Tutuge (2022) Movie Script

When I follow my heart...
...I wake up in Bali.
What is seen, may not be real.
Please, I am not
in the mood today!
Are you here alone?
I came because I thought
you needed help.
It's nothing.
Why you ask?
You can see, right?
I can, that's how I get here.
That's not what I mean.
You have that sixth sense,
like in those horror movies.
I know that spirits can't come
back to the world of the living.
Because there's
a barrier between...
...the spirit world
and the real world.
In Bali those who passes away
must be cremated.
I am Ameera.
-Ketut Michael.
So the spirit of the dead
usually still carries feelings,...
...desires, goals
even vengeance.
In accord to their experiences
while they are still alive.
Meaning, after
the cremation ceremony...
...the spirits can no longer
haunt the living?
Yes. Ngaben is a ritual
cremation ceremony...
...to expedite the return
of the Panca Mahabhuta.
Or the rough elements
to the point of origin.
And to purify the spirit
so the Atman...
...quickly unites
with Brahman, the creator.
If the cremation ceremony
is not performed...
...the Atman will transform into
Bhuta Cuil and haunt the living.
This is my father.
We both take care
of the villa and the cafe.
You know, I have stayed here
for two days already.
So I already met your father.
Excuse me,
I have to take this call.
Can I help you?
It's too bad
you are checking out today.
Can you ask with your father
if I can extend my stay?
The villa already have another
booking for the next two days.
My mistake.
I was planning to go home today...
...but I haven't found
the inspiration for my writing.
Wow! She is a writer!
What do you mean?
Don't be sad,
I use to work at another villa.
It's very cool,
I guarantee you will like it.
Oh la la.
Laras's favourite Bumblebee.
Cool, right?
Let's just find
another villa then.
Wait a moment.
I don't see anybody in there,
let me try calling her.
Laras, pick up the phone please.
Excuse me.
Are you Laras?
Sister, play with me.
Incoherent mumbling.
Fist firmly held tight.
Lips closed, these are signs
of possession by a djinn.
That's Laras,
owner of the Villa.
You peed yourself.
I am soaked.
I am going home.
Take me back with you then.
What about her?
-She is your friend.
Let's move her there.
What is wrong with her?
Get her some water
and eucalyptus oil.
Or other scented oil.
-I am not an apothecary.
Why are you back?
-I'm afraid.
But you used to work here?
-Never like this.
Are you okay?
What's wrong with Laras?
Probably lack of sleep.
She likes to drink coffee.
And don't get enough rest.
That's why she is sleepwalking.
Is that so?
Something is not right.
Is that Cokro?
Let me get him.
And tell him
that you are here.
Don't, just do that later.
Let me get him,
he is calling loudly.
This one is called Villa Big Karo.
It's a traditional Sumatra house.
Forgive me.
I was.....
For the inconvenience.
It's okay. No problem.
What do you do now?
Sorry, if I may know.
Why is the villa being.....
That one is riverside villa.
If you open the window
you can see a small river.
Laras, are you done talking?
Bring your phone when you go out,
so it's easy to reach you.
I don't need it.
You can keep it.
I didn't bring my purse.
You are not going to the ceremony?
No, I had a headache earlier.
I already had my kebaya on.
This is. Ameera.
Right! This is Ameera,
she's looking for a place to stay.
She was staying at my place,
she wants to extend her stay.
But we are full.
So I brought her here.
But you are closed?
Please choose
where you want to stay.
There you go.
Choose one!
Feel free.
Please enjoy your stay.
Let's rest now.
Excuse me Ameera,
I am going to rest now.
I am not feeling too well.
Let's talk again soon.
Thank you for letting me stay,
have a good rest.
You sure you want
to stay here? After...
...that scary incident.
Yes, for real!
I have no options.
I am going to stay in that one.
Let me take the keys.
I place your luggage here.
The towels are on the table.
Do you want some?
-That looks yummy.
Is that for me?
Yes, this is a thank you gift
for getting me a free villa.
Amazing. Thank you!
By the way,
Laras says she can't come,...
...still not feeling well.
Something feels different
with me now.
Let's just hope
it will be over soon.
Just like the doctor said...
...it could be just a side effect
of your medication.
It's getting worse.
Everyday I feel...
...as if something
is following me.
The sleepwalking
happens more often.
This is not normal.
I don't think
this is a medical issue.
Are you even listening to me?
Here you go.
Second serving.
Yummy number two.
Lets accompany me to meet Cokro.
Ameera, wait for me!
Is it so?
-I know it sounded crazy.
But something is not right
with Laras's condition.
So you are saying...
...there is a spirit
that haunts her?
Sorry, but I don't believe
in mystical things.
Okay, the best thing for Laras
is to bring her to the doctor.
Laras is sick.
Laras is sick?
Yes. She has been
feeling queasy, nauseous...
...and weak this past month.
She could be pregnant.
No that's not it.
Look, let's just see
if the medication help. Okay?
Are you a paranormal?
You claim to see mystical stuffs?
Not everyone want what I have.
My analysis is based
on my experiences.
Based on horror movies,
you mean?
Like those fiction mystery books?
I guarantee it will
be ready in 5 days.
Let me call you back,
I am in the midst of something.
For the next couple of days,
no staff will be on standby.
They will only come
in the morning...
...to clean the rooms
and surrounding.
So help yourself
to the facilities.
Have a good night.
Thank you for the info.
What a jerk!
I regret talking to him.
Not everyone believes in ghosts.
Cokro is a nice guy.
Ameera, I am going home.
It's late already.
See. It's 10 o'clock.
I have to set breakfast
in the morning.
Say hi to your dad for me.
Tell him if the other guests
checked out, give the room to me.
Okay. I've got to go.
Accompany me please.
It's dark.
You are not sleeping yet?
Laras, what are you doing?
Damn it Laras, what the.....
Laras? Laras?
Come back to bed, dear.
Ketut, this is not funny.
I come in peace,
please don't disturb me.
Good morning, Bli.
-Morning to you too.
What's wrong, Bli?
The hinges is broken,
so the door can't be close.
I will fix it later.
Om swastyastu.
-Om swastyastu.
Why do you stop dancing sir?
Just buying time.
It's a good exercise
to keep healthy.
Is Ketut around sir?
-He is taking some water.
Drink first. I am sure
you are tired from the running.
Thank you.
Father made this for you.
Thank you.
-Ketut Michael.
Watch the cafe later.
I have an invitation.
I am just here for a short visit.
But I have two questions.
-Hi! Good morning.
First, is Laras
a Balinese Dancer?
No she is not, why?
Second question.
If buried without cremation,
will it cause a haunting?
Hold on. Father!
Father! Ameera has a question.
If not yet cremated but
the body is already.....
What you call it?
-But the body is already buried.
What about the spirit?
-If the body is buried...
...and not cremated, the soul
then can not reach the heavens.
In time, the soul
will transform...
...into an evil spirit.
Wandering the earth.
What did he say?
The spirit will turn evil
and haunt the earth.
Ketut, I am leaving now.
Father have
an invitation to go to.
Let me take care of the customer.
Hi, can I take your order?
We just want some
cold fresh coconut water.
One iced coconut water?
Two iced coconut water, please.
Two iced coconut water.
-Just a second.
What did you say?
Git! Oh dear.
That was not funny at all.
Very lame Inggit!
You are the lame one.
You scare easily.
Not even a little courage.
-Not funny.
Where are my cigarettes?
-What cigarettes?
It was on the table,
stop fooling around.
Where are my cigarettes?
What do you call these?
When you are looking
for something, use your eyes.
And a little brain too.
Dumb ass.
Bro, can you just once pick up
the phone when mom calls.
You don't even call back.
It's a sin not
to respect our parents.
Don't regret it, if it's too late.
The older you get,
the more mouthy you are.
What are you doing in Bali?
I think I am going to look
for a job in Bali.
Why do you want sell this villa?
Let me manage it for you,
as Sasmita's replacement.
You don't have to pay me.
We just share the profit.
Let's talk to Laras about it.
I've bought
tuberose flowers for Laras.
Can you give it to her?
Let me put it in the vase.
Can you place the other one
in another vase.
And he is not listening to me.
Say something.
Maybe thank your sister
for buying the flowers.
What are you looking at?
Staring at the wall.
By the way, Laras left you
a message on the fridge.
What was it now?
Cokro, I am going
to the supermarket.
I already made breakfast,
sorry for not waking you up.
Well, something like that.
I ate it already.
The spaghetti was prepared
to be eaten in the morning.
If you want to eat it for lunch,
it wouldn't taste good.
Hey, I can always reheat it.
It's still wouldn't taste good.
You are a pig.
Do you believe in ghosts?
That's my cue to leave.
Give my regards for Laras.
Git. I am still talking to you.
Wait a minute will you.
What is it?
Well, lately I feel like I am
being followed by many things.
Really? What are you?
A Celebgram?
With many followers?
Are you trying to compete with me?
You are just being android.
-It's paranoid!
That's what I mean.
I am serious, Git.
Don't tell anyone about this.
Just tell me already,
I've got to go!
Lately, I've been
getting a feeling.....
Feeling for who?
Do I know this person?
Hey, that's not funny.
I am not going to get scared.
Are you okay?
Bro, please be okay.
Please God, forgive me.
Laras, are you okay?
Laras, why are you crying?
Laras, you are going
to the supermarket right?
Laras, you are at our usual
supermarket, right?
How can you forget where you are?
You've been going to this
market hundreds of times. Focus.
Go and pick her up!
Pick her up now!
-Yes. I am coming to get you!
-Yes. Stay there.
Just go pick her up!
She is your wife after all.
-What do you want now?
Do you bring your bike?
Let me borrow it.
Let me use the bike.
Okay, okay!
Hurry up.
-Take care of it.
It's a rental.
Please be careful.
So it's similar then?
-I see.
Ketut, I will call you back.
Go away!
I look gorgeous!
But why am I still single?
Okay. Posting.
Stop pushing me, Cokro.
I didn't notice that kid before.
So creepy.
So creepy.
Open the door, Ras.
Laras, it's me.
Look at me, Laras.
Open the door. Open it.
Unlock the door.
Laras, come on.
Don't worry, I'll take you home.
What happen to you?
What took you so long?
I came as fast as I could
using Inggit's bike. Let's go.
Where am I?
-Don't worry, I got you.
Get in.
Take my bike, okay.
I swear she was there just now.
A ghost is holding my hand.
Sister, let's play.
No. Thank you!
No, no.
God help me.
Cokro! Cokro!
Damn it!
Where is Cokro?
Help me, God.
I don't want to die this way.
Not like this.
I promise God.
If you save me
I will stop playing Tik Tok.
I will stop making
silly status updates.
I will stop forcing my friends
to like my pics.
Help me, God.
I promise.
Thank you, God.
Let's play, sister!
What's wrong with you?
No, nothing is wrong.
I am just in a hurry to exercise,
you want to exercise too?
Let me do it.
Just let me handle her.
Let me do it.
This is the bike's key.
-Give it to Inggit.
-She is a silly millennial girl.
You will meet her soon.
You must be Inggit.
Cokro, told me to give
these keys back to you.
Anyway, I am Ameera.
I am Inggit.
-I am heading back to my room.
Why you look so familiar?
You are a YouTuber, right?
I have seen your vlog before!
-That's not me.
Are you on Tik Tok?
I am a celebgram and play
Tik Tok too so I think I know you.
Are you insane?
Chill out, girl!
This way again?
Where have you been?
Your keys is with Ameera.
Yes, yes I got it.
Smell of fresh tuberose flowers,
who got this?
Hi Inggit!
You are here.
Yes! I brought the flowers.
You requested from me, right?
Thank you, Inggit.
Cut it out.
-It is too many.
Not at all.
Sis. Here's the change.
The change.
From the flowers.
What change?
For the money you gave me
to buy flowers.
Why did I forget?
Cokro, can you
turn on the lights?
Yes, sure.
All the jars are empty.
Accompany me to the supermarket.
-Let's go!
Need to buy Cokro's coffee
and tea, it is finished already.
Laras, you don't have too.
-We are also out of rice.
I know, I will go with you later.
This is your shopping from before.
These are
your shopping bags, right?
Yup, it is.
There's coffee here and tea too.
Yes, they are inside.
There's rice too.
-Here's the rice.
Did I went to shop?
Remember you call Cokro,...
...crying asking to be picked up
at the supermarket.
Is that true?
It's true, isn't it?
Are we still going to shop?
It's okay if you want
to buy more coffee.
Did I do something wrong?
Take a seat.
Sit. Sit down, Inggit.
I tried signaling you
to shut up.
You just don't get it.
That's how bad
Laras condition is now.
I can't explain it.
The doctors don't know
what causes it.
But they indicated
that she has Alzheimer.
What is that?
No wonder you are so dense.
Google it, so you get smarter.
I am not dense.
Keep your voice down.
Alzheimer is a brain disorder.
It destroys memory
and thinking skills.
At it's worst, Alzheimer may cause
hallucinations or delusions.
Oh, no.
Cokro, I remember something.
Believe it or not, it's up to you.
I think this villa is haunted.
I was just chased
by the ghost of a little girl.
I call her "The Follower" ghost.
I look this tired because
I have been chased by a ghost!
Git, I was just joking
about the ghost earlier.
Ghosts are just a manipulation
of your mind caused by djinns.
I beg you stop being a coward.
I was chased
and I hide in one of the villas!
I forgot which villa now.
Save that for later.
Look, now I need
a favour from you.
It's important that
you stay here tonight.
For one night. Keep her company.
-No way!
I have an appointment.
-She needs someone to talk to,...
...to ease her mind. You're
the only one who can do that.
Who said that I'm the only one
who can do it?
If I talk to her,
we will end up arguing!
You know how it is.
All a woman need is...
...a little understanding.
To be listened too.
Can you not be selfish?
I am preparing the room,
you are staying!
I can't tonight!
No. Here's the deal.
If something happens just call me.
Okay? I really can't tonight.
Laras, I am going home now.
We are going to see
the doctor tomorrow.
No need.
But you must.
It's useless to go see the doctor.
They will not know
the kind of illness I'm having.
Don't touch that!
You may want to forget about this.
I don't.
I carried for four months.
Growing inside me.
He has been our child.
But it's about time
that we need to move on.
You will never understand!
I need the papers
to sell this villa.
I am still not sure
about selling.
I have taken the downpayment.
Show me.
You finished it, right?
What did you spend it on?
Your big fancy motorbike
or prestige?
How are we going
to settle your debts?
You are an evil man, Cokro!
-Enough, Laras.
Enough for today, let Laras rest.
Enough Laras, you must rest first.
What happened?
Ras, what's going on?
Laras. Laras, hey!
Laras, Laras, look at me.
Look at me!
What did you just say?
-Ras, hey!
I am sick.
But I am not crazy.
That's enough.
-What's wrong with you?
Nothing. It's nothing.
It's nothing at all.
Why are you so tense?
Are you okay?
Something happened?
Cokro, please.
What's wrong with you?
Stop nagging me!
It's nothing I say.
You want me
to be hallucinating like you?
-Stop it, it's enough.
Take your meds,
so you'll stop acting crazy.
"Symptoms of possession"
"Seeing things and
an unidentified illness"
"Nervous and paranoia
followed by insomnia"
Onion, onion.
Where is the knife?
God, what is wrong with me?
I made my special
fruit salad for you guys.
Anybody home?
I'm feeling a little paranoid.
Feeling a little paranoid.
Whose voice was that?
I am leaving the fruit salad
on the table, okay?
Not funny!
This is spiritual harassment,
you know?
Okay, okay. I'm sorry.
But yesterday
I was chased by a ghost.
A ghost of a child.
I was scared.
Wearing an open top shirt?
That's correct.
How did you know that?
Was she carrying a doll?
That's right!
So you have been chased too?
You are trying to scare me!
It's not going to work.
I feel dejavu.
-I told you.
Yesterday I felt like this.
I'm scared.
Let's play hide and seek.
The Ghost Child
wants to play with you.
You better play with her.
-I am scared!
No, I don't want to.
-Where are we hiding?
She is still standing there.
Come on in.
You don't have to ask me anything.
Let me give you an answer.
The balinese dancer is Sasmita,
Laras's younger sister.
See with the eyes of the heart.
You don't have to ask me anything.
Let me give you an answer.
Listen to your heart.
What are you up to now?
There was.....
There was a ghost here.
Where's the ghost, Git?
-I swear. She was just here!
God damn it, Git!
Hey, what are you crying for?
Why is the kitchen a mess?
Where is Laras?
Git, where is Laras?
I don't know where she is,
I just got here.
There she is with Ameera.
Hello, sorry.
I am still processing it.
Give me five days.
Laras, I bring
your favorite fruit salad.
Thank you, Ketut.
Who messed up the kitchen?
I need to rest in my room.
Yes, you need to rest.
Let me clean this mess.
Inggit, come on help me
and quit staring.
-I am curious about that girl.
That's Ameera,
she is a novelist.
Mystery novelist?
Ameera Janus?
Damn, I just recognise her now,
I have her book.
She does a lot of TV
and radio interviews.
You don't know her?
Wow, I have
a celebrity friend now.
Hey! I am famous too, you know?
A celebgram and TikTokers.
I just send you my phone number.
Okay, I will save it.
By the way, why you titled
your book "Twilight"?
Because ghosts and spirits...
...are more active
between noon and night.
During which time
possession mostly happens.
Lets change the subject,
shall we?
Possession can happen
in few seconds...
...or it could take months.
Especially when
they are physically weak.
Mentally and spiritually too.
Talking about it,
will make the ghost appear.
Please, don't be hyperbole, Ketut!
A ghost or spirit
can't posses someone...
...who is 10% percent
stronger spiritually.
Okay, that doesn't sound good.
I am bleeding.
Help her!
-What's with her?
See with the eyes of the heart.
Listen to your heart.
Don't go in there. I'm scared!
What's wrong with her?
-I don't know.
I am scared.
-I don't see any blood.
Help me.
-Help her, guys.
Ketut, help them!
-I am scared.
Help quickly.
Come on, help her!
-What is this?
What is going on with me?
Clean it up!
I don't know what to do.
Cokro, Cokro!
-What are you guys doing?
Please don't act crazy!
-These are nails, Cokro.
Inggit, make some warm tea.
Hurry up!
Come on, Ketut.
-The rest of you, get out!
Get out! And close the door!
Laras, I am here.
Ketut, close the door!
Excuse me, sir.
This is interesting.
What are you doing?
It's you, Ameera.
I tried to search on Google.
It says that this is the best way
to expel ghost and djinn.
And what is that for?
It's a combo deal with this thing.
I thought you are
a famous mystery novelist.
And you didn't know
about these things.
The latest result did not detect
any anomaly, Mr. Cokro.
Last week scans
and blood tests result...
...are all negative.
Medically speaking,
your wife is healthy.
Are you positively sure?
-I'm sure with the lab result.
She does not show
any Alzheimer symptoms.
These are the lab results.
Goodbye Mr. Cokro, I have to go.
Thank you, Doctor.
There's something
negative inside me.
That's what I feel.
You should believe me.
Who is living in that villa?
That one.
That villa was.....
Sasmita and Laras are sisters
from different mothers.
They are both orphans.
Laras build this villa on her land
with her inheritance money.
This swing have been here
since the very beginning.
And that Villa is still inhabited
by it's old occupants.
My friend. When all of this
was just empty land.
Why is it being sell?
Ening, their only daughter
passed away.
They moved to Lombok Island...
...to try and forget
their memories here.
Is Ening the ghost
that likes to play with the swing?
She likes to play
with this swing alone.
At that time there were rarely
small children in this area.
But we can get rid of
her ghost, right?
Ening is already been cremated.
What you saw was only her spirit.
If am not mistaken in Islam
you call it Djinn Qarin.
In Bali, we humans respect
the existence of spirits.
They are similar to us,...
...there are good spirits
and evil spirits.
Humans and evil spirits
allied with the devil.
We do not kill or destroy
these spirits...
...but we move them
with care to another place.
-Who is that?
Is she Ening?
That's not a ghost.
That's Komang's daughter.
Come here.
-Oh, she's Komang's daughter.
Yes but she is
a special need child.
I have to take her home now.
Sister, let's play.
You can play with him!
-I am going now.
So, she wasn't a ghost after all.
Where does this path lead?
To museum maybe?
Where are you going?
Let me go with you.
It actually leads back here.
I remember this.
There used to be a lot of cute
foreign guys hanging out here.
Sadly it's quiet now.
How did Sasmita died?
They found her dead.
In that villa.
Villa Big Karo.
I saw a spirit following Laras.
I also saw Sasmita but I don't
know what their connection are?
Don't make things
more scary for me please.
I am going to excuse myself now!
I am going to eat
and hang out with my friends.
That's it.
You want to come?
Its such a waste if you come
to Bali just to see ghosts.
So it's true what you tell me?
You can expel the ghosts?
I have not seen you pray
while I am here.
That's right.
Since Sasmita died...
...I rarely pray.
Almost never.
Spirits can easily enter the body
of those who rarely prayed.
Did you know if not cremated
the spirit of the dead...
...will haunt the earth even
though they've been buried?
I was the one who
postponed the cremation.
I also let them buried her first.
Until I know the cause
of her death.
This villa shouldn't be for sale.
I agree totally!
I've been waiting to have
a talk to you about that.
I can take over Sasmita's duty.
I am going to make
this vila famous.
I can use social media
to promote this place.
I will make it happening
and bring in more guests.
Sister, this place need
a millennial touch.
You talking in your sleep?
I am thirsty.
My throat's dry after fainting.
Why are you selling it anyway?
I really miss my little sister.
This villa is Sasmita's dream.
I want to make
her dream come true.
Did I really fainted?
For a long time or not?
Are you okay?
You? Who are you?
What am I doing here?
What time is it?
I think I have
doctor's appointment today.
Do you?
Laras, Laras, hey!
Cokro, we are going
to do the doctor, right?
Okay, let's go.
Laras, come with me.
Come, Laras.
Inggit, you are coming too.
-Okay, okay!
You should be grateful
that Ameera is here.
You saw it for yourself.
Laras is possessed by a djinn.
You saw it for yourself.
Ameera wants to help us.
Her intention is right. It's just
you being a pig headed, as always.
Inggit, you want me
to trust that con artist?
Spread fear, claim to be
the hero and then what?
It always comes down to money!
Think about it!
I don't need to defend myself
from your bullshit accusation.
This is all happening
because of you.
There is a grudge
that makes all this happen.
You are a bad person.
You are the cause and Laras
is the victim of your doing.
So. I am the bad one?
People like you
are just ungrateful.
We let you stay here rent free,
and now you blame me?
What are you trying to say?
Say what?
What am I going to say?
You know what I'm going to say.
What happened in Big Karo,
stays in Big Karo!
That's it!
Your own dick is your witness.
Tell Laras I said "Thank you",
I am moving out now.
What's really going?
What is it that I don't know?
Tell me!
I think am going
to go back home.
Om Swastiastu.
-Om swastiastu, sir.
I almost fainted again.
Excuse me, sir.
You know what I'm going to say.
What happened in Big Karo,
stays in Big Karo!
That's it!
Your own dick is the witness.
Are you scared?
This is our favorite place.
This necklace.
This is a gift from you,
a sign of your love for me.
Laras got nothing to do with this.
She is innocent.
-She made me die.
I die because of someone like you.
I didn't mean it, I am sorry.
How dare you leaving me dead?
You didn't mean it?
I am rotting away.
Laras will rot too.
So will you, dear.
Can hear things
that other people can't hear.
Feeling things
that no one else can feel.
See things that others can't see.
You are like one of those mutants.
I think you could be a member
of the X-men you know.
It must feel like being
Wonder Woman.
What's so good about
being superhuman...
...if you can't help people?
I call it an "awareness".
You can use it
for people who need it.
Please, Cokro.
I just want to be alone.
Why are you here?
What for?
You're not even listening to me.
Let alone believing me.
I made a mistake.
You made a mistake.
Because you know
what really happened.
And you told Ameera to go.
Cause she knows too.
She knows the truth.
She knows.
She knows.
I am hungry!
Is it that good?
What's wrong with me?
Why am I like this?
What's wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong, dear.
What's wrong with me?
It's painful.
It hurts.
Doctors are not the solution.
Not the doctors.
You are crying?
I am tired, Cokro.
I can't take this no more.
I can't take any more of this.
I am so tired.
Look at this.
I don't get it.
Laras, please don't.
I can peel it off so easily.
Cokro, look at it.
Just look at this.
-Laras, please don't!
Enough. Laras, stop it!
Don't hurt yourself, stop.
Please, I beg you.
Stop hurting yourself.
But I don't feel any pain, Cokro.
Ras, enough.
-You hurt me.
-You are the one hurting me.
It's you!
Ras, Laras!
Where are you?
She is in the bathroom.
Not sure, but it's evening now.
But seriously, is she really okay?
I am worried here.
You are getting
as annoying as Ameera.
If everything is okay then.
Inggit wait, I need you here,
please come here.
No! Don't do that.
Up to you.
Ameera, why did you
leave your phone upstairs?
I think Inggit
tried to call you.
Sorry Inggit, I can't help.
My flight home is tonight.
Inggit's going to visit Laras,
she's worried about her condition.
Isn't your flight tomorrow?
What is so good
about being superhuman...
...if you can't help others?
-Cokro needs your help.
Hello, Inggit?
-Do it for me.
And Laras too.
Stay out of this.
This is between me and Laras.
What did you just say?
Did I say something?
No, it's okay.
I think we need your father.
He'll be back soon.
I am going to my room,
I have guest.
You have something to say?
Hi, Ameera.
You know I can easily kill you.
I know that.
Your abilities
are not powerful enough.
So don't challenge me.
I am only here to help Laras.
So do I.
So do you?
Father says that this is all
started because of "Tutuge".
-Yes! Tutuge.
Which means being followed.
In this case
being followed by a djinn.
Why would a djinn do that?
-The djinn was promised a reward.
Father says, the djinn
can't easily posses Laras.
Because she has a pure heart.
She is faithful.
Her soul is peaceful and happy.
It's hard for djinn to posses
people with that quality.
It could take years
for the djinn to posses her.
Only by making her sick...
...and unhappy can
the possession happen.
Stressing her out with
the memories of her miscarriage.
As she goes weaker,
the possession will take place.
I have to go now.
What's wrong with her?
Help me.
I can't take it anymore.
I want to die.
I want to die.
Inggit's here.
Cokro, what are you
doing standing there?
Help me!
Help me!
It's going to be okay,
let's move from here.
Inggit! Git!
Get out of there.
Move away, Git!
That 's Laras.
Please help Laras.
She is acting very weird.
One minute she was crying,
asking for help.
The next, she acts like that.
Did she attack you?
What's that?
That's Laras's blood.
This is her condition
at the moment.
Right now Laras is the one crying
but next she can become.....
I told you.
Not to interfere.
Laras, wake up!
Do you want to die?
Laras! Laras!
Please don't! Laras!
-Do you want to die?
Enough, Laras!
-Let her go!
Laras! Let her go!
-Don't touch her.
The devil is a good manipulator.
Many are deceived by his trickery.
Right now.
This body is no longer
inhabited by Laras.
Something else is now
in possession of her.
Get behind me.
This is a supernatural occurrence.
Let me take care of this.
Don't be a hero.
-This is between me and Laras.
We are of different dimension.
Get out of her peacefully.
Let's end this peacefully.
I don't want to hurt you.
But if you don't
exit her peacefully...
...you will face my wrath.
I want her to die!
You are sisters.
You both love each other dearly.
I know that for a fact!
Why Sasmita?
Why are you hurting
your sister, Laras?
Sas? Sasmita?
Do not talk much!
It hurts!
Stop it!
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
...is the darkest type of filth
that occupies the mind.
It feels no compassion.
A life consumed by sadness.
Always anxious, seeing no beauty.
And thoughts that is always
accompanied by darkness.
Until it kills you
from the inside.
I slept with her husband.
So she will be heart broken.
I killed the baby in her womb.
So she will be suffering.
I made her sick.
So she will die in pain.
Laras has been nothing
but kind to all of us.
Laras told me...
...this villa
is a dream of Sasmita.
And Laras wants
that dream to come true.
And do you know
why she wants to sell this villa?
Because Laras can't see herself
being here without you, Sasmita.
You mean everything to Laras.
We will complete
and finalise your death.
Are you ready?
What has happened?
All of this will be mine.
I am pregnant.
Good afternoon, Mr. Cokro.
We are with the police.
Please cooperate with us.
You can explain it at the station.
-I didn't do anything wrong.
How's the villa now?
It's getting crowded.
Yes I agree, it's different now.
I am going to read a book.
What book?
Ameera's new book
is already available.
"This film is dedicated
to our beloved friend and brother"