Trouble with the Curve (2012) Movie Script

All right.
Okay. Come on, now.
Come on, boy.
Let's not take your sweet-ass time
about this. Jesus.
All right.
Okay, that's it.
Don't laugh, I outlived you,
you little bastard.
Goddamn it. Son-of-a-bitch.
Breakfast of champions.
You trying to tell me Sammy Davis Jr.
was better looking than Robert Redford?
No question.
Better actor too.
Sammy should've been
the Sundance Kid.
You're out of your mind.
No, they're right.
Sammy only had one eye,
but he cut quite a figure.
I know what you're doing.
You're trying to piss me off,
but it's not gonna work. Not this time.
You boys enjoy the fishing,
I'll see you up in the Carolinas.
Where you going, Gus?
Aren't you gonna see what he's got?
I've seen all this guy's got.
My daughter can throw better than that.
Good luck.
Mickey, it's time.
- They're ready for you, Miss Lobel.
- Thank you.
Hard to believe it's been seven years.
Time flies when you're
working your ass off.
Excuse me, doing your life's work.
So where do you stand
on the Landau case?
- I like my chances.
- That could be quite a coup for us.
It's all very impressive.
Thank you.
You'd be the youngest partner
this firm's ever had.
There is a reason I've not taken a Saturday
off in seven years. I want this. Bad.
So does Todd.
He's been productive for a long time.
He's a quality associate.
But I have been more productive.
And I agree with you,
he is a quality associate.
You'd be the only woman.
my father is a baseball scout.
And while he was hardly attentive, the one
thing he did give me was experience.
I took a lot of road trips.
I grew up around men who swore,
drank, and farted.
Trust me, I can handle it.
Let us bring it
to the partnership committee.
- Then we'll talk.
- Great.
Hudson, a 17-game winner last year...
Order up!
You need some money
for some new clothes?
I just came from yoga.
You into that voodoo?
Yeah. I'm thinking about getting three
sixes tattooed across my forehead.
- What about the partnership?
- We're close.
There's just some competition from
another attorney, but he's harmless.
You got a boyfriend?
I'm seeing somebody, sort of.
And has he got a job?
He's an attorney.
Well, marry him.
He'll probably be a great provider.
I can provide for myself just fine.
Hudson, he's really painting
the corners tonight.
Guy's a true artist.
I'm gonna go.
- What?
- I'm going to go.
You haven't finished your dinner yet.
Oh, I've had enough.
Suit yourself.
Absolutely tremendous. Prescott
just went three-for-three again last night.
Didn't he just get arrested for assault?
Kid's hitting 350,
ready to move to Double A.
So let's not rush to judgment.
You seen him play lately?
I don't need to see him play.
You and that computer.
Need to stay current, Pete.
These programs are an essential tool
to evaluating today's talent.
In fact, there's only one scout
in the entire organization...
maybe in all of baseball,
that doesn't use this technology.
Maybe that's why he's only signed
three kids in what, last four years?
This isn't like a store.
You can't just go in and get what you want.
Maybe there's nothing out there.
Maybe his territory's a little thin.
What about Billy Clark in Rome?
Didn't Gus sign him?
Yeah, and he's struggling.
Kid's in a big-time slump.
He'll come around.
Gus could spot talent from an airplane.
I just hope we're not missing anything,
that's all.
I mean, he is getting up there.
Should we send him to look at Gentry?
Of course. The Carolinas are his territory.
Draft's in nine days.
I don't want any surprises.
You're talking about one of the best scouts
baseball's ever seen.
You're talking about the guy that signed
Ralph Garr, Dusty Baker...
Dale Murphy, Tom Glavine,
Chipper Jones.
The list goes on.
With all due respect, Pete,
the game's changed.
It's so much bigger now. It's global.
Need somebody to keep up with the times.
Gus couldn't even turn on a typewriter,
let alone a computer.
Look, we all hate to think it,
but he may be ready for pasture.
- When's his contract up?
- Three months.
We carry the option.
For chrissakes, what is this?
Gus Lobel can do the job.
If he proves me wrong,
I'll take full responsibility.
Until then, let's just worry
about the guys on the field.
Bunch of goddamn midgets
design this garage?
Come on, number five.
Strike him out, boy.
Billy Clark ain't got nothing on you, baby.
That Billy Clark is a bum. We haven't
seen him hit a baseball all year.
Come on, Billy.
Here it comes, Billy.
Here it comes, baby. Go, baby.
Intimidators 5, Braves 2.
Better luck next time, boys.
How long before they release me?
You're just in a slump. No big deal.
I'm in a coma.
Yeah. Look, when I first signed you up,
you were hitting great.
You were the quickest bat alive.
I don't know what my problem is.
I just can't concentrate like I should.
What about your family?
They still over in Akron?
Yeah. Just outside.
When was the last time you saw them?
It's been a while.
They would make the drive down, but
money's just kind of tight right now.
You worry about baseball.
I'll take care of getting your parents here
so you can see them.
No problem.
Thanks, Gus.
Gus, you home?
It's 9:00 in the morning,
where the hell else would I be?
I guess that means I can come in.
Yeah, come on in.
Breakfast will be here in a minute.
Have a seat.
Yeah. Just doing my homework, that's all.
Gus, did you ever think in a million years
computers would be a part of this game?
Anybody uses computers doesn't know
a damn thing about this game.
If you wanted to, you could access
any high school or college roster...
pull the stats on any player any time.
You wouldn't have to waste time
with all these papers.
I'm not wasting my time.
I enjoy doing this.
You know, they got a special program now
that can calculate a player's stats...
and based on the
competition he's seen...
tell you whether or not he's ready
for the next level. You believe that?
Yeah, what else does it tell you?
When to scratch your ass?
I don't like them either,
but they're part of the business now.
Pete, scouts, good scouts,
are the heart of this game.
They decide who's gonna play, if they're
lucky they decide how it's gonna be played.
But a computer, that can't tell
if a kid's got instincts or not...
or if he can hit a cut-off man,
or hit behind the runner.
Or look into a kid's face
that's just gone oh-for-four...
and know if he's gonna be able
to come back like nothing's happened.
No, a computer can't tell you
all that crap, I'll tell you. No.
What do you think about Bo Gentry?
I don't know.
He looks pretty good on paper.
I'll take a look at him,
see if he can play.
If the Red Sox pass with
their first pick...
I know Phillip really wants to take him.
Well, tell him to check his computer.
What we need is a pitcher.
Maybe he can find one on his interweb.
Spotlight's really on this kid.
Well, there's breakfast.
Morning, Mr. Lobel.
Got your Canadian bacon,
extra anchovies, chili peppers.
- That's a work of art, Danny.
- Yeah, it's gross.
- And I got your newspapers.
- Oh, thanks.
Right here.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Keep that.
Mr. Lobel, did you mean to give me 50?
No, no, I was just... I
was just testing you.
Here's a 20 for the pizza
and keep the five for yourself.
Some new kind of style I'm not up on?
That's Fang-shmay.
Don't you know anything?
What you looking at?
Gus, are you all right?
Yeah, fine.
We go back. If something were wrong,
you'd tell me, wouldn't you?
Because if for any reason,
you're not up to it...
we could send somebody
from Charlotte.
Might be easier on you.
I don't need easier.
Have you thought about what you might do
when your contract's up?
Sure. Sign another one for more money.
You ever think about retirement?
What's this all about?
There's just a lot of pressure right now.
Phillip has Vince's ear. Pumping him full
of ideas. Telling him we need new blood.
Young new blood.
Yeah. Phillip doesn't have a lick of sense,
they're gonna find that out sooner or later.
- They're worried about Billy Clark.
- Don't worry about Billy.
He can hit. He just needs
to see his mama, that's all.
In fact, I put in some paperwork already
to have his folks come down and see him.
I can't do that.
You want him to hit?
Do it.
You know the game better than most...
and I'll always go to bat for you.
I just want to make sure you're up for it.
Want something to eat?
How's Mickey?
Good. They're gonna make her a partner
in her firm, at least she thinks.
Tell her I said hey.
- Richard.
- No, I'm not.
- Yeah, he tagged you.
- Come on, guys.
All right, look out. A-Rod's up.
This'll be an easy out, guys. Easy out.
Oh, really? Then who are you gonna be?
Josh Beckett.
I'm gonna throw at your A-Rod head.
- We'll see about that.
- Outfielders, move in.
- Hey, batter, batter.
- Hey, batter, batter.
Beckett winds and delivers.
He comes with a nasty slider
that A-Rod just barely gets a piece of.
A-Rod's in the type of slump he couldn't
hit the beach with a beach ball.
Here comes the oh-one.
A-Rod lines a shot to center.
The outfielder can't make the play.
The ball goes under his glove,
rolling all the way to the wall.
He's rounding third, gonna try to make it
home. Here comes the throw at the plate.
Safe! Safe! He beat the tag!
The Yankees win the game!
I do not believe it!
The Yankees win the game!
What a weirdo.
- Yeah, okay.
- Dork.
It'd help if you wouldn't fidget.
Well, if I wasn't blind, I would be after
having that light stuck in my eye.
You see anything in there,
other than open space?
I'm afraid I do.
I'm not sure, but there are indications
of macular degeneration...
or maybe glaucoma.
Or maybe nothing.
Well, let's find out. We'll get you
an appointment with a specialist.
No, no. No appointments.
- I haven't got time. I've got the season.
- Well, you better make time.
Look, Lloyd, let's just pretend
I wasn't even in here.
Oh, God.
Blues with a feeling
That's what I have.
How's it going, Gus?
Crap, Jimmy. Absolute crap.
- How about a game of Keno, Gus?
- I don't think so.
- Come on, one game.
- I said, I don't think so.
That means no, goddamn it.
Okay, okay. What crawled up your ass?
Old age.
I just want to see where this goes.
So do I.
Then step up.
Can we agree on being exclusive?
See what happens.
Just see where it goes.
Mickey, I don't mean to be pushy, but...
we're perfect together.
Friends, lawyers.
If you look at it on paper,
it makes perfect sense.
I mean, a no-hitter.
Jurrjens was awesome.
Couldn't have
without that catch by Heyward.
Excuse me. Did you just say Jair Jurrjens
pitched a no-hitter?
Walked one, or would have had
a perfect game. Blowing people away.
I doubt that.
I'm sorry?
He's a sinker-ball guy.
He's crafty, makes his living
on the corners.
You're quite a baseball fan.
Just picked up a few things growing up.
You have one new message.
Mickey, it's Daniel Rosenbloom.
We've spoken with
the partnership committee.
You win the Landau case...
I think we'll be holding a big reception
to introduce you as the firm's new partner.
Who the hell is calling me up
at this time of night?
The undersigned hereby substitutes
Georgia Reconveyance Company...
- What?
- You have a visitor.
Can we talk for a second?
Have you noticed anything lately?
Has he been acting any differently?
No, he is as unpleasant as usual.
He been sick at all?
I don't think so.
Mick, if something goes wrong
up in Carolina with this kid Gentry...
he's gonna be out of a job.
Well, let's hope that doesn't happen.
That would be the end
of one of the all-time great love stories.
- He wouldn't do well without his work.
- What do you want me to do about it?
Carolina's beautiful this time of year.
No. No way.
He has his life, I have my life.
That is the way it's always been.
That's the way he wants it.
Just for a couple of days.
To make sure everything goes okay.
It'd be nice for you two
to spend some time together.
Nice for who?
If you won't do it for him, do it for me.
He's my friend for 30 years.
I care about him.
Don't try to manipulate me.
I'm an attorney, that's my job.
I'm sorry, I'm just...
I'm really busy right now.
I appreciate your time, Mickey.
I just thought you should know.
I'm sorry about not being
around here lately.
But I been working a lot and...
Your little girl...
you'd really be proud of her.
She's gonna be made a partner in the firm.
How about that?
I don't know where she got the brains.
It's got to be from you.
It wasn't from my part of the family,
that's for sure.
Anyway, I need you around to talk to her.
You were always good at that.
I have a hard time with that, you know?
You are my sunshine.
My only sunshine.
You make me happy.
When skies are gray.
You'll never know dear.
How much I love you.
Don't take your sunshine away.
Cut the crap, Lloyd.
I'm his daughter.
Then he can tell you.
His eyes are going.
He needs to see a specialist right away.
Who is it?
If this is a robbery,
just take anything you want.
But leave that flat-screen.
You take my flat-screen, I'll kill you.
Did you set off a bomb in here?
It's raining, for chrissake.
Yeah, outside it's raining.
In here it's like a four-alarm blaze.
Look, twice in one week.
What, did somebody die or something?
Pete came to see me.
Did you hear that Jurrjens
pitched a no-no?
He wanted to know
if I thought you were okay.
I know you're a vegan and everything,
but some of this meat would re...
Yeah, I told him that I thought so,
but I called Lloyd just to make sure.
That's a good burger.
What are you doing?
No, no. Don't do that. Don't do that, no.
This is really nice.
Nice stuff.
Do you want to talk about it?
You know how these doctors are, they
don't know their right from their left.
You're always reading in the paper...
about how they're taking off
the wrong part of some poor guy.
You need to meet with a specialist.
I've got a job to do,
and if I don't do that job...
the Braves will get somebody else
to do it.
You know, they already think
I should be playing Bingo...
- and drinking little umbrella drinks.
- They can't fire you over an illness.
Yeah, well, they can
certainly phase me out.
I've only got three months left
on my contract.
Well, how are you gonna scout this guy
if your eyes aren't right?
I'll figure something.
You hungry?
You know, every good chef says that
you got to eat a meal when it's warm.
You know, I had this...
This crazy idea you and I could actually
have a conversation about this, rationally.
Well, we are. If you eat some meat,
it's great protein for you.
How about that?
Well, don't worry about it.
I wish it were that easy, I really do.
That would be awesome.
Trust me, it's there.
Article 15, section 2A
clearly states the precedent.
Yeah, find it. Check the public record.
Get back to me. Thank you.
Do you work while you sleep too?
When I have to.
That's one good thing about not having
any family. You can focus on work.
I have a family, and they're none
of your goddamn business.
Excuse me.
After you.
Cheers, Todd.
Well, I hope you're enjoying the trip,
We're just entering the beautiful state
of North Carolina.
Do you need an extra key?
No, just one, thanks.
Don't even think about it.
- Room 4 is vacant. Do your homework.
- Yes, ma'am.
Sorry. Last room on the end.
Okay. Thank you.
- I wish Daddy was here.
- I do too.
Come on, baby.
I understand, Mickey.
And I fully support what you're doing.
I'm just questioning the timing. There's
so much to do before the presentation.
And I will get it done, okay?
You can count on me. It's just a few days.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen...
and welcome
to Swannanoa Grizzlies Baseball.
This afternoon,
the Grizzlies host the Fairview Raptors.
Hey, guys.
I think that's him.
How many years they gonna hold
him back? He looks like he's 30.
First thing I do when I
get in the Majors...
is bang one of those chicks
on Desperate Housewives.
I'm mature, I like older women.
But what if they don't want to bang you?
Wilson, that's a retarded question.
I'll have patience with you
since you're not yet worldly.
See, when a player gets to the Majors,
chicks come out of a deep freeze.
They migrate from hundreds of miles.
Celebrity chicks, non-celebrity chicks,
chicks from all walks of life.
It's a chick-fest.
Hey, yo, Peanut Boy! Over here.
Two dollars, please.
You want me to pay for them?
It's all right, Peanut Boy.
Put it on my tab.
Strike three!
And that retires the side.
The Grizzlies are coming up.
- Hey, there, kiddo.
- Been a while. Hey.
You mind?
The hell are you doing here?
I had some vacation days. Couldn't think
of a better place to use them.
Well, they have telephones.
You could call.
Yeah. You would've said no.
Damn right, I would've.
You should be back home, doing your job.
Same as I'm doing my job here.
If it makes you feel better,
I'm doing it for Pete.
He thought you could use
some company.
Yeah, well, he's wrong.
Wait'll I see that horse's ass.
It must be so rewarding
being one of your close friends.
And now batting
for the Grizzlies, number three, Bo Gentry.
Yeah, way to go, Big B! Go Bo!
Let's see what everybody's
been talking about.
That's the way to do it, boy!
Hustle! Hustle!
- Safe.
- That's it.
Ball four! Take your base!
This guy sucks!
Now batting for the Grizzlies...
number three, Bo Gentry.
Let's go, Big Bo. Number three!
You're in trouble now, Bacon Boy!
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
But if that guy calls me Bacon Boy
one more time, I'm gonna kick his ass.
All right, listen to me.
I want you to walk Gentry.
Don't give him anything to hit.
Walk him? Have you seen the way
I've been throwing today, coach?
- I don't think that's gonna be a problem.
- All right, son. Stick with it.
Better put some grease on it, Bacon Boy!
Oh, yeah? Too bad I used all my grease
last night on your mother.
- Douche bag.
- Come on. Play ball.
Let's go, Big B.
That's what I mean, boy!
Yeah! Yeah! That's my boy!
Bring it on in! Bring it on in!
Bring it on in!
Y'all make a hole, make a hole now.
We're not talking till after the playoffs.
Nope, I'm sorry.
If you want an autographed picture of Bo,
he signs before every game.
It's a bargain, 25 bucks a pop.
You've been gone a while.
I guess so.
What happened here?
My garage is starting to shrink.
- I think I'll drive.
- No.
Dad, give me the keys.
This is my car and I drive.
Give me the keys.
I said, I'll drive.
Stubborn as hell.
Yeah, I wonder where I get it.
I want you to drive
straight to the airport...
because I don't need your pointy
little nose in my business.
I don't want anything to do with your
business. I'm here because you're so pig...
Gus Lobel.
It's good to see you, man.
It's Johnny.
Johnny? Oh, Johnny.
Johnny The Flame Flanagan?
Nobody's called me that in a while.
Yeah, well, you used to throw
the cover off the ball.
I used to.
What are you doing, boy?
I'm here, doing the same thing you are.
I'm scouting for the Red Sox.
- You don't know anything about scouting.
- Don't tell them that.
Yeah. This is my daughter, Mickey.
Excuse us.
Sorry. Hi. I'm Mickey.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
- Okay. You gonna be at Boots Bar later?
- Where else?
- I'm buying you a drink.
- I'm taking it.
A great pitcher at one time, that kid.
- When are you gonna leave?
- Just get in the car.
Cold beer on Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right.
He can do it all.
He's more versatile than De Niro.
Ice Cube isn't an actor.
He's in the movies, ain't he?
That doesn't mean he's an actor.
Gus, what do they call the actors
in the movies?
Plus, he can rap. Can De Niro rap?
Actors don't rap.
Ice Cube does.
See, this is what I'm trying to teach you
about versatility.
It's a crime he hasn't won
an Academy Award.
That's true. Pretty soon he'll be joining
the greats like Cagney and Tracy.
All the real big ones.
I'm with you there, brother.
All right. You did it.
You pissed me off.
Hi, guys.
Hey, it's been a long time
since we've seen your little girl, Gus.
Been a long time
since she was a little girl.
The hell are you doing here?
I'm taking a temporary break
from anything judicial.
I just need a big drink
and a game of pool.
You shouldn't be in a place like this.
You used to sneak me
into places worse than this.
You should be back in Atlanta,
where you belong.
Yeah, well, I agree with you.
Hey, Johnny!
Why do they call him "The Flame"?
Well, Flanagan, he...
He could pitch a hundred-mile-an-hour
fastball, that's why.
- So, what happened?
- He blew his arm out.
They tried to bring him along too fast.
Pretty soon, he was gone. Done for.
I tried like mad to block that trade.
How long you gonna be here anyway?
I'll probably close the place down.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Name's Rick.
You feel like playing a game?
- Sure. Mickey.
- Nice to meet you, Mickey.
Hope you like losing.
Three-ball, corner pocket.
One-ball, side pocket.
Thanks for the game.
Hey, you wanna dance?
Not really.
Come on, one dance.
I don't think so, Dick.
- It's Rick.
- Sorry.
Come on, one dance.
It wouldn't hurt anything.
And I mean, after the beating I just took,
you owe me.
- Get off!
- Dad!
You ever touch her again,
I'm gonna rip your fucking face off.
- Gus.
- Dad, take it easy.
Just look at this kid.
- All right, all right.
- I saw you touching her.
Get out before I have
a heart attack trying to kill you.
I think I'd like to see that.
Enough! Hey, you know what,
this is my dad and that's my sister.
And we like to get a little crazy
every now and then, especially this one.
Go on, get out of here.
- That was a little excessive.
- I don't think so.
- You want to kill a guy touches my arm?
- I had him, you know?
Yeah, no, you had him good.
You had him good.
Sorry about the kiss.
I never had a sister that looked like you.
You know what?
I can take care of myself just fine.
- Okay. Something tells me pretty well too.
- You know what?
You got what you wanted.
I'm going to bed.
Leaving the bar.
To set the record straight,
I am 33 years old.
I've been taking care of myself for a long time.
I can handle a guy in a bar.
He was bothering me.
All of these years, after everything
you could be bothered about, it's that.
Look, I don't need your help.
I don't know why you're here.
I don't know why you don't go home.
Because, in spite of you, I feel this
dysfunctional sense of responsibility...
to make sure that you're okay.
I know I'm as blind as a slab of concrete,
but I'm not helpless.
- I'll put a bullet in my head, that happens.
- That's comforting.
As always, it's been really great
talking to you.
I've got half a beer back at the bar
that won't argue with me.
- You all right, Gus?
- Yeah.
Jesus Christ!
Goddamn it!
Son of a bitch.
- Oh, my God.
- All right, check it.
Your mom is so fat,
her high school photo was an aerial shot.
Your mom is so fat,
they pay her in biscuits.
- Your mom is so...
- Excuse me?
Earth to losers?
I'm trying to do my visualizing.
I'm hitting homers, I'm signing
endorsement deals, I'm banging chicks.
Respect my space.
All right, all right, that's enough, okay?
Everybody, sit down.
Back in your seat, Eric.
This is a big game today.
Let's think baseball?
Let's tighten it up, Grizzlies.
One, two, three, Grizzlies!
No room for bad play. Don't suck today.
There they are.
Here he comes.
- Hey, Gus.
- Hi.
- Hey, Mickey.
- Look at you.
Hey, Dad!
Dad, Dad, Dad, are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm all right.
- Here, come on.
You okay?
Yeah, leave me alone. I got it.
What's the matter,
you never seen anybody trip before?
Jesus Christ.
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Thank you.
Hey, listen. About last night...
It's... Forget it.
Play ball!
I'll be right back.
Where you going?
Third base side.
- What for?
- Because I'd like to get back to Atlanta.
Oh, good. As long as you're here,
you might as well be helpful.
- Watch his hips.
- Yeah, I know.
Make sure they carry him through the ball.
Yeah. I know.
Okay, and his swing, is it a two-piece deal
or is it nice and fluid?
And then go around the other side
and see how he goes the opposite way.
Now don't just stand there, get going.
Oh, yeah, this is a good idea.
Why are you right next to me?
Because you're the first scout
I've ever been attracted to, thank God.
I'm not a scout, I'm a lawyer.
Normally, a deal breaker, but I'm all about
expanding my level of tolerance.
Self-improvement, et cetera.
- Impressive.
- Thank you.
Next up, Bo Gentry.
Go, Big 3!
- Hey, what do you think about dinner?
- You mean together?
That's a little forward,
don't you think?
But, yeah, if you're asking me out,
I accept.
I'd even consider paying.
Well, it's really tempting, but I don't
plan on being around here much longer.
Let's go, Bo!
Bring the heat.
He'll be all over the heat.
Come with the off-speed stuff.
That's it, boy! Take them bases, man!
That's the fourth car this year.
Gus must have a lot of confidence in you.
So, what'd you see?
He sits back on the pitch.
He uses his hips and legs for power.
Looks like he has pretty quick hands.
You're on your own.
You know too much about baseball
to be a lawyer.
It's a long story.
I'd like to hear it.
I don't wanna tell it.
Go, Bo!
Come on, Big Bo.
There you go, buddy.
That popped. Fastball.
How would you know with your face
buried in that?
It's called multitasking.
You are such an ass.
That thing hear you?
His name is Todd and he will,
loud and clear.
There you go, baby.
Breaking ball on that one.
Why don't you show me what you got?
Come on, you stubborn mule.
Give me something.
I'm a little old for this.
I'm not.
- See the ball...
- "See the ball, hit the ball." I know.
What the hell are you doing?
I'm enjoying my home run trot.
You snake. I'll kick your ass.
Give me the keys.
Come on, you're busy.
Give me the keys.
Give me the keys.
Hey! You all right?
You know, you're lucky to be alive.
How old are you, sonny?
I'm 28.
Well, then how the hell would you know
if I'm lucky to be alive?
I know, it'll get done.
It's just a couple more days.
Mickey, I'm sorry about your father,
but the client will be here next Thursday.
- It's imperative that you're here to present.
- And I will be there.
I'm considering bringing Todd
into the case, just till you get back.
No, I'm not comfortable with that.
He is a talented attorney.
No, but I don't need his help.
Please, just hold off.
I gotta go.
Well, I guess we were lucky
we weren't on the road at the time.
She was 13 years old
and she was going to her first dance...
and she came in the room
and asked me what I thought of her outfit.
I knew right then that she wasn't
gonna be a kid any longer.
How old was Mickey when...?
Her mother died? Six.
That should've been me.
No kid should be without a mother.
How did you handle all that by yourself?
I didn't.
How about you, Flanagan?
Don't you feel like you're over your head,
handling a number one pick?
I've been doing okay so far.
Besides, you're here. I'll be fine.
This isn't exactly what you wanted to do,
is it?
After my arm went, the Red Sox gave me a
chance to you know, stay in the game.
There's gonna be a job in the booth
next year, and I'm gunning for it.
Yes, Gus.
I plan on bringing all that hard work
and dedication I had as an athlete...
to my profession as a broadcaster.
Ever think what would've happened
if the Braves hadn't traded you?
No more than eight, nine hours a day.
Never goes away, does it?
No, it doesn't.
God Almighty, Gus.
What happened?
Cut myself shaving.
What are you fellas staring at?
I'm not a pole dancer.
What you doing with hot dogs?
I couldn't hold out any longer.
One of those for me?
Good job, Bo.
Yeah, there's one more game.
We'll watch it and then make our decision.
- You think the Sox are gonna pass?
- How the hell should I know?
Try and get a sense
of what they're gonna do.
I'll get that, Mom.
Yeah, I'll see what I can do on that.
Dad, I'm starving.
I gotta hang up now. Mickey and I
are gonna get something to eat.
She still there?
Yeah, she's here.
She's just, you know, sightseeing.
He's a monster.
Three for three, two homers and a single.
We could be looking
at the next Albert Pujols.
Oh, my God, I want this pick.
Maybe the Red Sox are on the fence,
we do a draft and trade deal.
Just make sure Grandpa
doesn't screw it up, all right?
He's got some young babe with him.
I'm surprised he can still get it up.
- All right, keep me posted.
- You got it.
It was Mississippi.
No, I know it was Mobile, Alabama.
They had one of those promotion nights
where they had a horse out on the field.
They had one of the players
race the horse around the bags.
That's right, and the player won.
You almost gave me a heart attack.
Well, you kept pestering me
about getting up on the horse.
And the horse ran off,
right out over center field.
I thought it was gonna go through
the center field fence.
I loved that horse.
Yeah, I know you did.
And then you went back looking for him
and he wasn't there.
What? What is it?
It was just a long time ago, that's all.
- Here, I got it.
- No, I got it.
Dad, I've got it.
Let me help, that's why I'm here.
No, I got it!
- Hey, Greg.
- Mickey.
If it wasn't for your assistant, I wouldn't
have known you were out of town.
Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I meant to call
you, I just had a lot going on up here.
I just want you to know
I've been thinking about us...
and I am really clear that I want this
to go to the next level.
So, basically, I just need to know
that you're feeling the same way.
Greg, I can't answer that right now.
That's the problem.
It doesn't feel like you can ever
give me an answer.
This isn't one of those things
that you can just put on paper.
Well, I guess that's my answer.
You take care, Mickey.
You could buy me a drink if you want.
You have got to lighten up.
I don't feel so light right now.
- Get out.
- What?
Why don't you two go out,
meet some people? Have some fun.
You don't want to hang around here.
- Thank you. I meet plenty of people.
- Well, you're still single, aren't you?
- Yes, I'm still single, very single.
- Maybe you are emotionally unavailable.
Emotionally unavailable?
- Yeah.
- Who are you, Dr. Phil?
Hey, that is quality television.
By the way,
if I am emotionally unavailable...
which I am not, thank you very much,
it would be because of you.
Just go, will you?
- No.
- Jesus Christ.
We gotta get a camera crew
to follow you guys around.
I mean, the Kardashians
have nothing on the two of you.
That poor Bruce.
Come on. Will you, please?
Just the two of you, get out.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Name a team...
to have four 20-game winners
in the same season. Go.
'71 Orioles: Palmer, McNally...
Cuellar and Dobson, they lose
to the Pirates in the series. Go figure.
You've got to be kidding me.
Have you had enough?
No, no, no. Fire away. Come on.
Okay, '75 World Series...
Carlton Fisk hits a homer
to win the game, right?
What was the player who hit a homer to tie
the game and take it into extra innings?
The three-two pitch.
This one's hit deep to center, way back.
Way back.
This baby's got a chance. It's gone.
Home run.
Bernie Carbo has just tied the game.
Bernie Carbo has just tied the game.
- Very good.
- All right, that's... Yeah.
You're actually very good.
You're really very good.
You sound like the real thing.
- Let's hope the Red Sox agree with you.
- I would listen to you.
- Really?
- Really.
Who's the only player to be named
MVP in both leagues?
Frank Robinson.
Baltimore and Cincinnati.
That was too easy.
- It was really, really easy, actually.
- Shit.
Who was he traded for?
Milt Pappas, but if we're going to be
specific, Baldschun and Simpson.
Drink up.
Who are you?
- I see what's happening here.
- I'm kicking your ass is what's happening.
Well, maybe.
I mean, you're trying to get me drunk.
You're hoping to get lucky.
Too much moonshine?
What are they doing?
- Clogging?
- Clogging. Clogging.
- It's a mountain dance. No?
- No.
Where I'm from, they'd take you
to a psych ward for that.
No, actually, it's a...
I think you'd like it.
It's really fun. You should try it.
- Oh, no, no, no.
- Yes.
- No.
- Come on, it's fun. It's really fun.
- No.
- It's really fun. Come on.
I'll deny this ever happened.
Just try to keep up.
Hop up and down, they'll think
you know what you're doing.
I think we're going in a circle.
Oh, yeah!
You're good at this. I don't believe you,
I think you clog all the time.
Just keep bouncing, just bounce.
I think I got it now. I got it.
Yeah, it was
my first start after being called up.
God. There's nothing like it.
I mean, it's Fenway.
As I'm walking out to the mound,
all I could think about was...
all the legends that had played
there before, you know?
How'd you do?
Went six and a third, three earned.
First start, that's awesome.
Well, that's the best it got.
We needed middle relief help.
So they used me...
a lot.
My arm got tired...
didn't say anything.
Ended up tearing my rotator.
That was it. What are you gonna do?
Why didn't you say anything?
Because I was afraid if I did,
they'd find somebody else.
I'm sorry.
So, what's Mickey short for? Michelle?
Mickey is short for Mickey.
As in Mickey Mantle,
my father's favorite player.
Lucky it wasn't Yogi Berra.
Shit, I'm sorry.
Jealous boyfriend?
No, this thing is all work, no play.
There's no available space
for jealous boyfriends.
You want to tell me
what's wrong with Gus?
You can trust me.
When Gus scouted me,
we spent a lot of time together.
To be honest, when I got traded, I think
it bothered him as much as it did me.
Actually, I remember him saying
he had a daughter in college.
He would say that she was smarter
than me and him put together.
That's why when I met you, obviously,
I thought Gus had another daughter.
Doesn't sound like my father.
That sounds like a compliment.
Well, he said it.
Well, he never tells me anything.
Maybe he wants to.
You know? Doesn't know how.
You might have to take the lead.
Trust me, I've tried. I'm done.
As you know...
to hit the magical 300,
you fail seven out of ten times.
You think you're pretty smart.
- Me? No.
- Yeah, you.
- What, that a good thing? You like smart?
- Well, you gotta have it here, and here.
Here and here?
Yes, here and here.
Oh, yeah. I'm pretty much
what you're looking for then.
I come home early in the evening.
Lie around some time.
Little girl's got everything I want.
Looking and smelling so fine.
It's a good night for dancing.
Yeah, we've done some dancing.
If you can call it that.
Don't be shy.
Well, you heard the man.
Make a move on me.
Okay, come on. Come on.
I'm so sorry.
I'm having a good time, but...
- What's wrong?
- It's this thing, I just...
I need to go.
You were not kidding.
You really have no available space.
Is all this by design?
It is way too late
to get into that right now.
Yeah, okay.
I'll take you home.
You trying to starve me to death?
Come on, let's go get something to eat.
You got a man in there?
Yeah, Flanagan's in here.
We're getting ready to get in the shower.
Not so funny.
What the hell happened in here,
Okay. There you go. You're good.
You kids all right?
Yeah. Just fine.
You wouldn't happen to know what
the state bird of New Jersey is, would you?
That'd be a trick question.
There are no birds in New Jersey.
That's good.
You're leaving a lot of good food
unattended there.
Do you know what therapy is?
I've been going since college.
It's a long time.
Just needed to talk to someone
to help me deal with why you left me.
Did I say something wrong here?
I just needed to understand
why after mom died...
you took a 6-year-old to live
with an uncle that she barely knew...
and you left her there for a year
and you didn't even call, not once.
We came here to watch baseball.
We didn't come here to...
Talk. I know.
Everything is okay
as long as we don't talk.
But there's no TV
and there's no game on, so...
- It's just you and me.
- I need a check here.
And then you did it again.
I had you until I was 13,
until you sent me away to boarding school.
And then nothing.
You were gone.
Middle school, high school,
college, nothing.
For a long time,
I thought I had done something wrong...
and that's why you left.
But then I figured out that's how you
wanted it, so I acted like it was okay...
because I didn't want you
to know how bad it hurt.
This is not the time or place
to talk about this.
Are you kidding?
There's never a time or place.
What are you doing, anyway?
Why did you start all this?
You're amazing.
Give me a check.
Get me a goddamn check.
So I hear the old man has a girlfriend
in North Carolina, a young one.
What the hell are you talking about?
Nelson says he's got a pretty
little baby helping him out.
What's Matt Nelson doing
in Gus's territory?
They sent him down there.
Make sure everything's all right.
Confirm that Bo Gentry's our choice
if he's available.
That babe is Gus' daughter
and she's not helping out, she's visiting.
The hell's going on, Pete?
Can't have the daughter of one of our scouts
impacting an important Braves decision.
You're a real team player,
aren't you, Phillip?
It's just business. Don't
take it so personal.
I'm not after your job
because I want director of scouting.
I'm after your job because I want to be
the G.M. You know how it is.
Get the hell out of my office.
Nice shot.
I got the Landau research.
I agree with Mickey there's precedent,
I don't think it's our strongest position.
I've outlined my approach a bit different.
I know you have a hard deadline for the
presentation, so I'm here if you need me.
It's priority.
Why, I appreciate that, Todd.
won't go unnoticed.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen...
and welcome
to Asheville's Zeb B. Vance Field...
the site of the Mountain County
Championship game...
between your Swannanoa Grizzlies
and the Devils of Morganton.
There you go, darling.
That'll be a collector's item
so don't go selling that on the Internet.
It's the two best teams
in the Mountain County League...
Well, the last game.
- Hope it's a good one.
- Yep.
Play ball!
Pack up and get you back to Atlanta.
For sure.
There they are. My two favorite people
in the entire state of North Carolina.
Well, good to see you.
Hey, did you get your work done?
Some of it.
Good. I had a nice time.
Who knew I was such a clogger?
Now batting, number three...
Bo Gentry!
Off-speed. Right?
Do you mind getting your beak
out of that thing? I'm blind, you know.
Got it.
Did you hear that?
No, what?
- That was a breaking ball, right?
- Yeah.
Son of a bitch.
Can't handle a breaking ball.
How can you tell?
- Did you see a hitch in his swing?
- No.
If you can get down there next time he's
up, I want you to keep an eye on him.
See how he handles that breaking ball.
Come on, now. This is it.
Let's bring this one home to Swannanoa.
You better get your skinny little ass
on base.
I got a chance to win this game
in front of all these scouts.
I'm visualizing mega endorsement deals.
Do not mess this up.
I'll do my best, Bo.
Oh, dear God, let me get a hit.
Now batting, number 12, Wyatt Wilson.
One pitch at a time.
You got it, Wyatt!
Take your base!
Come on, ump, what the heck's going on?
Guess you misunderstood me.
Next up, Bo Gentry!
All right, let's see how
you handle the hook.
That's my boy! That's right!
And the Swannanoa Grizzlies...
are the champions
of the Mountain County League.
Congratulations to both teams
for an exciting and excellent game.
You were right.
His hands drift.
How did you know that
if you can't see him?
Because I've been in this business
too damn long, that's why.
No, it's more than that. Tell me.
It's the sound you hear.
It's like a ball coming off the bat,
or exploding into a glove.
It's a pure sound.
You'll know it when you hear it.
So, what do you think?
You make a number of key arguments.
It's provoking.
Well, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon
to present to the client.
No need to rush back.
You can take off the rest of the week.
Excuse me?
Mickey, we didn't know how serious
this was going to be with your father.
So to ensure the firm's best interests
were protected...
we had Todd draft a resolution.
He's gonna take the case from here,
so, look, enjoy a few more days.
- Come back rested.
- Rested?
This isn't a vacation.
I've worked my ass off on this case.
No one would dispute that.
You bring boot-licking Todd on
and you don't tell me?
- Mickey, it's not personal.
- Of course, it's personal.
- Todd's just being a team player.
- Yeah, that's being a team player.
How does this affect my partnership?
To be determined.
A conversation we all want to continue.
You're a quality associate.
Now I'm a quality associate, I see.
I've worked longer and harder than
anyone in that office. I deserve this.
You'll have your time, Mickey.
Just maybe not now.
All right...
I will see you all next week,
rested and ready to work.
It's my problem.
I don't know why I give my blood,
sweat and tears to those cold-blooded...
backstabbing jerk-offs.
And for what?
I guess, you know,
you want your name on the door.
Where'd you learn how to drink
fancy single-malt out of the bottle?
- They teach you that at law school?
- No.
My dad. Yet another brilliant gift
he bestowed upon me.
You are my sunshine.
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are gray.
My dad used to sing that when...
When we were low,
and he would sing that and...
it would help.
You have his voice.
What do you think, Flanagan,
about your first pick?
I don't know. What do you think?
I just got off the phone with Atlanta.
We're not gonna take him
because he can't hit a curve.
The last homer he hit was off a curve.
Tell him.
His hands drift.
He can't get any punch into a breaking ball
because his hands are just drifting.
Well, he still hit it out.
Sisters of the Blind could hit it out
with an aluminum bat.
From everything the Red Sox
have heard...
they think we're drafting
the next Albert Pujols.
Well, just take my advice
and be careful.
You're sure? Not even as a project?
You'd waste a number one pick
on a project?
If you wanna cover your ass, okay,
but I sure as hell wouldn't do that.
It's not every day you get
a number one pick.
That's true, but let me give you
another piece of advice.
Don't be afraid to walk away.
Go ahead and do what you like,
If he's available, he's not gonna be playing
for the Braves, I'll tell you that.
Think he's right?
I don't know.
What's the matter with you? You okay?
Yeah. I'm just thinking, a lot, too much.
- Too much thinking.
- Okay.
That's enough, we're gonna get out of here.
Come on.
- Come on.
- Where are we going?
You'll figure it out when we get there.
- Come on.
- Do I need my shoes?
You can bring them if you want.
You want something from him...
that he just may not
be able to give you.
So do yourself a favor,
stop being pissed off about it.
You're not so bad, Flanagan.
That's all right. I'll wait.
How long?
As long as it takes.
What are you doing?
What am I doing?
I'm taking my clothes off.
Let's go.
You are crazy.
You coming in?
Oh, no. No, no, no, I don't think so.
Afraid you might forget about your job
for a second and actually have some fun?
Oh, thank you for the analysis.
How much do I owe you?
That one was pro bono.
Oh, thanks.
Come on.
Live a little.
No peeking.
What're you staring at?
The paint job on the car.
Oh, yeah, you like it?
Really hot paint job.
- Yeah.
- Really hot.
What? Here she goes.
- A cannonball.
- Yeah, you like that?
- Yeah, it's impressive.
- Thank you.
Isn't this beautiful?
Yeah, it sure is.
Where are you going?
I'm keeping a safe distance.
You're good at that, you know?
Why don't you try stopping?
How's this?
It's safe.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
What about now?
This makes me nervous, Johnny.
Are you sure they're passing?
How well do you know Gus Lobel?
Trust me, we go back a long way.
Okay? He's a friend.
Three minutes to make the pick.
Look, I could play this safe
and tell you to take him.
But you don't want to do that.
The kid's hands drift.
The truth is, I didn't even see it,
Lobel did.
You better be sure
you understood him correctly.
I'm sure.
Welcome back to Major League Baseball's...
live coverage of the
first-year player draft.
This is the moment
we've all been waiting for.
High school, college students from across
the country have worked hard all year...
and it all comes down to this.
Here we go.
Okay, so it's time to find out.
Let's head to the podium.
Oh, my God.
Good evening.
With the first selection
of the first year player draft...
the Boston Red Sox select...
Paulino Estrada, a right-handed pitcher
from Arizona State University.
Yes! Come on, baby.
Gentry's ours, Red Sox pass!
The Atlanta Braves have the next
pick and they are now on the clock.
The Red Sox. So stupid.
The Sox passed
because Flanagan's smart, that's why.
Like I told you last night,
kid can't hit a curve ball.
You know how I feel about you,
but God Almighty, if you're wrong...
Well, I'm not wrong.
Kid's nothing but a dead-red hitter.
Oh, you can watch him if you want
and see if he develops...
but no more than that.
I'll see you back in Atlanta in a few days.
Don't sign him.
- What?
- Gus is adamant. He can't hit the curve.
Oh, Christ! How long?
How long are we gonna listen to this?
I don't give a damn.
We've been tracking him.
Matt says he can hit the crap
out of anything.
This kid's a godsend.
- Pete?
- I stand with Gus.
I say sign the pitcher from San Diego.
We are not passing on him, Vince.
Last time I checked, that's my decision.
Yes. No, I'm sorry. It's just...
I've been following this kid...
- ...every game, every single at bat.
- Your computer's followed him.
When's the last time you stepped out
of the office and saw a high school game?
Our pick's up in two minutes.
If I am wrong, if I'm wrong, you fire me.
But I am telling you right now:
Bo Gentry's the kind of five-tool player that
changes the entire landscape of a franchise.
We draft this kid and we are competitive
for the next five, 10 years.
Sorry, Pete.
- You better be right.
- I'm right.
Definitely right.
Did it even occur to you
that I might get fired?
- You just don't care.
- What happened?
That's funny. Learn to walk away?
Isn't that what you said?
Yeah, well, I did. I walked away.
I passed and you guys got Gentry.
You did the right thing, Flanagan. I guess
the Braves don't give a crap what I think.
Honestly, Gus, save it.
Hold on. Johnny, it wasn't us.
- Really?
- Really. It wasn't.
- It's the truth.
- The truth? Oh, okay.
Well, the truth is, it's over for me.
I had a real shot at the booth,
and now it's gone.
Okay, well, that wasn't us.
You can drop the act, Mickey,
I feel dumb enough already, okay?
You know, I should've known better.
A lawyer and a washed-up baseball player.
Look, you have to believe me. Last night
meant more to me than you know.
Get out of the way, Mickey.
This is a bad time to walk away now.
Let him go.
I guess now I go into a life of retirement
for all the good service I've given them.
Always use another watch.
I should've seen it earlier.
No, it wasn't your fault.
Phillip Sanderson sent that guy up here
to make sure I didn't screw it all up.
Well, things are definitely screwed up.
So, what do we do now?
Go home.
Me, to a career ending, and you to
a career that's just starting as a partner.
I don't think so.
It was more important
that I be here. It's, I...
- No.
- No, it's all right.
- No.
- No, I'll deal with it.
God, I worked my ass off
so you could have more, and you...
You're gonna throw it away
on coming to a garbage can like this?
- That's no life for a...
- For a girl.
That's no life for a kid of mine.
Living out of suitcases and visiting
every shit-ball town in the area.
That's not what I wanted for my kid.
Well, I guess what I wanted didn't matter.
- You don't even like baseball.
- I love baseball.
You know I love it.
I never wanted to be a lawyer.
I did that for you so that you
would be happy with me...
and that you would approve of me
and then maybe you'd keep me around.
I did what I felt was right.
I just didn't want you to have life
in the cheap seats.
They weren't the cheap seats.
Spending every waking moment
with my dad watching baseball...
eating food that was no good for me.
Playing pool, staying up too late,
those were the best seats in the house...
until you sent me away.
Well, I was just doing the best I know how.
Only a coward leaves their kid.
You don't know half
of what you think you do.
Okay, then tell me the other half.
Goddamn it, Dad, talk to me.
talk to me.
You remember years ago,
down in Mobile, Alabama...
they had the horse
running around the field.
They used to keep that horse in a trailer
down outside the bullpen gate.
Anyway, I was talking to this kid
I had signed...
telling him there's no place for him
in the big leagues.
And all of a sudden I realized
you were gone and I couldn't find you.
I was panicking.
I saw this shack there.
I went...
I went over and looked in...
and there you were with this guy.
He had his hand
down the back of your shirt.
I don't remember that.
Yeah. How could you?
You were only 6 years old.
I sent you out, and then I started
beating the shit out of this guy.
I smashed his head against the wall and I
started hitting him with everything I had.
I strangled his ass.
Finally, he passed out.
Oh, my gosh, Dad.
I kept waiting for the police to come
and arrest me, but they never did.
That's when I sent you to your aunt and
uncle's. I thought they'd take care of you.
I thought I'd failed you.
Your mother had died a year before
and I was a mess.
You have to understand that.
Can't you understand that you
sending me away wasn't protecting me...
it was rejecting me.
I've been working hard to not let anyone
else get close enough to do that again.
And being alone really sucks.
you might just have to give me
a little slack on that, because...
I just can't change.
You never tried.
I'm just a broken-down old man.
And you ought to get as far away
from me as you can.
Can't you just do that?
I can do that.
Do you know where he is?
Oh, he left. Checked out
early this morning.
Is he all right?
He said he wanted to take the bus.
What happened with you two?
It's all good.
Thanks, Pete.
I gotta stop.
Hi. I'm Mickey.
I've been watching,
it's really impressive.
Thank you.
You're welcome. Mind if I try?
I can handle it, I think.
Are you crazy?
Can I borrow your glove?
- Throw me that fastball.
- Okay.
Is that your favorite pitch?
Can you throw a curve?
- Show me.
- Okay.
Oh, my God.
Do it again.
What's your name?
Rigoberto. They call me Rigo.
Rigo. You play in school, Rigo?
No, ma'am. Never had the grades
to suit my mom.
Kept getting B's in Chemistry.
Well, thank God for Chemistry.
You gonna be around here for a bit?
Yes, ma'am.
Okay. Wait here, all right?
Mickey, I just can't do it.
This isn't an open tryout.
I've seen him.
I swear to you, he's the real thing.
There's no paperwork on the kid.
I just can't parade him out on the field
and let him pitch.
I'm here because of you, Pete, okay,
so I don't care what you have to do.
You gotta make this happen, okay?
You owe me.
Well, you can take an early retirement,
collect disability.
With the pension,
you should be comfortable.
Save it. Being comfortable's overrated.
Thank God we sent Matt down there
or we would have missed on this kid.
That kid can't hit a curve.
Gus, now that we're all aware
of your condition...
I can't help but ask,
how could you tell?
I heard it.
You heard it?
- That's right. And Mickey saw it.
- And Mickey saw it.
- This is getting interesting.
- Damn right she saw it.
Let me just get this straight.
This year's pick was gonna
be based on what you heard...
and what your daughter, a girl, saw?
We need to go down to the field. Mickey's
brought us something we gotta see.
Oh, boy, I can't wait to see
what Mickey brought us.
- Hey, you watch yourself.
- Let's go.
- Hey, here he comes.
- Hey, Bo, how about a shot?
Over here.
Everything okay? Nice.
- Hey, how's it going?
- Show's about to start.
Great. Go for it, kid.
Oh, yeah.
All right, let's show them what you got.
Oh, boy. He's got a nice swing.
You got this.
What the hell's going on?
- I heard it.
- What?
The pure sound, I heard it.
Come on. What is this?
We don't have all day.
Gentlemen, this is Rigoberto Sanchez.
Peanut Boy?
Son of a bitch.
Is this a joke?
Y'all gonna waste my time on him?
- That's it. I've seen all I need to see.
- Just hold your ass right there.
All right. This is gonna be ugly.
Start with the fastball.
You all right?
Yes, ma'am.
No, ma'am. It's just a game.
You're right, Rigo. It's just a game.
He looks like Sandy Koufax.
Yep, combined with Steve Carlton
and Randy Johnson.
And that's not even his best pitch.
Show him a curve.
Nobody saw this?
Gentry's got potential,
but using our number one pick?
Jesus Christ.
Gentry knows it's coming,
he still can't hit it.
Jesus Christ, who is this kid?
What do you say now, jackass?
That's known as trouble with the curve.
Well, there's no doubt that Rigo Sanchez
should be offered a contract.
You think?
And he's gonna need an agent.
He's got one.
She's a damn good lawyer and I'm sure
she can whip up some papers...
- make that young man some money.
- Shit.
Or she could have your job...
because you sure as hell
don't know anything about the game.
And if I'd have been any help,
she'd be managing her own club now...
because she knows more about baseball
than anyone in this room.
It's okay, Dad.
No. It's in my blood
and it's in your blood too.
I want you to be happy, that's all.
Here's the reports
from last night's game.
What about you, Gus?
Your contract's gonna be up.
Are you interested in an extension?
I'll think about that.
- Anything you want. You name it.
- I said, I'll think about it.
Billy Clark went five-for-five again.
He's been hitting close to 400
since his folks came to visit him.
How much did it cost this organization to put
his parents up? That's what I want to know.
you're fired.
Vince, wait a... Wait a sec. I'm sorry.
I know I missed with Gentry and I'm sorry
about that, but this is real life.
- We're gonna go get a little lunch.
- Yeah, I'm starving.
I'll go to high school games. I like
high school. I mean, I just bought a boat.
I've got private school.
I'll take you fishing.
I think maybe, maybe I could
change the way I do things.
You already have.
What would they want now?
Todd's presentation didn't go
so well, so they're trying to...
push my partnership forward.
- So, what are you gonna do?
- I'll think about it.
- No, I mean...
- I said, I'll think about it.
Thank you.
'77 World Series...
Reggie hits three homers in one game.
Name the pitchers he took deep.
You came all this way to ask me that?
Charlie Hough, Elias Sosa, Burt Hooton.
Is that it? Is that all you got?
I got a lot more than that.
Well, looks like I'll be taking the bus.