Unit 7 (2012) Movie Script

The city prepares for world showcase
at the 1992 World Expo Fair.
You should get your arm
looked at.
I already did.
The nuns said it's nothing.
Nothing can happen to me anyway.
I'm immortal.
My virgins protect me.
- You don't believe me?
- Why wouldn't I?
Who would believe a junkie?
Another junkie.
You should take off your ring,
it'll give you away.
A grand will do.
- I don't have a grand.
- Me neither.
I only have 500.
It's my own money.
Okay, 500.
You're cool.
His mother irons his underwear.
She does not.
- Go on, show him.
- Don't touch me.
- You should be ashamed.
- Of what?
She still wakes you up in the morning.
Move out already.
With no furniture?
You don't need any.
She's hot, just marry her.
- How can I with no money?
- Then don't.
Let me have her.
I'll trade you for mine.
There he is.
That's it.
Wait till he leaves
and we go in.
- Bastards!
- Sons of bitches!
Sons of bitches!
Not so fast, German. Stay there.
Luis, take it easy.
Come here!
Why aren't you at school?
Where's your grandma?
Freeze! Freeze.
- Hands where I can see them.
- Here.
Take it.
There's thirty bucks.
It's yours if you let me go.
Don't move!
What if I stick you now?
Get back!
Or I'll slit your partner's throat.
I said get back...
Come here.
Come here.
I never want you
selling around here again.
I'll never come back, I swear!
Please, pull me backup!
If I see you again, I'll kill you.
Cuff him.
Eulogio, take away his beer
and give him some tea.
He's still crapping himself.
What's wrong?
You have no sense of humor?
Wipe your face, you're sweating.
See you tomorrow, asshole!
That one loves you, Mateo.
Are they the ones from this morning?
What did you get today?
Half a gram?
A little less?
Taking candy from children?
I might have to go off on somebody.
And I don't need you defending me.
I can handle myself.
- What's in your jacket?
- Nothing.
- Nothing? It's moving.
- What?
- Gross! A rat!
- It's a ferret.
- Where'd you get that?
- The junkies.
They locked the poor animal
in a washing machine.
Damn thing!
Come back here.
I want that rat out of here!
You're the rat.
This is a ferret.
- Damn you.
- Attack, ferret, attack!
- Get away.
- Son of a bitch!
I'll buy the next round.
I owe you one.
Thanks, some other time.
Put it on my tab.
Look how pretty.
They're real. Emeralds.
They belonged to a queen.
They're yours for thirty bucks.
Give me anything you want.
I'll throw in "Trojan Horse 4,"
I finished it.
You smile exactly like
your brother Pablo.
Give it here.
Real shame, that kid.
Hey, beautiful.
- How's the baby?
- Fine, he's asleep.
Did you take your insulin?
- What time?
- At noon. Before lunch.
- Check your sugar.
- I'm fine. I'll check it.
Do it before I leave, okay?
You never check it any more.
Okay, I said I'm fine!
I'll check it!
I'm sorry, Elena.
It's okay.
What time do you start?
I should be on the bus already.
I left some breast milk
in case Alejandro wakes up hungry.
There's an omelet in the fridge.
What if I wake up hungry?
- Did you touch the dog?
- No.
Shouldn't you be training
for the exam?
This doesn't seem like
good training to you?
The exam is a thousand yards,
minimum 3'20 to make detective.
One minute!
Two minutes!
Hey, man.
Are you okay?
- The courtyards are full of syringes!
- Relax, lady.
How can we relax
with that one around?
What's this for?
Hanging pictures?
That's not mine.
That bastard stabbed my son-in-law
with a screwdriver!
And I have to see his face
every day!
Don't worry, lady.
I'll look after you.
- Anything in your pockets?
- A sausage.
Go on, check.
- Scumbags!
- Watch it, lady. We're neighbors.
- Anything in your shoes?
- My feet.
Damn, my clean shirt again.
Aim better next time, lady!
You're coming with me.
What did I say?
Your shoes.
Don't fucking do this to me,
I'm not wearing socks.
Watch your mouth.
- Okay, you know the drill.
- I don't know how to swim.
Can my friend do it?
Or do you want ME to teach you?
You okay?
Don't worry, my virgins protect me.
Run, damn it!
Stay in the suburbs!
What about me?
Let me go or I'll sue your asses!
This is illegal.
What did I say?
What did I say?
What did I say, Amador?
- What did I say, motherfucker?
- That's enough.
Take it easy.
I'll sue you, motherfucker!
Sue me!
Sue me! Sue me!
Sue me! Sue me!
Sue me!
Sue me!
I've got it, Rafael.
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
Tell me where you get it
and I'll take you to the hospital.
Tell me who you buy it from.
He can't talk, his mouth is broken.
Say it again.
He sounds like your mom.
Clean his mouth out.
- Mahogany.
- Mahogany.
That's it.
I know who that is.
Rookies sure learn fast.
I wasn't gonna hit him.
I'm not like you guys.
See you tomorrow, gentlemen.
Your dinner will get cold.
Or did you lose your house keys?
I'll take that beer.
Give me two beers.
But you don't have to talk.
You married?
If you don't want me to talk,
don't ask.
Don't answer.
Already got kids?
An 8-month-old boy.
Yeah, very cute.
Pass me the darts.
What should we bet?
What do you want to lose?
Our shoes.
Loser walks home barefoot.
You must live nearby.
Leave your stuff on the ?oor.
Where are you two going?
What is that?
- Dump it, let me see.
- I'm a hooker, he's my boyfriend.
- He's a truck driver.
- Don't touch me. Stay there.
Separate it.
- We're good people. We don't shoot up.
- Don't touch me!
Don't touch me! Don't touch me!
What are you doing?
Put that away.
Don't touch me.
Have headquarters send two cells.
- What's upstairs?
- My apartment.
- Let's go.
- You don't waste any time.
On the first date?
At least tell me your name.
Keep looking.
Just crap and perverts
I told you there's nothing.
- What did the precinct say?
- They'll take ten minutes.
Last time a cop said that to me
he took two.
Keep quiet.
Actually, he looked just like you.
Was it you?
Shut up, I said.
And don't look at me like that.
- Mateo.
- I don't go to hookers.
One question, Mahogany.
Is that color natural or dyed?
My pussy is mahogany.
Like you didn't know.
Take it easy.
Forget it.
Please don't hit me in the face.
- Open it.
- That's it.
How much is here?
Where's a phone?
I'll call Julian.
Nothing, huh?
You're going to jail
for the rest of your life.
What are you doing, wacko?
Put that back.
What's he doing?
How many bricks hit the street?
A hundred, two hundred?
Each one a junkie,
and each junkie a snitch.
Are you crazy?
This is heroin, not breadcrumbs.
It could cost us our careers.
What career, Mateo?
What career?
What about her?
- She'll keep quiet, won't you?
- Another wacko.
I don't trust her.
- What if she blabs?
- Who will they believe?
- A cop or a hooker?
- What do we say?
That Jesus worked a miracle?
You're crazy.
- This is too much dope.
- Okay.
Damn, look at all that.
Don't touch it.
Get to work, you bums.
- You, let's go.
- No.
She's coming with us.
She's our informant.
Good work, gentlemen.
Finally some good news.
Marisa Morales, Diario del Sur.
Can you answer a few questions?
Screw me and I'll kill you.
Were you asleep?
No, I was playing dead.
- What time is it?
- I don't know.
- You've been drinking.
- I don't remember.
You shouldn't drink.
The exam results came out.
Call in to say you're not going
to work tomorrow.
You have to celebrate
your husband made detective.
I'm very happy for you
Angel, put on your pajamas.
I'll put them on tomorrow.
- Always catching the same guys.
- Against the wall.
- Never fails.
- Spread your legs.
Okay, okay.
- Anything on you?
- Like what?
You know I went clean a while back.
- You called?
- Yeah.
- What do you want?
- Anything I can get.
- What have you got for me?
- In the field down the street.
- How many?
- Two.
Careful with the redhead,
she's feisty.
What happened to your leg?
- Nothing, playing soccer.
- Move it.
I told you I was clean.
Always the same.
Hi, this is Angel Lares.
Give me the editorial office.
Look, it's Perico Delgado!
Faster, homo!
Police, open up!
What's wrong, got the shits?
Get over there.
You, over here.
Against the wall.
Spread your legs. Your legs!
Spread them. There.
What's this?
- I don't know. It's not mine.
- Shut up.
Hey, don't move...
Not so close, you'll catch AIDS.
I'm joking.
You can't catch it like that.
- What?
- Not by touching people.
Don't touch me!
Don't touch me, you homo!
Officer, I made you
fried fish balls.
You're making me fat, lady.
Right there, Jose.
- Shut your mouth, damn it.
- Want me to look dangerous?
You look like the Panchos.
Move your asses, damn it.
We have to do everything.
- Get this out of here, fatso.
- Bye.
Let me go, you're hurting me!
Don't push me.
Police. ls there a problem?
No problem.
Wait, my bag!
Next time you save someone,
ask first. I'm homeless now
You look great, Charity.
You should wear skirts more often.
You have very pretty legs.
- You need your eyes examined.
- And you, your heart.
your boyfriend's release form.
He'll be out on Monday.
Thank you, Angel.
Hi, Rosario.
- That stew smells great.
- Hookers don't eat anyway.
Watch your hand.
- What hand?
- That hand.
- What hand?
- Naughty boy! Get away, will you?
Where is it, Mahogany?
Right in front of you,
on that chair.
Any more?
Try in Canaries,
they sell plenty there.
That's the suburbs, we can't go there.
Give us something downtown.
The Marigalante. 32 Bajales St.
It's a hangout for rich homos.
- Cocaine or heroin?
- Rich people don't shoot up, honey.
Tell Mateo I dyed my eyebrows.
You guys didn't even notice.
- Don't make me jealous, Mahogany.
- Go on. Bye.
The one in the painting
looks like Miguel.
Only a homo would paint that.
He has Hugo Sanchez' legs
and my son Mateo's willy.
- Knock it off.
- He better stop looking at me.
New watch, Mateo?
My wife bought it with my money.
- Another bottle of whisky.
- I'm sorry,
you have to leave.
I'm closing in 5 minutes.
I'll show you closed.
Unit 7.
I'll tell you anything you want.
- Please don't hurt me.
- In your dreams, you ?aming homo.
Put that away.
I need to take a leak.
That's it, go take a leak
and settle down.
Relax, it's okay.
What's your name?
Where do you get it, Simon?
Should I look?
You want me to look for it?
I buy it in Canaries.
Good, Simon.
It's okay, you see?
Give us that bottle of whisky.
We're friends now.
And some almonds
or hazelnuts.
Something to snack on.
Angel, it's for you.
Some guy who says he's immortal.
- Did they give you breakfast?
- No.
These jerks don't have
room service on Sundays
Sir, if you don't mind,
I'll only drink the hot chocolate.
Churros give me heartburn.
Whatever you want.
- Can you fill this bottle with water?
- You again?
Fuck off already.
Fill it in the river.
Son of a bitch.
Friend of yours?
No. My friends are all dead.
Being immortal has a downside.
Drugs just give you cavities.
Sir, are you my friend?
Would I have got out of bed
if I weren't?
Charge me and give me
a bottle of water.
Take it to him.
I know something big.
Drink your hot chocolate
and tell me after.
There it is.
It comes straight from Algeciras.
Two shipments a month.
Same nurses, same patient.
See? Nobody stops an ambulance.
Let's get out of here,
I don't like this place.
You dropped this.
I recognized you from the photo.
You look better without the beard.
I have nowhere else to go.
One night and you leave.
Mateo, you've had three.
It's okay, honey.
I can count. Relax.
- You relax.
- Let's both relax.
- We didn't order this...
- It's for Mr. Julian.
That bastard always shows up
just in time for the photo.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen
Mateo, don't get up.
First of all,
I'd like to propose a toast.
To my best unit in years.
That's why I need you
to keep going.
We have to make it
in time for the Expo.
To ridding downtown of drugs
by next year.
Please, sit down.
Freeze, police!
Put that down.
Slowly, so I can see it.
Face down.
Hands on your head.
What's wrong?
Are you guys mute?
You won't talk?
Neither one of you?
Come on.
Let's have a little chat.
Please don't make me talk.
They'll kill me if I talk.
I have two children.
In here, check it out!
There's enough heroin in here
to plaster a whole wall.
Hold on.
Come here!
Stop hitting him, you'll kill him!
Leave him alone, asshole!
You're gonna kill him!
- You're so brave!
- Son of a bitch!
He has a gun!
Where are you?
Come out and look!
Come out and look!
We're Unit 7!
Nobody fucking sells here!
Did you bring my cigarettes?
Don't worry, I didn't steal it.
I bought it at the ?ea market.
Next time buy something that works.
Why wouldn't it work?
You see?
You should trust people more.
You'd be better off.
It's your tum to cook.
I bought steaks and vegetables.
Or we can go for a walk first.
It's a nice day.
Where did you get that?
There are tons in the loft
in my room.
Who's Pablo?
His name is on every book.
If you touch my stuff again,
you're gone.
Did we hit him or not?
No, no, no.
Just a little slap.
A few.
I remember one.
Because he was a transvestite
and he gave Miguel this look.
How did he look at Bruce Lee?
Like a homo.
So the tranny wanted
to get back at Miguel
and he says at the trial...
He had straight hair,
parted in the middle, remember?
So the tranny looks at the judge
all serious
and he says,
"I'll take the fifth amendment
And Mateo says,
"And I'm Perry Mason."
What a homo!
He was really something.
How did he look at Bruce Lee?
That's it, that's it.
Mateo, say something to your son.
Mateo! Hey, Mateo!
Leave him alone, damn it.
It's his communion,
he can break whatever he wants.
To Unit 7, gentlemen.
Rafael, Miguel, sweetheart,
my love...
- Eat the cake. You don't like it?
- It's delicious.
Want me to call Rosa and we can go out
for dinner just the two of us?
- We just ate.
- Then we won't eat.
How about a movie?
I promise I won't fall asleep.
- I promise.
- Okay. But I pick the movie.
PUNK, FAGGOWhat's wrong?
It's a lot of stuff.
Mom, of course I'm eating.
I was sick in that photo.
I'm thin, I always have been.
Yeah, I got the money.
could you send some more?
I don't know, a little more.
As much as you can.
I promise to pay you back later.
How's Dad?
- What are you watching?
- Nothing.
You're not going out tonight?
I don't feel like it.
Don't look at me, asshole.
You want me to leave?
I'm cold.
Thanks, Pace.
See you soon.
The car is ours.
From Internal Affairs.
What do we do?
We have to shut down Mahogany.
Angel Lares?
He's in there.
Marisa Morales, Diario del Sur.
Nice to meet you.
I thought you'd be older.
You're very young to be regarded
so highly in the department.
- Can I ask you a few questions?
- Yes.
Why has your group had more busts
in the last year than any other?
Citizen collaboration.
We get a lot of tips from neighbors.
With those figures the whole city
must be working for you.
Why are you getting 10 times
more complaints than last year?
Because we've arrested
100 times more people.
- Are your methods legal?
- Ask the judge that.
Do you think the judges
are being impartial?
Do you believe injustice, ma'am?
Thank you very much.
I'll be right with you.
- Can I ask a few questions?
- Of course.
What else can you tell us?
Well, we'd been planning the raid
for some time.
- Let's go.
- Let go of me!
- Come on, move.
- Leave me alone!
They're not involved.
Charity. Carmela.
They'll kill me here.
You're with us, nothing will happen.
What will happen to my girls?
They can fend for themselves.
What are you looking at?
A little privacy.
It's okay, come here.
I got you something.
What is it?
I don't know if they're real,
but they're pretty.
Stack the yellow ones, one by one.
I'll stack the blue ones, okay?
There. Stack them one by one.
Kira, would you be quiet?
What does that say, Joaquin?
Say it out loud.
"Expo 92. The world is watching."
Above that. What does it say?
Who wrote that?
Who knows, some junkie.
- Plenty around.
- Ls there more of this?
I don't notice that stuff.
Are we not friends any more,
Sure we are.
Then why are you lying to me?
Find out who wrote it.
I don't want to do this any more, sir.
One of these days
I'll get my head blown off.
Can I do it tomorrow?
This is far away.
I told my mom I'd be home for lunch
and I don't want her to worry.
There they are.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Bon appetit, ladies.
- Thank you.
Where is it?
- Where is it?
- I don't know anything.
You don't know?
Where is it?
Where is it?
Look at me.
Where is it?
Just books and weird paintings.
- Did that one say anything?
- No.
I won't hit him.
Bring in his brother.
Open your mouth.
You see your brother? Tell me where you
hide the drugs or I'll break his teeth
- one by one.
- We don't have any.
Want me to break them?
Do I smash his teeth or yours?
- Where are the drugs?
- Angel, that's enough!
- There's nothing here!
- Let me go, damn it!
There's nothing here!
You're not my boss.
So never tell me what to do again.
Rafael is right.
There's nothing here.
That goes for you too, Mateo.
What's his problem?
Where are your keys?
In the kitchen.
I'll get my things and leave.
Samuel and David Solis, architects.
Their father's
a famous lawyer.
We got a wrong tip.
We couldn't have known who they were.
A wrong tip?
I'll read the medical report.
"Seven centimeter gash
in right parietal area, six stitches.
Six centimeter gash, five stitches.
Seven centimeter gash
in right parietal area,
five stitches..."
Shall I go on? Can you distinguish
a wrong tip from a wrong action?
Julian, sir.
- A witness saw drugs in the garden.
- Yeah.
A junkie who'd swear you're
the president for a fix.
They'll sue, and it's serious this time.
Have you read today's paper?
Marisa Morales,
the father's friend
and editor of the Diario del Sur.
I suppose you know her.
If you haven't had breakfast yet,
don't read it.
She gave you a rave review
which made me want to puke.
You can write whatever
you fucking want now.
Police! Stop the ambulance!
- I have a patient!
- Pull over!
Son of a bitch!
Faster, faster!
Where is it?
Hands on your head.
- Get out.
- My stomach hurts.
- I'm sick.
- You want a suppository?
I'm getting out.
- And they say cops can't work miracles.
- Search it.
Put that away. I'll get him.
- What did I say?
- Watch it.
What did I fucking say?
You're not my boss!
- You thought I'd shoot him?
- Stop it!
- Did you?
- That's enough already!
If you lower my gun again,
you'd better watch out.
- Tum it up.
- It's already full blast.
And in Seville, members of Unit 7,
part of the Narcotics Brigade...
- Look at Mateo.
- That's not me.
- Sure it is.
- Wow, you're right! Look how fat I am.
The camera makes you fatter.
And all those meat dumplings he eats.
- Angel looks handsome.
- That's the camera.
Keep quiet.
I'd like to add that,
including this latest seizure,
the biggest ever in the area,
Unit 7, which has been unjustly
attacked by the media,
has confiscated narcotics
worth more than 1.7 billion pesetas.
Of all the arrests made in Seville,
more than 50%
have been made by Unit 7.
Have you gentlemen seen enough,
or will you stay for the weather?
If my wife saw it,
she'll have me eating granola.
- She sees you every day.
- Give me two beers.
Tell your boss to get you some air
conditioning, it's too hot in there.
Miguel Ruiz Lozano.
Breathe, Mateo.
If I breathe the suit will burst.
It cost me a bundle. It's Italian.
- Is that your son's suit?
- Not the suit again.
It's tailor-made, damn it.
It's supposed to fit like this.
- When did they measure you?
- Fine, I put on weight.
So what?
Let him go, he's not going anywhere.
It's fading.
This love I made
with my hands,
it's fading.
It's fading.
What I wanted so badly for so long,
it's fading.
There's no reason
what I worked so hard for
shouldn't last.
There's no reason
it should slip from my hands
so fast...
What's up, Mateo?
- Give me a kiss.
- Hey, take it easy.
No kiss for me?
Not for you.
Good lord.
- I have a question, Mahogany.
- Go ahead.
Is it true your pussy is red?
Wanna see it?
Cover yourself, damn it!
Put your beaver away.
Now I need a kiss.
Simon, Simon.
Get her off me
or I'll shut you down.
He smacked her.
I'll get you off the street.
I'm a gentleman.
I'll get you out of Canaries.
I'll buy you a house.
Okay, Mateo. Let me go.
You're the one holding me.
Pablo called this morning.
He's dead, Lucia.
He couldn't have called.
I can't keep you locked up in here
any longer
You need rehabilitation.
I know a center where
I can visit you every day.
Those places are expensive.
I can't afford it.
I can.
Come in. I've been expecting you
for a while now.
You're the only one
who hadn't come yet.
How much do you want?
Let me go!
Let me go! Let me go!
What are you, my savior?
Rafael the savior.
Please, don't make me laugh.
You knew this all along,
but you didn't want to see it.
You're not saving me,
you're saving yourself.
You need forgiveness and you keep
lighting candles for your Christ.
But I'm nobody's penance.
I'm not your brother Pablo.
I don't need you.
I don't love you.
Please stop me from leaving.
Sit down, Angel.
Or should I call you Detective?
They call anybody that nowadays.
She asked for Detective Lares,
her husband.
Why is she here?
Unit 2 stopped her, routine check.
This was in her trunk.
That belongs to my unit.
I was turning it in this morning.
There you have it.
- I hope it's clear in your report.
- Don't threaten me.
I'm not threatening anybody.
I've told you a thousand times
not to take my car.
Not my car, not my car,
not my car!
Do I have to hide the keys from you
like a little girl?
Hi, sweetie.
Stay here with Rosa,
Mommy will be right out.
WW. Angel?
For you two.
For us, what?
For us, what?
Did I ask you to lie to me?
Afraid to go out, afraid to stay home.
Did I ask for this?
- Lower your voice.
- I don't want to.
Stop telling me what to do.
You're acting like all this
is my fault.
I don't know what you want, Angel.
Don't answer it.
Don't. Let it ring.
Where is she?
I'm on my way.
Okay, I'll see you there.
I have to go back to work.
We'll talk later.
- When?
- When you've settled down.
You didn't have to prove
anything to me.
Don't forget your insulin.
Tum on the alarm
before you leave.
- Where is she?
- First ?oor.
They wouldn't let me see her.
- You can't go up there.
- We're police officers.
No visitors allowed.
I said we're police officers!
Go change bedpans!
- I'm calling security.
- Go right ahead.
Mahogany, can you hear me?
Who did this to you?
Can you talk?
With a tube in her mouth?
If any cops ask about us,
don't say anything.
What's she going to say?
Take a look at her.
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry...
Why are you running, Joaquin?
I'll miss lunch at the shelter.
It's early. I'll take you.
Have you got anything to tell me?
About what?
- What's wrong with her?
- You didn't hear?
About what?
You want to sleep in jail tonight?
- Know what they do to snitches in jail?
- The same as on the street.
Yeah, but in jail you can't run.
Will you let me go if I run?
You'd leave your mother alone?
I'll get out.
Okay, okay, okay!
I'll tell you who burned Mahogany.
Just stop hitting me, please.
This way.
Watch the ?oor,
it's full of syringes.
Lower that shotgun,
you'll shoot my eye out.
Drop your weapons.
Look who came to see us.
The Teletubbies.
What noses you guys have.
What noses.
Did you guys come for your stuff?
Open your mouth.
Open your mouth, damn it.
I have a present for you.
Choke him! Choke the pig!
Take off your clothes.
Didn't you hear me?
Take off your clothes!
That's it.
Show me those panties, Blondie.
Hands on your head.
That's it.
They're so brave!
Now get on your knees
and go back to your car.
Hands up.
Look at him tremble...
Go on, move it.
No, not you. Not you.
I want you on all fours,
like your dog.
That's how you get it.
Come back, if you have the balls!
Son of a bitch!
Move it!
- We have to go back.
- Are you crazy?
We're police officers, damn it.
We have to go back.
- Take me to a hospital.
- What do you want?
You want my ring?
- Take it.
- Don't bust my balls.
Want my shoes too? They're worth
a hundred bucks. Take them.
Don't bust my balls.
Take my watch.
Stick it up your ass!
- Take me to a hospital.
- Shut up!
That's enough!
We're going to a hospital.
It's okay, Miguel.
We're taking you.
How many times do I have to say it?
Stay in the center of town.
They're selling drugs
and weapons there.
Don't interrupt me, I'm talking.
If you want to see the world,
buy a canteen and go camping.
I'm sick of getting chewed out
because a group of street cops
think they're a SWAT team.
It's over. You're damn fucking right
it's over.
In case you haven't heard, internal
Affairs is investigating you.
I'm getting pressure from the county
to dissolve the group.
And I'm sorry.
But I can't defend you any more.
Lower your hand,
you're not school boys.
Get out.
Did you not hear me?
Yeah, speaking.
Cobalt blue denim jeans.
Wool sweater.
Underwear, two articles.
Two socks which she's wearing
A rubber hair band and two earrings.
Write on the earrings,
in parentheses:
"N period, V period."
No value.
And a green suede change purse
with a bus ticket
and a piece of paper
- Do we know the cause of death?
- Adulterated heroin.
Write that at the top by the personal
information of the deceased.
And put: "Body found in Candelaria."
Are you okay?
I'm leaving.
I'm going back to Candelaria.
- Get up. Help me find the drugs.
- Let's go.
What am I supposed
to do with you guys?
Do what you've always done.
Look the other way.
What do you want?
I hereby inaugurate
the World Expo Fair in Seville.
The jury finds the defendants
not guilty.
Miguel Ruiz Lozano,
Mateo Prado Jimenez,
Rafael Cantera Lujan
and Angel Lares Pacheco
are absolved of the crimes
for which they were accused
by the prosecution.
Signed today at the present location
by the members of the jury.
You are free to go.
- Tell him, Miguel.
- You tell him.
- Hi.
- What's up?
Okay, gentlemen. I'm off.
I have to pick up
- my kids at school.
- I'll go with you.
Did you give him
his wedding invitation?
That's right.
It's in June.
How are you?
I need to be careful
because of the hepatitis.
I don't know who's happier,
the bride or his mother.
Come visit me some time.
I'm bored issuing licenses all day.
You know what the worse thing is?
I was having fun.
See you soon, Rafael.
Make sure you come.
- You look good.
- I'm sleeping well.
Congratulations on the promotion,
- How's life in the country?
- Calm.
My pay goes a lot farther
in a small town. I spend very little.
How's your son?
Very cute.
Elena got offered a job in Malaga,
I'm thinking of requesting a transfer.
I convinced her to buy a house
at the beach.
You know, for the kid.
You look good too.
Wanna play darts?
- Pass me the darts, Eulogio.
- What for?
I took the bull's-eye down
last year.
- I have to go.
- Come on, we haven't talked in ages.
Just one beer.
Give me a beer.