Tutti a casa (Everybody Go Home) (1960) Movie Script

Eh, who gave you
We're not on guard duty.
You do, swine!
I was reading at the paper that
the Americans have occupied Sicily.
...and now they've disembarked
in Calbria too.
If you keep reading the paper
they'll disembark here too.
- What for?
- For eating Polenta.
No offense, sergeant...
...but they were able to choose
the best pasta and wine.
Enough, then.
Bunch of idles, always fussing.
I'll straighten them up.
Permiso. (Exucse me) (May I come in?)
Lieutenant, you have to take
disciplinary measures.
Sergeant, do it yourself or
shut up.
What time is it?
It's twenty past four.
We're preening ourselves,
My girlfriend's arriving today.
Great day, today.
Yes, great day, she's coming with
my mother-in-law, anyway...
...let's hope the changing
of the guard doesn't take long.
- Who's next on guard today?
I think...
Lieutenant Innocenzi.
- March faster!
- One, two!
- One, two!
Squad... stop!
- Left... Now!
- Lining up... right!
Codegato, I still see your nose.
- You think you have a nice
profile, eh?
- Lines... At ease!
- Sergeant Fornaciari...
- Yes, sir!
This platoon is very tired...
...they have to wake up
and you have to wake up.
I don't want you
to make a fool of myself.
That's why... after the shift
at the coast,
you'll come back
to individual drill.
- Did I make myself clear?
And try to keep your uniform
accordingly woth your rank.
- Do you know what you look like?
- You look scruffy.
- Lieutenant Innocenzi!
- Yes, Sir!
- Here the Colonel is.
- Platoon... Attention!
First platoon,
second troop...
- Let's relieve the coast guard
- At ease!
- Platton... At ease!
I do look scruffy.
Look at you.
A circular has arrived this morning.
It recommends...
...the men sing while
they march.
Yes, Colonel.
We don't have a great repertory.
Just "Mum, I'm coming home again".
- All right, It's OK for march.
- Yes, Sir.
- Guard, fall in!
- Attention!
- Guards...!
- Present... arms!
Step... Squad...
Switch the channel!
...to avoid further damages...
- What is it?
- I don't know.
...the impossibility
of keeping on fighting...
What does he say?
- He's asked the General for an armistice...
- Armistice.
...to the Commander in Chief
of the Allies.
The petition has been accepted.
Therefore, all
...against the
anglo-american forces...
...must immediately stop
on Italian's side.
Likewise, any other attacks must
be repelled.
We've sent a report to
Marshal Pietro Badoglio
- Armistice?
- Badoglio.
There is an armistice!
The war is over!
But, are you sure you
heard it well?
Yes, Lieutenant,
the radio said it.
Run to Colonel's house and tell him.
I'll call the command.
Yes, Sir.
Hello central,
put me through to the command.
Hello, Second Lieutenant Ricardi of the Second
Group, to the Officer.
Hello, what's happening? The radio's
broadcast a Marshal Badoglio's communiqu.
- You heard it too?.
- So?
Then, there are no
orders or something?
- Put me the officer,
you fool!
Hello, hello, yes, I learnt it
just a minute ago...
...do you know who said it?
The Germans.
- Fall in.
- Hold on, here's the Colonel.
Lieutenant Di Faccio's
on the phone.
- Of the position.
- Really?
Colonel, yes, the Germans are outside,
with two tanks...
That's why I left
my position.
Wait a moment. - What did
they say about the Command?
Nothing, Colonel, they know
the same as us..
Lieutenant Di Faccio, I'll call you later.
I'll ask the Army for orders.
They've given me 5 minutes.
They want me to leave everything...
...the weapons and the position. But here we
don't get orders from them. Goddammit.
I'll put the machine
Yes, of course, but...
Try to get more tome... eh?
I'll call you right away.
Put me through to the Army, I'll
get it in my office.
Yes, Sir.
This is crazy... the Germans
knew before us...
...and the last order
we got is...
...make the soldiers sing
as they march.
Fall in, watch you steps.
- Sir!
- Stop!
Guys, the Americans have
Squad, deploy...
Sergeant Fornaciari to my side, now.
Everybody to the ground!
I don't see ships on the sea.
- Might they have disembarked yet?
- The Germans!
- Comrades, here we are!
To the ground!
We're Italians!
The Germans are shooting our
positions, Lieutenant.
- But, why?
- What's happening, Fornaciari?
- What shall we do?
- Hold on.
I'll try to get the phone to
ask the Colonel for orders.
Take the command,
Sergeant Fornaciari.
Put the squad
in shelter.
Guys, take
Come on, take
shelter, quickly.
Everybody behind the wall. Don't
get out until I come back.
- It's burning, Lieutenant!
- Shoot!
Where's the phone?
What happened?
Quickly, the phone!
Who's shooting?
Who's shooting,
have they disembarked yet?
Give me the militar
line, quickly.
The Colonel.
Lieutenant Innocenzi...
It's happening a
an incredible thing:
The Germans have formed an
alliance with the Americans.
Then everything is over,
Someone should warn the Germans,
because they keep shooting here.
Sorry, Colonel, try to understand,
I knew nothing...
What are the orders?
I couldn't get hold of the
Command of the Army.
I've sent an officer. Anyway,
if they attack us, we must defend ourselves.
Back Lieutenant Di Faccio.
Yes, Colonel.
They have tanks, but we'll
our best.
I'll try to keep you
informed, Colonel.
Lieutenant... The Germans have
taken our position...
...our soldiers aren't shooting anymore.
What shall we do?
The position has fallen.
Everything is over.
- Come back to the barracks immediately.
- Colonel.
Wait a minute!
No, don't come back, keep
the men joined...
...and catch the Forth
Group in San Donino.
Hands up!
Lieutenant, they didn't
give me bread, just wine.
We'll have breakfast with wine,
it doesn't matter.
Come on guys,
get ready to go.
Codegato, come on, let's go.
But, all night walking,
and what can we do now, Lieutenant?
Ah, guys, I warn you: the next one
that ask me what can we do?...
...I'll hit him.
Come on, let's go.
- Give me another cigarette, dammit.
- No, I'm not lending anyone anymore.
I might be badly, but everyone
owes me more than 150 liras.
This Badoglio, he could've made
the Armistice after the pay.
He made it on purpose for
sure, he's not stupid.
First he ruins my business in war,
and now the peace.
- Lieutenant, the Germans.
- Where?
Over there.
Squad, stop, stop.
It's only one.
Stay at your place.
- Wait a minute!
I... prisoner.
You must take me prisoner.
- Prisoner?
- I enough this war, prisoner.
But look at this, and I was
afraid. Go away.
Come guys, march.
He's out of his mind.
- I prisoner.
- I can't take any prisoners.
- My right.
- What right? Nonsense.
I didn't get any orders
to take prisoners.
Right of me.
Don't you want to be a soldier?
Go home. I can't take you.
My right.
Prisoner, prisoner.
Who do you think I am?
I prisoner don't take you.
- Have you understood? Go.
- Make me prisoner.
Come on, go.
Do you understand you must go? Come on.
Be careful, Lieutenant,
more Germans.
No, Germans? They're Italians,don't you
see they're coming the other way around?
What did I tell you?
Fornaciari, let's stop the trucks.
- Where are you going?
- Are you out of your route?
We were going to Treviso, but we've been told
that the Germans have blocked the road.
So we headed to Venice.
- Yes, you could take a bath in the Lido.
- You know I can report this?
- But Lieutenant, everyone is leaving here.
- Everyone?,we all are here.
I seized the truck, let's go to
San Donino, the Forth Group, let's go.
- Then, Leiutenant, Do I have to get off?
- Yes, get off, that's my seat.
Fornaciari, one half in the first
truck, the other one in the second one.
Wake up!
why don't you send us home?
Where do you want me to send you?
Come on, wake up.
Eh, where are you going?
- Who are you?
- Sapper Ceccarelli Asunto.
- And where are you going?
- You told me to get off.
Get off the cabin and
get on the truck, you fool.
With all my respect, I have an ulcer
and going to Naples as a convalescent.
- Show me your license.
- Here it is.
I warn you that we're in state of
emergency and it's dangerous to travel alone.
But you seized my truck to go
I don't know where.
Ah!, then we escort you
to Naples, what do you think?
I didn't ask for it, Lieutenant.
I'm just saying it's not my fault
if you leave me here at the street.
Well, as it's my fault, you'll come
with us to the Forth Group.
I must take this packet to
Major's wife in Naples.
Ok, you take it to her
I don't want to stay here
because of you, let's go.
Lieutenant, the driver in the
second truck run away.
Excuse me, at least let me go in the cabin,
in the back it hurts.
Play the horn.
- What shall we do, Lieutenant?
- We're going to Verona, to the Command of the Army.
The ones who have an ulcer
have to eat few and many times.
We run out of gas.
Guys, if we have some gas in the reserve,
great, if not, we'll get on that one.
But look at this.
What a swine!
- What shall we do now?
- Report them all?
- What shall we do, Lieutenant?
What shall we do? Shall we invernate here?
Get you all off, come on, quickly.
Dammmit, the bottle of wine
is broken!
We lost all the wine!
Eh, enough, show some
respect to the stripes.
- Fornaciari, where's my backpack?
- I haven't seen it.
We left it in the
other truck.
In short, I have to
think about everything.
A Sergeant was never a help
for an officer.
- Lieutenant, what about my license?
- Your license is in my bag.
Come on guys, march.
Don't force me to
punished you, come on.
- Where are we going?
- To get into trouble, I tell you.
Let's go!
The station is on the other side.
We have to pass trough the tunnel.
Don't disperse, fall in.
You don't look like soldiers, but donkeys.
Come on, fall in!
Are you afraid of darkness
or what?
Who did it?
Who did it?
Everyone, everyone!
Don't fuck with me!
For God's sake, guys
don't do this.
It's for your own good.
You'll end up in a Military Court.
- What are you doing?
- What do you want to do to me?
But, what are you doing?
It's incredible.
- What should I think?
- That everyone want to be executed!
- Lieutenant.
- Don't make me think of that!
Look, get out, don't be childish.
I understand that at this moment
it's hard to think straight. Get out.
- Lieutenant.
- I can look the other way...
In cases like these and officer
- Where are they?
- They're all gone.
- Yes?
- Eh!
- Everyone, eh?
- I'm here, Lieutenant.
Because you're a fool, Ceccarelli. You
could've escaped with them.
Lieutenant, my license
came with my supplement...
...to my share of milk.
What shall I do now?
A moment.
The Germans!
Let's go!
- This way!
- Come here!
To the ground!
Water, we're thirsty!
- We'll be deported to Germany!
- That's my way!
where are you taking me?
I'm not taking you anywhere, you
are following me.
But, what do you want?,
you're not even from my unit.
Ah, now you think that?
Anyway,what do you want me to
tell you?
You haven't understood that this is
a mess, everyone is all directions.
I'm not going in all directions.
I have a license as a convalescent.
Lieutenant, if they arrest
for lack of documents...
you have to say that you
lost my license.
I'm a civilian, I don't want to be deported.
I have an ulcer, a wife and children.
Ceccarelli, You know
I'm fed up with you.
Besides, I didn't see that license
of yours.
It could have a stamp or
a sign missing, who knows?
Give it back to me the same
way it was, and don't worry.
But who's going to give it to me?
Then, why so you offend me?
- What's that stink?
- It comes from your packet.
Truffle and other kind of
...to the Major's wife in Naples.
It's a good errand...
...and I wouldn't like to have
to tell the Major...
Yes, tell him,
I'll enjoy it.
Excuse me...
Good evening.
- Can I help you?
- We're just passing through.
Can we stay overnight here?
Maria, there are two more.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Second Lieutenant Innocenzi, Alberto,
My Colonel ordered me to reach the
Fourth Group.
...but unfortunately, during
our journey my squad...
...has gone, Captain.
But they won't get away with it,
I have all their names.
- And then?
- Then what?
Sorry... Captain,
but, what could I do?
Put yourself in my place...
No... I said, put
yourself in my place.
You better put on this man's clothes,
if he has something left.
...uniform on you'll be deported to Germany.
Do you have some clothes for the Leiutenant?
Do they deport the soldiers too?
Maria, bring some clothes, get
Octavio's suit.
Right away, dad.
- Madam.
- Yes.
Octavio is my son and
her husband.
Could you give me an injection?
I have everything you need.
- Yes, all right.
- Thank you.
He's in Yugoslavia, we hope
he'll come back soon, poor boy.
Here, dad,
boil the water.
Mdame, since I have an ulcer I have to eat
few and several times, would you have some bread?
An ugly end, eh?
Who would've believed it?
Is it right to put on
civilian clothes, Captain?
And what's bad or right?
Well done...
Everything that has happened,
do you think it's right?
And all this years of war?
What were they for?
look... I didn't
declared the war.
Yes... that's true.
But, who did go to the square to sing
for the Saboya? You were a student, right?
Listen, the only patriotic anthem I know is:
"Mum, I'm coming home again".
I've always had
different ideas, Captain.
Apart from the fact that Nice
was italian, right?
Get changed, change your clothes.
Here they are the clothes.
Thank you.
Madame, I'm ready.
Well, here we go.
Poor uniform, eh?
- What a sad end it's had.
- Let it go...
...the uniform it's not important,
but what we really have.
What end?
We'll go home.
Maria, there are two more here.
Have a rest.
Come in.
Everyone goes home, brothers!
What shall we do?
Why are they afraid? We're civilians.
Walk normally.
Relaxed, come on.
That's your mother.
Rats, cowards, miserables!
But how?
Do they shoot at civilians?
What are they doing?
He's coming back, he noticed us.
Us? Let's go back, slowly.
- Pretend you're calm, you too,
Captain. -Yes, of course.
- Stop the truck.
- Oh, Stop!
The Germans are shooting at us,
at civilians!
- Where are they?
- Back there, in an armoured.
Let's go, get on, quickly!
- Who are these?
- Come on, get on quickly.
- Where were they? -To the left, behind
the forest through the provincial road.
Antonio, to the right by Bertone's
smithy, and then...
...straightforward until San Oreste,
- Yes, understood.
- Well, quickly then.
- Aho!
- Aho... what?
Either you take your feet out or
put the shoes on.
I'll take my shoes out, because I
don't have any shoes.
The Germans arrived yesterday and
I could only pu my trousers on.
You're a militar too.
What is that "you're"?
He's a Officer.
I'm honored.
Are you Officers too?
Officers? Not at all.
Where are you going?
We can take you until
San Paparo field.
Campo San Paparo
is all right...
...then we can take the Veneto's
train to the Po.
I can't wait to be at home, dammit.
- My mum's waiting a baby.
- What?
- Are you the baby?
- No, a child, a baby.
- She's pregnant.
- Oh, ok.
What are you laughing at, fool!
We're 9 sons, and as we're in a
town that gets a bonus...
...with the tenth kid, the Duce nos
gives us another plot of land.
- Duce, is there still a Duce?
- No, he's not there anymore.
But he was there nine
months back.
So what? Yes, he was.
I told my father:
don't make efforts, dad, you'll get old.
But he didn't obey. Now that we've made
the sacrifice, there's no prize.
But yes, where Badoglio is
there's always a riot.
When Badoglio said: the war goes on,
it was already over...
...and now that he says it is over,
it goes on.
What way will it go on?
But where are you going then?
- What's this?
- It's for the Germans.
Who gave you all these weapons?
We took them, we nees them to
do a job.
My God, you're crazy.
You have an arsenal here!
Did you get any orders?
Who gave them to you?
Orders? What are orders?
Some kind of food?
Don't you know you can
get executed?
It could be, but we
hope not.
- Why don't you come too?
- Where?
To the"Maquia".
We are a lot.
Stop, we're
getting off.
- But we haven't arrived yet.
- Yes, we've arrived.
Yes, it's easy to say:
we're going to the "Maquia"
Besides, the sapper Ceccarelli
is convalescent, he must go...
...home and I promised
to take him.
- Sapper Ceccarelli, is that true?
- Yes, Sir.
Then get off, dammit.
- Come on.
- Goodbye brothers, I'm almost home.
Before they didn't want the war, but
now they're in the mood for it.
I don't care about anyone
anymore, you know?
Three years of Military Service,
Western Front...
I'm going home!
Captain, what are you doing?
Aren't you coming with us?
I'll stay with them.
Have a good trip, Lieutenant.
- Yes, Sir.
- Let's go, they're already off.
Yes, let's go.
And Fornaciari?
Is he in the truck?
I'm here.
What do you think?
- Codegato.
- Yes, Lieutenant.
Where's Campo San Paparo?
Going through the bridge next to
the track, Lieutenant.
Don't call me Lieutenant.
There's no Lieutenant.
Every man for himself and God for us all.
See you, guys.
- I'm going to Campo San Paparo.
- I'm going too.
Two hours by train and I'll be home.
- Where will this train get by next morning?
- It gets to Puerto Garibaldi.
Oh, if I had got to Piazza
Garibaldi, it would've been so good...
Officers and Italian Soldiers...
...the King and traitor Badoglio's
government have abandoned them...
...then they ordered them to
fired at...
...our alleis,
the Germans.
We know you won't do so.
Join your German brothers!
Let's fight together
until the end.
We'll wait for you with
open arms.
The German Command in Italy.
Ceccarelli, think, It was you who
said that...
...with an ulcer you have to
eat several times.
Then, what will you do? Get sick just to
pleased Major's wife?
Shall we eat a packet?
The Major's wife's packet won't be touched.
The Major always loved me,
it was you who lost my license.
Ceccarelli, you know I live in the
countryside, where you can get everything.
We have chickens, fresh eggs,
fresh meat...
...everything fresh,
everything you want.
If you come to my house, I'll give
you a better packet than this one.
It's good for you, Ceccarelli,
let's eat the packet.
If your ulcer gets worse,
how will you have an operation?
Stop, stop!
Leave that stone!
Give him the packet, I admit
he's stubborn.
People like you can't be among us.
Go on your own.
he'll go with the packet.
Are we crazy? Come on.
Ceccarelli, we're kidding,
come here, Ceccarelli.
Thiefs, you stole my packet
while i was sleeping, eh?
If he wasn't asleep,
what could we did it?
Who's talking about Ceccarelli?,
It was me who was sleeping.
Do you know how are people like
you called?: jackals.
Give it back to me, ask and steal
aren't the same thing.
- Have you seen what it has?
- No.
Let's see what's in there.
Come on, give way.
Good heaven!
Look, they're truffels.
Can you smell the cold meat?
My God!
How were they planning to sort things out
with the sapper Ceccarelli?
We'll tell him straight, and that's it.
Great, he'll pass out.
I can see it.
We only have two chances:
or resign, or leave the packet and
leave it as it was, filled with clothes and stones.
But we won't tell him, never.
It's up to you. It's not the Officer
speaking, but the man.
Do you want to vote?
- I want to eat it.
- Me too.
I vote against ir, but
as I'm losing...
Let's go to the bathroom.
We're not that bad, eh?
A good meal, the empty carriage,
everything for us.
What else can we want?
Oh, my God!
My Godness!
Don't get on the locomotive!
Don't get on the locomotive!
- Hey... hey.
- What happens?
There's no more
the truffels' stink.
- With all this people...
- They stink, eh?
Nothing, nothing can't be smelled.
What's you name?
I know a beautiful
short story, do you wnat to hear it?
Once upon a time a boy
called Giovanni...
leave his town
looking for fortune.
After a long trip...
...he got to a Kingdom, whose
King had a beautiful daughter.
But she was very bad, you know?
Giovanni fell in love
with her.
But she had fun making her
suitors suffer.
Giovanni learnt that he could
marry her if
...he answered three questions.
But if he answered wrong,
she'd cut his head off.
then Giovanni... thought calmly
and went to the Palace.
How does it end?
Like all the fairy tales.
I mean, this Giovanni,
did he answer the rhtee questions?
Yes, Giovanni answered the questions
and married the Princess.
This is the Trevia's tunnel, all
the way up...
Even when the coal was good, we
had trouble going out.
If you poured some water on
the handkerchief, you'll breathe better.
Please, give me some water.
I can't breathe.
How long is this tunnel?
Everyone down!
Down, down!
- Mdame, I'll carry you.
- Thank you.
- Be careful!
- Don't worry, I'm a farmer.
- Did you hurt yourself?
- No, I'm Ok.
This are my stuff, I don't
know what happened.
I don't think anything, you know?
- Is it silver?
- Yes.
- What's this?
- A knife for fish.
It doesn't cut.
It'b get sharpen.
Do you always eat with
this cuttlery at home?
I don't have a home.
And your parents?
They're dead.
- I owe you an explanation now.
- No, madame.
I don't want to be rude...
...I didn't make the sign
of the cross...
...it's not our custom.
I'm a jew, that's why I'm here.
We used to live in
Canni, but I...
...was in Trevesso
for my exams.
Someone called me to tell me
that the Germans had arrived.
Then I went home, but when I
got there they were gone.
A neighbor told me that my father
had a wound on his head.
But it wasn't serious. After that
I knew nothing more, I escaped.
Tqke these things, bacause
money is worthless today.
Besides, I don't have it.
- Where are you going now?
- I don't know, I'd like to pass the lines.
I have relatives in Bari.
I can keep you company
most of the way.
Because I live in
Podibergetta, en the delta...
...later on I'll take you
to Bari's road.
Don't you know it's dangerous to help
one of my kind?
- Have you understood what I am?
- Yes, I understood, but I don't care.
In the end we're all
believers, aren't we?
Have read here that nice story
you told in the train?
No, they're school books.
Codegato, what the hell
are you doing?
The train isn't moving anymore. The Lieutenant's
gone to the town to find some vehicle.
- He's waiting for us at the square.
- Come with us, madame.
Is there someone?
- Can we come in?
- Who is it?
Excuse me, are you
Mister Brisigoni?
I've been told you have
a truck here.
Wich is going to the South.
What South!
Don't you see how I am?
- Who are you?
- A stranger.
- What do you want?
- Nothing.
I was telling him something
about that truck.
Check that everything is ok.
I'm a nurse, and I have to take
some material to Rome.
To Rome?
Yes, but Evaristo got
injured at the bombing...
...I don't have a driver.
Look, I have a driving license,
and as I was going to Rome...
If you want I can drive the truck.
If you...
Sorry, but to me is very
important a person's look.
- What are you, outsiders?
- Outsiders? We're going home.
- What's your name?
- Innocenzi, Alberto.
Nice to mee you.
Brisigoni, Caterina.
- Why are laughing?
- No.
- On the table...
- Pardon me?
There's a map on the table.
Look at it for a second.
- Do you accept, then?
- I'm coming back right away.
The bridge over the river Po is destroyed.
The ferry goes 4 times a day.
I have the permission to go of
the German Command.
Everything's OK.
We have to take a diversion here,
because the bridge is destroyed.
And take the ferry, you see?
I see. You'll guide me, because
I don't know the area.
- Who's the one with the plaster
cast? -Her husband.
Are you from Rome?
No, my father is from Napoli
and we live in Litoria, near the marshes.
- Then I can trust you.
- Of course.
- Are you glad of travelling with me?
- A lot!
I can see them, disgunting dogs!
Idiot, I talk to him so that
he drives.
What should I do? Loose the flour
because you broke your leg?
Ah, nice hipocrite!
You finally said what you are.
Is that a potatoes' sack or what?
If you talk to him is because you
like him, not for the flour.
- You're a bitch.
- Ah, a bitch, eh?
Then watch this.
Give me a kiss in front
of him.
He won't kiss you
because you disgust him.
- Show her she doesn't disgust you.
- No, she doesn't disgust me.
I don't even think of it.
But he makes me sad.
I'm going to get dressed now.
I'm going with him.
It's the character.
Does your leg hurt?
When I was a kid...
...a friend of mine had a servant
we called Garibaldi.
We paid him half lire to watch her
through the lock.
Once, while I was watching, they
pushed me and I broke my arm, look.
I've been for three months...
What happens?
Why are you crying?
I, my wife,
we love each other.
- Don't take her.
- No, of course not, are you crazy?
She loves you. This is only
a confirmation of it.
Give me your word that it's
only for the trip.
Of course, don't doubt it.
You close the door and she's gone forever.
I give you my word, where could I take her?
- What?
- Give me your hand.
- Traitor, coward!
- You're crazy!
You want to kill me!
Did you see what he did?
He bit me.
- Look at what he did to me.
- Let's go, come on.
You disgusting snake!
Go away!
Go to hell!
You pig!
What is he doing, do yo know?
What's happening? Hold on.
What do you think?
Look at him, he's a tiger, right?
Listen, this is our way.
Then, tonight we'll arrive to
Rovigoto, where I have the deposit.
We'll load the car there. Then we'll
go to Rome.
- Do you like it?
- Of course I like it!
By the way, three soldiers are
coming with me.
We'll take them with us,
we have space in here.
What are you saying!
Are you out of your mind?
With the load, there's no space here
for a kid
But I'm their Officer, I can't
leave them.
Ah, you're an Officer, eh?
No sir, we can't take them.
Then, I'm sorry, but
I have to resign the trip.
Well, do whatever you want,
To you and to the plaster cast.
What a shame, tomorrow
night or the day after...
...we'd be in Rome.
And I would've given you
tasty food to eat.
Besides, even tough you stay with them,
you won't get a passport.
Won't you carry them, will you?
- I'm telling the truth, eh?
- What?
What a nice little nose you have!
The day after tomorrow we'll be in Rome.
Who would've said it?
What will you do when you arrive?
You'll go to present yourself?
Look, I knew I had to
go to Rome.
Then I said, let's go to Rome.
later I knew they were in Pescara.
Then I said, let's go to Pescara.
Later on they went to Perdice,
then I'm going to my house in Litoria...
...with my father and sister, right?
Thank you.
- Cover me!
- What, do you feel sick?
My soldiers!
- Are they gone?
- They're gone.
I was driving slowly, luckily.
Look! The tiger's given up.
I knew it.
Too much load.
Everything's ruined.
Fucking piece of junk,
it must happen right here!
I'm going to...!
What can we do now?
- Shut up!
- Are you asking me?
- Fucking junk!
- Don't hit it.
- You're going to get hurt.
- Leave that tyre there.
There's no way to change it,
we need a mechanic.
Hold on, we have Aquirico,
I'm going to call him, he knows me.
- I'll go with you.
- Wait here and look after the truck.
Be careful, don't get it
stolen, ok?
Come on, leave it here.
They're swiss.
So what?
- Will you give one?
- How can I give you one? It's empty.
The smell is still in it.
- What happened?
- I don't know.
You, leave the canvas alone!
What is it?
- It'll be plaster, where was it?
- Come and see it.
- Here it is. What is it?
- I don't know, it'll be plaster.
- What, the plaster is made of flour.
- What are you doing? Leave that.
Where are you going? Come here.
You, come down.
Come down, where do they want to go?
What are they doing?
What do they want to do? Hold on.
- What happens?
- There's a truck full of flour!
Hurry, hurry up!
There'some flour!
Hurry up, how much!
- It's mine, I brought it!
- Give it to me, I need it!
Watch the load!
Maria, grab the bag!
- Flour!
- Flour!
Have you senn it?
What a shame!
And they say that people
from the Veneto are good.
What are you looking at?
What, am I handsome?
What are you going to say?
We've been looking for you
all over the place.
We thought you got caught
by the Germans.
I left.
What, did I marry you
or something?
I don't care about
what you think.
Look how our Officers talk.
And a wretch like you
want to teach me?
You're the wretch,
and lazy too.
- Stop.
- Leave me.
Eh, what are these
lunatics doing?
Have you hurt yourself?
We've done insukting people,
this time is over.
In normal times, you'd be
already executed.
You're an ignorant, I don't care
what you do no.
They don't understand the attitude.
I'll make them understand.
I thank God for
having a woman here.
I'm leaving, I don't need you.
Ok, leave.
Who stops you?
Look at him. Here he is because we
lost the war.
Oh, yes, with people like you
we'd win it.
You're not soldiers.
You're lazybones.
Sorry, madame.
Blood, I'm bleeding,
I have a vein broken.
Some cold water will make him
feel better.
Come on, if we miss the ferry
we miss the mail car.
I thought that
You could stay at my home for
a couple days.
- You're very gentle.
- Don't be afraid.
We're all men in my family, but
this is my mother, who is a woman.
- Well, I accept, but only
for a day. -Fine.
She'll make polenta with eels.
Do you like it?
How many times does
the ferry come?
- Every hour.
- Thank you.
Please, madame,
Do you want a chocolate?
A bomb's fallen!
You forgot your books!
Stop him!
Barve boyfriend!
He very brave boyfriend.
Boyfriend, have you
bought a stroll?
- Please, miss Silvia.
- How do you know my name is Silvia?
It's on your books:
Silvia Modena.
Miss Silvia.
My comrade...
says that in Italy the Hebrews
always have a city's name.
A Hebrew city?
But Modena is a city, right?
I've never heard it.
Besides, I'm not from here.
It doesn't exist.
You've never touched a book and
you worried about these ones.
Come on, Silvia.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
- Who's she with, us?
- The girl is a jew.
- What happens?
- Driver, get off!
- Everything is in order.
- It doesn't matter, you and everyone.
We're looking for a person.
Come on, come on, escape.
Disgusting dog!
Don't move!
Let's escape before he's back!
Eh, stop!
It's my shift to ride the bike.
Yes, yes, it's ok.
Now Fornaciari will pedal,
and you'll go on foot.
- Look over there!
- What?
Look, that one over
there is my house.
We've arrived, then.
Fornaciari, we'll have dinner, sleep,brush
our teeth, and tomorrow morning keep going.
- At the most tomorrow night.
- Yes, just after dinner.
Are you glad you've arrived?
- Go slowly!
- Carefully, the brakes are broken.
- What?
- The brakes are broken!
Are they broken? You're crazy,
you tell me now?.
- Look, that's my house!
- Yes, yes, I can see it.
Oh, look, that's Teresa!
- Who is it?
- My wife, Teresa.
Look forward or we'll
have an accident!
My God!
- Vincenzo!
- Teresa!
Oh, God!
What are they doing?
- Dad's arrived.
- Dad.
But, do you think I'm a sofa?
What are you doing with
this knife? Do you prune trees?
It's a wonderful knife, I've never sharpened
it and it always cuts very well.
What are you doing?
Where are you throwing air?
Leave that, my syringe is boiling
in there.
Do you want it to become
- No no, do you have a cigarette?
- I smoke cigars.
Give me a cigar, it's been two days
since the last time I smoked.
It's been 10 years for me. I gave the
last one to my brother-in-law.
- He might have already smoked it.
- What?
- Goodbye.
- Are you leaving?
No, I've just arrived.
Teresa, where are my shirts?
Wait a second,
I'll bring it to you.
- Mum.
- What do you want?
Come here.
I think we should tell him.
But, are the other two trustworthy?
I'll tell him.
- You're wrinkling dad's shirt, get out.
- Why?
Get out and don't ask questions!
Where are my t-shirts?
Are your friends trustworthy?
They are.
- Teresa.
- I have to tell you something.
Teresa come here, shit down
and tell me everything.
There's an American prisoner
in the attic.
You're crazy!
- In the attic?
- Yes.
Listen, he was in the concentration
camp in Felpiano.
and everyone escaped.
You've just stabbed me.
I told not to clench your muscles.
- The massage.
- Do it yourself, the massage..
Nona, take this.
excuse me for a second.
We have a guest.
Come here.
Don't say anything,
even after he leaves.
- Why?
- He's an American.
- What, have they arrived? -No,
a prisoner who escaped, in the attic.
Mum, take the sauce.
Ah, so this is polenta!
Go, bring some chairs.
Dad has a sausage.
- Come.
- Oh, with a sausage!
Leiutenant, come here.
- As I'm in a diet, I don't want the sausage.
- Who gave you the sausage?
- An the American?
- As soon as he smeels it, he comes down.
Foreign Officer.
My husband, "husband",
his friends, He and he.
Polenta, eat.
Second Lieutenant
Innocenzi Alberto.
My name is Tobak,
John A. Tobak.
- Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you.
Each one in his zone, and the one
who reaches the center gets the sausage.
Good Italian food!
Good italian food!
Well flavoured.
He doesn't talk much.
He doesn't talk becaause he want
the sausage.
Italian soldiers, eh?
Everyone's escaping.
Who's escaping?
He's not escaping.
Everything is over with
the Germans.
Yes, over.
Early on they were German's allies.
Long live the war.
Heil Hitler!
No. I've never shouted:
Heil Hitler.
- Never. -Don't talk
about politics now. Eat.
I'm going to throw the polenta at
this American's face.
It's not fair play.
Finish your polenta.
Fair play, gentleman.
You, gentleman?
Excuse me.
Good night.
Radio news. Rome, the secretary of
the Fascist party...
that recognices the name
Republican Fascist Party...
has said that he'll erased the shame
of the betrayal...
and that all the responsibles will
be punishedy...
He has the radio too?
You can give him my bed too.
He could sleep here.
Oh, don't make it
so difficult, ok?
I think I've made a good choice,
and that's it.
Then, he'll do the good
act tomorrow...
He takes his stuff and leaves.
How does he dare to offend my house?.
We can still take him out and
they'll beat him up.
But you have to understand that
the other day we were enemies.
Ah, that's it. To eat our polenta and
put my shirts on we're not enemies.
Oh, I don't know nothing about
politics and military.
- I'm a woman.
- Then shut up.
I'll throw him out tomorrow.
Are you jealous?
If it was so, I'd be entitled to.
If the Germans catch him, they'll
execute him.
Oh, execute, what do you say...
Besides, you don't know anything
about politics and military. You're a woman.
- So?
- So I'll remind it to you.
- What? -I don't remember what
women are made of.
Miss Josefina
is a nice dame.
Miss Josefina, Teresa's mother
is doing it for me.
For me.
I understand.
Oh, Miss Teresa
is a nice dame too.
Italian woman are good,
are "good".
What does he have to say
about Italian women?
Well, a lot.
Why, what are the Americans like?
The Americans are...
Very tall?
Yes... but, not always.
Do you like tall women?
Yes, I like them tall...
I like them tall.
But is she isn't tall...
she must be "beautiful".
My Type...
My Type...
is just tall enough.
But with long legs.
Do you understand?
Italian women...
Italian women, North of Italy,
big, strong, blonde...
But cold.
Cold, very cold.
South of Italy: small,
Very fiery.
The ones in the North of Italy,
like the Americans. Very liberal.
Do you know what? I don't dislike
American women.
Do you know American women?
- Picture, film, movie...
- Movie pictures.
Joan Crawford,
Ginger Rogers...
Joan Crawford,
Ginger Rogers.
Oh! Joan Crawford,
Ginger Rogers.
What did I tell?
Listen, Ginger Rogers
and Fred Astaire...
I don't know. I like
Ginger Rogers too.
And not me?
I hope that the war will
end soon. Quickly.
Quickly? It's over for me.
I'm going home.
You're a good guy.
Why did they do the war if
they didn't like it?
Listen to this, one can say:
I don't like it.
Few. But, everyone together.
Gathered you could say.
Eveyone together we
could say, but now...
Good, eh?
An American cigarette, very good.
Do you want one?
But you don't have any,
is this the last one?
- I have another one.
- Are you sure?
I'm going to look for it.
Are you sure?
Thank you.
They're very strong.
Silent, you go behind.
Ceccarelli, the fascists.
- What shall we do?
- I don't know abou you, I'll escape.
American, the fascists!
- This way.
- Yes.
Fornaciari, the fascists.
Come on, let's escape Ceccarelli.
Here they are, on the bed.
- Who are they?
- Friends.
- Where's the prisoner?
- Who are they, what do they want?
- Major, here is Fornaciari.
- Who are they?
Fornaciari, It's been
a long time since I saw you.
I've been told there's an American
prisoner here.
No, there's no American
prisoner here.
Take him out,you'll see
he'll end up speaking.
Leave me, this is my house.
Teresa, go with the children.
Leave me!
- Who has slept here?
- Nobody!
Speak soon, or it'll be worse.
- Speak up!.
- There's nobody here.
There are only my wife and kids!
Go, go away!
Here he is. We found him.
Look how long he is.
There was nobody, eh?
Now you'll have what you deserve.
Thank you and forgive, my friend.
Come on, take him.
Hurry up guys, the expedition's
just started.
Ceccarelli, we've arrived.
That's my house.
You'll stay with tonight.
You'll eat, sleep, drink, and
you'll go to Napoli tomorrow.
But you have to
do me a favour, Ceccarelli.
Joy can kill the same as pain...
if my father sees me like this,
he'll get a heart attack.
You go first and tell him.
But slowly, gently.
Could you do it?
Yes, yes.
Can you do me a favor?
Hey, stop!
We've arrived.
- I've already got hey allergy.
- Give me your hand.
Take the suitcase.
Many thanks.
Here we are. I entrust you, Ceccarelli,
with it. Gently.
Be still, gently.
I'll take care of it.
- Are you Lieutenant Innocenzi's father?
- Yes, why?
- My God.
- Calm down, and be brave.
- Has he died?
- No, dad.
It's me, dad!
My son!
And you, is this the way you
thank somebody?
I didn't know where you were,
I was worried.
Dad. You're thinner.
How are you?
Fine, fine, what about you?
- And Ercilia?
- Ercilia's gone since 15 days ago.
- Her husband was transferred to Manto.
- To Manto! And you, are you alone?
Early on, when the children were here,
they were demons who stole my peace...
my stillness. In short,
i was really bad.
And now that they're gone,
I'm worse.
My boy!
Sorry, if you excuse me I'm going to
look for a chemist...
Dad, a soldier of mine, Ceccarelli.
He'll sleep here tonight...
He'll go to Napoli tomorrow.
I'm arrived.
I'm home.
Home, my home!
I forgot to tell you, It's
your septum. Does it hurt?
- No, not at all.
- Let me see.
We'll put a knife with an
iron blade.
A cold blade will be best.
Put it up here and push.
Our house's been seized.
They've forced me to get refugees.
- In my room?
- The Nocellos are in it...
Good people, yes.
Our home, it's all here.
But, what have you done? How can
you come like this? Dirty, ragged.
Dirty! If you knew the trip
I had, dad.
- I'm very tired.
- Have you left the regiment?
I had to!
- I hope you won't have any problems.
- Let's hope not.
In the meantime I'm retired.
How are you, dad? And your work?
I'm retired too.
They wanted to reorganize the Santa
Cecilia orchestra, they called me but...
I couldn't go to Rome, there's no
way to go there, besides...
Besides, what?
It doesn't work.
It must be my age, the arthritis...
I can't play the
Pizzicatto well.
What are you saying?
What are you saying, dad?
Where on earth can they find
a better chello?
- What can I play?
- Play, dad, do me a favour.
Play what you could.
Can you remember, dad, when I was a kid?
You played night and day.
- Pain!
- I didn't understand you.
All this time I've been away...
Every now and then I'd like to
listen to you.
It's so nice!
You play very well.
You're in shape, dad.
Why not?
Do I really play well?
Excuse me.
- Oh, Mister Nocella!
- Major Nocella.
- Yes, Major.
- Have you got a light?.
You can't get a match even paying
gold for it.
My son's sleeping.
Ah, It was him who was
talking before.
- He's back!
- Yes, he's back.
- By the way, I want to ask
you for a favour. -If I can.
My son is an excellent Officer,
he's been in the Western Front...
in Albania,and other, always
in the first line.
Now, with all that has happened
he had to leave his unit.
- I wouldn't want him to get punished.
- But, is he turning up?
Yes, yes, spontaneously.
Like you, in the command,
you're a big fish...
- I could arrange...
- Yes, yes.
I'll take care of the command.
Dear Innocenzi, the youngters
that want to renew...
the fascist army are more
and more.
But what we need is
Well, very well.
He'd be glad.
I've heard... that it'll be
economic improvements. Is that true?
- What will they give?
- How do you mean?
A compensation and an
automatic promotion.
Well, fine, that was what
I wanted to know.
- Thank you. -I'll find out
better and I'll tell you..
- Are you awake?
- Dad, I heard you.
Why didn't you get up, then?
I could introduce you to Major Nocella.
He's a wnderful person.
Dad, what are you
You talk, say, do, undo...
- Don't I count for you?
- But, why?
Don't you know that the Marshal
Graccianni has regruoped the Army?
Yes, of course I knew. So what?
I understand. You're a little
disappointed. Give me a kiss.
Before you stand for, take
two days off, ok?
We'll ask Major Nocella.
He'll give it to you.
I've made the chicory soup
you like so much.
Forgot about the soup. I don't give a
damn about Major Nocella.
Shut up. Talk quietly.
Young man, let's speak clearly.
So that you could study...
and become and Officer,
I've given my life.
- I've resigned eveything.
- Dad, think...
You seems crazy.
You want to sentence me to death.
The Americans are in Napoli.
- They're arriving!
- The Americans...
Idiot, I'm going to tell something that
nobody else know...
And don't tell no one.
No one.
- It's a militar secret.
- What news?
The Germans have a
secret weapon.
In a few days the situation
will change.
- Who told you that?
- In the Agricultural Consortium, a friend.
- The custodium?
- Yes, the Custodium.
And you believe him?
You naive...
Don't you understand that
everything is over?
What's over is your salary.
And do you know how much
is my pension?
What will we eat? "I find you thin",
of course, what do you want me to do?
Must I fast, starve to
de hambre para maintain you?
Do you know I sold
my coat?
I sold my watches, I pawned everything.
What else can I do?
Even the violoncello I should... in exchange of
a bottle of oil or a piece of cheese.
You see what I get the fire from?
Paper balls.
Damn, Damn,
God damn the day you were born!
And I only thought of coming back
home. Do you know why?
Because I had forgotten
you were a...
I was what?
- Annoying? -Say the word and
I'll hit you.
I even put a picture
on this room. Clown!
I'll burn this picture!
I'll destroy it!
- Dad, don't get mad.
- Beg my pardon, get on your knees!
- Listen, dad.
- The Major, say hello.
At ease, at ease.
- My son.
- My pleasure.
- A soldier of my son.
- Sapper Ceccarelli, Asunto.
Oh, a specialist.
Well, we need specialists.
- Are you coming too?
- Where?
- To the front.
- Where?
Not immediately. First we must go
to Germany to a training.
I've called Colonel Mirabille,
he'll wait you tomorrow at 8.
Let's do something...
let's gather here, tomorrow at 7 and go
together to the recruitment center.
You should clarify
my situation...
about my driving license you lost.
- What are you saying?
- Nothing, Major.
The Sapper Ceccarelli says that
he agrees. We're very pleased.
We'll find tomorrow morning
at 7 on the dot.
- Here?
- Yes, here.
- Thank you.
- Yes, Major.
It's 6, you said 7.
Where are we going?
Goodbye, pigheaded.
No, the door makes noise,
through the window.
It's plenty of potatoes,
and legumes too.
We can even get fresh beans.
My wofe makes a beans pudding
that revives anyone.
- That's why you have an ulcer.
- Lieutenant, why are you like that?
The Americans are about to disembark.
As soon as they arrived
you'll come back home.
With my father?
Why not? He's a good man, I realized.
He was wrong, but he loves you.
On the other hand, the war os over.
Don't think about it anymore.
Up, strength, courage.
- Eh, Matia!
- What happens?
- We're going back to Villa da Terra.
- What happened?
We can't pass,
the station's been bombed.
- But, who will sign my pass?
- The Americans will sign it.
How can I come back home?
Bad luck...
What can we do...
- Let's go.
- Water.
Hands up!
Hands up!
- Is that true?
- Of course it's true.
What did they do in that train?
They're deserters.
You want half a lire and you
buy a Liquirizia.
We don't admit the price of betrayal.
Come on, let's go.
- Where?
- To the Command, walk.
Yes, yes, go.
Come on, walk!
But bring that and go
with your mum.
- Dad, dad...
- Look at what you have to see.
Stop, hold.
Two deserters.
- No, gentlemen, there's a mistake.
- Oh, really?... I'll show you the mistake.
Little Angel, go home and tell mum
I'll be late. Take the bike.
Yes, sir.
Sorry, they saw us with
the gun in the hand.
I took the machine gun away from
him, because I saw he was a kid.
A kid can't have a machine gun.
You two, if everything goes well,
you won't avoid hard labor.
I'm not capable.
Put a hand on his heart,
I have children, an ulcer, a wife
I have as well...
Ah! Look.
Look here... I have good things.
Things that were to Major's wife.
Ceccarelli... Don't.
A bit of conscience, they have a hard life
like we do.
Ceccarelli, you promised.
You musn't.
What does it matter? It's in his name.
To show gratitude.
- What's in there?
- Nothing.
Nothing, things you won't be
interested in.
How couldn't be interested?
It's food, good things to eat.
Things that confort.
Truffles, sausages...
Top-quality products.
Go away, before I change
my mind.
Go away.
- Let's go, Ceccarelli.
- Why are you running?
- Come on, walk.
- He won't change his mind.
- We've been lucky.
- Don't move or I'll shoot!
Watch how lucky we are.
Work, Work.
Someday I'll know who stole
the stuff from the packet.
Ceccarelli, they're going
to kill us working...
and you're worrying about
who ate your packet.
Stop, come her!
Come back!
Come on, keep working!
We're withdrawing to the North.
Everyone to the trucks, quickly.
Go to the country through
the road to Rome. Obey, soon.
Leave your work, get on the trucks.
We're going North.
Move, quickly!
- Where are they taking us?
- To the North, the Americans are arriving.
Those are machine guns,
they're shooting on the streets.
- Then they're in the city.
- And they're moving us.
What's happening?
What's he saying?
I understood that civilians are
shooting at the Germans.
- They're not the Americans.
- I understand.
They're civilians that are shooting
at the Germans. They're not Americans.
Ceccarelli, what happens?
- My house is back there.
- Where?
Behind that wall, where the clothes
are hung.
They've shot the German comrades.
Everyone get off, quickly. Clear the street,
we have to take the debris off.
Forward, come on.
Come on, it seems you don't
to do anything.
The first that tries to escape will
go to the wall.
We've escaped.
Behind the Saint Giuseppe's tabernacle
there's a ladder that goes to the belfry.
For God's sake.
Father, my husband makes me sinned.
When he gets home, he drinks too much.
I'm not a priest.
- Devil. -Take it easy,
you'll go to confession later.
Pray and don't ask questions.
Come on, quickly.
This way.
The Germans are coming back again.
Come on, climb the ladder,
Don't make noise..
Let's go.
And Ceccarelli?
- Who, yout friend?
- Yes.
- I can't escape, I'll stay.
- No!
- Great, we did it!
- We did it.
These poor guys over there.
There is Ceccarelli!
Look, on the roofs.
Who are they?
They're armed.
- Look, there are more over there.
- Where are they?
Why don't we get water today?
I don't undertsand it.
The water is arrived!
The water!
Ceccarelli's escaped.
Oh, my God!
They shot him.
He's going to die.
Can we do anything?
What do you want to do?
What do I want to do?
Are we going to let him die?
Er, no... no, no.
We can't be looking forever.
That's still alive.
- But, where are you going?
I don't know... -Leave me.
Let's go.
Where are you going?
Are you crazy?
What do you feel?
- Lieutenant...
- Where does it hurt?
My legs. I can't move
my legs.
Oh, your legs,
It's not serious.
They don't hurt, Lieutenant.
I don't feel them.
Don't talk, I'll talk.
You're wet with sweat.
I won't get home.
You will.
I'll carry you.
No license, this time I'll get
a sick leave.
Of course you will.
You'll see.
I wish I had a cigarette.
I don't have any.
Not even a cigarette.
Damn it, I'm always so unlucky.
Here, here there's a good place.
Give me the cannon!
- The cannon!
- Hold on, it's too heavy.
Put it in its place.
- Hurry up.
- If it doesn't fit, what can I do?
Hold on, I'll put it.
It doesn't fit, damn it.
Get out.
I'll do it.
A magazine, quickly.
You shoot at the soldiers, que al
we'll attack the tank with grenades.
Yes, Sir!