Untold: The Murder of Air McNair (2024) Movie Script

As soon as I pull up,
I walked in.
Of course, I get my pistol, 'cause
I don't know what's really goin' on.
I take one foot inside and I see somebody
with his head cocked down.
I see two
I see blood on his temple.
I see blood on his Air Force 1s.
And I'm like, "Oh my God."
I was in shock to see that.
I mean, I could see the bullet holes.
I mean, I didn't even take time
to just scope the scene.
It was just what I saw at a glance.
I got a phone call from my captain.
He said, "Hey,
we got a murder investigation."
Then, when I first come into the scene,
there was a person on the sofa.
His body was sort of, like, to the side.
I could see a female on the floor.
And if you looked at her a little closer,
you noticed there was a gun on the floor.
Downtown Nashville,
there are a number of police
investigating a shooting.
A man had been shot in the head.
A lot of traffic
going in and out of the complex.
A lot of forensics officials
going in and out.
We got here around
two o'clock. It was a very active scene.
We're hearing conflicting reports,
even from police sources.
We're hearing different things,
pieces of information
that it's very difficult
to get confirmed at this time.
We were one
of the first crews at the scene.
It seemed unusual
for the scene to be growing as it was.
And soon we saw top police,
spokespeople, officials showing up,
bigger names in the department.
My photographer, he starts telling me,
"I'm getting some messages
that this might be Steve McNair."
I mean, I was shocked.
"What? Steve McNair?"
I'm sorry, y'all.
I grabbed my cell phone.
I said, "Is what true?"
"What are you talking about?
I've been out of service."
"Steve was murdered."
Wanna make sure you're aware
of a breaking news story out of Tennessee.
Former NFL quarterback
Steve McNair has been found dead.
It reached
almost like a frenzy outside,
because everybody is now getting this
information that this is Steve McNair.
We're following breaking news tonight.
A developing story.
A guy who came
from a small town in Mississippi
and basically lived the American dream.
They called him
"Air" McNair. Great arm.
Former NFL MVP.
That is the condominium
where the bodies were found.
The place was nondescript.
What would Steve McNair be doing here?
He had three children.
He was still married to his wife.
They'd been married 12 years.
Steve McNair was a rare breed.
A trendsetter over
today's current signal-caller.
I don't have any answers for you now
as to what's happened, who's responsible,
what the circumstances are.
No one is in custody right now.
That's all I have to say for right now.
Thank you.
So, you heard of the '85 Bears.
I was a punt returner.
Buddy Ryan, the defensive coordinator.
I'm hurt. I know the defense.
Buddy went to bat for me.
So I traveled with the team
and helped to make
adjustments on the sideline.
We are in New Orleans.
'85 Super Bowl is what it is.
And Buddy says, "I think I'm gonna take
the Philadelphia Eagles job as head coach,
and I want you to come
put the defense in for me."
That's how I got into coaching.
My journey in Philly lasted five years.
And then I went to work for
the 49er organization to be a DB coach.
I left the top place,
and I went to Houston, and it was...
it was a...
it was a mess, let me just say that.
...defense coordinator
Buddy Ryan throws a punch...
We had fights in the locker room.
We had a lot of problems. And then...
They may be one and nine,
but this is the beginning
tonight of a brand-new regime.
Jeff Fisher is
the new head coach. He is 36 years old.
And now I'm the head coach,
and so you're gonna make changes.
I was most excited
about having the number three pick,
and one thing for certain was
we needed a franchise quarterback.
Steve "Air" McNair's
are worthy
of Heisman Trophy consideration,
but he plays in relative obscurity
at Alcorn State.
Is my "A" showing good? I wanna make sure
I give my... my alma mater love now.
Going to a HBCU,
to come out of the locker room
and to see 50,000 Black people
in the stands,
everybody just havin' a good time,
that's somethin' beautiful to behold,
as a Black man.
Steve loved that atmosphere,
and he was "must watch."
McNair back to pass.
And he takes off. He's dangerous!
Look at him with that play.
He's at the 35, 40. McNair at midfield.
Still on his feet! I thought
he was doing an out of bounds play.
But McNair is on about the 15-yard line...
I personally would see...
You know, I was blocking for him,
so I didn't see it during the game,
during real time...
His job,
protect McNair at all costs.
There was gonna be
two or three plays a game
that he just did somethin' remarkable.
Under pressure,
gets away from it again!
But the... Oh, McNair's there!
I mean, I would see the man
throw it 70 yards off his back foot.
McNair drops back,
looking, looking.
Throws across the middle.
It's a touchdown! It's a touchdown!
It's hard to get Alcorn footage.
We had to go there to watch in person.
Steve would take the shotgun snap
and take a look around and then go run.
We were objective.
We did our research.
People liked him.
He smiled, was quiet.
He didn't really like the cameras
and interviews and things like that.
But there was no question in our mind.
He had the capability
to excel at this level.
- What's up, fellas? Your names?
- What's up? KB, Kyle Brady.
KC, Kevin Carter.
Steve McNair.
The people had
a pretty good idea who we were taking.
How you think you'll feel
when you step out on the stage?
Well, I hope I feel better
than I am right now.
With the third choice
in the first round,
the Houston Oilers
select quarterback from Alcorn State,
Steve McNair.
All right!
We're just gettin' started.
It was all about timing.
With the exception of the ending,
it couldn't have worked out any better.
Former NFL quarterback
Steve McNair is dead.
McNair's body was found
in Nashville, Tennessee,
where police are investigating
a crime scene.
It's a homicide investigation.
We had two bodies.
There were people of interest
that we wanted to talk to
for... uh, for Steve's murder.
Did you take away a man
in a police car?
There are persons
who were around the complex today,
visitors, uh... who have been
taken to headquarters for questioning.
The friend of McNair's
discovered those bodies this afternoon.
He then called another friend of McNair's
who then called police,
and that's how this investigation started.
Wayne Neely is the person
who walked in on the 4th of July
and discovered the scene.
Wayne had actually left
the scene before we got there.
He saw Steve's SUV there,
decided to stop
and go in and try to talk to Steve.
I asked the detective
that was at the scene,
could they go and interview Wayne
about exactly what happened
'cause at this time,
we don't know what we got.
All we know, we got two dead people,
and they both been shot.
- Do you need a drink of water or anything?
- Mm-mm.
I guess maybe we should just start with
maybe a history of the apartment itself.
Um, Steve wanted a place for...
Uh, we'll call it chillin', okay?
I... I put him on it.
He was there. Been there for a while.
- So did you have a key to the apartment?
- Absolutely.
When you opened the door,
tell me what you saw.
Saw him layin' on the couch.
Thought he was asleep, I swear.
- You saw two people layin' on the couch...
- No, no, no.
One was on the couch.
One was on the floor.
Who did you think
was Steve when you went in the door?
I didn't think it was Steve.
Wouldn't you expect
that to be him since it's his place?
- No. I mean I just...
- Where did you go?
- To the 'frigerator. Had a beer.
- Okay.
Comin' back out,
I saw a shell casing.
- And that's when I went, "Fuck."
- There's a gun in your car?
There is a gun in my car,
and I don't have a permit.
It's a .32. It's over the visor.
I know a lot of police officers,
and I don't know how it works, but...
You don't have to pay us.
You're worth at least 20.
We interviewed Gaddy.
Played football at Alcorn with Steve,
and was a business partner with Steve.
Would you mind hoppin' over
in that chair over there for me? Please?
Now tell me what your actual name is.
Robert Gaddy.
Wayne Neely calls Robert Gaddy
instead of calling 911.
What happened today?
Start from what you know.
Tell me what happened.
I was actually on the phone
when Wayne called me,
and he was like,
"Uh... Big Daddy, have you talked to Steve?"
Uh, I said, "Why?"
He said, "We got a problem."
"Somethin' happened at the apartment."
He had no indication
that that was Steve on that sofa.
I just wanted to make sure, you know
what I mean? I didn't care who it was.
'Cause I don't know nothin' about that.
Look, I don't fool in that cathouse.
But I just wanted to make sure
my best friend was all right.
People used to try
to label me as Steve's bodyguard,
but it wasn't necessarily that.
I was getting Steve involved
into the business world.
Whatever he needed, I handled it for him.
You didn't see him out and about
that I wasn't either
with him or far behind.
He never told you anything about...
- No, I mean, and that's...
- Any threats or...
No. And see, I'm so upset
'cause, you know, we was going through
one of our ups and downs.
Well, you know, and he was...
'Cause we... we had told each other off,
and I know if that hadn't happened,
he probably would've called me
if anything had... was goin' down.
We learned they had a fallin' out
towards the end of Steve's life.
We started this business venture
together, all right?
- The restaurant?
- The restaurant.
I wanted to do something else,
and he got upset about it.
It was a check
with two signatures on it
for $13,000
that me and Steve
got into a argument over.
Is there a gun in your car?
Yeah, that's why
I gave the officer my keys.
I told him. I told him my handgun
was in the back of the... of the truck.
Gaddy comes to the scene
and understands that this is his friend,
this is Steve McNair, and does call 911.
A lot of people had questions
about the time that sort of elapsed.
The amount of time that passed
was almost an hour before 911 was called
after this terrible discovery was made.
Any investigation
that you get involved in
is like puttin' a puzzle back together.
We found out the woman
who was dead inside that condo,
she had this Cadillac Escalade.
A 2007 black Cadillac Escalade
towed from the murder scene
is registered to both Steve McNair
and an unidentified woman.
You do naturally
sort of jump to that question.
What was the nature of their relationship?
So '95 season...
had some tough losses.
Battled through some little injury things.
I was drafted to a veteran team,
and that veteran team still existed
by the time Steve got there.
I mean, there were guys
ten, 12 years older than me.
I'm not in any hurry
to bring Steve along.
Going to take our time.
We got a veteran quarterback
on the roster.
There were people that thought
that the job was in good hands
and didn't need to change.
We had a good enough quarterback.
I could sense
a little animosity there, though.
You can feel the tension.
As a matter of fact,
Steve came down the hall finally and said,
"This ain't happenin'."
It wasn't workin',
so I had to make a decision.
Change veteran quarterback
and put faith in your rookie...
or hang in there.
So basically said, "Here, you got it.
You got the keys, buddy."
We have a rookie quarterback.
He's gonna get some snaps.
He's all excited.
And there are stadium issues.
Houston owner Bud Adams
again today made it clear
that the Astrodome is no longer
a suitable playing site for his team
under any conditions.
All right, they can't expect me
to sit here and go broke.
Attendance drops.
And then, bang.
Now they announce the move.
The Houston Oilers are relocating
the franchise to the state of Tennessee.
The other victim
was just identified.
A 20-year-old woman
by the name of Sahel Kazemi.
Police describe Kazemi
as a friend of McNair's.
They tell us
she worked at Dave & Buster's.
"Jenni" is what she went by.
What we understood as we started
getting information
about this relationship
was that, you know,
she was essentially his girlfriend.
On the second day
of the investigation,
we went out to Jenni's job,
and we started interviewing her coworkers.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Today's date is, uh, July the 5th of 2009.
Time by my watch is 17:36 hours.
Um, we're here at Dave & Buster's.
Has she ever talked to you in the past
about her and Steve's relationship?
Yeah, I know
that she cared a lot about him.
She was really, really excited
about their relationship.
He treated her really nicely.
She said that
he wanted to take care of her.
- He pursued her here.
- Uh-huh.
They was talking about
moving in together, her and Steve.
She was
in a good place in her life.
This is a... a woman who's,
you know, barely not a girl, right?
I mean, 19, 20 years old.
She's going out and having fun.
I mean, she was underage
to be going to some of these bars.
Um, but, you know, this was a girl
who was just out looking for a good time.
And then at some point,
she met Steve McNair.
They had conversations
about adopting kids one day together,
and really building a life together.
I think they went
and looked at a couple houses.
We started finding
photos of the two of them
on beach vacations together, you know?
Doing these sort of intimate activities.
And he was going out with her publicly.
It wasn't a secret.
Jenni wasn't comin' to work that much
anymore because she was datin' Steve,
and Steve was kind of taking care of her.
They started to really,
what seemed like, fall for each other.
And it was genuine.
It wasn't like she was
just into it 'cause of who he was.
She was happy with him.
She said that he was
about getting divorced very soon.
In about two weeks, I guess.
Steve McNair was married.
Everybody knew who his wife was.
Metro Police tell us they have notified
Steve McNair's wife, Mechelle McNair,
and that she was obviously
devastated by the news.
They tell us that
they are not considering her a suspect.
Uh, did you know
any other relationships
Jenni may have been involved in?
Prior to Steve, she had a boyfriend.
I don't know anything about him. I don't
know his name or anything like that.
We were able to learn that
she had a boyfriend that... ex-boyfriend.
Broken up with
when she started dating Steve.
I mean, I don't know if he's just...
he's angry over, you know, the breakup
with this young lady that... that dumped you
because she started dating Steve McNair.
So he was also a person of interest.
We got here,
the first trip I made to Nashville.
Come on down and see us
in Nashville, Tennessee!
On the Sunday sports
was NASCAR for 20 minutes.
Back it down! Back it down!
And then there was
five minutes of football.
It was just a sleepy
little town for an NFL team.
It was... it was different.
It's spring, but the Titans
have brought out their new fall wardrobe.
Eddie George, loving life,
ready to travel, looking ghetto fabulous.
You know, I just didn't want
to go out looking like a clown.
That was the first year
we were the Tennessee Titans.
And we were trying to find an identity.
Trying to find out who we were.
Yeah, it was, um...
it was... hmm, it was not easy.
Programs! Titans' first game ever!
We were new to the city.
There were probably more people
that came to see who we were playing
than came to see us.
It was a work in progress.
It was... Everybody rolled
their sleeves up and was involved.
We opened the '99 season,
first time in the stadium.
We're down by nine.
Three or four minutes
left to go in the game.
McNair takes
a straight drop. He fires. George, 15.
George, ten. George, five.
George, end zone!
Okay, let's go! We gotta keep fightin'!
Let's keep fightin'!
This is a team that never gives up,
right here!
- This is a team that never gives up!
- If you... if you...
- If you believe, we'll always believe.
- Right.
He made it!
It just gets inside the left upright!
We won the game.
This was a big one, okay?
This was your first victory here, okay?
Right now, you're undefeated at home.
We've gotta keep that stuff goin'.
Jeff Fisher wanted
the kind of team
that was controlling the football
on both sides of the line of scrimmage.
And that's a good thing, that Steve
wasn't this character
that needed to have a spotlight on him,
because it probably would have made it
impossible to have that style of offense.
We started putting together
a string of games, building up confidence.
We weren't trying
to be the greatest show on turf.
We were trying
to beat you into submission.
And that's the way
we approached everything that we did.
But as we started winning ball games,
guess who then started showin' up.
It was
an incredible, incredible environment.
The '99 season was different.
That's what made
this city fall in love with us.
I knew they were gonna win,
and I've been with them the whole time,
and I love the Titans, baby!
Steve McNair,
he was my role model as a kid.
I adored this guy.
I wanted to be just like this guy.
I would fight my friends
if they said somethin' bad about that man.
That was "Air" McNair. You better shut up.
Like, that dude, he was Terminator.
He played through every injury.
Dude was the best
Titans quarterback of all time.
I don't care what nobody says.
Nobody gonna match him.
They kept labeling Steve
the toughest man in the NFL,
and that's a big old boy comin' downhill.
McNair turns it up.
That's touchdown!
He was a big boy, man.
You call a quarterback draw,
he would fricking
hunt up DBs and maul 'em.
That's right.
To get through
the regular season undefeated at home...
The first year in a brand-new stadium.
That was a... amazing run.
I look at
what I can do for my teammates
and how can I improve the next guy
to be the best that he can be?
And McNair... Steve McNair,
an incredible
five touchdown-pass performance,
and with the win,
the Titans have clinched a playoff game...
...of all the nation's...
I was a die-hard Titan fan.
My girlfriend at the time,
we were going to games left and right.
We were watching games every Sunday.
Titans would come into her job
at Dave & Buster's quite frequently.
It was like a hot spot for athletes.
They would holler
at the waitresses all the time.
We broke up,
but we were in a lease
with both of our names on it.
So we were broken up
but still living together.
And Jenni, she came in one night,
and she said, you know,
Steve McNair came into her job.
You know, I asked her
if she got a autograph
because she knew
he was my favorite player.
She had Steve McNair in her phone,
and he was texting her.
How am I supposed to sit down and watch
football and eat some wings? You know?
I can't do nothin' like that anymore.
I can't go to Titans games.
You know what I mean?
Like, my ex-girlfriend,
who I'm still in love with,
was now gonna be with
my favorite football player of all time.
You and her kinda, sorta, still trying
to get back together and talking, right?
- Well, it was...
- Okay?
It was really wishy-washy because...
Okay, but even if it was wishy-washy,
you said y'all still...
y'all are tryin' to get back together.
And I'm just going by what you're saying.
Quite naturally, if I'm...
if we trying to get back together,
it means she's trying to play both sides.
- You're talking about, did we argue?
- Did y'all... did y'all talk about that?
- No, what I heard...
- Keep in mind...
I'mma tell you something,
that we've already reviewed text messages
between you and her and everything.
So, like I said, don't lie.
- Just tell the truth, okay? And...
- Yeah. Well, I had texted...
I had definitely texted...
You know, there was a form
of jealousy there once I started seeing,
"Okay, she's gonna really go start living
the single life in front of my face."
You know, I would get upset.
Well, explain something to me.
Explain to me your MySpace page.
Oh, like the headline
of my MySpace?
"Never let anything or anyone come
in between you and the one that you love,
because when you do, you lose everything."
I put that on there
before she even moved out.
That was months ago.
I still had feelings for Jenni,
and I felt, like, that I had let
somebody come in between us or whatever.
You know? So that's why I left that.
That was months ago.
Okay. If I was
to ask you on the polygraph...
If I was to ask you
were you at the apartment that night...
- Um...
- Oh, no.
There is not a possibility.
- I had no knowledge of the apartment.
- That day...
Jilted ex-boyfriend
hates Steve McNair.
She had even been asking him
for financial help as well, it seems,
in the days before the deaths,
because he was talking about
taking out a line of credit to help her.
So this appeared to be a guy
who seemed to still have
pretty deep feelings for Kazemi.
I mean, I always felt
she was the love of my life
because I had
never loved anyone like that before.
And regardless if you lose them or not,
it doesn't matter, you know?
Even if she was never mine again,
I still consider her to be the love
of my life, you know what I mean?
Because, it's like, I never loved anyone
or felt like that for anyone before.
Tennessee comes
into the playoffs on a tremendous roll.
Thirteen wins.
The most ever for a wild card team.
"If we could just get through the first
playoff game, there'll be no stopping us!"
And that was Buffalo.
The game is on the line.
Christie is on.
He got it!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
This is our house!
Our house, baby! Our house!
"How are we gonna win this game?"
Have some water.
'Cause this... this is
gonna fricking blow you away.
We didn't play good. I...
I told them they weren't gonna play good.
"You gotta play better than not good!"
Taken by Neal.
He gives it to Wycheck.
Taken by Dyson!
Dyson's there on the sideline!
Dyson's gonna go all the way!
Touchdown Titans!
It's a miracle!
Tennessee has pulled a miracle!
To endure Buffalo
in the Music City Miracle...
You kidding me?
That was sweet, now.
That was the dangest thing I ever saw.
But you know what? You know what that is?
That's just you guys never givin' up.
That's just you guys...
- When there's time! That's right, Joe.
- Come on!
- That's what it is.
- Yeah!
We said if we could get this one,
just get this one,
then all kinds of fun's ahead,
and that's what's ahead now.
We got through it, and we went to Indy.
Handled that one good,
and then we went to Jacksonville.
The Titans looking
for the lead. McNair keeps it. Touchdown!
We beat 'em.
It's like things
were almost out of our control.
It was almost, like, you'd say fate.
Tennessee is going
to the Super Bowl.
We want tickets!
- We want tickets!
- We want Super Bowl tickets!
Window number four.
- Window number five.
- We'll see the Titans kick some butt!
That's right! Whoo!
- Yes!
- Where you guys sittin'?
- What do you got?
- Man, I don't even care.
- We're goin' all the way. Gonna win.
- Gonna win the Super Bowl.
We weren't supposed to win it.
I don't know
if we were supposed to be in it.
The Titans are in the Super Bowl,
and, Boomer,
first let's talk about the Rams.
You know, between Kurt Warner,
and Isaac Bruce, and Marshall Faulk...
That's the greatest show on turf, man.
We didn't have that.
Steve and Eddie were our guys.
And half of America
didn't know who they were.
The Titans' quarterback
from Alcorn State,
number nine, Steve McNair!
You know how they say you gotta just keep
it in focus and it's like another game?
That's the way that we approached it,
and maybe that's one of the reasons
that we got behind,
you know, in the first half
of that game against the Rams.
We were just kind of like,
"Wow, this is different."
"As much as we're not trying
to make it different, it is."
We had to adjust.
I was pissed at halftime.
Hey! Last I heard, you had
to outscore somebody in four quarters!
They're celebratin'!
I got mad at the offense 'cause we tried
to become something that we weren't.
Go win the game!
- Go win the game!
- Let's go, boys!
Don't throw the ball every down.
That's not us.
So, anyway, we started settlin' in.
McNair with
a casual little roll. Now he's gonna run!
And Steve McNair...
There was Steve,
just shucking defensive linemen.
- George, he's in there.
- Touchdown Titans!
gonna throw a backslide screen
that almost gets picked off.
It's that average line...
We tied the game up.
We're flat out gettin' after it.
Warner to throw.
Going deep downfield.
Adjusting for it is Isaac Bruce,
and Isaac Bruce
threads his way for a touchdown.
Kurt Warner hittin'
Isaac Bruce to hit that touchdown,
there was a very sinking feeling in that.
But I think
Steve's confidence in our ability
and the momentum
that we had put together up to that point,
you know, it allowed us to kind of
move the football down the field.
Here's McNair.
Steve was just frickin' good.
Tough, made the right decisions.
Plays it up field.
There's the first down.
Steve took it over, man.
McNair steppin' up.
Uh-oh, we got him.
We got him!
Rolling. Needs help.
Stays on his feet somehow.
Throws, 11-yard line.
- It's caught. First down.
- Timeout.
They saved their timeout.
They have it here. They stop the clock.
I got amazing,
maximum frickin' effort
outta everybody.
So it all comes down to this.
Six seconds to play
in Super Bowl XXXIV.
First and goal to go.
Rams, 23. Titans, 16.
the final play of the game.
He came up one yard short!
He didn't make it!
Time runs out. That's it!
That's it. We win it!
I had taken my helmet off,
and, uh, I was just really processing
the whole moment, you know?
Like, "Man, we lost this game."
Steve McNair has nothin'
to be ashamed of. He gave it it all.
The further you go in the playoffs,
the deeper the cuts,
the deeper the wounds,
the greater the hurt,
and that's exactly the way Steve McNair...
When the game ended,
Steve was down. He was on a knee.
And then we had a... a very brief exchange.
When Swann asked me what I said...
McNair was down on the field.
You kneeled down to him.
What did you say to him?
You know, uh, that's between
the coach and the player, Lynn.
Um, you guys can
only imagine what I said to him.
I told him I loved him and it'd be okay,
and he said, "I love you too, bro."
And that was it.
There were these vague reports
coming out about what appeared to be
a very tragic young life for this woman.
When she was growing up in Iran,
her mother had been murdered.
She came as a very young woman to Florida.
As I sort of
talked to her family,
from what they had told me,
while she was in school
they started having
all kinds of problems with her.
Behavioral issues.
She started datin' Norfleet,
and for the first time, she stabilized.
She then moves to Nashville with him.
And then at some point,
she sort of moves on from him,
and she's hanging out with Steve McNair.
Police released a lot of text messages
between Kazemi and McNair
in the days leading up to their deaths.
The text messages sort of paint a picture
of a woman who was
asking him for several things.
For help financially.
Help emotionally.
I... I know Jenni,
and she's... she's never been
stressed out like that before.
- Mm-hmm.
- She... she was...
She was stressed out, but...
at the same time,
it felt like there was somethin' else.
We checked
Steve's phone records.
There were all these different women
that he was involved
in relationships with.
Steve had a... uh, a itch
that he just had to scratch.
I wanna know how you found out about me
'cause I like to keep myself secret.
Well, we... How long
you and Steve have been talkin'?
Since, like, Cinco de Mayo.
But not, like,
I'm trying to marry this man, okay?
I'm 25. I'm indepen...
Uh, I... I'm realistic, okay?
- I know what it is. It is what it is.
- Right...
She told me that she found, um,
used condoms in the bathroom of his condo.
I think everything went downhill
after Jenni started realizing
there was other women
that Steve was also seein'
and that she wasn't the only one.
She questioned him about it,
and he denied and everything else.
I don't know who this girl was.
After that, I think
he really broke her heart.
Several people
we spoke with said
that Jenni had expressed
some anger over what was going on.
The girl got a DUI
or somethin' earlier this week.
Y'all can check into that.
- Hey.
- What's up?
I had found out,
a few days before Steve was shot,
he was stopped in a vehicle with a female.
She was driving the vehicle.
And Steve called
and got somebody to come pick him up.
And that female ended up being
Sahel Kazemi.
That night that she got that DUI,
the one thing that happened
that I don't think she was ready for,
the fact that she probably
made Steve upset.
After that night, Steve did not
answer her phone calls until that Friday.
She wasn't used to that,
because before now, every time she
called Steve, I mean, he would pick up.
Steve had to get out of that car,
and they put him on camera and all that.
Knowing Steve,
he had a premonition.
He like, "Oh, what am I doing?"
We're ready.
All right.
Autopsies were performed today
on Steve McNair and Sahel Kazemi.
While it is clear
that Steve McNair's death is a homicide
as the result of being shot four times,
I would expect
that it will be a number of days
before the classification
is placed on Ms. Kazemi's death.
Who owned the gun?
ATF is working on tracing the weapon.
We want to learn the initial purchaser
and try to identify
the trail of ownership,
if there is a trail of ownership.
All that is taking place.
What's the movie with Tom Hanks
where he's stuck on an island?
Castaway. Do you remember
when Helen Hunt was explaining
the changes that went on in Memphis,
and the first thing she said was,
"Nashville got a team,
and they're called the Titans,
and they almost won the Super Bowl."
You would have died. It was so excitin'.
They almost won by one yard!
That was almost like the persona
of the people as they told the story.
It wasn't like,
"Man, the Titans lost the Super Bowl."
It was like, "No, the Titans
almost won the Super Bowl."
- How do you feel, Steve?
- It's great. Yeah, I feel good.
It's a great situation
to be in at this moment,
with all these fans out here to support.
They showed up. Feelin' just great.
Man, they just love you!
Aah, I love them too!
We loved being who we were.
You know, because
we weren't America's team.
We weren't
in some major television market.
It took that game for people to know
who Steve McNair actually really was.
To start giving him the credit
for the quarterback that he had become.
He was the star that people wanted to see.
And he gets the co-MVP.
I mean, for our franchise,
it was important,
especially who he shared it with.
He did his part.
But we didn't do,
you know, the rest of our part.
After that Super Bowl,
two more AFC Championship Games.
But it's hard to get back.
We disbanded the team.
Our relationship changed,
because he was
somebody's else's quarterback, you know?
Uh, but it was still the same
'cause we were... just, we were good.
So when he finally stepped away,
in my mind, "Okay,
now he's ready for that transition."
Walkin' away from the game...
and, you know, in your mind,
you feel like you can play,
you still can compete.
But when you're fighting that battle,
you know, from your mind to your body,
if those two is not on the same accord,
it's not gonna work
in the National Football League.
Years later, I left.
I have no regrets. I have nothing
but, uh, very, very fond memories
through... through the move,
through the name,
the naming rights, the stadium,
the success we had in '99,
and all the way through,
the players, the coaches
I'd been associated with, and, um,
I need some time.
I need a break.
As we went into
the investigation into the gun
that was used to kill Steve McNair,
we traced it back
to a pawn shop where it was purchased.
Could you, uh, tell me
what basically happened to the weapon?
I sold it to my partner, his girl.
- Okay, who did you sell it to?
- I... A guy named Adrian.
you have a last name for him?
We went to Mr. Gilliam's
address in La Vergne, Tennessee.
He was living with his girlfriend,
and the first interview
took place in front of her.
Today's date is
July the 5th of 2009.
About to interview Adrian Gilliam.
The reason I'm here
to see you, Mr. Gilliam...
- Yes, sir.
- ...is in reference to a gun.
Oh. So I had it
up until a couple days ago.
What happened to it
a couple days ago?
- I sold it.
- Who did you sell it to?
I sold it to some young lady.
- What was her name?
- I don't even know her name.
Okay, This is a picture
of Sahel Kazemi.
Does that look like
the young lady that you sold the gun to?
That's exactly
the lady I sold the gun to.
Police in Nashville say
Steve McNair's 20-year-old girlfriend
bought the handgun that was used
in his shooting death Saturday.
Officials say Sahel Kazemi,
a waitress who met McNair six months ago,
bought the gun Thursday night.
Kazemi bought the weapon
the evening of last Thursday, July 2nd,
only hours after being arrested
for DUI sometime around 1:30 a.m.
- Were you here Friday with her?
- I was.
Can you tell me about that day
when she was working?
She seemed sort of down,
and I said, "Is everything all right?"
And, uh, she said,
well, you know, her life...
I'll just quote her.
Um, she said,
"My life has just turned to shit."
"Should just end it."
Based upon
the appearance of the crime scene,
the police department has concluded
that Steve McNair was murdered
by Sahel Kazemi,
and that in turn,
Sahel Kazemi killed herself
with a single gunshot wound to her head.
While we may never know
exactly what drove Miss Kazemi
to make that decision
on that Saturday morning,
the totality of the evidence
clearly points to a murder-suicide.
Questions about how
former NFL quarterback Steve McNair died
have now been put to rest.
Police in Nashville confirm
ex-NFL quarterback Steve McNair
was murdered by his girlfriend,
who then shot and killed herself.
All I'm trying to do
is bring a resolution to a family that's...
that's... that's suffering
from losing their loved one.
I'm just... I'm just de...
It's just a shock, man.
We'll always love you, man,
from the bottom of our hearts.
RIP Steve McNair.
You never know
who's gonna be here today,
who's gonna be here tomorrow.
You never know.
So I'mma leave it at that, brother.
I think once people start to see the gaps
and the holes and the things
that don't make sense in this case,
anybody with common sense is gonna say,
"Wait a minute, guys."
Like, "You screwed up."
Nashville police,
they made a lot of mistakes.
Their first mistake
was believing Adrian Gilliam.
Convicted felon of murder
and armed robbery.
Supposedly a hip-hop producer.
Supposedly a club promoter.
First time they talked to Gilliam, it was
the day after they found Steve and Jenni.
They talked to him for seven minutes,
with his fiance sitting
right next to him.
Told police, "I sold the gun to a girl.
I didn't even know her name."
"Okay! Thanks for talking to us."
It wasn't until the ATF told them,
"Oh, he's a convicted felon
of murder and armed robbery."
"Hey, man. We need to talk to you again."
The original story
you told us when we first met with you,
that wasn't true at all, you...
- My fiance was right there.
- Mm-hmm.
And I didn't wanna,
you know, go in...
I really... I wanted to tell you, honestly.
But I didn't want...
She was sitting right there.
- I had to say something, you know?
- Right.
You know how
you actually work a murder case?
You bring 'em down
to the interrogation room,
you turn that light on,
and you say, "We got evidence tying you
to two dead bodies. Start talking."
Have you ever been
to that condominium on Lea Avenue?
- Where this took place?
- No.
- Never been?
- Never.
Okay, so tell me, 'cause I'm
looking at some text messages, as well.
"We got your phone records,
and you're all over the phone records."
Cell phone records reveal
Kazemi and Adrian Gilliam, Jr.,
a 33-year-old convicted felon,
exchanged a total
of 203 phone calls and text messages
in the three weeks
leading up to the deaths.
He was actually
in Jenni's phone as Mr. Been Had Stacks,
like he's got stacks of cash.
We used to text frequently
all the time.
I mean, she was flirting with me
all the time.
Gilliam was one of the last
people to speak with Kazemi alive,
a three-minute call
he made on July 4th at 12:02 a.m.
She just asked me where I was.
I asked her where she was,
and she said she was downtown,
and, uh, I told her
I was headed to a friend of mine's house.
Hour and a half later,
she's dead, Steve's dead,
and it's a gun that's tied to him.
And then he says,
"Well, I was over at my friend's house."
I'll tell you
how I know I was there.
- I had just left my friend's house...
- What's your friend's name?
Tony Smith.
Adrian Gilliam lied about
where he was at the time of the murders.
Now, Adrian's a good friend of mine,
but I ain't finna lie for nobody, okay?
- Okay.
- That didn't happen.
Lied about how many times
he had been in contact with Jenni.
Did he say anything about
what his relationship with this girl was?
I think they was kind of dating.
His alibi's shot.
He's the last person to call her.
It's his gun.
It's not rocket science.
I'll go one even further.
Steve and "Big Daddy" Gaddy,
Robert Gaddy, had a falling out.
Gaddy had stolen money
from Steve, $13,000.
"Steve's not gonna notice
this is missing, this is missing..."
But eventually Steve did notice things
were missing and things weren't right.
And a few weeks later,
Steve's dead.
He think that I'm involved
with my best friend's murder
over thirteen freaking thousand dollars?
Maybe if we wouldn't have been
fussing and fighting,
you know what I mean?
Over dumb... over dumb stuff,
and may... and maybe I would've been there.
And I've had to
listen to
and conspiracy theories
when, deep down, I'm feeling this way.
That only if I had have
not had a argument...
I would've been there for him.
I'm sorry, y'all.
Kazemi's family told us
they were 100% convinced
that she didn't kill McNair or herself.
Apparently, this man convinced them.
His name is Vincent Hill.
All of a sudden,
I started seeing him on CNN,
Fox News, all this stuff.
He's written a couple of books about it.
Ask him for his rsum.
Show him, "How many murders
did you work on the police department?"
And... and... and you wasn't even
doing investigative work
when you left the police department.
His first investigation was, guess what?
This Steve McNair.
I wouldn't talk
about things like this right here
for a long time.
Because I had respect for his sons,
his mom,
the entire family.
They need to be respected more
than what people respect them because...
their hearts have been torn out.
What Vincent Hill did
and is doing is totally disgusting.
I can make a case
that things don't add up.
I can make a case that,
well, boy, that could
be a possibility as well.
I don't know. I'm not...
I don't wanna speculate.
You know, just let it go. Let it go.
Not losing sight
of who Steve was as a man,
to me, is the most important thing.
Not as someone
who lost his life to a mistress.
That's not what Steve's legacy is for me.
And that's always going to be, seemingly...
You know, because his life
did come to such a tragic end,
that seems to be
the thing we're gonna focus on.
But I want people to remember
those moments when they ran into Steve,
how he made them feel
once they left that moment.
Because that was him.
Before every football game,
as the Titans' head coach...
right before we went out
for introductions, I'd pull the team up,
and we would circle up, hold hands.
Steve's locker was right there,
so I always kneeled down
and grabbed Steve's hand,
brang everybody up for prayer,
said the Lord's Prayer.
There was a moment of silence after,
and that's it.
I was asked to eulogize him.
And then we said the Lord's Prayer
with Steve one last time.
"Our Father, who art in Heaven...
hallowed by thy name."
"Give us this day our daily bread."
"Deliver us from evil."
"For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory forever..."
That ended that ceremony.
And I felt like that brought
some closure for people
'cause we got to feel Nine...
His hand, together one last time.