Under the Light (2023) Movie Script

Put some men over there, too.
"Wen Hui, Head of Detective Squad,
Jinjiang City Police"
"Liu Bo, General, Jinjiang City Police"
Keep those photo-snatchers in line.
Sniper, get in position.
"Li Huilin"
"Su Jianming, Deputy Director of
Detective Technology Department"
"Sun Heyang"
Did you see it?
What was it?
Looks like an old-fashioned electric detonator.
I know it's a detonator.
Is it the real thing?
Could be real.
Are you sure?
Could be a plastic toy, too.
"Zheng Gang, Vice Mayor of Jinjiang City"
Don't come any closer.
Mr. Vice Mayor.
I'm here.
You asked to see me.
Vice Mayor of Jinjiang.
Zheng Gang.
What do you want?
Your dad has
got some balls walking up to the bus.
Unlike his good son,
who hides here, far from danger.
It's not the balls
but the blast radius that matters.
If I don't like your terms,
I'm gonna fucking blow this whole thing up.
You're all gonna die.
Calm down.
Give me the speaker.
- Bring it to me.
- Bring it to him.
Slow down.
Just the speaker. Nothing else.
Stop right there.
Toss it in. Come on.
Back up.
Back up.
You need some water?
I can have it delivered to you.
Just calm down.
We can talk.
Save it.
Listen to me.
There are women and children on the bus.
Let them go.
I'll stay here and talk as long as you want.
No one leaves.
You have a wife and kids, too.
Think about it.
Let the women and children go.
And we'll talk, okay?
Tell him to leave.
Tell him.
Get away from here.
I'm going.
We are serious about this.
You must have your reasons
for doing this.
Let the women and children go
Or no negotiation.
Men stay.
Guys, stay where you are.
Work with us. Stay put.
All women and children are off the bus now.
I saw that.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Now, let's talk. What do you want?
I only have two things to say.
After that,
I'll hand this to you
and turn myself in.
Go on.
You are a bad man
A bad man in the city government.
Is that all?
That's all.
Two things, like I said.
I made all this fuss today
Just so everyone can hear me out.
The press.
And the leadership.
That's it.
Whatever problem you have with me.
Whether I'm qualified for the job or not.
You can't take other people hostage.
Now, be a man of your word.
Hand me the bag.
Listen to me.
Hand me the bag now
And we can forget about this.
We won't hold you responsible for anything.
Says who, you?
You'll just forget about it?
For god's sake.
You don't even believe the vice mayor?
I promise.
I'll take my chances with you.
Careful with that.
It won't explode.
I'm not even afraid. Why would you be?
Told you it's fake.
You take it.
Alright, I'm coming.
Nice and easy.
Bring it down and forward.
You didn't see the red dot?
"He Xiuli, Vice Mayor Zheng's Wife"
How's your leg?
It's fine.
Just a bump.
"Li Zhitian, President of Jinwu Group,
Municipal CPPCC Member"
"Liu Feng,"
The Vice Mayor had this delivered.
"Head of the President's Office, Jinwu Group"
The Vice Mayor had this delivered.
Did he say what it's for?
These ribs are good.
I can't have too much.
Got a dinner party tonight.
You should cut down on those dinner parties.
You know
they just want something from your father.
Don't tell me it's that Huilin girl.
She's not right for you.
I'm done with her, already.
Who are you having dinner with then?
Li Zhitian.
Since when did you hang out with him?
I didn't go to him.
He came to me.
Apparently, he's an old friend of yours.
Don't go then.
I'm going.
I've always been curious about
the life of billionaires in this country.
Sure you want to play games with me?
What are you talking about?
Why do you insist on going
after I told you not to?
Having dinner with someone
as controversial as him.
What were you thinking?
Your co-workers are right about you.
You're a moron.
An idiot.
What if he's involved in the explosion?
You're my son.
Stop embarrassing me.
Adopted son.
I don't actually have your genes.
So, don't feel so bad
even if I embarrass you.
Mom, say something.
Save the day for the big man and me.
Say that nonsense again
and I'm gonna smack your ass
on behalf of your father.
I'm going out there in a minute.
Make me proud.
Dad, you know what?
This auditorium is famous in Nice.
And our school is holding a concert here.
You're about to become a mom
and still no wedding?
Come home soon as you can.
Listen to it on your phone.
- I'm listening.
- Put it on speaker.
Okay, it's on.
Don't worry. I won't miss a note.
"Li Jinshu,"
"Bei'an Development District, Jinjiang City"
Okay. We'll start now.
- Director Su.
- Hello.
Sorry for keep you waiting.
My daughter.
She's playing the piano in Nice, France.
Now, let me introduce you.
Director Li from Bei'an District.
An old friend of you father, the Vice Mayor.
Su Jianming.
Vice Mayor Zheng's son.
Adopted son.
We go way back.
Who doesn't?
I'm Li Zhitian.
Then who else?
The mute?
He's my cousin.
His family ran a shipping business
and they were affluent.
They had meat everyday.
My family was poor.
He was bigger as a kid.
And he took advantage of that.
Slapped me.
Made me crawl underneath his crotch.
At new year we'd go to their kitchen
and he'd throw pieces of steamed pork at me,
watching me crawl on the floor.
And with every throw he'd go:
'Son of a bitch.'
And I'd say 'present' loud and clear.
'Son of a bitch?' 'Present.'
Is that right?
He could hear.
Later I got rich and bought their boat.
Made him cook for me.
We ate steamed pork together.
Except that
he could no longer call me 'son of a bitch'.
Got half of his tongue cut off.
I was joking,
He lost his voice after a bad fever.
I gathered you here.
For a reason.
I want to show you something.
What is it?
Here, Li.
You first.
Then show Su.
Go look in the corner.
What did I do wrong?
Did I offend you in any way?
Why are you doing this to me?
I can submit this.
Or withhold it.
What exactly do you want from me?
We are friends.
And friends
help one another.
Thank you. Thank you.
If there's anything you need, just say it.
It's possible
that someone would restore the memory card.
Can I have it then?
Sure, take it.
With your hand.
Right hand.
Retrieve it before the fish paste floats.
Retrieve it.
Are you threatening him?
Am I threatening you? Li?
No, absolutely not.
He's helping me.
He's helping me.
Stay out of it.
You're helping me by staying out of it.
Stay out of it.
I'm calling the police.
Can't do that.
- Let go.
- I'm begging you, please.
What are you putting on this show for?
Now, you listen to me.
your dad sent me the footage of the explosion.
Go tell him
that has nothing
to do with me.
And second,
you saw the video clip, too.
You saw the video clip, too.
Go home and ask your dad
if he wants it.
Well, I have something to tell you, too.
Asking me here today
is a mistake.
You just made a new enemy.
Come, Director Li.
Let's go.
To the hospital.
The Special Operation Against Organized Crime
has two main principles.
First, get to the bottom of all relevant cases,
and the corruption problem behind them.
And second, investigate the criminals'
connections in the government, thoroughly.
Show no mercy.
This is a transportation hub
in Jinjiang City, China.
In the 1990s,
a young man name Li Zhitian
who locals knew as a porter,
asked four of his fellow workers
to chip in 70 yuan each
to found a small business
specializing in manual labor.
"Tang Danian, Vice President, Jinwu Group"
30 years later,
Jinwu Group whose president is Li Zhitian,
has become a
conglomerate operating in real estate,
storage service,
"Assistant to the President, Jinwu Group"
storage service,
hotel business,
tourism and many other sectors.
The company's annual turnover
mounts up to a whopping 47.5 billions RMB.
The bamboo pole
used by Li Zhitian when he was young
became one
of the group's most prized possessions.
This is so corny and out of date.
Hire another advertising firm.
And keep my name out of it.
I just had a check-up the other day and
aging is no joke.
I've decided.
I'm retiring.
My successor will be selected
through a vote among board members.
I recommend
We should hand the company
to the younger generation.
Even though they're not mature enough.
How can we expect them to grow if we don't
put them through challenges?
Am I right?
What do you say?
I may be the last one
of the five founding members
that's still with the company,
but I've never had the ambition of leading it.
Nor would I make a good leader.
Li, you once said that
I performed better as a keeper.
I agree with your decision.
David is outstanding.
Plus, he's family.
Safe bet.
I do have only one request.
Go on.
Tell him to marry Shasha as soon as possible.
Otherwise, we'll be attending the baby's
one-month banquet first.
Vice Mayor Zheng.
Mr. Big Shot, sit, please.
I heard about
your little demonstration yesterday.
Quite impressive.
It was just messing around.
Messing around?
Of course.
Well, then, come on.
Throw your phone in the pot.
Come on, I'll fish it out.
I'd like to play the game, too.
Why are you getting all serious
about a stupid game?
I bet you have some videos of me, too.
How is that possible?
This is unacceptable.
You've crossed the line.
I see bad table manner runs in the family.
Give it to me.
Where are the videos of Li?
You must have made a copy.
I did.
And I was going to give it to you.
It's the only copy.
Just destroy it.
Mr. Li brought some whistle-blowing material.
Deliver it to the municipal discipline
inspection commission.
Explain the source.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Li.
Obviously, you see Jinjiang as your turf.
However, I must remind you.
You're only the boss in your world.
In the eyes of myself
and the people's government,
you're nothing.
You sent me the footage of that explosion.
What's your point?
Given our long history.
How could you?
I was going to ask you the same thing.
How could you?
An explosion, seriously?
Ours is a society with rule of law.
And you think you can frame me
by planting drugs in my car?
Where's the evidence?
What proof do you have that
I was related to the explosion?
You want proof?
Just wait.
The suspect, Kong Sanshun,
was imprisoned
three years ago
on account of violence and vandalism
during a relocation project.
He was diagnosed
with end-stage liver cancer in prison
and on May 16
he was released on medical parole.
He stole some explosives,
seeking revenge against society.
The explosion
resulted in his own death
and left three others severely injured.
Upon the death of the suspect,
we carried out an investigation
on his social relations and contacts
and found no trace of
That cough
says a lot.
You disagree with Captain Wen?
On what ground?
Will you let me lead
the investigation if I tell you?
What do you mean?
Then I'll shut up. My opinion
doesn't matter.
You're right about that.
The Vice Mayor is involved.
You should step aside.
Save us some trouble.
That's exactly
why you should put me in charge.
I'll crack the case in no time.
Show us what you got.
This is a drone shot from back in the day.
I'll zoom in so everyone can see.
Zoom in.
By his expression, we can
tell that the suspect
didn't know the bomb would go off.
The look in his eyes right there.
Shock, panic.
Analysis of debris after the explosion
showed that someone was detonating it remotely.
He was a just a pawn.
Used to get rid of someone.
Whom did he ask to speak with?
Someone wanted the Vice Mayor dead.
How would you solve the case?
Whoever made the call was the killer.
How much time do you need
to locate the caller?
Well, if I'm lucky,
before 9 p.m. tomorrow.
Don't you think that's a bit too cocky?
Not really.
How sure are you?
About 75 percent.
Good, then.
9 p.m. tomorrow.
The same people present today
will come back here.
If you got the caller,
I'll give you what you want.
You want to be a hero, fine.
Don't drag us down with you.
We don't have your background.
Just pull the surveillance
footage from downtown.
Got it.
The crossroad at Chunyi Street.
Multiple angles.
What does this have
to do with finding the caller?
Why are we looking at this?
Quiet, I have my reasons.
Have you ever solved a case?
Even pocket-picking counts.
What about following my girlfriend
and finding out she
cheated on me?
What do you think?
Have you ever solved a case, sir?
Unlike you, he was
trying to dump a girl.
The bomb went off at a designated time.
No sooner, no later.
Now we've confirmed that
the perpetrator didn't know,
which means...
Someone used him
and detonated with remote control.
Where was that person?
Definitely on site,
or he wouldn't know when to detonate.
Where exactly?
See where I'm pointing with the laser?
Late night, May 22nd,
a forty-something male
asked to be checked
into room 204 at Jianghan Hotel.
He used a fake ID
but we were able to
identify him through a still photo
taken by the surveillance camera.
Liu Mingli,
the legal person of Xinzhong Commerce.
They own a construction company with
a license for demolition.
That explains the access to explosives.
Still too far-fetched to me.
He went missing
after the explosion of May 23rd.
Where abouts still unknown.
How's that for confirmation?
The explosion
drew enormous public attention.
And it reached high above.
We'd better solve it ASAP.
I don't think
this is a good time for drill.
Why do you want this case so bad?
I want to be a real police for the people.
You don't feel like
a real police at technology?
That's not what I meant.
I didn't...
Like Wenhui said,
this case is extremely crucial.
The team could use some reinforcement.
I hereby announce that
Comrade Su Jianming
will be leading the investigation
effective immediately.
He's a technology specialist
with no detective experience.
Keep doing what you do.
Su Jianming will work independently
and report directly to me.
I'm fine with you
letting him hone his skills on the team.
Didn't expect
you'd make him second-in-command.
And he reports directly to you?
What would the others think?
I like Jianming's approach.
Attention to details
and the execution. I have faith in him.
How is it going?
No problem.
We got three leads.
One involves Li Zhitian, Liu Feng and David.
One involves Liu Mingli's wife.
And one is just as you requested.
That's the car abandoned by Liu Mingli.
You think he'll come back for it?
We found something else, too.
Who is it?
Not Li Zhitian's daughter, is it?
A new character.
What are they saying?
You can read lips, right?
No lip-reading needed.
Anyone can tell.
This is what people call adultery.
The task force is here
for inspecting municipal government officials.
"Chen Weimin, Supervisor of "
for inspecting municipal government officials.
"Counter-Organized Crime Task Force"
for inspecting municipal government officials.
You have our full support
in all investigations.
You didn't hear me correctly.
When I said government officials,
I meant everyone.
Myself included.
I went to Guangqing County last month,
hoping to find the truth
about my biological parents.
I wanted to know
what kind of people they were.
That's totally unnecessary.
You once told me that
their names were Su Zhihao and Wang Lifen
and that they were killed
fighting a drug cartel.
I investigated
and found out that they had no children.
So, I can't be their son.
Does it really matter?
You're our son.
My parents weren't heroes.
They were drug dealers, weren't they?
You are my son.
Then why the hell are you
always so shamed of me?
Now, you listen to me.
Heroes or drug dealers,
all I know is
your mother and I are your parents.
Whatever happens in the future.
will never change.
And one more thing.
You don't ever need to prove
to me that you're worthy
of my love.
What's that have to do with our company?
Liu Mingli, one of the suspects, is missing.
We need your help apprehending him.
May I ask you one thing though?
How is this our problem?
Do we have to do this?
Then, I'm sorry.
We can't help you.
You can't
or you won't?
How come we're the one you seek help from?
Because Xinzhong Commerce,
Liu Mingli's company,
is closely related to Jinwu Group.
Would you care to elaborate
on the closely related part?
There's a complicated equity relationship.
I thought you studied finance in US.
Go ahead. Pardon me.
I dare not speak up.
Equity is not the same as people.
You're not making any sense.
Director Su.
you ask me for this person.
But we have no idea where he is.
You misunderstood.
We know where he is.
When we said we need your help,
we meant the follow-up investigation
and evidence obtaining
after we apprehend him.
I see.
We'll come again.
I don't understand...
- Do you?
- What...
are you talking about?
You're not that smart.
Just do what you're told.
Well, Mr. Smarty Pants, would you care to
break it down for us intellectually challenged?
We are here
to input a command.
Now we wait for feedback from the system.
What we doing in the car then?
I hate it when you act like a know-it-all
and refuse to involve others in your plan.
What are you looking at? Keep up.
Would you explain?
We're smoking them out.
Li Zhitian see show confident we are,
whether he buys it nor not,
he will want to make sure.
But he'd try to stay off radar,
so he has to send someone
to alert Liu Mingli.
That's why
we're following David,
who will lead us to Liu.
- We'll go in from the other side.
- All right.
He must have left a clue for Liu Mingli.
Sun Heyang, go take a look.
Sir, should we get the property
management to open it?
That's fine. Let me see.
Shit, we shouldn't come down.
Now they're on our tail.
Li Zhitian must have figured out
that we have no idea where Liu Mingli is.
You guys should leave in a minute.
There's something I must do.
Li Zhitian is a sinking ship.
It's only a matter of time.
Take a look at this.
I don't know anything.
For real.
I believe you.
I have only one question.
Answer me
and it'll help you when
the ship goes down.
Because your dad is the Vice Mayor?
It has nothing to do with that.
Are you close to Liu Mingli?
I guess so.
What do you do together?
Anything in particular?
He asked me to find this drug in US.
I gathered some information for him.
That's all.
No more.
I swear I don't know anything.
I have no idea where he is.
What drug?
The other day,
I told you about that manager who bullies me.
Do you remember?
He got transferred today.
To a branch office in Jiangbei, big step down.
You should have seen
the look on his face when he left.
I guess it means my life would be easier.
Did you do that?
I'm getting off.
"Li Sha, Li Zhitian's Daughter"
Dad, why are you calling again?
I miss you.
Get out.
You'll see me in no time.
Have you bought the ticket?
I did.
Sent the flight number to Uncle Liu Feng, too.
How's the kid?
Can't wait to see his granddad.
Dad, how's David?
Is he good?
Not bad, I guess.
Dad, he has what it takes.
Just give him the chance.
He's my husband.
I will.
Have you gained some weight?
Yeah, I've been indulging myself.
Give your daddy a kiss.
How's that?
Got it.
All right.
Come on in.
Let me introduce you
This is Comrade Chen,
head of the supervisory task force.
Chen Weimin.
Su Jianming.
Have a seat.
I know this case is not that simple.
They sent people from high above.
Here's the situation.
Tomorrow, when Liu Mingli
point out the mastermind, Li Zhitian,
we'll take him into custody.
And then?
What do you mean?
You really think the investigation
will go off without a hitch?
Is there anything I should know?
The central committee meant business
with this special operation.
Not only did they
mobilize the political and legal sectors,
but also publicity,
organization, discipline inspection
and other departments.
It's too complicated.
We're dealing with
much more than a simple criminal case.
Strictly speaking,
you shouldn't be running the operation.
However, given your special position,
you'll be able to observe
details as well obtain information
others can't.
You must act with caution.
Trust no one.
No one?
Which means?
No one, including me.
What is my role
in the game then?
A soldier
that can cross the river.
And once you made it across,
there is
no turning back.
Move, time to make the arrest.
Of whom?
Liu Mingli.
Where is he?
Just follow me.
I'm not going if you don't tell me anything.
Can I tell you when we get there?
Fine, I'll play your
mystery game for one last time.
When we're there,
follow my command.
Park the car at the crossroad.
Kill the lights.
Use only walkie-talkie for communication.
If we search the car now,
he'll know immediately.
I bet he's watching somewhere close.
I'm telling you.
No way is Liu Mingli here.
Liu Mingli is around.
The car was placed here.
As a bait for us?
Someone wants to hand him to us.
Are you being cryptic again?
The drug Liu Mingli was seeking
is called Li Pei Tong.
In America it's used to treat mental disease.
I checked, no one he knew had that condition.
Liu Mingli's home and hotel
are both being watched.
So, he needs a safe place to stay.
And in that place
there's a patient who needs the drug.
Somewhere within
a one-kilometer radius of the car.
So, your conclusion is...
Only a few in the city have that condition.
Got all their names on this list.
And three of them
are in this area.
Captain Wen.
How much longer do we have to wait?
We'll go check it out.
You guys stay put.
Who is it?
Need to confirm something.
Open up.
We're the police.
Stay put.
Hi, this is my police ID.
Liu Mingli.
Liu Mingli, come out.
We're the police.
And our people
have had all nearby roads covered.
There is no escape.
You'd better not resist.
We don't want the kid to get hurt.
"Liu Mingli, Legal Person of Xinzhong Commerce"
Liu Mingli.
We know
someone made you do things
by threatening your child.
He has a whole life ahead of him.
Would you rather trust
the police and the government
to help and protect him
or would you trust others?
What are you doing?
Did you miss me?
My baby got a man and forgot her old man.
Let's go.
Which of these wedding dresses do you prefer?
I'm fine with all of them.
Let David pick.
Whichever one Shasha likes.
You're the man of the house.
You're supposed to
make these decisions.
That's right.
You're the man of the house.
Your crime wasn't that serious.
I know everything.
As long you confess
you'll get a sweet deal.
Think about it.
Why would you still cover for them
when they're trying to silence you?
Liu Mingli confessed.
7 p.m, tomorrow.
I'll give you the confession.
I will tell you
the person behind it all,
when, where, who
Did you eat anything at home?
Not much.
Then have some more.
I may have gotten rid of the bully for you,
but you need to
pull yourself together, too.
How well do you get along with colleagues?
How good are you at your job?
Do you need your education?
Give those things a thought.
Why are you being so nice to me?
Someone asked me to look after you.
Ask no questions.
You don't need to know.
Old fellows' stuff.
Where's your phone?
What do you need my phone for?
Relax, I'm not gonna peek.
This translucent silicon case.
It's super thin.
Feels good holding it.
Others can't tell.
You can rest assured here.
Let your guard down.
I'm done.
I got to go.
Got something to deal with.
When will I see you again?
Wait for my call.
You will always protect me.
7 p.m, tomorrow.
I'll give you the confession.
I will tell you
the person behind it all,
when, where, who
Why did you move here?
The lighting reminds me of a disco club.
Just a temporary place until
my new house is done decorating.
Is it safe?
You betcha.
No peeking.
Coming to your
ex-girlfriend's place after midnight,
you're not here to be emotional, are you?
I just couldn't sleep.
Well, that's new.
I've never seen you like this before.
Nothing serious, really.
Just an impromptu drop-by.
Stay where you are.
Lie down.
Go ahead, what is it?
It doesn't feel right.
What doesn't feel right?
Like who?
The May 23rd explosion.
It was too dicey an attempt
on my father's life.
The guy hijacked a bus
All that fuss for just a few words?
And right after that, Liu confessed
Too dramatic.
Even precise to a specific time.
I smell a connection.
Don't you think...
Don't you think
it's more like a show?
Stop, that's enough.
Some boxes
are never meant to be opened.
For once it's open,
no one can close it again.
Actually, my parents'
disapproval wasn't the main reason
I broke up with you.
It's not your problem, either.
It's just that I
have commitment issues.
Be it friends
or lovers.
Lock the door when you sleep.
The explosion had nothing to do with me.
You were simply framed.
Who did it?
Liu Mingli has always been my man.
That's why people believe
he's following your orders.
Why would he listen to you anyway?
Everyone has a soft spot.
Can they build a case
solely upon his statement?
With the call history between you two,
the money transactions
and the equity relationship,
they'll have enough to work on.
7 p-m, tomorrow,
soon as they got Liu's
confession and the evidence,
they can make the arrest right away
for attempted murder of a government official.
A horrendous crime that shook
the very core of our society.
That's death with reprieve, at least.
What do you want?
I want you to leave.
Out of the country.
I've told you a thousand times.
You never listened.
So, I'm sorry
but that's the only option.
You are forcing me to leave?
It's time to stay low.
No easy way out this time.
One of us has to...
I see.
Taking the fall.
What if I insist on staying?
The explosion
was meant for you.
I'm gonna be honest with you.
You leave if someone must.
I'm not going anywhere.
What am I gonna do
on some island in the middle of nowhere?
Sun bathing?
If I must die,
I'd rather die here.
Whatever you're gonna do to me,
bring it on.
I'm not finished.
You do have another option.
Go ahead.
Earlier this year,
I introduced you to
a businessman named Gao Jin.
Somehow you lost it
and blew him off.
I didn't mean to embarrass you.
It's just a bad deal.
That Gao Jin guy
wanted me to buy
60% of his company's shares
with 2.2 billions of my money.
Then, I was supposed to work
with a shell company of his.
Basically, it was like
giving the money back to him.
To sum up,
he'll end up with 4.8 billions in his pocket.
Well, it's not exactly a loss for you.
Gao Jin will make it up to you somewhere else.
How could you?
There's always money to take.
And always power to grip.
It's a bottomless pit.
Don't you get sick of it?
They are on to me now.
So, by helping Gao Jin,
you'll get to walk free?
7 p.m. tomorrow,
Once you sign the contract with Gao Jin,
Liu Mingli will stop talking.
What about the day after tomorrow?
And the day after that?
You win.
Actually, he's here.
You two should meet.
All right.
"Gao Jin, President of Zhong Chuang Inc."
Mr. Gao.
Mr. Gao.
We got off on the wrong foot earlier.
Zheng talks about you all the time.
I know you're capable and well connected.
And you always wipe your ass clean.
Quite a smart guy.
Tomorrow at 7 p.m.
we'll sign at Westin.
I got the contract ready long ago.
You got it.
In the future,
spend less time in the industries
and more time with me.
I'm out of here.
No problem.
19 o'clock, June 10th.
Bed 17, Jinjiang People's Hospital
Impatient Department.
This is Zhao Guogiang from
the Municipal Procuratorate.
Based on information
provided by the Police Bureau,
I hereby record this conversation
with Liu Mingli, the suspect.
Is it 7 p.m. yet?
You're not being completely honest with me.
You said this morning
that for my safety
you'd get me a new room
with a clock on the wall,
though synchronized with the time
on the medical equipment.
Except you forgot something.
The nurse who came to change medicine,
I took a look at her watch.
It was 30 minutes ahead.
I told you.
7 p.m.
Why does it have to be exact 7 p.m.?
I have OCD.
It's none of your business.
The Vice Mayor
Li Zhitian is here.
Almost done?
Just need to verify several figures.
He signed.
Mr. Li.
Are we going?
Why is he not leaving?
It's past 7 p.m. now,
are you gonna talk or not?
I don't feel like talking today.
What game are you playing here?
I'm just fucking irritated.
Zoom into his face.
Call the police.
Tell him to take some men
and head to the hospital now.
Yes, sir.
We'll come another time then.
See you.
Thank you.
Leave the ward now.
I'm not done here.
Go to the ground floor.
The SWAT team is on their way.
We want to see Liu Mingli
We want our money back.
We want our money back.
Police. Freeze.
What's going on?
Don't go in there or we will shoot.
Go up, take the stairs.
We want our money back.
Excuse us, out of the way.
Excuse us.
Team 2, secure the lobby.
Team 1, follow me.
Don't come any closer.
Or I will let go.
Don't do it.
I'm staying right here.
Hold your fire.
Hold your fire.
Stay calm, please.
Everything will be fine.
Let's talk about it.
Don't jump. We can talk.
You listen to me.
Liu Mingli forced us
to move and refused to pay.
We won't take that shit
We're here to ask him for our payment.
Is that right, Mr. Liu?
Calm down.
Let's talk.
Let's go to hell together.
Did I do something wrong?
You did nothing wrong.
Should we go on?
Look at your face.
Not that serious yet.
And you're depressed.
I don't think I'm a soldier.
I'm more like...
Soldiers march on determined. I'm just a horse.
A blind horse.
What are you saying?
You're quitting?
You all think of me
as a pawn on the chess board.
Li Zhitian seems to know my every move.
The Vice Mayor
called to get me out in advance.
He obviously knew something.
Too deep to get to know...
I don't even know who all are involved
I'm just a pawn. How can I not be depressed?
A pawn?
You need to be in the game
to be a pawn.
Only by playing will you know what's going on.
I trust your judgement.
you will know what's the right thing to do.
Do you believe that?
Of course I do.
all clues have been cut off. I can't continue.
Tell me what you think.
I'm not as smart as him,
but I
do have some hunches.
They might not make sense at all.
It's okay. Tell me.
The current situation
is kind of like a pot
with water in it.
And fire is burning beneath the pot.
There'll be bubbling sooner or later.
What do you suggest?
We wait.
We wait.
Fortunately, Jianming
didn't see the DNA test results.
I asked you to take care of it
and you left a back door.
So you can use it as a leverage, right?
If I wanted to do that,
why didn't I freeze the body?
How hard is that?
One of my men just screwed up.
You're overthinking this.
You expect me believe this is an accident?
You fucking planned this, motherfucker.
Again, you're getting ahead of yourself.
What this is is a sign from heaven.
To let you know
that you and I are in the same boat.
Mr. Vice Mayor.
You're pointing an illegally
possessed weapon at me.
You wanna kill me?
How are you gonna be fine?
You need to see this.
David slept with another woman.
At Zhiguang Hotel.
A prostitute?
His girlfriend before his days studying abroad.
They got together again.
When did this happen?
This afternoon.
Send me a copy.
Anything else?
I'm full.
You are?
When's your due date?
June 17th.
When are you going to the hospital?
I'm not going to a hospital.
I prefer the hotel.
Don't be childish.
You can't do that.
- Why not?
- It's possible.
We'll just bring
the machines, the doctor and nurses
to the hotel.
Can you do that?
You need to rest.
David and I have to talk.
It's work-related.
Be careful.
Thanks, dad.
- The floor is slippery.
- Just go.
Be careful.
Dad, what is it?
People like us,
doing what we do,
lies and tricks
are simply inevitable.
when people trust you
and treat you as their own
even as family,
You shouldn't do wrong
or lie to them.
I call that loyalty.
And to me that's the bottom line.
Dad, I'm 100 percent loyal to you.
Shut up.
Now listen to me.
Tomorrow make a public announcement
of your business trip to Los Angeles.
Don't come back until I tell you to.
But Shasha is going to give birth.
Shut up.
Then I'll give you some money
and you'll disappear.
What do you mean disappear?
What do you think?
What about Shasha?
I'm her husband.
The father of her child.
Not any more.
Not a word to Shasha
about our conversation tonight.
Or you'll know the consequence.
Is that 25887
I'm here with your hotpot.
Can you come down to pick it?
Wrong number.
Where's David?
At a roadside restaurant on Gutian Street.
I'm going to
deal with this myself.
Should we find out more first?
Who else has access
to these cards?
What are you looking at?
Who are you to gawk at my friend?
Are you asking for trouble?
You talk too much.
What the fuck are you doing?
One more word and I'll fucking kill you.
Bring it on. You want a piece of me? Come on.
This is your share.
And this is yours.
Liu Shunzi will drink more
and you boys drink less.
A drunken brawl.
There are wrenches lying around
on the construction site.
And this knife.
Make sure you put it in his hand.
Liu Shunzi will do eight to ten years.
And you boys one to three.
Here's the deposit book.
Did you have a good look?
Yes, I did.
I'll keep this for you.
My dad is building a house next week.
Could you send some men to help?
What are you, stupid?
You got three millions now.
Forget the house.
No surveillance cameras in that area.
Captain Wen is questioning the four guys
who turned themselves in.
surveillance footage from the restaurant,
and witness statement.
All match.
Flawless, huh?
I guess you made this call
to check out
if I'm still alive, right?
Too bad.
He was a good son-in-law.
It's you, behind this?
Don't be naive.
He's just too scared of you
so he wanted some back-up.
Haven't you thought about it?
Would he
have the balls to kill you?
It's not like he can take over after you die.
Those who do want you dead,
are from both inside
and outside the company.
Plenty of them.
Myself included.
That poor victim, your son-in-law,
was only a terrified young man.
You'll keep seeing
ghosts and shadows.
Just wait.
Long time no see.
Ms. Zhang.
Go buy some meat stuffing.
If it weren't your father,
Zheng wouldn't be who he is today.
Now he's being stubborn
and irrational.
As a matter of fact,
when it comes to political insight,
you're way better than Zheng.
First of all,
I hate to see the old man getting involved.
In which case things might
deteriorate to the point of no return.
And second of all,
I hope you can talk some sense into Zheng.
About what?
A lose-lose situation benefits no one.
Haven't you heard the saying?
Wives are not to be messed with.
There are normally two kinds of wives.
Ones that support their men for decades
so they can work hard to build their success.
And ones
that get ignored all their life
by husbands who only care about work.
for either kind of these women,
there's not much in the world
they can be threatened with.
They could be tougher than men.
you get the ass out of our house.
And don't you forget,
You, businessman.
That's good.
Now, fuck off.
I've been calling you that
all these years.
Never sister-in-law.
You know I've always respected you.
So, please don't blame me
for what happened today.
Just pretend I was never here.
And this...
is nothing.
I have no use for it.
Just a snapshot perchance.
You can keep it.
When did you take the photo?
Two weeks ago.
Uncanny resemblance.
It's her niece.
She grew up so fast.
Time flies.
Make her gone.
Can you do that?
Sure I can.
Just leave.
I was so stupid.
How could I not think of this?
Check the list of unnatural deaths
in the city back then.
We did. It's all accounted for.
Check again.
Accounted for is not good enough.
Compare the DNA samples.
Someone switched it
before cremation.
You can check the information on it.
Officer Su, that's Xiaowei over there.
Zhu Li.
A performer at the City Opera Company.
She quit her job about ten years ago
to run a tea house business.
And she's your...
She never got married.
You're her only relative now.
According to our file,
your aunt died in a car accident in 2004.
Conclusion given by the Traffic Administration
was that her car lost control,
crashed through the fence then into the river.
Driver of the other car fled
and was never found.
Her body was severely damaged.
They did DNA testing
then cremated her, case closed.
But your aunt wasn't the one they cremated.
The woman in the photo was.
You left a DNA sample
at the Traffic Administration
and through comparing
we confirmed the body shared your DNA.
Who hid my aunt's body?
And who did they cremate?
We're trying to find out.
Is this someone your aunt knew?
I don't know.
Do you remember
any clues before or after her accident?
I'll think about it.
Please try hard.
Your aunt
was buried in the dark
for long.
No one knew what happened to her.
Justice must be done.
If you think of or find anything,
give me a call.
We found a video tape of your
aunt performing at the City Opera Company.
We made a copy.
I think you may want one.
"Little child."
"Did you cry today?"
"Have your friends all gone?"
"Leaving you all alone?"
"Beautiful child."
"Did you cry today?"
"Have your pretty dress soiled?"
"And had no one to talk to?"
"Smart child."
"Did you cry today?"
"Have your precious gift lost?"
"And tried to find it in a windy day?"
"From dawn to dusk."
"My dear child."
"Why don't you let me take a look?"
"Did the wind blow out the candles?"
"And leave you walk alone in the dark?"
"Dear child."
"Wipe your tears away now."
Yang Xiaowei here. Is this Officer Su?
I found my aunt's old phone.
Bo knows.
I'm on my way back from the suburbs.
Don't tell anyone about the phone.
Put it back where you found it.
Put it back where you found it.
And leave it be.
Stay home.
Wait for me there.
It's gonna be fine, Li.
You'll be a grandpa tonight.
Any instruction?
Didn't you say we are on the same boat?
Now a storm is coming.
You're too modest.
We're just small boats. You're the big one.
The phone we didn't find back in the day
has just turned up.
If Jianming turn it on,
all boats are going to sink.
Big or small.
I'm a man of honor.
I'll take this one.
Just remember.
After all these
Try me.
Don't move.
Who's that?
Probably Director Su. He's on his way here.
Sir, go faster.
Before he shows up,
give me the phone,
and I'll leave.
Rape then Kill.
Why didn't you answer?
This is Liu Bo.
What's going on with you?
The bubbles in the pot.
I think I've found it.
If everything goes well,
we'll close the case tonight.
Are you sure about this?
In that case,
Wait up then.
How long will this take you?
I'll brief you in about an hour.
I got the SWAT team, traffic and communication
teams all standing by.
Stay in touch.
Be safe.
Roger that.
I know what you mean.
But under such circumstance,
I'm afraid we can't
- let the girl live.
- No.
That's not what we agreed.
You need to figure out a way
to get the thing from her
without hurting her.
Did you hear that?
You peed yourself?
That's fine.
I don't mind.
You two.
I got your bank account.
Untie her.
Keep the tape.
Get out.
Keep the tape on.
See this?
It's two millions.
Give us the phone
then click confirm yourself.
One-time offer.
You'll have nothing to lose
and everything to gain.
I've seen this many times.
No one can fight till the end.
It's not your fault.
This is how the world works.
Last chance.
Be smart.
Ten millions.
Take the money
and leave.
The phone you are calling is powered off.
Yang Xiaowei.
Sign this.
Approval for the use of firearm?
I agree.
Do this your way.
The SWAT team is ready.
The phone you are calling is powered off.
I think he got the phone.
Don't know.
He just went into this cell phone store
and bought an old-type charger.
What do we do now?
He must not turn that phone on.
You listen to me.
He must not be harmed.
I know.
Not on my watch.
what about that girl?
Don't touch her.
I'll tell you one more time.
Don't touch her.
Which one of you I should listen to?
Who indeed?
Charge it now.
Why don't you go to the bureau first?
Your place is closer. I have to make sure.
They followed me here?
Call the bureau now.
They haven't turn on the phone now.
Nor can they leave.
Or contact outside.
They are sitting ducks.
What are you waiting for then?
With all those tourist boat rides,
we'll get exposed.
Our men are stuck on the boat.
Yes, all signals have been jammed.
Only this satellite phone works.
Not even a single bar of signal. That's weird.
Did you get through?
No signal whatsoever.
They must have used a jammer.
Plus this boat is made of metal.
Why do you even live here?
Why don't we move
after this boat goes away?
How's that?
Mr. Li.
Doctor says the baby is in malposition.
Could be dangerous.
Get other doctors from the hospital.
Get the fucking OBGYN department here.
Wait, not now.
You got a mobile charger?
You got a mobile charger?
Where did that gun come from?
Phone isn't the only way to call someone.
Boss, a shot is fired.
Thank god we switched rooms.
This is an ancient phone.
Can't get any faster.
What's that?
I can't read lips.
I said it's ancient.
And I don't speak lips, either.
The baby is in malposition.
I need to turn her upright.
Work with me, all right?
Relax. Don't push just yet.
Don't be afraid. It's okay.
Now you can push.
Come on, push for me.
Very good.
Am I in danger?
You're okay, baby.
Daddy's here. Be brave.
Everything's fine.
Did you get in touch with David?
I did.
Just reached him.
He lost his phone.
Why didn't he tell us?
Does he know?
Of course he does.
He's in Los Angeles worrying about you. Relax.
Boss, there are dozens of rooms.
Should we go through them one by one?
What are you waiting for?
They're still here.
Take this.
And give me the gun.
Don't deprive me of the chance to protect you.
People call this love.
Come out.
Come out.
- What are you doing? Let me go.
- Get down.
Give me your hand.
I can't swim.
Jump anyway.
Come on.
Now, take a deep breath.
One, two, three.
Deep breath and again.
Here it is.
It's a girl.
Time, 2:53.
It's okay now, baby.
You're fine.
She's not crying. No muscular tension, either.
Prepare for CPR.
How's the heart rate?
Starting PPV.
One, two, three.
- One, two, three.
- Still no heart rate.
- One, two, three.
- It's okay.
One, two, three, inhale.
One, two, three, inhale.
Check heart rate.
One, two, three, inhale.
One, two, three, inhale.
Please, doctor, please.
I just saw them.
Now missing again.
Keep looking.
Don't worry.
There will be no escape.
It's back on power.
Go, go, go.
Come any closer I'll shoot.
Drop your weapon.
Check in the back.
We've got two down.
Still can't get in.
He turned the phone on.
He turned it on?
Listen to me.
What do we do now?
Should we go?
Wait, just wait there.
Prepare for intubation.
There, heart beat back on.
Back on.
There there.
Everything's fine.
Should we leave?
The boys could lose control.
Do we take it or not?
You insisted on adopting him.
I didn't want to.
But now that I've raised him.
He is my son, too.
I don't know if you'll hear this.
Your name, Jianming.
I came up with that
while I was pregnant with you.
Whatever last name
you might take in the future,
Mommy gave you this name.
It means hope for a better tomorrow.
There's not a day went by that
I didn't miss you or regret giving you away.
Zheng Gang will never admit you're his son.
He doesn't deserve to be your father.
My biggest mistake in life
was trusting him.
And now I realized that
he's nothing but a corrupted politician
and a criminal.
He conspired with Li Zhitian
in god know how many shady deeds.
I went to negotiate
with Zheng Gang for the last time.
If anything should happen to me
the murderer would be no one
other than Zheng Gang and Li Zhitian.
In a document on this phone
I kept the evidence of their crimes.
Mommy always love you.
Su Jianming, get down.
Go help them, go.
It's your turn.
Leave me alone for a while.
You're Zheng Gang's man.
I'm sorry, Li.
Zheng Gang wants you dead.
Police, freeze.
Hands up.
I have one question.
Why are you so sure
that I'd make this choice?
Because you once said
that you want to be
a true police for the people.
Li Zhitian.
I'm not here to interrogate you.
Just visiting.
The child is six-month old now, right?
She does look a bit like you.
Thank you
The bamboo pole.
The one in my room.
There's a hole in it.
Inside you'll find a flash disk
with video files in it.
It was raining that day.
In the presidential suite.
We sat on the sofa,
with Zhu Li lying on the floor,
We had to kill her
to stop her from reporting us.
I made Zheng Gang believe
that there was no
surveillance camera in the suite.
How is that possible?
It's been there the whole time.
Dozens of hard-drives.
And the most valuable info
is in that flash disk.
I must remind you.
You'll find more than
just things about Zheng Gang.
There's plenty of others.
So, think carefully
before you check on it.
Don't you worry.
I am here
just to check it out.
"Zheng Gang was found guilty
of intentional homicide, bribery,"
"and sheltering and indulging
criminal organizations."
"He was sentenced to death with
the deprivation of political rights for life"
"and confiscation of all personal property. "
"The proceeds of bribery
and their interests were also confiscated."
"He Xiuli was found guilty
of intentional homicide,"
"bribery, and offering bribes."
"She was sentenced to life imprisonment with
the deprivation of political rights for life,"
"and confiscation of all personal property."
"The proceeds of bribery
and their interests were also confiscated."
"Li Zhitian was found guilty of organizing
and leading a criminal organization,"
"intentional homicide,
provocation and trouble-making,"
"and illegal mining."
"He was sentenced to death with
the deprivation of political rights for life,"
"and confiscation of all personal property."
"Li Zhitian and others from the Jinwu Group
have been identified as a criminal organization"
"and will face severe
punishment according to the law."
"Gao Jin is suspected
of illegal occupation of national assets"
"and has been put under investigation."
"Several other officials involved
in the cases of Zheng Gang and Li Zhitian"
"have fled overseas
out of fear of prosecution."
"After extensive efforts, six of them
have been extradited back to the country
"to face legal trial."
"Yang Xiaowei, who risked her life
protecting key evidence,"
"was rescued by the police."
"Li Huilin has been conferred by
the Ministry of Public Security as a martyr."
"The Anti-Organized Crime Law
of the People's Republic of China,"
"which officially
came into effect on May 1, 2022,"
"is China's first specialized,
systematic, and comprehensive law"
"that regulates anti-organized crime efforts.
It marks a significant achievement"
"in the Party Central
Committee's campaign against crime"
"and is aimed at curbing
the proliferation of organized crime,"
"promoting the construction of
a safer China under the rule of law,"
"and ensuring the well-being
of the people, social stability,"
"and long-term national security."
"It provides a strong
and effective legal guarantee."
She probably still doesn't want to see you.
One minute left.
I'll wait.