Uncontained (2025) Movie Script

[wind whooshing]
[gasps, shudders]
[tense music]
[breathes heavily]
[coughs, grunts]
-[blade swooshes]
[growls, whimpers]
[vehicle approaching]
[brakes screech]
Hey, kid. How's your parents?
Well, guess I'll see you
next time it snows.
Killer snow fort, by the way.
All right.
[truck engine revving]
[tense music]
[wind whooshing]
[gun cocks]
[tense music]
Those-- those are mine.
That's mine, Jack.
Then, grab one of--
You have one of these.
-And-- and then...
-[music intensifies]
-[truck engine revving]
Where's your parents?
[Jack] They went to town
to get supplies.
Town, huh?
That's, what, an hour away?
Here, we'll wait
with you, sweetie.
[Jack] No, I mean,
they're inside.
[Melanie] Come on, sweetie.
Well, why don't you go get them?
Let's go. Come here.
-[Brooke] Put me down.
-[dog barking]
-[Brooke] Jack. Jack!
-[Jack] No. Put her down.
-Put her down!
-Okay. Okay.
Hey, hey, hey.
We're just here to make sure
you're okay. That's all.
All right?
You're out here by yourself?
Jack, there's no one around
for 40 miles.
It's not safe right now.
Look, we're the good guys. Okay?
I promise you.
[breathes deeply] Come on.
Let's go inside.
There you go.
-[Melanie] Come on, baby.
-[Donny] Atta boy. [sniffles]
[exhales] Do you want
to play some games or something?
[tense music]
-[knife swooshes]
-[ominous music]
[blade swooshing]
[birds squawking]
Fridge has power.
How long have you been alone?
-We're not alone. We have Scout.
Well, look, buddy,
we're going to stay here
until they get back. Okay?
We just want to protect you
and your little sister here.
[Melanie] Hm.
-Who's these?
-[tablets rattle]
-They don't work for me anymore.
-[ominous music]
I'm going to go hide the truck
in our special-- special spot.
Don't want your dad to find us,
he'll ruin all the fun.
Seriously, he really needs
to leave us the f-- eff alone.
Gonna take me about an hour
to walk back.
[sighs] Lock up.
[blows kiss]
[Donny] They got lots of food,
electricity, a ton of room.
This place is a fortress.
[Melanie] Maybe we could stay
even after they lift
martial law.
[Donny] Like forever?
[Melanie] Like forever, babe.
[Donny] Hm. Okay.
Come on, Brooke,
let's sleep in here tonight.
[Brooke] Mm.
[door unlocks]
[door creaks]
[tense music]
[tense music swells]
[breathes deeply]
[gunshot echoes]
[exhales sharply]
-It's good.
I like our new family.
Why do you keep staring
at your dog?
[Melanie] Is she a seizure dog?
My cousin has one of those.
Hey, buddy, what do we do
if you have a seizure?
It will be over
before you know it.
[ominous music]
[wind whooshing]
[indistinct chatter over TV]
[sniffs, whimpers]
Is it time?
-[Melanie] Oh, my gosh.
-[Donny] Wow!
[Melanie] That's--
that's the move right there.
Watching the movie
with a Cowboy.
[Jack] It's okay, Brooke.
It's okay.
[door creaks]
[winces, grunts]
Come here. Come here.
-I gotta pee.
-You better hurry back.
[whispers] Donny.
Right there.
Cut the lights, then.
-[switch flicks]
-[Donny] Nice.
They can't see us anymore.
[door opens, creaks]
[zipper zips]
[gun rattling]
[Donny breathes shakily]
-[bag thuds]
-[chain clinks]
[breathes heavily]
-[Donny] Mel? Mel...
[whispers] Run. [gasps]
[breathes softly]
[inhales sharply]
[breathes deeply]
Hi. [laughs] Hello.
Hi. Hi... [giggles]
-[dart strikes]
-[tense music]
[Brooke giggles]
[groans softly]
What's your name?
What kind of
stupid name is that?
How did you get past my traps?
I was a special type of soldier.
My family works for Homeland.
Where are they?
When will they be back?
[breathes deeply]
So, you don't want
to be our new parents?
If I could just get my gun
and my knife back,
-I'll be on my way.
Look, you don't want me here,
I don't want to be here,
so just give me my gun
and my knife back.
-Give me my gun and my knife.
[Jack] I'll give you your gun
and your knife back
if you help fix the house.
[Brooke giggles]
Do you want our food?
Do you want our medicine?
I miss video games.
And TV.
What is it exactly
that you need me to do?
[Jack] The electricity.
What's this?
[Jack] I use them for my darts.
[Dan] Was your dad a doctor?
[Jack] No, he's a scientist,
and he's going
to save the world.
[Dan] Well, I don't see
any instruction manuals
[Jack] The instruction manuals
are in here.
I need electricity
to turn that on,
and I can't turn that on
without a manual.
[Jack gasps] I know!
My mom runs on here,
and it makes the house work.
I can't make it go.
[Dan] Hm.
What does your mom do
for Homeland again?
She's special, like you.
[ominous music]
[Dan pants, grunts]
[breathes heavily]
-[metal clangs]
-[flesh squelching]
[exhales sharply]
Why did you kill him?
As long as there's one of them,
just one of them, nobody's safe.
We're safe in here.
I've seen them go
through windows.
These windows are bulletproof.
How would you know?
What are you, seven?
I know you're a big,
stinky idiot. Come on, Brooke.
[screaming in distance]
[poignant music]
[breathes heavily]
[tense music]
[gunshot echoes]
[teeth clatter]
[echoing scream]
I think I saw him go over there.
Got one.
[hunter] No.
She needs to learn.
You scout up ahead,
see if you can find
any more of them.
How do you know he was infected?
It's a stranger.
Do we have to worry so much?
No outsiders.
No excuses. No weakness.
We stand together safe.
Don't cry.
I'm sorry.
I know I come off strong.
Just don't know what I would do
if anything happened
to you and your sister.
I love you.
I know you do.
Maybe convince your sister
of that, then we'd be set.
Gabriel, you do it.
You protect your family,
protect your people.
Protect your people, girl.
[breathes shakily]
Don't waste the ammo.
It's already dead.
Come on.
[gentle music]
[breathes heavily]
[Brooke] You are stinky.
[Dan] Come in.
[Brooke giggles]
Hm, thanks.
[Brooke] Put it in your hair.
[Dan] Oh.
-Like this?
-[Brooke] Mm-hmm.
-You like that chocolate?
-[Brooke] Yeah.
Do you want some, uh, sausage?
[footsteps approaching]
[Jack] Hey. What are you doing?
Those aren't your clothes.
Those are my dad's.
I didn't think that...
[Jack] That's right,
you didn't think,
because you're a big idiot.
[groans softly]
[computer chimes]
[engine sputters]
[engine sputters]
[mysterious music]
[Jack] Don't touch!
It's private! Okay?
[Jack] Scout, guard.
[groans softly]
-Good night, Brooke. Love you.
-[Brooke] Love you, too.
[screaming in distance]
-[ominous music]
[breathes heavily]
Is that thing your mother?
[tree branch crackling]
[gasps, groans]
[gun cocks]
[breathes heavily]
[shudders, groans]
[door creaks]
[tense music]
[truck revving in distance]
[truck door closes]
[door rattles]
[tense music builds]
You're a good kid.
But I'm going to need
my gun and my knife back.
[optimistic music]
Do people come here often?
Is there a town near here?
Yep. About an hour away.
Is that where your parents went?
Do you know
how long they've been gone?
What do you call a magic turd?
-[Brooke giggles]
I'm just trying to figure out
where your parents went.
They're dead, okay?
My mom and dad are dead!
[slow guitar music]
Look, I can't stay here.
I made a promise to someone,
so I have to keep heading north.
But I can't
leave you guys here alone.
So, hopefully,
I can fix this thing,
and I'll take you with me.
-How does that sound?
-And Scout too?
Yeah, your little dog too.
[Brooke] Jack!
Where's your sister?
Come on, this way.
[Brooke] Jack.
-[man] Whoa! Don't.
Don't. Just drop it or I'll...
I am taking her.
Don't take another step, man.
I mean it.
He'll do it. He'll do it.
He will.
-[gun cocks]
-I got these two.
[all laugh]
-[gun fires]
[gun fires]
[Hunter] Hey, what the...
-[gun fires]
...Did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver
The whole night through
-[Brooke] Mommy! [giggles]
-[Jack] Mom!
I'm going where
The cold wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole...
-[screams in distance]
[mysterious music]
[bottles clinking]
[door opening, closing]
Have a seat.
-Dan, have a seat.
Freeze dried are my specialty.
[breathes deeply]
So, you're not dead.
You and Jack are infected.
-Yes, you are.
-See? We're the same.
[inhales deeply] You see,
there's two types of infected.
There are deaders,
what you're thinking of,
those things,
no more higher brain function,
frenzied, need to feed.
-[Mom] They infect others
with their saliva or blood.
[Jack] Eat your eggs.
[Mom] Somehow,
you got infected, right?
-[screams in distance]
[Mom] And then
at some point, you changed back.
It's the ultimate disease
and the ultimate cure,
'cause when you change back,
all injuries, wounds, diseases,
anything and everything,
they all heal.
You're what we call a changer.
The Office
of Domestic Preparedness.
We're a specialized division
of Homeland.
How do I know
when I'll change again?
[inhales deeply]
Great question. You don't.
Unless you have
a trained dog like Scout here.
They can smell it coming.
How often do I change?
They call it Heyde Syndrome.
You never know.
Uh, I need-- [clears throat]
I need some air.
[whispers] Was it my eggs?
-[door closing]
-[footsteps approaching]
[Jack] We're the same.
I wish you meant just boys.
How long was I infected for
this last time?
I don't know. Twenty-four days?
So, that's where you go
when you change?
-[trucks engine revving]
Inside, now!
[tense music]
[gun cocks]
Heard you been absent.
[Mom] Not any more than usual.
Where's your husband? Your son?
How can I help you, Brett?
Just been looking
for my daughter Melanie
and that...
dipshit husband of hers.
Is everything okay?
When is the last time
you seen them?
Anybody else been by?
I don't think we're as popular
as you think we are, Brett.
Where's your boy and hubby?
[whispers] Are all these
windows bulletproof?
[Jack] Yep.
[gun clicks]
Well, invite us in.
-Well, the thing is--
-Well, it's no problem.
We're here.
-[guns cock]
[door creaks]
Mom! Dad broke
Brooke's diaper bag,
and it got poop everywhere. See?
If you're missing people,
we'll help you search,
but give us a second
and we'll clean this up.
No, it's okay.
You got family to attend to.
Just worried about my children,
same as you.
Same as anyone.
What would you do
if something happened to them?
[pensive music]
Come on, let's go,
back to the garage.
That was genius!
Brooke doesn't even
wear diapers!
[somber music]
-[door closing]
-Will Dueling Banjos be back?
There's a town
about 44 miles away,
about a hundred people.
He'll be too busy with them.
Is that why
you picked the place?
Homeland built it
for the outbreak.
[ominous music]
-They knew about the outbreak?
-They did.
How long?
Long enough to build
a lot of them.
They don't even know we're here.
Bullshit. Bullshit!
-[music intensifies]
-[distant scream]
[poignant music]
[shudders, sobs]
[breathes shakily]
[breathes deeply]
[Mom] We didn't know.
You could have warned people,
saved lives.
Jack had heart disease,
cardiovascular hypertension.
It's an enlarged heart,
and it was about to give out.
My husband, Steven,
was a scientist for the CDC,
and he thought about
giving it to him as a cure...
so we came up here
and infected him.
But it's not a cure.
It's-- it's--
-No, it wasn't.
[Dan] But he's alive.
How did you know
he would change?
When you're full-blown infected,
the difference is...
[blade swooshes]
Deaders can die.
There's no other way to tell?
No. You can wait
for them to change,
but there's no way to tell
how long.
That's why he lays
all the traps.
Yeah. He's a good boy.
And your husband?
Jack was in the holding cell.
It had been a long one,
and Steven went down
to check on him.
It was before we thought
about the handcuffs.
And Jack bit him.
-[growls, teeth clattering]
I tracked Steven for a while.
-[Mom groans]
Plan was to save him, but--
-[gun fires]
I waited with him,
but he never changed.
You do the best you can
in the moment.
And those kids
need their mother.
[sobs] I know.
[Brooke] Mom! Mommy!
-[both laugh]
-[gentle music]
[Mom] Aw. Mm. Oh. [chuckles]
[kisses] I love you guys.
It says, "Comics in films.
Defining the characteristics."
Let's see if we can find
a "J" in this book.
[Brooke] No. "M" for mousey.
[Mom] And there's
a queen. Queen.
-And there's a Joker.
-[electricity buzzes]
[clicks tongue, sighs]
Okay. I have to go.
[kisses] I'll be right back.
[kisses] I gotta go
on the treadmill.
-I know. I don't want to either.
Okay, let's get back to reading,
because the man is downstairs,
running on the treadmill.
Isn't that nice?
Mommy can stay with you.
Let's see what movie...
Oh, yeah, let's look at
another picture right here.
[ominous music]
[gun cocks]
[Sheriff] You looking
for something?
Because you know
we're on lockdown, right?
Just looking
for my daughter Melanie.
The two of you copacetic or...
Yep. Just her and that
dumbass husband of hers...
been missing for some time now.
Well, we can help you find her.
Me and mine got this.
Ain't looking
for no fight, Sheriff.
On my word.
Just need to find my daughter,
make sure she's okay.
Hospital's way overcrowded,
but uh, I got some deputies
keeping an eye out.
If she turns up,
I'll notify you.
[vehicle departs]
[Brooke] Do it again. [laughs]
-[Jack] Oh, don't fall.
-[Brooke giggles]
-[Jack] Uh, that looks fine.
-[Brooke] Not yet. Not yet.
-[Jack] What are you doing?
-[Brooke] ...no. This one.
-Do it again.
-[Jack] Look,
-I'm going to come up with you.
-[Brooke chuckles]
[Jack] Don't fall....
You're really good with him.
Do you have experience
with kids?
-[Jack] Hey, I'm over here.
-Oh, I'm sorry,
I didn't-- I didn't mean to.
No, it's just, uh--
it's just-- it's just me.
[barks, whimpers]
[Jack] Mom!
I think I'm changing.
-Oh, no. It's happening.
[gags, retches]
[Mom] It's okay, Jack.
It's okay. Mommy loves you.
You'll be safe right here.
-[handcuffs click]
-[Mom] It's okay.
-Mama loves you.
-[Jack growls]
It's okay.
It's okay, Jack. It's okay.
-Mommy's here.
-[Jack growls]
[ominous music]
[thudding, pounding on door]
[pounding continues]
[Brooke] Don't you see her?
[wind whooshing]
[thudding on door]
[poignant music]
[wind whooshing]
[door creaks]
[soft music]
[Brooke] I-- I would do it!
I know you can. Okay, Dan?
Okay? Get on it. [feet stomps]
-[Brooke screams]
-Oh, I got you. It's okay.
[Brooke] You can-- Your--
You can stay here with us.
You want me to stay here
with you?
[Brooke] Yep.
[wind whooshing]
[wrench rattles]
I'd run, but who'd fix
the engine?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[dramatic music]
[tense music]
-[Mom] Forty, 50 miles away.
The car engine, the-- the truck?
Uh, what about
a landline, sat phone?
Uh-huh. [sniffles]
And this doesn't have to be.
Your son is infected right now.
He could bite her.
He could save her life.
That is not a life.
You think I want this?
I am her mother!
[sighs] There's a chance
she could be like us.
Have you ever killed
a loved one,
hoping they're going to live?
[blade swooshes]
You-- you could wait
for her to change.
That will be weeks,
months, years.
She will be in agony.
I will not do that
to my two-year-old!
[sighs] I can.
Just let her go in peace.
[door knocking]
[door knocking]
[poignant music]
[tense music]
Are you still looking
for your daughter?
Hey! Have your people
been infected?
There's this new strain
coming out right now.
It's this-- it's making people
violent and psychotic
and attacking everyone,
so either bug in or bug out,
but keep your people isolated.
Got it?
Have you found your daughter?
You might want to check
boyfriend's old plough route.
It might be nothing, but
sometimes nothing
turns into something.
-[radio crackles]
-[radio dispatch] Officer down.
Officer down.
Need backup to hospital.
-Multiple gunshots...
-[radio crackles]
Oh, man.
Okay, find her. Lay low.
Don't go near anyone.
Come on, let's go. Let's go!
[car engine revving]
[car engine revving]
[poignant music]
You take care of each other.
[Jack] Please stay.
You'll understand
when you're older.
[Mom] Please stay.
-My wife...
-[Jack sniffles]
My wife just lit up a room.
She treated everybody the same
whether you knew her
five minutes or five years.
She just was open
and honest with everyone.
That kind of vulnerability,
that takes real courage.
She was the first person
who didn't care what I did,
but only who I was.
She changed me.
Because when I held our daughter
in my arms for the first time...
I looked down at this tiny,
beautiful epitome of love,
and all I could think of was...
"How can we kill?"
"How can we have war?"
I've been a soldier
most of my life,
but after that,
I couldn't go back.
They changed me.
They were everything
that made me me.
I can't stay and do nothing.
I'm sorry.
You're right. We are the same.
[somber music]
[sinister music]
[wind whooshing]
[Brett] All right, listen up.
We're moving out.
[truck engines revving]
-[footsteps approaching]
-[deaders snarling]
[dramatic music]
[blade swooshes]
-[flesh squelches]
[inaudible scream]
[dramatic music builds]
You head on out.
Gabriel, you wait here.
[breathes deeply]
[tense music]
[Brett] Shit.
Special agent.
I had no idea.
You can go.
Now, I don't care
about Homeland.
I don't care
about your weird-ass house.
I don't really care about you.
All I care about is my family.
I'd do anything for them.
Well, you're a parent.
You understand.
[Dan pants]
Where are your kids?
Heck, where's mine?
I asked you a question.
[breathes heavily]
[Brett] Tough.
Just like my Melanie.
She's tough too.
Where's my daughter?
[Mom grunts]
[Dan pants]
Just tell me.
What have you done
with my daughter?
I'll break you.
-[Mom grunts]
[door creaks]
[blade swooshes]
[footsteps approaching]
Where's your mom?
How many are there?
How many in the house?
[Jack whispers] I wish
I could change at will.
[knife swooshes]
Don't worry. They're coming.
[deaders snarling]
I don't want you to hear
what's coming next. Okay?
O! Say, can you see,
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight's
Last gleaming
Whose broad stripes
And bright stars
Through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts
We watched
Were so gallantly streaming
And the rockets' red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag
Was still there
O! Say, does
That star-spangled
Banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free
And the home
Of the brave
-[knife clangs]
-[dramatic music]
What is this...
these people?
It's like a chicken.
Kill her and the boy.
-[flesh squelching]
[breathes heavily]
[breathes heavily]
[whispers] Mom,
shut the door and keep him safe.
-[door creaks]
-[door lock clicks]
[breathes heavily]
[Dan breathes heavily]
[man] Oh, shit! [groans]
[Jack] Come on, Mom.
Let's get in the safe room.
Come on!
-[Mom] Where's Brooke?
-[Jack] Mom, get in here!
[Dan growls]
[deaders growling]
[gentle music]
[Dan's wife] Honey. Honey.
You had no choice.
We were in so much pain.
We're happy now.
We love you so much.
We changed you,
but you changed us too.
If you ever loved us,
be happy again.
Be the change.
Now, run.
Run! [voice echoes]
[dramatic music]
[gun cocks]
[Mom] "Jack is a good boy."
"He's been a protector,
a provider,
more than any seven-year-old boy
should have to endure."
"We waited until
the infected finished
with the militia and moved on."
"Our house was no longer secure,
no longer our home."
"We tried to warn the world,
but they don't want to listen."
[blade clinks]
"Maybe they'll listen now."
[somber music]
[Mom] "We did our duty."
"Now, I have a duty
to my children."
"We took your advice."
"We're headed north."
"You were right.
Jack and you are the same."
"Not just physically."
"You also see eye to eye."
[uplifting music]
Are you still there
[Mom] "Find us."
Sometimes I'm the same
There's not turning round
Swimming your way
[Dan] Could we recognize
the beginning of the end?
If we're going to survive,
we need to find each other.
[dramatic music builds]
[music softens]
[music fades out]
somber music playing]
Did you expect me to give up
And hope that you'd vanish?
Forget all the moments
That you used to say
Felt like magic
I guess I'm hopeless
Because I can't let go
Sometimes I wish
That I could turn to stone
Am I about to circle
The drain
'Cause now you act like
I have no name
And I never thought
That we'd end up like this
Like I'm a stranger
With all your secrets
I don't know
How long it will take
For all the hurt
And memories to fade
'Cause I never thought
That we'd end up like this
Only a stranger
With all your secrets
Thoughts spinning 'round
In my mind
How did we become
Two faces just passing by
Like that and I'm gone?
Am I gone?
Am I about to circle
The drain
'Cause now you act like
I have no name
And I never thought
That we'd end up like this
Like I'm a stranger
With all your secrets