Tyrannosaur (2011) Movie Script

(Joseph) 'What the fuck?'
Fucking touch it,
I'll fucking kill you.
Fucking wankers.
You want it?
Fucking cunts. Fucking money.
My fucking money.
Fucking cunts.
I'll fucking tear yous apart
by your fucking throats.
(Barks and whines)
Cunts. They take your fucking money.
Come on, you.
Shut the fuck up.
...(Whispers) Oh, fuck.
(Breathes heavily)...
...(Stamps book)...
I've got a present for you.
- Oh, yeah?
Home-made. Covert.
In fact, I've got it on me just now.
Could be in my shoe.
Might go off at any minute.
Can you hear it?
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick,
tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Boom.
Look, do you want your money,
or shall I call the police?
I'm sorry.
You keep coming here,
giving me your shit, mate.
No, don't... Don't phone the police.
I'm sorry. Just...
Give me the money, please.
Don't come here again, OK?
(Boys chatting)...
...(Boy) Right, I'll tell you what,
if you miss this shot,
you've got to suck my dick.
You're going to get my dick,
and go...
And I want you humming on my balls.
And then I want...
...(Boy 2) You can suck this dick, mate.
(Boy) I'll suck your dick.
Give it here.
(BOY hums)
Will you shut the fuck up?
Shut the fuck up.
What the fuck are you laughing at?
- Now, mate. Just a private joke.
Well, do you want to share it?
Wanna give me a fucking laugh?
Not really.
- Right, well, fuck up then.
Doing my fucking head in.
- Who the fuck do you think you are?
(Boy 2) Leave it, Dan.
- Watch. Oi, what you staring at?
Hey, what the fuck you staring at?
Want this pool cue
wrapped round your fucking head?
Fucking answer me.
Do you want this pool cue
wrapped round your fucking head?
- Right, then.
Well, drink your drink, and
keep your fucking nose out. Prick.
(Boy 2) Dan, watch it.
Do you think I'm fucking a poof?
- No.
Do you think I'm a fucking poof?
- No.
Want to suck my cock?
- No. We've just come in for a drink.
You want to suck my cock?
- No.
Suck this.
- I don't know why you're doing this.
...(Breathes heavily)...
...(Shop bell rings)
Are you all right in there?
Are you hiding from somebody?
Can I move this rail?
- No.
I can't just leave you there, though.
What's your name?
Robert De Niro.
Would you like a cup of tea?
Fuck off.
Would you like me to pray for you, Robert?
Father, God, I'm asking you now
to touch this man,
and to reach into his heart.
He's in pain, Lord.
I believe you've brought him to me
to help him find his way.
He seems lost, Lord.
Give him the strength to find a way.
And let him know
that whatever is troubling him,
he can confide in you
and ask for your forgiveness.
All right.
Do you feel better now?
What you doing out at this time?
- Waiting for my mum.
Has she gone out and left you out here?
No. She's in with her boyfriend.
Where's Bluey?
He died, son.
Got run over.
Are you sad?
(Sighs) Yep.
Are you gonna kill the man that did it?
It was a hit-and-run.
They never caught the guy.
It's a shame. I liked that dog.
- Yeah, me too.
Why did he sleep in the shed?
- Wife didn't like him in the house.
Your wife's dead. Could've put him in
the house. She wouldn't have known.
Old habits.
(Woman) Sam. In. Now.
Night, son.
- Night, Joseph.
All right, fucko.
Hey, he's not gonna bite you.
He's just gonna fucking eat you.
What you looking at, you old cunt?
- (Groans)...
You're on my shutters.
Just I need to open up.
Do you want to come in?
I'll open up.
Here you go.
So, what happened to you?
Fell off my bike.
OK. Well, you look like
you need to go to the hospital.
Nah. I'll heal myself.
I prayed for you last night.
Yeah, well, it didn't fucking work.
I think it did.
Don't think he heard you, love.
Why did you come here?
I was just passing.
There must be a reason. Do you want
God to forgive you for something?
I don't want anything from that fuck.
God loves you.
- Does he now?
You're a child of God.
God ain't my fucking daddy.
My daddy was a cunt,
but he knew he was a cunt.
God still thinks he's God.
Nobody's told him otherwise.
Why are you so angry at God?
- Why are you so fucking stupid?
I've met people like you all my fucking life.
Goodie goodies.
Make a charity record.
Bake a cake. Save a fucking soul.
You've never eaten shit.
Don't know what it's like out there.
You haven't a clue.
Where do you live?
- What?
I asked you where you lived.
Simple fucking question. You deaf?
Manors Estate.
Manors fucking Estate.
How is Manors Estate?
How are the five-bedroomed,
double-garaged, nicely trimmed lawn,
fondue, coffee-morning
fucking lifestyle Manors Estate?
How is it up there? Swimming, is it?
What the fuck
are you doing down here, huh?
What are you doing running this shop?
You're a young woman.
You have a family? Got kids?
No. We can't have them.
Can't or won't?
This fills a gap, doesn't it?
You reckon you do enough good deeds,
God's gonna fix your insides?
Or is your man a jaffa?
Thanks for the tea.
I'll pray for you.
(Shop bell rings)...
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm a fucking arse.
You're a fucking...
...(Barman) You all right, Joseph?
Yeah, I'm all right.
Ready? Woo.
(Door shuts)...
...(James) Hannah?
Why didn't you come to bed?
- I conked out on the sofa.
Well, come up now, then.
- I'm all cleaned up now.
Get dirty again.
- Don't. I've lots to do before work.
It's not work.
- Don't.
Well, I'll go and have a wank, then.
Hi, Joseph.
(Breathes heavily)
When you were wee, me and your dad
used to take you to the...
What you saying?
I'm fucked.
I've fucked it.
Marie hates me.
- She doesn't hate you.
Aye, she does. She hates me.
She loves you. She loves you, man.
We all love you.
I'm going to hell, Joseph.
No, no, no, no.
- I am.
Done some bad things.
- We've all done bad things, mate.
Aye. Aye, but...
Do you want a hand?
- No, it's OK.
Listen, sweetheart,
I came to say...
My name is Hannah.
I wanted to say that I'm sorry for yesterday.
Some of the things I said.
It got personal.
Shall we just get out of this place?
So, is that not against your religion?
The lager thing?
- Supposedly.
I won't tell the big man.
So this is your world.
Pretty much.
What about your family?
Not got any.
- There must be somebody.
Nope. Best friend's dying of cancer.
I killed my dog. So I'm fucked.
You killed your dog?
Kicked his ribs in. My buddy.
Why kick your buddy?
Some cunt annoyed me in the bookies.
Came out, took it out on him.
My Bluey.
Joseph, what's the story in Balamory?
All right, Tommy.
Listen, I heard what you done
to those Pakis.
And what they done to you.
We are, as we speak,
getting a mob together...
...to ku-klux-klan the bastards.
I fight my own battles, Tommy.
It's not just you they've offended.
They have also offended me.
The way they fucking leer at you.
I've got a pig's head.
I'm gonna post it to the bastards.
- Fucking leave it. Let it go.
No, them pack animals,
they stick together.
And us Celts, we've got
to stick together too, yeah?
If a baby was on fire,
they wouldn't piss on it.
A white baby, that is.
And yet, correct me if I'm wrong,
but we're doing all this
for their fucking kids...
...with their tsunamis, monsoons
and what have you,
natural fucking disasters.
Am I right, or am I right, huh?
You going to the bookies later?
- Aye.
- An accumulator.
If they all come in,
I'm gonna be a very rich man.
Gonna buy myself a zoo.
That's my fucking thing.
I love fucking animals, yeah?
I'd fill the place with exotic creatures, yeah?
Like off the Blue Planet.
Not your fucking
run-of-the-mill common or garden,
or fucking diddly fucking zoo.
No way. There'd be a lion,
a tiger and a pink panther.
He knows. A pink fucking panther.
Can I buy yous a drink?
- No.
An advance on me future fortune.
- No, we'll finish this and go.
Sorry. Did he offend you?
You offended me more.
I've got to go.
Would you do me a favour?
(Hannah) I pray, Father, God, that you
take this man's soul into your hands,
and be at his side.
Be his guide, Lord.
Embrace him with your love.
Take away his fear of the unknown,
Lord, and embrace him.
Let him know
he need not fear anything, Lord.
Life is just a part of existence
and death is eternal.
Lord, I ask in your wisdom,
if you see fit to intervene,
then help this man
on the road to recovery, Lord.
(Voice fades) Lord, we know
you see the bigger picture.
If, Lord, you think it's his time,
then we just ask you to embrace him.
Welcome him with love...
...(Door slams shut)...
Hey there.
- Hi. What you doing?
Getting a drink and thinking
about getting something to eat.
Have you eaten?
- Yeah.
OK. I'll get something light...
I came by your shop today.
And you wasn't there.
No. My friend's husband's dying,
so she asked me to pray for him.
Couldn't you pray in the shop?
Yeah, but he's only got a couple of days,
and she was upset,
so she wanted me
to be in the room with him.
You were spotted with a man.
What? That's rubbish.
Who'd make up that?
Family fortunes.
- What?
The wheel of fortunes.
Are you on something?
You don't dance with me any more.
- You should take me out, then.
You don't fuck me any more.
Do I smell like a dead animal?
You fuck like a dead animal.
What do you want me to say to that?
Joseph, what you doing, man?
Knocking down the shed.
Why, son?
- It reminds me of Bluey.
That's a nice thing, man.
- It's all the bad things, son.
All the stuff that's gonna rot
in my fucking head.
(Man) Oi, fuckhead.
Do you want to keep
the fucking noise down?
Fucko, I'll stick that thing
up your fucking arse.
Right, you fucker.
Oi, silly cunt.
Samuel, get away from there.
Can you not fucking hear me, hey?
I told you to stop making a racket.
Banging that shed
like Captain fucking Caveman.
Man, do that once more, and I swear
I'll let this fucker off the leash.
It'll rip your fucking throat out.
(Dog barks)...
He's a beautiful dog.
- Aye.
You won't be saying that when
he's hanging off your fucking face.
It's not your fault, buddy.
(Growls and barks)
It's not your fault.
There's a good boy.
You fucking pussy.
Sam, I've told you.
You, stay away from that weird bastard.
I fucking told you.
Get in there.
- (Woman) Hurry up.
Get in.
There's these fresh lovely flowers
that they planted in the park.
Some sort of mural they were making.
Welcome to Buckingham.
Welcome to Fuckingham Palace.
It was for the Queen's visit, yeah?
The thing is, Joseph,
they stopped the fucking buses
on account of that cow.
That's my mode of transportation.
My A to fucking B.
I missed Superman because of her.
My little boy is crying his eyes out.
I promised him the Man of Steel.
He says to me, 'Fuck the Queen.
I want to see Superman.
'I want to see the Man of Steel.'
'Fuck the Queen,' says he.
My own boy. Paddy.
Fuck the Queen.
I nearly would at this stage.
Jesus Christ.
It's an awful state of affairs.
It's dog all together.
It's dog.
Good night.
- Bye, mate.
Don't say good night to me
whatever you do.
(Tommy) Good night, Joseph,
you fucking bastard.
...(Shouts) Oi, you cunts. I'm here.
What happened to you?
I fell over. I forgot to put
the mat down in the bath.
Sorry. Did you want to say something?
I thought I might say something.
- What?
Doesn't matter.
What, you haven't come to rage at me?
Swear at me? Depress me?
Question my beliefs?
Make assumptions about my cosy life?
- Well, that's kind of you. Bye.
...(Shop bell rings)...
...(Woman) Morning.
- Hi.
Hey. Hello.
Oh, Hannah love,
what happened to you?
I slipped over in the bath.
Oh, silly you. It looks sore.
It is. It is sore.
But it looks worse than it is.
You need a bath mat, love.
- Good idea.
Adults in here. Kids in here.
- Brilliant. Thank you so much.
You take care.
- Yes, I will. I promise.
See you soon.
- Lovely to see you.
- Bye.
(Knocks on door)
He's gone, Joseph.
Please, Joseph.
He'll get the dog on you.
He'll get the dog on you, man.
Look, I know you're sad,
but, please. He'll kill us both.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hannah.
I don't know what happened to me.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm ill, Hannah.
I don't deserve you.
It's OK. It's OK.
I'm here for you. I forgive you.
I pray to God,
but he doesn't hear me.
It's OK.
- And I can't take it any more.
It's OK. I'm here for you.
I'll keep praying...Hannah.
I'll just keep praying...
because it's not the real me.
It's not. It's not the real you.
- Do you remember the real me?
Yeah, I remember the real you.
It's OK. I pray for you.
I'll pray for you, James.
- You'll pray for me?
I don't deserve you.
And I do love you so much.
- It's OK. I'm here for you. It's OK.
I don't deserve you.
- It's OK.
(Continues to sob)...
I love you so much.
- I love you too.
I love you.
I love you.
It's OK.
(Shop bell rings)
My friend died yesterday.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I miss the cunt.
- I'm sure he misses you too.
Who hit you?
I had a fall.
Anyway, I need a suit for the funeral.
Wondered if you had something
that might fit.
Yeah, we've got a couple of suits
you can give a go.
What do you think?
- It looks very smart.
Trousers are a bit big, but fuck it.
Can I use your mirror?
- Yeah.
Oh, aye?
Still a handsome bastard.
You are.
This will finish it off nicely...
- Sorry...
No, I'm... I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Go ahead, go ahead.
- Right.
(Shop bell rings)
Hi, Hannah.
How's your day?
- Yeah, good.
This is Joseph. His friend's died.
I'm helping him to get a suit.
Sorry to hear that.
Yeah, when was the funeral, Joseph?
Wednesday, I think.
- Well, you'd better make sure.
Don't want to turn up on the wrong day.
I'll change in there, eh?
- Yeah. Great.
Hey, how was your morning? What?
I saw you.
- You saw me what?
What does that mean?
- I'll talk to you later.
(Whispers) You fucking slag.
I haven't done anything.
It's not like that.
You OK?
Yeah. Sorry.
Could you leave, please?
What are you fucking looking at?
Fuck you.
(Music plays in bar)...
'Hello. Neither I nor James can
come to the phone right now.
'Please leave a message.'
James, I didn't do anything.
Please pick up the phone.
Can I get a gin and tonic, please?
'Hello. Neither I nor James...'
James, it's Hannah. Please listen.
I didn't do anything wrong.
It's not what you think.
James, it's Hannah.
Please pick up the phone.
I want to explain to you.
Please pick up the phone.
Pick up the phone.
(James) 'Hello? Hello?'
Please don't hurt me any more,
'Where are you? Hannah?'
I don't want you to hurt me any more.
'Are you drunk? Where are you?
Tell me where you are.'
Don't hurt me any more.
'Hannah? Hannah?'
- 'You with my wife? Where are you?'
We're just at the...
We're just at the Exchange now.
Yeah. She's on the floor.
Come on.
You'll get piles sitting there.
That's it.
- Come on.
There we are.
Hey, that looks posh.
- Do you think he'll give us a lift?
He's here now.
- You go home.
You'll be home soon.
You'll be home soon. Hi.
Thank you.
- Hiya.
She's good.
- Bye, love.
See ya.
- It's OK. All right.
Watch your head.
I'm going to stick you.
You fucking slag.
What's so funny?
You been out selling your fanny?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I've been selling my fanny.
I need all the men I can fuck,
because you're a useless bastard.
And I can't stand the sight of you any more.
You're a little fucking coward.
Pretends he believes in God
and is ill in the head.
You're an evil little boy with
an evil little cock. Go on. Hit me.
Go on. Right on the chin.
Bruise me up some more.
Bruise my whole fucking head.
Come on.
Want to smell my fanny?
You normally do, don't you?
I fucking hate you. Get off me.
I fucking hate you.
Hate you.
...(Laughs hysterically)
Evil little cock, huh?
Evil little cock, hey?
How about I just slice your tits off
and stick them on the wall, hey?
I gave you a chance, Hannah.
I gave you a fucking chance.
I gave you a chance and you fucked it up.
(James pants heavily)
Do you want some little cock, hey?
Do you want some fucking cock?
...(Continues to grunt)...
Can I help you, love?
- Yeah, I'm looking for Joseph.
Yes, I came here with him
to pray for your father.
Erm...come in.
Where is he now?
(Hannah) I've left him.
You have any family or friends
or someone you can go to?
They won't believe me.
They think he's perfect.
I'd say there was enough evidence
on your face to suggest otherwise.
I don't have anybody.
...(Whispers) What do I do with her?
Does it bring back memories, Joseph?
All right, Sam?
- Where have you been, man?
I've been around, son.
Is this your girlfriend?
This is Hannah.
- Whoa. What happened to you, girl?
Would you believe,
she fell off a bus.
What? From top?
- Aye.
Oh, that's bad luck.
I hope she's all right.
See ya.
- See ya, fella.
Come on through.
Grab a seat.
Can I get you something?
Do you have any aspirin?
- Yeah.
I can get you something stronger,
but it might knock you out.
Aspirin would be great.
Want a tea?
- Yes, please.
What do you take?
- Just milk.
Just milk, yeah?
- Yes, please.
Who's the woman in the picture there?
That's the wife.
- She's got a lovely face.
Yeah. She did have.
She was a good woman.
She's dead, is she?
Five years now.
How did she die?
If it's all right to ask.
Sorry, I'm prying
Heart attack.
She was diabetic.
She was always a big girl,
but she would not stop
eating the shit that was killing her.
In the end, they cut off her legs.
She was fucking blind.
She was just a carcass.
(Dogs barking outside)
The Tyrannosaur.
Sorry. What did you say?
Fucking dogs are driving me fucking nuts.
Can you hear that barking?
It's fucking killing me.
What are you doing?
(Heavy footsteps thud above)...
...(Hannah) Oh, sorry.
You can't stay here.
- OK.
I can't cope.
Can't cope with someone in the house.
You brought your shite to my door
and I don't want it. I'm no Samaritan.
It's nothing personal.
I'm trying to turn my life around
and you're fucking it up.
Now, if you want help to go and get
some gear, then I'll help you.
But if your old man's gonna
keep bartering the fuck out of you,
go to family or friends
or your Christian buddies.
You've no business with me.
- I understand.
I'll take you home
and I'll help you get some gear.
After that, we're done.
Is it this one?
Right, come on.
- Erm...
Hannah, come on.
- I'm not ready.
I'm not ready.
- It's OK.
Look, I'll go in. I'll sort it.
- No, I can't.
Hannah, I'll sort it.
- No.
Come on. Hannah.
- No.
How's it going?
- How did you get on?
I think I did OK, Captain.
- Superb.
How much do I owe you?
Do I look like the Chancellor
of the fucking Exchequer?
There's no fucking way.
I help my buddy, yeah?
And the lady? Damsel in distress.
OK, you're a good man.
You're a good man. I'll see you.
OK, what we got?
- Great.
Thank you.
- It's all right.
These are all clean.
Yeah. Jeans. Your size?
- OK. Good.
I could have bought them myself.
I have some money.
No, it's fine. It's fine, it's fine.
Here. Summery, eh?
Hair. Is that hair?
Hair bands.
- Hair bands.
I don't really have hair.
- OK. What else we got?
Ah, he's a fucking wank... Sorry.
It's Tommy.
His idea of a joke. Sorry, sorry.
Ah, fuck.
You all right?
I've got to go
to my friend's funeral tomorrow.
Thank you.
(Sound muted)
What you doing stood way over here?
Thought I'd stay out the way.
A pity you couldn't have done that
a few years ago.
It's not your fault, Joseph.
Dad had a mind of his own, you know.
You just didn't fucking help matters.
Will you come for a drink with me?
- Yes, you fucking will.
(Tommy) Easy and free...
...When you're drinking with me...
...I'm a man you don't meet every day...
...So I took out my dog...
...And him I did shoot...
...Down in the County Kildare...
...So be easy and free...
...When you're drinking with me
I'm a man you don't meet every day ...
Well, we don't want to sit around
going boo-hoo-hoo all day.
Are we going to give Jack
a proper send-off or what?
Hey, Jack, who ran away...
...We miss you, we want you back...
...You don't just touch our hearts...
...Oh, no, you steal 'em...
...You were all right,
you came for the night...
...And you loved, you loved to fight...
...And you don't just shake our hands...
...Oh, no, you feel 'em...
...So do a little something
like call my name...
...Jack, I want you back...
...So do a little something
like call my name...
...See your soon, Jack...
...Show me love...
...I'll do the same ...
...(Music over dialogue)...
...(I PROCLAIMERS: 'All Our Cares Away')...
...Mary loves the Grouse...
...Hides the bottles round the house...
...She watches chat
shows and the soaps...
...Broken-hearted but she copes...
...Michael's out of work...
...Feels he's sinking in the murk...
...He's unshaven and a mess...
...Finds it hard some days to dress...
...Stevie smashed the delf...
...Cos he can't express himself...
...He's consumed by rage...
...Like his father at his age...
...Rita's little child...
...Has a lovely little smile...
...But this means nothing to her father...
...Because he's never even seen her...
...We sing...
...Sing all our cares away...
...We'll live...
...To fight another day...
...Yeah, we sing...
...Sing all our cares away...
...Yeah, we'll live...
...To love another day...
...We grow strong from it all...
...We grow strong...
...Or we fall...
...We grow strong ...
...(Voices outside)...
...(Sam) Mum.
Mum, they stole my bunny.
Sam. Come here in here. Sam.
Sam, come in here now.
(Sam) I'm going to kill you.
I hate you, Bod.
You're a fucking bastard.
Give me him.
My dad gave me him.
I'm going to kill you.
- (Gasps)
It's OK. Sorry.
OK? Sorry.
- It's all right.
It's 11 o'clock.
You want a cup of tea?
- Yes, please.
How's your head?
It's not great. I'll survive.
Just milk?
- Mm. Yes, please.
(indistinct chatter)...
We'll fix it or get you another.
- He's my bunny. I want to keep it.
(Woman) Sam, I'm sorry.
(Hannah) Why Tyrannosaur?
About your wife.
Tyrannosaurus or something?
Oh, Tyranno... Right, yeah.
It was...
It was just a joke. A joke name.
Seen 'Jurassic Park'?
You know, the movie?
Do you remember
there's a scene in the car,
the kids are scared
and they're looking at the glass...
...and you hear the Tyrannosaur coming?
As it thumps its way towards them,
the glass starts to ripple.
So, my wife was a big lady.
You'd hear her going up the stairs.
And it was like boom, boom, boom, boom.
And I swear if I put a cup of tea
on the sideboard,
you'd see the same ripples in my tea.
So I called her the Tyrannosaur.
I thought it was funny.
I was being a cunt.
Did you love her?
- Mm-hm.
And I hated her as well.
She was a simple lady.
Had this naive faith in people.
Would forgive anyone for anything.
Used to drive me fucking nuts.
So full of forgiveness and love...
And I stomped the love out of her.
I'm not proud of it.
I thought she was dumb.
But she wasn't. She was beautiful.
Do you wish she was still here now?
- No.
I'd still treat her like a dog.
- Why?
Cos I'm not a nice human being.
I don't agree.
I think you're a good person.
You don't know anything, girl.
I feel safe with you.
Nobody's safe with me.
(Doorbell rings)...
Hey there. How you doing?
Hope you don't mind.
I wanted to cook something for you...
...to say thank you for looking after me.
And, erm, I've got something in here.
Just to brighten the place up a bit
and to say thank you.
Are you OK?
Sorry. I didn't want to force it on you.
I just wanted to say thanks.
You're fucked.
I took your keys.
I went to your house.
I wanted to sort this shit out.
I saw him.
Yeah. Was he there? What did he say?
A load of lies.
Did he lay on the charm?
What have you done, girl?
What...what's wrong?
What are you looking at?
Who the fuck are you to judge me?
You know nothing about me.
You don't know
what that bastard did to me.
He... He raped me.
Oh, God...
He put things inside me.
He put glass inside me.
I wanted to have babies.
All I wanted was to have babies
and to be a mummy.
Oh, God. Help.
Please help.
Will you hold me?
Will you hold me, please?
Please... Heavenly Father, help me.
(Joseph) 'Dear Hannah.
'It's taken me a while to put this together.
'I'm not so great at writing letters,
but I wanted to get in touch.
'Life's been mad for me
in the past 12 months.
'Been awful sick for a number of reasons.
'I don't know if it got in the papers to you,
'but Samuel got attacked by that dog.
'That fucking cunt
who was seeing to his mother...
'got the doggy wound up so much...
'that it turned on the nearest thing to it.'
Give me that fucking bunny.
'It happened to be my buddy's face.
'Fucking thing nearly got chewed up.
'I could see it coming.
'An animal can only take
so much punishment and humiliation...
'before it snaps, fights back.
'That's its nature, you know?
'I felt responsible for the boy.
'But I was trying to turn over
a new chapter in my life.
(Dog barks)...
'Events sent me a bit gaga.
'And my head just went.
'That is the second little dog I've killed.
'I'm not proud, cos I love dogs.
'But it had to be done
to even things up in my mind a bit.
'Think I went a bit native.
'That's what Tommy told me.'
''You went native.' '
- My fucking dog.
'That sounded about right somehow.'
Fuck. You fucking cunt.
I'll fucking kill you.
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
You sick fucker.
Come on. Come on.
You wanna go to war?
It was my fucking doggy, man.
I'll fucking kill you.
Come on.
That's my baby.
He's killed my fucking baby, man.
That's my (10993.
My fucking baby, man.
'So I did get a bit of time for it.
'Got a lot of letters from people who said,
''Well done. Good on you.
I'd have done the same thing.'
'But nobody ever does.
They all think it, but I do it.
'That's the difference between me
and you and the rest of the world.
'When I got out,
I thought I'd make a new start.
'I don't do the drink like I used to.
I just decided enough was enough.
'I put flowers
on my Pauline's grave every week.
'I prayed for you the other day.
'It's not something I do,
but I found I was saying a prayer.
'Don't even believe in all that shite,
as you well know.
'I'd like to come and see you.
There's things I want you to know.
'You asked me once about why I went
in the shop, but I never told you.
'I didn't go in there looking for God.
'I wanted you.
'Apart from Sam, you were the only
person that smiled at me around here.
'And I wanted it.
'I wanted it to soak into me
and brighten me up.
'And I thought you were beautiful.
'I just wanted to look at you,
that's all.
'Didn't want to know you.
'Because I knew if I got to know you,
you'd have your own shite.
'You wouldn't be perfect,
and I didn't want that feeling ruined.
'And boy, was I right.
'Anyway, I'm signing off now.
'My address is on this letter,
so write to me if you feel like it.
'No pressure.'
- Just there.
'We Were Wasted')...
...Will close my eagle eyes...
...Hang up my skin to dry...
...We were wasted, son...
...We were wasted, all...
...On the ride...
...From the nightclub to our drive...
...All the way we sank...
...And from the flat...
...Above the square...
...We watch our comrades bare...
...Their teeth,
their souls, their flesh...
...We were wasted, son...
...We were wasted, all...
...On the ride...
...From the nightclub to our drive
All the way we sank...