Vineyards (2023) Movie Script

Thank you.
Your call has been forwarded
to an automatic
voice message system.
Hey, Sierra. Uh, it's Chris.
Uh, I'm at the...
I'm at the bus stop right now.
So, uh... I don't know.
Your mom said
you might be picking me up.
But, yeah, give me a call
if you get this.
Yeah, I'm gonna... I'm gonna try
and call an Uber, but...
my phone might die, so...
Uh, so, yeah. Yeah.
Give me a call. Thanks.
-Is that little Chris?
Not so little anymore.
Oh, yeah. It's good to see you.
You too.
-And my parents say hi.
-Oh, how lovely.
I'm sorry
I couldn't pick you up.
I was getting ready.
I'm so excited you're here.
You came at the perfect time.
Everything around here
is so boring.
Uh, it's...
beautiful out here.
What are you...
Well, we're running late.
Can you drop your stuff inside?
-We're going to Sean's.
-Uh, yeah, yeah.
And, uh, Sean is your boyfriend?
Sean is my boyfriend.
Maybe she's my girlfriend.
Stop being
so prejudiced, Christopher.
Hey, hey, hey! You do you
and, uh...
enjoy hell.
CHRIS: Oh, shit.
Is that a tennis court?
CHRIS: Oh, so does Sean,
like, play tennis?
SIERRA: No. He does play
rugby, though.
I guess he's, like,
really good at it.
CHRIS: Do his parents
play tennis?
SIERRA: I don't know. Probably.
CHRIS: Nice house.
What do his parents do?
SIERRA: Something in wine.
They buy or sell it.
Honestly, I have no idea.
CHRIS: So, what, do we just ring
the door...
You're adorable.
-Hey, baby.
-PAIGE: Hey, girl.
Paige, this is my cousin, Chris.
-SIERRA: Chris.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
I was telling her
everything about you.
Oh. Well, that's concerning.
Sean, Evan, say hi to Chris.
-'Sup, boys.
-Hey, man. Good to meet ya.
What's good, bro?
So, you're coming from...
-You ski?
I love skiing. It's faster.
Oh. Great.
-Game! Pay up.
-Damn it.
-EVAN: You fucking cheated.
-I do not--
-SEAN: Give me my money.
EVAN: Let me get you back.
SEAN: 20 bucks, dude.
EVAN: Yeah, well, I'm saving up.
[SIGHS] Taylor wants to go
to the city this summer.
It's a fucking nightmare.
You know, I gotta...
I gotta buy dinner,
I gotta go shopping.
I gotta...
I gotta pay...
There's bridge tolls.
It's a lot.
Yeah, I gotta get to work.
I'll see you later?
SEAN: Sure.
-Who wants to drink?
SEAN: Dude.
You want a drink?
Try that.
Oh, thank you.
[TRILLS LIPS] Smells like, uh...
-like grapes.
-Just drink it, dude.
You sipping?
Good, right?
Yeah. Really good.
Did you guys hear
about that girl who OD-ed?
-No, who?
-PAIGE: Amanda something.
SIERRA: Oh, no. That sucks.
I didn't really
know her, though.
PAIGE: Me neither.
They said it was pills.
That makes sense.
WENDY: Hey, girls!
-PAIGE: Hey, Wendy.
-Hi, Wendy.
This is my cousin, Chris.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
Hi, sweetheart.
Nice to meet you.
Can I get you guys
anything else?
No, we're fine. Thank you.
All right.
-Who are you texting?
I thought he was at work.
He is.
Anybody want anything?
So, he's nice.
I don't know. Sometimes...
I hate him...
Sometimes I love him.
But he is smart
and my mom really likes him.
What about your dad?
Oh, they met.
Sean came with me
to France last summer.
They talked about wine
the whole time.
It was exhausting.
I think he approves.
Not that I care.
So, uh...
what's your plan?
Staying with my dad in Bordeaux
in August.
He wants me to start
helping out with the winery.
Sounds like fun.
Yeah, it sounds like
a waste of summer.
I mean like, uh...
-plan for school.
San Diego.
Well, Sean and I both got in.
And their company's office
is down there.
So his parents have
this house on the beach.
-Have you been?
Oh, the beaches down there
are incredible.
Not ugly like ours.
Like, white sand beaches.
They're the best in the world.
Sounds pretty perfect.
Everything's so perfect.
I do love the beaches, though.
I love the person
I am there. Like...
No worries, no problems.
And that's who I am.
That's the life I want.
Every day at the beach.
Hey, guys. I'm...
I'm gonna head back.
It's been a long day.
Okay, sure. Um...
I'll stay here, if that's cool?
Paige will drop you off.
-Will I?
-Will you?
Guess I will.
All right. We'll see you.
Chris. Let's chill tomorrow.
I'll show you around town.
All right. Cool, man.
See ya. Bye.
SIERRA: Have fun, kids!
Use a condom.
Hey... [GAGGING]
PAIGE: Are you drunk
or is this like a bit?
It's not a bit. It's real.
PAIGE: You frikkin' lightweight.
-I killed, like, four beers--
-We all drank
the same amount, Chris.
Come on.
Come on, hey.
-I'm cool.
-I don't even know you.
-I'm cool.
-PAIGE: I'm driving you home.
-You don't know me.
-PAIGE: I'm doing Sierra
a favor.
-You don't know me.
-PAIGE: I don't.
-Um... Um...
-PAIGE: You're a favor.
I'm sorry.
I like your jacket.
PAIGE: Thank you.
That dick.
Sean. You couldn't tell?
He was talking to his slut.
He was texting her
the whole time.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I saw that.
God, everyone knows.
It's too much drama.
I hate drama.
I can't wait to get out of here.
I'm moving to New York
for college.
I'm a model.
Is the weed in...
-Colorado really that good?
No, it's...
It's just funny
'cause I feel like every time
someone finds out
where I'm from,
that's the first thing they ask.
Like... Like, it's, like,
the opener.
But, yes, yes. Yeah, it is.
Oh, yeah. I was gonna ask.
Do you know where I could
get some, actually?
Here? Yeah. Just text Pat.
His prices are the best.
He can get you anything.
Like, literally anything.
Thank you.
He's pretty quiet about it, too.
You don't have to
see him, actually.
Just pick it up at his house.
Sounds sketchy.
Yeah, wait till you see
his house.
I've been to
a few parties there.
He throws great parties.
What's he like?
I don't know.
I've never actually met him.
So, what? You just show up?
Yeah. Everyone does.
-PAIGE: You good?
-Thanks again for the ride.
-PAIGE: Yeah.
-It was nice. It was, uh,
nice to meet you.
-PAIGE: You too.
WOMAN: There you are.
-Come here.
Did you meet Sean?
Yeah. Yeah, uh...
Sierra, I think,
is going to stay at her house.
Uh, yeah, she texted me
that she's with him.
He's a doll, isn't he?
-Sean? Yeah.
Yeah, interesting guy.
-Here, sweetie.
-Oh, thank you.
You're gonna love the river.
Everyone has fun there.
I'd hate to break the streak.
There was, uh...
There was one time
we went down to the river and...
Evan and I had a few beers.
And, when we got there,
there was this group that...
was hanging around at our spot.
We got this little grill
down there that we usually
kick it at.
And they wouldn't move.
So Evan had a little bit
of a fist fight.
And cops came
and all this stuff.
And I had to spend
the night in...
night in the jail with him
because I was an accessory.
Sounds like a good time.
Yeah. Hopefully, nobody's there
this time.
A friend of mine
is gonna come too.
Is that okay?
-It's cool.
SEAN: Shit!
-CHRIS: What?
-SEAN: All right, Chris.
Follow my lead.
-CHRIS: What?
What's up, bro?
Morning, man.
What's up, dude?
What you guys doing?
Just on our way to the river.
Oh, that sounds nice right now.
SEAN: Yeah.
Could you buy us some beer?
I'm working.
Come on.
The store's two minutes away.
We'll cover for you.
-I don't know. [SCOFFS]
-SEAN: You're the one
with the I.D.
Anyone asks, we'll tell 'em
you had to take
an emergency call.
-All right. I'll be right back.
-SEAN: Thanks, bro.
Just wait here.
Chris, this is Taylor.
Taylor, this is Chris.
Can you help her into the car
and take her around the corner?
I'm gonna wait here for Evan.
Yeah, sure.
So, how do you know Sean?
TAYLOR: Oh, through Evan.
CHRIS: Oh, you work here or...
TAYLOR: No. Evan works here,
so I just... I get to use
the gym.
SEAN: You guys
wanna hop right in?
TAYLOR: No, I don't wanna
go in yet.
[CHUCKLES] I don't wanna go.
I don't wanna get wet yet.
-No, you're coming. Come on.
-I don't wanna go.
-Come on!
-Stop pulling me in. [GIGGLES]
-Come on.
-Don't splash me!
I don't wanna get wet!
Sean! Stop!
-Let me see these.
-Oh. Oh.
Oh, wow! They're real.
-All my friends' glasses
are fake.
-Mm, my eyes are broken, so...
How you feeling?
-Pretty drunk. Yeah.
-That's good.
I think it was
a colossal mistake.
I don't know.
TAYLOR: A colossal mistake
is hooking up
with the wrong person.
Yeah, if... No judgment.
But why are you with Evan?
-TAYLOR: Um...
He was nice...
at the beginning.
He has a really good heart.
Now he's just...
And Sean is just... [CHUCKLES]
We met at a dance.
It was so cute.
They were friends,
Evan introduced us.
And, the whole night,
he kept giving me
these little looks.
I kept giving him little looks.
-It was just like in the movies,
you know?
He's gonna break up
with his girlfriend.
He's just waiting
to leave for school.
Thank you.
How do you know Sean?
We have mutual friends.
Did you get this from Pat?
Yeah! You know Pat?
-SEAN: Taylor!
You know, like,
I heard about him, uh...
-You know Paige?
-All right, give me a sec.
SEAN: You need to watch
what you say
and who you say it to.
TAYLOR: For God's sake.
SEAN: I can see you flirting.
-I'm 20 feet away!
-TAYLOR: Jesus, Sean!
I'm not flirting!
Don't be an asshole.
SEAN: Watch your
fucking mouth, okay?
TAYLOR: I'll say what I want.
SEAN: Say it again, then,
I dare you.
Oh, you dare me? I'm not
your fake-ass girlfriend!
No! You're not!
Thank you.
PAT: Hey. You can't come
in the house.
-You can use the pool,
but you can't come inside.
I'm sorry. I'm...
I texted you. I'm Chris Neil.
Oh, right.
Chris Neil, yeah.
That wasn't bad, the song.
Uh, no. I'm not...
-I'm not a good...
-PAT: Show me
what you were playing again.
-PAT: Yeah.
Okay. I just...
I suck.
No... No, no, it's not you.
It's the piano.
It hasn't been played
in a while.
It's out of tune.
I... You just moved here?
Uh, visiting. I'm...
Staying with my Sierra...
Uh, my cousin.
My cousin Sierra.
That's cool.
Oh, fuck. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to barge in
like that.
I was just...
I was looking for you.
-I'm drunk.
-Don't... Don't worry about it.
And, really, no worries at all.
PAT: Yeah.
Uh, so are you...
Are you going down?
-To the barn? Uh...
I pop in and out.
Come on, let's get you
what you need.
Oh. Okay.
Wait here.
-PAT: Here you go.
-CHRIS: Thanks, man.
Appreciate that.
-PAT: Thank you.
-CHRIS: Thanks, bro.
PAT: Sure. You want a drink?
-All right, man. So this way.
CHRIS: What?
No way!
Thank you.
PAT: Yeah.
So just for the summer, huh?
Yeah. Yeah, my...
My aunt and uncle offered
to have me out and I...
Can't turn this place down.
PAT: Yeah, I know what you mean.
You headed to college?
Um, I'm gonna be a senior. So...
Still got time.
Time for what?
You know? Uh...
To figure it out.
PAT: Yeah, you always got time.
So what are you really doing
out here?
What? I don't...
-I don't understand...
-Come on, come on.
What, you just left
all your friends
for the whole summer.
-All right.
-I mean, yeah, no, it's nice...
All right. All right. All right.
Actually, uh...
So my parents wanted to
have me out here.
You know, they're going through
some stuff.
Oh, yeah. No. Sorry to hear.
No, no, no.
It's all right. They...
You know,
people have their issues.
They have their issues.
Everybody does. It's...
My dad...
drinks and...
he's in rehab.
Wow. Wow.
-Too much information.
-No. No, it's fine.
I get it, all right?
No need to apologize
for honesty.
Thanks for that.
I'm sorry, dude, but this...
[SIGHS] this place
is fucking ridiculous.
-Thank you. Thank you.
It's my parents'.
Where are they at right now?
And they just let you
throw parties like that?
They're foreign diplomats.
They were killed in an attack
on the U.S. Embassy in Turkey.
[SIGHS] Fuck.
I'm sorry, man.
Anyway, you must feel
like a stranger out here.
Yeah. I mean...
I'd like to see the area
a bit more, but...
But my cousin spends
so much time
at her boyfriend's, it's...
That's too bad.
Yeah. Yeah.
You got any plans tomorrow?
Based on all previous evidence,
smoking and drinking.
-All right, you know what...
-Those are the two.
Yeah. You meet me
bright and early.
I'll show you around.
Yeah, that'd be cool.
Cool. Well, you better get back
to the party before it ends.
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, definitely. Um...
Thanks again, man.
Thank you.
-The keys.
-In the car.
Oh, this fucking kid.
Chris, we have to go.
Okay. Good night.
Text me tomorrow.
Yeah. Yeah.
Is... Is he good to drive?
CHRIS: Hey, man.
Good morning.
CHRIS: What...
What are you doing?
I thought you...
had a job.
-PAT: Nah, that's temporary.
Then what are you doing?
These vines...
They're really old.
They've been neglected
for a long time.
the soil's really good.
And this hill gets great sun.
We're close enough,
but we're far enough west,
where we get this nice
Pacific fog some mornings
before it burns off.
Great for Pinot.
So you're a winemaker?
I wanna be, yeah.
I know it's not much,
but I wanna bring 'em back.
Damn, that's so cool.
Hey, I'm probably gonna have
another party soon.
So feel free to bring people.
Yeah. Cool. Yeah, that was...
That was fun, um...
last night.
Funny story, I was...
Anyways, I don't... I don't...
I don't know many people
besides Sierra, but...
Right. Well, yeah,
whoever you want.
You hungry?
-Uh, yeah.
Dude, is this place open?
PAT: Not till 5:00.
CHRIS: And they just
let you in or...
PAT: I know the chef.
CHRIS: How do you know him?
PAT: Business stuff.
Dude, this...
this is incredible.
I don't even know what this is.
The amount of food you can
stomach is incredible.
[LAUGHS] I don't get to eat
like this usually, so...
You know, I could
have them send more.
Oh, no, dude. This...
This is cool.
-You sure?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dude, I've already eaten
half my stomach.
-Mister Russo.
-Drop the mister, all right?
Makes me feel old.
Yeah. Roger.
This is my friend, Chris.
Hey, how are you?
-RUSSO: Good.
-Nice to meet you.
It's wine country. [CHUCKLES]
You got no wine?
Ah, well...
-We're in high school, so...
-Never stopped me.
Some wine, please.
-Thank you.
Just leave the bottle.
Thank you.
So how do you know Patty?
Uh, we just met, actually...
just last night.
Yeah? That's a good kid.
Hard worker.
Sexy boy.
20 years younger...
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything is...
It's on schedule.
It better be.
-No more problems.
-No, no. That's all
taken care of. We're all set.
All right.
That's good to hear,
because I've got a big job
on Sunday.
I'm gonna need you.
PAT: Uh, yeah.
Anything you need.
RUSSO: Good. to hear.
Keep it up.
Maybe we'll talk about
that raise.
I will. Thank you, sir.
I'll be checking in.
I'm in town for a few weeks.
I'm staying right around
the corner.
So we'll meet on Sunday?
RUSSO: All right.
All right.
It's good to meet you.
-You too.
RUSSO: Sunday.
-I'm sorry about that.
That's business...
-Oh, no, no, no.
Hey, no worries. No worries.
All right, you know what?
Shit. I...
I actually got to go too.
I gotta go meet someone.
-Well, you got my number.
So you just come over any time.
If you need anything...
Yeah, I will.
-I hate tardiness.
Sorry. I forgot
my doctor's note.
[SCOFFS] Already too popular
for me?
Yeah, I was chilling
with Pat earlier.
-Yeah, we went...
We went over to his house,
checked out his vineyards
and stuff.
It's crazy you bring him up.
Well, after the party
last night,
my friend Logan
told me something crazy.
What did Logan tell you?
He told me about his school.
His high school, that
charter school in...
I don't know.
Right, sorry. Redwood school.
Anyway, so that's where
Sierra went to school
before she transferred
to our school.
With Pat... Isn't that crazy?
They dated for like
two years, apparently.
Logan told me they acted
like a little married couple,
all freshman and sophomore year.
Apparently, that's why
she never goes to his parties.
So at some point sophomore year,
he just like, ghosted her
and then disappeared.
And then she had, like
a mental breakdown
and transferred to our school.
-Like, what the fuck?
-All right.
He probably has, like,
a good reason, right?
I don't know. This guy
did that to me once.
God, he was a dick.
Don't you hate that?
No, I hate tardiness.
My God... The guy I'm talking
about, his name was Tyler...
NEWS ANCHOR: We now know
what killed a teenage girl whose
body was found in Rohnert Park.
Until now, North Bay police
were withholding information
regarding the victim's identity.
But we now have new information.
Following the report,
it appears 18-year-old
Heather Lawson
died from an accidental
drug overdose, a mix of
OxyContin and fentanyl.
She was found
unresponsive in her car
on Hacienda Grove Boulevard
at around 09:00 AM this morning.
-Shit's crazy.
-NEWS ANCHOR: She was admitted
to Kaiser Permanente Hospital
for a drug-related incident,
just weeks prior.
This is the third
fatal teenage overdose--
Glad you're here.
Good, huh?
Yeah... [LAUGHS]
During Prohibition,
the winery had to keep
from going out of business,
so they made raisin cakes,
like raisin pastries.
But, if you put them in
a sealed bottle with some water,
it'd ferment. In about
three weeks, it would be
perfectly drinkable wine.
Goddamn genius.
That's smart.
You know, I...
I heard a story today.
What was that?
It was just about uh...
about you...
Which story?
You know, just about you
and you know, you and Sierra.
No, I can explain that.
You know, I apologize.
-No, dude, it's cool.
-No, I know she's your cousin.
No, dude, it's fine.
You know, I could
talk to her if you want.
See if she'd want to hang out.
Like all of us together.
Could you?
Yeah, sure.
She has a boyfriend.
and he's awesome.
Yeah, that'd be weird.
Unless what?
Well, there is... You know,
there is a place we could go.
Just us three.
Yeah. When's good for you?
Whenever is good for you, dude.
[LAUGHS] All right, yeah,
I'll talk to her.
She's at Sean's right now.
How about Sunday?
Or do you have your... thing.
Yeah. I can make
that work. Sunday.
Thank you.
You know, I don't know
what your situation is
or if you have a summer job
or anything, but I'd be happy
to set something up for you.
You'd make a quick fortune.
You know, it's like
a drop off gig.
Oh, I don't know, man.
I've never really--
And it wouldn't have
anything to do with Russo.
-No, it's not--
-I'd make it real easy for you.
No, Pat.
It's fine, man.
You don't owe me anything.
It's an easy ask, all right?
We're cool. We're cool.
Yeah... You are a good guy.
I think you're
a good guy too, man.
Thank you.
And you know,
the things we talk about
should just stay that way.
Just between you and I.
-Business, anything.
Of course.
-Baby, please?
Hey, open up!
Go away, Sean!
What did I do?
How can you seriously
stand there and lie to my face?
-I can't even see your face.
-We've been together
for three years.
How could you jeopardize that?
Please, just tell me what I did.
Facebook and Instagram.
All of it. I can
see that shit, Sean.
That bitch likes and comments
on all of your posts.
I'm beginning to think
it's to spite me.
-What bitch?
-Just go.
-Hey, Sierra, come on.
-I'm serious.
-Baby, please?
-Just go!
I said go away.
Oh, come on out here.
What are you up to?
J'espere fondre du soleil.
You see, I'm from the non-French
speaking side of the family, so?
Hoping the sun
will melt me away.
How about something more fun?
What could be
more fun than that?
The beach?
Wait, let's take my car.
Let's take mine.
Whose car is that?
Come on. We're gonna be late.
For what?
What is this place?
I don't know.
It's good to see you.
Yeah. Been a while.
I missed you.
Really? Didn't feel that way.
I know.
-I'm sorry--
-What do you want?
I wanted to see you.
Since when?
Listen, I can
explain everything.
I promise.
It's just so good to see you.
Now you're just back?
I made a promise.
It is good to see you again.
CHRIS: So it went well?
-Did you guys--
Thank you. You made
this happen, man.
-Yeah, no worries.
-Can you take a picture for me?
Yeah, sure,
That's actually pretty good.
Should we go back to my house?
Yeah, let's go.
Okay. Well, would you guys mind
dropping me off then?
Aren't you coming?
Uh... okay.
All right.
-It's all yours?
-That's right.
You like it?
I love it.
So this is your room?
This is my room.
You can see town from here.
You can see
everything from here.
-Oh my God...
-Remember these?
PAT: We will always
be like this.
I promise.
Why did you have to go away?
It should have always
been like this.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Would you mind actually,
just hanging out here
for one second?
Thank you.
Sorry, he must be out.
Your call has been forwarded--
This fucking...
5272152 is not available.
Pat, where the fuck are you?
I've been calling.
I called you all last night.
I called you this morning.
I'm calling you now.
This is like the sixth time
I fucking called you.
You're supposed to be
at that meeting.
I'm very particular about
who I introduce who to.
And you were supposed
to be the one to be
introduced to this guy.
Just-- You better
get back to me.
Because if you don't
fucking call me back,
I'm going to fucking kill you!
You really fucked me up bad.
You fucked me up really bad.
Call me back!
If I don't hear from you...
Like, soon... I'm going
to fucking kill you.
You're out of a job.
So call me back.
Just call me back!
Fucking prick.
Hey, man, what's up?
Hey. I'm good.
So where you been?
You know,
-SIERRA: Hey, cousin.
-CHRIS: Hey.
-CHRIS: Hey, what's up, Sean?
-SEAN: What's up, man?
CHRIS: Hey, you know Pat,
right? This is his party.
-Haven't met him.
Nice to meet you.
Can I get you guys
anything to drink?
I'd love a drink.
-SEAN: Me too.
SEAN: Sure.
Alright. Sounds good.
I'll be right back.
SIERRA: Could you
show me the restroom?
CHRIS: Hey, Sean. You played
rugby in high school, right?
-Yeah. I heard you--
-SEAN: I'll be right back.
CHRIS: Excuse me. Hey, man.
Little Chris.
Ha ha!
-What's up, buddy?
Not much, what about you?
Not much.
You seen Sierra?
No, I haven't.
Not at all?
Maybe earlier, actually, yeah.
But not in a while, no.
This place is a mess.
I should go.
He's probably looking for me.
It's not fair.
I want to be with you.
I want us to go away.
Go away?
No, you and me,
here in the most beautiful place
in the world, remember?
I remember.
Pat. You know him well?
Pat. You know him well?
Yeah, we're... we're friends.
So, what's the secret?
Uh... Like...
I don't understand.
How do you think
he makes this all happen?
Oh, um...
You know, Pat's parents...
He lost his parents
pretty young. I think...
You know, he probably likes
having people around.
He's just a different
kind of guy, you know.
Sure. We'll see.
No, thanks.
Uh, you don't smoke?
Smoking makes you sad.
Doesn't make me sad.
Sure it doesn't.
SIERRA: Hey. Hey. Hey.
-Where've you been?
-With my secret lover.
What's the matter? Do you
oppose our relationship?
I'm bored. Let's go.
-Only boring people get--
-We're leaving.
-All right.
-I'll text you.
Tell Pat we said thank you.
Yeah, I will.
SEAN: Yeah. Please do.
Oh, gimme.
Oh, you're still here?
Need any help?
Sure. Thanks, man.
I don't think she had fun.
Why do you say that?
She's gonna break up with him.
Yeah, she said it herself.
We used to be so good.
I wish I could explain it.
She's the only good thing
that's ever happened to me.
Really? The only thing?
Hey, Chris.
Hey, uh, is Sierra at Sean's?
She's been gone a lot lately.
Do you know where she goes?
SIERRA: Were you sleeping?
We're all going to Sean's today.
You have to come.
Uh, okay.
So, yes, you'll come?
Yeah, I thought it was
an order, yeah.
Okay, good.
So what's up?
Nothing. It's just um...
It's such a nice day.
Hey, Pat!
What's up, man?
I didn't expect to see you here.
Yep. Well, I'm here.
-Oh! Oh, God, dude.
-I shouldn't be here
for this, man.
So hot. Must be
the hottest day
of summer.
Pat! Good to see you, man.
You too.
It's hot as shit out here.
Come inside.
You guys take my towel?
Ask Chris.
Where's Chris?
Pretty good serve.
Give me one good serve.
She's kicking your ass, Patty.
What's up, Sean?
One sec, bro.
Hey, Evan. Think you could drop
by my place with some beers?
Just do it, alright?
Come on. Worst case
scenario, you get fired.
It's a shit job anyway.
Because you look 21.
Sorry, guys.
Evan's being a douche.
Who was that?
It doesn't matter.
We're not done talking.
-I'm done talking.
-Okay, well, I'm not.
I'm not.
Not until I find out
what's going on with you.
Nothing's going on.
That's bullshit.
That's bullshit, Taylor.
You're distant.
Huh? You're hiding
things from me.
Just tell me what's going on.
You don't trust me,
that's the problem.
I trust you. I love you.
I love you.
And you're my girlfriend.
That's why we're
having this conversation.
I need to know what's going on
in your fucking head.
-Because you're my girlfriend!
Yeah well maybe I
don't want that anymore!
You don't mean that.
I do.
Maybe I want something else.
Something else?
Oh, just... God! Talk to me.
-Just talk to me, please.
-All right.
It's just a little ridiculous,
don't you think?
I mean, we started
dating so young.
We're kids, Evan.
We can't decide who we are
right now, when we're 18.
That's how people
fuck up their lives.
So I'm fucking your life up.
No, that's not what I mean.
Taylor. Taylor.
You mean everything to me,
you know that.
Huh? You gotta know that.
All right?
[SCOFFS] So what?
You want to get married,
have kids?
I thought you did, too.
I do. Just not yet.
Not now.
I want to see things, Evan.
Experience things,
different things, don't you?
I just, um...
I thought I was enough for you.
You're such a good person.
You're a great guy.
You're going to make somebody
really happy one day.
You know...
Just can't be me.
Not right now.
Chris, where are you thinking
about going for school?
Don't know yet.
You should think
about San Diego.
It's beautiful down there.
Beautiful beaches,
beautiful girls.
Plus, my dad's company
headquarters are down there.
So we have the house.
It's around the beach.
Where you headed, Pat?
Staying here.
Really? Bold.
I have some plans.
Oh, yeah?
Like what, JC, or...
Actually, now that
you mention it--
Why are we talking about this?
Talking about the future
is so sad.
It's the summer.
Summer should be fun.
Let's go see the animals.
What animals?
-Jesus Christ.
What? What's wrong
with the animals?
Just trying to
keep up, Princess.
Take it easy.
You know what?
It's a great idea.
Let's go see the animals.
Chris hasn't been.
-Seriously, what animals?
-Right now?
Right now. No time like
the present. Right, Pat?
You didn't even ask
Chris and Paige
if they wanted to go.
I'm sure they're down.
We can't just go.
We need time to get ready.
Go, get ready.
-We haven't even eaten.
-Take them with you.
Whatever's going on,
-Just try and think it through.
-It's already taken care of.
Just waiting for
the right moment.
Let's take mine.
Let's take two,
I don't like to squeeze.
Fine, Pat?
PAT: Yeah, I can drive.
I'll ride with you.
I love convertibles.
Now their incredibly large
necks contain seven
elongated vertebrae.
Which you might think is a lot.
But, interestingly enough,
the human neck also
contains seven vertebrae.
Their hearts are
much bigger, though.
They can weigh up to 25 pounds
and pump up to 20 gallons
of blood per minute.
We have 14 African giraffes
on the premises here.
This guy, right here
is Benjamin.
Do you know if they
have elephants here?
I really want to see them.
She one of your customers?
Yeah. Why?
Maybe I'm looking to buy.
Whatever you need, man.
Anything you need.
That's funny.
I heard you were a guy
who could get anybody anything.
I'm sure you did.
Tell me something,
because I'm a bit lost.
Where exactly did you
go to school again?
Because I know you
weren't with us.
And weirdly enough,
no one I know seems to
know where you came from.
-No one.
-I went to Redwood.
Charter school.
Oh, Redwood.
That's where you went, right?
That's funny.
So what? Now you're
just working?
Pat's restoring the vines
at his house.
He's gonna make wine.
PAT: That's right.
Wow, and you must be busy
from what I hear.
"Hooking anybody up
with anything they need."
Like you said.
You're one of Russo's boys, no?
Yeah. I know who he is.
He and my dad
did a little business way back
when he was working at a winery,
before his true calling.
You know, before he went
to prison.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
I don't?
Didn't he pull you in?
Pill pushers
always need their dogs.
What are you talking about?
Oh yeah, this guy...
This fucking scumbag
is the guy selling everybody
bad Oxy.
He killed fucking Heather.
That is not true.
So, now you're a man
of honesty.
Great, great.
I got another question...
did you fuck him?
Don't act so goddamn innocent.
I know where you go,
we all know about
your little friend.
PAT: Sierra's
breaking up with you.
SEAN: No, she's not.
Yes, I am.
SEAN: You're gonna throw
everything away?
All our plans just like that
for this guy?
PAT: She's over you.
SEAN: No, she isn't,
one little fling
doesn't do that.
It's been five years.
We've been in love
for five years.
Five years?
PAT: I was away, but now
we're back together.
Fuck me.
Come the fuck on.
Tell me something,
do you fall in love
with cam girls, too?
I mean, what is this bullish?
PAT: Just tell him, Sierra?
SEAN: Tell me, Sierra.
PAT: Tell him, Just tell him.
SEAN: Tell me, Sierra.
Tell me the big secret.
Sierra, baby.
Come on.
Stop it.
Stop it, okay?
I love you both
in different ways.
It's hard enough for me, so...
PAT: What?
SEAN: Hey, you're a good liar,
I'm sure you could convince
some other poor girl to fuck you
Let's go.
Go ahead.
I'm not even gonna ask
if either one of you knew.
I already know the answer
to that question.
You know,
it's my birthday today.
SEAN: Congratulations.
PAIGE: 18?
Come on, friend of mine's
having people over.
You can celebrate your adult--
I don't wanna go anywhere
with any of you fucking people.
Where are we going?
Just take me home, please.
What if we just went
to the city right now?
Right now,
Like you always wanted.
I have the money, okay?
I'll buy you anything you want.
We can take pictures,
I won't complain.
No, I don't think so.
Please, Taylor, just...
I mean, just tell me
what I can do and I'll do it.
I'll do it.
Just take me home.
No, not... no.
Not until we settle this.
I think I was perfectly clear.
Why are we stopping?
EVAN: You're not going home.
Not until you talk to me.
Really talk to me.
Take me home.
Cut it out.
You're not listening to me.
What is your fucking problem?
-I don't have a fucking problem.
-Who are you?
Why're you acting like a bitch?
That's it, let me go.
-Okay, look, I didn't mean that.
-You hurting me
-All right. It came out wrong.
-Let me go.
Starting to fucking scare me.
You know what?
Calm the fuck down.
Don't tell me what to do.
I can do whatever the fuck
I want. Just leave me alone.
-EVAN: Taylor, watch out.
-PAT: Watch out, Sierra, Sierra!
PAIGE: What is that?
SEAN: What the fuck?
SEAN: No, no, no.
Oh God.
What happened, Evan?
EVAN: She got hit.
-What happened?
-EVAN: She got hit.
He didn't even stop.
you need to tell me
exactly what you saw.
Evan, look at me.
Were they coming back this way?
-What kind of car?
-Uh... blue.
Uh... Convertible...
SEAN: A blue convertible?
A blue fucking convertible!
EVAN: What? What?
I know whose car that is.
His name's Pat.
Pat, she...
She went to his party.
He didn't even stop.
It's gonna be okay.
This is my fault.
None of this is on you.
PAIGE: What the fuck
just happened?
-What the fuck just happened?
-CHRIS: It's okay, Come on.
No, Chris, this is not okay.
-This is fucked, I know her,
-CHRIS: No, I know.
SEAN: That piece of shit.
PAIGE: She went to our school.
CHRIS: No, I know. We just--
We don't know what happened yet,
-so we should just...
-Doesn't even stop?
SEAN: Just drives off.
Doesn't even stop?
CHRIS: Okay, well,
the car is not even here.
-They would...
-SEAN: ...fucking ass.
-Sean. What's wrong?
-Where is he?
-SEAN: Pat.
-PAIGE: Is Sierra here?
Yeah, I heard her a while ago,
but I thought she was with you.
SEAN: Is he here with you?
Don't lie to me, Sierra.
-She witnessed an accident.
-It was not just an accident.
The guy killed someone.
PAIGE: Oh my God,
are you okay?
Are you okay?
Tell me what happened, Sierra?
SEAN: She was in the car,
they were on their way back.
PAIGE: Sean, please.
Let her talk.
SEAN: Sierra, tell her.
Hey, over here.
-PAT: Is she okay?
-What the fuck is wrong with...
I'll call the police.
I already did. They're on it.
Sean, thank you.
You just left her there, man.
Calm down
and be quiet. Okay?
Are you okay?
Tell me what happened.
-She was in the car,
-they were on their way back.
-PAIGE: Let her talk, Sean.
Sierra, tell her.
Tell her.
Pat hit Taylor, right?
-It's all right. It's okay.
It happened so fast.
Tell her, baby.
Pat hit Taylor, right? Right?
It happened so fast,
came out of nowhere.
-She couldn't--
-She... she could...
-Sierra, tell her!
What are you doing?
She... she couldn't?
I'm gonna stay
and I'm gonna make sure
that Sean doesn't mess with her.
CHRIS: I don't think
he's gonna do anything.
Do me a favor,
go check.
Okay, fine.
Just stay here.
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna do better.
I promise.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Will you stay tonight?
I don't want you to leave.
She... I think she went to bed.
-Are you sure?
Yeah. Yeah.
Come on, let's go.
We can go back to my house.
No, no.
Won't the...
Won't the cops start looking
for you and stuff, man?
Hang out with me?
PAT: Thank you. Thank you.
Your parents weren't diplomats,
were they?
No, they weren't.
Are they alive?
PAT: My parents
were drug addicts.
They were found unsuited
to raise me when I was born.
So, the judge entrusted me
to the closest blood relative
who could accommodate.
I know,
such a little asshole.
Hey, can I ask you something?
Paige said you went away,
just kinda...
I was sent away.
Like I said,
I was such little asshole,
I did a bunch of
stupid drugs and...
The judge gave me the option
between juvie or rehab.
I didn't even think about it.
Sierra's parents
already didn't like me,
but they would never let her be
with a guy who was in juvie.
CHRIS: And where did you go?
one of those wilderness rehabs.
Where they make you sleep
on the ground,
make your own fires,
all that and no phones,
you're cut off
from the rest of the world.
Thought I'd be out
in a few weeks.
I did everything I could.
I cleaned up and everything
but they just
wouldn't let me leave.
Then, my aunt passed away
and no one was paying my bills,
so, they sent me home.
What about Sierra?
By then, she was
already dating Sean.
I guess she figured
I was never coming back.
I get that.
CHRIS: And the house?
My aunt had no will.
I was next of kin,
so I got everything.
I got the house,
I got the car,
all of it.
You know what?
It seems like a lot
but it's...
I had no income,
I had no education.
I had to show her
I could take care of her,
so, I did what I knew how to do.
I wanted to do
something real, though.
I wanted, like, the vines...
Could've made wine.
I could have made money.
She and I could have had
a real life.
We were so close.
CHRIS: Beautiful.
You should probably go.
Cops will be here soon,
you don't wanna get involved.
CHRIS: What are you
gonna tell 'em?
I think I'm gonna go
for a swim.
Hey, Pat.
Fuck 'em.
Excuse me,
can you please stop the car?
MAN 1: Hello.
Hi, my name's Chris
and you probably don't know me.
I'm calling from Pat's phone.
MAN 1: Oh, Pat, Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
You went to his party
last month, right?
MAN 1: Yeah.
Well, I'm...
MAN 1: What?
MAN 2: What?
I'm calling you...
The reason I'm calling
is because...
Pat died, he...
He passed away and...
we're spreading his ashes
this weekend,
I was hoping you'd be there.
MAN 1: Bro...
MAN 1: Bro.
MAN 2: What?
MAN 1: Where're you
going tonight?
Your call has been forwarded
to an automatic voice
message system.
Sierra. I...
don't know why
you're not picking up.
Ceremony's this Saturday.
You should be there.
All right.
I know you'll be there.
Your call has been forwarded
to an automatic voice
message system.
Hi, my name is Chris.
I don't know who you are,
or where you are,
if you care but...
My friend Pat died
I miss him.
Ceremony's on Saturday.
Can I help you?
MAN: I'm here for the ceremony.
Can I ask your name?
Patrick Williams.
You left me a message.
I'm Pat's father.
Nice to meet you, sir.
I'm Chris.
Chris, good to meet you.
You two were friends?
Yeah. Yeah, we were friends.
PATRICK: Happy to hear that.
Uh. Please, come inside.
I'll show you,
right this way.
Got one for yourself, huh?
CHRIS: Yeah.
PATRICK: Careful
with that stuff.
CHRIS: Shit.
I'm sorry, I'll go...
PATRICK: It's fine, sit, sit.
Did he ever talk about me?
Not really, sorry.
It's okay.
He's sent me a Christmas card
every year.
I think he was
embarrassed of me.
So, he lived here
with his aunt Mallory?
I never knew her name,
but no.
For a long time, it was...
it was just him.
Yeah, he...
kept it...
I guess you would say.
I always knew he was smart
from the second I saw him,
I told his mother that
he was gonna grow up
to be a doctor
or a billionaire,
a movie star.
Where is she?
She died about a year
after we gave him up.
I'm sorry.
We were bad when he was born.
In bad shape.
She wanted to keep him,
she fought hard for it,
but I knew...
We had to let it happen.
So, I didn't say anything
when they took him from us
I don't think she ever
forgave me for that.
But I knew...
I knew...
And look...
He did this all by himself.
So, you two were close?
I like to think so.
Tell me something...
Was he a good man?
He was a great man.
PATRICK: Thanks.