Veteran, The (2011) Movie Script

Save our Estate
- Can you go inside?
- I don't wanna go inside.
Have you seen what time it is?
- I don't care what time it is!
- How long have you been outside?
You're not my dad, so don't tell me
what to do, innit?
- When did I say I was your dad?
- I don't care!
- Think of your family, yeah?
- This is my family, innit?
- This is your family?
- Yes, it is.
- What do you think this is, huh?
- I don't care.
- What?
- What?
- Come home with me.
- Let go off me, man! Come you, men.
- Fahad.
- Yo, Bobby!
- You're alright, man?
- You know me, man, it's all bless.
Family issues, yeah. These youngers...
So how long are you back for?
Oh, uh... I'm out, so...
- Out? For real?
- Yeah.
What happened?
Taliban done blown you up again?
Or you joining them now?
- So, what you gonna do now, man?
- I have no idea.
Have no idea.
I shit you not, he stuck the place up,
at fucking gun point.
They bagged him up for 2 years.
Two pints.
he said he did it 'cause no one
would give him a job.
We die like fucking flies
out here.
Nobody gives a fuck,
we're totally fucking redundant,
you know, no purpose.
You want that?
No, I'm alright.
I keep having that fucking dream about Tomo
getting hit in the hip with that 40 cal.
Except, in the dream,
I saved the rest of us.
I mean, the grenade still
done explode when it hits him...
still kills him, no?
How is that even possible?
- Did you get any of that?
- What?
You look... What's the matter,
you alright?
Yeah, no, I'm fine.
- Cheers.
- Thanks.
Don't worry about it, mate,
nothing's gonna happen to us,
'cause I've got a plan for us.
Fucking privates don't die.
We'd reorg in hell.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
What the fuck, Miller!
You fucking frontin' or somethin'?
This is our end, you get me?
- Fucking bare rude, man!
- It's a bit late for you boys, isn't it?
Now, fuck off.
You're a fucking dead man, Miller!
So, you're the real life.
"Call of Duty"?
I heard you tried to teach
my liquer man how to play.
Well, you know...
You should've taught him
if he's gonna play with guns,
he should learn how to use one.
Them youngers, huh?
They all wanna have a rep.
They think it's the strap
that gives 'em that power, that respect.
Ah, don't worry, I got time.
I'm not some liquer, you know.
I ain't strapped.
You know, I could use men like you
in my operation.
School my people in some urban combat,
teach them how to shoot properly.
I don't think you wanna turn your home
into a war zone, do you?
Look around you.
Greeting this place, isn't it?
Let me tell you something:
You already been working for me.
Them Taliban, they done put the drug trade
in recession before 9/11.
You're not fighting the drug trade...
You're protecting it.
The army brainwashed you, man,
into believing...
that the invasion was about
fucking al-Qaeda...
Capturing Mr. Bin Laden, yeah?
Sorry to burst your bubble, soldier.
It's all about
protecting supply lines.
Making sure that the Afghan opium
finds its way to the Russians.
And then they get the KLA
to bring it in.
And the whole thing,
is protected by the CIA.
The government needs my product, see.
It's the only thing generating proper cash
for them banks nowadays, understand?
Liquidity. I mean, all that money,
it's gotta go somewhere.
Through them banks there,
comes out clean.
There is always a war party
waiting to ambush you, Miller.
Come on, you should know that!
Anyway... like your man Bush said:
"Either you're with us"...
"or you're against us".
Think about it.
I'll come check you later, soldier.
- You're alright mate?
- Yeah.
How's it going?
You alright?
- Chris, Robert Miller.
- Hello, sir. Nice to meet you.
- Good to meet you, mate. Have a seat.
- Thank you, sir.
Danny, why don't you go get the man
a drink?
So, uh...
you two brothers then, are you?
- What's that?
- You two brothers?
Aye, but we, uh...
different mommy, same dad.
I hear you're something of a hero.
- Who said that, did Dan?
- No.
- No, I'm a human behavior specialist.
- Are you?
By the way, I understand
as the Army had big plans for you.
Why'd you quit?
- Afghanistan?
- Aye.
Didn't have the zest for it anymore,
if you know what I mean, sir?
We'll negotiate with the Taliban
before the politians realize it.
- Did you find a job yet?
- Nah.
There's not much use for your
skill set in civilian world, is there?
So, Danny, your, uh...
your pal Miller here tells me...
you're so far back in the closet,
you're in fucking Narnia.
So, is he in or what?
Why don't you sit down
and shut up.
- Cheers, lads.
- Cheers.
These youngers think
Jones is such a bad man...
all 'cause he murdered Errol Cox
for the Estate.
And Errol was a fucking psycho,
you get me?
Jones is gonna fuck
my little brother up, you know.
My family didn't come to this country,
for this shit.
Fuck it! Maybe I should just murder
Jones myself, man.
Nah, what you need to do...
is... get Ryan off the Estate,
and then, the pair of you...
get as far the fuck away from here
as possible.
Out there?
How do I survive out there, man?
How many Taliban you killed
in Afghanistan, Bobby?
Alright, give her a go.
Fawaz Abdullah.
He's a UK national of Saudi origin.
He came to school here
and had the time of his life.
Screwed anything that wasn't nailed down
and drank his way into the O.R.
Then he goes home,
and finds God.
Goes off to live with a tribe
in Balochistan, region of Pakistan.
A spiritual pilgrimage
to the birth place of Ramzi Yousef.
He went through the Madrassas
in Pakistan,
al-Qaeda training camps
in Afghanistan in the 90s.
He's completely committed.
He has the backing
of any number of rich Saudis,
who are sympathetic to his cause.
He's highly organized
and very disciplined.
A few years ago he, uh...
disappeared into Peshawar.
Two years ago,
he turns up here in London.
I'm looking for reliable men,
I can trust.
Well, I appreciate the offer.
I'm offering you the chance
to get the job done right, this time.
So, what would I have to do?
- Delta, Bravo, check.
- Delta, okay.
Bravo, okay.
Stand by, stand by.
Two targets moving towards a
black Jaguar. Registration R-2-8-2.
- 2-8-2.
- Facing up the hill.
Up the hill.
Targets are on the move.
- He's turning left off the main.
- Roger that.
Stop, stop, stop. On the right,
Roger that.
Changing vehicles
to a black X5...
Last 3: Victor-Tango-Lima.
- Roger that.
On the move to the main,
repeat, on the move to the main.
They're on the move.
Bobby, target is on the move.
Roger that, let them go,
stick with their contact.
What're you doing?
He's not the priority,
we stick with the target.
Negative, trust me on this, Dan.
Do you have the eyeball?
Roger that.
New target's moving.
- He's turning right off the main.
- Roger that.
Stop, stop, stop. He's out of the car,
walking away.
Roger that.
I'm after him on foot.
He's turning left at the junction,
you take him, yeah.
Heads up.
- What time is it?
- Midnight.
Give it a couple of hours.
If there's no movement, I'll go in.
It was Dan's idea,
to follow the bloke.
Dan, I need you to take care
of that thing for me, alright?
- Yeah. See you later.
- Yeah.
- Is that it?
- Not quite. Come with me.
Robert Miller,
Jerry is with the home office.
- Hello Sir, nice to meet you.
- Chris tells me you served in The Paras.
I heard about the ambush at Kajaki.
Very heroic.
Well, that depends
on your point of view, sir.
Very confusing,
this war on terror.
Our enemy does not make the distinction
between a civilian and combatant.
There are over 2000 suspected terrorists
operating in the UK alone...
and that number is increasing daily.
Please, sit down.
Thank you, sir.
Contest 2 Program.
A government initiative...
to deal with the terrorist threat.
Everyone from shopping center managers,
to security guards.
Chris and I, act as...
consultants to the program.
No disrespect,
I've put my time in, sir.
You did, without reservation.
And I'm gonna ask
you for your help, once more.
This is the business,
we've chosen.
Conolly's great game,
is still being played.
We need men,
with your particular skill set.
Until today we had no idea,
that the plot you uncovered, even existed.
But we should have.
Do you recognize this young woman?
Her name is Alayna Wallace.
- Yeah, I saw her with Abdullah.
- She's our informant.
Informant? We were told that
al-Qaeda never use women.
Every parasite adapts
to its host and evolves.
It's only a question of time.
Why her?
Why's she so special?
Because she bridges
two worlds,
east and west,
and she can move freely in both.
She met Abdullah, at the University
of London, as a student.
He, uh...
wanted to... radicalize her.
Instead she came to us.
We've been unable to make contact
with her, for the last three months.
We think there's another plot,
but what that is exactly,
we haven't been able to assertain.
- What does she do for Abdullah?
- Whatever he requires.
- Do you trust her?
- We want you to make contact with her.
And find out what's going on.
Fahad! Fahad! What the fuck you're doing?
That's Jones' drug hole.
- So what?
- You want to get yourself killed?
I'll burn his fucking drugs.
You happy?
- Ramush.
- That's a big order my friend.
- I know.
- Are you planning a war?
It's necessary,
I'm starting an army.
Gotta get
my people trained up.
Where you training,
here, in this shit hole?
Stay away from Jones.
Who'd you upset?
What is it Tse-tung says,
about warfare?
You never... let your enemy
impose his win on you.
You need any help, Miller...
you let me know.
This tracker is magnetised,
so it's great for use in all cars.
Just pop in the sim card
and call it from your mobile.
Black coffee, please, mate.
- Alana Wallace?
- Alyana.
- You're one of Turner's men?
- That's right.
- What's your name?
- Miller.
Interesting meeting place.
- You often hang around women's toilets?
- Yeah.
- What do you want?
- Information about Abdullah.
Your people seem to have
a good enough handle on that.
Tell Turner...
I don't know anything...
- She's terrified.
- Abdullah stepped up her security too.
He's hired a bunch of Chechens.
They're not here for the Jihad,
they're here for the money.
Also, we have to consider
the possibility...
that she's been feeding us false intel,
maybe even from the start.
- You don't trust her?
- You earn trust.
What does she gain
by feeding us false intel?
She came to us two years ago.
Since then, she's been working
with these people non-stop.
Who knows
what effect that could have.
- And she's perfect cover for him.
- She came out of Ain al-Hilweh.
A refugee camp in Lebanon.
That's a tough town. She's dual nationality.
Her father was a British aid worker.
She speaks five languages.
That's perfect cover.
Hey, you know you're the
first bloke I've sent in...
who she didn't tell, to fuck off?
Good job.
You stay on her.
- Zero, this is Alpha 3-1 contact, over.
- Zero... over.
This is Alpha 3-1, large explosion,
We have three injured
and looks like two dead.
Request immediate medevac,
Roger so far? Over.
- Zero, roger.
- Alpha 3-1, enemy fire at the moment,
there are people
on the ridge to the east.
- Request overwatch air support.
- Zero, over.
- Contact right...
- Contact right.
Wait, wait, someone's
coming out of the building.
Fuck me, it's a shelter!
Request air support.
Request air support.
Green smoke 300 meters west
of my location behind the building, over.
Zero, over and out.
Chris, they're dead, she's dead.
Dan, they're all dead.
Bobby, leave her. Leave her, she's dead.
We have to go now!
"She's dead.
She's dead, she's dead".
Fucking Chris got me running
all over,
otherwise I'd be able to help you out
with this bird.
Haven't had this much excitement
since Kajaki.
Just make sure we don't let this one
end up with a sign on her.
Well, let's do our job then,
won't we Dan?
Why dont you get some kip, man.
You look fucked. I'll take this first one.
Do not turn around, just listen.
Whatever you know, you need to come clean.
They think you're feeding them shit.
They're getting impatient.
Hold out your hand.
Make contact.
- Don't turn around, just walk.
- Oh, fuck off you benders!
I'm going to ask you some questions.
You answer truthful, no more pain.
You understand?
- You understand?!
- Yes, I understand, alright?
- What is your name?
- Dave.
My name is Dave.
- You lie to me again, I'll open you up.
- Robert O'Neil.
Yeah, see?
- And what you do, Robert O'Neil?
- What do you mean what do I do?
- Unemployed, alright? I don't do shit.
- But today you do something, huh?
- Why do you follow that couple?
- Because they looked like they had money.
- Military, huh?
- I was.
That redundant now, huh?
You have no business in this country,
so you steal from people.
Where your troops serve?
Iraq? Afghanistan?
- Hm, stupid war.
- So I've heard.
You want me to kill him?
Dan! I've had fucking nightmares.
Come and get me, will ya?
I'm down by the water, some fucking place.
I'm gonna stand in the main road.
Alright! Alright!
- Fuck!
- Alright.
- Okay.
- That's good mate. I need to lie down, Dan.
- Okay. Alright. On the floor?
- Hm-hm.
Okay. Nah, nah, nah mate, this way,
right this way.
- Head up.
- Oh, fuck...
- Water?
- I need some water, mate, yeah.
I'm off.
Come on.
There, wipe your nose.
- No, it's no good.
- What?
You're still an ugly bastard.
Was it Jones?
- What about you?
- Was it Jones?
It was Ryan...
and his youths.
You could go up there...
with a strap.
Blow his fucking head off.
- You could do that, you've killed people.
- Yeah.
I've got money.
What the fuck you want?
- I'd like to speak to Jones.
- Shut the fuck up, Milo!
You can go.
Hold on, arms out.
Bang! See that?
You get your men trained up.
I mean some proper army shit, you feel me?
He'd be more dangerous than these
liquer dickheads out here.
- You seeing this?
- Yeah, so many joltin'.
Some bullshit blood.
March men into death.
That's power.
- Well?
- I need something.
So, you want a favour now?
Let Ryan go.
- Why would I do that?
- Because I've asked you.
Oh... we're negotiating?
Go on,
give me something in return.
You get to feel good about yourserlf.
Oh, come on, drop it, man,
you're acting all soft, Miller.
Making me feel well
choked up.
- You don't need him.
- You're right, actualy.
I don't need him, but I am his older.
I'm the one he looks up to, me!
I really think you're missing the point,
you know?
We're all somebody's bitch.
Even you, soldier.
You tell that fucking Fahad,
he don't have a brother.
What you gonna do,
when they put this shit all down?
Where you gonna go then?
A year ago I arranged...
I arranged for twelve Muslim men
from across the country, to go to Pakistan.
To train for Jihad...
I recruited them, indoctrinated them.
And shipped them off
to the training camps.
I brought them back to the UK
and turned them loose.
- Why?
- Remember Mumbai?
Four three-men teams. We...
They were assigned designated locations.
The targets,
they selected for themselves.
One thing for sure, it's...
high value targets. Tourist locations.
I was told to let it develop.
I was assured that it would be stopped,
at the eleventh hour.
I did everything Turner asked.
Why not shut it down, now?
Turner didn't tell you about the plot,
did he?
Did he tell you that Abdullah
is an asset of the Pakistani I.S.I.?
The Intelligence service?
They finance this operation.
I was there when it was given the go-ahead.
- So, when is it gonna happen?
- They're waiting for the weapons to arrive.
How do we know,
when the weapons arrive?
All I know, is that they're being
brought in by boat.
I don't know times,
or dates.
Just that it's gonna happen, very soon.
What about the cells?
Does Abdullah know where they are?
No one knows where they are.
They become ghosts.
- All we know is where to drop the weapons.
- Where is that?
- I should've been told, Chris.
- You're right, I'm sorry.
But you gained her trust,
that's what matters. She's talking to you.
She doesn't know,
where the cells are, so...
It's not your job
to save this girl, Miller.
She knew what she was getting into to.
This is not Afghanistan.
She knows, believe me,
she knows.
- That's why I want you to bring her in.
- I don't think that's good idea.
I'm not asking you.
- Chris, listen...
- No, you listen!
Do you honestly want the deaths
of hundreds of civilians on your hands?
Because that's what this is.
So, why don't we
shut this thing down, then?
We would have...
if we knew where the cells were.
Wether you know where the cells are or not,
you need to be thinking about it.
Hello Alyana.
You're aware
why we've asked you here today.
If I knew where the cells were,
don't you think I would've told you?
That's what we're here, to find out.
- I thought your men were watching them.
- Why the silence?
Your men were becoming sloppy.
I couldn't take the risk.
After all,
I'm the one with everything to lose.
Tell us about the weapons.
When and how are they being brought in?
They're being brought in
by an ex-KLA gangster... Kosov.
- Where's the weapons drop?
- I don't know.
Is there anything you do know?
I know that the member of the I.S.I...
can only be appointed
with the approval of the CIA.
- What?
- Abdullah is an I.S.I. asset.
If they are funding this operation,
who sanctioned it? Who gave the order?
The fact that Al-Qaeda might have
infiltrated the Pakistani I.S.I...
- is irrelevant...
- Not infiltrated.
The I.S.I. and the CIA is Al-Qaeda.
What exactly you hope
to achieve with this nonsense?
We're neither I.S.I. or CIA.
You knew where the cells were
when they were brought back to the UK.
You could've arrested them,
but you didn't. Why?
Why didn't you warn us,
about the bomb factory?
I didn't know.
Find the cells
and will put an end to this.
You know what I realized today?
Whatever the outcome is,
I'm easily disposable.
Do you know where the cells are?
Alyana you can trust me, you know you can.
The war on terror will escalate.
Al-Qaeda defines our very existance now.
We're the enemy, at war with ourselves.
Where'd you say you served?
Afghanistan? Iraq?
Then you know that the only option we have
in Afghanistan, is pull out, or negotiate.
Pull over here.
We'll figure out a way,
I promise.
You're not alone, alright?
- Fahad!
- He ain't there.
- Where is he?
- Gone, man.
- Gone where?
- Feds is lookin' for him, you get me?
Why? What happened?
Fuckin' dude
tried to assassinate Tyrone, man.
He's a dead man,
same as you'll be.
The weapons are being delivered tonight.
- By the Kosovan?
- Yeah, Ramush.
Come with me.
Alyana, this is Dan.
We served together.
- How's it going, alright?
- Yeah.
Dan will look after you.
- I don't need babysitting.
- I know. Be back in a while, yeah?
- Miller... You sure about this?
- Jesus!
- Bobby, you didn't even tell her your name?
- I'll find the weapons, this ends.
That's my boy! You did it!
We got these bastards!
Right, let's have them then.
- So, what do we do now?
- Now we take out the cells.
- I killed him.
- Who, Ramush?
- I got him on his boat.
- Forget about it. He'll be taken care of.
You go home and get some rest.
- I won't forget what you did.
- Hey...
- Take care of yourself.
- You too.
- Where's Dan?
- Had to leave.
Why didn't you tell me
he's Chris's brother?
- I trust Dan with my life.
- But I don't trust Chris.
Let's not do this... now,
Alyana, okay?
What happened to you?
What's done is done,
can't undo it.
- But it's not over.
- No, Ramush is dead.
I fucked up.
I have to put it right.
I've located one of the cells.
Shit never changes.
- Read it!
- Let's just do it.
- Read it!
- You fucking read it.
- Read it, shit head!
- Fuck it, let's get this over with!
Go ahead, fucking saw it then!
Pull that flat...
Pull that flat.
Oh, my God, I know him.
He's one of Turner's men.
Come on.
Just breathe,
just breathe, in...
- and out.
- I can't breathe.
- You're alright, okay?
- They'll hunt us.
You saved my life, Alyana.
Alyana, listen,
I'm gonna take you to the train station.
You get on a train, you disappear.
You know how to do that.
They wanted the attack to happen
the whole time.
I was just put there to make sure
that Abdullah carried out their orders.
You did what you had to.
Somethings are only solved one way.
Chris used us both.
He's running the cells.
- What you gonna do?
- Don't worry about me.
Goodbye, Robert.
So you're my assassin then, Danny.
They know what you've been doing.
You've been well dipped, buddy.
They're all over you.
They've picked up Alyana.
Look, I'm sorry.
- Where is she?
- I don't fucking know.
Hey, I swear on my life,
I don't know.
They don't tell me shit.
I was just ordered to tell you...
Ordered? You're a mercenary now, Dan.
Not in the army.
- I won't ask you again, Dan.
- She's gone. Alright? She's gone.
And there ain't nothing
you can do about it.
Is she dead?
You need to walk away,
'cause they're gonna fucking slaughter you
Bobby, do you understand that?
Where is she?
Alright, you give them
a message from me.
Bobby, as your friend, I'm telling you
to get as far the fuck away, as possible.
Paratroopers don't die.
They reorg in hell.
You can.
Hello, Jerry.
Where is she?
We put her on a plane,
this morning.
To Lebanon.
That's where she wanted to go.
- Bullshit.
- Is the gun really necessary?
Where is she?
The organizing principle
of any society, is for war.
The basic authority
of a modern state of rich people...
resides in it's war powers.
Today it's oil,
tomorrow, water.
It's what we like to call,
the God business:
Guns, Oil and Drugs.
- But there's a problem...
- I don't give a shit!
Our way of life... it's over.
It's unsustainable and in rapid decline.
That's why we implement
demand destruction.
We continue to make money,
as the world burns.
But for this to work,
the people have to remain ignorant
of the problem, until it's too late.
That's why we have trigers in place:
A population in a permanent
state of fear, does not ask questions.
Our desire for war,
becomes its' desire.
A willing sacrifice.
You see?
Fear is just a vacation,
fear is control, fear... is money.
You're a brilliant soldier,
and I could still use someone like you.
I'll ask you one more time:
Where is she?
Do you know the term
"train tracking" and "battery"?
Perhaps you should look closer to home.
The young men of your Estate...
So vicious.
Poor Alayna wouldn't stand...
Miller's here! Miller's here!