Turbo (2024) Movie Script

Come on! Let's go blast some crackers.
[Excited, indistinct chattering of kids]
Happy Diwali!
Wish you the same!
[Excited screams and chatter by kids]
[Sound of rickshaw engine]
[Muffled chatter in the street]
[Rickshaw puttering]
How are you?
All good.
[Music from the street]
Come down.
Let me go, Mom.
I wanna watch the fireworks.
Come on, Aadhi. Let's eat.
Not now, Mom. Let's eat later.
Dad will be here soon. We gotta get ready.
Only then can we go to the temple. Okay?
[Doorbell rings]
-Dad is here!
-Aadhi, wait!
[Door opens]
Hello, ma'am.
H... Hi.
Isn't Venkatesh sir around?
No. And who are you guys?
We're from GK Tyres.
Venkatesh sir is our major dealer.
We're here with a Diwali gift for him.
Oh, okay... Please come inside.
Thank you.
He usually reaches home by this time.
I think he's running late
due to the Diwali traffic.
It's okay, ma'am.
-Ma'am, please.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Please have a seat.
I'll get you some coffee.
Sure ma'am.
[Man whistling]
[Stove burner ignites]
Hey Venky. Please come home quickly.
I'm almost there.
I'll reach in five minutes.
Some folks from GK Tyres are here
to give you a Diwali gift.
GK Tyres?!
When did they come?
Just now.
Three people.
They're waiting for you.
Alright. I'm almost there.
[Water boiling]
[Ammu's phone rings]
Yes, Venky.
Ammu, I just called GK Tyres.
They said they hadn't sent
any such gifts.
Ask them if they're at the wrong address.
[Suspenseful music begins]
Come here.
Serve them coffee.
[Music intensifies]
What's this, ma'am?
[Aadhi whimpering]
We're playing.
[Aadhi grunting]
Venky, where are you?
I'm almost there, Ammu.
-I feel so scared.
-Don't panic. I'm almost there.
Please come quick!
I've reached our street.
I feel frightened.
Here! Here! I'm here!
[Intense music]
[Knife stabbing]
[Venky's heartbeat thumping]
[Blood dripping]
[Music from the procession]
[Long gasp]
[Coughs and groans]
Somebody lift him up!
[Aadhi crying in distress]
[Music intensifies]
[Crying intensifies]
[Woman gasping]
[knife slicing]
[Title music begins]
Priest [argues]:
What kind of a sloth are you, Vakkachan?
Yeah, Father, I'm a sloth!
That's why I had to wear this mask,
jump off the wall and come here
at this odd hour!
What the hell are you saying?
Did you get hit on the head?
The church feast begins tomorrow, Father!
Like every year, people will come flocking.
They will give big sums as offerings,
and spend more money lavishly.
You'll be happy when money flows in.
People too will be happy,
as they attend the feast.
But me, who takes the stalls in auction
and runs them,
will be screwed!
Sorry, Father. Come with me.
Don't you know?
When the band kicks off
with the first beat,
Jose too will start beating up people!
Kids say that once he starts,
It's like a 'turbo' engine fitted to him!
And all the townsfolk will gladly watch
his blows and brawls!
Like a mouse in a cheese factory,
he'll ruin at least a few stalls.
And after all the chaos,
by the time the feast ends,
with all the stalls, walls,
and decorations he wrecked,
I'll be out at least
four to five lakh rupees!
I'm fed up with this!
Rather call it 'a small loss'
from your profit.
Don't piss me off!
We can't let him pick fights this time,
Until this feast ends,
he shouldn't be around our Idukki district.
It's a red alert for him!
How can that be?
Even if the heavens fall,
he won't skip attending this church feast.
He will!
We'll send him on a tour to Kodaikanal
for a few days.
Wait! I'll bear all the expenses
for that trip.
All you need to do is to
convince him somehow.
Long odds!
You better talk to him yourself!
If he even gets to know
that I told you this,
he'll run his jeep over me and kill me!
That's why I came here
in this stupid costume!
Talk to him if you can or just leave it!
I'll involve 'the concerned people'
to talk to him.
If there's anyone in this whole world
he's afraid of,
it's just his mom!
[Slightly jumpy music]
If Rosakutty Chedathy, his mother
asks why...
Can we say it's the decision
of the general body?
Yeah! That's all you have to do!
Why are you still worried, Father?
If Jose gets to know that
I'm the one behind this,
I'll have to wear my robe
even when I use the toilet!
Why so?
Else, he may beat me up
when I'm not wearing my robe!
No way!
[Pop music playing through headset]
[Rosakutty humming
Ed Sheeran's 'Shape of You']
Lower your voice. He may hear us!
[Rosakutty humming]
This damned technology revolution!
That earpiece is blocking her ears!
I'm in love with your body
[Clinking sound]
Who's that?
It's me!
Oh! Is that you, Vakkachan?
Your right hand is also with you!
What are you doing there so early?
Are you guys taking a dump?
Shucks! What's wrong with you?
Stop it!
What's the matter, Vakkachan?
Is Jose inside?
Yeah. He's sleeping.
He came home during the wee hours.
Let him sleep.
We're here to tell you an urgent matter.
We need a favour from you.
Stop beating around the bush
and come to the matter!
If we tell you this in Jose's presence,
we'll have to receive our last rites then!
That's why we hid in the bushes to see you.
Please be kind to us.
We've talked to the Vicar too about this.
[Mellow music]
Hey... What do people call you?
Some people call me Josekutty,
and some call me Jose chettayi (Brother).
Just Jose?
[Suspenseful music intensifies]
Turbo Jose.
What did people use to call your dad?
Saint Thankachan.
Yeah. Ring a bell?
I promise, Ammachi,
I won't pick any fights
during the feast this time...
Shut up, you!
Jose chettayi, where are you going
with a bag?
Planning to stay over and enjoy the feast?
He's not attending the feast this time.
Oops! But why?
-The feast will be incomplete without him!
Move aside.
Why, Jerry?
Isn't it St. George's feast?
Not Josekutty's feast, right?
Move aside, kiddo.
Listen Jose, go straight to the junction
and catch a bus to Munnar.
From there, hop on the next bus
to Kodaikanal.
Spend the next two days
exploring and sightseeing,
and come back only on the third day.
And yeah, I've put some money in your bag.
Let me just climb that tree by the cemetery
and watch the feast celebrations in peace.
I won't even climb down.
Dare you do it,
you'll never climb back down
from there again.
You'll be up in the air forever!
Aunty, he doesn't
pick fights intentionally.
In some situations...
Well, we can discuss these things
once he's back from Kodaikanal.
See you, my son.
Come on, let's go.
[Engine blaring]
[Mocking Rosakutty]
See you, my son!
[Muffled chatter]
Are you going to Munnar?
Are you going there just for fun?
I don't know.
If you want, call my mom and ask,
for what joy she's sending me there!
[Jeep honking]
This has turned out to be
such a dull feast.
I came this time only to see
Jose chettayi's fight.
My dear Anoop,
the reasons for him picking a fight
will come from any far-off nook,
no matter what!
[Suspenseful, dramatic music builds]
[Jeep honking]
It's 'Sickle' Sabu and his team!
They must be here
for payback from last year.
But how can they?
Jose just caught a bus and left.
What's the point in Sabu going there
if Jose isn't around?
That's what I'm also wondering.
Get me some snacks.
Holy Mother!
May there be no tussles this time.
Hello? Yeah.
I'll be there.
[Band music playing]
[Crowd cheering]
[Horses neighing]
['Chenda' beats]
Hey, John. Go eat something.
[Beats intensifies]
Here you go.
If we had some white pigeons,
we could've flown them!
What for?
Look how peaceful this place is!
Every year, Jose comes here
with that damn tourist jeep.
Then he'd put up a show,
start picking a fight,
such frenzy!
He takes foreigners and tourists
in his jeep as it is his job.
Job, my foot! It's just a cheap show!
Why can't he just do rubber-tapping
and stay at home?
[Confetti popper blasting]
[Jeep brakes screeching]
[Cheering continues]
[Suspenseful music continues]
[Firecrackers exploding in the sky]
Move away!
Get up, you!
Let go of him!
[Jerry falls with a thud]
Run! Run!
Stop there!
I said stop!
[Engine blaring]
[Jeep swerving]
Just for safety.
Sickle, my buddy...
He's coming!
[Intense beats]
[Tyre screeching]
[Trumpets blaring]
-Oh-no! My shop!
[Horses neighing]
[Dramatic music begins]
Just like you,
this sickle isn't sharp enough, Sabu!
This time, you won't get away with it!
Don't go there, Vakkachan!
[Metal clanking]
[Sabu falls with a thud]
[Kids cheering]
[Indistinct chatters]
Move! Or he'll kill me!
See, aunty!
Josekutty, son! Stop!
We'll be back for the next feast.
Count your days, you lunatic!
Come here!
[Thud on head]
Hey! Jerry!
Chettayi! Jose chettayi!
Take him to the hospital. I'll follow.
Get the vehicle. Come on!
Please make way, sister.
Else, that old hag will kill me!
Oh-no! They beat the pulp out of him!
Hey, kiddo. Hey.
Does it hurt?
Is he in a coma?
It's not a comma or period.
He's under sedation.
-Under sedation?
Let him rest.
-Jose chettayi!
-What happened?
What happened to him?
He's not in a coma.
The nurse has sedated him.
I was stuck in a meeting
with the DySP officer.
How did the festival fight go this time?
Rocked it?
It wasn't nearly as fun as the last time.
Sabu came with the same old puny folks.
Just when I decided to go with the flow,
and get in the groove
Ammachi interrupted and ruined it.
I arrested Sabu and his gang.
That's when I got to know something.
It wasn't their payback
for what you did to them last time.
It was a contract for him, from Thrissur!
-For Jerry?
From whom? For what?
Really? So, you beat them up
without knowing the story?
He's in love with some Nair-caste girl
from Thrissur.
Her name is Indu or something.
She's from a family of military officers.
He's got a long list of girlfriends, right?
My dear chettayi,
I really don't know about this!
Anyway, it's her engagement tomorrow.
That's when her family got to know that
they were gonna get a court marriage.
And hence this contract to thrash him!
Hey, Jerry.
Is this true?
Were you about to get married
without informing me, your brother?
Didn't you say you don't need any uncles
to prepare for the wedding
as long as I'm with you?
and you were about to get married
without telling me?
Answer me!
Hey! What the hell are you doing?
He's under sedation.
-Reji sir.
When my brother is in bed like this,
I won't let them
go ahead with her engagement.
You shouldn't! Go get the girl from there!
She should be in front of him
when he opens his eyes.
That's heroism! That's how you should be!
Are you a policeman for real?
Aren't we too humans?
This is a matter of our friend's reputation.
Go there with confidence.
The CI there, Rameshan, is my friend.
I'll give him a call.
-But do you know where she lives?
-Her phone number?
-Where are you rushing then?
-We can ask him!
Nope! He's under sedation.
Oh! Damn!
Sir, if you tilt his phone,
you'll find the lock screen pattern.
You can unlock the phone
and access the contacts.
Sir, phone...
Yeah. Hold this, sister.
What happened?
Five contacts named Indu!
Indu Insta, Indu Bumble,
Indu Plus two, Indu Tinder, Induuz!
Which one could be the current Indu?
I understand what Indu Insta
and Indu Plus Two mean.
But who are Bumble and Tinder?
Their fathers?
Nope! They are dating apps.
Hey. What happened to you?
I haven't heard from you
in the last two years.
It's a wrong number now.
I'll call you
from my right number in a while.
Hey, stop it.
Don't fiddle while Rome burns!
Sorry, chettayi! I lost track!
Call her!
Hello, Indu?
[Indistinct chatters]
She answers her phone
only once in a blue moon!
Niru, go check
what she's doing in her room.
It's been forever
since she said she's coming downstairs!
The groom's family will be here soon!
Why don't you go check?
And she'll vent her anger
towards her uncles on me!
Who put you in charge
to play the Taliban around here?
What's the matter?
[Cheerful music begins]
[Automated Voice Message]
The number you are calling is currently busy.
Please call again later.
Your so-called "groom-to-be" and his family
will be here quite soon.
So, what's your future plan,
Miss Indulekha?
Stop it, Niru!
as Jerry bro's team isn't here yet,
shouldn't we have a 'Plan B'?
Engagement, my foot!
Nothing is going to happen.
Just wait and watch.
They'll come, and I'll go with them.
[Engine revs]
[Honking in distance]
[Ominous music]
[Revving intensifies]
Looks like he's hit the jackpot!
Who are you?
What do you want?
Well, the thing is
I'm here as part of a marriage alliance.
You know the groom.
The one your men beat the pulp out of,
yesterday at the churchyard.
He's in the hospital now...
under sedation.
This girl and he, they are in love.
Please let them get married.
Well, only that wedding will happen.
Hey! Go inside!
My dear bro.
Times have changed.
It's the time for the new generation.
So, let me tell you something in advance.
Let's all split up happily
no drama, no beef, no worries.
She and Jerry will mind their own business
and once I drop her off with Jerry,
I'm off to do my own thing too...
Holy mother! What are you up to?
My mom is gonna thrash and kill me!
Is that what you want?
His punch was quite something!
[Handkerchief swishing]
What is happening?
Don't worry.
This is Jose chettayi's regular practice.
You'll understand its use later.
[Screams and muffled grunting]
No need to worry.
Such issues are expected in love marriages.
I'm not saying this because he's my friend.
But you can trust Jerry.
He's so naive. It's written on his face.
He'll never betray you.
I can vouch for him.
You can confidently
ditch your family and go to him!
I haven't told him about us going there.
It's a surprise.
He'll be stunned, right?
Jose Chettayi is a pro
at surprising people!
[Jose laughs]
Where is he?
He's inside. We came outside
pretending to take a call.
You didn't spill the surprise news,
did you?
No. You said it's gonna be a surprise!
Hey girl... come.
Mathukutty ichayan...
Mathukutty ichayan...
Don't be shy, come forward.
This will be your home from now on.
Mathukutty ichayan...
Look! An angel in your front yard!
Who is she, Jose?
I'll tell you.
Call Jerry.
Jerry! Come out, man!
Looks like he's sleeping
after causing all the ruckus!
Hey! Come out!
Hey, Jose chettayi. What's up?
Why are you looking at her
as if you have never seen her before?
Tell your mom and dad everything
clearly and concisely.
But Jose chettayi...
What's the matter? Who's this girl?
What? What?
Girl, hope you're not mistaken.
Isn't he the one?
I don't know her!
Did he lose his mind
after getting beaten up?
Jerry, she's your lover.
The girl you loved.
Jose chettayi, ever since
I returned from the hospital,
I've been feeling damn tired.
The effect of sedation is still there.
I'm gonna go take some rest.
Good night.
Good night?
See you tomorrow, Jose chettayi!
Run fast!
Come on!
In that case, would you mind
leaving with this angel, please?
So that we can eat our supper,
pray, and go to bed.
It's all my mistake!
I keep doing this,
always jumping the gun
without a second thought!
But why am I the one to blame?
Shouldn't it be you?
Were you just blinded by love?
I agree that he's my buddy.
Can't you see from his face
that his love is totally fake?
What do we do now?
Cat got your tongue?!
Come on, say, what should we do now?
Shall I drop you back home?
How can I go back home
after all this mess?
What do I do then?
Shall I tie you up in a sack like a cat,
and throw you in a river?
Just find me a bus heading to Chennai.
I work there.
That's good.
No point sticking around here anymore.
Chennai, as you wish.
[Jeep brakes]
[Indu gasps]
What the hell are you doing?
Are you out here to die?
Buddy, please drop her off at Chennai.
Come on. Get in.
Do you have any money?
I'll pay him via Google Pay.
Chettayi... That girl? How did you manage?
Shut up, you cheat!
All of you left me alone and fled
when I was in trouble!
-Sorry, Chettayi!
-Give it to me!
I'm so stressed that
I won't sleep tonight without a drink!
I've totally screwed up
by inviting all sorts of trouble!
What's this? Fire in a bottle?
Why are there more lights
in front of my house?
Did that old hag set the house on fire
because she was mad at me?
I didn't go there. Why fish more trouble?
If it's a fire, she'll set me on fire too!
Hey, Rosakutty. Haven't you slept yet?
Why do I see a red light there?
Did you already hang the Christmas star?
Stop it, you brat!
It's not a Christmas star!
It's the police vehicle's headlight!
Yeah, police!
Where is that girl?
You better drop her back at her home!
-But Ammachi, I...
-Don't utter a damn word!
I told you not to go to the feast,
gave you money,
and sent you away, didn't I?
And now you're messing with
innocent girls' lives, huh?
You better drop her off and
don't come back until you do!
Hang up now!
But Ammachi, you know... Our Jerry...
-She hung up.
-Are we in trouble?
We're screwed so bad.
She's stubborn as a mule.
-Who's that?
-It's me! Don't shout!
Hey, Davis!
Will I be in trouble?
You're already in trouble.
The ones you beat up
are high-ranking military officers
and big shots in the neighbourhood.
You better stay away from here for a while.
Seriously? But you were saying
taking that girl out from there is heroic!
Your heroism is perfect!
But did we expect that Jerry would
turn out to be the villain here?
Well, no point in blaming him.
We were stupid to jump the gun
before discussing it with him.
Where's that girl?
I sent her to Chennai.
Jose chettayi, don't waste time.
Just drop the girl off at her place.
We can settle the assault case somehow.
But this is kidnapping. Woman kidnapping!
-Woman kidnapping?
-Yeah. That's the charge.
Remember CI Ramesh sir, your friend?
Shall we try calling him?
Not needed. He's up there with the DySP,
ready to arrest you.
Things got messed up pretty bad, girl.
There are cops and force at my home.
Let's go. Come.
I said I'm not coming with you.
How can you say that?
My mom won't let me enter my house
until I drop you back home.
Rosakutty's orders are set in stone!
-No can do!
-Please don't say so.
Can you please leave?
My mom won't let me
set foot in my own home.
And I can't sleep
when she's not around me.
So, please come.
-Please come.
-Can you please leave?
I'm already so pissed off.
Did I invite you to my home
with your hanky to put on a show?
You're blaming me now?
Aha! After all that drama
I've been through,
now I gotta deal with your arrogance too?
Are you coming on your own,
or do I need to drag you out?
If you don't leave now,
I'll throw you out.
-Get out!
-What if I won't?
-Get out, you!
-Get out!
Everybody's shouting at me?
Impeccable solidarity!
Malayalis should be like this!
I never saw such solidarity
even during the last floods!
Please move, brother.
Hey, Sijo.
You take the vehicle home.
Please check on it once in a while.
Else, Ammachi may set it on fire!
I'm off to Chennai. Don't tell anybody.
Sleep well.
By morning, you will feel calm.
You'll have better clarity, then.
Let's do some sightseeing at Chennai city,
enjoy a delicious 'Masala Dosa,'
and return to Kerala by evening. What say?
What do you do, by the way?
I'm a manager at ICB bank.
At Nungambakkam branch.
With a handful of Indus
in Jerry's contact list,
I still don't know your full name.
What's your name?
A handful of Indus?
Indu Insta,
Indu Plus Two,
Indu Bumble, Tremble...
Several such Indus.
You can fight with him later.
Tell me. What's your full name?
Wow! Such a first-class name!
It's obvious from your name that
you're a kind-hearted,
and lovable person.
Can you please keep it shut?
Some of us have jobs to do
tomorrow morning.
Your honour!
These dimwits aren't even sleeping!
[Sounds of Chennai traffic and trains]
Bro, where's that girl who was with me?
She got off long back,
minding her own business.
-Good morning, Indu ma'am.
-Good morning.
-Did I keep you waiting, Andrew sir?
-Nope. I just reached.
I'm planning to start the building works of
our new showroom.
The 'Bhoomi Puja' ceremony
is planned for next week.
You must come, madam.
Thanks to your support,
our loan was approved in just two weeks.
You're one of our important clients, sir.
It's always a pleasure to help you.
-Thank you.
-Sir, please.
No, I shouldn't waste your time.
I'll send you the invitation
over WhatsApp too.
Please be there.
Thank you.
Hello, madam.
Our new apartment project,
valued at 50 crores.
The former manager promised
to provide 40 crores right away.
Here's what you do,
transfer that amount
to Lakshmi Builders' account.
Mr Dilli Babu, right?
Ex-MLA Dilli Babu.
Okay, Mr ex-MLA Dilli Babu.
That land has a few other owners as well.
I can't approve the loan
without their signatures.
So, bring proper papers first.
What papers?
What do you want?
I will get all kinds of newspapers for you!
What nonsense are you saying?
What's with all this drama?
Just tell me, can you sign it or not?!
I can't do anything without proper papers.
Hey! Do you know who I am?
How dare you deny the loan to me!
From the chief minister to MLAs,
they're all in my pocket...
How do I care? This is a public...
I may look very decent,
but I'm very evil inside.
-I'll chop you into chunks!
-Throw him out.
Hey! Let go!
I'll show you!
I'm an ex-MLA.
And you are teaching me rules?!
-Relax and come, sir.
-Let go of me!
Denying me a loan? I'll show you!
Where do these people come from?
When you enter an office,
you should have some dignity, right?
My dear Jose, I told you
the location of my bank by mistake!
And you're already here?
How can you say such things?
We came to an agreement last night
about returning to Kerala today.
Yet you left without telling me?
Don't you know my situation, Jose?
I've irked my whole family,
what excuse should I tell them
if I go back there?
That my boyfriend dumped me?
But how can you say that?
What will I tell my mom?
Call your mom. Let me talk to her.
Mom won't believe that.
She'll say I pushed you to say it.
Mom won't trust me until the cops
confirm that you reached back home.
That's not gonna work.
Catch the next bus and go back home.
You don't know this place well.
Better to avoid wandering here.
That's not gonna work, girl.
For me to step foot to Idukki,
you must be with me.
I've already told you
whatever I have to say.
Now, you may please leave.
Dare you talk to me in English!
Since this is a bank,
I'm keeping it cool and humble
and it doesn't work for her!
I'll just...
You're not my dad or brother
to show such responsibility!
I put up with you all night yesterday,
thinking you were innocent.
What will you do if I don't come with you?
I hunt down wild bison
weighing over 2000 kilograms,
and carry the whole animal all by myself.
Compared to them,
you're as puny as a poppy seed.
Taking you with me would be
a piece of cake. Wait and watch!
-Please come, sir.
-Go away!
Don't you touch me!
Don't you dare touch Jose!
No wonder why people cuss you out!
You're just pure evil!
Ammachi, I'm in Chennai now.
She is perfectly fine.
She even rejoined her job.
I don't wanna know all that.
Don't come here
until that girl gets back home.
I'd instead end up dead on the streets
of this unfamiliar city!
Yeah. I'll conduct your funeral
there itself, then.
Brother, you want a room?
It's just 300 rupees.
-Bro, you got 'Muri'?
-Room? Room?
-You got?
-Is hot water available?
-Yes. Hot water.
-Available 24 hours.
You said hot water would be available 24/7,
but there's no water at all!
The corporation water tanker
hasn't come today, sir.
How do I take a bath then?
Even I didn't take a bath.
Huh? But what about the boy's claims?
That hot water is available 24 hours.
If the boy said so, ask him!
Damn it!
Give me my money back.
I'll go take a bath elsewhere.
No refund.
No refund?
No refund, huh?
He beat me
because he didn't get hot water!
Did he use any weapons?
Excuse me, sir.
I'm Indulekha. I was summoned here.
Yes. Please sit.
Do you know him?
When I asked him,
he said you're the only person he knows
in Chennai.
Madam, you work at ICB bank, right?
You do this.
Pay 10,000 rupees to the complainant,
and another 15,000 rupees to me
for not filing a case.
You shouldn't pay it here.
There are cameras around us.
You do this.
There's a head constable officer
in front of the bathroom.
He'll give you the Google pay number.
Pay him the money.
And madam, he shouldn't cause
any trouble from now on.
If he does, you'll be held responsible.
Wait up, girl.
I didn't start it this time.
As I looked new to the town,
they tried to scam me.
They offered hot water,
but not even running water was there!
When I asked for a refund,
he tried to assault me.
Will I just take it?
I gave him a handful in return!
I didn't cause any trouble.
I'm on the fair side here.
My dear Jose,
I'm saying this because I care for you.
Some bad stuff went down,
but neither of us is to blame.
Forget about it all.
Don't stay here and get into more trouble.
With your nature,
more such problems are sure to follow.
I won't come and help you
if you cause any more trouble.
I've got work to do!
This is the first and the last.
Yes. My plan was to catch a bus
tonight itself.
But I had a long journey.
Shouldn't I at least take a bath?
-Did you eat anything?
Come with me then. Hop on.
-How much?
-30 rupees, madam.
Here you go.
What's the news back home?
It's such a hot mess there.
Two of them are still at the hospital.
A police case has been filed.
And uncle and brother are raging in fury.
I barely managed to escape from there.
I can't miss my exams, after all!
And yeah, I met Jerry on the flight.
Yes, I talked to him.
What's wrong with it?
I don't see anything gravely wrong
in whatever he did.
If you show up at his home
without prior notice, what can he do?
And don't you know that
his dad is a heart patient?
He had already suffered two heart attacks.
Thank goodness he didn't get his third
when you barged in that night!
I see! You're here
after stirring up all this chaos!
What was even the need for all this?
Jerry says he'll kill you
if he sees you ever again!
What to say, girl? It all just happened.
-So, off I go.
-Wait. Keep this.
Get a new pair of clothes.
And there's enough for the food
and the bus ticket.
Oh, I don't need your money.
Just make a phone call,
money will reach me via 'Google'!
You're taking it back the moment I refuse?
Can't you insist?
Push a bit, and I'll take it!
Keep it!
That's all!
-[Doorbell rings]
-Alright then.
So, you lovers have a word.
I don't want to be a third wheel.
Listen to me, Indu.
I agree that you felt terrible.
But why aren't you trying to
understand my situation?
We've discussed this several times.
We decided
to register our marriage privately
to avoid complications
with our families finding out.
Didn't I tell you that
I'd handle it, even if
your engagement goes ahead?
Why did you leave your home
when that dimwit Jose chettayi ask you to?
Why aren't you saying anything?
I left my home for you,
yet you said you don't know me.
-I forgive you for that.
After I left your home,
you didn't come looking for me that night.
-I forgive you for that too.
But who are 'Indu Tinder'
and 'Indu Bumble'?
I don't know!
Don't you know?
[Indu slaps Jerry]
Oh no! Is this what they mean
by 'nowhere to go'?
I'm such a walking jinx!
You were here, Jose chettayi?
I... just...
I went to take a leak.
Near the temple?
That's why I came back.
-Jose chettayi...
-What happened?
Was it you who told her
about the girls in my contact list?
Dear... I just went with the flow
and blurted it out.
What kind of a person are you?
Those are things of the past,
long before I met her.
-Sorry, dear. Sorry.
-Shut up!
Hey... Sorry. Hey!
Jose chettayi, what did she say?
Things are messed up here.
In short, I'm on the streets.
I'm coming back.
Chennai streets are better than
the jail here.
If you come here,
the cops will arrest you for sure.
They will remand you for 15 days.
Arrest me?
But what did I even do?
That girl has agreed to tell the cops that
she came with me willingly.
Why don't you understand?
That's not gonna fix anything.
Trespassing and assault are also added
in the FIR.
House-breaking and attempt to murder.
They are unbailable offences!
Plus, her family is connected
with the SP officer,
and he's putting pressure on me.
Uh-oh! One hell of a tight spot!
What a pain!
Whatever you say, don't come here
until the situation clears up.
At what cursed moment
did this wretched idea cross my mind?!
What's wrong with all of you?
God! The RMO!
I just can't wrap my head around it.
Is this a kindergarten or something?
Sithu... How's the weather?
As usual, she's furious.
I want all of this done in one hour.
Now, why are you standing
and staring at me? Leave!
-Okay, Madam.
Good afternoon
Is this the time
you come to the office, Jerry?
You are the branch manager.
What's your explanation?
You're not gonna give me
all this kind of nonsense!
What the hell have all of you
been doing here?
I guess she's completely lost it.
She was swearing like a trumpet!
Deposit that money back, Jerry.
Huh? What money?
Seventy lakh rupees has been transferred
to this account using your passkey.
It was done manually, not online.
Once caught, you'll rot in prison
for the rest of your life.
It's not a joke!
What are you rambling on about?
Don't you know?
Stop scaring me and tell me the matter.
Tell me!
When you were on leave
for the church feast,
a family visited our branch.
Venkatesh, a distributor
at some tyre company.
-Hello, madam.
-Yes. sir.
I'm Venkatesh. She's my wife, Janani.
It's been eight years
since her father passed away.
But last night, we got a message
from your bank that
Seventy lakh rupees were transferred
from her dad's account to another account.
We've never got such messages
from the bank before.
In fact, my dad...
They weren't aware that
her father had this bank account.
They had kept his phone active
for sentimental reasons.
But it was the first time
they received such a message.
It's strange.
Ten transactions in an hour.
Seven lakhs each, totalling to 70 lakhs.
Yes, madam. We got scared and came here.
Give me a detailed complaint.
I'll forward it.
Okay, ma'am.
I forwarded their complaint to the manager
on the same day.
And when I checked the system
with the complaint copy,
I noticed that the funds were sent
using your passkey.
That family never came back.
Was anybody here with similar complaints?
-Not to my knowledge.
[Bus honking]
-I'll be right back.
Jerry, my dear!
What do you want now?
It was a small slip from my end.
Please forgive me.
A small slip?
If you want me to talk to you ever again,
talk to Indu and find a compromise.
Else, you may leave!
But I can't go back now!
The cops are looking for me!
You're the reason for all that, right?
Where do I go now?
You may live here then.
But don't you ever talk to me!
-Let's go?
If he ditched that girl
and is with this girl now,
why should I bother
mediating for a compromise?
I can't discuss this at the bank.
That's why I asked you to meet outside.
It's not a technical glitch
or a random incident, as we thought.
Within the last year,
Around 10 crores of rupees were transferred
using my passkey alone,
to dead or inactive accounts.
I checked the whole system. Have a look.
Money's been sent to various accounts
from these dormant bank accounts.
I don't understand.
For instance, in your home-town,
just in the Thiruvalla area,
roughly 6,000 crores of rupees
are stranded in such dormant accounts.
imagine how huge it would be
at a big city like Chennai?
What if a person or a syndicate
starts targetting such accounts?
Accounts like Venkatesh's father's,
what if somebody hacks them?
What if there's an insider who can
fetch them the details of
inactive accounts with money?
Somebody who can influence
the internal systems of our bank?
The bond between our parties
'TA MA KA' and 'MU TA KA'
isn't just a recent thing,
it's been a fifty-year partnership.
The public has elected us
only because of that trust.
Go tell your boss
that until I take my last breath,
not even one person from these 24 MLAs
will ever join him.
Master... Please don't be impulsive
and think about the benefits
if you accept the offer.
Don't you poke your nose in this.
It's our party, the 'Murpokk Tamilar Kachi'
who gave you
the finance minister's position.
He must have offered you the CM position
if you betray our party.
You can be the chief minister
only after becoming an MLA, right?
Don't get lost in dreams.
Don't take a decision immediately.
Vetri sir will meet you in person.
Please take whatever decision you want,
after that.
His Highness Vetrivel sir!
Tell him this house won't open
even with his golden keys!
[Chopper blades spinning]
[Helicopter whirring]
[Lighter clinking]
[Vetrivel snaps fingers]
I've bought all your 24 MLAs.
I could take over this entire party
before you even see it coming!
But I've got my own way of doing things.
I, Vetrivel Shanmuga Sundaram,
all I want is 'Vetri', that is victory.
Whoever stands in my way
will meet their end.
Even if that is God!
I live for the people who believe in me.
I'll stand by them,
even if it costs me my life!
I'll do as you say.
[Velayudham whimpers]
As per the latest information,
Thirty MLAs from the ruling party
are defecting to another party.
All these 30 MLAs are lodged
in an undisclosed resort outside Chennai.
The rumours are that each MLA is
offered 100 crore rupees in return.
Who's the 'kingmaker' pulling the strings
that could change the fate of Tamil Nadu?
There is no answer to this question yet.
Vetri sir, Rangasamy sir is quite worried.
The chief minister got to know our plan
If that girl and other journalists
highlight this issue,
things will get worse.
Do you know something?
In the old days,
pirates used to sail the seas for years
without caring about time or circumstances.
Nobody knows what happens
in the middle of the sea.
They'd catch sea turtles from places
where there were loads of them
and hang them alive in a room.
When pirates can't find food,
they grab turtles one by one
and eat them.
those who don't get along with others,
and troublesome slaves,
they'd all end up hung up with the turtles.
Later on,
they are killed slowly.
Once they run out of turtles,
the troublemakers are eaten...
slowly, bit by bit.
I just love this part.
[Vetrivel sniggers]
[Woman screams in pain and distress]
Please don't hurt me, sir! Please!
I won't do it again, sir! Please!
Thoughtless deeds
should never go unpunished.
Sir, please! Sir, please!
That's the law of the pirates.
And mine, as well.
I have a daughter, sir. Please!
Please spare me, sir! Please!
[Screaming intensifies]
call Rangasamy, the finance minister.
Tell him we're going to rule this state.
That's my destiny.
Nobody can change that.
Why are you here? You didn't leave yet?
What can I say!
Things have gone south back home.
David sir, the CI had called me.
Said I'll be remanded
the moment I reach there.
Yeah, I've been in a few scraps
and street fights
but I'm not keen on ending up in jail.
I gotta stick around here for a bit!
Can you please help me find a job?
But Jose...
[Car screeches to a halt]
Isn't he the one who came to the bank
and challenged you?
Hey! You informed all the banks
to not give me a loan, huh?
You thought I'll spare you?
Hey! Go grab her by the hair
and bring her here!
Hey, manager!
Wherever you go, I won't spare you alive!
I'll see to it!
What else do you know
Other than hitting people?
Looks so grand!
Such a great setup!
I don't know anybody else
in this city. You know that, right?
Your timing is perfect.
I was looking for a personal driver.
-You know him personally, right?
-Is he the one?
-I'm Jose.
I hope he's not a troublemaker.
Sir values discipline the most.
I'm a naive guy, sir.
I don't get into fights or chaos.
Not just that. Jose knows very well
that you're my premium client
and I'm troubling you
only because I don't have a choice.
If you say so,
I can't let you down, right?
The office is open till 6 PM.
Let's do a trial run today.
If I like your work, I'll appoint you
permanently and you'll be paid well.
Only if I like your work.
As you say, boss.
-Yes, boss.
There is a dress code over here.
Ours is a corporate firm.
Looks are very important here.
You'll have to wear trousers,
shoes, and a tie.
I'll buy them, boss.
The road's condition, routes, road holes,
Google will tell you all.
Just follow it and drive.
And, under no circumstance
should you talk to the boss directly.
-Got it?
-Yes, sir.
If you want to communicate something,
tell me.
Only to me.
As you say, sir.
[Car door slams shut]
Boss, Auto Billa is quite a rogue.
Please show some respect.
After all, the need is ours!
Greetings, brother Billa.
Our new show room's work is
about to commence.
Your commission amount is 25 lakhs.
I've brought it.
Please let us start our work.
From your dad's era,
I'm here.
Yet, not even once
did you pay me a visit.
Never called me 'Don'.
I felt really bad.
So, I've hiked my rate.
The new rate is...
one crore.
Single payment.
One crore?
Where can I arrange
that much money from? No way!
What the hell, man?
I'm gonna call the cops.
Sir... Can I talk to you directly?
What do you want now?
-Nothing. Are you hurt?
-What if I am?
So, are you gonna pay him one crore rupees?
If I pay him one crore now,
he'll demand two crores next time.
How else are we gonna get outta here?
But my bodyguard is unconscious!
[Cat purrs]
Shall I interfere?
So, I take your silence as 'Yes'.
[Knuckles cracking]
How many people live here, sir?
Close to 300 families.
Why? You wanna evict them?
No, I was just asking.
[Door opens]
This is Andrew sir's own flat.
He let you stay here
as he's really impressed with you.
Here's the key.
See you then.
[Door slams shut]
O dreamy soul
Moving past your home and roots,
you've crossed distances all alone
In this new path
In a way, it's good, dear.
He would've ruined his life
in the boonies, picking up fights.
Don't you let your tranquil smile fade
I've cleaned up the mess that I've made.
Hey, I've got a transfer
to the Chennai base camp.
-That's great.
Don't assume I've forgiven you.
One day, I'll settle the score with you!
I'll have to buy a large truck
to carry home whatever you give me!
Anyway, I've forgiven you, Uncle!
A new tale, right here
As a fresh tale is weaved
Relishing the warmth
and aroma of this town,
You take a calm stroll
May it rain or shine,
Your dear ones are here
to offer you shelter
Ammachi! What are you doing?
The doctor advised you
against physical activities.
Leave now, everybody!
-Go sit there, Ammachi.
-He's such a pain!
May the burning bright fire in your eyes
Lead you on the way for you to return
May the burning bright fire in your eyes
Lead you on the way for you to return
If I say something,
will you be okay with it?
I like it when I'm called 'Jose chettayi'.
Sure, Jose.
You can call yourself 'Jose chettayi'.
Banana fritters! Banana fritters!
Hot banana fritters!
C'mon, dig in!
Did you switch from reels to cartoons?
That's not a cartoon, but comics.
Don't embarrass me in front of the kids.
Just leave it there and bug off, loser!
Damn his cartoon!
She got some new friends
and totally ditched me!
What are you mumbling about, Jose chettayi?
That is...
after hanging out with these kids,
Ammachi nitpicks everything I do.
And she scolds me badly as well.
Come on,
we all know you're a total mama's boy!
Who told you that? That's not true.
Then why didn't you get married
and settle down like everyone else?
It's tough to explain, and
I don't think you'd understand it, dear.
That's a long story.
What's this long story
that I won't understand?
It's a terribly laggy one to begin with.
Come on, don't lag it anymore.
Come to the story.
Have you heard of landslides?
We used to stay
in Kizhakkan mala those days.
I was seven or eight years old then.
Our house is on the slope of a mountain.
It was Christmas.
My mom and I were inside
while Dad and my younger sister
sat on the veranda outside.
After a while, what we see is
a whole mountain coming towards our house.
I mean, it collapsed onto our house
like this...
It slid down
with all the mud and water below.
The mud started filling up around us,
almost covering us.
I was struggling to breathe.
I thought I was going to die.
As I tried to climb,
my legs kept sinking deeper into the mud
As I searched with my hands,
suddenly, I saw my mother's hand.
I immediately grabbed onto it.
She slowly lifted me out of the mud.
She stood there like that until morning.
I still wonder
how she managed to stand like that.
[Sombre music]
In the morning,
the villagers came, cleared the mud,
and rescued both of us.
My mom was unconscious.
They sprinkled water
and brought her back to consciousness.
my father and sister left us.
After that, for many days,
I could only sleep
with my mother's hand on my chest.
Then she took me to the priest
and later to a counsellor.
They said I was suffering from
something like... 'drama release... '
something of that sort.
A kind of mental illness.
Sorry, Jose chettayi.
Why sorry?
I've forgiven Jesus already.
But once I die and get there,
I'll definitely confront Him about this.
Only then will I have wine with Him!
JERRY: So, don't you have an account
with any bank?
No... He hasn't been well for six months,
not even going to work.
We don't even have money to buy medicine.
Then why would we even need a bank account?
Isn't this Aadhaar card yours?
Have you given this to anyone else?
A year back, they said I needed
to submit my Aadhaar card to get a job.
So, I gave it to them.
Where did you join for work?
I was working as a sweeper
at a nearby company.
For the kids... please keep it.
It's okay, no need.
Please, I insist.
Jerry, what are you implying?
Madam, it's a huge scam.
There are many long-term inactive accounts
in our bank
that haven't been notified to the RBI.
Around 60 crore rupees have been
transferred to them.
using multiple staff's passkeys
at different times.
-Yes, madam.
Small amounts, which are not taxable,
have been transferred to
hundreds of such accounts.
Some of those accounts are in our bank.
I personally went and met a few of them.
They're all ordinary people.
They don't even know
they have such bank accounts in their name.
Let alone the cash received
in the accounts.
I cross-checked them in detail.
All accounts are opened
and activated online,
bypassing verification.
My instinct says that
they must have received help
from someone within our bank too.
Madam, the irony of this is that
all the accounts
from which the money was transferred
were withdrawn as cash on the same day.
What is this guy got to do
with all of these?
Vetrivel Shanmugha Sundaram.
[Sword swishing]
Today, his name is involved
in several major deals in this city.
Not just that. Umpteen major businesses
in this state are
under Vetrivel group of companies.
There is only one connection among
the account holders I randomly checked.
All of them were low-grade workers
in one of Vetrivel's companies.
They've collected all documents,
including Aadhaar cards, from these people.
From whatever I heard,
he's a born criminal.
A psycho.
Let's forward this to the police
as soon as possible.
Let me consult the legal team immediately.
Ma'am, could you please give me
two more days?
A major account of one of
these Vetrivel group of companies
is in my friend's bank.
If that company collapses,
the bank will be in crisis.
I have to warn them.
Didn't I tell you
to turn off auto notifications
before the funds are transferred?
How did this happen?
Sorry sir.
It was an...
unfortunate technical error.
[Knife slashing]
[Kaveri gasps]
What's his name again?
Jerry Mathew.
What other doubts do you have in this?
That marketing part...
Gotta check the statement for that.
Need to sort it out from your end.
Rest is fine. See you then.
Okay. Let's see.
I have something urgent to tell you.
-Where is that KLT chit fund's file?
-It's in the drive, ma'am.
And that SriLankan company's PDF,
which folder is it in?
It's in the invoice folder.
Indu, please listen to what I have to say.
-I don't see all the documents in there.
-Preparing, ma'am.
What happened?
Jose chettayi, where are you?
I am in a pickle here.
Tell me the matter.
Jose chettayi, I want to meet Indu once.
I need to tell her an urgent matter.
What's the matter? Tell me.
If you come with me,
Indu might be willing to talk to me.
You go straight to my flat.
Let me finish this up.
Then, let's go meet her at night, okay?
Okay, chettayi. Okay.
-Please don't be late.
[Ominous music begins]
[Car unlocks]
[Sword swishing]
How many times have I told Ammachi
not to leave the door open
when she goes for a walk!
What are you doing here? Huh?
I don't have a history of letting people go
without seeking revenge.
Yeah, you will get a handful of revenge!
But I don't have time for that now.
Come on, get out.
Hey you, clear off. I've got work to do.
Losers, what are you waiting for?
Go, hit him!
Wait, wait. Before we start the fight,
there's a small condition
This flat isn't mine.
Andrew sir let me stay here
for the time being.
But all these fancy furniture
are really expensive.
Break any of it,
and I will break your head!
If you're cool with it, come on up.
The fight hasn't even started yet,
and you're already leaving?
I can't fight under
all these conditions and stress!
I'm resigning, bro. Let go of me.
Go, hit him!
[Glass shatters]
O, Mother Mary, he broke it!
Loser, didn't I warn you
not to break anything?
Did you even listen? Come here!
Mummy! Daddy!
Oh, no!
Stop crying.
It's him who broke it.
Why are you hitting me?
No matter who breaks things,
I'll break your head! Didn't I warn you?
Didn't I?!
Get out, losers!
Bloody goons!
Don't you dare come here again.
Hey, no! No!
[Humming a song]
[Glass shatters]
One more chance, please.
I will catch it perfectly next time.
Ah, you are here, Ammachi.
What the hell is this?
Who are these people, Jose?
Andrew sir sent these people.
He wanted to change the tiles.
They came to take measurements,
and while they were at it,
he tripped and
broke the glass and everything.
I was scolding them when you walked in.
He is the manager.
Your mom?
Any doubt?! He's my only son!
And I'm his only mother.
Why would you need more?
This one is more than enough.
What is he saying?
He might have to come here one more time,
it seems.
Okay, then.
Bye, sir.
Ammachi, I'll take a bath and come.
Make me a coffee.
Jose, where's Jerry?
He came here a little while ago.
And where did he go?
This guy is totally unpredictable.
Oh, no!
-What happened?
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Jose, my son. Don't go there.
Don't go.
As per the primary investigation,
this looks like a suicide.
We checked the WhatsApp messages
Jerry sent to his father.
'I have decided to commit suicide
due to love failure.'
And the guy, Billa you mentioned...
Auto Billa
He's absconding.
There's something strange about this.
The one who decided to commit suicide...
why did he chose
his friend's flat for that?
Both of you shouldn't leave this city
for the next two weeks.
I will call you anytime
if I need anything.
[Sombre music]
you were right.
We should let our kids live as they wish.
If we prioritize religion, caste,
and our ego over our kids' happiness...
it'll end up like this.
My son was so naive.
How did he end up doing
something so stupid and dreadful?
Let us take our leave, dear.
[Ambulance siren wailing]
He was very hurt because of me.
That's why he chose my house
to hang himself.
Like this,
I will never escape the guilt until I die.
I should have come back home earlier.
Or I should have asked him to wait for me
at Andrew sir's house.
How can he...
Oh, Jesus! I didn't know he was this naive!
How can I wash off
these sins from my hands?
Pull yourself together, Jose.
No point in feeling remorse now.
Let go of it.
He was always there with me,
like a younger brother.
And see what happened now.
I will give 500 crores
in hard cash right now.
The remaining one thousand crores
will be given
after the MLAs meet the governor
and give their acceptance letter.
I shall deliver the sum to
wherever they want.
The CM is putting much effort
into getting the MLAs back into the party.
Just because they're in my party,
we can't entirely rely on them
The MLAs will jump ship
to whoever pays them more money.
They know what they are worth.
[Vetrivel sniggers]
Excuse me, sir.
What's wrong, Vincent?
Before he died,
Jerry met someone in person.
It's possible that
they might have discussed this.
Who is it?
Not he...
The manager of the ICB bank
where we have many accounts,
one Indulekha.
I will take care of her.
You just finish what you started.
[Beeping: Access denied]
Excuse me.
Miss Indulekha,
we are from the head office.
Very sorry to inform you that
your position is terminated.
This is your official termination letter.
The reason is mentioned in this letter.
Your rightful final benefits
and settlement...
we would settle you soon.
Car key, please.
It's the company car, I believe.
Sir, but this reason is irrelevant.
I can explain this.
Excuse me...
Car key and ID, please.
What the hell is this?!
Thank you.
What's happening here?
No clue!
I also don't understand it.
Termination with immediate effect.
They claim I falsified the documents
submitted for Andrew sir's loan.
What a scam this is!
The legal team of our bank and I
approved the documents
after cross checking them
at least four times.
There's absolutely no chance
for any errors.
Now, even if there's any mistake,
the suspension comes first,
followed by an investigation,
and finally, dismissal.
That's the procedure.
You should have inquired about this
with the higher officials.
I tried calling them.
None of them are picking up my calls.
Jose said he'll meet Andrew sir now,
then come to see me.
You go home.
Well, let me meet Jose and then come there.
Hey, stop! Stop!
Stop! I said stop!
I said stop! Hey!
-Get down, everyone.
-Get down.
All of you, out!
-Quick! Go, go, go!
-[Indistinct screams]
Make it quick.
Tell him to start the bus.
Start the bus now. Go, go!
Sit there, you!
[Thud on railing]
Hey! Is this how you stop the vehicle?
-Why did you pull over?!
-Kick him out and you drive.
[Suspenseful music]
[Engine revs]
[Leaves rustling]
[Glass shatters]
[Click of gun]
[Ratchet sound]
This is some big issue.
It wasn't just a facade to scare you,
but a pre-planned, solid attempt
to murder you.
First, there was Jerry's incident
then you lost your job
without any prior notice,
and now some strangers are
up to murder you.
I don't understand a damn thing!
Just tell me what monkey business
you all have gotten involved in.
I don't understand any of this, Jose.
[Doorbell buzzes]
[Buzzing continues]
Stay there.
Jose, this is Sithara.
I know, I have seen her.
You guys talk. I will wait outside.
C... come inside.
Please come.
I don't have much time.
I'm catching tonight's flight to Dubai
to my sister's place.
Before I leave,
I have to tell you all there.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have peace
in this life.
What's the matter, Sithara?
I've been awake for two days straight
because of fear.
I'm sure they're chasing me.
The gang who killed Jerry.
What are you saying, Sithara?
A few days ago,
two complainants came to our bank.
That was a massive scam committed
using Jerry's passkey.
It deeply upset him initially.
Jerry was determined to track down
the culprits behind this.
Finally, we figured out
who the mastermind behind this is.
Vetrivel Shanmuga Sundaram?
His main account is in our branch.
Jerry knew that
if Vetrivel's syndicate broke,
your bank would be in trouble.
Jerry came to see you that day
to inform you about this.
Indu, please, listen to me once.
I warned him numerous times
not to intervene
and to let things be.
But he didn't listen to me.
He called me after leaving your bank too.
But she's not picking up my call.
If possible, you try calling her once.
And forward her the files.
How can I call her?
Hold on a second, Sithu.
Ammachi, did Jose chettayi come?
Not yet, Jerry.
The house key is below the doormat.
You take it, son.
I'll come after some time.
Let me shed a bit of calorie.
Tell me, Sithu.
I am not friends with Indu, Jerry.
I have met her only once.
Yet, I will try calling her.
Are you sure you are okay?
Yeah. One minute.
Switch it to video call.
See, I am all fine.
Don't stress yourself out.
I have reached Jose chettayi's flat.
Now, nobody will lay a finger on me.
Jose chettayi will take care of everything.
[Doorbell rings]
Sithu, I think he is here.
[Door opens]
[Running and struggling]
[Suffocates, struggling to breathe]
[Sithara sobs]
[Sithara pants]
[Sithara whimpering]
[Sombre music]
Jerry believed
that Jose chettayi could save him.
Jose chettayi...
-Hey... Sorry... please...
This is the evidence that Jerry found.
I'm not sure
if this is even useful anymore.
But he told me to give it to you, Indu.
Let me go.
Or I'll miss my flight.
That's my friend with me.
He'll drop me off at the airport.
Sir, sir, one minute, please.
What's the matter?
I thought I would meet the CM
regarding the road to my apartment.
Our state is in turmoil now
and CM is burning in anger.
and yet you're here with this petty issue?
What happened, Moorthy?
Three hours ago,
two more people joined the other side.
See, thirty has become thirty-two now.
Did you figure out where they hid the MLAs?
We traced the location, CM.
But every time we reach there,
they keep changing the location.
They've kept their phones off
to avoid being traced.
How do they know this?
Sir, I think, there's someone
leaking information from our side.
Find that person immediately.
What happened?
The CM knows everything.
He just couldn't find it yet
as it is your personal resort.
But if we don't get hold
of the party by tomorrow,
everything will be ruined.
Leave it.
There's a much graver issue here.
These losers will visit the governor
only if we pay them
the whole sum by 10 AM tomorrow.
That's their latest demand!
What will we do now?
Don't worry.
The hard cash we need
is stored in a couple of banks.
I have made arrangements to bring it.
Just come to collect the money
when I give you a call.
Sister, Sithara is the sole witness
to Jerry's murder.
She said she's not interested
in going behind this case.
So, what's the point
in reporting this to the police?
What do you mean,
should we hush up such a big crime?
Andrew sir is calling.
I told him you lost your job.
He said he'll check into it
and give us a call.
Andrew sir...
Jose, Indu's job termination
is part of a larger scheme.
Have you heard of
Vetrivel Shanmuga Sundaram?
Yeah, I saw just now.
Vetrivel is an unknown kingmaker
of Chennai.
He usually doesn't come into the limelight.
But his syndicate... what can I say...
there's this widespread...
blanket of fear surrounding it.
Killing is just a sport for him, man.
Indu madam lost her job as per his demand.
Jose, tell Indu to get out of Chennai.
You also, move from here.
If Vetrivel is behind this,
not a single soul will be left alive.
Never come back to this city.
If you need money, just let me know.
I'll transfer it.
Okay, sir.
Hurry up, pack your things.
I'll bring my mother and come here.
Let's quickly leave for our hometown.
Why?! Why should we run away?
Or else? Gonna file a police case?
What are you even saying?
The cops will be his lapdogs.
He can't buy the entire system.
This isn't a fantasy world.
I know someone who's an honest cop.
All we need is to get a case registered.
If not, we'll go to the media.
This isn't a casual street brawl
at a church fair
that I can tackle easily.
This could be fatal.
Not a dog will stand up for us
if they find all of us dead on the street.
So, hurry up.
Wait Jose, let me try.
Hello, Sukumar sir?
-Hello sir.
-Hello, Indu madam.
I was out when you called.
-I'm not late, right?
-That's okay. We just reached here.
From what you said on the phone,
this sounds serious.
That's why I wanted to meet you in person.
Vetrivel has spies both inside and outside
the police department.
We must lock him up before this news leaks.
-Okay, thank you, sir.
-This is CI Sakthivel.
No, no. You can trust him.
Explain everything in detail to her.
I'll return
before you start recording the FIR.
I have a conference call
with the police commissioner.
Just ten minutes.
Give this copy to the inspector.
So, after Sithara's statement,
you started suspecting
Jerry's death was a murder, didn't you?
Not suspicion, sir. I'm sure of it.
We suspect a major scam.
Before Jerry's death,
a man named Venkatesh and his family
were killed in connection to this.
Vetrivel Sundaram.
He's the one behind all this.
Jerry had collected
all the necessary evidence against him.
It was 'Auto Billa'
who committed the murder..
No sir. He was framed.
Jose talked to this guy, Auto Billa
in person.
At the time of Jerry's death,
Billa went to the flat searching for Jose.
On his way back,
he spotted Vetrivel's henchmen there.
[Clears throat]
I've recorded the complaint you gave.
and checked out
the evidence you gave me as well.
for my clarity,
can I ask you a couple of questions?
You and this guy, Jerry who passed away...
what was your relationship with him?
He was my boyfriend, sir.
The who's this guy? New boyfriend?!
Your boyfriend just passed away
barely two days ago,
and you're already with someone new?!
Jerry hanged himself in his house.
I can very well assume that
you and your new boyfriend
made a foolproof plan
and murdered your old boyfriend, right?
What are you trying to say?
'Trying, ' my foot!
This is the truth!
-[Bangs on table] Shut up!
-I don't want to talk to you.
I want to meet only Sukumaran sir.
I decide who you will see
and when you will see them.
-Do you understand?
-Yes, sir.
My name is now Vetrivel Sundaram,
but Vetrivel Shanmuga Sundaram!
I like my name to be written perfectly.
Yes, sir.
You're Jose, aren't you?
My boys speak highly of you!
But you're not clever.
You should've escaped
at the first opportunity.
And see, you've fished all these troubles
just by following this loser girl's advice!
Looks like,
this isn't your lucky day, Jose!
[News on TV] A car collided with a container lorry,
resulting in a severe accident.
The woman and her male friend, who were
travelling in the car, died on the spot.
Police are searching for the driver
of the lorry that collided with the car.
The woman who died in the accident
Miss Indulekha...
Both literally and figuratively,
this city is mine.
I make the small decisions
about who lives and dies here.
I have that control.
I won't say goodbye with a 'See you soon'.
we will never see each other again.
I am sorry.
[Handcuff clanking]
[Gun cocking]
Let go of my hand!
[Indu screams]
[Prison door closes]
[Engine revs]
[Hissing of fire extinguisher]
[Gun cocks and fires]
Just a moment.
Don't worry about that. Come.
[Door opens]
[Chain breaks]
[Car unlocks]
You better talk to me, Sukumar!
Sir, I've messaged their car number
and photo to every station.
Soon, we'll start checking for them
on the roads.
What a bloody clich!
Do something, Vincent!
Tell me, Senthil.
Jose's mother is alone in her flat now.
Then where's he?
He has gone out.
-I'll call you later.
Tell me.
She only has her sister here.
I know the address. We're on our way there.
Okay. I'll call you back.
Drive fast.
His mother is his priority.
He'll certainly go there first.
-Let's go there.
-Okay, sir.
What happened, Jose?
We don't have enough time to get there.
They'll definitely go straight to my flat.
Call Niranjana and tell her
to move from there.
I'll call my mother.
Ammachi isn't answering the phone.
[Sound of cars speeding by]
Niranjana isn't answering either.
I'll try calling the house owner.
[Police siren wailing]
Yes, Indu?
-Hello, can you hear me?
-Hello, Indu? I can't hear you.
I can't hear anything.
The house owner isn't home.
What should we do now?
Ammachi isn't picking up.
Let me try something else.
Yes, I've forwarded the location.
Drive fast, man.
Be there as early as possible.
I'll join you shortly after.
Oh! Do whatever you can, brother!
Ammachi still isn't picking up the phone.
Jesus! Did they abduct her too?
Don't waste time.
Let's go there and check.
Here! Ammachi's calling!
Ammachi... Ammachi...
[Rosakutty sobbing]
Why are you crying?
[Sobbing continues]
Is someone holding you hostage?
Is anyone there?
Dear, Tony stark passed away!
Who's that?!
What are you saying? Who died?
Our Tony Stark has left us!
I can't bear this, Jose!
Iron man... That's a movie character.
Oh, Ammachi! I've told you a million times
to stop watching this damn cartoon!
Get lost, you fool!
This isn't a cartoon, it's comics!"
Whatever damn it is!
Ammachi, please listen carefully
to what I'm about to say.
Will you?
[Suspenseful music]
[Goons fall from impact]
[Emergency siren wailing]
[Crowd chattering in emergency and despair]
Run! Run!
Run fast!
[Tyres screeching]
Hey, stop.
[Door opens]
Why are you here?
Billa bro, why are you in this house?
This is my house.
Me and my gang are boozing here.
What brand do you want?
No, bro...
we were told there's a girl here...
That's why we came here.
Not one, but two girls were here.
They needed money,
so they rented out this place to me
for a small sum.
With furniture.
I also decided
to move to this decent setup.
Nice deal, right?
Super deal, bro!
I know.
It's a slight misunderstanding.
Sorry, brother. Sorry, brother.
Please carry on.
Hey, all of you, come.
-See you, bro.
-Go, man!
Sister, come out.
We need to leave immediately.
They'll certainly come back.
Just tell them I've gone out.
Come, dear. Let's go.
Did you search the whole house?
Nobody can unnecessarily
barge into Auto Billa's house, sir.
Even if we try,
we'll end up in big trouble.
Where's that Auto Billa now?
-Are you alright? - Yeah.
The police are all over the road.
I have no clue how to get out of here
and make it back to my hometown.
Don't worry.
A car shipment
from a familiar factory outside the city
is heading to Kerala via Salem.
I will send you there.
What about my car?
They know its number all the damn details.
Leave your car to me.
You can take my car.
I'll send you the location and address.
Don't waste time. Come, get in.
[Police siren wailing]
[Phone rings]
Vetrivel Shanmugha Sundaram here.
You are smart!
I underestimated you a bit.
But you've bloody impressed me! Wow!
You won this round as well.
Good Job.
I'll offer you a reward.
This is a one-time offer.
I know that your mom means a lot to you.
You may go home with your mom,
and you can take
that younger girl along too.
But Indulekha... I want her.
She's so adamant,
and you know,
she's not the 'giving up' type!
So, hand her over to me,
and you can go wherever you want.
I don't care.
We care, you bitch!
Hey! You don't know what I'm capable of!
My henchmen will chop all your heads off!
Vetri sir...
What were you saying?
What will happen to me if I kill you?
If you kill me...
not even a dog will bark for me, sir.
Where's Jose?
He's my buddy.
This Billa, that's me,
will never betray a friend!
Sir! Sir! Sir! Sir!
He's not my buddy or anything!
I will tell you everything in detail.
Vincent, take him with you.
It's not a game.
I want all of them
Not tomorrow, not in two hours.
I want them now!
Want them now!
Want them now!
Now! Now! Now!
[Music begins]
[Muffled chattering]
How did you trip and get such bad wounds?
I fell out of nowhere.
How could I predict where I'd get a wound?
After falling on one side of your face,
did you also fall on the other side?!
You have bruises on both sides.
Yeah! I was mad that I fell,
so I intentionally fell again!
Sit calmly.
This is the place, sir.
-He's coming, sir.
-Let him.
[Fearful whimpering]
Please, sir, don't fire the gun!
Jose, claiming to be your aide,
gave us money and this vehicle
and instructed us to come here.
Where's he?
He said he was leaving for Dubai.
We don't know anything else.
Please don't hit me, sir.
Before I conned him,
he had already stabbed me in the back, sir!
Bloody scum!
Oh, no! Please don't be scared, sister.
I'm not here to cause any trouble.
Our stunts are already over.
See, he left the gun here so carelessly.
How are you feeling now, sir?
Does it hurt?
Have you applied any medicine?
Where is he? Let me meet him once.
Here you are!
Did you have tea?
Sister, to be honest...
his behaviour is a little questionable.
Sir got us into a pickle
and now we're scrambling to save ourselves.
Jose, you don't realise
the consequences of this!
I stopped caring about the consequences
a long time ago!
So, forget it.
Your daughter is Shivani, right?
Hey, don't be scared!
Saw her downstairs,
returning from a birthday party.
Quite coincidental!
Just exchanged pleasantries, that's all!
No, Jose!
It's not a big deal, sir!
We're all going on a trip together.
You'll drive the car, sir.
Because if I drive,
the cops you've lined up all along the way
won't let us reach the destination on time.
Jose, a kidnapping case
will also be filed against you.
There he goes!
He's already framed me
with a fake murder case.
Now, the police station attack case
as well.
Adding an extra kidnapping charge
won't make much difference!
Like a drop in the ocean!
Walk forward, sir!
Don't try pulling off any tricks!
The bullets will go through
the little girl, Shivani's chest!
Will see everything else later.
He's just bragging, my child.
He won't even touch you.
He's harmless.
Just one glare from me
and he'll wet his pants!
That's the truth, isn't it?
Ammachi is just impossible!
He can't escape the city, sir.
I'll go and come back right away.
My mother and sister
have come from our hometown.
Sorry, sir?
I mean, my mother and sister
have come from our hometown.
I am taking them for dinner.
-Okay, sir.
Start the car, man!
What happened, sir?
Man, DCP sir has no mother or sister.
He knows that I know it.
I'm sure that Jose is in that car.
Start the jeep.
[Tyres screech]
[Car reverses]
Control room.
The trick was not bad.
But the clue doesn't work out.
Do you know why?
You looked like someone
who wouldn't buy your mom or sister
even a glass of water,
let alone dinner!
Is that true, dear?
Bloody you!
What sort of a son are you?!
-Ammachi is gonna ruin it all.
-Shut up, you!
Sir, Inspector Sakthivel has located Jose.
He's holding Sukumar sir hostage
at gunpoint
and attempting to flee the city
with his family.
I am not gonna leave him.
Come on, get out of the car
with your wife and kid.
Shivani, dear...
When I said I'd kill your father,
I didn't mean it, okay?
I was just kidding.
Don't be scared. Sorry.
Sister, really sorry.
Just wait for ten minutes.
Sukumar sir's police jeep
will be here soon.
You can go home in that.
We are taking this jeep.
Here's your gun.
Let me unload the bullets.
Dear... come.
[Car engine starts]
Vetri sir, we are now tracking my jeep,
which they are travelling in.
We'll get the live location right away.
We won't lose them sir.
What's the status?
Sir, we have a lock on it.
-Send me the link.
-Yes, sir.
Vetri sir,
we got him.
Hey, start the rickshaw!
Come on, quick!
[Motorbikes start]
[Car brakes suddenly]
Hey! Turn the vehicle! Quick! Quick!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
What the hell!
See, how he's driving!
[Glass shatters] Niru!
[Vehicles crash]
[Cars whooshing by]
Andrew sir, we've crossed the bridge
you mentioned.
Keep going for another five minutes,
and you'll see
a container truck parked there.
Pull over there. We'll join you right away.
[Indu screams]
[Glass shatters]
Mom, jump out of the car!
-Niru! Niru!
-The car won't start!
Hey, come out!
Let go of her.
Let go of her!
Get inside.
-Hurry up!
-Jose, open the door.
Open it! Open it!
-Open it from the inside.
-I'm trying.
I can't open the door.
Jose chettayi! Jose chettayi!
Sir, they crashed into our car
and kidnapped the girl.
Sir, please take care of them.
I'm taking this car.
I'll call you if needed.
Jose, my son...
We can manage it. Not a big deal.
We've brought
all funds from our chests here.
Everything is falling into place tonight.
I delivered what I promised.
Now you go and deliver the state.
For sure, sir.
But before that...
I have a small job to finish.
I hate these old clichs!
Do you have any idea
what fking damage you would have done?!
Had I been careless,
I could've lost an entire empire
from my grasp.
Literally a fking state.
We need to talk.
[Phone rings]
You traced my location
through Andrew David, didn't you?
Vetri sir...
I promised the girl
that I'd safely escort her home.
If I go back on my word,
I won't be able to show my face to anyone.
That's why!
I must say,
your confidence is unbelievable!
So, you don't want your mother?
My mom and the girl are now safe
at Andrew sir's place.
You might have control on the ground
with all your police and army,
but my influence extends
to the sky as well.
I'll ask Sir Andrew to rent a helicopter
and transport them
to Kattappana High School ground.
This isn't a random guy, sir. I'm Jose!
Turbo Jose!
But there's a small twist in this, Jose.
What's it, sir?
When you left, the same Andrew sir
you're mentioning now...
gave me a call!
Shocking, right Jose?
It's nothing personal. It's just business.
Andrew knows very well
he can't survive in Chennai
after going against me.
So, he did what he could to please me.
He'll reap the benefits in the future.
I'll offer you two choices.
Option one, you can go to your mother now
and make an attempt to save her life.
But you won't be able
to witness Indu's murder then.
Or you can come here...
Leave me!
And try to save Indulekha.
I said let go of me!
But brother,
you'll lose your mother.
Think carefully,
then decide!
If you want your own mother or this girl.
You should have run!
When you had a chance, sweetheart!
Hey, wake up!
Wake up.
Good morning.
I should say this to you.
he's not coming to save you anymore.
He went to save his mother.
That place is crowded with my hands!
You really think he wouldn't...
Huh? Huh? Huh?
You really think...
he wouldn't have a plan B?
There's one more person
in this city of Chennai
who won't be sleeping tonight.
The Chief Minister of the state.
All the evidence against you...
reached the CM...
an hour ago.
Hello brother,
I'll send you a message on WhatsApp now.
Show that to the CM...
and you'll be the star!
Not just an ordinary star,
but a superstar!
And Jose...
He doesn't start...
anything he can't finish, sir!
[Car crashing]
Release the girl, you!
[Indu screams]
So you've decided
this girl is more important to you
than your mother!
Are you that cheap, Jose?
Don't underestimate Jose like that, sir!
You still don't get it, sir.
I'm not like those other local fighters.
I don't go around pounding on people
and making enemies.
Everyone I've had a brawl with
ends up being my buddy.
And Andrew sir called you
just like I told him to.
So that you could send
some of your goons there.
That's brilliant!
A variety move indeed!
everyone is not
that business or money-minded!
So, what's next?
Nothing much, sir.
I am not that hardcore
to chop down hundreds of folks at once.
I might not make it
out of this place alive.
But if I fall here,
at least ten or fifteen people
will go down with me.
And one of them...
is gonna be you!
Move aside, dear.
No settlement is possible in this.
Let it just happen as it goes!
[Indu screams]
Did they all drop from the sky?
Is there no end to this?
[Swords clashing]
[Music begins]
[Engine revs]
I believe everyone deserves
a second shot at life
But Vetrivel...
I can't offer you that.
You've run out of chances!
Jose, what you're saying is scary.
Could similar things happen
in our state's banks as well?
The rules have changed now.
[Power supply shutting down]
The power supply is gone?
Who's that?
A box?
But wait...
Oh, no!
O Holy Mother!
Turbo Jose...
Hope you like my gift.
You've successfully hunted down
a small fish from the vast sea.
But have you ever faced a deadly shark?
You surely will!
You won just a battle.
Welcome to the bloody war, man!