Truite, La (The Trout) (1982) Movie Script

Just a little.
A little more.
That's enough.
- You gonna play?
- Yes.
Is Hamada really making
a takeover bid for General Rails?
So it seems.
There must have been
a leak because...
the shares are already going up.
What are you going to do?
I'm buying.
- I got three.
- Three?
Would you like to bowl
a game with us?
With him.
No problem.
What do we play for?
Ten francs a point?
They won't be able to pay
if they lose.
- You come here often?
- Fairly often.
It's not what it used to be.
You're going to accept
a check from them?
Why not?
I really want you
to beat me in a game.
Some other time.
He's thirsty.
You won't catch them with worms.
Little bitch.
Hurry up.
Your mother's waiting for you.
- Sure it's not you she's waiting for?
- Come on. It's late.
We haven't been introduced.
My name is Galuchat.
And I'm his wife.
Keep your hands off him.
I'm not the one chasing after him.
What do you want?
Come on, let's go.
You don't know what you want.
He'll hold it against me for months.
If you leave,
he'll say I scared you off.
You don't scare me.
So... are we playing or not?
Let's start all over.
Will you play with me?
I prefer to play with him
against you two.
We'll let her set the stakes,
if you don't mind.
I don't like playing for money.
I only play
for the excitement of the game.
So where are we then?
Let's play for 1 00 francs a point.
You're crazy.
You would have lost
If you lose too badly,
we'll take a check.
Shall I put Mr. or Mrs.?
It doesn't matter.
That was a great performance.
Strange profession you're in.
They conned you.
You needn't pay them.
Maybe I like to be conned.
Anyway, it's your fault.
You brought her back.
You ought to be ashamed
of yourselves.
You weren't as bad as usual.
We'd like you to have a drink with us.
- Good idea.
- We owe you that.
- I like you.
- That'll cost you.
- Are you coming?
- Yes. To get revenge.
Don't hold your breath.
- Are you coming?
- No, I'll take a taxi home.
Thank you. Good night.
Don't be like that.
I can't stand her. I hate women
who ignore other women.
When can I see you alone?
I won't sleep with you.
You might change your mind.
May I have my milk?
Tonight turned out well for us.
We needed money.
Like all young people.
Especially since we've decided
to be self-supporting.
Apart from bowling,
what do you do?
He sells art.
It's going well at the moment.
It has its ups and downs.
Would you be interested
in a 1 920 Martel?
For almost nothing.
That would make
for an expensive day.
Your wife might not take it too well.
She has nothing to say in the matter.
I'm the boss.
That remains to be seen.
What are you laughing at?
Mr. Galuchat is proposing--
A 1 920 Martel in terra-cotta.
It's of a wild cat.
A unique opportunity.
A Martel?
Where did you find it?
I've been looking for
a reasonably priced one for months.
At last we have something in common.
Please remind me what your name is.
That's strange.
I've never heard of you.
Galuchat's clients are very,
very highly placed.
Maybe we could buy it for Tokyo.
A Martel.
Would it interest theJapanese?
I'll see to it.
I'm going there in about 1 0 days.
Shall I take you?
I was asking Frdrique.
Since we got married,
we've never been separated...
not even for a single day.
Except when I was in the hospital.
Were you sick?
I'll book it.
I leave on the 21 st at 1 1 :30.
Air France.
You can see it's impossible.
Apart from your terra-cotta...
what do you have to sell me?
Lots of things.
Let's dance.
I don't know these modern dances.
I'll teach you.
It's as easy as bowling.
Did your wife
teach you to dance like that?
This is Mr. St. Genis,
a former diplomat.
He left his political career
for international finance.
Pleased to meet you.
When representing a government,
you can only repeat yourself...
or contradict yourself.
Just as in music.
Harmony is nothing but...
repetition and contradiction.
There's a rumor
you're leaving opera for film.
A courageous move.
I'm like Don Giovanni.
I like taking risks.
I'm entitled to know.
What do you want to know?
You know more about it than I do.
Rambert thinks he's being very clever.
I know he's gotten mixed up
in some financial shenanigans.
But he won't tell me anything.
If I knew more about it,
I might be able to cut your losses.
Death is inexhaustible.
I'm not afraid of death.
I like to die on stage.
Then I know I'm acting.
I understand.
That's amazing.
Surely you're not going
to let him lose it all.
Tell me.
I have to answer to the president
of the company.
Frdrique, open the door.
I've got something to tell you.
I've found a fabulous client
for your husband.
Shall I keep it for you?
Afraid I might be a minor?
I'm like you-- afraid of nothing.
- May I take that for you?
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
Is that all you brought?
I left everything I have
with Galuchat.
Supposing I'd brought
someone else along?
Then you would have had to choose.
She's a little brute...
incapable of giving you a child.
It's all my fault.
You're the one who messed me up.
You're just a queer
who can't face it.
It was your idea that I marry her.
That's the truth.
I never wanted to get married.
- Now I'm in love with her.
- While I support you both.
I'll go to work.
I will too.
On the streets?
No, not that.
Neither of you has any skills.
I'm cutting you off as of now.
It's better that way.
I love Frdrique.
Is this her first flight?
She's never seen anything.
She's a little country girl.
I'm a country girl too.
What's that?
AJapanese soap opera.
Looks fun.
Think so?
I like everything.
Hello. How are you?
Are you sure?
Is it serious?
I'll be late.
There's a lot of traffic.
Well, have a good time.
See you tonight.
Forgive me, Daigo. I'm late.
I just came to say hello.
You know...
when I come to Tokyo,
it's to see you.
They tell me you're ill.
I don't think it's very serious.
I can't see you today.
I'm going to Kyoto.
Could you come by tomorrow?
Of course. As usual.
Mr. Rambert called from Paris...
to say you ordered this cat...
for your office.
Mr. Hamada says it's magnificent.
- And you?
- Me?
I'm scared of cats.
Your bed will be made
on the tatami at sunset.
Are things going well?
Not bad.
People buy a lot in times of crisis.
I just sold a Dali
of dubious origin to a Brazilian.
And you?
Not bad.
St. Genis just left forJapan
with that little bowling bitch.
I know. I'm glad.
Rambert is crazy about her.
He sees her husband every day.
Are you in love with St. Genis?
Not really.
But I left a nice guy for him.
Now I'm starting to feel my age.
Are you French?
I adore France.
I owe everything to France.
I met Yosaburo in Paris.
July 1 4th, at midnight,
at the Ritz Bar.
I was wearing a mauve dress
with white roses.
Crpe de chine,
printed specially for me.
Who's Yosaburo?
MyJapanese husband.
He adored me.
I left my American husband for him.
He was desperate.
He tried to throw himself
out the window of the Ritz.
Yosaburo saved him.
Just in time, too.
He was an angel.
They were both very rich.
It's marvelous to have been loved...
by two very rich men.
Are you on your honeymoon?
No, but I'm with someone.
Get him to marry you.
It's very important.
I'm already married.
Excuse me. Thanks.
An adulteress.
Good old France!
See you soon.
I have to go.
Join me in an hour
at the Golden Bee.
The driver knows it.
I'll send the car back for you.
It's all paid for.
So, this time you brought a redhead.
If you were nice,
you'd show her around Tokyo.
I've got a lot of work
at the moment.
There she is.
A cook!
What a disgrace!
Pleased to meet you.
Have a seat.
Is this your first visit to Tokyo?
What's your first impression?
Lots ofJapanese people!
That's a lot for an island.
- Four islands.
- Ah, well!
I prefer Mariline.
So do I.
You're a flower
that's fallen into our garden.
- Are you a gardener?
- No. A banker.
A lovely profession.
You're the lovely one.
Come and listen to some
Japanese music at my place.
I have a traditional wooden house.
A lovely garden.
The moonlight on the maples
is unforgettable.
I'd like to show you
how exquisite my country is.
You didn't bring your fianc.
Were you afraid I'd steal him?
I left him in a nightclub...
with a very prettyJapanese girl.
Aren't you jealous?
Certainly not.
Having a jealous husband is enough.
So this one is your lover?
Not yet.
Make love tonight on the tatami.
It's a full moon.
You'll see. You'll be happy.
Love doesn't interest me.
That's because you've never known it.
As for me...
I've dedicated my life to love.
I've made love over 33,000 times...
in 1 3 capitals.
New York, Paris, London...
Rome, Berlin, Mexico City...
Delhi, Peking.
Rio, So Paulo, Bangkok.
Never in cities with less than...
I've experienced everything.
it was with Yosaburo...
that I touched the sky.
With him I reached satori.
Where is Satori?
The world of ecstasy.
Give up your Western sense of sin.
I have no sense of sin.
Mind you...
the sense of sin...
brought me great pleasure.
Here, have a drink.
Are you interested in fish?
I can take you fishing.
Come to my place.
I've got a net and a boat.
No way.
We all know what goes on
in your chalet.
You and my father and those girls.
Let me go!
Are you crazy?
Are you tired?
I'm never tired.
Our village called us ""the savages.''
We founded a club.
What kind of club?
A club whose aim was...
to get things out of men...
without ever giving them anything.
Well, well.
What became of the others?
- They got married.
- Like you.
- Like me.
- Then...
you haven't lived up
to the principles of your youth.
Oh, but I have.
Are you capable of loving?
What about you?
Is that the big boss's house?
It's pretty. I like it.
A very nice girl
will look after you...
while I'm with the president.
You're ashamed
to introduce me to him.
That's right. I am ashamed.
This is Sayuri.
You must take care of yourself.
I'm going to see a doctor in Paris.
- When?
- I'm flying tomorrow night.
Are you going alone?
You see?
The closer I get to death...
the more I love life.
Will you see Rambert in Paris?
No, I don't think so.
You look worried.
I'm incapable of loving.
Perhaps you lack imagination.
Perhaps I lack generosity.
Hey, big boss.!
I'm Frdrique.
I'm sorry.
Come in.
When did this cable arrive?
It says ""urgent.''
It just arrived, sir.
It arrived at 8:30,
but I couldn't find you.
I thought you had
gone out to dinner.
I was in the bar.
He could be dead.
He's capable of that.
It's not the first time
Galuchat's tried it.
Galuchat ruined his health
to provide for us.
I'll never leave him.
When you're well,
I'll take you home.
Are you worried
about your husband?
He just did it to annoy me.
I thought it was only in Japan...
that one could die for love.
I tell you, he just did it to annoy me.
You're young.
Not that young.
Did you leave your parents
a long time ago?
When I got married.
Were you happy with them?
I would have really liked
to have a father like you.
You and Father are
going out on the town?
None of your business.
I'm pregnant.
The man who did this--
can't he marry you?
He's already married.
The bastard!
Have you told your mother?
You're the first one I've told.
I need 800 francs to get rid of it.
Will you lend it to me?
That's the fellow's job
who did it to you.
Now I can go to your chalet.
I can't do that to your parents.
I don't know why I said I was pregnant.
I was a virgin.
I hated the fact he was waiting
for my father.
They were going off
to his chalet and their girls.
Have a seat.
Have a drink.
Move over.
Leave me alone.
I don't feel like it.
Leave me alone!
So this is where you
and my father have your dirty fun?
Go home!
Leave me alone!
You old pig!
Why did you do that, my child?
I'd never been
so ashamed in my life.
We'll be in Paris in three hours.
I'm never in a hurry,
even on a plane.
Even when pursued...
the butterfly never seems hurried.
I'm no butterfly.
- That's a haiku.
- What's a haiku?
AJapanese poem in three lines.
Tell me another one.
The woman without children...
how tender she is...
with her dolls.
I never wanted to grow up.
Becoming an adult
seemed disgusting.
I'd like...
to see you again.
Everything all right, kids?
Just fine.
Don't be long.
There's a lot to do.
I'm coming.
Don't start again.
I can't stand it here.
I'm suffocating.
I want to get out.
I'm just asking you
to have a little patience.
I'm gonna kill that guy.
He's always after you.
You know I don't care.
You went off with the other guy.
I wanted to see the world.
Swear you'll never leave me again.
I swear.
What's he doing?
Saying his prayers?
You could make lace with this.
Lou and I will make
a new man of you.
Let's go.
Not too tiring?
It's relaxing.
St. Genis behaved very badly.
With you, with Mariline.
His money makes him think
he can do whatever he likes.
He buys everything,
no matter the cost.
Even other men's wives.
I've got to have a drink.
It's not time yet.
When I think of that bastard--
You two swindled us at bowling...
so he treated Frdrique like a whore.
You couldn't stand that.
To think he had her
for the price of a trip to Tokyo!
I can't take it anymore.
If I don't get a drink right now,
I'll go mad!
We'll join them, then.
I feel sorry for you.
I won't say anything.
- Where are you going?
- The local bar!
You know there is none around here.
I'll tell them you tried to kill me!
What are you doing?
Looking to see
if Galuchat hid a bottle.
Here it is.
He'll kill himself.
He's impossible.
Has he always been like this?
Come on.
You drink in your room now?
Bordeaux in bed-- our favorite.
- You coming down?
- In a minute.
- I'm doing it all for you!
- Let me go!
- I broke the bank for you.
- Let me go!
I hope it was a big bank.
If Rambert had dared to sleep with men,
he might have had fewer problems.
It hasn't solved anything
for Galuchat.
In a month...
he'll be practically cured.
If you don't kill him first.
Thanks to you.
Be quiet.
When he's better,
I hope he breaks your neck.
Nowadays heterosexuality...
and homosexuality mean nothing.
You're either sexual or you're not.
Galuchat hasn't come down yet?
They must still be asleep.
That's unusual.
What about that?
Is that usual?
What are you doing in their room?
I don't want to sleep
with you anymore.
This will be my room.
What's this all about?
You've put me through a lot...
but this time--
You've been jealous of Frdrique
from the very beginning.
I was.
But I'm not anymore.
You've gone too far.
You never understood either of them!
A poor little faggot!
And you tried to finish him off.
- You gonna stick up for him now?
- I am!
The bit with the ambulance
was disgusting!
I'm leaving you.
I'll find her.
I'll leave you all alone...
in your little girl's room...
and without a cent.
Without a cent?
Just like you, my poor Rambert.
What are you ranting about?
I just pulled off a brilliant scheme.
I've doubled what St. Genis made.
I've got nearly as much as old Daigo.
It's old Daigo who's the genius.
He tipped off St. Genis in time.
Your brilliant scheme has fallen apart.
You never get it right!
You're washed up!
- How long have you known about this?
- A week.
- So that's why she left?
- Of course not.
She left...
because she despises you.
She left because
you act like a pathetic jerk!
She's better than us.
She won't be back!
At last I've stopped loving you!
I'm not gonna take
any more from you.
Not your bad taste,
or your vulgarity.
At last.
At last I've stopped loving you.
You're hopeless.
First you cheat on me
with your pathetic little girls...
then you get mixed up
in your miserable business ventures.
When Frdrique first showed up,
I thought...
""At least he's moving up a notch.''
I didn't mind
being left for Frdrique.
But when I saw how you behaved
towards Galuchat--
Will you stop talking bullshit!
What are you doing here?
I came to see Lou.
And to get Galuchat's medicine.
I forgot it.
He won't be needing
his medication anymore.
I'm gonna kill him.
You could never do that.
- You don't think so?
- I'm sure of it.
I want to see Lou.
Let me go.
It's your fault she's dead.
Don't cry.
We'll get you out of here.
Where's Lou?
Look at me.
I'm better now.
What will Lou say?
Frdrique found you a good lawyer.
I want to see Lou.
sends her regards.
I want Lou.
Frdrique, this is Mr. Carter...
president of our US branch.
Mrs. Galuchat and her husband
run the trout fishery.
They had one in France.
Her husband is in charge.
This is Mr. Lindstrom,
president of the Norway branch.
Japanese trout breed
from October toJanuary.
Norwegian trout only in January.
It's better than back in France,
isn't it?
It's the same.
But Galuchat is in charge.