Valleyheart (2024) Movie Script

JANE: Hello?
David, you gotta open up,
It's an emergency.
Look, I know the last time we
saw each other it was a little,
But this isn't about us, okay?
It's- it's- it's Tommy,
he's in trouble.
Are you there?
I really need for
you to open up.
It's- it's really- it's really
hot outside.
It's really hot and, uh, I could
use some water.
Maybe we could- maybe we could
have a conversation, you know,
like adults do.
Maybe we owe each other that.
Just gonna listen, okay.
Okay, alright, that's fair.
Uh, okay, so Tommy-
Tommy is still doin' the books
for a lot of small businesses
in the valley.
You know that family,
that famous family on Riverside?
They got the mortuary, and the
compound prescription place,
and the Mediterranean
restaurant, and the caf.
You know, all the- all the-
the psychic place.
You know the family.
I guess, I guess he lost him
some money.
And, um, he's- he's in a little
bit of trouble.
He- he called me last night at
2 o'clock in the morning and he,
um, he didn't, uh,
he didn't sound right.
And, uh, he told me to empty
my bank account.
And bring 10 thousands dollars
to the park.
You know, the one-off Ventura
with the big snake sculpture?
That obnoxious snake sculpture.
And the cranes, and the-
and the birds,
and all the dead landscape.
You- you know-
you know the one.
And- and- and, uh, I did it.
I know you're gonna say I'm
really fuckin' stupid,
But I did it.
You- you didn't hear his voice.
He, he didn't sound right.
He was with these two brothers
with these ponytails
and they were really big
and really scary.
And I gave 'em the money and
they didn't give me Tommy back.
And now I don't know where he is
and I couldn't go
to the regular cops.
I- I couldn't go
to the regular cops.
He's got priors, David.
You know that.
And he's too little to be
able to defend himself.
He was your brother once, too,
you know?
You made a promise.
Okay. Okay.
So, you're not gonna
open the door.
Or you're not home.
I know you would
open the door for Tommy.
Maybe not me, but Tommy.
You remember his speech
at our wedding?
Here's to the happy couple,
David and Janie.
And to your adventure.
To the Wild, Wild West.
P.S. I'm coming, too.
I know this wasn't
your dream, it was mine.
And I really-
I really thought- fuck.
I really thought I could make it
here in Hollywood.
I know you thought I could, too.
And I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry, David.
We should have stayed
at that lake house.
That week.
That magical week before
we moved out here.
We could have stayed.
We should have stayed.
I know you wouldn't
have become a cop.
I know that.
And so, what if I still was just
teaching dance to little girls?
That wouldn't have been so bad.
Maybe I'd own my own place,
make my own hours.
You'd still be workin' at the
Public Works,
coaching Little League.
Might have been a good life.
Should have never gone to that
Van Nuys police station
and signed that paperwork.
That place erased you.
Vice erased you. It erased us.
I dunno. It's my fault.
We needed money.
You were an athlete.
You were a good cop.
Nothing good ever
happened in Van Nuys.
I love what you've
done with the place.
Smells like junipers.
And lilac.
I miss you. I know I'm not
supposed to
say that, but I've missed you.
I've- I've wondered
what you've aged like,
where your wrinkles are.
You're still so handsome.
I wanna come back home, David.
Please just-
I wanna come back home.
Let me come back home.
I wanna come back home.
["Run" by Ladytron plays]
I hunt, I hide, I run
I hunt, I hide
And I run
I hunt and I hide, I hide
I hunt and I hide
And I run
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah
I hunt, I hide, I run
I hunt, I hide, and I run
I hunt and I hide, I hide
I hunt and I hide
And I run
Hey, hey, hey,
Take this.
Alright, hey, heads up,
let's go. Come on.
Alright, water. Water.
Jane. Jane.
Who shot you?
I need a description.
There was a third guy.
There must have been-
He was by the river maybe.
And Tommy started
walking towards me.
Okay, stay with me.
And then I heard
this whizzing sound.
It's not what I thought
it would be.
Okay, okay, okay.
Your face looks the same.
Your face looks exactly the
It does.
Except for these.
And this.
How did your life turn out,
Let's hit another one.
We need more.
You got any credit cards?
Oh, come on.
There's nothing left. I- maybe
I could get a loan.
I mean, one of those payday
loans without even work.
Payday loan?
Are you kidding me?
We're thirty-nine thousands
dollars short of fifty!
Do you have anything
you can sell?
Do you have gold jewelry?
Antique furniture?
Yeah, like with cherrywood?
Can I have my phone back?
What do you think?
I need to know if
my sister's okay.
Hey, what about your mom?
Yeah. What about your mom?
Isn't she supposed to be in some
sort of fancy rest home?
Those places are expensive.
No, she's dead!
She- I told you, she died like
six months ago.
Don't fucking lie to me, Tommy.
She's dead.
Sorry, payday.
Why are we in a hotel room?
Why aren't we at the house?
I told you at the hospital,
before your surgery,
I don't live there anymore.
I rent it out as an Airbnb now.
I'm gettin' $500 a night from
these sucker tourists.
What day is it?
Day after yesterday.
When you scared the shit out of
the family rentin' the place.
I had to give 'em two free
nights off their stay
just to make nice
and keep my rating
from plummeting.
So you lost me a grand. Thanks.
I don't have insurance.
Yeah, no shit.
They just sewed you up
and sent you on your way.
They might as well have said
"fuck you" on the way out.
Yeah, and I'm not payin'
that bill, by the way.
It's, uh,
yeah, you don't wanna
know how bad it is.
You're probably gonna have to
file for bankruptcy again.
Look, I know- I know that
you're pissed.
But you don't have to make this
any worse on either of us.
I'm fine.
Alright, listen.
I don't have the free time to
get sucked back
into your bullshit,
so I'm just gonna say
this one more time,
get you up to speed now
that you're more lucid.
The EMT had to perform CPR.
That's why your
chest hurts so much
where all those
bruises came from.
You lost a lot of blood.
You took a slug to your side.
It missed your kidneys.
You got no internal damage.
But you got a couple
broken ribs.
It's gonna be sore for a while.
Oh, I, uh, I caught you a little
performance on my Ring cam
when I was at the batting cages
the other day.
You practice that one?
You're always really good at
bringin' those waterworks,
but that's what you actors do,
manipulate people
Where's my bra?
Let's get one thing straight.
I don't owe you a goddamn thing.
I don't know you anymore, okay?
You're not my wife, and you
haven't been for a long time.
Where's Marie?
She's in Florida with her folks.
Yeah, she left me.
You happy now?
I'm sorry.
Hmm. Two marriages
in the gutter.
You know, but I'm doin' great,
by the way.
Thanks for asking.
Looks like it.
Oh, that's right.
You only care about yourself.
Why would I think
anything has changed?
I mean, you show up
after 10 years.
10 fucking years, bleeding on my
doorstep like a psycho.
You could have died, you know?
And now you just
expect me to drop everything
and help you and
your delusional brother?
You two are deranged,
you know that?
Chasing that stardom and
external validation.
It's all fake!
All of it!
You, clamorin' to be that face
in a crowd of a million
when you could have been happy!
Maybe not famous or important,
but happy anywhere else!
What's is worth it to you, Jane?
You bet on your life and mine
that it would work out,
and it didn't.
And that's the problem with you
and your brother.
You never realize that
this game is rigged.
And there's no way to win unless
you got a pound of flesh to sell
or absolutely
no shame or morals.
I wish I never met you.
Either of you.
I'm gettin' out of here.
Osco's in the escrow next week
and then I'm headin' back east.
I'm cashin' in my chips and
I'm gettin' the fuck out of this
goddamn corrupt-ass shit city.
God, I fuckin' hate it here.
I always have.
Uh, look.
I'm gonna throw up.
DAVID: Alright, alright.
Hey, hey.
I think I know where Tommy is.
What do you think I've been
doin' the last 24 hours?
Why didn't you come to me first?
If we gave these shitbags
all your money...
What the hell are you doing?
If you know where he is,
let's go get him.
Come on.
I'm not a cop anymore, Jane.
It's not that easy.
Look, I've been talkin' to my
old partner Gene, though.
He stuck his neck out.
He's doing me a favor by
lookin' into this for us.
Off the books.
Is Tommy okay?
JANE: Why aren't you
a cop anymore?
DAVID: Early retirement.
I finally got shot.
I took two to the back of the
leg at a drug bust in Van Nuys.
I can't run anymore,
so they put me out to pasture.
Honestly, I've never
been happier.
You know, I saw your film
a few years back.
Man, you must really hate me.
Little advice.
Don't marry a cop.
You'll never get a good
night of sleep again.
So, what do you got for us?
It's the Russian mob.
The guys that took your brother
are pretty small time.
Low-level grunts to a much
bigger racketeering organization
that affects well over half of
the San Fernando Valley.
Tommy helps them
with their taxes.
More importantly, tax codes.
A good portion of their
money's in cryptocurrency now.
But they need the cash
businesses to keep
that dream alive.
It may as well be the Wild,
Wild West out there.
We have been trying to nail the
Chabons for years locally,
and nothing ever sticks.
Yeah, it's sort of a runnin'
joke down at the station.
Anytime someone from
this shit family gets arrested,
drugs, murder, whatever, sprung
by midnight,
charges dropped by
the end of the week.
Tommy made a bad
call on somethin'.
You know, things like
Bitcoin are volatile.
Now they're on the hook for
50 grand, maybe more.
And that's significant
enough of a deficit
for the upper echelon to notice
that it's gone and -
Trust me, these fuckers watch
their money very closely.
IVAN: Oh fuck!
See, the brothers are second
cousins to the main guy or girl.
Alena Chabon.
The man you see in the picture
next to her is Dem Linkoff,
Alena's head of security and
probably a little bit more.
I know this dude looks like
he's a model,
but trust me,
he's a fucking animal.
Now, Elena was a model
a while back in a
low-rent Paris Hilton
kind of way.
Took over for her daddy when he
was unceremoniously shot
61 times last May
and dumped into the river.
He floated and floated
all the way to Long Beach
before a fisherman found him and
well, you know how this goes.
Come with me.
Just- just go.
David, this wasn't really our
jurisdiction when we did it, but
You know, we had to come here
and see some crazy
shit down here.
Our cameras up here are gonna
pick up pretty much everything,
so we can always
get in touch with
the owners of these buildings.
They'll let us know
what's goin' on.
Let us get access to the cameras
You'll see some shit you don't
really wanna see.
People shittin', pissin',
fuckin', you know?
Tryin' to drink this
disgusting shit.
I mean, I don't even know
what those bubbles are.
I mean, what, hepatitis?
Most likely. Let's keep movin'.
Now, down here is the snake.
No idea why they built it.
It's weird as fuck,
but it's here.
I pulled the CCTV coverage,
but it's not conclusive.
Bullet hit her from the left.
There's a third person there at
the gate.
There's so many hoods
and hats around the faces,
it's impossible to make out.
But that's who shot you.
And, you know,
by all accounts, Jane,
this could honestly
be unrelated.
I mean, it looks like a random
hobo with a gun to me.
They're rampant around here,
always have been,
and now they're all
fuckin' methed out.
It's not a good combination.
Probably didn't
even mean to shoot you
Probably meant to shoot one of
these toxic carp for dinner.
Poison his brain even more.
We don't know.
Gunfire must have spooked
Ivan and Dell.
Whole thing went
south from there.
Yeah, this ain't trackin'
for me, Gene.
Bunch of crazy people on meth
don't usually have steady aim.
Why don't you tell your severed
hamstring that, Davey boy?
Stray bullets killed 46 people
that we know of
in the Greater Los Angeles Area
last year.
Ain't that somethin'?
What if it was someone
who wanted to appear
like a hobo with a gun?
Like a conspiracy?
Crime in LA is really pretty
simple, sweetie.
So, I can assure you -
is just way too complex
for where we're at right now.
America has become very
streamlined by way of its demise
Can't get it?
Take it.
Besides, the brothers took off
with the money,
not the guy that shot you.
If that was his intent,
don't you think he would
have run up and snatched it?
He didn't.
He just kept pushin' his cart
down the river.
Look, I don't like this.
Yet here we are.
Linin' up for more every day.
City of Angels, am I right?
Same tragic story
for hundreds of years.
This place?
This place is cursed, you know?
This is tribal land.
The European settlers plundered
it from the Fernandinos.
Originally, the Tongva.
They built freeways
over it and them.
Los Angeles is equipped for
200,000 people, not 12 million.
We did this shit to ourselves.
The traffic, the sky-high
home prices, Hollywood.
And the caliber of ruthless,
self-aggrandizing people
it attracts every day.
Shit. Stereotypes.
Bet you never thought
you'd be one.
We all are.
Every last one of us.
Just playin' the archetype that
was handed to us
when we crossed
the county line in.
What are we even
doin' here anymore?
You know, no one gives a fuck
what happens down
at this river anyway,
5-0 included.
People go missing
and disappear forever
once it gets to the soft bottom.
You know that, David.
They don't got no faces.
They got no names.
I mean, it's like Skid Row.
There simply isn't
enough support to
regulate a 48-mile stretch of
concrete waterway with dams,
and wildlife, and bridges,
and crevices the naked eye can't
see from the street.
It's like an underground tunnel
system with its own rules.
Might as well be a secret
And you progressive, misguided,
liberal fucks
wanna defund the police.
Well, guess what happens when
people throw trash at you
just for doin' your job?
You stop showin' up
for the small stuff.
You let the public figure it out
After all,
so many of these crimes
require mental health
professionals, yeah?
Why risk your life for a public
that's just gonna spit on your
shoes and call you a pig?
I ain't patrollin' no river
sticks to nowhere. Hell no!
Tommy's been arrested.
Excuse me?
Chabon Brothers, too.
They're at a holding
cell in Agoura Hills.
Looks like they tried to rob
a old lady at
a dementia care facility.
Let's go.
I need a shower.
Thank you.
For usin' your cop code magic to
get him out of there.
I really don't mind.
Besides, I don't really have
much goin' on these days, so...
So, you two- you live here
together now?
West Hollywood got to be too
expensive for Tommy.
DAVID: Ah, yeah.
Shockin', I know.
Hmm. Hmm.
I had the room.
Well, I didn't, but
splittin' the rent on a
that costs $2,400 a month,
it eased the burden
on me a little bit, so...
Look, you want me to
stay here tonight?
I mean, I'll stay awake,
keep watch maybe.
In case they come back
lookin' for him.
I mean, this isn't
exactly resolved yet.
I'm gonna call my rich,
miserable cousin in the morning.
Oh God!
She's gonna give us
a loan, alright?
Well, I don't-
I just don't like this.
Besides, this isn't really
your problem, you know?
Yeah, but it is.
Oh, come on, Jane.
He's all I got.
So, well,
when do you leave
to go back home?
Couple days.
My Uncle Cal passed. He, um,
left me the old lake house.
You know the one.
I can't.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
So, I guess I'll see you then.
I didn't mean to say all those
things that I said earlier.
Yes, you did.
No, I didn't.
And I'm really sorry
that I said 'em.
We really fucked this up,
didn't we?
ELISE: Sweetheart,
you need to be more
financially responsible.
You don't own a home.
You haven't diversified.
You don't have equity!
I mean, what would you
and Tommy be doing
if my father wasn't paying for
half of your mother's care?
Would you be
living on the street?
I-- it is time for you to be
an adult about this.
You have so many skills.
Have you thought about
applying at Starbucks?
Look, I just think giving you a
handout could hinder your growth
JANE: Elise, this
isn't a handout, okay?
It-- it's a loan.
And-- and I'm gonna
pay you back.
I'm gonna pay you back
every single penny.
40 thousands dollars is
a lot of money, pumpkin.
Have you tried a bank?
She sounds desperate.
You sound desperate.
Is she on drugs?
Are you on drugs?
Oh. And hi, Amelia.
Hi, baby. You know we will
always be here for you.
You know that, right?
Amelia? Hey, Elise?
Hey, Tommy.
Uh, you have four homes
between the two of you.
Because your dads are
white-collar criminals.
They're boomers. They're the
kind of people
that benefit from that system
that fucks Janie and I dry.
And they like it. Okay?
You've never had to
work a day in your life.
Unless you count whether to
spend or invest that money
that was just handed to you
for bein' born into the right
family at the right time, okay?
So, I don't want to hear it.
You bitches better fuckin' help
us out in hour of need, okay?
You make 40 grand in interest
every fuckin' second,
so don't give me that bullshit.
It's a lot of money.
It's not a lot of money and you
fuckin' know that, alright?
Nobody likes you either.
Nobody likes you.
We've just been told
we have to like you.
We have to pretend to like you.
You're the worst!
You're the worst.
And you know it.
But that's just your defense
mechanism, isn't it?
To be the only rich lesbians
in that gated community
full of anti-gay white
republicans who vote against
your very interest
and you don't care.
Because love is love is love
if love is money.
But deep down, you fuckin' cunts
just wanna live a little bit,
don't you?
You're slummin'.
You feel sorry for me?
I don't care.
Just fucking get here!
Oh. Oh my God,
Tommy, I love you.
Ugh. You have the
craziest life in LA.
I have no idea what you guys
have gotten yourselves into,
but I wanna hear all about it.
We'll be up there.
Life is so boring
here in San Diego.
Yeah, 'cause no one
has any jobs.
They just magically have money.
I'm sure it's really, really,
really exhausting for you.
Well, we could go to
Hamburger Mary's.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna give you that
whole WeHo Los Angeles
VIP fag experience
if you want it.
Just bring that 40k
in $100 bills,
and I'll see you this afternoon.
Okay, love you, miss you,
love you. Bye.
Bye, Tommy.
In local news today, there were
three reported shootings
this past weekend
as murders continue to rise
to an all-time high.
The LAPD blames the high influx
of methamphetamines
on the street for
the recent violence.
Despite a strong,
coordinated effort
from all law
enforcement agencies,
overdoses have
flooded local hospitals,
causing a bed shortage.
Sunny skies and
scorching temperatures...
TOMMY: Janie, don't do that.
Don't do- don't do that.
You don't have
the strength.
I will clean everything up.
No, but Elise is gonna-
She's gonna give a shit.
Who cares?
I need you to sit down.
Look at the way
that we fucking live.
I need you to-
I need you-
Like we're an embarrassment.
You know we're not!
Yeah, we are! Look at us!
They're gonna give a-
do you have any idea how they-
Look at me doing this.
I need you to sit down.
No, just make it- just-
in a square.
I know.
Just put it in a square.
Janie, Janie, look at me.
Janie, Janie.
Janie, sit down.
Janie, sit down.
You haven't slept, honey.
You haven't eaten, okay?
I'm-- I'm afraid
you're gonna die.
I'm afraid you're gonna die.
How could you do this?
Our mentally-disabled mother?
Janie, you are hurt.
Let me take care of you.
Yeah, why am I hurt, Tommy?
Hmm? What did you do?
I don't know who shot you.
I don't know who shot you.
I would never, ever, ever, ever,
ever let that happen to you.
Please. Janie, I love you. Okay?
Please sit down.
Come on. Come on.
And, and...
There you go.
Okay. Okay.
Can you get out of this?
If I get the money, then yeah.
Cops said these guys are brutal.
The cops said?
David brought in his ex-partner
to track you down.
But don't worry,
he did it off the books.
He's cool.
How could you
be so stupid, Janie?
I thought that they'd
already killed you.
I was just tryin' to find you.
We can trust David.
No, I know we can trust David,
But what about the partner
of his? What about him?
Believe me, that is the least of
your worries right now.
What did they say to you?
Organized crime.
Yeah, I know.
Why-- why-- why would you steal
from people like this?
Janie, I am sick and tired of
being the smartest person
in the room and
it doesn't even matter.
I'm good at things, Janie.
But I'm really good at numbers.
And computers.
Crypto was invented for
people like me, Janie.
I know how to game it.
All I need is just the initial
funds to start it.
And it wasn't hard to convince
Ivan and Dell.
I mean, like Alena treats them
like they're guard dogs anyway.
So you gambled
with blood money
that belongs to
Russian gangsters.
Money that is
made from selling children,
and drugs that kill people,
and God knows what else.
Janie, if I could have
made this work,
we would have
had over a million!
Maybe more.
I set up a dummy account to
transfer the funds into.
The dummy account's
completely untraceable.
This isn't you.
Your dreams didn't
come true, Janie.
At least this way we would
have had some money.
RADIO: A smash and grab robbery
of a Studio City jewelry store
that left the owner gravely
injured has got other
local small business owners
taking extra precautions
with armed guards and barred
windows for extra security.
Mayor Johanson again addressed
the overwhelming
homeless epidemic last night
at the film premiere of
Dead Vengeance 4 in
Beverly Hills, saying, quote,
his office is working
on real solution...
Oh shit.
Who was that that buzzed?
Oh god damn it, it's my agent.
Answer it. May have
booked a job.
DAN: Where the fuck
have you been, Jane?
You missed an audition!
An audition.
Audition for a
guest starring role.
Guest starring on a show
that has been on the air for
like 658 fuckin' seasons.
The one that stars that bitch
from Desperate Housewives,
you know, the one with the tits,
not the Mexican one,
the other one.
Where the fuck have you been?
DAN: You got shot? Gangsta!
Anyway, you can't
miss an audition, Jane,
even if you're fucking dead.
I mean, I don't care
if you're dead.
No, that's not true.
I do care if you're dead.
I value you deeply
and your humanity.
It's okay. I'm okay.
I don't want you to worry.
I don't want you to worry.
You know I got shived
in the neck, right?
Like a couple months ago?
You know, out at the parking
garage by the agency?
Yeah, those fuckin' drag queen
meth heads
from the lab that burnt down.
Fuckin' right in the neck.
What the fuck?
LA is a fuckin' cesspool,
you know?
I'm sure this is what they
imagined around the gold rush,
you know, when they were all
beatin' the shit
out of each other
for a land grab out here.
Back when, you know,
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer was first
starting up and Fatty Arbuckle
was rapin' bitches left, right,
and center, just so they
could get on screen.
Anyway, you cannot
miss an audition, Jane.
I had to give this guy a fucking
rim job to get you on there.
I mean, not really.
I don't- I don't-
Anyway, listen,
it took me forever to
get you this audition
and you are fastly, fastly aging
out of anything even remotely
looking like something a guy
wants to put his dick inside of.
And I keep begging you to get
the Botox and you won't do it.
Even I get Botox.
So, uh, you okay? You-
you need anything?
You want, like, some
pepper spray or some mace
or like a crowbar or something?
I actually, I think I need
a few days off, so-
Hey, have you ever thought
of getting a gun?
Yeah, you need a handgun.
And you know what?
Go to Burbank where
those fucking cowboys are.
They will set you the fuck up.
It's fuckin' Tombstone
out there.
Okay, Dan, I gotta go.
Alright, alright.
I'm just tryin' to
look out for you.
Oh, and I still haven't heard
about that movie.
You know, that arty European
shit that you went out
for a few weeks ago?
Yeah, yeah. Listen,
you probably didn't get it.
I saw some of the
chicks they saw.
But, um, anyway, no problem.
Keep the dream alive.
Keep the flame lit, you know?
Power to the people.
All that shit.
We need the money, Jane.
We gotta make some money.
Money, money, money,
money, money, money, money.
Alright, baby.
I'll talk to you soon, okay?
Take care.
Sorry you got shot.
But hey, now
you're a real Angeleno.
40 thousand dollars
in less than six hours.
That's what I have done for you,
sweet cousin.
So, the next time you wanna call
me and my beautiful wife,
and be a bitchy little queen,
I suggest you rethink it.
I'm glad you're here.
And thank you for this
big bag of money.
Now, what's this all about?
He's gonna go back
to doin' their books.
And he says-
he says he's got a plan
that's gonna make him a whole
lot of money
and that they're actually
really nice guys.
These people have a code.
Still watching those
network TV cop shows.
You're in danger.
Stop it.
Come on.
What happens if this goes south?
Tommy is smart, okay?
They need him.
Don't even think that way.
Don't put that out there.
Fine. You know what?
Fuckin' call me crazy,
but I don't trust a Russian mob.
Okay? And besides that,
I'm coming with you.
Look, I care what happens.
I cared then and
I care now, okay?
Do you care? Do you really?
Domestic disturbance! Lifetime!
I don't have time for this.
Let's go find some Russkis, huh?
She's not coming.
Yes, I am.
Gosh, why'd you
two get divorced?
I forgot.
And then, see there.
You transfer this
into that account
and that leaves you with 12%.
No, wait. That's 16%.
That's a fifth more than what
you were doing
making it the old way.
It ebbs and flows, of course,
but if you stay on top of it
like I do,
and if you're okay with it going
down a little bit
every now and then,
the gains are endless.
I'm trying to find ways to
optimize your profit.
You did this?
This guy is a freaking genius.
How much money we just made?
Hold on.
DIM: $78,000.
Oh, hey, listen.
I'm really sorry about all this.
You know, I just- you're uh,
you're like Rob-
Robert Duvall character
in Godfather.
What- what was he?
Yeah, the bald lawyer guy?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know,
he's a lawyer,
but he took care of things.
You know, I mean, the money,
he made sure
everything was good.
You're like- you're like
our gay Robert Duvall.
It's- it's my pleasure.
Oh, no, it's mine.
Listen, feel free to take up to
a quarter million dollars.
Right? Don't even ask me.
Just- I don't wanna
know about it.
Just take it, do your thing.
Make it work. Make it work,
make it grow, okay?
I trust you. I love you.
How's your sister doing?
She's okay.
She's slowly regaining
her strength.
Hmm. Mm. Thank, Jesus.
We still don't know
what happened? Hmm? Hmm?
Listen, give her our best, okay?
She's a good kid.
You know, accidents-
accidents happen,
but I hate it when
women get hurt.
Absolutely abhor it with every
cell in my body.
Anyway, uh,
put this in the safe.
We're gonna
go to the Glade Plaza
and we're gonna have
lunch with our brother.
Alright? Go on.
This, oh man. This-
this is amazing, yeah.
DIM: This-
That's really good.
Hey, you know those watercolors
you gave me for my daughter?
That was so thoughtful.
She loves them!
She's in there painting.
She- she even made
a painting for you.
Yeah, I have it in my car.
I'm gonna have to give it to-
Oh, she's a
precious little angel!
She's like a little- like a-
like a lightning bug.
She's so bright.
She is. She is.
She definitely takes
after her mother.
Kalina is strikingly beautiful,
you know.
Yeah, I know.
I don't know why
she puts up with me.
GENE: Hey there, cowboy.
Walk! Move! Hands up!
Keep 'em up!
Higher! Anyone else here?
Are you sure?
Where's the money?
Where's the money?
I know you got more
money than this.
It's only 40 grand in this bag.
Where's the money? Where is it?
The whole building's surrounded.
There's patrol everywhere.
We got SWAT comin' in
any second. Where's Alena?
Where's Alena?
Just go!
Take a look at those houses up
there in those hills.
What did they do to get that
little palace in the sky?
What did they take when
no one was looking?
What piece of their soul
did they sacrifice?
JANE: You've reached
Jane Francis.
Leave me a message.
Honey, we're leaving.
I left some cash for you
in the silverware drawer under
the napkins if you need it.
Now you go to my dad's summer
house in Lake Arrowhead
if you need a place
to escape to.
I'll ping you the entry code.
He's in Monaco.
The freezer should be stocked.
Amelia and I are getting out of
California for a little bit, ok?
We're just- we're gonna
lay low for a bit.
This is just too much for us.
I'm sorry to leave you like this
but I just-
Now you be fucking safe,
cousin. Do you hear me?
I wasn't updated, babe.
And I'm sorry.
DAVID: We have to make it look
like we weren't here.
I never used my real name at
that hotel
and I only pay with cash.
So there's no way they
can piece together
that I was ever there.
JANE: No one's called me
from the department.
It's been hours.
DAVID: And they won't.
You'll probably hear from
'em in a few days when-
when a body shows up someplace.
I'll head to your uncle's
house in Arrowhead.
Play it off like we were
there since yesterday.
Cover story is
we're back together,
enjoying some R&R at the lake.
JANE : Are you sure
no one saw us there?
DAVID: I'm sure.
JANE: You were sure about Gene.
DAVID: I'm sure.
Let's just keep our heads down
for a few days.
I'll stay out of your way.
JANE: Who can we trust?
DAVID: I don't know anymore.
DAVID: How's your side?
JANE: It's alright.
How's your leg?
It's alright.
I didn't mean for
all this to happen.
Wait, you mean this?
No, I mean everything else.
I- I know that.
Me either.
What happens tomorrow?
Let's just see if we can make it
through the night.
Continue. No, don't mind me.
I mean, I didn't mean
to bother you.
Um, I'm sorry, do you want me-
No. Stay.
Hey, Janie.
It's me.
Your agent. Dan.
I got your message and, uh-
What the fuck?
Jane, what was the first
cardinal rule of Los Angeles
that I taught you?
Do not leave Los Angeles.
It has fucking Alzheimer's.
It will forget you.
Do you remember the last time
you left town?
How long it took us to
recover from that?
Don't do this to us.
We've worked too hard
to get where we are,
and we're right on
the brink of something.
We're almost there, babe.
I can feel it!
Besides, where else
are you gonna be, huh?
And you know what?
Yeah, newsflash.
LA fuckin' sucks.
We all fucking hate it here.
But who's gonna take you to
House of Pies,
and have banana cream pie and
French fries at eleven at night
while that old waitress,
who looks like Liz Taylor,
tells you about her
abortion she had?
I love you. Alright?
I'm committed to you.
So listen, kid.
Come to your senses. Wise up.
And whatever you do,
do not leave town.
Do not leave town
without talking to me.
Dan. Your agent.
Jane Francis,
my agent is Dan Jameson,
and I'm reading for
the part of the captain.
Because there is an
asteroid hurtling toward Earth,
and there are aliens
trying to attack our ship.
We don't know where they are.
Because they're invisible.
That's right, girl.
Look, I'm just an ex-stripper
with a master's degree
in space engineering.
What do you want from me?
We are going to die on this ship
I taught you that.
They're ready to chomp
down on our asses.
Good girl. Yeah.
JANE: You've reached
Jane Francis.
Leave me a message.
GENE: Hi, Jane. It's Gene.
Look, I'm- I'm really sorry to
have to call you about this.
I have some bad news
about your brother.
They found his body
at the soft bottom of the river
by the Sepulveda Basin.
GENE: Again, I'm so sorry.
Just- call me back
whenever you can
and, uh, we can
discuss next steps.
So he just gets away
with it then?
Yeah, I think he does.
He's a murderer.
He murdered people and he's
supposed to be protecting us.
You know how Gene said
people like the Chabons,
they get arrested, nothing ever
sticks no matter what they do.
Because there's a system
that protects people like them.
It's the same system that
protects people like Gene.
What if I don't accept that?
By all accounts, what this looks
like even on paper
a cop saw some illegal activity
from a major crime organization
that hurts people,
the community at large,
and he tried to do
somethin' about it.
Yeah. Tommy wasn't one of 'em.
Doesn't matter. He was there.
He was helping.
Look, I know Tommy was good.
I know that.
He killed my baby brother.
He's gotta answer for it.
There's no way to win this
without us both getting killed.
So what's it worth to you?
Just come back
home with me, Janie.
Let's forget about this place.
Okay. Okay. okay.
You ready?
Are you?
MAN: Hey, David Caldeira.
DAVID: No! No! No!
No. No!
No. No!
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah, Van Nuys
says hi, motherfucker!
DAVID: Oh, no!
Don't move! Don't move.
DAVID: No, no. No!
She's got nothin'
to do with this!
Shut up!
No, she's pregnant, no!
No, she's pregnant!
She's got nothin' to
do with this!
Let's go.
I said, "let's go!"
David. David.
I'm gonna get you. Put pressure.
Where is it? Where is it?
What did they do?
What if-
What if you really
were pregnant?
What if you were
really pregnant? Imagine it.
Just look at me.
Just breathe. Just breathe.
Just breathe. Just breathe.
Just breathe. Just breathe.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
We're gonna go
to the lake house.
We're gonna to
go to the lake house.
GENE:This job, you always have
in the back of your mind
that it's possible.
God I'm, uh,
I'm so sorry, Jane.
I'm always here.
David would have wanted you to
know you're taken care of.
And that I'm here.
We all are.
Every last one of us.
If you ever need anything,
anything at all.
We have a code. You understand?
You'll never have
to be alone in this.
Take care of yourself, okay?
MAN: Look, man,
we're not going back to finish
the job on a pregnant lady.
You didn't tell us that.
It-- it's fucked up.
You want her dead so bad,
you do it yourself.
We're keepin' the money.
AGENT: JME modeling agency.
Hi, I- I'm looking for the
phone number of Alena Chabon.
AGENT: Ms. Chabon hasn't been
represented by JME for years.
We do not represent fashion
models over the age of 30.
It's agency policy.
Well, do you know
where I could find her-
Hey, Janie, um, listen, uh,
is everything okay?
Are you alright?
'Cause, um, uh,
there was a cop here.
Or at least I-
I think he was a cop.
Or I- I hope he was a cop.
I don't know.
What are you doing?
What are you doin'?
Do you know who
you're dealing with?
You got somethin'
you wanna tell me?
You got somethin' you
wanna tell me?
Not at all.
I'm here for you, Jane.
Okay, Gene.
JANE: So the real question
that you all need to be
asking yourselves is
"Do I feel like bein' a hero?"
I know what my answer is.
You need to eat something.
You know what?
We should go on a trip.
That's a great idea.
I can't.
You could use some time outside
of this apartment.
Maybe you could let us hire you
a maid just to tidy up a little.
You'll feel so much better
with some order in here.
How about a spa day?
Go out to Santa Barbara?
Those old caves are so healing.
Please let us take care of you.
What do you need most right now?
Oh, What do I need most?
Alena Chabon.
Elise used to date Alena
back in the day.
Do you still have
her number, babe?
I do. And date is a strong word.
We hooked up a couple of times,
and that was
before she was such a mess,
and before I knew she
had a mob boss dad.
You always described
her as a lost soul.
Her dad was really
abusive, you said.
She's the saddest person
I've ever met.
What do you want with her?
It doesn't matter.
I- I just-
I need to get to her.
You need to tell me why.
I think she can help me.
Does this have something
to do with Tommy?
Oh, come on.
We show up here with
40 thousand dollars
and you don't tell us anything.
And then Tommy is
face down in the LA River
with three of
Alena's family members.
Tell us something, please.
I don't think anything good
can come of
meeting with her, Jane.
You know that cop?
He's been showin' up
here lately.
But he doesn't know that you-
that you know.
Oh my God.
You and David should never have
gone with Tommy that day.
You want protection.
And who are the only people
who can protect us
from the people who are supposed
to be protecting us?
JANE: I can't prove it,
but I know that he
sent those guys to kill us.
I think I was supposed to die in
that garage with David.
I can't help you, sweetie.
Any security detail I have left,
it's for me.
So what? I'm just
a sitting duck then?
Hold on.
Sorry, that was
my security guard.
He's brought me
Tom Yum from Tia Thai.
Do you know that place?
Yes, it's just down
the street-
God damn it!
They fucking forgot
my napkins again!
I have to text.
Hold on, I have to text him.
Maybe I should just
go to his superiors
at the police department.
Don't be a stupid idiot.
Look, I know Gene. Okay?
And yeah, he's a dirty cop,
but there's others in the
department that have more power
and that are way, way worse.
Ho- hold on, hold on!
You know Gene?
He used to work for me.
W- why do you think
he's doing all of this
aside from blind greed?
All he cares about is money.
What did he do for you?
Mostly just made sure that all
of our shipping containers
coming into Long Beach
made safe harbor.
You mean, drugs?
Yeah. Drugs, Jane. Keep up.
And after my father died,
I tried my best.
It was like Gene saw an opening,
and he thought that he was
supposed to take over.
But it- it was me.
Not that I wanted it.
I just didn't have a choice.
Son of a bitch.
And that was when he decided to
hunt down my team like animals.
Dim, Ivan, Dell, your brother.
So many others.
I'm really scared.
You need to pack a bag
and leave Los Angeles.
It's hell here.
Don't you know that?
And the devil is the valley
on a hot day.
Uh, ho-- hold on.
My napkins are here.
How did you get in here?
Alena? Ale-
TOMMY: You're not gonna feel
this way next week
when we're rich.
You gotta trust me.
JANE: I know what you did.
I know everything.
But I also know
that there's a code.
So there's nothin'
I can do about it.
I'm getting out of here
and I'm never comin' back.
But if that's not
good enough for you,
I came in with some money.
A lot of money.
I don't want a cent of it.
So I buried it.
I buried it at the park.
You know the park?
Right at the entrance.
But you're going to
leave me alone now.
Do we have a deal?
Hey baby.
Hey. How was the appointment?
I'm really sorry
I couldn't be there.
Yeah, I just- I just had
some work come up.
Baby girl strong?
Good. Oh, it's so good to hear.
Yeah, I just, um, just finishin'
up some stuff, you know?
I'll be home soon.
I'll see you in a little bit,
Alright, love you. Bye-bye.
God damn homeless vagrant.
DAN: Janie! Jane! Jane, Jane.
Listen, I- I'm so sorry.
I- I- I wasn't gonna
call you this early,
but I got the email
late last night and,
I couldn't sit
on it any longer.
You got the part.
The movie!
The-- the artsy European shit
that you went up for
like six weeks ago,
you got it!
You got the part!
And this is big, like this is
your breakthrough role.
I mean, this is like-
there's like franchise
potential here.
You know, I'm talking' like
sequels on sequels on sequels!
You know, we'll just schedule
like, yeah, like a CoolSculpt or
like a-- a laser Botox, lipo
or something.
Oh my God, the world is finally
gonna get to see what you can do
Okay, listen,
I know you've been through a lot
and, uh, my heart
goes out to you, but
listen, it's all been worth it
because you are about to
make a lot, a lot of money.
Alright, rest up because there's
there's fittings coming up
and there's a-- they're gonna do
an interview of you.
And then also, oh yeah, the
director wants to meet with you
and the script supervisor to
talk about the abortion scene.
Yeah, 'cause they want, you know
they want your input in here.
They want a woman's perspective,
your perspective.
This is incredible!
It's incredible!
I- I- I- I'm over the moon.
Jane? Hello?
"Run" by Ladytron Plays
I hunt, I hide, I run
I hunt, I hide, and I run
I hunt and I hide, I hide
I hunt and I hide
And I run
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah
I hunt, I hide, I run
I hunt, I hide, and I run
I hunt and I hide, I hide
I hunt and I hide
And I run