Truly Madly Deeply (1990) Movie Script

Mostly when I'm walking... night - or anyway, by myself-
if I'm frightened or...
Then he'll turn up.
He'll talk about what I'm doing.
You know, some advice. He'll say...
..."Don't be frightened. I've told you -
walk in the middle of the road at night."
And I do. I move over
to the middle of the road.
Or, I don't know, he'll say...
"It's a disgrace. This street is a disgrace."
"There's no proper lighting.
Have you written? You must write."
He's always forthright. I mean, he always
was forthright, so I suppose that's not...
But, you know, he'll also
speak in Spanish to me...
...which is odd, because
he couldn't speak Spanish.
And I would have been feeling low,
you know, very alone and hopeless...
...and then he's there, his presence.
And it's OK. It's fine.
And he tells me he loves me.
And then he's not there any more.
And then how do you feel?
OK. Fine.
Well, I feel looked after, I suppose.
Watched over.
He never says anything
profound or earth-shattering.
You know, he doesn't say
"Well, God thinks this" or...
Or about the planet or world events
or "There is no God."
It's all "Go to bed, brush your teeth,"...
...or the way I'm brushing my teeth,
because I always brush them side to side.
I'll be doing that and he'll say "Down at
the top. Come on. Up from the bottom."
Or "Lock the back door."
- Cierra la puerta de atras.
- What's that?
- Lock the back door.
- Is it significant, do you think...
...he says that in Spanish?
Cierra la puerta de atras.
I did. It's locked.
How long ago did Jamie die?
Jamie. When was it he died?
- Night. Bye.
- Are you off, Carolyn? Bye.
- See you tomorrow.
- Night.
- Night, Sandy.
- Oh, bye, Carolyn.
I like your hair.
- What?
- Your hair. It looks...
Is... is it different?
Or is it the earrings?
They're terrific. They look sort of... Inca.
Sandy, what are you talking about?
- Are you depressed?
- No.
I don't just love you because
you translate my postcards.
I know.
Everybody's just a wee bit
concerned about you.
- Everybody who?
- You've disappeared. Gone to ground.
You don't go out or invite
people round, you look terrible...
- Except for my hair.
- Your hair was never your strong point.
- So is it still Jamie?
- What?
I can understand that.
Lord knows, I miss Gabriella.
I hated her and I still miss her,
so I understand that.
You've got to get out. Unless you
get out, you'll never meet anybody.
OK. OK, darling, thanks.
So, come on, have a wee drink
with your Uncle Sandy.
Sandy, I can't. I can't.
I just can't.
Hi. Everything OK?
- Good. Very safe now.
- Yeah, I'm much happier with the door.
- Take ten men to break down this door.
- Titus, it's nearly midnight.
Yes. I come to see if you
still want me in the morning.
Yes, I do, actually, please.
I can't close any of my kitchen cabinets.
Oh, and Titus, listen, I've got rats.
Either two massive rats who keep eating
or 2,000 on a calorie-controlled diet.
I had this man who came this morning.
He put down enough poison
to knock out half of north London...
...and it's disappearing. Look.
I'm missing Poland.
- Right.
- Sometimes I think I hate Poland...
...but then a song goes through
my head, some music, or a taste.
I remember... taste of Polish bread.
A man should never drink. He remembers
only his country, his mother, his lovers.
Yeah. I'm going to bed.
I'm bushed. It's been a really busy day.
Nina... you are the only
beautiful woman I meet in London.
Absolutely right.
That's got nothing to do with the drink.
I am the only beautiful woman in London.
Night-night. See you in the morning.
In my country...
...when we want to be rid of rats,
we do not use poison. We dance.
To drive the rats away, we dance.
I would be surprised
if the rats will come back.
Oh, my God.
Oh, sorry, sorry. Is Nina around?
- Yeah, through there.
- Thanks.
- Nina?
- Sandy.
- What's going on?
- Well, the fridge is still working.
I keep telling myself
the fish fingers are frozen.
Oh, Nina, this flat! It's not
been very... really, has it?
- Who's the chappie in the joists?
- That's Keith. He's the plumber.
Well, he's not a proper plumber.
A little problem with the water.
Titus is trying to make the kitchen doors
fit the cabinets. Did you meet Titus?
Titus, this is Sandy.
Sandy runs the agency.
Hello, Titus. Good work.
George is here somewhere. George?
It's a disaster, really.
The whole place is falling to bits.
Why did I buy it, Sandy? You told me...
...Jamie told me, everybody told me.
Nina, this is very important.
- Hello.
- George, this is Sandy. He's my boss.
- Hello, George.
- Have you touched these containers?
- Have you emptied them out or anything?
- No.
You've got a serious problem here, Nina.
We're talking a lot of rodents,
we're talking infestation, even nesting.
Can I make a telephone call?
Are we talking mice?
- Rats? Oh, my God!
- I have to move out.
Sandy, you want borscht?
- Sorry?
- Borscht. Have some.
- He says it's the answer to our problems.
- Oh, borscht! Thanks, yes.
Nina, there's a postcard from Charlie here
somewhere. Could you spare a minute?
- Sandy, you've got to learn Spanish!
- I know.
It's perverse to run
a language agency and...
How many languages do you speak?
And not be able...
It's your son. You've got to be
able to understand what he says.
That was the problem
with you and Gabriella.
- You couldn't talk to each other.
- That was its strength.
When we started to talk, it went wrong.
Before that, it was terrific.
Sign language. It was great.
- Voila!
- You're a twerp. What is this?
This is work. It's for you. It's urgent.
It's manuals and whatever.
But the postcard. Could you sight-read it?
I'm beginning to have an anxiety attack.
- "Dear Daddy..."
- Where does it say that?
- "Querido papa..." There.
- Fantastic.
"We are spending our holidays in Mar del
Plata." Oh, it's supposed to be beautiful.
"I am swimming in the sea
and I am not wearing..."
Oh, what do you call them?
I am not wearing... things.
- Trunks?
- Floats.
"Mario is teaching me
to swim underwater."
"We are staying in a very big hotel,
which has a television in the bathroom."
Oh, that's the thing about Gabriella!
Give her a television in the bathroom...
Doesn't that make you laugh?
After all that stuff about materialism,
a TV in the bathroom!
"Last night we went to a football match...
...and then we had a barbecue,
which gave me diarrhoea."
Oh, that is terrible! Because Mario is
a bastard. That is beyond dispute.
He's absolutely and manifestly
a bastard, is in loco parentis...
And what is he doing? Poisoning my son!
"I'm having a great time. Wish you
were here. Lots of love, Charlie."
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- He's having a great time.
I have to write back, Nina.
Would you help me write back?
If you promise me you'll make
an effort to learn Spanish!
Si, si, senorita. Thank you. Gracias.
You're a good person.
How is soup? Fantastic?
- It's fantastic.
- Fantastic.
I tell her last night...
Nina, she is beautiful woman.
She is beautiful.
- You are.
- OK.
- Well, I think she's beautiful.
- Who's this who's beautiful?
- We're talking about Nina.
- Yeah, she is.
Guys, what is this?
She really loved him. It's tragic.
And he was young, you know.
He was younger than me.
It's cruel. It's harsh.
He had a sore throat. One minute he has
a sore throat, then he's being examined.
Then he stops breathing. The anaesthetist
couldn't get the tube down.
If he'd just had a wee suck on a Strepsil,
it would never have happened.
I think she loves me.
I know she doesn't know yet, but...
- Do you like washing?
- Yeah.
I like getting my hands in the warm water.
- I like drying.
- Also me.
Me too.
Look at this water. It's brown!
It's a miracle there's any water.
This is a terrible flat.
Or I find that I've... just been
sitting with my head in my hands...
...and an hour has gone by,
or longer, like this.
And I'm completely numb.
And the kettle can be boiling away,
or the telephone.
And I'm crying. I can be on the tube
and somebody says "What's the matter?"
And there are tears. It's ridiculous.
I miss him. I just miss him. I miss him.
I miss him. I miss him.
I know I shouldn't do this!
I'm in the sitting room, but I think there's
no point going to bed, as he's not there.
Or I'm in bed, and I think
there's no point getting up.
It's anger, isn't it? It's rage.
I get so angry with other people. People
in love, or out of love, or wasted love!
And women with children,
growing children, fertile!
But most of all, I'm so angry with him.
I'm so angry with him!
I can't forgive him for
not being here. I can't!
Oh, God.
God, I've run over, haven't I? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm fine, actually.
I am fine.
Oh, God, I'm late. Er, listen.
I'll see you next Tuesday.
Thanks. Can I?
We... walk.
We do walk.
- We... looking at things.
- Are looking.
- Say it.
- Are looking at things.
- So, what things can we see?
- Oh, we can see... trees?
Good, we can see trees, yeah.
Er... people.
- Good. We can see some people.
- We can see some people.
We can see cielo... Er, cielo?
- S...
- No me digas.
- Sky!
- Sky. Very good.
We can see sky, and the... nubes.
- Nubes?
- Clouds.
- Clode...
- Clouds.
- Clouds!
- Yeah, yeah. That's right, Maura.
We can see the clouds in the sky.
- What are you doing?
- It's no problem.
- We can gossip while we're cleaning.
- Claire!
I've had plumbers, who are coming back,
carpenters, rat-catchers...
...and apparently now there's subsidence
in one of the supporting walls.
- Being house-proud gets a touch difficult.
- Vacuuming won't hurt. Leave me alone.
I like cleaning!
- Just like Ma.
- I am not. Shut up!
You've always liked messing,
I've always liked cleaning.
I wish you'd let me help you more.
- I could always pop round and...
- No, thanks.
Harry, what are you doing?
That's rat poison. Harry, that's poison!
Did you eat any of this stuff?
What's in your mouth? Spit it out!
No, it's chocolate.
It's OK. The poison's purple.
- Oh, God. It's my fault.
- God, just sit down.
Just sit down, for God's sake,
and try not to...
But you love him.
I love him, but he's impossible!
I don't always love him.
Just try not to poison yourself
for five minutes.
How can you have rats?
- It's a personality defect.
- I'm serious.
I haven't spoken to them, Claire.
I've tried, but they won't answer.
"What are you doing here, hm?"
- Nothing.
- There is an odour, I have to say.
There is a strange odour.
Even Harry noticed.
Yeah, well, the rats are dying, Claire.
That's the problem on the smell front.
I wish you'd come and stay with us.
You could have people in
and have it all done properly.
Or sell it.
I can't bear to think of you
living here all on your own.
I'm fine.
- It's not as if Jamie ever lived here.
- It's got nothing to do with Jamie.
How's Nick?
Yes, he's busy.
- Do you know about Everest?
- Dad's going to climb Mount Everest.
You're joking! When?
Well, after Christmas sometime.
- When's the baby due?
- The baby'll be two or three months then.
It's fine. It's fine.
He probably won't go.
He's hopeless with babies, anyway, so...
I can't sell the flat. Nobody's buying
even nice flats. Only a lunatic would.
Anyway, I like it.
I like it!
- I like it.
- Exactly. Harry likes it.
- It's big.
- Yep.
So are you.
- What's the verdict on the new baby?
- I don't mind.
You're looking fab. How's school?
He's worried because he doesn't think
there'll be room in our bed for four.
Of course there will. Shove, that's
the secret. Tactical use of the elbow.
He's doing brilliantly at school.
He loves it.
- You're not getting posh?
- No.
Good. Say "bum" and "Trotsky"
twice a day, before meals.
Harry, don't.
Have you told Nina about your lessons?
- He's having cello lessons.
- Oh? Really?
Isn't that great?
Are you going to ask Nina?
- You ask her.
- What's this?
Well, Harry was wondering, erm...
He's having these lessons
and, erm, at some point...
The school provides boys
with an instrument...
...until you decide whether or not it's
serious, whether or not he'll persevere.
But then obviously eventually
he'll need his own cello.
- Yeah, so what are you getting at?
- Obviously, say if this is a bad idea...
...but we did wonder
whether Jamie's cello is...
Is that a terrible idea?
You don't play it and perhaps...
- You want me to give you Jamie's cello?
- No, not give, no. Erm...
Either for Harry to borrow it,
or we could buy it, or...
Have you any idea
how much that cello's worth?
Well, I know it's a good one, of course.
I can't believe you'd be so insensitive.
It's practically all I've got of him.
It is him. It is him.
- It's like asking me to give you his body.
- Oh, Nina, it isn't.
- Well, anyway, you can't have it.
- OK, I'm sorry.
- You're right. It was a stupid thing to...
- You should never have asked.
It's so horrible.
Well, I'd no idea you'd react so. Nina...
- Jamie!
- Shh.
I kept thinking... just my luck.
Die of a sore throat.
But dying...
- Actually dying. What's it like?
- Dying's all right.
It was the general anaesthetic I didn't like.
- I'm serious.
- So am I.
I dunno, maybe I didn't die properly.
Maybe that's why I can come back.
It was like standing behind a glass wall...
...while everybody else
got on with missing me.
It didn't hurt. And you know
I'm very sensitive to pain.
It really didn't hurt.
But where do you go?
I mean... you go to heaven... or what?
I don't think so.
I can't take all this in.
Where do I start?
Are you here? You are here.
Yes, I am here.
Are you staying?
Well, I think so.
I'd like to. Is that all right?
It's fantastic.
Can I kiss you?
Your lips are a bit cold.
Actually, I'm fantastically cold. One thing
I've really noticed: This flat is freezing.
The heating's on.
It's supposed to be on, anyway.
I've got to tell you... this is a terrible flat.
- I know.
- It's terrible.
Honestly, Nina, you're hopeless.
And something else is
really bothering me, too.
You've got red bills. Red gas, red phone.
- It's not clever.
- I know.
And you never lock the back door.
It's driving me crazy.
I'm going, I'm going.
Thank you for missing me.
I have. I do.
I did.
I know.
But the pain, your pain...
I couldn't bear that.
There's a little girl.
I see this little girl from time to time.
Alice, who's three, three and a half.
And she's great. Everybody makes
a big fuss, but she isn't spoiled.
Well, she wasn't spoiled.
She was knocked over and she died.
And her parents and her family
and her friends from kindergarten...
Well, she used to go to this park.
And she was telling me,
they made an area in the park...
...gave the money for swings
and little wooden animals.
And there are these plaques on each
of the... on the sides of the swing...
...the bottom of the horse...
...from Alice's mum and dad: "In loving
memory of Alice, who used to play here."
And, of course, Alice goes
back there all the time.
You see parents...
...take their child off the swing...
...and see the sign.
And then they hold onto their
son and daughter so tightly...
...clinging on for dear life.
And yet the capacity to love
that people have...
- What happens to it?
- I don't know.
I blame the government.
- What?
- The government.
- What's the government got to do with it?
- I hate the bastards.
You've died, and you're
still into party politics?!
- I still attend meetings.
- Oh, God!
Which is more than can
be said for some people.
- That's my doorbell.
- It's a bit late.
- Are you expecting somebody?
- No.
I'll make myself scarce.
I make decision. We go to Paris.
Make love for one week.
You're fab. You're so sweet.
Titus, I can't go to Paris with you.
- Oh, dear.
- Why? You...
You don't like Paris?
You don't want to make love?
For a week?! No, I love Paris. Erm...
No, it's got nothing to do with
your offer, which is very kind.
No, which is more than kind. It's lovely.
It's just that I'm not
really looking for a lover.
It's not you. I'd say the same to anybody.
- Can I come in?
- No.
- Just for talk.
- No.
Really, it's too late.
- Now I am depressed.
- I'm sorry.
I bought tickets.
I am man with big emotion, big heart.
I know, Titus.
Thank you.
I love you.
Do you follow?
I follow.
Jamie, please, where are you?
Jamie, please come back.
- Who was that?
- Is this going to be your party trick?
- It sounded like a man's voice.
Titus. It was Titus.
Don't worry. He's Polish.
- A bit late to come round.
- That's what I told him.
So? What?
- Is he in love with you?
- I don't think so, no.
What are you doing?
Warming my lips.
Your mother!
You think every cloud
looks like my mother.
This one really does look like her. Look.
Eyes, nose, eyebrows...
- Brilliant!
- My mother has not got a beard.
Well, I see that as a sort of...
I love you.
I love you.
I really love you.
- I really, truly love you.
- I really, truly, madly love you.
I really, truly, madly, deeply love you.
I really, truly, madly, deeply,
passionately love you.
I really, truly, madly, deeply,
passionately, remarkably love you.
I really, truly, madly, deeply,
passionately, remarkably...
...deliciously love you.
- I really, truly...
...madly, passionately, remarkably,
deliciously... juicily love you.
"Deeply." "Deeply"! You passed on
"deeply", which was your word...
...which means that you
couldn't have meant it.
So you're a fraud, actually.
You're probably
a figment of my imagination.
Your forfeit! Erm, erm...
You play, I dance.
- I'll go.
- No, no.
- Oh, it's Claire.
- She wanted my cello, didn't she?
Bloody cheek.
I want the world to go away.
I don't know about the world, but
I guarantee the rats have gone away.
Terrified of ghosts.
- Really?
- Really.
And now your sister's gone away, too.
Go away.
Oh, Jamie!
Oh, God!
You pig.
- Oh, I'm ill.
- You're not ill.
- I'm sick.
- You're not sick.
I am sick. I've got tummy ache.
I'm probably dying. That'll be
the next thing. I'll die as well.
Oh, sorry.
Sorry. I can't believe I said that.
I'm wondering whether you
want to go into work today.
- No?
- OK.
- I can't believe I just said that.
- Don't worry.
You should call in, so they know
you're dying. They might be concerned.
Nina. This is Sandy.
Are you hibernating? Where are you?
Do you think I should go in?
Aren't you boiling?
No, I'm freezing. I've been trying to
fix your central heating. Who put it in?
What was wrong with whatshisname
who did the shower at Coniston Road?
It's working perfectly.
It must be 90 degrees in here.
That's why I've got tummy ache. I've
probably got a tropical disease - malaria.
I can't go into work with malaria.
Anyway, what would
you do if I went into work?
Don't worry about me.
I can do a lot of things.
- I've been having Spanish lessons, I've...
- Spanish? I knew!
I knew you had!
Yeah, because when you were...
You know, when I could sense you,
feel you around...
...and you were telling me to do things
like lock the back door...'d say it in Spanish.
And I was so... I was really...
I was really touched.
The accent's not great, but...
No, don't!
So I'm going in, am I?
What have you?
Well, I've just changed
a few things around.
Cleared up a bit.
Where's my tiger?
- Well, I could put it back.
- No, no, it's...
You know I've got more sense with those
things. You could never hang a picture.
Could I light the fire?
And... I gave you this.
I think I will have to go in, actually.
I can feel my face is hot.
I've got to be careful.
You know I'm prone to colds.
And you imagine: I get
a cold now, it could last for ever.
I'm not joking. I'm serious.
Thank you.
What for?
Coming back.
- Nina!
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Maura! Hello... Oh, no.
Oh, my God. Is it... Thursday?
It's Friday, Nina. Where have you been?
Titus? Hello.
Maura, have you been
here since yesterday?
No, no.
- She's doing some cleaning.
- What do you mean?
Cleaning. We need someone,
she needs the money.
Sandy! She's about to have a baby.
Excuse me, could we just
start all this again, please?
You disappear for a week, we have been
working. You come back, we get told off.
- Sorry. I'll be with you in a moment.
- Comment?
God, is it really Friday? My God.
Apart from anything else,
Gabriella called me.
She was screaming and being hysterical.
What else is new? I know.
- But luckily, Maura was here.
- How did that help?
Gabriella spoke to her, so Maura can
speak to you, then you can speak to me.
And what about Titus? Did we get
all the ex-clients to work here?
- Monsieur...
- Je sais. Vous devez prendre I'avion.
So come on, let's have an explanation.
Make something up.
And why have you got
the nerve to look so cheerful?
- That's a really tricky one, Sandy.
- Yes, I had a feeling it might be.
- Do you love me?
- No.
- No, I mean, as a friend?
- No.
- Sandy! You do love me as a friend.
- No, I do not.
Je dois absolument prendre cet avion.
Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas
achete cet appareil en France?
Je me le demande.
And you'd better ring Rachel Reed.
- Did she say what it was?
- No. I hope you're late. She rang Monday.
Maintenant, monsieur...
The 14-day timer. Le bouton
programmation de quatorze jours.
Sandy, psst!
I can tell you're forgiving me.
- Hi. Are you OK?
- I come tonight to finish your cabinets?
Erm... well, tonight's not very good. Erm...
OK. I come tomorrow.
Well, could we talk about that tomorrow?
I'll telephone you, Titus.
- Sure.
- It's not that I don't want you to finish...
I've got some people staying
at the moment. Friends.
And they turned up unexpectedly.
- How's the baby?
- Good. Very fine.
"Very fine" is not...
We don't say "very fine", but I like it.
How should I say?
"Very fine" is fine.
Tus amigos, Sandy y los otros,
estan muy preocupados por ti.
English, Maura!
- Oh, I can't.
- Yes, you can.
Sandy, Titus... Very sad for you.
- Why are they very sad for me?
- Because her man is dead.
Your man. My man.
- Yes, well...
- I also sad.
Maura, do you believe in life after death?
- La vida despues de la muerte, espiritus?
- Espiritus?
Si, claro.
You hice una pelicula, un documental en
Chile, sobre espiritus. Claro que yo creo.
- You made a documentary?
- Si, yo hago peliculas.
Oh, English, English.
I make... film, many film, in Chile.
In Chile, I make film.
In London, I'm a cleaner.
The spirits are everywhere.
They are walking here with us.
Oh, yes.
- I was working here before.
- Oh, did you? It's lovely.
Roberto, this is my friend Nina.
Nina, this is Roberto.
I'm very pleased to meet you.
Maura told us you help her.
Oh, well...
- Mm, cafe, si.
- Yeah, coffee's great. Thanks.
- Is Roberto from Chile?
- No, from El Salvador.
He's a very good friend.
Maura, you never told me who's
the father of your baby. Is it Roberto?
No, I think it's this Welshman
I met at Glastonbury Festival.
I don't know. I try to find him.
No problem. I want the baby.
There we are.
What's this? What's going on?
Roberto is my doctor.
I don't like hospitals.
I am a doctor...
was a doctor in my country.
But I keep telling her, she must go to
the hospital. She never listen to me.
I have the same problem, Roberto.
Sujetalo ahi.
- Roberto!
- Oh, shit. The boss.
- Roberto!
- I'm coming.
- What's going on here?
- Nothing. I'm just coming.
I might have known you'd
be involved! Have you paid?
- We haven't had the bill yet.
- Oh, sure(!)
- Sorry?
- Pull the other leg.
- What?
- I've looked at the till rolls and the bills...
...and counted the customers,
and they don't add up!
Dale que va.
I try to give you a break.
You're not meant to be working.
I don't ask questions, and I get
diddled right under my nose!
- I'm sorry. You speak too quickly.
- I bet I do!
OK, I'll say it in words of one syllable.
You people have been
ripping me off, stealing my money...
...stitching me up, robbing me!
- No!
- No te esta robando, pero lo debia hacer.
No nos esta pagando lo prometido.
Dijo cuatro libras.
Does anybody speak English here?
He says you've cheated him
and other employees.
- I bloody well have not!
- Tenemos un arreglo.
Por cada hora que trabajamos
sacamos una libra...
What's he saying? I'm not cheating him!
Shut up! He says you promised to pay
4 an hour, which is pretty criminal...
...but in fact you only pay them three.
- They're not paying tax!
- They sponge off... I'm paying tax!
- I'd like to know their legal position.
They pay themselves
the extra pound, their money... not ringing up the coffees.
A este cabron debian mandarlo a mi pais.
I heard that! Calling me a bastard.
Don't think I don't understand you!
Hey, come on! Watch it!
There is nothing up my left sleeve,
nothing up my right sleeve...
...nothing on my plate except gravy. Yum.
I take a novel. It's Russian.
It must always be a Russian novel.
And I throw it in the air!
Any chance of another coffee?
- Would you like a lift?
- Oh, erm...
No, I think we're fine, thanks, aren't we?
Thank you for your performance
back there. It was extraordinary.
- Anything to help.
- Is that your profession?
Magic? Er, no. No, it's not. It's, er...
Nothing. It's OK.
Right. Bye.
A very fine person!
I've been calling and calling.
- Oh, George! Hello.
- Your answering machine isn't working.
- I thought I'd come round.
- Have you been waiting?
- I was getting a bit worried about you.
- I'm fine.
- Still bad in there, is it?
- What?
- In the flat.
- George...
George, George... You're never
gonna believe this. They've gone.
Oh, yes. Of course, they
won't have gone, but good.
They've definitely gone. It's amazing.
Nina, ask me how many years I've been
in pest control, and shall I tell you?
Like all wars, you develop
a healthy respect for the enemy.
Never underestimate them.
They lie low.
- Jamie!
- No, it's quite astonishing. They lie low.
They won't touch the trays, so I clear off.
And then they come back.
They're not stupid.
No, no.
- No.
- Jamie!
- You see, your trays are untouched.
- Jamie, Jamie, Jamie...
- Your trays are untouched.
- Mm.
Do you know,
I think they talk to each other.
- You've had a tidy up.
- Yeah.
- Well, it needed it.
- He's got a soft spot for you, you know.
- Who?
- Titus.
I've always been rather
fond of the Poles, myself.
- Shall I make a cup of tea?
- Lovely.
Is it me, or is it very hot in here?
- That's me. I'm off.
- All right, George. Thanks for coming.
And... sorry if I was a bit unwelcoming.
You're a lovely girl.
I was telling my wife all about you.
Oh! Really?
George, I'm sorry. I thought she had died.
Tell her of my day.
Don't you do that?
I do, yes.
"And death shall have no dominion."
We know that, you and me, eh?
Don't do that! You scared me half to...
- Don't do that!
- Is this a bad time?
Yes, it's a terrible time.
There are some things...
- Oh, come on, don't be coy.
- I'm serious. Go away.
- Darling, I know you shave your legs.
- I can't even lock the door on you now!
- I thought you'd be pleased to see me.
- No, I'm not.
Yes, I am pleased to see you,
but just leave me alone for a bit.
Of course I'm pleased to see you.
I was terrified you'd gone.
- See you later.
- Yeah.
Why do you lock this?
I don't know.
- Have you turned the telly on?
Oh, yes...
Erm... listen, sweetheart, don't get... but...
Some of the guys wanted to come back
and... just watch a couple of videos.
- What guys?
- Friends. Some friends.
- Dead friends?
- I don't know. I suppose so, yes.
Are you telling me there are dead people
in my living room, watching videos?
Well, I mean... aren't these videos
available wherever they are normally?
Look, if this is a problem...
These are my friends, Nina.
No, OK, I'll send them away. Sure.
No, it's fine. It's absolutely fine.
- I'd forgotten you could be like this.
- Be like what?
- Doesn't matter.
- I said it's fine.
Bless you.
- Bless you.
Oh, no!
I'll tell you his name: Eric Stuart
Campbell. He is the star of this film.
The lamppost bit is nonsense.
The greatest bit in this film is the fight
with Eric Campbell in the police station.
Charlie Chaplin's not even there.
It is brilliant.
Eric died a few months after making
this film. He got run over. He told me...
- Hey, where's the picture?
- Just press one of those. Jamie?
Oh, Nina!
This is Freddie and this is Pierre.
- This is Bruno and this is...
- Isaac.
- Hello.
- This is Nina.
- I'm Bruno.
- Hello, Bruno.
- Freddie. Hi.
- Freddie.
- Pierre. Hello.
- Pierre. Hi, hi.
- Well, can I get anybody... anything?
- No, thanks.
Well, the tape that says
it's Manhattan... It isn't.
Oh, no. You know, the other day, I was
trying to record Hannah and her Sisters...
- Lovely film.
- Woody Allen.
Yes. I've got a terrible feeling...
I'm so hopeless with that machine...
You haven't recorded over it?! Nina!
She did that with Strangers on a Train.
- Really?
- I love that film!
- He's wonderful in it.
- Robert Walker.
That's such a drag!
Yes, dear?
Whatever your dream was,
it wasn't a very happy one, was it?
Is there anything I can do to help?
Yes, Fred, you always help.
- You've been a long way away.
...a long way away.
- Thank you for coming back to me.
- Thank you for coming back to me.
OK, Five Easy Pieces or Fitzcarraldo?
- Fitzcarraldo.
- Five Easy Pieces.
Guys, actually I'm gonna
have to go to bed. Sorry.
- Good night.
- I'll be in in a minute.
Don't be long.
- Five Easy Pieces.
- Fitzcarraldo.
Let's take a vote.
- You smell so nice.
- Mm.
- Are you asleep?
- Mm.
Nina, have you still got
that hot water bottle?
Oh, Jamie, the thing is, I'm so hot,
I'm suffocating. I'm too hot!
Don't worry, sh. I love you.
Go back to sleep.
The guys are nice, aren't they?
Great guys.
- Get a move on!
Well done, Maureen.
- All right, Mand?
- Yeah, I'm all right.
Excuse me.
- Oh, hi!
- Hello.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
This is Anthony,
and Anthony, this is my friend...
- Nina.
- Hello, Nina.
We're going for a walk and we'll do some
paintings, and then we'll have a picnic.
- Do you want to come?
- I think Nina's probably busy.
I'd like to. I'd love to.
But I've got an appointment. I'm late.
- Well, er, nice to see you.
- To see you, nice!
Oh, how's your friend?
The one who's having the baby.
Maura? Oh, she's fine.
No, don't disappear! Helen!
Adrian! Just...
- Er, I'd better go.
- OK, OK.
- See you soon.
- Bye.
Nina! Nina!
- Sorry. Er...
- Hang on.
Look, I was wondering,
do you think maybe sometime we could...
This is probably terrible. You can say no...
- Yes, I'd like to.
- Oh, really?
- Well, could I call you?
- Yes... No, I'll call you.
- OK.
- No, I will call you. It's just, erm...
- I haven't got a pen. Have you?
- Yeah. Well, I think so.
Sorry. Have you got a pen, please?
- It's OK.
- I haven't got any paper.
- Here, write on that.
- Right, OK. It's...
And my work number is 267...
- I can't remember it.
- That's fine.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Wave, Heidi! Wave, Sandy!
I was reading, erm...
I was reading... it must have been one of
those books you lent me on bereavement.
It was about how it was possible that
people might get a powerful sensation...
...that their loved one has come back.
I don't mean a sense of their presence.
I mean that they've actually come back.
And they're in their house.
What do you think about that?
Is that ridiculous?
Is what ridiculous?
Well, I don't know. I mean...
When I read it, I thought "How ridiculous!"
Well, no, I can imagine it. I can
imagine going home this evening...
...and there's Jamie...
...and he's back.
- All right.
But then...
- But then what?
- What are you saying is ridiculous?
Oh, I don't know.
Everything, everything. I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh, God.
I'm so sorry.
- Madame!
- Oh.
- Sorry.
- Oh, they're glorious.
Oh. Thanks.
The scent! Lovely. I know
it's very late. It's started and...
It doesn't matter.
We can do something else.
- No, I can't.
- Why? Has something happened?
I've got to be somewhere else.
It's very complicated.
- OK.
- No. It's complicated...
...but I guarantee that whatever you're
thinking is not why it's complicated.
Well, what am I going to tell my group?
They're on tenterhooks.
- Is that? Are they your work, or?
- Yeah. We were drawing trees.
You draw a tree, and then on the roots
and the branches you put the names of...
- Have you got time for this?
- Yes, sure, I just haven't...
You draw a tree, and then on the roots... put in the names of people
who were important in forming you...
...or stabilising you or taking
care of you: Mum, Dad, sister...
And then you put in the names
of people who are around you now.
This is on the branches, like leaves.
Sorry, are you with me?
- Yes, I think so.
- Right, well...
...bit ambitious, really, but I did.
I was doing mine.
And Anthony, who you met,
he suddenly said "Where's Nina?"
Actually, it's not just the group
that's on tenterhooks, but, er...
- Anyway, can I give you a lift?
- No, really, I'll be fine.
Well, aren't we both going north?
I could drop you off at the end of the road.
No, I'll get a bus. Really. I think it's better.
You could walk me to the
underground if you want.
Well, this is my shortest ever date. Yours?
- Yes.
- That's something, then.
Are you interested in my last name?
No, hang on, stop!
OK, no, this is what we do.
I tell you everything about my life
between here and that statue there.
And then you tell me yours, OK?
And we hop, of course.
No lies from the speaker, no interruptions
from the listener. And we're off.
Mark Damian de Grunwald, 32 next
birthday, born Budleigh Salterton.
Capricorn. I don't believe in star signs.
Parents alive, retired. Father silent,
practically completely silent...
...18 years older than my mother,
who is not completely silent.
Owned a mill, then a post office,
then a tea shop.
Amateur magician - father, that is.
I was his assistant... Conservative club dinner dances,
sawn in half from the age of seven...
...and made to disappear in ideologically
unsound circumstances. Change legs!
What else? Home, OK. Puberty, OK.
Parents, OK. One older brother, OK.
Academically OK.
Erm... vaguely asthmatic.
Attempted suicide at 17. Can't remember
why. I was sad about something.
Aspirins, stomach pump, then sessions
with educational psychologist...
...for whom I had an enormous passion
and encouraged me to be a psychologist.
A levels. Psychology degree
at Sussex University.
Trained in art therapy.
What is art therapy? You draw trees.
One daughter, Gemma, seven.
No, that should come earlier.
Lived with her mother for three weeks
before she met theology student.
I've stopped believing in God. But
long enough with me to get pregnant.
Gemma is seven.
Have I said that already?
Her hair is curly and she has
bright sparks, red ones, in the sun.
She calls me Mark de Grunwald,
and the vicar, she calls Daddy.
I love everything: Music, curry.
I can recite the complete works of...
I live alone, my fridge is empty,
I can do my own washing...
...l'm interested in Nina
and I can do magic.
Now you go! Yes. Don't think.
- I can't.
- Yes!
- Nina Mitchell. I...
- You've got to hop!
Nina Mitchell.
I can't believe I'm doing this!
Also Capricorn, but also don't believe.
I think there may be a god.
Interpreter. I'm starting at the end!
I believe in protesting,
in making this planet more decent.
I hate what this country's
doing to itself and to the people.
You see it all the time, the way
we treat other races and visitors.
It happens every day. Oh, help!
But you saw it in the cafe. Wrong skin,
wrong size, wrong shape, you're lost.
Or wrong religion, wrong ideology,
wrong class. It makes me so...
Oh. Do you want me to be more personal?
Parents alive, Gloucestershire.
Teachers. Him, geography. Her, history.
So holidays it would be "Dad, where are
we?" "Mum, have we been here before?"
I have a sister, Claire. She has a family
and a husband I hate who keeps climbing.
Climbs socially, in business, and now
finally has started climbing mountains.
They have a son, Harry.
She's pregnant again.
Their son is my nephew and I adore him.
Did I say I was born in Stratford? You
know, I pay to do this once a week. Talk.
That's where I was going on the bus.
To my woman, Dr Burge.
Only there you get
...and here it seems to spill out.
I play the piano, I love Bach...
...I have rats, I'm in a mess...
...I live alone, I haven't always...
Hey, come on, Nina, you're not hopping.
I love you. Don't stop.
- Where have you been?
- Nowhere.
- Nowhere. Work.
- It's so late.
- I know. Sorry.
- I got worried.
- Sorry.
- Just like old times.
Is there something you want to tell me?
I have this feeling that you're with me...
Are you with me all day?
I think of you as being
on my shoulder, and...
...if you are, you'll know
I am like someone...
...who carries their loved one
on their shoulder.
- If that was what you were asking.
- I'm not, but thank you.
Where's the television
and the video machine?
I put them in our bedroom.
People couldn't get comfortable in here.
It's so cold in the evenings,
and I wanted to play.
Don't worry. They'll move
when we want to go to bed.
- It's no problem. Don't get frazzled.
- Oh, please!
You can't come home in the middle of
the night and complain I've got company.
It's not the middle of the night.
I don't know these people.
I don't even know what period
they're from! This is ridiculous!
Well, you could try talking to them.
I can't believe this. I've got ghosts
watching videos in my bedroom...
...and I'm being accused of... what?
What am I being accused of?
They're dead people! The rats have
gone and I'm infested with ghosts!
There are eight or nine people in there.
They're not doing you any harm.
If you want to go to bed,
they'll go. Just tell them.
If you want me to go, just tell me.
Why are they all men? I don't want you
to go, darling. I don't know what I want.
Anyway... I bought you a hot water bottle.
- Do you want it?
Thanks. That's great.
I mean, why can't you just go
back to heaven while I'm at work?
I don't know. It's like you make
a choice, and then... I don't know.
I'm here. It's fine, it's fine.
I love you.
Hi, Nina. I thought I heard you.
Did you remember to go to the...
Yes. Er, they didn't have
I Vitelloni, but I got you...
...Pinocchio and Forget Venice.
- Oh, fantastic.
Did you see that, Jamie? Forget Venice?
Fantastic. So tender.
By the way, Isaac says you're in check.
It's your move. Looks bad.
I can't be...
How can I be in check?
Just a minute, sweetheart.
Oh, sorry.
Thanks, Freddie... Hello?
Oh, God! Oh, OK.
Yeah, of course. Yeah, I'll come.
- Maura querida!
- Nina!
Gracias per venir.
La guagua esta por llegar.
- Estoy muerta de miedo.
- Yo tambien.
- Hello. I'm Maura's friend. How is she?
- She's fine.
- She wants me to come with her. Can I?
- I don't see why not.
- Is everything OK?
- Don't worry.
Oh, listen. Excuse me...
Have you talked to her about medication?
- Have you given her any drugs?
- She hasn't had anything yet.
She can have gas and air,
or pethidine, or whatever she wants.
No, hang on. Can I just check
with her? I don't think that's...
Yes, yes, drugs! Give me drugs! Yes!
Well, she thinks she does
at the moment, but...
Quiero que Titus este aqui tambien.
- Titus?
- Yes.
Titus. She's said that name several times.
Is that the father?
Te lo queria contar, pero no te he visto.
Titus me quiere.
He loves you? Oh, does he? That's nice.
- OK, you can go in now.
- Right.
Breathe in
really deeply and... push!
Good, good. Push! Push!
Good, excellent. Push!
OK. Now the head's there.
One more push and it's going to come
out. I want you to pant. Are you listening?
Pant, pant.
Pant, pant... OK, the head's out.
The head's out.
OK. The head's there.
Que linda, que linda, que linda.
Hello, darling.
A new life.
A new life.
- What's going on?
- Nina, hi! Hang on.
So, tell me, was it a boy or a girl?
- Girl.
- A girl! It was a girl!
- Pierre!
- What?
- Maura had a little girl.
- Tremendous!
- Was it moving? Isn't birth moving?
- What's going on with the furniture?
Lt'll be great. Jamie looked at the
floorboards and they're fabulous.
They're beautiful Victorian boards. We're
just getting the carpet, even as we speak.
Good work. All they need is a good scrub.
- It's oak.
- It's definitely a hardwood.
- Is it oak or ash?
- Jamie! What are you doing?
Aren't these boards amazing? Who'd have
thought under that disgusting carpet?
It's full of mildew and silverfish.
But these boards...
- So, it was a girl?
- I liked that carpet.
- Don't be perverse!
- Well, I did like it.
And you can't just go around
treating my flat as if...
Nina, the carpet was threadbare.
It's full of mould and mildew.
Even you must admit that these boards...
I feel like I'm being burgled
every time I come home! Burgled!
Oh, God. The flat...
Chairs are moved, pictures are
different, they're not where I...
And it is my flat, Jamie. It's my flat.
Look, do you want to
have a row in public?
It's actually quite embarrassing
for everybody, for me and...
No. No, I don't. I don't want to be in public
in my own home. That's absolutely right.
So in fact could your friends go, please?
Could everybody just go, do you think?
Is it possible that I could
have some time in my... Now!
Now! Please.
Is that asking too much?
It's only dust.
Nina, that was really humiliating.
You ask people to give you a hand.
They don't need to. They...
...lug your furniture around half the day,
then you come back and throw a tantrum.
That was really, really...
...really humiliating.
Was it like this before?
- What?
- Before.
- Were we like this?
- What? Like what?
Look, you're tired, your friend just
had a baby, you were up half the night.
It's traumatic. It's an emotional
experience. Let's not turn that into...
Tell me about
the first night we spent together.
Seriously? You want me to?
What did we do?
- We talked.
- What else?
Well, talking was the major component.
You played that piano.
Then I played, then we both played.
Some duet. Something...
I can't remember.
And then you danced for about
three hours, until I fell asleep.
But you were fantastic.
Then we had some cornflakes.
And when we kissed...
...which was at about 11 o'clock
the following morning...
...we were trembling so much,
we couldn't take off our clothes.
You see, I...
...I held that baby so...
It's life. It's a life I want.
All my taste, all my things...
After you died, I found stuff in my trunk
I'd put there cos you disapproved...
...or laughed at them. You know,
books and photographs and things.
And I didn't know how to mend a fuse
or find a plumber or bleed a radiator...
...but now I do. And it is a ridiculous flat,
I know, but I think I'll get there.
It will be beautiful. It could be, I think.
And I... I so much longed for you.
I longed for you.
How's your Spanish?
There's a poem I wanted you to translate.
I read it. There's a bit that I wanted
to tell you... I wanted you to hear.
- Perdoname
- Forgive me
Si tu no vives
I know this poem.
If you are not living
Si tu, querida, amor mio,
Si tu te has muerto
If you, beloved, my love,
If you have died
Todas las hojas caeran en mi pecho
All the leaves will fall on my breast
Llovera sobre mi alma noche y dia
It will rain on my soul all night, all day
Mis pies querran marchar
hacia donde tu duermes
My feet will want to march
to where you are sleeping
Your accent's terrible.
Pero seguire vivo
My feet will want to march
to where you are sleeping
But I shall go on living
- Do you want me to go?
- No, never, never, never.
I think so.
Whoosh. Here comes
the explorers on the train...
Right, everybody off the train!
I like the train.
- We could always see a film.
- OK.
- Or we could try the play again.
- OK.
Or we could just go home and eat.
- Anything.
- Whatever.
I'm so sorry. I'm gonna... cry.
And it's not gonna make any sense and...
I feel so... Oh, I'm so sorry.
I've, er... I've sort of worked out
that you're living with somebody else.
I'm not a private detective, but...
you won't tell me where you live... won't give me your number, so...
- No, I'm not.
- I'm really not living with anybody.
- Because I think if...
...if you're not free...
Because, to be quite honest,
I'm in trouble here.
I could embarrass myself.
I think I am free.
I did love someone very much, you see.
Very much.
But he died.
He died.
And I found it... quite hard to get over it.
Well, why don't we just go home and...
...we could talk. I mean,
you could tell me... whatever.
Anything. Everything.
Just... anything.
OK, yeah.
- Oh, could you stop? Please, stop!
- Sure.
You all right?
- OK.
- What was all that about?
It's not a threat.
Hi, it's me.
- Oh, hi.
- Can you come and get me?
Er... no, I can't. Sorry.
Oh. OK.
Because, actually,
I don't know where you live.
Bit of a problem.
Erm, it's... 6a, Ellingham Road.
- Where's that?
- N6.
Highgate. OK. Shall I come now or what?
- Yeah.
- I'm on my way.
Pack your toothbrush.