V/H/S/Beyond (2024) Movie Script

The person of
hardened skepticism,
just like the person
of hardened credulity,
cannot be reached.
They just either
believe or disbelieve
on almost a religious level.
Evidence is not proof,
but it's something that puts us
on the scent trail of proof.
But these tapes have
to be considered
the Holy Grail
for people who are
interested in alien encounters.
The story of
the Farrington House
has become kind of an urban
legend within Toronto,
as well as Canada.
A paranormal group
in the early 2000s
collected anecdotal evidence
of, you know,
a person seeing
a... kind of a gray form.
The allure of
the UFO connection
will definitely draw out
curious people.
Doing my thing,
just out poking around,
getting some sun.
It adds to the mystique
in what stories keep going
over time.
I'm pretty determined
that we're not
indigenous of this world.
I'll tell you that.
In terms of human nature,
there is more thrill
in pursuing something
than in catching something.
As long as people are
hunting for it,
it's almost like
the treasure map is out.
And we're wondering,
what will it disclose?
What the hell?
And it can be
a little like that
with these pieces
of vaunted evidence.
If we come into proof of
extraterrestrial life,
everything that we thought we
knew is called into question.
Segura, we're here.
Stay close and keep
the camera rolling.
We capture everything.
Keep your eyes open
and your mouth shut.
This crew in here... this crew
now is your family,
your mommy and daddy.
Do exactly as they say.
You disobey
any of these orders,
I'm going to break
my foot in your ass.
Hey, kid, look alive.
So I got no guarantees
that's going to stay on...
-But give it a try.
This is Segura.
Yeah, hey, guys.
ET body cam should be working.
All right, listen up.
Suit yourself.
I've got some bad news.
But there's
a silver lining this time.
We had another
kidnapping last night.
That's 17 in three months,
all infants.
Good news is someone
followed the guy who did it,
and we have a location.
I know we all want
to put an end to this.
Tonight, we get our chance.
-Who the fuck put this up?
-Oh, fuck.
Hey, man, I was just
trying to be thorough.
I'm sorry.
Sit down.
Take a shot or something, huh?
The fuck are you looking at?
The guy's becoming a liability,
and you fucking know it.
I got it.
I'll handle it.
What the fuck is with this?
We had a fucking agreement.
You know how that fucking ends.
If you're gonna be there,
I can't have this.
You're losing your mind.
-Look, bro, there...
there's no fucking way
you are keeping me out of this.
I know that.
So you're good?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Fuck you.
Hey, body bag, come here.
Now you're an ammo bag.
Hope you're ready, rookie.
-Let's go.
Let's go. Move it!
Load up!
Hey, man, you want some gum?
This rookie is back here
fucking blowing it.
Hey. Hey.
His kid's one
of the ones missing.
Just mind your own business,
keep that little light
and you'll be all right.
You seeing this?
What is that?
What the...
Sarge, you said someone
followed the guy to a location.
That doesn't look
like just a fucking guy
carrying that chainsaw.
What are we dealing with?
Whatever it is, we kill it.
Let's go. Let's go.
Move, move, move!
Ivy, eyes on that window.
I don't see anything.
What are we waiting for?
Fuck this.
ET, God damn it.
What the fuck?
What the fuck was that?
Jesus, here we go.
Get ready.
Another one down.
ET, left.
Get if off me!
He's got me!
Get it off!
Got him.
Aubert, Bennet, go with him.
Hey. Not you, kid.
Stay with me.
We lost ET.
Aubert, go.
On it.
All clear.
Let's go.
Good shit, man.
Stork, let's go!
Oh, shit.
Hey, guys.
Guys, you're gonna wanna see...
What the fuck?
-Get up.
Get up. Get up.
-Oh, shit.
-Come on.
Come on. Come on.
What the fuck?
You gotta be
fucking kidding me.
Find it, find it.
Oh, fuck.
Where's the fucking light?
Fuck. Come on.
What is it?
Two more!
There's two more.
Fuck you!
Guys, I'm okay!
What are you doing up there?
Get down here!
Jesus, man.
Reload, everyone.
Bennet, check right.
Anyone hurt?
I'm good.
Nothing major.
ET, sound off.
Aubert, check him.
Let me see, kid.
Look at me.
You did good.
Kid's okay.
It's not his blood.
Hey, check this.
It's the same bandage.
It's the same wound on
every single one of them.
Some kind of ritual?
God knows.
Now what?
Now we go up.
-Hey, stop.
He's gonna get himself killed.
Do what he just did,
and we all die.
Do you understand?
We do this right.
God damn it.
What the fuck are these freaks
doing with babies anyway?
ET, is that you?
It's blocked.
What the fuck was that?
Shoot it in the knees.
Let's just look.
Hey, look at this.
God damn.
Came down right through
the fucking ceiling.
What did?
What are we looking at
here, Sarge?
Some kind of meteor?
I don't know.
But it's cracked open.
Like something crawled out.
Whatever it is,
we don't touch it.
You hear me?
Hey, behind you!
-Don't shoot it.
It looks sick.
I don't want its shit
all over us.
Ah, fuck it.
Damn it, Aubert.
He's alone.
Look at him.
He's fucking out of it.
Another bandage.
Bennet, get a gun on him.
Get a look in there.
He's got no brains.
Or his head is empty.
Oh, my God.
I'd be more worried
about where his brains went
in the first place.
Hey, body bag,
put your camera in here.
Fuck. That's ET.
Hang on, ET!
We're coming up there.
Shh, shh. Quiet.
Twinkle, twinkle...
I think I see something.
Little star,
how I wonder...
what you are.
There's something up there.
There's something up there.
Bennet, light.
We're not getting through here.
Hey, wait, wait.
What about the chainsaw?
Oh, right.
Yeah, do it.
Aubert, come with me.
You got it.
Lost your fuckin' head
there, didn't ya?
Go, go!
Ivy, take it.
I can't see shit.
We'll all be dead if we
don't get through that door!
-Let's go!
-There's a door.
There's a door.
You're first.
Come on, come on, come on.
Go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, go.
-I can't fit.
I'm caught.
-Camera, camera.
Come here.
Gimme it, gimme it, gimme it.
Get in, Tommy.
Through, through, through.
-Let's go, let's go.
-Come on.
Come on.
-My hat.
Where's my hat?
-Here, here, here, here.
Come on.
Oh, man.
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
Don't fire.
He's got one of the babies.
Up above the tree so high,
like the birds in...
Are you up there?
Whatever's up there,
whatever's responsible,
make it pay.
No reward for going
home with extra ammo.
Amen, sister.
Hey, Segura.
Wear that uniform.
What the hell is it?
Oh, my God.
Oh, fuck.
What the fuck?
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck is it?
Oh, fuck.
It's feeding the fucking baby.
Amigo, light this fucker up.
-Guys, get it off me!
Get it off me!
It's got me!
It's got me!
ET, wait, wait.
I don't wanna do
this to you, pal.
Come on, man. Keep back.
I don't wanna do this!
Ivy, put him down!
Finish it.
All right, cease fire.
Oh, shit.
Fuckin' told you.
So this is what it's like.
Hey, hey.
It's not going that way.
All right?
You're not gonna die.
No, no, no.
To be like you guys,
hunting monsters...
Something like this, kid.
Hey, welcome to Warden.
Guys, help me get him up.
What do we tell the families?
Maybe it's best we don't.
In the 1950s, a family
of Chinese immigrants
arrived in Toronto
from Hong Kong.
They were followed by good
fortune in their real estate
and commercial endeavors.
They purchased a beautiful,
sprawling house
built late in the Victorian
era on a large plot of land.
The patriarch and matriarch
passed away in the 1980s,
leaving the household
to their eldest son,
who eventually ended up
putting the house
up for sale in the early '90s.
Over that span of
liquidating assets,
he was staying in the house.
He started to
experience night terrors
and not sleeping well at night.
But what I understand
is the house was sold.
And the eldest son
disappeared thereafter.
The son was of the mind that
the house was either haunted
or there were some kind
of mysterious visitors,
but he never declared that
he was being visited by aliens.
In the Victorian era,
people may have had
strange experiences
with unknown beings.
And they might have said
poltergeist or ghost
or, in the 1950s,
due to the tenor of the times,
they might have said Martian.
Each generation possesses
its own language
and its own reference points
for reported encounters.
The anxiety that grips everyone
in that kind of situation
is that they will be
called crazy.
So he wants to prove
his sanity and record
evidence using VHS tech
of the strange happenings.
There were two recordings
from the eldest son.
One was a POV, a Point of View,
as well as a static camera.
As far as a piece
of evidence that I think
could be called definitive,
you'd have to be able
to reach a point
where the arguments
against the evidence
start to become
more of a stretch
than the arguments for it.
I think that would be
my definition of a piece
of truly compelling evidence.
Shit, shit, shit, shit.
All right, man, lights.
Roll camera, and music.
Stop, stop, stop!
Cut it, guys.
-Is there a problem?
She needs a fucking break!
Take five, guys.
Incompetent assholes.
Are you okay?
Is she all right?
Focus, Tara. Focus.
Because you do more for less.
It's fine.
Cool down, take a deep breath,
and get ready
for another take, yeah?
Oh, fuck!
I'm really sorry, ma'am.
Do you want a selfie?
Thank you, ma'am.
I'm really sorry.
I think I should leave.
But he made me.
I like your face.
She's one nudge away
from waking up.
Thank you.
What the hell?
Tara? Tara?
Tara, Tara.
What the fuck?
No, no, no, no.
Dance with me?
Do you want a selfie?
Culturally speaking, we all
defer to off-the-shelf images.
-Hello, hello?
Hello, hello?
It's an aircraft, all right,
but like nothing
I've ever seen before.
-What do you mean?
-Hello, hello?
The mind's eye image of the
malevolent extraterrestrial
helped shape the paradigm
of thinking about aliens.
It only had four fingers.
And on the tips of it were
a little suction cups.
And they described
the arm as much larger
here from the human,
and the very short joint
up here.
And the head was large.
The eyes were very sunken in.
When people speak of
anal probes or dissections,
those accounts began
with communion.
Whitley Strieber described
the presence of what
we now popularly call grays...
slender limbs, a large
cranium, oval-shaped eyes.
It's a cultural archetype.
And a theme developed
that maybe we're not alone
and maybe our company
does not wish us well.
Zach Cam is a-rollin'.
-Wait, wait.
How's our birthday boy doing?
I wanted to go bowling.
Rock and roll, baby.
You don't know how to bowl.
No fun.
Hey, Zachy-poo.
Noah here, obviously.
Dude, happy 30th, compadre.
Hey, ladies!
No, no.
We're not doing that stuff.
-Yeah, we are.
-No, no.
Dirty little boy.
You're just a dirty little boy.
Listen, listen, listen, man.
I got your doc cam a-rollin'.
Oh, also, yeah, we all know
how you feel about,
you know, heights.
And I've just gotta say,
I am totally in awe
of your bravery, dude.
Like, holy shit.
Dude, this is gonna be so dope.
So dope.
-All right, all right.
Pass it over here now.
Oh, also,
don't break my camera.
Thank you.
-Five minutes to jump run.
Five minutes.
Happy birthday, Zachary.
My kids are going
to lose their fucking shit
when they see this.
I just have to say,
I am so proud of you.
Proud of you!
It's not the worst thing, Okay?
I know, I know.
I'm just... oh.
Glad I skipped
breakfast this morning,
but beers on me
when we get back.
Pass that sucker back this way.
Come here.
You got it?
Got it.
Are we good, Skipper?
All good.
-Minor crosswind.
Nothing to worry about.
-All right.
All right.
Gonna make landing
dicey, though.
Why... why'd he say that?
-Clip it.
-Yeah, I got it, Dad.
Got it?
And I'm clipped in.
How do I look?
Dude, Zach, I could get
into some serious shit
for letting you wear
this, all right?
So don't go posting
this footage anywhere.
Man, I heard you
the first 50 times.
All right?
Hey, hey.
This is some next-level
best friend shit, man.
You ready to fly?
Not really, Logan.
Honestly, I'm kind of
freakin' out right now.
Yeah, well, hey,
that's normal, man.
You're about to jump
out of this plane
and fly around like Iron
Man at 120 miles an hour
for about 60 seconds.
If you really want
to butter me up,
you would have said Superman.
I'm a Superman guy.
You know this.
Hey, listen, this shit
is next-level addictive,
all right?
After today, you're gonna be
begging me to come back up.
I seriously doubt that, man.
Look, maybe... maybe
you all jump, right?
Like, I can just meet
you back at the hangar.
He can take me down.
Planes go both ways.
You don't need me to jump.
-I got you.
We got you.
Jess, can you tell him, please?
Baby, I promise.
I know that this is insane.
-This is fucking crazy, but...
-I know.
It's gonna be amazing, I swear.
All right?
Plus, you look super
fuckin' hot in that jumpsuit
Hot, you say?
I look hot?
Hey, Logan, can I keep
the jumpsuit, man?
I fuckin' love you guys.
And if that were a text,
I would emphasize it
and heart it.
Hey, I love you.
-I love you.
-Come here.
Get under here.
Mwah, mwah.
Get outta here.
All right.
Three minutes to altitude.
All right, that's
three minutes, guys.
Three minutes.
-Three minutes.
Clip in.
Tandems clip in.
Everyone secure your
latches, straps?
Everyone good?
Ready, babe?
We are so crispy, guys.
All right.
Now, remember... keep
those backs arched.
And when in doubt, pop
those crotches out, baby.
-I felt all of that, man.
-It's the Viagra.
Don't worry.
That was right
on my back, okay?
Hey, we clipped in?
-Yeah, Z-man, scoot over.
-You all seeing this?
Look out the window,
starboard side, 3:00 o'clock.
The hell's starboard side?
-No fucking way.
-No way.
What is it?
Whoa, shit.
What the fuck is that, man?
I can't see it.
Hey, what was that, man?
That was a fucking UFO!
What'd you see?
I have no fuckin' idea.
That's insane, bro.
What are you looking at?
What the fuck?
Easy, easy, easy.
Guys, guys, guys.
It's over here, now.
Look, look.
Holy fucking shit, dude.
Holy... oh, my God!
We come in peace.
Is this Area 51?
What was that?
That's military aircraft
in our air space.
We're headed back.
-What the fuck was that?
Zach, this doesn't
look good, man.
Shift over so I can
secure that last ring.
I'm trying, man.
I'm stuck.
Oh, God.
It's stuck on my balls.
Work with me, Zach.
Come on.
Yo, we gotta jump.
Get outta here.
We gotta jump.
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
Where's my chute?
I can't pull it!
Logan, pull the chute!
Oh, shit!
Logan, man, come on.
Logan, man.
Get me out of
these straps, man.
Come on.
Logan, you gotta
help me out, man.
Come on.
We gotta get outta here.
We gotta... oh...
Somebody help!
Jess, where are...
Where are you?
Follow my voice.
We're over here!
We're over here.
Oh, my God.
Are you okay?
Where's Logan?
I don't... did you see Jess?
No, no, no, no.
She's not with us.
Where's Logan?
Where's Logan?
I... he's...
Zach, where is Logan?
He's dead.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Fuck, fuck!
We're losing him.
We're fucking losing him.
Press down.
Pressure, pressure.
-Press, press, press down.
It's gonna be okay.
-Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
There's so much blood.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do.
Oh, what the fuck?
-The fuck's that?
-Oh, shit!
The fuck do we do?
I don't fuckin' know.
The fuck.
Shit, fuck, okay.
Oh, God.
Oh, okay.
You guys see Jess?
-Oh, my... oh...
-Zach, help me!
Jess, is that you?
Oh, my God!
Jess, I'm coming!
What the...
Now what the fuck?
Oh, God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my...
-Now run, run!
Let's go.
Oh, shit!
-Let's go.
-Britt, wait up.
-Oh, my God, oh, my God!
Let's go!
Come on!
Come on!
Yo, what the fuck was that?
I don't fuckin' know.
Shut up and run!
Where are we?
Hey, guys.
Noah, stop!
I heard Jess!
-What the fuck, dude?
Why are we stopping?
-I heard Jess.
-Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I think I heard it too.
Wait, listen.
Oh, my God.
Let's go.
Oh, my God.
This way.
Go, go, go.
Oh, my God.
Go, go, go, go!
What the fuck?
Hurry up.
Zach, come on!
Zach, what the fuck
are you doing?
Get up.
Get up!
Oh, fuck.
Zach, run, run, Zach!
Jess, babe.
Babe, are you okay?
I'm sorry.
Fuck you!
Sir, stop the truck!
Stop the truck!
Oh, jeez.
Oh, oh, thank...
What the fuck?
-Sir, sir, we gotta get out.
No, no, no, no.
We gotta to get
out of here, sir.
Oh, shit.
you got till
the count of tres...
Fucking kidding me?
To get the hell outta my truck.
Sir, there is
something out there.
We need to get the fuck
outta here right now, okay?
It killed...
-My friends.
It killed my wife.
Please, sir. Please.
I'm not fucking
around with you.
Sir, sir, please, please.
I promise you I'm not...
I'm not lying.
Fuck this.
Come on.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, God.
Come on.
Oh, you've gotta
be fucking kidding.
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, shit.
No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no!
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
We are desperate
to break out of the conditions
of everyday life.
Hey, got it.
When I was a kid,
I never dreamt
that you would see serious
news reportage about UFOs
or unexplained encounters,
unknown tech.
Well, if there's a...
Look at that thing.
It's rotating.
Whenever I see
a piece of footage,
my first response is
to defer to analysts.
I am not someone who has
the background or training
to analyze footage.
I've never seen
a real UFO video.
I think they're all fake,
but I believe
there could be
a second layer to what
we're about to watch today.
All the orb videos
I've seen at this point...
they look exactly like this.
Thing flying never
changes directions.
It's always in a straight line
because it's being filmed
from an airplane.
-I'm Sam.
-I'm Niko.
We are from Corridor Digital,
a YouTube channel.
We have this series,
"Visual Effects Artists React,"
where we do a weekly
breakdown of visual effects.
And it was, like,
one moment in time when
UFOs were big on the news.
And we figured,
let's look at these
and see if we can use our
knowledge of visual effects
to see if these videos
have been doctored.
Oh, come on.
Orb-like object.
There's a moment there where it
looks like the classic,
like, latex balloon.
If an alien video's
mystery depends on me
not being able
to see it clearly,
then that deducts
credibility from the video.
But there is an aesthetic
to the nicely compressed,
hard-to-see video.
And it hits unlike
anything else, in my opinion.
That's why everyone
likes filming spooky things
with VHS cameras.
Welcome to Doggy Dreamhouse,
the happiest place in all
the land, if you're a dog.
Are you going out of town
for a long weekend?
We've got you covered.
Did your little guy roll around
in mud or excrement?
Well, no problem.
Just bring him in and we'll
give your little stinker
the first class spa treatment.
Has naughty behavior
become an issue?
Well, if so,
we're the place to be.
We specialize in all sorts
of animal training.
You won't believe
the changes we can make.
And this is Robert.
Say hello, Robert.
Robert is my baby.
Aren't you?
But here at Doggy Dreamhouse,
we treat all dogs
like they're our very own.
And for you helicopter
fur parents,
each one of your
precious babies
will be outfitted with
a little collar cam,
just like the one
that Robert is wearing.
So you can keep tabs
on all the trouble
your little troublemakers
are getting into...
and all the fun
they'll be having.
So come on down
to Doggy Dreamhouse
and have a bark-tastic day.
Becky Baxter... been tracking
her online for a few weeks now.
She runs her business
out of her house.
Seems legit, except for these.
-What are those?
Those are fucking
mutilated dog corpses.
I'm sorry. What?
-Stop. That is...
-What's the plan?
How are we gonna take
this old lady down?
-Thank you.
The plan is that
Stuart and Angela
will pose as our couple
wanting to board their dog.
Think he'll be able
to pull off that role?
-Shut up, dude.
Come on, guys.
You're so immature.
-It's a little funny.
-Can you be an adult for...
Can we focus here?
Stuart and Angela will be
posing as our decoy couple.
My dog, Pickles,
will be posing as their dog.
We're gonna be using the kennel
cam, so make sure you get
as much of the house
as possible.
-Will do.
We're on it, boss.
Oh, come on in.
Oh, hi.
You must be Tom and Sarah?
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
And this must be Pickles.
Oh, aren't you the most
precious creature
I've ever seen
in my whole life?
Well, let's get you
out of that carrier.
That's okay.
I don't want him marking
his territory in your home.
-Oh, no, no, no.
That's totally fine.
Let's let him stretch
his little legs.
Seriously, he gets really
bad separation anxiety
if Tom's not holding him...
Well, suit yourself.
Come on in, folks.
This is it.
Nothing fancy, I know.
It's nice.
Looks fun.
Oh, it is.
And this little
gentleman here is Robert.
Come here, Robert.
There you are.
Robert, this is Pickles.
Pickles, this is Robert.
My sincerest hope is
that you two will become
the very best of friends.
Is something funny?
Your dog is just...
he's so cute.
He is, isn't he?
And he has the most
beautiful heart.
All right, down you go.
Continuing with the tour,
back here is our kitchen.
All of our meals are made
right here by yours, truly.
All 100% healthy and organic
and 150% delicious.
When you say "our meals,"
does anyone else live here?
Well, if I didn't know
any better,
I'd think you were prying
into my personal life.
No, I didn't.
You know, we...
I'm messing with you.
No, it's fine.
Pry all you want.
I've got nothin' to hide.
I live here all by my
lonesome, not a suitor
in sight.
No, I meant the
meals are for us...
for Robert and me and
any furry friends who
happen to be staying with us.
And who are these guys?
Oh, my sweet babies.
You know, they say that
the hardest thing in life
is when a parent has
to bury her children.
And as far as I'm
concerned, the same
is true with fur children.
These are my fur babies.
They've crossed over
the Rainbow Bridge.
Where's Gary?
Gary was my most special
boy, so I have something
extra special planned for him.
You know, he was a Pomeranian,
but he had the heart
of a pit bull.
He was so protective
of his mommy.
No, he got a hold of this
nasty little intruder
and he sacrificed
his life for me.
It's a long story, but let's
just say he died a hero.
So you don't bury them?
Well, some, I do.
But it seems wrong,
somehow, to put
such precious things in the
ground and let them disappear.
This is how I honor them.
By mutilating their bodies?
-I'm sorry.
-It's barbaric.
Stop it.
It's okay.
He's entitled to his opinion.
I thought you said
your name was Tom.
It is.
But she called you Stuart.
That's a pet name...
middle name.
Yeah, I'm not very
partial to pet names.
Now, if Pickles
here were my dog,
I'd give him a more noble name,
something with weight,
like Henry or Julius.
Yes, I like that name for you.
Oh, it's so much more regal.
And these are not regal
quarters, are they?
How rude of me.
I got so distracted
by Julius here that I almost
forgot to finish the tour.
How would you two like to see
where the dogs are trained?
I bet you'd be very
impressed by that.
We would like that,
wouldn't we, Tom?
Yeah, yeah.
And I'm sorry about
what I said earlier.
I just...
-Oh, no, no.
I shouldn't have said that.
It's okay.
Water under the bridge.
Oh, come on.
Follow the leader.
Oh, and don't mind the mess.
You know, I like to think it
gives the place character.
But as my mother used
to say too much clutter
is just clutter.
Ooh, Mr. Jumpy there.
Oh, that's just my brother, Bo.
Don't mind him.
Sorry for interrupting your...
You said you lived alone.
Well, it feels like
I do because Bo
doesn't talk much these days,
ever since the accident.
God, he used to be so annoying.
We would get in
the craziest fights.
He'd be like...
And I'd be like...
And we would just...
And now, he's as quiet
as a church mouse...
not like these rowdy kids
down here, huh, babies?
This is where we do
all of our training.
Oh, and this is
our grooming station,
or as Frederic here likes
to call it, the panic room.
I'm kidding.
He's a good boy.
He's just a little stinker.
And over here is where
we have our floor time.
It's just for playing
and socializing.
So what's all this?
Oh, that's my little
arts and crafts area.
It's how I keep all of my
babies alive and in my heart.
What's back there?
Well, this is
the time out corner.
It's where we keep
the naughty boys and girls,
like the ones who sneak into
people's personal spaces
and ask rude questions,
like you two, and like he did.
Help me.
No, no.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Bad dog.
-No more.
There, there, Julius.
It's okay.
You're safe and sound now.
Those nasty humans
can't hurt you anymore.
Come here, baby.
Oh, what a good boy.
Okay, let's go.
Thank you for calling
Doggy Dreamhouse,
where your doggies' dreams
become reality.
Please leave a detailed
message after the tone
and have a bark-tastic day.
Yeah, I'm not sure anyone's
getting these messages,
but again, this is Miles with
Humans Against Animal Cruelty.
And I'm looking for two
of our team members.
Please call me back at 555-0172
as soon as you get this.
I really don't wanna have
to get the police involved.
Thank you.
So today has been
an exciting day.
Bo was able to exhume
sweet Cynthia and Marcus
from the little cemetery
out back...
here they are
during better times.
And here is my little
rascal, Abraham.
Oh, there he is.
I am so, so, so excited to
show you the progress
that Abraham is making.
He's almost back
to his old, snarly self.
Bo loved Abraham.
Didn't you, Bo?
Yeah, they were like
two peas in a pod.
But before we get to our
soon-to-be graduate,
I just wanted to show you
we have some really great
pieces here
for our new residents
to help them
transition perfectly.
Speak of the devil.
And he has been a little devil,
haven't you?
Yeah, he's definitely
the naughtier
of our two new students.
Oh, now, Marcus, that's not
how good boys ask for treats.
"Please" is a word that
humans use when they
want to pretend to be nice.
Nice dogs are just nice.
Nap time for Marcus.
Good boy.
And over here, we have Cynthia.
Cynthia, what do you say?
Good girl.
Good girl.
Someone deserves
a good girl treat.
Here we go.
Give me your paw.
Good job.
Here you go.
Oh, don't worry.
The swelling will
go down soon enough.
And then treat time will
only be a good time.
You've just gotta adjust.
That's what I had to do
when my husband passed.
You gotta adjust.
Bo, we need to get
Marcus ready.
Bad dog.
Bo, get the rag.
Okay, we're back.
And I am so excited
to show you.
Marcus finally has a proper paw
for shaking, if he ever learns
to shake, which he'd
better because Marcus was
such a good little shaker boy.
And these here...
these are the paw pads.
This is gonna make it so much
more easy for him to walk
around on his hands and feet.
And now that he's being
a good little sleepy boy,
it's time to fix his snout.
Oh, and these chompers here are
gonna be so useful for chewing
his food and
protecting his mommy,
once the swelling goes down.
And then we're gonna put on
that cute little nose for all
those little nose boops.
So we're here at this
psycho taxidermy lady's place.
We're gonna call
the cops, but...
But the cops are just
a bunch of corrupt fascists.
Dude, I got this.
Come on, let's do this.
Looks like your
friends are here.
That was fucking epic.
Did you get that?
Humans are
such entitled brutes,
just like you used to be.
Help, help, help.
Bad dog, bad.
Where's the third one?
Shoot, guys, I swear to God
I just heard Angela.
-Holy shit.
That's her.
Hey, just keep filming.
Let's fucking go.
Huh, fuck.
What the fuck...
The fuck was that?
Oh, my God.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
I'm sorry.
We're closed today.
Who are you?
Well, I'm her new fur mommy.
And you're intruding.
Fuck is that?
Mommy needs your
help right now.
Oh, my God.
Sic 'em.
Good boy, Gary.
Do you want a little treat?
Open up.
That's good.
Such a good boy.
Mama loves you.
In the 1950s, probably
due to the Cold War,
the dominant public point of
view was aliens as invaders,
which was brought to mass
popularity in the 1930s
by the great Orson Welles.
The verisimilitude was
such that some people
apparently believed it.
I mean, look, it's fun to be
a little bit of a trickster.
We've done it ourselves.
The whole world
thought it was real.
And Boston Dynamics got
death threats because of us.
A piece of footage like
this, even when it's exposed,
never dissuades
the true believers.
Orson didn't intend to deceive.
He just intended to persuade.
Orson intended to
make a drama that
was so thrilling that you
could momentarily forget
what you were listening to.
And that fear response
just came out of you.
That's what
the best horror does.
The Mojave Desert has long
been a known UFO hot-spot,
since long before the famed
Mojave Incident of October 21,
1989, when nine glowing lights
appeared in the sky and turned
a couple's quiet weekend away
into an unearthly nightmare,
as Elise and Tom Gifford...
Elise and Tom Gifford.
Elise and Tom Gifford.
As Elise and Tom Gifford were
trapped in their camper van
by nonhuman creatures.
It has also been a known
UFO hot-spot since long
before George Van Tassel...
Since George Van
Tassel, a writer,
aircraft, engineer,
and ufologist built
the Integratron 19 miles...
17 miles.
Built the Integratron
17 miles outside of Joshua Tree
to harness
otherworldly energies,
he swore, coursing
through the area.
And just last week,
lights reappeared
in the California desert,
reminding us we are not alone.
You said you saw the lights.
I did.
They started there.
Then they moved there...
all perfectly spaced
out, three of them.
And they kind of came
and went very quick.
How long were
you observing them?
10, 15 minutes at most.
What television station
are you from again?
This is a documentary.
I'm not affiliated
with a news station.
I thought you told me
you were a reporter.
I also saw the lights that way.
There were, like, six
bright lights up in the sky.
Little one broke off,
landed somewhere back there.
I rode out, tracked it down,
saw a bunch of, like,
little alien footprints.
Got a buddy over there, Bubba.
Bubba Quails.
He's, like, one of those
survivalist type.
He said they were out there
gathering animals.
What kind of animals?
We got all sorts of
fuckin' animals out here.
We got squirrels.
We got iguanas, tortoises,
spiders, you name it.
Your friend saw this,
like, for real?
In a vision.
Like, he saw it visually?
Nah, like one of those
vision quests.
You know,
the spiritual visions.
She says that
it started with two lights,
and then it became six.
And then they all flew away
except for one.
They make no sound at all.
They came into my room.
Who came into your room?
The shadow people.
They tried to take Buttons.
What's Buttons?
My hamster.
So they didn't take Buttons?
No, I told them not to,
so they didn't.
And then they sang me a song.
Using the eyewitness testimony
and the initial reporting
in the desert news, which...
I can't believe
this hasn't already
gone national,
considering there were
over 20 eyewitness reports.
I have met myself
six campsites for the week
under the path of the lights.
When we talk about
extraterrestrial life
visiting Earth,
we must first consider
the distance that
they would have to travel.
Let's say that they come
from Proxima Centauri,
the closest possible star,
basically our neighbor
in the galaxy.
They are a measly
4 light-years away.
So how do they get here?
And what happens when you
travel near the speed of light?
Because of course,
by all conventional means,
you can't travel
at the actual speed of light.
That's why physicists get
so excited about things
like wormholes and warp speed.
But let's say that you can
instantly accelerate to 99.9%
the speed of light
and instantly
decelerate without
destroying your ship
or dying in the process.
Everyone on Earth will have
experienced about 4 years,
but for you,
that trip is only 2 weeks.
Now, let's say you're a little
bit further away... still
really close to
us, but just, like,
a little bit further away.
That would be Andromeda.
So you will experience
a trip of about 28 years,
but everyone on Earth will
have aged 2.5 million years.
It's no small feat.
Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh,
shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
Oh, shit. Oh, my God.
Did I get it?
Um, okay, I'm gonna rewind
and see if I got it.
So I didn't get it.
Maybe some lights.
Could have been an airplane.
And I guess
I taped over some shit
that I didn't
exactly intend to.
Go ahead, Steven.
Reason fuckin' 85 on why
Haley's a shitty mother.
There'll be other birthdays.
There are these
floating lights.
They've been
flickering on and off.
And there are,
like, six of them.
I don't know how to explain it.
I'm gonna try something.
This camera has an
infrared sensor.
And I'm gonna see if
maybe we can catch
a little more light with it.
Okay, here we go.
Oh, my God.
That's incredible.
Oh, completely gone.
I'm gonna try to follow.
Suck it, Steve.
Suck it, Stanford.
the lights in the sky.
We did it, baby.
Fuck yeah.
I think this is
where it came down.
And I'm not getting
anything in IR,
so let's try visible light.
There's something over there.
Am I seeing...
I think I'm seeing
a light in the distance.
Doesn't seem to be
moving with me.
It's just right over there.
I can... I don't see
anything else.
It's just that.
There it is.
You see that?
Huh, look at that.
I'm gonna get a little closer.
Flickers on and off.
It's my light.
There's something.
I'm just gonna...
there's some footprints, maybe.
They're leading away from this.
It's very big.
It's reflective.
It's reflecting my light.
And is it a spaceship?
I don't know.
Getting a little closer in.
Oh, my God.
I'm trying to get a sense
of how big this thing is.
And I can't.
Oh, God.
That's me.
The ship's reflecting me.
There're some noises
maybe off in the distance.
But it doesn't look
like anybody's home.
Oh, God.
How am I gonna do this?
All right.
Here we go.
Looks like it's made out
of, like... it's like a skin.
It's something on the walls.
Maybe some kind of...
I don't know.
It looks organic.
Not seeing any seats
or controls anywhere.
And the floor is, like,
a little bit squishy.
I don't know what
I'm looking at here.
Maybe it's like an exoskeleton.
And there's, like...
it looks like dental floss
on the whole thing.
it's not dental floss,
but strings of something
all over the walls.
And there's patterns
or something here.
That's the darkest
thing I've ever seen.
Some kind of membrane
or something.
It's, like, a little bit wet.
Smells like... I
don't know... nothing.
Gonna touch one of these,
see what happens.
Oh, I barely even touched it.
Holy hell.
That's sharp.
Oh, what is that?
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Oh, it healed my cut.
Holy shit.
I'm guessing we just saw
the future first aid.
I mean, they just saw the
injury and responded to it...
little microscopic
Those filaments are
a remarkable material.
I mean, it was... it cut
through me like butter,
but I guess if you had
a skin that was more,
say, dense,
for example... oh, fuck.
Oh, no.
So I turned my
camera light off.
Let me turn IR back on.
I can't see any of that...
look through the camera.
Whatever it is,
that pod is glowing.
He went in there,
and it's closed.
I think it's sleeping.
There's, like, some kind of
pattern on the walls here.
I'm gonna see if
I can get this open.
It's beautiful.
Okay, this way now.
They've got animals in here.
Was that... it's
like an octopus.
There we've got a spider.
I guess they don't have
a formula for humans...
some sort of lizard
or bird, maybe.
And it looks like this
is filling with some kind
of goo that's causing stasis.
I mean, it must be for
a long-distance travel
to keep them safe.
28 years to Andromeda
is a long time.
The lights just
started pulsate.
I think it's probably time
I gotta get out of here.
Oh, fuck.
Where's the door?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, God.
Where the fuck did it go?
No, no, no.
It was right here.
It was right here.
Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
This looks like some
kind of a countdown.
No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
Please, please, please,
please, please, no.
I think they did the best
they could on my arm.
It looks like that was just
the initial push into orbit.
The force was incredible.
That's probably why
the animals and the pilots...
they need constant stasis.
I mean, I've never felt
anything like it.
The technology that you need
to go into hyperspeed...
I mean, it must be incredible.
I think you need shielding
and life support
just for the heat
and the radiation alone.
I mean...
It's, uh...
Please, no more.
What really fascinates me
about this stuff
is what people believe.
The big mystery, of course, is
what happened
to the eldest son?
He vanished.
The property was left
vacant and abandoned.
So everything was sold.
The house was
turned into a museum
jointly managed by different
city and provincial agencies.
Those videotapes probably were
collected with all the assets
and sold at an auction.
In borderline or
controversial questions,
every piece of
evidence is going
to function
almost like a mirror
for the individual himself.
Whenever you're ready.
Like any other
piece of evidence,
the rejectionists are going
to say, gee, great makeup job.
And the believers are
gonna say, case closed.
-There he is.
-What's up?
-All right.
It's a humanoid form.
He's pulling something
out of the eldest son.
Those are alien eggs, maybe.
Oh, it looks like
he's got the camera.
Now, this is
a probe lens, right?
It's grotesque.
Real or not,
I am very uncomfortable.
That is really gross.
This has to be
analyzed, verified.
Now the real work has to begin.