Vera Drake (2004) Movie Script

Hello, George.
Only me.
How are you
today, dear?
Having a little doze,
or just resting your eyes?
I'll make you
a fresh cup.
Shan't be a minute.
Couple of biscuits.
Here you are then, dear.
That better?
Yes, thank you.
- A little bit...
- A bit more?
There. Do you need
anything else, dear?
You sure?
Drink your tea up
before it gets cold.
I'll be on
my way.
Tell Ivy I was asking
after her, won't you?
And don't get up
to any mischief.
Ta ta, dear.
- Hello, Reg.
- Afternoon, Mrs. Drake.
- You all right, dear?
- Can't complain.
- Going off for your tea?
- Yes.
- What you having?
- Bit of bread 'n dripping.
- That all?
- Cup of tea.
Look after yourself, Reg.
I told you.
You ought to come over to our
house for tea one night.
- I don't want to put you out.
- Oh, don't be daft.
What about tomorrow?
You could come over after work.
You know where we are.
Number 82.
I'll feed you up a bit.
Do you fancy that?
- You sure?
- Be no trouble, Reg.
- Go on, then.
- Oh, lovely.
See you tomorrow, then.
Now don't you forget!
- Hello, Nellie.
- All right, Vera?
- Isn't it cold?
- Yes.
That's better.
Nice cup of tea.
- That you, Ethel?
- Hello, Mom.
- Nippy today, weren't it?
- Yes.
Ooh. Hold up,
- 'Scuse, Mom.
- What you doing?
I'm washing me hands
like you told me to.
- Oh, yes. Your dad's here.
- Hello, Dad.
- Hello, Mom. You all right, Ethel?
- Yes.
- All right, Dad?
- Yes, thank you.
- Good day?
- Not bad, you?
- Can't complain.
- Oh, Ethel. Take the teapot through.
God, I'm starving.
I could eat an 'orse.
Wash your hands, Dad,
I'll put the tin on the table.
Just get me
slippers on.
Well he's all on his tod, ain't he?
Seems a nice enough fellow, though.
- Oh yes. Hard worker.
- Is he the little bloke... bald?
- No.
- No. Stocky fellow.
- Lives opposite.
- Oh, yes. Does he?
I shouldn't wonder he don't have bread
and dripping every night.
There ain't nothing wrong
with bread and dripping.
Not every night.
- I wouldn't mind.
- Oh yes? Like to see your face
If I put bread and dripping on the table
every teatime.
No, I'll do him
a nice stew.
- Can we have dumplings, Mom?
- Of course, we can.
- I love a dumpling.
- You are a dumpling.
- Oh, that's nice.
- What you got your work clothes on for?
It's a Tuesday, Dad.
I've got me night school.
- Oh, yes.
- That's right.
I've gotta leave
in a minute.
I'm meeting David
this evening.
You're looking
very flat-chested.
Have you
lost weight?
I don't know.
That was lovely, Vera.
Thank you very much.
- Very tasty.
- You're welcome, I'm sure.
Why don't you sit on the settee, Reg?
Make yourself at home.
Yeah, Reg. Sit down.
We'll have a smoke.
Make a fresh pot,
- Here we are.
- Nah, go on.
- Sid?
- Oh, cheers, mate.
How's work
going, Stan?
- Was it motors?
- Motor mechanic, yes.
Well, they bring 'em in.
We mend 'em, push 'em back out again.
It's just the two of us, see?
Me and my brother.
Oh, a family
business like?
Well, it's Frank's business.
I work for him... with him.
Have you always worked
on the roads, then, Reg?
- No. I started in the war.
- Oh.
Oh, what kind of war effort
did you have, Reg?
- The pioneer corps.
- Oh, yes?
We laid tarmac
on the American bases.
- Did you?
- We did.
- Went out in France... 1940.
- You was out there early?
Dunkirk. We done a running when they
broke through.
Then we went out
a few days after D-day.
Same as you, Dad.
'Bout a month after D-day,
we went out there.
- Just after the battle of Caen.
- Oh, yes?
It was murder then. Mind you,
others had it worse than us.
I was in the service corps...
We pushed from Normandy
into northern France, Belgium,
And I ended up
in Hamburg.
I was in Hamburg
and all, Reg.
- Was you?
- Not then, though.
- No, after the war. National service.
- Oh, I'm with you.
I'll tell you, they've got it worse
over there... the Germans.
We all
had it bad.
- It weren't cozy for no one, was it?
- Right along, Dad.
No, but we done demolition
before the war...
- Me and my brother.
- Oh, does he live around here?
Not now.
He's in Australia.
- Melbourne.
- Ooh, is he?
He went out
two year ago.
That's a long way
away, isn't it?
Well, he was
in Burma in the war.
- My brother was in Burma.
- Was he?
Well, he met a few
Australian blokes,
Came back, married a Scottish girl
and went out there.
Oh, well, I never...
Was he a P.O.W., Reg?
He don't talk
about it, Stan.
No, my friend
won't talk about it, neither.
You lose
any mates, Reg?
A few, yes.
I lost a couple
of pals, and all.
I lost my
best mate.
- Ah, that's right... Bill.
- Did our basic together and everything.
Out in Palestine...
he got ambushed
in an orange grove.
I had to pack his kit
up for him like...
Sit next to Reg.
- It's dreadful, isn't it?
- Terrible.
You warm enough, Reg?
Put the fire on, Dad.
I lost my mom
in the blitz.
Did you, Reg?
Chapel Street market,
Well now we remember
that bomb, don't we, Dad?
- It blew all the windows out.
- Yes, it did.
It was just around the corner,
Penton Street.
- Opposite the church.
- Oh, yeah.
Our flats never
got touched.
She popped in to see my aunt,
went shopping...
Another cup
of tea, Reg?
Sorry to hear
that, mate.
That was
a lovely spread, Vera.
Thank you
very much.
Well, enjoy
your pub.
Make sure you wear a coat,
Susan, if you're traveling
- in an open top sports car.
- Yes, I am.
- Cheerio, chap
- Goodbye, sir.
Good night, Sid.
- Night, Dad.
- Night-night, Ethel.
Night-night, Dad.
Night, Ethel.
Good night.
Where are you tomorrow,
Mrs. Wells'?
No, Mrs. Fowler's
I was at Mrs. Wells'
this morning, bless her.
- Night-night, love.
- Night, dear.
Ooh, Stanley,
your feet!
- Warm 'em up for us.
- Come on, then.
I reckon that Reg
would make a good husband
to some nice girl.
Where's a bloke like that
gonna meet anybody?
We managed to find
each other.
Sure enough.
do happen.
Let me go.
- You're terribly beautiful, you know.
- I should get a...
- I should get a taxi.
- Shh.
Come on, let's dance.
Don't be silly.
- I do apologize.
- What?
I haven't got
a gramophone.
It's not funny.
- It's not funny.
- It's not funny?
It's not funny...
Not funny?
Oh, morning, Mrs. Fowler.
Good morning,
Mrs. Drake.
Oh, I'm in
your way, here?
Lost something?
- I am in your way, aren't I?
- Oh, it's just...
I can't see
for looking, sometimes.
I'm like
that myself.
Among other things.
All right, Mother?
Ain't you been
up today?
Leave it alone.
You getting married
yourself, sir?
No, I fear.
No, it'll be a sister of mine
that's getting married.
- Oh, lovely.
- Yeah.
But to tell you the truth,
I haven't met her man yet.
He's a bit
of dark horse, so l...
- Just lower your arm for me.
- Yeah.
So when are you
catching the boat?
A week this
Saturday coming.
- Oh, doesn't give us much time, then.
- From Holyhead, I'm goin'.
Just lower your arms
for me please, sir.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Thank you.
So I'll be having
the waistcoat with it, then?
That's no problem
whatsoever, sir.
As I said, it's, uh... we charge
moving up to 13 guineas
for the three-piece.
Well I have your money
on me now, so...
Oh, lovely.
And I want the jacket just like the one
you have on there.
Well, you have chosen
the double-breasted jacket, sir...
- with the four buttons
- Yeah.
Now, the only difference
is... your lapel...
is going to fasten down
to the bottom button,
giving it a much more
streamlined effect...
And what with the light blue bariff
here, plus the stripe
to accentuate your height,
it's bold, it's sharp,
and it's certainly going
to make an impression
when you walk
into the church, sir.
Well, that's exactly
what I want, sir.
- Just face the mirror for me.
- Yeah.
- I'll be the lord of the manor in this?
- Oh yes, sir.
- I'll be like your man, George Raft.
- You will indeed, sir.
Me daddy
won't know me, huh?
Well, if you're going
for the George Raft look, sir...
we can always supply you
with a pair of spats.
Oh, no.
No spats.
Whatever you want,
I'm just going to measure
your outside leg.
Come on.
Seized up?
She's there.
Is Joycie all right?
She's fine.
We ain't seen her
in ages.
She's started
talking about moving.
Moving where?
To a bigger house.
Your house is big enough,
isn't it?
- You ain't been there a year.
- I know.
We had a bit
of company last night.
- Did you?
- You know what Vera's like.
She finds a young fellow,
lives on his own, no family,
hoicks him in with us,
gives him his tea.
She's got a heart
of gold, that woman.
- She's a diamond.
- You're a lucky man.
You're a lucky man
in all, Frank.
What she invite him
round for, anyway?
- He lives on his own.
- A lot of people live on their own.
Don't mean you've got to invite them
all round for tea though, does it?
It's just Vera's way,
ain't it?
Maybe he wants
to be on his own.
She wants to mind
her own business.
She's a little busybody,
bless her.
She's going to get herself in trouble
one of these days.
I'm glad we moved
out here, aren't you?
I seen the washing machine
I want this morning. It's 25.
Oh no, not now, Frank.
Not your accounts.
- It'll take me 10 minutes.
- I know your "10 minutes."
An hour and 10 minutes,
more like.
I thought we was going
to have another early night.
I'll finish this and we can have
an early night.
All right,
You're asleep!
Don't go
to sleep on me.
Well, you come
on top of me then.
- Come on.
- Can't we leave it till tomorrow?
No, we got to do it now,
ain't we?
Afternoon, dear.
Thank you.
This way.
Right then, dear.
First thing
we've got to do...
is put
the kettle on.
Oh. Got a bowl
in here?
Now, where are...?
You got
a towel, dear?
Very good.
Where's your bed?
Through here.
Now, what I want
you to do...
take your
knickers off for me,
lie down here.
Don't you
be upset.
Because I'm here
to help you, aren't I?
And that's what
I'm going to do. So...
hop your bottom on the bed
and I'll be back in a jiffy.
Here we are, then.
Hop on the bed
for me.
How long is it
going to take?
Not long, dear.
Open your legs.
You on your own?
Only for a bit.
Now, what I'm going to do
is have a little feel,
Make sure everything's
as it should be
and then we'll get
the soapy water inside,
- so you go all floppy for me.
- What do you mean?
Just lie down, dear.
Wet my hand a bit...
and feel.
You're all right.
All right...
Push this
little tube in.
All right.
Here comes
the water.
When you feel full,
we'll stop.
Was you at work,
I went in
this morning.
- Weather's turned.
- Yes.
- that feel full?
- Yes.
You dry yourself off.
Hold that towel there
for a minute
and I'll clean out
the bowl.
Now, what's going
to happen
is tomorrow
or the day after
you'll get a bit
of a pain down below.
Take yourself to the toilet,
you'll start bleeding
- then it'll all come away.
- What do you mean, "it will come away"?
It'll all be over, dear.
You'll be right as rain.
I won't die,
will I?
No, dear.
Right. I'll be
on my way.
- I'll see meself out.
- It's all right.
- Look after yourself, dear.
- Right.
I've got 200
crate a day,
and he's giving me eight
pairs of nylons.
I'll have some nylons.
I'll take three pairs of nylons
off you, Sid.
- What you offering?
- Five packets of Players.
What, for three
pairs of nylons?
- That's right.
- No, no...
These are the Italian nylons.
They ain't the Czech ones.
- Yeah, they're nice, Al.
- I don't care.
I'm offering five packets
of Players
for three pairs of nylons,
take it or leave it.
To hold it up,
Ron, eh?
I mean either I'm talking
in another language,
- or he's a bit Mutt and Jeff.
- I heard you.
Look. Make it 10 packets.
- I'll give you six... seven.
- Eight.
Look, take 'em out
with you Saturday...
"How you doing, darling? Fancy a turn?"
Slip her a pair... happy days!
- All right, eight.
- Done. Good boy.
I'll give you two packets
of tea for a pair.
What are you two,
a double act?
- Hello, Lily.
- Your bleedin' stairs.
- They'll be the death of me.
- You've must've heard the kettle boil.
Just made
a fresh pot.
How'd that go
the other week?
Same as usual.
- Nervous little thing, wasn't she?
- I know.
I put her right.
Set her mind at rest.
- You always do, don't you?
- Don't you want a biscuit, Lily?
Won't say no.
Thank you.
- I've got another one for you.
- Oh, yes?
- Friday, is it?
- Is Friday all right?
- Mm.
- I told her 5:00.
- That's all right, yes.
- Want some tea?
- Sardines?
- I'm all right this week, Lily.
- Oh, now what sweets you got?
- Boiled sweets.
Here you are.
Don't you want some for your Ethel?
How much
are them, then?
Tuppence a bag.
A penny eighty to you.
- Kelp Street.
- Oh, I know.
Nora. She's got
seven kids already.
Oh, can't she manage?
- No, could you?
- I've only got a thruppenny bit.
I've got change.
Ain't the husband
I expect so.
Can't control himself,
if you ask me.
Poor woman.
Serves her right.
Don't you want no
sardines for your mother?
No, she can't eat them no more, Lily.
Gives her heartburn.
How's she keeping
anyway, your mom?
Oh, you know.
Getting older.
Ain't we all?
That's Ethel.
- That you, Ethel?
- Hello, Mom.
- Lily's here.
- Oh.
Hello, Ethel.
- You want a cuppa?
- Yes please, Mom.
- Ain't she got a boyfriend yet?
- No.
I ain't surprised.
That was a lovely spread, Vera.
Thank you very much.
- You're welcome, Reg, you know that.
- Doing a bit of mending?
Yes. You got anything
that needs doing?
You've got a bit of leg poking
through your trousers.
- Yes, he has.
- I done that at work.
- I ain't got round to it yet.
- You do your own sewing?
Well, I'm all fingers
and thumbs, but I have a go.
You ought to bring 'em
over here, Reg.
You need a little patch
on that.
I'll get you a bit of cloth
from the shop, Reg.
What is it?
Navy serge, 19 oz.
Give it to Mom, she'll mend it for you,
no problem.
- I could do that.
- Of course, she can.
- Ethel will see you right.
- I don't want to put you out.
- I don't mind.
- Thanks very much.
It'll cost you...
half a crown!
- Do you want another sweet?
- Ta.
- What are you doing, love?
- Go back to sleep.
You're ill.
It's going to have
to be quick.
- Is it going to take long?
- No, dear.
I haven't told him, you see?
He's supposed to be at work.
- Yes, dear.
- What's he want to come home sick for?
Take your knickers
off for me.
Can't have no
more kids, see?
I've got seven already.
I ain't having no more.
- I know, dear.
- It'd kill me.
Lay the towel
on the bed for me.
You sit right
on the edge.
- What's that?
- Just soapy water, dear...
a bit of disinfectant.
- Do you want me to lie down?
- Stay where you are.
- I've just got to get this inside.
- All right.
All right.
You all right?
Oy, oy.
- What?
- See them, blonde, brunette?
- Oh, tidy!
- Ain't they?
How do you do?
Right, 'o mugger... bright-eyed,
bushy-tailed and look lively.
- We only just got here.
- Oh, come on, Kenny,
- let your hair down.
- Enjoy the view.
- Let's have a swap, eh?
- All right.
Do you reckon
she likes him?
Well, she's gone
for a walk with him.
She wouldn't go, would she,
if she didn't like him. Would she?
He should take her
out dancing.
- I don't think he's that type.
- I can't see Reg dancing.
She'd come back
black and blue, wouldn't she?
- Dad.
- She'd have to give her feet a soak.
They might turn out
to be a proper Fred and Ginger,
The pair of them.
You never know.
- Did you have to come far?
- Not far, dear, no.
Are you sure you
wouldn't like a drink?
No, thank you.
- Have you done this before, dear?
- Yes, as it happens.
we are...
One bowl,
one towel.
- Kettle's on.
- Oh. Thank you.
Are you sure
you wouldn't like a drink?
No, dear.
You know, your hair
looks really lovely.
- Do you think so?
- Yes.
Why don't you make us
all a cup of tea?
What, do you want
a cup of tea as well?
Good luck.
All right, dear.
You're gonna have
to take your knickers off.
So, how are you?
This is rather
a surprise.
- Haven't seen you for ages.
- Yes... no...
No, thank you.
- Thank you for coming today.
- Yeah? Not at all.
An excuse to get out
of that dreary old bank.
Would you like
a fag?
thank you.
Thank you for...
What's the matter?
Oh, sorry.
Have some cake.
I had a piece before you arrived.
Can't resist...
it's delicious.
I wanted to talk
to you.
Fire away.
You're the first person
I thought of.
Crikey, Susan.
What is it?
I have this, um...
friend, who...
she needs some help.
I'm sorry.
You've got yourself
into trouble, haven't you?
Oh, Susan.
You clot.
Who told you
to phone me?
All right. I'll tell you
what you have to do.
Oh, and when you see the psychiatrist,
you have to make up a fearful fib
about some potty aunt
or something or other.
Have a hanky.
Thank you.
You'll be all right,
you know.
Hello, George.
Oh... hello, Peggy!
You off work, today?
Sit up, then
Oh, she's all right, George.
Bless her.
This has slipped
a bit.
Ivy taken bad again,
has she?
Oh, dear. Well I'll make
a fresh pot of tea.
And you'll want a biscuit,
Peggy, I shouldn't wonder.
- Hello, Ivy.
- All right, Vera?
Having one
of your bad days?
- I'm sick of it.
- Oh, dear.
I'll put
the kettle on.
Didn't you sleep
last night, dear?
You don't sleep
when you're like this, do you?
Have you managed to kip
at all today?
- No, I ain't.
- Oh, ain't you?
Still, you're
in the best place, Ivy.
I should be at work.
You can't go to work
in this state.
Somebody's got
to earn the money.
If I stay off,
she wants to stay off.
I'll lose me job
if this goes on.
It's not
your fault, dear.
Try telling that
to your boss.
They don't understand
nothing, men.
is this your first
And what does
the father say?
I don't want
my parents to know.
No, no, no.
I mean the father of the child.
Big as you can.
Come and sit down.
Have you considered
the possibility of having the child?
I can't.
Very well.
I'll help you,
But I'm afraid we are
obliged to discuss
The delicate matter
of money.
It'll come
to 150.00.
How much do you
have available?
Um, just over
I see.
Let's say 100 guinea, shall we?
In advance. In cash.
Now, I shall require you
to see a psychiatrist.
- I know.
- Do you?
And I'll arrange
the nursing home...
and the obstetrician.
Terribly good man.
Any questions?
Pretty day.
- How many weeks pregnant are you?
- Seven.
And were you
a virgin?
Miss Wells,
it would be helpful
If you would give me
simple and honest answers
If you can.
What does
your father do?
- My father?
- Yes.
Um, he works in the Ministry
of Defense.
And are your parents
happily married?
Um, I think so.
Is there any history
of mental illness in your family?
an aunt of my mother's
committed suicide.
Did she?
And your own mental state, how would you
describe it at the moment?
- Um.
- Anxious?
Tell me your feelings
towards the father of the child.
- Do you love him?
- No.
- Does he love you?
- No.
Did you love him
at the point of conception?
Did he force
himself on you?
Miss Wells...
if you were to have
the child,
would you keep it
or have it adopted?
I can't have it.
I'd rather
kill myself.
Well, I don't think
we can allow that to happen...
can we?
Tea's brewing.
- Miss Wells.
- Hello.
- I'm Nurse Willoughby.
- How do you do?
- Is this all your luggage?
- Uh, yes.
- If you'd like to follow me.
- Thank you.
- Have you had far to come?
- Not really, no.
- Miss Wells.
- Hello.
- Sister Beech.
- How do you do?
I hope you'll
be comfortable.
Thank you.
There, dear.
I'll put this back
under the bed for you.
that didn't take too long, did it?
- What, you finished already?
- Yes, dear.
So when am I
going to see you again?
What did
you say, dear?
You have
to come back, yes?
Oh no, dear.
I've done all I've got to do.
Now you've
just got to wait.
What is it
I'm waiting for?
For it
to come away, dear.
But all you used
was a little bit of water.
Don't you worry.
What happens
if something goes wrong?
Now what's going
to happen is this...
or Sunday, you'll have
a pain down below.
Get yourself
to the toilet.
You'll start bleeding, it'll all come
away, you'll be right as rain.
What you need now
is a nice hot cup of tea.
Take care, dear.
Ta ta.
- Hello, dear.
- Good morning, Mrs. Drake.
- Hello, Mommy.
- Good morning, dear.
- How was your weekend?
- Lovely, thank you.
How was Norfolk?
Oh, bearable.
Terribly sunny.
Have you got the money?
I've got the 2.00.
- 2.00?
- That's what she told me.
Well, she told you wrong.
It's two guineas.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Ain't no use being sorry.
Oh. You want payment
now then, do you?
Well, I don't want payment
next week, do I?
Where is your
husband, anyway?
Korea, since
you're asking.
- In the forces, is he?
- Yes.
- Two guineas.
- Thank you very much.
So it's not
his, then?
What's the matter?
Cat got your tongue?
Done this for a lot
of girls then, have you?
Mind your own
bleedin' business.
- I'm only asking.
- And I'm only telling you.
You put your address
down there.
She'll be there
at 5:00.
Don't mention
the money.
That's between me
and you.
- Is that understood?
- Yes.
Can you do one on Friday?
- At 5:00?
- Yes.
That's all right.
- Married lady.
- Oh, yes?
- Got herself in a bit of trouble.
- How is that, then?
Having a bit of "how's your father"
on the side.
- Oh, that's not right, is it, Lily?
- Well, I don't think so.
Still, gotta help
them out, ain't you?
How'd you get on
with that darkie?
- Oh, I did feel sorry for her.
- Long way from home?
She was very scared.
What are they doing
over here, anyways?
Trying to make a better
life for themselves, I shouldn't wonder.
- They should stay where they are.
- They're hard workers.
- You need any sugar?
- How much you charging this week, Lily?
1.80, to you.
All right, then.
- Here you are.
- Ta.
Thank you.
I'm ever so scared.
Try not to upset
yourself, dear.
S- sorry...
I've got to pull
myself together.
Oh, I've got to go
through with this.
Oh, I know I have to...
it's just that...
nobody knows...
well, my friend knows,
but she doesn't know...
I mean she doesn't know
it's today.
So if anything were to happen to me...
no one would know.
You've got to get your knickers off,
dear, and lie down.
Oh. Oh, no.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
Oh, no. No...
I'm a terrible
What's the matter?
Ain't you had
a nice night?
You ever thought
about moving out?
What do you mean?
What do you think
about getting married?
What, to you?
I ain't never
thought about it.
- I've been thinking about it.
- Have you?
About three
or four weeks.
What do you reckon?
Do you wanna?
I do.
All right, then.
Better tell
your mom.
- Dad, wake up.
- What's the matter?
I've got to go
in the kitchen.
Woke me up...
- oh, hello, Reg.
- Hello, Stan.
Good kip?
Yes, all right.
Can I have
a word, Stan?
What's the matter?
Can I have your permission
to marry Ethel?
Have you asked her?
What'd she say?
She said yes.
Well, of course
you can.
- You sure?
- Congratulations!
- Thanks very much.
- Vera? Ethel?
- You know what he's just asked me?
- I'm ever so pleased.
- I'm delighted!
- Me too.
- What's all this chatting about?
- These two just got engaged!
- Congratulations, mate!
- Thanks very much.
I was asleep
on that chair, there.
Sorry about
waking you up.
Oh, don't you worry
about that.
- I asked her last night.
- Oh, did you?
Well done,
the both of you.
Wow, Reg,
good going.
- Don't look so worried.
- You're sure?
Of course, I'm sure.
I've been to the doctors and I'm sure.
About time
and all.
You have to start
taking things easy.
What, you gonna
look after me?
- Yes.
- Are you?
We have to tell
Stan and Vera.
Yes, we'll tell
Stan and Vera...
but we'll tell them
together, properly.
We'll go
around there...
- next weekend.
- I'll ask him in the morning.
Can I have my washing
machine now, please?
- Morning, Frank.
- Morning, Stan.
Got some news
for you.
Here you are.
Have a guess.
Good news,
or bad news?
- Bad news.
- Wrong. Try again.
All right,
good news.
Come on, then.
What is it?
Spill the beans,
old cock!
My little Ethel?
She got engaged.
- What?
- Yesterday afternoon.
- What, to Reg?
- I couldn't believe it.
I thought they'd be
courting for years.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you, Frank.
You must be
a very proud man.
You should've seen
Vera's face.
It was a bolt
from the blue.
So, on Sunday...
you and Joycie got to
come over for your tea.
We'll get some beers in...
some sherry for the girls.
We'll toast the happy couple
and Reg can meet the family.
- On Sunday.
- About 4:00.
- You tell Joycie?
- I'll tell her.
Can you feel that, dear?
Starting to fill up?
- Does that feel peculiar, Pam?
- Yes, Mom.
That's how it's meant
to feel, ain't it?
- Peculiar?
- Yes.
- You've done this before, ain't you?
- Yes, dear.
- So, it's safe.
- It's safe, isn't it?
- Yes, darling.
- And when it's full,
that's when we'll stop.
I know your face
from somewhere.
- Who, me?
- Yes.
- Do you?
- I can't think where, though.
You all right?
Of course.
Sunlight laundry.
- Oh, dear.
- It's Vera, ain't it?
- That's right.
- Vera Drake.
I knew your mother
before the war.
- Did you?
- Was you doing this back then?
That feel full, dear?
All right.
Just dry
yourself off.
Get that down you,
come on.
Cold. Cold.
Cool you down.
Cool you down.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Hello again, Pamela.
How are you feeling?
Poorly, hmm?
Now, I need to take
another look at your tummy.
Don't worry,
I'll be as gentle as I can.
Pamela, we just need you
to straighten your legs.
Good girl.
Right onto the bed.
I promise you,
I have very warm hands.
Bring your bottom up.
Good girl. That's it.
Now, I'm going
to press gently
And I want you to tell me
what happens when I let go.
Good girl, well done.
- We'll do an internal, Sister.
- All right, doctor.
Now then, Mrs. Barnes,
I, uh... I don't have
very good news, I'm afraid.
- Why, why, what's happening?
- I'm going to have to operate.
- Pamela is a very sick girl.
- She ain't gonna die, is she?
We sincerely hope not,
Mrs. Barnes,
But this is a grave situation,
as I'm sure you'll understand.
Now then...
when Pamela was admitted
this evening,
you stated that she was
having a miscarriage.
But that isn't
the whole truth, is it?
Mrs. Barnes...
did you do something
to Pamela to try
- to bring about a termination?
- No, I didn't!
Well, somebody did.
You know that
and I know that.
Mrs. Barnes, I've been a doctor
for over 25 years.
Sister and I see cases like this
every weekend,
- don't we, Sister?
- Yes, we do.
All right...
someone come
to the house.
And what did
they do?
She grated pink soap
into a bowl of warm water
and she had a bottle
of stuff and she put...
- And she used a syringe.
- Yes.
And no doubt, she'll use
her syringe again.
And again and again
and again, and Sister and I
will have to deal with dozens of cases
just like Pamela's.
Mrs. Barnes,
these people must be stopped.
You're going to have
to inform the police.
I ain't talking to them.
Sister Coombes.
Righty-oh. They're ready for you
in theater, Mr. Walsh.
Thank you,
Mrs. Barnes, if you don't inform
the police, I'm going to have to.
Unfortunately, it's my
legal obligation to do so.
Excuse me.
- Excuse me, nurse.
- Yes, sir?
We're police officers.
We're looking for Sister Coombes.
Oh yes, sir,
just follow me.
it's police.
Good evening, sister.
I'm Detective Inspector Webster,
- this is D.S. Vickers...
- Good evening.
good evening.
We was sitting by
the side of the road,
there was bodies everywhere...
stink, petrol...
I'd had enough.
I couldn't do nothing.
Couldn't run away,
couldn't cry,
couldn't feel nothing...
I just sat there.
And all of a sudden,
there was this old girl...
staggering past us,
muttering in French.
Guess what she was
carrying under her arm?
- What?
- A pair of old mirrors.
You ain't told me
that before.
We've got a lot
to be thankful for.
- Yes, we have.
- I have.
For one thing, you ain't turned out
nothing like your mother.
She can't help it.
Did you ever ask her who
your dad was in the end?
If I'd have been 11
and not 12 when Mom died,
I'd have had to go
in an orphanage, like Frank.
I know. You went
straight out to work.
I had to fend
for meself, didn't I?
- Still. It did you no harm.
- Ah, well.
- Look at everything you got now.
- Yes.
I'm a lucky man.
You telephoned
for an ambulance this afternoon,
- is that right?
- Yes.
Now, why did
you do that?
She was having
a miscarriage, weren't she?
- A miscarriage.
- Yes.
Mr. Walsh has told us that somebody
came round to your house
to perform an operation
on your daughter.
Well, there you are,
Mr. Walsh just told you.
Doctors know everything.
Why don't you ask him?
I want to hear it
from you, Mrs. Barnes.
He's the one what phoned you.
I never phoned you.
It ain't got nothing
to do with me.
Keep your voice down,
Mrs. Barnes.
Who was it that performed
this operation?
A woman.
- Do you know her name?
- No.
How did you get in touch
with this woman?
I don't know.
You just ask about.
- Who did you ask?
- People at work.
Where do you work,
Mrs. Barnes?
Allied Laundries...
Clerkenwell Road.
- Who did you talk to at work?
- What does it matter now?
Your daughter's
just nearly died, Mrs. Barnes.
It would be
in your best interests.
You do realize
this is a criminal matter.
All right.
- Vera.
- Vera?
- Vera Drake.
- That's who you talked to at work?
No, sir, she's the one what come
round. She's the one what done it.
Vera Drake is the person
that performed the operation
on your daughter?
- Yes.
- So you do know her name.
Had you met her
We both worked
in a laundry in 1931.
- Have you seen her since then?
- No.
- Do you know where she lives?
- No.
What does she look like,
Mrs. Barnes?
Um, small... small hands.
I ain't going to get
- in to trouble for this, am I?
- It's a bit of a coincidence, isn't it?
Somebody you haven't
seen for years
just suddenly turns up
on your doorstep.
Well, I ain't lying!
You're twisting my words.
That's not fair!
- It's all right, dear.
I'm not suggesting
you are lying, Mrs. Barnes.
I'm just trying to get
to the bottom of things.
- There you are, Sid. Grab here.
- Coming in.
That's better.
Where we always have it.
- Gives us more room, don't it?
- Oh, yes.
Got the Christmas cloth.
We want it to look nice,
don't we, Mom?
- Yes?
- Good afternoon.
Are you Mrs. Lillian Clark?
- Why, who wants to know?
- D.I. Webster, metropolitan police.
There we are!
- Hello! Hello, Joyce!
- All right, Stan?
- Just catching my breath.
- Hello, Joyce!
Oh, doesn't she look lovely?
- All right, my darling.
- Hello, dear.
- Hello, Auntie Joyce. How are you?
- Hello, Sidney.
- Look at the inside of this!
- How are you doing, Uncle Frank?
- All right, Sid.
- Ain't seen you for ages.
You look like a film star.
Congratulations, Ethel,
it's lovely news.
- Do you like it?
- Yes, I do!
- I sewed the lining in myself.
- Did you?
- It's leopard print.
- Leopard print.
Come on, you make
yourself comfortable...
Blimey, look at that, eh?
Here, I hope you left
your rifle at home, Auntie Joyce!
Do you know
Mrs. Edna McKenzie?
What if I do?
Just give us a straight
answer, please.
I might.
Are you familiar with
the standard tearooms
- on the Holloway Road, Mrs. Clark?
- Yes.
- Were you there last Wednesday?
- I can't remember.
You're really not helping
yourself, Mrs. Clark.
What's this
all about, anyway?
Do you know
Vera Drake?
Quite a grocery shop
you've got here, love.
It's for the old people...
for Christmas.
How much you charging
for a bag of tea?
Did you take two guineas off
Jessica Barnes last Wednesday?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
I think you do, Mrs. Clark.
Nice living you're making
for yourself.
Have you got a little bit
of lipstick on, Ethel?
Don't she look lovely
in that top and all?
Did you knit that yourself?
No, we got that from the market,
didn't we?
How's the house coming along,
Uncle Frank?
I've been keeping
Frank busy, ain't I, Frank?
Been up a ladder
the best part of six months.
- The neighbors have just got a tv.
- Have they?
- In the front room.
- Have you seen it?
- Only through the window.
- You'll have to get one now, Frank.
- That's next on my list.
- Dear though, ain't they?
- Only 36.00.
- 36.00.
- A bit steep, that.
- They must have a few bob.
Oh yes. Got lovely color
and all, ain't they, Frank?
- V-8 pilot.
- He's doing rather shifty at the job.
I was hoping for a little spin
round the block.
You can see it out
the window.
Oh, that ain't
the same thing, is it?
Will it be all right
out there, Frank?
- I've already told you.
- It'll be fine.
Of course it will.
Well, you can't
be sure, can you?
There he is!
Let him in, Ethel.
Talk of the devil... the man himself.
- Hello. Come on in.
- That you, Reg?
Yeah, Reg,
in you come.
- Here he is.
- Afternoon.
Hi, hi. How's your
luck, pal?
Reg, this is
my brother Frank.
- Pleased to meet you, Reg.
- How do you do?
- Congratulations.
- And his wife Joyce.
- Hello, Reg.
- How do you do?
Here, take your coat off.
We can eat now. I'm starving.
Didn't hold everybody up,
did I?
Oh, don't be so silly.
Go on, sit yourselves down.
- Where do you want me to sit?
- Looks smart, don't he?
- Yeah, he does.
- You sit there, Reg.
- Here, Uncle Frank. You're next to me.
- Well, don't make trouble.
- Now come on, everyone. Tuck in.
- Fill your boats.
Ethel, thank you.
- This is nice.
- Aw.
Ayup. Ayup.
Here's to
Ethel and Reg.
Welcome to
the family, Reg.
And all the very best
to the both of you. Cheers.
- Cheers.
- To the happy couple.
- Here's to you.
- Ta very much.
And if you're half as happy
with your wife
as I've been with mine,
you'll be a lucky man.
- Quite right.
- It's the truth.
Well, there's no turning
back now, Reg.
You'll be coming to us for your
Christmas dinner, won't you, Reg?
Yeah, you don't want
to miss Christmas here.
Well, Frank and Joyce,
you'll be here, won't you?
- Of course we will.
- We ain't made no plans yet.
- Wouldn't be the same without you.
- We'll be here, don't worry.
- We have a laugh, don't we?
- Yes, we do.
And you want to get your name
on the housing list, Reg.
Yes, you want to get
yourself somewhere nice.
We'll be all right
at my place.
Mind you, we was in one room after we
got married, weren't we, Dad?
We was in one room
for years, yeah.
- Yeah, had some good times in there.
- Christmases.
But one of these days
you might find that...
one room ain't enough.
I'm being a bit previous.
- He knows what I mean.
- Take no notice.
Yeah, I'll be
an uncle.
We've... we got a bit of news to tell you
ourselves, me and Joyce.
- Yes.
- Oh, yes? What is it?
I've had to keep me trap shut all week.
- Oh, dear.
- Come on, Frank. Spit it out.
- Well?
- Well, go on then.
Joyce is going
to have a baby.
Gonna have a family.
I'm really pleased for you.
Uncle Frank.
- Congratulations, Auntie Joyce.
- Thank you, Sidney.
Well, blimey, this is
a double celebration, isn't it?
Here, Joyce. You'll have a little
top-off wouldn't you?
Hey, you kept that one
quiet, didn't you?
I'll go. Hey, Sid...
pour the drinks.
Here, pass 'em over.
Good afternoon, sir.
- D.I. Webster, metropolitan police.
- Oh, yes?
Does Mrs. Vera Drake
live here, sir?
Yes, she does.
Would you be
Mr. Drake, sir?
- Is Mrs. Drake at home now?
- Yes.
We'd like to have
a few words with her...
if we may.
Oh, well, we're having a party.
My daughter's just got engaged...
I'm sorry about that, sir, but we do
need to talk to your wife.
- What about?
- I can't tell you that, sir.
But it is
a serious matter.
Well she's good as gold.
She's never done
- a dishonest thing in her life.
- Yes, sir.
May we come in?
Hold up, hold up.
It's the police.
Good afternoon.
Sorry to interrupt
your celebrations,
but we need to talk
to Mrs. Vera Drake.
This is my wife.
- What's going on?
- Could you sit down please, sir?
Do as you're told, Sid.
May I speak to you
in private please, Mrs. Drake?
This way,
Mrs. Drake.
What is it, Dad?
Hold on, Sid.
I'll come with her.
If you don't mind
staying in the parlor please, sir.
- What's all this about?
- We will keep you posted.
I'm her husband,
I've got a right to know.
I appreciate
that, sir.
If you'll just do
as I've asked.
Close the door.
Thank you.
Mrs. Drake.
I'm Detective
Inspector Webster.
This is Detective
Sergeant Vickers and W.P.C. Best.
I know why
you're here.
Beg your pardon?
I know why
you're here.
Why are we here?
'Cause of what I do.
Because of what
you do.
What is it that you do,
Mrs. Drake?
I help young
girls out.
You help young
girls out?
That's right.
How do you help
them out?
We're having
a party today.
Can I sit down,
Yes, of course.
I don't want to spoil it
for my family.
Can't you come back
I'm sorry, Mrs. Drake.
But we have to deal
with this matter today.
Oh, do you?
What are they taking
so long for?
I don't know,
Someone might've been
- Oh, my godfathers, Sidney!
- All right, Sid.
No, in one of the houses
she cleans in.
I mean he said it was
serious, didn't he?
Someone's pinched
something, that's all.
But there were
a couple of detectives.
aren't they?
Can you answer
my question, please?
How do you help
them out?
When they can't
When they can't
That's right.
You mean,
when they're pregnant?
So, how do you help
them out?
I help them start
their bleeding again.
You help them
to get rid of the baby?
I've spoiled their day
for them now, haven't I?
You perform an abortion.
Is that right,
Mrs. Drake?
You perform abortions,
don't you?
That's not
what I do, dear.
That's what you call it,
but they need help.
Who else are they gonna turn to?
They've got no one. I help them out.
Did you help Pamela Barnes
in this way?
yes, I did.
- On Friday?
- That's right.
Is she all right?
She nearly died,
Mrs. Drake...
last night.
She'll live.
- Thank you.
- She's in a hospital,
but she'll live.
Mrs. Drake,
I'm arresting you
for carrying out
an illegal operation
on Pamela Mary
of 37 Flixton Street,
London, N1...
on the 17th
of November, 1950.
You're not obliged
to say anything,
but anything you say
may be given in evidence.
Do you understand?
I think so,
dear... yes.
I must ask you to accompany me
to the police station.
Mrs. Drake...
does anybody in that room
know why we're here?
No. No.
You won't tell them,
will you?
Now, the equipment
you used
to perform these
is it here
on the premises?
Can you get it
for me, please?
- Can you manage?
- Thank you, dear.
Pop it on the bed
for me, please.
Would you mind showing me
what's inside?
Sorry, dear?
I need to see
the contents of the bag.
Take your time.
Can you open it up,
Thank you.
- Go on.
- Ask him, Dad.
It's your house, Stan.
Could you stay
in the room, please?
- I want to know what this is about.
- I don't know, sir.
Mr. Drake.
Could I have a word
with you, please?
What's going on?
I'm afraid I'm going to have to take
your wife to the police station
- to help us with our inquiries.
- Well, I wanna go with her.
You're free
to do that, sir.
- You'll have to make your own way.
- Will I?
She's got to go
to the station.
- This is a mistake, ain't it?
- Yes, it is.
- How we doing?
- Ready, Sarge.
the sergeant.
You'll be
all right, Vera.
- You know where the station is, sir?
- Yes, I do.
- I'll just get my coat.
- I'll take you.
- You stay in.
- I've got the motor.
- Be better if you stayed
- Go with her, Dad.
- What are you doing?
- Having a look.
- Sid.
- Frank!
Ethel, come back inside.
You'll catch your death.
Don't worry, love.
I'm coming with you.
Let us see, Vera,
this is just procedure.
It's nothing
to worry about.
We'll look after everything we've taken
from you here today.
Just have to put them
on for me.
Sit yourself down.
Thank you.
Now, Vera, do you have
any jewelry?
No, dear.
Your wedding ring.
I'm going to have to take
that off you, I'm afraid.
I can't.
I know this
is difficult for you.
I never took
it off.
I know.
...27 years.
We'll take extra
special care of it.
It's regulations.
Thank you, m'Iove.
I'll just hand this
over to the station sergeant.
Do you know how long
this is going to take?
I have no more
information than you, sir.
Take a seat,
Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
- Sit down, sir.
Don't get up,
Mrs. Drake.
Now, Mrs. Drake...
you help women
who are in trouble.
How long have you been
doing this?
I don't know, dear.
roughly speaking.
Five, 10 years?
A long time.
Maybe, yes.
About 20 years.
I don't know.
Mrs. Drake,
you're in a police station
under arrest for a serious
criminal offense,
- do you understand me?
- Yes, I'm sorry.
It's very important
that you try
to answer my questions
Is my... is my
husband in yet?
Yes, Mrs. Drake.
He is.
How did you start...
helping girls
in this way?
I can't.
Don't worry, Vera.
Just answer
the inspector's question.
Mrs. Drake...
did it happen to you,
when you were a girl?
as far
as you're aware...
have any of
the other girls
you've helped over the years
become ill?
What did you say, dear?
Have any of them gone
to the hospital?
Are you sure?
Do you always use
the syringe?
You don't ever use
knitting needles or hooks...
- No.
- Or any other metal objects?
No, no.
I wouldn't do that.
How much do you charge,
Mrs. Drake?
How much do they
pay you?
I don't take money.
I never take money.
I wouldn't...
That's not why...
You do it for nothing.
Of course I do.
They need help.
Do you know
a Mrs. Lillian Clark?
How long have you
known her?
I think it's
when we was kids.
She puts young girls
in touch with you, doesn't she?
Did she put you in touch
with Pamela Barnes.
Did you know that Lillian Clark was paid
two guineas by Pamela's mother?
She never gives you
any money.
- You telling me the truth?
- Yes, I am.
Can I go home
now, please?
No, Mrs. Drake.
I'm afraid not.
My children will be
worried sick.
They won't
be long now.
Well, we can't stay here all night,
can we?
It would be all right,
if you want to get off.
We don't mind.
He told us to stay,
so stay is what we'll do.
I don't like driving
in the dark.
It's already dark
Well can we have
the wireless on, please?
So now, Mrs. Drake.
I'm going to invite you under caution
To make a statement
in your own words
which I shall write down
and then read back to you.
If you agree it to be a true statement,
you shall then sign it. Is that clear?
So if I can begin by asking you how long
you've been helping girls out?
A long time.
Can you be specific?
Exactly how long?
You previously stated
to the inspector,
"about 20 years."
Oh, did I?
So if I put...
"I have been...
helping girls out...
for 20 years."
- For about 20 years.
- Yes, sir.
What's wrong
with climbing a wall?
Well, it depends what's
on the other side of it, sir.
You are charged
that you, Vera Rose Drake,
on the 17th day
of November, 1950,
at 37 Flixton Street,
North 1,
with the intent to procure
a miscarriage,
did unlawfully and feloniously
use an instrument
on Pamela
Mary Barnes,
to section 58
of the Offenses Against
the Person Act, 1861.
Do you wish to say
anything in answer to the charge?
You are not obliged to say anything
unless you wish to do so,
But whatever you say
will be taken down in writing
and may be given
in evidence.
Thank you,
Very good, sir.
This way, Vera.
Mr. Drake...
What's going on?
What's all this about?
Look, I'll tell you what,
could you bear with me for a minute?
Have a seat.
Mrs. Drake, I've just
been talking to your husband.
He doesn't know
why you're here, does he?
He's going
to find out, you know?
Why don't you
tell him yourself?
I can bring
him through, now.
I think it's
for the best, don't you?
Yes, dear.
Myself and the W.P.C. Will have to be
present, do you understand?
- When you're finished.
- Sir.
That's it, Vera.
I'm sorry.
What do you got
to be sorry about?
What is it, love?
Look at the state of her,
she don't deserve this.
You're going to have
to tell him, Mrs. Drake.
- L...
- What?
Your wife
has been charged...
I'm afraid she's going
to have to spend the night
here in the police station.
We will take good
care of her, sir.
She'll be appearing before
the magistrate in the morning.
If you'd like
to come with me, sir.
Don't tell Ethel
and Sid.
Promise me.
- Where's Vera?
- Where's Mom?
They're going to keep
her in there overnight.
What for?
Dad, what's going on?
Let your dad take
his coat off.
Let me have a word with your Uncle
Frank. It'll just be five minutes.
- Why can't you tell...
- Five minutes.
- She's in serious trouble, Frank.
- Why, what's happened?
What am I gonna do?
What is it?
- Tell me.
- I can't.
She's been helping
young girls out.
How do you
What find themselves
in the family way.
You mean...
I don't believe it.
She told me herself
in front of the cops.
She asked me
not to tell the kids.
What shall I do?
- You got to tell them the truth.
- I know.
What's gonna happen to her?
She's got to go to court
in the morning.
Copper gave me
the name of a solicitor.
- Gonna go around there first thing.
- I'll come with you.
- Yeah?
- 'Course, I will.
get your coat.
Thank God for that.
Excuse me.
I'll see you
Ethel, where's my hat,
It might be better
if you just get off home, Reg.
Yeah, 'course.
- Nice to meet you, Reg.
- Nice to meet you.
- Cheerio, then.
- Cheerio.
You still got your hat
and coat on, Dad.
- Pop round tomorrow.
- After work.
All right.
- Thanks for the do, Stan.
- You're welcome.
- Look after yourself, Reg.
- And you, mate.
How 'bout
a sandwich?
- No, thank you.
- Are you sure?
Well, good night then,
Thanks, Arthur.
I don't believe it.
How could she
do that?
She was trying
to help people out, Sid.
She wasn't, though.
Well, whatever she done, she's done
it out of the kindness of her heart.
- She's let us down...
- No.
Mrs. Drake.
- Yes?
- My name is Mr. Lewis.
I'm your solicitor.
Stanley came to me this morning
to ask me to represent you.
- Oh.
- He's waiting outside with Frank.
Is Frank here?
Yes, they're taking
care of each other.
Now, I have a number
of questions
I need to ask you,
but I would imagine
That you have a thousand and one
questions that you'd like to ask me.
So why don't you
go first. Hmm?
This is case number
five on the list, Your Worship.
Vera Rose Drake.
Good morning,
Your Worship.
It is my privilege to appear
for Mrs. Drake this morning.
It is my intention
to make an application for bail,
subject to Your Worship's
views in this matter.
I understand
from the inspector,
the police will raise no
objections to this application.
Thank you, Mr. Lewis.
Are you Vera Rose Drake?
What is your
- 82...
- Would you speak up?
Oslow Street,
North 1.
You are charged
for that you,
on the 17th day
of November, 1950
at 37 Flixton Street,
North 1
did unlawfully
and feloniously
use an instrument
on Pamela Mary Barnes,
contrary to section 58 of the Offenses
Against the Person Act, 1861.
Sit down, Mrs. Drake.
Detective Inspector
Earnest Webster,
metropolitan police.
I swear
by almighty God
that the evidence I shall give
shall be the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
As a result
of a telephone call
from Ward Sister
Detective Sergeant Vickers,
W.P.C. Best and myself
went to the North London
General Hospital...
"I know why you are here.
I help young girls
who are in trouble.
I help them
to start their bleeding."
I said, "You mean you
perform abortions?"
She said, "That's not what I call it.
I just help them."
She admitted performing an illegal
operation on Pamela Barnes
and on hearing of the girl's critical
condition, became distressed.
I arrested
and cautioned her
and at my request she produced
the equipment used in the operation,
which included a Higginson's
syringe and a cheese grater.
Mrs. Drake accompanied us
to the police station,
where she made a voluntary
statement under caution.
Mrs. Drake was
cooperative throughout
and is not previously known
to the police.
We will not be opposing bail
for this defendant.
Mr. Lewis.
Thank you, sir.
My application for bail
Is based on
the grounds...
that Mrs. Drake
is gainfully employed
as a domestic
in several households.
Um, she has a permanent
and is married
with two children,
in addition to which,
there is an aged mother,
all of whom rely upon her
for domestic duties.
I understand that she
has cooperated fully
throughout the police
and... and has not received,
nor sought to receive
any remuneration
for performing
this operation.
She has no previous
Um, however, she is unable
to provide a surety.
Yes, I shall
grant bail.
Much obliged,
Your Worship.
Stand up, Mrs. Drake.
I shall admit you to bail
in your own recognizances
in the sum
of 50.00
to appear in this court
three weeks
from today...
on December
the 18th, sir.
That is at 10:00 A.M.
On the 18th
of December.
Thank you, inspector.
I don't think I can go
to prison, Stan.
I'd better be getting off.
Gonna do a bit
of work?
I think I should.
Let's get your
coat off.
Hello, Sid.
I didn't think
you'd be here.
Come here
and sit down, Sid.
I'm going to go up
to me room.
I've known her
since I was six.
She's been like a mom...
she was me mom.
The two of them...
- paid for me apprenticeship.
- Yes, I know all that, Frank.
All their savings...
When I left on me own,
I spent all me time round there.
She taught me how to waltz
in the front room.
She always
made us laugh.
Stupid cow.
How can she be
so selfish?
So now you both know
what we know.
I wish I didn't know
any of it, Dad.
Well, we all
wish that, Sid.
I'm ever so sorry.
How could you do
those things, Mom?
I don't understand it.
I don't expect
you do, Sid.
Why'd you do it?
I had to.
It's wrong though,
ain't it? Eh?
- I don't think so.
- Of course it is!
That's little babies.
I mean, you hear
about these things,
you read about it in the papers, but you
don't expect to come home to it
on your own doorstep
with your own mom!
- You ain't got no right!
- That's enough, Sid.
Of what?
So what are we supposed
to do then, eh?
Sit round, playing
happy family,
pretending like
nothing's happened?
- I said that's enough!
- You lied to us.
- No, she never...
- She did.
- She never told us, but she never lied.
- Same thing!
No it ain't!
It's dirty.
- All right?
- Come on in.
It don't seem fair.
Look at my
own mom.
Six of us
in two rooms.
It's all right
if you're rich.
But if you can't
feed 'em,
you can't love 'em,
can you?
- Poor Sid.
- I know.
Everything's black
and white for Sid.
He's young.
I can't blame him.
He'll come round.
- I don't know, Stan.
- Here, come here.
I don't think I can
tell mother.
She don't need
to know.
It's all right.
It's all gonna come out, Sid.
Everyone will know.
Some people won't be able
to look us in the eye...
- cross the road to avoid us.
- Can you blame 'em?
You wanna be one
of them people?
Can't look your own mother
in the eye? Eh?
You know when you went
off into war,
You turned round to me, you said, "Sid,
you're the man of the house now,
you've got to look
after things." And I did.
I was only 13
Me and Mom, we pulled
together... and Ethel...
- she must've been doing it then.
- I know.
So how many has she done
over the years then, eh?
And all right, fair enough...
she's kept it from me and Ethel,
but she didn't even tell you.
If she'd told me, I'd have put
a stop to it, wouldn't I?
I don't get it,
ain't you angry?
Of course I'm bloody angry,
you silly bugger.
- You're asking me to forgive her.
- Yes.
You can forgive her, Sid.
She's your mother.
She'd forgive you
anything, wouldn't she?
I know you think
she's done a bad thing...
but God knows, she's going to get
punished enough for what she's done.
We can't let
her down.
I don't know what
to say to you, Mom.
You don't have
to say nothing, Sid.
I'm scared for you,
that's all.
You'll have to look
after your dad.
'Course I will.
I love you,
Stand up.
Vera Rose Drake.
I commit you
for trial
at the central
criminal court
of the next session
the 10th
of January, 1951.
I shall admit you to bail
in your own recognizances
in the sum of 50.00,
and I shall grant
a defense certificate.
Much obliged, Your Worship.
I don't want to see that woman, Frank.
I can't be near her.
- It's Christmas.
- I won't sit round the dinner table
With her, eating food.
- I'm sorry, I can't help it.
- He's me brother.
- What am I supposed to say to him?
- I don't know.
We ain't never going
to have a Christmas by ourselves!
Just you and me.
All right, I'll go.
For you.
I ain't staying though.
We'll have a quick drink
and then we'll leave.
All right?
Now I have received
a reply from
three of Mrs. Drake's
four employers.
Mrs. Wells has not even had
the decency
to respond to my second
letter, I'm afraid to say...
and whilst they all speak
very highly of Mrs. Drake,
I'm afraid that none of them,
under the circumstances,
feel able to appear as a character
witness on your behalf.
Uh, Miss... uh, Miss Kitchener uh, does,
however, send her blessing.
On a more
positive note,
I have secured the services
of Mr. Hampton Ward,
who is an excellent
and will present our case
in the best possible light.
Now, the judge may see fit to give us
the minimum sentence,
which could be as little
as 18 months.
I'm afraid I'm unable
to offer you
any more hope
than that.
I'm sorry.
You been feeling
all right, Joyce?
Yes, thank you.
You gonna have one
of your chocolates?
Oh, yes.
I'll have one of these.
No, you're
all right, mate.
This is the best Christmas
I've had in a long time.
Thank you
very much, Vera.
Is your name,
Vera Rose Drake?
Prisoner at the bar,
you are charged with
using an instrument
with intent to procure
to section 58
of the Offenses Against
the Person Act, 1861.
The particulars
of the offense,
are that on the 17th day
of November, 1950,
in the county
of London,
you did unlawfully use
an instrument
with intent to procure
the miscarriage of a woman
named Pamela Mary Barnes.
How say you?
Are you guilty,
or not guilty?
I'm guilty.
Could you please
speak up, Mrs. Drake,
that the court
might hear you?
- I'm guilty.
- Thank you.
Please be seated.
...and cautioned her.
On being asked
to surrender
the equipment used
for the abortion,
the defendant produced
nine objects
from the top of a cupboard
in the bedroom.
My Lord, they were:
A Higginson's syringe...
that is exhibit
A cheese grater...
exhibit EW-2.
A nail brush...
exhibit EW-3.
A bottle
of disinfectant...
exhibit EW-4,
wrapped in a towel...
exhibit EW-5.
A piece
of carbolic soap
wrapped in
a dishcloth...
they are exhibits
EW-6 and EW-7.
Those last two objects
were both enclosed
in a tin.
Which is exhibit
All the aforementioned items
were kept in a cloth bag,
which as Your Lordship
can see
is exhibit EW-9.
Vera Drake is not
concerned with riches.
She simply
helps people
as and when she's asked.
She's always helped people.
Her solicitude
for others
has led her
to commit
one of the most
serious offenses
in the calendar,
but her intention...
was to help
the young girl
and not
to harm her.
I may assure
Your Lordship
That Vera Drake is more
relieved than anyone
about the recovery
of Pamela Barnes.
I submit that Your Lordship
would have little doubt
that this...
unfortunate woman is now
ever likely
to reoffend...
and that is the case
for the defense, my Lord.
Thank you,
Mr. Hampton Ward.
Prisoner at the bar,
please rise.
Prisoner at the bar,
you stand convicted of felony.
Have you anything
to say
why the court should not give you
judgment according to law?
Please remain
Vera Rose Drake,
you have committed
a crime, the gravity of which
cannot be
The law is very clear
and you have willfully
broken that law.
And furthermore,
in so doing,
you have put at risk
the life of a vulnerable
young woman.
And but for the timely
of the medical
you might have been before me
on an even more serious charge
than the one that has brought
you here today.
I have heard
your plea of guilty,
and I have taken
that into account...
and I have listened
very carefully
to the submissions
of your council.
But nothing has been
advanced me today
on your behalf
which would persuade me
to take any course
other than to impose
a custodial sentence.
the extreme
seriousness of your crime
is bound
to be reflected
in the sentence
that I am about to pass.
And that must serve
as a deterrent to others.
I therefore
sentence you
to a term
of imprisonment,
which will be two years
and six months.
Take her down.
All rise.
She won't be able
to come round and see you.
Not for awhile.
Why not?
Ethel will come over.
- She ain't dead, is she?
- No.
No, she ain't dead.
How long did you say
you got?
Two years
and six months.
First offense?
Oh, yes.
- Did she die?
- No, dear.
I don't know what I'd have done
if she had.
My girl died.
- Did she?
- So did mine.
Oh, dear.
What'd you use?
- A syringe.
- There you are.
Hundreds of times...
safe as houses.
Yes, I don't know
what happened.
We just do
our best, love.
- How long you in here for then?
- Three years.
- Four.
- Second time for us.
Cheer up.
You'll only do half.
You'll be out
before you know it.
See you later, then.
Mind where you're
going, Drake.