Tu devi essere il lupo (2005) Movie Script

Why did you call us, Owl?
Bear has gone missing.
That wolf again! Darn him!
Who else could it be?
How can you be so sure?
Whoever enters the woods is lost.
It's all the wolf is waiting for.
Bear talked about that
too much lately.
But are you sure he met the wolf?
Stop this! You know
you must never go into the woods.
The path is obstructed
and it leads nowhere.
That's what Bear said too.
Nothing grows
at the foot of a volcano
and one day we'll end up
covered in lava.
We've lived here for centuries
and nothing bad
has ever happened to us.
Valentina is speaking,
I'm not home, leave a message.
Hello, Valentina,
where have you got to?
I'm waiting for you at our flat.
You forgot.
You left your bag
and cell phone here.
I brought you something.
Now it looks like a home
where human beings live.
All right, I'll pass by your place.
The fish are beautiful!
Outline number three.
The poet Thomas Elliot
wrote these verses:
"Time present and time past
are maybe both present
in time future
and time future is contained
in time past. "
I would like you to reflect
on this theme: time and us.
Tell me about your childhood,
your relationship with your parents
and with your brothers and sisters
if you have any.
I'd like to know what you remember
and what you don't remember
but have imagined.
You have three hours
to hand in your essays.
Good luck.
All children go to sleep,
but Vale does not.
I don't know what's wrong,
it cut out and won't start again.
Easy. You're lucky I'm here.
- You're not from around here?
- No.
I've just moved here.
- Moved here?
- Yes, I lived in Milan.
You mean you'll be a taxi driver for
life in the land of the living dead?
How long did it take
to think up that brilliant move?
- I was left a house.
- Lucky you!
How did your wife take it?
- Where to?
- Via Maffei, 13.
"Listen to me!" said the Tiger.
"Yes, boss!" replied the young man.
Then they walked up the hills
and came to the woods.
"Be careful!" said Kammamuri
to the Portuguese man.
"I saw many snakes this morning
and I saw tiger prints too. "
"It must be tonight",
Sandokan had said.
- Look!
- Get it in focus.
What about that lady there?
- Will she do for me?
- No.
Move over there!
You rascal!
Where are you?
Soldier, take off the blindfold!
Open your eyes.
Valentina Arvigo:
tonsils and adenoids.
- Are you the father?
- Yes.
- Arvigo...?
- Oarlo.
Sign here for me please.
Look, Dad,
Lulu's fur is shabby.
She's grown old by now.
How old is she?
She's six years old.
Just like you.
I'm old too then.
Six years for a bear
are like sixty for a little girl.
do you think Mom can see us now?
I don't know.
Do you miss her?
A little.
Are you coming tonight?
The guys from
the 4th year have a car.
- Where are you going?
- To the "Jolly Frog", so is Mirko.
Shit. Tonight of all nights?
I've already told him
to save you a place in the car.
But I can't tonight,
I'm watching a film with Oarlo.
What are you watching this time?
I don't know, he gets to choose.
Tough for you, I feel
I'll start dating Mirko tonight.
And you're abandoning me right now?
I'm sorry, but Oarlo and I
need some time on our own.
Don't worry, I'm not going to watch
a 1930s Bulgarian film.
Just stop it, you two!
Wake up!
It's time.
It's the middle of the night.
Yeah, all right.
Oome on, I don't
want Vale to find you here.
Two more minutes
of cuddling, please.
Thank you.
How is your one and only love?
She wants to go to England
for a month this summer.
On her own.
You won't hold out for a month,
you'd both die of a broken heart.
I want to do something tonight.
Are you with me?
- I can't tonight.
- What a pity!
Are you sure?
- I told you, didn't I?
- Yes. Never mind.
- I've already promised...
- I know, your girlfriend.
When you decide to ditch me,
will you give me some notice?
Yes. Eight days from today.
I want 12 years and 2 months.
I didn't know the taxi driver
union was so powerful!
What will it say
to prevent the trip to England?
The trade union's tough
with girlfriends, not with daughters.
With bedmates, not girlfriends.
I'll leave this then we'll go.
Valentina. It's me, Marcia.
They came to pick up
the kaleidoscope today,
but I told them to come back
tomorrow. Have you finished?
Give me a call,
I feel like having a chat.
Hello, Adar!
Sorry, Amandio, I didn't know you
were here, or I'd have knocked.
How are you?
What brings you here?
I came to feed Adar.
Why, where's Valentina?
She's left. Didn't you know?
Left? Where to?
I don't know, she left her keys with
the concierge. I thought you knew.
Is anything wrong?
Why that face?
I knew it was coming.
How come no school today?
- What's your name?
- Morelli, what's yours?
It's tough, eh?
- What is?
- Starting work so early.
It is for you too, I see.
- The Italian game?
- American.
You state your number and hole,
leaving 8 for last.
What if they catch you?
- Who?
- Your parents.
They've enough problems
between themselves...
If they catch me,
I'll say I'm traumatized.
They're breaking up.
- And you don't mind?
- Yes, I do mind.
It was about time.
Good morning.
Via Tonale, the top of the street.
Oalm down, Pito!
Oalm down!
You're becoming a rascal!
The plane, train, now a taxi...
What next?
If I use the image,
can I link it directly?
The difference of two powers
of equal positive exponent...
is divisible...
- .. by the sum of the powers.
- No!
- The bases, only...
- If the exponent is equal.
You see. You don't simplify.
How do you simplify 157 by 16?
There must be a calculation error,
that's the procedure.
We've gone wrong somewhere.
Oome on, try again!
I can't stand Battista any more!
He's had his father's garage a year,
but it feels like 30!
You said the same of his old man.
You're never satisfied.
He was an asshole
but he respected our work.
And he also taught me
everything I know.
Whereas thatjerk
just wants us to be fast.
He wastes our time on bullshit.
We have to paint his car
every two weeks.
Refuse to!
That idiot thinks if you work
in the office, you belong to him.
Now he wants us to campaign
for him in the elections!
Guess what he did. You know Mario,
who's worked there for years?
- Sheila's dad?
- He's moved him into the office.
To answer the phone
and write out invoices.
Wasn't he a whiz with lorries?
He wants him to retire early.
Have you any credit on your card?
I have to get a film for Vale.
- What will you punish her with now?
- "Sky Over Berlin".
How much do
colour prints cost?
It depends. Prints of what?
Wait, I'll go and get the film.
- Just a sec.
- Oan't you do it tomorrow?
There's only one photo
on focus in it.
I need 1,000 copies of it,
fast and cheap.
- A thousand?
- Yes.
- What do you want 1,000 for?
- Print them, then you'll find out.
You're asking a lot!
Blame it on me if Vale complains.
It is your fault.
What a surprise!
- Sorry for the irruption.
- I'm pleased you came.
Is anything wrong?
No, nothing.
If the door were to open,
I guess I'd come up.
Oome in.
Sorry I didn't know
there was a party.
Party? Just a few friends, come in!
Oome on!
- How are you?
- Fine, but...
Is there some problem with Vale?
- Leaving your guests on their own?
- Let's go.
- What?
- I think I'm drunk!
I can't work out what you're saying.
There's a mess, Mirko's not here.
- He didn't turn up?
- He's vanished.
- What?
- We need you here!
Yeah, next time.
With ice, please.
Sorry, Gi-o, I have to go now.
- A Bulgarian film?
- Yes, Oarlo's waiting for me to go on.
- Don't have too much fun!
- Okay.
- Kiss you.
- Me too.
- See you tomorrow.
- Bye.
Suite 207, the imperial suite.
I saw lightning before.
It's going to rain tomorrow.
I like it.
I like you.
I've had a nice meal prepared
for us in the suite tonight.
Is that so?
What have you ordered?
Lobster, caviar and champagne.
I like you better.
Thank goodness!
.. and all the relationships...
Big question! We'll be back soon...
.. these too accompanied
by heavy lava flows.
These phenomena have never
threatened the lives
of those living on Etna's slopes.
Even if it's occurred
with unusual intensity
in the volcano's recent history.
Vale and Oarlo speaking, we're
not home. Leave a message and...
When spring arrives,
it's hard to resist.
Only the hare
and the mouse don't tire.
They pretend and they terrify us.
But the wolf already ate many.
Have you smelt the scent
when the wind blows from the south?
You know you can never come back,
it's all the wolf's waiting for.
You're all scared of the wolf
but is there anything more terrible
than remaining here?
I'd never seen Valentina
so happy.
A year ago I'd have bet
she'd never live with anyone.
Imagine my reaction when
she told me about your flat!
It's when she seems happy
that all hell can break loose!
That's the way she is.
When something nice could begin,
she runs away.
Is there something I don't know?
I wanted to surprise her
and I put a child's lamp
in the far room.
I wanted her to feel
everything was easy and nice.
I thought she was finally ready
to have a baby with me.
She didn't tell me anything.
She's not coming back.
I know her.
The direct train
from Milan Oentral station...
is now arriving at platform one.
If there's one thing I hate,
it's when people are false.
You're not angry at me, are you?
I'm angry at Oarlo.
What's he done to you this time?
I'm sure that girl
goes in my bedroom.
I've found things out of place.
At least you talk to each other.
My father comes home from work,
if I'm lucky he talks about work,
if I'm not, he pisses me off.
Then he lies down on the sofa
and falls asleep.
Your problem is that you're jealous.
No way, don't be silly!
I wanted to come
to the club the other night.
Then I thought Oarlo needed
to spend some time with me,
so I didn't come.
What was the film like?
We didn't watch any film.
He didn't come till late at night.
It's probably a phase.
I sometimes think
it's better if I leave.
Where to?
But we're going this summer, right?
My parents have almost given in.
Have you spoken to Oarlo about it?
I don't want to go for holiday.
- I want to go there to stay.
- Oool!
With everyone going crazy
looking for us!
It's Monica. If you want,
I'll tell her I'm not going.
Do as you like.
Oome on, Vale, you come too.
- I don't like to leave you this way.
- Gio', leave me alone.
I've made you a copy
of Exhausted's OD.
You're strange, but I love you.
The other day
I took a photo of Vale.
What about it?
She looks so much like her mother.
Thank God she doesn't look like you!
Were you with her when she died?
Valentina had just been born.
Had you been together long?
- We'd just split up.
- Split up?
We'd known each other since
we were kids, it's hard to explain.
More than lovers we were siblings.
- Which of you broke it off?
- She did.
At least five times.
And every time I stopped her.
I couldn't even bear the idea.
It was hard for her too.
We weren't able
to fall in love with anyone else,
nor could we stay together.
So she'd give in, but every time
we got back together it was worse.
Then one day she just upped it
and went to London to a friend's.
I knew nothing about her for a year.
And how was Vale born?
Then she called me one day
and asked me to go and see her.
Athos, do you think Vale
is unhappy with me?
No, why?
No reason.
I waited for you outside school.
How did you get home?
Fancy something to eat?
If the sun comes out,
I'm going for a walk at the Oanonica.
Want to come?
If that bitch gives me another D
the day after tomorrow, it's the end.
- Why should she?
- Because she hates me.
And maths stinks,
like your risotto.
You'd better study today instead.
We'll postpone the walk.
Too late now, you said we would go.
Did we forget the teachers just said
your work is erratic?
What a pain!
They always say that.
Your work is erratic,
could do better...
They didn't say that about Marta.
Marta's a nerd!
You don't want a daughter like her!
The "Giro d'Italia" begins
and he's already in the lead.
It isn't a race!
She's right behind him!
- And he wins!
- What the hell are you saying?
The champion of Mortirolo!
- A champ, ladies and gentlemen.
- It's not fair!
The rivals are complaining,
but history has been made.
Athos says he wants to go away,
he can't take any more, he's stifled.
He says that every time
he's without a girlfriend.
I'll tell him that later.
Gio' and Monica...
want us to sign up
for salsa and merengue lessons.
Why don't you and Athos come too?
I already dance very well.
There's no need.
You do?
- No?
- No.
Have you ever thought
about going away?
- Where to?
- Just to get up and go some place.
Without me.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
You look tired, you know?
Who's Elena?
A friend.
Oome on!
- Are you leaving?
- Pardon?
I mean station...
I thought you were leaving.
Yes. Station... I am leaving.
- So you're not from Sondrio?
- No.
- Have you someone waiting?
- You're very reserved, aren't you?
I do this job to know people also.
In five minutes?
If you want, I'll take you to Sweden.
No, the station will do.
What mark?
Oonsidering the effort...
- D minus!
- D minus?
- 1,000 of them?
- Yes.
How are you, little witch?
Hadn't you buried
your paraglider?
Hurry up! Gi-o's waiting for me.
I asked how you were,
not to stress me out.
You're right,
but I'm on afternoon shift.
- How about you, monster?
- I feel like a god today!
- How did it turn out?
- How did you manage to take it?
- You know that...
- Really?
- What are you talking about?
- What are your plans?
- Where are they?
- There's one here.
The others are in the back.
I don't want Vale to see that stuff.
What? Let me see. What is it?
My boss's electoral campaign.
You work for a guy like this?
What crime am I about
to become an accomplice to?
Oatechism, exposure, you decide.
Will you let me in on this?
All right.
- Bye.
- Bye, Vale.
And now straight to the summit!
You are about to immortalize
the hero killing the dictator!
South-west wind, off we go!
Are you shooting?
You're going out live.
Has the accused anything to add?
I'm guilty!
You can fire me if you want.
It's raining.
- You've been asleep for an hour.
- What?
You were making groaning noises.
I had a strange dream.
I could hear your voice.
You were calling me.
I thought I was getting closer,
but your voice sounded
further away...
until I heard it no more.
I'm starved.
- Do you fancy a pizza?
- Yeah.
Have a shower and we'll go.
Who's that?
Don't ever do this again!
- I heard her voice.
- Don't call me again! Got it?
What do you want?
- What do you want?
- I don't know.
- Where are you?
- Not in Sondrio, don't worry.
Write down my cell phone number.
- Have you seen my cell phone?
- No.
Sorry, who's that?
Just a second.
- Who is it?
- Elena.
I told you not to call me at home.
When may I cease being clandestine?
- I'm not in the mood forjoking.
- Oarlo, your mobile was dead!
- Shall we do something tonight?
- I can't talk right now.
- I'll call you later.
- I'm going out, I won't be here.
Your face looks weary.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
We went to
Vinicio Oapossela's concert.
I'd got a ticket for you too.
I'm the one who's sorry.
- Did you enjoy yourself?
- Very much.
He played South American covers,
you'd have liked it.
Athos told me
you were really down yesterday.
How are things with Vale?
Your face doesn't look normal.
What does it look like?
Fine, when you decide I'm part of
your life, call me.
Elena, please...
You know, Dad, the class
is terrified of tomorrow's test.
Why aren't you eating?
I'm not hungry.
Did you ever panic, feeling
you've got mice in your guts?
Is it that bad?
That maths Nazi
doesn't know how to teach.
Then she expects us
to understand her!
It's facing people
like her that you grow up.
What do you do when you panic?
I discuss it with someone.
You never talk
about your problems to me.
Unfortunately I don't get on
very well with maths,
but if I work hard,
I swear no equation...
.. can escape from me.
Tell your Elena that I live here too
and I sometimes answer the phone!
What do you mean bye?
We have to rack our brains.
This evening, I swear.
Okay, keep your mobile on.
If I start to panic, I'll call you.
I promise.
Where to?
And she comes with you in the taxi?
And what do you talk about?
School, people.
Sometimes she chooses my girlfriends.
Are you... happy?
Since I went to Lisbon
you haven't written.
It's what you wanted, Valentina.
I was hoping you'd disobey me.
What have you come here for?
Why have you come?
How many days have gone by,
do you think?
Tell me what you want.
About 5,400 days.
Each one was worth double to me...
So 16,000 days have gone by.
Does she look like me?
I want to know if you've come
to ruin everything.
She's very beautiful.
She's the same age
you were when I met you.
Does she ask you about me?
Oarlo's not here.
- Know what?
- Let's hear.
The garage is closed
until further notice.
- Do you know what that means?
- What?
I succeeded, the bastard
gave himself away!
- If it makes you happy.
- You don't appreciate art.
Tell your father to call me
when you hear from him.
The number you have dialled
is unavailable, try again later.
I never breastfed her.
I couldn't even touch her.
She would cry.
She could sense it.
No one understood.
When you suggested
you take care of her,
did you imagine this would happen?
I didn't care about her.
All that mattered was
that she could bring you back.
And when I realised
you wouldn't come back,
she had become my daughter
and she was all that mattered to me.
You're not good, you're cruel.
The weather's changing
and it's getting dark.
Stand up.
Vale and Oarlo speaking,
we're not home.
Leave a message and we'll call back.
- Hello, who's that?
- Me.
- Where are you, in the jungle?
- I've made up my mind.
What a voice!
Has your cat been run over?
- I've decided it's tomorrow.
- What is?
Some days I can feel her.
I touch my chest and know
she is doing the same.
Think you can just turn up and say:
"Hello, I'm your mother"?
I think I should see her.
She might think about you,
but she doesn't miss you.
She doesn't want you any more.
What would you do?
She doesn't need you.
Go away.
I don't want to hurt you.
No, it won't hurt her.
Go tell her you've always been there
that her real father
is an idiot going by who
doesn't even know she exists.
She'll be happy to know that.
And tell her you forgot to abort her!
She'll be even happier!
I've never cared for anyone
the way I cared for you.
But yesterday when you called,
I just wished you were dead.
I am dead.
Excuse me, can you take our photo?
- Of course.
- With the elephant behind us.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Good luck with your test.
- What school are you at?
- Sciences.
- How old are you?
- 14.
How long do you want to be away?
At least a week.
- Money?
- This.
How long did you say
you want to stay? A week?
Sondrio-Milan train, 7 euros.
Milan-Genoa, 14 euros.
Pretend these don't exist.
Return ticket.
Is there someone you can stay with?
One day in a cheap B&B.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Do you follow me?
I can lend you something, but you'll
have to tell me how many days.
- A week.
- A week?
- Do you know what that entails?
- 700 euros?
Apart from the money,
you'll be reported to the police.
I've met your folk, you know?
- He's not such a huge jerk.
- Yes, he's only a jerk.
I shouldn't have taken her to you.
You're putting doubts in her head.
Have you got a cigarette?
Please would you go
get three coffees? We all need some.
Put it on my bill.
- Normal or spiked?
- Normal.
Money's not a problem, I know
who can lodge you for free
but I want you to think it over,
I don't want you to panic, okay?
Good morning.
The cheapest fare for Genoa, please.
- He likes you, I can tell.
- Stop it!
Shit! The first to Milan
leaves in 90 minutes.
Please, tell me you don't like him.
- Out it out!
- Tell me!
What difference does it make?
- Tell me!
- No, not for now.
Thank you. Goodbye.
So, you call Oarlo,
you tell him I called,
that I was already in Florence,
pissed, and that I was going
even further, maybe to Rome.
Okay, your best friend doesn't
run away from home every day.
You are my best friend.
You do know that?
Gio'... Thanks.
For skipping the math test
for a good cause?
It's Mirko!
No, not tomorrow too.
She's leaving.
Okay, I'll put her on.
Yes, I've made up my mind.
We did it!
Look at the water, soldier!
Everyone soaking wet, soldier.
Look, soldier! Smile!
No one's been held back a year, now
will you buy me the green aquarium?
The aquarium!
Let's bet...
an ice-cream.
- Shall we go to the submarine?
- Yes.
Let's go, soldier!
I'll get you!
Tremendous revenge!
Oome on!
I'll catch you!
Got you!
Where are you?
What's that woman's name?
- What woman?
- I saw you arguing at the station.
Are you spying on me?
She looks like a strong woman.
It's clear she cares for you.
I don't want to talk about it.
Sooner or later she'll want
to have a baby with you.
In fact,
she probably asked you already.
I don't want to talk.
So Valentina
will have a baby brother.
No matter what her name is,
she'll end up calling her Mom.
Pull over.
Pull over, please.
Will you hug me?
If you can, forgive me.
I'll accompany you.
Don't look at me, please.
Is there a reason
why you stopped talking to me?
What have I done to you?
You're late.
All right. Then bye.
- Is this seat free?
- Yes.
Monica, there are two over here.
The direct train to Milan Oentral
is leaving from platform two.
Squirrel, where are you?
Butterfly, I see you're lost
and you can't find your way home.
My God, you must be the wolf!
How come you know me?
We've never met before.
Everybody told me about you.
They told me to run away
if ever I met you.
Woods animals are like that.
They accuse others
of their own fears.
But you're not like them
and if you have ventured this far
it's because you want me to lead you
to the other side of the woods.
Run away! Run away!
If I follow you, you'll cheat me
and I'll never return
to my village again.
Maybe, but in the village you can't
see the other side of the night,
where pain and beauty
are the same colour.
And everything is quiet,
and endless flowering cherry trees.