Vesper (2022) Movie Script

[drone humming]
[ambient music]
[drone humming]
[music intensifies]
[tree breathing]
[music calms]
[mechanical breathing]
[bag sloshing]
[man's mechanical voice]
Ah! It's hot.
Why such a hurry?
[mechanical breathing]
[girl] I'm going to the old lab.
[mechanical breathing continues]
[intriguing music]
[wood knocking]
[man] Ugh... I hate this place.
[water dripping]
[man] Careful up here.
[organisms hissing]
Look what I found.
[man] Enough Vesper,
my battery is low.
Nobody forced you to come.
You should have stayed home
to charge.
[man] You're wasting our time
on these experiments.
Don't worry.
It won't hurt.
[Vesper] Thank you.
[indistinct noise]
[man] Wait here.
[drone hums]
[dramatic music]
[man] It's just a pilgrim.
Come on.
[metal clanking]
-I think it's a "she".
-[man] Leave it.
[drone hums]
[metal thrashing]
One day, I'd like to follow one,
find out where
they're taking all that junk.
[man] Don't.
They just wander until they die.
-How do you know
they never come home?
-[man] Everyone knows it.
How could anyone know
about all of them?
[man] Vesper.
She's not coming back.
[ominous music]
Is there anyone in there
with you?
[man] I think they're gone.
I don't hear anything.
[knife screeches]
[drone hums]
[music intensifies]
[Vesper breathing quickly]
[man] Vesper, the tank!
[machine buzzing]
[air whistling wildly]
[machine whistling]
[machine buzzing stops]
[machine powering down]
The power!
[man gasps deeply]
[man] Get the back up
from the fridge.
I took it out...
I needed space
for my cell cultures.
[man powers down]
[anxious music]
[breathing quickly]
I'll go to Jonas.
[music intensifies]
[someone whining]
[someone crying]
[door screeches open]
[ominous music]
Who is in charge?
[man] Who is in charge?
[boy] Me...
But they didn't attach the po...
The Jug was your responsibility.
Now put the poor creature
out of its misery.
[crying continues]
[man] It's not human.
It won't feel a thing.
[man] It was made in a lab.
[Jug screams]
[all laugh]
[Jug screams]
[Jug screeching]
[only music]
[boy crying]
That Jug might have cost you
a fortune. What a waste.
-[man] What brings you, Vesper?
-[Vesper] You know.
How would I? You're holed up
in that shack with my brother.
Someone sabotaged our generator.
Is that so?
What a world.
All our bacteria's gone.
-We have no power.
ll you know we can't do charity.
I'm not asking for any.
[man] Believe me,
we work for it.
Family has to stick together
to survive out here,
especially with the Citadel
raising the price of seeds.
we have what they want.
Look who's come to see us.
[mysterious music]
-[Vesper groans]
Your blood won't be young
for ever.
Shame to waste it all
on emergencies like this.
But of course,
living alone as you do,
you're lucky
it hasn't been worse.
Pilgrims, drifters, bandits...
They come to your door,
and it can all end in tragedy.
You'd be safer here.
What about my father?
[man] We would take care of him.
It's not his fault
your mother left.
You'd both be more comfortable,
especially during the winter.
[man] You remind me so much
of your mother.
I hope you're not afraid of me?
I'm not going to become just
another one of your breeders.
You say it
like it's a dirty word.
Think you're better
than everyone?
I have skills.
I taught myself.
And one day I'll get out.
But you...
You'll still be here,
sucking your kids' blood
to trade for seeds.
My ambitious little girl.
You know we are so alike,
you and I.
Because we won't let this world
of shit crush us, will we?
But don't think you can change
the order of things.
Take every opportunity
as it comes to you.
Can I have my bacteria now?
[Jonas] You'll have to come back
in two days' time.
I need to sell your blood
to the Citadel, first.
You know Papa won't survive
that long without energy.
I wish I had some more to spare.
[music intensifies]
[Vesper] No!
[Vesper groans]
No! No!
[Vesper cries]
[indistinct yelling]
[breathing heavily]
[electric wires buzzing]
[suspenseful music]
[indistinct chatter]
-[metal bangs]
[knife scraping]
[liquid draining]
-[indistinct yelling]
-[drone engines]
[door screeches open]
[ominous music]
[tubes pumping]
[intriguing music]
[Vesper breathes irregularly]
[distant drone engine]
[drone engine dying]
[drone pings on]
[man breathing heavily]
[music calms]
You won't be mad anymore
when you see what I got.
[man] What is this?
Where did you get that?
-Jonas gave me.
-[man] For what?
-What did you do to get them?
I just took them.
[man] Put them back
before he notices.
They're mine,
and I'm going to unlock them.
-Make them fertile.
-You know that's not possible.
Once I do, the Citadel will
want me to work in their labs.
[man] They'll never let you
work inside.
You're just afraid
that I'll leave, like Mum!
[man] Oh Vesper,
you don't know
the cost of dreams.
Shut up!
[breathing irregularly]
-[man] Your place is here.
-Shut up!
[sombre music]
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct humming]
[mysterious music]
[organisms humming]
[spores spraying]
[organism hisses]
[gasps lightly]
[Vesper sniffs]
[distant click]
I saw a wing-glider last night.
Maybe it crashed.
[machine clicking]
Wouldn't you want to help?
If it were you?
[man] Dump her back
where you found her.
She's not our responsibility.
[Vesper sighs]
Maybe she could help us.
[man] Oh, no...
You think she's going to take us
to the Citadel.
These people do not act
out of kindness.
[breathing heavily]
[man] What does she have to gain
by bringing you?
-The labs.
-[man] Nothing.
[Vesper groans]
[man] Do you want to blow us up?
Would you prefer
that I left her there to die?
[man] Yes!
[girl screams]
[breathes heavily]
Where is the man I was with?
You were alone.
I need to find him.
He might be injured,
our glider crashed.
Can you take me
to where you found me?
You're not going
to get very far.
Can you help me?
Can you help me?
You can go.
You can get help.
You can search for him.
[man] We're not your servants.
-[drone hums]
-Yes. Please forgive my manners.
The man is my father
and I'm scared for him.
Any help you provide
will not go unrewarded.
[man] We have helped.
Did you call the Citadel?
Are they coming?
I don't know.
I fell from the glider
before it crashed.
-[Pap] No!
You can't stop me.
[Pap] Do what you want,
but don't come crying to me.
[girl] I'm Camellia.
You will not regret helping us.
You have my word.
We'll start at sunrise.
-It's not safe at night.
-Thank you.
[wooden spoon hitting pot]
I gave you the juiciest ones.
Thank you.
Who lives here with you?
Just... me and Pap.
The... cranky drone.
He uses it to communicate.
[Camellia] What happened to him?
[Vesper] He got hurt,
serving for the...
Citadel's army.
All they gave him
was that old scrap drone.
If we brought you both
to the Citadel,
I'm sure they could help him.
Really? You...
You could do that?
My father is
a very influential man.
You hear that Pap?
[Vesper] Pap?
Pap, Pap, Pap!
-[Vesper] Stop!
-[bed banging]
Pap, no.
Pap! Pap! Pap!
No, stop. Stop it! Pap!
-[Vesper] Stop, Pap.
-[dramatic music]
Stop, Pap. Please. Stop!
-[Vesper] Please, stop.
-Keep hold of him.
[inhales deeply]
He's sleeping now.
[breathing heavily]
[Pap breathing gently]
[Vesper] What did she do to you?
[Pap] I don't know.
[Vesper] Can everyone
from the Citadel do that?
[Pap] I don't think so.
Lucky she was there.
[Pap] She's awake now.
[zither rings]
[sombre music]
[Jonas] Vesper?
I expected to find pilgrims.
[ominous music]
[Vesper] This man needs help.
-Good to see you, Darius.
-[Pap] Jonas.
I see you got your power back.
I found backup supply.
How fortunate.
We still owe you for that blood.
You should come and see us.
[man] Bring me...
Bring me...
Why has no one from the Citadel
come to find you?
[Elias] Camel...
Close blinds...
Lay with me.
I've always wondered...
What do you do
with my children's blood?
Do you use it
to make your own more special?
You're suffering?
-Now you know how it feels.
-[Vesper] No!
[groans] No! No!
[music intensifies]
[Vesper] No! No!
[groaning] No! No!
No! Let him!
[music calms]
No. No...
Take it apart.
[Jonas] Salvage what's good.
What's bothering you?
Did this man
mean anything to you?
There was another passenger.
How did you find this?
We were foraging.
[Jonas] What, you just...
stumbled on it?
-Why won't you look at me?
Because she's afraid of you!
Let's go, Vesper.
[Jonas] No.
You don't just leave.
Not without helping
to clean up first.
[dramatic music]
[body hits water]
We say we didn't find anything.
Can't lie to her for ever.
[Pap] Jonas is looking for her.
It would be dangerous
if she did anything rash.
We have to inform the Citadel.
[Vesper] Jonas is the only one
with a transceiver.
[Pap] So?
You've never snuck
into his farm before?
Did you find him?
We didn't find anything.
But how...
The wing-glider couldn't have
crashed so far away.
[Vesper] The area is...
It's really big.
We'll go tomorrow.
[Pap] We need to inform
the Citadel about the crash.
Our neighbour has a transceiver.
We'll go in the morning.
All right.
Let's do that.
[Vesper] Your leg.
You've almost stopped limping.
Can I see?
You made that?
I did it for him.
To protect his open sores,
It doesn't speed up
the healing process.
I didn't know people here knew
so much about synthetic biology.
The vermin have brains, too.
This is nothing.
-Come with me.
-[Pap] Vesper, it's not safe.
She needs to see my work
if she takes us to the Citadel.
Let's go.
[epic music]
[mysterious music]
[organism squeaks]
The little ones always greet me.
[drone hums]
[organism squeaks]
She likes you.
This is the first one I created.
He's sulking, because I haven't
been here for a few days.
He is not the best looking,
He has character.
Like Pap.
Come on.
[music intensifies]
[organisms hum]
[Vesper] They're safer here,
but I hope one day,
they make their way out
into the world.
I've never seen
anything like it.
We have to show Elias.
My father.
He's the synthetic biology head,
at the Citadel.
[whispers] He would love this.
I'm still learning.
[Vesper] The first ones
didn't even survive,
or, they killed each other.
But I'm getting closer
to the right assembly
with each generation.
I still make mistakes though.
This one should be blue
like the others.
Something must have changed
my original code.
Let's find out why you don't do
what you're supposed to.
[Pap] We both know
I won't make it to the Citadel.
But the kid trusts you.
It's everything to her.
When did your mother pass away?
She's not dead.
She left us a year ago.
Followed the pilgrims.
[Camellia] Who are the pilgrims?
They wander in groups
with veils over their faces,
scavenging old junk.
No one knows why.
They don't talk.
Why did she follow them?
Pap said she dreamed too much.
Got sad staying here.
[sombre music]
She scribed
these beautiful songs.
When she sang,
it made me feel...
[Vesper] One morning, I...
I went to her,
asking her to sing, but...
She'd lost her voice.
Two days later she was gone.
Some people say...
That it's a virus
that makes them pilgrims.
She'd never have left you
if she had a choice.
[Vesper] What about yours?
I never met her.
Maybe it's better like that.
Do they exist for real?
They did, a long time ago.
Is it true that
the Citadel can generate any...
-Any life form?
-[Camellia] Hm.
-Have you ever seen this one?
That's a cat.
They're very independent.
Does it make a sound?
-What about this one?
-That's an owl.
They fly and they go...
-This one?
-That's a parrot.
They repeat everything you say.
-What are you doing?
-What are you doing?
-Oh, I get it.
-Oh, I get it.
[both laugh]
-Stop now.
-Stop now.
-Stop it. Stop it now.
-Stop it. Stop it now.
-Stop, Camellia.
-Stop, Camellia.
-Stop it. Stop it.
-Stop it. Stop it.
-Stop. Actually stop.
-Stop. Actually stop.
-Stop. Stop.
-Stop. Stop.
This is a wolf.
They travel in packs.
And they like
to howl at the moon.
[howls softly]
[howls loudly]
[howls wildly]
Why is the Citadel so closed-off
to people like us?
If they opened its doors to all,
there'd not be enough resources.
You're creating Jugs
to serve you.
We could do their work.
The Citadel likes control.
Jugs are designed to be loyal.
It wouldn't be so easy
with humans.
[clears throat]
[inhales deeply]
[zither rings]
Hum something.
[hums melody]
[plays melody on zither]
[dramatic music blends in]
[Vesper hums melody]
[drone engines]
[indistinct voices]
He'll be busy with them.
[Pap] I'll check if it's clear.
[Jonas] Come on in, Vesper.
[machine humming]
The gyroscope wasn't
working properly.
I'm fixing it for you.
What brings you two here?
Why are you trespassing
on my farm?
We came to get what you owe us,
for the blood.
Well there's no need
to sneak through the back.
Last time,
your kids threw rocks at me.
Things have been
a bit tense here.
A few days ago, our germinating
seeds disappeared...
Skinny was watching them.
He said that bugs took them.
I had to send him away
to think about that.
If you can't trust
your family...
-[Vesper gasps]
Do you really think
bugs stole those seeds?
Hold here.
If I caught a bug stealing
from my family's stockpile,
I'd tear off his wings,
each little tiny leg.
And what about
the extra passenger?
You've seen anything?
I have lost all patience
with liars.
The drone is as good as new.
But we don't do charity here.
[breathing irregularly]
Are you hungry?
Can you fly?
[Pap's voice glitching]
[drone hums irregularly]
What did he do to you?
Fly one more time.
[ominous music]
[Vesper breathing irregularly]
-[distant whistle]
[music intensifies]
[boy whistles]
[Vesper groans]
[groaning loudly]
-[Vesper] No!
-[boy laughs]
No! No!
-[flesh burning]
[Vesper breathing heavily]
[door cracks open]
What happened?
[Camellia] Vesper?
[sombre music]
Did you contact the Citadel?
[Camellia] Vesper.
-Hey, just take a moment.
-[Camellia] Vesper!
[music intensifies]
[Vesper breathing heavily]
-What if it can't be fixed?
-[Camellia] Of course it can.
You'll find a way.
I promise.
And then we can go
look for Elias
because I'm feeling
so much better. Hm?
He's dead.
Show me.
[melancholic music]
[Camellia cries]
No, no, no!
No, no, no!
[music intensifies]
No, no, no!
[music calms]
[Camellia breathing heavily]
-[Camellia groans]
You're a...
I'm a Jug, yeah.
But, I've seen a Jug before...
It wasn't like you.
He created me.
I'm different.
You can't get us
into the Citadel.
We were escaping the Citadel
when we crashed.
Creating an intelligent Jug
is a major crime.
They'd kill me.
Elias made a deal
with another Citadel
for refugee status.
You were never going to take us.
[Vesper grunts]
[Vesper screaming]
[Vesper] Get cleaned up. Go!
[dramatic music]
[Pap breathing heavily]
[Pap] Vesper, I'm sorry.
I never felt so worthless.
Try to fly.
[drone hums]
[Pap] You can't stay here.
Jonas marked you.
He thinks you belong to him now.
We're not going anywhere, Pap.
She's a Jug.
She lied to us.
[Vesper] You were right.
I'm going to take her to Jonas.
Then maybe he'll go easier
on me.
[Pap] Don't be too hard on her.
Jugs obey their masters.
She didn't have a choice.
[knife clanks]
[both groaning]
[groans loudly]
[knife hits floor]
I don't exist anymore.
[breathing sharply]
You don't just get to give up
when things are hard.
They're hard for all of us,
but we stay,
and we help each other.
[breathing slowly]
Follow me.
[Vesper] Sit.
I found out why it wasn't doing
what it was supposed to.
It's met a fungus
with an orange pigment.
They joined
and made something new.
[Vesper] If a flower can change
its purpose,
so can you.
[hopeful music]
Could I study a sample of you?
See this part here.
It keeps repeating,
but it doesn't belong
to your core DNA.
-[Camellia] What is it?
-It's locked.
Elias didn't tell me anything.
I used to play for Elias
when he was working,
he said
it helped him concentrate.
He was in a Citadel lab.
With their technology,
this would be easy.
You wouldn't like it
in the Citadel.
Elias used to say life there
was like a frozen river,
the surface was beautiful,
but underneath...
Everyone tries to live for ever,
and it's a joyless
and a lonely life.
You lived there.
I lived for Elias.
I entertained him,
I took care of him.
I let him take care of me.
I kept him warm,
I helped him sleep...
I did everything he told me to.
[plays zither]
[Camellia continues playing]
No. Keep playing.
There, that last note,
keep playing that.
[Camellia playing same note]
[Vesper] Look.
[intriguing music]
the DNA sequences of plants...
There are so many,
I don't get it.
[mysterious music]
[music intensifies]
[drone humming]
I found the key
to unlock the Citadel seeds.
I can make them fertile.
We'll never starve again.
So that was his plan:
to trade them for entrance
to the other Citadel.
[Pap] You need
to take Vesper there tomorrow.
-[Pap] Vesper.
-[Pap] You...
I'm not leaving you.
[Pap] You don't understand,
the Citadel will be ruthless.
I need new filters.
We have to go to the old lab.
[dramatic music]
[Vesper] You won't believe
what I'm about to do.
[door creaks]
[ominous music]
I'm so relieved
to finally find you, Miss.
[Camellia] And you are?
Where are my manners?
My name is Jonas.
I'm his brother.
If you come back with me,
I can help get you home.
We've contacted the Citadel,
they're on their way.
Either you're mistaken, or...
Someone isn't truth-telling.
I'm the only person in this area
with a transceiver.
You have to be really careful
who you trust.
My place is more...
appropriate for a lady.
It's bigger, more comfortable.
[music intensifies]
It doesn't smell of death.
[Camellia whispers]
I'll go with you.
[ominous music]
[Camellia gasps]
[Jonas] Unbelievable!
You're practically human.
-A Jug needs a master.
-I have one.
-[Jonas] Not anymore, you don't.
[Camellia moans in pain]
You think I'm stupid?
[Vesper groans]
Vesper stop! Stop that! Stop it!
[Jonas screams]
[Vesper] No, no, don't.
[Pap] Jonas, no!
Drop it.
[Camellia screams]
So this is how it ends.
-[knife gushes out]
I want to make a deal.
[dramatic music]
[drone hums]
Camellia's owner was
an engineer.
[Vesper] He hid the codes to
unlock the seeds inside her DNA.
I can make them fertile.
[Jonas gasps]
We'll both have
all the food we need.
[ominous music]
[Jonas] I found the Jug
you're looking for.
This will mix
with the seeds' cells
and change their DNA.
[Pap] How long will it take?
It worked.
[Vesper] This little one
can change our entire lives.
[suspenseful music]
[buzzing intensifies]
[Pap] Away from the window.
[loud humming]
[scraping against ceiling]
[breathing irregularly]
[ominous music]
[Pap] Leave it.
[organism hissing]
[Pap] Don't breathe it.
[both breathe irregularly]
[Pap] They'll be here soon.
I'll turn myself in.
[Pap] It's too late for that.
They know we've helped you.
You and Vesper have to go now.
-We're not leaving you here.
-[Pap] Don't argue.
I can buy you
enough time to escape.
[Pap] Look at me.
[mechanical breathing]
[Pap] You and Camellia must go
to the Citadel in the south.
Trade the seeds for safety.
No, I don't want any of this.
I'll give them the seeds.
[Pap] It doesn't work that way.
I'm not leaving you here.
[Pap] Vesper.
How about this?
We'll trick them.
You'll hide in the swamp
and I'll tell them you're gone,
and when it's over
you can come back.
I've worked for these people.
I know how to talk to them.
how can they hurt me any more?
We could hide you from them,
[Pap] There you go.
That's a great idea.
Promise you'll take care of her.
[only melancholic music]
[music intensifies]
[Vesper] No, no.
[Vesper screams] No! No!
-[Camellia] I'm sorry. Come.
-[Vesper] No!
-Come here. I'm sorry.
-No, no!
No. No.
He'll always be with you.
-He'll always be with you.
-[Vesper crying]
He told us to go to your garden,
and then when it's safe
we go south to the Citadel.
Come on.
[Camellia] Come on.
[menacing music]
[both panting]
[mechanical breathing]
[Vesper] Come on.
[Camellia screams]
[Vesper] Run.
Don't touch the red grass.
[Vesper gasps]
[mechanical breathing]
[grass buzzes]
[both breathing quickly]
-[mechanical breathing]
[insect burning]
[mechanical breathing]
[music stops]
[breathing quietly]
[mechanical breathing continues]
[plant hisses]
[menacing music]
I'll go with you.
[Vesper groans]
[Camellia groans]
[Camellia coughs]
[breathing quickly]
[Camellia screams]
[grass buzzes]
[music stops]
[both breathing quickly]
[distant howling]
They won't stop until they get
Pap said...
We have to stay together.
You can't just leave me.
Vesper, do you remember
what you said about the seeds?
How just one could change
-[Vesper] No.
-[Vesper] You can't do this.
-It's OK.
You're coming with me.
You're going to stay with me,
and that is it!
-You have to do what I say.
-[melancholic music]
It's an order, I'm ordering you,
and you will stay with me.
-[Camellia] Vesper...
-OK? Come on. Come on.
You're staying with me.
You're going to stay with me,
You're going to stay with me.
You're not going to leave.
No. No.
-[crying] Please don't leave me.
-[Vesper] Please.
-[Camellia] Vesper...
Please stay with me.
[Vesper breathing slowly]
[melancholic music continues]
[Camellia whispers]
Have beautiful dreams.
[organisms chirping]
[mechanical breathing]
[water burbling]
[tree breathing]
[leaves rustling]
[fire sizzling]
[dramatic music]
[drone engines]
[metal scraping]
[bell ringing]
[music intensifies]
[epic music]
[music calms]
[music stops]
[wind blows]
[melancholic music]