Under My Nails (2011) Movie Script

[wind blowing]
glu, glu, glu
glu, glu, glu
[soft music
with a piano and a violin]
[soft music
with a piano and a violin]
[soft music
with a piano and a violin]

[everybody has
a Puerto Rican accent]
[everybody has
a Puerto Rican accent]

Go get dressed. We're leaving.
Go get dressed. We're leaving.
Go get dressed. We're leaving.

Pick that up.
Pick that up.
Pick that up.
[man on the radio]
It's 10:05 in the morning.
[man on the radio]
It's 10:05 in the morning.
It'll be sunny
during the rest of the week.
Today's high temperature
breaks the record.
It'll be really hot.
Everything's ready
for the arrival
of Pope John Paul II
to the island.
The... of Puerto Rico
will be available...
Breaking news.
The body of a woman
Breaking news.
The body of a woman
was found in the vicinity
of the Orocovis river.
was found in the vicinity
of the Orocovis river.
According to the information
provided by the Police...
It is believed that the body
has been identified
as the 36-year-old woman
as the 36-year-old woman
who disappeared... town
three weeks ago.
who disappeared... town
three weeks ago.
There are no suspects.
bang, bang, bang

[soft piano and violin]

You know
you won't see your mom again,
Did you hear me?

I didn't kill her.
She left.

Don't you forget that.


Come with me.
Let's go swim in the deep.
No, dad, no.
Come on.
No, dad.
Come on!
No, dad, no.
Come on, honey, we have to go.
No, dad, I don't want to.
Honey, I'll teach you
how to float.
Honey, I'll teach you
how to float.
No! I don't want to!
No! I don't want to!
Dad, let me go!
Dad, let me go!
Come on, darling.
Come on, it's just a...
Come on, darling.
Come on, it's just a...
Come on.
Let me go!
Let me go right now!
I'll teach you how to float.
I don't like it. It's scary!
I don't like it. It's scary!
Don't worry!
Don't worry!
Put your head down,
try to relax.
That's why I'm here.
Don't worry.
See? It's fine.
I'm teaching you how to float.
Just go with it.
Try to relax.
That's right.

[soft music with a piano]




[melancholic music and a violin]
Give us our daily bread
and forgive our trespasses,
as we forgive
those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from Evil.
Hail Mary, full of grace
Hail Mary, full of grace
our Lord is with thee.
our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us, sinners,
now and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
our Lord is with thee.
our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us, sinners
now and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit...
and to the Holy Spirit...

[suspenseful music]

(man) I didn't kill her.
Don't you forget that.
I didn't kill her.
I didn't kill her...
I didn't kill her...
[flowing water]
[children talking]
[dog barking]
woof, woof, woof
[man humming]
hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm
[man humming]
hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm
[door squeaking]
[man humming]
[man humming]
[window squeaking]
[wind blowing]
[door closes]
[car coming closer]
[rails squeaking]
[rails squeaking]
[steps on metal]
clank, clank
[steps on metal]
clank, clank
[sound of train engine]
[bus engine]
brrr, ruuf
splatt, splatt
Where to abuse me,
where to find me,
where to bother me.
Girl, I think you overslept.
Yes, I know. I'm sorry.
Tell her you're with me,
that you're with me,
that you're with me.
He did it again.
He called you to tell you,
but you didn't answer.
Tell her you're with me,
that you're with me,
Tell her you're with me,
that you're with me,
that you're with me.
that you're with me.
Tell her
you're with me...
Tell her
you're with me...
[lock squeaking]
crik, crik
[lock squeaking]
crik, crik
[door opening]
[keys jangling]
click, click
Bring that box over here.
I'm busy. Do it yourself.
I'm busy. Do it yourself.
Damn, nothing's ever easy
with you, is it?
Damn, nothing's ever easy
with you, is it?
(woman) Roberto, tell me,
what do you want?
Nothing, honey.
We're okay now.
Perpetue... Perpetue!
What do you want?
Let go of me already!
Look, don't bother me, okay?
[Perpetue crying]
Ah, oh, sniff.
You have to try
and stop being so crazy,
okay, honey?
I don't care anymore.
I'm sick of you.
Shut up, you bitch!
You're the jerk here!
Ah, oh, sniff.
Hey, that's mine!
An asshole, that's what you are.
An asshole, that's what you are.
Just relax.
Just relax.
Hey, enough!
There, yes.
I'm with a stud.
I'm with a stud.
Honey, you
are not enough for me.
Ha ha ha!
He he he!
Do you like it?
[moaning] Ah, ah!
Tell me you like it!
I want you to say it!
Yes, I do!
[door squeaking]
[locking door]

[suspenseful music]

[quick steps]
hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm
[knocking on the door]
You're late.
[door squeaking]
[door closing]

Come on, give me a hand.
Honey, you certainly
are nice to Americans, huh?

I'm sorry
you don't exploit that talent.
This one, although he's dying,
would go crazy over you.

You have to use your talents.
If you don't,
God will punish you
and he will take them
away from you.

I'll be there soon. Very soon.
We've packed our bags and all!
Poor thing.
He always wanted to go.
Poor thing.
He always wanted to go.
But he couldn't.
But he couldn't.
I'll buy him
a nice pair of sandals
to go to the beach and sunbathe
because he's looking pale.
You could use some sun as well.
I couldn't.
I get blemishes.

Last night I dreamed Lolo
had died.
And the worst part was
that I didn't feel a thing.
I just didn't.
I didn't cry.
I didn't feel alone, nothing.
It was very strange,
but good too.
Because who the hell
wants to suffer?
Sure, that was in my dream,
because in real life,
I would have to die next to him.
[wood squeaking]
cruc, cruc
[wood squeaking]
cruc, cruc
[pottery breaking] clash!
(Perpetue) Ouch!
[pottery breaking] clash!
(Perpetue) Ouch!
(Goya) Careful, don't let her
destroy the house.
What do you mean?
Be careful.
I don't get things
for free here!
Oh, damn!
(woman) I don't know
why you brought
that woman here.
Mom, don't cause
any more problems.
I already have too many.
Perpetue is my girl.
Your girl wants to kill me.
That's what's going on here.
You just don't want to see it.
Stop yelling.
Don't tell me to shup up.
Let me talk.
Don't touch me.
Let me see if you're okay.
Your mother is messing
with my kids
and I won't have any of that.
Perpetue, I told you
what to do already.
And since when do you do that?
[shaking cereal]
(Roberto) Then, why did you come
here with me?
(Perpetue) Because you told me
it'd be different.
You begged me
to come stay with you.
Don't get all macho now.
Don't get all macho now.
You've come here to ...
You've come here to ...
You jerk.
You think you're so great.
You're not even
half the man I need.
You jerk...

[suspenseful music]
[both moaning]
Ah, uh, ah, uh!
[window squeaking]
shrui, shrui

[suspenseful music]

[Perpetue moaning]
Ah, ah, ah, ah!

[Perpetue and Roberto moaning]
Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Do you like it there?
Oh, yes, ah, ah!
Scream, God damn it!
Ahh, ah, ah!

[bus engine]
[car engines]
brrr, ruuu
[bus horn]
pii, pii
(Roberto and woman)
I celebrated your birthday
(Roberto and woman)
I celebrated your birthday
As soon as I saw the sun
As soon as I saw the sun
As soon as I saw the sun
and in this glorious day
I ask God that you're joyful
and in this glorious day
I ask God that you're joyful
Because that would be
the best gift of all.
I offer you a hug,
please accept it,
I offer you a hug,
please accept it,
I wish you happiness, too.
I wish you happiness, too.
I wish you happiness, too.
Take my...
Take my...
[knock on the door]
[door squeaking]
I'm Goya.
No, it's not my birthday.
It's Perpetua's,
my son's girlfriend.
Oh, I'm sorry, darling,
I don't speak English.
You see?
So, what's your name?
Do you live alone?
Do you live alone?
Don't you have children?
You really don't?
You're lying.
No, I don't have children.
Well, it was nice meeting you.
If you need anything,
you can knock on my door, okay?
And don't worry about the plate.
You can bring it to me later.
(man) That your memory
would be just that.
(man) That your memory
would be just that.
I said that so many times
I said that so many times
that I actually believed it.
I promised life.
(man) Because they left me
when I was down.
(Goya) Oh, look. Come in.
(Goya) Oh, look. Come in.
Roberto, look who's here.
Roberto, look who's here.
It's the neighbor.
Oh, remember
I don't speak English, okay?
Oh, remember
I don't speak English, okay?
(Roberto) Come in, please.
Grab a beer.
(Roberto) Come in, please.
Grab a beer.
[Perpetue speaking
in a foreign language]
[speaking in a foreign language]
(Goya) To be honest,
with this cold weather
that we're having,
you don't really feel
like going out.
And I thought
this girl spoke Spanish.
And I thought
this girl spoke Spanish.
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do.
I've just been here
for a long time.
Is that so?
So what? Did you forget?
It's just that
she feels more relaxed
when she speaks in English,
isn't that right?
But she looks prettier
when she speaks in Spanish.
Roberto, could happen to me?
Forget about it?
Of course not.
That only happens to people
who speak English all the time,
and, if I'm correct,
you don't have
that problem, right?
That's right.
[hitting the table]
Sit down.
Come on, Licey.
Come on, Licey!
Damn, I knew he'd miss!
He's no good for it.
He's a pitcher!
(man) My friends and women
who cheered me up
celebrated my moves...
Well... bye.

If you want to eat,
I can get you some food.
No, thanks.

[melancholic music]
What, sweetie?
What is going on, my love?
Don't worry.
We'll bring your kids over.
Come on, give me a kiss.

[quick steps]
[door squeaking]
[quick steps]
I'm scared.
Of him seeing me.
It's been so long. Thirty years.
He knew it'd be difficult
for both of us
to go to Puerto Rico.
I don't know.
Maybe if you came with me...
You're insane.
You are insane.
Try to understand.
No, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no!
You won't make me feel guilty.
You won't make me feel guilty.
You have no damn idea
what it's like
to take care of someone
for ten years
like I did with Lolo.
You have no damn idea
what it's like to run away
your whole damn life.
What do you care about, then?
Wait a second.
You'll take care of my plants.
Oh, yes, madam.
For the first time
in your fucking life
you'll take care of something.
And be gentle.
They have nothing
to do with this.
[dog barking]
woof, woof
[door squeaking]

[suspenseful music]

Ah, ah!
[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah...

[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah...
Are you okay?
You are shaking.
You are shaking.
You are...
What do you mean?
Oh, really?
Are you sure?
I mean, it could be a rat.
I'm not stupid.
I'm sorry, neighbor,
I didn't mean to offend you.
I'm sorry, neighbor,
I didn't mean to offend you.
Let me help you.
Let me help you.
What do you want me to do?
Should I call my mother
to go in with me?
So you feel safe?
No, it's not that.
It's not that.
[water falling down]
[water falling down]
The plants, you know.
I'd be scared as well
if I were that lizard.
I mean, it's just...
That lizard shouldn't be here.
Just like myself.
That I shouldn't
be here right now.
He's gone.
All right. I'm leaving.
But I'm sure that lizard
is still here somewhere,
you know?
Those animals are not stupid.
If I were that lizard,
I'd stay here. I'd hide.
I'd hide in any corner.
You know what I'm talking about.
We speak the same language.
Although you don't like it.
Just forget it, honey.

[soft music]
Eh, eh, what?

[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah...

I wonder where he is.
All right, what is going on?
Why are you yelling? It's late.
It's Roberto.
Get your act together.
If you don't know
where your man is,
how could I know?
Go inside.
Stop making such a fuss.
You're the one
making a fuss here.
And I'll tell you something,
for the last time,
for the last time,
leave me alone,
because all I've ever done
was being with your son.
Besides, if someone
has to like me,
that's him, not you.
Black and all.

[soft music]

[water falling down]

[soft music]
[door squeaking]

[suspenseful music]




Oh, damn!
Had I known my neighbor
would try to kill me,
I wouldn't have come.
Just relax.
You haven't told me your name.
Mmm, right...
Mine's Perpetue.
Where's that from?
It's from Haiti.
Is your family still in Haiti?
Some of them, but my kids
are with my mom
in the Dominican Republic.
Roberto is not
the father of my kids.
That's why they're there.
Do you have kids?
No, I don't.
I figured you didn't.
I don't know, I can tell
about those things.
I don't understand.
I'm sorry. Will your kids
come stay here?
Will you bring them here?
I hope so.
But it's not easy, is it?
I'm tired.
I've had enough of that liar.
You know.
No, I don't.
Yes. You know everything.
You hear everything, don't you?
I'm never home.
He told me
he'd bring my kids first,
but he brought his mom.
I don't like it here,
not at all.
Do you like it here?
I don't know.
I don't care.
You'll always be here.
My youngest one is already...
He learned how to read.
And I wasn't there for him.
You can't get that back.
I can't stand it anymore.
Can I ask you a favor?
It's just that...
Can you look inside my purse?
I don't want
my nail polish to get ruined.
All right? There.
Come on, it won bite you.
Don't be scared.
Can you look for a card
and a telephone number?
Where is it?
Do you see it?
I'd do it,
but my nail polish is fresh
you see?
Hey, can I use the store phone?
You can use mine.


[suspenseful music]

I can't stand you anymore!
[Perpetue and Roberto arguing]
Don't move, darling!
Damn it, don't move!
Don't move!

[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah...

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

(man)Every night
every day, every instant,
the most beautiful minutes
of my life...
Why do you ask me?
Look, Solimar,
let me tell you something,
in life,
things are supposedly
how you want them to be,
but there are things that,
although you may buy
that whole story,
get out of your control.
When you least expect it,
you'll hear that guy
and his girlfriend
being noisy again
like any other day.
So get those
crazy ideas out of your head.
People like that never change.
They never kill each other.
One of them dies first.

You had an affair with him
and that's it.
What's one more affair
added to that long list?
(man)Every night
every day, every instant,
What do you think?
Look. I look like a saint.
Tell me, "I wish you good luck".
and all those things
people usually say
when someone's
getting on a plane.
It's all right,
I know you'll miss me.
(Goya) Roberto!
Is Perpetue home?
No, she's not.
It's just that
she forgot something
and I want
to give it back to her.
She left.
She's with her kids
in the Dominican Republic.
Oh, I see,
and when is she coming back?
I don't know.
Who knows if she ever will.
Oh, okay, thanks.
(Roberto) Mom, I'm leaving,
I'm running late.
May God bless you, son.
[soft music]

[soft music]

[sewing machine]
ring, ring, ring

Hey, hey!

I'm sorry, I thought
the owner was here.
Can I help you?


All right. Go over there
and put it on.

[romantic music]

(man) In a room,
two lovers...
Perpetue left.
She went home.
My mom told you already, right?
We have to wake up...
(man) You know
you'll be waiting...
Take it out slowly
and put it over that chair.
It'll be ready tomorrow.
(man) And tell you
that you're important...

Tomorrow at ten.
[water dripping]

[mysterious music]
[terrified] Ah!

[breathing heavily]
Ah-ah, aaah!

[steps getting closer]
[[keys jangling]]
[door squeaking]
[door squeaking]
[metal sheet]
[door squeaking]
What do you want?
[sight] Ah!
[door closing]
[struggling] Ugh! Let me go!
[struggling] Ugh! Let me go!
[screaming] Let me go!
[screaming] Let me go!
[door opening] truuc
[door closing] bang
[metal sheet] cruck
[door closing] bang
[sight] Ah!
[breathing heavily] Uuuh!
What about the lizard?
[bed squeaking]
[struggling] Agh, agh!
Damn it, can't you stay still?
Stay still!

[suspenseful music]
[breathing heavily]
Aaah... aaah!
[breathing heavily]
Aaah... aaah!
Stay still, stay still.
Stay still, stay still.
Stay still, stay still.
Stay still... Stay still
Stay still... Stay still
Aaah, ah!

Stay still, wait a minute.
God damn it!
Here it is. I've got it.
It's a male.
Look at the marks in its neck.
Look at the marks in its neck.
They get like that
They get like that
They get like that
when they are after a female.
when they are after a female.
Take a look.
Look at me! It's nothing!
[Solimar screaming and crying]
Aaah, aaah, uh, ah!
[metal clicking]
Are you hungry?
Are you okay?
Come here.
Come here, lay down. Come on.
It's been a while.
We didn't call an ambulance
because we knew you'd be okay.
I would faint too
if I saw a rat,
but a lizard?
That's weird.
Ha! There are a lot of rats
running around in the train.
They day those rats
decide to revolt,
we'll be damned.
All they'd have to do
would be jump all over people.
Can you imagine?
Look, as far as I'm concerned,
those rats can have
New York to themselves.
Tell you what,
they can have the world! Ha ha!
Tell you what,
they can have the world! Ha ha!
They just don't seem
to agree on what to do.
They just don't seem
to agree on what to do.
Ha ha ha!
[laughing] She's crazy.

[suspenseful music]

[flowing water]

[door squeaking]
(Roberto) Solimar.

[metal clicking]
click, click, click
Sit down.

Use a knife.

I brought you the blouse.
I brought you the blouse.
Eat. It'll get cold.
Eat. It'll get cold.
Eat. It'll get cold.

Eat. Don't worry.

You're not eating this, are you?
You're not eating this, are you?
[denying sound]

Good morning, little lizard.
[laughing] Ha ha ha!
Don't bother the lizard.
Mhm, don't worry.
You'll scare him.
I put it here
so he wouldn't escape.
He won't escape now.

[suspenseful music]
Those nails must be dry already.
[denying] Mm-mm, mm-mm,
Not yet, Rose.
I can't believe it!
Don't touch them!
I won't do it again
if you ruin it.
Are you listening to me?
[agreeing] Mhum, mhum.
She's been driving me crazy
the entire day.
I know.
Look, don't you think
I don't realize
you're changing the subject.
Your nails are dry already!
(woman) All right, I'm leaving.
[crying] They're ruined!
Come on. Do you see
what she's doing now?
Fix it.

[cheerful music]

[cheerful music]
(man) Pull up the curtains,
pull up the curtains,
(man) Pull up the curtains,
pull up the curtains,
Turn on the turbines
with nitroglycerine.
This mess
is your penicillin.
Jump and you'll heal yourself
without any aspirin.
Let's cause a short-circuit
before a meteorite hits us
in 2012.
before a meteorite hits us
in 2012.
Let's misbehave,
let's commit a crime,
Let's misbehave,
let's commit a crime,
Let's eat Red Riding Hood
and the Three Little Pigs.
Let's eat Red Riding Hood
and the Three Little Pigs.
This is not about rebellion,
This is not about rebellion,
this is about
being undisciplined
for a day.
We, the misunderstood
of the New Testament,
have our own rules...
Our own commandments!
Our own commandments!
(man) They don't understand
our behavior,
(man) They don't understand
our behavior,
so we treat
all the psychologists.
so we treat
all the psychologists.
To break
the repetitive routine.
To break
the repetitive routine.
To see the sun at night
and for it rain up.
To see the sun at night
and for it rain up.
They want to control us
with a remote control,
They want to control us
with a remote control,
but the authority...
They can't handle us!
We like being messy!
What are you doing here?
I'm waiting for my order.
Do you want something?
Sure? The food is great here.
Do you want some?
Oh, no, no.
I can't eat
in front of someone
who's not eating.
in front of someone
who's not eating.
Don't worry, I can leave.
No, wait, calm down.
Don't worry, I can leave.
No, wait, calm down.
It's all right.
I can make an exception.
(man) Let's misbehave,
let's misbehave,
Let's misbehave.
Hey, we're here today
to misbehave...
Hey, we're here today
to misbehave...
So what?
Did you think I was serious?
So what?
Did you think I was serious?
Look at me.

You were starving.
And I fed you.
You make me feel good.
You talk like an old man.
You talk like an old man.
That's who we are.
(chorus) Walk with your hands,
Wave with your feet.
(man) Ha, with the left foot
starts the day...
(man) Ha, with the left foot
starts the day...
Easy to say...
Easy to say...
This is how you dance bachata.
Really close.
Get closer.
Your hip
has to go along with mine.
Like this.
Come on, move. Ha ha ha!
(man) I'm intrigued.
I can't stand it.
I'm really curious...
Like this? Better?
Well, you're speaking
in Spanish now. Why?
Oh, my God!
(man) I know fear
always hides desire.
And I can see that
more and more.
when you're
right next to me.
When there's silence,
I get restless.
She's asleep.
[door closing]
Do you sleep standing up?
(Roberto) Oh!

[soft music]

[suspenseful music]

[window sliding open]

[dragging box]

[door squeaking]

[Goya clearing throat]
[Goya clearing throat]
I told Roberto to get rid...
I was looking for a towel.
I told Roberto to get rid...
I was looking for a towel.
(Goya) ...of this trash.
(Goya) ...of this trash.

I had Roberto
when I was very young.
No matter how hard you try,
you always fail.
you always fail.
Roberto is really stubborn.
Roberto is really stubborn.
Roberto is really stubborn.
Perpetua left these things here
for him to give away.
Perpetua left these things here
for him to give away.
And he left them here.
Now I'll have to do it.
Honey, I'm sorry.
I know no woman
I know no woman
likes finding stuff
of another woman
likes finding stuff
of another woman
in her boyfriend's room.
No, it's okay. I don't mind.
Roberto and I are not dating.
What happened?
What do you mean?
I thought we had agreed
I thought we had agreed
that you'd take
these boxes out of here.
that you'd take
these boxes out of here.
I thought you'd done it.
I'll take care of it.
Don't worry.
Get rid of this.
Oh, I'm being so rude.
Oh, I'm being so rude.
So... do you want something
from this box?
So... do you want something
from this box?
I'd have a look,
because some things
are really nice.
Although these
seem too big for you.
But, don't be shy.
No, thank you... I...
I don't think
I could find anything.

[suspenseful music]
[door squeaking]
uiiik... truc
[door squeaking]
uiiik... truc

[window sliding open]
[window sliding open]
(woman) You do it ,
and I do it too,
You do it,
and I do it too.
Let's dance to some blues,
honey, let's do it
Let's dance to some blues,
honey, let's do it
This heart has your handle
You can do what you want,
sweet darling

[suspenseful music]


[cheerful music]
[people laughing]
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!
I didn't kill her.
Don't you forget that.
Don't you forget that.
Molotov flow, molotov.
Molotov flow, molotov.
Molotov flow...

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

What are you doing here?
I made her that dress.
Take it off!
Take it off, damn it!
Do as I say!
Take that damn dress off!
Do as I say!
Take that damn dress off!
Take it off!
Take it off!
What do you want from me?
You're crazy!
You're crazy!
Is this what you want?
Is it?
I didn't kill her!
I didn't kill her!
I didn't kill her!
[both panting]
[both panting]
And stay still.
Look at me!
I won't do it anymore.
Did you hear that?
Do you understand?
[agreeing] Mhum.
[rattle] trrr-trrr...
It's like you can't stay still.
Can't you stay still
for one damn second?
[sad music]

[moaning of pleasure]
Aaahh, ahh, aah, ah!
[crickets chirping] crii-crii
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]

[suspenseful music]

[melancholic music]

[melancholic music]

[melancholic music]

[breathing heavily]

[splashing water]


glu, glu, glu

Come in here.
I don't know how to lie.
Come here.
(man) Think how many times
you have denied...
Turn around.
Turn around.
Come on, do it.
Come on, do it.
Okay, wait. Stay still.
(Goya) Let me see.
That looks perfect on you!
(man) You wasted your time,
Look what you've done
You haven't told me
if you like it or not.
I love it.
(man) I made a wish
and I believe it came true
when you're around.
Fear is no longer
holding me back.
No, no, I'm no longer
I'm no longer
wasting my time
It's nothing more than...
Ughh, cough-cough!
Agghh, gaaagghh!
(Goya) That's okay.
Once in a while,
one has to let it all out.
That's right. Don't worry.
You'll feel better right away.
You'll see.
[vomiting] Agghh!
[spitting] splash
[spitting] splash
[coughing] cough
[coughing] cough
I wonder if my cooking
made you feel this ill.
[breathing heavily] Ahhhh, ahhh!
[sight] Ahhh...
Or maybe you're pregnant.
[sight] Ahhh...
[whispering] No.
Well, I'm just saying
that you could be pregnant.
It's just an idea.
No, I'm sure that's not it.
Tell me, then,
why are you
sleeping with my son?
Listen to me very clearly.
[ripping paper]
rip, rip
Having a baby is the best thing
that can happen to you, okay?
Having a baby is the best thing
that can happen to you, okay?
[ripping paper] rip, rip
[ripping paper] rip, rip
And as far as I can tell,
you're not interested in that.
It's a force
you get from within.
I can't describe it.
It doesn't matter
what your kids do,
you'll always be there for them.
Only dead I wouldn't
be there for him.
Are you listening to me?
[flowing water] flushhh
Uhhh, uhhh...
Uhhh, uhhh...
Ah, ha ha ha!
Uahhh, ahhh!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Uahhh, ahhh!
Uahhh, ahhh!
I asked you first.

[melancholic music]
[phone ringing]
ring, ring, ring
Who is this?
Talk to me, mommy.
Talk to me, mommy.
[woman speaking
in a foreign language]
Hello, mommy?

[sad music]
[rails squeaking]

[door squeaking]
criii, criii
[door closing]
bang, bang
Where were you?
My mother told me
you weren't feeling well.
You can stay at my place
if you want to.
What is your problem?
Do you think I'm stupid?
Roberto, I don't feel well.
Roberto, I don't feel well.
Answer my question!
Answer my question!
Do you think I'm stupid?
[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah...
What will you do?
You know what I'm talking about,
right? Huh?
You know
what I'm talking about, right?
Look at me.
[door squeaking]
criii, criii
[door closing]
bang, bang
[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah, ah...

[sad music]
[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah, ah...

[cutlery noises]
click, click, click

[cell phone ringing]
ring, ring
Who is it?
Who was that?
No one answered.
[cutlery noises]
click, click, click
[cell phone ringing]
ring, ring
[cell phone ringing]
ring, ring

[cell phone ringing]
ring, ring

[cell phone ringing]
ring, ring

[cutlery noises]
click, click, click

[melancholic music]

Then, why are you here?
You could have left
whenever you wanted,
but you stayed, didn't you?
Come here!
[cutlery noises]
click, click, click
Roberto, what are you doing?

[melancholic music]

[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah...
[rails squeaking]
friiii, friii, friii

[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah...

[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah, ah...
[Roberto screaming]
[knocking on door]
Tell him to calm down
or I'll call the police.
[knocking on door]
Roberto, go away please.
I just want to talk to you.
[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah...
Open the damn door!
Solimar, Solimar.
Open the damn door!
I won't wait
until he knocks the door down.
Are you going to fight me?
You didn't do anything
to that woman, he did.
I didn't do anything for her.
Try to understand.
No, you were afraid.
You were afraid.
[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah...
I'm pregnant.
Oh, my God, Solimar!
Ahhh, ahhh...
Give me a chance.
It was an accident.
You'll be fine with me, Solimar.
I promise.
Damn it!
[steps fading away]
You have to leave.
I'm not going anywhere.
You have to leave, Solimar.
I can't believe
I'll be a grandfather,
or a grandmother, which one?
What will you do?
What do you mean?
I'll stay here.
Let's go away together.
Let's go away together.
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
You'll leave me
plugged to a machine, suffering.
No, no, no, no, no.
I should stay here.
You'd rather stay here
and die alone
than going away with me?
Where would we go?
I don't know.
(Amalia) An angel from Heaven
brought you to me
to brighten my life
with the light
of your sweet eyes,
and your eternal smile
that I carry in my heart.
Don't you ever forget
that my soul is here
to be with you,
to cuddle you,
in its arms, my love.
Don't you ever forget
that my soul is here.

[melancholic music]

[melancholic music]

[melancholic music]

[melancholic music]

[melancholic music]

[melancholic music]

[cheerful music with drums]

it's easy to say it,
but it's so hard
to find an opportunity.
I'm intrigued.
I can't stand it.
I'm really curious...
I'm really curious...
And although the water
is very clear,
And although the water
is very clear,
And although the water
is very clear,
I just can't jump.
I just can't jump.
I know fear
always hides desire.
And I can see that
more and more.
when you're
right next to me.
When there's silence,
I get restless
trying to make a move.
And then you look at me
with a smile
and I understand.

[cheerful music with a flute]

(man) An angel from Heaven
brought you to me
to brighten my life
with the light
of your sweet eyes,
and your eternal smile
that I carry in my heart.
Don't you ever forget
that my soul is here
to be with you,
to cuddle you,
in its arms, my love.
Don't you ever forget
that my soul is here
to be with you,
to cuddle you,
in its arms, my love.