Truth, The (A Dark Truth) (2013) Movie Script

what do you want me to say, Bruce?
He broke into our offices
this morning,
Accessed our files,
our computers.
Do we know what?
well, we
could assume everything.
Well, this is
a major liability.
You're telling me.
Renaldo, now!
- Okay okay.
- Vamos, vamos. Let's go.
- Does the army know who he is?
Oh yeah.
Francisco Francis.
Come on, Renaldo.
Come on.
Just keep walking
to the car, okay?
- Just walk to the car.
- Mama! Mama!
No, Renaldo!
Mama! Mama!
No no no!
No no.
She's dead, Renaldo.
Come on, come on, come on.
- Vamos vamos.
- No. No. No!
No! Mama! No!
- Mama.
- Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on,
get inside. Come on.
Let me out!
No! No.
No. No!
I don't care what general
Aquilas doing right now!
I want you to put him
on the phone now!
Let me out right now!
Let me out!
It's tony green
from Clearbec!
Let me out of this car!
Por favor! Por favor!
Jesus Christ.
Did you ever hear about
the great transformation?
Yeah, I
think. What was that again?
It started about 300
years ago in England...
- Uh-Huh. - ...With the
turning of public lands
Into private property.
And it changed
the way we think,
The way we view time
and land and water
- And even people. It turned them
into units... -
to be bought and sold,
but what is bought and sold is constant.
- That's never gonna change.
- You know what, Sarah?
That is absolutely incorrect.
Society needs to approve
Of the things to be turned
into commodities
Before they can
be bought or sold.
People can be bought or sold,
correct? That did happen.
As horrific and diabolical as
that may sound, it's a fact.
Yeah, and still slavery
happens in some countries today.
Regrettably true.
But why is it
that in western society,
- We no longer buy or sell people?
Because it's immoral
And it's wrong in all aspects.
Well, is it wrong to sell water?
What about air?
Would it be wrong to sell air?
Air. Come on, man.
You can't sell air.
- No?
- Well, what if you can't afford it, hmm?
There's lots of people all around the
world that can't afford much water.
- And what happens?
- I don't know.
They die. Is it
so far-Fetched, Sarah?
You can sell water,
but you can't sell air?
Think about it.
I'll take the next caller.
Hello, this is Jack Begosian.
You're on the air.
The name's Charlie.
- Hello, Charlie. Good morning.
I want to know when we're
- Gonna talk about the real truth.
- What truth is that, Charlie?
About the aliens
taking over the white house.
The aliens taking over
the white house?
You know
you know it, jack.
You mean
illegal aliens, Charlie?
No, you're making light.
Extraterrestrial beings
are a real threat
- To our way of life, jack.
- only if you exchange
Bodily fluids
with them, Charlie.
I'm not. Are you?
- no.
- Then we're doing our part.
Thanks for calling.
Last call.
Hi, this is Jack Begosian.
You're on the air.
Hey, man. It's van from Oakland.
Hello, van from Oakland,
- Thanks for the call.
- Question, jack.
- Yes?
- Why did you quit?
Why did I quit what?
The agency, dude.
Everybody knows.
- Why did I quit?
- Yeah.
Well, van, uh,
When you can't
affect change from within...
I mean,
positive change...
You have an obligation,
if you're at all conscious,
To get out
and try other things.
- That's what I'm doing.
- Other things?
- You mean ways to affect change?
- Yes.
You think people want to hear
the truth, man, but they don't.
They want sound bites,
celebrity gossip,
Scandal. You know.
This is true.
The news doesn't have
to be truthful anymore,
- Just entertaining.
- Nice!
You know,
our values are eroding.
Our morals...
what are we doing here, man?
The real question is
"what are we really after?"
Is there some ultimate end,
Or are we just into
some sort of endless pursuit
- Of nothing more than pleasure?
- What do you think?
I believe there's meaning
to it, to our lives.
- That's what I believe.
- Meaning?
- Like what?
- I haven't learned that answer yet.
Well, keep up the good work
until they shut you down, dude.
Oh, they're not gonna
shut me down, van.
Oh yeah, they will.
The CIA's suing you, right?
Uh, rumors.
And I hate
to break it to you,
- But the CIA Does not sue.
- What do they do then?
They have
several other options.
But I'd welcome my day in
court. Do you think they would?
Think about it.
Thanks for the call.
One last thought.
Sometimes it seems
like a bleak picture,
But it really isn't, because the
basic nature of mankind is good.
And if you don't
believe me,
Go on the subway
or on the bus at rush hour
And take a good look around,
look at the people.
Black, brown,
red, yellow, white.
You're all coming home
From an honest day's work.
And they don't do it
for the money,
Because their jobs are
paying them very little.
But they do it
for their families.
They do it
for the ones they love.
And you can see it.
And you can feel it.
You can see it
in their tiredness,
In their resignation
And you can feel it
in their commitment...
Their commitment
to their families.
This is jack Begosian.
Good night. Good morning.
And can you make reservations
for Clare van Huysen and I
At that new
french restaurant for two?
- You know the one.
At 2:00?
no, for two at 1:00.
But the ribbon-Cutting ceremony at
the hospital won't be over by then.
- Oh, it won't?
- No.
I'll make it two
for 2:00.
Okay, perfect. Thank you.
So, yes, Clearbec is very pleased
To have funded this new wing dedicated
to children's cancer research.
And in addition
to this wing,
Clearbec has also funded
a hospice
For the out-Of-Town parents,
which will allow them
Extended stays with the children
during ongoing treatment.
So thank you, everyone.
To our future...
the children.
Miss Swinton, miss
Swinton, how much is Clearbec paying
To the South African government
to privatize the water system?
Miss Swinton! My message is
in the car. Just listen to it.
Miss Swinton. Miss Swinton, stop!
Your company killed my family,
killed my entire town.
Poisoned them,
then shot the survivors.
You will remember them.
Oh my god.
I presume I have
your attention now, miss Swinton.
- My country and many others
in south America... -
...Are in the war for water
rights. Who knows of this?
Few, as it is not happening
in New Orleans or New York.
The noise you hear
is gunfire.
Children, women and men
are being gunned down
Outside Tayca, Ecuador.
I recorded it.
I saw it.
Inagua, a local subsidiary
of Clearbec,
Your family's company, installed a water
- Purification system
For Tayca
and the surrounding area.
The system did not purify,
Just the opposite.
A very bad form of typhus
emerged in the town.
Francisco Francis broke
into the Inagua office.
Clearbec's own report
stated what was happening
And how they were involved.
Get down.
Get down.
And the army,
Clearbec's partner in Ecuador,
Moved into my town
and quarantined the area.
They had orders to find
Francis and kill any residents
That were trying to get out.
No one knew what to do
with the sick and the dying.
Then the soldiers
began to get sick.
They began
to execute everyone.
Okay, let's go.
jack. Why'd you quit?
I thought I answered
that question already.
Yeah, but I want
the real reason.
I stopped
believing in lies.
Including my own.
Clearbec has
provided you quality water products
For over 50 years.
Clearbec stands
for integrity,
Value, quality.
Your body is
over 70% water.
Over 70%.
You deserve
the best water possible.
The kid was my
assistant last summer.
Okay? How the hell did he get to Toronto?
He just blew his brains out
In front of my sister
at a press conference, tony.
Okay, Bruce, you should
never have authorized
- The use of force here.
- I didn't.
- Then who did?
- General Aquila.
- He said he had no choice.
- That's bullshit!
I saw it happen.
It was murder, Bruce.
Aquila is a general
for the Ecuadorian army.
He's not an officer
or an employee of Clearbec.
We are not guilty
of anything.
I'm saddened and disgusted as
to what happened down there,
- But we are not to blame.
- Yeah, so? Then what?
- Damage control.
- Damage control?
- Yes.
- Do you understand
That it was more
than just a few villagers?
It was hundreds
of people, Bruce!
Even though
Clearbec is innocent,
We can't let
our south African partners
Find out what really happened
down there, all right?
It's best for the company.
Tony, I'll call you back.
Call me back!
How are you?
Oh Jesus,
are you all right?
What happened in Ecuador?
I am so sorry
you had to see that.
We pulled a file on that
kid. He was a nutcase.
He was working for an
anti-Government rag magazine.
He infiltrated
our Ecuadorian offices.
I listened to
a tape he left for me.
- A tape?
- What did we do down there?
- We have interests in Ecuador.
You know that. - Interests?
- Yes.
- A boy doesn't...
Blow his head off
over interests.
We're an international
We can't possibly make
Everyone happy all the time.
It gets complicated.
It's best you don't
get involved.
Don't get involved
in our own company?
The company
that our father built?
Morgan, you do lunches.
You do ribbon cuttings.
You do fundraisers.
You do bad marriages.
All right, I'm sorry.
You should go home,
Clean yourself up.
I'm sorry.
What happened in Ecuador
needs to be contained, Doug.
Believe me, Bruce,
I know that.
None of these events can
be traced back to Clearbec
- At any cost.
- Right.
Now tony was shaken up, but
I think he will be all right.
But from what
I just heard,
I'm afraid your sister
might be a problem.
What are you
Morgan needs
to be deflected.
Goldman brothers, line two.
You gotta take it.
Bobby, how are you?
How the hell do you expect
me to get this closed?
Have you seen what's
coming about Clearbec
Since that kid
blew his brains out?
That kid was
a nut job, Robert.
The press is
all over it, Bruce.
It's completely killing
the financing.
We have to close
by the end of next week,
Otherwise South Africa pulls
out. That's the scheduled close.
You want to be closed by the end of
next week, then our fees just doubled.
Does that mean we're not
playing squash on Saturday?
You'll have
a new deal memo in an hour.
I want it signed
and executed back today.
- Fine. - And if anything else
like this happens, Bruce,
We're out of this deal.
I have no idea
how many were killed.
They burned the bodies, the evidence.
But some got away.
I did. Were they
infected? Did they survive?
I don't know.
I pray that Francisco Francis
made it out.
Francis is a great man.
They jail him, beat him,
try to kill him,
- But he keeps rising up.
- Shh. Shh.
He is witness
to what happened.
He will tell the truth.
If he is alive,
you must help him.
May god have mercy
on you if you don't.
Jason, I made you
your favorite breakfast.
If you're not gonna eat it, then
you might as well go to your room.
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
He's not eating, just
staring at the clock.
- What's wrong with the clock?
- Nothing.
Since when is he not eating?
A couple of days.
How come
you haven't told me?
I've been trying to.
You don't know.
He's so frustrating.
I mean...
You were the one who wanted to
move out here, off the grid...
- I know.
- ...And deal with his issues.
I can't do it
by myself.
You are not by yourself.
Yes, I am.
You're here,
but you're not here.
I feel it.
And Jason sure
as hell feels it
- More than I do.
- I know.
You need to spend
some time with him.
Quality time.
Just be with him,
Spend more time
with your son.
Bruce, listen to me.
I've been thinking
about this, okay? Please.
We gotta help these people.
We can't just leave them.
We have to call in
world health.
They can contain
the typhus.
Tony, if we call in
the W.H.O.,
That's like sending out
a press release
Saying that Clearbec
caused the typhus outbreak.
And if that happens,
the government of south Africa
Will pull out
of the deal for sure.
You think
the south African deal
- Justifies what Aquila did?
- No, I don't,
But he said it was a
disaster beyond imagination,
That what he did was the only way
to contain the typhus outbreak.
- And you believe him, right?
- We have a company to run.
I have shareholders
to report to.
Now we have to do
the right thing.
What the hell happened to our
filtration system down there?
The river flooded, okay?
That's what happened.
- But we've tested for that extensively.
- The sewers backed up
And then rats were
infesting the town.
The market will crucify us
if this ever gets out.
I don't know, man.
I don't know. I don't...
I don't know anymore.
Just... you tell me.
- What's the official story?
- The truth.
He broke into our filtration
plant and sabotaged the system.
That's what caused
the typhus outbreak.
The army came in
to apprehend him.
Francis and his men fired back.
The army returned fire.
There were casualties, period.
End of story.
Have they gotten
to Francis yet?
The guy's hiding up
in the mountains somewhere.
All right, tony. You do whatever you
can to help those people down there,
But pleakeep
a lid on it.
You wanna go help me
stack some firewood?
Come on.
I heard you crying
last night, mommy.
Why were you crying?
Um, because...
Mommy saw something
that made her feel sad.
My sister called me.
She said she's being followed.
She's been online
trying to figure out
- What really happened in Ecuador.
- You tapped into her computer?
- Yes.
- Never authorized you to do that.
Well, I apologize, Bruce.
I didn't think you'd object.
She's on our system,
and we have responsibilities.
We both have to answer
to the board of directors.
This is her flavor of the week.
She'll lose interest in a second.
I don't agree. I think
this really has her going.
She made an appointment
with Tom Delmonte about this.
- Her lawyer? Hmm.
- Yes.
I think we should
call in Torrance.
I don't know.
Well, there's a lot of things
In this situation which
could use special handling.
We should
call in tor now.
Did you listen to the tape?
Were you able to make arrangements
To send money
to the boy's family?
I'm sorry, we couldn't
locate any relatives at all.
I need to find out
what happened down there.
Clearbec does have legitimate
interests in south America, Morgan.
Look, the boy stuck
a gun into his mouth
And blew his brains out
in front of me.
I think something...
Ugly is being covered up.
And I think that you
should not get involved.
Can you find me someone
to send down there?
you're serious?
Umm... There's one of our
investigators in Washington
That might be helpful.
I could speak to him.
- I'll get back to you.
- Thank you.
It's Calder.
We have a situation.
I.D. Number?
I understand your south
African deal's in jeopardy.
- That's why I'm
calling you. - Mm-Hmm.
Well, you should
have called earlier.
We have
some problem areas.
And I think Morgan Swinton
may be one of them.
- She and Bruce really close?
- Well, they're siblings,
But if push comes
to shove
I imagine Bruce will do
what he has to do.
Send me
what you have on this.
Send me everything.
I was in south America
a long time.
I never saw
anything like this.
It's a serious mess.
We have to make this
Doing much these days, jack?
- Not really.
- Some civilian wants
Something checked out
in Ecuador, good money.
You take it.
I've still got a price
on my head down there.
Take a flight,
look around, fly back home,
- File a report, pick up a nice check.
- What? What's the matter?
- I don't think so.
- You can't outrun it, jack.
- You oughta know that by now.
- I don't like you, Clive.
No, you don't like anybody
who knows what you did.
Come on,
let's pick this up, come on.
You forget...
it was for a good cause.
It wasn't for a cause.
It was for vested interests.
- go.
- Take the job.
I got a family now.
- You're marking time.
- I've already hung up, Clive.
Hey, you're leaving
earlier and earlier.
I have
a lot of work to do.
I listen to your show
every night, jack.
You know that?
I lie in bed
and I listen to it...
Until I fall asleep.
It's the next best thing
to having you beside me.
I'm always amazed at how much
you give to complete strangers.
It's a part of the show.
I wish you'd bring
more of the show home.
What is it, jack?
What are you looking for?
Like the show says.
Well, maybe the truth
is right here.
You were always the
smartest girl in the room.
I gotta go.
Jason ate a little bit
with me today.
Just a little bit.
I don't care what you say!
- I think it was stupid.
- I disagree. It wasn't stupid.
It was an impassioned choice,
a sacrifice.
My father always told me there is
nothin' worth layin' your life down for.
I disagree.
- You don't know what you're talkin' about!
- What is life without freedom?
- You're still alive.
Is freedom worth dying for?
No, it is not.
- That's the question.
This is jack Begosian.
Good night
and good morning.
Jack Begosian?
- Yes.
- I'm Morgan Swinton.
Yes, I know. I
saw you on the news.
You have a moment?
I need to talk with you.
the village was quarantined
And many people,
perhaps hundreds,
Died or were executed
for corporate protection.
Clearbec may
be implicated.
I need someone
to go down there
And find out
what happened,
And you come
highly recommended.
I'm told you're...
Very familiar with
that part of the world.
I've already said no.
And I'm asking you
to reconsider.
There may be survivors,
witnesses to what happened.
If there are, I need you
to bring them back here.
- And then what?
- I'll go public.
I'll stop them from doing that
deal in south Africa, because...
You know what
they'll do down there.
Bleed it dry.
It'll be like trying to suck
an elephant through a straw.
I'll pay you
very well, Mr. Begosian.
travel down to Ecuador.
If you come back
with witnesses,
Another 200,000.
All expenses paid,
including private air travel.
Wasn't your father
the founder of Clearbec?
- Yes.
- Then why are you doing this?
My father taught me
everything has a price,
But not everything
should be for sale.
Ever seen a boy blow his
brains out in front of you?
Clearbec was a good
company, Mr. Begosian.
to this recording.
It mentions a name:
Francisco Francis.
That name mean
anything to you?
A very
bad form of typhus emerged in the town.
Francisco Francis broke
into the Inagua office.
Clearbec's own report
stated what was happening
And how they were involved.
They had orders to find Francis
and kill any residents
That were trying to get out.
No one knew what to do
with the sick and the dying.
They began
to execute everyone.
I was offered $250,000 to take
a job in south America.
Who would offer you that?
Her name is
Morgan Swinton.
She's a major
In Clearbec,
the water company.
Her father founded
the company
And her brother Bruce
runs it.
It's been a long time since
you've been out in the field, jack.
You don't have
to do this.
Listen to me.
There was a name
on the C.D.
There was
a name mentioned.
- Francisco.
- Who?
Francisco Francis.
He was responsible for...
Organizing a peasant revolt
in south America.
They were protesting
the privatization of water,
Land rights
and industrial pollution.
He became...
Quite militant
And he was labeled
an eco-Terrorist.
You knew him.
If he's alive...
And if he's in trouble,
I need to help him.
I owe him.
For what?
You know
I can't tell you that.
It's best
you don't know.
My god, what did
you do down there?
Just think of the money.
look, if you...
If you need to do this...
I need...
I need your blessing.
Then do it.
Do it,
but don't do it for us.
It's the same thing.
this is jack Begosian.
Somewhere along the line,
we decided to turn
The seven deadly sins
into virtues:
Greed, gluttony, anger...
- Hello?
- Yes, this is jack Begosian.
We're on.
Thank you.
Don't thank me yet.
I need the 250 up front.
All up front?
Yes, for my family,
And any unforeseen expenses.
My advice is to keep
a low profile
And stay away
from your brother.
My brother would
never harm me.
I can't guarantee that.
I'll get back to you
to finalize arrangements.
- Did you get my list?
I arrive in Quito tomorrow.
Who are
you working for now?
Gotta go.
- I'll call you.
- Okay.
What's the matter, champ?
Come on, walk me to the
truck. I wanna talk to you.
Come on.
Can you get
Okay, dad.
You got it?
Good boy.
- Come here, I want to talk to you.
- Okay.
You know, daddy's gotta
go away on this trip.
So you gotta be the man
of the house, all right?
- Mm-Hmm.
- Mm-Hmm.
And you gotta take care
of mom, all right?
And no matter
what happens,
You're gonna be
my son forever.
Nothing could
ever change that.
And I'm gonna be
your dad forever, right?
Yeah, forever.
Now, look.
See this?
Look at that.
Who's there?
- Me and mom.
- You and mom, that's right.
And I'm gonna have you guys
with me all the time.
And I'm gonna place you right
here next to my heart, okay?
I have you with me
all the time,
Then nothing can ever
happen to me.
this is jack Begosian.
Somewhere along the line,
we decided to turn
The seven deadly sins
into virtues:
Greed, gluttony,
anger, avarice...
Mr. Begosian has been instructed
Not to answer that question for
the sake of national security.
I am instructing you
to answer the question!
I will remove Mr. Begosian
from this hearing
Before I instruct him
to answer.
Did you lie under oath,
Mr. Begosian?
Don't answer
that question, jack!
Please answer the question,
Mr. Begosian.
Did you lie under oath?
I lied.
Welcome to Quito,
Mr. Shore.
Come on up.
I got something
to show you.
Thank you.
Welcome to my home.
Come on in.
Close the door.
Miguel said
you might need
A little bit
of protection, so...
You pick.
Come on,
let's get out of here.
I'll give you
a good price.
Let's go.
What's your hurry? I'm
gonna get you there on time.
- Give me the keys.
- You don't want me to drive?
- No.
- I'm your guide.
Get in the car.
Good! That way,
I can keep drinking.
You're lucky
you know my friend Miguel.
He says you two
worked together before.
- He says I can trust you.
- He said I could trust you.
I'm very good
at what I do, my friend.
So you work
both sides, then?
yeah, but
only one at a time, okay?
- A man of principles.
- I'm a professional.
You pay me,
I work for you.
And I'm the only one
that knows where they're at.
I got smugglers that work
the mountains for me,
And they see
a lot of things.
Tell me
this one thing then.
Francisco Francis...
is he alive?
For now, yeah.
I arranged a back-Up
vehicle like you asked.
It's up by Esmeralda.
It's the old slave town.
It's gonna be
a quick extraction.
We find Francis,
we're in and we're out.
I know you have
a plane waiting.
But what if Francis
doesn't want to go with you?
what then, my friend?
Then he won't survive.
South Africa has
over 50 million people.
We'll be running
the entire water system
And we're in negotiations
with Greece.
Greece is going to privatize water?
Look, I've been hearing
nasty rumors about Clearbec.
Our reputation as
an international provider
Of high-Quality water
service is impeccable.
Yeah right,
I'll send you my story.
Send it to me before it
goes to print. Thanks, Wayne.
You're late.
You have docs to sign.
I'm not signing anything until
I get some answers about Ecuador.
I wouldn't mind
a coffee though.
Tracy, coffee,
straight up.
Morgan, this deal
with south Africa is huge.
We are going to own every
drop that country's got.
That'll certainly
drive up the profits,
- Won't it, people?
- Come sign these.
Uh, that'll be my arm.
Hang on.
All right, all right,
all right, all right.
When was the last time
you brought the kids
Up to the lake house,
like dad did with us?
I want you
to listen to me.
I have power
over your bank accounts,
Your estate
and your stocks.
That's the way
dad set this up.
And I can have
that changed.
- No, you can't.
- Oh?
You can't.
Your well-Being
Is inextricably linked
To the well-Being
of Clearbec.
You have to sign
these papers.
You need
to sign these papers.
No. You need me
to sign these papers.
I have to have
a cup of coffee.
thank you.
- Yes?
- Morgan just hired
Jack Begosian
to go to Ecuador.
Morgan's hired someone
to go to Ecuador?
Not just someone...
jack Begosian.
Who's jack Begosian?
That's correct, general.
I'm sending you an extensive
file on him right now.
Jack Begosian?
That's correct.
- I understand, Mr. Calder.
- Thank you, general.
The army is
controlling access
To the area where
my men have seen him.
Give them
a little bit of money
And they'll let us
move through.
Slow down here.
Just let me
do the talking, okay?
I know how
to handle these matters.
If he asks you who I am,
Tell him I'm a Canadian
nature photographer.
- Do you have a camera?
- No.
That can be a problem.
No vehicles
allowed past this point.
Ask him how long it would be
on foot to the bird sanctuary.
The bird sanctuary.
A day and a half.
Ask him,
if he would be so kind,
If we leave him our jeep, and
let us pass through on foot.
- He says yes.
- Okay.
Tell him thank you very much,
and come get your stuff.
Thank you.
Get 'em out of the road.
It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
Morning, Bruce.
Some liabilities close
to home have developed.
- With my sister?
- No, tony green.
- Tony?
- He's going to the press.
He already set up
a meeting with a reporter.
what you need. It's what you...
Are you...
are you crazy? Huh?
You can't do that! You
cannot shoot soldiers here!
This is
general Aquilas area!
And then you leave
a witness behind!
Too late.
- Yeah, too late!
Yeah, too late for me!
I'm toast!
Top of that ridge.
That's it.
They're up there.
That's the ridge?
- Yeah.
What are you doing?
I don't climb at night.
all I worship...
in other words
please be true
in other words
try and kiss me...
Good evening, Mr. Green.
all I worship seem...
Would you mind terribly
if I called you tony?
Or would
you prefer Antonio?
Yeah, I would prefer you
call me by my goddamn name.
I am Anthony Green,
Now cut me loose,
chief, will you?
Who was your meeting with,
Mr. Green?
I had no meeting.
My meeting's with you.
It's our understanding
you were scheduled to meet
With a member of the press
unfriendly to our cause.
Yeah, well... your cause?
That's what you call it?
- It is my duty to protect my country,
Mr. Green. -
Okay, let me tell you something
about your understanding.
It's based
on a misunderstanding
Because I didn't meet
with any reporter.
What an unfortunate
answer, Mr. Green.
As we say...
For I have already met
with the reporter.
This only confirms
our suspicions about you.
- No. No no.
- My men will take care of you from here.
The reason
this has happened
Is because too many people
have too much,
And too many people
have too little.
So this is not over
by any means.
I agree with you.
Vaya con dios.
Hey! Hey, man!
I am an American.
I'm an American!
You can't do this to me!
Yes, general?
Your associate seems
to be missing.
Well, if you find him,
have him give me a call.
I will.
We have located
your jack Begosian.
There is $1 million
for you
If you could dissuade
Francisco Francis
And jack Begosian
from leaving Ecuador.
Oh, Mr. Calder,
I believe they're worth
a million each.
I think you're right.
This is jack
Begosian. You're on the air.
I was hoping we
could talk about eternity, jack.
In what sense?
Do you think that there's
some aspect of ourselves
That lives on,
beyond this life?
Yes, in the example we leave.
What do you mean by that?
In the example
you leave behind,
Good or bad,
that's what's remembered.
How do you want
to be remembered, jack?
Well, I've done
some things that
I'm not proud of...
And, uh,
will never be forgotten.
That are...
Are impossible
to forgive.
But I'm trying to do
my best to make amends
And catch up...
And do my part.
Thanks for the call.
You all right?
Hold up.
Put your gun down.
Put your gun down!
You'll get your money
by next Friday, Quako.
I must tell you, if this
is forced to referendum,
We cannot deliver
on our agreement.
If this is not settled
next Friday,
- It may well go to referendum.
- Rest assured
- We'll be closed next week.
- My associates and I have always felt
Clearbec was the most qualified
company with which to work.
- Good. - But we've been hearing
some very unfavorable rumors
Regarding Clearbec
in Ecuador.
Oh, it's nothing
to worry about.
There are many companies
We can do this deal
with, Bruce.
- Rest assured we'll be closed.
- Good.
We'll be awaiting
your payment.
Alberto shore
de Canada.
What is your real name?
Jack Begosian.
What brings you
to these mountains,
Jack Begosian?
I came looking for the
survivors of the attack at Tayca.
Why? To what end?
The people I work for,
They want
the world to know
The wrong
that was done here,
And the people
who did it charged.
That's never gonna happen.
Clearbec pays millions
and millions of dollars
To the politicians here.
They can be stopped.
Well, I admire
your spirit.
Were you at Tayca?
Yes, I was.
There was
a massacre there.
I'm aware.
What brought you there?
My father
lived in Tayca.
We were visiting him
when the typhus broke.
I went
to the offices of Inagua
To get some answers.
But I got none.
So I broke in that night
and I got many answers.
They say that
I poisoned the water.
They say that
I attacked the army.
Neither is true.
It's a lie.
I believe you.
Let me help you,
Thank you.
So how do you know
my name, jack?
You were the founder
And the leader
of la vida campesina.
I didn't lead them well.
The movement almost died
underneath me.
I learned
that nothing grows
Out of the barrel
of a gun
But violence.
And that Mao was wrong
and Gandhi was right.
You said you found answers
When you broke into
the offices of Inagua.
Clearbec's filtration system
is what caused the typhus.
You have proof?
I have their records.
I downloaded them.
- I have them over here.
- Then come with me,
Be a witness
against Clearbec.
- Tell your story.
- Francisco.
Come with me.
My wife...
she doesn't trust you.
I know.
She thinks that our
family won't be safe.
Is your family safe here?
How long can
they live like this?
How long
can anyone live?
Until we die.
Come with me.
We will stop Clearbec
from doing
What they did here
in other countries.
How do you know
they'll listen to us?
You have to trust me.
You must trust me.
You must
trust me!
I put my trust in you.
Thank you.
We need to move now.
Get your family out!
- Momma!
- Mia! Mia! Vamos!
Vamos, Mia.
Vamanos, vamanos!
Go go!
Get your family out!
come on, come on.
Come on, move it.
Come on, come on, come.
Come on. Come on.
Come on, let's go.
Let's move.
- I can't. I gotta go back!
- What?!
He must not
go back up there.
Please please,
take care of my family.
If something happens to you,
the truth will not get out.
She has the truth.
Keep moving downhill.
It's okay, it's okay.
Shh shh.
Go. Go go go.
Let's go.
- You ready? Let's go. Come on.
- Yeah.
( People yelling in Spanish
Shoot to kill. Got it?
- Wait for my first shot.
Okay, get 'em out of here!
Get 'em out of here!
Vaya con dios!
Your family, let's go!
Let's move!
Francisco, we gotta move!
Vamos! Vamos!
It's all clear up there.
Rest up a little.
We'll hide out
in a bit.
may I sit for a moment?
Of course.
There's something
you need to know.
I worked for the CIA.
In south America.
I see.
I'm the man responsible
For sending you to prison.
Well, then...
I'm indebted to you.
I don't understand.
When I went to prison,
It changed...
The way I thought.
I wrote this book,
"presence is born."
I published it
under a pseudonym.
You wrote
"presence is born"?
That book was
very successful.
It was a best-Seller.
Yes, I...
I gave all the rights
Of that book
to la vida campesina.
- You regret that?
- No.
La vida campesina is
It's a movement
Of peasants and farmers
who are fighting,
Unlike me, peacefully,
For the integrity
of their land and their water
And for the needs of
All their children,
And the children to come.
Do you have children?
I have a boy.
His name is Jason.
"You will be my son
forever and ever."
I wrote that
when my son was born:
Nothing will
ever change that.
I'm sorry, my friend.
It was a gift.
It was a gift to me.
We need to move on.
I have a vehicle waiting for us up here.
Give me your hand. Come on.
Francisco! Francisco!
Francisco! Francisco!
Francisco! Francisco!
Francisco, let's go!
We have to get out of here!
Francisco! Francisco!
Francisco! Francisco!
The people
down here regard you a hero.
They call you
Francisco Francis.
I was born
in san Francisco.
You received your Ph.D.
In environmental studies,
Came down here with
Greenpeace to south America,
And now you're serving
11 years
in a very tough prison.
- Yes.
- How did you become involved
In the south American water wars that
resulted in you becoming incarcerated?
How could I not
get involved?
It became illegal for farmers
to collect rainwater
Because Clearbec owned all the
water rights in the whole country.
That's like saying,
"I own god."
Do you have any regrets
About what you did
and being here today?
I regret the violence.
I regret...
Not having enough...
To make the...
Proper choices
that would have...
Helped the people.
I regret that.
Hello, can you hear me?
- Hello?
- Mom, it's for you.
Thank you, sweetie.
Thank you.
Yes, this is jack.
I've found
Francisco Francis.
Is... is he...
He's alive.
Listen very carefully:
I need you to call
the number I gave you.
Tell them there are
four people coming in.
I'm gonna text you
the names.
Confirm you received them,
forward and delete.
You got that?
And... and...
Yes? - Well, looks like
you're gonna get your money's worth.
When that plane lands,
We've got
to prevent Begosian
From bringing
Francis anywhere
Where he could cause
any more damage.
Because, Bruce,
if we don't, we are finished.
We've gone too far, Doug.
Too far.
Bruce, listen to me.
Francisco Francis
has many enemies.
Violent people who will
stop at nothing
To eliminate him.
They hired
an assassin... tor.
The assassin will kill
jack Begosian
And Francisco Francis.
Our security will kill
the assassin
Because they're there
protecting Morgan.
And Morgan will still
be a liability.
Am I your enemy now, Bruce?
No, but...
What you're doing will
bring down Clearbec, Morgan.
Maybe Clearbec deserves
to be brought down.
You're forgetting all the
good that we have done.
You're forgetting those
thousands of towns and villages
That we provided water for that
otherwise wouldn't have had it.
You're forgetting about all the
lives of the children that we saved.
No, I'm not. But I'm not
forgetting about Ecuador either.
I'm sorry that
that happened. I am.
But you're forgetting
to look at the big picture.
We have to move on.
We have to move forward.
- There's just too much at stake.
- Too much what?
When is it enough, Bruce?
I can't believe you of
all people would say that.
Do you remember
what daddy used to say?
It's never too late
to do the right thing.
Goldman brothers on two.
I thought you'd
like to know you're funded.
You have
the $2 billion
For your
south African friends.
Thank you.
Are you there?
We're funded.
What do you want me
to do, Bruce?
What about your sister?
What do you want me
to do about Morgan, Bruce?
We'll pinch them just past
The clock tower
outside the airport.
Tor, you'll take
the kill shots from the roof.
Okay. We gotta
get out of here.
- How was your flight?
- Pretty good, thank you.
- Good. You owe me one, jack.
- Yes sir.
Our subjects are Begosian...
Okay, come on.
We gotta go.
and Morgan Swinton.
They're on their way.
Got it. We're green.
Everyone, we're green.
Go to the roof.
When tor takes them out,
I need you to kill him.
Plant this cellphone
on him.
There's 43 calls
to Aguilar.
That should be
a good enough connection.
- Yeah.
- Go.
Is this your service,
jack? Is this your mission?
I guess you can call it that.
Tor... jack Begosian,
Take the shot.
Tor, take the shot.
Tor, take the shot.
What the hell's goin' on?
Take the shot.
Tor, take the shot.
Ecuador, Ecuador, Ecuador!
Everybody down!
Everybody down!
Tor has turned!
Tor has turned!
Ben, take him out!
Francisco, no!
Stay down, stay down!
Get your family out!
No! Francisco!
Jesus Christ.
you son of a bitch!
We gotta go, move!
Everybody out!
- Let's go, let's go!
- Papa!
Let's go! Let's go!
- Let's go! Go go go!
In the car! Let's go!
Quick, get in!
Get in!
Get in, quick!
I got it!
Let's go!
These are the pledge- Holder agreements.
- I'll get Raymond to notarize
Get out.
And Goldman wants
to be included...
- Get out!
... Toronto's front street.
Amateur footage that
we have received shows...
... Dressed in suits and armed
With automatic weapons
began a gun battle
After a near-Collision
between two vehicles...
- Yes?
This is salvageable.
Francis is the only one whose testimony
Can possibly hurt us
in court.
He's in the hospital.
I will personally
pay him a visit.
This is
not acceptable, Doug!
Bruce, I will protect
our company,
Our employees,
our shareholders and you.
I will fix this.
...Do not have any leads on
the cause of today's shooting...
A local hospital reports
Francisco Francis,
An eco-Terrorist whose...
As the majority shareholder
in Clearbec,
I promise a full investigation
into what happened in Ecuador.
- Thank you. Thank you, all.
Thank you.
Go. I'll talk
to you later.
Black, no sugar.
- You listened well.
- Thank you.
Why'd you do it?
It's hard to find good radio
talk show hosts these days.
The wind...
It blew
in your favor, jack.
You know,
it's not over...
While Calders still
walking around out there.
You call it.
Head or tails?
Yeah, this is
account number 3714826.
Yes sir.
How can we help you?
I need a g5, please.
Departing when, sir?
I should be ready
for wheels up in about
Three hours.
Yes sir.
I'll call back.
What the hell?
A golf bag? Really?
You think
we can't handle this, jack?
There are a thousand ways
to spin this.
Francis is a terrorist.
You're lunatic fringe, jack.
You know that?
You hear me?
You made shit like this
disappear a hundred times.
What, you think we can't?
Well, we can.
We can, jack!
Let me tell you
how this is gonna work.
Before your skin
starts to blister,
You're gonna
smell something.
You're gonna smell
your hair
And your eyebrows
as they begin to burn.
Then your eyes,
they're gonna ooze.
They're gonna run
like broken egg yolks.
I know what you did.
I saw what you did.
You're not...
You are not better
than me, jack!
We are exactly alike!
Take a look
at yourself, jack!
We are exactly alike!
I know who you are!
Excuse me,
sir. Did you say "golf bag"?
In a golf bag
Outside the house.
His name is Doug Calder.
He's the man responsible for the
shoot-Out today on front street.
This is jack Begosian,
And for those of you just
tuning in, you are listening
To the new daytime version
of "the truth."
Today I have
with me, the...
The great honor to have
Francisco Francis,
The founder
of la vida campesina movement,
Who brought to light the atrocities
committed by Clearbec in Ecuador.
the floor is yours.
Thank you
for having me, jack.
The reason that
the Clearbec incident
Is so horrible
is that it exposes
The lengths to which
corporate interests will go
In order
to protect themselves.
We'd like
to hear your thoughts.
Next caller, please.
Hello, this is jack Begosian.
- You're on the air.
- Hi, jack. This is Jeff.
- Hello, Jeff.
- What's gonna happen to Clearbec now?
Well, Morgan Swinton is
The major shareholder
in Clearbec,
And she has promised
To pave a new moral path
for the company.
Her brother, Bruce Swinton,
has been indicted
For conspiracy
to commit murder.
The guy's already
out on bail.
He's got all the money
in the world.
You know how
the system works, jack.
No client's guilty
until they run out of money.
Well said. Thanks for the call.
You know, jack, I think that the
important thing to realize here
Is that the water deal in
south Africa has been stopped,
Just as it was stopped
in Paraguay,
Just as it should
be stopped everywhere.
We are talking
about a natural resource,
A natural resource that
should be controlled
By the government
for the people,
Not by the private entity
whose major interests
Are to maximize profit.
We have individuals
Who can't even afford
to buy a piece of bread,
And now they won't even
be able to afford
a glass of water.
This is something
that cannot occur.
This is something
that we have to stop.
You're listening
to Francisco Francis
On "the truth." Next caller.
I just want to know
What the hell
makes people like Swinton
Step over the line
the way he did.
We all have demons.
Each of us.
Oh, come on!
Bruce Swinton was greedy!
He just wanted
more and more.
It's not only about greed.
It's about many things:
Fear, selfishness.
Are you excusing him, jack?
Is that what you're doing?
It's just not that simple.
I'm not defending him,
I'm not excusing him,
nor am I excusing myself.
You know,
jack, sometimes we...
We do things...
That are difficult
for us to let go of,
Surrendering control,
Even of the thought
that we can...
Judge or forgive
All the things that we've done,
the things we carry in our past,
They only add up to this...
To this moment.
Where are you?
I'm at the lake house.
Even violence.
Non-Violence itself is
Not the absence
of fighting the enemy.
It's... it's the ability
to fight
The Dee of the enemy,
not the human being.
The lake house?
And I know that
what you have done
Has opened up
a road to save
Thousands and thousands
of people.
God, we used
to come here a lot
When we were kids,
didn't we?
It's a little chilly but...
It's beautiful as ever.
You taught me how to swim there.
You have brought light...
To a situation...
That was in the dark.
Bruce, I'm on my way.
You've saved
Countless amounts
of people,
And for that I'm very
thankful to you, jack Begosian.
- Yeah?
- I'm proud of you.
At the end of the day,
all we can do is
Search for the truth,
Learn from it and most
importantly defend it.
So on behalf of myself
and Francisco Francis,
I am jack Begosian and you're
listening to "the truth".
Good night
and make it a good day.
- Thanks for having me.
- All right.
I, myself... I'm
going home and that's...
That's a good place
to start.
Come here.
Beyond the
ideas of wrong-Doings
And right-Doings
is a field.
I'll meet you there.