Vincent's Vow (2020) Movie Script

Everyone talks about love.
But the only examples
I see are hate.
Everywhere you look.
They say to throw your love
out there and make a splash.
Maybe it changes something,
maybe it doesn't.
But I believe, eventually,
that love ripples back.
Vincent, hey.
You told Stephen you were
gonna be his groomsmen.
You committed.
You committed.
Stephen's groomsman.
You've got yourself like an hour
to get yourself cleaned up.
No, I'm not going.
Yeah, champagne
is gonna be flowing.
And Vince,
You can keep that.
Lena Carlyle.
She's the maid of honor.
Still not going.
Wow she's hot.
She's a fox.
Is that Lena?
Is that the line you use
to make girls disappear?
Because I think it's working.
So are you happy?
I just wish Mom
and Dad were here.
I wish they could see this.
Yeah, me too.
Well, you look beautiful, smile.
Steven and Lily.
Today you begin your
journey together.
Let's think about together.
Together means to
pick up the slack
when your partner is slacking.
At times, Lily, you
must be his comfort.
And Stephen, you need
to be her strength.
Becoming soulmates is a process.
Ya know; be open.
Right now,
I don't have the strength.
I need you.
So this is what you call love?
I don't know anymore.
Well maybe,
you should figure that out.
I now pronounce
you man and wife.
Come on, kiss her!
Yeah, Stephen.
Mazel Tov! Namaste!
Hey, Paul.
- What's up, Vince?
- What's up, man?
You'll never beat
me to the booze, bro.
No, give it here, give it here.
Why else do we come to weddings?
Oh, I don't know, fellas.
Maybe for the vows or
watching people fall in love.
What's up, D'Qwell?
Now I have a question.
- Uh
- huh.
Who here is
getting hitched next?
Dude, Vince or Manuelo, man.
I am never doing that.
Marriage is a workshop.
Where men work and women shop.
What I'm saying, DQ,
is that women are like
ice cream from DQ, okay.
They're really good to taste,
but if you hang
unto 'em too long
they melt into a sticky mess.
That's really gross.
A woman's love is
like champagne.
It's sweet and the
more it matures
the more nourishing it is.
Oh boy.
- Uh
- huh.
Speaking of maturity.
Happy birthday, Vince.
Let's party, guys.
Dirty 30!
Dirty 30.
Be careful with these old bones.
Maybe in about 15 years or so
I might start thinking
about getting married.
But on one condition.
It's gotta be that woman.
Mm mm.
Thou vivacious vixen.
Oh my gosh.
Thou waxeth of Shakespeare.
Thou waxeth of dumb.
You're too much of a dog.
Look, she's old enough to drink.
Why is Vince staring at me?
Probably because he
thinks you're a fox.
Or he's just being a creep.
That's what I meant, Tara.
The other one's cute, though.
Ugh, don't waste
your time, Tara.
They're probably just over
there talking about fishing.
There's plenty
of fish in the sea.
Also, she's with Devon.
Ah, that's a good point.
That's true.
Men, that is all they
do is fish for women.
Catch and release.
Hey, Baby.
Yes, Kadasha?
I didn't say crybaby.
Speaking of baby, what is it?
Don't know yet.
No ultra sound.
Probably another boy.
Hey, we gotta go pick up Kyson.
All right, go wait by the car.
I'm gonna see you soon, babe.
Listen, do me a solid favor.
No running around girl to girl.
Be a decent guy.
Okay, all right, yup.
Love you, numb nuts.
Love you too, man.
All right, I've got an idea.
Lay it on me.
Let's drink all the champagne.
We've already gone
through two bottles.
And then shots to
celebrate Vince's 30th.
Hey, congrats, sir!
I'm in no matter
what, dude, seriously.
No matter.
I still love you, Vince.
No matter.
Where you going?
Do you want some champagne?
Um, I should really
get back to my friends,
but entertaining conversation.
Uh, speaking of entertainment.
Um, uh...
Do you like stage plays?
Only if it's Shakespeare.
That's perfect, because
he's like my favorite
and the Gillioz is putting
on Romeo and Juliet
in the next couple of
months and I've got tickets.
So, what are you
doing Friday night?
Dinner and a movie, with me.
Lena's my girl.
I don't see a ring.
Come on.
Easy, easy, easy.
Devon! Devon!
Hey, hey, Devon,
he's drunk, man.
Chill out.
You good?
You good?
I'm good.
Stay away from my girl.
Babe, let's go.
What's wrong with you?
Is, is she gonna be okay?
Hey, he wasn't drunk, was he?
Is he drunk?
Will you go check on her?
You okay?
Hey, Vincent.
I haven't seen you since, uh.
Our last date.
Where you broke up with me.
I go away for two years and.
I mean, come on, Vince.
I called you probably 100 times.
And I left you messages.
I never forgot about you.
I'm really sad you
left, actually.
Where'd you go?
I think I'm in love with you.
Is this what you
call love, Vince?
So this is what you call love?
I'll show you what love is.
That's fast.
Then, can we talk?
Why would I wanna talk?
So that's all I am to you?
Just a body.
No, babe.
An object?
You're more than that, you're...
I can't believe that's
what you were thinking about
the entire time we
were dating, wasn't it?
Please, don't pout to me, okay.
Pouting, maybe that's why
I didn't return your
calls, you know?
I guess the only real
pleasure I got from you
was our kiss and
you refused to go
to the next level then,
the same as you are now.
The next level?
You're the one that
cheated on me, remember?
So why did you even
come here tonight?
Happy birthday, Vince.
Come on, don't look
at me like that, sis.
It can wait.
Don't answer it.
What's up, Vince?
Hey, Stephen, Lily.
Look, I didn't mean to make
a scene at your wedding.
But the fact is I
did and I'm sorry.
You deserved a perfect
day and I messed that up.
Anyway, I think you're
a wonderful couple
and I wish you the best.
And a hearty congratulations.
Well, thank you, Vince.
It means a lot.
Hey, and stay away from my sis...
I would tell you,
happy birthday, but it's come and gone.
I waited six hours, Vincent
because you promised
you would be here at 8:00
and we would celebrate
by going through
your photo albums.
Yeah, well the wedding
went a little long, so.
And that makes it okay
to not keep your word?
And how am I supposed to feel
when you're out late at night
when the cartel is
causing havoc in the city?
Save your drama for
your llama, momma.
Have you ever talked to a llama?
Hey Mr. Llama, my son
won't keep his word.
What should I do?
That's funny.
Llama, your breath stinks.
No matter what good advice
you get, there's Vince.
Hey Mom.
Don't give your drama
to your momma, Llama.
I should have been here.
I should have been there.
I just want peace, you know.
I know you miss her.
We all do.
Just remember the importance
of a promise, okay?
Goodnight, Momma.
God bless you, Llama.
Manuelo, more two
by fours, man, I'm not...
- Woo
- hoo! Donuts!
Go nuts for donuts!
Go nuts for donuts!
Come on in and get some, boys.
Dude, I love it
when you're late.
Best job site rule ever.
Watch this.
Hey, what's up, Roxanne?
You foxy lady, you
want some donuts, hm?
They're fresh.
15 late days this month.
And why was today so special?
I have more important
things to do
than worry about if
nincompoops like you
are gonna show up on time!
You are...
You can have the box.
Help D'Qwell in the
master with the walls.
Roger that, babe.
I'm not your babe.
Thank you, Manny.
And you're not
a charming prince, Vince.
Ha, whatever you say, Foxy Roxy.
All right.
Yo, yo, yo, what's up, D'Qwell?
You ready to get stuff done?
Laurel's dog take a
dookie in your oatmeal?
You know what?
We're gonna talk about this.
You go on dates, kiss the girls,
you have your little
one night stands,
but you ain't loved a single
one of them, have you?
Come on, man.
You know as well
as I do, the chics,
they like being
snuggled, you know.
That's not why you do
it, you self-centered ho.
Why'd you have to make
a move on Lena, man?
You know why you did it?
Because you lust
and you call it love
and you see her, she's
young, she's pretty
and you just wanna
use her young body
for your pleasure, is that it?
Right, that mindset
is what turns good men
into rapists and molesters.
Is that what you want, Vince?
I didn't think that's
what I was doing.
Yeah, well, you don't think.
Before you claim
to love someone,
you need to find
out what love is.
Grow up.
What's up, Ben?
Have you seen the
movie "Twilight?"
All right, so there's
this vampire guy, right?
This skinny vampire guy
who's totally into this chic.
She's all like,
oo, I'm not sure.
And the vampire guy
is like, I'm sure.
She's like, okay.
And so then they start
making out, right?
Mwah, mwah, mwah.
And then werewolf guy shows up
and he's all like, bro, I'm
totally gonna steal your girl.
Okay, Ben, Ben, just
save the backstory.
Give me the punchline.
Take martial arts with me.
There are private
lessons, right?
I mean they're
technically not legal.
I mean, she's got some
unorthodox methods.
Whoa, whoa, she?
Not legal?
Yeah man, sign me up.
Dude, Devon is
gonna come after you.
Dude, Ben, Devon has
nothing to worry about.
Is this the same Devon
that we're talking about?
Whenever a guy's tried
to steal his girlfriend,
he turns into, Hulk smash!
He's not gonna let
you forget about this.
And Alicia can turn
skinny vampire Vince
into a slippery, lethal weapon.
You would actually stand a
chance against werewolf dude.
I didn't say anything.
Okay Ben, look.
I'm never going to take
martial arts from a woman.
So, why are you here, handsome?
You know, I'm just here to
learn how to take down Goliath
and win your heart,
thou fair Juliet.
Shut up.
This class is not for
faint hearted Romeo.
Or is it David?
I'm confused.
This class requires more
than just your pretty face.
It requires commitment.
Well, he is committed, Alicia.
He's got something to fight for.
I do, so quit it.
No, you are selfish.
But, you pay me good money.
And you're gorgeous.
So... let's begin.
- Whoa, whoa, Alice.
- Alicia.
Whatever, kind of hot chic.
Look, I don't wanna hit girls.
You already hit on me.
What, no? I was just.
Ha, you did, kinda.
Okay, sorta.
Look, point is, I
don't want to hurt you.
You think he needs CPR?
Because I could totally
use the practice.
Hey, buddy.
You're taking this vampire
look way too seriously.
You say you want
to fight off Goliath.
David's downfall was Bath-sheba.
To listen to your message press,
first message.
Hey Vince, it's D'Qwell.
Sorry I was a little
rough on you yesterday.
You know, I'm serious
about what I said, man.
I love ya, I'm just
looking out for you.
And if you're ready
to learn what love is,
come meet me at the church.
All right, brother.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hey, hey, brother, brother.
Hey, can you spare me
a couple bucks here?
Sorry, man, I gotta go.
Why marriage, hm?
Why start a family?
We all know divorces
are increasing, right?
Divorce rates have
actually gone down
because fewer and fewer couples
are actually getting married.
So many people are convinced
that marriage will
eventually end in divorce,
they won't vow in
marriage at all.
I mean and with...
All the good
advice on social media.
- Bath
- sheba.
And the internet,
can you blame 'em?
I mean, if we spent as much time
investing in loving someone
rather than seeking to be loved,
man, our relationships
would thrive.
How many of you have
divorced parents?
People fall in love
and they get married
but 10 years and two
kids down the road,
they somehow fall out of love?
Real love is not
blind; it's all seeing.
It sees all of the faults.
It sees your bad habits;
the imperfections.
It loves anyway.
Infatuation... is
blind... and fragile.
When things aren't going
perfect, it disappears.
Or when tragedy strikes.
It vanishes.
Well, she'd still be alive
if hadn't given her
everything she wanted!
She was just a kid!
You forced her
into the grave, Leon,
because you forced her
to do everything else!
I am done with you!
Get out!
Well it amazes me how
easy it is to walk away.
I thought I loved you once.
Perhaps I never did.
Get out!
Most of the time, when
tragedy strikes a family...
a divorce follows.
Those life changing events,
they can serve... to
either destroy
a marriage or strengthen one.
Vince, Vince.
Vince, come on, man.
It's Evangeline, isn't it?
She was my everything.
My rock, my conscience.
And now she's gone.
So you just thought
baby faced Lena
could some how mask your pain?
I guess.
You know her dad died?
Sister just got married.
Just imagine how she
feels living alone
in that apartment just
trying to make end's meet.
Baby, baby.
Look, I can't have
what you guys have, okay?
This perfect little family.
Why not?
Because I can't protect them.
I couldn't protect Evangeline.
Stop it, Evangeline loves you.
She is looking down on heaven
trying to help you, brother.
This thing with Lena,
I need you to just
view her like a sister, okay?
Build a... a foundation
of friendship.
Wait, what?
What about Devon?
He sees you two hanging out,
he is not gonna
call it friendship.
Listen to me, okay.
Every society fails when their
protectors become predators.
You don't need to
try to find someone,
you need to try to be someone.
Be a protector, brother.
And then they'll find you.
Be a brother before a lover,
not the other way around.
All right?
All right, man.
All right.
Be good, love ya, brother.
Love you too, man.
You know, it's
company policy not
to give customers this
kind of attention.
Well then that's why
I'm not one, today.
Thank you, this is so sweet.
But um, I really need
to keep this job.
Okay, I guess I'll
see you Friday night.
Are you stalking me?
Stocking? Are you
prepping for Christmas?
Company policy says I
have to be nice to customers
but I think management might
agree, you're an exception.
Um, in that case
I think I'll have...
What are you
doing here, Vincent?
I'm hungry.
For food or punishment?
We don't serve that here.
Well, I guess I'll
just have your...
you know what, surprise me.
Coming right up.
Thank you.
Careful, the plate is
hot with displeasure.
Wow, what a surprise.
It's what you ordered!
Hey Lena, wait.
I am so sorry about
the other night.
It may have been the
drinking, I don't know.
What I do know is
that you're a hustler.
You've got these two
jobs you're working
with classes in between.
And with Lily getting
married and moving away,
I know it's gotta
be hard to pay rent.
I just wanna help ya out with
things in life, you know.
What do you know about my life?
I know what it's
like to lose somebody.
I'd like to be there
for ya, you know?
Kind of like a
brother you never had.
A brother.
Yeah, okay, uh.
Uh, I'll serve you now.
You just did.
He seems like a keeper.
What a dead beat,
what are you thinking?
Maybe forgiveness
is on the menu.
You're late.
Working on the cartel case.
It's getting worse.
Two more homicides last week.
Catch them and I'll
see they get life.
The issue I'm having
is they're well armed,
well organized, and
they're getting recruits.
You have an entire police force
at your disposal, Mr. Clark.
What's taking you?
Bringing me one
name is not enough.
Everyone I've interrogated
refuses to give up the leader.
I don't want pawns, Mrs. Draper,
I want the king.
And no one will
go up against him
for fear of getting killed.
That includes you.
So, how does this work?
You first.
- I'm going first?
- Yup.
Don't threaten me
with a good time.
Is it from me?
Well, since you're mommy's
pampered little girl.
Oh right?
And since you never got
over your princess phase,
I actually thought
you might like this.
Maybe you could use it
for balls or dances.
Maybe Scott asks you
to Ho-Co or prom.
I hope he never does.
Ha, oh.
Oh my. Vince, I love it.
Let me get this outta your way.
It's beautiful.
Just like you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Love you.
- Love you too.
- Thanks.
Oh, and there actually
is a dance coming up.
And I will wear
this on one condition.
That you come as
my dance partner.
As thou hast wished, my lady.
Thank you.
No peeking.
Whoa! What?
No way, there's no way
you can afford that.
- You guys did this, huh?
- No!
You guys did this.
No, no, it was all her.
I knew you wanted to
learn so I saved up.
Oh my gosh, you're such a
sweetheart, thank you so much.
I'm speechless.
Okay, I'll learn it
on one condition.
Here we go.
And what is that?
You help me write a song.
Okay, as thou hast
wished, M'sieur Weirdo.
One about us?
How would you define love?
Love isn't something
you control, Vince.
For me and Lily,
it just happened.
Still feel that way
after the honeymoon?
It means to plant
trees under whose shade
you don't expect to sit.
Love is taking care of the poor!
Why the sudden interest in love?
Got a girl on your mind?
Eh, maybe.
Mostly I'm just curious
as to why people
would have pets
for their family.
I don't get that.
Why not just have
spouse and kids?
Why do you have to have
a whiny little pup?
Well, why not?
I mean pets are cute
and they don't talk
back to their parents.
Oh, except for my pet llama.
Look at this.
Love, the total commitment
to the spiritual growth
of another person.
- Here you go.
- Hey, Lil.
D'Qwell, man, DQ
dude, I don't know
what trap you got me in.
I've been studying and
studying and studying
and I cannot find an answer
to the love question.
All I find is more questions.
I've always had
feelings for people
but I've been asking
myself, is love a feeling?
And when you lose that feeling,
how do you love
when you don't love?
Love is a verb.
Love the feeling is a
fruit of love, the verb.
That's kind of interesting.
So love her. Serve her.
Sacrifice. Listen to her;
empathize; appreciate.
Affirm her.
Vince, you coming
to my birthday party?
Well heaven's yeah, babe.
What do you want
for it, big Kyson?
A football and
to blast fireworks.
- Oo, that sounds fun.
- Wait, what?
Hey man, I'll blast some for ya.
You'll be here, huh?
Like the last two years.
Don't you disappoint
my son again.
I'll be here.
Scout's honor, man.
- Mm
- hm.
- Mm
- hm.
- Mm
- hm.
Oh yeah, Mommy might
give me a baby sister.
Hey come here, come here.
Can you do me a favor, buddy?
Heaven's yeah, babe.
Your sister, she's
going to be like
the most important
person in your life.
Always treat her like
a princess, okay?
Can you do that for me?
Scout's honor.
That's my boy.
So baby, when's dinner ready?
It's in the microwave.
Pot roast? Microwave?
That pregnancy got
you acting crazy.
Don't be criticizing
your wife's choices.
You're one of 'em.
- Oh, ho, ho!
- Roasted.
Okay, well what is a
queen without her king?
More powerful.
You went low!
- You went.
- I went to the gut.
- You know what?
- I went to gut.
- It's go time!
- I went to gut.
It's go time!
So I wanted to ask you guys,
what's the greatest
love story of all time?
Romeo and Juliet.
Wow, really Ben?
Even Shakespeare said
that was a tragedy.
They were so in love
they couldn't carry on
in life without each other.
You mean to tell
me it would be love
that prompts you to kill
yourself if your wife died?
No, having one would.
Love goes beyond a husband
and wife relationship.
When Kyson was
born, I felt a love
greater than I've ever felt
in my entire life, okay.
That's a love that Romeo and
Juliet denied themselves.
Mm, I felt the same way
when my daughter was born.
You have a daughter?
You have a brain?
Is she hot?
No, you can't date my daughter.
What? Come on!
I take it you spent
a lot of time trying
to find your daughter?
How long has it been?
Look, Vince.
We've all lost
somebody at some point.
Whether through death or...
someone moves far away.
But when two people
truly love each other,
they always find
a way to connect.
No matter what.
Did you hear on
the news that there's
a drug cartel around here?
Who's ready
for some chocolate cake?
Oo, I love chocolate cake.
You don't love chocolate cake.
And you know what I love?
I'm just saying, I mean what
have you ever done
for chocolate cake?
Do you call up chocolate cake?
Do you wanna help chocolate
cake reach its goals?
Surprise chocolate cake at work?
Do you wanna marry chocolate
cake and make nice little
swirly, vanilla
chocolate baby cupcakes?
Do not give me a sermon on love.
I'm just saying,
there's a difference
between loving chocolate cake
and just desiring
chocolate cake.
I think love is like a ghost.
Because like, everybody
talks about it,
but do we ever see one?
Just saying.
Keep your guard up.
Oh, that's a death sentence.
That's six feet under, dude.
Oh, oh.
I hear you've
been breaking hearts
and chasing young girls.
Which means either
you don't care
or you know nothing about love.
If it's real it costs; it hurts.
I broke the closest
thing to your heart.
And every time you
hurt another girl,
I'll break something
else of yours.
I understand if
you no longer wish
to continue our
working relationship.
Do you want to continue
on this journey with me?
Heaven's yeah, babe.
I love it when you call me that.
Ah, ah, ow!
I need my dad.
Well done.
You were right, Ben.
He is committed.
- Mm
- hm.
Is he single?
So, do I only get visits
when you break a bone, son?
I brought you a gift.
That shouldn't be in here.
How's your mother?
Oh, the bank wants
to take her house.
She didn't say anything to me.
But then again, she
hasn't for years.
How'd ya break it?
Oh, learning about love.
Anything stick this time?
Oh, that it's extremely painful.
It makes your heart race.
- Mm
- hm.
Well, judging by
your heart rate,
what's broken is
behind your ribs.
Lift your shirt, please.
Maybe you're looking for
love in the wrong place.
Where else could I look?
Oh, come on, Dad.
What? I didn't say anything.
Look, why can't I just come over
and we have a beer and talk?
I really do
appreciate the offer.
I know that you blame
it for the divorce
but there's nothing wrong
with having a beer or two.
And there's nothing wrong
with letting him
into your heart.
You know what,
I don't need this.
I made a mistake coming here.
What's her name?
As I have opened this
beer at your suggestion,
I hope you will open your
heart to Him at mine.
Glad I'm a private doctor.
I just want peace, you know.
I guess the only thing I've
really learned about love so far
is it's extremely painful.
Pain. The one thing
we spend our whole life
trying to avoid, while
expecting to grow.
You walked out on Mom, Dad.
You don't really have
a lot of room to talk.
I've made some of the
biggest mistakes, yes.
But I've also learned some
of the biggest lessons, son.
But you messed up, so you hurt.
Why does it hurt me
to actually attempt
to love somebody?
True love never hurts anyone.
Longing hurts.
Selfishness, jealousy...
They cause pain.
And Love... Love
gets blamed for it.
Selfishness says, "what
can you do for me?"
But Love asks, "what
can I do for you?"
It's like casting love
out and making a splash.
Slowly... Love
ripples back to you.
Pretty good speech.
You couldn't be more religious.
More scientific, then?
Take your science.
Prove me wrong.
But son, studying about love
will only take you so far.
Excuse me.
And don't forget
your prescription.
"Love all, trust a few,
do wrong to none."
Your hero, Shakespeare.
And if it doesn't work?
Increase the dose.
Another murder in the city.
The body was discovered
earlier today
in the downtown area.
Detective Alfred Clark
says, preliminary evidence
points to the cartel
in this latest killing.
According to authorities,
hate crimes have
risen dramatically.
Up 12% this year.
The more chaotic people get,
the bigger government has to
be to maintain law and order...
The American people
are only a threat
to the idea of big government.
It's called checks and balances
and clearly you've
never heard of that.
As a politician my only
interest is the American people.
I represent the
American people...
Then why don't
you listen to them?
Why do you keep interrupting me?
Love never lasts.
To my
daughter, Lieserl Einstein.
When I proposed the
theory of relativity,
very few understood me
and what I reveal now
to transmit to mankind
will also collide
with the misunderstanding
and prejudice in the world.
There is an extremely
powerful force,
that, so far science has not
found a formal explanation to.
It is a force that
includes and...
governs all,
and is even behind
any phenomenon
operating in the universe.
And has not yet
been defined by us.
This universal force... is Love.
Love is light, that
enlightens those
who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because
it makes some people
feel attracted to others.
Love is power,
because it multiplies
the best we have and
allows humanity not
to be extinguished
in selfishness.
Love unfolds and reveals.
For love we live and die.
God is Love and Love is God.
Love is the most
powerful force there is
because it has no limits.
Each individual
carries within them
a small, but powerful
generator of love
whose energy is
waiting to be released.
Do you have an apartment
I can rent until Spring?
Who do I write it to?
Grant Enterprises.
My dear Lieserl.
Maybe it's too
late to apologize.
But as time is relative,
I need to tell you,
"I love you.
And thanks to you I have
reached the ultimate answer."
Mr. Abrams, two by
four, 27 and a half.
Don't you dare laugh.
I've gotta roll, man.
Family stuff, huh?
I didn't know you had family.
New tattoo?
You should just worry
about you little
love story stuff, okay?
What is the greatest
love story of all time?
Can I get her anything
she wants on your dime?
Yeah, that's what we
kinda had planned, so.
I'll start with coffee.
To answer
your question, parental love
or romantic love is the
neurochemical reward
for cooperation.
Forget about the myth of
"love at first sight".
If it's a feeling that's
only stimulated by sight
it can only be lust.
It's the day to day experiences.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Easy with that thing, man.
Whoa, whoa, yerself!
I ain't aiming it at you.
Actually, you are.
I'm here to make Vincent
Lovell pay for his sins.
I think we might be
able to help each other.
How do you know him?
Thank you, sir.
I just can't do it today.
Uh, Paul?
We needed this at 27
and a half, please.
It's gonna have to wait,
we'll have to reschedule.
Lily, will you
please let me talk?
I can't just leave
whenever I want.
Roxanne has us working
overtime, all right?
I know we were supposed
to go out and I'm sorry.
But it's gonna have
to be rescheduled.
Commercial and
Boonville? Okay, what time?
Right now!
You go shopping all the time,
buy all the stuff
you don't even need.
Come on, you know what.
No, no, I'm fine.
You know what, I gotta go.
You have left early quite
a bit the last few weeks.
I'll be back to
full-time soon, I promise.
Ugh, okay, be gone nincompoop.
Thanks, boss.
What is it, Vince?
Vince, what is it?
- Hey.
- Yeah.
Uh, the extension cord
has got a short in it.
I could fix it, but I'd
rather just buy it from you.
Two boxes of donuts.
Consider this your down payment,
Thank you, Foxy Roxy.
Mm, mm, mm, mm.
Hey Momma.
Hey Llama.
So, are you ready to tell me
what's been bothering you?
I'm your mother and I know
when something's wrong
and it's not a broken rib.
What has you so
stressed out that over
the past three years
you've aged 10?
Whatever the case, I don't
wanna age as fast as you.
And I don't know
what to do about
the bank wanting
to take the house.
Well, I've been saving up
for a house of my own, but.
I've got a little
bit in savings.
I'll get it.
I just wanted to say
sorry for my melt down
at Stephen's wedding.
And as a gesture of friendship,
there's a small
town north of here
with a sweet lake and
a bunch of cabins.
I booked one.
I just wanted to personally
give you an invite.
So, are you coming?
Dude, there is
no way I am going.
Hey this is
Devon, leave a message.
Hey Devon.
Showed up to this sweet
cabin you were talking about.
I don't see anybody here.
Wondering where you guys are at.
Anyway, give me a call.
This here feller's the culprit?
That's him all right.
Name's Amos, and I don't
like meeting this way
but your actions gave
me no other choice.
Oh boy, it's gonna be so good
to finally see her get hitched.
Okay guys, just lower the guns
and let's have a
nice little talk.
Amos who?
What are you talking about?
Purvis, how come this feller
ain't got the foggiest
notion of what we're saying?
It's him, Pa.
Two years ago I seen
him dating our sister.
Okay, let's get
something straight.
Dating your sister is
something I would never do.
- Hey!
- Oh, kay.
She may not be as purdy as me,
but she sure ain't ugly.
Your sister said the culprit
looked like a bloated cow.
This feller looks
like a starving...
Don't say it, don't say it.
Pa, when we was in
Springfield two years ago,
I seen the two of them
cozy in a blanket.
And they kissed.
Son, I'm grateful
that you're sheltered
but not that you're dumb.
Come to think of it,
I don't remember
your sister talking
to me about no marriage.
Did you even tell her
this feller was comin'?
Get your chores
done and clean up.
Come with me, young feller.
Let me tell ya a story.
About 20 years ago, a man
come into town, with a baby.
About her age.
The man died when
she turned six.
She didn't have a ma.
So, we took her in.
As she grew, she
got all determined
that her ma was still
alive and that she was
gonna find her, in Springfield.
She went there to look for her.
One trip she come
back all twitterpated.
Next trip...
A rapist.
It's a problem in
our world I'd like
to see us get fixed, but
we never found the rapist.
She kept the baby, of course.
Her father's name
was Mr. Valentine.
So she took his name as her own
with a little bit
of a feminine twist.
She's faithful.
She believes God will
bring her back to her ma.
She's going to
Springfield next Friday.
Do some more looking.
Hey, young fella... Are
you all right?
Hey! Hey, we ain't done!
This ain't over yet!
What do you
wanna do in the future?
Honestly, I
just wanna find my mom.
Honestly, I'd like to help you.
There's something I...
I gotta tell you.
Hey, hey, it's okay.
It's okay, hey.
You can tell me
anything, it's all right.
Valentina, I love you, okay.
Nothing's gonna change that.
I'm pregnant.
It's not what you think, okay.
Will you just,
just let me explain
the situation and what happened?
Because it's a lot.
You cheated on me?
No, I wouldn't cheat on you!
I love you.
You know that.
- What are you doing?
- You know what,
No, I can't.
I can't do this.
I, I...
You can't do what?
I'm sorry, I can't.
Vince, come back!
Love is commitment.
It's friendship.
It's service.
It's sacrifice.
You did...
So, I will.
I rarely see you write.
Wedding vows.
You have a fiance?
A girlfriend?
Then who are you
writing vows to?
My future.
What if she's not pretty?
I guess I'll serve her
'til she's pretty to me.
And if she cheats on you?
I won't let other's
choices tell me how to feel.
Who I love and when I love
them is not up to them.
It's my choice.
So whoever I give
this letter to,
if she accepts...
I will be
committed to forever.
No matter.
What happened to my llama?
Come here.
You're okay, push
through the pain.
Okay, yeah, I got this.
Hyght! Hyght!
Kamai hamai haaa!
That's it.
Hey, that rib's looking better.
Are you going to the dance?
With smooth moves like
that, you should go.
Hey, take Alicia.
She's not a heart breaker.
Yeah, it's not really my
heart I'm worried about.
I actually like that a lot
better going from D to A.
I say we lock it.
Yeah, me too.
Okay, cool.
We wrote a song, yes!
Hooray for us.
Okay, so Vince?
What's up?
Can you promise me something?
I can. What's up?
If one of us dies...
Don't you talk like that.
What, I...
Why would you ever
say something like that?
I'm just saying that we
can't control everything
so just hear me out, okay?
Mom and Dad have always
been super cool to us.
So I think that we
should make a promise
that one of us will
always be here for them.
Commercial and
Boonville? Okay, what time?
I'm just passing through.
You know what to do.
No, don't, please, please.
Meddle in our business again...
I won't come back.
And I'll kill you.
And since the new
guy seems to know you,
you locate us again,
and I will kill him.
Where's Lily?
Um, I don't know. Over there!
Ya, that's what
I'm talking about, man.
Hey, Stephen.
No Lily?
We separated.
It wasn't all Lily's fault.
I made mistakes too.
The first thing
he says to me is,
you've been home all day,
why isn't the house clean?
Oh, no. I would have said,
"you've been at work all day
why aren't we rich?"
We both needed
love from each other,
but we weren't
willing to give it.
Happy wife, happy life.
I don't know, I think
it has to go both ways.
Happy spouse, happy house.
I mean we can't
expect to be pampered
without giving a
little bit in return.
The lights, the music,
the drinks, all of it.
We were so focused on the event
that we paid no
attention to the vow.
Weddings, they happen
all the time, man.
Marriages happen too little.
And regardless
of his mood swings,
you need to find
a way to be happy
without depending on him.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
- Mm
- hm.
My dad always
said that a marriage
was a reunion of two forgivers.
You know what might
make you feel better?
Let's go dance!
How's Lena?
No Devon?
Devon went out to
get some real drinks.
So I got to spend some time
with Lily, which was good.
Because she's been going
through a rough time.
But enough about my sister.
How are you holding up?
Okay, you ready?
I'm ready.
All right.
One, two.
No, Vince!
What, here?
You end up right here, yeah.
For real?
Yes, for real.
Okay, look when I said that
I would be your dance partner
I didn't say I
wanted to practice
'til the wee hours of the night.
I think that you should
always be learning, Vince.
And I mean, maybe
some day, somewhere
you will use these moves.
These moves?
Yeah, these moves.
Now are you ready?
Yes, I'm ready.
And don't mess it up this time.
Whatever you say.
Okay, feel the rhythm.
One, two, three.
Who knows,
maybe the day will come
when I can dance with her again.
She taught me all kinds of
dips and lifts and spins.
Yeah, she was good.
I've always wanted a brother
to teach me how to dance.
Want to show me some moves?
It's fine, it's fine.
We'll catch Devon up
when he gets here.
It's really quite simple.
Make sure your
feet are staggered.
Hand goes here
so you can feel
which way I'm going.
We put our hands together and
you just follow my lead, okay?
And one, two, three.
Sorry about your dress.
There we go.
Hey babe, Vince is gonna
teach us some dance moves.
Oh he is?
Yeah, let's dance.
Can I talk to you
outside for a minute?
Yeah! I'm
about to bring it!
We'll only be a moment, Lena.
That was a pretty
interesting stunt
you pulled back there, Devon.
Trying to force me into some
kind of shotgun wedding.
Ha, I just wanna know why.
To protect Lena from snakes!
I told you to stay away!
Devon, we can talk about this.
There's only one
language you get!
Stay away from Lena!
Devon, stop!
Stop, this isn't you!
Vince apologized
and he's my friend.
Why are you doing this?
Are you okay?
I'll send somebody to
help you, I promise.
It's gonna be okay.
I'm here.
I'm here.
I'm here.
I don't need to
know how it happened.
I just need to know
that it'll stop.
No activities, son.
I'm sure you'll be fine
walking, maybe jogging.
But nothing else.
Is Evangeline alive?
I believe so.
Her spirit.
I have felt her a few
times since she passed.
Heard stories about angels.
Even unborn children
coming to help
or comfort loved ones
during hard times.
I think God sends the
ones who love us the most
to be with us
during those times.
We need to do
something about Vince.
I'll pay any price to
get him outta my life
and away from my girl.
Well, he did date
my sister around
the time she got pregnant.
What are you saying?
What I'm saying is,
he got me ticked off.
And for the right price, I'll
stand witness against him.
For what?
Who did this to you?
Mom, it's okay.
No, I'll make sure
the police get this guy.
The good book says
"love your enemies,
do good to those that hate you,
pray for those who
despite-fully use you."
It's no big deal, I'm fine.
Good evening, ma'am.
May I help you?
My name's
Detective Alfred Clark.
I'm with the Springfield
Police Department.
I have a few questions
I need to ask your son.
May we come in?
Yeah, come on in.
He can describe the
man who assaulted him.
Actually, I have a
warrant for his arrest.
No, wait a minute.
He's the victim!
Ma'am, I will warn you, I
don't have a whole lot of time
so if you make any
kind of trouble
you'll be looking at
an arrest of your own.
Yeah, well then take me!
Mom, stop.
It's okay, it's okay.
What are the charges?
Vincent Lovell,
you're under arrest
under suspicion of rape.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say
can and will be used
against you in a court of law.
Arresting criminals
is one thing.
Convincing the judge to
convict them is another.
That's why witnesses
are so important.
For example, there's a man,
if you wanna call him
a man, Vincent Lovell,
who was recently
arrested for rape.
He is soon to be yet another
conviction on my ledger.
And that man is going away.
He's going to be
locked up for a long time
and if I have my way, he's
going to be locked up for life.
Because it is important for
the citizens of this
city and of this county
that men like this, ugh... sorry
Creeps like this...
are taken off our streets.
Lovell, get up.
For everyone's safety.
You made bail.
Get up!
Time to go.
I don't know why
they're letting ya out.
I'm just gonna see you
right after the trial.
It's important to
get these criminals
off our streets for the safety
of the citizens of Springfield
and all of Greene County.
She couldn't wait
until after the trial.
What is it with society
wanting to paint people
as criminals without any proof.
Despite my protests, your
friendly neighborhood prosecutor
pushed for the judge
to have this installed.
Most of my career, you
had to have a witness
to the victim to
be able to arrest
and monitor an alleged criminal.
Now it's just guilty
until proven innocent.
Look, you've been calm
through this and cooperative.
Which is rare.
Look, with all the
hate out there,
I'd rather be focusing
on the cartel case.
That ankle monitor
is run by GPS.
You have to be at the
address that's on your file
by 8:00 P.M. every night.
You stay out of trouble
until the trial,
all this clears up.
But listen,
if you don't follow protocol,
I'm gonna have to
arrest you again.
And it's almost guaranteed
that you're gonna go to prison
for a very, very,
uncomfortably long time.
See ya after the trial.
Go on.
Could you use some breakfast?
I don't have an
appetite, Dad, thanks.
Please tell me it's not true.
It's not.
Did you help the lady down
the street like I asked?
Yes! Why didn't ever
tell me about that.
Okay, I'm sorry.
How many more times
are you gonna actually
make me apologize?
Sorry is just not gonna cut it.
Look, I'm taking
classes to fix this.
I'm taking AA, I'm
taking anger management...
And you're still not listening!
- But...
- NO!
I told you Vincent
was just my friend!
The truth is,
I messed up.
But I will do anything for you.
You were there for
me through everything.
Now I'm gonna be there for you.
Okay, that's enough
apologizing for one day.
Dealing drugs is a
slippery slope, man.
You gotta find a way out.
There's only one way out.
Then we find another.
You don't wanna be
remembered as a drug dealer.
You gonna put a label on me?
The only label I'd
have for you is "friend".
Well, at least
I'm not a "rapist".
I don't know if
you're there, God.
Whoever you are.
But if You're there.
There's a lot of people out
here that could use Your help.
I know it's difficult to work
but I won't let it stop
me to get things done.
And I just spent all my savings.
You're fired.
I brought you some donuts.
No, Vincent.
You are fired.
And don't call me
babe, or Foxy Roxy.
Whatever you say.
Mrs. Valentine.
Your husband, Mr. Valentine.
Took your daughter
when she was two.
Somehow thought you'd never look
in a small town north of here.
He never told her what your
name was, where you lived.
Who you were.
And then he died.
And the local neighbors, they
didn't know who you were.
So how could she?
I know why you're
firing me, Roxanne.
Because apparently,
I'm a rapist.
You wanna know
who the victim is?
Your daughter.
And she's in town today.
Where is she?
I burned that bridge, too.
Ladies and
gentlemen, the happy couple.
Let me see the
ring, let me see it.
Hey, you don't need that.
It's beautiful!
Ha, okay! Bye.
Okay, walk us through it.
Okay, so.
I'm proud of you,
I'm proud of you.
Thank you.
Mike, my man.
It's good to see you.
Uncle Ron!
You gone and done and done it.
Here we go, down
the hatch, my friends.
- Down the hatch.
- Down the hatch.
Here we go, here's to the...
No, no, no, no.
No, that's not good.
Thanks for coming.
Come on in.
Vince, what is this all about?
I have nothing to say to him.
I killed Evangeline.
The two of you were actually
gone on a date that night.
I got home from my own date
where I broke up
with my girlfriend.
Vince, come back!
We're late for the
party, let's go.
Yeah, I know, I know.
She's coming.
I know dude, I know.
Vince, I'm so glad you're here.
Can you please tell Scott
that I'm not going with him?
He's drunk.
Look, I love you, kiddo,
but if I go tell him, he's
just gonna be persistent.
Okay, maybe you should tell him.
Vince, he'll think
that I don't like him.
If he's gonna know
that you don't wanna go
you should be the
one that tells him.
Look, right now I
don't have the strength.
I need you.
You know, Valentina
told me that same thing.
Vince, I need you.
No, Ang, what you
need is a brain.
Maybe then, you'd pick
a decent boyfriend.
Okay, he's probably
cheating on you anyway.
It's the going thing these days.
Love never lasts.
So this is what you call love?
I don't know anymore.
Babe! Let's go!
Yeah well maybe you
should figure that out.
You know, I still
love you Vince...
no matter.
That was the last
thing she said to me.
I could have stopped her.
I killed her.
And, my actions...
led to your divorce.
I tried to mask my
pain and my guilt.
Going to parties
and drinking alcohol
and hanging with loose women.
I'm sorry, Mom.
when your greatest of mistakes
become your greatest ministry,
Grace has come full circle.
Let Him in.
Vincent, I know that
you can't see me but
I hope that you can
feel that I'm here.
Vincent, what are you doing?
Vince, no.
Put, put the gun down.
Put the gun down.
Vincent, this is not the answer.
It's not your time!
Vincent! Please!
Help him know that he is loved.
Lord, help Vince
feel Your presence.
Vincent, no, think about Mom!
Vincent, think about Dad!
Is that you?
Yes, Vince, I'm here.
I've always been here.
Do it.
I didn't say anything.
Do it.
What is the greatest
love story of all time?
Love never lasts.
God is love and love is God.
Keep it.
Vince, you coming
to my birthday party?
Scout's honor.
You'll be here, huh?
It's an action, man.
Selfishness says, "what
can you do for me?"
Love asks, "what
can I do for you?"
That ankle monitor's run by GPS.
You have to be at the
address that's on your file
by 8:00 P.M. every night.
If you don't follow protocol,
I'm gonna have to
arrest you again.
And it's almost guaranteed
that you're gonna go to prison
for a very,
uncomfortably long time.
It's no use.
I mean, if we spend as much time
investing in loving
someone rather
than seeking to be loved,
man, our relationships
would thrive.
If it's real,
it costs; it hurts.
Meddle in our business
again and I'll kill ya.
There's only one way out.
And since the new
guy seems to know you,
you locate us again
and I will kill him.
December 20th.
Love is commitment...
it's friendship.
She's going to
Springfield next Friday.
It's service.
It's sacrifice.
You did...
so I will.
Vincent, what are you doing?
Vincent, where are you going?
Uh, detective.
There's a blip on my screen.
It's Mr. Lovell, he's
probably leaving the state.
I'm on it.
Keep me posted on where he goes.
All right, call me
if you need backup.
I think Vince was
trying to say goodbye.
Hey, it's D'Qwell.
I'm probably playing...
Everybody, time for cake!
I don't like footballs.
That looks amazing.
What the?
Not good, not good, not good!
Is Vince coming?
Sometimes people aren't
who you think they are.
He's on Fremont
and St. Louis Street.
I don't see him anywhere.
Oh, that's his car all right.
There's something wrong with
my service, stay on the line.
Where are you, son?
D'Qwell come on.
Come on, pick up.
Pick up, man!
Hey, it's D'Qwell.
I'm probably playing with my kid
and doing stuff my
wife told me to do.
What do I do?
They will kill me.
What's right?
All right everybody,
it's time to go inside!
- Aw!
- What!?
Come on!
I guess he's not coming.
See ya later, man.
See ya later.
if you're even there.
I could sure use
your help right now.
Can you give me something?
Could you give me a sign?
Go long!
Heavens yeah, babe!
Baby, you're right.
Sometimes people aren't
who we think they are.
Where is he now?
Right now he's headed
west on Traffic Way.
He's not here.
Olivia, maybe you
should just stay there
in case he comes back.
I'll go ahead and
check downtown.
I don't know, just keep looking.
How's your mother?
Bank wants to take her house.
I mean, I've been saving up
for a house of my own, but I
got a little bit in savings.
Got him in my sights.
He dropped something.
I'm following him.
I don't think he's
leaving the state.
Come on.
There is no way out.
And there will be
no fence sitters
Shots fired, I
repeat, shots fired.
I know you don't want
to do this either, Brick.
I want this one.
- Stop!
- Ah!
Uh, detective.
We lost connection.
Give me his last location.
You have no idea
what you're up against.
In my business.
No one messes with the cartel.
We'll kill you.
Dance with me.
Trust me.
Hurry up.
Easy does it. Easy does it.
You all right?
Vince, how'd you do that?
My sister taught me.
Listen, Vince.
Save it, Paul.
Vince, I have a son.
Henry, he's four years old.
I didn't even know he
existed 'til a month ago
and now I have to
take care of him.
And framing wasn't cutting it.
I know I shouldn't have got
in so deep with these guys
but I didn't have a choice!
Hey, hey, hey!
Here's your chance
to get out, okay.
You can either selfishly run,
or you can show some
love for your city
and tell the detective who's
on his way everything you know.
Is there really
a detective coming?
Park Central Square.
Guy's we gotta get outta here.
The choice is yours.
Babe, how much have you had?
Oh, just a couple.
I'll be fine, don't
worry about it.
You ready to go?
I think we should check
Park Central Square.
Well how do you know he's there?
Just a feeling.
Romeo? Romeo?
Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
Goodnight, a thousand times.
Goodnight a thousand,
thousand times, fair Romeo.
There's no way
I'm letting you drive.
I'm gonna drive, okay.
No, you're not.
Yeah? Get
the keys from me then.
Yeah, keep on stepping, skinny!
Come on, babe.
Babe, come on.
I wanna drive.
No, why?
What are you stopping
for, let's go, come on.
So this is what you call love?
The point still stands.
I just want us to be safe.
We'll be fine, okay.
We will be fine.
Babe, let's go!
My dad lost
his legs because my mom...
The problem is that you're drunk
and I don't want you
to drive the car!
It means to plant
trees under whose shade
you don't expect to sit.
Love is a verb.
The most powerful force,
because it has no limit.
Stay away from Lena!
The total commitment to
the spiritual growth
of another person.
Love the feeling.
Increase the dose.
A divorce follows.
I told you to stay away!
Let Him in.
She doesn't want to go.
I told you to stay
out of my business.
Who I choose to care
for is not your business.
Lena, do you wanna go with him?
Yeah, but I wanna drive, Devon.
Are you gonna keep
ignoring your fiance?
Mom, it's his battle.
Dad, wait.
Stay down, final warning!
Devon, stop.
Excuse me?
I won't let another sister die.
Look, I don't know what you've
dealt with in your life.
I don't know what
baggage you have.
But whatever it is, let it out.
Let it out now,
let it out on me.
Because if you lay
ONE FINGER! on her
at any point in your life,
I'll see to it that you
never see her again.
Every society fails when
its protectors
become its predators.
Learn what love is before
claiming to love Lena.
I'm sorry, Vince.
He'll be back.
Dear Juliet.
Why are thou yet so fair?
Shall I believe that
unsubstantial death is amorous?
And that the lean,
abhorred monster
keeps thee here in dark
to be his paramour?
For fear of that, I
will stay with thee.
And never from this palace
of dim night depart again.
Here, here will I remain.
With worms that are
thy chambermaids.
Here will I setup
my everlasting rest
and shake the yoke of
inauspicious stars!
Arms take your last embrace.
And lips, O you.
The doors of breath, seal
with a righteous kiss.
A dateless bargain
to engrossing death.
Come, bitter conduct.
Come unsavory guide.
Thou desperate pilot,
now at once run
on the dashing rocks
thy sea-sick weary bark!
Here's to my love.
O, true apothecary.
Thy drugs are quick.
Does he feel guilt?
He doesn't die for her but
just to escape his own pain.
And is that love?
Or is it to still live and
to carry on her memory?
Love isn't something
that you find.
It's something that you choose.
And when you choose
it, love will find you.
Front and center.
Your mom's name
is Roxanne Stilwell.
And she's looking for you.
Valentina, I apologize
a thousand times
for the way I've treated you.
I should have listened.
Thus with a kiss,
I die!
What's here?
A cup closed in my
true love's hand.
I don't want our
story to end in tragedy.
And left no friendly
drop to help me after?
O happy dagger,
this is thy sheath.
There rest and let me die.
Neither do I.
Whoever reads this.
I mean every word.
I love you.
What do I mean by love?
That love is patient
and I will be patient with you.
Love is kind.
And kindness I'll give to you.
Love does not envy.
It does not boast.
It is not proud.
I will surrender
my pride for you.
Love does not dishonor others.
It is not self seeking.
It is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil.
But rejoices with the truth.
Love always protects.
It always trusts.
And always hopes.
Love always perseveres.
And love...