Trzy kolory: Bialy (Three Colors: White) (1994) Movie Script

I have paper... a summons.
That way, sir.
Can you tell us your concrete
reasons for wanting a divorce?
Can you tell us your concrete
reasons for wanting a divorce?
Yes, concrete.
Our marriage wasn't consummated.
Our marriage wasn't consummated.
Is your wife's testimony
faithful to the facts?
In a manner of speaking.
But when we met in Poland...
and even here, at the beginning,
I think I gave my wife pleasure.
It's only afterwards...
We haven't made love
since we're married.
We stopped...
I stopped being able to.
It's just temporary.
Where's the equality?
Is my not speaking French
a reason for the court...
to refuse to hear my case?
What is it that you want?
I need time, Your Honor.
I want to save our marriage.
I don't believe
the love is gone.
One night, I was ready to...
Was the marriage consummated
that night?
I beg your pardon?
Do you love your husband?
I used to.
And now?
I don't love him anymore.
My God!
That's all.
Karol Karol?
Your account is frozen.
- Frozen?
- Yes. Your card cannot be used.
It's invalidated. Canceled.
- My card.
- I can't give it to you.
My money.
No, no...
Excuse me.
Come to Poland with me.
I'll never go with you.
I'll win...
every trial.
The divorce,
property settlement...
You never understood a thing.
- I understand.
- No.
If I say I love you,
you don't understand.
And if I say I hate you,
you still don't understand.
You don't understand
that I want you...
that I need you.
Do you understand?
Do you understand? No.
And now I scare you?
- Do I scare you?
- I don't know.
You don't know.
Watch this, now.
Take a good look.
You were out for revenge.
You set the place on fire.
That's what happened.
Soon every cop in Paris
will be after you.
The keys!
Your fly is open.
I'm sorry.
How could you tell
I'm Polish?
I know that song.
What about this one?
I don't like it.
Do you live off that comb?
I try.
Times are tough.
What's that?
Not a bad job.
I've won competitions.
Sofia, Budapest, Warsaw.
Here too.
Where do you sleep?
In your suitcase?
Excuse me.
There's an alcove...
Can I sit with you
for a while?
You do card tricks?
Pick thirteen cards.
Spades: 3, 4, Queen, King.
Diamonds: 2, 5, Ace.
Clubs: 3, 5, King.
Hearts are weak: 2 and 4.
What counts in bridge
is memory.
And mine is excellent.
I've played bridge here
for a few years.
Now I'm going home.
What about you?
I want to get out of here.
I'll take you back.
Tomorrow morning.
I think I doubt it.
I lost my passport.
I have no money.
The police are after me.
I'm down on my luck.
I'll make enough to buy a fake
passport near the Polish church.
- They're rip-off artists.
- Rip-off artists.
And not very serious.
I offered one of them a job.
He took the money and ran.
Maybe you 'd like it.
A good job?
Very good, but unpleasant.
I'm a hairdresser.
You have to kill someone.
He won't do it himself.
He doesn't want to go on living.
A Pole.
He'll pay well.
Enough to live on for 6 months.
No, no... not that.
Why can't he do it himself?
He wants to, but he can't.
He has a wife and children
who love him.
Imagine how they would feel.
This way, someone kills him
and it's over.
He has a wife, children,
money... and wants to die?
What can I say?
My wife threw me out
with one suitcase.
And here I am.
I still love her.
Even more than before.
After all she did,
I still love her.
Is she pretty?
I first saw her
at the Budapest competition.
I won that one.
A friend was doing her hair.
She looked at me.
I'll show you.
Come on.
Brigitte Bardot?
A bit over the hill, no?
She's going to sleep.
You think so?
It's me.
Perfect timing. Listen.
Dominique, I love you.
It stole two francs.
Your telephone stole two francs.
So what?
Give me back my stolen money.
Give it back!
You 're taking me to Poland.
I know how.
Move your arm.
For air.
Can you last four hours?
I'll last.
I have one thing to do.
Steal something.
- Nothing else from Paris?
- No, why?
Can I help you?
My suitcase is missing.
- Ticket, please.
- Excuse me?
Your ticket, please.
The Paris flight?
What was in it?
Personal belongings.
Clothes, shirts...
To tell the truth,
my friend was in it.
We'll divide it in
- What?
- Handling charges.
Fuck! It's alive!
What the fuck?
Get him out!
Made in Russia! Fuck!
Stop it!
He may have a wallet.
Two francs! Shit!
Give that back!
Careful! He has scissors!
The asshole's broke.
Let's split!
home at last.
You 're back.
What happened?
You bought a neon sign.
This is Europe now.
Too bad
you missed Christmas.
Too bad.
Just a minute, please.
I heard Karol's back.
he is.
They're asking for you.
The ladies.
Give me a few days.
I brought you some broth.
Sleep, sleep...
Karol, remember you have
an appointment today.
Thank you.
What's up?
- What is it?
- It's payday.
You have clients waiting.
I can't today.
You do them.
They don't want me anymore.
The door!
What is it?
I have an appointment.
Jadwiga told me...
You do her hair?
Is that all?
What do you want?
I'd like to get
into the money business.
In my line,
it takes years to get ahead.
I'll say!
I heard about
how you got out of Paris.
You 're inconspicuous.
That's good.
I need a guard.
It just shoots tear gas.
Go wander around outside.
Present perfect.
I have eaten. You have eaten.
He has eaten.
We have eaten. You have eaten.
They have eaten.
Would that I had eaten!
Would that you had eaten...
The verb "to sleep".
Would that I had slept!
Would that you had slept...
The verb "to leave".
Would that I had left!
Would that you had left...
The verb "to please".
Would that I had pleased!
How about a gas mask?
- Someone's watching us.
- Let him.
A big guy. Just standing there.
Hide me.
- What?
- Hide me!
Are you happy here?
In the bathroom?
No, in general.
Yes. Why?
You can stay
as long as you like...
but we have to
settle things first.
I can pay you.
I'd like you
to do some hair.
Ten heads.
A week.
Okay. Seven.
Ah, uh...
Someone was looking for you.
Not too tall. Fortyish.
Sad looking.
He brought me back
from Paris.
He was glad to know
you 're alive.
No phone number?
No, he just said to say hi.
Then he left.
In Gdansk,
we exchange at 30I.
In Torun, twice that.
Put it in a bank
and get a loan.
You have to turn here.
It's up the hill.
Only 7%.
But if we triple
the investment...
That's pretty smart.
Is that clod sleeping?
It's here.
Hartwig and lkea
want to build warehouses.
And these bumpkins don't know.
No one does.
I'm not breathing a word.
- We'll see.
- Okay.
Don't sleep!
You 'll get robbed.
Can you exchange this?
For dollars?
That's some nest egg.
I work.
A bottle of vodka.
The most expensive.
Wrap it up please.
I'm here on business.
No, I wanted to talk business.
Can I come in?
It must be a good piece of land.
- Move in with your son!
- I wanted to.
Then do it!
Buy a car, a TV.
What for? I never watch it.
Always the same crap.
Or else...
I could bury the money...
put it in a little jar.
That would be nice.
when we close the deal.
- I have to go.
- What?
It's the last train.
You 're wandering around
at night?
You 'll get mugged.
They'll steal your briefcase.
Sleep here.
There's a bed upstairs.
It's your bed now.
You 're alive.
They stole me with the trunk.
Your brother told me.
I was looking for you.
Me too.
What's up?
In the metro,
you mentioned a guy...
Can you get me
in touch with him?
Yes, I can.
When someone asks for help,
you have to help him. Right?
Except he's back in Warsaw.
He doesn't want to anymore?
He does.
More than ever.
He changed his mind?
It's me.
Does it make a difference?
- But it's you.
- How?
These days
you can buy anything.
The envelope is in my pocket.
Take it afterwards.
Go on.
Are you sure?
That was a blank.
The next one is real.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Not anymore.
Tell me why.
we all know pain.
Yes, but...
I wanted less of it.
The deal stands.
Take it.
You 've earned it.
I did earn it.
But consider it a loan.
How about a drink?
I feel like a kid again!
Me too.
Everything is possible.
You beat us to it.
You bought the land.
Strangle him.
You spied!
I did.
I have a will.
And it's airtight.
What do you mean "airtight"?
If I die,
everything goes to the church.
To the church.
We're screwed.
Let him go.
You 're lucky
the stove's not lit.
Let's talk.
Are you selling?
I'm selling.
He's selling.
How much?
Ten times what I paid.
Excuse me while I change.
What a low-life.
What the hell is going on?
I'll be able to pay you back.
The stove?
Should I light the stove?
This may interest you.
I have a plot here.
Here... and here.
- Right in the middle!
- Exactly.
Here, I couldn't resist
a beautiful spot.
With birch saplings.
Which means?
The same thing:
I have everything:
Bills, contracts...
That's the way it is.
For the time being.
It's a deal.
You 're a son of a bitch.
No, I just need the money.
Excuse me.
Should I light the stove?
Yeah, I'm cold.
Can you do Jadwiga's hair today?
Why not? I have some time.
Should I cut the engine, boss?
No, keep the car warm.
You bought the whole store!
Come in.
I'll just be a second.
I'm starting a company.
Big time.
the money you gave me.
Like it or not,
you 're my partner.
I'd like you...
to run it with me.
Burgundy. Company car.
Can I think it over?
Merry Christmas.
Ideal place for the secretary.
Here is a second office.
Spacious, isn't it?
The view is rather attractive.
Computer and satellite hook-ups.
We need two faxes.
Where do we plug them in?
You have three telephone lines.
Oh, the telephone.
Okay, I think...
we'll take everything.
Step into my office.
Just one minute.
Do you have a handkerchief?
- Handkerchief?
- Uh-huh.
Warsaw at our feet.
What's that?
From the Complaint Department.
- Bananas?
- Yes.
Cold storage!
Wait for the price to go up.
There's a fax coming in.
Electronic equipment.
Thailand to Russia.
Sell it here.
My experts say
it's good stuff.
It looks like good work.
How thick should that wall be?
Measure it.
Have those 4 centimeters added.
But we'd have to knock it down!
I guess so...
- Hello?
- Dominique?
It's Karol.
I'm calling from Warsaw.
From Poland.
I'm sorry.
I wanted to hear your voice.
Say something.
"I hereby annul
my previous will and testament.
"I resolve that..."
That in the case of my death...
...all my personal belongings...
and property...
as well as any sums...
Of money...
Of money in my bank accounts...
will be left
to my ex-wife, Dominique.
Dominique has a "q-u -e"
at the end.
I know how to spell Dominique.
What are we doing out here?
I'm afraid
the office may be bugged.
By whom?
Who knows?
I wanted to tell you something.
Go ahead.
Don't be surprised to see
my obituaries in the paper.
One will be signed by you.
My lawyer has my will.
You 're the executor.
Here are the names.
You want me to drag her
from Paris?
Will she come?
She'll come.
It's a lot of money.
You don't want to know why?
You 'll need a passport again.
Now you can have
the death certificate.
My condolences.
Everything is in order.
- You know what's next?
- What?
We need someone to bury.
A corpse?
You don't plan on?
We'll buy one.
These days...
- you can buy anything.
- You think so?
Would you mind
a Russian import, boss?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let's go.
It couldn't be better, boss.
He's impossible to identify.
- What happened?
- His head got crushed.
He leaned too far
out of a train window.
Let's close it.
I'll manage.
Okay. Good night, boss.
I'll close up.
You scared me.
You knew I was coming.
I don't know...
Afraid of what will happen?
Here's your passport.
Your ticket to Hong Kong.
Your address.
I rented you a nice house.
Are you sure?
Don't be late for the plane.
At 10 o'clock,
I'll call the police.
They'll be there
a half hour later.
At 10:30...
you 'll be in the air.
Easy, isn't it?
So long.
I wanted you to come.
I wanted to be sure.
I didn't want to have
to ask anymore.
You cried at my funeral.
Because you were dead.
Can I touch your hand?
Sit down.
Can I lay my head here?
I've wanted to lay my head here
for such a long time.
You moaned louder
than on the phone.
You won't look at me?
Mikolaj, please.
It's Dominique.
It's Dominique.
Where's Karol?
- He's dead.
- He is not. I saw him...
You were at his funeral.
I was not at his funeral.
He's alive.
I'm sorry...
You have to help me find him.
I love him.
Of course. It's row 23.
Tomb 10675.
The name of the cemetery
is Powazkowski.
- He's back!
- I think I doubt that.
I have to hang up.
- Dominique Vidal?
- Yes?
- Passport, please.
- It's at the front desk.
Call downstairs.
We have a search warrant.
Can I get dressed?
I'm a French citizen.
Someone from the consulate
is coming.
You have the right
to remain silent until he comes.
I have nothing to hide.
What do you want from me?
Have you begun
executing the will?
Yes. So?
Your ex-husband was wealthy.
That's all, thank you.
We don't believe your husband
died a natural death.
He was helped.
We have proof you were here
the day he died.
The stamp is in your passport.
How is that?
He's not dead. He's alive.
- Who?
- My husband.
Who was buried yesterday
at 11:30?
So who's alive?
No one.
Hello. I'm Monsieur Le Gac
from the consulate.
What's new?
Don't stand in the window.
Someone will see you.
It's ready.
I remember identifying you
after the exhumation.
Boy, did we identify you!
Mikolaj puked.
Good thing you didn't turn
yourself in. We'd be in jail.
You, me, Mikolaj, the driver
and some others.
I made some cherry jam.
Do you want it?
Someday I'll cook the snails
in the garden.
I'll make a stew.
The lawyer?
He came by. He's expensive.
He said...
That he sees a little light
at the end of the tunnel.