Vanished: Searching for My Sister (2022) Movie Script

- Meagan.
- Not a school day.
Oh, good morning to you, too.
Come on, come on, come on.
We overslept. Kayla and Olivia
are gonna be here any minute.
Mom, why do I have to get stuck
with Olivia again?
Why do you hate hanging out with
your little cousin so much?
It's not even hanging out,
it's more like babysitting.
And she's seven years old.
Oh! Well, that's perfect.
With all that experience, I can
hire you out as a babysitter.
- Really?
- I could use the money.
- Mom!
- Come on, let's go. Out!
Sis, we're here.
- Aunt Jada!
- Hey, little one.
Meagan is dying to see you.
She's upstairs. Go on.
Meagan, I'm here.
Hey, sis.
What's going on? You look tired.
Now you know what you
looked like when
you and Terrell got divorced.
Damn, it's that kind of morning.
Just be glad that I'm movin' in
to my new place.
Otherwise I might just move in
here with you.
Oh, no, no, no, that settles it.
Meagan and I will come to your
place and help your unpack.
Tsk. No, for real,
I got it all under control.
I'mma make everything real nice
for Olivia.
A real ta-da moment.
I'm gonna surprise her.
What're you doin'? You know you
can't smoke that in the house.
You really gonna just ruin
my one little ounce of fun?
Come on, look at us,
we are two single moms
makin' things happen.
You know what we should do?
We should go
on some dating sites,
switch off and compare guys
like we used to do
in high school.
That's the last thing I need.
Look at how well
that turned out for us.
Why did we get married, again?
You got married because
of that fireman's uniform.
Don't let Warren dump all of
the parenting responsibilities
on you.
Why don't you go be me
and you tell that to Warren?
He's reasonable, you know,
you just need to talk to him.
That's how this thing works.
It's not about you or him,
it's about Olivia.
How's the job-hunt going?
You know, it's all right.
References, background checks,
everything's online.
Some computer has decided
my fate.
What I need
is a real-life interview.
All someone needs to see
is my winning personality.
it's not a beauty pageant.
Well, speakin' of work, um...
You got some money I could hold?
- Kayla.
- Jada.
You know I wouldn't ask you
if I didn't need it.
- It's for my new place.
- How much?
- Two thousand.
- Two thousand?
Look, it's for the first
and last month on the apartment,
just until Warren's check comes
in. I'mma pay you right back.
- I get his check on Friday.
- Okay, wait, wait. Look.
How did you even get into
the apartment without a deposit?
The manager helped us out.
You know,
she was once a single mom.
And I promised
I would pay her back... today.
Kayla, how do you get yourself
into these situations?
Asking you was hard enough
as it is, okay, Jada?
Don't make me feel bad
about where I'm at right now.
I'm trying.
I'm doing much better than I
have been in a long, long time.
You're my older sister, you're
supposed to look out for me.
You're actually gonna pull the
by-97-seconds card?
I'mma pay you back! I promise.
I know things look bumpy
right now...
but things are gonna get better.
This is the last time.
I love the way
you look out for me, sis.
I'll come drop her off tomorrow.
Nah. I'mma pick her up.
It's not gonna take me that long
to put her room together.
And I put her little dolly
in her backpack.
For the record,
I'm puttin' it back.
Don't flake out on me again,
I have a lot of work to do
on Monday.
I'll be back. I swear.
Bye, sis.
See you tomorrow.
Mom, I'm gonna be late
for school.
We need all these
consolidated and compared
the previous years' returns.
I need this done at no later
than a week from Friday.
But the sooner, the better.
- Obviously.
- Okay.
Client's construction loan
depends on this.
Thank you again.
You don't have to thank me
for anything.
You've been great,
and it was time we rewarded you
for your hard work.
Hey, it's Kayla.
You know what to do.
Kayla, where are you?
You said you were gonna be here
this morning.
Just call me.
All right,
who's ready for school?
- Hey, dad!
- Hi, kiddo.
Olivia! What a nice surprise!
On a school day.
I thought we agreed we weren't
gonna allow bad influences
around our daughter.
She's seven years-old, Terrell,
she can hardly be
considered a bad influence.
You and I both know
I wasn't talking about Olivia.
What'd she do,
come in here, dump her kid,
ask for money
and take off again?
She's my sister.
I'm not turning her away.
Now, don't-don't,
don't turn this around, okay?
She's not helpless,
and I don't want her
dumping her shit
on you and my daughter.
Your daughter? Don't you mean
to say our daughter?
- Did you call Warren?
- No.
I don't want to worry him
if I don't have to.
You might not have a choice.
Hi, ma'am.
Damn it!
I can't believe
you're doing this again.
Okay, ladies.
Daddy, daddy, I'm home.
Oh, Olivia.
It's your dad.
Go, go say hi.
- Daddy!
- Whoa!
Oh! Hi!
Where's mommy?
Oh, sweetheart, you know
mommy has her own house now.
- Remember?
- Take me there.
Uh, come on, Olivia, I-I...
Uh, daddy has to go back
to work.
I just came home
to get some clean clothes.
I'm only stayin' for a minute.
Where's Kayla?
She's avoiding me.
And she hasn't answered
my calls or texts.
Join the club.
When was the last time
you saw her?
About a week ago, when she came
and got the last of her stuff.
I've had Olivia
since Saturday morning.
Why didn't you call me sooner?
Okay. Hey, why don't you go play
with your cousin, okay?
Come on, Olivia, let's go.
Well, thank you
for watching Olivia.
She needs her daddy.
I know. I can't.
I-I just came home
to get some clean clothes.
I gotta head back
to the station.
I'm on double shifts
till the end of the month.
I told Kayla all of this.
You think she's okay?
I-I know she has her moments,
but, I don't know,
this feels different.
- I tried talking to her.
- Oh. Well, good luck with that.
Kayla only does
what Kayla wants to do.
- What about Gary? Tried him?
- No, not yet.
Hm, well the two of them
are probably off on a bender.
- You don't know that.
- Oh, come on.
That guy is bad news.
Even if she claims
she's in love with him.
I'm sorry, Warren.
Well, she put us both
in a tight spot.
You're doing me a huge favor.
- Oh.
- A pizza.
It's the least I can do.
Thanks, Jay.
Hell, you know Kayla,
she'll show up in a day or two,
all apologies and promises
for the next time.
I don't know if I have
another next time in me.
You call me
when she reaches out, okay?
Same to you.
Hey, you've reached Gary.
I can't come to the phone right
now. Leave a message.
Gary, it's Jada, Kayla's sister.
Uh, is she there with you?
Could you just have her
call me back, ASAP?
Is that my mom?
Oh, no.
When is she coming to get me?
Well, your mommy is working
extra hard
to make your home
perfect for you.
I'm not supposed to tell you
this 'cause it's a surprise.
But she's painting your room
your favorite color.
- Yellow?
- That's right.
Can I leave her a message?
Of course.
Hey, it's Kayla.
You know what to do.
Hey, mom, I got an A
on my spelling test today.
Michelle Tolliver
was bugging me again.
I told her to knock it off
or I'll tell Ms. Wayne,
just like you told me to.
When are you coming to get me?
I miss you, mom.
Uncuff him.
I don't wanna see you back
in here, you understand?
And don't think I'm not gonna
call in that favor.
- You owe me.
- Yeah, no shit I do.
Ms. Stallworth. Detective Hill.
- Jada.
- Come back here with me.
Um, when was the last time
you saw your sister?
Saturday morning, when
she dropped her daughter off.
Today is Thursday.
You waited five days
to come in here?
I wasn't sure.
Or maybe you thought
she might be into something
you don't want the cops
to know nothin' about?
No, I don't know what you mean.
Does Kayla take off a lot?
N-never, never for so long.
Um, not when
I have her daughter.
But she does take off.
I mean,
some-sometimes in the past,
just for a couple of days,
but I always hear from her.
And what about her daughter?
Do you have her still?
Y-yes, um,
Warren's schedule is stacked,
so, you know,
she's still with me.
Who's Warren?
Uh, her father.
I'm Detective Nichols.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
- Please, sit.
Um, that's her father,
uh, Warren Davis.
That's Kayla's ex,
or soon to be ex.
They're getting a divorce.
No, no, I-it's nothing
like that, they're friendly.
I mean, I guess I-I shouldn't
say friendly, exactly.
But everything's okay.
Um, you can talk with him
if you need to.
I will give you his number.
Is there anywhere else
she could be?
She has a new boyfriend,
um, Gary Burton.
You don't like him.
He can be a bad influence.
She's been going out a lot
Alcohol? Gambling? Drugs?
- Drugs.
- That was in the past.
You know, Kayla used to have
drug issues in the past.
- So she could've relapsed.
- No! No!
She wouldn't do that, she has
been clean for two years.
She wouldn't go back.
Kayla's a good person.
We had a rough time growing up,
o-our parents died in
a car crash when we were young,
and, uh, Kayla had a hard time.
You know, it was a hard time.
Were there any thoughts
or signs of suicide?
No! Never.
She would never do that.
Not to Olivia.
I wrote her a check
that morning,
and she hasn't cashed it yet.
Oh. We'll check her accounts,
her apartment.
How much was the check for?
Two-thousand dollars.
You're a nice sister.
Kayla's a good person.
She's a wonderful mother.
She's my best friend.
When someone goes missing,
it's hard for the people
closest to them
to see what went wrong.
And that's where we come in.
If something happened to Kayla,
we're gonna do our best
to figure it out.
But I've learned through
a lot of these cases
that sometimes,
most of the time,
the person doesn't wanna
come home.
What makes you think
Kayla's using again?
Her new boyfriend's
a junkie ass-wipe.
Gary Burton?
Were drugs a problem
in the marriage?
Off and on.
Uh, she's been clear
for a few years now.
She had a-a friend who OD'd,
uh, knocked some sense into her.
For a little while, anyway.
Who filed for divorce?
- Kayla.
- Don't you hate that?
Oh, our marriage was over
a long time ago.
This is just a formality.
Jada said that, uh,
divorce has been amicable.
Yeah, we're both trying
for Olivia.
You know of anyone
who'd wanna hurt Kayla?
Not off hand.
When was the last time
you saw her?
Uh, it's been about
two weeks now.
she's a irresponsible mother,
and, yeah, we might not be
husband and wife anymore.
- But I would never hurt her.
- Did I say you did?
Just let me know
what you need from me
to help find her.
IT just sent over
Kayla's voice mails.
And no one matching
her description has turned up
at any of the local hospitals
or the morgue.
Kayla, it's Joyce.
I'm just checking in.
Is everything okay?
Give me a call.
Let me know everything's
all right, please?
Kayla, where are you?
You were supposed
to be here this morning.
Turn that down!
- Where are you? Call me!
- That's Jada.
You goddamn bitch!
When I see you again...
Hey, it's Warren.
Jada came by the
house looking for you today.
Everything okay?
Give me a call.
Have we got any, um,
surveillance footage
from the apartment yet?
Warren Davis' financials
don't raise any flags.
No unusual debt,
sudden spending sprees.
He has a modest life-insurance
policy through work
and no policy on Kayla.
Anything pop on the sister?
Minor debt. Nothing major.
I have a Joyce for you
in room A.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
Leave the door open.
This isn't an interrogation.
Um, is Kayla okay?
How would you describe Kayla's
relationship with her husband?
They were good together.
Sonny and Cher good?
You're too young.
Barack and Michelle good?
Well, early on.
But then I think
Warren got kind of fed up.
Kayla started going out a lot.
Hooked up with Gary.
She hooked up with Gary
before they separated?
I guess.
You know what, I-I'm not sure.
I'm, uh, remembering it wrong.
When was the last time
you saw Kayla?
Maybe about... two months ago.
Wow. Wow.
That's a long time
for such a good friend.
Yeah, well, you, uh, add kids
in the mix,
and hanging out
with your friends gets hard.
No matter how close you are.
You left a message for her.
You sounded very concerned.
Was there something
in particular?
I told her I couldn't watch
Olivia all the time,
just for her to get drunk
and dance and party.
She didn't take that well.
Excuse us.
They found Gary the boyfriend.
Three guesses where he is.
We just talked to Gary.
He's been in jail
since Friday the 9th,
the night before
Kayla dropped off Olivia,
for a DUI he blames Kayla for.
Left a nasty message.
Claims they had a fight
that night
and he hasn't heard
from her since.
- He could be lying.
- Could be.
- But you don't think so?
- No, I don't think so.
You haven't seen your sister
since when?
Two weeks. But you know that.
But you've been
to her apartment.
- Sure, I guess.
- You have a key?
Did she give you that key?
What is this?
Is this what you've been doing?
You're supposed to be trying
to find my sister.
Trying to find your sister
is exactly what we are doing,
Mrs. Stallworth.
Now, do you wanna tell us
what you're doing
sneaking into her apartment,
when she obviously
gave you a key?
This is crazy!
What are you insinuating?
Oh, this is some bullshit!
No, no, no, this is a waste
of time. You've done nothing.
I thought you were helping
my sister.
Please, you know what?
You just get out!
We found Kayla's car,
it was towed Friday night
on the corner of 4th and 52nd.
It was parked across from a
nightclub called Diamond Sky.
Okay, so what now?
Well, there's no evidence
of foul play.
Of course, we'll run
all the tests, blood, DNA,
drugs, semen.
The good news is we have
the last location for her.
It's a start.
We do do our jobs.
Just takes a little time.
Now we head to that club
and start asking questions.
Here you go.
No, I'm good.
About time you gave me
some attention.
Excuse me?
You supposed to be somebody?
- You gonna act like that, Kayla?
- No, I'm not...
I mean, New Year's
you drank all my champagne.
I've been trying to catch up
with you ever since.
Mommy. Mommy.
- Not...
- Do we get to stay home today?
Wait. Oh, my God!
- Did you make your lunch?
- Yeah.
Yeah? Okay.
Hi, Eleanor.
Yes, I'm on my way.
You know, my daughter,
she was, um, up all night, sick.
- No, I wasn't.
- Shh!
Oh, thank you.
I will see you soon.
Get your shoes on, grab Olivia.
Come on, we're late.
We gotta go.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Did you have the stats
for the Northfield project?
I will get those to you
this afternoon.
- I need that report, Jada.
- I know, I know. I'm sorry.
I'll get it done.
Detective Hill.
It's Jada. Calling for an...
Ms. Stallworth, we don't have
anything new to tell you.
And I know it doesn't look
like it, but we are working.
We have to find out
what Kayla was doing,
what she was feeling,
recreate her steps.
We have a 48-hour window
from when you saw Kayla
on Saturday
till Monday
when we found her car towed.
It's my job
to shorten that window,
to create a timeline.
I have to talk to people,
put pieces of the puzzle
You know, I can't just sit here
and do nothing.
It's driving me crazy, so, um...
What can I do? How can I help?
Take care of your kid
and your niece.
Need a light?
I'm sorry.
We know each other, don't we?
See you inside.
Haven't seen you here
in a while.
Like, what's it been, a week?
What am I, a calendar?
Hey, Mike, get her a drink.
How was Roger's birthday?
It was cool.
Yeah? I heard you were feeling
no pain.
You know, I gotta pee in a cup.
Oh! Who's got clean urine?
Nobody in this joint.
Hey, Mike. Roger around?
No. Not since
his little birthday blowout.
Man, I was so wasted.
I can't remember a thing!
Well, that's a damn shame,
'cause I remember it.
Hell, the whole damn bar
Yeah? Damn, it was like that?
Well, it's good for business.
Hey, how was, uh, Diamond Sky?
It was cool.
I mean, actually it was a blur.
Fill me in.
Aw, man.
- Did I leave my purse here?
- No. Hasn't shown up.
I must've left it
at Diamond Sky.
Damn! It's got all my shit
in it.
Come on, help me out,
tell me when it was.
Sunday, about three weeks back.
- Three weeks back, Sunday.
- Yeah.
Yeah. Thanks.
Got a lot of nerve
comin' up in here, girl.
Where my money?
- Uh, I-I'll get it to you?
- Stop playin'.
I gave you enough time
to figure that shit out.
Listen! Shh, shh! Hear that?
- The clock is tickin'.
- What do I owe you?
You don't know
how much you owe me?
Better stop
with them goddam games.
2K. 2K. I'm gonna,
I'm gonna get it for you.
You're a real bold one for
clicking your heels up in here,
let me tell you that much.
But I done ran out of patience,
So that mean your stupid ass
ran out of time.
If I don't have my money
in the next 48 hours...
Don't make me
finish that thought.
Uh, she was
at The Pit Stop for some party
for some guy named Roger.
And then after that
she went to Diamond Sky
and had an argument with Coogi.
Now, Rochelle knows what
but D-Roc and Payne...
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jada, take a moment.
You know, your 48-hour timeline,
I cut it down to 24.
She was at The Pit Stop
on Sunday
for a birthday party
for a guy named Roger.
And then she went
to Diamond Sky...
And you know all of this how?
I got dressed up
in Kayla's clothes.
- And I went to Buckhead.
- You did what?
Well, that's a great way
to get yourself killed.
- You needed a timeline.
- Yeah, for when you go missing.
You know what you're doing?
You're tampering with
an ongoing missing person case.
Dressing up, impersonating
the person that's missing
is gonna ruin any chance we had
at finding out
what happened to her.
And I can arrest you
for impeding an investigation.
You don't get to write her off.
You got somethin' to say?
I don't think you're taking
this investigation seriously.
I think you need to go home.
You said it yourself.
People shut down
when they see cops, okay?
They're talking to me! I'm
willing to do whatever it takes.
- What are you willing to do?
- My job.
I'm willing to do my job,
and I suggest
you go to your office
and do yours,
because you make
a very dangerous
and negligent detective.
My sister is in trouble!
I can feel it!
So I'm gonna do whatever
it takes. You understand?
You got to admit,
she's got a set on her.
Yeah, but if somebody did do
something to her sister,
she's settin' herself up
as a target.
Look, look,
if you remember anything,
you call me at that number,
Damn, girl, where you been?
Yeah, it feels like forever,
right, girl?
Girl! Oh! You ready to party?
After Roger's birthday,
Filipo say
we could come by anytime.
I was so wasted, you know,
I don't even remember.
Like, tell me, what happened?
Well, some crazy-ass shit!
Filipo still talking
about that night. Mm-hmm.
Why don't you call him,
tell him to come on out?
You know,
I'll, I'll buy us drinks.
Oh, yeah!
And dinner and a movie, too?
- Come on, girl.
- Seriously.
No, if Filipo saw Kayla
that night...
You higher than me!
Bitch, you is crazy, man!
Come on in, get some of this.
Whoa, we better go, girl.
Better watch your step.
You're in over your head.
I don't know who you think
you're foolin',
but it ain't me.
Hey, Mike. You know
where Filipo is tonight?
Who's Filipo?
What the hell, Kayla!
You don't bail me out?
You just blow me off?
Outside! Come on! Outside!
- Mm-hmm-hmm.
- Come on, let's go.
Good luck with that one.
Come on.
I'm not messin' with you.
You got my sister using again,
didn't you?
Well, nobody can make
your sister not do anything
she doesn't wanna do.
What the hell are you doing,
I'm trying to find her.
She's been missing for weeks!
I guess that explains it.
What do you mean? When was
the last time you saw her?
- Ask Warren.
- Warren?
Kayla and I were havin'
a few drinks, you know,
hangin' out,
and then Warren bust in.
He's all pissed off,
they have a goddam fight
and she leaves with him.
- When-when was this?
- The night I got my DUI.
It's her goddam fault!
- She was my ride!
- Why didn't you just...
Why didn't you tell the cops
all this?
You think I'm gonna get
in the middle of their shit?
You know what,
she, when she comes back,
you tell her we're done.
- Oh.
- We need to talk, Jada.
Um, I'll-I'll work
through lunch.
It's been happening too often.
- I-I can stay late tonight.
- No.
The absenteeism,
the forgetfulness,
the missed deadlines...
I know that things,
that things are not going well,
But I-I can get it back
on track. I promise.
I'm very sorry.
I have no choice
but to let you go.
It's open.
- Hey, aunty.
- Hey, mom.
We'll be in the backyard.
Girls are back.
I see that.
Hey, uh...
I really appreciate
you watching after Olivia.
- You lied to me.
- What are you talking about?
You said you hadn't seen Kayla
in a week.
You saw her the night
before she dropped Olivia off.
I had to hear that from Gary?
- What was I gonna say?
- The truth!
The truth? Yeah.
That, uh, Kayla was supposed
to be home with Olivia?
That instead,
she was out partying
with her junkie boyfriend?
That I had to chase her down
to some scumbag bar?
Yeah, I chased her down,
I told Gary to get lost
and I told her to get in an Uber
and handle her responsibilities,
to act like an adult for once.
You waited days, Jada,
days, to go to the police.
Don't pretend like
you don't understand.
Of course, I do.
You didn't wanna get her
in trouble, either.
So-so-so what?
I-I should've told the police?
But you should have told me.
I think she's dead.
Don't say that.
Don't say that.
I just...
I miss her so much.
You can try it.
Hey, cutie pies. Y'all gonna let
me help you out with your game?
The secret is...
bend your knees.
Shoot it, shoot it.
I got it.
Get the hell away from them!
Go! Go back!
What's wrong with you?
Coming to my home?
I said 48 hours.
And you know I don't play.
Look! This is all I have, okay?
Okay, just take it.
What-what... What am I supposed
to do with this?
You, like, 19 short, shorty.
Just get the hell out of here.
- Go on.
- Oh, you the sister, right?
Yeah, you gonna take
all that make-up off,
come in here, put your little
housewife clothes on...
Kayla got you picking up
all her mess, right?
She is savage.
When was the last time
you saw her?
What's going on?
I don't give a shit who pay me.
I want my money.
Jada, what the hell is going on?
- What are you doing back?
- I got Jax to cover for me.
I was worried about you.
Why didn't you tell me
any of this?
Because I knew
you'd try to talk me out of it.
Yeah! You can get
yourself killed, Jada.
So I've heard.
You could get
our daughter killed.
A drug dealer just left here.
Now look,
I'm gonna get the money
and I'm gonna pay him back.
He's not gonna come back.
This isn't just about him.
You got to stop
going to these clubs.
You got to let the police
do their job. Stay out of it.
I can't just sit around
and wait, Terrell.
It's not like I have a job
anyway. I have the time.
You lost your job?
This is crazy.
I'm gonna shut
all this down, now.
You're a mother
and you have responsibilities.
Pay that guy off
and shut all this down now.
Or we need to talk about
who has custody of Meagan.
Bring it up.
What happened
after Roger's birthday?
What are you talking about?
I can't remember.
Just tell me what happened.
So nobody's got anything to say?
Cops came by here
looking for you today.
Or should I say
they were looking for Kayla?
Who the hell are you?
Are you an informant? A narc?
Okay, wait, wait, wait!
Look, look. I'm-I'm...
I'm Kayla's twin sister.
And she went missing. Okay?
Look, I know, I know
she was at Roger's birthday
and then,
and she never came home. Okay?
Someone here knows something.
Y'all are supposed to be
her friends!
Why can't you just tell me
what happened?
Who is Filipo? Huh?
I will never stop looking
for her. You understand me?
Never! And I will find her.
God, so help me, if I have
to bring the cops here
and bring them down
on all of you, I will do it!
You just couldn't
leave it alone, huh?
You wanna know
what happened to your sister?
Coming or what?
Let's go.
Yo, let's go.
Filipo's in the back.
Your sister's missing.
She's good people.
You saw her
the night of Roger's party?
Was she looking to score?
Did-did you give her drugs?
- I'm gonna call the police.
- Ain't no one going to the cops.
You only here
'cause I like your sister.
Yeah? Well, if you like her
so much...
then why didn't you tell anybody
when you heard she was missing?
What the hell is wrong with you?
She's a mother.
She's got
a beautiful little girl at home
who loves her
and depends on her.
tell me what happened.
Said he was her husband.
Wait, Warren was there?
Me and my girlfriend
went to his place, with Kayla.
And-and then what did you do?
Hung out.
Kayla was acting kinda slow.
Didn't look right.
Not her usual self.
- What?
- She got dosed.
Then what happened?
We left. She stayed.
Figured she'd sleep it off.
So you knew Kayla was drugged,
then you heard she went missing,
and you didn't say anything.
Hey, I'm telling you now.
Our business is done.
Get your ass up out of here.
Let's go.
The check I gave Kayla.
No. Just home for a bit.
Forgot my wallet.
I'm fine, mom.
Yeah. Olivia's fine, too.
With Jada.
Mom, I'm not happy
about it either,
but I don't have
much of a choice,
not while I'm working
these doubles.
Thinking about
transferring to Phoenix,
taking Olivia with me.
Yeah, mom, you're coming, too.
Look, you gotta let me go. I got
to get back to the station.
Okay. Bye.
The kids are coming
with me, Jada.
I was right.
I found it at Warren's place.
- Holy shit.
- All this time.
He lives right there.
We've gotta go to the police.
What do you mean, "We?"
I'm coming with you, okay?
Okay? Hey, hey, hey,
it's okay.
Are the girls asleep?
Don't worry about them,
it's okay.
I'll call the babysitter
and make sure they can come.
- Baby. Baby?
- What did he do?
Baby... Babe.
Middle of the night, Jada.
So, what's the news?
Here you go, Jada.
It's okay, babe.
So now can you tell us
what you saw?
I hid under the desk
and I found the check
that I wrote to Kayla...
in his drawer.
This proves that he saw her
after she left me.
He's lying!
Let's search the place.
I'm sorry, Jada.
We need a warrant first.
Give us 24 hours.
This is a bad idea.
Come or go.
Let's wait.
We don't know what we may find.
I don't want Warren
destroying anything
while we wait for those
detectives to get a warrant.
We're in!
Terrell? Terrell?
Terrell! Terrell!
Terrell. Here.
This is your proof.
Go arrest him!
Damn it, Jada,
you were told to stand down.
I am two seconds away
from arresting you
for interfering
with an investigation.
You are just mad
because I am doing your job,
and I'm finding things
that you didn't!
A bloody piece of fabric is not
enough to get an arrest warrant.
What more do you need?
That's Kayla's blood!
This is just one case to you.
Just some other case. Right?
Just one more loose end
before you retire
to some beach in Florida.
She does not care
about finding Kayla, okay?
- She never did.
- All right, all right.
You're just doing
what you need to do to get by
so you can pass her off
to someone else.
Don't you dare.
I put a hundred percent
into any case I work.
No shortcuts,
no passing the buck.
You don't think
I know how you're feeling,
what you're going through?
This picture was taken
in California
15 years ago.
That's the last time
I saw my wife.
She was on
some team-building retreat.
She called me
the day that photo was taken,
and no one saw her
after that night.
That's why I haven't retired,
'cause I'm not giving up
on searching for her
and I'm not giving up
on your sister.
I understand the helplessness,
the frustration.
I know
it doesn't feel like justice.
But we're gonna catch
that son of a bitch.
I'm not gonna stop until we do.
And when we do,
we have to keep him caught.
I need you to listen
to me carefully.
No more running around
playing vigilante,
no more dressing up.
I need you to stand down
and stand back
and let us do our jobs.
I'm serious, Jada.
We'll test the blood.
I know
you don't wanna hear this,
but Detective Hill's right.
You have to back off
and let them do their job.
It's not good for you, it's not
good for our daughter or us.
I want them to do their job.
Terrell, I'm exhausted.
Do you want me to come in?
I'm o... I'm okay.
Really. Really.
Okay. Promise me
you'll get some sleep.
I promise.
What the hell
are you doing here?
- I just need...
- Please.
Tell me, enlighten me,
what do you need?
Hey, you can just show up,
after all these weeks?
Just like that?
I need help, Warren.
You always need something.
You know, your daughter
needs her mother.
Yeah, I, I miss her.
Your sister...
has cops looking for you.
She's convinced you're dead.
I need money.
- Hill.
- Detective.
Um, Jada's not home.
I dropped her off earlier, uh,
she said she was going to bed.
But I'm here now,
and, uh, she's not here.
I'm afraid she's gone
to Warren's.
I'm headed there now.
Heard about the $2,000.
Yeah, it wasn't enough.
I mean...
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I need help.
Come here, baby.
Dance with me.
Come on, like we used to.
No, I don't. Look...
This, this isn't
what I came here for.
Isn't it?
You-you know, Coogi,
he says that...
I-I should have let him
handle it.
Wait, what did you just say?
Answer me.
Nothing. I didn't say anything.
My sister was right.
You're nothing
but a piece of trash.
You really wanna go there?
You really wanna start
throwing those stones,
talking about
who broke whose promises?
Who put who out in the cold?
What did you mean when you said
you should have let him
handle it?
Well, if I had left
well enough alone,
Coogi would have taken care
of everything.
Either that, or the needle
would have killed your sister.
I can't believe
you broke in here.
This? Hm, here.
You bastard.
You killed her?
Look at me!
What are you gonna do, Jada?
Go to the police?
What proof do you have?
Oh. Is this what you want?
Oh, no, no, no. Uh-uh.
Oh, she's crazy!
She attacked me!
She broke into my house,
pretending to be my wife!
He did it.
He confessed to killing Kayla.
- You tell Detective Hill that.
- Yes, ma'am.
She's the criminal.
She's crazy.
So let me paint the picture.
A jealous husband hates the idea
of losing control of his wife
so much
that when she finally
got the courage to leave him,
he kills her.
Now you're just making stuff up.
I mean, even I've seen
enough episodes of Law & Order
to know you got nothing.
Where's the body?
I mean, who, who says
she's even dead?
Here's the truth.
Kayla is an absentee mother,
a drug addict, who hangs out in
bars with junkies and lowlifes.
We have eyewitness testimony
that you were getting
physically abusive.
Are there any hospital records?
I mean, you guys are the cops.
Are there any police reports?
DNA results should be in
in a couple of days.
That, and Jada's statement
should be enough
for a jury to convict.
Of what?
That my wife slept in our bed?
A little blood
at that time of the month?
There's way too much blood
for that time of the month.
Either arrest me
and get me a lawyer...
or I'm due back at the station.
Sit tight.
He's right,
we can't hold him much longer
without contacting his lawyer.
You and I both know
there is enough blood
on that mattress to...
I agree, but right now
it's his word against her word.
We need those DNA results back.
You get your wish.
Call your lawyer.
They let you go?
My lawyer got me out
with a phone call.
Look, you-you-you leave,
and I won't call the police.
Oh, well, I'm not going anywhere
without Olivia.
All I wanted is my family.
I earned that.
I worked hard for that.
The why'd you kill my sister?
- Kayla just...
- Answer me!
I mean, she, she did her best
to ruin that.
Drugs and-and partying
and a-anyone
who would offer her either.
When I said I loved her...
I meant it.
And we, we were supposed
to work, y-you know,
we-we-we were sup... supposed
to be forever.
She owed me.
I pulled her out of the gutter
even when you couldn't save her.
And I did.
I-I, I-I gave her everything.
I-I, I even gave her the money
to continue
her disgusting habits.
And how does she repay me?
You don't threaten a man.
You don't disrespect a man,
not in his own home.
You-you made a vow.
Till death do us part.
- You are mine.
- No! No!
Get back!
Go back upstairs!
No, this is bullshit!
She's crazy!
It's over, Jada.
We got him.
There's no way
he isn't locked up.
He's going away
for attempted murder.
The girls asleep?
Washed, brushed
and put away clean.
When are you going out of town?
I'm not.
Quitting the road.
For good this time.
They offered me a desk job
at the label, and I'm taking it.
There's too much going on.
And I wanna be around my girls.
I'm sorry about everything,
okay? I...
Don't be. Okay?
I'll be right here
until you fall asleep.
Thank you.
- Three months.
- Where?
Here. Three months.
All I need is some pregnant kid
waitin' on me when I get home.
I don't even know what...
- Hey.
- Can I help you?
This is the guy
I was telling you about.
So, uh,
you can help me with my problem?
If the money's right, my people
can do whatever you need.
Well, I can't have her testify.
How do you want it done?
Well, as long
as there's no body,
I really don't give a shit
how it's done.
I need it done soon.
somebody here to see you.
Expecting your lawyer?
What do you want?
You know, I was always so upset,
always so worried about Kayla...
who she was with,
what her drug of choice was
for the week.
I thought you were good for her,
grounded her.
It never crossed my mind
she was doing all of that
to escape you.
Kayla was a junkie whore
long before I met her.
The outcome would have been
the same regardless.
She had it coming.
Well, at least
you can't hurt her anymore...
or Olivia.
No, Olivia is my daughter.
And when I get out of here,
you are never
going to be allowed near her.
You are never getting
out of here, you son of a bitch.
You are gonna rot in here
for the rest
of your miserable life.
Seven, eight,
nine, ten.
Olivia? Where is she?
Here I am!
Here you are!
Ah, there you are!
Oh! Darling.
All right, why don't you guys
take a break from hide and seek?
And let's go make some pancakes.
I want pancakes!
Pancakes! Pancakes!
- Butter and syrup, right?
- Yeah.
- Who's gonna hold the big spoon?
- Um, me.
Who's not going to make a mess?
- Me!
- Yeah, right.