortly.
Ah, shit!
He ditched us!
He ditched us!
Report back to me
as soon as you see Conny.
-Cover the diagonal.
-Got it.
And you two, stay outside.
Uh, I'll just follow her.
I'll go get us a damn pilot.
This is
a public service announcement.
If you see something, say something.
Excuse me.
I think he wants to talk to you.
I found it. I got evidence. I've found...
You've passed security checkpoints.
I can't hear you, Conny.
-I can't...
-Read my lips.
She's a cop, and I have evidence!
-You got that?
-I hear nada.
No... no, wait!
I... I'm coming to you.
Oh. Yeah, yeah. I'll...
Good. Stay there. Good.
I trusted you,
and you betrayed me, you scumbag.
You were like a brother to me.
-Police! Down!
-Police! Hands up!
On the ground. Now.
-Lie down!
-Get down!
-Your hands!
Don't move!
There he is!
Run after him, dammit!
Come on!
-Let's go!
Rundkvist! Stop!
Stop! We'll shoot!
I have visual!
God damn it!
Out of the way!
Let us through. Watch out! To your right.
Coming through.
Good afternoon, passengers.
This is a pre-boarding announcement
for flight...
That didn't go very well, huh?
No, it didn't.
The apple...
Tomas, take this.
Hold it and point it at him. Come on.
-What does he have?
-He has a gun.
Don't move!
-Oh, Jesus.
Why the hell did you buy her a horse, man?
-I'm the one who should have...
Damn it.
Hasse! Hasse!
-Stop right there!
-Okay, wait. Calm down.
-I have a phone in my pocket.
-He's got a weapon!
-Please wait.
Should I...
You're a fuckin' piece of shit.
-Whatever you say.
All is well. No worries.
-My phone.
My phone.
I don't understand. What do you mean?
-Everything is on there.
-Conny? You hear me?
Uh, that guy, Conny...
-He's in surgery now. He'll make it.
-Okay. Good.
-I thought I'd go and speak to him.
-What for?
Something is not right here.
Just after he'd been shot,
he told me to check his phone.
But I couldn't find a phone on him.
What happened to it?
Okay. Check this out.
I looked at...
Look. Read this.
Luka was working
in the same building as Bamboo Bamboo.
You know, the cocaine bust
where only one kilo was found.
But we found the computer
used to transfer the money.
Forty million Swedish crowns
in Bitcoin for a kilo.
What does a kilo cost on the street?
-One million.
-One and a half.
-One and a half. Yeah.
But we've seen this type of thing before.
That was... Helsingborg last year.
A major bust.
Lots of money, but barely any drugs.
Yes. These things happen.
I think that Luka
must've taken the cocaine,
and that's why he was murdered.
No, Diana, Diana...
I understand that this
is a highly intriguing case
and you have numerous theories.
Sir, can I interrogate him?
-Um, you can't. The case is closed.
-But... okay.
Why was his lawyer
at the airport when we got there?
It can't be a coincidence.
Does it make sense...
-You're not interrogating him.
-Mm. That's how it is.
Okay, I understand.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
-Where are my clothes?
-They're in the closet.
Is my phone in there as well?
No, sorry.
Are you totally sure about that?
Yeah, I'll take care of it.
I'm on my way to the hospital.
Now I'm going to give you some morphine.
There you go.
-Hi, sweetie.
-Hi, Daddy.
Hi, my loveliest sweetheart
on earth.
I'm gonna tell you something now.
Something really important.
You know that I told you
about the appeal my lawyer was working on
for a new trial, right?
Well, the appeal was denied, regrettably.
So that means you'll stay in prison?
Yes. For a bit longer, I'm afraid.
My God, you'll be...
What will you name the horse?
I'm sorry.
I don't think we'll keep it.
It's, like, very difficult
to take care of a horse.
Why do you say it's difficult?
I don't want you to be sad.
I don't want you to be angry with Tomas.
-Uh, no, you definitely can't be in here.
-But she's my daughter.
It doesn't matter.
-Look, it's snowing!
-That's nice.
-Do you want to go get a snack?
How long will he be in prison?
I'm going
to give you some more. So...
It'll be a restful night for you.
There you go.
Hello, this is Ruben from Ward 85.
Hi, my name is Kerstin,
and I'm with the police.
Yes. What can I do for you?
I've been trying to contact our colleague
who is currently with you at the ward.
Do you know, uh... his name? I can't recall.
-Oh yeah. You mean Linus.
-Yes. That's it.
Hang on a sec.
-Thank you.
-Yes, hello, my name is Kerstin... Kleve.
-I have received your application.
Am I not speaking with Linus Hammar?
Ottosson. My name is Linus Ottosson.
Well, that's also a nice name.
... and a carnivore diet.
Have you seen this?
-So, you wanna build a closet...
-Uh, yeah.
Let's go!
Can't you see it's green?
All right.
Well, what can be said about this?
To tell you the truth,
this is far from enjoyable
for anyone involved.
It was really not supposed
to turn out like this.
This, with the crayfish party.
This one is so funny.
-I keep watching it.
-Yeah, I think I've seen it.
-Hey. Hi.
-Uh... Conrad Rundkvist?
-Yeah, room 5.
You happened to be the wrong person
in the wrong place at the wrong time.
What are you doing?
"You have to interrogate him."
And I was like,
"Ugh, do I have to?"
And they were like, "Go!"
It's over here, right?
Um... I don't know
if you remember me. Diana.
Um... someone might have talked
to you already.
I have questions
about what went down at the airport.
You told me to check your phone.
I'm innocent.
Harrison Ford.
In that movie. Uh, what is it called?
-But you didn't have a phone on you.
-Indiana Jones.
But my question is, what was
on the phone that you wanted me to see?
And where did it vanish? You were there.
Helena shot you in the shoulder.
Are you the one who killed Luka?
Do you know who was responsible
for Luka's death?
God. They didn't skimp
on the morphine, that's for sure.
I'll come back another day.
Thanks so much.
Oh my God.
That should be placed...
But what is...
"Sodium cyanide"?
Is there someone in here?
-He's really funny in this. Really.
Did I get your weapon too?
You're sick, Helena.
-Why did you shoot me, Diana?
-What? What are you talking about?
This will be a little bit unpleasant.
What the hell was that?
And now we get
to the horrible part, Diana.
I shoot you in self-defense
with your service pistol.
My service pistol?
With my pistol.
Helena. Please.
-Drop the gun!
-Good thing you came. Arrest her.
I'm a police officer.
Then drop... Then drop the weapons!
I'm a police officer, okay?
She tried to kill him,
and she shot herself with my gun.
She was about to shoot me when you came.
Tell me you can hear
how crazy that sounds.
-Arrest her. Come on.
-Let's just try...
That's an order!
She has two guns pointed at me.
What are you waiting for? Just act!
I'm sorry, but I need to...
-What the hell did you just do?
-What did you just do, Diana?
-What are you saying?
It was you.
You just shot another police officer.
-With your weapon. So...
-You've completely lost it.
I'll have to shoot...
-What is it?
-What happens now?
-We need to get out.
Wait. This is a terrible idea!
Oh my God.
-Oh. Oh boy.
-Are you all right?
-Conny, you okay?
-Get up. Come on. Hurry!
-I can't feel my feet.
Come back!
I never would have thought
she'd do something like this.
No, me neither. Never. I mean, why?
Oh God. Right?
You know what?
She told us they had met in private.
Before we arrested him.
All units, be advised
to be on high alert for the individuals
identified as Conrad Rundkvist
and police officer Diana Wilson.
-They are armed and dangerous...
-You shut up!
There he is! Go! Go! Go!
-Watch your driving.
-Do you want to drive, huh, morphine guy?
Holy fuck! Shit!
What in the hell?
-Okay, hang on.
Come on. Just hold on to the bar.
It'll be fine.
Diana, admit
that you didn't plan this. Right?
-Josef. Hear me out.
-Diana, what the hell are you doing?
I didn't do anything. I'm innocent.
I promise. Helena is lying,
whatever she says.
Then turn yourself in, and we'll talk.
Not if Helena is there.
Is she there?
Diana, where are you?
Are you with Conrad Rundkvist?
-You're forcing...
Okay, you threw... your cell phone away.
Yeah, of course.
-Okay, so what do we do now?
-I don't know. I'm not a tour guide.
If you have any ideas, you are more
than welcome to share them, Conny.
Sure, I just thought,
since you're a police officer, you might...
-We need to find a safe place to go.
We need to eat,
get some sleep, kill Helena.
Yeah, that's good.
Why didn't you tell me
that she was hiding in there?
I tried to tell you.
I'm sorry if I was drugged,
but it is worth mentioning
that I had just been shot by the police.
-And you are the police.
Hey, I know a place
where we could hide tonight.
It's basically like a safe house.
-Safe house?
-Safe house. Come with me.
Don't ever say "safe house" again.
Okay, come on.
I'm expecting some good news, people.
They were stopped at a roadblock
near the edge of these woods.
-Made a U-turn and managed to disappear.
Are you telling me
that this is fucking good news?
No, but it's been pretty hard...
I've been shot in the shoulder.
That was hard. I can tell you that.
Come on! Find them, people!
Hello? Who are you talking to?
Is there anyone there?
Hello, hello, hello?
There's not even a fucking person
on the line!
What the fuck are you all doing?!
Catch them! Chop, chop!
I want to know where they are!
Yeah, it could be.
Over to Saint Gran Hospital,
where police were alerted
of a shooting around 7:00 p.m.
The convicted murderer Conrad Rundkvist
was being treated at the hospital
after being arrested at Arlanda Airport.
Shit. Now wherever we go,
people will be able to identify us.
Rundkvist was assisted in his escape
by police officer Diana Wilson.
Yuck. Why did they choose that picture?
We have to try to, um... change our clothes
and dye our hair.
Things like that.
We've met with team leader,
Helena Malm, who was also injured.
This is just sad.
We're dealing with a young woman.
I know her personally.
I should have seen it coming,
and that's on me.
All the warning signs were there.
Emotional, impulsive...
She's just... Like, I mean...
Is there any truth to what she's saying?
What? No, of course not.
I just think that often, when people say
things about someone, there's truth to it.
-Turn the TV off! was my responsibility to...
Oh, you're bleeding.
Authorities are seeking assistance
from the public
and emphasizing the importance of caution,
as the suspects are considered
to be armed and dangerous.
These wipes are intended
specifically for use on LED screens.
But maybe it's okay.
Everything is so obvious now.
It wasn't Luka who took the cocaine.
It was Helena.
Luka saw her and filmed her.
That's why she killed him.
But for real,
could there be toxins in these?
Fuck, Conny, we really need that video.
It's clean now.
Good morning.
I hope you haven't slept a wink,
because our targets certainly haven't.
I can assure you of that.
We've received some information,
but we haven't made any progress yet.
You haven't made any progress at all?
That's really impressive,
considering... the amount...
Uh, I have to go.
Uh, so hold that thought.
Keep working. Keep working.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Nice suit you're wearing.
-Thanks. It's my boss's.
And he's here in like half an hour,
so we have to get going.
-What are you doin' there?
-People can't recognize us.
What did you do to your, um, eyebrows?
This is absolutely the best way
to completely change your appearance.
Does it look super weird, or what?
No, it... it looks... uh, awesome.
Or pretty good.
Your forehead appears to be running down,
or a great deal further
than it did before.
It's good. No one will recognize you,
at least.
-Because I was thinking if you wanted to...
-I think I might have an idea.
He's here already? We have to go.
But this idea doesn't have
anything to do with my eyebrows, right?
-We'll see.
Is anyone here?
-Let's see.
-Are you sure about this?
Well, one of the cool features
of this television
is that it's equipped with a hard drive
that features a capacity of one terabyte
and can save copies
of everything that is streamed.
And this means that you're free
to upload as much content as you like.
And there's still a lot of space
for you to download some more...
-You don't have to sell me the TV.
-Right. Of course.
Take it. Take the stuff.
Don't shoot.
-There she is. Look.
-This is completely crazy.
Oh shit!
She's fucking going down for this shit.
Okay. Transfer the video.
-Onto what?
-I mean, can't you just, um...
Well... take it out or something?
Well, it's stored on the hard drive
that is integrated inside the television,
along with circuit boards
and other components.
I'm afraid I can't simply remove it.
Okay. How about we record the TV instead?
-Is that better?
-I don't have a cell phone.
And you were careful enough
to get rid of yours as well. So...
So what do we do instead?
-Okay. Let me do the talking.
-But it's my lawyer.
Is Hans Innerman here?
Uh... he's not.
I'm afraid he's out all day.
Do you know where?
-Yes, I do, although I can't say that.
-Could you perhaps call him?
Can't give out his number
without him asking.
-What the hell are you doing?
Rux Hotel. There. Was that so difficult?
There he is. Hasse!
Come on.
But that's Helena.
Do you see the bag?
So this is my assigned lawyer.
That makes perfect sense now.
I understand why my appeal was dismissed.
-That fucking bastard.
-Just stay focused.
-I'm sorry.
They're fucking selling the stuff.
Are you sure?
No, but we're about to find out.
Come on!
Tenth floor.
So, Hasse and Helena.
I don't fucking get it.
Hasse's a lawyer.
Helena's a cop.
He sells out his criminal clients,
and she gets them busted.
-Yeah, but...
-They can just waltz in and steal it.
And what can the criminals do?
Call the police and say they've had
30 kilos of cocaine stolen from them?
They're smart.
You mean they're dead.
Okay. Now all we need is a key card.
-Come on.
-What are we doing now?
He has a key card. I'll snatch it.
Snatch? How are we gonna do that?
-I don't know, Conny. We'll improvise.
-No, but wait.
-Excuse me?
Hey, hi...
-We would like to know where the...
-The breakfast buffet is.
It closed a few hours ago this morning.
Yeah. We know, but I actually want to know
whether it's keto.
Keto. Do you know what keto is?
-What happened to your eyebrows?
-Uh... Uh...
Uh, my husband
had a glass of wine.
Right on. It's nice to have
a glass of wine for lunch.
Keto is when you don't do carbohydrates.
Oh, okay. Well, it's a buffet.
You can pick whatever you want.
I assume you guys have tried
a buffet before?
Yeah, like four times.
What are you doing?
Four times!
-What are you doing?
-She's very physical.
-Yeah. I can tell.
Right. I, uh... got caught
in your elevator card.
Uh, I have to go now.
You're funny,
but you're out of your minds.
-Take care.
"Keto"? What were you thinking?
Are you blaming me?
What was the deal with that man's cheeks?
You realize they're getting away with it
right now?
I know that. Thanks.
So what should we do now?
It's so exciting.
-You go in. I'll keep an eye on the TV.
-Or you go in.
Do you want to ruin our special moment?
No. Okay, I'll go in.
Good, go.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, I thought
it would be better with a...
a nicer view this time.
I agree with you.
I think you'll be happy,
as always.
Everything is, uh, in order.
-Okay, what did you see?
-Yeah. They're there. I saw them.
A sale is in progress.
You know, bags of...
of drugs, money, and a buyer.
Good. Time to activate the tail.
"Activate the tail"?
Yeah. Someone might let the cops
know we're here.
Hi. Uh, my mom said
that you guys have a pool.
-Yeah. On the third...
-Excuse us. Sorry.
-What are you doing?
-Give me two seconds.
It's us.
-We are wanted. Call the police.
-Haven't you watched the news?
Nah. I don't actually have the news.
What? You don't have...?
-We're murderers.
-You guys are murderers?
We're murderers. Call the police. Now.
Yeah. Not doing that.
Okay. Then let's do this.
-Stop! Don't...
911 dispatch.
What's your emergency?
Rux Hotel!
Where the fuck is Helena?
All cars to the Rux Hotel!
Car 71-90 here.
Copy that.
Okay. Now you know where we're going.
You will see that
it's the same top quality as usual.
Of course.
And you will see its...
Pureness is... is the same...
-Same level. So we haven't done...
-Excuse me.
Feel... feel free to, uh... to...
-Helena? We located Conny and Diana.
Okay. I'm glad to hear that.
Where are they?
Rux Hotel.
We're on our way there now. Where are you?
...with the bags.
Yes. I'm nearby.
So I guess we can meet...
-We can meet there.
-Something wrong?
I just have to go and fix a small thing,
and then I'll be back.
Shortly. Yes.
Okay. Yeah.
Something private, I guess,
with her friend or something.
So, feel free...
Yeah. There they are.
I told you it would work.
Stop! Stop!
They're in here!
We were told that...
No, new information.
You need to follow me.
They're right over there. Come on!
No, no, no, no. What the f...
She's leading them away.
There's Josef.
-Let's bring the TV to him instead.
The money?
I really like transporting
home electronics with you.
That's sweet of you to say.
Um, yeah.
-I'm thinking...
-A bit weird too.
-Damn it!
You! You owe me 50 million!
Where are they?
They were supposed to be here.
Okay. I guess we'll have
to go up a few floors.
-That looks like them, over there.
No, I don't think it looks like them.
-It's them. Come on!
What do you mean, "calm down"? What?
You've ruined everything!
Norinder is gone.
He was like a father to me.
No rush, but can we just...
...hurry up a little? I can just...
Shut up.
Pick up!
As you probably realize, I'm not a pilot.
I had to split.
But I promise,
I'll get you the money, ASAP.
You're lying!
-Drop the gun!
-Drop your weapon!
-On the floor!
Return fire!
Take cover!
Take cover!
-Return fire!
-Fuck, he's getting away!
So, uh... nice doing business with you.
Oh my God.
-Okay. Okay, this isn't good.
-No, it's not.
The TV is gone.
The tail went the wrong way.
They're fucking getting away with it.
-You know what? Hasse is not getting away.
Uh... I'm just going to check, uh...
Come on.
Excuse me. Hello again.
Sorry. I need to jump the fence here.
Move aside. Please.
-Suspect spotted.
-Do not run!
Please. Can you move? Thank you.
Jesus Christ!
-Don't shoot!
-On the floor. Turn!
-Turn around!
Against the wall!
-Your hands!
-Get them!
-Josef! Perfect!
-We're clear!
You are the tail, Josef.
We're the ones who called
because... it's Helena!
You get 'em?
I have proof of what I'm saying on a TV.
A video that was shot on a phone,
but you have to believe me. Josef?
Tell them to let me go.
I told you to stop!
Hasse, stop!
Get out of here!
Not the wheelbarrow! Fuck! Don't!
Conny! Conny!
Let go! Let go!
Have you lost it?
What the hell are you doing? You can't...
Come on, Conny. Wait.
Wait, wait! Wait, wait!
All right, you son of a bitch.
That's enough.
-The game is over.
-What do you mean, "the game is over"?
Yeah, that was a bit corny,
but I'm sure you know what I mean, man.
You should have...
...stayed in fucking prison!
I'll disappear now.
And we won't see each other again.
You lost, Conny.
And I'm obviously the big winner.
On the floor!
On the floor! Hands behind your back!
-Drop the gun.
-Stop resisting!
Let go of me! Let go of me!
I'm a lawyer, for fuck's sake.
-My God.
-Now we're even.
Listen to me! What was that?
-You are such a bastard.
-I'm doing my job. Quiet.
-You know that?
-You think I did this?
-Doesn't matter.
-Well done, Jorma. Good work. Let's go.
I have proof. I know everything.
Do you understand?
I know what you did. Everyone will see...
-Are you out of your mind? What?
-What are you doing?
-Well, I just...tasered her a little.
-I mean, this is a serious...
-No, it is... well, you're... you are right.
But she's a... police murderer.
I can't help it.
I'm taking it personally, somehow. It is...
What are you thinking?
Right now, nothing, really.
I'm waiting for the elevator.
-Did you find your keto meal thing?
-What? No. Not yet.
Oh, you said "keto."
Yeah, yeah. I did. I'm really full now.
What are you doing?
I just need to... do something.
It'll take two minutes. Is that okay?
Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. Perfect.
You're not allowed to be in there! Hello?
Ignore her. She's stupid.
Uh... she's heavy.
Hey, would you mind helping me
raise the television up there?
-Let's do this.
What are you doing? Come out.
-Where's the elevator?
-Come out of there!
Elevator... Ah.
What are you doing?
Well, it's a long story, but
I work at Elgiganten.
Poor thing. I pity her. This won't be fun.
Freeing a convict, murder, drug sales...
-Diana told me some things.
-I can imagine. She was desperate.
They were about you, Helena.
There we go.
I have
no idea what you're doing, but...
-It looks cool as hell.
Open the door!
This is the police!
Don't sweat. I'm with you.
Open the door!
-Open the door!
-I love IT.
Take it. Take the stuff.
Need to kick the door open.
Don't shoot.
-Should I?
-Yeah, that's one way to do it.
-Police, lie down now!
-Almost done. Give me a sec.
Oh shit.
Sir, I'm right here. Josef.
Lie down!
Lie down now! Down! You're under arrest!
Look at me. Look at me. Josef.
-I love you.
-Shut the fuck up.
-I don't wanna hear you.
-We'll deal with it later.
We'll deal with everything then.
It'll be fine.
Get up.
-I'm with him, guys.
-You wish.
This is 9270.
Can you repeat that?
Helena Malm, arrested?
Yes, 7080, over.
That's correct.
Helena Malm is our main suspect
and has been neutralized.
Be careful, I'm injured. Don't you get it?
Careful. Ouch! I can walk on my own.
-Be quiet.
Don't talk to her.
-How are you?
I should have listened to you.
You should have.
-Come on.
-Yes. Yep. Yes.
New information has surfaced.
Let's just bring him in for now.
A horse. It's coming this way.
Julia, is that your dad?
-I guess so.
-Why isn't it stopping?
Watch out!
Get out of the way!
Julia, I got it!
-Dad, jump off!
Did you buy the horse?
No, actually, a friend of mine
just let me borrow it.
Over there.
-Julia, hurry up.
-Wait. I'm coming. I want to join as well.
Dad said that his lower back
is hurting a little,
but otherwise, he's okay.
Look what I found!
-That went... well.
-Yeah. I think so too.
I can't stop this feeling
Deep inside of me
Girl, you just don't realize...
-What the hell?
-That was reckless.
-You off your rocker?
Riding a horse like that,
nearly running over our children?
You're angry...
If you can't ride,
don't get up on a horse.
-Yeah, I kinda lost control.
-You should go to prison for that.
-You belong there.
-I hope you have a good lawyer.
They were...
rude, weren't they?
Hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me
I'm hooked on a feelin'
I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me
I said, I'm hooked on a feelin'
Subtitle translation by: Ingrid Kerglund