Unmasking The Idol (1986) Movie Script

-Okay, let's go.
-Where the hell is he?
-I don't know.
-He's crazy.
-He's like a fish.
-There, there!
He walks the night between
the wrong and right
but he's drawn,
like a moth, to the light
The flame grows higher,
his will can fight desire
so he walks into the fire
Ride on the wings
of the wind... to the sun
but not...
'til the game is won
Yeah, revenge is sweet,
if you can stand the heat
and can you stay in for the run?
The masked man and the devil's gold
is a story about to be told
Ride on the wings
of the wind... to the sun
but not... till the game is won
-Good evening, Star.
This is Jax.
I now have the microcassette
in my possession.
I shall be passing it on
to our usual contact momentarily.
-Outstanding job, as usual.
-Thank you, sir.
There's one other matter
I'd like to bring up.
I could use a vacation.
-Whatever you like, Mr. Jax.
Enjoy yourself.
Just be prepared to start
a new assignment the day after tomorrow.
-Sir, you must be joking.
-I don't make jokes, Mr. Jax.
We're facing..-correction, you're facing
the most dangerous mission ever-.
Time is of the essence.
-Andrea, more chips for Mrs. Stevens.
No more bets.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please, no more bets.
Number 27, the winner.
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
Place your bets, please.
-A gun can be a very dangerous weapon.
-Not if you know how to use it.
-The usual split bet, sir?
-Very good, sir.
-My name is Jax.
Duncan Jax.
And you are?
-Of course you are.
I'm always fascinated by a woman
with a knowledge of firearms.
-I know that mastery takes
a lot of target practice.
As well, to be an expert,
you have to stay on top of things.
-Double 0, the winner.
Should I send this to your room, Mr. Jax?
Thank you, Franco.
-Right away, sir.
-I always like to start my
day off with a bang.
-You're very strong.
It's nice to find
someone who keeps in shape.
-I was thinking the same thing of you.
-What kind of work do you do?
-Well, a little of this, a little of that.
Sounds evasive.
-Why all the questions?
-I like to know the men
I get tangled up with.
-Are we tangled?
-We seem to be.
-Did I miss a step
in our relationship somewhere?
-Can I ask you something
from out of left field?
-Yes, by all means.
-You may answer and then you may not.
What do you know about the ninja?
-The what?
-What's a ninja?
-A paid assassin.
-You must be talking about the fellow
who caused all the commotion
in the hotel earlier.
-Would that have been you?
-Do I seem like the type to you to leap
from buildings and hang from balloons?
-You seem like the type
to do anything you want.
What's that?
-Must be that ninja
you've been talking about.
-It's a baboon.
-I'd like you to meet
the most intelligent primate in the world.
His name is Boon.
Boon, this is China.
How do you know this primate?
-We work together.
-Oh, so you are a ninja.
-Mum's the word.
-He's charming.
-Just like his master.
-Yes, I can definitely see
a resemblance.
Here we are again, Mr. Duncan Jax.
-Exciting lifestyle, yes?
-Very mysterious.
Almost oriental.
-You're not going
to start on that again, are you?
-Yes, it all seems to fit.
-Would you excuse me?
I have to make a call.
-Come on monkey, come on.
Hey, look at you.
Look at the monkey.
-Hello, this is Star.
Unfortunately, I'm not here
at the moment to take your call,
but if you leave your name --
-Let's go home, Boon.
Home, sweet home.
-Good morning, Mr. Jax.
I'm R-TECH C7.
Today's most advanced computer
utilizing micro molecular circuitry.
I'm fully compatible with the most modern
of today's defensive systems.
For a demonstration of my capabilities,
please activate my standby mode.
Oh, and have a nice day.
-You're a dead man.
You can't take us both.
-The monkey...
-Why don't you like Boon, Sato?
He always speaks well of you.
-I don't like monkeys.
Except to eat.
-He hates being called a monkey.
-Hey, get that pest away
from my equipment.
No, stop!
Stop him!
-You asked me to drop by
and you try to kill me.
What's up?
-Just trying to keep you on your toes.
Looks like you are slowing down.
-If I had, I'd be a dead man right now.
No thanks to you.
How's the R-TECH coming along?
-Not completely perfected,
but very close.
Not bad, Sate.
I'd like to get one of these installed
in the truck as soon as possible.
-You got it, boss.
-That would be Star.
Would you show him in, please, Sato?
Mr. Jax will be with you in a moment.
-Thank you, Sato.
-Good afternoon, Star.
-If your concentration allows,
I think you'll find this both interesting
as well as educational.
What you're seeing
is the infamous Devil's Crown Island.
-The most heavily guarded fortress in the
world, but no one seems to know why.
-You've heard of it then.
An impenetrable hideaway
with enough electronics
to spot a flea on an elephant's ass.
Don't tell me you've
discovered what's on it.
Tons of pure 24 carat gold.
-How did it get there?
-All stolen, ounce by ounce, ingot by
ingot, gold jewelry,
statuary, relics, coins.
-All hidden somewhere
in the heart of that island.
Yes, but where?
-Oh, we know where. Or, rather,
we know someone who knows where.
-Well, sir, why aren't you talking to him?
-Because you're the only man
who can get in, get the gold and get out.
-It can't happen.
-Oh, it can and will.
It must be done -- and soon.
There are hostile forces
that would use that gold
to equip a submarine
with nuclear warheads.
They threatened to start World War Three.
-What are the details?
I mean, if I should decide
to go along with it.
-You'll have help, beginning with Bugs.
Why that demo freak?
-Because he can lead you to Whale.
-To Whale?
What do we need him for?
-Because he has the only known map
to the gold fort.
You need him.
-This is turning into a three-ring circus.
-Bugs can lead you to the prison
where Whale is presently languishing.
-Whale can lead us to the gold
and possibly to our deaths.
No, no, I don't think
I want any part of this.
-Mr. Jax.
One more thing.
Our sources have confirmed
that the organization
that supports the Scarlet Leader
is responsible for the death
of your parents, namely
Baron Hugo Von Bruger.
-Gold tooth.
Six days, you say?
Mr. Jax,
I'll be going with you.
-Whatever you like.
-I am the one, I am supreme,
I am the ultimate power.
He who dares to challenge me
or defy me shall
have to pay the price,
and pay for it dearly.
I will show no mercy to no one, no way.
You catch my drift, old man?
So what have you got to say?
Not that I really care.
-The engine just quit on us.
We could have floated around for days.
Lucky for us, we've washed ashore
on this island.
-I wouldn't call it lucky.
You were not invited.
So you will have to leave.
We don't care for old folks here.
-Please, we beg you.
Let us stay.
We have no food.
Bullets, do you recall
the film classic, Kiss of Death?
Let's stroll down memory lane
with the old lady here.
The memorable staircase sequence.
My favorite.
-My God, what's in that pool?
-Show him what's in the pool.
-My, the piranhas are hungry today.
-Good exercise, Gunner.
-I was a little off today.
-You gave it your best shot.
For you.
Willy, come on in.
The water's great.
I think I'll stay dry and
leave the frolicking to you.
Getting too old for this nonsense.
-Not slowing down now, are you, Willy?
-It catches up to all of us, eventually.
Your time will come.
-There are only two kinds of people.
The quick and the dead.
-And the forgotten.
Just remember who was there to show you the
ropes when you were coming up.
-Something's eating away at Willy.
I think he knows that he's not going
to have an active role on this mission.
That must be tough to face.
Our previous assignment
was child's play compared to this one.
-You sound a little concerned.
Are things more serious than I think?
-They may very well be.
These terrorists
are both ruthless and cunning.
We cannot afford to underestimate them.
-Duncan, I understand the job,
but what about the odds'?
How can we cut down our losses
and still succeed with the mission?
-Just be quicker and tougher
than the Scarlet Leader.
Devil's Crown
did not get its name from a fairy tale.
-Is that gold worth the risk?
-The gold? No.
But the elimination of the Scarlet Leader
and the Baron makes this
a mission that I cannot refuse.
There is another bonus.
I cannot divulge it at this point,
but there is a treasure on Devil's Crown
that makes the gold pale by comparison.
-Scarlet Leader,
the huge man with gold teeth
who refuses to identify himself
has arrived.
-It's the Baron-.
Show him in, but use the service entrance.
My, my, look what the tide dragged in.
You're early, Baron.
Is something wrong?
-For your sake, I certainly hope not.
-I've kept my part of the deal.
The gold is ready.
-I want to see it myself. Immediately.
-That's your prerogative,
but bear one thing in mind.
I make the commands
on Devil's Crown Island.
-We have staged a full-scale, global ransom
and you stand in a point of order?
Can we please get on
with the business at hand?
-An excellent suggestion.
The less I have to work with you,
the better.
If our organizations weren't working
together, I wouldn't waste
my breath on you.
-I share the sentiment.
-And we'll share the riches
when the ransom is paid.
Are the missiles operational?
-They are.
They will be mounted
when I deliver the gold.
Shall we move on with it?
-Now, you've seen the gold.
-Seeing is one thing,
judging quality is another.
-I assure you, Baron,
everything is as we discussed.
I've got better things to do
than to watch you drool over your treasure.
-I have not attained my position
in the organization by being careless.
The gold must be counted
and every bar examined
before I am ready to proceed
with our bargain.
The stakes are too high.
I just hope you have not gotten in
over your head.
-And I hope that you are using yours.
Should your plan fail,
you will find yourself faced
with the most formidable enemy.
Watch him.
-We've got ourselves a beauty this time,
Sato, a real tough assignment.
-What is that?
-Devil's Crown Island.
It all starts with a fellow named Bugs.
-He's not one of your favorite people.
He's the only one who can lead me
to the second man that I need.
-That one is in jail.
-How do you know that?
-Everybody you need to help you is in jail.
-Since you seem to know everything,
Charlie Chan, who am I talking about?
-Whale, of course.
-You're right, Sato.
It is Whale.
All I know about him is that he is locked
up in a Caribbean prison.
-He has no intention of ever leaving.
-I can get to him through Bugs,
so he's my first target.
-Bugs is really living stylishly
these clays, huh?
-God, I'd say so.
-You can bet those beauties
in the car are armed to the teeth.
Bugs may be crazy, but he's not stupid.
-How are we going to get past those guys?
-I think Boon may be able to solve
that problem for us.
-You call this monkey business?
-Look, it's a monkey.
It's dressed up in a ninja suit.
-No, it's the Leibowitz kid.
He looks like that.
-No, come look.
Come on.
Hey, hey.
Out of the car.
Out of the car.
-What do you want?
-I want to see Bugs.
-Who are you?
-I'm an old friend-.
-He doesn't have any old friends.
-This old friend could mean
millions to him.
-Ah, that old friend.
-What the hell?!
-Where is he?
-He's back there, through the first door,
second on the right.
-Looks like trouble.
-Things are getting a little tighter
than we expected, Duncan.
-Sounds like things are going
to get even tighter.
Puts a little excitement in your life,
don't you think?
-Duncan, this is serious,
what are we going to do?
-Have any religious affiliations?
-What's up, boss'?
-We're in a bit of a squeeze here.
-Sato, the walls are literally
closing in on us.
We need a miracle.
-Try the loose wrench on your wristband.
It's a torch substitute.
you should have made an appointment.
-We would have,
but we were pressed for time.
-I don't believe it,
this place looks like a war zone.
I've never seen anything like this.
It's unreal.
I'm a collector.
This is probably the largest privately
owned collection of arms in the world.
-Could we pass on the tour
and get down to business?
-Okay, but I hope
we're talking serious business here.
-I like a man who gets to the point.
I'll be brief.
We're talking about gold.
Lots of gold.
-SO why me?
You don't look like a tooth fairy.
-Look, if I didn't need you,
I wouldn't be here.
Your share is 20% of mine.
-I only work for 50%.
-This is not negotiable.
Are you in or out?
-Well, it depends.
What's the target'?
-Devil's Crown.
-Devil's Crown?
-On or off, what do you say?
Time is running out.
-Well, what's my part?
First, you lead us to the Whale.
-Now, I know you're crazy.
Who the hell wants
to deal with the Whale'?
-Secondly, you apply your specialty.
We also need you to fly the chopper.
-Okay, I'm in.
Say, does that ape have a search warrant?
Hey, monkey. Monkey!
-Don't worry about him, he's just playing.
-Well, that stuff he's playing
with makes nitro look like a firecracker.
-Boon, leave it.
We go in for the Whale tomorrow.
-The Whale don't plan on going anywhere.
He likes it there.
-I think I might be able to persuade him.
-Good luck.
-Look there.
A monkey.
A monkey up there.
-Hey, where you going?
He wants tequila.
-Hold it there.
Let's talk, huh?
-You pose a formidable problem.
-You ain't seen nothing yet.
Who the hell are you?
What are you doing here?
-A man with a mission.
I need your help.
-Well, why didn't you just walk in
and ask instead
of creeping up on me like that?
-If I had asked, you would've helped?
-Well, why waste words?
Now, I'm telling you.
Let's go.
We have work to do.
-Why should I leave all this?
Just because you tell me to?
-You're wasting time.
I'll try to tell you about it.
-Look at that.
-Hey, monkey.
-Come on.
-Go, Monkey.
Hey, Monkey.
-So, you give me the map
and you get to stay here.
-What's your name?
-Jax, Duncan Jax.
-Well, Duncan Jax, you don't
look so stupid, but you sound real stupid.
No one has ever seen such a map.
I believe you're just like the others.
You're following a blind lead.
-You've got it and I want it,
with you or without you.
-Whoever told you
such a stupid story about a map?
How do you know that little sleazebag?
-He sends you all his best.
He's waiting for you right outside.
-No, no, you don't listen so good.
I told you I don't know anything
about a map and I'm not going anywhere.
-Somewhere in your brains
or on your body, there's a map.
Wherever it is, I'll find it.
-Well, Duncan Jax,
I'll make you a bargain.
You want me out, you carry me out.
-Never gets any easier, does it?
-What is this?
This mean we're going steady?
It means we're going.
-What the hell is this?
-Multiple personality module.
Commonly referred to as a bomb.
This is a bomb?
-What the hell.
Let's go.
-It's Christmas, Boon-.
Ho, ho, ho.
Time to pass out the presents.
Be generous.
-This is Echo, can you read me'?
This is Echo.
-I read you, Echo.
You're coming in faint, but I read you.
Can you speak louder'?
-There isn't much time.
They said they'll be arriving at 0700.
The gold will be loaded quickly.
-Where will the gold be loaded?
-The dockside pick-up port.
It's marked on the map that you have.
That's all I can tell you.
I have to go now.
-There's one more thing I have to know.
It's important.
I can't depend on the Whale.
I have to know the exact location
of the tunnel entrance.
-I've tried, I'm afraid they'll catch me
if I try anymore-.
-We need that information.
You've got to try again.
It's vital to the success of this mission.
Echo, can you read me?
I trust you've all found enough to eat.
I wanted us to get a chance
to know each other.
Who's on what side.
-Well, I like our team a lot.
If the bad guys are this pretty,
I might forget my mission.
-You better hope they're not this tough.
-Well, if this is the Last Supper,
I want to make it memorable.
-I don't mean to put a damper on things,
but if you have any questions about your
assignments, now might be the time.
I'd like to make one thing clear:
we're not going in for the gold.
-Hold on there.
I'm going for the gold
and there's no doubt about it.
-Well, now, just let me finish.
I didn't say that we wouldn't
take the gold.
It's how we take it that counts.
-I'm for brute force,
that works every time.
-That's not the plan.
Whale has a map.
-Excuse me, but we still have a
little matter of percentages
to discuss, Duncan Jax.
-On his person, Whale has a map
that can lead us to the real gold.
Meanwhile, we deliver the fools gold
to Gold tooth at the dockside pickup vault.
-Why bother?
-Our responsibility
is to destroy the nest of terrorists,
along with Gold tooth
and the submarine.
The gold is just the frosting on the cake.
Some frosting, eh?
-Duncan's right.
Our assignment
is to rid the world of this threat.
We'll take the gold as our reward.
-We hit Devil's Crown in three days.
-The plan says four.
-Now, it's three.
Also, there'll be no further communication
from this compound,
I don't want any leaks.
-You don't trust your own people.
-I didn't mention the word trust,
Willy, just a precaution.
-An attack is imminent.
We don't know the precise
location or time,
but we do know who
and you know as well, don't you?
Yes, you do, my pretty little Echo.
We're waiting for a man that many people
consider the most dangerous ninja
on the face of the earth.
Aside from myself, of course ,
but you knew that, too, didn't you?
You ignore it because you've been passing
information to our enemy all along.
We know what happens to bad little girls
like you, don't we, my darling Echo?
Tell me, Echo,
do you like water sports?
My informant tells me that Duncan
Jax may have enlisted the services
of that slobbering blimp that escaped
my torture several years ago, the Whale.
You see, I still have my informant
and Duncan Jax has lost his.
I haven't had this much fun in years.
-Boy, he's strict.
-This mission has been
planned so carefully.
Could anything go wrong this late
in the proceedings?
-All I know is,
there's a traitor in our midst.
-We have an agent
who is in contact with Devil's Crown.
They're expecting an assault
before the sub arrives in four days.
-That's why you upped the schedule
and shut off outside communications.
What's your next move?
We wait until they reveal themselves.
Whoever they are,
they're bound to be getting edgy.
Sooner or later, they're going to slip up.
When they do, it won't go unnoticed.
-Oh, are you so hot to get me
in the game of chess, Sato?
-Because I think I can trap you this time.
-I've never lost to you yet.
What makes this time different?
knowledge of how the game is played.
You've been taking lessons, Sato?
What could you know now
that you didn't know before?
-New facts, certain moves
I had not known before.
-How did you come by these new facts?
-By keeping my eyes open,
by watching the moves of others.
-What others?
Nobody plays like I do.
-That's true.
You have your own moves
and it seems your own rules, too.
-Meaning when things don't go your way,
you make them to suit yourself.
-If you have something to say, Sato,
this might be just the right time
to get it off your chest.
-Well, I've been wondering about the
transmission you sent out this afternoon,
the one right after the briefing meeting.
-I'm sorry that I've taken your time
to discuss Willy this morning.
I must admit that it's a surprise
and a disappointment to me.
-Forget the previous briefing and listen
carefully to what I'm going to tell you.
Make sure you understand every detail,
I will lead the red team.
Ours will be the first assault group.
-Red team landing will follow the
diversionary drop by
approximately one minute.
Yellow team, your landing will follow
within one minute later,
We'll land on the North beach and cut your
way to the middle of the Island.
At the same time, White team will land with
the Red on the East beach.
There, you will split off
and make your way across the Island
to the West beach, arriving in time
for the cargo drop.
All of you will be given detailed plans
and maps of your exact landing locations.
Any questions?
-Later, Boon.
-Mr. Jax, may I?
-Certainly, sir.
-If you have ever believed that timing
is everything, believe it now.
If you're late,
others could be killed because of you,
and you could be killed because you've let
down others who could have protected you.
-Boon, are you chewing gum'?
The order is as follows: one - diversionary
forces on the West beach,
two - Red and White teams land
on the East beach,
three - White team to the North beach,
four - cargo to the West beach.
Okay, that's it.
Study your plans carefully
and destroy them.
We leave at 0400 sharp.
-Unit one covering entire Western section.
-This is unit one, calling command post
central. Command post central, over.
-I read you, unit one. Over.
-No sign of any invasionary force.
-We have an invasionary force
coming in from the West.
All units stand by
for further instructions.
-There they are, parachute drop.
-We need more reinforcements,
send more units.
-All forces to the West beach.
-Let's give them a welcome
they'll never forget.
-Yes, Scarlet Leader.
-They're all dummies.
We've been tricked.
Scarlet Leader, what should we do?
Our men are dropping like flies!
-Are you a fool?
Get more flies.
-Scarlet Leader, our units report that
Duncan Jax is flying in.
All units, they just dropped a --
I can't believe it.
-This is it, Bugs.
Time for you to earn your share.
-You don't worry about me.
I know what I'm doing.
-You damn well better,
I don't like working with amateurs.
-Well, now, Mr. Big deal,
it seems like you don't have much
of a choice, do you?
-No, but I can lessen the odds.
If you make one slightest mistake,
I'll blow your little Bugs right off.
-Boy, I should've stayed in prison.
It was safer there.
-What, and miss all the fun'?
-Okay, Whale, this is it.
Up until now, you've refused
to tell us where the map is.
Where is it?
-Can't you give me a moment?
We're rapidly running out of time,
my friend.
I don't care if it's in your brain,
in your belly, or tattooed on your butt.
I want that map now.
-You're serious?
-Serious like a heart attack.
What's this?
-That's it, Duncan Jax.
It's an electronic map.
If you press the proper sequence
of buttons,
you will learn the precise location
of the tunnel entrance.
But remember, without me,
this map is of no use to you.
-Without the map?
-Let's go.
-I don't know why my apprehensions seem
to be growing
the deeper we get into this mission.
-That's simple.
You're used to others doing
your dirty work
while you sit in a plushy office
and give orders.
-What the hell do you know about me?
-I can smell people like you.
Let me tell you one thing.
We're in the field now, old buddy.
-I didn't earn my stripes
sitting behind a desk, Bugs.
I know the field as well as anyone.
-We'll soon see.
This is the easy part.
The ass-kicking comes later.
-If the computer is correct,
we should be very near the pit opening.
-Why do you need a map?
You've spent a lot of time on this island.
-This is very true, Duncan Jax.
But you see, I was designing
a weapon system.
Now, the information that I have stored
on the computer is just little bits
and pieces I picked up here and there,
strictly on the sly.
-Whale, there's something
I've always wondered about.
Where did you hide the map
before your escape?
-Please, this is not something I wish to
discuss in the presence of a young lady.
You see,
my little computer led us right to it.
-Ugh, what's that awful smell?
-I could tell you,
but I don't think you really want to know.
Okay, Whale.
Once we're in the pit, which way do we go?
-When we reach the first platform,
we take a right.
That should lead us directly
to a set of stairs.
If you turn left,
I think we're going to find out
what that terrible smell is.
-We'll go to the right.
-It's going to get hot in here
pretty soon-.
We don't have much time to get our rigged
gold in with the genuine article.
-It will take a second.
-I must say, Bugs, you do know your job.
-Well, I've been around.
Let's go.
-Let's get the show on the road.
-Ugh, does this mean animals
and ladies first, huh?
-This is no time for chivalry.
Go, go!
-How close are we?
Any signal yet from the radio station?
Sparks, any signal yet?
-No, Captain.
-Why the hell not?
What is going on?
Who is this?
-Who is this?
I will tell you who this is.
This is the man
who will turn you inside out
if you do not get someone
on the radio, is that clear?
-Yes, sir.
-He's only used
to taking my commands.
-Starting now, he will take mine.
-He can only do what
his equipment will allow him to do.
-He can do what I tell him to do,
is that clear'?
Bat, Sparkle, whatever your name is.
Get someone on that radio!
-Looks good to me.
Everything is just as we found it.
-If you get the grate back up
on the door, we can go.
-I got one last charge to take care of.
-Why must I do everything?
I can't stand incompetence.
-They are not answering.
I think your generator is out.
-We can't go in there blind.
I hate these subs.
Let me see.
-What in the hell is going on here?
I'm surrounded by idiots and incompetents.
Where the hell is Gold tooth?
Follow me to the communications room.
What a world.
-Now what you see'?
-It looks like a war zone out there.
Sparks, any message yet?
-Still nothing, sir.
-What's the good in having a damn radio
if it doesn't work?
-It does work!
-If it works, we would be
talking to someone now!
It doesn't work!
-We're not going in there.
-We are going in now, understood?!
Take it in!
Oh boy,
I can smell the gold already.
It doesn't work.
I don't know, it could be the battery.
What do you suggest we do now?
-Hey, that's one smart monkey
you got there.
-So this is the throne room.
-My God, the throne room.
I know the treasure is here somewhere,
but where?
-Are you telling us the gold
is not treasure enough?
-It could be enough, but there's more.
Much more.
-I should have known.
-Come on, we've got a lotto do.
Let's get going.
-Call the guards.
I want a complete search made everywhere.
-Calling all guards.
Calling all guards.
Be on the lookout for trespassing ninjas.
-This blasted balloon
should have been here by now.
-I wish they'd damn well hurry up
and get here.
-What's to keep the guards
from firing on us when they arrive?
-Well, it beats the hell out of me.
-Tell them to hurry.
Why is it taking so much time?
-They're loading the gold as
fast as they can.
-Well, it's not fast enough!
I want to be out of here in 10 minutes.
-I'll try.
-Don't try, just do it.
-You know, Duncan, it might make it easier
if we knew what we were looking for.
-I can't tell you exactly.
I'm working on pretty sketchy information.
-Well, give us at least that much.
-All right.
If greed and power were the motivating
factors behind the Scarlet
Leader's gold plan,
then I figure he'd want something
for himself after the gold was picked up.
-Yes, you can't run this place
on bread crumbs.
-Makes sense that there's more stashed here
than we know about.
-Well, what is it?
-A golden idol.
-An idol?
We're looking for an idol?
What kind Of idol?
-Not sure.
I only know that it does exist.
We're running out of time.
Let's keep looking.
-We've looked everywhere.
-Obviously, we haven't looked everywhere.
I know it's in this room, somewhere.
-This has been missing for centuries.
-It's breathtaking.
I've never seen anything like it.
-Of course you have.
Look at me, huh?
-Star, Bugs.
This is Duncan.
We found it.
I'm feeding the information
into your navigational system.
Proceed immediately.
-Let's go.
-What's going on up there?
I want some information.
Where are these mysterious warriors?
Find them.
There they are, in the Throne Room.
They've got the Golden Buddha.
Bring me Duncan Jax
and his mangy monkey, too.
After them!
Hurry up, you swines!
-What are you doing, Duncan?
Hot damn.
-Here's the real treasure.
Get this thing out of here.
I'll bring the rest.
-All right, Duncan Jax.
No more Mr. Nice guy.
-All right.
You two, head for the clearing,
the balloon should be there now.
Don't worry about me.
We'll be right behind you.
You know Duncan, he always
has an ace up his sleeve.
Go on.
-I never fight with ladies.
-That doesn't apply to me.
-Frankly, Scarlet,
I don't give a damn.
-Damn, I hate guns.
They got the phony gold.
I better get out of here.
Everybody get out okay?
-I think so.
-Looks like she's coming back.
-It's fake.
It's fool's gold!
-So much for the man
with the golden teeth.
-Duncan, why is it that you always seem
to get more than you bargained for'?
-Because I do things
the old-fashioned way.
I earn it.