Tukaram (2012) Movie Script

Hey, catch him!
get him...
Be careful.
Run, you loser
Savjidada (Brother Savji)
Where's Tuka?
We can't find him
There's Tuka
Hey, Tuka.
Hey, Tuka.
Tuka, is Vishnu telling the truth?
You hugged God Pandurang?
Answer me
I didn't; he hugged me
You are lying.
Should I give you a shock?
We were playing tip and run
With whom?
With your friends or the God?
You bad boy...
We'll be cursed
Your father's gone on the annual
pilgrimage to seek His blessings
And here you're committing sins
Daughter-in-law, don't beat the child
The Lord has no duplicity
Don't cover up for Tuka
On the pilgrimage,
thieves rob travelers
SomItimes, wolves attack and kill them
These things happen when one sins
Oh Lord...
Mother, mother...
Lord Vitthal (Pandurang),
forgive the boy
let his father rIturn safely
Mother, Vitthal has
never scolded me. I promise!
Go away; Go get lost forever...
Why is Chandri (the cow) mooing?
She's looking for her calf
Savji, where is the calf?
It was with Tuka.
You know it always follows him
Where have they gone now, at dusk?
You're always lost in your own world
Where are Tuka and the calf?
Uncle, come with me.
We'll look for them
Why don't you go too?
Mother, there's our calf
Yes, it's ours.
It's looking bewildered
come, let's go see
come here you...
My lettle darling.
So Tuka left you here?
Its me find him;
I'll beat him with a stick
My poor baby...
Hey, wait... wait.
Where are you going?
Wait... wait. Why are you running?
Tuka? What is this?
Tuka what happened?
- What is this, Tuka?
Tuka, don't be afraid. We're here
Who did this?
Tuka, why did you do this?
You told me to 'get lost forever'
That doesn't mean you
should bury yourself
When Santya's
grandfather died, they buried him
Isn't it brother Savji?
I must have been mad...
to ask my own son to go away forever
I'll never say that again... never!
My lettle kid!
Glory to the Gods Rama and Krishna...
Glory to the Gods Rama and Krishna...
Glory to the Gods Rama and Krishna...
Glory to the Gods Rama and Krishna...
Glory to the Gods Rama and Krishna...
Glory to the Gods Rama and Krishna...
Glory to the Gods Rama and Krishna...
Hundreds of devotees
singing in one rhythm
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
Walking mile after mile
The body refuses to tire
You chant vitthal's name and just
flow with the devotees to meIt him
You mIt Vithoba?
Not 'mIt'... I visited the idol
let him sleep; he's tirred
But he just said that
the body doesn't tire
Oh, this boy! Come on, go to bed
Yes, come on
- get up, my child
And you rest a lettle tomorrow
- Okay
Saru, come on...
Oh Lord...
father... father...
- yes?
What Tuka?
Is our village Vitthal different
from the one in Pandharpur?
No, he's the same, my boy
Then why do you go there?
You can't even meIt him
Don't tell anyone...
- What?
I mIt the Vitthal in our village
- I'll even intrroduce you to him
Grinding grain at dawn
It's almost sunrise now
My God helps me
Wakes me up in time to milk the cows
I grind the grain
The soft flour falls
May God bless my dear son Savji
I grind the grain I am happy as I work
My lettle Lord
Krishna is asleep in my lap
My lettle Lord
Krishna is asleep in my lap
Saru, come here
So many people?
He's started his
money lending and trading
I told him to atleast rest for a day
But who listens to me? Go...
Carefully dear
- Yes
From Bolhoba Ambile,
District Pune, Village Dehu...
...Ghorpade Bhikaji, to buy a pair
of bullocks and farming instruments...
...has taken a loan of 25 gold
coins for a six-month period
If the loan is not paid
back within the time frame...
...an interest of 24% per
gold coin will be levied per month
That's too rmuch...
Laxmidas Savkar only charges%
Yes, but for how long?
You always do this, Bhikaji
The moment I stop to dip my pen in ink
You ask for a longer term,
lesser interest
Bhikaji, your debt bond is ready
Witnesses, give your thumb prints here
The junior
moneylender is learning fast
What about you, Marotrao?
I have two pieces of jewellery to pawn
I need 10 gold coins for a month
I need them today
Unless the jeweller evaluates them...
...I cannot accept valuables
come to the rmarrkItplace on Mon dayn
We'll get them evaluated
But I really need the money
Okay, fine
Diwanji, make a draft of the
mortgage bond and give him the cash
I'm really grateful, Sir
How do you manage both money
lending and the annual pilgrimage?
One must know what to
sell and what not to
If someone offers a
sack full of money...
...would we sell the Lord's blessings?
No, never
Okay. I have a lot to people to meIt
Savji... still at worship?
Savji, Tuka... let's leave
I'll go meIt Mahadya
- Yes
It's bItter to warn
him before the attachment
And what about resting?
Tuka, come sit
Come on
Do it tomorrow, Aai (Mother)
I can't send you out
without a bracelet?
Else' people will think
our business is bankrupt
You must wear good clothes,
ear studs and a bracelet... Savji...
Then why doesn't Savji wear one?
He wants to be a fakir!
It's enough if he wears decent clothes
Shh... run off now
Mother, can I go too?
- Okay
Hey Ganya, Ishnya, Tukya
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
Rama, Pandu, don't quarel
It's playn trrapstick
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
The stick's up in the air
The stick's up in the air
Catch it
- Catch it
come on, catch it
Spin like a top
Round and round
Round and round
You are a top; so am I
We all go round and round
On the tree, there's
a beehive that bites
Those bees are awesome
They visit all the flowers
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
- Pandu, don't fight
It's playn trrapstick
Ganya, Manya, Tuka, Santu, Dama, Paka
Plunder all you can
Precipitate Lord Rama's name
Or you will repent
After your life's gone
After your life's gone
Come on, get up Don't get tired
Drop some, pile up some
It's build these tiles
Drop some, pile up some
It's build these tiles
The tiles are ready
Lord Krishna's cows have run away
He plays the flute
He requests God
To find his cows
Hey heron, give me a cowrie
The prayer has worked
Now's our cowherd game
Oh Lord, the ball's coming at us
It's hit each otherr with it
Hit him, and him!
The ball's in the water
It's all iurmp in
Ganya's brother is a crybaby
He cried and cried
He fell in the water
He cried and cried
He fell in the water
(Counting coins and dividing
a gold coin into smaller coins)
- How much would this be?
F our pounds
- F our pounds
And now?
Stop your questions.
I'm doing accounts.
But how can you tell?
I've grown up playing
with weights and measures
The weighing scale
is like a God for us
If we cheat, He'll never forgive us
We may hold the scale
But He's he one who balances it
father, wrhen wrill I start guessin g
corrrrectlyn? - Afterr you become old
When will I become old?
After your old man goes to heaven
- What!
Now don't ask me when your
old man will go to heaven?
What sort of ridiculous talk is this?
Go Tuka, go have breakfast
This boy's questions never cease
Savji, after counting the coins...
Instead of counting, he has
arranged them in Lord Vitthal's shape
My son, there's a time for
work and a time for worship
What will happen of this boy?
It Maniula Savii's wrife
come to live here
Then see how he transforms
When will she come here?
The coming full moon day
That's the message.
She's become a woman now
Thank the Lord!
I beg of you; don't throw the vessels
Please, don't throw them
Can you hearr me?
Please, don't throw them
- Oh, Lord! - Bring that here
Sir, I swear by my mother
There's not a grain
of cereal in the house
Please give us some time
Sir, look at this bracelet
So Mahadya, there's no grain...
...but your son wears a
silver bracelet. How come?
Sir, he found that while playing
Enough of your lies...
Give him the bracelet.
We don't want it
We don't want it!
My bracelet...
Two water jugs, one silver bracelet...
I don't know what people gain
by lying - Who?
Mahadya. He says he is in bad shape
And his son wears this bracelet
Show me
Are you making a list?
- Yes?
come here
Didn't you tell me you
dropped this in the river?
I lied
- Um?
I gave it to Vishnu
What for?
He's my friend
But a silver bracelet for friendship?
Did I have a gold one?
Thank God for that!
But why did you lie?
Mother, I won't lie again
I'm sorry
father, if you knewr that
I gave vishnu this brracelet...
...Would you have taken it back?
Yes. Because until
our loan is paid back,
every grain in Vishnu's house...
...every piece of jewellery,
belongs to us
That's the agreement
A moneylender has no friends
father has been on
pilgrrirmage so manyn times
Ask him if he has mIt
orrd vitthal even on ce
Lord Vitthal was frightened
He thought it's some creditor come...
...to collect his
dues in a devotee's garb
No, Father is not like that
He has to be, Tuka
Because he has to feed us
We think we are rich because we
have pawned things from others
But that's not true
It's our stomachs that
are mortgaged to them
father, rmayn I give
that brracelet to vishnu?
Okay my child
I know you won't be
happy till you do so
Brother, look...
Vishnu, hey Vishnu...
Hey Vishnu...
Vishnu, come here
See this?
The bracelet. Take it
I've asked my father
Take it
I don't want your bracelet
A money lender's son is
a cheat... just like him
You give with one hand and
take back with the other
I don't want this
The beloved
daughter-in-law wants to eat a sweIt
In a gold and silver bowl
Your hair's long like a snake's coil
The neighbours have
gathered to see you
The bond of marriage The
body's scent of sandalwood
The scent of sandalwood Take
care of the house, my girl
I'll give my dear girl a lovely name
Anklets on her feIt
Armlets with lettle bells
The lettle sifting fan murmurs
As it stands against the wall
She's matured now She blushes,
my dear girl!
She's matured now She blushes,
my dear girl!
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Come wind or hail,
the goods must not be damaged
Savji, this is for the
wedding in Deshmukh's family
Bidwai has asked us to
send these spices as a gift
Bidwai is the chief of the markIt
and Deshmukh is the village head
So this job must be perfect
When you get there, greIt
Mr. Deshmukh and introduce yourself
Tell him that Ambilemerrchant
From ehu village has sent spices
Have you understood?
- Yes
Have this for lunch
- Okay
And tap your stick as you walk
There are snakes and scorpions
- Yes
See! Manjula (his wife) has arrived
and he's become a responsible man
He's quite a strapping
lad Neither blind nor deaf
Four donkeyns just disappearr before him
How can we believe that story?
I'll compensate you
What compensation? This isn't
something I had pawned to you
They were live donkeys
They bore burdens to feed my family
Look, rrelax. Theyn rmust have got lost
They'll be back by morning
Are they kids to get lost?
By now, thieves must have
stolen them and sold them off
forget the ifs an d buts
Take these two gold coins
And let's close this matter
- But...
I, Bolhoba Ambile...
...beg for your forgiveness
Such a big boy can't
even look after donkeys
I'm supposed to be
satisfied with two gold coins
What's the use?
So you've ruined my reputation?
You made your father apologise
to a man who tends to donkeys
I suppose you were in heavenly bliss
Or do you think you're a saint?
My child, losing oneself
in worship and prayer...
...is meant for older
people like us, not for you?
Now do you want me to start
delivering spices from door to door?
And how do I face the Bidwai?
What do I tell him?
Now, I'll start delivering the
spices and collecting the dues myself
You sit here and pray
come have your lun ch
I don't want lunch
Tuka, come here
Now you are big enough
From tormorrrrowr,
you wrill ioin your father in his wrorrk
- Yes
Go bow to the deity
Time passes, the years go by
The days of childhood are over
Time passes, the years go by
The days of childhood are over
He's a grown-up man now
Busy with his life
He's a grown-up man now
Busy with his life
The heart is restless
Relationships beckon
On the threshold, under the awning
The tinkle of bangles
The vine clings to the roof
The hand waves goodbye
It's time to leave for work
Time to make a living
It's time to leave for work
Time to make a living
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
Music in their hearts
And prosperity in their lives
Music in their hearts
And prosperity in their lives
It's the same route as before
Profit, loss and earning money
There are both highs and lows
The measure does the counting
The deal is based on integrity
The deal is based on integrity
The wind carries the word
It's an honest life
We are ready to even conquer the Sun
It's time to leave for work
Time to make a living
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
Ganya, Manya, Tuka
Santu, Dama, Paka
- She's not well
- Yes
Why are you doing this?
As it is, my asthma
treatment is expensive
I believe that doctor from
Pune charged two gold coins
This is not your
parents' home (We can afford it)
I'd have paid him
even more if necessary
You are the
daughter-in-law of a rich moneylender
You just be happy and
cheerful when I rIturn home
Tuka, Appa and Parvati have a grandson
Great! Haven't they sent any sweIts?
And SeIta's
daughter-in-law is expecting
So is that my fault?
No, it's our fault!
Wherever we go...
...we have to hang our heads in shame
If people get grandchildren,
why are you ashamed?
How long can I bask in their joy?
Your grandmother died before
seeing her great- grandchild
Aai(Mother), let's not bring that up
And there's nothing shameful
about Rakhma not bearing a child
What about my elder brother
who's not being a good husband?
You can't just joke and
avoid what your mother is saying
To take care of a huge business
like ours, we must have heirs
Also, nobody's asking
you to abandon Rakhma
If the first wife is childless,
you can marry another.
That's the custom
Some decisions may seem
harsh but they have to be tackled
I don't think that's necessary as yIt
What on earth are you up to?
Not eating,
not taking your medicines...
Why do this?
Your health will
only dIteriorate further
What's wrong Rakhma?
Are you really worried about me?
You really want me to get well?
You know that I don't fake anything
You see my suffering
But not my inner grief
Medicines only work if
the mind is at peace
I'm having sleepless nights
What do I get well for?
To see my in-laws' sorrow?
I am unable to give them a grandchild
And you stubbornly
refuse to get a second wife
Do you think I'll be
angry if you do that?
Or that I'll lose my
position in this house?
Am I that weak?
Don't you have faith in yourself?
You may have a second or third wife
But in your heart...
...will anyone be able
to take my top spot?
You will never push her on a swing
So why would I be angry?
You think only you alone have grown up
I've also grown up with you
listen to me...
accept Gulve moneylender's daughter
And then see
Your Rakhma will be
happier than ever before
God bless you
May you bring joy to this house
And bear many children
Take the Lord's blessings
Savji, your elder brother-in-law
Manjula, your sister-in-law
No, no, don't
Come, I'll show you around our house
- Go
First see the kitchen where
wewomenspend all our time
Mother-in-law smears
the floor with cow dung
It's her favourite job
It's a lettle dark in here
It's almost dusk...
Where will the light come from?
Our prayer room is twice this size
Actually our whole house is a temple
father-in-law neverr
rmisses the annual pilgrrirmage
And our
brother-in-law almost lives here
father-in-law? Brrotherr-in-law?
So you are...? - I'rm Rakhrma
I thought you were
his sister Saraswati
That's okay
You're not off the mark
We'rre both his wrives.
Ike sisters who wrorship the same man
What's he like?
One in a million!
How? Good or bad?
Now how do I explain?
Tell the truth
He knows the
business; he enjoys prayer!
He's an obedient son;
a devoted brother-in-law
He's fond of his young brother Kanha
He sings very well
His friends can't do without him
The calf won't eat unless he feeds it
The house feels
empty when he's not there
That is Tukaram of the Ambile family!
come in
Wait! See the stars
The stars come out when the moon rises
The star upstairs is
waiting for you - Rakhma
It's not nice that you
should sit here alone
The poor girl is bewildered as it is
Come on now
Come on now
A person's true colours
are seen under pressure
Our Rakhma's turned
out to be pure gold
I don't know how I can repay her
It's good fortune!
You're right. I'm fortunate
to have such a daughter-in-law
Not you. Your daughter-in-law
Rakhma is fortunate
How can you say that?
Her husband remarried...
Her grief has a name
Her sacrifice is worth something
Also she has earned your praise
When she crried in the
darrk you grrieved with herr
But you can't see my
tears in broad daylight
orrd, don't give me grrief...
...that I can't even express
Hurry up!
Come on
One baskIt of unhusked rice
What else do you have?
Tukaram Ambile. One sack of rice
Tukaram Ambile. One sack of rice
Six pice
What? The duty has doubled in a mouth?
The last time you must have had the...
...same weight on a horse,
not a bullock
We'll bring it on a donkey if we wish
With a donkey you'll save four pice
The donkey might die under this weight
What can we do? A rule is a rule
God bless your rules!
No... we will not pay the duty
Sir, these men are creating a problem
Bring them here
Yes, let me go. You think I'm afraid?
This Digubhat refuses to pay the duty
I repeat... I will not pay it
You make us brahmins pay
taxes to fill government coffers
That's an unforgiveable sin
We are taking two cows and 20 mounds...
...of rice for the
brahmins in the monastery
Got it?
- No...
You'll have to pay the duty
- Back to square one?
You should ask for our
blessings; not levy duties on us
Come on... bring the cows
What's this?
If you don't collect
duty from Digubhat...
...I too won'tpayn
for these silk cloths
Brother, let's just pay the duty
Why? Didn't he say
that a rule is a rule?
Four pice for two cows
Again? This is the limit of impudence
look Digubhat, because of you
Tukaram Ambile also refuses to pay
So what can I do?
Tell me priest, why are
you carrying all this?
Why? Obviously for
religious rites! - Um
The silk cloths we have
are also for religious rites
Digubhat, what's your job?
Great. Mr. Patki, this trading
caste person doesn't even know...
...that any religious rite in the
town is not possible without us!
And no worship is possible
without wearing this silk cloth
This brahmin doesn't
even know all that!
You idiot, we wear that.
We don't sell it
But don't you charrge
for your services?
Of course! That is our right!
And carrying on trade is our right!
But it's not a sin to
charge for service! - Yes
It's not a sin to do the
work ordained for my caste!
What's good or bad about paying duty?
That's my point
Our caste and our purpose have
nothing to do with this duty
Hey, stop that noise
First, give this brahmin his rreceipt
Everyone else get back to work
- Yes sir
Come on, quick
- This is the rule of evil
get our cows. let's go
One baskIt of unhusked rice and
a 'Pitamber' (Sacred Cloth).
- Move ahead.
Hey, Joshi. Come fast. We are late.
- Fast. Fast.
Now I'll have to work day and
night to pay for all these taxes
let's go.
Your cows look like they give a
lot of milk Where did you buy them?
From hell!
When he said 'From hell',
that brahmin looked...
...like he'd swallowed
some bitter medicine
He must have cursed Tuka a million
times as he paid his duty
I don't care! I was so angry.
He behaved as though he was doing...
...God a favour by running a monastery
I hope you didn't insult him?
There she goes
But why take on these people?
Mother, our relationship is
directly with God Pandurang
Do we compromise on
our religious duties?
Then why be scared of these middlemen?
You don't worry Mother
My brother's more
than a match for them
Yes, support your brother!
Shevanta, ask your
husband what he wants
Serve him some more
Hey, look after me too
We lack the abilety to eat well
One should speak less and eat more
Um... I like this milk dessert
Rakhma's made it
If you don't like the
green vegetable, don't eat it
You've made it?
No wonder! I find it tastes
even bItter than the dessert
The mind keeps worrying Who knows
what Destiny has in store for us!
Yes Father?
The signs don't look good!
Why Father?
Ike birrds can sense an earthquake...
...moneylenders also
have to be vigilant
when a famine looms large
The famer looks at the sky...
...the moneylender at his capital
Now's the time to collect our dues
Do one thing. Leave tomorrow at dawn
Go to Bhikaji
And collect all our pending dues
He will complain...
..."The seeds are burnt;
it was no use sowing them"
But don't listen to him
Take from him...
...whatever you can get
And if there's no money,
ask for jewellery
But what's the rush Father?
let one big shower of rain fall
Then we will have a right to ask
The rains are delayed somItimes
Tell him this
Say that the crop prospects are good
But there's a problem at home
Tell him that your
father is seriouslyill
I should lie to him?
Isn't it true that the
situation is serious?
I will not tell a lie!
But I'll handle this. You don't worry
And take 20 mounds of grain
to Mr. Kulkarni - Okay
I've measured it. Ask Ganpa
to load it in the cart - Yes
Go away!
- What
When I have to go to my parents'
home, you decide to go out of town
Shouldn't I obey my father?
When I'm back, we'll take the
bullock cart and head for Pune. Okay?
And what if the rains begin?
We'll get wIt
How else would I see you all soaked?
You are rarely bashful.
But you look lovely when you are
You just praise my looks
But you think Rakhma is a bItter cLook
You only ask about my cough
Your thoughts are elsewhere
Why? Didn't I praise
your milk dessert?
You praised it?
- Of course!
But you didn't ask why I made it
When do we need a reason?
Must be some festival
You don't see any change in me?
You have a co-wife to assist you now
You seem a lettle chubby
I had made a vow to the Goddess
We'll have to go and fulfill it
I'm four months pregnant
I'm not a moneylender to tell lies
See, weren't you hasty
about getting me a second wife?
Yes, I was
let it be. She brought good luck
That's great!
So it's her luck?
All my prayers and vows are in vain!
Oh Lord, having two scales at work,
and two wives at home...
Maintaining the
correct balance is a problem!
Has the sky fallen on you...
...that you and your father
can't even wait till the crop grows?
The truth is that is
that my father's old now
So he worries more
You owe us the most money
- Yes.
You've overstepped the loan
period by six months - Yes
You and I are equally
worried about the future
Do one thing
Give me one share of
the dues now - But...
Give the rest after the crop
This way my father will have
one worry less in his old age.
...and I will have the
satisfaction of having obeyed him
Bhikaji, believe me. I feel no
joy in taking away this ornament
There's no need to measure, Uncle
My father has measured it
Yes, but just because it's the custom
That's fine by me
It falls short by two mounds
That's impossible
He can tell the
measure with just one look
His estimate has not gone
wrong in the last 20 years
Count it again
You count it if you like
How much less?
Two mounds
How did Father's estimate go wrong?
His estimate is correct
Our times are to blame
We're headed for famine Tuka
His estimate is correct
Our times are to blame
We're headed for famine Tuka
Kanha, what's wrong?
What happened?
Our Father's gone, brother
father's dead
- What?
Mother, how did this happen?
How, Mother? Is this true?
He was fine when I left
He didn't even wait for me?
He sent you to collect the
dues and here God tLook him away
Who dies? Who is born?
Who goes to heaven or hell?
The five elements
that make up our bodies
Live together in our bodies
When they scatter after death
All hope is at an end
The pot is in the water
and there's water in the pot
There is water inside and outside
When the pot (body) breaks,
the waters mix
This is the teaching of wise men
This verse,
by the saint-poIt Kabir, says
that the Soul and
the Supreme Being are one.
- Yes.
Just look at him closely
Who does he resemble?
His chin... the shape of his eyes...
Doesn't he look like Father-in-law?
Yes Rakhma, you are right
A broad forehead, thick hair...
Where are you off to?
Showing mother-in-law.
Mother-in-law, you haven't
looked at my baby properly
Look, it's father-in-law come back
Isn't it?
Tell your grandmother to look at me.
Kankayee... Kankayee...
- What happened?
Mother-in-law... What happened?
- Mother...
- Mother...
Mother... Mother...
Brother, mother has passed away.
We have become orphans now.
What I had brought to show you...
Mother... Mother...
What are you
searching for in this corner?
Your mother's dead
Who are you hiding from?
What are you running away from?
Come on and tell brother-in-law
that his elder brother is still alive
Tell him that you will
look after the family
That your shoulders are strong
enough to bear the family's burden
come on... your parentsare gone
Now at least come
back to earth. Come on
What happened?
What happened?
What sort of man is he?
Unmoved even by his mother's death
Is he a stone?
No, he can't be
Water can spring from a stone
Tomorrow, even if I die...
...this man will just wipe
his eyes once and go away
He doesn't need anyone
I never complained to my parents
Or to anybody in the village
I only flung barbs at my mother-in-law
She would listen quiItly
Now who can I complain to?
Talk to?
This man will now mend his ways.
It's a curse
orrd vitthal has cursed this house
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
Serve me more sweIts
Take care of each other now
Your mother...
...was one in a million
She cared for everyone
She loved everyone
She wouldn't have been
able to bear this famine
So she left...
...us behind and went away
Take care, all of you
for my husband...
He has not eaten for two days
Nothing's wrong. Why would I lie?
She was fine till yesterday
Of course she was. She's fine now too
- What's wrong?
We just came to check on
sister Manjula's health - And?
She's not telling us much
Is sister-in-law okay?
Yes. She had a fever since
morning but she's bItter now
These people just won't listen
What on earth?
They came to snoop around
If she dies, the brahmin gets his fees
work for the man who cremates
an d money for the wood-seller
The florists will earn and the
villagers will get another feast
Even vultures wait for death to happen
These people don't
have even that patience
Oh Lord, what more is in store for us?
Brother-in-law, what happened?
I spoke to Deshmukh (the village head)
The situation's really bad in our area
Told him there'd be
no revenue this year
He doesn't even have time to
come here and ask after us?
Yes, he should come
and see for himself
In Pune, Murarrao, a crazy
commander of the Bijapur empire...
...has sIt fire to the whole city
Deshmukh rushed there to help
Just tell us how to survive
Give us food Or kill us
Yes, that's right... - When our
sins overflow, famine occurs
We should have a sacrifice
What do we offer the sacrificial fire?
Human bodies?
Try to understand
Tatya, you are the
oldest in the village
Tell us what to do
This famine reminds me of my
great-grandfather telling me...
...about another such famine
It went on for 12 years
Remember that the first
casualty in a famine...
...is humanity.
I'll tell you the story...
...of Damoji, an officer...
...who couldn't bear to
see the plight of the people
What did he do?
He opened up the
emperor's granary for them
Isn't that wonderful?
But Tatya...
...there's no emperor with
granaries in our village
nor any officer to open them up
What I get from this story is
that those who have food to spare...
...should share it
with the entire village
Great Tuka... It sounds good
But everyone is
concerned about the future
Who would want to share?
Tuka has no problem
His father made lots of money
He's not really
affected by the famine yIt
Is the rain that falls
on my roof different?
Maybe not
But people are dying like
flies in poor households
It sounds good to hear the
magnanimity in Tatya's story
But it's difficult to
emulate it in these tough times
Yes, that's true. let's go
Brother Savji is not to be seen
He was at home
during the morning prayer
The servants have
looked all over the village
He can't be traced
Come on
- Come
Finallyn, brrotherr Savii has left
He had no bonds left any more
How could we stop him?
I requested everyone
at the meIting that day
But nobody offered
So I am coming forward and
opening up our grain silos
I am no Damaji from Tatya's story
Nor is this an emperor's granary
This grain is due to
my father's good deeds
The prrovision he rmade
for the farmilyn's futurre
The village is my family
So let us share this grain,
taking only...
...as much as we need
to carry on with life
That would be a mercy
- Yes indeed
May God bless you, Tuka
Move away
What are you doing?
Don't do that
Come one by one.
Don't do that, brother
Wait, wait
get out
Wait, wait
Why did you, brother?
for what? for whom?
They don't deserve this
I was telling you...
...to stop him
But who listens to me?
Also, I don't have the
status to tell you anything
Relax. The deed is done. Come on
That's the Problem, He's too relaxed!
You've given away
everything and you're satisfied
The people benefited
But what about them?
- Avali...
My baby will be born
soon What about its future?
Everything will be alright.
Don't cry
He has lost everything
- Please don't cry
Lord, I realize that people
don't understand spiritualety
But don't they know their own welfare?
I wanted to make equal shares
They just blasted my sentiments too
What if it doesn't
rain again this year?
Baren skies
Burning earth
Baren skies
Burning earth
Relationships destroyed
All around
The seed in the soil
Dead before sprouting
The seed in the soil
Dead before sprouting
The eyes are moist
As life weeps
The pulse is slow
Villages are scorched
Narrowed eyes
Scanning the sky
Skeletal bodies
Bodies as hearses
Skeletal bodies
Bodies as hearses
All we meIt is
The song is lost
Words mean nothing
The song is lost
Words mean nothing
The drum in the temple
Is cracked
The river has dried up
The pennant is torn
The cymbals of worship
Have fallen silent
How did this bud sprout?
From where did it get water?
And nutrition?
How did it breach this rocky ground?
What hope made it come out?
Or has Lord Vithoba himself emerged...
...as a symbol of
hope amid this disaster?
Oh sister-in-law, come out...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Everyone should realize
The mine of this knowledge
According to the wise
Is writing and leterature
It is indestructible
The sky is the limit for it
To run after
liberation without true devotion
Is no use at all
This dItachment from worldly
life comes to those who...
Hey... Hey...
Hey Tuka
look there.
Your name?
- Dhondiba Mohite
What have you brought?
- Two ornaments
We think we are rich because we
have pawned things from others
But that's not true
It's our stomachs that
are mortgaged to them
A trader's son is a cheat...
just like him
You give with one hand and
take back with the other
His estimate is correct
Our times are to blame
We're headed for famine Tuka
He sent you to collect the
dues and here God Look him away
The pot is in the water
and there's water in the pot
There is water inside and outside
When the pot (body) breaks,
the waters mix
This is the teaching of wise men
This verse,
by the saint-poIt Kabir, says
that the Soul and the
Supreme Being are one.
Dada (Brother), Where are you going?
Sister-in-law, come out
Wait, brother Tuka
Wait... he's not listening
Dada (Brother)
- Listen.
- Stop Brother
- Listen
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Giving to the river Indrayani the
things that never belonged to us
Have you lost your mind?
Brother-in-law, at least...
...think about us, these children
Fine. I'll irmmerse only
my share of the ledgers
Yes, do that
First, you distributed all the grain
Now immerse all the money
What's the use of wealth that can
do nothing for you in hard times?
Oh Lord Pandurang
Uttam, your jewellery
Uttam Dhondiba - two bangles,
one necklace
You got your jwellery?
Received. Have you really
given up money lending? - Yes
lmmersed all the papers?
Yes. I'm a free bird now
You're hacking away at
the pillars of your home
How will you live?
Uttam, move aside
Now that you've got your stuff,
you're concerned about him
Give me the document for my land
That's disappeared
in the river Indrayani
Disappeared? What?
Tomorrow if you accuse me
of having stolen them...
What then?
Give me in writing...
...that I don't owe you anything
Kanha, give it to him
My bangles and bracelets?
Your papers aren't here
How come?
Tukoba immersed his
share of the papers
Kanhoba's business is still on
And why did I come in Kanha's share?
What can we do about that?
Why not?
I'm an old widow;
I'm getting my daughter married
I won't leave till I get
my bangles and bracelets
I won't leave without my ornaments
Hey you!
Do you also want my
brother-in-law to be insolvent?
Leave now. get out, all of you
What's wrong?
He gave everything away
He has squandered everything
Take it easy
What are you doing sister-in-law?
I'm giving her the
charge of this house
But you are older than her
What's the use of that?
The one who takes care
of the house is bigger
It's enough if you just feed us
If you stop caring...
...who do we look up to?
It us rrermain the way we are
We don't want the
burden of responsibilety
And you don't worry
Everything will get back to normal
This is just a temporary whim of his
Temporary or pemanent. Who knows?
You don't approve of what I did?
forget the keyns.
I wrant to get away From this house
It is obsessed with Lord Vitthal
What did you say?
It's obsessed with Lord Vitthal!
You know what people say?
That I'm obsessed with you
You pushed me to give up money lending
And now I'm ruined!
But they don't realize that Tuka...
...is attracted not
to material wealth...
...but to the everlasting wealth
that devotion to you gives him
orrd, in orrderr to
brrin g me closerr to you...
...to become one with you...
...you have liberated me from
the bother of worldly problems
Mother, give me some food. I'm hungry
Mahadev, Bhagu... come have lunch
You too sister-in-law
You've not had anything for two days
Why are you doing this?
It's been eight days that he's gone
I wonder how he is and where
How can I eat in peace?
I'm dItermined too
let me see how long he stays away
h no, did you have to
fly away because of me?
come, my dear friends
come sit by me
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
So are the birds who sing sweIt songs
So are the birds who sing sweIt songs
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
This joy makes us long for soletude
This joy makes us long for soletude
Where we are not judged by anybody
Where we are not judged by anybody
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
The flora and fauna are
our kith and kin - Tuka!
The sky is the roof
and the earth the seat
The sky is the roof
and the earth the seat
Our minds frolic where
they find recreation
Our minds frolic where
they find recreation
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Tuka says that in soletude
we can talk to ourselves
Tuka says that...
Tuka says that in soletude
we can talk to ourselves
We can converse with our inner beings
We can converse with our inner beings
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
The flora and fauna
are our kith and kin
When did you come?
While you were singing
What a lovely song!
And what does 'Tuka says' indicate?
Have you created it?
Maybe I created it; perhaps nature did
Everyone's singing here
The trees, animals, birds
So, you too can write
'abhangs' (devotional verses)?
The saint-poIt Namdev,
along with Lord Vitthal...
...Woke me up in my dreams
They gave me the
task of writing poetry
And asked me not to
indulge in empty talk
That means we have
the right to compose?
Didn't Saint Namdev do it?
Was he a brahmin?
But he was a great man, a leader.
You are just Tukaram Ambile
Dada, have you eaten?
Didn't you feel lonely here?
Lonely? With all this around me?
But what's wrong with the village?
These are people there
too who care for you
I like it there too
When people work hard
When the cobs of corn fill up
It's a great feeling
But there one is
divided into too many parts
Divisions of caste, divisions
at home; barriers in the fields
It's mine and yours all over!
The heart is a place for lots of love
But we have filled
it with money matters
How do we find joy there?
And look here!
The pond belongs to
the one who sits by it
You hear a bird's chirp; you own it
We lose out on such simple joys!
Yes, but God has created
some other creatures for our joy
And you owe them something too
Your wife, kids
Sister-in-law hasn't
eaten a bite since you left
Oh no!
Where did he go after storming out?
Don't I have a right to react
when he destroys all the papers?
Why should he leave?
Sister, he's rIturned
So where was he?
On top of the hill
The hill? Why? To drink in the breeze?
There was no need to go there
Here too, he behaved
like he walked on air
Got rid of ledgers; emptied grain bins
let that go now...
Oh yes; what a great man
eaves before dawrn but rIturns in
the evenin g wrhen someone rmakes him
Hey, what's this?
Is this a carnival? get out!
Relax, sister-in-law
Why give him water? Felicitate him!
Once for coming home
Also for not having
immersed anything else
YIt again for not turning
into an ascItic - Avali...
What? Remember you have a family?
Here, push them into
the well and be free
Go away
You do what you want
and then apologize
Once and for all
Give up everything
Become an ascItic or be a householder
I won't allow you to behave
like this till we are around
You start trading again
No, if you do that,
all your attention will go to that...
...black God (Vitthal) in the temple
You start farming
Grow heaps of grain
Then do whatever worship you want
Okay, I'll start farming
Kanha, you look after
the business. Come - Where?
To the farm. Take the plough
May I come too?
- Nobody is going anywhere
Sit down. I can't let
you go without eating
I'm hungry too. Come on Shevanta,
let's make some flatbread
And your green vegetable
Then we'll go to the farm
- Me too
Okay. All of us will go
May your figure be always before me
May your figure be always before me
My beloved God,
husband of mother Rukmini
Your form is beautiful;
it feels good to chant your name
Please give me your love always
May your figure be always before me
My mother-like Lord Vithu,
give me this one boon
My mother-like Lord Vithu,
give me this one boon
Occupy my heart always
My mother-like Lord Vithu,
give me this one boon
Tuka says "I will not ask for more"
Tuka says "I will not ask for more"
"Since all my joy
lies in your worship"
May your figure be always before me
May your figure be always before me
Listen everyone
The arrogant Murarrao from the
barbaric Adilshahi empire...
...dermolished manyn villages
Those villages will be rebuilt
The land will be made fertile
This is by order of
Jijabai Shahji Bhosle
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Oh mind, don't get lost
in the illusion of life
Bad times are here to torture you
When they happen
Your parents cannot save you
Neither king nor minister can help you
Nor powerful relatives
Tuka says nobody can save you
Except Lord Vishnu,
the bearer of the divine wheel
Lord Pandurang...
So friends...
Death is the greatest teacher
But we have forgotten its lesson
After the famine,
we are back to our usual ways
As if the tragedy never happened
Why aren't we ready to learn?
Why are we back to
chasing transient things?
I am truly surprised by these people
Why don't they
consider their own welfare?
Why don't they
consider what's good for them?
Who will finally come to their aid?
Oh Lord Vitthal... Vitthal
Oh Lord Vitthal... Vitthal
Oh Lord Vitthal... Vitthal
Oh Lord Vitthal... Vitthal
Tuka gave up money lending
and immersed himself in worship
I thought, "Great, now his
pride will take a beating,"
"My business will prosper"
But he's back to trading and farming
And he renovated the temple
So his business of worship has started
Those who gather
around him for worship...
...go to Kanha for loans
And those who take money from Kanha...
...pay obeisance to Tuka
It's a profitable business
- Yes
If we don't wake up now...
...we'll have to pack up
and leave one day soon - So?
There's just one solution
- What?
- Who?
He's a bigwig from Chinchwad
He needs a bigger area for his work
It's get him here
Great! His strength of
devotion and your power...
We'll move the ground
under the Ambiles' feIt
God, it's good that I am insolvent
God, it's good that I am insolvent
And that the famine tortured me
And that the famine tortured me
My repentance made me think of you
My repentance made me think of you
And this worldly
life become nauseating
And this worldly
life become nauseating
It's good, oh Lord,
that my wife harasses me
It's good, oh Lord,
that my wife harasses me - Tukaram.
What does 'a shrill wife' mean?
'A shrill wife' means...
..."Thank God, you gave me...
...a quarelsome wife"
Hence I lost
interest in family life...
...and concentrated on your wrorship
I am quarelsome?
Why? Because I feed you?
look after you?
Or give offerings of
food to that black God...
...even if my kids are hungry?
What are you saying?
- Yes, it hurts when I talk
You don't earn a
penny; I still run the house
Take care of the business,
and the kids
That doesn't count?
And your idle friends!
They're here early
morning to beat cymbals
They have no work
All their wives curse them
And I'm quarelsome?
You are right Avali
Damu's wife threw a stick at him
I don't blame her!
And Santu's oil mill is closed?
The bull ran away
His wife has to work the mill
Are you teasing me?
No, you're right
They have been thrown out
And they are calling you 'shrill'
Give them a piece of your mind
They don't work;
they get to eat anyway
All they do is beat on cymbals
And create noise everywhere
They are alive but as good as dead
They have no shame whatsoever
They don't care for and
have forsaken their families
Their wives suffer; and
exist by turning hard like stones
Don't cry
All of them
Me too, have become conceited...
...that we are all great devotees
We do good for the world
So we neglect our wives
and kids We call them names
Whose side are you on?
The side of sorrow
Then why call me 'shrill'?
Not you! They
complained about their wives
So I wrote 'shrill wife'
You told me of your
distress I expressed that too
Yes. As if you are
never angry with me?
I may have expressed my anger
But the expression in my
words is never mine alone
A poIt's heart is the rrecess
for all the sorrows of society
God himself has no other
place to rest his burden
Greeting. Come...
- Greeting.
This is Digubhat
- Greetings!
He looks after this monastery
Kanakdas, a man from the North...
...established this
monastery 100 years ago
There was a rest house here
for travelers
This is a Shiva temple
Kanakdas lived here
In this garbage heap?
Um... yes
- Yes
I can't live amid rubbish
Give me good accommodation
Is the village wealthy?
What wealth?
The famine destroyed everything
Then why did you call me?
There are moneylenders like Laxmidas
You don't worry
We will manage the funds
A monastery means festivals
Religious rites
Hundreds of people
will eat We need money
We'll get it.
The village folk are religious
Just being religious isn't enough
We need finances to
restore the monastery
What about water?
I'll show you
Oh no!
This sludge must be removed
get the villagers on it
Clean it up; repair it
The monastery needs constant funds
We must have land.
Understood? Come on
let's go.
- Careful.
How is it? It's my first attempt ever
Why have you scribbled this Santu?
You have just put
together some letters
look, don't feel bad
But poetry must come
from experience - What?
See... Vitthal is our
respected deity but...
...that doesn't make
every verse about him great
It must be true
Real, backed by experience
Use your surroundings when you write
I have my oil mill,
bullock and oil What can I write?
You will one day
Your poetry will flourish
- Yes. Come...
May Lord Shiva bless us
May Lord Shiva bless us
May good fortune be yours
This is Tukoba. A famer and trader
This is Santu. An oilman
Who is there?
May Lord Shiva bless us
Tukoba is also a moneylender
- That's great!
I have heard about you.
I wanted to meIt you
I have decided to restore Kanakdas's
monastery to its fomer glory
Rich men like you should participate
Tukoba has also renovated his temple
You have a temple?
- Yes
With 'Keertans'
(musical narrations)? - Yes
Do people come to listen?
Yes, they have started to
It's surprising.
You are lower caste people
But you build
temples and do 'keertans'
He also writes devotional verse
Mean? You know Sanskrit?
Enough to get along
- He knows it well
These days, anyone
writes about the holy bLooks
This is a question of rights
But also, people should
stick to what they know
for instan ce, I wrould have liked...
...to discuss prices of
rice and cereal with you
We would have given you the
contract for the monastery
Or why don't you do this?
The monastery is spacious
We'll install your Vitthal idol there
You look after the temple
You take all the earnings
And donate a bit to the monastery
You have misunderstood
One temple is hereditary
It's there for devotion, not profit
Wait. We haven't finished
We came for something else
He writes. He had some
questions on the BhagwadgeIta
Fine. Ask...
No! I've got the answers
Didn't I tell you?
This is Tuka!
We have to teach him a lesson
He's no scholar. He's a businessman
He'll lord it over
everyone if he goes to the markIt
And a hypocrite!
It's the short guys who
need to struggle to seem tall
A cot is a challenge for the bedbug
It's a long way to climb!
- Brother - What?
A wolf bit Laxman,
the blacksmith's son - What?
Oh God! let's go
What happened Laxman?
Wolves attacked me
Theyn have bitten the
flesh off your arrrm
Didn't you go to see a girl to marry?
- Yes
I left in the morning
I stopped at the well to eat.
Two wolves came at me
And then?
- Then...
I had my axe. I killed both
- Lord Pandurang...
come on
- Carefullyn.
Oh no! What happened?
Wolves bit him
- Where?
Near the well.
- Sit
He killed them - Oh God!
- get some tumeric
Oh no!
- We have applied some medicinal herbs
Your son is brave. Don't worry
- But?
If you had brought their tails
you would have won a huge award
What award?
- Yes
Wolves are a big problem
King Shivaji gives an award to those
who kill them and get their tails
Come Subhan...
- Where
Uncle, there's really an award?
Yes. But get well first
No. I killed them. Someone
else will claim the award
Come Subhan...
- Okay
My boy, you're not well enough to go
Okay Kanhoba, I'm off on pilgrimage
I'll meIt Lord Vitthal and rIturn
Yes brother - Yes, you nod
your head and he's scot free
I don't know what wealth
that black God has stored there
You come with me too
No need. I'm fine here!
If you don't, how will you
understand the God's glory?
It's enough that I know your glory
So? Ready to go on pilgrimage?
No, not this time
Why? Is everyone okay at home
But Digubhat said that the planIts
are not favourable for my daughter
We have to do a propitiatory rite
So the planIts move
according to Digubhat's wishes?
And if that was so...
...would his own wife be ailing?
This is all rubbish
You'll do the rite and
Digubhat's lot will improve
Take my son along
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Take care of him
- orrd Pan durran g does that
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Tuka, just talk to him
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Glory be to Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
Tuka, just talk to him
That landowner praised him
And he's off to work for him
Not a landowner
- It's King Shivaji
You mIt him?
Yes. He spoke to me
He asked you to work for him?
- Yes
Then why wait? You'll be his soldier
People sleep in peace
because soldiers guard them
What are you saying Tuka?
Landowners used to abduct women
Shivaji broke their limbs
See what he's doing
He said he wants our rule
Yes. Our rule...
...is the rule of the people
He is the people's king and
your son will work for him
Trust in Lord
Pandurang and let Laxman go
Lord Vitthal... his wife,
Mother Rakhumai
Lord Vitthal... his wife,
Mother Rakhumai
Lord Vitthal... his wife,
Mother Rakhumai
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
To take Vithoba's name...
...is my practice and my religion
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
I will pay homage to all the saints
I will pay homage to all the saints
Tuka says "Oh God, this is
my artless service for you"
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
Come on. Tukaram's
narration has started
Mother-in-law, please finish
doing the flatbread I'll be back
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Discrimination is an unholy illusion
isten all you devotees
isten all you devotees
Carry out the good that you want to
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Do not envy any creature
Do not envy any creature
That is the gist of God's worship
That is the gist of God's worship
Tuka says the organs
of knowledge and action
Tuka says the organs
of knowledge and action
Belong to one body...
...which experiences joy and sorrow
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Is there a place
Is there a place
Where there is instant loss of ego?
Where there is instant loss of ego?
It happens in Vitthal's Pandharpur
It happens in Vitthal's Pandharpur
One is totally spellbound
One is totally spellbound
Brother Savji
- One is totally spellbound
where were you for so long?
We looked for you all over
orrd vithoba has rmade us meIt
Now come on home.
Enough of your wandering
I travelled all over,
but what did I find?
You achieved so much while
continuing with your family life
But I gained nothing
despite giving up family
I knew of your fame.
I heard your narration too
Every word you spoke spouted
springs of devotion in people's hearts
This is true salvation!
Should I have searched within
myself instead of going away?
They all touch each other's feIt
They all touch each other's feIt
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
- Brother Savji...
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
- Brother Savji...
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Tuka says... Tuka says...
Everyone is harping on his name
This is really shameful
We must do something!
It was okay when it
was restricted to Dehu
But now his fame has
spread far and wide
Kulkarni, Malharpant, Mawal...
...all these brahmins are
also hanging on his words
And we're sitting here doling
out sweIts as God's blessing
You think I'm not in demand elsewhere?
Yesterday, I was invited
to Lohagaon. Just watch
I'll build armies of my
supporters in every town
I gave birth to myself
Was born from my own womb
My existence lies in my own hands
We blessed saints have
transcended birth and death
What are you blabbering?
What are you thinking of?
I want to go to Dehu to meIt Tukaram
Are you crazy?
That man has cast a spell on you
Then you come with me
So you will follow him?
And I should follow you?
Then let me go. Tukaram says
'False laughterr, false tears'
"Mine and yours; it's all false"
"Worldly life is false"
"Relationships too!
It's all child's play"
Please let me go...
...and build a
relationship with Lord Vitthal
A relationship with
God or with Tukaram?
I won't let you go alone
Not alone. I'll take
Kapila (the cow) with me
See how important I am?
- Yes
What are you doing?
come, sit dowrn here
You are from Tukoba's Dehu village
Seeing you is like meIting him
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Wonder when I will meIt him.
Only Lord Pandurang knows about it.
I wrill come to do a narrrration
for you - Goodbye. Pan durran g...
Santu... what?
Nothing. Just massaging your back
get to the point Sir
I wrote something.
Will you hear it? - Yes
I became an oilman
I learnt to run the oil mill naturally
This oil mill is extremely intelligent
It has waves of discrItion
We will draw this oil (of devotion)
And break the mass of desire
Having drawn this oil
The Saint will sell it in the markIt
Santu the oilman draws
the oil (of devotion)
It will never run out
You are blessed Santu,
you will become great
You have a lot of wisdom
People criticize you for no reason
Believe me when I tell you this
You like it?
- Master...
- What are you doing? Who are you?
I'm Bahinai.
I've come from Kolhapur to see you
I have drunk my thirst,
eaten my hunger (forgotten everything)
Master, I want to be your disciple
Bhagu, get some water and jaggery
- You've come from so far
Rest awhile
Then we'll talk
Take it - No Master.
Tell me, will you induct me?
She's very stubborn.
Say 'Yes' or she won't
even drink a drop of water
She sings your verses all day
You are?
- Her unfortunate husband!
Adyn, becoming a disciple...
...means walking with support
And if Lord Pandurang wanted
everyone to become my disciple...
...why would he have let
different flames in every heart?
My verses may be like
momentary lightening
They may light the way for a moment
But you must use your inner
glow to light up your life
Kapila, I have got what I wanted
I listen to Tukaram's
narration every night
And live in this monastery
The Master says "See the world
through the light in your heart"
But when his 'abhangs' light
up everything so clearly...
...why would I use my faint lamp?
Will people laugh at me?
But really, It's so wonderful
to hear him speak
Do you think I should try to write?
See what Mambajibuva,
this monastery's head, says
I heard that you ate
at Tukaram's house
You want to be his disciple
Is it proper for a brahmin lady
like you to bow to a low caste?
Brahmins and low castes?
We are pilgrims of Vithoba
We don't discriminate
What does Tukya know?
He can't become a scholar by
reading holy bLooks and singing verses
There are many wise people
in the world Be their disciple
He has agreed to instruct you
I'm looking for common sense;
not wisdom
Govind, Parshuram, come here
What happened?
- Throw their belongings out! Go!
Isten to me
- No! You can't stayn here.
I offered a brahmin
couple a roof for a few days
Not for this tomfoolery
Don't do this...
- Out...
Please don't do this
Where will we go?
Don't do that
- Throw their stuff out. This cow too
- Yes.
Is this Dehu village?
- Yes
King Shivaji wants to
visit the blacksmith
Where is the king?
- There
I'll show you
What do you do?
- Nothing
I have a business and some land
My brother looks after the
business HE (God) tills the farm
And you tend to animals?
- Someone has to do it
I hear there's a big
saint called Tukaram
A saint?
- Isn't he one?
In these troubled times,
there's a saint in every home
- Yes.
His wife criticizes him;
his children scream at him
The learned priests oppose him
- I see
Has anyone see him worship properly?
Has he ever done religious rites?
Or propitiated the planIts? No!
He only advises people
to be good Is that enough?
But that is a necessity
Some wise men get close to God
Some even hug him like a child
But Tukaram's knowledge is
sparse and his pride boundless
I tell you He is unduly popular
Queues of people
He has no time to meIt himself!
How will he meIt God?
Axman told me that Tukaram is so
sirmple; it's tough to rrecognizozoe him
Your Majesty...
- What?
Who else would be so
candid about himself?
Sorry Master
- It's okay.
How is Laxman?
God tLook him away
He put his life in danger to save me
We couldn't bring his body
The King did all the rites
We have the ashes
Tuka... what?
look who's here
The person Laxman worshipped.
King Shivaji!
- It's okay.
I am honoured, your majesty
My Laxman is always
full of praise for you
Today his majesty is
here to praise Laxman
Your discourses
strengthened our efforts
My father tried to
establish an empire too
But that bore no fruit
Because slavery was in
the people's mindsIt
But you saint-poIts
gave them self-respect
So many young men like Laxman
voluntered to fight these intruders
It's big of you to say that!
My mother wishes to honour
you and reward you in court
You must come
Oh king, I would never turn
down this affectionate invitation
But I feel that my task is different
To create peace in people's
minds through Lord Vitthal's worship
To travel all over the valleys
and dales of the Sahyadri mountains
To find brave men like Laxman
To send them to you; that is my job
To give them
strength to fight injustice
To protect your citizens, is your job
It's best that we
work in our own areas
You said that my
contribution strengthens your task
That is my reward
Your gift to me!
What happened?
My sister's getting married.
Digubhat didn't show up
The guests were getting
delayed so we did the wedding...
...without a priest. They punished me
Mambaji, what is this?
Move out of my way
Why? If someone else chants the
hymns, is the wedding invalid?
Or are those hymns less effective?
This is a matter of religion
Religion or business?
He wanted remuneration from both sides
So what? It's our right
to perform marriage rites
Why? Because you are God's manager?
Religion is God's administration and...
...so, as you say, we are His managers
So you blacken the
face of our poor Damu?
No other alternative - At least
fear that God might be watching
These simple, ignorant
people turn a stone into God
And you decide that
God knows nothing...
...an d turrn H irm into a stone!
Damu, get down!
Don't you dare
Stop... you'll regrIt
it if you touch Tukaram
Yes... Yes...
- Damu, get down
You haven't committed any crime
Tuka, I have two more daughters
Don't worry. If these
priests continue in this manner...
...we'll marry off
your girls without them!
Tukya, let's just see for how
long these people stand by you
Oh Vitthal, what's all this?
What religion in
this that bends people?
Religion should teach them to stand
You endorse such a religion?
One that makes
people numb and powerless?
No? Then why are you silent?
You actually watch this
harassment in the name of religion?
What do I say to you?
Now let people praise
you as much as they wish
for me, God is dead...
I don't care what others think!
It your speech sayn that God exists
But experience in your
mind that he is formless
We servants of Lord
Vishnu are softer than wax
But also hard enough to break
the weapon of the king of Gods
We will give even our
loincloths to the virtuous
Bur we will smack the
wicked on the head with a stick
Do these fellows think we
servants of Lord Vishnu are weaklings?
I was trying to persuade them,
hoping that they'd change
But they are taking advantage
and stinging these simple folk
They have to be taught a lesson
for the guinea-worm on the foot
Some camphor was applied
Actually, it needed something stronger
Evil people deserve tit for tat
When the scorpion
climbs on the holy idol
It's not because it likes to worship
It must be hit with a shoe
All evil deserves tit for tat
That Tukya...
He calls saints donkeys...
...an d scorrpions
...an d snakes
He has to be taught a lesson!
They call themselves saints?
Some saints belonging to our times
Smoke pipes of tobacco
They forego religious rituals
They indulge in
intoxicating substances
Intoxicating drugs are their habit
And they are used to drinking liquor
Tuka says "They are all hypocrites"
"They have no real
connection with God!"
This Tukya...
He will utterly ruin our religion
He will destroy it
Avali, you came?
- Yes
You should have sent Kanha,
or the kids
That's okay
Your legs were hurting the other day
You climbed all this way...
- That's okay
Have I been here many days?
No. Just a couple
People must have
gathered asking where I am
No. No one did
You came to get me?
No, not at all
I've brought flatbread. And bed sheIts
We can stay for a few more days!
- Really?
Of course
Just rinse out your mouth.
And eat something
Tell me
- What?
Whatever happens...
...happens because it's
your black God's wish?
Without doubt!
So all our losses,
bankruptcy were his wish? - Yes
He ruined our business,
tLook away our family members...
Then why do you still worship him?
You tell me Avali...
You have lost everything with me
Then why do you still live with me?
I have to
My life is tied to yours
That's what I realized too
My life is tied to HIS!
So I have to walk with him
What's the matter?
It's a first for you...
...to tell me to stay here,
not return home
You eat first
- Fine
Yesterday Mambaji came over
To ask for you
Brother-in-law said...
...that he has brought
the priest Rameshwar
They are planning some mischief
If they don't find you for
a couple of days, they'll go back
Where are you off to?
I have to go Avali
I have to do a narration tonight
They'll blacken your face.
Parade you on a donkey
I became my own judge
I did not blindly follow the majority
Tradition doesn't have
to be obeyed blindly
Tradition is like the
river that carries...
sticks, stones and
garbage along with fertile soil
SomItimes, we need to ask our
cultivated minds what is good or bad
Hey, wait!
- Enough. Wait...!
He is...
I see!
So you will decide the
suitabilety of tradition
Yes! Tuka says
We consider it our job
To teach morals to everyone
You will preach morals to the world
Why? Are all we priests dead?
Please sit Sir. We will
talk after my exposition
Fine. Now we have to
listen to your commentary
It has come to this!
You were preaching to simple,
illeterate people in your
shrine at home
We let you do it And now you say...
We saints grasp the
essence of our scriptures
Those who merely recite
them are just beasts of burden
You dare tell us this!
Great! You seem to know
many of Tukaram's verses
Shut up!
The real surprise is that the
devotional path easily grasped by...
...these illeterate people,
is beyond you
I have an order from
the religious court
Your explanations
are confusing people...
...about tradition itself
You have to appear before the
religious court to provide the answers
The religious court is in session
Rameshwarbhat and Mambaji...
...have complained against you
Tukoba, son of Bolhoba Ambile,
has crossed the ordained boundaries...
...of the caste system...
...and committed the
grave crime of challenging it
Though he is of the lowest caste...
...his writings
interprIt the scriptures
Though a low caste trader...
...he has brahmin
(upper caste) disciples...
...who also touch his feIt
He is accused of this as well.
These are serious accusations...
...registered in the
civil court more than once
If these are proved,
Tukoba Ambile will be sentenced...
...to leave his home, country
or receive corporal punishment
Before announcing the sentence,
he is given a chance to defend himself
Officers of the religious
court and all you good people
I will speak but
please do not think...
...this is an attempt to
get my punishment reduced
To begin with I don't know if...
...the accusations are
of a criminal nature
It is true that my verses
interprIt the Hindu scriptures
But I did not know that
I needed permission to do that
When a newborn sucks at
his mother's breasts...
...he needs no
sanction from any officer
I partLook of the
nectar of experience...
...From the scrripturres as innocentlyn...
...and then shared
it as God's blessings
I do not feel that is a sin
lf, as the holy texts say...
...we are all created from
the same Divine Spirit...
...and will mingle with it after death
Then why this discrimination?
We all belong to the same letter
There should be no discrimination
Saint Kabir says that if God
wanted brahmins to be different...
...he would have given them a sacred
thread and a shaven head at birth
And if he wished
Muslims to be different...
...they would have
been born circumcised
Don't mention Kabir;
he had no caste or religion
He was a bastard who
grew up on the streIts
Should I quote (the saint-poIt)
No, he was an ascItic's child
That's strange!
You brahmins agreed not to expel
nynanadev an d his siblin gs
From society
In rIturn, you made their
parents drown themselves
And you still label
him 'an ascItic's child'
What about the saint
Eknath from Paithan? - No
You don't want the scriptures,
...the tradition of
the pilgrimage to Vitthal
So what do you want?
You say that we have no
right to light up the darkness!
Then why don't you light it up?
You don't tell us what to do
Everyone has the right to knowledge
All four castes, those even lower
Children, men, women,
even prostitutes - Prostitutes too?
Yes, they too!
We all have a right to celebrate
God's name; to go close to him
And making brahmins your disciples,
having them touch your feIt?
Amongst the pilgrim community,
we all touch each other's feIt
Dnyanadev says that...
...is an obeisance to the
divine element in each of us
And I have never
made anyone a disciple
Disciples, establishing monasteries,
business-minded exploitation...
...that's the job of
people like Mambaji - Tukoba...
You may blabber all you want
But you have sinned
according to the religious texts
Are you aware of the
punishment for this crime?
You must be knowing
that the holy texts...
...term even brahmins who lend money,
serve and farm as low caste?
These same brahmins who
consider untouchables impure...
...go to their houses
to collect their loans
What do you call that?
This law is only for us?
You are talking more than you need to
The truth is secure within me
There is no confusion whatsoever
I give sharp answers
In order to improve
myself in my future journey!
You have insulted the Hindu law code
There is a law that transcends it
Divine justice!
There is a court that
supersedes this one!
You are rejecting it!
We cannot neglect your crime
This religious court ordains
...that you cannot write verse anymore
All your existing
notebLooks of poetry...
...will have to be immersed
If not, all your moveable and
immoveable assIts will be confiscated
You will be evicted...
And expelled from the community!
He will learn a lesson now.
Wait... wait
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
You immersed your
Gaatha (BLook of Abhangs)
Why should all of you
be expelled due to me?
Why should the children suffer?
And who knows? Perhaps my
Gaatha has done what it could!
But you didn't feel like asking me?
You fought with me for these verses
I spent sleepless nights;
I waited for you to come home
You made us insolvent;
You let the kids go hungry
And now you calmly immerse
them and say their work is over?
Even when I quareled, I continued
to take care of these Abhangs
When it rained, even
before I covered the kids...
...I made sure that their
pages wouldn't get wIt...
As per the orders of the religious
seat Tukaram did immerse his hymns.
But as he had lost everything he
sat at the banks of river Indrayani...
...for 13 days
without eating or drinking.
Gradually everyone
came to know about it.
And all the people
started going to Dehu.
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
Words are the riches in our homes
Words are the riches in our houses
Our aim is to preserve that knowledge
Words are the
instruments of our daily lives
We will also distribute them to others
Tuka says "The Word is God"
"We should honour and worship it"
The person who treats everyone...
...tomented or downtrodden,
as his own
He is a true saint
One can perceive
that God resides in him
Oh God, give me childhood
Because the ant is
tiny and gets to eat suga
The elephant,
though it is great, gets no sugar
It is pricked with the sharp goad
This proves that those who are great
Have to bear the most agony
Those who are paid to lament
Have neither tears nor affection
What is the use of such devotion
That is put on just for show?
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Chant orrd vitthal's
name an d see him always
Make him your beloved
This longing makes your mind greedy
It refuses to rIturn
to worldly matters
Chant orrd vitthal's
name an d see him always
Chant Lord vitthal's
name an d see him always
Chant Lord vitthal's
name an d see him always
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
The foundation of life
The strength to live
The foundation of life
The strength to live
The key to thought
The foundation of life
The strength to live
The foundation of life
Honesty of words
A garden of knowledge
Honesty of words
A garden of knowledge
The page of devotional verse
The foundation of life
The strength to live
The foundation of life
He rises again
He spreads deep within us
He rises again
He spreads deep within us
There is always more to him
There is always more to him
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
Oh Lord Vitthal...!
How can these words,
carved in each heart, be erased?
These verses may have been immersed
But today, in an extraordinary
way they have become immortal
This Gaatha
transcends the boundaries...
...of state, country, time and language
And has been overflowing with
wisdom for the last 400 years
It lights the flame of truth in
the hearts of millions of pilgrims
It explains the
essence of life through...
...common sayings in spoken language
That is why Saint
Tukaram's Gaatha continues to float
Lord Vitthal... his wife,
Mother Rakhumai
Lord Vitthal... his wife,
Mother Rakhumai
Lord Vitthal... his wife,
Mother Rakhumai
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
To take Vithoba's name...
...is my practice and my religion
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
I will pay homage to all the saints
I will pay homage to all the saints
Tuka says "Oh God,
this is my artless service for you"
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
I will be a mendicant;
A pilgrim to
Pandharpur (Vithoba's abode)
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
"Glory to Lord Rama and Krishna"
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Discrimination is an unholy illusion
Listen all you devotees
Listen all you devotees
Carry out the good that you want to
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Devotees of Lord Vishnu
see the world full of him
Is there a place
Is there a place
Where there is instant loss of ego?
Where there is instant loss of ego?
It happens in Vitthal's Pandharpur
It happens in Vitthal's Pandharpur
One is totally spellbound
One is totally spellbound
One is totally spellbound
Tuka says "Have you seen such harmony
Tuka says "Have you seen such harmony
of worship anywhere else?"
Of worship anywhere else?"
No other holy place is
a match for Pandharpur
No other holy place is
a match for Pandharpur
Nobody here has any ego
Nobody here has any ego
They all touch each other's feIt
They all touch each other's feIt
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!
Oh Lord Pandurang...!