Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar (2023) Movie Script

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How does she know?
It's like she's known me all my life.
She has sat down.
You're confused.
Don't waste your time.
You deserve better.
You're confused.
Don't waste your time.
You deserve better.
Don't try to stop someone who's leaving.
Your life is about to change.
You're about to make a fresh start.
Don't compromise.
Don't compromise.
Waiter, ready? Waiter!
What can I get for the pretty lady?
-I'm just expecting someone.
Now. Do it now.
She didn't see that. Do it again.
Listen, your pay is getting cut
with every miss.
Jyoti on the mark. Kunal's status?
Can't do it. I can't do it.
She cried a river when I said I was
going on a boys' trip for two weeks.
You didn't even let me answer her calls.
You called her in person.
Now, if I say we should take a break,
she'll understand?! How?
Bro, her entire life revolves around me.
This plan won't work.
In the last two weeks, every
hot guy in the area has hit on her.
She has been asked
to model for her gym.
She has a minimum of 50,000 likes
on every picture on Instagram.
We've also increased
her followers count by 10,000.
Even the dogs in her vicinity
bark "looking nice" when she steps out.
In her eyes, your value is currently
going in minus
as compared to her own value.
Her self-confidence has increased
by 20 folds in the past two weeks.
If she sheds even a single tear,
I'll give you double the money back.
But once you break up,
even I can't get you two back together.
So, decide now.
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
Then take an oath.
-"I, Kunal Varma
-I, Kunal Varma...
do solemnly swear, with God
as my witness and confirm that
do solemnly swear, with God
as my witness and confirm that...
-I don't love Jyoti.
-I don't love Jyoti.
-I can't spend my life with her.
-I can't spend my life with her.
-I don't want her in my life."
-I don't want her in my life.
You could've at least taken a pause,
idiot. You did love her once.
Ready, steady, go.
Oh, sit, sit.
I have to say something.
We were so naive when we first met.
A lot has changed since then, Jyoti.
You've changed.
I've changed.
I'm starting to feel
disconnected from you.
I think we should take a temporary break.
Eyes are wet.
You shouldn't have said
you'd return double the money!
Thank you.
Didn't shed a tear. No tears.
I get it, Kunal. I understand.
It's okay. People drift apart.
I'm glad we realized it at the right time.
I guess this is where we part ways.
Why give false hope
to oneself with temporary breaks?
I think we should break up.
Son of a bitch.
His Highness has woken up!
The company is incurring losses,
and the owner is sleeping until noon.
How does it feel to run
a 35-year-old company into loss?
-What loss?
-What do you mean?
How many more losses
are you responsible for?
Uncle, what would be
the approximate value of my shares?
Get three eggs. Six, if you want some too.
Tell me the value.
We haven't incurred a loss, dear.
We've just shown that we have.
Just shown?
It's come to this now?!
We have to show that we're broke!
It's scrutiny for saving
on taxes for three years.
If we don't show a loss this year,
do you know how many
penalties we'd have to pay?
I've paid more penalties
than the profits you've made.
I created this business
from scratch with your father.
Don't try to teach me.
If you've saved for three years,
then pay double now.
I'm not showing any loss.
Come on, give me a rough estimate.
Take out the bread.
What's up with her, Granny?
-There was a proposal for you.
-They're distant relatives of our CA.
If they get our papers checked,
word will spread that
we're running at a loss.
You must consider a lot of things
for marriage.
-Someone has sent a proposal for him.
I've been telling him for four years now.
He's not getting married now.
The CA will tell them
that we are running at a loss.
If they ask the CA, he'll also tell them
that we didn't incur a loss,
we're only pretending that we did.
Who is incurring losses? You can
always borrow from me on interest.
-What's the matter?
-So we pay even more interest.
Should we sell the cars as well?
Put everything on sale.
Tell the whole world that
we're running at a loss.
Uncle Dabas, will you buy my shares?
What do you need the money for?
A friend of mine makes apps.
I'm thinking of investing in his app.
Anyway, it looks like
uncle can't handle the business.
I don't want to lose my share.
-Hello, Uncle. How are you?
-Call for some tea.
-You're the one who spoiled him.
There are bound to be losses
if he sleeps until noon.
What are you saying? I sleep until 4:00 pm
and I've never suffered any losses.
I heard the word "loss"
for the first time today.
Selling your ancestral property
isn't business.
Ancestors are gone, bro.
I'm the only one left.
It doesn't matter what you sell,
it's still business. Right, Granny?
In our days, profit was the only business.
If they tell others
that we're incurring losses,
our reputation will take a hit.
Call the CA.
Ask him to show profits.
Only then will I sign the papers.
I don't want to show any profit.
I'm going to report you
for physical abuse.
Go ahead.
Let's see if the police
can stop me from slapping you.
-But why do you want to get him married?
-I really don't.
He can't take care of the business.
I don't want him
to ruin some girl's life.
Let me make myself clear, Uncle,
I've got nothing to do with these losses.
He thinks he's a big shot!
Aunt, I'm telling you,
he's not focused on his work.
-Did you call the CA?
-I will.
Sir, she won't be dejected, will she?
Not at all.
That's what we're here for.
Otherwise, you could've done it yourself.
She won't blame herself, right?
Neither herself nor you.
She'll only blame the circumstances.
We're as good as therapists.
Will she agree to handover
custody of the child?
Wait a second.
-Do you want to divorce her?
-Yes, sir.
Bro, we are not home breakers.
We only specialize in breakups.
If you want a divorce, then go to court.
Follow the process.
We don't mess with the law.
You can assume
we're in a live-in relationship.
Listen, you pathetic loser!
You're a father already, become a man!
Tell your wife that you
don't want to live with her.
Otherwise, I'll come to your place
and whack you with her shoe.
People are so shameless now.
-You're right.
I wish everyone could be
an ideal husband like you.
Kinchi is lucky to have a husband
who is so decent
that he can't even tell his wife
not to tag along for his bachelor party.
Now, that's decency. Bravo.
I'm proud of you.
I'm making her cancel. Stop nagging.
And I'm not her husband yet.
Not for another 21 days.
Bro, this voice app is useless,
get it changed.
What about the one from Preet Vihar?
She asked for a platinum
upgrade at the rate of silver.
Says she will hire us
for her next breakup as well.
What does that mean?
What other choice does she have?
Who else can she hire?
The golden rule of business.
"No bargaining in a monopoly."
We had to pay Rs. 70,000
from our own pockets last time.
We shouldn't be suffering
losses in a monopoly.
What sort of a business
is it if there are no profits?
God has been kind.
And we don't do this for money, right?
It's an art.
We are men of God. Blessed by His grace.
We've been blessed with this talent
so that we can help people.
And what's the point of a simple breakup?
It should be challenging.
That's when it's fun.
And if we take the money,
we have to finish the job.
We're on our way.
-Grandpa is gone.
-Gone where?
Let's go.
I'll check. Dabas!
-I don't need it.
-You have to drink it.
Drink, baby.
You have to take care
of yourself at this time, right?
What does she mean, "at this time"?
She knows grandpa was 92, right?
She's talking about the weather.
It's hot.
Dabas, don't be crazy.
Isn't it a good thing?
Your grandpa went away
in peace, in his sleep.
He saw his great-grandchildren.
He drank and smoked until the very end.
What more can you ask for?
Please, Manu. Don't cry.
Are you insane?
I'm not crying for my grandpa.
He lived a good life.
Bro, I can't marry her.
She's head over heels in love with me.
I can't handle so much love
even from my mom,
and she's a level above her.
I can't do it.
Are you crazy? We're leaving
for your bachelor party next week.
Bro, I just can't.
-Are you--
-Let's go!
Come on!
Shall I tell her right now?
What can she say in such a situation?
She can't even yell at me.
We're at a funeral.
Look, you're shaken up
by your grandpa's demise.
You're emotional right now.
You're getting confused.
We fought so much to convince
Kinchi's parents, and ours as well.
What are we going to tell everyone?
If I could do it so easily,
I wouldn't have shared it with you.
Who else were you
going to share it with?
I've transferred the money. Get to work.
I can't take money from you.
Not for your breakup.
Buddy, free advice
doesn't have any value
nor do the people who ask for it.
Now, don't give me more stress.
I've just lost my grandpa.
Get this breakup done
before the memorial service, at any cost.
But she's so sweet.
I can't do it, bro. I just can't.
Be gentle.
She's deeply affected by grandpa's death.
Look at her crying.
I feel so sad.
It's natural to feel sad at a funeral.
You and grandpa became quite close.
In such a short time.
I always tell Dabas
that he's lucky to have you.
I mean, you can have anyone you want.
How can such a caring,
sensitive girl like you
fall for an uncaring,
insensitive guy like him?
Dabas is lucky, I guess.
Does he talk to you properly?
Does he look after you?
Or is it only you who looks after him?
Because I've never seen him
taking care of you.
I mean, I've seen him hanging up
mid-conversation saying, "Okay, bye."
Even I get annoyed
when he does that to me.
But you don't even get mad at him.
Guess he was born lucky.
Otherwise, this idiot could have never
found a girl like you in seven lifetimes.
Thank you.
Are you crazy?
I'd sent you to break us up,
but you ended up praising her.
Now, she's trying to assert
how lucky I am to have her.
I wasn't praising her.
I was criticizing you.
If she mistook it that I was praising her,
then that's her problem.
Listen, we've taken the money.
You must finish the job.
You're getting cold feet.
You actually love her a lot.
Are you an idiot?
-If you don't love her, then take an oath.
-"I, Manu Dabas...
-I, Manu Dabas...
...do solemnly swear, with God
as my witness and confirm that
do solemnly swear with God
as my witness and confirm that
-I don't love Kinchi.
-I don't love Kinchi.
-I can't spend my life with her.
-I can't spend my life with her.
-I don't want her in my life."
-I don't want her in my life.
You know what? Let's go meet her.
And look sad.
When she pesters us,
we'll tell her that grandpa left you
the smallest share in his will.
Did you read the will?
We have to lie, you dumbshit.
No way. I won't lie about this.
You never know when it might come true.
Uncle, when will I get the property?
When grandpa dies,
grandma will inherit it.
When grandma dies,
your mom and I will inherit it.
And when your mom
and I die, you'll get it.
You know what
I'll lie to her and get myself caught.
She won't marry me if she can't trust me.
If she catches your lie,
there'll only be a settlement.
The more you keep it covered
and let her unwrap it from
a slight suspicion, slowly,
layer by layer, the madder she'll get.
The more hurt she'll feel,
and then she'll break up with you.
It's not about lying and getting caught.
In fact, you have to hide
the lie in the truth.
Then hide it in a couple of more lies.
And finally, tell her the truth
with a hint of a lie.
She's a woman, she'll do the rest.
You only need to get her to doubt you.
Does this make any sense?
Sweetheart, a boy whose bluff gets called
out straightaway is actually honest.
Because women expect us to lie.
They can forgive that.
Concealing your lie
skillfully and effortlessly
they can never forgive that.
So, when is everyone dying?
Don't drink anymore. You've had enough.
We're leaving in two days.
Think of something. Figure a way out.
Manu, consider it done.
Is she coming alone?
Wasn't she traveling with her friends?
She isn't coming with us, is she?
Just one friend.
But I guess she got stood up.
So, she isn't coming, right?
Should I call the driver back?
I think she's coming.
This is unfair, Manu.
She can't take away
your bachelor party from me.
It's not my fault that
she chose wrong friends.
Bro, I don't want to get married,
and you're crying over this?!
But it's still unfair.
Is she going to keep sulking
the whole time?
Let's send her back.
What will she do here alone?
It's okay, I'll stay alone.
-No, I--
-Listen, don't be--
Am I complaining?
I said I'll stay alone.
-Who was that?
-No one.
Get ready quickly.
Who was it?
Who was it? Why are we here?
I told you I didn't want to come.
See now, the two of you
have to murmur because of me.
Baby. Jitender.
Just wait for ten seconds.
The music will start now.
Now, the dancers will come.
And entry!
The night this wretched night
This wild night
Is pretty shameless
I'm sure it's going to take me for a ride
It's pretty relentless
The night this wretched night
This wild night
Is pretty shameless
I'm sure it's going to take me for a ride
It's pretty relentless
Things will steer out of control
For sure
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
I stopped counting
Because tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
Blame the night, not me
I've lost count of how many
What can
What can one drink do?
When bottles don't satiate me
Boys are dying to buy me another drink
But none can keep up
With how much I drink
Even after getting intoxicated
The one who's left standing
I'll drag him along with me
But this kindness
Is only until the morning
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
I stopped counting
Because tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
The bars you haven't graced
With your presence
The spirits there don't get anyone drunk
Even I'm a spirit that wanders in bars
Then how come our paths never crossed?
In our first meeting tonight
What's come up in the limelight
Is really interesting
Let the mischief and ruckus
Be for the both of us
What are you waiting for?
Seems for both of us, the night is lucky
Me too
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
I stopped counting
Because tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
Tonight, I'm drunk
I stopped counting
Because tonight, I'm drunk
-Tonight, I'm drunk
-Tonight, I'm drunk
-Tonight, I'm drunk
-Tonight, I'm drunk
Listen, promise that
you'll stop chasing this girl
and get my job done!
Don't be crazy.
Just take it back, or you'll die.
It makes no sense.
If I help you break up, I'll lose her.
The guy who dumps her best friend
a week before the wedding,
his best friend isn't someone
she'd ever want to see.
Irrespective of how beautiful
his face might be.
Bro, I'll get you divorced,
but I'm a 30-year-old single guy.
And it's very rare
for such pairings to happen.
Take it back.
You disgust me.
Tell me something. You're single, right?
Not dating anyone?
I was getting many ideas,
but I'd put them on hold.
Now, I'll let them flow.
Are you asking for permission?
Just inquiring.
I've just entered the neighborhood.
Let me take a good look around,
get to know it.
Once I get to your door,
then I'll ask for permission.
Get in!
Bro, she was hitting on me.
-What did she say?
That's it? And you think
she was hitting on you!
It wasn't just any hi.
More like a "How you doin"?
Since when did the likes
of her start hitting on guys?
I mean, average-looking girls hit on guys,
but she's an absolute goddess.
And if she's hitting on me,
then I must be a hunk too.
Tinni. Mickey.
Whether it's a baby girl or a baby boy
Good morning.
Good morning.
It's happened.
I've fallen in love.
-Right now?
-Right now.
Now, when?
Just now.
Take another bite.
I feel like giving you a tight hug now.
Aren't you too desperate?
No, I was about to retire.
I had even announced it.
I'd sworn before coming here
that I would change for good.
But now, if I don't hit on you,
how will I ever face myself again?
I swear you're the one.
Should I fall in love?
Forget love, even rumors
of my love are enough.
Then let the rumors spread.
Are you looking for love
or something casual?
I don't trust a summer romance.
That's because
you never met me on a holiday.
-Tell me.
Love or something casual?
Eventually, love. But until I don't
find someone I can fall in love with,
something casual is good enough.
I'm not saving myself for anyone.
What about you?
I want to fall in love with you.
If you don't want to,
then consider it a hookup.
I'll make you fall in love.
I don't fall in love over four days.
You'll fall in love with me forty times
in these four days.
Look, I'm handsome,
I'm from a good family, and I earn well.
How much do you make?
I make enough.
Enough that I can qualify as rich,
but the children will be called wealthy.
Which car?
-And yours?
But I bought it with my own money.
So did I.
How do you earn?
Through multiple businesses.
Car dealership, jewelry,
commercial property, insurance--
So, you're a spoiled brat.
I am a spoiled brat.
I hate them.
I don't like spoiled brats.
You will love spoiled brats.
I can't stand spoiled brats.
You will be a spoiled brat.
By the way, I'm great at hookups as well.
I'm slightly out of practice,
but last time, I did an award-winning job.
How long have you been
out of practice?
It's been a while. You?
Been ages.
I can't hook up with any random guy.
After all, you've got to value yourself.
I mean, you need to find someone suitable.
You mean someone like me
who's talented, handsome,
good-looking, rich, fit, virile, polite,
lovable, humble, respectful,
romantic, and adorable--
Loveable and adorable
mean the same thing.
I'm both.
Call me whatever you want.
Where are you going?
Why do you want to know?
Come along if you want to.
Dabas will feel bad.
Fine, go with them. Bye.
This isn't fair.
What isn't fair?
We give so much value
to beautiful women
but handsome men have no value at all.
Sometimes, even I want
someone to value me.
Otherwise, what's the point of these
good looks and this mind-blowing body?
Yes, you do have a point.
Wait a second.
Where are you going?
Why do you want to know? Let's go.
Dabas will feel bad.
Blame it on me.
Say that I dragged you along.
He'll understand.
Come on. It's a lovely drive.
We'll have fun.
I'm not coming.
You'll make me drive
and then fall asleep on my shoulder.
I'll drive, and you can sit beside me.
And your shoulder.
Fall asleep on my shoulder.
I won't get down and get coffee for you.
Don't. I'll get coffee for you.
It doesn't look nice if such a handsome
guy like you goes to get coffee.
If the car breaks down and there is
just one room available in the hotel,
then I won't sleep on the floor.
You sleep on the bed,
and I'll sleep on the floor.
I won't get you drunk
and take advantage either.
If the girls tease you,
I'll protect you. Promise.
I know you're scared,
an unfamiliar country, a mysterious girl
but trust me, I'm here.
Oh, my!
-Where are you?
-You're such a dog!
I've never seen anyone
as pathetic as you! Where are you?
Tinni said, "Let's go,"
so I went with her.
Come back right now.
What are you saying, Manu?
You've known me since I was a kid.
Even my favorite sauce is hot and sweet.
It's my favorite flavor.
Do you seriously think I'll leave her
and-- Don't be crazy.
Hang up. I'm busy.
So where were we?
-"Bros for life."
-What about your BFF?
What will you have?
Whatever you will have.
Check me out.
Indeed I am.
Who are all there in your family?
-I love mom.
-I love papa.
-Love grandpa.
-Uncle, auntie
-Love uncle and auntie.
-I can't stand auntie.
-I hate auntie.
In fact, I hate the concept
of auntie so much
that I made it clear before being born
that I don't want any older brothers.
No uncles or aunties.
Get another round.
You're so gorgeous
that I am ashamed I'm not a poet.
What if you were?
If I were, I would've said
"Didn't get a single glimpse
of you in the gathering
as I couldn't take
my eyes off your admirers."
Ma'am say "Wow Taj!"
Why are you quiet?
I've said so much, had so many
conversations with you in my mind
that I don't know what else to say.
You just don't stop, do you?
You're a con man.
Call me whatever you want.
But I can see love in your eyes.
It's getting hard for you to conceal it.
Am I right?
Not at all.
You're a liar, I'm a con man.
We had to fall in love.
Good morning, baby.
Baby sounds right, doesn't it?
What are you doing?
What's wrong with you?
I'd told you
girls who believe
in a summer romance are crazy.
I'm not.
You're taking the potential
of my love too lightly
just because we met at a bachelor party
where you and I were drunk.
Had you met me at a temple
helping my grandma climb up the stairs,
you wouldn't have thought twice
before sending me a proposal.
Are you crazy?
You got what you wanted, and you're
still going on about your fake love!
Let me remind you if you've forgotten.
Last night, your wish came true.
Gross! Your thinking is so despicable!
Sex after love is soulful,
and love after sex is immoral?!
This should be the greatness of my love.
I'm talking about love
without any expectations.
And as for last night, I did it for you,
so that you don't think I'm old-fashioned.
I could have waited.
You were the one in a hurry.
Look at my face. You think
I have a dearth of options?
People bid top dollar
for me at top restaurants.
The crowd flocks to wherever I sit.
You've experienced it personally.
How I made you restless in two days.
So, it's proven that my intentions
can't be wrong.
I'm not talking about love
to sleep with you.
In fact, I'm talking about love
after having done it.
You're talking about love
because we still have six nights.
There you go again.
Keep the nights that are left.
You can do whatever you want with them.
I won't stop you.
I'm officially handing them over.
I want your days.
Your mornings, your noons, your evenings.
In return, you can keep the nights.
Do whatever you want.
But you can take advantage
of me during the day as well.
I already did that, darling.
I just explained it.
I already took advantage of you.
Now, I want to experience the loss.
Look at my honesty.
Don't contemplate.
You won't get a fairer deal.
Listen, something casual is okay,
but if you are going to be so clingy,
then stay away.
She used me.
Actually, this generation is useless.
It's completely rotten.
There was a time when women
used to look for true romantics like me.
They used to pray that
they find a faithful partner,
who would also be good-looking.
And now, everyone is
just looking for hookups.
Love is not at all valued these days.
I feel like jumping to my death.
People have become so frivolous.
Who does this?
Who are these people
who can't see or hear true love?
They can't smell
the fragrance of true love!
The world has become so selfish,
love has become so selfish, so cheap
that it's been reduced
to mere physicality.
Then why call ourselves humans?
Why don't we turn into animals again
and be guided by basic instincts?
It's because humans have a heart
that beats, and heartbeats can be heard.
They resonate in the ears of the lover.
I can't stand it anymore.
I can't figure out where I went wrong!
Was I wrong to truly love someone?
Or was I wrong to surrender
my heart and soul to them?
Was I wrong to hope that
our souls may entwine?
Or was I wrong to completely
lose myself in their embrace?
My hands are shaking. Look.
What should I do? Where should I go?
How do I explain to myself
that the one I chose as my companion,
my love, my life,
only desires me for a couple
of nights and nothing more?
I'll be the brand ambassador
of one-sided love like Meera.
And do you know what
the worst part is, Manu?
A poor girl who is not at fault
will have to marry a person
who would never love her.
Because I need a successor, right?
I have to fulfill responsibilities.
Love or no love, life continues.
One must continue living it
even if they feel that
death was a better option.
Because how can we live
knowing that the one I belong to
-doesn't belong to me?
-Someone make him shut up!
Please say something.
Yes, no, maybe. Just say it.
Just shut him up, or I'll kill him.
No, please don't pressurize or force her.
She'll say it whenever she
feels like she wants to say it.
There's no point
if you force her to say it.
Then it all means the same
whether she says it or not--
Shut up! Just shut up!
-No, think--
-Shut up and propose properly!
Tinni, I'll love you in abundance.
I'll take care of you,
never let you jump into a well,
I'll even protect you from yourself.
I'll always love you,
never cheat on you,
never lie to you.
I mean, I will, sometimes
just harmless lies.
But it'll never be a deceitful lie.
You'll not run away, will you?
Paint my name in filth
if I ever go back on my word.
I swear on my mom
if it comes to that,
it'll be you who leaves.
In your love
In your love
My heart wants to get drenched
My love, in your intoxication, my love
Since I've fallen
I've forgotten all intoxication
Of the world
With me
If you aren't with me
Then nights not passing
Have become this lover's daily excuse
I'm smitten by every inch of your body
I was craving for a sip
But was blessed with an entire bar
In your love
In your love
My heart wants to get drenched
In your love
In your love
I pray to get drenched
This isn't merely a union
Of the bodies
I've handed over my life to you
My love, now that true love
Has happened this time
The intentions of the heart
Have become pure
With me
If you aren't with me
Then nights not passing
Have become this lover's daily excuse
Now, over a lifetime, for your love
I have to pay the dues
I was craving for a sip
But was blessed with an entire bar
In your love
In your love
My heart wants to get drenched
In your love
In your love
I pray to get drenched
You're my damnation
And you're my tranquility
You're the cure to my heart
And you're the ailment
Come, let's get drenched so much
More drenched than we've ever been
Let's get drenched that much
In your love
In your love
My heart wants to get drenched
In your love
In your love
I pray to get drenched
What's taking you so long to get ready?
-The one in the swimsuit?
I'm leaving.
I don't want to be embarrassed.
It's just a joke, kid.
I'm not saying it in front of her.
It's not like pictures have ears.
They're here.
-Come here.
Come in.
You missed. Try again.
-I said you didn't touch my feet.
Missed it by a couple of inches.
Then even I'll have
to bless you from afar.
Come on, grandma.
Tinni, she's joking.
We don't follow the tradition
of touching feet.
But she did not touch them!
Wait, I'll get you water.
Mickey, come with me.
-Did you make her wear that?
That attire.
What will she think of us?
That she needs to be dressed
in a particular way to meet us!
She wore it herself.
-Why would I--
-Broaden your mind.
Intelligent women stay miles
away from such regressive men.
What happened?
I know you're pretty smart,
but it's my job to remind you.
All your childhood, you've seen me
dressed in Western clothes.
I wear Indian clothes by choice now.
-Neither your--
-What is wrong with all of you?
At least trust me this much.
I also grew up in this house.
I didn't say a thing.
Except for the ones on Diwali,
show me one picture where she's wearing
Indian clothes over the last four years.
You must have said something.
I swear on you I didn't say a word.
She chose to wear it herself.
I went to Goa once with her grandfather.
After looking at the foreigners,
he started nagging me to wear a swimsuit.
He kept insisting
that everyone wears it at beaches.
I was just telling her
how your father was born.
-So, did you wear it?
-I did.
It was a two-piece
just like yours.
Basically, grandma's trying to say
that we were stalking you
on Instagram before you got here.
Since your account is private,
we had to find them on Kinchi's profile.
I'll kill Kinchi.
Come. Let me show you around the house.
You've got a good eye.
Mom and dad are both CAs?
They must've met at the Income Tax Office.
No, it was an arranged marriage.
Mom never practiced.
It's a family full of CAs.
Uncles, aunts and her cousins as well.
Where do your parents live?
Vasant Kunj.
In Delhi?
So, how come you live alone?
It's more convenient for my work.
As it's close by.
So, you must be going home on weekends?
Let me
No, it's okay.
What does it matter? Come on.
Is that all she eats?
No. When it comes to food,
she has a better capacity than me.
In fact, I got floored watching her eat.
We were sitting at the breakfast table,
and she took such a huge bite.
She looked so hungry and so cute
that I said to myself
she's all I want.
You've ruined my life.
A man's job is to strangle his desires
and spend his life living
for someone else's joys and mistakes.
You're now a real man.
I'll be right back.
Where's the cause of my downfall going?
Mom, this is Rohan.
Dabas' best friend.
My grandpa, uncle, aunt...
-...dad, and my cousin, Avinash.
What's up, bro?
-Did you go to Spain as well?
-Yes, uncle.
You guys go ahead. I'll join you.
Let's grab a bite and leave, alright?
Is your mom a good actor,
or you haven't told her yet?
I haven't told anyone yet.
Still unsure?
I will tell them soon, but it
has to be done strategically.
Your family and mine are worlds apart.
Selling holiday love
to the girl's family is a tough job.
Where is your mom going?
Why is your mom going towards my mom?
We're in trouble.
Tinni, you should thank me.
Sooner or later, you had to tell them.
Am I right?
You had to tell them, right?
It's settled then.
See, this is the beauty of it.
Even when elders make mistakes,
something good comes out of it.
The buffet is open now. So, we'll
check if everyone's having dinner.
I'm sure you would want
a minute alone with Tinni.
-Tinni, I'll be right back.
-Did I fuck up?
-Not at all.
Should I say sorry?
Don't be crazy.
She'll handle it.
She was going to tell them today, anyway.
You want me to believe that?
After what you just did, who'll believe
that you're the elder of the family?
Who are you calling old?
Have a snack.
Give me the drink.
What happened?
I put Tinni in a spot today.
When did you meet them?
You just got back yesterday.
Last night.
You could've informed us.
What an awkward situation!
They must be thinking
that she hasn't told her family yet
because she might not be close to them.
And you told me
she had work in the morning,
and that's why she isn't coming over.
Didn't you have a PPM today?
I did. It was postponed.
-What does Rohan do for a living?
-He's a businessman.
-What business?
-He owns multiple businesses.
Car dealership, jewelry,
owns commercial properties--
Self-made or family-run?
Started by his mom and dad,
and expanded by him.
Second generation.
He's an MBA.
Typically, second generation guys
in a business family
are pampered and spoiled.
-That's not true.
You said guys from business families
are a strict no.
You wanted someone with a job.
-Yes, but I liked him, so--
-It seems like a nice family.
They're a bit outgoing, but status-wise,
they looked proper.
Yes, you must be seeing
a prospective client.
To start a business.
Come on, this is not the time.
It's the truth. You seem
to have really liked them.
What did you think of him?
He's handsome.
I liked him.
He seemed jolly.
There's only so much
you can say after just one meeting.
Also, you've chosen him.
So, you must have had your reasons.
I'm sure you didn't just go by his looks.
You're sure, right?
I am.
-I'll go bankrupt because of you.
I can't focus on work.
You're the pampered son of a rich father.
That's why you can't focus on work.
Don't blame me for it.
-Want to go watch a film tonight?
Where should I come? Home or office?
Tell me where we're going, I'll be there.
Okay, bye. Hang up now.
I have a lot of work.
Where are you? I've reached.
I'm buying popcorn, come upstairs.
What would you like, Caramel or salted?
There she is.
Where's uncle?
He doesn't come for movies.
He's happy with his TV.
-Hi. Where are you going?
She has an appointment with her gynac.
Why go all the way to Gurgaon?
Take her to auntie.
She has been our family
gynac for 30 years.
It's nearby.
Wait a second.
Why are you going to a gynac?
Are you crazy? It's just
a routine checkup. Chill.
Hello, Doctor.
Are you at the clinic?
I'll be there in ten minutes.
Come, I'll take you.
What will you do there?
-Date night?
-Date night.
-Have fun.
-I will.
-Where are we going?
Dad is in the mood to cook today,
so he's on party mode.
Will dinner be ready today?
-The day after tomorrow.
-You guys are such negative people.
Keep this in the fridge.
This is my secret recipe.
I never shared it with anyone.
But I'll teach you
once you move in for good.
Take these onions and grind them quickly.
-Listen, son!
Your father snatched the comforter.
Help me take the other one out.
I can't reach it.
Did I disturb you at the wrong time?
You should have thought
about that before disturbing us.
The wedding won't be in Delhi.
We'll do a destination wedding.
There were 850 guests at your wedding.
We'll throw a reception party
for everyone else.
Auntie will kill all of us.
She's very close to all her relatives.
She has at least two dozen cousins.
Not to mention their families.
I'll handle mom.
I'll make a list of destination options.
Pathani suits you.
He's trying to copy my style.
I'll take your leave.
Stay for some time. You just got here.
It's only 12:30 am.
Your Highness,
you have to wake up at noon.
In fact, even if you wake up
an hour later, it doesn't matter.
You don't have to prepare
anything for work.
Your job is on auto mode.
I have to get ready and reach by 9:00 am.
I have a boss.
My performance gets reviewed,
which, in turn, reflects on my salary.
Your life is different.
You can afford to party every night.
Then quit your job.
Even you can sleep until noon.
And take the salary from me.
Every year, take an increment as well.
In fact, take one every month.
Mail your boss right now that
you don't want to work for him anymore.
Open that mail which came today.
I spoke with your aunt today.
We've decided to meet this Sunday.
It is just a formality.
I've already started preparing ahead.
Give me that.
I had the architect prepare a basic plan.
Take a look at this and tell me
what needs to be changed.
Yes, these things take time.
I mean, if we start now,
it'll easily take ten months to complete.
Look, we'll need to expand the bathroom
and make a walk-in closet.
And we'll need rooms
for your kids in the future.
Whenever you guys decide.
But it's an eventuality.
Looks good.
Mini, mail this to her.
Take your time and tell us
what needs to be changed.
I'll leave now.
I seriously have to reach
the office early tomorrow.
-Where are you?
I tried calling you last night as well.
I was asleep.
What's your plan for tonight?
Shall we go out for dinner?
Cyber Hub?
Call me when you leave the office.
Who is it now?
-I got your reference from a friend.
Yes, tell me.
I'm in a relationship
that I don't know how to get out of.
I need help with my breakup.
Well, we have three packages.
I want the platinum one.
Got it.
You want to break up
without looking like a bad person.
The fee is 200,000,
plus actuals like venue, shopping,
and travel if needed,
which you can do directly.
Any discount?
Madam, nowadays,
getting into a relationship
is relatively easy,
and getting out of it is hard.
Making relationships work is easy
but breaking up is hard.
Planning a breakup is not
like planning a wedding
where you discuss the budget,
book a vendor and the job is done.
It requires astute thinking and finesse.
It's almost an art.
Anyone can be a bad person and break up.
A beautiful breakup is one
where the partner,
his family, his friends and relatives
believe that the girl is lovable,
and the fault lies in the boy.
That is what we charge for.
But you decide.
We have packages below platinum as well.
I want platinum only.
So, we can discuss the details tomorrow,
and then you can transfer the advance.
One request. Take your time tonight,
and be sure that you want to break up.
Because when people change
their minds after we put in the effort--
I'm sure. The money will
be transferred tomorrow.
Okay, then. You can stop worrying now.
We'll get the job done.
Thank you.
Con man
Why are you so early? You should
have come straight to the wedding!
Tell him that. He took so long to get
ready as if they were coming to meet him.
This one hasn't even changed yet.
If they reject him because of you,
I'll throw you out of the house.
I've brought sweets for you.
Call for some tea.
Granny, did you guys
also go to see dad like this?
And you still said yes?!
Like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle
Tinni fits perfectly in this crazy family.
I was born lucky.
In fact, they should've named me Lucky.
Knock on wood, bro.
-I had transferred the money.
-Did you get it?
-Yes, I did. Thank you.
Most welcome. Then see you at my wedding.
Did you change your mind?
I transferred the money a week ago,
yet there's no plan of action.
Sorry, I was busy with a personal matter.
Our families are meeting today.
-Ours too.
I meant, why?
Why do families meet? The boy and girl are
in love. Both are from suitable families.
There are no conflicts.
Families are happy.
They'd tease me and I'd blush. They'd
tell him how lucky he is, and he'd blush.
They'll celebrate, exchange gifts,
and say, "There is no hurry,
but let's get them engaged."
They'll set a date,
and my life will be over.
Nothing like that.
Don't worry.
Do your families believe in birth charts?
Mine does. I don't know about his.
Pester your family
to match your birth charts.
They won't match,
and a conflict will arise.
We'll get you a second opinion
from a priest on our payroll.
Instill doubts in their minds.
Until then, we'll prepare
a further plan of action.
Okay. I'll try.
They'll tease her,
celebrate, exchange gifts.
She'll blush. I'll blush.
These are the moments to cherish in life.
What's wrong with the kids these days?
Everything is going perfectly,
and she wants to break it up.
Such an inconsiderate girl!
My heart goes out to that guy.
Poor guy will be sitting there blushing
without a clue of what's coming.
Is he blind?
I mean, it's clearly
visible in a woman's eyes
when she doesn't want to be with you.
Take it from me. He must be a dumbfuck.
A big dumbfuck.
A very big dumbfuck.
Do you believe in birth charts?
We do, if they match.
Otherwise, it's just nonsense.
We wanted to get them matched.
Do you know any priest?
Why do you need a priest?
I have an app.
Mickey, fetch my iPad.
Won't it be better
to ask an expert instead?
Apps are just basic
Fine. Let's call an expert.
He'll do it right now.
Now? What's the hurry?
There's no hurry, but why delay it?
Please call him.
Hello, sir.
-Hello, ma'am.
-We needed to get birth charts matched.
-Can you check them right now?
-Of course. Give me the girl's details.
Nisha Malhotra. 17th June, 1995.
Delhi, 4:20 am.
Tell us.
Come here.
Forgive me, ma'am.
This time, I won't settle
for a box of sweets.
You'll have to throw a feast.
They're a perfect match.
God bless you.
-Congratulations to everyone.
Tinni is feeling shy.
-I'll be right back.
-Of course.
Congratulations to you too.
-I knew it.
-Congratulations to you too.
-We're a perfect match.
Think fast. Do something.
I'll be ruined.
Perfect match.
I knew it.
We just have to fix the date now.
Hers as well.
I guess I forgot to knock on wood.
This can't be a coincidence.
Then ask her. Clear the air.
Ask what?
That if she called a consultant
to break up with me?
For that, I'd have to tell her
that I run this business as well.
-I needed some information.
The boy's name and address
in order to start surveillance.
Rohan Arora.
Anything else?
No. Thank you.
At least pretend to stop me.
What's up with you? At least once.
I can't see the purpose
of your life anymore.
What's the point of living now?
She's ready to put me under surveillance
but not to address the issue?!
She took the platinum
package, spent 200,000,
but she isn't ready to talk?!
How could you not recognize
her voice when she called?
You should kill yourself
for not recognizing
your future wife's voice,
who doesn't want a future with you.
She's doing the right thing.
Why would anyone want
to be with a man like you?
Bro, she used a different number
to break up with me.
And who thinks like this?
It doesn't occur to you
that it could be your girlfriend.
Your sins are coming back to bite you.
You've broken up so many relationships.
I've done those people a favor.
And my sins?
You get half the share.
She paid, didn't she?
Here's the money. Shove it.
But bro, your name
will go down in history.
You're the first guy who is getting paid
to break up with his own girlfriend.
You should be proud.
I'm proud of you.
You should tell your next
girlfriend this while breaking up.
That the last one paid you
to break up with her.
What breakup?
I'll show her.
Why doesn't she admit that she
doesn't love me? This is not the way.
Don't give me that look.
Trying to con a con, swindle a swindler?!
Bloody liar!
If she wants to break up,
I'll make her say it.
She has to know this is wrong.
She's taking advice from a stranger.
Discussing my personal details.
What personal details?
Nothing yet, because I haven't asked yet.
But she will if I ask her.
How can anyone stoop so low?
Wait. Let's check.
-I had another question.
Do you have two minutes?
Have you guys had sex?
If it matters, yes.
Is he good in bed?
So, it's not about
physical incompatibility?
Then what's the reason?
Is it important?
Can't you get it done
without knowing the reason?
We can but it's easier if we know.
I don't think the reason is relevant.
See how deplorable this is.
She isn't ready to tell the reason,
but she can share personal
details with a stranger. Disgusting!
Now, I'll show her what happens when
you play with an innocent person's heart.
Fuck, I've fallen in love,
and for her, it's all a game?!
She wants to play, right?
Let's play.
-Do you know any banker?
I was thinking...
Why don't I open a joint account?
-Because clearly, you're incompetent.
-Relax, madam.
It's a bit tough without knowing
the reason, but there is a plan.
What's the plan?
Jealousy test.
Go a little easy, ma'am.
-Where are you?
What are you wearing?
Blue coat, cream pants.
Turn around.
Did you come here to eat pizza?
I'm not going to pay for it.
Actually, mom doesn't let me leave
without having breakfast.
But today, we had an argument.
She was busy making breakfast for my dog
and forgot to make mine.
When I asked her who's more important,
she said, "The dog".
I couldn't stand it anymore.
There's something called self-respect.
So, I came here without having--
Okay, fine. What's wrong with your hair?
Don't say anything about my hair.
They're messy because I came by bike.
It'll look superb once I brush it.
I don't have a car.
But I've already decided.
The first one I buy
will be a Lamborghini.
-Sports cars--
-He'll be here.
Please go fix your hair.
Send me the rest on a voice note.
WhatsApp or Telegram?
Looking hot.
-When did you get back?
-A week ago.
You didn't even inform me!
Rahul and I were together in college.
We were pretty close until he
ditched me and left for the US.
I ditched you?
We were supposed to go together.
But you changed your mind
and didn't even ask me to stay back.
Everyone in college
believed that we were a thing.
They used to call us TiHul.
Like Deepveer, Virushka,
etc. You know.
Like Ralia.
-I've never heard of it.
We were a thing?
You tell me.
What now?
Grab my waist.
Mickey! I can't believe that you
Let's go!
What now?
Now what?
Grab my waist.
Slide your hands further down.
But jealous men usually
get jealous by now.
Anyone will get annoyed if I go any lower.
You got paid, right?
So, slide your hands lower.
Did he see it?
Do it again.
Did he see it now?
You look so cute together, TiHul.
I'm so jealous.
Baby, I have to leave.
Something urgent has come up.
It's good that we ran into you,
otherwise, I would've
never heard the end of it.
-Take care of her.
Have fun.
Lovely meeting you, Rahul.
Nice man. He's adorable.
He's good-looking and rich.
He seems to be from a good family.
What's the problem?
Problem? The problem is--
Listen, just give up. You can't do it.
Don't return the advance either.
Madam, the plan is ready.
What's the plan?
Two words for you.
Loyalty test.
This is Anya, my friend.
Same company, London office.
Remember I had told you?
You know, Mickey, I just got here,
and she's saying she has to leave.
Something urgent has come up at work.
Isn't that unfair?
It is.
But don't worry. You go.
Mickey will keep me company
until you get back.
Won't you?
I feel something, Rahul.
You won't understand.
Tinni is so lucky.
And I'm so unlucky.
I was only 16
when I had my first boyfriend.
My high school sweetheart.
I'd planned my entire life with him.
Including the names of our children.
Once he got what he wanted,
one fine day, it suddenly
stopped working for him.
My second one was when I was
only 16 years and 4 months old.
And within a month, he cheated on me.
I've had 16 heartbreaks in 12 years.
And each time, I gave it my all.
I never say no to anything.
What's wrong with me, Mickey?
I'll get some water.
No. Don't go anywhere.
Don't worry about these tears.
They've been flowing for years.
And finally, when I went
for an arranged marriage
we broke up after getting engaged.
Do you know why?
Because his best friend thought
that I'm not right for him.
Guys dump me for their best friends.
Am I that bad?
It's like I'm cursed to be alone forever.
What's wrong with me, Mickey?
No, Anya, this is wrong.
You're very sweet.
Just wait and watch.
One day, you'll find someone
even better than me,
who'll love you unconditionally,
who'll make you happy.
There's nothing wrong with you.
Trust me.
I'll just come.
Nothing at all.
-Tell me.
-He's a perfect guy, sir.
He won't cheat on her.
He's a very good man.
Tell Tinni this.
In fact, sir. I doubt Tinni.
She looks like the cheater type.
I'm telling you, sir, we should
come clean with the guy.
Hold it. Don't forget
you're a professional.
You cannot get emotional.
Tell Tinni the truth--
No. What's wrong is wrong.
And I will never support it.
What the fuck
Come up immediately. I mean go up.
Tinni is coming.
My poor baby!
I need to tell you something about Tinni.
-Don't say a word.
-Let me speak. You need to hear this.
-I'm not--
-Not a word!
I won't hear anything against Tinni.
I love her.
What happened?
What did you do?
Why is she upset?
-I don't know.
-Mickey, I can't believe that you--
Anya, wait! Anu!
Did he give in?
Shame on you!
He's such a gem.
You'll never find anyone better than him.
Baby, you're a bottle of Bourbon
I'm your happy hour
You're a Saturday night
I am a Sunday newspaper
If you are smart
Then I'm super smart
Hug me, my darling
You're a liar, and I'm a con man
Con man
You're a liar, and I'm a con man
You are a liar, and I'm a con man
You're a liar, and I'm a con man
The sherwani suits you.
You look great.
Let me take a picture.
Kinchi showed me Tinni's pictures
from her dress trials.
She looked beautiful.
What happened?
It doesn't amuse you anymore?
-Mickey, why are we doing this?
-Because I really love her.
And I can't digest the fact
that she doesn't want to be with me.
And not just that,
she doesn't even think what we have
is worthy enough to tell me the reason.
I deserve that much respect, right?
Are you happy?
You want to go, right?
I'll let you go.
But not like this.
Not by telling lies or skirting eyes!
You'll have to watch yourself leaving me.
You'll have to tell me
you'll have to explain to me
Because I'm not ready to believe
that you don't love me.
Are you out of your mind?
There's a limit to everything!
The engagement is tomorrow.
I need to know.
Maybe if I know the reason,
I can sort it out.
What can it be that I can't sort out?
What if she doesn't tell you?
Tell me.
You're getting engaged to her
knowing she doesn't want to be with you.
Think about your family.
It's not just about you and her.
I need to know.
Not again. If she doesn't tell you,
you'll marry her?
Put an end to this right away.
If you don't, I swear I will!
But this isn't happening.
If you know the reason,
will you get it done?
Yes, I will.
What do you mean?
He can't live without his family,
and I can't live with his family.
I want my own house.
My own space, my own life.
I just want him,
but he wants me with everyone else.
I want all of him,
but he can't give me
something he doesn't have.
I know he loves me very much.
But I don't want him to choose
between his family and me
nor do I want to compromise my own life.
I won't be able to do it.
Everyone will think I'm wrong,
but I won't be able to do it.
You're not wrong.
You're right.
Repeat after me.
"I, Tinni
I, Tinni
do solemnly swear, with God
as my witness and confirm that
do solemnly swear with God
as my witness and confirm that
I don't love Mickey.
I don't love Mickey.
I can't spend my life with him.
I can't spend my life with him.
I don't want him in my life."
I don't want him in my life.
Your work will be done.
We've taken the money.
We'll have to complete the job.
-You want one?
-Is the letter ready?
-Sent it.
-You have no patience, do you--
-What's this?
You guys carry on. We'll join you.
What have you sent me?
It's an offer letter. I'd applied
for a job. Better agency, better role.
-I've been trying for a long time.
-In Bengaluru?
And you're seriously thinking
of accepting the offer?!
Don't you think
you should have asked me first?
Asked you what?
You're considering taking
up a job in Bengaluru,
and you don't think it was
important to discuss it with me?!
You don't think you
should have asked me first?
Asked you what?
Are you dumb?
Asked me whether it was okay with me.
Taking up a job in Bengaluru
means moving to Bengaluru.
Living in Bengaluru.
And currently, we're in Delhi.
So, if you take this job,
you'll be in Bengaluru,
and I'll be in Delhi.
And we're getting married, right?
So, don't you think you
should have asked me
whether it's okay with me or not?
Mickey, I don't think you're in the
right state of mind at the moment.
-We should talk later.
We're getting engaged today,
and you're telling me that you're
taking up a job in Bengaluru?
Don't you get it?
I'm not okay with this!
Mickey, I have a career--
Then keep your career
restricted to Delhi!
And for how long?
Sooner or later, we'll get married,
have children.
The career will have to take a backseat!
Or will your career decide that as well?
And what's the point?
There's no need for you to work.
So, keep working as long as it's easy.
Even your mom never did a job, right?
Even she's a CA, but she's wise.
You sound so regressive.
I sound regressive?!
If you'll be moving to Bengaluru,
and I'll be in Delhi--
Listen, I don't want to argue with you.
Just tell me whether you're
rejecting this offer or not!
Then why are we doing this?
What do you mean?
Are you really fucking this dumb?
It's not okay with me.
If you're moving to Bengaluru,
and you value your job and career more,
then I don't want to do this.
I don't want a girl
who chooses her career over me.
So, the choice is pretty simple.
Are you quitting this job or not?
Yes or no?
You've lost your mind.
-Yes or no?
Yes or no?
Then go do your job.
I'm out.
So, you're breaking up with me!
Yes, I am!
If the love wasn't real
Why did you pretend?
If the love wasn't real
Why did you pretend?
If you had to leave like this
Why did you come at all?
If you had to leave like this
Why did you come at all?
O tormentor, do me a favor
Torment me even more
Let's end this meaningless relationship
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
No celebration is complete
Without an aching heart
No celebration is complete
Without an aching heart
What's a heart
That's never been broken before
What's a heart
That's never been broken before
I'm in a miserable state
Make it even more unbearable for me
Make my wounds fresh again
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
What have you done?
If this is what you wanted to do,
why did you wait until the last minute
and create a scene?
You loved her, didn't you?
You loved her until last night,
but you don't anymore?!
What changed overnight?
Because this can't be the reason.
I've always supported you.
But how can I this time?
You did a very terrible thing.
Extremely terrible.
-Hey, congratulations!
Is it done?
It's done.
I told you it'd be done.
How did you do it?
That's a trade secret, madam.
How can I disclose that?
But no one blamed you, did they?
They all thought the boy
was being unfair, right?
Well, that's great, then.
Just transfer the balance payment.
Thank you.
Defame me all you want
Defame me all you want
I'd still have no complaints
I'd still have no complaints
Why just disgrace me
In front of the world?
Make me feel disgusted with my own self
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
God, the one whose heart You fill
With boundless love
Why do You give his beloved
A heart of stone?
Why isn't what we had there anymore?
If you had something to say
Why didn't you?>
If you ever loved me, do right by me
Or just say you never loved me at all
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
Let's end this bond forever
O heartless
O heartless lover
O heartless
O heartless
How hollow will my heart be
If you're not there anymore?
I'll go on living without you
But would you call it
Living at all?
Would you call it
Living at all?
Are you out of your mind?
Don't you understand Kinchi is pregnant?
We'd agreed on five o'clock.
It's 5:10 now.
Do you know how much trouble I'll get
into if I reach ten minutes late?
I'll have to leave ten minutes early.
And if you don't care that I'll have
to leave early, then why meet at all?
And if you do care, aren't
you bothered I'll get in trouble?
I have a dozen things to do.
The baby shower is coming up.
So, I'm handling Kinchi
as well as the decoration,
catering and transportation.
And Prince Charming
is arriving at 5:10 p.m.
I'm going to be a father
and she's going to be a mother.
But she can't even handle herself.
She loses her slippers.
She even lost the roti on her plate,
and she's pregnant.
And I can't find the things she loses.
God save the child
that's growing inside her.
And this is all thanks
to your incompetence.
If you'd helped me break up with her,
I wouldn't be becoming a father.
You ruined my life.
I'd prefer having a foe
than a friend like you.
In fact, I would like to have two.
Three even.
I know we're going to bump into each other
at the baby shower, but it'll be fine.
We are not kids.
There won't be any problems.
We'll be fine.
And if you still fear that
it might get out of hand,
I won't come.
Are you crazy?
It's a big day for Kinchi.
Her first baby shower.
-Tinni is her friend--
-Isn't it a big day for me?
Is it more important for her?
I'm going to be a dad. I'm pregnant too.
The child is mine too. It's my baby
shower as well and even I have friends.
Shove your love story up your ass
and take care of Kinchi and me.
Forget your love story for a day.
You're going to be an uncle,
so do your duty.
-I don't want any drama.
-Are you an idiot?
I said there won't be any problem!
Tell the decorators
there shouldn't be any orchids.
Kinchi hates them.
And tell the caterers we want food
for 50 people without onion and garlic.
And tell Pannu to arrange
a dozen SUVs as well.
She is here!
Will you get down already?
I'm pregnant, not you.
It'll be awkward, Kinchi.
I swear I'll slap you.
Don't test me.
You have no idea what condition I'm in.
Get down and open my door.
Anyway, you have
only two days to take care of me.
Why do you want to leave with a black eye?
Baby, how does it look?
Where are the rooms?
Take her luggage upstairs.
Upstairs? Aren't there any
rooms on the ground floor?
There are, but they don't have AC.
Did you turn on the AC?
Did you?
I'd told you to turn it on.
I have to do everything myself.
Are you stupid? Don't you
know Kinchi is pregnant?
Don't you know how hot it is?
Are you stupid?
Come on.
Has Kinchi calmed down?
Haven't they lost it a little
after getting pregnant?
It's used.
I didn't put my mouth on it.
Maybe it happened for the best,
but I apologize for how it all happened.
And I hope you'll forgive me someday.
How are your parents?
They're fine.
Are they coming?
They are not in town.
Didn't you move to Bengaluru?
All that drama for nothing.
Too soon to joke about it?
I'm going to London.
Are you moving there?
Better position, better work.
Plus, I'm done with Delhi.
Didn't Manu tell you?
Do you think Manu and I have nothing
better to do than to discuss you?
But this proves one thing.
That you did love me.
If my future wife ever argues
with me, I'll tell her.
"You don't know how lucky you are.
There was one who loved me so much
that she left the country
when I left her."
What can I do now?
Being in your vicinity isn't safe as well.
If you fall in love with me again,
you'll create a scene at my wedding.
Why risk that headache?
You underestimate me.
Nothing in this world can stop me
from creating a scene at your wedding.
Just tell me the date and venue.
I'll send you the card,
then you come over to create a scene.
Well, the rituals are done.
Now, let's start the party.
Tinni, set the mood.
You're asking the wrong people, Grandma.
They are suited for clubs
and parties in London.
Setting the mood at local events
isn't their cup of tea.
If it isn't their cup of tea,
will you set the mood at a baby shower?
These are things of the past, Granny.
These days, girls and boys
both get pregnant.
-So, the baby shower is for both.
And as for setting the mood,
I can do that.
I'm a born entertainer.
But I have to think about the reputation
of Kinchi's friends as well.
Where will they hide their faces?
Do you see, Grandma?
He's claiming to be better than us
and then using us
as an excuse to run away.
Mickey, sweetheart, don't make excuses.
Come on.
Dressed in red
You created a sensation
By God, you look like
A lotus flower in a swimming pool
Show me the dance moves you got
Your fantastic groove
The situation is foolproof
Hey beautiful
My heart was struck by lightning
As you flashed your nose ring
Show me the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
The the the
Show me the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
As tall as six feet three
Loose character but tight pants
Spoiled brat of a rich dad
Every night is your Friday night
Show me the dance moves you got
What's the attitude all about?
This swag is fake
Crazy boys like you hover all around me
Moves, moves, moves
Show me the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
The the the
Show me the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
With your deceitful lipstick
And fatal fragrance
You leave your lover hanging high and dry
With your enchanting tricks
On every new beauty
Letting your heart soar like a free kite
You pull so hard that the string breaks
A wise poet
Once said
Be it a mirror or heart
Eventually, it breaks
Is that your bindi or a searchlight?
Wrapped in a sari, you look dynamite
Take a look in the mirror
Something about you is not right
Show me the dance moves you got
Your fantastic groove
The situation is foolproof
Hey beautiful
My heart was struck by lightning
As you flashed your nose ring
Show me the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
The the the
Show me the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
The the the
Show me the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
The the the moves
All those who aren't doctors,
go have food.
Go on.
Where should I put you down?
The sofa or bed?
Take her inside.
She can get changed as well.
I'll stay here tonight.
Me too.
Mickey will get your clothes.
Order some food.
You've put on weight?
You've grown weak.
Get changed.
You'll be comfortable.
-Don't get up. I'll get it.
Where is your wardrobe?
Will you have roti or naan?
Mickey, get Sweetu's bag
and uniform as well.
-I'll drop her off at school from here.
She's leaving tomorrow.
Won't you even talk to her?
At least tell her.
Uncle didn't do the right thing.
With me.
I had wholeheartedly accepted you
as my aunt.
How can anyone toy
with such an innocent heart?
You and uncle aren't going
to patch up again, right?
Just let me know,
so that I can be mentally prepared.
I can't go through it again.
And if you are,
then think twice
and be absolutely sure.
We aren't.
Then take an oath.
Repeat after me.
"I, Tinni"
Say it.
I, Tinni
"do solemnly swear,
with God as my witness"
Who taught you this?
Uncle Dabas and my uncle
keep doing this over phone.
Don't tell them I told you.
Otherwise, they'll take my money back.
That's all I wanted to check.
Good night.
Good night.
Can you come over?
What happened? All okay?
Nothing. Just wanted to talk.
Can you come over now?
I'll be there.
All set?
Do you love me?
Then take an oath.
"I, Mickey"
Say it.
"I, Mickey, do solemnly swear,
with God as my witness--"
Who told you?
Forget it. How does that matter?
Just take the oath.
"I, Mickey, do solemnly swear, with
God as my witness, and confirm that
I don't love Tinni.
I can't spend my life with her.
I don't want her in my life."
Say it, I have a flight to catch.
Let's not waste time. I have to leave.
I, Mickey, do solemnly swear, with
God as my witness and confirm that
I don't love Tinni.
I can't spend my life with her.
I don't want her in my life.
I love you!
I love you.
I love you.
I love you! I love you!
You lied to me!
You tricked me!
What did I lie about?
That you'll take care of me.
You won't let me jump in the well.
Protect me from my own self.
You'll always love me
and never cheat on me.
You'll never tell me a deceitful lie.
You kept playing with me.
I was worried sick and you kept smiling.
"Yes, it'll be done."
Did you get it done?
You didn't find me worthy enough
to even discuss it with me!
To share your feelings
or drop a little hint!
You kept smiling and trying
to get me off your back!
You were enjoying the game.
You knew it was me.
You could've taken it up with me!
Asked me why I wanted to leave!
What was there to ask?
You wanted to leave! To leave
without looking like a bad person!
I wanted to leave without telling you!
Without feeling that I'm wrong,
or that I want to break this family apart.
Without feeling that you didn't choose me.
I didn't want you to make a choice,
that's why I was leaving quietly.
Why didn't you do something?
I didn't do anything?!
I took all the blame
and did exactly what you wanted.
What else do you wish I should have done?
I wish you hadn't found out
the reason deceitfully.
Which I didn't want you
to find out in the first place.
I wish you hadn't let go of me so easily
after hearing the reason.
I wish you'd chosen me.
I never wanted you to leave your family.
That's why I wanted to leave quietly.
I grew up in a joint family.
All my life, I've seen my mom
struggling in a house that isn't hers.
Trying to adjust.
Even today, she can't call it her home.
I don't want a life
where my life isn't mine,
where I don't have a home of my own,
where I can't make my own decisions.
Tinni, my family isn't like that.
We couldn't even go for dinner alone.
Couldn't spend a day or night together.
There was nothing that
we could say was just ours.
It hadn't been three weeks,
and even my gynac was being changed.
No one was changing anything. They were
just excited that you came into our lives.
And I love being with everyone.
I'm happy when everyone is together.
It's not that I don't
value personal space.
But I don't need to be alone
to hold your hand.
I don't have to be alone to love you.
I don't live with them because
of some sense of responsibility
or because I want to be a good kid.
I like being around them.
I need them more than they need me.
What can I do? All my life,
I've received love from them.
I've gotten every kind
of freedom. Everything.
I'm happy with everyone.
I'm selfish.
The love that I got from my grandma
I want my children to get
that love from my mother.
I want my partner to share the same
friendship with my sister as I did.
I know there are families where
elders don't give space to children.
They end their personal life,
but trust me, my family isn't like that.
In fact, the love that I give you
is what I get from them.
They are the source of that love.
If I distance myself from them, I don't
know if I'll have anything to give you.
It's not like I wouldn't get
a piece of the moon for you.
But if I had gone,
I would have gotten four more.
One for mom, one for grandma, one
for my sis, and one for Choti. And I know,
mom and grandma
would've given them to you.
Grandma would've said,
"Soon, I'll become a star,
then you can pluck me."
And mom would've said,
"I don't need it because
your father gave me enough,
and so did grandma.
And I'm going to give those to her too."
How am I supposed to explain this to you?
You wanted me all for yourself.
But that's unfair.
Even they were sharing it with me.
I'm sure even they needed space
when I was a child
and used to annoy them.
Even their personal life
must have been affected.
Ours would also be affected
if we have kids.
You would've had to share me then,
wouldn't you?
Honestly, Tinni,
my family isn't like that.
Remember you wore a kurta
to my house for the first time?
My mom and sister took me
to the kitchen and scolded me
thinking that I told you to wear it.
Maybe they were a little
over-excited to make you family,
but had you told me even once
in fact, if you had told them directly,
you would've realized
that they are not like that.
It's easy for you to say. You're a guy.
Your life isn't going to change.
You just had to say you don't want
to stay away from your parents,
and I would have built another floor.
I would've become a part of them,
made them a part of me.
You're talking in the past tense.
I'd forgotten
that love has been sacrificed.
I have 30 years of love.
You're my seventh.
First mom, second dad, third grandma,
fourth sister, fifth Manu, sixth Choti,
and you're the seventh one.
Lucky number seven.
So, will I always be ranked seven?
There are no ranks in love.
This is just a chronological order.
How can I choose among my
people as to who's more mine?
But you can choose who you want,
and whom you can do without.
Stop me from leaving.
I'll stop.
I'll not be able to give
you what you want.
And the thought of you compromising
for me won't let me live in peace.
I don't want to give you such a life.
That would be cheating.
I'm happy with you.
You are happy today.
Can you guarantee that
you'll always be happy?
And that later, you'll
not feel that for my sake,
you compromised your own life?
That you'll never get this feeling again
that you want to live
separately from my family?
I can't take this risk.
Neither for me, nor for you.
I love you a lot.
But I can't do this.
Yes, Tinni?
Hi, auntie.
I'm leaving.
I just called to say that
please never think
that Mickey was unfair to me.
Your son isn't like that.
I can't tell you much, but I want
you to know that whatever he did,
he did it for me.
Thank you.
For everything.
What happened?
Tinni is leaving today?
Why is she leaving?
Because she wants to.
Why is she leaving you?
Why are you letting her go?
Why aren't you stopping her?
What is the reason?
You know the reason.
Are you going to lie to me too?
Swear on me and tell me the truth.
You know I don't believe in all this.
Then take the risk of breaking it.
I don't want to say it.
Ask her to take it back.
Please tell us.
What will you do with the reason?
I'll sort it out.
Is there anything that we can't sort out?
She wants her own house.
Give her what she wants.
Are you out of your mind?
That's never going to happen.
Why not?
Don't be crazy.
That's never going to happen.
She's leaving, and I'm okay.
I'm not alive to see
you being just okay in life.
How can we live knowing
that you aren't happy?
And that we're the reason.
We're the solution
to your life's problems.
Being the problem is unacceptable to us.
She's leaving.
She's already at the airport--
I didn't go through eight months
of torture and raise you for 30 years
to see you not even trying to stop
the woman you love from leaving.
Have you ever bet on us and lost?
Shall we?
Let's go.
I know I'm very young,
but if you want Tinni back,
shouldn't we hurry?
The flight won't wait for us.
Get the passports. Quickly.
Why do we need passports?
We'll need them if we have to go inside.
The airport is not my father's.
Don't drag your father into this.
He would've barged right in
without a passport.
-He was very well-connected.
-Hold. Where are you going?
To get my shoes.
What if we have to run?
Sweetu, get granny's shoes.
-Hurry up. You guys are too slow.
-Yeah. Ashish.
Grab our passports
and meet us at the airport.
Let's go!
Open the gate.
-What are you doing? I'm driving.
-You'll never get us there in time!
Let your father drive.
He'll drive faster.
Renu, tell him about the time
when Mini was born!
Listen, my woman is leaving. I'll drive.
Mini. Call Ashish.
Tell him to book tickets for everyone.
Okay. Destination?
Where do you want to go? Tell me.
Dubai, Paris or Maldives?
Book it for anywhere, Mini.
We just have to show it at the entry.
One can't think fast
and the other can't drive fast.
Renu, tell him about the time
when Mini was born!
Sweetu, call Tinni.
Stop! I didn't go through
eight months of torture
so that you can beg a girl over the phone.
-What are you saying?
This is exactly why she's leaving him.
Why would any girl want to be with a guy
who tries to stop her from leaving,
over the phone?
Correct. Do you have even
an ounce of romance in you?
Call Dabas.
Call him, Sweetu.
What are you thinking about?
Who is it among us,
because of whom, Tinni can
have a problem with the family?
Not me.
Oh, really?
So what if she didn't touch
your feet properly?
At least she tried!
Who touches your feet anyway!
I didn't want her to, but if she's
doing it, then she should do it properly.
Why do it properly? Let her decide.
What if that's the way she wants to do it?
-Who told me to see her swimsuit photos?
Who embarrassed her?
You called it a bikini.
If I hadn't cleared the air,
she would've thought that
uncle made us see her bikini photos.
-Don't use your brain, use the phone.
-Watch out!
-Tell me.
-Dabas, where are you?
I'm selling a plot.
Coordinate with my brother-in-law
and meet me at the airport.
We're going to stop Tinni.
I think family is just an excuse.
She's leaving him for his stupidity.
And he is making us feel guilty.
Don't force me.
If I tell the truth,
-none of you will be able to handle it.
-Go ahead. Say it.
Not three weeks into the relationship,
you guys were changing her gynac!
Blame your sister for that!
She called her doctor as soon
as she heard her say gynac!
You could've waited.
Why were you in such a hurry?
Does she pay you a commission?
No one leaves the country
for being suggested a different doctor.
I can never believe that's the reason.
Ask Tinni if he gets us there on time.
Does he even know how to drive?
-When Mini--
-Someone shut him up!
I'll report you to the police.
-You guys go, I'll park the car.
-Don't be crazy. Let them take it.
You knew and you didn't tell us!
And you call yourself a friend!
But I'm his friend, not yours.
Sorry, sorry, sorry...
Please let us go first, son.
We're awfully late.
-Give your passports.
No luggage.
He got us all late.
He's useless. It's all his fault.
The two of us couldn't go out
for a single dinner.
After six months, his inner chef woke up,
and it had to be on my date night!
Cooking is an art.
It happens when it happens.
Artists chop their own onions. The poor
girl was stuck with a mortar and pestle.
You don't get the same flavor otherwise.
When is there any flavor
in your food, son?
She dumped Mickey over flavor.
You should be ashamed.
Children need to be given space,
their comfort needs to be respected.
Space? Don't you talk about space.
We couldn't spend
a single day or night together.
Your comforter was more
important than our comfort.
Your father put the AC at 16 degrees
and hogged the comforter.
And what am I to do if I can't
climb up the footrest now?
Whom should I ask for help if not my son?
And what were you doing that
you couldn't stop for two minutes?
You think we never had
to stop because of you?
Do you know how many times
we've stopped to clean you up?
Everyone stops. It's not a big deal.
Get in line. One by one.
We are a family. Please adjust.
This camera doesn't click family pictures.
It can only be done one by one.
Please, do it for us.
We are a family!
So? You're not my family.
Couldn't you have gone ahead?
We would've caught up.
It only took a minute. We were together--
Exactly. This is why
Tinni is leaving you.
The day we went to see the movie,
did Tinni know we were all coming along?
You'd asked her, right?
Or at least informed her?
You don't have the basic sense
to check with your girlfriend
when you plan to watch a movie with her.
Actually, that's the problem.
-You're a disgrace to romance.
Will she get married in Delhi,
or will it be a destination wedding?
Which destination? Who all will be
invited? No need to ask her all that.
You will decide all that.
But it's imperative
to ask about the movie.
You should be ashamed. I just wanted
to give ideas for my brother's wedding.
I didn't know you were keeping score.
This is why she's leaving him.
If he keeps a score with us, imagine
what he must be doing with her.
I'm going to settle the score today.
Size of the bathroom,
location of the walk-in closet,
in fact, you even designed the kid's room.
And the cherry on top was,
"quit your job."
She said she has to wake
up at 9:00 every morning.
The boss reviews her performance.
What else was I supposed
to say upon hearing her woes?
She wasn't complaining,
she was just telling you.
She lives like this by choice.
Tinni is an independent woman.
Then it's definitely his fault.
If you tell an independent woman
what to wear and what not to,
this is bound to happen.
I didn't tell her what to wear, guys!
This is the last and final boarding call
for flight no. EK401 to London Heathrow.
Passengers are requested
to proceed for boarding to gate no 14A.
We all love you a lot.
Become a part of us.
Make us a part of you.
You're my damnation
And you're my tranquility
You're the cure to my heart
And you're the ailment
Come, let's get drenched so much
Let's get drenched so much
-In your love
-In your love
-In your love
-In your love
-My heart wants to get drenched
-My heart wants to get drenched
In your love
In your love
-I pray to get drenched
-I pray to get drenched
His Highness has woken up?
Sweetu, bring Mr. Mickey's breakfast.
-What's for breakfast?
-Tell me, what do you want?
I'll serve a buffet, so you
can choose what to waste.
What did I waste now?
"What did I waste?"
-What's this?
-Yesterday's lunch.
You won't get anything
else until you finish this.
Good morning.
Morning ended two hours ago.
The morning doesn't follow
your sleep schedule
that it'll begin
once Her Highness wakes up.
What's up with her?
She found a food bill
in the pocket of your jeans.
-You guys ordered beans and rice?
-She'd also packed the same.
They would get to know
if they open their lunch box.
I wake up at 8:00 in the morning
to pack their lunch.
And three different items at that.
At times, they're dieting
so they want healthy food.
Here I'm preparing
butter chicken in olive oil.
I've even planted stevia,
and I dry the leaves,
so they can have diet cake.
And even after all that effort,
their lunch box comes back
unopened six days a week.
Do I like ruining my sleep?
Am I crazy?
You're not crazy, but I only go
to work five days a week.
And I clearly remember,
three days ago, I had my lunch.
And I was about to have it
yesterday as well when he called
saying, "I'm downstairs,
let's go grab some beer."
Then Dabas called while
we were having beer,
and he said, "let's go to a restaurant."
Why do you keep the bills?
Why don't you throw them away?
He told me to keep the bills.
They come in handy for the CA later.
To show a loss.
What a liar--
I swear I'm going to report this
abuse to the police. I've had enough.
Call them. Go on, call them.
Hiding behind your wife now?!
Running away now! Catch him!
Have you gone mad?