Vexille (2007) Movie Script

Early 21st century. Robot technology
undergoes massive development.
Bt mid-century,
Japan leads the world
in robot knowledge and application.
From domestic uses to weaponry,
Japan dominates the world market.
As the technology is extended
to the human body
the mood of
the international community
turns againtst use of humanoids.
Just as with nuclear power
and biotechnology before,
U.N regulations are proposed
to limit robot technology.
Japan fiercely
resists this limitation
but the will of the U.N.
is unshakeable.
Japan takes the extreme step
of withdrawing from the U.N.
And begins a new policy
of national isolation.
Japan uses it high technology
to withdraw from world affairs.
10 years go by.
The resulting information blackout
turns Japan into a total enigma.
For an entire decade,
no foreigner penetrates the veil.
This is disrupting
my entire holiday.
Now that your family has alredy
left Washington for Denver.
Don't the Japanese
understand it's Christmas?
Dragging us miles out here...
At least the British, French
and Russians are here, too.
The R.A.C.E.
Final stand-by. We go in on my mark.
Dumb gig. Dumb time of year.
Just some Christmas party, right...
Do the job quick
and you'll home
for Mom's Turkey.
Each of the wolrd's nations has
debated the issue of human evolution
and come to
the exact same conclusion.
Thus we can say that this result
represents a true and just future
for humanity.
If we at Daiwa Heavy Industries
have your endorsement,
I'd appreciate a round of applause.
Didn't think so...
The primary target is Saito
of Daiwa Heavy Industries.
We're working on a tip-off.
It might be a trap.
Keep zour eyes open.
I said we didn't need 'em.
Why so many rorbots?
No idea. Ask the chief...
They're the latest Daiwa models.
Latest or not,
I don't trust them.
Darn you, Maria...
Get out of my way!
Dispose of all the bodies.
What the heck's going on?
What's SWORD doing here?
Answer me.
Don't you know who I am?
For God's sake, I demand to know.
"SWORD HQ, Los Angeles"
It's a flagrant violation
of international treaties.
Wich ones?
They ingnored just about every one.
Which part is metallic?
Well, it's bio-metal.
So this was his only robotic part?
I hope that's the case.
But during the raid
we confirmed his bio-signature.
It might've been added later.
Is that even possible?
Not with our technology.
If Japan is manufacturing
androids of this level...
It would pose a threat
equal to nuclear power.
This mean Saito's an android?
In any case,
there's nothing comparable
in the US, legit or otherwise.
It'll take forever
to reverse-engineer.
This reminds me of San Pedro
last month.
Despite all the people
living in this city.
We only talk to people with
this badge or to our darn computers.
It's not the city's fault.
It's the age we live in.
Anything from Irene?
Not a word.
Hear anything about San Pedro
from Leon?
Was the tip-off for this misson
from San Pedro?
Not that it's a secret any more.
"Port of San Pedro"
Why the need for us to guard this?
That's the latest
Japanese weapon system.
But any enemy would have 'em, too.
The battlefield is Japan's
showroom after all.
It's not right that everyone
treats Japan special.
Some day, they'll get
what they deserve.
Cease pursuit and withdraw.
You've got to be kidding.
I repeat, caese pursuit immediately.
This is our turf.
Be careful.
December...23rd...Mt. Filar...
Beware...of a meeting.
Leon trusted
the fugitive completely.
I mean,
even now I can't belive
it was an android.
You couldn't tell it wasn't human.
Might it have been?
There was
absolutely no bio-signature.
But those eyes...
Autospy results?
They sent the android back to Japan
after political pressure.
In the end...
they hardly laid a finger on it.
Japan. Completely off our screens
for an entire decade.
But we ignore its
recent suspicious
activity at our peril.
We still don't know
the purpose of
the meeting at Mt. Filar.
But a State Dept. Order says
the politician we detained there
must be returned to his duties.
There's also strong pressure
from Japan to return Saito's limb.
As for the results of the autospy,
it's composed of
undetecable bio-metal.
Judging from bio-signature analysis,
we strongly suspect Saito is
an android.
Android production is a grave
violation of international treaties.
Nonetheless, the White House
is urging caution.
Any action that
might harm good relations
with Japan, is forbidden.
But Japan is up to something.
Henceforth we at SWORD
will be on our own.
No matter what happens,
you can forget about
goverment protection.
We are to face this threat
to international society
and neutralize it by our own means.
Our mission this time:
to infiltrate Fortress Japan.
Japan has been veiled in mystery
for 10 yers.
The time has come to unmask it.
These images are of Tokyo
As you know, no-one has been there
since its seclusion.
Its most powerful corporation,
Daiwa Heavy Industries,
has dominated the economy
for the past yers of isolation.
Daiwa dictates Japan's politics
and controls all aspects of life.
We also guess that it's behind
the policy of national isolation.
Japan's high-tech seclusion
is made possible
by an electro-magnetic network
named R.A.C.E.
It relies on 270 sea-based antennas
covering the entire archipelago.
As you know, it filters out
all waves and light reaching Japan
and scrambles outbound signals
to create a total barrie
to all transmissions
rendering even satellite
surveillance worthless.
Your mission is to penetrate
the electromagnetic field
then transmit a reverse beacon
to unscramble the diffusion barrier.
If successful,
this will facilitate
direct satellite surveillance.
The beacon transmission from Tokyo
must last at least 3 minutes
for the satellite to align.
One problem is your entry route.
All waters and airspace
are guarded by a warning system
on a technological par with R.A.C.E.
Not even a micro-recon craft,
much less a person,
can get through.
After you send
the beacon transmission
the infiltration team will press
further into Japan
to gain as much information
as possible about Daiwa Industries.
predetermined extraction point.
Commander Leon Fayden
has volunteered
to lead this dangerous mission.
he was dispatched to Japan
leading an anti-terrorist task unit
helping Japanese security.
They suddenly shut the borders
but he was there
until forcefully repatriated.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't want you to worry.
Not about volunteering...
the fact that you were in Japan.
I never had a chance to.
Is that the only reason?
Yes, it is.
Didn't want you involved...
Bring up the deck monitor!
This vessel is not damaged
or under attack.
A nearby US cargo ship
just exploded.
We are investigating the cause.
Just in case,
let's go to emergency status.
Freight inspections all complete.
Safely past border security.
We'll lose radio contact shortly.
Receiving beacon transmission.
Please guys, just 3 minutes...
Analysis is in progress...
What is it?
Signal's lost, sir.
-Find out why.
-Analysis not possible.
Scan again.
System alert...
System alert...
Vexille, this way.
In an entire decade,
you are our first foreign guests.
We've quite a welcome for you.
On my signal, rush for the water.
I won't go by myself.
You're the only one with a back-up
We'll join you later.
Don't worry, Miss.
I'm alone. Nothing to be afraid of.
Maria changed your clothes, not me.
Don't go outside!
Do exactly as I say.
Don't you dare go out again
They're still looking for you.
Sorry, Maria. It was my fault.
I never thought SWORD would turn up.
So much food...
What about my colleagues?
-Go cool this.
What about Leon and the others?
What happened to Leon Fayden?
His whereabouts unknown.
We're still looking.
This is real.
It's really rare, y'know...
You slept for 2 days.
Get some food in you.
It was you who sent the messenger
to America?
One more question.
Where are we?
Thie used to be known as Tokyo.
Captain, a second transmission.
Are you certain?
Certain, sir.
From the back-up transmitter.
It's still coming in.
We're counting on you this time...
Never used chopsticks before, Miss?
That's like magic.
Where did you hide it?
Saito's heading this way.
Most impressive...
On second thoughts, not.
That's kinda pathetic.
Where's the SWORD women?
Any chick would run
from a tacky tie like that.
The boss goes soft on you
but I don't have his problem.
I don't know what you're planning
but whatever you do
it's just a matter of time.
I'll see you at headquarters.
He's right.
It's just a matter of time.
Daiwa's serious about finding you.
What is it?
This place is so full of life.
I've never seen anywhere like it.
It makes me nostalgic somehow...
Bad news.
Come here...
Get in there.
Analysis completion...
Captain, 3 minutes completed.
Okay, let's run the analysis.
Run the feeds from satellites
JC17 & JD15.
Running analysis.
Analysis is in progress.
Nothing there...
No rivers...
No human habitation...
What's going on in Tokyo?
Get it up there.
That's all that's left of Tokyo?
Daiwa Heavy Industries...
We've got
Lt. Commander Vexille Serra's
bio-signature in Tokyo.
Satellite JD14
is scanning for her now.
Any other survivors?
None confirmed.
Captain, look at this.
Put it up on screen.
The red dor is her.
She's being pursued?
JD14 is tracking her.
-What is it?
The bio-signature map...
it's unfiltered, sir.
Her bio-signature
is the only one down there.
How can that be?
They aren't human?
Scan the entire country!
What's this?
Let's wait to see
if we're being followed.
They say everything
outside the city's a wasteland.
Daiwa escaped
to their island fortress.
Come here.
That's Daiwa out to sea.
It's their fault no people are left.
The Japanese race is extinct.
But you guys...
We're not human any more.
Not human...
Just fragments of humanity.
Fragments that will soon be gone.
You saw it, right? The final step
between man and machine.
No red blood left in our veins.
You're saying none of these people
are human?
But I'd never seen
anywhere so alive.
Trying to hold on
to their humanity.
Like eating food
although we don't need to.
the whole isolation policy
an unknown disease spread out
from Tokyo.
Infection brought a raging fever
with a high mortality rate.
There was no information about
cause or transmission...
just a mandatory
immunization program.
That was the beginning
of our tragedy.
The disease
was a goverment creation.
And the vaccination we all received
was a Daiwa cyber-virus.
It invades every cell of the body
converting its molecular structure
into bio-metal
so that the human body
is replaced by machine from within.
What was worse, the virus
was still under development.
Meaning what?
We were a nation of guinea pigs.
Japan was their laboratory.
Finally the brain is owerwritten
the person becomes an android
and falls under Daiwa's control.
The speed of the process
differs between people.
Some of us still cling
to our human consciousness...
to the fragments of our humanity.
The technology is half-baked,
so most turn into junk.
At best
we become lumps of metal
with no memory.
In either case,
we're miserable specimens
awaiting death.
How long do you have?
Daiwa's not done.
The next target is America.
They've alredy planted
androids there.
That politician...
My buddy, Saga!
Let;s go!
We call those, "Jags". Failed
from the android process.
They search around for any kind of
metal absorb it and grow.
The wasteland's crawling with them.
They throw up some neat stuff
sometimes, though.
We should get going.
Our base is underground.
Saito, what about that SWORD woman?
We lost her.
Failure's dogging you
since you let that informant
escape to America.
Maria is harboring the girl.
Leave them alone.
SWORD may have penetrated
the R.A.C.E. net.
Even so, America won't do a thing.
Relax, Saito.
Our decade-long experiment
nears fruition, at last.
That group, G32 Beta, in the slums
they alone are perfect specimens.
Maria is a part of that group.
Left alone they'll join us
in good time.
But, sir...
We need not fear any act of man.
Very well. Summon Itakura,
Chairman of the slum.
A fresh piece of junk.
It should contain the part you need.
Thanks, it's just in time.
Where's Maria?
this is Vexille from SWORD.
Taro, is it ready?
Darn right it is.
My suit...
I fixed it up and
it's ready for action.
Looking for this?
-I sent out a beacon signal.
-For how long?
Longer than 3 minutes.
The R.A.C.E. net's down?
Daiwa already reconfigured
the diffusion pattern.
only needs a few minutes to act.
Another thing, there's one more
SWORD agent at Daiwa HQ.
Yes, Leon Fayden, I believe.
Where exactly is he? Any injuries?
Sorry, that's all I know.
Taro, what's your source?
Daiwa's main stream. It's reliable.
Just Leon, no-one else?
No luck. No bio-sigmature
readings anywhere.
I found an additional signature.
There's just one other.
What's wrong?
The electro-magnetic diffusion
has changed.
I'll re-run the analysis.
Have Minerva ready to rescue them.
Captain Borg, a call on the hotline.
The Defense Secretary alredy?'s the President.
Borg, here.
Yes, Mr. President. That's correct.
I understand, sir.
We must abort the mission.
Takashi, what on earth's going on?
There's going to be an earthquake.
There is?
Yes, it's our last chance.
We're going to smash Daiwa.
Me, Maria and the guys...
with the mainland.
Only the main one links to the city.
The others conect to the wasteland.
They're all ceramic?
Yes. A mid-size 'quake is forecast
for the next 24 hours.
All communication gates are open.
In case of the quake.
All communication gates are open?
Correct. And we found a weak point.
During the earthquake stand-by,
all tunnel gates
go to auxiliary power
which creates a 50% delay between
detection of an intruder
and the gates sealing in response.
How soon
do they close after detection?
-18 seconds.
-How far between the gates?
That's pushing it
even in a fighter suit.
With our air-buggies, too.
But it's that or nothing.
And after you break in?
We drag this cable behind us.
The Jags.
They finish the job
if we get the cable inside.
This is enough metal to lure them
into the heart of Daiwa.
Chairman Itakura's called
an emergency council session.
-Is that all?
-Yes, it is.
Don't make me repeat myself.
We don't wish to obstruct
those who calmly
wait for the end.
But surely you know Daiwa
is planning to take America next?
There's so little time. Excuse me.
You're determined to go?
Suppose Daiwa responds
by opening the protective gates?
This is their precious laboratory.
They'd never do that.
In the end
we're all in the same boat...
trying to protect the same thing.
It's just that we choose to fight...
until the very moment
we become scrap metal.
As an outsider,
it's not my place to speak but...
your city seems to celebrate
the splendor of what you've lost.
But Maria...
she fights for
the sake of what's not yet gone.
Foreigners are to be expelled?
What on earth for?
Maria, come to America with me.
What do you mean?
Your departure permit is invalid.
Lt. Commander L. Fayden
requested a pass for me.
No such request was filed.
That can't be right.
Check once more.
It comes up negative.
Come with us for questioning.
Get out.
What for? Let me call him.
Calls to the airport are forbidden.
I'm going with you.
Let me join your mission.
It's a Japanese domestic matter.
Surely it's gone beyond that?
You're a foreign guest; behave.
Americans never learn...
Leon chose to return here
because of you.
Maria, please take me into Daiwa.
Keep personal matters out of this.
I know you want to help Leon, too.
Takashi, what's wrong?
Takashi, hold on.
Call yourself human?
This is our rule.
Otherwise our plan would be leaked
to Daiwa.
We need someone to replace Takashi.
Once in the tunnel, floor it
or you won't have a chance.
Take a mid-line to reduce distance.
Touch the brakes and it's all over.
I'll lead Team Red
to the East tunnel.
Saga takes Team Black to the West.
We've never fielded this many units
so we don't know how many Jags
will turn up.
Even if you're the only one left,
don't give up.
We just need one cable
to reach Daiwa.
Though we are no more
than fragments...
we are still human.
As long as we have our pride
we can still take back our country!
more Jags than we thought, huh?
I'll double back and
get them off your tail.
Team Black to Red.
Red here.
Almost to the target gate.
They're after you!
We're through the gate.
Leave it to me.
but we lost Masato's team.
Maria, we lured them away
from the gate.
Make another approach.
The Jags are on the cable already.
They're too fast!
One left.
How come...
I guess you didn't expect the tunnel
to be separated from the island?
What a same.
Jags can't jump that far.
Chairman Itakura
kept us well-informed.
Nice to see you again, Maria.
We're friends from our student days.
The 10 years haven't changed you.
As beautiful
and as dangerous as ever.
Mr. Kisaragi...
Nobody move. You're in breach of
international law.
Nobody move...
I warned you in vain.
The irony of fate.
Hardly imagined I'd see you again.
I can't let you do that!
"Insufficent evidence"?
We're public servants with no chance
against the might of Daiwa.
It's not just breach of a treaty;
their research
is a threat to mankind.
They were released this morning.
We are the peak of human evolution.
In fact human existence is nothing.
But a preparatory stage
in our creation.
There's nothing evolved about you.
This body, born of humankind
is perfection.
Matchless in level of intellect
and stability of emotion.
No need for sleep nor food.
Above all, we shall attain
immortality at last.
What more could be asked?
You will join me in immortality
soon enough.
Only the few
will attain this evolution
and be reborn as Japanese...
the world's strongest race.
I have done the work of god.
Maybe I was god all along.
He's insane.
But on the eve of completion,
Japan is empty of
workable specimens.
But your country abounds in them.
Healthy subjects
like your dear Leon.
Nothing divine about you...
Just another flawed human.
I had to protect myself for
your sakes against everything.
Of course I would have the injection
once the virus was safe.
Such suffering
for this sicko...
My research brought you
all eternal life...
Androids can't act compulsively.
It doesn't make sense...
Halt, Saito. Stop it, please.
The city gates are opening
onto the slums!
You have the citizens' full support.
This is Chairman Itakura.
The Council and I were misguided
and betrayed you all.
Now, thanks to your brave resolution
we can make amends for our mistake.
Thank you all very much.
Chairman Itakura...
Detach the central tunnel
from the island!
A transporter is en route.
Do not let it arrive.
Detach the tunnel.
Don't let it in!
Piece of junk.
As long as I have my research
the world can still be mine.
The Jags will be here soon.
I'll get him, you look after Leon.
No, I'll go after him...
Not with that leg, you won't.
Look after Leon for me.
Why didn't you come to the airport?
I hate machines
but humans like you
are far worse.
Where's Maria?
Stay back, you heap of junk!
The Jags will get you soon.
Maria, run!
Now we'll be together forever.
Jags across Japan came
to destroy Daiwa
then sank deep beneath the sea.
Maria and her kind died off.
But they left us something vital
we should carry with us.
It was Maria that taught us
as long as we communicate hope
to the next generation
we ourselves gain eternal existence.