Two For The Money (2005) Movie Script

That's me.
That's my dad.
I remember that day.
And believe it or not, I remember that hit.
I remember it because of the smile
that spread over my dad's face.
Yeah, I'd have stood there all day
just to sink one.
Just to see that smile.
You see, to Pop, sports were a religion.
To me, it was about purity.
Sports was a place
where all wrongs could be made right.
I thought if I filled the whole house
with trophies for him, he'd stick around.
Well, I did.
He left before my tenth birthday.
The Championship
has come down to this final play.
The Sun Devils trail by four.
The ball on the Aztec 15.
Seven seconds left on the clock.
Settle it down.
Pro-right tiger. This is your game.
Now let's go. Let's go get 'em.
Now let's go! Let's go!
Sun Devils' ball.
First down and ten yards to go.
Here we go men last play.
It's fun time!
Pro-right tiger. Wide check. 532 double fly
on two Scottie. Guaranteed TD.
We gotta worry about one thing men.
After we win this game
they'll be putting cameras in your faces.
Don't give them "Hi Mom"s and shit.
It's overused.
You gotta thank somebody thank me.
- I'll see you in the end zone men. Ready?
- Break!
I was a quarterback
since peewee football -
set high-school records, won
state championships. This was pertect.
Coming at you 57.
Bowl game, national TV,
there were pro scouts in the stands,
and I knew exactly
what was gonna happen next.
Lang has led the Sun
Devils to four comebacks this season.
Can he do it?
Win their first bowl game in 12 years?
Lang barks the signals. The Aztecs have
eight in the box. They're showing blitz.
Lang takes the snap,
fades back into the pocket.
He looks for Ravis on the right.
Sherman breaks through.
Lang's in trouble. He shakes Sherman off,
nearly goes down.
He's looking to throw. Two seconds to go.
There he goes. He's going to run it.
He's got to get in the end zone.
And that safety is stepping up.
Can he make it?
- Touchdown!
- Argh!
My first thought was I could tape it
and play next week. Then I puked.
When do I play again Doc?
What's the rehab time?
I'm not sure son.
Football wasn't a sport.
It was my life.
And I wasn't gonna give up now.
I would play again.
In the meantime I needed ajob
to hold me over between tryouts.
Then one day, and it didn't take long,
six years had passed
and I woke up at the bottom.
"You have reached
the Jessica Simpson hotline.
"Jessica will tell you
about Nick's birthday party
"and a whole lot more about
her rocking new panty line at Wal-Mart.
"But first here's a little fan trivia
to win a VIP gold-package backstage pass
"to Jessica's Omnicon Hotel summer tour. "
- Lang.
- "The question... " I'm taping boss.
Look. I got a job for you. Bauer's sick.
I can't update his betting line.
- You know anything about sports?
- Yeah a little.
The racket had a lot of names.
This guy's gig was sports handicapping -
predicting winners for people who bet.
I was supposed tojust record his picks.
Thing was, I didn't agree with them.
No they're not.
Living in Las Vegas, it was easy to gauge
the temperature of the betting public.
The problem is they're usually wrong.
What's up Stu?
Where's all the action this weekend?
Everyone's jumping on Oakland.
- That's crazy.
- You think?
Yeah man.
That game's gonna be won by coaching.
Gruden put that Oakland team together
before he came to Tampa.
He knows every strength and weakness.
Brown catches to his left so he'll have
him double-teamed to the defender's right.
Gannon throws on a three-step drop.
He'll stack the midfield with line backers
take away the short pass.
Gannon will throw three or four NTs Sunday.
Fuck me.
- You took Oaktown?
- Yeah what do you think?
I think I gotta
save your ass one more time.
Take Tampa Bay on the money line.
They're gonna win this game outright.
- Bet 'em big.
- Thanks B.
Stu did bet 'em big,
and he won ten grand.
I was quickly becoming
the biggest 900 line in Vegas.
"Kansas City is seven to one against
point spread v division opponents
"coming off a Monday night game.
Take KC minus the six.
"Call tomorrow for my pro-football game
of the year. That's here at 900-656-3100.
"Until then this is Brandon Lang
saying good night and good gambling. "
Big plans this weekend?
There you go.
Steve. I went nine and two
on pro football Sunday
and hit my third straight
Monday-night parlay.
- It's worth 12 bucks an hour.
- Hey I don't make 12 an hour.
You're not picking 75%.
If you're that good why don't you
bet your own games get rich?
Send me a postcard from the riviera.
By Unwritten Law)
What's going on Denny?
Hey man. What's up?
Big bro's making them greenbacks.
How about you bro?
I scrounged up some old headers B.
Check it out. Fire it up.
All right here goes.
Jeez I'm late. Honey dinner's in the oven.
Where the hell's my lucky crucifix?
Oh I forgot to tell you. The mail came
and there's a letter for you from Chicago.
You just went there
for your tryout last week.
Another rejection letter.
"... strength of your knee in question. "
I only had two Arena teams left,
and after that there was always the CFL.
You can't save me
You can't change me
Well, I'm waiting for my wake-up call
And everything, everything's my fault
Whoa! So what do you think?
Should I ride shotgun
or do you want to hop on the handlebars?
Hey the packaging's not that great
but there's a prize on the inside.
What do you say? No?
Oh that's OK.
You'll be back. I'll have a life.
Well, I'm waiting for my wake-up call
And everything's my fault
Good morning Mary.
This is Brandon.
Congratulations, you went nine and two
last Sunday. This is Walter Abrams.
I don't know if you know me. I run
the biggest sports service in the country,
and I'm a big fan of yours, Brandon.
As a matter of fact,
I've got a poster of you on my wall.
- This is a joke right?
- No, this is not ajoke. This is ajob offer.
In your top drawer- go ahead, open it up -
there's an envelope with your name on it.
Now, that's travel cash and an airline
ticket. It's not a magic trick, Brandon.
I paid someone to put it there,
who told me that the place you're in
reminded him of a Turkish prison.
Now, all I'm asking you to do
is come up with a number.
You write down the number
of what you make now, you cross it out,
you write what you should be making,
and then toss in how much it's gonna take
to get you to fly to New York first-class
and come work for me.
Now, focus, Brandon, focus.
With your bum knee, a comeback
isjust a dream. My offer is real.
Run the numbers, do the math.
Hold on a second. Yeah.
Mom holding twojobs,
Denny going to college,
this looked like a chance
to make some real money.
And besides, I'd never seen New York
and New York had never seen me.
Oh goodness. Hey.
All right.
So what's this guy Walter like?
How long have you been working for him?
A long time.
- Two weeks.
- Two weeks.
Every day with Walter's an adventure.
Super cool, super mean
Feelin' good for the man,
supertly, here I stand
Secret stash, heavy bread,
baddest bitches in the bed
I'm your pusherman
I'm your pusherman
That's OK.
All right double it. Triple it.
No everything's about money.
Listen this Sunday my little girl
an angel turns six.
This is not likely to happen again.
She loves elephants.
Your circus has ten. I only need one.
Now my little girl's happiness
is in your hands.
I don't need advice
from a guy who doubles as a clown.
I need a fucking elephant.
Now I'm willing to pay.
What'll it take to grease your wheels
and get one here this weekend? Hello?
Find Ringling Brothers. Get someone
who understands profit. Whoa!
Brandon Lang.
The Marlboro man here.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hey you're in great shape.
- I've been in better.
- You're modest too. Oh!
Modesty - not a virtue.
Could be a vice. Sit down.
There are rules to success my friend.
Rule number one is know what you know
know what you don't know
and know that I gotta know everything
you know as soon as you know it.
- Sooner.
- Yes sir.
- You ever sell before?
- No.
- Are you religious?
- I believe in God.
Hey Liz.
This is me 30 years ago right?
It's remarkable the resemblance.
I mean he's a little taller. I'll give him that.
Oh boy you know I'm not supposed
to do this. It's bad for my... condition.
Nobody knows this Liz OK?
So before I die...
Did you do anything
other than sports phone in Vegas?
Just the 900 recordings
you know 10 bucks a call.
That's chump change.
I mean we're going after
much bigger fish here.
You know networks don't talk about it
government can't tax it
but sports betting
is a 200-billion-dollar-a-year business.
- Whoa.
- Yeah.
A lot of gamblers out there man
and they have needs.
And come Monday morning after a losing
weekend they got big needs. Gargantuan.
See that? That's every
football game played last Sunday.
You know why Monday-night football's
the most watched game of the week?
Monday's the last chance bettors have
to climb out of the hole they got in
to pay their bookies on Tuesday.
Sports betting's illegal in 49 states
including this one.
But what we do is not.
We are 100% legal like stockbrokers
only instead of counting stocks
we advise people on how to bet.
Now if a client wins by taking our advice
we get a percentage or we ask for one
which they will gladly give us because
they want to keep getting the advice.
But if they lose we get zip.
So the object here my dear
tall athletic religious friend is to win.
I can do that.
- Hello. This is Walter...
- Hello Walter.
That's my cable show.
Now, after a nice
five-day vacation on my yacht...
Airs Saturday and Sunday morning
nationwide. We tape Thursday and Fri...
What's going on with my hair?
He did it again Liz.
I got one part of my head in Cleveland
the other's in Chicago.
What are we gonna do with this guy?
My barber. Should be shot. I want him dead.
For the first time,
I'm gonna release our three-team
college and pro parlays absolutely free.
If all the picks are free
how'd you get the yacht?
There's no yacht.
Next question.
Why give any picks for free?
Why not charge a fee up-front initially?
You make a good point. Next.
What's on the second floor?
That's where we print the money.
- Anything else?
- Of course not.
No I think I've got it.
I think everything's crystal clear Walter.
I like you you know that?
You and me - this thing's gonna work.
- I'm looking forward to it.
- Me too.
Ringling Brothers on one.
Tell them to hold that elephant.
You ever have a manicure?
There's a girl you gotta meet.
- Yeah? What's she like?
- She's beautiful. You're gonna like her.
Is this Barnum or Bailey?
- I've got it.
- He's all yours.
- Brandon?
- Yeah.
- Hi. I'm Toni.
- Nice to meet you.
Walter said you'd stop by.
- This was his idea.
- Yeah I know.
Does he make
all of his employees do this?
- Yep. Every one.
- How often?
Once. Before they start work.
- Weird.
- You think?
I never had my nails done before.
Yeah I can see that
but you've got strong hands. That's nice.
Do you drink?
Excuse me?
- Alcohol. Are you a drinker?
- I have a beer every once in a while.
- Do you smoke?
- No.
- What about gambling?
- What about it?
I'm sorry. I'm just a bit pressed for time.
- I asked do you bet? Are you a bettor?
- No.
Why not?
Toni huh?
- Are you here full time?
- Yeah no this is my shop. I better be.
So why don't you gamble?
Well I did once.
I wagered everything I had and I lost.
I just swore I'd never do it again.
- You're sticking to that story?
- Yeah.
I'm not gonna start
this relationship off by lying.
That's good. Walter could definitely use
someone with a little resolve in his life.
Hey Toni.
Would you have dinner with me tonight?
What do you say?
- He didn't tell you.
- Tell me what?
Brandon Walter and I are married.
Oh. Oh bogey. Wait a minute.
Wait wait wait. Listen.
He said to come to meet a nice lady...
I'm sure he did.
That's OK. I'll kill him when I get home.
He has a big bright beautiful spirit
though and you will love working for him.
But he is held together by meetings.
If it has "anonymous" at the end
he goes. He has to.
He also has to be careful
who he lets into his life.
Most ways Walter's brilliant
but he can be bullshitted and I can't.
He sends them to me before hiring them.
- So this was my interview.
- Oh you're swift.
How'd I do?
Except for an illegal forward pass perfect.
Thank you very much.
This is the first floor,
and it's all yours.
The TV's satellite and it swivels.
Your bedroom.
Got a Jacuzzi in there
the size of a kiddy pool.
You know what this is?
Looks like weights to me.
Yeah baby.
Now I'm gonna put your copy here...
on your desk.
Walter this is sweet ass.
- A man's chair.
- That's what I'm talking about.
OK. I'm gonna start you on the 900 numbers.
Same gig you had in Vegas.
Make your picks record them each day.
Monday through Friday once a day.
- Five times a day on a weekend.
- Mm-hm.
Each call's worth 25 bucks a shot.
Now we're doing about
three dozen hits a week. That's nothing.
We should triple that.
Now before you get into your test copy
here I got a few words for you.
Your pitch sucks. No offence.
But you got potential
so we gotta find a way to bust you out.
- Bust me out?
- Yeah.
We're gonna start
by giving you a new name.
John Anthony. Just came to me.
John Anthony the million-dollar man.
What's wrong with Brandon Lang?
Nothing's wrong with Brandon Lang.
It's just that he's still living with his mommy.
John Anthony's living large.
He don't hold back.
He's got a direct line to God.
And for a measly 25 bucks a call
he's gonna let the world's losers listen in.
"Hello sports fans.
"This is John Anthony in the Big Apple
with my big-money picks.
"The action starts Saturday
with college ball
"and our first match-up
is Michigan against Indiana.
"The Wolverines... "
I already hung up.
John Anthony here ready to make
all your betting dreams come true.
That's right.
Call me right now and let me win for you.
The point spread
in the Indiana-Michigan game is at...
- I think it's all right.
- Wrong.
OK what's your sales pitch?
My sales pitch is I'm picking 80% winners.
Stats is not enough.
I'm telling you you need a voice.
These are gamblers ready to risk what
they can't afford for what they can't have.
You're selling
the world's rarest commodity.
You're selling certainty...
in an uncertain world.
John Anthony here
the million-dollar man.
Wall Street to Tokyo to Hollywood. All
your big money stays and plays with me.
Sit back and relax. It's a Scud attack this
weekend. I am shelling your bookmaker.
Follow his block and cut to the right.
Going in Liz. Going in.
That's it isn't it? Huh?
- It's a start.
- It's a start?
What can I tell you?
That's not what you want
then you need to find somebody else to sell
and let me just pick.
It's not about what I want.
You understand?
It's about what Brandon wants.
If I hear that I'm calling this number.
Whoa whoa whoa.
Easy easy. Easy easy.
What is it? What is it? What is it?
Should I call somebody?
Not unless they got a spare heart.
Oh it's a small one. It's a teeny one.
Breathe it out.
- What do you need? Some water?
- I'll be all right.
Oh I know what I want.
I know what I want.
Be a good boy and get me a light.
Right there.
What are you doing?
Courage wants to laugh.
He makes the snap,
looks right, he throws.
Phillips in for the touchdown!
...clearly in the defense
that does not give up the big plays.
...23 over West Virginia.
Pittsburgh on a 47-yard field goal
leads Virginia 10-7.
North Carolina and Florida are scoreless.
We'll be back with more scores...
Back to the one-yard line...
...and it will go against Utah again.
With time-out on the field,
let's go to our studios in New York
for an update on today's college football.
How we doing?
Down here.
...while Michigan
just put the hammer to Illinois. 44-12.
Florida - no problem
beating North Carolina 42 to 7,
while Northern Washington
upset Iowa State 28-21.
manhandled Kentucky 31 to 3.
...with a 17-7 win at Idaho.
And thisjust in. Arizona is hot.
All right! All right!
This guy is a machine. I mean he...
All he does is work out and pick winners.
Talk about fit.
You should see him with his shirt off.
Really. I did. A serious side of beef.
Enjoy your daughter's birthday. Come on.
What do you mean?
You should check him out.
- I know you want to.
- Walter.
Get out of your head.
It's a bad neighborhood.
I'm gonna have the bruchetta here
and this right here.
Very good.
And may I say sir an excellent choice.
I think it's pronounced "bruschetta. "
"Bruschetta. "
They're little pizzas
but they don't have cheese in them.
- Bruschetta?
- Perfect.
Who cares? Anyone who goes 20 for 24
college football 12 for 14 professional
call bruschetta anything you want son.
Ever have
a thousand-dollar bottle of wine?
- No.
- Steward!
- Walter it's a waste. He hardly drinks.
- It's a celebration. Steward.
- Walter it's...
- Toni come on.
Just 'cause he's with reformed drunks
doesn't mean he can't enjoy himself.
I was a lot of things Walter
I was never a drunk.
Actually truth be told
I've never had
a 12-dollar bottle of water either.
- He thinks we're fighting.
- Yeah.
No I don't. Look hey this is great
all of this. Thank you Walter Toni.
Watch out Walter. He's a fixer.
- I should've ordered two.
- What did the doctor say? Come on.
Well if you really want to know - I've been
meaning to tell you - I went yesterday
and he seemed very concerned.
Afterwards he sat me down
and looked into my eyes and he said:
"who do you like
in the Buffalo-Oakland game?"
- You tell him Buffalo?
- Shit Walter. It wasn't funny.
You didn't know I was joking?
It's a joke. Jokes are funny.
Wow what a meal.
You haven't touched your sauce.
It's chocolate. I hear it's good for you.
- I'm not raising a kid alone Walter.
- Come on don't be dramatic Toni.
In biblical times you'd just move in
with my brother Morty anyway.
Oh look at that.
Beauty and the beasts.
What do you think?
I like her man.
I think she's extremely cute.
Brandon she's looking at you.
Yeah but so are
those two guys she's with.
I tell you what. I'll bet you ten to one
on a thousand you can't pick her up.
That's 10000 cash
if you leave this restaurant with that girl.
I have a better idea. Why don't we go to
Atlantic City and open a house account?
You know you can't gamble. Come on.
Who's gambling? I haven't flipped a coin
since the '80s. This is just a challenge.
A challenge?
- Cash?
- Mm-hm.
What are you gonna do?
- I'm gonna introduce myself.
- Before...
Before you make your move sit.
- Where are you going?
- No problem. Don't worry.
You sit here and rest your little self.
Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt
or anything but I just gotta know this.
We're sitting over there
with my friends and I'm thinking...
You are drop-dead gorgeous
and we just want to know...
Your dates look like they haven't
missed a meal since Christ died.
Seriously you're eating
like you got a date with the electric chair.
What is going on? No no no.
It's all over. Sit sit sit.
Just joking. Sorry.
- I don't want to get wounded with a fork.
- Jerk. Moron.
- I'm gone. Thank you very much.
- What the hell was that?
- I went too far.
- Oh yeah.
- I'll buy them a bottle of champagne.
- You'll pick up their check.
The voice of reason.
Thank you. Uh-oh.
Your date's going to the bathroom.
I don't think that
helped me out too much do you?
But hey thanks for the introduction.
Hey I was just raising the bar a little.
John Anthony could close her.
You are beautiful.
- Excuse me.
- Hang on a second.
I want to get to know you.
You just want to get in my pants.
No. No no no no no. I want to get
in your mind and your heart and your soul
and I don't see you
wearing any pants in that equation.
Do you?
Let me ask you something.
OK, forget the 900 numbers.
Now you're ready.
We're moving up.
We're going to the second floor.
This is where we print the money.
Put your ear to the door.
That's the sound of possibilities.
This is it. This is where
the sales people turn a ten-dollar bettor
into a 1000-dollar bettor
before he knows he made the call.
I'm asking do they use
Astroturf or AstroPlay?
Tammy. Give it up baby.
- You know what I need.
- Sure do.
- Tammy this is Brandon.
- How are you Tammy?
OK this is our phone sheet.
The losers who need us.
The more they bet the more we win.
We take 10% of a winning bet
anywhere from 500 to 500000.
- That's Southie.
- Let's make some serious money.
- What's the game plan?
- You know what?
You're a private security guard.
Bang a cheerleader extract the information.
Well it was a substantial sum.
Walter he's a little miffed at our picks.
Just do what you got to do.
It says right here
that the minimum bet is five grand.
Reggie Hawks. Best salesman ever. Ever.
I don't have time for this kind of shit
Jimmy. I know you're a loser.
If you were a big winner
you wouldn't pay to call me.
You got your head
outta your ass yet?
Is this my office?
- Well do you like it?
- What's not to like Walter? Thank you.
Miami New York point spread
just went up to ten.
- What do you think?
- Miami is a lock. Are you kidding me?
This is Jerry my top handicapper.
Came to me straight out of grad school.
Whoa. Phone boy makes good huh?
It's a big jump from 900 numbers.
Make sure you don't get
a nosebleed up here. I'm just kidding.
- Nice meeting you. Gotta get to work.
- Nice meeting you too.
Say by the way tonight's game...
New York wins that outright.
They always play the Fish tough
and tonight it's foregone.
I wish I had a pen because I would
never write that down. You know...
college is right for you.
You have to work your way up
to pro ball around here. Good luck.
Rookie's got balls.
I almost like it but I don't. Good luck.
I get that all day.
You know I got three guys who can
pick games I got 20 who can sell.
I never had one who could do both.
- What? You mean me?
- No not you.
I'm talking about John Anthony.
John Anthony doesn't exist.
Oh? Well I'm shocked
because I'm standing in his office
and you're sitting in his chair.
So you want me to sell.
- Like those guys out there?
- Yes.
Big bettors don't want middlemen.
They want the guy giving them the picks.
- You got a problem with selling?
- No. I don't have a...
There's a few choice phrases we use here.
You just start with those.
Now here's an easy one.
I don't want your money.
I want your bookie's fucking money.
Give it back to me.
I don't want your money.
I want your bookie's money.
I don't want your money.
I want your bookie's money.
That's not bad.
- What happened to "fuck"?
- What about it?
- I said it. You don't use it?
- Nah.
- Really? A religious thing?
- No it's not a religious thing. I just...
It was all right for Chaucer 600 years ago.
Hey! I don't want to embarrass you
but I gotta do this.
I got someone here
who has a problem saying "fuck. "
- Hold on.
- Fuck you!
Look at that.
A lot of brunettes.
Where are we headed?
We're gonna continue your education.
- Hi. Is this the meeting?
- Yes yes. Come on in. Hi.
You'd think with two mortgages out
the repo guys staking out my car
my job on the line and my wife
threatening to leave that I'd stop
instead of staying in the chase
doubling down.
It's a disease Leon.
Yeah man. Look admitting
you have a problem is the first step.
I guess I must be doing pretty good
because I've got one big problem.
- Don't worry about it Leon.
- It's OK Leon.
- Hang in there Leon.
- Hey.
My name is Walter
and I'm new to this group...
Hey Walter.
...but I am not new to these meetings.
I've been coming 18 years now.
As a matter of fact friends
this is my 936th consecutive meeting.
Hey man well done.
Well done is right.
And in all that time I haven't once been
to a track or a casino or bet on a game.
Hand to God not a cent.
So I know where you're coming from Leon.
Believe me I know. I heard your story
and it's something I relate to
but I gotta say if I learned anything
it's that gambling is not your problem.
- It's not?
- Not even close.
I don't know how to say this without
sounding rude but you're a lemon Leon.
Like a bad car there is something
inherently defective in you.
And you. And you. And me.
And all of us in this room.
We're all lemons.
We look like everybody else
but what makes us different is our defect.
You see most gamblers
when they go to gamble they go to win.
When we go to gamble
we go to lose subconsciously.
Me I never feel better or more alive
than when they're raking the chips away
not bringing them in and everybody
knows what I'm talking about.
Hell even when we win it's just
a matter of time before we give it all back.
But when we lose
now there's another story when we lose.
I'm talking about the kind of loss
that makes your asshole pucker up
to the size of a decimal point.
You know what I mean? You've just
recreated the worst possible nightmare
this side of malignant cancer
for the 20th goddamn time
and you're standing there
and you suddenly realize:
"Hey I'm still here.
"I'm still breathing.
"I'm still alive. "
Us lemons we fuck shit up
all the time on purpose
because we constantly
need to remind ourselves we're alive.
Leon gambling's not your problem.
It's this fucked-up need
to feel something
to convince yourself you exist.
That's the problem.
Hey you're the guy I see on TV
every weekend selling betting picks.
- So what?
- Oh yeah he's right. This guy...
This guy peddles a tout service on TV.
You read the charter buddy?
We all left our jobs at the door.
Are you gonna throw an ex-alcoholic
bartender out of an AA meeting?
- What?
- You're gonna do that? That's bogus.
- Hey didn't you come in with this jerk?
- Come on.
I don't like the feeling I'm getting.
If you rethink things here's my card.
We're topping 80% this season.
Put it in your wallet.
- You never know when you'll relapse.
- Get out!
What the fuck was that?
- What did you just say?
- That was bullshit.
- You gave your business card...
- No no. You said fuck.
- So what?
- Brandon. So what? That's great man.
It was all worth it just from that one word.
From the one word fuck I could feel
your frustration I could feel your anger.
Man I'm proud of you.
His name is Amir.
He's a dime bettor.
Owns a dry cleaners.
- We got him for the subscription.
- Amir...
He's on line one. Mm ding ding.
Good morning.
Walter wanted
your first call to be special.
- OK. Go get 'em tiger.
- You got it.
- Amir my man. John Anthony here.
- Yes. Hello.
Yes, hello to you, sir.
How's your morning?
Mine started off outstanding.
Not as outstanding as I plan my weekend being.
Billy listen.
Thanks for the $15000 FedEx.
It's called a three-team parlay.
It pays six to one.
How much can you lay? 20 grand?
Are you crazy?
No way. Listen
I was betting a thousand a game.
I've got a game that I'm calling
my lock of the decade OK? Texas v OU.
Now Texas is receiving
six points in this game.
- They're gonna win it by two touchdowns.
- Really?
- I like Oklahoma in that game.
- You do?
I shouldn't have called.
Thank you for your time.
Hold on. I've got Vegas on the line.
When we get our 30 grand from last night
then I tell you who he likes next week.
The only thing you gotta know about any
of our clients is that they're all in a hole.
The second they pick up the phone
you got 'em.
I'll tell you once. Green Bay Dallas
Cleveland. 100000 across the board.
Get to the point you're above them.
Let 'em know it. Let 'em feel it.
More John Anthony.
- What's your favorite drink my man?
- Favorite drink?
I don't know.
- Pia colada.
- Whoa.
Tomorrow we gotta get you a new drink
but today here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna go down to your bookie
and lay 20 large on Texas.
Then you'll go home
put on your favorite Hawaiian shirt
and you'll sit back
twirl your little umbrella
after you've made that rum concoction
with the orange slice and the cherry
and you'll watch Texas
rip those Okies a new asshole.
And after you win the 20 grand,
you're gonna call me back
and you're gonna tell me,
"Thank you, sir. May I have another?"
McNeil lost his dog last week
to a hunting accident.
You don't mess with a man
who just lost his dog.
Western Union me ten thou
and let's ride this wave into Sunday.
Denny boy!
I've got something good for this weekend.
Green Bay against Minnesota. I want
you to lay $500 on the Cheeseheads.
Let Stu in on that too
and take care of Mama. Talk to you later.
Tammy who's on four?
Forget the other games you wanted to bet.
Let's throw that 4000 on this 1000
and make it five
take it money line and turn it into 12000.
John Anthony here.
Hello, everybody,
and welcome to "Football Tonight. "
line, he passes and that's a blind throw...
He's in the end zone!
- Touchdown!
- Yes!
Good ball game.
OK. No that sounds good.
Actually you know what? Monday...
Go Daddy go! Can't you go any faster?
Hey! Ten and two pro football?
I definitely want to be there with him.
Put it on a plate.
Oh my God. Thank you. You saved my life.
That is beautiful.
What... What's going on?
Walter's doctor - this is good news -
finally put him on an exercise program.
I want to be there the first time
to make sure the trainer understands
his aversion to consistency. Excuse me.
- Aversion to consistency?
- Mm-hm.
That's Walter. He's always been that way.
- Well that's consistent.
- Well that's true.
You are cute. Take a bite.
Tell me what you think.
Life is fucking good.
So... let's talk about making it better.
Uh-oh. Duck Brandon. Here it comes.
I'm thinking of putting
John Anthony on TV this week.
If you do this from here on out
you're gonna have to eat sleep
drink breathe
talk walk and fart John Anthony.
That's the way it is.
There's no holding back.
You gotta be it
completely or it doesn't work.
That's right and just think it over.
Don't decide now.
It's the only move.
If it means I've gotta act that's cool.
No. No acting. This is living.
You didn't hear me.
From here on out
Brandon Lang and his fettuccine knee
and his self-fucking-pity
is as flat dead as Donald Trump's hair.
And John "I Can Walk On Fucking Water"
Anthony has taken his place.
Now listen
to what he's asking you Brandon.
I'm gonna build an empire around you.
It's gonna cost me.
- You understand what I'm saying?
- Hell yeah I understand.
I'm John fucking Anthony.
I've got a crystal ball.
I am sitting on top of the world,
just rolling along
OK John Anthony breathes.
Now we gotta get a walk and talk.
I'm just asking.
I'm looking for a car
for my friend here.
- Let's see. What's his name?
- John Anthony.
- Mr. Anthony.
- Yes sir.
- Do you have any credit?
- No.
Of course not. I don't know Wally
can you trust him?
With my wife.
- Naked.
- Well in that case the floor is yours.
Glory, hallelujah,
I just phoned the parson
Hey, Pa, get ready to call
Just like Humpty Dumpty
I'm about to fall
- Hey what's "900 King"?
- That's me. John Anthony.
- I don't lose.
- Thank you.
I want you to meet Mr. Miracle
John Anthony. There he is.
It's never ever gonna go down.
Give me all you got.
Singing a song
I'm ready. I'm ready.
A star is born today. How you doing?
- Scared shitless.
- You're sweating.
You'll be all right. Don't worry. You've got
the script. Read off the TelePrompTer.
You've been here before kid.
- Remember football?
- No this is different.
- How's this different?
- No opponent.
- Then you're a lock to win.
- Walter we're ready.
You'll be OK.
Remember stay with the script.
- That's a lifetime.
- For you boss. This is for you.
Tony, you good?
OK, everybody, we're gonna go.
- We back?
- Places.
- John Anthony huh?
- Yep.
All's I see is another wannabe
in a thousand-dollar suit.
Word to the wise
keep the suit you came in with.
All right Jethro? Good luck to you.
In five four...
- I'll do that.
... three two...
Welcome to this week's Sports Advisors,
America's premier sports-information
program with myself Walter Abrams
Jerry Sykes Chuck Adler
and a truly gifted newcomer
to the Sports Advisorpanel.
I want you to meet him a substantial find
and his name is John Anthony.
OK we're entering week six
in professional football.
This is when the cream rises to the top.
This is when things get hot.
This is oven-mitt time. Am I right?
This is big-time ball season.
So let's get right into it with the wizard
of odds Jerry "The Source" Sykes. Jerry.
Stats records rankings weather
if the goalpost is tilted just a little bit...
The SYKES system
uses 42 proven indexes
to eliminate
the guesswork in sports wagering.
Without my patented
computer-based picks
you got a better shot of having God
show up at your door with nine strippers
a bag of pure Bolivian cocaine
enough Viagra
to make Chuck's head blow off
than picking these things on your own.
You call me absolutely free. I got five
picks this weekend that are incredible.
How many gamblers did I bail out
last weekend with my game of the year?
A 100-dollar bettor made $10000.
A 500-dollar bettor made $50000.
Well I got six games on Sunday
that I'm releasing absolutely free.
These games are a burial
a blowout a human lock.
You can bet your children's unborn
children's children on these six games
absolutely free!
Whoa whoa I believe I believe!
I believe you're trying to make me deaf.
I've never seen a color on a man like that.
Would you say that's chartreuse?
So Saturday comes before Sunday and
looking at Saturday's college match-ups
is the last but certainly not least
member of the sports advisors.
- And here he is Mr. John Anthony.
- Thank you Walter.
This is John Anthony the million-dollar
man with the billion-dollar plan.
Wall Street to Tokyo to Hollywood
all your big money
is gonna stay and play with me.
That's right. That's why
they call me the million-dollar man.
The million-dollar man the million-dollar
man the million-dollar man.
I can't say that man.
- Uh...
- No no.
Somebody wrote
some very clever stuff for me here
like the million-dollar man.
So let's just call me John.
I played quarterback division one.
Every QB knows that the secret
the key to victory is anticipation.
The ability to see the future and react to it.
Now that is what I do.
And that is the truth.
So I'm not gonna sell you today all right?
I'm just gonna tell you the facts.
For over one year
I have been picking 80% winners.
Used to be.
I know the leagues. I know the teams.
I know these players.
I know this wonderful game called football.
Call the number
on the bottom of your screen
and ask for John.
Let's make some money.
- I'm not here. Go back to sleep.
- Walter it's four in the morning honey.
What a show.
Come to bed.
Man you should have seen him.
I just sat there and watched him roll.
I swear he made me
want to pick up a phone and call.
I took the sales boys down the Smith and Wo's
to get them primed for the weekend
and Chuck got so drunk he took a swing
at one of the deer heads on the wall.
I don't know what we're gonna do.
I'll hire more guys on Monday.
I got to. I gotta get more phones.
- Everything's amping up.
- Yeah?
This guy I'm telling you
I'm gonna do this whole dot-com thing
around him you know?
I swear if I had me when I was his age...
you know I never had a mentor.
Now I got a protg. You know?
Someone you hand it all down to.
If anything happens to me he steps in.
He steps in.
Just knowing that
with this thing you know.
- It's like having a son.
- Walter come here.
It's beautiful. It's beautiful beautiful.
- You gotta go back to sleep.
- What are you doing?
- I'm gonna go... I'm gonna go for a run.
- No. Walter...
- See the sunrise.
- Come here. Just for a second.
Come here. You're exhausted.
No I'm not. I wanna go do the bridge
thing you know up-up-up Fifth?
Walter I haven't seen you all day.
Just come to bed for one minute.
Just for a minute 'cause you know
I've got the trainer tomorrow.
- The trainer wants me to run.
- I know baby.
- He wants me to run in place you know?
- I know honey.
Run from one place to another place.
No time to sleep just because you're so
exhausted I mean that's no time to sleep.
You're right. No time for sleep.
I'll be right here
when you get back from your run.
That's nice of you.
- I'll be right here right beside you Walter.
- Oh that's nice of you.
I'm not going anywhere.
It's OK.
Just close your eyes
for one second before you go OK?
Know about Stokey
being out against New York?
- A knock would be nice Jerry.
- I'm kinda underwater here man.
- A yes or no would be great.
- No I don't.
If you know something or if you
hear anything you gotta let me know
'cause that's the way we work.
I'll rush right over stat.
I've been here six years.
You've been here one.
What are you doing in here?
Hit the phones man. Do some damage control.
Rewrite that friggin' computer program.
- Hey it was a fucked weekend.
- For some people.
There's a 50-dime bettor
who wants to talk to John Anthony.
- What's his name?
- Carl. He owns McDonald's franchises.
Wait a minute.
I landed that lead. He's my guy.
- Was.
- He's raiding my list now?
Your clients are jumping ship
you lactose-intolerant fuck. Get out.
- Come on.
- Excuse me.
We're home! We're home!
We're home! We're home!
- Can we play princess?
- Oh yes can we play princess.
You go get in your princess outfit.
Everything OK?
I'll put the groceries away
then I'll come and play.
- OK!
- You go ahead.
You got it made. You gotta admit that.
I got a little cab fare.
That... that won't hurt. Hey baby.
I can explain this. It's...
- Gail that's my wife Toni.
- Hi.
- Thank you.
- It's OK really.
- Walter I'll talk to you later OK? Thanks.
- Bye-bye.
What the hell's going on here Walter?
You don't seriously think
I had something to do with that girl now?
I just brought her up here to pay her off.
I got her for John. Come on.
- Don't bullshit me Walter.
- Oh no.
You can't be serious.
You think I slept with this girl?
- Who the hell's John? Who's John?
- John. John Anthony. Ring a bell?
You got Brandon a hooker?
He's working late he's in a new city
he has no friends. Yes I got him a hooker.
Are we gonna have this conversation?
Are you completely
completely clueless Walter?
- Why are you so angry?
- Why am I so angry?
Look at you.
You're jealous. Look at you.
- Oh God. Jealous of what? Of what?
- I don't know. Brandon getting laid.
You really are crazy.
'Cause that sick thought never entered my mind.
Oh that's not where those thoughts enter.
OK I'm done. I'm done. That's it.
You'll be happy to know he didn't
sleep with her. I just paid her for coming.
- Pardon the pun.
- Oh you're hysterical.
- Daddy!
- Oh!
- Daddy!
- Where's my baby?
Look at her! Look at her! Look at her!
Coming up, week-seven predictions
with our new star John Anthony,
who went an amazing 24 and six
in last weekend's games.
- Jerry.
- Yeah.
John's up first tonight.
- What?
- John Anthony is leading off tonight.
- John Anthony's leading off?
- Is there an echo in here?
Engineer! Sound!
Help me I'm hearing everything twice.
Two years I lead off and you bury me
in the deck over a couple lousy weekends?
- This is bullshit Walter.
- ... three two...
Welcome to week seven.
- I'm in the garage.
- Hook it up?
- Yeah. You wanna hear it?
- Man let me hear it.
- It is the bomb.
- Oh that's what I'm talking about.
That's what I'm talking about my man.
I'm about to head out.
Everything else cool?
Yeah sort of. Did Dad reach you?
- Dad? No. Why?
- Must be out of money. He keeps calling.
He saw you on TV and wants to talk.
I gave him your work number but
he says they won't put him through.
I don't know what that's about.
I'll check into it.
Let's walk.
You could use the exercise.
Stop worrying. We're set for life.
We got Jimmy the Greek here.
He makes Nostra-fucking-damus look like
a novelty act. Brandon to the right.
You love that don't you?
- Let me ask you a question Walter.
- Shoot.
Have you been blocking any of my calls?
Of course. You don't need
distractions right now my boy.
- Lot of crazies out there.
- Does that include my father?
You're asking me
I'm gonna tell you. Yeah.
You son of a bitch.
How long?
- About two weeks.
- Walter.
Come on. Brandon would you
have taken the call if I put it through?
That's not the point. That's not the point.
What is the point? I'd like to know.
What's the story with you and your father?
- You tell me. You seem to know.
- Well I know pieces.
That's about all.
- Hey man I was just trying to spare you.
- Who are you gonna spare me from huh?
He was a drunk left when I was nine.
I couldn't compete with the bottle.
End of fucking story.
So you won't spare me nothing.
If I want to talk to him I will.
Spare me. You fuck.
Is that it? Is that all you got?
I will match my dysfunctional childhood
and Toni's against yours any day.
My father - five foot arms like this.
He had a cock like a Hebrew National.
If I even looked at him the wrong way
he'd smack me like Jake LaMotta.
By the time I was five he yelled at me
so much I thought my name was asshole.
Broke my nose three times.
Toni tell him about you. Come on.
- I didn't have a great childhood either.
- Great?
Tell him about the uncle.
Well I think he gets the idea now.
Come on. Suffice it to say she was
abused by everybody but the family pet.
OK Walter please.
Your father was a drunk.
He was a jerk. So what?
It happens. I'm glad
I blocked those calls. You know why?
You need a new image of a man.
How about me?
- She's laughing.
- 'Cause that's a scary fucking thought.
Hey Brandon listen to me man.
The shit that happened to you
to me to Toni you know what that is?
It's just that shit that happened
because after the therapy
and the psychiatry
and the meetings
you know what it all comes down to?
We're all fucked up.
We are alljust so fucked up.
Now you gotta just say that shit out.
"I am fucked up
and I ain't gonna take it anymore. "
Come on. You too Toni. Let's do it.
All of us. Wallow with me here a minute.
We are so fucked up
we're not gonna take it anymore.
I am so fucked up with all of you
that I'm not gonna take it anymore.
How's that?
Hey! I'm trying to sleep here asshole.
- That you Dad?
- OK Walter.
I'm gonna kick your fucking head in.
- Let's go.
- Don't wait up.
Amir you've got to be kidding me huh?
Are you gonna haggle over 50 grand
after the 250000 I just made you last weekend?
Look don't get me wrong John.
Steep. Amir let's rewind a second.
First time you call... No cuff.
... you're in a hole the size of the Grand Canyon
crying about having
to hock your fiance's ring.
Now today you're calling me from
a red convertible F1 Ferrari isn't that it?
Right? Candy red?
Yeah you doing the math?
I am. All right? I'm gonna cut you off.
- Oh come on John.
- I'm coming on.
If we keep working together,
I'll charge a 10% aggravation tax.
Get your ass to Western Union tonight.
Wire me 75 grand
and maybe we can kiss and make up.
OK OK John. Now let's...
John Anthony. Talk to me.
- May I please speak to Brandon Lang?
- Mom?
- Hey honey is that you?
- Yeah it's me!
- Are you OK?
- Mom I have never been better.
I'm kicking ass and taking names.
- Did you get the money that I sent you?
- Yeah. That's why I'm...
I talked to Denny. I'm flying you and him
out here next month first-class.
I'll put you up at the Plaza.
You'll meet Toni and Walter.
You are gonna love this joint Ma.
That sounds great honey.
About the money all that money it's-it's too much.
Ma but it-it-it's not too much!
I made that money. I earned that money
every fucking cent of it.
- Listen to you.
- Ma it's just how people talk out here.
Look no cuff.
No cuff Francesco.
Now who's this John Anthony person?
Those checks I've been sending you
those checks you've been cashing
those are from John Anthony.
- And he talks like that?
- Mom they are from me.
- We gotta go to Puerto Rico.
- I gotta put you on hold.
- What's in Puerto Rico?
- CM Novian called.
He lives in Puerto Rico.
He's the biggest sports bettor in the world.
We've hit the jackpot. He wants to sit
and talk in person with John Anthony.
- Got it. How much time we got?
- 45 minutes plane leaves La Guardia.
Whoa pronto OK. Mama?
Mom? Ma?
My mom just hung up on me. Um...
- What do you know about him?
- Not much but he's a world-class prick.
Wouldn't return my call. Treated me
worse than my Hong Kong tailor.
You know how long
I've been trying to bag this guy?
Have you any idea
what this thing is worth?
Nope but I want a bonus
if we pull this off.
- No "if. " It's only "when. "
- I got you.
You understand?
Remember he called us.
- You hooked him.
- Mm-hm.
- Know that. Sweat that.
- You got it.
Relax my man.
I'll get in character in the car huh?
Oh fuck!
Whoa whoa whoa
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.
Hey! Uh-oh. Easy baby. Easy easy.
Is it your heart?
Where's your vial? Easy easy.
Somebody get a doctor! Get me a doctor
and get me some water now.
Here we are. Hang on baby.
Yeah breathe it out.
Here's one two. Yeah yeah yeah
you suck on them. Suck on them man.
Yes sir. Yes sir. Yes sir.
Easy easy easy.
- Yeah baby.
- Brandon?
- Yeah? I'm here.
- You love me?
Shh. Oh I love you. You know I love you.
Shh. You ain't going nowhere.
Somebody get some help!
Get me some water now!
- Brandon?
- Yeah? Talk to me my man. Come on.
Would you love me...
if this was a joke?
I'm OK.
I was just practicing. It's OK.
It's OK.
Look at me. I'm all right. Oh I got a crowd.
Little indigestion.
Too many peanuts on the plane. I'm OK.
Thank you for your concern.
He's had a little problem. Whoa.
Don't-don't-don't-don't you do that to me.
- Walter that's pushing it too far.
- Now you listen to me.
Now you pay attention to me right now.
There's no such thing as too far.
You push everything as far as you can.
You push and you push and you push
until it starts pushing back
and then you push some goddamn more.
Remember that
when you're with this guy today.
Oh man. If I start to die again
forget the hospital I wanna croak here.
- Walter.
- Mr. Novian it's an honor. My associate...
- John Anthony.
- How are you?
These sports services of yours...
complete fucking scam huh?
I hear your boy here's having quite a season.
What's your system Walter?
- System?
- Let's start with how much you bet.
Million a game across the board.
OK is that the most we're working with?
It depends. Shit Benny check your wallet.
See if you have any cash.
Maybe he'll talk about the weekend.
How do you feel about it?
- Do you rent that yacht?
- No no. I own it.
Well that's how I feel about this weekend.
And I'm not being cocky. I'm talking
straight commerce with you Mr. Novian.
- I didn't come down here to bullshit you.
- Wow you got steamed.
Or maybe
a little inside information maybe?
I know these teams
better than they know themselves.
I'm going 12 for 12 this weekend
including the Monday-night parlay.
Wow. Should we believe him?
- What do you think?
- I don't believe him.
You cannot afford not to.
- No I can afford.
- Can you?
Honest question Mr. Novian. Can you?
Hell can anyone for that matter
afford to lose as much
as a man like you needs to bet
to actually feel a win?
Winning's a funny thing.
It's one of those rare commodities
that money cannot buy until you called me.
I didn't call you. I called your boss.
And he called me.
The price is $250000 up-front
plus 10% of every game you win.
Well that's wild.
I never paid up-front before did I?
We've never charged it before.
Considering whose picks you're getting
and the amount of money you're betting
If you want this weekend's winners
that's my offer.
You can take it or leave it.
Let's step outside.
Come in.
- They need it Mr. Anthony.
- What's your mother's name Mitchell?
- What street did you grow up on?
- Atlantic Avenue.
- Who do you like Monday night?
- Oh I don't know.
- Pick one.
- Well that's your job.
I'll do your job tomorrow.
Today you do mine. Who do you like?
- What are you talking about?
- Mitchie.
Seattle v New Orleans.
Stop stalling. Who do you like?
I don't know. I mean
I guess I like Seattle plus the two points.
- Over or under?
- No you can't... Don't... You can't do that.
No I can do this.
Over or under? It's 44 points. Come on.
Seattle in the over. Nice.
I won't hand that in.
A million dollars are riding on that game.
Oh there's a whole lot more than that.
We all know I can pick. Today I'm picking you.
The outcome will be the same.
- OK. And... what if I'm wrong?
- There's no "if. "
Are we running to the field goal?
We don't need a field goal.
We need a touchdown.
Oh that's OK. That's OK.
They score we win. Come on come on.
They score we win. They score we win.
They score we win. They score we win.
They score we win.
...first down on the sixth.
Yes! We won! We won!
A hundred fucking percent!
A hundred fucking percent!
A hundred fucking percent! A hundred...
It was like he mesmerized me a little bit.
Like Spock or something I visualized it.
Seattle and the over and he wrote it down.
- He said picking me was like him doing it.
- How long have you been here?
It's not unusual to go out at any time
Congratulations Brandon
or should I say John?
Either way it's amazing.
I am very impressed.
Are you kidding me? Letting salesmen
make your picks? That's balls.
You better get over there and
collect some of that cash right now.
The way you're picking
you'll need some for a rainy day.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Gambling gods are a fickle bunch.
So easily offended.
There might be businesses you can make
over two million dollars in a weekend...
- Thanks for looking after me.
- All right.
...but will somebody tell me
somebody please tell me
where else are you gonna
have this much fucking fun?
You the man! You the man big Papa!
I love you forever.
Let me ask you something.
How much of that do-re-mi be for moi?
Well how about a one
with five zeros behind it.
- A hundred thousand?
- Yeah.
On two mill?
- You be working out of my shop.
- Yes sir I am.
- Look around you.
- This is your place Walter's shop.
I understand that.
I'm just saying feed the horse baby.
- Maybe 10%.
- 10%?
That what you're thinking?
That's a beautiful thought. Forget it.
Walter we were starting to roll here.
And we got Novian. We got the 250 grand...
I wanna tell you something now OK?
I'm gonna say it only once.
If you want something more from me
than a gesundheit after a sneeze
you have to do more than this shit.
You understand?
You're gonna have to earn it.
Once you earn it
you'll have to fight me for it.
You'll have to challenge me.
You'll have to rip it out of my fucking talons.
That's how you get ahead with me.
Now John Anthony would know that see?
As a matter of fact
next time you come to me with this shit
you come as John Anthony.
I ain't talking money with you.
Hey big winner huh?
How you feeling?
Winning. Winning.
Dance with me.
- You know I gotta dance with you more.
- You do.
- Listen. I'm thinking of buying a plane.
- Oh yeah.
Yeah. You know...
Don't laugh. A big one.
One of them G... G somethings.
I saw this house in the Bahamas for sale.
I mean talk about an investment.
In case anything should happen to me
I mean you and Julia...
Shh! I don't wanna hear that Walter.
Stop that.
Why don't we go down and check it out?
Just you and me barefoot in the sand.
Just tell me you're not... gambling Walter.
That shit's over.
It's never over.
You know that Walter. It's never over.
How about a truth serum... in the veins?
Baby we just made two million dollars.
I wanna just celebrate with my wife.
I want to enjoy a dance.
Can I do it just once?
Alexandria? Hey, it's Brandon.
Yeah. Yeah listen
I happen to be in the neighborhood.
You have got a Doberman for a doorman.
- Hi Alexandria.
- What are you doing here?
What do you say we go out
for a late-night dinner right now?
Have a couple killer bottles of wine
go back to that place where we first met...
Are you out of your mind?
I live in this building asshole. This is home.
I don't appreciate
you stopping by without calling.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa.
- What's gotten into you?
- I'll make this shit real clear
so this doesn't happen again.
You meant 5000 bucks.
Your friend set it up.
The world still is the same
You never change it
As sure as the stars shine above
Well, you're nobody
Till somebody loves you
So find yourself
Somebody to love
- You know what time it is?
- It is 8:37 in the a. m.
Wrong. It's time to press my man.
We're gonna yank out all the stops.
When you're winning you press.
You don't rest on your laurels.
What are you doing?
I've got a 10:30 tee time at Wingfoot
with a client - that Howell guy.
So don't call me unless the lines change.
The salmon are running my man.
You gotta stay here. Gotta field phone calls.
You can't go out playing golf having fun.
Fun? Seor you have obviously
never played Wingfoot.
Come on stop playing around here.
Let's go. You got work to do this week.
I'm not asking you if I can leave Walter.
I'm telling you that's how it is. All right?
You want my picks I can give you those.
Washington minus eight against Miami
Saint-Louis KC.
Out of your mind? Las Vegas.
You're gonna start picking
on Tuesday for the weekend huh?
Philadelphia. I love it. Look at that. Cinci.
We'll be advising in the neighborhood
of 20 million dollars this week.
That's a nice neighborhood.
We should be doing double that by week ten.
I see. You're gonna make the picks.
No study no analysis.
You're just gonna pick 'em.
Locked in Walter. I don't really need it.
Look at that. You've got to be kidding me.
Vegas Monday night.
There's my picks for this week.
Now if you want next week's picks
I can give you those by Friday.
- If you wanna join us you can.
- No I'm getting the drift.
Tell you what. We'll keep these on ice
and go over 'em tomorrow.
- I won't be in tomorrow.
- Well then the next day!
Uh we'll talk about it.
Hey Brandon!
- Toni!
- Hey!
- Where you headed?
- Some of us have to work.
- Oh oh oh. There we go.
- Baby.
- Hey you look great.
- Nice ride.
- "900 K-I-N-G." Did you see the plates?
- Yes I did.
- You feel that? You feel that?
- Don't. Slow down Brandon.
- Oh this car was made to go fast.
- No. Not with me in it. Slow down.
Loosen up will you? Hey.
Let me ask you a question.
When you're not at the salon
or running Julia to play dates
or keeping Walter in line which I know
is a full-time job what do you do for you?
- I stay busy. You're gonna turn here so...
- That's not what I asked.
What do you do for you for Toni?
I was a junkie Brandon. OK?
So every day I get up and I wonder
"Is this the day?
"Is this the day I slip
end up back on the street?"
Just keeping it all on track
that's what I do for me.
Well that's not living Toni.
That is not living.
That is maintaining.
That's cashing in. That is not living.
What the hell does that mean?
Are we talking perfection?
You wanna talk perfection?
No. Nobody's perfect.
Oh except for me last weekend
going 14 and 0 huh?
- This is your stop.
- Well thanks for the ride... John.
In other action, Washington melted down
in Miami, losing 24 to 12.
Saint-Louis shocked KC 34-14,
and Philadelphia
smacked Pittsburgh 23-10.
- I'm gonna go work out.
- No you're not.
There's half a dozen games left here.
I want you to watch every second
of every minute of every one of them.
All right so sit down.
Oakland is having a miserable time.
You know how you go
three and 11 don't you?
You go three and 11 when
you make Sunday's picks on Tuesday.
'Cause it rained in Cincinnati on Saturday.
Two starting quarterbacks
never got to play.
That's how you go three and 11.
You're a handicapper not a psychic.
- We still got Monday and the parlay.
- Fuck Monday and the parlay.
This isn't about that. This is about me.
It's about the commission thing.
- Oh no. I don't know.
- Oh don't bullshit me. Come on.
All right listen.
I'm gonna bump you. 10%. OK?
You earned it.
This is dangerous territory we're getting into.
You understand? But I'll bump you.
Now talk to me about Monday night
because everyone I mean everyone
will double down after the hole you put 'em in.
- It's fine.
- You'd bet your mother's house?
- I don't bet Walter.
- If you did?
- I like the pick Walter.
- On your mother's house or not?
With my mother in it.
Another Monday-night
thriller comes down to the final seconds.
Carolina has to get at least
into field-goal range here.
High snap, pulled down nicely.
And a beautiful punt by Feuderday.
He drills it. Thompson has to retreat.
And Thompson dropped the ball. The ball
is on the turt, and the scramble is on.
It's heading toward the Carolina goal line.
A couple of guysjump on it.
It might be changing hands right now.
The call goes to Cleveland.
Carolina won't have a shot...
This one is over.
An unbelievable finish.
You don't switch to
a three-four halfway through the season.
No, what defense
are they running in practice?
Jones is on the field. Sunday.
We're still leaning heavy on the overs.
Thank you, thank you, sir.
You are the man. I'll talk to you...
His improvement's been great but he got
out of surgery two and half weeks ago.
I know he's had a good week of practice
but his knee's swollen.
Help me out. Game-time decision.
That's what coach always says.
Are we talking game-time probable huh?
Or doubtful?
Tell me. You're going into...
It's raining it's snowing.
Can his knee hold up in that?
Will the doc let him play?
Yes he is a gamer. Thank you.
I can read between the lines. You got it.
Unbelievable! Yee-ha!
Takes the snap, drops the throw.
Hell of a swing.
Sport of kings right?
- No no. That's horse racing.
- What are you doing here?
- Southie told me where I could find you.
- Yep.
I wanted to get out. Clear my head.
So talk to me. How'd we do?
- You haven't seen the scores?
- Nope.
That's how I wanted it.
Make my picks get the results later.
- Well... highest sales volume ever.
- Yeah?
- Take a guess how we did.
- I think we kicked ass.
- It was amazing.
- Yeah last week was nothing Walter.
You're right. It was nothing
compared to what we lost today.
What'd I go?
I got an idea. Why don't I give you
a glimpse of what happened
and then you take a stab
on how you went?
Just give me the numbers.
You don't wanna play?
Too bad. Would've been fun.
Grown men crying on the phone.
Their wives screaming in the background.
Three salespeople quit -
couldn't take the pressure.
- Fuck.
- No no no.
You lose ten out of 12
"fuck" doesn't quite cover it.
You know what would be more appropriate?
"Holy Fucking Shit!"
Or "Jesus Fucking Christ!"
- I got the picture Walter.
- You're right.
You go two for 12
on our highest volume weekend ever
what's left to say?
Except maybe
we keep the phone number
only we switch it over
to a fucking suicide hotline.
Tomorrow morning Brandon
bright and early
we start all over again.
- Mr. Novian wants to see you.
- Argh!
Tell him... to call me. Argh!
You tell him.
- I didn't recognize you without the suit.
- This is my time off.
If you want to talk make an appointment.
Or should I call you Brandon?
Someone costs you 30 mill
you do research right?
I mean I got more than your name now.
I know where you live where you're from
where your family lives.
Hey your mother
there's a sweet lady man.
I just come from Vegas. Dealt me
three blackjacks in a row. She's a good woman.
Where's the cocky motherfucker
who come to my house? Where's John?
If you don't like my picks
use somebody else.
Come here. It's all right. It's all right.
I just come for an apology. That's it.
Just look me in the eye and say you're sorry.
I mean say it so as to make me
believe you mean it. Come on.
- I'm sorry.
- Fuck that. I'm not going to accept that.
Come on one more time. I'm sorry. Hey?
- I'm sorry.
- You motherfucker. You're not even close.
You're not even close.
No it's not gonna work.
It's not gonna work.
I'm gonna get my satisfaction.
I'm gonna get something I want.
What do you mean "No-no-no"?
No look. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
- Brandon?
- OK.
I'm sorry.
Come on you're not gonna tell me
you're scared of dying are you?
Mr. Novian it was a bad fucking weekend.
- It was a bad weekend?
- Yeah yeah. Yes yes.
Well let's make it a fun day.
Come here.
Oh yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
- Come here.
- Argh!
- Walter.
- I'm busy.
Listen I think I should lead off tonight.
I got some really strong stuff man.
Jerry you got a good hole. Stay in it.
I went eight for 12 last week.
I'm hot. I'm feeling it.
You had one good weekend.
What do you mean?
SYKES system revolutionized this industry.
Am I wood?
Where's my fucking ad? I...
- Take a hike.
- What?
- You're fired.
- I'm not fired.
- You're out of here.
- You need me.
Get outta here you cut-rate parasite.
In six years my worst weekend
was never as bad
as any of this guy's last three weeks.
You're not hearing me.
You don't work for me anymore. It's over.
- What the hell are you doing Walter?
- Oh!
Am I doing something wrong?
Am I not communicating? Is that it?
Am I not projecting enough?
He doesn't understand. You all know what I just did.
- I fired you!
- Come on this is me! All right?
I've been here for you. I'm consistent
and you know it. The other guys fuck 'em.
- They come they go. I'm the guy.
- No they don't. Not him.
That's true talent! Get it?
You can't see it I can't explain it to you.
That's why you're fired.
Think about what you're doing.
You couldn't pick your nose without
a fucking computer. You're small.
- You belong in a can.
- You've lost it!
You don't touch him.
Now why don't you have
some self-respect and leave?
- You're out of your fucking mind.
- Maybe I am.
Maybe I am.
Good luck!
Doesn't realize I'm trying
to build an empire around you.
I hope you do.
OK everyone. Let's go. Back to work.
Big playoff weekend coming. Chop-chop.
Hey Toni. This is not a good time.
I know but Brandon
I need to talk to you. It's important.
- Not right now.
- Brandon you have to... you have to go.
No I gotta... get back on track.
It won't matter.
You could win 100 games in a row
and it won't be enough. It'll never be enough.
He will ride you into the ground.
I'll figure it out.
Brandon please.
John Anthony.
- I'm wiped out, John.
- Amir.
My business my house
my credit... everything.
It's gonna be OK all right?
We're gonna get back on track this weekend.
- You hear me?
- Still you talk like this.
Who the fuck are you?
Like this is some kind of game.
You ruined me!
I was betting a few thousand a Sunday
when I called you, but you pushed me.
Every call, all the time, with your talk.
I lost 380,000 this weekend.
I was going to get married.
I had a life!
Oh, no words now, huh?
No more money to squeeze
so you shut up.
How do you fucking live with yourself?
Come on.
That's it!
Coming Walter!
I know what the problem is.
- He's OK.
- I'll come back later.
No no stick around. Stay stay.
These guys are finished.
You guys want anything before you go?
Something to eat?
You leave the way you came in fellas. Thank you.
Shut the door.
- Who's that?
- We need a Bat Light or something.
One of them signals you shoot up
into the clouds so that no matter where you are
you just look up you say
"Hey Walter needs me. "
Because I must've beeped you
a hundred fucking times.
- Who were they man?
- The Salvation Army.
How does someone go one for eight?
A fucking monkey tossing darts
could do better than that.
- What's with all the money Walter?
- I got a plan.
We take your picks
we reverse everything.
Like one of them Twilight Zone
episodes where everything is opposite.
You say black we go white.
- How much is that?
- Peanuts.
- What happened to the two mill?
- Two mill?
Man I was carrying twice that in red ink
before you even showed up.
Look around. Everything you see
is smoke and mirrors.
I got three mortgages on this house.
What do you wanna know?
I'm gambling again!
To cover my losses
I just got a loan from a guy
who works out of a bar
on 106th and Broadway.
Trouble with me is I start
betting you heavy after you went 100%
and I rode you right into the fucking toilet.
I do know what the problem is man.
We're gonna take care of all this shit.
Check this out man. I'm Brandon Lang.
I'm the kid who played sports
and loved sports.
I'm the kid who can pick winners.
I'm the kid you called in Vegas.
Along the way I lost something in here.
I don't know what but I know I gotta
go back to being me to being Brandon.
- If I get back to being Brandon...
- You can pick again. Of course.
- Forget John Anthony. Burn the suits.
- Mm-hm.
My fault. I fucked with you.
- Only two games. Two over-unders.
- That's right.
If I get you to crunch the numbers
sprinkle a little Brandon magic over it.
We get the salespeople
burning up the phones...
- Come Monday we go four for four.
- Four for four.
- That's something.
- How's that sound?
- This is important you know?
- I know it is. Pressure doesn't help.
Let's go eat something.
Let's go to Smith and Wo's.
Brandon's gotta stay
and do some homework.
The Brandon thing.
You see I'm forgetting.
Two games. Two games. Two games.
Two games. Two games. Two games.
Hey what... Ho!
People living in the zone.
What does that mean?
His hair was all over.
Brandon made these picks?
You're looking at him.
New York in the under.
Tennessee in the over.
Sell 'em hard.
Hello and welcome. The Conference
Championship game is underway.
- Can I watch Daddy?
- Come to Daddy.
My angel. I need you to root for me.
You see that team? Those are the bad guys.
We don't want them. That's Atlanta.
We want the good guys the blue team.
That's New York.
And New York has gotta win
by more than five points
only you gotta root for a low score OK?
Because both teams together
have to make less than 42 points total.
All right so it's New York
in under 42 points.
All right?
Smith is wide.
Cohn changing the play, audible lies.
At the line of scrimmage.
He doesn't like the defense.
Robinson in motion to the left.
Jones alone in the backfield.
Cohn back to passer. He's got the rookie.
- Anderson is in the middle...
- Go go go!
- In the end zone.
- Yeah!
Touchdown, New York,
and they take the early lead.
Midway through the second quarter now.
Atlanta down 10-0, but they're making
their first serious threat of the game.
- Thomas, delay action...
- Get him!
Over the top.
Touchdown, Atlanta!
Cohn now back to throw.
He's over he's over he's over.
Simpson's got it!
He fumbles it. He's in the end zone!
That's a touchdown!
It's now 17-7 New York.
- And we'll be right back.
- Whoo!
Less than a minute to go.
New York seconds away
from making their third trip
to the big game.
A New York score here and this game
is all but over. He's got Simpson.
Touchdown, New York!
New York ready to take on the winner
of our next game, KC against Tennessee.
The boy is back. First of two baby!
Atlanta may just take a knee here.
Way to do it!
Why not throw it long?
He puts it up for grabs. It's a Hail Mary.
- Knock it down! Knock it down!
- Oh no.
A wall of blue shirts...
Come on! No!
It is tipped in the air.
It's still loose. It is bouncing all around.
- Jesus!
- Peterson comes down.
- He's at the 20.
- Come on!
Across the ten. Mackey
dives to keep him out of the end zone.
- Fuck!
- Fuck!
New York wins it 24-21.
That wraps up
our doubleheader playoff coverage,
as Kansas City tops Tennessee 33 to 13
and heads for Super Forty.
I'm finished Walter.
Oh that's great to hear.
- I'm done man.
- Yeah?
I don't eat.
I'm not sleeping.
What you saying? You got insomnia
indigestion you're gonna quit?
Hail Mary pass. These things happen.
Listen to me man.
I'm telling you. It's over.
What use is John Anthony
gonna be to you now anyway huh?
With the streak he's been on?
Come on.
I won't listen to this defeatist bullshit.
Hot streaks go cold. Cold streaks go hot.
They know you went 80%
for half a season. They know.
They're gonna remember
as soon as you win a game.
Then we go into
March Madness baseball.
Next year this won't even be a memory.
Who said anything about next year Walter?
You made a career choice buddy
and I bankrolled it.
- Let him go.
- Let him go?
Of course you stick up for him. Of course.
Oh Walter.
- Meaning what?
- I don't know. Meaning what?
Meaning whose side are you on?
I didn't realize I had to choose Walter.
You're a champion. A champion
goes down 86 times he's up on the 87th.
I'm not gonna let you stay down. No way.
Because this is not about you. Or you.
Or me. It's about your gift.
Your gift transcends all this shit.
Your gift is cosmic. It's metaphysic.
It's eternal. It is God!
Besides we have a contract.
- Bullshit.
- Bullshit? Bullshit bullshit.
- Walter you can't own someone.
- Who owns him?
I created the greatest sports tout
this country's seen.
I hooked him up with every major client.
I built a fucking
television show around him.
I took out full-page ads.
I introduced him
to the major clients of the world.
I did that.
I hooked you up with everybody.
Think you're gonna walk out the door
take that with you
leave me here
holding the fucking sack? Bullshit!
I don't know why I'm talking to you.
What has this got to do with you?
This is between me and him.
What are you doing in this office?
What are you doing here? Get outta here!
Don't talk to her like that Walter.
- It's between me and you.
- It is between you and me.
Are you telling me how to talk to my wife?
You shut your fucking toilet.
Leave. Leave please Brandon. Go. Go.
Please. Go. Leave.
Listen to me you son of a bitch.
Don't you ever talk to me like that ever.
I'm sorry.
Hey Brandon! Hoo!
It's Walter. Don't get excited.
All is forgiven.
- What time is it?
- It's 6am.
I gotta fly to Vegas meet with
some clients - hand-holding thing -
and just keep them aboard for the last game
because you can do this thing.
End of the season's the perfect place
to turn a streak around.
I'll be back tonight.
We'll go out. We'll have a good meal.
You know get you
back in the groove again. 9:30 Nobu.
We're turning it around.
I'll see you tonight.
Hey Brandon.
Hey Toni.
- I didn't know you were coming.
- Walter was delayed.
He'll be back in the morning.
Asked if I'd fill in.
You know what's funny?
He didn't call me.
- You OK?
- Yeah.
Julia did her...
I'm sorry.
He's gambling.
- Yep.
- Yeah.
I just can't believe I'm here again.
I just...
I just can't believe it you know.
I saw it coming.
I just couldn't stop it.
I gotta win one more game.
You can't fix this Brandon.
You can't fix it.
- Come here for a second.
- What?
I'm gonna kiss you right now OK?
Trust me on this.
OK Daddy open the present.
Oh look at this. It's so beautiful.
Daddy not the paper! In there.
Oh man.
Baby this is beautiful.
Happy anniversary.
- I'll get it.
- OK.
Oh thank you honey.
What am I gonna do with this?
- It's a dangerous thing to give me.
- Brandon!
- Hello.
- Look who's here.
- Oh you're back from Vegas.
- Join the celebration.
- What's going on?
- Well...
Toni and I were married
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
Angel give Mommy her gift.
It's OK baby. I saved for it.
We got enough believe me.
We're not broke yet honey. Put 'em on.
Come on. I wanna see them on you.
Let me see them.
I got beautiful taste don't I?
Brandon I couldn't leave you out.
It's sort of our anniversary
anyway isn't it?
They're made for car racing.
The guy who wore this
won six straight times at Le Mans.
Put it on.
Maybe you'll start winning again.
Walter I can't take this man.
- Why not?
- It's too much.
We all love each other here right?
You're family.
I'm like your father you're like my son.
That would make you his mother
wouldn't it Toni?
Oh I said something wrong didn't I?
What are you doing? Keep 'em on.
- They're for evening Walter.
- So what? Wear 'em to bed. Come on.
Brandon I got you.
Who do you like in the big game?
- Turn that off Walter.
- Why? What are you camera shy?
- Turn that off.
- Hey man surprise me.
We'll break it
when we do the live TV show.
Coming up on "Sports Advisors,"
John Anthony's Super Forty selections.
It's live, and it's next.
I know he's supposed to be here.
I know where he is. He's in the bathroom.
Two minutes till we go live.
What the hell is he doing?
Heads New York tails Kansas City.
Heads over tails under.
John Anthony!
- Here he is.
- 40 seconds till we're live.
Come on come on come on.
- We're at 30.
- Uh New York minus one and a half
and the over 36.
Wanna know about those picks?
- 20 seconds to air.
- Hold on.
What should I know about 'em?
I flipped a coin to decide.
- Ten.
- Push it all the way Southie.
And five four
three two...
Live from the WDIX studios
high above Manhattan,
here's your host, Walter Abrams.
Hello everybody
and welcome to the big weekend.
Never before in the history of this industry
has an offer been made
like the one I'm about to present
to you now.
I am so confident
in John Anthony's picks for this Sunday
I'm so sure of the skills
he's brought to bear
and so anxious for you
to get on the phone
and dial the toll-free number
on your screen
that for the first time
in sports-service history
I am going to guarantee our picks
this weekend.
- What's that mean?
- What does that mean? It means this.
You tell us how much you're betting
with your bookie
you lose we cover.
You heard me right. That's risk-free.
Now let's go to the oracle
God's gift John Anthony.
Wow. That's all I can say.
The phones are gonna be flooded Walter
and they should be.
Hey John why don't you run down
the pitfalls facing the average bettor?
I mean when you think about it a game
this huge all the added dynamics...
I mean uh without your expertise
I guess the average bettor might as well
just what flip a coin.
Walter? No no no no
no no no no no no no.
Hang on. You can't guarantee that they're gonna win.
That's insane. Come on.
I say if you can flip a coin to make a pick
I can guarantee the game.
- What if we lose?
- Ah fuck it. I'm ruined anyway.
Look man. Cover your ass all right.
At least cap the thing out right?
- Oh Brandon can't you feel it?
- What?
- Can't you just feel it?
- I have no idea what you're talking about.
Oh I think you do. I think you do.
You know the best part of the best drug
in the world ain't the high.
It's the moment just before you take it.
The dice are dancing on the table.
Between now and the time they stop
that's the greatest high in the world.
Made up your mind yet?
It's the last minute! I'm here to make you money!
New York's the one-and-a-half point
favorite the over and under is 36.
I want you to bet New York in the over.
- Come on guy it's a fucking lock.
- It's New York in the over.
You can parlay it tease it
do whatever you want 'cause it's guaranteed.
- Our reputation is the guarantee.
- Tammy!
I'm coming.
we're not going anywhere.
- Can we please get some air in here?
- You gotta make up your mind.
OK that's it. Kill the phones. Come on.
Right now. Let's go let's go.
They come from New York
and Kansas City in this match-up.
The opening kickoff is coming up next.
We are under way in Super Forty. It's
a high end-over-ender. Down the middle.
Jackson gets it, a short one for the 15,
tries to angle over to the right side,
stripped away from...
- Kansas City comes up with it.
- Ah man.
Harris getting to the outside, turns,
clear path. Boy, does he have blocking.
- Touchdown, Kansas City.
- Shit.
- Sets out for the pocket. Simpson.
- He's open.
Guns one over the middle, Simpson
on the completion. It's second and 15.
- Setting up, he's got time again.
- Go go.
Looks down field
and the slam intercepted.
- What the fuck is that?
- Dawkins finds a wave of blockers.
Over to the near side, he's going to go
the distance. Touchdown, Kansas City.
New York's got it now
for the third time in the game.
Back to throw once again,
pocket collapses and down it goes.
Oh man. You better hold on
to that coin you flipped
because this game keeps up like this
I'm gonna have to borrow it.
Well it's not over yet Walter.
I wouldn't change my bet. Hm?
And second and long,
second and about a dozen.
Can they get something started?
What are they counting on today?
Do they have to get away
from the balanced attack
we've seen all season?
Will they lose the ground game now?
Will they go over to the pass?
Well, there is no way they'll be able
to run when they're 14 points down.
Handoff goes to the second man through.
It's Jones, fullback, off the right side.
He's got room, downfield he goes.
Will anybody catch him?
Deep into the secondary now.
Touchdown, New York.
Extra point makes it 14-7, Kansas City.
Kansas scores on the eight-play
drive, capped with Rogers's 32-yard run.
And that's the end of the third quarter.
It's Kansas City, 21, New York, ten.
Back to throw once again.
Post available...
- Let's go!
... beats the safety down the right side.
He's in!
All right!
It's Kansas City, 21, New York, 17. What
a final four minutes we're going to have.
- Where's Brandon?
- I don't know.
Where's Brandon?
We're back in it babe!
New York touchdown
and we win both bets!
- Hey Brandon?
- I believe this'll be their final possession.
Can they do it? Can they get it done
like they have all year long?
They're trailing by four. Don't forget,
the new rule doesn't apply here.
They've gotta get into the end zone.
- He left.
- I know.
You didn't tell me?
How about that?
No goodbye no... no nothing.
- I'm sure it's all there in the letter.
- I'm sure it is.
I wonder what's not in here.
What do you mean?
- What do you mean what do I mean?
- He had enough. He wanted his life back.
He said that to you?
Well loud and clear by leaving.
- I think it was something else.
- Yeah? Tell me.
You know.
You have no idea?
- You're missing the game Walter.
- Oh no. This is the game.
On first down,
the handoff is to Jones.
He's on the right side.
He's got a blocker. And a first down.
- But he's dropped inbounds.
- Nice.
I guess Brandon was homesick.
I don't know.
Or maybe he had
such deep feelings for me
that he couldn't face saying goodbye.
Wait a minute.
I just got an idea. Just came to me.
I mean out of the blue.
What about this?
Brandon didn't tell me
he was gonna leave because...
you let him fuck you.
Back to pass, rolls under the left side.
Guns it over the middle, it's complete.
Edwards has it, all the way
down to the 44, Kansas City.
Oh God.
- You deny it?
- Oh my God.
Do I have to Walter?
You know you did.
Oh you...
Another lock of the year?
I saw you Toni.
I saw you and him that night.
I never went to Vegas.
You mean you lied to me about the trip.
Oh don't talk to me about lying.
- I guess you had the whole thing set up.
- Oh don't make this about me.
- Just put me out there on a tray?
- I put a tray out there.
You didn't have to shove a fucking apple
in your mouth and sit on it!
He's looking for his hot receiver.
Edwards, again, got it! Kansas City, 23.
Admit it!
You played me Walter.
You're fucking-A I did.
It worked. Didn't it?
With eight seconds left, New York
has to spend their final time-out.
Brandon was right.
- But you don't deny it?
- It's the best pick he ever made.
I don't know what that means.
Deep drop sets up in the pocket. Fires
over the middle. Batted down at the line!
So after everything,
it all comes down to one final play.
You were gambling with me that night Walter.
With me!
Brandon knew it
because he knew you.
He told me he was sure
you were watching somehow.
So he asked me in to spend the night
and put on a little show for you Walter.
But I didn't believe him Walter.
Oh God I didn't believe him.
I mean after all we've been through.
So I figured you know "What the hell?"
He slipped out the back no big deal.
He never even stayed here.
And you.
You were in such a good mood
the next day.
I figured "Thank God
because he must've been wrong. "
"Otherwise why wouldn't he confront us
confront me?"
Oh Walter.
So it all boils down to this.
Can New York find the end zone?
This is what players dream of.
The chance to win it on the final snap.
You wanted to lose! Like I was something
you could just toss on the table!
Only we booked your bet Walter
Brandon and me
who evidently love you
more than you love yourself.
Spreads the defense.
Drops back to throw.
Here comes the pressure.
He bounces to the right side.
Your fantasy is to end up alone
with nothing!
I won't let that happen.
I will never let that happen to you.
This is it.
He's on the run,
picks up a big block downfield.
This is real Walter.
You and me and Julia we're all that's real.
One man to beat.
This is it Walter.
He goes airborne from the five.
- Does he get in?
- He's in! He's in!
Touchdown, New York!
Apaches win this game a-whoosh!
Giants with me! Over here with me!
This side this side
this side right in front of me right here.
Take a knee take a knee take a knee.
We got a tough team we're playing today
y'all know that. Toughest on our schedule.
Now most important thing
we're gonna do today is have fun.
I mean have some serious fun.
We're gonna play loose and enjoy ourselves.
We're gonna play
this wonderful game of football.
- Do we wanna win?
- Yeah!
- What are we gonna do play?
- Play!
- Huh?
- Play!
Ah let's go do it!
What's going on chief?
Coach do you really think
we can win today?
I'd bet on it.
Standing on the top of the edge
It feels like it's going down
Everything stays in my mind
Feeling in a daze on the ground
Feels like it's gonna give
Life's too hard to live anymore
I think I've had enough
Things too tough
I'm out the door
All in all it'sjust another day
Now you're falling down
what you gonna do?
Standing on top of the world tonight
No one's looking back at you
Stand tall, it's going on, it's going on
It's gonna bejust fine
You're holding on, holding on today
Things don't stop and the others
announced they're moving on
Salt and tears in the minds
and the mouths of a bad decision
Too late for another mistake
It's bringing you down
With all your faults
it isn't your fault what's going on
All in all it'sjust another day
Now you're falling down
what you gonna do
Standing on top of the world tonight
No one's looking back at you
Stand tall, it's going on, it's going on
It's gonna bejust fine
You're holding on, holding on today
So you lost yourself
So you lost your way
Found life through someone else
But you threw it all away
All in all it'sjust another day
Now you're falling down
what you gonna do?
Standing on top of the world tonight
No one's looking back at you
Stand tall, it's going on, it's going on
It's gonna bejust fine
You're holding on, holding on today
Time's rolling on, rolling on today
It's going on, going on today