Turkey Shoot (1982) Movie Script

- Stop it, what are you doing?
Leave him alone.
- Keep out of this, sweetheart.
It's state business.
- What do you mean?
Let me go.
- Friend of yours is he?
Your lover?
- No, of course not.
I've never seen him before.
- Then why are you so upset?
- I'm not, but you don't
have to be so brutal.
- Then why did he come here?
You're a sympathiser, are you?
- No, let me go, please.
- But why
did he come in here?
- I don't know.
- I think you'd
better come with us
and answer a few questions.
- This is Radio Freedom.
Every day more and more of
us are being sent to the camps,
more and more of
us disappear or die.
The government calls
us traitors or deviants,
because we oppose its ideology.
And then it tries to wipe us out
because we believe that we
have the right to be ourselves.
Then it justifies its policies
by talking of work ethic,
community obedience,
social conformity.
But what it's really saying
is accept slavery or die.
The time has come to fight back.
God don't give
up, don't give up.
Fight for yourself,
fight for your children
and fight for .
- Where are we?
- Like I've been drugged.
- Keeps you from
knowing where ya are.
- We're on our way to a
re-ed camp, aren't we?
- Yeah.
They're going to make
obedient little citizens out of us.
- Who are?
What do you mean?
- Society.
- But I've never
been against society.
I didn't do anything.
I shouldn't be here.
- Honey, they put ya here.
That means you belong here.
You might as well
make the best of it.
I don't belong here either.
Except some asshole turned
me in for being a whore.
Which I am not.
But that doesn't
mean a damn to them.
- Well, well, well,
what do we have here?
Come on boys and girls.
Come on my children.
Come out.
Don't be bashful.
Greet the day.
You too, come, over here.
Come, come, come.
Right over here my darling.
That's it.
Come out.
And you too my little flower.
Come out.
Come out my darling.
That's fine.
- Hey Griff!
Fresh meat.
- There we are.
Now over.
Over just a bit.
As long as you obey
and just do as you're told...
Ah, you'll keep lad. I'll
come back and see you.
Little flower.
You understand what I'm saying?
Head down, ass
up, that's what it is.
- I'll kill that
bastard one day.
- Keep working.
- Yes sir.
- There we are.
As long as you
do what you're told.
Do what you're told, if
you know what I mean.
As long as you
obey you will learn.
The sooner you learn the
sooner you will get outta here.
Do I make myself clear?
Do I?
Now move it.
You must obey me and
every other guard in this camp.
Without question.
Everything that happens
here is for your own good.
One day you understand.
- More trash for you
to take care of Charles?
- Uh huh.
Rook takes bishop, check.
- Ah.
Your strategy has improved
since my last visit, Charles.
You seem to be
leading me on more.
- Like you, I enjoy
a good contest.
- Yes, I must
say I'm quite looking forward
to your little game.
An unusual... sacrifice?
- I thought you'd
appreciate it, Mr. Secretary.
A chance to get away from
your office for a little sport
and still carry out your
inspection programme.
- Oh yes, yes, the programme.
Damn deviants are everywhere.
Misfits and troublemakers
think they can do what they want.
I can tell you now, camps
are busting at the seams.
I don't know how we're
going to handle them all.
Of course, you don't have
that over crowding
problem, do you?
- Certainly not.
No, I find many uses for them.
If you see one you
can use, just ask for her.
- Hmm?
Yes, that one there,
the one with the
long, dark hair.
She's rather nice, hmm?
Quite... vulnerable,
don't you know?
- Getting a bit hot,
my little flower, is it?
Are you starting to wilt?
I'll tell you what. Maybe
we better take off our,
our hot clothes.
Or perhaps
you'd like to have a drink.
- No please.
- This oughta be fun to watch.
In order to be a
toad in these places
you gotta give up your balls.
- You mean toads can't do it.
- Yeah.
He's just dreaming.
Didn't you notice
he walked funny?
Cut 'em right off.
Supposed to make 'em meaner.
It just gets 'em
real frustrated.
- Maybe you would
like to do it for her, son.
It's your turn, son.
Head down, ass up.
- All right wise-ass.
Make your move.
Come on.
- All deviants
assemble immediately
in centre compound.
All deviants assemble
immediately in centre compound.
All deviants assemble
immediately in centre compound.
All deviants assemble
immediately in centre compound.
- Welcome.
I've been expecting you.
I am Charles Thatcher,
your camp master.
You must be Chris Walters.
Seems you've been upsetting
some of the wrong people.
- But I-
- Make damn sure
you don't upset me.
And you would be Rita Daniels.
Yes, you'll get on
here very well I'm sure.
Paul Anders. Re-ed
Camp 42 escaped.
Camp 70 released
on forged papers.
B-Mod Urban Centre Six, escaped.
You've acquired quite a
reputation, haven't you?
- Read a lot about
you too, Thatcher.
Supposed to run a tough camp.
- I get results.
You are now among
a select group.
You have been chosen to take
part in a special programme here.
And you are indeed fortunate.
By the time you have
completed your stay,
whenever that may be,
we will have provided you
with the necessary
attitude for advancement.
We will make certain that
you have ample opportunity
for self improvement.
And all we require is that
you obey a few simple rules.
I'm sure that you will
quickly learn the routine
from the others.
Mr. Ritter, their first lesson.
- All right bitch.
Sing out.
- Sir, I'm a deviant, the
lowest form of life on Earth.
- Ha!
- The Re-education and, and
Behaviour Modification Centre
is my salvation.
Sir, I'm a deviant, the
lowest form of life on Earth.
I will obey, obey the state,
my parents and you, sir.
Sir, I'm a deviant, the
lowest form of life on Earth.
I will learn to be
an asset to society.
Sir, I am,
- What?
- I will.
- We are all part
of a great society.
One which is the product of
many generations of thought.
While it is true that in the
past mistakes have been made,
we now know that this
society depends upon
the wholehearted cooperation
of every one of its members.
- Please, no.
- There is no room for shirkers,
malcontents or deviants.
And we are here to help
you regain your rightful places
in that great society.
Freedom is obedience,
obedience is work,
work is life.
That's all Mr. Ritter.
- All right!
Everybody back
to the dormitories.
On the double.
- Do you want me to
bury her, Mr. Ritter?
- She ain't dead yet, Dodge.
- I could do it anyway.
- Have a good day.
- Bastard.
- Some of the
jobs you will be asked to do
may seem pointless
and unproductive.
However you must
learn to do them willingly
because the programme has
been devised for your own good.
Your re-education depends on
your unquestioning acceptance
of any and every
order given by the state.
You must learn to
walk before you can run.
And only when you can
respond automatically to discipline
will you be fit to take
your places again
in our great society.
Never forget,
freedom is obedience,
obedience is work,
and work is life.
- We'll never finish the
basket if you don't hurry up.
Come on.
Aw, cut it out.
You're messing up my work!
- Why are you here?
- Because you are going to
listen and answer my questions.
- You already know my answers.
- Mm, you should trust me.
I could set you free.
- But you won't.
- It's a possibility.
- You could kill me.
- That is another one.
- But you'd rather see me crawl.
- That's who I am, who are you?
- I'm the one you can't break.
I'm what you've been
afraid of all your life.
- I'm afraid of nothing.
- You're afraid of failing.
I'm not gonna play your games.
- Oh yes you are.
You are.
Promiscuity among deviants,
while not encouraged, is
permitted within reason.
However, pregnancy
is a punishable offence.
Deviants may not reproduce
until their deviation is purged
and they have been
readmitted to society.
Pregnant females will be
aborted and then sterilised.
Males deviants responsible
for such pregnancies
will be castrated.
Venereal disease in either
sex is a punishable offence.
And homosexuality
is a capital crime.
- So that's the way it is, see?
Whatever they say you do.
If they say frog, you jump.
You don't stop to ask how high.
- What they did this morning,
when they beat up
that girl, for nothing.
- You ain't been listening, kid.
They don't need no reasons.
They do it 'cause they want to.
For them it's fun.
- But if you do what
they say, they let you out?
- Maybe.
Maybe not.
A lot of Thatcher's deviants
never get outta here.
Except carried
out the back way.
I've been here a long time.
And I know everything
that goes on.
There ain't nothing
that goes on in here
that Dodge don't know.
- Hey Dodge, tell me something.
If you're so smart, how
come you're still here?
- I'm getting out soon.
I've got it all planned.
- You going to
bed smelling like a dead fish?
- II can't go in there.
Not with them.
- Oh honey, there's a few things
you've gotta learn real quick.
First off, there's only a
couple ways out of here.
And one of them ain't by
playing a sweet little girl.
Look what happened to you
and that guard this morning.
You certainly do have
all the right equipment
and you'd better
be ready to use it.
Now listen. I'm gonna
give a quick lesson
on how to survive this dump.
- When assembled it
has three moving parts.
A self contained gas supply,
which will propel a
paralysing hypo dart
at 400 metres, give
or take 1% accuracy.
Mr. Mallory's going to
licence it for his department.
After a little test.
- 32 seconds.
You manipulate it well, my dear.
Like part of your body.
- It is my own design.
- Yes, a very nice piece.
Serviceable, well
contoured, good feel.
Perhaps just a trifle
large in the bore.
- It's been my
experience, Charles,
that it's less the size
of one's gun that counts.
More the skill with
which it's used.
- It is also true, Thatcher,
that the bore is only
as large as is necessary
to fit the right load.
- And what did you
bring for the hunt, Tito?
Something excessive I imagine.
- Of course, my dear.
After all, excess is what
makes life worth living.
For people like us.
- I'm on
garden detail, okay?
- God, what did they do to you?
- Nothing much.
Just a little
attitude adjustment.
- I'd like to thank you for
what you did this morning.
I mean if it hadn't
have been for you, I-
- I just let him know I
wouldn't take their shit.
It didn't have
anything to do with you.
- But we're supposed
to do what they say.
- No you don't.
You fight back.
- That's crazy.
They'll kill you.
- Thatcher doesn't want me dead.
He wants me broken.
- Paul, please.
Please don't make
them hurt you anymore.
- Why do you care
what they do to me?
- Why did you care
about me, this morning?
- Thatcher I'm sure I
needn't impress upon you
how important it is that our
guests have a successful hunt.
Important that
is, for your career.
- Oh everything's
being well taken care of.
I shall see to it personally
they choose suitable targets.
- Yes, I think your
little, um.. turkey shoot
will be well appreciated
in the right quarters.
I commend your imagination.
- All thanks to you.
To your advancement.
- And yours.
- What about this one?
Very physical and as
you can see, resourceful.
Could give one
of you a good run.
- Hmm, he's very tempting,
but I think I'll stay
with my original choice.
The small slimy one.
He should squirm very nicely.
- Stiff Griff.
- Mr. Mallory?
- No, not for me.
I still want that girl.
- Mm, could be an
interesting change.
No, I see no real
satisfaction there.
Show me something else please.
- You're a difficult
woman to satisfy, Jennifer.
- As you well know, Charles.
- Some of the older inhabitants
will know what to expect now.
For the newcomers, I
suggest you watch carefully
and learn by example.
One of you has been foolish
enough to try to leave us
before his re-education
was completed.
In my view this is treason
and will be treated as such.
You will remember our motto -
Freedom is obedience.
Obedience is work.
Work is life.
Well now understand
once and for all
that the reverse is also true.
Disobedience is treason.
Treason is a crime.
Crime will be punished.
Over to you, Mr. Ritter.
- What the hell's going on?
- Another one of
Thatcher's ball games.
- Ball game?
- You ain't never seen
a game like this before.
Can't you smell the gas?
- All right, everybody.
It's play time.
Is everybody ready?
- Yes.
- Is everybody ready?
- Yes.
- All right,
Play ball.
Pick 'em up, boy.
You know how the game is played.
You get out there,
boy, and give me 100%.
Hey, come on, boy.
Hey, come on, pick 'em up, boy.
Come on fellas, give him a hand.
Come on.
Help him along there, boys.
Hey, right down the centre
boy, right down the centre.
Come on Larry, catch
this Larry, help him out.
That's a boy.
Hey fella.
Hey you wanna make
it super cool or what?
Come on, get up fella.
You're never gonna
get there this way boy.
That's it.
Come on fellas,
now give him a hand.
- I want you to watch, Chris.
- Give him
a hand, that's it.
- That's what they believe in.
That's what they want us
to be, too scared to think.
- Oh, butterfingers.
Pick it up, man.
- Do nothing but obey.
Look at 'em.
There's your society.
- Are you gonna
keep dragging like this, boy
or are you gonna get right
outta the stampede and all that.
Hey come on.
- No.
Not any more.
Not for me.
- All right. Touch down.
- Suckers!
- Beats the hell out
of network television.
- All right, my children,
this need not concern you.
Continue with your sweet dreams.
And you, you think
we're gonna pay a visit
to your girlfriend.
Each of us.
One at a time.
And I'm gonna be first.
And now my little flower, yes,
I'm gonna taste your honey.
No, don't leave.
Stay with me.
You can make it hard
or you can take it easy.
You're gonna like Red.
Come to me my little flower.
Ah yes.
Oh yes.
- Ha!
Hey, hey Red.
She's reserved for
someone important.
And he don't like his
goods tampered with.
Go find yourself someone else.
Come on, let's go.
- Come on.
- Hmm.
May I?
- Yes of course.
Anyone you like.
- Oh, quite instant, hmm?
- Leaves them
alive, but not kicking.
- Remote
control, 20 calibre.
- Yeah.
Two on each tower.
And there's always guards on
the gates and on the armoury.
- Sounds like you thought about
giving Thatcher's tours a try.
- Maybe.
Busted out a tighter
lock ups than this.
- Me too.
Why don't we
break outta this one?
- I will.
In my own time.
- What is it?
- A freak.
I found him in a circus.
- Don't worry, my dear.
He has already eaten.
I promised you I'd bring
something excessive.
- Oh yes, it's real.
- I'm sure it is.
- These are genuine too.
Daniels. Dodge.
Well go on, take them.
They're your freedom.
Tomorrow you can
walk out through that gate
and never come back.
You'll be legal.
- Like I said, Thatcher,
you can't be trusted.
- It's really quite simple.
All you have to do is lead my
guests on a chase for one day.
A little sport.
- I get it.
A little hunt.
- You could call it that.
- You're going to kill us?
- Not necessarily.
You might survive.
And if you do, you'll be free.
- They'll have
weapons, won't they?
- Of course.
- And what'll we have?
- Time.
A head start.
- No deal.
- Paul!
I can't last much
longer in here.
At least this way
there's a chance.
- It's a setup, Chris.
- There are
rules, it'll be fair.
If you are still free at
sundown then the hunt will end.
You can go on your way
and no one will bother you.
- If we're still alive.
- What if we don't go?
- Then you will, I assure you,
remain in this camp forever.
- All right Thatcher, but if
you really want your guests
to have a good time,
make it interesting.
Give us something
to fight back with.
- No.
- Then I want at least
three hours' head start.
- You shall have that much.
- And I want Gryphon with us.
- You can keep Dodge.
- I don't need you anyway.
Dodge don't need nobody.
- Gryphon has
already been rejected.
Dodge must be included.
Tomorrow morning then.
- I'm gonna be waiting
for you, Thatcher.
- I'm counting on that.
- You too, Ritter!
Just you and me, huh?
Ah, not 'til tomorrow.
Rules, remember?
- Now remember, you
only have your own targets,
So, no poaching.
- I see you have your
excesses as well, my dear.
So many shafts and hens.
- They all have their uses.
This one goes in very easily.
But it's very
difficult to tear out.
- And this black one here?
- They explode.
- And how about the white one?
- Let me show you.
- Do we really have a chance?
- Sure we do.
We stick together,
we'll make it.
- They're letting me outta
here tomorrow morning.
Like I said before, there ain't
no camp that can hold Dodge.
I've even got me an ID.
I'm gonna walk out that
gate tomorrow morning
and kiss you suckers goodbye.
But I ain't scared.
I've been through worse before.
Besides, I've even
got me an edge.
- You thieving little bastard!
- Hey, you can't tough me.
I'm valuable.
Thatcher wants me.
You're just a fucking freak.
You're stupid,
I'm gonna be free.
I've got an ID.
- Get off me.
Get off me.
You're just gonna rot
here like all the others.
- Go on, get in there.
All right, hold it right there.
You are becoming
a damned nuisance.
And tomorrow
I'll pull the trigger.
All right, time to go.
No, no, no, no.
One at a time.
Half hour intervals.
You go first.
- You bastard.
- Goodbye, Chris.
- Move it!
- Chris, run!
I'll catch up with you later.
- I wouldn't count on that.
You go last.
You're up early.
- I didn't wanna miss the start.
Whose target's the big one?
- Mine.
- Now that's not
very sporting of you.
I thought you said
only one apiece.
- Gryphon is not for sport.
He's for execution.
Would you like some breakfast?
- Dodge!
- Mr. Ritter.
- You're next.
- No no, that's not fair.
- Piss off.
- Maybe I'll stay.
Thanks for having
me, Mr. Thatcher.
Bye, Mr. Ritter.
- Okay Giriff, you're next.
- Move.
Ill be looking for you.
- Please do.
- All right, Rita.
Okay asshole, go.
- Thatcher asked me to
work him down the south track.
I'll see ya at the finish.
- This way, sir.
- Oh shit.
- Now Alph, let's make
the game more interesting.
Show me his foot.
- No no, no.
No no no, no no, don't, please.
- Let's see, big toe?
No, no, no.
That would impair
his speed too much.
The little one
Alph, the little one.
- No no, no no no,
don't, don't do it.
Please don't.
- Ugly little morsel, isn't it?
All right Alph?
Tea break's over.
- I hope you fucking
choke, you oaf.
I'll go back to the camp.
I'll do anything.
Why are you doing this to me?
- Let's give him a head start.
- No, too easy.
- God damn you, Thatcher!
Fucking pig!
- Red, this is Thatcher,
do you receive me?
- Mr. Thatcher, I found tracks.
- Is it Gryphon?
- It looks like him.
- Well done
Red, keep after him.
Get him out in the open for me.
Over and out.
- You got it, Mr. Thatcher.
Help Mr. Thatcher, he's got me.
Oh Christ almighty.
- Fuck you, you bastard.
- Oh, oh god dammit help me.
- Red, do you receive me?
Little bastard.
- Griff!
Where did you get that?
- I took it.
- You mean.
Griff, let me come with you.
- No way.
- But you've got a gun.
We'd have a chance.
- Oh for Christ's
sake, grow up, will ya?
None of us had a chance
when we were picked
to play Thatcher's fucking game.
- Look, we just have
to stay alive until sunset.
- Bullshit!
- It's true, Thatcher said so.
He said no one would touch us.
- Oh Christ, if you believe that
you'll believe anything.
Anyway I wasn't
included in that deal.
- Well, what are you gonna do?
- Attack is the best
form of defence.
I'm gonna take as many of
the bastards with me as I can.
- Griff, please
take me with you.
Don't leave me here.
- I can't take
you with me, Rita.
Look, you stand
some sort of chance
if you play your cards right.
But I was dead as
soon as I left the camp.
- Griff, please.
- Good luck.
- I don't wanna run anymore.
Oh, I'll go back to the camp.
I'll do anything.
I'll tell Mr. Thatcher
I'm sorry.
Please, I can't hobble
away from the jungle.
- Red, this is Thatcher.
Do you receive me?
- No!
Oh no no, no no!
- Over there I think Alph.
- No!
Put me down. No.
I'll go back now.
No, no no!
- That's enough, Alph.
He's no fun anymore.
Finish him off and let's go
and find some more game.
- No,
no, no, no, no, no!
- Don't you kill him, Jennifer.
He's my target.
- Dammit!
You bloody filthy bitch.
- Oh she, she couldn't
have come along this way.
Nobody's used this trail.
- Don't worry, Mr. Mallory,
we don't have to
track your turkey.
I know exactly
where she's headed.
- We've lost her, dammit.
- Don't worry, sir,
I'll find her for you.
- Well you'd better, Ritter.
If you're expected
to get Thatcher's job
you'll need my help.
- Campmaster, sir, me?
- I've had my eye on you.
I like your style.
If I had more men like
you in the department
I wouldn't have
all these problems
with these blasted deviants.
- Yes, sir.
Kill 'em.
No fancy stuff,
just kill 'em all.
- The ultimate solution.
You're a sharp man, Ritter.
- Thank you, sir.
Anything you want
sir, just let me know.
- Just find the girl.
- Yes, sir.
- Ritter, when I'm finished
with her, she's yours.
- Thank you, sir.
I see her.
I think I know
where she's going.
- Right.
- You were right, Charles.
He was resourceful.
- He was a fool,
like all of them.
- A trophy?
- A lesson.
- What about the other one?
- You worry about your
own target, my dear.
I'll take care of Mr. Anders
in my own good time.
- Oh my god.
Red, you stupid pecker.
Now what the hell are you
doing hanging around out here.
Don't worry pal, I'll
soon have you down
and send you home to Mama.
- Ow.
- There you go.
All right, that should
Oh shit!
- Jesus Christ.
- Bastards.
Fucking bastards.
- Put him against
the tree, Alph.
Hold him still Alph.
I'll cut him down to size.
Get outta the way!
Oh shit.
You won't get far!
- She's in there?
- Yes, sir.
I'll search around the
back way and send her out
all hot and ready.
- You bitch!
- Chris!
Let's go, come on.
Let's go, let's go.
Come on.
- Help, help me.
Help, help!
Help me.
- Ah, there's no
way out, little one.
The chase is over.
I've been looking for
you for a long, long time.
Ah ah!
I'm going to make you feel
like you've never felt before.
- God damn.
It's an island.
There never was any way out.
- All right, asshole.
It's just you and me.
- Run.
Run Chris, run!
Go hide, run, run.
Come on, fat man.
- You are next, bitch.
- Come on.
- I gotta take
my time with you, boy.
Oh yeah.
- Come on, you
big piece of shit.
- Hey.
- Come on.
Come on.
- You come to me, boy.
- Come on.
Come on you got balls?
I heard they cut 'em off.
- Oh really?
- Come on.
- You come to me.
- Come on
you piece of shit.
- I'm gonna fuck your ass, boy.
- Huh?
- You're gone boy.
- Come on.
- Come on.
- Come on you big piece of-
Chris, Chris.
Wait dammit.
Look at me.
Chris, listen to me.
We can't quit now.
Because if we quit now,
everything we believe in dies.
We gotta keep going.
- Open season.
Run, you little bastards.
Go and run.
- It's our only chance.
We've got to draw him off.
I'll get him from behind.
Go on, go go!
- Thatcher to control.
- Receiving
you, Mr. Thatcher.
- Leave squad five on the gate.
Send everybody else
up here to the cane field.
- On their way.
- Right.
- Who's that?
- It's Mallory.
- God you are in trouble.
- You okay?
- Fine.
- What about the girl?
Thank God
something's gone right.
- No thanks to you.
- What?
You're a fool Charlie.
- Where are you going?
- To do what you
should be doing.
- This is Thatcher.
The hunt is over.
Shoot on sight, shoot to kill.
- Okay, it's ready now.
This is the trigger.
Just push on it, okay?
You got it?
Okay, let's go.
Come on.
- Get them, get them!
- Shoot!
Shoot now!
Dammit, just shoot now.
It's now or never.
You're free!
Grab any weapon you can!
Go on everybody, go, go!
- Roger one.
- Blue leader to Strike Force 1.
Re-ed Camp 47 has
signalled red alert.
Make contact and investigate.
If Camp 47 is no longer under
departmental control,
carry out standing order seven.
Wipe out.
Repeat, wipe out.
- Grab a weapon. Get
to Thatcher's house
and knock out the
communication console.
Hurry, I'll wait here for you.
Okay, everybody
grab as many weapons
and as much ammunition
as you can get.
Grab it, hurry.
And then gather
around the gate here.
Thatcher's on his way back.
- Strike Force One to Thatcher.
Urgently require confirmation
Camp 47 is still
under your control.
Wipe out schedule in
eight minutes, 30 seconds.
Urgent and vital you
advise your status.
Otherwise wipe
out is irrevocable.
Strike Force One to Thatcher.
Come in please.
- Too late, little one.
I've already
called for wipe out.
Any minute now this
camp'll be in cinders.
- 10-4 to Security 4.
- Blue leader
to Strike Force 1.
Proceed with wipe out.
Target t-minus six
minutes, 10 seconds.
- You'll be safe with me.
I'll take good care of you.
- Thatcher's gonna
be coming back.
So head for the
mountains, understand?
For the mountains.
- Go on, go!
- Thatcher!
Move it, move it, go!
Get to the mountain, move!
Fall back.
Fall back.