Untamed Royals (2024) Movie Script

Okay, Xavier.
After two years of therapy,
now you're telling me you can't stop lying
because it turns you on?
Are you lying to me right now?
Now I'm telling the truth.
The number you have dialed is not...
- Hello?
- Mom, I just got out. Why isn't Polo here?
We had to fire Leopoldo.
Please take an Uber. Okay?
What? Why? What did he do?
I'll explain when you get here.
Some of your dad's things went missing.
- Take an Uber. We're late.
- No. I fucking hate Ubers.
Xavier, please. Not now.
- You know what? I'll walk.
- Xavi!
What the hell, man? I was waiting for you.
Why weren't you there?
Because I'm sure he didn't do anything.
- Yeah.
- He texted me.
He told me he got fired.
A watch goes missing,
and they're saying he stole it.
Yeah, but you know how they are.
You know him.
Leopoldo would never steal anything.
- You know how they are.
- It was those kids.
- They're punks.
- You know how they are.
- Did they tell you anything?
- They haven't said anything.
- Just what you told me.
- Hi, Mari.
Hi, Xavi.
- See you later.
- Yeah. I'll see you later.
- Let's go, Chente.
- Coming.
What do you want to play today?
I think...
This is the last straw!
For Christ's sake,
it's always the same with you, girl.
Am I wrong?
You give them an inch, they want a mile!
You're always helping them
with their damn neighborhood party,
paying for their taxi.
If it's raining out, you can't let
those little bastards get wet.
As soon as you turn your back,
they'll fuck you over.
Because it's always the same!
Wait until I see that son of a bitch.
You're unbelievable. Aren't you coming?
It's not my fault.
Why did you get rid of my driver?
I can't believe it!
The slacker finally decided to show up?
This asshole doesn't give a damn
about his family, his home,
or anything that goes on around here.
Son of a...
Honey, you look gorgeous.
Thanks, Daddy.
Where are my...
Hey, Mom. What's up with Leopoldo?
I'll tell you later.
- Goddamn thief. Son of a bitch.
- Santiago, we'll discuss it later. Okay?
Mari! Get my coat, please!
- What are you talking about?
- Yes, ma'am.
Can we please have a pleasant celebration?
Just for today? It's our anniversary.
Don't cause any trouble.
- Okay?
- I am ready.
If you were in a hurry,
you could've sent someone for me.
Here we go.
- I had to walk here.
- What about Polo?
He's so spoiled.
- Here it is.
- No, not that coat, Mari.
- Mom, don't be ridiculous.
- Mari, can you iron my shirt?
Okay, leave the coat on the table
and iron the boy's shirt.
Yes, ma'am.
All done. Good?
Perfect. Ready.
Hurry up, asshole!
What's up with Mari?
What do you mean?
I saw her with Renata's maid.
They were talking angrily.
Like... well, I don't know. It was weird.
I'll tell you later.
Let's go!
We're very late.
Did you walk here?
Hurry up.
- Victoria, get a move on!
- Jesus!
I apologize for my family, Mari.
Shut up, idiot.
- Santiago, you didn't give it to Mari.
- Here.
I don't know. Why?
Take a shower.
- Don't wait up.
- You reek of pot.
- Have a nice evening. Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- I'll shower and meet up with you.
- Hurry, lazy-ass!
Back already?
Mari! Is my shirt ready?
- What the hell?
- You're fucked now, asshole.
Don't do it!
Don't hurt me! I'm begging you!
Take whatever you want! Take...
Please don't! Please!
Please don't hurt me!
I'm begging you! Don't hurt me!
Please stop! Take whatever you want!
Take whatever you want,
but just don't hurt me!
No, sir! Don't put it there, sir!
Please, sir!
Not there! It hurts, sir!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Please don't hurt me!
What are you doing, dumbass?
It's a robbery, not fucking rape, man.
Now you're fucked,
you stupid little white boy!
Give me all your fucking money,
or I'll kill you and the girl out there!
- Don't, sir.
- Fuck it! I'm going to kill you!
Scream, dumbass.
You're fucking crazy, man.
Now what?
Let's get to it.
This one is fucking dope.
Okay, put this here.
- It won't open. Get the key.
- I'm on it, fucker. Hold on.
Hurry, motherfucker.
Don't shoot, sir!
- Yell!
- Don't point the gun at me, asshole!
Yell, motherfucker!
Don't shoot again, asshole. Stop.
Look at all this money.
- There's a shit ton.
- Yeah, man.
It's a fuck ton.
Put it all in here, motherfucker.
Fucking put it all in here.
Come on, son of a bitch!
Don't miss anything, fucking white boy!
- All of it.
- Don't point it at me, asshole.
I'm not gonna shoot your face off, idiot.
Don't point it at me.
No one's looking, asshole.
Chill, man.
- You chill, man. Put down the gun...
- Hold on.
We hit the fucking jackpot, motherfucker.
We hit the fucking jackpot, man.
You got a hard-on, don't you?
Not true. What are you talking about?
I can see it, dumbass.
Want me to suck it?
I'm totally down to suck it, man.
How about a hand job?
What do you prefer?
- You're a dumbass.
- Get ready.
No, man. We said no.
- I said no, asshole.
- Get ready, and shut the fuck up.
I'm not doing that, asshole.
- Get ready, bitch!
- No.
You want the fat-ass
to come get even with your dad?
No. You're just doing it for your girl.
I know you.
- Get ready, motherfucker!
- Okay, fine.
- Where do I put my hands?
- Put them up!
- Two.
- No. You'd better not.
- Xavi, don't be a pussy.
- Don't shoot me.
- Shut the fuck up and put your hands up!
- I don't want you to shoot me!
Shut up! You count if you want to.
Okay, but on my count.
Yes, dumbass.
Are you okay?
Xavi, what did they do to you?
They shot me.
- Give me your phone to call my parents.
- They took it.
I'll get help.
Dad, Xavi's bleeding!
What's wrong, sweetheart?
Xavi? Holy shit! Anglica!
...a doctor!
What do you think?
In this fucking fortress.
We've seen worse than this recently,
haven't we?
I can imagine.
- Thanks for coming.
- Don't mention it. It's our job, Santiago.
Listen, this is my personal view.
What the man did
for the Mexican justice system
is spectacular.
The attorney general regards him highly.
- Yes.
- You're lucky he's not your father-in-law.
Well, we better stay out of that.
- Well...
- Look.
You can count on all of our support,
and mine personally,
to find the people responsible.
Thank you very much.
- What do you think, bud?
- The marks indicate a nine millimeter.
- May I?
- Yes, go ahead.
There's the other one.
Xavier, where were you when you got shot?
You were over there, right?
Yes, I was over there.
If we can help in any way,
anything you want,
anything you need, you can count on us.
Well, let's kick this off, okay?
We've got paperwork, red tape, the usual.
What do I have to do?
File a report.
The judicial officers are outside
to take your statement.
What do you mean "file a report?"
Yes, a report, Xavier.
- I have to do that now?
- Yes.
- Are you busy or something?
- No, I'm not busy.
I just don't feel ready.
I just got out of the hospital.
I could've been killed.
Are we going to make excuses?
I'm not making excuses, Dad.
- You're not?
- I'm not.
Look, Santiago.
I'll talk to the people from the precinct.
Let your son rest.
- We'll get his statement tomorrow.
- Thanks.
"Let him rest"?
"Let him rest."
Hey, do you mind
if I talk to Mari while everyone is here?
- No. Of course not.
- Okay.
Show some character, asshole.
I'll wait for you in the living room.
How are you?
I've been better.
You were lucky.
- I'm glad it was just a graze.
- Yeah.
Let's go.
- Xavier? Let's go.
- Yeah.
How many were there?
Just one or more than one?
Well... I'm sure
it could've been more than one.
It was probably a man.
How many were there?
Just one or more than one?
I think one.
Are you sure?
Look, I understand the state you were in,
but you could've heard voices.
Did any of the voices sound familiar?
Xavi's screams.
Anyone else's?
At first,
I thought they were hitting him...
because he was screaming.
But then...
he started saying that it hurt.
They were doing something awful to him.
Is that true, Xavier?
Go on.
I thought they were raping him,
and I thought that I'd be next.
And I didn't know...
I couldn't move.
And what would I tell my family?
And just so you know,
it takes us 30 minutes to drive
all the way around the country club.
Besides, a lot of the houses, as you know,
have their own security system
because you know
the type of families that live here.
Of course.
Nevertheless, we have checkpoints
at the access points
to monitor who comes and goes.
We keep a log of everyone,
whether they're members or staff.
But, well... what can I say?
Half the cameras don't work.
And, to be completely honest with you,
it wouldn't help even if they did
because it's very difficult
to identify an individual at night.
These cameras
are first-generation cameras.
I mean, you can barely make anything out.
And the members don't want cameras
in certain areas because...
Well, it's a privacy issue,
you know what I mean?
- I've told the neighbors several times...
- Look, Francisco.
We understand you have your limitations,
and we aren't questioning them.
Put yourself in our shoes.
We're here to try to understand
what happened at the Fernndez house.
That's what we came to do.
Can you help us?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
I'm at the paddock, and it's empty.
Class is still in session.
Send two people
in case they need anything.
There are two entrances. This one and...
Yes, this one.
And there are two over there.
- Two?
- There's one more over here.
But it's just for emergencies.
It's rarely used.
And everywhere is monitored
by surveillance cameras.
We'll have to check them, right?
Yes. And they're making a backup copy
for you to take with you.
Of all the...
Well, of all the working cameras.
Good morning.
Well, with all due respect, sir,
I have no idea who could've done this.
Francisco, please.
They fired the driver the same day.
And one of the man's watches disappeared.
- Yeah, I know all that. It's just that...
- I don't know how you got this job.
We just need you to tell us
where the hell Leopoldo is.
Relax. Don't give her a hard time.
Don't worry, Paty.
Nothing will happen to Leopoldo.
I know you care a lot about him,
but... this is a delicate matter.
From what I could hear,
they call you "Paty."
Can I call you Paty?
Listen, let's be honest.
This is just a matter of cooperation.
It's just protocol, that's all.
If he didn't do anything, he'll be fine.
Totally fine.
The problem
is if you don't tell us
where Leopoldo lives,
and Leopoldo did something wrong...
then that's another story.
We just want to talk to him.
Can I speak to you outside for a minute?
Only if you want to.
She'll be fucking pissed. You'll see.
You say you've been here
for five years, Francisco?
Yes, that's right.
I was brought here five years ago.
Hey, Francisco.
Are there many young people at the club?
Well, less every day.
And the ones that are left
are hardly around.
What do they usually do?
They're always out partying.
They arrive drunk.
Sometimes the police are after them.
The neighbors call security all the time
about the constant partying.
They like to go into the stables
and pay the stable boys
to fight each other.
No one's here.
How do you know her man's not there?
Because his goons aren't there, man.
- Want some?
- No.
You wouldn't believe
the dipshit that my grandpa sent.
What's up with him?
He looks like a dumbass.
He works for the attorney general.
A fucking thug who thinks he's Batman.
Chill, bro.
I'm chill, dude. I don't give a shit.
- If you see someone, honk.
- Sure.
- Got it?
- Yes, motherfucker. Go.
Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
I did, but you never reply to me.
Is that for me?
But I want you all to myself.
But we are lovers.
In secret.
If they find out,
it will fuck up everything.
And we don't want that.
You'll owe me big-time.
You're an angel, baby.
Do you know that?
Do you know what this game is called?
"You give to me, and I give back to you."
Right there.
There you go.
I'm going to come.
I'm almost there.
Right there!
That'll do it.
What is this shit?
The same as always.
Where did you get it?
Since when are you so picky
when it comes to pot?
Hi, Pilar.
How are you?
I really like your place.
What are you doing here?
Do you know who has that same Ishizawa?
My mom.
That's great.
Xavi, just go, man.
I'll see you later.
Gera, see you at the club.
What the fuck is he doing?
What is that asshole doing here?
Pilar, calm down.
Fucking kids.
Hi, girls.
Today, I woke up thinking
about something very special.
The thing is,
I believe that inspiration is contagious.
And if I can inspire someone
to help those who need it the most,
well, the world will be a better place.
Remember, you are as powerful
as you want to be.
And no one will help you
as much as you can help yourself.
That way, you'll be able
to help more people.
That's the philosophy
behind Woman Warrior.
Anyway, that's Caramelo,
one of my favorite horses.
But now let's move on to today's mission.
Hello, ma'am.
- How are you?
- Fine.
Are you married?
- Do you have kids?
- Yes.
She's a single mom.
But it doesn't matter
because I admire you.
And I'm going to help you.
From a Woman Warrior to a Woman Warrior.
Take it.
Weren't you sick and badly injured?
It still hurts.
Hey, when's your mission trip?
Next week.
- Do you want to see it?
- May I?
Look. Three stitches.
Well, that's a baby scratch, Xavi.
Don't be a wuss.
Don't say that.
I hope nothing like this
ever happens to you.
You have no idea how bad it feels.
- I thought I was going to die.
- No, don't say that.
All I could think about was you.
And what did you think about?
You gave me lots of strength.
The thief started to choke me.
He had huge hands.
Rough skin.
Full of calluses.
They were the size of my neck.
Then he started punching me in the ribs.
He knocked the wind out of me.
And then he started touching me all over...
until he pulled a gun out and...
Who's that? Your dad?
That idiot isn't my dad, okay?
Well, your stepdad.
It's the same shit.
No. It's not the same shit, Xavier.
What do you want, Carlos?
No. I told my mom I'd gone riding.
Why do I have to tell you?
I'll be back later.
Mariana's giving me a ride, okay?
Sure, yeah. Goodbye.
For fuck's sake.
Where were we?
Want to know what the thief said?
He had a Cuban accent.
He said he was a professional.
Keep going. Faster.
That he had done
the same thing to many kids.
And that no one could save me.
He started going through my dad's watches.
He started screaming at me loudly.
Renata! Ren!
He asked me to...
The fucking driver!
What the hell?
- It's your dad. He's looking for you.
- Don't call him my dad.
Well, the boss.
What the fuck does he want?
- He wants to talk. He's on the line.
- Tell him you can't find me.
He's here.
You suck, Jess. You fucking suck!
What do you want?
No. I already told you.
I walked back home from therapy
because Polo didn't pick me up.
What route did you take,
and what time was it?
I don't know.
Around six o'clock.
More like seven o'clock, right?
Yes, sorry. It was seven o'clock.
Don't worry. Go on.
Go on.
When I got to the country club,
I saw Leopoldo in the stables.
He was with three other people.
They were talking.
Three people?
Yes. So what?
That's not what you told us.
Well, two or three other people.
There were many people.
I don't know who was with whom.
Okay, Xavier.
What did these people look like?
I don't know how to describe them.
They were a bit dark-skinned.
They looked Cuban.
Well, I don't know. Caribbean?
They all talk the same.
Look for anything
that leads us to Leopoldo, motherfuckers.
- Oh no. Officer.
- How's it going? Stop sitting on your ass.
- Officer.
- Yes?
Do you have to go through
all my things like this?
It's part of the protocol, ma'am.
Officer, don't leave. Officer Martnez.
- What's going to happen now?
- Look, ma'am.
- I'm on your team.
- Yes.
But you need to tell me
where your husband is.
I don't know where he is.
- That's a lie, ma'am.
- It's not a lie...
I'm being very straight with you.
Help me out too.
Otherwise, I can't help you.
That's why I told you to come on in.
I have nothing to hide, Officer.
You won't tell me where your husband is?
I just don't know!
Then stop busting my balls.
No, Officer, but...
Just look at
how they're rifling through everything.
Who's going to pay for all this?
Ma'am, follow me. Let them work, please.
How are we doing?
We haven't found anything yet.
Search everything.
Here we go.
Hurry. I want to get out of here.
Excuse me, ma'am.
- So?
- Your husband is on the run.
- Just look...
- Get the fuck out of my way.
Stop right there.
- I need to talk...
- Stop.
If you feel like cooperating,
come find us.
Will you give me something for the pain?
Yes, I'll give you something,
but you have to take care of yourself.
I can't give you medication all the time.
You're addicted.
What you have to do is eat well, exercise.
I've told you this before.
Doctor, there's a man on the private line.
He says that if you don't pick up,
they'll hurt Renata.
Yes. Put him on.
Hello, Doctor.
Dr. Anglica Ferragut Gonzlez.
Your home is under surveillance.
Your husband just left
with your son Vicente.
Don't do anything stupid.
We just need a little help, please,
because we're a bit short on cash.
We've got Renata here, by the way.
She gave us your phone number.
My daughter is out of town.
That's right. Very good, Doctor.
Do you think we're dumbasses?
We all know she had a mission trip,
but she changed her mind
at the last minute.
I'm not going to tell you
what we found her doing,
but I will tell you that,
unless you pay close attention,
I'll stop being as gracious
as I am right now.
What do you want?
Is she okay?
Listen carefully. Renata's fine, Doctor.
And she'll remain fine if you help me.
I need you to remain calm
because your voice is her lifeline.
How much can you get in one hour?
Can I talk to her?
Look, Doctor.
Don't be a bitch, and show some respect.
You need to give to receive.
Leave the hospital immediately
and follow my instructions.
I have my people
positioned strategically to track you.
I'll call your cell.
Is she okay? Can I talk to her?
What? What is it?
I told you I'm in a lot of pain.
Doctor, they're on the phone.
They keep calling.
What can we do? Should I call anyone else?
Find Renata.
- Don't stop looking for her.
- No.
- Yes?
- Hurry, Doctor.
We're not playing around.
Don't talk to anyone.
If you pull any shit,
I'll fuck up your pretty daughter.
I'm serious. Go down to the parking lot.
Yes, I'm on my way.
Very good, Doctor.
I'm glad you're so obedient.
- If... behave... your daughter... safe...
- What?
...shove a knife up her ass.
- Doctor, don't fuck...
- Hello?
- Motherfucker...
- Can you hear me?
- Doctor. I won't say it again.
- Can you he...
If you hang up,
we'll kill your daughter after I fuck her.
Can you see the red car
parked in front of yours?
Check the tires.
Can you see the little gift we left you?
The next one could be your daughter's tit.
Stay on your fucking toes, Doctor.
This is no game.
What do you want?
Get in your car.
You will head to the bank
I tell you to go to.
Whatever amount you offer,
I will respect it.
As long as you appreciate
the way we're treating you
and your little princess.
One million?
Don't fuck around.
Give me two, and we can solve this.
Yes or no?
Yes. That's fine.
Don't get distracted or ask for help.
I need you to focus.
- Your van.
- I won't be long. I'll be right back.
Tell me where you have her.
Don't ask, Doctor. Don't pull any shit.
We're right here.
We won't hang up. Don't fuck around.
Excuse me, ma'am.
You can't use your phone in here.
Miss, I need to withdraw some cash.
Of course. Can I see your ID, please?
This is the amount.
All right. Can you help me
by filling out this form, please?
Hello. I need approval
for a withdrawal above the usual limit.
Yes. They are a VIP client.
Okay, let me check. Thanks.
I don't have time to fill this out.
Can I have my money, please?
Yes, give me one moment.
It's not a small amount, miss. Please.
Very good, Doctor. Relax.
You're doing a good job.
Now go to the top floor of the mall.
Up the stairs, bitch. We're watching you.
At the top, stay close to the handrail.
Stop right there, bitch!
Take out the car keys and drop them.
Don't look over, motherfucker!
Get your ass
over to the bench by the exit.
Don't stop moving, bitch.
You don't know who you're dealing with.
Don't talk to anyone.
Don't look at anyone.
Sit down.
Stare at your watch for five minutes.
After five minutes,
get up and leave the mall.
Leave the bag on the bench.
Don't fuck around, Doctor.
If you don't do as I say,
I'll fuck up your daughter
just like I said I would.
Leave the mall
and go to the park out front.
Move your ass.
I've got your daughter right here.
Show your princess how much you love her.
We're getting fed up with her crying.
I want to let her go.
I'm here. Where do I go?
Keep walking.
Your princess is waiting for you.
Walk up to the fountain.
Walk across. I'm watching you, bitch.
Walk all the way across.
When you reach the end, drop your phone.
Then you'll see your daughter.
Hurry, Doctor.
Every step takes you
closer to your daughter.
My people and your girl
are proud of your cooperation.
Well done, Doctor.
Now throw the phone.
Throw it, Doctor!
I don't understand
why these things happen.
I only tried to help.
And today, people took advantage
of everything I've told you.
They extorted money from my mom.
They told her I'd been kidnapped.
Thank God I'm fine at least. Okay?
But these types of things
happen every day.
They are terrible people.
What do they feel
when they call from prison
to get money from us?
We have to take
very good care of ourselves.
Calm down.
The good news is she's okay.
Of course.
It's like she was never kidnapped.
Hey, none of this is my fault, okay?
I don't get why there are
so many whack jobs in this world.
I'll tell you why.
You whore around on Instagram and TikTok.
Don't speak to my daughter
that way ever again.
What's that got to do
with anything, asshole?
Don't speak to me like that.
It's got everything to do with it.
You showcase your life to the whole world!
Do you have any idea
which fucking country you live in?
I swear I can't take it anymore.
It'll blow over.
No. This won't blow over.
He hates me.
And he hates anything
that has to do with me.
And he hates that I'm his son's sister.
And you know I'm right.
I don't know. It's like he's frustrated
because my mom provides for him,
and he takes it out on me.
On top of that, my mom
doesn't want to ever let me go out again.
She's scared.
She'll get over it.
You know I'll always
be here for you, right?
No. Re.
I'm serious.
- You know that, right?
- Yes.
You're the best.
You're my sister.
Vicente, don't run!
Hi, Mariana!
Pull in the reins, my dear.
Santiago, how are you?
Tell me.
What do you think about Gerardo Larios?
I like him. He's a good guy.
I've known him for a while.
He's always been Xavier's friend.
He's the only one
who puts up with his shit.
Control it!
Heel down! Why?
Because I think
he's involved in the robberies.
No way!
That kid's not smart enough.
I mean, I don't know where you come from,
but kids these days,
they have everything. They're spoiled.
Sure, I understand.
But it was my responsibility to tell you,
just so you can take precautions.
Don't sweat it, Rodrigo.
It must have been someone from the staff.
I don't know, the driver.
Heels down.
Yeah, we haven't ruled that out yet.
Did you know that Gerardo
is in a relationship
with Pilar Villanueva?
Your neighbor.
That fucking kid.
They sure are good at one thing.
What is it?
My dad heard
that you broke into the house.
Why, dude?
I don't know.
That's what I heard yesterday.
That's what the dude
my grandpa sent told him.
Why me?
I don't know.
That's all I was able to hear.
You got to be kidding.
That sucks, dude.
Why would I steal
from dumbass white people?
You fuck up once,
and they blame you for everything.
Fuck that.
Don't worry.
My dad said it obviously wasn't you.
they knew about your whore.
Mar, that's been over for years.
You told them that, right?
I haven't talked to her in forever.
Are you sure?
Don't call me that.
You know I don't like it.
Sure. Lighten up.
My brother's in his room.
I want to fuck you right here
so fucking bad.
There it is.
There it is.
Is that okay?
Mari, is my uniform in the bedroom?
Yes, I left it there, Mar.
It took a while since I was sewing it,
but it's done.
Why did you have to sew it?
Well, the skirt was torn.
Why wouldn't I sew it?
- Here are your quesadillas.
- Thanks, Mari.
- Hi, Mom.
- Hi.
Did you put away
the wine bottles in the fridge?
I think so, ma'am.
We're leaving, Mom.
Nice. It's Mexican, right?
- Yes. It's from Baja.
- Yum.
- What are you having for dinner?
- Nothing. We're not hungry.
Absolutely not.
I won't let you go partying
on an empty stomach.
We don't want dinner, Mom.
Hey. You look good today.
Thanks, Ger.
You're welcome.
You know what?
I can't say no to a quesadilla.
Make the kids some quesadillas!
Right away, ma'am.
Mariana, you want to
come out partying with us?
No. Thanks, Xavi.
Why not?
Because I don't.
What are you doing, dumbass?
Hurry the fuck up, bro.
What do you think of my moves?
They suck, man.
Hey, I sent the cash
to your cousin's friend.
He said he'll get it to him in prison.
He might just pocket it.
He's in the clink.
He'll have a hard time finding me.
- He's the real fucking deal, right?
- Yeah.
Those fuckers know what's up.
They're the fucking shit!
Hey, bro.
That fucking Batman your grandpa sent
knows something.
How do you know?
Your sister told me.
Why are you talking to my sister?
Cut the bullshit. You like her, don't you?
Tell me, bitch. You like her?
I'm talking about
something serious, asshole.
That fucking Batman doesn't know anything.
If my sister fucks me over,
I'll tell them about the watch.
Look, I have her by the balls.
I'm on top of everything.
Let's go.
Who do you like more?
My sister or me?
Tell me.
Be careful, asshole.
You're out of your damn mind.
You sick fuck.
- MJ!
- I thought you weren't coming.
We've missed you. Where were you?
I went to New York.
You're so classy, man. Hey.
Did you bring any blow?
You know it, baby.
Hi, beautiful.
- Hi, babe.
- How are you?
- Am I getting something extra?
- Tell us. You have a mouth, don't you?
You do this every time.
- What's up, Gil? What's good?
- What's up, motherfucker?
How are you?
No! Denisse!
What's up?
- Hi, honey.
- It's been so long.
Way too long.
Are you going to play?
I don't know.
Come on.
Enjoy yourself, man.
Thanks, bro. Hey, come here.
This is the old folks' table.
This shit looks like a nursing home!
We're here to take your pensions.
Eight fucking million, Xavilu!
Fuck it!
Cry me a river, pussy!
What's up, babe? How are you?
Hey, it was super fun,
and we had a great time.
Hey, I wanted to know
if I could stop by your place later.
It could be cute, right?
Fuck! I have to pee.
I lived with a friend,
and it fucking sucked.
I mean, she wouldn't make her bed.
She was always... pissed off
like she didn't want me to be there.
Had you even seen
a couple of boys kick the asses...
of five old geezers like that?
Never in your fucking life.
Do you feel like a badass
because it's the first time you won?
How many times
have you left here empty-handed?
They're super chill.
They live in a sweet pad.
They throw dope raves.
Where the fuck do you get
all this money from, dude?
Don't even ask.
When have I ever asked you that, dude?
Sure, whatever. Shut up. Here.
Fucking fat-ass!
Come on, fucker.
Let's go fuck up that asshole!
There we go, motherfucker!
That's how we fucking do it.
Did you win, you fat bitch?
Now you're fucked, asshole.
Okay, now it's double or nothing. Move.
- Get the fuck out of my way!
- Calm down, fucking crybaby.
Shut up, asshole.
I took all your fucking money.
You want me to take some more, asshole?
I'll fucking end you, you little shit.
Double or nothing, bitch?
All right.
Your dumbass Dora the Explorer backpack.
And to make things interesting...
a little finger.
Yeah, bro?
How about this one, bitch?
If I lose, you can stick it up your ass.
I'm in.
Grab him, Renegade! Grab him!
Let me go, asshole!
Give me that little finger
so I can stick it up my ass, you asshole!
Goddamn it! Grab those kids!
Goddamn it!
Grab those fucking kids, goddamn it!
Open the door, Ger.
Goddamn it!
Get in, bro!
Holy shit. What a crash.
Fucking fat-ass!
You think you're hot shit, asshole?
You can suck our dicks!
Suck my balls, stupid bitch!
Mariana, what are you doing here, dude?
Let's go! Get in, Mariana!
Are you fucking crazy?
- Mariana!
- Are you stupid?
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Shut up! I hope they die!
What are you doing here?
- Let me go, asshole!
- Get in the fucking car!
- Are you stupid?
- What are you doing here?
- I'm not leaving!
- Get in!
- What the fuck! What are you doing here?
- Fucking lowlifes!
I'm talking to you, bitch! Answer me!
I'm talking to you!
Did you follow us, dumbass?
...I wouldn't find out about your antics?
What are you talking about, dumbass?
What antics?
Your dumbass is right here!
- What's wrong with you?
- Let go of me!
- No!
- Don't throw it out!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Don't throw it out!
- It's not your money, bitch!
- Xavier! What the fuck?
- Don't throw it out, bitch!
- Chill... Let go of her!
Let go of me, asshole!
Fucking listen! That's not your money!
Calm down, or I'll crash the fucking car!
Enough, goddamn it!
How much do you have?
- What the fuck do you care?
- How much?
- I don't know.
- How much money do you have?
- Why do you want to know?
- How much?
We're in deep shit, Mariana. Lay off.
How much?
I don't know. Like 12? 13?
- Twenty.
- You're sick!
What's wrong with you?
I'm your sister.
You're sick, Xavi!
- I can't control it.
- You should with me at least.
Are you going to tell Renata?
You tell her, or I will.
It's up to you.
You and I are the same, you know.
We've always had a connection.
I know I'm fucked up.
Something's wrong with me.
But you're a fucking hypocrite.
Don't play dumb.
Where's the watch?
I know it was you.
Remember that you have to wind it up.
And keep it safe.
You don't want Leopoldo
to find out you have it.
You're an idiot.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Only because you're my brother.
How's it going?
All right.
What do you want?
Nothing. Xavi thinks I left,
but I'm still here.
I wanted to know if I could sleep over.
We don't have to fuck
if you don't want to, man.
It's really late. Let's talk tomorrow.
Mariana, please, man.
I need to talk to you.
- Exactly! I'm going to sleep.
- Mar...
- Let's talk tomorrow.
- Mar, please don't do this to me.
- Mariana. No!
- Stop bothering me, man.
Mariana! Dude.
- Bye.
- Mar!
The contest is on Saturday.
I told you.
Yes, 1:50.
Don't be late.
Tell Erik to come.
What are you doing, dude?
- What are you doing there?
- You'll wake up Betito.
Did you win?
A shitload.
How much is it?
Enough, Pilar.
Enough for what?
To make me your little whore?
Your girlfriend?
To make you my wife.
Oh, honey.
That's not going to happen.
What's that guy got?
That guy...
that guy takes good care of me.
Can't you see all the money I brought you?
Is it all for me?
Are you going to fuck me?
Do you really think it'll be this cheap?
What happened?
Are you okay?
Hey. What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- Are you crying?
You're crying.
It's Sergio!
Go to Beto's room!
Hi, honey. I'm home.
How are you, my love?
Good morning, honey.
Everything okay?
Yes, Mom. Everything's fine.
Where were you?
I was playing poker with Xavi.
Oh, honey.
You know that I don't like you gambling.
After that, I went to Pilar's.
How did it go?
That asshole showed up.
Finish it off.
Do you want a pill?
So you can rest.
But just one.
What should I do, Mom?
I'm falling in love.
Oh, honey.
Stop wasting your time with that.
Remember what your father used to say.
"He who pays the piper
calls the tune."
I didn't know you were this generous.
And I didn't know
you had such a romantic side.
Do you like it?
Of course I like it.
That's Carlota's house.
I chose it just for you.
A little bit lower.
Yeah, just like that.
Now... higher. Yes.
I want to tell you something.
But I want you to let me finish talking.
What is it? You're scaring me.
About the call.
The extortion.
It was us.
I don't understand.
What do you mean "us?"
Ger and me.
- Let me go!
- Listen to me! Let me finish!
Listen to me. Don't pick up your things!
Listen to me!
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
I've thought about it a lot.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do you want to help?
Don't you want Woman Warrior
to stop being some rich girl bullshit?
I've got a lot of money to give you!
Are you crazy?
I can't believe you're saying this!
Want to tell your family to fuck off
and never see Carlos again?
Look at me! Listen to me!
Don't go! I'm talking to you!
You're a goddamn manipulator.
I know you're dying to be famous.
You want to tell them to fuck off,
and I'm telling you the truth.
I'm not lying!
- Let go of me!
- Please forgive me.
Incredible handling of that horse.
Do I know you?
No, but I know you.
Let me introduce myself.
I'm Rodrigo Majarrez.
I work for the attorney general.
I'm helping the Fernndez family
with their home burglary.
A burglary?
No. I have no idea.
That's okay.
I wanted to steal you for a few minutes
to talk about the kid Gerardo Larios.
How are you, Gerardo?
This is Rodrigo Majarrez.
You're giving Xavi's dad a hand, right?
Yes, I'm helping out
Xavi and Mariana's grandfather.
I'd like to meet
to discuss some things with you.
What do you say?
Yes, sure.
Perfect. Where should I go?
Don't worry. I'll come to you.
I know where you are.
If you help us, we'll help you.
You better have told us the whole truth
and not made us waste our time.
Otherwise, we'll come back for you...
and it will be even worse.
- You can go now.
- Move it!
Go on, Leopoldo!
Get a move on, asshole.
What's up?
Why didn't you tell me?
Don't play dumb
because you know very well
what I'm talking about.
I wanted Xavi to tell you.
I don't know.
Now you can decide what to do.
Obviously, you won't tell your mom.
do you know how much
your mom paid for the extortion?
I don't know. Tell me.
They asked her for two,
and she only gave them one.
One million dollars?
Mexican pesos, dude.
They're so fucking cheap.
- They have so much more. I can't...
- Dude, calm down.
Remember that we only get
what we think we deserve.
I have an idea.
Emi is falling asleep.
Can you take him, please?
Good morning, Captain.
Tell your mom you're okay
and not to worry.
Eat, Captain.
It's space cereal.
We're going to need you.
Finish it, Captain. Don't leave any.
Close your eyes.
We're going on a journey.
...where five days ago,
the child, Vicente Ferragut, went missing.
People close to the family confirmed
that a hefty ransom was paid.
Unfortunately, after that,
all communication
with the kidnappers was lost.
That's why the authorities
haven't stopped searching, day and night.
The estate spans over 800 hectares,
comprised of 120 houses,
so it hasn't been an easy task...
You're a stupid piece of shit!
- Dumbass!
- Listen to me!
I already told them I don't know anything.
They asked a bunch of questions,
and I told them the truth.
But are you sure?
Of course. Why would I lie?
I don't want trouble.
I'm just saying.
What did they ask you?
Well, nothing.
Not since last time.
But they haven't explained anything to me.
Yeah, but you know how they are.
- Stay alert.
- Yes.
What are you doing?
No one can come in or out.
You should go inside.
You too. Go.
Getting some rest?
Let's go. They want to see you.
We arrested Leopoldo
for firearm possession and robbery.
Did you know?
He confessed to everything.
We know that you two
were romantically involved.
Is that true?
A few hours ago,
we found little Vicente's lifeless body.
It was tossed into a ravine.
He was... in very bad shape.
The last person he was seen with
was you.
Do you have anything to say?
Leopoldo claims that you helped him.
Yes. They're pulling up now.
Don't worry.
Everything went according to plan.
I'll tell him.
Talk to you later.
How was the trip?
All good?
Leave it there.
Needless to say,
don't tell anyone about this. Okay?
We'll get in touch with you.
You work for me now.
You can go now.
Go on.
Here. You left this at Pilar's house.
You better not disappear on us.
Can you check
if my milk has cooled down yet?
I'm sure it has, Xavi.
I'll bring it right over.
Here you go.