Unlisted Owner (2013) Movie Script

Hey dad, need
any help with that box?
No I got it, honey.
Hey Chloe, can you grab the door for me?
Trenton, can you go
grab that for sale sign
out of the yard?
- Alright.
- Thanks, buddy.
Hey dad, that
box looks really heavy,
what did mom pack in it?
Trust me, enough.
Hey mister, I heard that.
It's just really hard, dad.
Having to leave all my friends behind
and having to do all of it in high school.
I know sweetie,
but this is the only place
I can get a teaching job
and trust me, you'll meet new friends.
I don't want new
friends, I want my friends.
You're not the only
one making sacrifices.
I know you guys are still
mad at us for this move,
but look at this big house.
Gimme a couple years, I'll fix
it up, and you will love it.
It'll be perfect.
Hey, is there a key to unlock this door?
I don't know,
why don't you try the bolt first, stupid?
Hey, you guys need to get outside
and help your dad unload those boxes.
I don't know what to do.
I think someone's in the house.
I don't know where everybody is.
I just don't-
- Chloe, what the hell is going on?
I think someone's in the house.
There's no one in the
house honey, come on.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Let's just get back in our sleeping bags.
You know the furniture is
gonna be here tomorrow.
Come on, let's go.
It's okay.
Dude, you ready to get
your ass kicked at this game tonight?
Oh fuck dude,
it's gonna be a repeat
of the fuckin' beer pong.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, listen to you.
- Dude, hey?
- What?
Are you gonna help us
or are you gonna play
with the camera all day?
Dude I just got
this thing, you know that.
I'm just trying to focus in-
- I don't give a shit.
Oh yeah, why don't you focus that thing
on your little dick.
If it sees that, then
you've got a good camera.
Dude, whatever, you
just trying to see this thing.
Let me see this thing.
Give me my camera back.
Dude, if you're gonna use my camera
at least use it right.
Get off me.
All right, all right, all right.
No seriously, gimme my camera back.
No, man.
So how bad do you have to fuck up
for mom and dad to buy
you this piece of shit?
Dude, you don't always have to bring
my parents into everything, okay?
My parents did not buy that for me.
I bought it with my own money.
- Gosh, give me a break.
- Uh-huh.
Whoa, whoa, Jed
seriously calm down, man.
No dude, he always brings
my parents into this stuff.
I'm tired-
- Dude, hey.
- What?
Gavin, I think you may
have offended the poor guy.
Oh, he knows I'm
kidding, don't you Jed?
You know I'm kidding, man.
I'm tired of this shit.
Let's get this stuff loaded.
Oh, hold on.
No, come here.
Whoa, whoa dude, seriously.
- No, seriously.
- Time out.
More important shit than
messing with your little camera.
- Oh yeah, like what?
- Hold on.
Hey man, I told you about
this chick I been texting?
No, what's her name?
Stacey, and she is hot.
Does she have any friends?
- Yes.
- Without herpes?
Well, She has a friend.
We'll have to look into that second part.
Her name is and she is also hot.
Yeah, what's it matter if
she has herpes anyways Gavin?
You'll still fuck her.
Yeah, but if she has herpes,
I might wear a condom,
if you know what I'm talking
about, Jed.
Let me know how that goes for you.
It'll be the same as always
and I'll be the only one getting laid.
- You guys won't-
- Here he goes.
- Okay.
- Listen.
The only way that you
and you will get anything
is if you fuck each
other, I'm just saying.
Best you got right there.
Oh no, no, I'm just getting warmed up.
I'll be in the tent
you know, getting it on, you know, nasty.
And you guys are gonna be out there
just roasting your little marshmallows
like "Oh, mine's on fire,
blow on it, blow on it".
Oh okay, Jed, Jed.
So you're going to get fucked
tonight is what you're saying?
You know it.
Okay, I'll be the one doing the fucking.
Uh-huh, with your fucking hand.
Hey, you be good to him tonight.
Get off me seriously,
that's not even funny.
Let's just get this shit loaded up.
Oh man, stop whining.
Gimme a hand
Hand me the tent.
Oh, you had to pick up
the fucking heavy one
didn't ya, macho man?
Dude, help me you shit.
Here, hand me that other one.
Oh, dude.
Oh shit, you fucking assholes.
Dude, you so should've seen
your fucking face, man.
No, no, it's not even cool.
Not even fucking cool.
No, seriously.
The fuck's your problem, dude?
Dude, we didn't even get
your fucking personal camera.
Dude, it doesn't matter.
It's the principal of the fact, what?
Hey, hey hey, calm down.
We wouldn't do anything
to your little camera.
Only to you, bitch.
Dude I don't give a shit.
You guys always do this stuff to me
when Griffin's not around
to mess with, I'm tired.
Oh, fucking quit your whining.
You didn't even get wet.
Dude, it's the
principle of the fact.
Calm down, you're being a bitch.
No dude I don't even care.
What, what'd you-
- Did you hear what happened?
What are you talking about?
Turn on the radio.
What do you
mean, turn on the radio?
- Just turn on the radio.
- No.
Turn on the radio, Gavin.
Just in case
you're just tuning in, breaking news from
the Lawford County Sheriff's Department.
A family of five has been found dead
in their home this morning around 8:15am.
See, told you guys.
Any other details-
- That's pretty crazy.
with any future updates,
here on 95.9 The Raven.
I can't believe that.
Hey, here's Griff, he's coming.
Hey, what's up man?
Hey, you guys aren't gonna believe
what we just saw on the way here.
What you talking about?
To do with, anything with
the family of five that was
found dead in their house today?
Yeah, you should see the house, man.
There's police cars and
ambulances everywhere.
You should see all the
people out there, it's crazy.
I can't even imagine.
It's probably about a
mile off the camp site.
Right on the edge of town.
Dude, it's the big
yellow one right across
from the Wooler's place.
That's crazy.
Dude, they just bought that
house not even a week ago.
Fucking bad luck for them, right?
No shit man.
You guys are dumb.
That's not even funny.
Not even cool, guys.
- Hey, we're mature.
- Yeah.
How about this, let's go
see who's all out there.
- I'm in.
- Game?
Griffin, you lead the way.
- Let's go.
- Road trip.
Alright, let's go.
Dude, look at
this place, holy shit.
Dude, you got that thing on, right?
Yeah dude, it's rolling.
Man, I'll tell you what,
this is gonna be sweet.
What's sweet about people's
lives that were lost?
Tell me you're not a little excited
about seeing some dead bodies.
No, I'm actually kinda freaked out.
Andrea, just chill.
It'll be all right, I promise.
You know we're just joking
around anyway, Andrea.
You know what, you might
as well get used to it
because you're gonna be
with us all night long.
Get away from me, you dumb ass.
Jed, are you seriously gonna
have that camera on here?
Dude, there's nothing illegal
about having your camera on.
It's gonna be good footage.
How about we have a
little respect for the dead.
Dude, there is
nothing disrespectful
about having your camera on, okay?
News crews do it all the
time, so just back off.
It never can be used if you-
- There he goes again, being
a little bitch like always.
No kidding.
You go again, being a dick like always.
Aww, listen to her,
we love you too Haidee.
Shut up, don't touch me.
We should just leave, Griffin.
I dunno, I kind of wanna
to see what happened.
You wanna know what happened?
I'll find out what happened.
Whoa dude, what are you doing?
- Hey, whoa, whoa.
- I'm gonna go-
- No, you walk around...
Fuck you guys.
This is gonna be sweet.
This is so crazy.
Oh my God.
Are they really bringing someone out?
Oh my God.
Dude, are you kidding me?
- Holy crap.
- Oh my God.
- That is crazy.
- No way.
Oh my God.
Dude, I wonder what happened.
This is fucking nuts.
That is so gross.
Oh my God.
I don't even wanna watch it.
This is nasty.
Holy shit.
Why would they bring him out
in front of everybody?
Well what else are they gonna do?
They got him in a body
bag, that's good enough.
I've never
seen anything like this.
Dude, that is nuts.
How many people lived here?
I think they said five.
I only saw them bring
out one though, body.
Is that all you saw?
Just one?
Fucking crazy shit.
Did they get
all the rest of them out?
Yeah, I don't know.
This is crazy.
I don't believe this shit.
Could give you nightmares.
Ah, this is freaking nuts.
You guys seen what's goin' on?
Dude, what the fuck Tanner?
Son of a bitch, dude.
Don't be sneaking up
on us like that, man.
- God.
- Are you serious?
We're a little uneasy as it is.
From what I been hearing,
they're all murdered.
I think it's a serial killer.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, right.
Man, what gives you that idea,
there hasn't been a murder here
for like eight years
or something like that.
Like 15 years ago, this place
almost burned to the ground.
Can you remember that?
- That was this place?
- Right here.
I didn't even realize that.
What do you think happened then?
Well, from all the stories,
this is what I think.
The guy was a union worker
and he wasn't at the house all the time.
But the wife was always there,
and she was cheating on him.
The kids even knew about it,
the whole town knew about it.
The one day he did find
out, he went ballistic.
He comes over to the
house, locks them all up
in the basement, shuts all the windows,
and sets the place on fire.
When the police arrived, they
said they found five bodies.
I don't think they found Tom's body.
Ever since then, things
have been going crazy.
Like what?
I know a couple guys have
been falling off ladders.
A guy lost this thumb.
Man, this is stupid.
That sounds like another
dumb ass ghost story to me.
Think whatever you want,
but they're dead now, okay?
Whatever, man.
How about this for your ghost story, okay?
That people came down here,
they family, alright?
They were probably halfway.
- No, no, no
- That's a ghost story.
Telling you the story,
tried helping you out.
If you don't believe me, fine.
I'm outta here.
All right, see you Tanner.
You guys are fuckin' assholes.
Dude, that story is bullshit.
You guys wanted
to know what happened,
he tried telling you.
His story sounds legit to me.
Whatever, dude.
I don't know guys.
I just know that I
don't want to go camping
this close to where
someone's been murdered.
Hey, you heard the douche
bag, it's like hearsay.
Nobody freaking got
murdered or any of that.
Where else are we
gonna go camping, anyway?
I don't know, we can
just go somewhere else.
This is the only
land any of our families own.
Seriously, come on man.
And we're already here.
We decided to stay so you two
might as well stay with us.
It just wouldn't be the same without you.
That's true.
You wanted to go camping for a month now.
Yeah Griff,
seriously stop being a pussy.
And I don't want to be the only girl,
so please Haidee don't leave me alone.
She needs someone to keep her safe.
Especially with these two idiots.
- Oh, come on.
- Oh shit.
You girls won't be the
only girls out there.
There'll be a couple more.
They just called you out.
Yeah, your skanks don't count.
- We're classy.
- Oh shit.
Hey, hear that?
We lower our standards for reasons.
All right well,
just want to fucking go.
Let's do this, come on Griff.
- Let's go.
- Come on Griff.
- Alright.
- Let's go.
You'll be okay.
That's the spirit.
All right, hey,
so everyone just meet
at my house like around
5:30, we'll call it good?
All right, let's do this.
Let's go get something to eat.
Afternoon, I'm Detective Hoffee
with the Lawford County
Sheriff's Department.
Can you please state
your name for the record?
Tanner Lewis.
Okay Mr. Lewis,
do you know why you're here?
We've obtained video evidence
of you, Mr. Lewis speaking
with a Jed Groves,
Gavin Landers, Tyler Brian,
Griffin Potts, Andrea Mills
and a Haidee Summers, three days ago
at the scene of a multiple murder.
What can you tell me about that?
They were my friends
and I just talked to 'em.
I talked to my friends.
And what was the conversation
you had with them in the video?
They asked me what happened.
So I just told them the
family was murdered.
And then I told 'em it was, you know...
it kind of reminded me of the story
that happened in the
same place 15 years ago.
And what's the story?
It's just from what I heard,
but the guy who lived there, Tom.
His name was Tom,
And he found out that his
wife was cheating on him,
so he went crazy.
He put the kids and the
wife in the basement
and burnt them all alive.
The fire department says that
they found the whole family
in the basement burned alive.
But the story is that they
never found Tom's body.
Is that
all you talked to them about?
Well, I told them...
Yeah, that's what I said.
The family who bought it died,
and then I told them the story.
Where did you go after...
Where did they go after
you spoke with them?
I don't really know.
I think they just went camping?
Where did you go
after you spoke with them?
I went home.
Okay, Mr. Lewis, we've got
a family of five murdered,
six other persons missing,
an abandoned camp site,
a missing police officer,
and a three-story house that
looks like a butcher shop.
We need some answers.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I didn't know they were missing.
I just thought they
were there for that day.
They went camping.
I didn't know they're missing.
the last person to see them.
Look, I told you everything I know.
Can I just go home?
I've been here for three hours.
I told you everything I know, I just...
Look, I just wanna go
home, I just wanna go home.
I don't know.
I don't know anything else.
You seriously have that
thing on everywhere we go.
I mean, we're in a car,
do you have to have it on?
Andrea, Andrea, just stop it-
- She's right Jed, you've
had that thing on all day.
Pretty soon it's going to
be attached to your body.
Get off me, Tyler.
There's nothing wrong with this.
I don't see what you guys are getting
all bent out of shape about.
It's annoying.
No, but when we get out at
the campsite, you better help.
None of this shit like last time.
I fucking helped last time.
Listen Jed-
- I'm tired of you guys
always saying I don't help.
I always fucking help.
And besides, you know,
Griffin's gonna have
his camera out there too.
So you can bitch at him
all you want, alright?
Good, so we're gonna have
two worthless motherfuckers out there
Oh my God.
Hey, turn that up.
This just in from
the Lawford County Sheriff's
Department regarding
the horrific crime that
occurred last night,
the Sheriff's department has stated
the deaths have been ruled as a homicide,
with no suspects at this time.
Anyone with information needs to call
the Lawford County Sheriff's Department.
Now back to the newest thing
here on 95.9 The Raven.
Oh my God.
If Griffin heard that he's
gonna be freaking out.
- You know it, dude.
- Hell yeah.
I just hope he-
- It's fucking Griffin.
Are you serious?
- Hello?
- Oh fuck.
Yeah, yeah man we heard it.
Are you kidding me?
No, there is no killer hiding
out in the woods, Griffin.
Hey, tell Griffin to tell
Haidee that she can't leave me.
You need to just stop
being a pussy, alright?
Tell him.
Haidee, you can't leave me.
Hey, Andrea says that Haidee
can't leave her out here.
Thank you.
If you come out there
and you get the sudden urge
to leave, that's fine you can leave.
But you at least have
to help us set up camp.
I mean, I really don't wanna have
to unload this thing.
We're already on our way,
you have to help us set up camp.
- You ain't gonna help anyway.
- Fuck you.
Yeah, all right, thanks bye.
Are they still coming?
- Yes.
- Thank God.
I'm surprised.
I figured he'd just wanna go back home.
He needs to stay out there.
I mean, I have never met a guy
that has been so scared so easily before.
Yeah, me neither.
It's kind of embarrassing.
You seriously still
have that thing on, Jed?
What's the big deal?
There's nothing wrong.
You guys always get pissed off
about the littlest stupid shit.
I don't understand it.
You have it on all the time.
I just got this, you know I did.
Just lay the fuck off.
I mean, it's no different than him.
Look at him, he's up here
on his phone all the time.
What are you doing, huh?
Man, I'm trying to get
Gavin and I hooked up.
I'm actually doing
something productive, okay?
- Oh, productive my ass.
- Oh my God.
So how's that goin'?
I think you're
gonna be real happy
with the treats I'm
getting out there tonight.
Ew, that's disgusting.
Yeah, real happy.
Seriously Jed,
turn that damn thing off.
- Jesus Christ.
- Get off me, man.
This is fucking bullshit, you
guys always get pissed off-
- Yeah, we'll be all right, we good.
- But seriously...
- What?
Seriously, Jed?
You started this shit already?
Dude, I got plenty of
battery to last us all night.
Turn that fucking thing off.
I'm not sure if that's
what he meant, douche bag.
I think it is,
so don't worry about-
- What's up, man?
- We're the last ones.
- Fuck.
- How you doing?
- I'm alright now.
Think that guy's probably long gone.
- So you're good to go?
- Yeah, we good.
I wouldn't worry
about it Griff, okay.
You know what would be great?
If we'd start setting up
the fire and the tents,
because it's going to be dark soon.
Well the good news is
you've got the fire king here.
Okay fire king, go do your job.
Hey, Andrea,
it'll be alright babe.
We'll get it.
Get the camera outta my face.
I agree.
Let's start getting this thing unloaded.
Hey Griff, you
brought your camera, right?
Yeah, it's in the car.
It's like half battery though.
Okay, that's fine.
I just wanted to make sure you brought it.
So I heard you talking
to Gavin, you doing okay?
Yeah, I think I'm fine right now.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it.
They said like, I mean, you know...
That guy's probably
long gone, so you know,
we're out here in the middle of nowhere.
No one's gonna touch us.
I wouldn't worry about it.
So let's just get this thing unloaded.
You guys need some help?
Are you guys done yet?
Hurry up.
Look at these lazy asses.
What the fuck do you mean hurry up?
I'm not a lazy ass,
I just don't know how to set up a tent.
You brought
chairs for yourselves.
You can sit there.
Yeah, probably for
this motherfucker here.
- What are you-
- What are you doing?
I'm just messing
with the camera, I'll be-
- Yeah you are.
Dude, it'll be okay.
It'll only take a...
I mean, I'll set it down, okay?
Here, I'll help you.
What, you gonna help with one hand
and fuckin' record with the other?
We're not talking
about fucking pleasuring your girlfriend.
We're talking about setting up camp.
Dude, fuck you, don't bring Andrea
into this, you fucking dick.
Oh my God, fuck you guys.
You guys are fucking assholes.
Whatever man, just start helping us.
Just set up
the tent, guys, God.
- It's not that hard.
- Oh, Jesus.
Here, here, take-
- You're grabbing the wrong one.
Grab the right shit if
you're gonna help us.
Dude, no.
We set this shit up every fucking time.
Whatever, the last time we went-
- All you guys
have been doing is complain.
The whole time we-
- You know what, this is bullshit.
You guys wanna relax?
- You wanna relax?
- Yeah, we do.
Let's relax, here.
How about you put your
feet up, you like that?
- Get the fuck back.
- Dude.
You little bitch.
Hey, hey, stop.
No, wait, no,
wait, wait guys, come on.
Stop fucking, come on.
This is seriously bullshit.
You can sit in your fucking chair,
you put your feet up, you video tape.
You know what we're gonna do?
We're going to go get a fucking beer.
Alright, when you
get back you can set it up.
All right.
It better be set up
by the time we get back.
Cause, you know what, I'm
gonna be so fucking drunk,
I'll sleep on the ground, motherfucker.
- What's new?
- Good.
- What's new?
- Whatever.
You guys set it up if you wanna camp.
Hope you got some good
footage, douche bag.
Alright let's just hurry up
and get this fuckin' shit set up.
Alright, you can do it.
It's nice to actually get
some alone time with you.
Yeah, it's a good
thing Tyler and Gavin left.
They were getting annoying, quick.
Yeah, something like that.
Hey, I really wanted to apologize
for being such a bitch lately.
It's okay.
They always bring out the worst in you.
I know what to expect.
And they have to go everywhere
with us all the time
and it just bothers me.
It's not my choice.
You invite them.
They tag along,
it's completely different.
Right, right, whatever you say.
Well hey, we're alone now so...
Yeah, finally.
I mean, Griffin
and Haidee back there, doing whatever.
I don't even wanna know.
You always have that camera on.
Hey, what-
- Come on, superstar.
You're always filming everyone else.
Yeah, well...
Come on, do something.
- Okay, come here.
- Don't...
Maybe we should head back, come on.
No come on, let's walk
up a little further.
Come on, let's walk up a little further.
Griffin's not ready to
come out just yet, for sure.
It's okay, come on.
Come here.
He's probably freaking out.
He probably thinks we've
been killed or something.
By this hobo.
Don't say killed
too loud, he'll hear you.
In broad
daylight, he's gonna come out
with an ax, and then kill us or something?
I don't know what the
hell's taking him so long.
I saw him pull up, I thought...
Maybe I was wrong.
They're probably
getting the beer out, man.
I think they went to get
alcohol, didn't they?
They're always getting drunk.
Yeah, knowing those guys
they'll both be carrying up that cooler.
It'll be too heavy for 'em,
they'll have so much beer in it.
Yeah, it's just getting late.
Oh man, at least
we got a good fire going.
Yeah baby, drinks all around guys.
You guys need to quit being
some pussies and drink up.
Who wants a beer?
- You wanna beer?
- Oh yeah-
- He wants a beer, how
about you, and you, and you?
Yeah, I'll take one.
There's another one, right there.
I knew I couldn't trust
you guys giving me a beer.
Dude, you're so fucking easy.
You got it all the fuck over me, man.
I tell you what man, this is already
a good night for pranking.
Oh my God.
This is just getting started, Tyler.
Hey, hey Griff,
better you than me, buddy.
You guys need
to seriously grow up.
So pathetic.
I can't even stand
to be around you guys.
I'm gonna go get my cell phone.
Haidee, will you go with me?
Yeah I'll come with you.
Alright, thanks for the beer, man.
I got an idea, why don't
you girls fucking hold hands when you go?
Don't worry, we will.
Well bye.
So, hey Tyler?
I been meaning to ask you this.
So these girls that
are coming out tonight,
they're better than the last time, right?
Dude, what the hell
was wrong with last time?
Are you serious?
Hey Gavin, how about them girls last time?
You're talking about
Ginny and Bethany, right?
I assume that's who's.
Yeah, that's
who I'm talking about.
You're only talking' about
girls cause Andrea left, Jed.
Hey Griffin, stay out of this.
Seriously Tyler, I'm sorry.
But I really don't wanna talk about
the girls from last time.
What was wrong with
the girls from last time?
Dude seriously, okay.
You take the bottom of the barrel,
and then you knock out
the bottom, alright?
Dude, all right I'm not
saying bottom of the barrel
or anything because I've been
at the bottom of the barrel.
But, I did have to change
my cell phone number.
Okay, okay, listen.
No dude I'm
telling you these girls...
Okay, you had to drink 20 beers
for them to look decent, alright?
And you know what we do?
We drink 21 beers.
That's right, yes.
- Listen, alright.
- Anything that walks.
Those girls were a
little psycho, I admit.
But here's how I live my life.
Oh, oh, just a little, huh?
Sometimes you gotta fish,
and you fish in that barrel.
And sometimes you might catch
the bottom of the barrel,
and that pisses you off, but it's okay,
because one day you're gonna
catch the top of the barrel.
And these girls are the top
of the barrel, guaranteed.
He is drunk, drunk, drunk.
Hey, have you guys been drinking?
- Hell yeah, we have.
- A lot.
What if the biggest fish
is at the top of the barrel?
Then we're gonna fuck that big fish.
It's a big barrel.
You guys drank way too
much on the way here.
You're lucky you didn't get caught.
So where are those girls at?
Dude, they're on their way.
They're at work right now,
they'll be here in a hour.
Yeah, they don't exist.
Don't you be talking shit
because you know about
your girlfriend, Jed.
What the fuck do you mean by that?
Like she ever fucking has to work.
Dude, what-
- You know the only reason she's with you
is because of your fucking parents.
Dude, don't talk shit, all right?
It ain't even cool.
Are you telling secrets?
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
You guys shoulda heard
what we heard on the radio.
What's that?
What Andrea, another fuckin' murder?
Why are you always such a jackass?
They said they have a suspect,
he's in custody right now.
Supposed to be some hobo,
walking this side of town.
Hey Griff,
does that make you feel
a little bit better?
Well, if he's in custody I-
- Boogeyman's not
gonna get you tonight.
No boogieman.
So Tyler, back to what
we were talking about...
About the girls.
I'm done talking about these girls.
Are you that ashamed of them?
You have to judge when you see them.
Oh okay, I'll judge.
Andrea, are you gonna
let him talk about girls?
Dude, when are they coming?
It is on, alright?
They will be here in an hour, it is on.
These girls are gonna be here.
I'll bet they have STDs.
Are they classy?
- Ask Gavin.
- They're way classy.
You girls, don't put that
fucking voodoo on us, alright?
That voodoo
was already put on you
the last time you guys brought out girls.
Man whatever, you know what,
I'm done talking about this subject.
Subject changed now, seriously.
Hey, I've got a good subject change.
- Oh, great.
- Yeah.
They said they found the killer.
Let's go check that house out.
You're crazy.
I think it sounds like a good idea.
Gavin, are you serious?
Yeah Jed, let's go check it out.
Why would we check it out?
Fuck no.
What's the purpose of it?
We saw it today.
Dude, think about it.
I'm thinking about it.
I'm thinking it's pretty fucking dumb.
A fuckin' murder that happened
in this fuckin' small town,
a little over a mile from here.
You talk about your fucking
ghost stories and something,
this is a real life ghost story, man.
Dude, fuck no, man.
Seriously, I came out here,
I'm not going back to that house.
Hey whoa, you know what man?
Listen, alright, you
have our word, all right?
It's gonna be okay.
Hey Andrea, what do you think?
It does sound kinda fun.
- Come on, Jed.
- Seriously?
Okay, if I go
I'll go on one condition.
That's I bring my camera
and you can't say a fucking word about it.
Cause you been giving me shit all day.
I apologize for that.
I promise I won't say anything about it.
Oh, I apologize.
You can hate
your real life fuckin'
ghost story shit in there.
Because I got
you on record right now.
You'll have more fucking fun
looking for ghosts with us.
Fuck that shit, true, true.
Dude, you can fucking
stay here if you want.
You know what, you can
sleep in these tents
with the fucking rest of
the fucking hobos asleep out here tonight.
Oh you hear that?
Does that sound fun to you, Haidee?
I think he's right
there, you can do that.
You know you guys are gonna do
something stupid, fuck
up and get us caught,
like you always do, they are.
- Nah man.
- Haidee, you wanna go?
Griff, this is serious
stuff dude, they won't do it.
No, Haidee, you wanna go?
I dunno, I kinda don't.
So Griffin, are you gonna listen to her
the rest of your fucking life?
I didn't wanna go either.
She doesn't wanna go, so
you're gonna listen to her
the rest of your fucking life?
That's two, not-wanna-goes then.
Doesn't matter.
Stop being a pussy, and
take initiative for once.
You gotta bring your camera, man.
Dude come on, I need another guy.
You guys promise me you're
not gonna do anything stupid
to get us caught, and I'll think about it.
You've got to think about it?
- Yeah, fucking promise
- We promise, man.
- So let's do it.
- Let's do it.
- Alright, let's go.
- Let's fucking go.
Let's load up and go.
We're taking the beer, man.
Let's go, come
on, come on, let's go.
Andrea, come on.
Let's go, come on.
I'm telling you...
This is a bad idea.
This is fucking crazy.
Full moon tonight,
werewolves are out.
Where'd you guys park at?
We're down here somewhere.
Down here somewhere.
We weren't exactly
sober when we were driving.
Man, I am so glad
we brought the alcohol for this trip.
You guys have a problem.
I think every time we hang out
you guys are drunk, always.
There's nothing wrong
with drinking, Andrea.
No kidding, wait for
these girls to get out here.
We'll show you what drinking is.
Oh, so there'll be drunken
skanks hanging out with us?
Wait, wait, hang
on, hang on, wait, wait.
Gavin, where are we going?
This is not a shortcut,
this is the wrong way.
I agreed to go
to the house with you guys
so take me to the house.
You know what?
Gavin, let's go back to the damn-
- Yeah, you gotta turn around.
Let's just go back.
Gavin, if you're
gonna pull this shit,
we're just gonna go back
to the campsite, alright?
I'm tired of messing around, okay?
Man, these guys are being such pussies.
Tyler, lay the fuck off, okay?
We did not agree to do this shit, okay?
We should go
ahead and turn around.
You know what I mean, turn around.
That's not even
funny, that's not funny.
Yeah, yeah, yeah funny.
- What are you doing?
- Gavin...
What the hell are you doing, dude?
Chinese fire drill.
No, we're not
doing a Chinese fire drill.
You guys...
Griffin, you lose your glasses?
Yeah, shit.
They're right
there, fucking assholes.
What the hell
are they doing out there?
Come on, bitch.
Got the camera.
Gimme my fucking
camera back, give it back.
Give it back, okay?
You keep pulling this shit.
Got a text message.
Gavin, give it back, now.
Uh-oh, it's a picture message.
I'm tired of this.
- What Andrea?
- Check this out.
Give him his camera back.
Are you going to let her fight
your battles for you, man?
You know what
Gavin, fuck you, okay?
- Check this out.
- Who's that?
No, give me my motherfucking-
- That's Stacey, man.
Dude, fucking
stop, all right, dammit.
Whatever man, why you
gotta be such a pussy?
Dude, I'm not
a fucking pussy, okay?
You guys just need to
grow the fuck up, okay?
I'm just tired of it, just stop, okay?
What's that, shots on the hood?
- Shots on the hood?
- Shots on the hood?
Shots on the hood.
No, we are not doing
shots on the hood, come on.
Turn around.
You're gonna get the
fuckin' cops called on us.
Okay, come on.
Jed, you will love it most.
Dude, I'm not fucking-
- How many, how many?
- No, stop.
None, really, seriously?
Just 'cause they're not taking them?
Gavin, stop.
You two used to be the most
fun people to hang out with.
And then these two came along, what up?
Those girls will be much
more fun than you two.
Because they're nasty,
Yes they are, they're awesome.
Just because we're not playing
your old fucking drinking games guys.
Just get in the fucking car.
Come on, stop-
- This is not fun.
Come on Jed, shots on the hood.
- No, we're not-
- Tradition, man.
change, people grow up.
Unlike you guys.
Yeah well, we still
know how to have fun.
Get back in the fucking car.
Let's go back in the fucking car.
Let's go, come on.
- So stupid.
- Hurry up.
Okay, are we done?
Can we go now?
Road tripping?
Let's continue our road trip.
You guys keep
pulling that shit, I'm not...
Was that seriously
necessary, you guys?
You wanna shut your fucking door?
Well I'm locking, fucking...
We're turning around.
Of course it was necessary.
Taking shots on the hood's a tradition.
No shit.
We've done that every time we stopped,
until you fucking girls came along.
Yeah, now Jed's just a pussy.
Gavin, that's beside the-
Fuck you, Tyler.
Hey Gavin, that's besides the point, okay?
You've had way, way-
Look at that, you even
turned on your window wipers.
You've had way too much to drink tonight.
You know we'll be okay.
Always are.
Yeah well, one of these times
is gonna bite you in the
fucking ass, all right?
You guys probably won't even remember
the girls that come over tonight.
Guarantee we remember.
As a good friend,
here's something I'm
going to do for you, okay?
When the girls come over,
I'll take pictures of them.
So when you wake up in the morning,
you can realize how ugly they are.
All I'm gonna say is 10 and
two, that's it, 10 and two.
What the hell's 10 and two?
At 10 o'clock the girl looks like a two,
but by two o'clock she looks like a 10.
That's how all your girls are.
That's like hitting the nail
on the head right there.
Let me just inform you this.
Okay, inform me.
You got the camera on me?
Yeah, the camera's rolling.
These girls are way hotter than
any girl you've ever dated, Jed.
No offense, Andrea.
Oh, whatever Tyler.
Well, I'm pretty sure that every girl
that you guys bring over will never be
as hot as Haidee and I, fuck that.
Yeah, we'll see about that.
We will see.
Oh look, guess who's calling.
- Skanks.
- They're home already?
I don't know, we'll find out.
We have to go back early though.
Thank God.
Hey, what's up?
You girls off work yet?
Oh okay, you got another hour?
Do you guys wanna place
bets on how ugly they are?
They're pretty ugly, I can tell.
You're lucky I promised
you could have that camera
because that light's about to piss me off.
You know what, fuck you Gavin.
Hey Gavin by the way...
Yeah, cause we
bought the whole store.
Who says we bought anything?
That's wrong.
Hey Gavin, I
guarantee you that you guys
will be passed out by
the time they get there.
- Bullshit.
- I guarantee it.
We're in it for the long haul.
Oh long haul, yeah.
Just cause you have all
the alcohol doesn't mean-
- Well, I guess when
they come out I'll believe it.
But I doubt they'll make it out there.
Because you guys will be...
Your phones will be blowing up
all night long like, hey,
where are you guys at?
Are you guys gonna take-
You're gonna be passed out in the tent.
I just wanna know if the
girls are going to show up
in like hooker heels and mini skirts.
- We only hope.
- We hope so.
That's exactly
why we call them skanks.
They're not
skanks, they're classy.
Classy ladies.
I'd like to say, if
you can't get it easy
then get it sleazy.
That's disgusting.
Okay Tyler, where do
you even meet these girls?
I'm just curious, do you find them online?
I wouldn't meet them online.
Oh, whatever.
- Dude.
- What?
Met them randomly at
this bar I was at, you know?
Hey Gavin.
Where are you going?
Gavin, we are not doing
this again, are you serious?
Gavin, dude, where they
hell are you taking us man?
This is not the right road.
You'll see.
This is some bullshit.
Chill out.
Seriously, you
guys need to calm down
because you are gonna like this.
- Tyler.
- Right.
And guess what?
If you don't like it,
y'all can just walk home.
Let me just tell you this,
I would not wanna walk home.
Not out here.
I heard that man, not with
all those hillbilly buttfuckers
that walk around, know what I'm saying?
Really, come on.
Gavin, just pull
over so I can drive, alright?
Hey, we're almost there.
We're almost where?
You're not even telling us anything.
Just pull over I'll take us
back to the campsite, okay?
Your girls are coming
anyway, so just pull over.
Dude, we're really close.
I don't care if we're really close
or really far away, just pull over, okay?
And quit drinking dammit, gosh.
You guys need to grow up, okay?
We're not in fucking high
school anymore, all right?
You're not invincible.
I liked the girls in high school.
Hey whoa, whoa,
whoa, okay, get out.
We're here.
- Where's here?
- This is not the house.
Why are we stopped
in the middle of bum fuck nowhere?
Well no shit,
Haidee, this is not the house.
Tyler, what the fuck man?
You're always all up on Haidee and me.
What about Jed and Andrea?
Hey, you know what, Griffin?
Why don't you quit-
- Not again, not this shit.
Stop, Tyler.
Fuck man, we're all friends here.
Gavin, let's just go, okay.
I'm tired of dealing
with this shit tonight.
No, we've got something to do here.
What do we have to do?
Where are we even at?
We gotta check out
Thomas Colton's grave.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Who the hell is Thomas Colton?
You don't remember?
Seriously, man.
The douchebag at the house
that told us about the guy.
You mean Tanner?
Yeah, whatever his name is.
You mean the story
about the whole fucking-
- That's disgusting.
Oh my God.
You mean the whole story about
the people in the basement being burnt?
Yeah, that one.
How do you know this
is even the right graveyard?
We were in the house earlier
and Tyler and I did some asking around
and found out that the
person that owned it before,
Mr. Thomas Colton, AKA Tanner's Tom
is buried right here in this cemetery.
Yeah, but you guys were
saying the story's bullshit.
We're about to go find out.
We're about to go find out if he's here.
No, let's just go.
Let's go back to the campsite.
You know I was all for going
and seeing the house, checking it out,
but I am not going out into the graveyard
in the middle of the night.
That's where I draw the line.
Would you rather sit
in a car in a graveyard
in the middle of the night?
'Cause, we're taking the keys.
No man, no.
Don't fuck with me.
Dude, gimme the keys back.
- Get back in the car.
- I wanna go back.
Hey, you know what?
The only way we're gonna
be leaving right now
is if one of you guys go with us.
Who's it gonna be?
- I'm not going.
- I'm not going either.
Gavin, get in this car, now.
Let's go, one
person, go with us, come on.
You guys can make that decision.
Gavin, come on.
Jed, you're gonna have to go.
- Just go.
- Please?
The sooner you go and do
whatever they wanna do-
- Fine.
The sooner we get to leave.
Come on guys, this isn't cool.
Gavin, Tyler, come on guys.
Oh man.
Did you guys seriously go in the cemetery?
Gavin, Tyler, come on guys.
This isn't cool.
Oh, man.
Guys, I'm seriously-
I just wanna leave.
Oh, man.
Come on dude, I don't wanna
be in a graveyard after hours
and us get caught, okay?
'Cause we'll be in so much, I mean...
This could be bad.
Let's just go, come on.
Dude, this isn't even cool guys.
I would never do anything
like this to you, come on.
Come on, come on.
I'm gonna count to three, okay?
I'll make you wish you were dead, boy.
Like a little
colt on the ground, man.
Look at him.
You alright Jed?
No dude, that's
not even cool, alright?
Let's just go, okay?
Let's go.
What's so funny?
No, come on, dude.
Let's go back to the car.
I'm tired of this, let's go.
No man, we found something.
You gotta check this out.
No, what'd you find?
We found the grave.
There's no way
you found it already.
Let's go back to the car, come on.
- No man, over here.
- Over here, man.
Dude, I'm gonna go back, alright?
Come on.
Hey man, come check this out.
And then you can go back.
- What?
- What, man?
No, no, no did
you guys just hear that?
Hear what?
No seriously
dude, something happened.
Dude, did you not just hear that?
Dude, the thing
just came right at me.
I don't know what it was.
It just came right at me.
There's nothing out here.
No, there was something.
Dude, just come take a look
at this grave and stop being a pussy.
Dude, my battery's dying.
I just wanna go back to the car.
Well then hurry the heck up.
Some fucking camera
operator man you are.
Can't even keep damn
battery in that thing.
I just put a new one in, okay?
So lay off.
Well then let's go back up there.
No, let's go.
We're not going up there again-
- You guys keep messing around
then your girls are going
to show up at the campsite
before you even get back.
Ooh, she does
finally have a point.
Let's just go, come on.
Let's just fucking leave.
Tyler, shut up.
All right, I guess we'll go.
Let's go.
To the house, finally.
- Oh dude.
- This is crazy.
I can't believe
we're fucking doing this.
Don't shut your door loud. Okay?
Guys, this is a terrible idea.
We shouldn't do this.
Griffin, shut up man.
It's fine, alright?
Dude, we can't do this.
Let's just go in.
It's gonna be fun.
We're not gonna
get in trouble, okay?
Alright, let's go.
Let's go check this shit out.
Whoa, whoa, shit dude.
I think it's a fucking cop.
There's a
fucking cop still here.
We're definitely
gonna get in trouble.
Yeah, that is
definitely a cop car.
Guys, we can get donuts.
Guys, I'm dead serious I just got-
Griffin, fucking get down dude.
We can't do this.
Yes we can.
Let's just go back.
Let's just go back to the campsite.
It's freezing out here.
We're already here.
I mean-
- Well, what are we gonna do?
We can't sneak around him.
I mean, no way.
Let's go through the back.
No, we can't go
round back, he'll catch us.
Let's call in a prank call.
Dude, are you fucking-
- No.
- No.
Dude, I guarantee it'll fuckin' work.
No dude, fucking bad idea.
It could work.
Is there any other way around this pig?
Dude, I don't think so.
Dude, let's just
go I like Griffin's idea.
Let's just go back to
the fucking place, okay?
But we came here to check it
out, we might as well go in.
There's a cop, do you
want to go to fucking jail?
I don't, I really don't want to go there.
God, that is fuckin' stupid.
Let's just, let's leave.
Yeah, I'd like to report a break in
at Finley's Machine and Welding
Shop on Christie Avenue.
Dude, shut the fuck up.
Get off the phone.
Yeah, I drove by earlier and there was
a guy, broke the glass,
entered the building.
Yeah, yeah on Christie Avenue.
Gavin, no.
All right, thank you.
Thank you officer, bye.
Are you fucking serious, dude?
You know how much trouble
we're gonna get in?
Shut up dude, watch this.
What the fuck, oh my God.
No fucking way.
Hey, what'd I tell you guys?
I don't wanna
go to jail for this.
No, we are not fucking, no.
You guys are being crazy.
Are you fucking stupid, dude?
You know how much
trouble we're fucking in?
Fuck you guys, what
excuse do you have now, Jed?
Look, we got the house,
this is what we came for.
How about going to jail?
That's a fucking good
enough excuse for me.
The cop is not here,
so how could we go to jail?
Oh my God.
He's gonna
come back eventually.
I'm not doing
anything stupid, getting
in trouble and going to jail.
Dude, fuck this shit, Gavin.
Let's go, come on.
Dude, Gavin?
Where are you fucking going Gavin?
Gavin, get your fucking ass back here.
Wait up, wait up.
What the fuck?
Gosh dang it, Gavin.
Gavin, get your fucking ass-
- Gavin, come back.
- Gavin.
- Gavin.
Is he seriously going inside?
Oh my God, are
you fucking serious?
Dude, where in the fuck is he?
I'm ready to go, Jed.
Do you actually
think he went inside, man?
Fuck, I hope not.
Hey man, you gotta come see this.
Dude Tyler, what
the hell are you doing?
- What is it?
- This better be good.
Did you find him?
What the fuck is going on here?
I guarantee you that
they're doing something.
Yeah, you know
they're gonna be playing with us.
The door is open.
Oh my God.
And the other
door inside is open.
We're not going in.
Did you fucking open that dude?
I didn't open this, Gavin
just went in there, has to be.
Do you know where he is.
Come on.
I don't know where
he's at, this is not me.
This is Gavin being Gavin right now.
You're in on it, you have to be.
I'm not in on it.
This is his stupid shit.
And he's in there right
now at a crime scene.
We need to go get him.
We're not gonna get him.
We're gonna
get in so much trouble.
Griffin, Griffin, Griffin.
First of all,
what if that cop comes back?
And second of all, he
went in there by himself.
Let him come out by himself.
We can't leave somebody
behind like that.
Let's just go in, get-
- Griffin he gets caught,
we're all fucked, alright?
What if the
killer's still in there?
He probably could be.
Man, there's no killer.
Dude, they caught the fucking guy.
Let's just go in, alright?
It'll take like a couple of-
- I don't wanna go in.
It'll just take a few
seconds, pop in real quick.
Let's get him, come on.
Okay, can we go
in, and then we come out.
We gotta stick
together, alright guys?
Alright, it's fine, let's go.
This better be fucking quick.
Gav, come on, man.
This shit's stupid.
This is so Gavin.
[Tyler] Holy shit
- What?
- What do you see, man?
Oh my goodness.
I'm not going in there.
- Oh my God.
- What the fuck?
Is that fucking
blood all over that lamp?
Holy shit.
- Oh my God.
- Let's fucking leave.
This is
fucking blood everywhere.
Griff, dude, check this shit out.
Are you kidding me right now?
Tyler, get your light over here.
This is really gross guys.
It stinks in here, let's leave.
What the fuck is-
- That's fuckin' blood, man.
Oh my God.
Gavin, where
the fuck are you, man?
Please, let's go.
This is fucking crazy guys.
We gotta get the fuck outta here.
Gavin come on
man, quit messing around.
Alright girls, come on.
Guys, we gotta
get the fuck outta here.
Dude, I think he might be in here.
Tyler, that's not
even funny dude seriously?
Whatever, man.
We gotta find Gavin
and get the fuck outta here.
Gavin, what the
fuck are you doing man?
Gav, come on, man.
Dude, this is so fucked up.
What the fuck is that?
- What is that?
- Is that blood?
- Holy shit.
- Yes, it's blood.
Looks like a fucking symbol.
Let's fucking leave.
That's a
symbol of some kind, guys.
Tyler, look it
up on your phone man.
Is that in blood, is that-
- You guys, let's
leave please, let's leave.
This is scaring the shit out of me.
Are you kidding me right now?
I can't get any service on my phone.
Those girls are texting,
they're probably calling.
You're seriously worried
about those girls right now?
Yes, I'm worried about those girls.
- Holy fuck.
- What the fuck is that?
Dude, what the fuck is that shit?
Is that fucking blood?
Oh my God.
This isn't funny any more.
Come on guys,
let's get the fuck outta here.
No, we gotta go up there
and we gotta make sure everybody's okay.
Dude, no-
- Dude, someone has to be up there.
There's no way something just fell over
to make that noise.
Just leave them there.
There has to be someone hurt.
You see the fucking
blood, are you serious?
Let's just go up there
and check, make sure they're okay.
No, I'm gonna leave.
We're all here and we're all safe already.
Why don't we just get the fuck outta here?
You stay right
there, we'll be right back.
Griff stay here,
keep your camera on.
We're going up, let's go.
It'll be alright, come on.
Hey, is anyone up here?
- Hello?
- Hey, be careful.
Hey, we're here to help you, man.
You're gonna do anything.
You better watch out motherfucker.
Oh my God, I
can't believe this shit.
I can't believe
they really left us down here.
I know.
Let's just leave,
let's just fucking leave.
This is complete bullshit.
I mean, it seemed like
a good idea at first,
but really I'm just ready to go.
They need to get the fuck down here
and we need to get fuck the out of here.
Cause this is fucking creepy.
This is really scary.
Oh my-
Did you guys hear that?
Hear what?
I don't know,
I think it was over there?
Just leave it alone.
We'll just try to ignore it.
Let's just wait till they come down here.
Let's see what it is.
Let's just wait.
No, let's see what it is.
You guys follow right behind me, okay?
I'm just gonna
open it up, and find out.
Gavin come on, man.
Why are you
laughing, this is not funny.
This is not funny, man.
You guys have gotta come
check this out upstairs.
Why would we wanna go anywhere with you?
I don't wanna go
upstairs, I really don't.
You wanna stay down here?
- No.
- No.
Alright, let's go check this out.
What is it, man?
You'll see, just follow me.
This is not funny.
If you guys are pulling
something, this is not funny.
Just chill man, everything's fine.
It's a dead body.
- A dead body?
- What?
I'm serious, a dead body.
I don't think
we should go up here then
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You have to to see it.
Where's Jed and Tyler?
Dude, they're up there.
I don't think
we should go in there.
Holy shit, I thought that
they got all the bodies out.
No fucking way.
It's someone we know.
- No it's not.
- Someone we know?
Yeah, it is.
No it's not.
Let's get outta here.
Let's not go in there.
Dude, no, no, no, no.
Let's get out of here man.
Seriously, it's someone we know.
Dude, let's leave it.
This is a crime scene investigation.
Come on in, seriously.
We'll just-
- Pull the sheet
back, it's someone we know.
I'm not pulling
that sheet back, man.
Oh my God,
don't fuckin' kick it.
Pull the sheet back.
No, you pull it back, man.
I'm not pulling that shit back.
That's not funny, man.
How about having some
respect for the dead?
Son of a bitch?
That's not funny, man.
What the fuck is this?
And you were a part of this?
Andrea it's fine.
No, it's not fine.
Paint can, I
think it fell off a ladder-
- You seriously
scared the shit outta me, man.
You guys are
assholes, it's not even funny.
Alright, let's just...
Okay, we'll get the fuck outta, wait-
Where the fuck's Gavin at?
- Oh, great.
- Oh my gosh.
He does this all the time.
Gav, come on, dude.
Quit running off man.
Gavin, where the fuck are you at?
- Gavin.
- Gav?
Hello, Gavin?
Gavin, where the fuck are you at?
What's up?
Dude, what the fuck are you doing?
Are you pissing?
Dude, what the fuck?
Are you fucking pissing
in there, for real?
You playing with it in there, boy?
Fucking dumb-ass, I swear-
- Hey, help.
Dude, seriously, help me.
- Whoa, shit dude.
- What the fuck?
- What is it?
- Holy shit, dude.
Where'd he go?
Bullshit, I guarantee
he went out that window.
Where the hell is Gavin at?
I don't know man
he was just in there-
- Man, you you saw the blood.
He's not in there, okay?
I think he's hurt, we need
to go find him right now.
This has you and Gavin
written all over it, man.
This has nothing to
do with me and Gavin.
You were fucking with
us downstairs, man.
Dude, I don't care.
We need to go find Gavin, right now.
I'll beat your ass.
Tyler, no fucking calm down.
No, we need to find Gavin, right now.
All right, okay, okay.
We'll go downstairs, we'll check-
- Then go, let's go.
Fuck it, let's just go come on.
Gosh dang it.
Whatever, man.
Gosh dang it.
Oh my God.
Some fucking camping trip.
Gavin, come on dude, seriously.
Come on man, this isn't funny.
We're not playing anymore.
Oh fucking shit, such fucking bullshit.
Help, help.
Fucking shit.
What the fuck was that?
Go, go, get
the fuck outta here.
Hurry up, you guys.
Go faster.
Fuck it's bolted.
Dude, no, whoa, wait, wait...
What the fuck do you
think you're doing, dude?
I'm gonna break the window.
No dude, you're
not gonna fucking break
no fucking window.
No, you're not, dude.
No, you're not fucking breaking-
- Just let him break it.
Andrea, shut up.
Dammit you're not.
Don't fucking
tell me to shut up.
You're not gonna fucking break
no fucking window, okay?
Dude, if they are fucking with us,
we're going to be in so
much shit you have no-
- I don't even
buy that right now.
Andrea, I don't
even fucking care right now.
Griffin, if you fucking break that window,
we're gonna be fucked, alright?
We're gonna go upstairs, we're
gonna find a window open,
we're gonna climb the fuck out, alright?
What if there is no fucking window open?
Then do what you gotta do, fucker.
We don't have time
for that right now, let's go.
No, we can't.
Let's get out of here.
I'm telling you right now, Andrea,
this has Gavin and Tyler
written all over it.
Jed, this isn't a joke.
I guarantee
they're hiding somewhere.
They're not hiding.
I guarantee you they are.
Just check those windows
over there or something okay?
they're all bolted shut.
Hey calm down, it'll be okay, God.
It's not gonna be okay.
I promise it will.
Oh, there's sleeping bags.
It's kinda eerie to think
the last people that slept
in these are dead now.
Yeah, real weird.
Hey, go check in
that room over there, see if
there's a window or something.
Oh, hey, check out these pictures.
As you walk past the eyes
just kinda follow you.
Jed, this is not
the time to look at pictures.
- What, hey.
- This is serious.
Hey, it'll be okay, calm down.
It's not gonna be okay.
We're gonna die in here.
Andrea, I'm telling you right now
that in one of these rooms,
Gavin and Tyler are waiting
with the biggest smile
on their face, okay?
They are not waiting.
Andrea, I'm-
- This isn't one of their pranks.
Andrea, I'm telling-
Andrea, I know my friends
better than anyone.
I guarantee it, this is them.
No, no, we're gonna die in here.
Andrea, we're-
- We're really gonna die in here.
Andrea, we are not
gonna die, just calm down.
Don't tell me to calm down.
Come here.
51 to central.
I'll be back out in the
car at 501 East Avenue
for that security detail.
51 set up 10, four.
Son of a
bitch I just bought that,
and now that shit's everywhere.
51, four, 10, four.
Son of a bitch.
All right, I'm telling you
that Tyler and Gavin are upstairs.
We're just gonna go upstairs-
- I'm not going upstairs.
What do you mean
you're not going upstairs?
I'm not going upstairs.
What we need to do is go back downstairs,
let Griffin bust open the damn window
so we can get the hell out of here.
Andrea, we've talked
about this time and time again.
I'm telling you Gavin and Tyler
are the ones behind this
and they're upstairs.
They're not behind this.
Okay, if anything,
we can maybe find
a window to open.
So come on, you're coming.
- This is so stupid.
- Let's go.
All right, You can call
it stupid all you want,
but I guarantee you Tyler
and Gavin are up here.
I guarantee
they're not up here.
Tyler, Gavin, come out.
I know you're up here hiding somewhere.
I told you.
All right, See
those windows over there,
Go over there and open that one.
I'm gonna open this one.
Uh, no I'm not checking those windows.
What do you mean
you're not gonna check them?
I'm not checking them, I
said it plain and simple.
We need to go back downstairs.
Andrea no, we
are going to fucking get-
Oh my God, alright, fine.
I'm gonna go check those,
you can stay the fuck here.
Alright, whatever.
Whatever, go
check your damn windows.
Hey oh hey, are
you okay over there, huh?
I'm just fine, jackass.
Fine, we're in the fucking-
- Stupid.
So fucking retarded.
Fucking shit.
Andrea, where are you at?
Fuck, shit.
Andrea are you in here?
Fuck Andrea, where the fuck is you at?
Fuck, shit.
- Dude, what happened?
- Where's Andrea?
Fuckin' Andrea.
I don't know, she was
there and she was gone
I think someone fucking took her, guys.
Do you know who it was?
I have no fucking idea.
She was just there and God,
I don't know what to do.
- What?
Just calm down, just calm down.
Dude, I can't be calm,
she has to be here somewhere.
- Just calm down.
- Calm down, man.
Just go downstairs.
Dude, I'm dead serious man.
There's something wrong,
she wouldn't do this.
Fucking shit.
Just calm down, just go
downstairs, we'll stay up here.
Shit, guys I-
- We're gonna find her.
Jed, Jed.
Dude, I can't, I
just can't do it.
I don't know where the fuck she is.
Andrea, is that you?
Hey Andrea, are you down here?
Oh fuck, oh shit.
Hey Andrea?
Andrea, are you here?
If you hear my voice, yell.
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck?
Andrea, are you here?
What the fuck?
Oh my God.
Oh shit.
Where could she be?
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
We need to find her.
Yeah, I don't know Dee.
I really don't see a
trace of her anywhere.
Oh shit.
I'll look in this room.
All right, be careful.
Fuck, you just
scared the hell out of me.
I'm sorry, babe.
Should we go downstairs?
Yeah, I guess.
Oh my God I'm just freaking out right now.
Hold on a second.
Oh yeah, let's go.
Fuck, my lamp
is not working, fuck.
Just leave it, just
leave it, just leave it.
Let's just go find Jed.
Shit, where'd he go?
I don't know.
Told him to stay down here.
Look, the
basement door is open.
Alright, you stand right here.
I'm gonna go down there
and check things out.
Okay, be careful.
Is anyone down here?
What the fuck?
Is that Jed's camera?
Oh my God.
Shit, Haidee.
Where the fuck are you?
Oh shit, what the fuck?
Oh my God.
I've gotta get the fuck outta here.
Shit, shit, shit.
Oh God.
There it is.
Oh, my God.
It's our first house.
Honey, I can't believe we did it.
Oh my God, honey.
It's freaking' huge.
Oh my God.
It's our first house.
It's huge, I mean it's huge.
It is huge.
Oh, go over by the sign.
Oh, yes.
- It's ours.
- It is.
Oh my God, okay come on in, come on in.
We gotta go in.
This is amazing.
Oh my God, there's so many things
I can't wait to do in the dining room.
Honey, look at this porch.
You haven't even went inside yet
and you're still-
- It's ours.
Here, get us a shot you and I.
Our first house.
And I love the porch.
It wraps all the way around.
Yeah, it's huge,
it is a very huge house.
Oh honey, look.
Alright, let's go in,
let's go in, I can't wait.
Here it is.
Oh my gosh.
So I think that that red couch we have
is going right there, honey.
Big front room.
I love the fireplace.
I love the mantle.
And I think it'll look really good
with like the red brick,
and that one painting we
have is going right there.
Yeah, the red and orange one?
Let's go, yes.
Let's go and see upstairs.
Moving on.
Oh, look at the staircase.
Oh, I love it.
I think everything
is basically still original
in this house, which is cool.
It's really cool.
So I definitely feel that
this could be the master.
I thought we agreed
that I was going to be on this floor
and then the master is gonna be upstairs.
No, no, I definitely think
this will be the master,
and I think we could do, your den upstairs
because I love the fireplace.
I love the mirror and I like all of that.
Plus, darling, honey...
Look how it connects to a
perfect first baby's room.
There's another one over there.
I know, and we can wrap
around so it'll be both sides.
And I love how the window goes...
How the glass goes all the way down.
And it lets in so much.
I mean, there's so many
things I'm thinking.
Okay, let's go I want to
check out the upstairs.
Okay, all right I'll let you go first.
I think we just blew a breaker.
Oh, man.
The breaker box
is in the basement, right?
- I think so.
- Alright.
Let's go down and find that, then.
Damn breakers.
Chain, or something, somewhere.