Twisters (2024) Movie Script

Got to get up.
I'm working on it.
Seriously, Jeb, it's time to go.
You found one for us?
What the hell?
Storm's here, guys! Let's go!
Nah. Nah, it can't be.
God, I went way too hard
last night.
Javi, get up. Come on.
Oh! Come on!
Where are the trash bags?
Oh. Found 'em.
Jeb, are you sure
you're recording?
-I don't see a red light.
Yeah. Recording.
Don't make me laugh. Stop it.
Today, our science team
from the Tornado Tamer project
is out in the field,
about to chase a storm
southwest of us.
Our experiment is designed
to decrease the moisture
inside of a tornado to see
if we can make it collapse.
Tell the folks
how you do that, Kate.
Well, first, we got
to find a tornado
to suck up our superabsorbent
polymers in these barrels...
Tell them it's the same stuff
they use in diapers. Hmm.
-Oh, yeah.
-It's nontoxic.
Uh, the Doppler doesn't show
a storm until the afternoon.
The data doesn't see
what Kate sees, remember?
How about Kate sees
a few more hours of sleep?
That might work.
Praveen, what are you doing?
Dorothy's not a desk.
Come on.
Get in, get in, get in!
Ready? You know what today is?
The day we tame a tornado!
-All right.
I'm gonna yak first.
Kate was right.
Southeast winds are picking up.
Here they are.
It's really building up.
One Mississippi,
two Mississippi...
That's not a thing, by the way.
-Hey, Mom. What's up?
-Yes, it is.
Yeah, yeah, just chasing
weather around.
-It's a thing.
Yes, we'll be careful,
I promise.
Hey, Mrs. Carter.
-Hey, Mrs. Carter!
-Hey, Mrs. Carter!
-We miss you.
Okay, I'll tell 'em. Got to go.
Uh, she says there's barbecue
at the house when we're done.
-Oh, yes. Thank you.
-Yum. -Yes, Cathy. Yes.
Man, I love Oklahoma.
All right, how are we
getting to this thing?
I'll need a southwest position
to read my sensors.
Yeah, coming right up.
One Mississi--
Oh, and the wind shear
is strong.
Got some serious energy
building in there.
Oh, hey. Hey, buckle up.
Don't-don't lean out the window.
Come on. Come back in.
A-Addy, that's... Please?
Ever since you got struck
by lightning, you're no fun.
-Yeah, well,
that's what happens. -Mm.
Okay, we should get
the mixture ready.
Uh, don't you want to wait
for the rain to hit first?
Okay, we should, um,
we should get the mixture ready.
Yes, we should.
-Jeb! Come on!
-Yep. Okay.
I'm mixing.
-You have to mix it.
-I got it, I got it.
-Here she is!
-That should be enough.
-All right.
Okay, we're good.
Hey, hey, look.
Hey, gentle, gentle.
Like... Right? Come on.
Now try.
Usually it works, but...
This thing is so old.
Like, I mean, it's old, but
it's field-tested, you know?
Unlike Kate's science project
over here.
It's our science project.
No time, Javi.
If Dorothy's not working,
then forget the data, okay?
-We'll worry about it later.
-"Forget the data"? What is...
The tornado's not gonna wait
for us, Javi.
There's a death ridge
setting in.
Probably our last chase
of the season.
No matter what, we got to get
these barrels in the air
and see if they can make
a tornado vanish, okay?
It's more important.
No, how about it's equally
as important we do both, right?
Look, look, if you make
a tornado vanish with this,
but you don't get the data
with this,
who's gonna believe it?
Oh. Got it.
Fine. Get us the numbers.
Whatever we need to win
a big fat grant.
Well, I'm all about
my cash money, right?
-You ready?
-Let's go!
Hey, be careful!
Uh, got a CAPE of 4,000.
-100 knots gate-to-gate
wind shear aloft. -Come on.
Give us a nice respectable EF1.
I mean, EF2, we'll take it.
Well, an EF2 would be too big.
You have no faith, Praveen.
Just no more of those baby EF0s.
Javi, how's Dorothy's GPS?
Dorothy's coming in
loud and clear.
Are we in the tornado?
No, it's behind us.
-Wait, should I drive faster?
No, no, no. We've got to drop
the barrels in its path.
Are-are we gonna see the path?
No! Guys!
This is the path.
How close is it?
That's a lot of lightning.
Okay, you guys stay here.
-I'll get it.
-Wait, wait.
Hey, we got to help her, guys.
It's spilling! We got to hurry!
No, we need leverage to tip it!
Jeb, hurry!
Hey, Kate,
you got muscles and brain--
Okay, let's open them up.
Come on.
We're clear!
All right, we got it!
Let's go, let's go!
We got to go!
Okay, we dropped
the trailer, Javi.
All right, let's see
if it takes the bait.
Come on, come on, come on.
What if there's no tornado?
What if it's just
a dense wave of hail?
Whoo, baby!
We just shot up 10,000 feet!
Okay, that's not a hail wave.
We did it, Kate.
Wait, wait.
It's getting closer.
Sensors rising, 30,000 feet.
The-the polyacrylate
should be active now.
Are the winds weakening, Javi?
Dorothy can't tell you that.
Lagrangian mechanics.
A moving sensor can't give you
the exact measurement
of wind speed, but...
Ah, yeah! 40,000 feet.
Your tornado
isn't shrinking, Kate.
50,000 feet.
Holy shit.
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
This can't be right.
Javi, talk to us.
Javi, talk to us.
Talk to us.
Sensors just shot up
70,000 feet.
-What? -Uh, the-the NEXRAD
velocity is 200 miles per hour.
That's impossible.
Unless it's an EF5.
Guys, whatever's in there,
it's big.
It's big and it's moving fast.
You got to get the hell
out of there!
-Go, go, go!
-Go, go, go!
How did it become an EF5?
It's getting closer!
Oh! Look out!
Everybody okay?
-We can't stay here.
Overpasses are the worst
in tornadoes.
What do we do?
This car's gonna fly.
Come on!
Jeb, Addy, Praveen, Kate!
Guys, you got
to get out of there!
Do you hear me?!
Come on.
Kate, come on!
Where's Praveen?
Kate! Kate!
Come on!
No, Kate!
Come on!
Addy! Addy!
Come on!
Put your arms around the rail!
Get in! Get in!
Put your arms around the rail!
You're gonna be okay!
It's gonna be okay!
Keep holding on! I've got you!
I've got you, Kate!
I've got you!
The next stop is 42nd Street.
Come along, everyone.
Our regional office focuses on
New York metro weather,
but we can see weather
around the country here.
Now, see these red outlines?
We're having
extremely unusual activity
in this region called
Tornado Alley.
-Is a tornado coming
to New York? -Oh, no.
Tornadoes are extremely rare
in New York.
Though we had an EF1
hit Brooklyn two years ago.
We have
20 full-time meteorologists...
All right, looks like
we got some rain coming.
Wind speed's currently
at 28 knots,
moving northeast at 15.
We should call in an advisory.
Hey, Debra? De--
The model projects
it's heading into Maryland.
I'll make the call.
Kate. What do you see?
Wind speeds have fallen
two knots.
Structure is weakening.
Looks like
it's all falling through.
I think it's gonna lose steam.
Let's hold off on any alerts.
-Keep an eye on it.
There's a guy here to see you.
He's in the conference room.
Hi. I'm Kate.
Hey, Kate.
It's been a while.
After graduation,
I went back to Miami.
Felt like I needed to regroup.
Shit, you wouldn't believe it.
I joined the military.
-You joined the military?
I was just feeling kind of lost.
I tried reaching out to you
a few times.
Yeah, I'm not great
with communication.
Yeah, I mean, you know,
I figured.
You know, life and all.
But I hadn't heard from you,
so, you know,
I stopped by your mom's
in Sapulpa to check in.
She said... she said
you don't come home anymore.
I knew you moved,
but I didn't expect you
to move somewhere like New York.
New York's great.
I like it here.
People are nice.
Get your ass out of the street!
M-Most people.
My job in the military was
operating one of these.
Phased Array Radar-- PAR.
You know, scanning for missiles.
Leveled up from Dorothy.
Many levels.
This thing was
so powerful and so fast
I could watch a moth fly
from like a mile away.
But I kept asking myself:
What if we point this thing
at a tornado?
Well, Javi,
it's the size of a building.
You'd never be able
to get it close enough.
Until now.
The military, they came up
with portable units,
and they're small.
I got my hands
on a few prototypes.
Yo, my man, can...
can I borrow this real quick?
Thanks. Appreciate it.
All right, look.
Let's say this-this is
a tornado, right?
My team drives up.
We place a portable PAR here.
It's giving me incredible
high-resolution images,
but th-- but they're still
kind of flat.
So what do we do?
My team sets up two more
here and here.
-Now we have a...
-A three-dimensional scan.
The most perfect scan
of a tornado ever.
Kate, we can use this data
to save lives back home.
-I mean, this is incredible.
-I know.
And you're the only person
that can get me
close enough to a tornado
to do this.
Javi, I...
-No, I-I don't chase anymore.
-Come on, Kate.
What have you been doing here?
Uh, sitting behind
a computer screen?
The girl I know,
she'd be going into the storms
while everyone else
was running away.
Well, I'm not
that person anymore.
Y-You have a gift.
Look, I-I can't do this
without you.
Look, I-I...
should really be getting back.
But, um... was good seeing you.
You be careful out there?
You ever wonder...
why it was us
that made it out of there?
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
I got you.
Hey, Kate.
Another town got hit last night
with no warning.
We're having
a once-in-a-generation
tornado outbreak in Oklahoma.
It's coming after
the people we love.
It's getting worse every year,
but now we have a way
to fight back.
J-Just give me one week
out here, Kate.
I got a good team, but the only
thing that's missing is you.
Call me back.
I'm not gonna lie.
I didn't think you'd come.
Nice upgrade
from the old van, right?
Yeah, how are you paying
for all this?
Got investors, you know.
Storms are getting more erratic,
lot of new housing developments
going up,
so the developers, they want
full-time weather data.
So, anytime
a new building goes up,
I want a StormPAR radar right
there letting the people know
exactly what the storm's
gonna do.
I'm telling you,
I really feel like
we're gonna change
the game, Kate.
No, it's just, um...
business entrepreneur was not
how I saw your future.
And we used to feel lucky if
we could get you to wear pants.
Well, that hasn't
completely changed.
You got it?
Bring it in, team.
All right.
You guys have all heard me
talk about Kate.
How no one has better instincts.
She's the smartest person
I know.
She's the best.
And you will never work
with a more talented team
than this one.
Look, we got PhDs from
Oh, you've got
the whole alphabet.
Only the best.
Except for Scott,
my partner here.
He went to MIinstead of Muskogee State.
But, uh, he makes up for it
with his beautiful,
amazing personality.
Well, Kate's only
giving us a week,
but while we have her,
ooh, it's gonna be
the wildest tornado week
you've ever seen, fellas.
Yeah, and everybody with
a ten-dollar weather app
knows it.
We got to stay ahead of
this circus.
Hey, StormPAR.
We're live on YouTube.
Say something.
-Blow me, Boone.
-Don't engage, don't engage.
Hey, smile, man.
Science is fun, right?
What's up, Boone?
Who are they?
Chasers out of Arkansas.
Hillbillies with
a YouTube channel.
Hey, T! Tell the folks
how you're feeling.
I'm feeling pretty good, Boone.
And if you feel it...
Chase it!
I said, if you feel it...
-Chase it!
-Chase it!
Oh, it's a beautiful day.
Beautiful day!
-Go on! Go on, baby!
Hmm. Okay.
That's Tyler Owens.
He calls himself
a Tornado Wrangler.
What does that even mean?
Hey, you tornado nerds!
Who wants a T-shirt?
This means our world
is going to shit.
Okay, we got mugs!
Whatever you put in here, it's
gonna make it taste better.
You're gonna get thirsty
out there.
You look thirsty.
You look sweaty.
Give me some cash.
All right,
give me that, give me that.
Who else wants a mug?
All right, let's get
ahead of this bunch.
Yeah, let me see this.
All right, Kate.
Which storm should we chase?
There's a nice-looking cell
over to the east.
It's, uh, it's been a while.
I-I'll just watch
on this first one.
No, no. Kate, Kate,
it's all right. You got this.
It's why you're here.
All right, all right, guys,
let's go.
Everybody get
their last bathroom break in.
All right, be quick, fellas.
We're on the clock.
Five minutes,
then we're loading up.
Here we go.
Okay, uniforms.
Wrinkle-free shirts.
Crisp hats. Good.
Ah, looks like
they're going to church, man.
-I like it. Right?
-Looking good, looking good.
Hey, man,
you're not gonna hold the door?
-Come on, man. Too heavy?
All right, see you out there.
Thanks so much.
Come on, Kate. You got this.
What is she doing?
She's doing her thing, man.
You know,
I used to do that, too.
Compare the wind direction
to cloud movement.
Get you a feel for the shear.
Yep. Sometimes the old ways
are better than the new.
What is Owens up to?
You tell me.
So, where you coming in from?
New York.
Well, you're a long way
from home, city girl.
So you like working
for StormPAR?
Tyler, do we know which storm
we're going after yet?
Well, why don't we ask...
Hi, Kate.
I'm Tyler.
And I'm Ben.
I'm a reporter doing a piece
on American storm chasing.
-Tyler's letting me ride along.
Yeah, Ben just
had to promise to write
nothing but good stuff
about me.
Good luck with that.
Hang on.
You didn't say which way
we were going yet.
Now, from what I gather,
west, we double our chances.
East, well, it's high risk,
high reward.
Well, go for the reward.
You don't want Ben to think
you're boring.
No, boring is not usually
a problem for me, Kate.
The two cells to the west are
fighting over the same inflow.
They'll choke each other out.
This one to the east
has the sky all to herself.
Moisture, wind shear,
All the things you need
to give Ben a good show.
City girl knows her stuff, Ben.
I said, city girl knows
her stuff, Ben.
Maybe if I work real hard,
I could be
a Tornado Wrangler, too.
Talk to us.
We want the cells to the west.
Uh, the one to the east
has much better numbers.
Mm, conditions don't feel right.
Cap is too strong.
It'll never break.
You heard her.
Let's move.
-All right, let's move, fellas.
--All right.
Guess we're listening
to dandelions now.
I thought she told us east.
She going the wrong way?
What did the tornado cowboy
have to say?
Exactly what you'd expect.
Oh, updraft is cycling.
Okay, let's take a right
up here.
It's forming
just like you called it.
Scarecrow, Tin Man,
get into position.
Wizard, stick with me.
What's the plan?
So, we want a 3D scan
of the entire area
around the vortex, which means
we're gonna surround it
with three radars,
each one pointed at the tornado.
Tin Man will get
behind the tornado
and plant his radar
on the right-hand side.
Scarecrow is gonna
get behind the tornado
and plant his on the left.
And all the data that they send
will be received by Wizard.
And h-how about Lion?
We got to complete the triangle.
We get right in front of that
thing and set up our radar.
You got this, Kate.
Just tell us where the front
of the tornado is.
That's our tornado, baby!
All right, what's up, chat?
Welcome back.
Thank you for joining us.
It is a perfect weather day.
We just had tornado genesis.
I'm looking at a tall rope
due north of us,
and she is pretty.
It's like the wild, wild West
out here.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.
Joining us today, per usual,
got my chief storm hound Boone.
Boonie, baby.
We got Dexter and Dani
in the caravan behind us.
-And Lily with her drone ready.
-What's good? What's poppin'?
What's good?
And our special guest today,
we got Ben in the back seat.
Ben, you just came in from, uh,
London yesterday, right?
Uh, uh, yes.
South London.
J-- uh, just between
Streatham Hill and West Norwood.
-Tyler, tornado's on the move.
Oh, yeah!
Oh, it's on now, Ben!
You ain't in London anymore!
Strattonham, Berkshire,
what the hell?
Get me in front of it.
Okay, wait.
Uh, we need to take a right.
Lion, this is Scarecrow.
Tornado is moving steady
at one-seven miles per hour.
Damn. Dandelion girl was right.
All right, who asked you, man?
Just drive.
Slow down.
Keep us out of the hail.
We got golf balls, baby!
Are those golf balls
or baseballs?
I'm assuming this is safe.
Heads up! Okay, okay.
You little beauty.
Hey, what are you doing?!
That's the Tyler Owens effect.
Wizard, hang back.
Get those hard drives fired up.
Copy that. Wizard hanging back.
The path is shifting.
Okay, there's a right coming up.
This is Tin Man!
Approaching our PAR position!
One, two, three!
Lock! Lock!
Tin Man is active!
Okay, Tin Man,
PAR data is coming in.
Where, Kate?
We got to be within 300 meters
for the radar to work.
Scarecrow's taking position.
Lock it!
Javi, Scarecrow is active.
Scarecrow is up.
Okay, Scarecrow, we got you.
Waiting on you, Lion.
Okay, take these.
Come on, Kate, talk to me,
talk to me. We getting close?
Just up there in the clearing.
Kate! I need you!
Javi, get in!
Get in!
What is it? What is it?
-What do you see?
-This isn't right.
Hang on, guys.
We're gonna find a closer spot.
Is this where it's headed?
Javi, I...
We're too far!
What are you doing
out here, man?
Tornado's that way.
Hey, Kate.
Nice goggles, Javi!
All right! Here we go!
Whoa, buddy!
Oh, yeah!
All right, boys, harnesses on.
Harness time!
Oh, yeah,
it's my favorite part, Ben.
-Harness? -Yeah, we're entering
the suck zone, baby.
-Ben, put your harness on.
-I'm doing it.
We're going to a tornado
for God's sakes.
All right, here it comes!
Uh, my harness won't do up.
-My harness won't do up!
-Ben, you got to hurry.
-Damn, Ben. -Why didn't you
tell me this before?!
Just put your strap on.
-You're a wild man!
-Oh, God!
Are those fireworks?
Oh, yeah!
How you feeling, brother?
Oh, top of the world, man.
All thanks to my crew.
I got Boone on camera.
We got Lily, Dexter, Dani.
You viewers asked me, "Can you
shoot fireworks up a tornado?"
And the answer is yes.
Yes, you can.
How we doing back there, Ben?
Ben? Oh.
All right, all right.
If you feel it, chase it.
Remember, you kids,
do not try this at home.
-We are professional
Tornado Wranglers. -Yes, indeed.
He's insane.
I'm sorry, Javi. I...
I screwed up.
We'll find another one.
It's all part of the gig, right?
Yeah, of course.
I'm gonna go check in
with Scott.
Haven't we stayed here before?
Yeah, Javi,
we've stayed
in every motel in Oklahoma.
Remember we used to have
Addy check in?
Then later,
we'd all sneak into the room
so we could all save ten bucks.
W-We'd have Addy do it
'cause she was...
'Cause she looked so sweet.
Hey, um, you want
to hang out later?
I'll go, you know,
just go into the room
real quick and, obviously...
shower, and we can
come back out here.
Um, I'm-I'm real tired,
but, um...
maybe another time?
All right.
-Well, good night.
-Good night.
It's good to have you back.
I'm not back.
I remember. One week.
Yeah. We did it.
Here we go, now we gotta top it.
City girl.
"The cells to the west
will choke each other out,"
she said.
"The one to the east
will put on a show."
Well, didn't throw you
off the scent.
Hey, that's what makes
Tyler famous.
You mean on YouTube?
Uh, y-yeah.
Yeah, we're-we're on
the YouTube.
We got what?
About a million subscribers
now, huh?
Yes, sir.
Uh, Kate what?
Your surname, just in case
I include you in my piece.
Oh, um, just Kate's fine.
She's a tricky one.
Actually, you made
a good call earlier.
The other cell, it looked
stronger, but cap never broke.
What's a cap?
It's a temperature inversion
in the mid part
of the lower atmosphere.
It inhibits a storm
from forming.
Right. Okay.
Where did you guys all meet?
Did you, uh, did you study
meteorology at the U of A?
No. No.
All right, Kate, me?
You know,
I just flow with the wind.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, I-I never went
to, like, school or nothing.
Um, Tyler, he-he studied
meteorology, though.
You know, he's a cowboy
scientist, you know.
-He's got this natural instinct.
-Okay, Boone.
-He taught me everything
I know, so... -Boone.
You know, our crew's
not like your crew, Kate.
We don't need PhDs and
fancy gadgets to do what we do.
I guarantee you these guys
have seen more tornadoes
than anyone else
in this lot combined.
-Is that right?
-Do you think
there's a chance
we'll see one tomorrow?
-Oh, yeah.
-Oh, yeah.
Outbreak, baby.
You know, if you can keep up,
we'll put you in the episode.
Where are you chasing tomorrow?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Not falling for that again.
Kate's from New York.
Can't trust a thing she says.
Well, can always trust a guy
who puts his face on a T-shirt.
Man. Man, that was good.
Oh, my God, look at his face.
That was spicy, wasn't it?
You got to see this, guys!
Y'all got to see this!
Let's go!
This is a 4WARN weather alert.
All right, Oklahoma,
we could be looking at
a record number of tornadoes.
We've been talking about this
for days now.
We'll need to stay weather-aware
with possible major storms
across Oklahoma
over the next 36 hours.
These are the properties
that were wiped out yesterday.
And all the information
we can pull on them.
How about the owners?
Most of the properties
are underinsured
or have no insurance at all.
Uh, we did talk to a few people
who are very interested
in an all-cash offer.
When do you want to head out?
Kate, this is...
this is Marshall Riggs.
We've been working together.
He's one of the StormPAR
investors I told you about.
How scary was
that tornado yesterday?
Not at all.
Listen, c-can you give us
a couple minutes?
Maybe grab something
to eat or...
And then we can head out.
Well, boys, when's the next one?
Well, nothing's
coming out of that one.
That one? No, no.
No, it's clearly moving into
a stable environment.
Yeah. No low-level CAPE.
Not enough shear
to keep it interesting.
-Yeah, it's gonna die out.
-Not enough moisture to grow.
Where'd you say you learned
how to track storms again?
I didn't.
You know, we're gonna be
stuck here all day
waiting for nothing to happen.
How about we try to get along?
Yeah, you're right.
Tell you what, I'll-I'll get us
a couple of drinks.
What would you like?
Wouldn't mind an iced tea.
Thank you.
Coming up.
Gonna have a lot more materials
to send you before too long.
Let's keep helping
each other out.
-We'll be in touch,
all right? -Got to go.
All right. Um, look.
-We're almost done here.
-Now. We got something big.
The moisture's hung up here, so
that's where we want to focus.
Pack up the burritos.
We got a winner.
Lily, get your drone in the air.
We need your video stream.
Ride with us.
-Northwest, ten o'clock?
-That's the one. Let's ride.
Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Showtime, baby.
All right, come on,
Let's go, guys! Let's go!
Damn, Tyler's on it.
Ah. Kate must have seen
the storm, too.
They just passed
Dexter and Dani.
So what's the deal with her?
Why don't we focus
on our story, Ben?
Sorry. She's just... intriguing.
What do you see?
Okay, already has
a nice structure.
Moisture levels are just right
and lots of CAPE.
What else are you seeing?
Flow is clean.
Pulling tons of warm,
moist air from the south.
And when that warm air
and moisture
busts through the cap,
it explodes in the atmosphere,
creating an anvil.
The vertical wind shear
begins to rotate the updraft,
forming a mesocyclone.
Here's the mystery.
We don't know
how a tornado forms.
We see the hook
on the radar, but...
What are all the invisible
factors coming together?
Every little detail that
-has to be perfect.
-...has to be perfect.
And it's a mix of what we know
and everything
we can't understand.
It's part science,
part religion.
Come on, baby. Come on.
-Please. Please, please, please.
-Come on. Come on.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
There it is.
Yeah, baby!
-There we go, Ben!
-Hey! See that?
That's a tornado
right there, baby.
Get some photos of that, Ben.
The birth of a tornado,
nature's masterpiece.
Please tell me you guys are
seeing this right now.
-We got twins! Twins!
-We have twins.
Oh, my goodness.
Is-is that normal?
They're rotating.
Wait, there's a name for that.
There's a name. There's a name.
-Shh. Just, hey, just watch it.
-There's a name for that.
Just enjoy it, man.
Fujiwhara Effect!
Fujiwhara Effect!
Oh, they're pulling apart.
One's gonna die out.
Go faster.
You ready?
Let's get our data.
Come on, Javi.
Oh, they got they fancy little
trucks there, don't they?
-Come on, faster! Faster!
-You guys ready to rock?
Let's go!
Come on!
Go for it. Get around him.
Get on his left.
Get on his left.
-I'm trying.
-Well, try harder.
-To the right! Come on, come on.
-No, I'm not doing that.
Oh, we got a little
bob and weave going on here.
-Come on, now.
-Nope, nope, nope.
All right, guys,
let's stop playing games.
Let's cut these guys off.
Come on!
I told you. I told you.
Eyes on the road.
There you go, Owens.
All right,
which one's gonna stay?
-Which one's it gonna be, Kate?
-Okay, I'm on it.
All right, Tyler,
we got to make a choice.
Which one are we going,
left or right?
All right, y'all,
we got Tyler Owens here
-making a high-pressure choice.
Stop filming for a second?
I need to think.
Yeah, no, of course.
Hey, Tyler doesn't want you
to see this, all right?
He's... he's thinking.
All right, Lily,
what are you seeing?
Uh, it's looking like the inflow
is cranking on the right.
Let's go for the right.
Uh, there should be
a road coming up.
All right,
we're taking the right.
All right, right, guys, right.
Why the right?
Well, it's got a strong inflow
of warm, moist air.
Tornado won't have to work
as hard, Benny.
-Go left!
Take a left!
Going left. Go left, go left.
Javi, you sure?
The right one's got
better numbers.
That's a bad move, honey buns!
Who the hell is making
decisions up there, him or her?
Your intriguing girl
just screwed the pooch, Ben.
-All right, get us set up,
Boone. -Yes, sir.
Gonna fire a couple flares
straight up this thing's ass.
Will do.
All right,
drone's on the ground.
-Hang on. What are you...
-Hey, Ben.
-Excuse me. Uh...
-How are you?
-What are you doing?
-Lily, I need you up here.
These are my new trousers.
Can you get my foot, mate?
-Sorry, Ben.
-It's okay.
All right,
how we doing back there, Boone?
-Hundred yards to intersect.
-Dexter, hang back.
-Slow, slow, slow, slow.
-All right, Boone.
-We ready?
God, do we have to drive
into it again?
Nah, Ben. It's driving into us.
Ain't no other way.
Hey, Ben, I'm gonna
need you to hand me
some of them rockets
in the bag, please.
Thank you!
Sing it, Ben!
Locked and loaded!
Hey, Boone, I'm having
trouble with this trigger here.
-What? -What's going on?
Give me the Phillips-head.
-All right, here. -Hey,
Ben, can you get me some water?
-Yeah, feels like it's
a little sticky. -Oh, no.
Oh, man.
-Boone, this is all chocolate.
-Sorry, man.
You got to quit eating
chocolate in the damn truck.
Promise, I'm not gonna
bring no chocolate anymore.
-Oh, no. -Hey,
all right, we're good to go.
Here we go.
-Augers deployed.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Let's go!
Was that it?
We should've went with her.
Whoo, baby, let's go!
That was amazing, Kate.
How did you even know that?
Well, did you see the wheat?
Winds moved to the north.
Just what this one needed.
Scarecrow's up! Scarecrow's up!
Tin Man is up!
Go, go, go!
We're all set! Kate, come on!
All PARs are active, Javi.
Javi, it's turning, fast!
How we looking?!
Wizard, talk to me!
We lost your radar, Javi.
You got eyes on the tornado?
What was that?
I think I killed some chickens.
Come on!
Thank God, it just grazed us.
Javi, you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you.
All right, we got
two radars looking good.
Third one was getting
great data.
We just need to find it,
download it all.
Javi, the-the tornado is headed
to a small town.
They already called it in.
There's nothing we can do now.
But someone might need help.
There's a GPS tracker
on the radar.
We need to find it
before it dies.
Javi, we've got to help.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we're imposing a curfew
for the safety
of everyone in the area.
Unless you're a safety official,
please clear the area
till 5:00 a.m.
Yeah, let us know if you need
anything, all right?
You were right back there.
It's good that we came to help.
I wish we could do more.
Javi, can the data
from the PAR radar
show us how the tornado died?
Yeah. Why?
I don't know.
Maybe we could use it
to prevent all this.
There's the Kate I know.
Hey, look, um, here.
Take the truck, all right?
I'll go deal with
locating the radar.
You should rest.
Come on, buddy.
You got that in a medium?
Was a nice play
on the left twin.
Yeah, well, didn't help
these people any.
Oh, this is, uh,
this is my Uncle Marshall.
This is the, uh, owner
of the bar here.
-How you doing?
-You're the owner?
-Yes, sir.
-Well, I'm sorry what happened.
We're gonna make it right.
Here's my card.
Didn't know StormPAR was
in the business of helping.
Well, from what I see, they're
trying to make a difference.
That's one way of putting it.
Do you even know
who you're chasing for?
-What are you talking about?
-How much more do these people
got to lose before y'all
are done making a difference?
Sorry, says the guy
setting up shop,
selling T-shirts and mugs
after a storm's hit.
Tyler, you have a minute
for some questions?
Yeah, I got a dog to find.
Talk to Kate.
She seems to have
all the answers.
Hey, Boone?
Now's not a good time, Ben.
Kate. Here, take some food.
-Oh, don't have any cash.
-Nah, it's free.
That's why we're always selling
those T-shirts.
-Got some free food.
-Thank you.
Free water. Make sure
you stay hydrated, all right?
-Appreciate y'all.
Well, save it.
In case you run low.
Well, at least take some water.
-Yeah. See ya.
It just took everything.
Everything's gone.
Officials are estimating
property damage alone
in the millions of dollars.
How much more damage
will these storms cause?
Forecasters say
the storms aren't done yet.
The Blackwell Public Library
is dealing
with devastating damage.
Some of Javi's crew said you
were staying out by the rodeo.
Thought you might be hungry.
You find the dog?
Of course I found the dog.
How you doing after all that?
I mean, it doesn't matter.
It's those people that...
Yeah, well, you've seen
the worst of this place.
Thought it'd be nice
for you to see something good.
Want to take you somewhere.
Think it might help.
Come on.
Hyah! Hyah!
-Hyah! Come on! Come on!
-Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
Picking him up on the heel side.
Can we get two legs?
Oh, he slipped a leg.
That'll be a plus five.
The best part is, Stillwater,
they are one of yours.
So send them out
with just a little bit...
You ever see anything
like this, city girl?
You keep calling me that.
You know I grew up on a farm?
Sapulpa. Couple hours from here.
This ain't my first rodeo.
Look at that.
I learned something about you.
So tell me this.
What was your first tornado?
Tell me yours.
I was eight.
Driving with my aunt.
Sirens are going.
All of a sudden,
this vortex just lowers
right down in the center
of the road.
I was just mesmerized.
Then I looked at my aunt,
and she's got this look
on her face.
I realized in that moment
I was supposed to be scared.
Were you scared?
Yeah, I was.
Oh, the Tornado Wrangler
is scared of tornadoes.
Okay, Sapulpa.
Do you know him?
I used to compete.
Got my head stomped on
by one too many bulls.
Thought college might be
better for my brain.
You're scared of tornadoes
but not of riding bulls?
Well, tornadoes, bulls,
same thing.
Fear's the reason you do it.
You don't face your fears,
you ride 'em.
Were you tracking cells
out this way?
Air feels heavy.
This isn't good.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I just received word
a tornado has touched down
near the area!
We need to evacuate
this arena right now!
Once again,
ladies and gentlemen,
we need to evacuate
this arena right now!
Keep moving, Kate. Come on.
Keep moving, keep moving.
the rodeo grounds immediately!
Once again, a tornado has just
touched down...
Come on, Kate.
All right, you got it.
-I got her. You're all right.
-Come here, come here.
-You're all right. You're
all right. -All right, come on.
Get inside! Get inside!
All right, watch out, watch out.
-Whoa, stop!
-Stop, stop, stop!
All right.
Keep going, keep going.
-Wait, wait, wait!
-Hey, hey, hey!
Okay, just get in the car,
okay, honey?
-Hey! Get inside!
-Ma'am, stay out of the car.
-Come here.
-Come to Mommy.
Hello. Nothing works
in this shithole.
Now the cable's out.
I can't get a soda
from the vending machine.
-The pool's empty as shit.
-Do you have a storm shelter?
-Man, the AC's blowing hot air.
-No. I'm sorry.
Can we get a refund going here?
All right,
maybe like a basement.
Do you have a basement?
-There's a line here, buddy.
We need to get these people
underground right now.
Okay, there's no tornado.
Nine times out of ten,
it's a false alarm.
-You hear that?
-Now the power's out.
-No tornado.
-We got to find a shelter, fast.
Hey, I don't want to
have to give you a bad review.
-I just started working here.
-Man, I don't want to have...
Everybody, come with me!
All right, follow her,
follow her.
All right. Ma'am, come on.
Come on. Move, move, move.
-Move, move, move. We got to go.
-Hey. Whoa.
Hey. What?
There's a tornado!
There's a tornado!
Hey! Let's hop in the Jeep!
-Keep going!
-It's too close!
-Let's go! Come on! Let's go!
-Go, go, go, go!
Let's go! Come on, get in!
Go! Ah!
Get in the car!
-Go, go, go, go, go!
-All right, go, go!
Come on, honey.
Watch your step!
All right,
we got to move faster!
-Keep going!
-All right, you got her?
No! No! Stop!
We got to go! We got to go!
-Okay. Okay, hold on.
-Come on, honey.
Okay, you got to stay low.
-Cover her eyes.
-Hold on tight! Hold on tight!
-Okay, you're gonna be okay.
-Hold on, honey.
No, Kate! Stay with them!
Help me!
All right. Look at me.
All right, stay down.
Just grab my hand. Come on.
I got you. I got you.
Don't let it get me! Please!
Keep your head down.
Just stay low. Eyes on me.
-I can do it.
-Stay low! No, no, no, no, no!
-No, I can do it.
-No, no! No, no, no!
-Hang on!
-Help me!
Stay down!
-Help me!
-No, no, no, no!
We're gonna be okay!
We're going to be okay!
I've got you.
It's going to be okay.
I've got you.
It's going to be okay.
It's all right.
It's gonna be okay.
I've got you. I've got you.
Are you okay?
Is it over?
When I saw the size of it
on the radar
and-and where it was headed,
-all I could think was...
-I'm-I'm all right.
I'm all right.
So where did you stick it out?
Right down here.
Good call.
It's all Kate.
You've been with Owens
the whole time?
Yeah. Why?
Apparently, this, uh, place
was family-owned,
so I'm gonna start
working up some numbers.
Riggs is gonna want those
first thing.
Okay, man, I'll-I'll catch up
with you guys.
what is Riggs getting out of
all your data collection?
What's-what's it matter?
Is profiting
off of people's tragedy
part of your business plan?
Why are you doing this?
Wait, hold on.
Riggs is offering these people
a way to move on
with their lives.
He's swooping in
and taking advantage of people
who have just lost everything.
Y-You have no idea
what that's like.
I don't know what that's like?
How about losing three of
my best friends while you were
trying to land a big, fat grant
for your science project?
Kate. Kate, I didn't...
Kate. Wait, wait.
Don't leave like this. Look.
Where you going?
Mama, it's me.
What happened?
I am sorry
there's so much junk in here.
I'll clear it out
for you tomorrow.
And your friend Javi stopped by
a few weeks back.
Almost didn't recognize him
with the haircut.
You chasing again?
Do you need anything?
No, I'm fine.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Here we are.
-Oh, hello! Hello!
Kate is doing some work,
as always.
Where is she? Show yourself.
-Isn't she cute?
-What are you doing?
I'm just doing a little
video tour of the barn,
where we do most of our work.
This is Kate's famous
middle school project.
What is it
you're working on, Kate?
-Tell the folks.
-Uh, cloud microphysics.
Say again? Cloud mic--
-Cloud microphysics.
This is what I have to
put up with...
...when you're dating someone
who's very bright.
-Hey, Jeb?
-What are we gonna do tomorrow?
Uh-uh, tomorrow.
What are we doing?
We're going chasing-- Uh, we're
gonna kill a tornado, right?
We're gonna be--
We're taming a tornado.
-We're taming a tornado?
-We're taming it.
This is Kate's favorite slogan.
"Taming a tornado."
This is...
this is what it's like
to be inside a tornado, Kate.
Well, I can only do it with you.
How you doing?
Just the way I left it.
I've been wondering
what you want me to do
with all this stuff.
You can just throw it out.
You done? Hmm?
It's funny, I keep seeing
more and more tornadoes
and floods and droughts and...
price of wheat and seed
going up and up and up.
But I'm still here.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I haven't been good
about calling.
I've got to get this. Um...
"Throw it away."
I'm still waiting for you
to save the world.
Build your own tornado.
Look at that.
Middle school
science fair project.
Well, you must've won.
How'd you find me?
Uh, Dexter pieced it together.
He remembered your name
from the news a few years back.
I'm sorry about your friends.
I'm fixing some food.
You two okay eating outside?
Oh, I'm not gonna
bother you, Ms. Carter.
-He's not staying.
-He's staying.
You can call me Cathy.
Kate, why don't you set up
the table?
That only gets you so far,
and every chaser
has to make a guess,
and the good ones have
an instinct for it.
Oh, she had that early on.
Always knew
when weather was coming,
even better than the cows.
Wow, you hear that?
You're better than the cows.
That's a compliment.
Got to have a feel for it.
-She always had
a feel for it, huh? -Oh, yeah.
One time,
I was giving her a bath...
-Can we not?
-Maybe just a little.
And we heard thunder,
and she shot up out of the tub
and ran out the house
-naked as the day she was
born... -Oh, my God.
...and I had no idea
where she w--
I was terrified.
And when I finally
caught up with her,
she was standing in
the middle of the wheat field,
staring at the sky.
-I got to try that out.
-Will you stop encouraging her?
Keep your clothes on, Kate.
Let your mom finish.
All I'm saying is
she always loved weather.
Worse the weather,
the happier the girl.
What about you?
Tyler, how'd you come
to do this work?
Well, when you love something,
you'll spend your whole life
trying to understand it.
-Katie was studying for a PhD.
I keep telling her
to come back and finish it.
Okay, Mom.
She was heading up a big study
with her friends:
disrupting tornado dynamics.
Uh, does anybody need anything?
Nah, I'm... I'm good, thank you.
tornado outbreak continues
across Oklahoma.
After that EF4
that hit Stillwater,
the state will continue to see
more devastating effects--
The Sooner State is bracing
for increasingly violent
I invited Tyler to stay
the night in the guest room.
You thought
you could disrupt a tornado.
-Hey, don't look at that.
-Oh, you're the O.G. Wrangler.
Tyler, can you give that to me?
"Using superabsorbent polymers
"to reduce moisture
in the updraft,
-trying to collapse it
like a house of cards." -Tyler.
I mean, you'd have to
drop a silo of it in a funnel
for any real effect.
Well, yeah, that's why
we were trying to use
different reagents
to enhance it.
-It's a dumb idea. -Yeah,
some of your reactants are off.
A few of these solubility
rules skew...
You really think
I'm an idiot, don't you?
No, I don't think you're an...
-Hey, modeling's got
so much better. -Tyler.
I can upload this to my laptop,
link up with a supercomputer.
-I'm telling you, we can get
a new model running. -No, no...
-Please, can you stop?
-It's a great idea.
How did you not tell me
about this before?
Because I got it wrong!
In the field, in the moment,
when it mattered,
I got it wrong.
Okay, I underestimated
what we were up against,
and I pushed it too far.
And for what?
Some childish dream I had
that I could make a difference?
It was never gonna work.
And I h-- I have to live
with that forever.
You know, uh, EF1 or EF5
tornado rating...
it's not based on size
or wind speed.
The power we ascribe to it,
it's based on damage.
Now, it's only after the fact
we can really define it.
What it destroys,
what it takes from us.
I'm sorry for what happened.
But how much more
are you gonna let this thing
take from you?
You know, you should...
you should get some sleep.
Don't want to miss
any storms tomorrow.
You said you could get
a new model running?
Yes, ma'am.
So this is an EF1,
perfect conditions.
Run your experiment,
see if it works.
Okay, so, um,
1,500 kilos of polymer
absorbing 300 times its weight.
So, it's, uh, 450,000 kilos
of precipitation loaded into
our water-filled polymer
to load the updraft.
Let's see how the model
Buoyancy of
the rising air is reducing.
It's reducing.
-Slowing the updraft.
-Temp is going down.
Kate, in theory,
this should've worked.
In theory.
But it wasn't an EF1 that day.
I mean... we never had a chance.
You want one?
Yeah, that's my radio.
What's all this for?
Wait, what are you touching
back there? Stop.
You have a lot of stuff in here.
Yeah, that... that's a mirror.
Oh, God.
-Ooh. -Have you ever been
in a car before?
-You got a lot of gadgets.
-Yeah, yeah, don't touch.
Th-There's-there's guards there
for a reason.
-What do these do?
-That's a...
Oh! God.
-Sorry. Yep.
-That's a rocket.
All right, what about
these two little ones?
Just west of Enid.
Yeah, but this one to the east
has the sky all to herself.
Yeah, I'm not falling
for that again.
You serious?
Tell you later.
Dew point is steady!
Wind shear is good!
Holy shit!
Oh, my God,
the whole updraft is rotating!
Holy cow!
I mean,
look at those striations!
It's low precip!
You can see everything!
-Aw, she's perfect!
-She's gorgeous.
She's gonna give us something!
Come on!
All right, let's harness up.
Uh, we're just gonna drop
the trailer in its path, right?
I'll tell you later.
Well, you don't
have to drive into it.
It's really dangerous.
Oh, that's why
we have to drive into it.
-Can't miss from in there.
-Oh, shit.
-Now, look, this thing's rated
for EF1s, okay? -Oh, shit.
We got extra weight
on the chassis.
We got anchoring down two feet.
Don't worry.
-I'm a professional.
-You're an asshole.
-Hold on. Hold on!
-Oh, Tyler, this is dumb.
This is really dumb.
This is really dumb.
Uh-huh, all right.
We got this, Kate.
-Here comes the kick!
-Oh, God!
Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!
Oh. All right, slowing down.
Hold on.
Here she comes.
-Did you see that?
-I saw it.
-Uh, did it work?
Oh, right. Uh...
So many belts.
It's not working.
What if it's the model
that's the problem?
How do we create a better one?
Hey, uh...
about what I said earlier,
I didn't mean any of that.
It's fine.
If there's anything I can say
or do to make it better...
Give me your PAR data.
That's a start.
What are you doing?
I'm giving this to her.
What does it look like?
I needed money
to start StormPAR.
That's why I went
into business with Riggs.
I want to help people,
too, Kate.
I really do.
I said what I said 'cause I...
I carry that guilt with me, too.
Every single day
of my life, so...
I'm sorry.
Javi, why don't you stay
and help us?
That way, we could
finally solve this together.
You know, there was a time when
I'd do anything for you, Kate.
Javi. Let's roll.
We got a storm developing
up near Enid.
Team's waiting.
I got to get back to work.
The more data I get,
the better for business.
Sorry I stole your car.
It's all right.
Be careful out there.
Wow, these scans are impressive.
I mean, it's
a complete map of the chaos.
Tyler, our moisture numbers
are off.
Currently, the polymer
is only absorbing
the existing raindrops, not
the moisture from the humidity.
I mean, we need it
to precipitate out more.
So we need to make it rain.
They were cloud seeding
in Lawton a few years ago
for the farmers.
Yeah. Yeah, silver iodide.
We could shoot rockets of that.
So, the silver iodide converts
the moisture into rain,
and then
the sodium polyacrylate--
we need a lot of it--
would pull the water
from the storm,
increasing the cold pool.
No faster way
to choke a tornado.
Hey, Lily.
Yeah, I couldn't get Boone.
No, we're gonna need you guys
for something.
No, no, no. We'll come to you.
All right.
Is this it?
Or you gonna come back
before you go home?
You know I will.
-Love you.
-Love you.
This is for you.
You have any idea what
you're getting yourself into?
I'm beginning to.
Huh. Thanks.
-Thank you.
Oh, Lord.
You finally made it.
Ben, you stuck around.
Turns out there's more
to this story than I thought.
We got a new ending for you.
Look who it is. City girl.
What's up, Kate?
Finally decided to ditch
all those squares, huh?
Right on.
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Y'all missed a big one. Look.
-Oh, wow.
Hey, can you, um... can you
rig that drone to collect data?
I can do that.
-Yeah, she can do that.
-Easy. Easy.
Hey, buddy. I'm sorry.
-How do I make it up to you?
-Man, you abandoned me.
I don't know nothing
about no makeup.
How about we launch
some new rockets?
You said rockets?
Y'all ready?
We need a 40-foot trailer
that's light enough
for a pickup but heavy enough
to anchor barrels
in 100-mile-an-hour winds.
Why the hell
would you want that?
Why the hell do we want that?
Well, 'cause when we drive
into a tornado,
we want whatever's on the
trailer to get sucked into it
but not us.
You're gonna want aluminum.
Dexter, talk to me.
What's going on?
Testing the Goldilocks principle
of a tornado
by modifying the variables,
hopefully disrupting
the process.
Mm-hmm. Okay.
Dani, what does that mean?
-Taming the storm.
T, tell us what's going on.
All right,
we're gonna shoot the clouds
with rockets of silver iodide.
Yeah, makes 'em rain, right?
Yep. Rain is
what we need in the updraft.
And then we're gonna take
the sodium polyacrylate
and we're gonna deliver it in
the vortex-- Don't touch that.
Increasing the cold pool.
And that does what
to the tornado?
Cuts the fuel, Ben.
Oh, look at Cairo
looking all cute and whatnot.
Hey, buddy.
She is your story, Ben.
Get me a copy of that.
Let's get out of here.
Uh, no offense, but I'm gonna
get a ride with someone else.
That's it.
Hell yeah.
-We got it. We got it.
-All right.
Okay, ground speed's at 22.
Intercept is northeast.
Look for Siloam Road.
Siloam Road.
-Whoa, whoa!
-Come on!
-Come on!
-Hey, what are you doing?!
Hey! These storm buttheads
are cutting us off, man.
I told you we didn't need her.
All right,
let's not get distracted.
Let's get these babies
in the air!
I can't see it right now.
I lost it.
It's tracking straight ahead.
I'd say push it.
Get ahead of it,
get ahead of it.
Doppler went dark.
That's probably
a dead cell zone.
Lily, are you above us?
It's getting
completely rain-wrapped.
I can't see a thing.
-We just got to push through
this rain curtain. -Oh.
Yeah, I just lost my drone.
Hey, we lost visual.
I can't see anything.
That's all right.
Just keep straight.
I can see the road.
You see the road?
This feels different.
I'm telling you,
I think we should stop.
Just keep going.
We'll get ahead of it.
-Scott, we have to stop!
-Keep going!
-We'll get ahead of it!
-Oh, shit!
Oh, God! It's right there!
It's right there! Right there!
Get down! Get down!
Oh, God.
-Hold on, y'all.
Tyler, we got to do something.
Hey! On your left, guys!
It's hitting something big!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Wait, wait, wait.
We can't just leave them.
We're not gonna leave them,
but we got to move!
We got to move!
Back up, back up, back up!
Dex! Go! Go!
It's flying at us, man!
-Go faster!
-I'm going, I'm going!
Oh, God.
Hang on.
Come on, come on.
Hang on, Scott.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Is everybody okay?
-We're okay.
-Yeah, we're good, man.
-We're moving.
-Are you seeing this?
Look at the size of that thing.
This is good.
No, that ain't good.
That ain't good.
It's shifting.
All right, that's it.
That's the game.
Get off the field!
Okay, guys, there's nothing
we can do to stop it,
but when you get there,
make sure
people get to a safe place.
All right, Dani,
where am I headed?
Th-There's a,
there's a kids' park on Main.
Make sure to get people
to basements,
uh, big buildings, no windows.
Stay away from windows.
No cars, all right?
All right, careful, y'all.
Stay safe out there. Copy.
Wizard, come to us.
We're gonna...
We're gonna find a new position,
put these radars down.
They're running from it.
They're scared.
They're not running.
They're heading into town
to help.
Look, we got to go, too.
No, we got our access road here,
on the left.
-Coming up. -Nah, man, there's
a lot of people there, man.
We got-- I think
we should follow 'em.
Whose side are you on, man?
You want to go hang out with
your little girlfriend? Go.
But we got the team
waiting for us,
and we got the storm
of a century out there!
-What are you talking about?
-Slow down, stop the tr--
-The people! There's people!
-I don't care about the people!
Stop the truck, Javi!
We're planting here!
We need to go help!
Javi, stop the damn truck!
Good choice.
Tell Riggs we're done!
Damn it, Javi!
All right, run to your mom.
Hey, everyone!
Get inside, all right?!
Guys, let's go, go, go!
There's a shelter down there!
Come on!
Hey, no!
Leave your cars! Get inside!
It's not safe here! Come on!
-Hey! Everyone, go inside!
-Let's go, guys.
Tyler! Shelters are all full!
We got to get everyone
to the movie theater!
Move! Everybody inside!
Sir, sir, you got to leave it.
You got to leave it.
Leave it, leave it!
Come on, come on!
Let it go, let it go!
Come on, come on!
Guys, it's here!
You got to get inside!
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on!
Come on. We're almost there.
I got you.
Come on! Get in, get in!
Come on!
Come on, come on!
You got to go! It's here!
Get inside, everybody!
Come on!
Come on.
Watch out!
You got to get inside!
I'm not leaving you!
Come on, Kate! Lift!
-Let's go, let's go!
-Come on!
See if you can find a basement!
I'll check the other side!
There's no basement
on the other side!
There's nothing
over here either!
This theater isn't built
to withstand what's coming!
There you go.
-You got her?
-I got her.
Where's Kate?
Where's Kate?!
No, Kate!
-Tyler! Tyler!
-Kate! Kate!
-Get him in!
Stay down, stay down, stay down!
Go, go, go! Go, go, go!
That way, that way!
You have to get down!
-Get down!
-That's it. Don't look back.
Don't look back. Keep going.
We got to get these people...
We got to help get these people
to the back of the theater.
Tyler, come on. Come on!
Hey. We got to go, T.
Come on. Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Take my hand. You got to get up.
Get back! Get back! Get back!
You're okay, you're okay.
-Slow it down.
-Hold tight!
Get down, get down!
-Push in, push in!
-It's alive.
It's alive! It's alive!
-It's alive!
-Hold on!
Come on. Come on.
Lily! No!
Tyler! Tyler!
-Don't let go, don't let go,
don't let go. -I got you!
Thank you.
-Are you all right?
You okay?
You okay?
-Is everyone okay?
-Easy, easy.
Is it okay?
Did it help?
You did it, Kate.
You did it.
Kate, it worked.
You okay?
-Oh, my God, that was
amazing. -Oh, my God.
We thought you were
a goner for sure.
You're brilliant.
I think I love you.
I thought for certain
I was gonna fly.
No, you did fly.
Door-to-door service,
just like I promised.
-Brought you back in one piece.
-Yeah, just about.
Look, when you get to New York,
with the review board,
they're gonna say that it was
the fire from the refinery
or the smoke
or a million other things
that caused that tornado to
vanish, and that's fine, too.
But the point is,
is that we know
these things can be disrupted,
and we need
a whole new branch of research
on how to harness these storms.
Are you sure
you don't want to do the pitch?
It sounds like
you want to do it.
Nah, partner.
Go get us that money,
you know what I'm saying?
I ditched Riggs, all right?
Fresh start.
Maybe it's time to renovate
the old barn.
I like that. I like that.
Whoa, Owens!
Still not telling me
when you're coming back?
I don't know.
This could be it.
Can't tell
if you're joking or not.
Well, maybe if you feel it,
you should chase it.
Give me a call, all right?
Let me know how it goes.
Safe flight.
Okay, time's up.
You got to move your car.
Yo, come on, man.
Let me get a, uh, tow truck
up here to departures.
Okay, okay, okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm-I'm gonna move.
I'm gonna move.
What's going on? Move your car.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Hey.
Due to increasing winds
from a nearby storm,
please expect delays.
We are professional...
-Tornado Wranglers.
-Tornado Wranglers, baby.
You think I'll get my own face
on a T-shirt?
-That'd be cool.
-If you're lucky.
-That'd be really cool.
-I'd wear one.
-You would?
All right, Boone,
you take that back.