Uprising (2001) Movie Script

Such a boy.
Kazik, speak to me.
Let's get out of here.
No stinking Jews in my line.
The bread is for Poles
on the Aryan side, not Jews.
Go to your side! Go to the Ghetto!
Officer, I am a veteran
of the Polish armed services.
Then you're a fighter?
Mordechai Anielewicz?
You're wanted for work detail.
Let's go.
Work detail? Where?
Who knows? What's the difference?
All Jews ordered to report.
How will I know what to wear?
Don't get smart. Put on a shirt.
Let's get moving.
This work detail. It wouldn't by
any chance be a German work detail?
-I warned you--
-Because I only work for my people.
Now, move!
You, a Jewish policeman,
are a traitor to your people.
For this alone, I should kill you.
But often I ask myself the following:
Can a moral man, that's me...
...maintain his moral code
in an immoral world?
Does this question interest you?
Get out of here before I hurt you.
Papa, why are so many people
moving here?
Just be glad you've
got the bread, Tosia.
Take off your hat.
No, thank you.
I said, take off your hat.
Hurry up!
What's the matter with you?
I take off my hat for myself,
Yitzhak. For nobody else.
What now?
Please, stop.
-Let go. No.
-Please, stop.
Please. Please, stop.
He's my grandson, David.
They're bastards. They create
a Jewish police force for their dirty work...
...unless, of course, they feel like
having some fun themselves.
Of course, divide and conquer.
What is next?
What are you doing with this fancy car?
-Driving, if you hadn't noticed.
-What did you do? Did you steal it?
Now, Mordechai,
why would I steal what I can have for free?
What scheme are you up to now?
I am the official driver
for Adam Czerniakow.
The head of the Jewish Council.
That's who I am here to pick up
as we speak. Traffic permitting.
You can help us set up a meeting
with your boss Czerniakow.
If I did that, as his driver,
I'd put my position at risk.
If you don't, you'll be helping the Germans.
This doesn't worry you at all,
aiding the enemy?
I'd worry more if I couldn't feed myself
and what remains of my family.
Never mind how we deal
with the Jewish police.
Never mind how we deal
with schooling the children.
-We all have--
-We don't want Kazik to lose his job.
I wish you well.
Mira has contacted some sympathizers
at the border...
...who said they might be able
to get some of our students out of Poland.
But it has to be right away.
What do you think?
If you can get them out of Poland
and to Palestine...
...then I would do it at once,
before the opportunity is lost.
Yeah. I think you're right.
-Wish me luck.
Captain Szerynski, you're
taking these boys illegally.
All Jewish men between the age of 12
to 60 are decreed to perform forced labor.
-Did you examine their documents?
-And you are?
Yitzhak Zuckerman, their teacher.
Look at their documents.
They are legally exempt from forced labor.
Yes, they are, aren't they?
Today, everyone works, Zuckerman.
See that Zuckerman gets the opportunity
to work as well.
-Hello, everyone. Take your seats, please.
-Yes, Julian.
-I understand....
We understand we might be leaving for
Palestine through Romania, any day now.
-What do you know about this?
-Where did you hear this?
-Rumor from where?
-Rumor mill.
Rumor mill.
I have to leave immediately today...
...but I hope to return very soon
and address this nasty rumor.
In the meantime, taking my place
for today's lesson, I have a special treat.
A renowned scholar and rumormonger...
...Mr. Julian Wald.
Julian, come up here, please.
Okay, who remembers today's topic?
Anybody? Help me out here
because I forgot to write it down.
Something about morality.
Yes, Frania.
Can a moral man maintain his moral code
in an immoral world?
Very good. Okay, Julian?
Can you work with that topic?
Today's topic:
Can an immoral man
maintain his moral code...
...on a first date?
So, everything is arranged
until you get to the border.
Still, you will have to get across
on your own.
And if you find a safe passage....
If you find a safe passage
and return safely...
...then you will get a reward.
What kind of a reward?
Perhaps the fulfillment of your dreams...
...seeing your students
make the desert bloom...
...and become fertile.
That's it?
That's a lot of work. The danger alone is--
All right.
Perhaps the eternal gratitude
of your people...
...and of a certain person...
...in particular.
Someone very close to you.
What kind of gratitude?
What if I find two safe passages?
You can take off your armband now.
Go. Go.
Get down to the stream and follow it.
Over there is the border.
-Is it very far?
You should reach the safe house
before nightfall.
They are aware of your journey.
I will receive my payment now.
Thank you very much.
Good luck to you.
Welcome to our country!
See if you can pull around them.
So, Kazik...
...how did you get this assignment,
driving my car?
Your other driver was taken
to a slave labor battalion.
I was chosen to replace him.
-Yes, sir?
Do not steal the car.
Yes, sir.
A detachment of SS soldiers,
under the command of Lieutenant Muller...
...expended a number of hours burning
the Jewish synagogue on Stawki Street...
...upon request of the Health Ministry,
after finding unsanitary conditions.
About the hostages taken to Pawiak...
...we provided you
with the paperwork yesterday.
For this operation,
...for which we will expect reimbursement
from the Jewish Council.
That would be 20 zlotys per liter.
Six-hundred zlotys.
We will get you the funds.
About the other matter...
...23 hostages were taken,
some women and children...
...all because a Polish police officer
was roughed up.
-Certainly the children--
-This paperwork! Yeah, here it is.
Commissar Auerswald...
...you have appointed me to administer
to the needs of 350,000 people.
I find it impossible
to manage the community...
...under these circumstances.
And I must ask you to release me from
my position as head of the Jewish Council.
That would be inadvisable.
The fine levied on each prisoner
is 10,000 zlotys.
If the Jewish Council wishes to pay
the full fine, 230,000 zlotys...
...make sure they do so
by 6:00 p.m. tomorrow.
You should get busy, Czerniakow.
What are you hiding there?
Smells good.
Be better with jam, but...
...try it.
Get out of here.
No, please, it's for my father.
He's very sick. He needs it badly.
How badly?
...get out of here.
Tosia, come.
-Are you all right, Mama?
-I'm fine.
It's too dangerous to go out like you do.
Hello, dear.
Go, Rachel.
Papa, we're going to sell a few books,
but we'll try to keep your favorites.
I think we need some more.
Do you want another blanket?
Are you warm enough?
I won't allow you. Do you hear me?
I'm going to keep your favorites
and I'll bring back bread.
Your mother thinks I don't know
she sews for rich Polish women, but I do.
Make sure she's careful on the streets.
It's so dangerous.
Promise me you won't tell her I know.
I promise.
We have to hurry, Rachel.
-I promise, Papa.
-I go to help.
Be careful on the other side.
I will be, Papa. I will.
Now light a Shabbat candle.
Sorry I'm late.
-You heard about the ransom demand?
-Yes. It's a terrible situation.
I think now we must ask your men
to speak to the relatives of the hostages.
-See what they can contribute.
-How much time do we have?
Tomorrow night, 6:00.
For 38 years, this is on my hand.
Put it in the envelope, Mrs. Rochon.
You will get my David back.
He's a good boy.
They have no business taking him.
You are a good boy, too.
Your mother must be very proud, Calel.
Good day.
Captain Szerynski,
this is the ring you wanted to see.
So what's a pretty girl like you doing here?
Same thing you're doing, getting by.
But you're not Jewish.
So why are you in the Ghetto?
But I am.
I have to go to the other side
to make money for food.
Can you help me get across?
I could...
...but then I could cause myself
a lot of trouble.
This is the money
from Captain Szerynski's men.
-This is all you received?
Have you counted it twice?
No. Three times.
-They're short.
-I know.
-They're 80,000 zlotys short.
-I know!
It's already 4:00.
Why didn't Szerynski call?
He said he's doing his best.
Get me Rabbi Lebowicz.
Come, Rabbi. Please.
Excuse me for being so bold, sir,
but a rabbi should not go...
...into an establishment
of such ill repute.
Mr. Asher, in the Jewish faith,
it is customary that we demonstrate...
...our love of God
through our good deeds.
It is true.
And in this manner, God is able to
bestow his great blessings upon us.
This is also true.
I believe today,
you have a special opportunity...
...to demonstrate your love of God...
...should you wish to do so,
preferably before 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Czerniakow...
...I wish to thank you for affording me...
...this special opportunity
to receive God's blessing.
Should you ever bring a rabbi
in my club again...
...if you pull a stunt like this again,
I will kill you.
Make no mistake about that.
Commissar Auerswald! Commissar--
Commissar Auerswald is not here.
He must be.
He's handling the Pawiak hostages.
There's a deadline: 6:00.
Commissar Auerswald was called to Berlin
for important meetings.
Then who's in charge?
Please, do not stand so close to my desk.
-Who is in charge?
-I'm asking you.
Who is in charge?
I'm here to pay the full fine.
There is a deadline.
I know nothing about this situation.
The Commissar
left no instructions about this.
Someone must know.
Who is handling this?
Step back from the desk!
I do not wish your diseases.
This is the payment. Call Pawiak prison.
-Tell them the payment has been delivered.
-Did you say Pawiak?
Pawiak prison. Yes.
Twenty-three hostages.
I saw a notice on Pawiak.
Yeah, here it is.
"On the authority
of the Commissar's office...
"...23 prisoners were executed
at 10:00 this morning...
"...for crimes against the Polish people."
These were not crimes.
There were no crimes.
These were innocent people.
There were children.
You are with child.
Did you know there were children?
I know nothing about this situation.
If you wish to discuss this
with the Commissar...
...he will return next Tuesday.
You are with child.
Have you no connection?
I have answered your questions.
You are free to go now.
This morning, at 10:00, the 23 hostages...
...were executed
by order of the Commissar's office.
I am very sorry.
So you still don't want to tell me
who your comrades are?
Maybe I can be more convincing.
Very convincing.
We've had 4,000 deaths
by starvation and typhus this month.
We've lost a third of the Ghetto.
The population is nearing 450,000.
The Germans are rationing daily calories.
We are calculating 2,613
for German nationals...
...699 for Poles and 184 for Jews.
Auerswald's office has ordered
the Jewish Council to pay for all costs...
...labor and material for this Ghetto wall.
I want you all to know that I do not believe
that our situation....
I do not believe it to be hopeless.
I believe that if we remain strong...
...and active...
...that somehow, some sense of reason...
...will return. That's it.
We must persevere.
Wait! Wait!
Let me see what's in your coat.
-I don't have any bread.
-I can see it right now.
-I don't have anything. Leave me alone.
-I have money.
No! You have to give me the bread.
I can't believe you're alive.
It's been so long.
-Are you okay?
-Yes, I'm fine.
Here. I'll take this.
-How's my sister?
-Gina's fine.
-Do you want me to wake her?
Let her sleep.
-Are you sure you don't need a doctor?
-No. I just need to rest.
You weren't successful, were you?
If we can't get to Palestine and be farmers,
we'll stay here and be fighters.
-That's a fine way to greet a friend.
-I wouldn't do that again.
Somebody else would shoot first,
and ask questions later.
Duly noted.
So, Kazik, what could've made you give up
your fancy car and join the resistance?
I can't think of a better way
to meet women.
Always the idealist.
-You look like crap.
-Thank you.
But to be honest, you were never really
that good-looking to begin with.
Thank you.
Don't worry. He'll survive.
I brought you a little something.
A gift from my travels.
The first of many, I hope.
In case you run into trouble again.
You and me,
we are going to put a stop to this, yes?
We've already begun
to bring together various factions...
...into a coherent,
underground organization.
And the Bund, are they with us?
They're still unconvinced.
We have so much to do,
and little time to do it in.
We've organized
our own underground soup kitchens...
...our own schools, our own hospitals.
It's our own little society.
It's just surrounded by a brick wall.
-What about....
I have been unable to get you
a meeting with Czerniakow. He refuses.
He refuses.
I don't see him. Do you?
His car is there.
Over there with Captain Szerynski
and that pest, Calel Wasser.
He'll be here.
There he is.
So you refuse to meet my friend.
Tell me, my recently departed driver...
...just whom am I refusing to meet?
Mordechai Anielewicz.
Professor Ringleblum's friend
who has an interest in history.
And an interest in protecting our people.
And you think that by writing up flyers
and having underground meetings...
...and preparing resistance against
the Germans, we'll accomplish this?
It is not all I propose, sir.
We must strike back in any way we can.
You're not worried about the German
doctrine of collective responsibility.
What you're proposing is spitting
right in their eye, and they will retaliate...
...against innocent Jews even harder
than they did in the last hostage crisis.
They suffer anyway.
Every day they die of disease, starvation,
and worse, and you sit at a table, sir.
You negotiate with Germans
as if they're reasonable?
Yes, I do. I try to minimize the harm.
Believe it or not, so do we.
Please give us a chance.
Give us some money
and your support to get started.
Your dream is a romantic notion
that will get you all killed.
And I will not support them. I will not.
You should be wearing a hat.
In this weather you can get pneumonia.
Good day.
And five, six...
...seven, eight.
Pli and stretch.
Relev, down.
Grand pli...
...five, six...
...seven, eight.
Grand pli...
...one, two, three, four.
They're gone.
It's clear.
They're gone.
So you talked to Czerniakow?
-What did he say?
-He said they won't support us right now.
-So what about later?
-We're going to be more persuasive.
Perhaps we can rendezvous
at the Copernicus statue tonight...
...and discuss your views more fully.
There are many things
we must talk about today.
It is our priority
to find more women couriers...
...who can pass as Gentiles,
and work on the Aryan side.
-Why not men who can pass?
Men do not fare as well in a strip-search.
I know you will think it's dangerous,
but I have some fresh bread for you.
I have bread for you!
"One, two, three
"One, two, three
"One, two, three"
You're okay here?
Because you can stay with me, yeah?
You know this.
It's fine with me.
You feel safer here, don't you?
Yes. On the street, I'm afraid.
And if you were to be taken,
I would be alone.
You've been thinking about this.
Go to class. Go.
"One, two, three
"Children marching on the road
One, two, three
"One, two, three
"They're on the road
The sun is shining, smiling at the children
"One, two, three
"One, two, three"
Dr. Korczak.
Have you had any luck
convincing Czerniakow to help us?
But come to our next recital.
Yes. Join us on Thursday.
Czerniakow loves recitals.
Very good.
-Tosia, is this the child?
-You found her near the cemetery?
-That's correct.
And you lack the resources to care for her?
I have nothing.
This child is not well.
Mrs. Linder,
can we afford to take another child?
We cannot.
We cannot take another child.
But then, we have no choice, do we?
-I want you to meet my family.
-My wife, Else.
-Pleasure, madam.
This is Calel Wasser,
one of our finest young officers.
And this is our daughter, Inka.
We'll let you two get acquainted.
It's a lovely house.
Thank you.
That ring, I couldn't help but notice.
It's very unique.
-Have you had it long?
No. Just since my birthday.
And your father gave it to you?
-Yes. How did you know?
-Just a guess.
We just had reports that there were
mass killings in the village...
...where your parents live.
No one survived.
How about the rumor that the Gestapo
has offered you a certificate to Palestine?
It is not a rumor. It is the truth.
I refused.
I must thank you for your help,
raising money for us.
I wish I could do more for the children.
Then, by all means, do more.
Do not lose your temper.
Let me do the talking, okay?
You do the talking.
Mr. Chairman?
Mr. Chairman, you have received
our latest request?
Yes, I have received it.
You want to buy arms.
And the Council?
-They are aware.
You want to buy guns. And then what?
Jewish honor.
Jewish honor.
A father who's hiding his son
is not honorable.
A rabbi who is teaching a child his lessons
is not honorable.
A mother who is taking care
of her children and many more...
...she is not honorable either.
No, for you, honor....
Honor can only come out
of the barrel of a gun.
You talk about Jewish honor.
I talk about Jewish responsibility.
Call it what you like.
Will the Council support
the resistance movement?
No, they will actively oppose it
for your own good.
What? You've heard of the mass killings
at Radom and Kielce, yes?
These are not rumors. These are facts
from the mouths of our own people.
Outside of Chelmo, thousands of Jews
were taken in sealed vans...
...with hoses pumping gas into them.
I know this because my parents
were among them.
I am sorry for your loss...
...but the largest armies in the world
have not been able to defeat the Nazis.
What makes you think that a handful
of untrained Jewish citizens...
...with pistols will be the ones to prevail?
So, instead of opposing the Germans,
you want to leave the fate of our people...
...in their very hands?
Mothers held their infants to their breasts
to protect them from the gas.
When the Germans found these babies
still alive, they would swing them...
...against trees to kill them.
Is that graphic enough for you?
-That is not the point.
-That is the point!
Then let's just salute.
Salute? Salute what?
Your disciples. Your followers.
Your foot soldiers.
-My what?
-They are all over there in the parade.
That's your honor, Chairman.
This is an illegal gathering.
You are instructed to return
to your homes immediately.
Is this really necessary?
I struggle to find why our recital
is injurious to the Third Reich.
I believe that concludes today's program.
Please, join us tomorrow
for a very special salute...
...to Richard Wagner.
Good evening.
-Play something for us.
-We have just been instructed to go home.
I instruct you now.
Play something.
You. Play something.
Grab the guns.
I am sorry about your friend.
What the hell do you think
you were doing?
-I was avenging a murder.
-But the Germans will retaliate.
They do whatever they want anyway.
This is not a responsible
fighting organization.
-Then we're not a responsible organization.
-You must not act impulsively!
We must carefully plan and coordinate
every action we take.
I'm sick of watching, waiting,
and standing by being passive.
-I won't do it anymore!
-We are not passive!
Prudent in our actions.
We need to get weapons
from the Polish underground.
Arie needs all the help he can get.
-Will you look after my sister?
-I will look after Gina. Go.
Five, six, seven....
And what is this?
You are Czerniakow,
the chairman of the Jewish Council?
I am Dr. Fritz Hippler.
I'm with the Public Information Office.
Under the auspices of Secretary Goebbels,
we document Jewish life in the Ghetto.
-We wish you to be a participant.
-What do you wish me to do?
Sit at your desk and conduct business
as you would. Come over here.
-What is this?
-This makes the picture look good.
-I would not have that.
Now, I want you people
to talk and conduct business...
...as you would on any normal day.
Please, have a seat.
-Are we ready?
And roll camera. And begin.
Begin talking.
-Yes, Nathan.
Are you aware that there is
a rather large candelabra on your desk?
Yes, I am aware.
Keep talking.
And are you aware that wax is dripping
all over your work?
Yes. I see that.
Then, if I may ask,
why would you have a large candelabra...
...on your desk
if it drips wax all over your work?
I have it, Nathan,
because it is good for the picture.
Stop. Stop.
Just a moment, please.
The lighting is all wrong. Look.
This one has a perfectly good Hebrew nose,
and I can't see it at all.
Commissar Auerswald,
there is talk about deportations...
...and the putting to death
of people in the camps.
Just talk. Rumors.
I can assure you,
no truth to them whatsoever.
Places, people.
Would you sit down please, in your chair?
Can we see that?
Yes, that's much better.
There's one thing though.
You are all being very still. Too still.
Jewish people normally move
their hands around when they talk.
I want to see you move your hands more.
Let me see that.
Like this. Bigger.
And you?
Very good.
Yes, that's....
Something like that. Good. All right.
Roll camera and begin talking.
And use your hands.
Are you aware there's a large candelabra
in the middle of your desk?
Yes, Nathan.
You can rest assured that I am fully aware
of all that is transpiring.
The essential trait of the Jew...
...is that he always tries to hide his origin
when among non-Jews.
I want you to work faster.
Wherever rats turn up...
...they carry destruction to the land,
and spreading diseases and plagues...
...just as the Jews do among mankind.
This is a conspiracy against all non-Jews...
...by a sick, deceitful, poisoned race...
...against the Aryan peoples
and their moral laws.
-Thank you, Marek.
-Enjoy your work, but do it faster!
Remember, work will make you free.
Come on, Sarah.
And for you, two work permits. All right?
Listen to me. These two cards right here
can save your life.
All Jews, regardless of sex and age,
with certain exceptions...
...are to be deported to work camps
in the East by 4:00 p.m.
Commissar Auerswald--
Today, we expect you to provide
the first contingent of 6,000 people.
This will be the minimum daily quota.
-And the children in orphanages?
-Regardless of sex and age.
-Perhaps something--
-Regardless of sex and age.
Lieutenant, I am Adam Czerniakow...
...chairman of the Jewish Council.
I have been given assurances
at the highest level...
...concerning the treatment of the children.
I fully expect those assurances
to be honored.
Kindly sign this proclamation.
I will not.
Mr. Czerniakow...
...if the deportation is impeded in any way
by you or your people...
...the consequences will be dire.
This is the beginning of an assault
on the existence of the Jewish people.
What do we do in the face of this horror?
Do we sit on our hands and wait for
the next slap in the face from the enemy?
Or do we hide within ourselves,
so that the blows don't hurt us so much?
Or maybe we lift our hands to God,
and pray for the Messiah to come.
Messiah, are you coming?
I don't think he's coming.
So what do we do?
We use our hands, our arms...
...our hearts, our lives, our deaths,
and we fight back, we resist.
If you can't fight, run. If you can't run,
then hide. But you must resist.
You must!
-Rachel! Mama!
Mama, show them the permits!
-Show them!
-I did, but they didn't care!
I want to go with you!
I want to go with you!
Those of us who are willing to resist
must work together.
-We must share arms, information and--
-We must leave for Warsaw.
What is it?
We must leave now!
"They've asked me to kill the children
with my own hands.
"This I cannot do." Signed, "Adam...
Don't forget your diaries. There'll be
a lot of time to record your thoughts.
You said we had 15 minutes,
and we will take our 15 minutes.
And when we get to the camp...
...we will all get to see
the most beautiful...
...pine trees and birch trees.
And if there are beautiful trees,
what else will we see?
-Birds! Yes! That's right! And what else?
-Rabbits, yes. Very good. And?
-Squirrels. Very good, Leon!
Many, many squirrels.
Don't forget the flag.
Don't let them know that you're afraid.
Don't let them know.
Do your friends in the Bund still have
contact with the railway workers?
-Can you make it out of the Ghetto again?
-I can try.
Go, Zygmunt, follow the trains,
and tells us definitively where they go.
Please, I am separated
from my wife and children.
Can I go find them
so we can board the train together?
-On the train.
-No, sir, please.
Take these. They are worth quite a bit.
Just give me a minute.
-Please. I beg you.
-On the train!
On the train.
Dr. Korczak. Why are you here?
You are exempt from this order.
-What about the children?
-The children must board the train.
And I will do as well.
You mustn't do this.
I won't allow you on the train.
Well, then kill me here and now
in front of the children.
Don't let me go! Let me stay with you!
Don't let me go with my parents!
Please! I'll be safe with you!
Don't let them take me away!
Get off me!
Don't let them take me away!
What is it? Where are we going?
They want workers.
But they're not taking cripples.
It's your only chance.
Quickly now, before the guard returns.
It's your only chance.
But I am a dancer.
Clara, hold your breath.
Gina was taken to the camps.
Zygmunt is back from Treblinka.
Zygmunt, it's Mordechai.
Can you tell us what you saw?
Collect yourself, and tell us.
Children, women, by the thousands...
...gassed to death in showers.
They can hide everything,
but not the stench of the dead.
This is the map of a camp of death.
This is the map of Treblinka.
There were people pleading for their lives
with this scum.
These scum.
I want their blood on my hands.
We know that Adam Czerniakow
has committed suicide.
We now know that 300,000 Warsaw Jews...
...have been either sent to Treblinka,
a death camp, or have been murdered.
For now, the deportations have ceased.
They are going to resume.
When they do, we will no longer submit.
We're going to respond
with armed resistance.
We have to use this time wisely,
to root out traitors and collaborators...
...acquire weapons,
prepare our plan of battle...
...and most importantly,
to let all who remain in the Ghetto know...
...that we can
and we will fight our enemy now!
With all the Jewish groups
finally under one banner, with one purpose.
Perhaps we can save some lives...
...or remove a few Germans
from the face of the Earth.
But this much I promise you,
we will live with honor.
And we will die with honor.
Jewish honor.
I am ashamed...
...of what I have been party to.
I am a lawyer by training.
I just wanted to save my family,
to survive like everyone else.
Now, I am ashamed to wear my uniform.
You should be ashamed.
And stop crying like a child.
I don't trust him.
-Send him on a mission.
-I don't trust him!
Send him on a mission
and then we'll see which side he's on.
Zachariah will observe him.
If he fails, we'll execute him...
...like the others who have been
exceptionally cruel to their own people.
If he succeeds, keep him in uniform.
It could prove useful
to have a policeman working for us.
We want you to go undercover
to the Aryan side...
...to smuggle weapons into the Ghetto.
-Are you willing to do that?
-She has no family anymore, no one left.
This is a map of Treblinka.
You must get it to one of our couriers,
and it must travel to England.
Do you see your name?
-Viatia Savitska.
Viatia Savitska.
You are to hide this map inside your shoe.
Do you understand?
-Do you know what night this is?
I think it might be Friday night.
We didn't light the Sabbath candles.
I don't have any Sabbath candles.
-Good night.
-Good night.
I forgot to ask your name.
It's Viatia.
And you are?
Good night, Frania.
I say that we just go out in broad daylight,
and we shoot as many as we can.
Forget dying in a blaze of glory.
Why give them the satisfaction
and make it easy on them?
We should wait as long as possible
so we can acquire more weapons and train.
No, we have to organize an escape
to the woods...
...create a larger organization
and fight them from outside the Ghetto.
No, we'll never make it on the outside.
We'll be sold out,
informed on and slaughtered.
I think we should take them all hostage...
...and make them listen
to German folk music really loud...
...until they lose their minds and give up.
This is serious.
Every day of peace in the Ghetto
is another day...
...that we can prepare
for the organized attack of the future.
Look, we need to send a series
of messages to the Jewish police...
...to the Jewish Council,
to our own people in the Ghetto...
...and to the Nazis. And we need to do it
right now, we can't wait.
They have to know who we are,
and that we mean business.
Even if that means using up....
-All the weapons?
-Yes, even if it means this.
Then we just have to pray.
For what?
For Tosia to get the map out of the Ghetto.
And for Tosia and Arie to smuggle
more weapons back in.
Go in the shack.
Come on, go in the shack.
-Place of work?
-The Schmidt foundry.
-Chmielna 2.
Give me your coat and dress.
Now the rest.
Do you want these, too?
I said, shoes.
Do you want me to use this?
Another one.
Another one!
A Jew has escaped.
We must capture him now. Quickly.
Get dressed and get out of here. Quickly.
Where are you going?
To work. I just passed my inspection.
Hey, Jew, what are you selling today?
-How close are we to the plant?
-A couple of blocks.
-You're lucky.
Most people who go to that guard shack,
don't come out.
I think this is where you take
your armband off and leave us.
Are you going to turn me in?
Viatia. Viatia, it's Kazik.
I couldn't get close to the gate.
It wasn't safe. I had to follow your wagon.
Come. Walk.
Blackmailers up ahead.
-We need to laugh.
Yes. Jews look down.
Jews look sad. Jews avert their eyes.
Blackmailers can smell fear.
So, can you laugh?
Try again.
No. Try to do it big, like this.
I said, sleep! Not sheep. Sleep.
Not bad.
Keep practicing.
Viatia, this is Michael Klepfisch.
-Nice to meet you.
Arie Wilner.
-We've met.
-Get to know them both well.
So, he was good.
I wanted to arrange a meeting
with your boss Szerynski.
Can you accomplish this?
I'm sorry if it's....
It's been in my shoe for a couple of days.
Gives it character.
Do you realize that this map of Treblinka
will travel by special courier...
...all the way
to Prime Minister Churchill himself?.
With the other documents he has,
...it will persuade the Allies
to give us weapons we need...
...to bomb the German trains,
and hopefully the death camps themselves.
Do you understand now?
Come on, Zach. Zygmunt, let's go!
Captain Szerynski,
I have a message for you...
...from the Jewish Fighting Organization.
For your traitorous activities,
and collaboration with the enemy...
...you have been tried in a court
of your people and condemned to death.
Is it too heavy?
No. I can carry it.
But what if it gets dropped?
-You wouldn't want to drop dynamite.
-I know, but what if something falls?
You wouldn't want something to fall.
-What if it gets bumped?
-Bumped could be okay.
Good work.
Good job, Calel.
Calel, welcome.
-Welcome to the family, Calel.
-Now the Germans will come to us.
Lady, wait. Hold on.
-Thank you.
-Let's go. Quickly, lady.
Good. Remember: One round,
one German. No wasted rounds.
Okay, front row kneels.
-All right. Steady.
-It's okay. You're with friends here.
Steady, and fire!
Mordechai, Tosia has brought us gifts.
Perfect timing. When can we expect more?
Arie said there'd be
another shipment momentarily.
-He will smuggle them personally.
Steady, and fire!
I said, aim.
It's very important to aim. Arguably,
almost as important as firing itself.
Marek, look what Tosia has brought us.
Good rule of thumb:
Never pat the bomb-maker on the back...
...while he's working, okay?
What's this?
Dynamite. Excellent.
I also need potassium chlorate.
I also need...
-...bottles. Can you get me those?
-Yes, I'll try.
I also need a new set of lungs.
Marek used to work in the lab
at the hospital.
This is more fun.
Anything else, Mr. Engineer?
-More. Just more of everything.
You are all under arrest!
Put down your bombs and return
immediately to the Umschlagplatz!
Heil Hitler!
So, that'll bring us here, right?
Who is that girl with the pistol?
Devorah Baron. She's with Marek
and Gutman at the brushmakers.
That's such a coincidence.
I was thinking that I should be stationed
at the brushmakers.
Don't you agree, boss?
Intelligence estimates that there are only
I am disappointed, Col. Von Sammern.
There are so many.
They sabotaged our factories,
they attacked our soldiers.
There and there. Look. You see?
And another.
Now, we have an understanding,
Col. Von Sammern?
Now, can I rely on you to make sure
that Warsaw is free of these vermin?
It's a blockade. We are surrounded.
Mordechai! It's a blockade.
We are surrounded.
All right. Let's go!
Guns up here, ammo as well.
Let's do it.
This is the moment we've been waiting for.
Pay attention. Keep the guns out!
-Don't forget ammo.
-Zachariah, go with Kazik.
Clara, let's go. Clara, come on!
Out! Out!
Get in the line! "Get in the line," I said!
Up here! There are Jews inside!
-Where is he?
-They're inside.
Look out! Move!
Look out!
Get down!
Look out!
Come on, come and get me!
Come and get me!
Come on!
-Come on, it's enough. Let's go!
Let's go! Now!
We will fight later. Come on!
Yitzhak, he's dead. Come.
Get him off. Arie.
-Tosia, Arie, let's go.
Grab the guns and ammunition.
Hurry, grab the guns!
For the first time,
we have stopped the deportations.
For the first time,
the enemy knows who we are as a people.
They know that we will resist.
They know that we will fight back.
They know they will pay
for their mass murder.
What they don't know, is how long,
how hard, and how successfully we'll fight.
In fact, we'll light a torch of resistance,
and it will burn so brightly...
...that others everywhere will be inspired
to resist as well.
For Moshe, for Michael, for Leon...
...for Ariel, for Zee...
...and for Clara...
...who sacrificed their
lives for our dignity:
A moment, please,
of reflection and of silence.
I have good news to report.
Faced with ferocious Jewish resistance,
the Germans have surrendered.
Hitler has apologized
for all the inconvenience.
The Jews have won.
-I should notify the Allies.
-What for?
What have they done for us?
What I like about the zoo is the
animals. They won't turn you in.
What about him?
That Polish monkey there?
He's okay. He used to
date my cousin Ida.
This letter goes to Klepfisch
as soon as you leave.
Follow my lead.
I was just being protective.
If you'd like to be my boyfriend,
that's all right with me.
I'll be on going on these missions,
and if I don't come back...
...I'd like somebody to know
that I didn't come back.
...this man died on the Aryan side.
I have orders to take him
to the Jewish cemetery.
What's in the box?
A Jew named Izzy.
Open it.
-The casket?
-Open it, now.
All right, sir.
Get that away from here!
Yes, sir.
Good work, Izzy.
You were a good stinker.
Did Arie say anything?
He said there are more on the way.
But for now, fifty pistols
and two rifles.
But now, I must attempt
an even more important mission:
So that the Fuhrer will have one
more ghetto fighter to deal with.
"Attempt" is the right word.
My father always said:
"Study hard, get a degree,
so you won't have to dig ditches."
The Home Army is impressed
with our actions.
It's just a start.
I hope.
Throw it quickly!
You both want to stay here to fight.
But what are we going to fight with?
One of you must go.
Arie's sources are probably in hiding,
terrified he might talk.
Arie won't talk.
Arie will not talk.
We know that. They don't.
-Kazik, can we get him out?
-It'll be difficult.
Can we do it?
-What'll it cost?
-It's not matter of money.
You must focus on reconnecting
with Arie's sources.
Come on, decide.
-You know the Aryan culture.
-You have a better face.
I know too many people, I'll be recognized.
You know the language.
My language is obviously foreign.
-What if someone asks where I'm from?
-What if I'm denounced?
What, you'll flip a coin to decide?
Come on, Yitzhak.
You go, bring us the weapons we need.
Look at this.
You look fine,
you look like a Polish businessman.
Here, if anyone asks you,
you came to buy shirts, okay?
The guards have been greased.
Look at this suit--
-It's all we could find on short notice.
-It's ridiculous.
You look fine. Really.
Nice ankles.
Your documents...
...and your new identity, Witold.
It's good work, Marek.
Frania will take you to the other side
and bring you to Tosia...
...who'll arrange for you
to contact the necessary Poles.
-Where is Frania?
-Over there with Julian.
-She's one of our very best.
I'll be watching your back.
That makes me feel much better.
I'm just across the street.
-How is he?
-He's not going to win any beauty contests.
Welcome back. You all right?
I've been better.
-Conserve your strength. Rest.
You'll fight later, just get better.
I need to ask you....
I didn't tell them anything.
-Kazik, how did you get him out?
-We did nothing.
The Gestapo made a mistake
and accepted our bribe.
Even when I believe you,
I think you're making it up.
That's a vote of confidence for you.
A 1929 Lafite Rothschild.
A bouquet that will last a century.
Have yourself a sip, Dr. Fritz Hippler.
You won't regret it.
Do I lie?
Is it not flawless?
Yes, it's very good.
It's not good.
This is exquisite.
I liked your movie, The Eternal Jew.
It was relentless,
as the French would say:
"Without pity."
The Eternal Jew.
What a terrifying title.
A big nose, fruity. What do you think?
I agree.
You're not a wine aficionado, are you?
No, not really.
It's a Jewish wine,
made by a Jewish viticultor...
Surprising, isn't it?
Enough about wine.
In confidence...
...you've spent time
around Col. Von Sammern...
-...haven't you?
Tell me about him.
Where should I start?
With the engagement on January 18th,
when his troops were first fired upon...
...by the subhumans of the Jewish sector.
German soldiers are massing
outside the Ghetto by the hundreds.
-9 mm.
One German, two Germans,
three Germans....
Julian, how did you get the rifle?
My eyesight.
I don't miss.
One German platoon.
Everyone's in place.
Do you hear this? They're singing.
The bastards are singing.
Go, get down.
Bring Dr. Hippler here.
Hit the tank on the hedge! It's open!
Why are you filming this?
I've been assigned by Goebbels
to film this operation.
He says the film of these engagements
will outlast us all.
Victory will outlast us, this is not victory.
It depends where you put the camera.
Did he think he could waltz his army
into the sector?
Like sightseers on holiday?
All is lost.
The troops have retreated,
many are dead or wounded.
I know. I was there.
We must respond
with overwhelming force immediately.
From the Reichsfuhrer.
Reichsfuhrer Himmler...
...promised Hitler a Warsaw free of Jews
by his birthday, tomorrow.
Do you understand?
And if other Jews are emboldened
by this turn of events...
...if other sectors initiate their own
uprisings, it spreads to the Poles?
You see the implications?
See the cause for concern?
Under orders of the high command,
you are relieved of your post forthwith.
And to avoid...
...any unnecessary strain between
German-Austrian factions in the SS ranks...
...the order for your execution
has been withdrawn.
You are dismissed.
-We're still here. Who would've bet on it?
-Now we have real weapons to fight with.
Julian, well done.
Our little nation.
Did you ever think in your lifetime,
you would see this?
What is he doing?
Either he's showing his troops
he's not afraid...
...or he really likes his table.
Give those out to the officers,
good for their nerves.
How can you sleep at a time like this?
Dr. Hippler.
Yes, sir.
I don't care where you put the camera,
just don't film the flags.
But it makes for a better story.
They show what our soldiers
had to overcome to achieve victory.
-Gen. Kruger was explicit--
-You are not to shoot the flags.
Unless Gen. Kruger shows up in person
and instructs you to do so.
-Is that clear?
-Crystal clear.
I should wake Marek.
Marek, wake up!
Not yet.
Six more.
Dozens of our men were killed,
more wounded, at the brushmakers.
Pull the tank out!
Pull the tank out!
No, further.
Hold your positions!
It's not safe for you to be here.
Hold your positions!
Far enough?
"Dear Yitzhak,
I don't know what to write you.
"Let's dispense with personal details
this time.
"I have only one expression to describe my
feelings and the feelings of my comrades:
"Things have surpassed
our boldest dreams.
"The Germans ran away
from the Ghetto twice.
"One of our units held out for 40 minutes,
and the other one for more than 6 hours.
"Know that the pistol has no value.
"We practically don't use it.
"We need grenades, rifles,
machine guns and explosives.
"Your friend in arms, Mordechai."
Yes, I did say that, Reichsfuhrer Himmler.
They are crafty, but we will put
an immediate end to this uprising.
No, not today. Two or three days, perhaps.
Excuse me.
Yes, of course.
Yes, Reichsfuhrer.
Now they're serious.
Go, get down in the basement, now!
Bring everybody in from the roof.
Get Calel in.
Pull back, bring everybody in!
Pull back!
Get out of here!
Hurry! To the right!
-Who are these people?
We'll assemble the fighters right away.
I have corrected your mistake.
There were no casualties today.
There are no mistakes. There were--
There are no mistakes now!
Have you apprehended the leaders yet?
Not yet, sir.
I am not looking for an explanation.
I am looking for an acceptable answer.
That would be, "Yes, we've captured
and destroyed the leadership."
Heil Hitler!
I have a message from Himmler.
I have just begun to get us out
of a disgraceful situation.
Do you wish to hear what
the Reichsfuhrer has to say?
Of course.
As a lover of Wagner, he said
that you have conducted the overture...
...to this grand operation magnificently.
Particularly compared to Von Sammern.
He went on to say, "Play on, maestro.
"The Fuhrer and I won't forget you."
We, in London,
now have in our possession...
...concrete information
concerning the mass murder...
...of the Jewish population in Poland
committed by the German nation.
The Polish courier must've got through.
There is no other way
they could've got those details so right.
If the Allies will bomb the railroads,
or the camps...
...or Warsaw itself, we'll have a chance.
-I don't know. Do you really think?
This scum killer! Jewish police scum!
-What is he doing here?
-Leave him!
He watched my children go to the trains.
He sold my mother to the Germans!
I'll kill you with my own hands!
He's fighting for you now.
They're right.
What they said, I did.
I know, and you know I know.
Listen to me.
We don't have time to dwell on the past.
We only have time to plan
for our immediate future.
The weapons didn't make it through.
Our shipment of weapons was intercepted
by the Germans in the cemetery.
And the Germans have discovered
the tunnel at Muranowska.
It is no longer safe.
Today is Easter, right?
Tosia, you're going out for some fresh air.
You must take these explosives
and get them to Mordechai.
You must get them to the fighters,
do you hear?
Get back everybody!
Out for a Sunday stroll, Jew bitch?
We'll follow you around all day.
Three thousand zlotys
or we introduce you to the Gestapo.
Okay, let's go.
Come. Let's go.
I want to see the little room.
What little room?
The room the Gestapo reserves
for pathetic crooks...
...who waste their time turning in
fellow Poles.
I understand those thugs are given
the full treatment.
So, let's go.
Let's go, I will create a diversion.
Strip the women naked.
This won't happen again.
Get the ladder.
Now, that's a fine marksman.
They call them "parachutists"
or "balloonists."
They've devised a game,
whereby the winner is...
...he who delivers the most bullets
to the jumper before he hits the ground.
Films and photographs
of this grand operation will be invaluable...
...to future historians of the Third Reich.
It will also be useful
as training materials for the SS...
...and as a living document of the sacrifices
that the Nordic races made...
...to rid Europe and the world of the Jews.
All the exits are blocked.
We can't stay here, we have to leave.
How? If there is no way out,
we'll be easy targets.
I'll go out first.
I'll get their attention.
What are you talking about?
You once asked me:
"Can a moral man maintain
his moral code in an immoral world?"
Here's my answer.
Rot in hell, you bastards!
Follow me.
Quick, follow me.
This way.
The relativity Jew, Albert Einstein...
...who masked his hatred of Germans
behind his obscure pseudo-sciences.
The art of propaganda
is not well understood, is it?
Keep it simple, repeat it over and over
until it takes on a life of its own...
...becomes the truth, in effect.
We aren't the only ones
fighting the war on the film front.
The Allies have hired Frank Capra
to direct their efforts.
Should I know that name?
He's a very successful
Hollywood filmmaker.
A little sappy for my taste,
but at the top of his game.
It seems the Americans weren't
all that interested in going to war...
...so he was brought in
to popularize the notion.
Worse, he stole footage that I had
commissioned and used it for ridicule.
As I say, it all depends on
where you put the camera...
...and who is telling the story.
These are not the Aryan women
from my hometown of Detmold.
They are acrobatic sharpshooters,
fighting demons, amazons.
I don't believe this business about
Jewish women bewitching Aryans.
She's expressive, though.
Careful with the basket.
Is she all right? Did you hurt yourself?.
-I'm all right.
-What have you brought us?
Cmd. Zuckerman, you understand...
...that the considerations we face today
are extremely complex?
Of course.
There are those in the Home Army,
both here and in London...
...that feel the transfer of weapons...
...to untrained Jewish street fighters...
...is a futile and wasteful use
of our limited resources.
And what if this Jewish uprising
were to spread?
The Polish underground is hardly equipped
to take on German forces.
Thousands of Poles would be slaughtered,
and we cannot allow that to happen.
May I remind you, Colonel,
that we, too, are Polish citizens?
Perhaps these influences
in the Home Army...
...are secretly grateful to the Nazis
for ridding their country of Jews.
I pray to God you can rise above
those influences.
-The considerations we face are complex.
-That may be, but you see, Colonel...
...the considerations my people face
are simple.
In fact, I would have to say...
...that the conditions my people face
are positively elemental.
We must have arms.
We must have explosives!
We must have something other
than our fists, and bricks...
...and our unbreakable will.
You take no risk.
And if you fail to act,
our blood will be on your hands.
Hands up!
-Hands up!
-Check the holes!
Take your clothes off.
Right now, hands up!
Your plan sounds reasonable.
Your reports to Himmler make it seem
as if things were going well.
-But they aren't now, are they?
-Gen. Kruger...
...within a short while, the Jewish sector
of Warsaw will be no more.
Every building will have been razed
to the ground.
Then we will bring these vermin
to the surface or bury them.
"A short while"?
This little group of bandits
have held off the German military...
...for longer than
the entire country of Poland.
Is that "a short while"?
It would make your job and mine easier...
...if your reports weren't so optimistic...
...and our casualties were...
...shall we say, less.
To be perfectly blunt.
No luck.
The Poles won't give us
any more weapons. And you?
Any word from Tosia?
The others are secure. Follow me.
-There's a bunker at Miliatin.
-These are your fighters, Kazik?
Okay, go.
Schmuel Asher. Mordechai Anielewicz.
I've heard about you and your group.
...let me show you around
my basement empire.
Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor.
And there is Mauthausen.
We have running water.
We have electricity.
It's too hot,
and the dust is horrible for my allergies.
Good to see you.
Come on, I show you something, guys.
There are five entrances and five exits.
They come in handy in my line of work.
This way.
Who's winning?
Whatever is ours is yours.
Not really everything.
Tuvia was unable to get to Yitzhak
via the sewers.
-I'll go.
-Not until your ankle heals.
Kazik, I want you to go.
And bring Zygmunt with you.
That's perfect. Tuvia couldn't make it,
so we send Kazik.
-What makes you think we can succeed?
-You're going to go through the tunnel.
-What tunnel?
-The tunnel at Muranowska.
There's a tunnel there
for special occasions.
The question is: How safe is it?
-Yes, that's a good question.
-Yes, it's risky, but worth it.
If Yitzhak found guns and supplies,
we can hold off a while longer.
Even if he hasn't, it's critical
to find a way in and out of the Ghetto.
We are playing cat and mouse
with Stroop and his men.
We can't hold off forever.
Yesterday, we were seeking
safe passage to Palestine.
Today, we seek safe passage
across the street.
Our world has gotten pretty small.
Go. Make me proud.
Make yourself proud.
Let's go, Romeo.
I am instructing Zivia and Marek
to assemble a small squad.
Their mission will be to find an exit out
of the Ghetto through the sewer canals.
This will be difficult, if not impossible,
as we know.
The maze of canals is vast and confusing.
Those who wish to leave
will be given the opportunity.
Those who wish to stay, will do so.
Perhaps it will be possible...
...to connect with the partisans
in the forest to continue our fight.
Perhaps not.
Throughout our difficult struggle...
...we have been determined
to preserve one choice:
How we die.
Whether it be here, in an airless bunker,
or elsewhere...
...I don't know.
But I can assure you of one thing:
The spirit of our deaths....
The spirit of our deaths will shape
the soul of a new generation...
...a new nation of Jews.
All right.
-Let us wish Zivia and Marek luck.
And we continue.
-You're a sight for sore eyes.
-So are you.
And Julian?
He's our best marksman.
No! Kazik, it's all right!
Tell me.
-Something is not right.
The level of fighting has decreased.
They only attack us at night.
They are playing possum.
The Gestapo's informer has told us
where the command bunker is.
And this time, I think it's accurate.
That is good news, isn't it?
Too good.
Too easy.
-Is your ankle better?
If you wish to go with the others, you can.
It's up to you.
I'd rather stay here and fight
with you and Arie, if that's all right.
It's all right.
Where are the sewer workers?
I don't know what happened.
They were paid to guide us.
But they haven't shown up.
We need to go now.
This is far too dangerous for you.
No. We are going into the Ghetto tonight.
If not through the sewers, over the wall.
Are you out of your mind?
We have no chance to survive
without a plan.
Nor do the fighters,
if we don't get them out now!
How will we do that
if we get shot getting in?
-I am going.
-How do you intend to get them out?
Are you with me or not?
We have no chance to succeed
without a Polish guide...
...to take us in the sewers and out again.
Do you see a guide? Do you?
There is no sewer worker!
-Are you with me or not?
-I will go with you, Yitzhak.
You two can make
your own funeral arrangements.
I will not carry your coffin.
I will accompany you, but he makes sense.
Maybe we should try again tomorrow
with the Poles.
We can't rely on the Poles, Frania.
We can't rely on anyone else to get us in!
Zivia, when you get down to the sewers,
go left.
And let's hope for the best.
I will cover your escape.
Go, before you forget why you are leaving.
We will be back.
Goodbye, Zachariah.
Come on, you're already a day late.
-Let's go!
-Follow me.
Tell our friends to keep their spirits up.
-This way.
I just wish we had more weapons
and ammunition.
It would be really something.
What is it?
I had the most ridiculous dream.
It was so vivid.
I was sleeping and...
...your sister, Gina, came and woke me up.
She took me outside...
...to this beautiful garden.
And there were grapes and nuts and figs.
It's very biblical.
Then she took me to a basket.
And there was a baby inside it.
And she said that...
...he was mine.
My child.
Then I took him and...
...I held him in my arms.
Tell me the history of The Eternal Jew.
How did this film of yours come to be?
Goebbels commissioned it.
It was his idea, his pet project.
He felt that the Germans
weren't anti-Semitic enough.
It didn't come as easy to them
as, say, the Poles, or the French...
...or even the English.
The film was
the psychological underpinning...
...of the Fuhrer's plan for racial purity.
Why do you think these Jewish women
are such ferocious fighters?
But I have never witnessed this before.
I saw one woman shot several times,
and, as she was dying, she cursed me...
...in a language that was beyond vile.
-I can't get the image out of my mind.
-Maybe you're bewitched?
Here's to a good bewitching.
Check that tunnel.
See if it's passable, Mira.
Tosia, down there.
Down there, Julian.
They can't have found all five exits.
It's completely blocked.
-No. It's not safe.
It's clear.
We can make it out of the sewer.
Maybe there's a way to the sewers
through the sewer wall.
-That way?
-Tosia, go in and see if this is possible.
Mira. Hurry.
Hurry. We need reinforcements.
Spread out, and try to outflank them.
Find Zachariah, spread out,
and create a diversion.
Hurry up.
-The Ghetto is through this.
-Good, lead me.
No, I go no further.
-You have been paid to lead me.
-I show you. That's all.
As a member of the Home Army,
it is my assigned mission...
...to rescue Christian Poles
trapped in the Ghetto.
If you do not wish to cooperate,
then I'll give you a simple choice:
Lead me, or die.
That's your choice.
-Follow me.
-Good decision.
The exits are sealed.
The fighters are all dead.
-Okay, we stay. We fight here.
-Let's go.
-This way.
-Quickly, come on.
How much further
till we get to the Ghetto?
Everything is sealed.
Get everyone into position.
-Does everyone have a gun?
-One person, right over here.
Come on, move! Every exit!
Go see if Tosia and her men
have made any progress.
There's another wall.
Tosia, have you found an entrance
to the sewer canals?
-Not yet.
We are.
Mordechai, I don't think they will make it
through soon enough. Sorry.
All right, Julian, take your position.
You've done well.
I wonder if Zivia and her group
made it through.
Zivia will find a way out.
I would have bet
that Kazik found a way back.
He won't disappoint you.
Mira, let me ask you a question.
How do you manage
to always be so positive...
...so optimistic and so supportive?
I'm lucky.
To luck.
To luck.
Go through, right now.
I will get Mordechai.
This way.
If you sense gas...
...cover your faces with a wet cloth
and stay low.
Cover your face
and stay low to the ground.
I found a way out!
I found a way out through the sewer.
Stay low, low to the ground! Keep low!
Save the last bullet for yourself.
Everyone follow me this way!
I found a way out!
Let's give them a greeting
they'll remember.
-You're alive.
Where are the others?
A few of us made it out of the sewers but...
...Mordechai, Mira, Arie and all the rest,
all died here or in the bunker.
How did you get in?
I thought...
...I was the last Jew in the Ghetto.
The last one.
Kazik, how did you get in?
Through the sewer canals.
-Then you will get us out.
Kazik, come.
-I want to stay here.
-There are others who need our help.
This way.
In the tunnel.
All right.
This is a miracle.
-We were lost.
-We've been walking in circles.
What a miracle!
-Kazik, have you been to the other side?
-Yes, he has.
-Then, he is our leader.
All right.
All right, everyone.
Follow Kazik quickly and quietly.
Follow me.
Come, Sarah.
Heil Hitler.
One of Major Hoffle's SS informants says
some of the leaders are still alive.
He heard they were taking
the sewers to the Aryan side...
...to join up with the partisans
and continue the fight.
The Major wanted me to inform you of this
as soon as possible.
You need a truck. We have a truck.
We'll need it for two nights.
Trucks are expensive.
Drivers are expensive.
I thought you might say this.
Wait, wait.
All right, under here.
Stick with your gun. Watch your head.
Come under here. Over here.
-All right, Zivia.
-Is it safe?
You must be quick, the water is rising.
Coming through.
-Where's the boy and the girl?
-They're coming through.
-Isaac, come here.
I'll go through.
All right, everybody through?
We have to get through quickly!
Coming through!
The children!
It's shut.
It's closed.
Please, don't panic.
Please, be calm.
A little bit further on, it opens out to
a canal at the beginning of the Aryan side.
Well, we are at Prosta Street
on the Aryan side...
...but there is no one waiting for us
up above.
I cannot hold on any longer.
There's no way to get all these people out
without a truck to get us out of the city.
Kazik, you will go by yourself.
Meet Yitzhak.
-Find an exit.
-Yes, tonight.
-Where is it?
-I don't know, they're late.
We can't afford late.
There's been a delay.
They will try again later.
We must keep everyone calm.
I'll let them know.
Yes, an office. 54 Prosta Street.
Office furniture. Cabinets.
Just the driver, we have our own laborers.
You can.
-We must have water. We must have food.
-It is coming. Stay calm.
-We are doing all we can.
-It is not enough!
I'd rather die on the street
with a German bullet.
You'll do as you are instructed
for everyone's safety. Now, be quiet.
There's another landing.
Go, get out of the water.
The people cannot take anymore!
Silence yourself.
You think I will let your weakness...
...jeopardize the lives of all these people?
Have you any idea the sacrifices they have
made so you can be standing here alive?
-Alive and on the verge of freedom!
-I want to get out!
Don't think for a moment that I'll hesitate
to put a bullet through your skull.
I'll fulfill your wish
if you keep your foolishness up.
-Where's the office? I don't see it.
-In the basement.
What is this?
This is your chance
to be a hero before God.
Pull over there.
Please come out quickly and quietly,
and do exactly as Kazik instructs.
Why are we doing this in broad daylight?
Because we are.
You're mad.
You're right.
-Are there many more?
How many?
Forty on this landing
and a dozen on another.
-We can't wait.
-They'll come.
-We can't wait.
-I promised them.
-Just one more minute.
-One minute and then we leave.
-I'll get them.
-But we have no time.
I'll get them.
Twenty more.
Come, come, come.
This is an operation
of the Polish underground.
And I believe in Santa Claus.
Well, Santa,
this is a pistol I am pointing in your ribs.
Do you believe that?
Then you also believe that
I won't hesitate to splatter your guts...
...all over these cobblestones
unless you do exactly as I say.
Stay there.
-Into the truck, quickly.
-Ten more.
Hurry, hurry, now.
They're Jews.
That's everyone on this landing,
forty in total. Come, Kazik.
-That's it!
-No, I'm not leaving without them.
You're putting us all at risk!
I'm not asking you. I'm telling you.
Get on the truck!
Zivia, get on the truck.
We'll come back for them. Come.
Go! Go!
Go, go, go!
-They've escaped.
-It seems to be so.
I'll have you communicate
to Reichsfuhrer Himmler...
...that Warsaw will be free of Jews
My engineers have prepared
the dynamiting of the Jewish synagogue.
Further, I have informed Himmler
that the remainder of our work here...
...will be carried out by the local police
under my control.
Now, you may even receive
a commendation for your efforts.
But between you and me,
you let the bandits get away.
I want everything brought up! Every body,
every corpse, every piece of evidence!
And then seal it shut!
Tighter than a pharaoh's tomb!
And every manhole cover in Warsaw,
I want welded shut! Every single one!
Mordechai Anielewicz sent me this
letter shortly before his last battle.
I want to read a part of it to you.
"Our fighters have endured
conditions beyond description...
"...yet they have persevered.
No, more than persevered.
"They have conquered these
conditions, and fought on bravely...
"...over and over and over again.
"Perhaps we shall meet again."
"But the main thing is, the dream
of my life has come true.
"I've lived to see a Jewish
defense in the Ghetto...
"...in all its greatness and glory."
Let us remember Mordechai
and all the others.
And let us continue.
And let us continue to fight on.
Look, Kazik...
...how deeply they breathe.
Each breath...
...so peaceful, so rhythmic.
One after another, after another...
...after another....