Unmasked Part 25 (1988) Movie Script

(upbeat rock music)
I'm pushing up, tough,
I wanna school it
I'm sticking up,
hard, feet in the dirt
I'm shoving up, cool,
I think it's through
I'm moving up, I'm
fast, I'm mobile, babe
I'm heading up, I'm
proud, head in the clouds
Stare mountains in the eye
Boys are welcome
Perfect surface
Oh how I long to
touch your skin
Oh how I long to
touch your skin
Concrete, mix it up
Concrete, mix it up
I'm inspired, I'm not tired
I could talk all day
I'm inspired, I'm not tired
I could talk all day
- [Ann] I'm pissed
already. (giggles)
We ain't even got
to the party yet.
Two hours later, we're
bleeding pissed already.
- [Pete] So, who cares?
Better pissed and late
than earlier, fucking bore.
- [Ann] Yeah, too damn right.
- [Pete] So what's wrong
with a bit of fun anyway?
Really, drinking's a
respectable enough profession,
wouldn't you say?
- Yeah, I suppose so.
Even my mum's a lush.
We're all like that,
me and my friends.
- Yeah, so Mick tells me.
Can't wait to meet your friends.
- Oh yeah.
- And especially Monica.
- Oh, why's that?
- Just a few things I've heard.
- Like what?
- Anyway, Monica.
- Wait, don't go in there.
Don't go into that house.
An evil child was born in there,
and now he's come
back from far away
to avenge his birthplace.
Now none of us is safe.
- Piss off, you drunken old sod.
- I tell you the truth!
His presence is everywhere.
You have been warned.
You have been warned.
- [Ann] God, that was weird.
- [Pete] Too right!
- Hey, it's creepy down here.
- No, it's not.
- [Ann] It is.
- Don't be stupid, come on.
Don't be so stupid.
(cat yowls)
What was that?
- What?
- Over there.
- Nothing.
- No, no, what was it?
I heard something,
who's over there?
- [Ann] What are you doing,
there's nothing there!
Oh, come on.
- [Pete] No, no, no.
Perhaps it is the evil child.
- Oh, no, it's probably
a cat or something.
Oh, leave it alone.
- Good!
I hate cats.
- Please, come on.
- Oh, come on, I just--
(suspenseful music)
You son of a bitch, you bastard!
- Your face!
- You stupid berk, I might
have had a gun or something.
- [Man] What if you did?
- I would've blown
your bloody head off.
- Oh well, we all
gotta go sometime.
- Too right, son.
You are gonna go sometime.
- How about a joint
or roggie rolls.
- Piss off.
- What about a beer, I got
a crate full in the car.
I was only joking.
Get rid of this cleaver.
They just don't understand my
sophisticated sense of humor.
I mean, I was just playing.
Now what I need is a beer.
And what we need here
is a bit of excitement.
- Here we are, this is it.
Hey, party, party, party!
(upbeat techno music)
- You still working
in that shithole?
- Yeah, it's bad, but you know,
I'm hanging in there
somehow or another.
- Turning into one of
Thatcher's little mechanicals,
you are.
- Thank you.
So what's going on?
- Things.
- Like what?
- Well, last night I had
an orgasm. (snickering)
- Congratulations!
- And this afternoon,
I had two more!
He's such a sweetheart.
- I'm so happy for you, Ann.
- So, Ann,
quite the little tart.
- Piece of cake.
- That's why we're
so late, is it?
- That's right.
- What was that?
(ominous music)
- Pete, is that you?
(dog barking)
(heart thumping)
- Do you ever get that
strange craving after sex?
- You mean like
wanting to do it again?
- No, I mean, after sex,
I always feel so
much closer to God,
like he's sitting next to me.
Do you know what I mean?
(upbeat techno music)
- Hello, what do you want?
Cheeky devil, you, eh?
(foreboding music)
Come on, that's it.
- [Ann] Open the door.
- [Pete] Fucking
hell, look at that.
- [Ann] Oh, horrible.
- [Pete] What's that?
- It's scary down here, it is.
It's horrible in here.
Oh, it's dark, horrible.
- Who's that?
- It's your dad, isn't it?
- Shut up.
- Bambi.
- [Pete] He's one of them
born-again Buddhists, look.
- Oh, yeah.
Oh look.
Oh, oh, oh, hang on a minute.
- [Pete] What?
- I've gotta go for a pee.
- You're joking.
- No, sorry.
- Oh come on, Ann.
- Sorry, I've gotta go.
(ominous music)
- What's that?
Who's there?
If that's you, Albert,
I'll fucking murder
you, mate, you loony.
(foreboding music)
Come out, you bastard.
Fucking hell.
(suspenseful music)
- Pete?
Where are you?
Are you in there?
Don't piss about.
(ominous music)
Pete, you in there?
Stop pissing about, will you?
(suspenseful music)
You know what you
need on this record
What, what, what
Me, me, me, me, me
(upbeat techno music)
- Would you mind telling
me where Albert's got to?
- You're asking me?
He's your date, sweetheart.
- [Patti] He's your friend.
- He's just gone
for a walk, I bet.
He had a bit of a buzz, I think.
- Just relax, he'll be back.
Come on, let's go,
this is a drag.
- Not me bum, baby. (giggles)
There's nothing wrong with
David, I'll have you know.
Well you said you
weren't having it.
- [Man] Monica.
- You're not okay.
Come on.
How long have I been waiting
here, all day, or what?
(ominous music)
(upbeat techno music)
- His car's still there.
He's such a jerk.
I knew it, I should've
have gone out with him
in the first place.
- He's probably just passed
out on a lawn somewhere.
- Figures.
And your date hasn't
shown up, either.
You can be sure I'll
give that Jack Shelton
a few choice words.
- It's okay.
It was sweet enough, you setting
it up in the first place.
I don't care.
- I'm gonna go and
find the others.
Albert's not back yet,
we're gonna catch a cab!
Monica, are you up there?
Hey, you two!
I guess everyone's
run off on us, huh?
(suspenseful music)
You're not going to
kill me, are you?
Look, I understand.
Everybody has a bad
day now and then.
Everyone's entitled to it.
But killing people isn't
gonna solve anything.
Please don't kill me.
I'll do anything you want.
I'll make love to you.
Would you like that?
I'll give you a blowjob.
(energetic electro music)
(dark whimsical music)
(upbeat hip hop music)
& On the left
- Patti?
On the right
- Patti?
You came after all!
I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to be rude or anything.
It's just that it's late.
I didn't expect you to show up.
My name is Shelly.
Don't be shy, come on now.
I'm so glad you've come.
I'm terribly lonely, you know.
I'm always the one
without a date.
Well Patti's run
out and had a night,
but usually it's me who...
Perhaps we can be friends?
I'd like that, wouldn't you?
Pardon me?
Can you not speak?
Perhaps you're afflicted, too.
It is strange, I cannot
see, and you cannot speak.
Perhaps that's why Patti
planned this date for us.
(foreboding music)
We'll be great friends.
I just know it.
We'll have wonderful
times together.
It seems as if everyone's
up and left us.
We could share a taxi.
We could go to my place for a
cup of tea and a little chat.
I have some lovely
music we can listen to.
I'm afraid I'm not
much of a housekeeper.
I hope you won't mind.
I try to keep things neat.
My parents live nearby.
They've got lots
of money, you know.
They hardly bother
with me at all.
They haven't time.
I suppose the one
bonus for blind people
is a cheap electricity bill.
At least for most
blind people, anyway.
I usually end up turning
the lights on out of habit,
and then forget to
turn them off again.
Would you like to take a seat?
(energetic rock music)
Would you like to dance?
I used to dance all the time.
I just want to
live a normal life.
I like it here, I can
do things for myself.
Sometimes I feel as if I'm
missing out on so much.
Sometimes you must
have the same feelings.
Everyday things
like TV and movies.
Of course I still go,
at least I can listen.
There's limitations, but at
least my life isn't boring.
Sometimes just walking across
a room can be an adventure.
You have to be optimistic.
I want to set things
straight right off.
And don't think I'm
weird or anything.
It's just that sometimes I
play up this nice girl image.
People like to see the
cute little blind girl
acting a certain way.
Maybe sometimes I play up the
sympathy for all it's worth.
But I hate it.
I don't want to have to pretend.
Not with you, anyway.
I only lost my
sight when I was 20.
They tell me one day there
might be a chance, but--
- [Jackson] I, I can speak.
- You can speak?
- [Jackson] I've never had
anyone to talk to much.
They never gave me a chance.
- [Shelly] Who?
- [Jackson] They always
thought I was stupid.
- It doesn't matter, I
think you're wonderful.
I think it's wonderful
that you can speak.
You're very lucky.
I want to know
everything about you.
(foreboding music)
- [Jackson] I hate wearing
this thing, this mask.
But people expect it, you see.
They think I'm a monster.
- A monster?
That was really nice.
- Mm-hm.
- I don't have many male guests.
How about you?
- Certainly not!
- I'm glad, it's not safe
being bisexual these days.
Do you have any hobbies?
- None that you'd approve of.
- Some of my best friends
are into whips and things,
and tying people up.
I meet a lot of different
people all the time.
- What kind of people?
- Real weirdos, it seems.
They come straight for me.
But so what?
Who's to say what's weird?
And at least
they're interesting.
Anyway, it's a waste of time
sitting around
worrying about it.
- There are some things I
must tell you about myself.
It's very difficult.
- Don't be scared.
I want you to feel like
you can tell me anything.
I'll understand.
- Perhaps you
should've known before.
- [Shelly] It won't
change anything.
- I started to explain earlier.
They think I'm a monster.
- We're all a bit of a monster.
First thing in the morning,
I'm a terrible bitch.
- You see, I had a
horrible childhood.
(somber music)
My father was a drunk.
He was an evil man.
My mother and I were
forced to flee to America
when I was very young.
He hated us both.
- No, that doesn't sound
very pleasant at all.
- He beat me as a child.
Mother as well.
It was awful.
I can never feel guilty
for the things I've done.
Do you understand?
It wasn't my fault.
What about Hitler?
He was a battered
child, wasn't he?
Look what he went on to do.
- You have to forget,
it doesn't matter.
I wouldn't care, even if
you were a mass murderer.
- What do you mean by that?
What do you mean
by mass murderer?
- Did I say mass murderer?
You mentioned Hitler.
I didn't mean
anything by it at all.
I'm sorry, it must've been
very difficult for you.
- It was terrible.
Mother told me everything,
things I couldn't
possibly forget.
Then one summer, we
had moved to America.
There was an accident at
a camp we were staying at.
It was supposed
that I had drowned.
I hadn't.
No one knew it, but I lived.
You cannot see my face
in all its hideousness.
If you could, you wouldn't stay.
You'd run out on me.
No one would stay!
- But that's not true.
I like you a lot, Jackson.
You seem like a nice guy.
You're considerate and sincere,
and you washed up all
the dishes after our tea.
There's not too many
men like that around.
- You really mean that?
- I do, of course I do.
- After Mother was gone,
I lived in the wilds,
a savage almost.
I learned to survive on my own.
What choices were there?
I lived with the animals,
I taught myself everything.
Some of the less
fortunate camp councilors
would leave books behind.
I read them all
over and over again.
(ominous music)
My life is in its last
hour, that I know.
Nor would I redeem a
moment of that hour.
What I have done is done.
I bear within a torture that
could gain nothing from life.
Thou didst not tempt me, and
thou couldst not tempt me.
I have not been thy
dupe, nor am I prey,
but was my own destroyer,
and will be my own hereafter.
Back, ye baffled fiends!
The hand of death is
on me, but not yours.
"Tis over, my dull
eyes can fix thee not.
But all things swim around me,
and the earth heaves
as were beneath me.
Fare thee well.
Give me thy hand.
'Tis not so difficult to die.
- That was wonderful.
It was beautiful!
I've heard great
things about Byron.
- Yes, yes,
passionate, yet moody,
remorseful, yet unrepentant.
All of my favorite adjectives.
Manfred's tortured memory,
that enormous guilt
which drives a hero to
his inevitable doom.
One must admire that.
Although, I find
it quite a shame,
the limitations he
established for himself.
- I'm not sure what
you mean exactly.
- Well, being
formally innovative
was not a big
concern of Byron's.
His reputation suffers
for it today, I think.
His models were largely neoclassic,
and perhaps a bit worn.
His lyrics a little old-fashioned,
even in his own day.
- It is unfortunate,
considering his genius.
You know, it's not
often I meet a man
with such an appreciation
for literature.
- It's not often
that I meet a woman.
- Perhaps we can go for a
walk in the park tomorrow.
You could recite
more Byron to me.
(foreboding music)
- It's such a beautiful,
misty morning.
- It must be lovely.
- I'm sorry.
- Please don't be.
Don't ever be sorry for me.
It's hard enough not
being sorry for myself.
- You don't seem like such
a bitch in the morning.
- You don't seem
like such a monster.
- I have my better days.
- Perhaps we could go for
that walk in the park now?
(somber music)
What's wrong, Jackson?
Is something bothering you?
- I can't go there.
Not to the park.
They'll laugh!
- Oh, so you've
come back at last.
- [Jackson] I
would've come sooner,
but something strange
is happening to me.
- How long have you been
going around like that,
with your face hanging out
about all over the place,
like a goddamn leper?
- Just a day.
I've left my mask somewhere,
I don't know where.
- You've got no brains, boy.
There's nothing in that
head of yours up there.
Well, I guess we'll just
have to get you another one.
- I haven't any money.
- Oh well, no, I
don't expect you to.
But you could have
lots of money.
You could just
take their wallets.
- I won't steal from them.
Isn't it bad enough
slashing their throats?
- But you gotta live.
And you've gotta Kill.
- Father, you must understand.
I don't want to kill anymore.
I'm going to quit.
- Quit?
Are you crazy?
You're a psychopathic killer.
Your family's been
mad for generations.
(suspenseful music)
Put this on.
You're as ugly as sin
and it's making me sick.
You never get anything
right, do you?
- I try.
I don't know what's
wrong with me.
- You're completely and
absolutely fucking abnormal,
that's what's wrong with you.
- I've found someone.
- [Father] What?
- I've met someone.
- You met someone?
Oh, isn't that lovely?
- Her name is Shelly.
- Shelly, she a
poet or something?
- I think I'm in love with her.
It's her I'm going
to change for.
It's time I made
something of myself.
- Made something of yourself?
- I can't bear it much longer.
It's my only chance.
- Well, my dear God in
Heaven, this is a tale.
It is what I should've expected.
Is she of our persuasion?
- No.
- Thought I should've asked.
- I've searched.
- Well, you search in vain.
It doesn't happen
to women, it seems.
(ominous music)
Even if you were in love,
it could never work.
- [Jackson] I don't
want to lose her.
- No, I don't suppose you do.
I guess I'm gonna have
to tell you my story.
Both my parents were
destroyed when I was a child.
Yes, I was a real killer.
Merciless, until I started
denying it, doubting myself.
I watched my little son grow up.
It didn't take long
to see what you were.
But all that time you
spent in the swamp--
- It was a lake.
- I thought it was the best
thing that could happen to you.
I thought it might save you
from ever having to know
the weak human half
your mother gave you.
And from all those stories,
the killing you were doing.
I must say I was
really kind of proud.
And then this fiasco, the
mess you left upstairs,
all that blood and guts
splattered all over the place.
And the bodies, you
think I like living here
with this rotten, stinking
smell all over the place?
- And what of me?
- [Father] What
do you think, boy?
Both sides tearing away,
pushing one way, then the next.
Half human, half killer.
I'd hate to be inside
that head of yours.
- I'm a freak.
- [Father] A freak,
learn to live with it.
-I can't.
I won't.
- You saw what it
did to your mother.
Would you put that
woman through this hell?
Would you create another
offspring like yourself?
No, you've got your answers.
Leave me now, go
out into the night.
Try to be true to yourself.
- But I can't live
like that, not anymore.
There must be some way.
You said there was a way.
- For me, there could
have been peace if,
when I'd realized my
mistake, I'd destroyed you.
Both of you, but I
just couldn't do it.
My moment of weakness.
And look where it's left me.
I was once a great killer.
I took pride in myself, in the
excellence of my existence.
You think I like this torment,
the guilt I've been left with?
You think I like being the
dirty fucking alcoholic
I've become?
Living in this pigsty of
a, no, leave me alone!
(ominous music)
Never show your horrible
face in my presence again.
- See, it's not as
bad as all that.
My girlfriends bring me
down here all the time.
They help me buy my clothes.
I have to trust
their opinions a lot.
I don't like that part so much,
but it's awfully good of
them, and it's so much fun.
- [Jackson] I'm afraid I
don't get out much myself.
Or during the day, at least.
- So what do you do for fun?
- [Jackson] What?
- Come on, you can tell me.
- [Jackson] When I was younger,
I used to go to
the movies a lot.
Not much anymore.
I have friends in the business,
I guess you would say.
- Really?
They make films?
That's exciting.
- [Jackson] Movies
are made about them.
- Oh, I have friends
who are actors.
My best friend Christi
is going out with a guy
who's going to be
famous one day.
Or at least he says he is.
Is this it?
- [Jackson] Madeleine Kay's.
The one with the beautiful
woman that can't run away.
- My girlfriend Patti says
there's a beautiful dress
in the window.
She said it would
look adorable on me.
- [Jackson] It is beautiful.
- Could you describe it to me?
- [Jackson] It's
off the shoulder
with a ruffled bow on each side,
a silver-embroidered
top, all in turquoise.
- Oh, it sounds lovely.
It's strange sometimes.
When you can't see the colors,
you start to forget
which outfit is which.
Do you like clothes, Jackson?
- [Jackson] I like anything
black, but I don't bother much.
- What's wrong?
- [Jackson] Let's go back.
- It's all right.
- [Jackson] They're laughing.
- They don't know anything,
they're just stupid.
- [Jackson] I don't
care, I hate it.
I could slit their
little throats,
that would stop
their sniggering.
- Let's cross the street.
Please, I have an idea.
- [Jackson] Shelly, my
bloody feet are killing me.
Is it Oscar's Den you want?
- Yes, that's the place.
- [Jackson] Why do
you wanna go in here?
It's all Halloween masks.
- I know.
Come on, trust me.
Let's goin.
(bell tinkles)
- Hello.
- Hello, I wonder
if you can help me.
- [Jackson] I'll
take a look around.
- Here we are, Madame.
- Thank you.
- [Jackson] Shelly?
- [Shelly] A friend of mine
wore one last Halloween.
Everyone seemed to
think it was a real hit.
How do I look?
- [Jackson] (sighs) Fine.
- [Shelly] That's it, just fine?
- [Jackson] You're
making a joke of this.
You think I enjoy
wearing this mask?
- [Shelly] I thought
it might help you
to feel more comfortable.
I don't have to buy it.
- [Jackson] I didn't mean that.
This Halloween thing.
How would you like
it if once a year,
everyone dressed up
like a blind person
and went around
acting like idiots?
- [Shelly] I'm sorry, I
didn't mean to upset you.
But why does it have to
be a goalie mask you wear?
You must look just like
that stupid man in the film,
The Hand of Death.
- [Jackson] Don't you see?
Don't you understand
what's going on here?
I am that guy from the movies!
- Will you ever quit with
these crazy stories, Jackson?
- Have we decided yet?
I'm afraid you really are gonna
have to make up your mind.
Normally we don't even
allow people to try them on.
Health reasons, you understand.
Hardly hygienic, is it,
having people breathe
all over the merchandise?
(bell tinkles)
(serene music)
- Hello?
- Hi, I let myself in.
- Christi?
- Shelly, where have
you been hiding?
You don't keep in touch anymore.
(ominous music)
There you are.
I just dropped by to tell you
that we're having a little party
at the cottage on
Saturday night.
Why don't you come along?
You could bring your
new man with you.
- Yeah, that would be fun.
I'll ask him.
- So we'll see you Saturday?
- [Shelly] Yeah.
- And you're going to stop
being such a stranger.
We should get out more,
like the old days.
- Yeah.
- [Christi] You sure you don't
wanna come up for a drink?
- No, thanks.
- Okay.
(police siren blares)
See you soon.
- Bye.
(ominous music)
- [Christi] See you Saturday.
(upbeat pop music)
Hi, Barry.
- [Barry] Oh, hi.
I was just finishing this story.
At the end, she turns around.
She says, "Oh, Barry,
you're so cool."
- Oh, come off it, Barry,
you're about as street
as Brian Tilsley.
Fuck me!
This is amazing.
Don't tell me, you're that
guy in that movie, aren't you?
This is amazing,
meeting you in here.
- Come on, mate, sit down,
have a drink with us, eh?
- [Christi] Nick, listen.
- Look, we are in the presence
of a real live celebrity here.
We saw the cameras and lights
and shit up the street.
Barry here's an actor.
We're both actors, actually.
- Gonna make it big
one day, all the way.
- I must have a
pen here somewhere.
- You must make lots
of money in films,
especially off those
bloody yanks, eh?
- Hey, look, you don't ask
someone what they earn.
It's none of your
business, all right?
- Oh, here it is, I
knew it was somewhere.
Your autograph, please,
if you don't mind.
- Jesus, where's he supposed
to sign, your forehead?
- Beer mat.
- Hey, let's have a toast, eh?
To America.
- Oh, fuck America!
To Chelsea, the best
footie team in the land.
Do you like football, mate?
- Not much of a
gabber, are you, mate?
To fucking America!
- Yeah!
- To Ronnie Reagan!
To Mark Chapman!
To George Wallace!
- To Mick Jagger!
- To Terry Vega!
Now there is a real
life American dream.
Well drink up, mate.
Got some kind of problem?
Something bothering you?
- Lay off him, Nick.
- I want my autograph.
What sort of a
bloody snob are you?
It's just an autograph,
it's not gonna hurt you.
What does it say?
I can't read it.
- I slit your throat.
I slit your throat.
- What sort of an
autograph is that?
- Oh, brilliant, man, you know??
You've broken her heart.
Real comedian, aren't you?
Why don't you get rid
of that mask, mate?
Come on, let's see what
you're hiding under here.
(ominous music)
You fucking wanker!
- So what are you waiting for?
Get the bastard!
(suspenseful music)
- There, come on!
- What'd I tell you
about those Americans?
They're fucking mad.
- He's in there, all right.
- Bastard, I'd like to
rip his fucking face off.
- Yeah, tear him to fucking
pieces, eh, Christi?
- All right, you
go through there,
and I'll go around the
back and cut him off.
- Hang on a minute.
Why don't you go through there,
and I'll go around the
other side and cut him off?
- What's the difference?
- Exactly.
- He was rather big, wasn't he?
- Mean looking bastard as well.
- Did you see East
Enders last night?
I don't think much
of your new friends.
- Well, here he is,
my son, the freak.
Why did you come back, boy?
- [Jackson] I live here.
- That was a lot of years ago.
- [Jackson] But there's
still a part of me here.
A part of me that must
now come to an end.
- Well, isn't that poetic?
- [Jackson] Having a holiday?
- More of an exit, really.
I've been here long
enough, too long.
It's time to look
for something new.
Bones may be a bit creaky,
but it's still sharp up here.
I've got a few good
years left, I'd say.
- [Jackson] I'd
have to disagree.
I think it's already
too late for you.
- That doesn't make
much sense to me,
but then, I guess there's
no understanding you, kid.
- [Jackson] You've led a rather
nasty old life, haven't you?
- Oh, hang on a second here!
A man does his best.
We've all made mistakes.
- [Jackson] But some mistakes
are beyond forgiving.
- Don't tear at my heartstrings.
I won't bear an ounce
of guilt for you.
My mistakes are
all behind me now,
and that's where they'll stay.
- [Jackson] You old fool.
Your biggest mistake
stands right before you,
before your very eyes.
You had your chance,
on your own admission,
but you hadn't the
guts to deal with it.
- Don't talk to me about guts!
It's out of my hands now,
your own life is
yours for the taking.
- [Jackson] You
know that's a lie.
I understand all of this now.
(foreboding music)
I'm being condemned.
This murderous life of mine
will go on year after year,
and there's nothing
I can do to stop it.
I'm not afraid to face my fate.
I'm not afraid to be alone.
- Well, what a noble fellow.
What a hero you'll become.
It's a lot of nonsense, boy.
- [Jackson] I have
no more shame.
I'm not afraid of
you any longer.
- Oh, what a monumental
time it's been for you.
- [Jackson] It has.
And I'm sorry for you.
- It's funny, you know, I
was gone, I'd made my exit.
I only came back for
this stupid picture.
Can you imagine that?
She was so beautiful.
She was everything to me.
If only--
- [Jackson] If only.
- Jackson?
I wish you wouldn't do that.
- I'm sorry, I hope
I didn't scare you.
I brought you some chocolates.
- Really?
- I'm so stupid, I almost
bought flowers for you again.
- Oh no, don't be
silly, I love flowers.
I don't get them very often.
Anyway, chocolates
are much nicer.
- These are the ones with
little cherries in brandy.
- Oh, lovely.
- I hope dinner is okay.
Suppose I'm a bit late.
I had a few things
to take care of.
- Is everything all right?
- I can do with a
couple of asprin.
My head is really throbbing.
Are you managing all right?
- Just fine.
- [Jackson] I could help if
you showed me what to do.
- No, no, I prefer
to do it myself.
It's not so difficult.
Actually, I'm quite a good cook.
- Mm, smells wonderful.
- I'm not so good with
a corkscrew, though.
Would you mind opening the wine?
- Right.
- Oh yes, before I forget,
some friends of mine
are having a party this
Saturday at their cottage.
Christi and her boyfriend Nick,
the actor friends I
was telling you about.
I was telling Christi about you.
She invited us both.
- What did you say about me?
- Nothing much, just
that I'd met a man
who I was seeing
quite a lot of lately.
I know you don't like to
go out much in public,
but these people
are really nice.
- Damn.
- Are you all right?
- I've cut myself.
- Oh.
(somber music)
Are you sure you still want to
go through with this tonight?
I mean, there's no rush.
- Yes, fine, no problem.
- I hope the dinner's okay.
I tried to time everything.
If it's burnt, you can't
do a thing with it.
I hope it's cooked enough.
If it isn't, you can always
put it back in the oven.
Is it all right?
- It's very good.
You know, Shelly, before I met
you, I was terribly lonely.
I had no one.
Everything's different now.
I don't know what it is, but
I feel certain that one day,
life's going to be
just perfect for us.
If only I could be rid
of that stupid mask.
- It's funny, since
I've been blind,
I've always had to
wear these sunglasses.
Anyway, I'm sure no
one cared, really.
They probably thought
us a cute couple
when we were in the
market last week.
They probably thought it
was some crazy new fashion.
Maybe we'll start
a whole new trend.
- Maybe I'm just not
up to it after all.
Maybe I'm impotent, did
you ever consider that?
- [Shelly] That's silly,
you're just a little tense.
- [Jackson] You really think so?
- [Shelly] You were
fine all the other times
when we made love, wonderful.
- [Jackson] Honestly?
- It's not so different.
Trust me.
- If so many things
didn't keep going wrong.
- But a lot has gone right.
(gentle music)
- I suppose it won't do
any good to sulk about it.
Tonight I just want to do
everything I can to please you.
- You're so wonderful,
Jackson, like a dream.
- All right.
So where do we begin?
- I keep a few things in
the drawer by the bed.
- God!
You could kill someone
with this thing.
I don't know, I think it just
makes me feel more inadequate.
There's a whole drawer
full of the stuff!
- I have to occupy my
spare time somehow.
- Yes, but couldn't
you take up knitting
or painting or something?
- Don't worry.
Everything's going to be
all right, you'll see.
- That's easy for you to say.
- It's not easy for me to say.
It's not been easy
for me at all.
I'll never forget when I
first started having sex.
Pretty clumsy, but I survived.
I had a boyfriend for a while
then, but he wasn't much help.
I always ended up
feeling terribly guilty,
until I realized it was him
who didn't know the first
thing about making love.
- I suppose the
first time you do it
is always a bit of a letdown.
The first time for me was with
one of those camp councilors.
She was dead.
- I suppose we're all a
dead lay now and again.
Sometimes you're
just not up to it.
I keep a few more things
in the closet over there.
- Right.
Who's this?
- You mean Juliet?
- Juliet?
What's she doing here?
- I sleep with her sometimes,
when I get really lonely.
- But she's a she!
You sleep with a
female blowup doll?
That's not exactly
normal, is it?
- It is only plastic, after all.
- But Shelly, it has
all the right parts.
(sultry music)
- Did you like that?
Perhaps you're scared of me.
Would you like to
be Mama's slave?
Well, answer me,
little boy.
- This is crazy.
What do I say, what
am I meant to say?
- It's not so crazy.
Try to concentrate.
Tell me to be nice, that
you'll be a good boy.
- I can't, it's just not me.
- I thought you wanted to
share each other's lives,
to know everything.
- I know, but...
- All right, let me
play the submissive one.
Okay, now be mean to me.
Punish me, be tough.
- Shelly.
- Okay, use the
manual if you have to.
Try page 42, that's a good one.
Please don't hurt me.
I don't like to be whipped.
I don't mean to be a bad girl.
I'll do anything you like me to.
I'll cook for you,
I'll clean for you.
Tell me what you like.
Tell me what you need.
- You wicked whore.
You don't want me to hurt
you, but you must be punished.
You've been a very naughty girl.
You will bring me my slippers,
and then I will paddle
the fleshy round cheeks
of your bottom, until
they become red with lust.
- Oh no, please don't,
I promise to be good.
- You will be good,
my saucy wench,
and I must punish you.
I feel ridiculous doing this.
- I'm sorry.
We don't have to do anything.
Come here.
(serene music)
(singing crudely)
- [Barry] You all
right there, mate?
- [Mick] Come on, mate!
Come on, get his bloody leg.
- Will you?
- Get in.
- [Mick] Shut up.
- Hey guys, I'm not
completely helpless.
- Only helpless enough
to be confined to bed.
- [Nick] Oh, come on.
- Doctor's orders, you're
going to stick to that.
- Come on, then, let's
get you upstairs, eh?
- Hey look, I'm okay, guys.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Be careful with him.
- [Mick] Christ, it was
only an eight inch blade,
for God's sake.
- So don't think
tomorrow's party is off
for this little scrape.
- [Christi] I'm
afraid it's too late.
I've called everyone
and canceled.
- Jesus, you make such a big
deal about a little puncture.
I'm hardly even hurt.
- So we'll hang around and
keep you company, right?
- Yeah, sure,
Charlotte's coming out.
We'll just have a
nice quiet weekend.
You'll be up and
around within a week.
- Okay, so bring me
a beer, will you?
- One beer, and that's it.
- Hang on, I'll get it.
Come on, Barry.
- Nick, cut it out!
- So what now, I suppose we
can't have a little fun, either?
- You heard the doctor.
- Oh, fuck the doctor.
- You'll survive for one night.
I'll go and get you that beer.
(phone rings)
- I'll get it in here!
Hello, hello, hello,
Nicko's party palace here.
(ominous music)
(energetic synth music)
- [Father] Completely and
absolutely fucking abnormal.
Feels so good
Oh yes
Feels so good
Feels so good
Oh yes
Feels so good
Don't take no genius
Don't take no genius
- [Father] Got no brains, boy,
you got nothing in that
head of yours up there.
& Now is the time
& Now is the time
You feel all right
You feel all right
Feels so good
Feels so good
Feels so good
On the left, on the right
Rolling, rolling, rolling
(police siren blares)
(phone rings)
- Hello?
- Shelly.
- Jackson.
- [Jackson] Don't
go out tonight.
- What?
- [Jackson] No, not to any
party, not to any cottage.
- Why?
- Listen to me.
Everything's fine, I
have to warn you, Shelly.
- What are you talking about?
- [Jackson] Please
don't go out there.
- [Shelly] Jackson?
(ominous music)
(foreboding music)
(upbeat pop music)
- Nice place you've
got here, Nick.
I've heard about some
of your little parties.
- Yeah, well, we
all have our fun.
- Course, I've only
heard about them.
- Okay, no quarreling,
not today, at least.
It's bad luck.
- It's bad luck?
- Don't you know what day it is?
It's Friday.
Friday the 13th.
- Bring on the scaly monster!
- How about bringing
on another burger?
- Yeah, coming right up.
- Come on, Charlotte,
let's go for a swim, eh?
Now's the best time, all
the swamp creatures are out.
- Come on.
(ominous music)
No way I am gonna go for a swim.
- Oh, but you promised!
- No, I'm too drunk.
I'm feeling really drunk.
- You're not drunk at all.
No, no, look, look.
- No, no, no, I need to--
No, I am drunk, I'm
drunk, no, please.
- I tell you what, if I do
the dive, you follow me, okay?
- I might.
- You're gonna follow me, okay?
No, sure.
- Okay, if you go in,
I promise you I'll
come in, okay?
- Yeah, you will.
- [Charlotte] I dare you to
dive in, I bet you won't.
- You dare me?
- You're a coward!
- You really dare me?
- You're a coward!
- Oh, come on.
- You're a coward.
(foreboding music)
- [Man] Steady, boy, steady.
(horse whinnies)
Come on.
(ominous music)
- [Charlotte] You'll
never guess what, Mac,
I could've sworn there was
something behind those sheets.
- What's the news
on the audition?
- What audition is that, Barry?
- Ah, well, I think
that's the audition
I wasn't supposed to mention.
- Nice one, Barry.
- It doesn't matter, Nick,
you can't make it anyway.
- [Nick] Barry.
- Well, it's tomorrow, actually.
Listen, it's just
another adaptation
of one of those stupid
Shakespearean dramas
that Melvin Whitemore's
always putting on.
- I made arrangements
for you to go next week.
- [Nick] And you auditioned?
- Yeah.
- For Shakespeare?
Oh, Barry.
Can't believe you even
considered that wanker.
Look, since nursery school,
we've had that rot
shoved down our throats.
Hamlet is a wimp.
Lear, the senile old goat.
And Romeo and Juliet,
makes me puke.
Do you think next week will be
too late for me to audition?
- Maybe not, I think he's
considering you for the lead.
- For the lead?
- A gritty street punk Macbeth.
The whole thing's set in
the present, gang war style.
- Street punk Macbeth.
Christ, do you know how many
times I've played Macbeth?
Stars, hide your fires,
let not light see my
black and deep desires.
The eye wink at the hand,
yet let that be
which the eye fears,
when it be done, to see.
- Really cathartic, man.
(foreboding music)
- It's great out here!
- No, it's not, it's
cold and creepy,
and I wanna go
back to the party.
- [Mac] Oh, but they're
so boring back there.
- [Charlotte] Come
here and keep me warm.
- [Mac] I'll tell you what,
I'll build you a nice fire.
- Afire?
- Yeah, right here.
I'm just gonna get
some wood, okay?
- Don't be long.
(suspenseful music)
- [Jackson] Go ahead,
scream if you like.
To be perfectly honest, I'm
really starting to get bored
with the whole thing.
- You're the guy from
the pub, aren't you?
The one that attacked Nick.
- [Jackson]
Ridiculous, isn't it?
I mean, fine, so I have to kill.
I have no choice in the matter.
But you'd think they'd let me
try something else, as well.
I do have other talents.
No sense bothering to
run for it, really.
You'll get 10 feet, maybe,
and run into a branch,
or stumble over a root.
(suspenseful music)
See, what did I tell you?
Your fate is sealed
as tightly as mine.
Except for me,
it's so much worse.
- The least you could do is
complement me some of the time.
- But I thought you were
gonna go to Los Angeles
and become famous, and
make lots of money.
Oh, and forget about all
that classical bullshit.
- This classical
bullshit, darling,
that is my destiny.
But first, I must give
them Macbeth one last time.
- Nick, you're
supposed to be in bed!
He'll rupture those stitches.
- If there was
something we could do.
- No, nothing.
He doesn't care about anything.
- I could go fetch
him if you want.
- No, it's all right,
I'll go and find him.
I'm getting used to his crap.
(upbeat synth music)
- Get thee to thy mistress
when thy drink is ready.
She strikes upon the bell.
Get thee to thy bed!
Thy mistress strikes
upon the bell.
Go, get thee to bed!
Is this a dagger
I see before me?
A handle toward my hand.
Come, let me clutch thee.
- [Jackson] God!
- I see thee still,
yet I have thee not.
Art though fatal vision
sensible to sight
as well as to feeling?
Or art though but a
dagger of the mind?
A false creation...
- [Jackson] That was terrible.
(suspenseful music)
- Do you think we should've
left Christi by herself?
She seems so upset.
- No, she said she didn't mind.
She'll just sit around for
a bit, then go find Nick,
and everything will be fine.
- Stay there a moment, I want
to wash and brush my teeth.
- I don't think I
can bear waiting.
(suspenseful music)
Here I am, darling,
come and get me.
- [Meagan] Here I come, Barry!
Hello, darling.
Hey Barry, wake up, silly.
You're not going to
crash out on me, are you?
(suspenseful music)
- Charlotte!
Stupid fucking bitch.
I'm sorry I left you on
your own in the woods.
Oh, just come out now.
(suspenseful music)
- Nick, I'm sorry, you
know I didn't mean it.
Nick, come on,
quit being stupid.
Nick. (giggles)
(suspenseful music)
Meagan, help me!
Help me!
(foreboding music)
- [Jackson] If only there
were something more.
It just all seems so pointless.
The real monsters are out
there, I hope you understand.
If only there were
something more.
It just all seems so pointless.
(dramatic music)
- Hello?
Do you think they'll
be able to fix it?
Okay, I'll keep
trying, thank you.
Who is it?
(solemn music)
Who is it?
- Jackson.
- I was so worried about you.
I didn't know what was going
on, you never said anything.
I've been just
sitting here, waiting.
- I'm sorry.
It's just not a good
night to be going out.
- It's just that I feel like
there's something going on,
I don't know what.
Is everything all
right with you?
- Yes.
- Maybe you've
found somebody else.
You've met another
woman, haven't you?
- You must be joking.
- It's just that everything
seems to be slipping away.
- [Jackson] Shelly, can
I ask you something?
- Of course.
- [Jackson] Would you
like to live forever?
- What?
That's a strange question.
- [Jackson] Could you answer it?
- Well, I don't know.
Why not?
Yes, of course I'd
like to live forever.
- [Jackson] And are
you happy, honestly?
- Yeah, I am.
A lot of the time,
Fifty-fifty, I suppose.
- Times eternity.
That's an awful
lot of suffering.
And for the most of the people,
Fifty-fifty will be a blessing.
After tonight, you'll
just be a memory.
- What do you mean?
- They'll let you die,
or at least be forgotten.
What of me?
Designed to kill, trapped
in all of this, forever.
- All of what?
- If only there was something
I could do for you, Shelly.
I really do love you.
- What do you mean,
Jackson, I don't understand.
- After tonight, we can
never see each other again.
- Don't say that, Jackson.
How can you say such a thing?
-I can't goon
deceiving you, Shelly.
You know nothing of me.
- Yes I do, I know you so well,
and I want to know
everything about you.
- It will be too painful.
I could never be so evil as
to share my hell with you.
- This is insane, Jackson, I
don't know what you're saying.
Jackson, I'm pregnant.
I'm going to have
a baby, our baby.
- No.
That can't be.
No, I couldn't let that happen.
I couldn't put an innocent
child through this.
- It wouldn't be
as bad as all that.
It would finally mean a
normal, happy life for us both.
I thought you would be happy.
- I am happy.
I love you, Shelly.
But it could never work.
For me, it's impossible.
You must trust me, Shelly.
Do you trust me?
- I do, Jackson, I love you.
- Then please,
please forgive me.
(dramatic music)
It's a hell of a
life, being a monster.
It's a hell of a life.
(horn blares)
(sorrowful music)
(energetic rock music)
Girls are welcome
Perfect surface
Oh how I long to
touch your skin
I'm pushing up, tough,
I wanna school it
I'm sticking up,
hard, feet in the dirt
I'm shoving up, cool,
I think it's through
I'm moving up, fast,
I'm mobile, babe
I'm heading up, proud,
head in the clouds
Stare mountains in the eye
Girls are welcome
Perfect surface
Oh how I long to
touch your skin
In a covered mall,
tape recorder's call
ain't never saw,
hope, redeem us all
Inside no storms, it's
warm, fluorescent bright
Imitation fakes,
cakes, say eat me now
Can't control the rain,
shame, seeded from blame
File off that second hand
Girls are welcome
Perfect surface
Oh how I long to
touch your skin
Concrete, mix it up
Concrete, mix it up
I'm inspired, I'm not tired
I could talk all day
I'm inspired, I'm not tired
I could talk all day
In a covered mall,
tape recorder's call
Ain't never saw,
hope redeem us all
Inside no storms,
outside is warm
Stare mountains in the eye
Girls are welcome
Perfect surface
Oh how I long to
touch your skin
Oh how I long to
touch your skin
Oh how I long to
touch your skin