Twins Of Evil (1971) Movie Script

- There is no one.
- I hear them.
What is it?
I'm not a witch. I'm not.
Please, please believe me.
I am not a witch.
Please! Please.
Oh, God, have mercy on this poor,
unfortunate creature.
She is a child of the devil,
but we ask thee,
in thy great goodness,
to save her soul.
Help me!
We commend unto thee
her earthly body
and seek to purify its spirit.
Brothers, let us pray.
Look, the coach.
Come on!
Wait! Wait!
Oh, look.
That must be Karnstein Castle.
It's beautiful.
Just like a fairy tale.
Whoever owns that must be rich!
Who lives there?
Count Karnstein.
Count Karnstein.
We've never been here before.
We come from Venice.
No, no, no,
you's off that poor boy.
Maria. Frieda.
Aunt Katy.
I swear, I'll never be able
to tell the difference.
You were both about that high
when I last saw you.
Come along.
Perhaps you would like
to go to your room now and change.
Your uncle will be back soon.
Of course!
You'd like us to look our best.
Oh, no... l mean, yes.
Well, that is, we do things differently
from Venice, you see.
No! I don't see at all.
What I mean is that
had you lived in Karnstein,
you would still be wearing black.
But, Aunt Katy,
it's not lack of respect.
We wore black
for more than two months,
until last week.
We do things differently here.
Your uncle wouldn't like it.
He's a very religious man.
We didn't bring any black.
Well, perhaps something more sober.
Yes, of course, if you'd like it.
Well, thank you, Maria.
I'll show you your room.
What kind of plumage is this?
For birds of paradise?
Maria, Frieda,
this is your Uncle Gustav.
Do you know the fourth Commandment?
Which one is that?
Honor thy father and thy mother,
that thy days may be long upon the land
which the Lord thy God hath given thee.
Uncle, we didn't mean to offend you.
Your parents are not yet cold
in their graves.
Your room is at the top of the stairs.
The door is open.
Gustav, I'll get you a meal.
There is no need.
I'm going out.
There is a meeting of the Brotherhood.
The death of two young men
within the last 10 days,
and each victim bearing the mark
of the devil.
This place has been accursed
with the evil of some who abide here.
But the signs are plain.
God is calling on us
who believe in His holy Word
to stamp out that evil...
to seek out the devil worshippers...
and to purify their spirits
so that they may find mercy
at the seat of the Lord
by burning them!
I know of one.
Speak, brother.
There is a cottage in the woods.
A young girl lives there alone,
refuses to take a husband.
They say she has many husbands.
She's a creature of the devil.
- Wicked!
- Immoral.
Burn her! Burn her! Burn her!
Burn her!
Put to bed at 9:00!
You'd think we were 10 years old.
You'd better put out the candles.
Uncle Gustav might be back.
Let him come. I don't care.
I'm thinking about Aunt Katy.
Yes, she's terrified of him.
God! How would you like
to be married to a man like that?
I'm sure he means no harm.
Oh, no. He's a man of God.
Too good to be true.
I know his kind.
What do you mean?
I can just imagine.
If he came back now
and saw the light on in here,
that would give him
an excuse to come in.
- Frieda!
- Don't you know men like that?
Didn't you ever notice them in the park
when we were little girls,
with funny staring eyes?
- Frieda, stop it!
- You see if I'm not right.
He'd love to find us doing
something wrong just to punish us.
It would give him a thrill.
I'm not going to listen.
All right, but let me tell you,
it's going to be hell
living in this house.
But what can we do?
Uncle Gustav is our guardian now.
He may be yours.
He's not going to be mine.
Not for long.
- I'm going away from here.
- How?
I'll find a way.
I'll go first.
What's the meaning of this, Weil?
Out witch-hunting again?
You've come to the wrong place.
We seek the servants of the devil.
Well, you've found one.
Now get out!
Don't let them bother you.
Some men like a musical evening.
Weil and his friends find their pleasure
through burning innocent girls.
You do not know
the meaning of the word.
Well, I know the meaning
of the word intrusion. Do you?
You are arrogant, Count Karnstein,
because you have
the protection of the court,
of the emperor himself,
but there is a higher authority.
Tell that to the emperor.
God will have his revenge.
Mind he doesn't have it on you!
Now get out!
Look at them.
Gustav Weil and his brave band
in search of women.
You can have Gerta if you like,
if you want some excitement.
You'll feel better then.
You won't go around
burning pretty girls.
Let him shoot, Joachim.
The emperor will hang them all.
A public hanging in the square, Weil.
You mustn't have
all the pleasure yourself.
Everyone enjoys a good hanging.
Pray for me, Weil!
That's what you're supposed to do
for sinners, isn't it?
Pray for me!
Look at his face, sir.
He's drained of blood.
The devil has struck again.
Not the devil himself
but his servants!
She lives not two kilometers from here.
You see? I warned you.
The Lord will light our path.
Let us ride!
There she is.
Ride her down!
Aristocracy of this country is decadent.
Their whole lives
are devoted to sinful pleasures.
The pursuit of lust.
Is it any wonder
that the devil comes amongst us?
But God's will shall prevail.
Their wickedness
will not be tolerated long.
The Lord will send word
to his servants.
Do not doubt it.
Gustav, be careful.
The count has important friends.
Ch. Yes!
And sinners every one of them.
They meet at the castle
and hold debauched gatherings.
Men and women strip naked, they say.
Indulging in pagan rites.
Practice the black arts.
They worship the devil.
They're all slaves to Count Karnstein,
and he is their evil master.
They shall not...
Gustav! The girls, please.
The sooner Karnstein
is exposed for what he is,
the better it will be...
for everyone.
His evil practices cast a shadow
over our countryside.
Over our lives!
Young girls from the villages
are abducted by Karnstein's lackeys
and initiated
into unspeakable ceremonies.
Karnstein and his friends...
Maria, come and look.
Frieda, come to bed.
You can see the light
of the castle from here.
Do you know what I want
more than anything else?
To meet Count Karnstein.
Your Excellency is pleased
with the entertainment?
He's calling out the devil.
Well, so can I.
Or you.
But will the devil come?
Fresh blood?
The guts of a chicken
or a suckling pig.
The devil won't be cheated
as easily as that, Dietrich.
Your Excellency
is pleased with the girl?
A peasant.
Bought for a few gold coins.
Can you never find anything new?
Well, you know, my lord, I try.
They say that Gustav Weil
has two pretty nieces staying with him.
That would be something different.
Your Excellency is pleased to joke.
We do not want trouble
with a man like Weil.
I don't know why
I employ you, Dietrich.
You bore me, personally, and everything
you do for me I find tedious,
including this charade.
Look! He is possessed!
Is this your manifestation
of the devil?
Look! I've exorcised him!
You are charlatans, all of you.
Get out!
Forgive me, my lord.
No. Leave her.
Oh, of course.
And now go.
Yes, at once.
Your Excellency knows that I endeavor
to do my utmost to please him.
They knew!
They didn't play at being wicked.
They worshipped the devil,
and he taught them delights
that you will never know!
Of punishment...
inicting and receiving it.
Of torture.
And death.
Yes, of death
and of pleasures beyond the grave.
Something you could not
even comprehend!
But I know.
Go, Dietrich!
Good night, my lord.
Oh, lord of darkness,
I am weary of this world
and its pathetic pleasures.
Teach me to reach
beyond the esh.
Reveal yourself to me
that I may bow down before you
and be your servant.
Give me the power to do your evil.
No. No, please! No!
As a token of my faith, I offer you...
this woman!
Frieda, what are you doing?
Nothing. Just looking.
The storm is beautiful,
and when the lightning ashes,
you can see Karnstein castle.
He sent you?
- Must I give my life?
- Your soul.
Your body remains on Earth.
You will be of the undead.
- When?
- Now.
Look in the mirror.
I can't see you.
We are the undead,
and the mirror sees only the living.
We walk the Earth,
but we exist only in hell.
Hold up, sir.
Morning. Morning, ma'am.
Just wait a bit. The boar hunters
are coming through this way.
We're not far from the village now.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
It's just the men of the village
out hunting.
That awful sound.
They're killing the boar, you see.
Don't worry.
Come in.
- Hello, Ingrid.
- Hello.
- This is Maria and Frieda.
- Hello.
I shall never be able to tell
one from the other.
This is Ingrid Hoff er
who runs the school here.
Her brother Anton
is the choirmaster.
I'm sorry that Anton isn't here.
He's hunting.
Oh, we passed him on the way.
I expect he won't be long.
They're coming now.
Girls, back to your places.
What is there to look at?
You've seen the men
coming back from hunting before.
Come on.
Shall we sit down?
The girls are always happy for any
excuse to stop work for a few moments.
I expect you two are just the same.
Come and meet our new pupils.
Come on.
Anton, this is Frieda,
and this is Maria.
- No, no, I'm Frieda.
- I'm Maria.
I can't tell the difference
between them.
Nor can I, but it seems Anton can.
- What do you mean?
- Well, just look at him.
I saw you ride by.
- While you were hunting?
- Yes.
It seems to be
everyone's occupation here,
hunting of one kind or the other.
What do you mean?
Boars in the morning
and witches at night.
Oh? Who told you about that?
No one told me anything.
I listened.
- To your uncle?
- Yes.
Don't blame me for that.
I take no part in it.
- Don't you?
- No.
I think it's barbaric,
but superstition dies very hard here.
You wouldn't understand.
I don't want to. I hate it here.
Your uncle is misguided, perhaps,
but he's a good man.
Perhaps I don't like good men.
Maria was asking me
about the history of Karnstein.
I told her you were the expert.
It's all here, Maria, in this book.
Look, I'll show you.
And it's still a mystery.
I can assure you it's true.
Myths and magic are interwoven
for the peasants of Karnstein.
Where's Frieda?
This is my niece.
It is a pleasure
to make her acquaintance.
My words were not an introduction,
but a warning.
Go in.
At once!
Sir, you are impertinent.
I am not a peasant,
and I acknowledge only one Lord.
Both my nieces will be instructed
never to speak to you again.
Haven't you got us
into enough trouble?
No supper and early to bed.
Is that all you ever think about?
Don't be so greedy.
But if anyone comes and finds you gone,
there will be a terrible scene.
No one is going to notice, stupid.
I don't know
what you're complaining about.
All you have to do is go to sleep.
I'm not asking you to come with me.
- I wouldn't dare.
- I know you wouldn't.
You are scared of your own shadow
and terrified of dear Uncle Gustav.
- Yes, I am.
- Well, I'm not.
I don't care if he does find me gone.
The count will protect me.
Frieda, I beg you,
think about what you're doing.
Everyone says he's a wicked man.
What about it?
Who wants to be good
if being good is singing hymns
and praying all day long?
He's doing what's best for us, I'm sure.
It might be best for you.
It's not for me.
I'm going, and you might as well
stop arguing about it.
And I warn you,
if you dare tell on me...
Frieda, you know I wouldn't do that.
I'm just telling you
you know what'll happen if you do.
Stop it, you're hurting me!
Not half as much as I will
if you don't keep quiet.
They're all in bed now.
No one will notice.
And don't lie awake
waiting for me.
And don't worry!
I shan't be long.
Frieda, I beg you, don't go.
I've warned you once.
You know what I'll do to you
if you make any trouble, don't you?
Don't you?
To Satan.
you're not amusing us tonight.
What's wrong?
It is nothing, my lord.
It must be something.
Don't make a secret of it.
Tell us.
Perhaps a little later, my lord.
In private.
It is a personal matter.
A young lady, I'm sure.
What is it?
Did she run away from you?
She disappeared a few nights ago.
- I do not know what happened.
- Disappeared?
Then it must have been
your magicians.
Perhaps their spells really did work.
Her parents blame me.
You must have
a very bad reputation, Dietrich.
They are threatening
to report to the authorities.
They had better not do that, Dietrich.
It might be very bad for you.
You must pay them.
All peasants are insatiably greedy.
Aren't they, my dear?
No more of your love life, Dietrich.
It's too boring.
Joachim, more wine.
everyone's so dull this evening.
Gerta, you're worse than Dietrich.
If it is your pleasure, my lord,
I'll go.
No, it is not my pleasure.
You'll stay.
I want to know
what you think of Frieda.
Don't you think she's beautiful?
She's all right.
That's not a very
handsome compliment.
You're not jealous, I hope.
I am a simple peasant girl,
my lord.
We can be bought
for a few pieces of gold.
Now you're being insolent, girl.
- Greta.
- Silence, Dietrich!
You need to be taught a lesson.
- Don't you think so?
- Yes.
Then, we'll punish her together.
My lord, I apologize.
If you'll permit me to leave.
You don't mind, do you,
if we... play with Gerta?
You are very beautiful.
For you, all pleasures
should be supreme.
And one supreme pleasure
is to take a human life.
For our pleasures we must pay.
Will you pay?
Look. What do you see?
We are the undead.
No man can harm us unless
he bores a stake through our hearts
or beheads us.
No one is protected from us
unless they hold the hated cross.
You're a vampire.
I can savor the most extreme
of Satan's delights.
I can feed on the blood
of a human victim.
- No. Not me.
- It is a test.
One who is dedicated
to the devil and his deeds
will not die by a vampire's bite,
but will become one of the undead.
A vampire.
The good and the innocent die!
Oh! No! No!
Another funeral pyre.
Another sacrifice.
They are frightened.
Is that an excuse for wanton cruelty?
Five people have been found dead.
Three others have disappeared.
And three young girls
have been burned at the stake!
Add those lives to the total.
Anton, I know how you feel.
No! You don't.
You think I'm just angry.
It's more than that.
I feel sick with fear
and revulsion against myself.
Yes. Because I'm such a coward.
Oh, lngrid... how much longer
can decent people stand by
and watch this reign of terror
by Gustav Weil
and his religious friends?
But what can we do?
Oh, I know some of those poor girls
were innocent.
I'm sure they were, but...
Anyone poor, living alone,
and not a devoted member of the church.
Anyone young and pretty.
Because then their morals
are questionable.
But Gustav has young
and pretty nieces.
Under his protection.
It's probably just as well.
They have a great many admirers.
Frieda in particular.
Did you think I wouldn't notice, Anton?
I'm afraid it's rather obvious.
But why Frieda, though?
Maria seems much nicer to me.
Since one can hardly tell
the difference between them...
Oh, I can!
Maria is very nice,
probably much nicer than Frieda,
but Frieda has a kind
of fire inside her.
I can almost feel it burning
when I'm near to her.
And she has a strange,
mysterious quality.
Maria is like an open book,
while with Frieda one feels you could
go on learning about her forever.
I suppose it depends
on what there is to learn.
Still, it's a very romantic notion.
- The only trouble is...
- What?
If you want to court
Gustav Weil's niece,
you'd better not offend him.
Someone has got to do something.
Frieda, that's Uncle Gustav.
You only just got back in time.
Who cares?
I may leave here altogether soon.
Although, in a way,
I like having our uncle as my protector.
Frieda, you must stop it.
Uncle Gustav
is bound to find out soon.
I can't keep covering up for you.
I don't want to!
You will do what I tell you.
But it was only luck
he didn't find out today.
He knew you weren't here.
He what?!
Oh, it was all right.
I pretended to be you,
and he can't tell
the difference between us.
That's all right, then.
Except that he thrashed me
with his belt
because he said I was telling lies
about not knowing where you were.
- Where you were.
- Yes.
And tomorrow I get beaten again
for being me
because I wasn't home at dusk.
My poor Maria.
It isn't fair.
I think tomorrow
you ought to pretend to be me.
If he ever touches me, I'll kill him!
Frieda, what's happened to you?
Ever since you went away that night,
you seem like a different person.
Get ready to go out now, girls.
It's a lovely song, Anton.
We'll leave you to finish it in peace.
Right? Come on.
Anton, a visitor for you.
Won't you sit down?
You sent a letter
to the elders of our church
complaining of my ungodly behavior.
They have written to me
asking that I investigate
whether you are a servant of the devil.
You read a great deal?
Books on black magic... vampires.
I study history,
and superstition is a part of it.
Do you not believe
in the existence of the devil?
I believe that wickedness
exists in every man.
Then, tell me now,
do you believe in the existence of God?
Not in the cruel and vengeful being
that you believe in,
which must always take a life
for a life.
Burning purifies!
Not if you know anything
about vampires!
By burning, you char the body.
The soul will only re-create itself
in another body
and continue with its carnage.
Only a stake through the heart
or decapitation
can end their torment of evil
if vampires exist.
You know they exist.
There are many things
even men of learning do not understand.
If you ever interfere with the ways
of the Brotherhood again,
you will suffer.
Take care, Anton.
For your own sake.
And your sister's.
Gustav, I...
Thou little, youthful maiden
Come unto my great heart
For my heart and the sea
and the heaven
Are melting 'way with love
I'm sure you must be sending me away
for some other reason.
Why the sudden concern
for Aunt Heidi?
I'm worried about her.
She must be ill
or she would have written.
Anyway, a few days away
will do you good.
But I'm all right.
It's you who seem nervous and upset.
Why don't you go?
- And what about the school?
- Oh, I can take the girls.
For crochet work?
For extra choir practice.
All right. I'll go.
But I think you want to be
left alone with someone,
and I can guess who.
What else did he say?
I don't know.
I didn't hear it all.
Aunt Katy shut the door.
Something about everyone
going on trial from now on
for complicity with the devil
so that the whole village can see
how just and lawful they are, I suppose.
But he didn't threaten Anton?
I'm not sure.
He had some kind
of a grudge against him.
What do you care?
Are you in love with him?
Of course not.
The rest of the girls seem to be.
I'm not.
You won't go out tonight, will you?
I get so frightened.
Don't you realize if I stayed,
I might...
Oh, leave me alone!
I regret my sister
cannot be present this morning.
An aunt of ours in the next village
has taken sick.
I hope she'll be back this afternoon,
but in the meanwhile
I shall be taking her classes.
However, as I'm not really competent
to instruct you
in the art of needlecraft,
we shall be having
extra choir practice instead.
Sir, can we have your song?
- Well...
- Please?
- All right.
- Is it a hymn, sir?
My father only allows us to sing hymns.
It's kind of a hymn.
So, schoolmaster,
you do not believe in the devil!
What is the meaning of this?
I demand an explanation!
Gustav, what kind of a charade is this?
A victim of the vampires you scorn
found this morning.
This is a schoolhouse,
not a burial place.
You're disgusting, barbaric, all of you!
Now get out!
These girls are all our kin.
We leave to you
the training of their voices,
but we teach them the path to God
and the byways of the devil.
No, I forbid it!
Let them all see!
And learn your lesson, choirmaster.
And prophets and wise men
and scribes,
and some of them
you shall kill and cru...
Child, you should not be out so late.
Maria? Or is it Frieda?
Your uncle would be very angry.
Unto you brothers...
Uncle, save me.
It was terrible!
We were attacked by vampires!
I only just escaped.
There is blood on your lips.
It came from a vampire.
He tried to kiss me.
Uncle, please,
you've got to believe me.
The devil has sent me twins of evil.
Take her to the jail.
No! I won't let you go near that child.
Frieda, yes.
I can believe anything of her.
A lot has happened
that you don't know about.
It might have been better
if I had known.
Why? So that you can
beat the devil out of her?
Have you ever thought
that you might have helped
to beat the devil into her?
The young must be chastised.
I will not let you touch Maria.
The Brotherhood will want to see her.
Then let them see her now, asleep.
And clasping the holy cross
to her breast.
And you'd call her
a daughter of the devil.
I asked the apothecary
to give her a potion to calm her.
The way you appeared,
ranting and raving,
I was fearful for her state of mind.
And in what state of mind
do you think I was?
Truly I cannot imagine.
I have tried always to be a good man.
Yes. You've tried.
And Frieda, what will become of her?
Can nothing be done for her?
The spirit exorcised?
The Brotherhood...
They will decide.
No. Frieda.
Not to that man.
He's wicked.
Count Karnstein.
Count Karnstein!
Don't go to the castle.
Not tonight.
The hour grows late.
Why delay any longer?
Let us burn her now!
But we agreed only two days ago
that we would hold a trial!
What is there to hear?
Weren't we all there?
Just because she's Gustav's niece.
Brother, pray that your family
may not be stricken.
And where is Gustav?
He should be here!
Then, she must burn.
I'm coming.
I'm coming!
I knew you'd come.
You will be Maria now.
Unsuspected, good,
and kind, and virginal.
Think of the havoc you can cause.
Quickly, we must change them.
We must hurry.
Your uncle and his Puritans
are on their way here.
Brothers, we have seen death
enough this night.
Let it be at dawn.
Why give the devil time
to come to the aid of his servants?
Burn her now!
Let's go kill her!
So be it.
I've only just heard.
It's not true about Frieda.
But it's madness!
What proof have you?
Any of you?
The proof of our own eyes.
Oh, no.
But Maria?
Don't you see?
If you kill Frieda,
you'll kill Maria, too.
You can do nothing for Frieda.
Maria is at the house.
Gustav! Gust...
Where is the girl?
Frau Weil?
Frau Weil?
If proof were needed,
look how the devil's own sleep,
careless of their sins.
My poor sister Frieda.
Maria. Maria.
Where is your aunt?
Is she not in the house?
Then, we're alone.
No... not yet.
There she is!
- Burn her!
- Burn her!
Anton, you don't know how much
I always wanted you.
H'yah! H'yah!
Gustav! Wait!
She couldn't help it.
It was Count Karnstein.
He seduced her.
Gustav, listen!
Not now, woman! Not now.
Take her away.
For God's sake, have mercy!
No. No!
I will do it.
You've got the wrong girl!
You're burning Maria!
- Seize him!
- No, no, you fools!
You've got the wrong girl!
The devil has outwitted you!
That is Maria you're burning!
You must believe me!
Frieda is the evil one,
and while you're burning
this innocent girl,
Frieda is claiming more victims.
The devil has taken your mind.
Hold up the holy cross
and see if either of us inch!
My God. Oh, God!
- Maria!
- Wait!
Where is her sister?
With Count Karnstein.
Oh, Lord.
Lord, forgive me.
Will you dare burn him?
But the emperor would send soldiers
to burn our homes, our churches!
Oh, yes.
You're very quick to ride out
into the forest
to seek out a young girl
or a mad old man.
Anyone you can use
as a convenient sacrifice
to your conscience.
But when it comes
to the great lord of the castle,
when you know he worships evil,
you hesitate!
We are not afraid.
We serve the Lord.
He is our protection.
Then let Him be your protection,
and seek out the evil you fear
where it really is...
in the castle on the hill,
where the Karnsteins have practiced
every evil known to man for centuries
with their master, the devil.
Then why
doesn't the emperor act?
Because every man, king or peasant,
is afraid of the devil.
But there comes a time
when courage must outweigh fear,
when our belief in the Lord
must be not a pious belief,
but a reality
in the face of death and damnation!
If Count Karnstein is a vampire...
then no ruler on Earth
will save him!
No! Burning is useless!
Fire will not vanquish vampires!
You must stake them through
the heart or cut off their heads!
Sharpen the end
of your wooden stakes.
Use lances, axes!
Is it true?
A stake through the heart
or decapitation
returns a victim's innocence,
sends their soul to God?
If one spark of God's spirit
remains in them...
God is with our cause!
To the castle!
You are shivering.
Is it the night air
or fear of your Uncle Gustav?
I often wondered
if this would happen, and it has.
Well, let them come.
- But...
- But what?
- Are you frightened...
- No.
Of that lovely white flesh
burning in their fires of purification?
Let us go. Quickly!
Fire will not burn us.
It will melt our bodies,
but without pain.
We will just laugh at them
and find new bodies
and new victims.
Yes, Joachim,
we know they are coming.
We are waiting for them.
They have crosses?
And stakes?
And axes?
We will take the old tunnel.
No, Joachim.
Someone must hold them off.
You must go that way.
See the women stay back here!
We must guard every tunnel!
Karnstein must be found!
No, wait! We must find
Karnstein first. Follow me.
Hold him down!
Into the heart!
You must go first,
and I'll keep watch.
Take her to the chapel.
What is it, child?
What's the matter?
I don't know.
I suddenly felt terrible pain, but...
Something's happened to Frieda.
I must find her.
No! Wait!
Right, you two over there.
The rest of you spread out.
Frau Weil!
Frieda is dead.
You must take Maria
back to the village.
- Maria is gone.
- Where?
She went to find her sister!
Oh, God!
We must find her quickly!
No. Let me go. No. No!
See if Karnstein's down there.
You follow me.
Come on.
Keep moving!
For God's sake, tell the men
to hold back! He's got Maria!
No! You can't!
She's too close.
There must be some way.
We can only trust in God.
- Now join your sister.
- No!
I have waited a long time
for this moment.
And I, too.
Just one blow, Weil,
and it must be here,
or you will join the devil's souls.