Vishesham (2024) Movie Script

Hello... hello...
Hope you guys hear me?
- Yes, yes
- Sure... ready?
Let's start... ready...
Welcome to 'The inspiring hours'
by Shiju Bhakthan
OK? Welcome... welcome
So, we are starting today's session
Okay, everyone, breathe in deep and bring
your negative thoughts along with it
Then, exhale them out just as deeply
and let them go with the breath, OK?
Come on... one... two... three...
Take that deep breath
[He Inhales]
Now exhale...
[He Exhales]
Once again... come on...
one... two... three... inhale...
[He Inhales]
Now exhale...
[He does the same]
Look... your negative thoughts are all gone
great... super... let them go
Today, I'll share the story of an eagle,
a hawk that soars high in the sky
...the eagle that snatches up young chicks
Have you thought about this
mighty eagle having a midlife crisis?
I will tell you
An eagle's lifespan is about 70 years.
When it reaches midlife...
...its beak starts to bend,
feathers begin to fall, and talons drop
Now, what does it do to keep going?
How can it catch the prey?
What a pity! It's left with
two options: adapt or perish
He doesn't want to die yet
What he needs is a change...
For that change, he'll retreat
to his den atop the hill...
...and break his bent beak by
striking it against the rock
He'll pluck out his claws and feathers
Just imagine how painful that must be!
But he's determined to make a comeback
After the long wait of around 150 days...
...its feathers will grow back, and its
beak and talons will also grow anew
And after all this, the eagle will make
its grand entry, just like a superhero
Now, he will take flight...
Let him soar... Yeah, fly!
Like the eagle facing midlife,
we also need to fly
Why hesitate? Soar high! Fly!
That's it... super... OK...
Now all eagles, slowly descend to earth...
Slowly... come on...
Indeed, these moments are
for your transformation
"The Inspiring Hours" by Shiju Bhaktan,
solely for your transformation
Forget not to subscribe
to our channel... OK
Hi Shiju, come on in...
Running late due to traffic?
I've been waiting for a bit
I have to step out soon as well
Come, be seated
The traffic is heavy these days...
What is this, kiddo...
Take this
You and your mom,
never listen my words
Shiju, sit man...
So, it's done and dusted...
It was a clear case of cheating,
that's why we got the order this quick
Hadn't you registered the marriage
a bit early for the visa process?
That was the issue; else, we could
have just ignored her and let her go
Filing the defamation case got
us some compensation, you know...
That's how it works...
But what's the point of compensation once
we've already been defamed?
These divorce cases are
all about mudslinging
Alright, let it be. At least now you're
at peace after two years of running around
Now you can relax...
- Here's your fee.
- You could have taken more time, but okay
Here is the order...
- Would you like some tea?
- No, thanks
- Alright then...
- OK, see you...
- Bye then...
- Dad! This's broken
Hey kiddo... what have you done..!
Oh... he's blushing
What? Just pray
Oh... jeez...
Sorry, uncle
Come on let's play
...hey be careful
Careful kiddos... you hope on
Let's go
Smile please... be open
There you are
From inside...
- What's it?
- Sorry bro... What's happening?
Manu... go get her...
- Run...
- Hey, come on...
- What on earth has your daughter done?
- Stop
[Commotion among Families]
Don't cry, man...
Just leave it behind
Why are you still crying?
It's been two years; you should move on
Hey, look here... you, who motivates
everyone, shouldn't be like this
You should freshen up and
shave off your beard
I'm with you. Look forward
and don't dwell on the past
Happy? Smile then, brother
- Huh...
- Ahem...
Have this
"Forward you move, with eyes set ahead"
"Go ahead... ahead"
"Move ahead, eyes set forward"
"Go ahead.. ahead"
"Off you sail through winds,
sea, and lands"
"Off you soar, leaving the nest"
"Sorrows, into oblivion you vanish,
as memories"
"Forget it all, forget everything"
"Forget it all, forget everything?
"Forward you move, with eyes set ahead"
"Go ahead... ahead"
"Before waves crash or earth divides,
steadfast I shall abide"
"Should floods rage or love betray,
I shall endure, I shall not sway"
"Oh storm, bear away my woes"
"Forget it all, forget everything"
"Off you sail through winds,
sea, and lands"
"Off you soar, leaving the nest"
"Sorrows, into oblivion you vanish,
as memories"
"Forget it all, forget everything"
"Forget it all, forget everything"
"Forward you move, with eyes set ahead"
"Go ahead... ahead"
"Forward you move, with eyes set ahead"
"Go ahead... ahead"
When did you show up?
Just a bit ago... hey, looks like
you've started jogging!
- Do it gently...
- It will ease your pain
Why the gloomy vibe, bro?
I haven't slept a wink... your sister
called from the US complaining
She doesn't even consider
that it's night here
Sijo's mom has decided to return, now
they have no one to look after the kids
- Our mom isn't listening to her request
- Why, Mom?
If they need someone to babysit,
their moms aren't the ones for that
Everyone should take care of
their own kids. We all did it that way
Tell me the truth, Mom
Don't you want to visit the US?
I'm not going to America or anywhere,
leaving him here alone
- Oh... there lies the point
- What point?
Look, little bro, none of us have bothered
you to get married again, have we?
That girl who ditched you-
She's married with kids now
- Has she got kids?
- Yes... twins
- Oh!
- A boy and a girl
Mom doesn't even come to our place
because she won't leave you alone
Does it mean every woman in the world
is bad just because of what she did?
Hey, I don't have that impression
Did I say anything when you came back
from abroad and started farming here?
I thought it was his choice;
this is just like that too...
- But, it's better to have a partner...
- He is right, son... listen to him
- You good? Give it a try man
- Let's see
- There you are
- Hmm...
Please don't swear... let me explain first
Please, sir... behave
Listen, every established matrimonial
agencies focus on caste and religion
But this lovely matrimony is
truly secular, sir...
Our only requirement is that
you should be human
From the conversation I had with your
daughter, I guess...
...she wants to live with another girl.
Sir, you please understand me
That's why I sent the photographs
of some girls to your phone
Sort things out with your daughter
first, then give me a call, OK?
Do you have any idea about the
problems caused by a wedding?
- Yet you got married?
- I'm speaking from that experience.
I'll get a client if you decide to marry,
but I'm warning you against it
Shiju, bro, don't they have a point?
We will find a girl for you
You two will make a lovely couple,
just like us, right, hubby?
Why don't you just leave
if the tea has already been served?
- Hmm...
- Have this awful tea.
- You've got a cool wife, bro
- Cool my foot
It was my biggest mistake falling in love
with someone who came to work here
Most husbands find peace at work,
but in my case, even that's not there
Once I asked why she wastes her time here
She said, "Why lose a good job?"
She draws a salary from me
and sends it to her house
- She doesn't seem that crooked.
- Correct, those are all her tricks
Wives are like vampires,
sucking out our blood
- Hey dear...
- Ah...
What happened?
Off I go... need to buy some grocery from
Subhash bro's shop
Hope you come home early
Bye, Shiju bro
- She might have killed me
- Hey, I am also coming
- Not every women must be like this
- Hmm...
If you're not convinced by my words,
it's your fate, Go get it.
Give me a photo,
Let's see
- This is taken by Subhash bro
- Oh... is it?
- Have a look
- Arh...
Would you shut down my business,
you two brothers?
Get off that umbrella;
you're not modelling for its advt
Sit straight and smile...
Just like that, five teeth are enough
That's it. Now, take the photo
How's it?
Not up to the mark...
I will show you how to pose
Hold this... this should be the first pose the second one
Should be like this... now go
Let me see...
Ah... super
Come on, you handsome
[Entering the address]
Is it necessary to give the house name.
Isn't your name enough?
- The house name sounds old fashioned
- Let it be
- Height?
- 5' 6"
No need, we're not selling
you like some goods
The highlight should be your divorce
Divorced not because of his
own fault...
- Is that necessary?
- It wasn't your fault, was it?
- How are these girls?
- This seems good
Pooja Krishnan, from Thrissur
Shall I swipe right?
- There you are...
- Ah...
- Now, this one...
- Which one... this?
It won't work, bro...
She looks so good
- Then try this one
- This?
She is from Thiruvananthapuram
Seems OK
Look here... let me see...
- Let's go there
- Yes
- It's getting late, Mini
- Let me tie my hair
Let's go
Look, bro, don't feel bad...
I picture someone with a bit more hair
Bald head and pot belly?
That's aristocracy, man
The girl is from Thiruvananthapuram
We won't gel, bro...
I have a different vibe
Declined again!
Are they just playing around?
- Any progress, mom?
- No, nothing yet...
You just wait... forgot to give you
something, give me a moment
The first three profiles were
free of cost
Send it via UPI when you're back home
Account details are there
Have something, man...
He is into farming...
Why don't you bring
someone with a better job?
- Is he the father of the groom?
- Huh...
[Indistinct Conversations]
I haven't seen someone getting
declined like this in my entire career
The girl we are going to see is like
a goddess, just like her name-Mahalakshmi
Mom, I'd repeatedly told him not to
mention about his first marriage
That made Mahalakshmi disappointed
- Shall we book the tickets, brother?
- Not yet, I shall let you know
- Great snack. Did she make it?
- Yes...
- Shiju really enjoys this
- Do you?
- Now shall we book the tickets?
- Not yet
So, did you talk to that teacher
I introduced you to last week?
- Yes.
- No wonder she left taking a transfer
Her students are sad
I am fed up
Mom... the mango trees have blossomed
Let me be frank, we are not interested
Do not feel bad.
Keep it there... let's go
Come on
Keep it there
She is from Kozhikode
This was the best food we had
during this period
Are you coming with me just to eat?
- Oh... the girl likes him...
- Oh thank God
The girl from Kasarcode liked
another boy... not him
I already told you, this won't work
The first time, it one was not this tough
And what happened?
She just left on the very day
Shiju, do not worry... I will find
a nice girl for you, from Mumbai
- But he doesn't know Hindi
- I am done with this
I am fed up of visiting stranger's
houses and having snacks
Our ticket...?
Don't even think of it,
nothing is happening here
[Protest Commotion]
Where are they coming to?
[Protest Commotion]
- Step away...
- Arhh...
Fate is so cruel to Shiju
It keeps hitting him, one after the other
Are you hurting a lot?
Here in the US, there is no such baton
But they have stun baton with shock
Such bad luck to get
beaten for no reason
But will he agree?
[Hindi] Mom, I told you, we should have
gone to some good matrimonial agency
You've been here for a few years now
Isn't it time to drop your Hindi?
Do I really need to learn Hindi
at this age for you?
- Oh... it's too hot...
- Stay still
He isn't finding a decent match
even otherwise... now with this..!
Leave it, Saji
What's our situation now?
Mom, don't take it the wrong way
We've a bad rep after his first marriage
You might not be particular about
horoscope and all, but they are...
You don't care about appearances,
but they do, so it won't work out
Do not try to intimidate me.
I am coming
- Don't sit here
- Sorry...
Got any idea how old
you come across now?
Around thirty..?
Look at you, seen yourself
in the mirror lately?
Notice kids calling you "uncle"
more than "brother"?
Shiju, you look at least 40-42...
definitely age over, and feeling it, huh?
Look, Saji bro, don't throw negative vibes
We're waiting for his
wedding to bring Mom here
Then you start immediately
Putting jokes aside, Saji...
Will anything actually work?
- Yes... I have a better idea
- Tell us, what's that?
What do you reckon about second chances?
- Means what...?
- Remarriage
- What...! Arhh...
- Stay lying down, Shiju
This is actually my first marriage,
you know that?
But as per records, you are divorced
People say it was your fault...
It's just us who know the truth
Remarriages are not that complicated
as you think
When the first marriage fails and they
find themselves alone at home...
The girls gain a certain maturity then...
With that maturity,
second marriages are usually fantastic
They tend to be really understanding.
In fact, third marriages are even better...
- What...?
- Okay, okay... then we'll settle for second
If you are okay with it,
I have a case with me...
Who is it?
- Sajitha, she is in Police force
- Nice name
- Police?
- Wow... it's good to have police at home
Heard having a dog at home is nice,
but Police... now that's something else!
This is not going to work
She might have had a
troublesome marriage
Remarriage shouldn't be
a problem if the girl is right
Is it a problem for you?
- It's not about remarriage
- Then?
These police personnel are rock-hearted
Have we ever felt like falling for a
police woman we see on the streets?
- That's their strength.
- I wouldn't want someone that powerful
Hey... there are many beautiful girls
in our Police force, smart ones
- I can show you her photo
- Show it then...
- Look...
- Nice girl
Isn't she a bit on the bigger side?
Dear Mini, don't be
politically incorrect
Shiju would be better off
with a strong girl in his life
Son, you go and meet her first,
so we can get to know her
- That's right
- Yes... Shiju
Yes... you go meet her...
- Bro... all the best
- Oh...
- Stay still...
- It's so hot
[Protesters Sloganeering]
[Protesters Sloganeering]
- Everyone's the same... where could she be?
- Hmm...
Madam Sajitha, this is Saji
from lovely couple matrimonial
We are here...
- Where are you?
- Here only
- Look here...
- Okay
- That's her...
- Got it
You just wait there in the coffee house
behind you, I'll be there in a moment
Just hold these..I will be
back in no time
[Protesters Sloganeering]
- Sir... they have come, what should I do?
- Who?
Haven't I told you about a proposal
They are waiting there in the coffee house
Then go meet them, this will take time
You just go...
- Okay. sir...
- Sure
- Thank you, sir
- Okay
This jacket!
[Protesters Sloganeering in the background]
- Ah...
- Here...
Oh, just relax... no need to stand up
- Sorry, I am on duty... that's why
- Hey not an issue
This is the guy, I told you
Shiju, Shiju Bhaktan
I know... I am Sajitha
Then let me order a coffee...
You take some private time,
I'll sit over there
No, there's no need... you may sit with us
We don't have any problem, right?
I have seen you somewhere else
He's meeting a girl for the
first time for his second marriage
- No... it's somewhere else
- Then it must be from his motivation class
- May be...
- No... it's not... somewhere else
Let me think...
Were you there at the protest at
the company gate, last week?
- Yes...
- That's it...
I think I've beaten you up too
- Oh... that's where you got it, congrats
- I am sorry for that
When we're in action, we don't even see
who's in front; we just beat everyone up
That's natural...
Typically I don't remember the
guys I beat up
Oh... lucky you...
I just feel there is some
connection between us, right?
- Or why else would I remember you?
- Of course
[Protesters Getting Violent]
Oh... jeez... it's trouble there
You guys have another coffee while
I give them a thrashing
Okay? I'll be right back!
Hey sis, move aside...
don't block the entrance. There's trouble.
[Protest Commotion]
Come... what a thrashing!
[She Grunts]
Run... you...
She rocks, right?
Oof... how could you smile, man?
- So, that's it... how am I?
- Yeah... we got to watch
[Phone ringing]
I need to take this call, you carry on
Meet you in the coffee house later
So, let's go there
- Congratulations, Shiju...
- What for?
It's not easy giving it another go, even
after failing spectacularly the first time
It needs a certain courage
And it involves some heroism,
so in that sense, you're a hero
- Hero... me?
- Yes you are a hero
In a way, we are all birds of
same feather
Then this tragedy...
it can happen in anyone's life
For instance, my life...
ours is an average family
Dad, Mom, me, and Sneha, my elder sister
On a fine morning, she eloped with some one
So, my parents married me off in haste
fearing that I too would follow her steps
I was good in studies...
Dad probably only thought
about my future...
But the place I got into was...
[Screaming in pain]
I was really put through hell...
...and it was just a joke to him
It was after suffering to the brink
that I ran from there
Shall I keep two cups of coffee here?
Do you know why I joined the Police?
- No... why?
- Hmm...
Just to thrash him into pulp...
- Did you?
- No, still waiting
But someday, he will end up
right in front of me
I'm sure... it's in him
I'll thrash him to a pulp
when that time comes
In my inquiry, I found out that
you're a kind man
Being a police officer,
it was not a task
I think you're okay for me.
I make my own choices now.
Have your coffee...
Take your time and call me
when you're ready. Shall I head out?
Okay... see you
Where has he gone?
[He yawns]
[He also yawns]
- It's the fifth time we are yawning
- What?
- It's boring to wait
- Hmm...
Tell them...
- Then, let's make a move
- Her Dad will come any moment
That's not an issue, we can come again
There is no one in the shop
More over, Shiju has to
lead motivational classes
People will be waiting in the US,
Odisha, and elsewhere
- But as you've already come this far
- That's not a problem
We can come again... let's carry on then
Okay then...
Meet you in the evening
Alright, then...
- Here he is...
- That must be her Dad...
They are the ones
who came to see Saju...
I am Rahul, Sajitha's father...
- Rahul?
- Yes, Thozhuthil Rahulan Nair
- This is Jackson, my friend
- Michael Jackson...
Would you take a lottery,
the draw is tomorrow
No, we do not want...
You may please leave
Alright then...
I was in a hurry with an
investment plan
- It should be handles carefully...
- Must be some stock trading
- Am I right?
- Yes, you are...
- So, you must have liked my daughter, right?
- Yes, we have...
Fortune has come,
and everything is turning good
- What does that mean?
- Fortune... lottery
- Oh... that was his investment
- Off we go...
- Go and say something to that girl!
- Okay
- Let me say bye...
- Sure... go on
Alright then, we are leaving now
I got your number, right?
We'll stay in touch.
You don't stay very far;
we can meet sometime
"The day we first met,
we clashed and squabbled away."
"The second day we met,
we playfully laughed away."
"On the third day,
love blossomed within us."
"Flowering tree blossomed,"
"Days of sun and rain passed by."
"I wander, counting
the days till you are here."
"Dear cell phone signals,
will you be my emissary?"
"For how long have
I been pining for her,"
"longing for her?"
Sir... didn't I tell you
This is him
- Johny...
- Shiju...
All the best...
- Can I tell you something, Saju?
- Hmm.
You look sexy in this outfit
"The day we first met,
we clashed and squabbled away"
"The second day we met,
we playfully laughed away."
"On the third day,
love blossomed within us"
"Wedding Day's here, The Big day's here,
All our tears are long gone.."
"Cheerful voyage begins
Life has turned into a new journey."
- Smile please...
- That's it
[They play a musical game]
Look at her...
- She seems to be so familiar to all of us
- True that...
Shiju and she make a nice pair, don't they?
What's this?
Master is meditating
Do not wake him up...
Don't you have anything else to do?
Hey... Shiju...
What's up, bro..?
What do you want?
I will give you something
You need not do anything in return
- What's that?
- An advice
- Advice?
- and exclusive advise
Today you are laying the foundation
to your married life
- So... I am asking you
- What?
- Do you know something?
- What something?
This boy still needs to mature mentally
- Hmm...
- Shiju, son
It won't work if you guys look face to
face in a room, as shown in some old movies
- I am telling you from my experience
- What?
You and your wife are little over aged
So, better you start things without delay
What nonsense are you talking, bro...
This is typical of the Malayalees
Having a baby is nice... then how can
talking about the process be obscene?
- That's what morality is all about
- Shiju... come here
[Indistinct Conversations]
Hey.. Shiju.. come
- What's it, bro?
- What's happening there?
They are having a drink, there
- Is there any problem?
- Hey... it's nothing
I have some serious matter to tell you
Are there any payments pending?
- Nothing of that sort.. - Then?
Look.. your first marriage
did not get to this stage ...
Which stage ..?
- She took off from there itself, no?
Now Sajtiha has become
a member of our family
So it's our duty to ensure that
she is treated well
That's right
That's why I am asking .. Do you know
anything about physical relationship?
What happened to you guys?
Are you even my brother?
- Hey Shiju...
It's not that easy...
- Shh...
Shiju, you can do it
Today is your D- day
Shiju, can you hear the heart beats?
Don't you see the lover inside you?
Don't you..Shiju?
Your body is a volcano...
A volcano fuming with love
and wait for eruption
Look it's fuming... your body is
boiling hot ...
Soar to new heights.. fly
Let the volcano erupt...
The blast...
Yes..I can do it...
Hey.. are you chanting a prayer
or something?
Oh you are here? I was not chanting
I was just comparing the expenses of
our wedding with my first one
Why can't people keep
it as simple as we did?
Why this extravaganza?
- True that...
Talking about simplicity, I was woken up
by 4 AM for my first wedding
Plus, I had to keep smiling in a saree
and heavy makeup in that heat
Got home, ready to change, here comes
another set of costumes for the first night
Thinking of those costumes,
something comes to mind...
Subhash bro and Shiju, our brother in law-
you know, they've a lot of life experiences
Got me.?
- What experience?
Experience of family planning and all...
They were hinting that
we should plan our family soon.
...or else, life will be messed up
Saju, what's your opinion about this?
I had a teacher in grade nine.. Leelamma
who taught us Biology
She said it's every creature's
duty to reproduce
Yep, she's all about giving info
So, duties gotta be fulfilled, huh?
Of course..we should
Then, we should not waste time
- Sure...
Then let's do it ...
- Hmm...
- Shall we put off the light?
- Hmm
Wedding prank, part 2
- Why part 2?
Wasn't his first wedding a prank?
- Yeah...
Will it spiral out of control?
- How come it be?
Let's give him something memorable
Hope it will pop?
- Shall I light it?
The crackers are kinda old,
not sure if they'll pop
Will it pop..? won't it?
- What a pity
- Duds...
Why don't you fly, eagle?
Just fly, eagle
Who do I even tell?
Hey.. Shiju...
- Come here, Shiju...
Did you come to sit there?
Huh.. now tell, what's your
Sir, I am Aiswaryan.. a building painter
These guys used to work for me
One of them is Bheeman...
- Is that your issue?
Not exactly, but
he borrowed Rs 5000 from me.
It's been a while, now I
can't tell who is Bheeman.
Huh.. strange case it seems...
Who among you is Bheeman?
- It's him, sir.. my name is Soman
Sir, actually I am Soman, sir
Are you here to trick me?
- They're both cons, sir
Show me some identification
- Take out you Id
Hurry up...
It happened inadvertently, sir...
Please sir...
What is this? Both of them say Soman!
That's actually my AADHAR card
He made a copy of it
Mine is original, it's him who
carries the copy
Didn't I tell you
They're both cons, sir
What a nuisance!
What should we do with that guy?
The woman won't stop crying
That wand waver.. you should come, sir
- Hmm...
Both of you sit here, I will be back
- Thank you, sir...
Sir, will you be back soon?
I have some work
Isn't this enough for you?
Hey bro...
- Sir, please sir...
What's your case?
Oh. you won't say!
Sir, he's innocent, sir...
- What a decent fellow he seems to be!
Look at his gray moustache ...
He did not do it deliberately, sir...
Wand waving.. at this age!
Aren't you ashamed...
The woman says he has some
medical issues. What should we do?
Oh, that must be quite an illness to have
Better stay alert, Bincy,
or he might flash at you too
Sir..I am telling the truth
He is under treatment
Then come with a medical certificate
Those girls are determined...
He will land in big trouble
Please sir...
- Bring a lawyer too
Look, let her come with the certificate
then only we could do something
- Yeah,
- it's such a weird condition
- I will bring it, sir
- Okay
Sir, how are you doing?
- Weren't you released just yesterday?
just a small chain snatching this time
- Oh.. get in to the lock up room, then
[Indistinct Chatter]
Stop here
- Note down their details
Oh, you've brought bananas and everything?
- Is your leave over already?
No I am not joining today
Shall I keep it here?
- Yes.. sure
That's good
- Of course
I'll just pop inside and be back
- Okay...
Hey..Sajtha.. What's in the sack?
- Some home grown bananas
Hey Shiju...
- Yes.. sir
I might need some help with
your career guidance stuff
Not career guidance, it's motivation class
- Yeah.. whatever
I need something of that
- For what, sir?
Not in full, but I need some of it
The thing is..I am married
since nine years
Please don't regard me as an inspector
We have a son...
But we're actively attempting to
conceive our second child
It's not happening towards the
climax, no matter what I do
If I get some motivation,
it will happen for sure
- Will you help me, can I trust?
- Off we go...
Ah.. okay then...
Try to get a best farmer award next time...
Hope on...
- Ride carefully
What was the hush-hush conversation about?
There is a lot to tell...
- Shiju, call me then
- Okay
Arh ..aiwa..!
[Humming a song]
The temple isn't too crowded
even with the festival
Is it?
- Hmm...
Have some more rice
- No..I'm done
Have it, man
- Hmmm...
- What's it?
It's good that Mom went to the US. You have
a bit of freedom, and she gets a change
Looks like it's going to rain
Saju, let's get going without delay
- Okay...
So, you started hitting the bed
just as the rain is about to start?
This is why we say family
is something special
You were warning me about it, right?
Back then, we weren't on the
same team, right? But now we are...
Ever heard of a girl warning another
about marriage? That's a guy thing
We guys have a certain ego,
that's the reason. - Hmm...
To be honest, we're all done for
if a woman ditches us
Then we grow a beard and
play the cheated lover
You have the 'payasam'
Is it a bit over sweetened?
In fact, she doesn't know how to make it
"You and me..."
"You and me..."
"You and me..."
Wow.. what an amazing sight..!
... the fire works
Just like a flower blossoms ...
It's a wonder that the fireworks
still happened even after the rain
Are you happy?
- Yes, I am
Didn't I say, my Shiju is a hero...
- Really..!
You are not just hero, but
a super hero...
Then let me say some thing..?
- Yes...
If I am a super hero, my Saju is
a wonder woman
Wonder woman... me?
- Why not?
Superhero and Wonder Woman,
aren't they just awesome? - Yes...
Hey.. the power is back
- Yeah...
Being awesome is great, but stay alert.
People will start questioning soon.
What questions?
Your face is blushing.. I get it...
You're pregnant, right?
Hey Saju... It must be a baby bump?
I get it
Hey Sajitha.. are you late?
Just a bit ...
Shiju, your motivation did the trick...
Now it seems you guys lack some motivation
Your dad is really upset about
your fertility issues
Can we get to see a baby any soon?
Then your dad will be occupied
Why are you staring at me?
Leave my dhoti...
- Come on Shiju...
Hey Sajitha..he is demanding a baby
to play with
Come let's play
Where there are babies,
I'll be there. Should I book a ticket?
You know my husband is a doctor.
Why don't you consult him? wife gave birth again
Now we have four kids ...
What's up?
Any good news?
Don't delay it...
Sajitha sis.. any good news?
Any good news? Got any plans for a baby?
[Singing Birthday Song]
Move aside...
where's Granny's birthday girl?
You look so pretty...
Happy birthday, dear...
Now the family needs a boy, right?
You came alone? He didn't come?
A seat is vacant here..come sit...
Good thing we got away, or else
she would have started irritating
Aunt, I'll serve you first.
Subhash, Shiju... you guys are here
So.. Mini, Roshan's kid is celebrating
her first birthday
Serve here
Hey, whose wedding was first-
Shiju's or Roshan's?
Wasn't it Shiju's?
- Just ignore her
Sajitha, dear.. any good news?
Stay there Shiju...
Hey, what's your problem?
It's too much..don't you have
anything else to ask?
I've been married for three years here,
do you even know where my house is?
Whenever she sees me, she only has
one thing to ask: "Baby... baby?"
I didn't mean anything else,
just asking out of joy
Do I need to give birth for your joy?
- Sajitha, dear..please stop
Subhu bro, what is she saying?
She keeps coming at her
Don't you have a ton of issues at
your own home? Deal with it first
She has nothing else to ask her...
She doesn't even bother about us
Don't you dare ask this anymore
- Leave it..get inside
Let her be.
- We're staying out of this.
Hey Saju, don't cry...
That aunty is nuts
- Mni, please speak in Malayalam...
She said, that woman is nuts
- Exactly...
After all, why would you
confront these people?
It's like people asking kids about their
future, after high school...
Those are mere questions, none
are interested in our answers
Isn't it , Mini?
- Of course
You've been married for three years
If you're facing fertility issues...'s better to detect early...
- Why you guys make it a big issue?
We do not have any problems...
We are not saying that
you have problems ...
Shiju.. it's well and good, if there
is no problem
If you're unsure, just check with
a good doctor, just to be safe
Where is it?
- Registration counter is there...
Yeah.. there is the board
Mom, you wait here, we'll be back.
- Do I need to come? - No, you don't.
Dr. Mary..?
- May I know your name?
Shiju Bhaktan
- T R Sajitha
We need to see Dr. Mary...
[Background Ad]
The universe is sustained on life...
We will be with you...
Will it take much time?
- No her consultation is about to start
Let's wait there...
- Sure...
- They will call us once the Doctor comes
- Huh...
- Hmm
We were heartbroken about not having kids,
then we heard about Mata's clinic
With the help of Dr Mary and others of
this clinic we had quadruples...
Oh..God.. quadruples!
How would they raise those four kids
We're hoping for at least one baby
Sajitha Shiju...
Oh! You are in the Police force
I am a huge fan of the force...
Your discipline and etiquettes.. What a
service you are doing! Really proud of it
What do you do, Shiju?
I am into organic farming and stuff...
Oh..I am planning to do organic farming
after my retirement...
It's so healthy..without the issues
of these chemicals and all
Oh.. really wonderful
If you have such an idea, let me know
We usually provide help for beginners
Obviously, I will be in touch, but
only after retirement, you know...
Well, Sajitha, what do you have
as a complaint ..?
It seems PCOD is the problem, how long
are you married?
It's been three years
- That's not a long period
Important thing is that whether you
are ready to conceive or not.. Okay?
Hmm.. what day it it?
- Monday...
Huh.. it's the second day, Doctor
She is asking about my period
That's good..we can do an ovarian and
follicular study, take her for scanning
So, Shiju..what about you?
- What?
Let's do a semen analysis ...
I have prescribed for it
- She will take you, follow her...
- Okay
- Have some snacks
Jimson, liked her?
Take off those glasses,
it'll be more colorful
How is she?
- Hhhh...
It's Shiju, my best friend...
You might not have heard of him
Tell me...
- Saji she prescribed for that test
- That test.. sem...
What? - One second
- What you mean, second one?
I can't hear you..speak louder
Wait a second..somebody is here...
- What?
She has prescribed for a semen test...
Semen analysis
What ...
- Can you hear now?
I can't hear a word...
Er.. I need to do a semen analysis
Oh..! Semen ..!
What is this?
It's my friend..some life problems
Have some snacks, I will be back
- Oh problems
Shiju, go do the test. Then only way we'll
know if there's any issue
What if there's a problem? Everything is
going smoothly right now
Everything will be ruined
if there are any problems
Could you please stop whining?
Didn't I work hard to marry you two?
I need to arrange other marriages too
Why aren't you bothered about my job?
Will you please cut the call?
- Please don't ...
- Let's go
Why this hurry.. wait ...
No rush at all
Once it's done, it's over, right?
It will be over,
but it's not just about that
Shall we go back home?
- Then what about the test?
Look, we don't have any problems, right?
These tests are to
make sure of that, right?
That's true..but...
What's the matter, Shiju?
If the test shows that
the problem is mine...
Why couldn't it be mine?
- I don't mean that...
- Come on.
Don't be nervous. There won't
be any issues for us
It's us... we know each other, right?
You can do it, Shiju.
Come on..let's go
- Hmm...
Sister..where can we do this scan?
- I will be back
Then he offered me an ice cream.
You should note that, he offered it to me!
I said I could give him an injection
What should I do with this?
- Give it to her...
When can I collect the result?
- Soon.. don't worry.. - Okay
Poor thing...
Oh.. Shiju sir..! you remember me?
You did not recognise me...
I am Minmini
I attended your online motivational class,
9AM Batch.. with Sithara and all
Oh.. the semen test?
- It's here only
Is it for you?
- Yes...
Who is your Doctor? - Dr. Mary...
- Oh..then you need not worry at all
Everything will be okay..she is so good
But I don't have any problem...
- It will be okay even if you don't
Get me that bottle...
One second...
That room...
- Look...
Do I need to fill it?
- Nobody can, just collect whatever you can
Hey, look... he's that eagle
soaring to new heights
- Scanning...
Take of your pants and wait there...
- What?
Are you deaf?
- Take off your pants and wait there...
Behave.. I am Police,
I will take you to task
Look dear..I did not mean that
You need to wait like them...
Please take off your pants
- Wear this towel...
- Do I need to change from here?
Use that corner to change
Wait there after changing...
Doctor will come soon
Before collecting the semen wash and dry
your penis
Collect the semen without leakage or spill
If there is a leakage or spill,
inform the lab...
Do not use lubricants, like soap or oil
Lid of the bottle should be tightly closed
Get the result from the
lab after 90 minutes
Culture result of the sperm will be ready
in a couple of days. Conditions apply
'Children are like flowers'
'May your life bloom'
'Would it?'
Which doctor's patient are you?
- Dr. Kutti Hassan
He is a brilliant doctor...
Everything will be alright...
Will it? This is the third hospital...
Dr. Kuttihassan is known for
never having a failed case
- Rest assured, sir. Give him a bottle
- Thanks
Bro.. that second door...
So, what was I saying again?
He sent you a message...
He sent me a message...
- Minmini sister.. one more patient
Huh.. Which doctor?
- - Dr.
- George...
Huh.. he is super...
Everything will be alright
Give him a bottle
Bro..wait there
Unusual rush today?
- This is what I always tell Dr. George
This is something to be
done in peace without tension
Why don't they build
a couple of rooms more?
Give me the bill
Sister..what's this? We are waiting
there for the last half an hour
What's this guy doing inside? All of us
have something else to do after this
Just a moment.. What is he doing there?
It's been long
- Does it take this long?
Shiju sir...
Oh.. he's not opening the door
Please open...
How long is this going to take?
Just to embarrass us guys? Get out of it
- Oh...
Got it?
- No...
But why? There are books and stuff...
Yeah, there are books and everything,
but I just can't seem to do it
Do you have any problems... I mean...
- NO..I don't have any...
Then what's the problem?
I just can't get in the mood for it
You have your mobile phone with you,
and you must have some stuff on it
What stuff?
- Just do your thing, sir
Hurry up. People are waiting in line
Sir.. you can do it
A man-woman relationship thrives when
they create another life together
Good mental, physical, and sexual health
are essential for this endeavour
Some questions might be bothering your life
Do you guys lack some motivation?
- Sajitha dear, any good news?
Don't cry, Shiju ...
- Any good news?
People say that the girl
ditched you because of your fault
But what's the point of compensation once
we've already been defamed?
It's not a big deal, could be over
if a girl ditches you
You've been married for three years
If you have some fertility issues...
- Stop whining, Shiju
Told you.. You are a hero
Super hero...
You can do it Shiju...
Oh, sir! I knew you could do it.
Which Doctor's patient are you?
- Dr. Mary
Then everything will be alright
- Hmm...
Of course... everything will be fine
Take a bottle...
Dear... what's the time now?
It's half past three.. - Oh!
- Take a seat here...
- Hmm...
Remya Suresh
How long have you been married?
[Tamil] Eleven years
Oh, eleven years...
that's quite a long time
Which doctor are you consulting?
- Dr. Mary...
Oh...! My daughter and her
husband also consult her
I came with them for a moral support
How long have you been under treatment?
- Seven years, we started it in Coimbatore.
- years!
Nowadays, conceiving a baby
has become quite challenging
He's my son-in-law. He went to collect
the 'stuff', you know what I mean
- Son, did you get it?
Oh... God...
she'll embarrass me!
Let me go to him...
She totally shamed him
Son, did you get it?
- Why are you shouting? Lower your voice
People here have been
trying for six or seven years
I've heard this doctor
isn't up to the mark
If this doesn't work, we can go to
the other hospital in Kizhakkallore
We don't have any issue
needing treatment anyway
I told you, in case there's a problem
Why are you making an issue out of nothing?
Mind your business...
- Huh...
Mom.. - Yes...
- Are you hungry?
Yea, I haven't had anything since breakfast
Do you know what time it is now?
Then let's have a Biriyani on the way back
- Sure..we can have Biriyani
Here comes Saju...
What's happened?
- Safiya Iqbal
Why are you upset?
- Nothing, Shiju
Tell me...
- It's nothing
Open up, did the Doctor say anything?
- Then what?
After all, we had to come and sit here
Leave it...
Shilpa Anoop...
Anitha Rajeev
[Indistinct Chatter]
Sajitha Shiju
[Turning Paper]
- Here is it, mam... it
Had lunch?
- Yes...
Hey... you seem a bit scared
There is nothing to worry
Everything will be alright
Everything looks good in the results
I'll prescribe some vitamin tablets.
Just have them...
Going by the test results, it looks like
Sajitha is the one having some issues
Because of PCOD, follicular growth is low,
and AMH levels are higher than usual
I suggest you immediately start
Gonado.. what?
It's an injection that should be
taken over 12 to 20 cycles.
We don't need to take it all at once.
We can start with four, then do some tests
We will take the rest, after the assessment
Does it have any side effects?
Here we use medicines of European standards
Sajitha, here you are having a deficit
and we are supplementing it, that's all
Just like we take insulin for diabetics
These are all hormones, no?
Everything will be fine, when it's in a
balance..Hey look at you! Just relax...
There is nothing to worry. We deal with far
more serious matters on a daily basis, no?, let me prescribe?
- As you suggest, doctor
I will prescribe it, you go and get it
from the pharmacy...
- Take them to the pharmacy
- Okay
Card or cash?
Get your medicines from there
Shiju Sajitha
- Yes...
Will it take time?
No just five minutes, it should be taken
from the pharmacy upstairs
Shiju, Sajitha
- Yes...
- Sir, card, or cash?
- Anything
Rs. 25000
- Eh?
Twenty five thousand?
It must be some error
Shiju and Sajitha,
we are Dr. Mary's patients's her prescription only
Vitamin tablets and injection
The injection is a little expensive
It's 25000, right?
- Yes.. this medicine is expensive
Just a moment...
- What's happened, Shiju?
Need some money.. Rs. 25000
- What..? - Yes
Take it...
- Let's not buy it now
How is that possible? Won't the doctor
ask us why we didn't take the medicine?
She should have informed us, right?
- There's no point arguing about it here.
Sir, please hurry up.. people are waiting
- Just a moment
I don't have cash with me...
- People are waiting
Here you go, take this... sorry.
Hope it has sufficient balance
Take the medicines from that counter...
It's debited
- They are calling you
That's the issue with take-away food
This chicken isn't even fried.
Why don't you tell us until now?
About what?
The problems in your sex life...
- Hey Shiju...
What's wrong, son?
Did something get stuck in your throat?
Have some water...
Nobody should try to shift the topic
Are you okay, Shiju?
What are you talking about, Dad?
- Hmm...
Don't try to intimidate me
by raising your voice
I am not convinced with your
Neither my family nor hers
has fertility issues like this
Then how come only you have this?
- I don't know, Dad...
I'm not doing this intentionally
There are no issues between us...
People started asking us about 'good news'
even before our first anniversary
We were fed up with that,
since we went to the hospital today
That's when I found out that
I'm having some issues
Look, dear... I can't believe this
Nothing like this would happen to you
These are just tricks by
hospitals to make money
Why do you involve yourself
in issues you're not supposed to?
Look, kids, you're more
mature and informed than us
Consult a better doctor and try to
solve these issues as soon as possible
It's not like in the old days;
everything can be cured
Please stay here today
Your dad will be sad if you leave
Since I didn't really study
high school Biology...
Gynaecological issues
were totally new to me!
I was clueless why Mom and Sindhu
skipped temple visits some times
Nowadays, even Googling
it adds to the confusion!
We should ask Saji to return the money;
we might need it
This doctor is good
everything will be fine
Saju, are you crying?
Hey, come on, get up!
Why are you crying, honey?
What's wrong?
Shiju, you hate me now, right?
- Why on earth would you say that?
I'm responsible for us not having kids
What are you trying to say?
- It's not something I'm doing on purpose
I did not know about it, Shiju
- Look, Saju...
If it were my issue,
would you have hated me?
So what now?
What's the difference?
Imagine I had a road accident
right after our wedding
- Just imagine
If I had been bedridden,
would you have left me?
We're all human; we get sick
sometimes, that's just part of life
Isn't it incredible how we - two strangers
- from millions met and got married?
This is just like that...
Millions of sperms and some eggs...
A miracle happens when they
meet and hug
Miracles don't happen often
We need to wait for it
Our baby is that miracle
we need to patiently wait for
So... don't cry.. got me?
Hey, look who's here!
"Oh miracle, we're yearning for you"
"Oh miracle, appear before
us just this once"
"Lullabies await, who are you,
where do you abide?"
"Oh, my radiant offspring,
dwell within me."
"Come to this wondrous world,
oh my little miracle"
"Oh miracle, we're yearning for you"
"On paths unknown, we stumble along"
"You're our sole desire"
"Amidst the tapestry of time and space,"
"You are our solitary dream,
Come, you little miracle..?
"Oh miracle, we're yearning for you"
Take the toffees...
a sweet gift from Dubai.
[Children Playing]
How is the treatment going?
Everything will be fine...
Naushad bro.. Hhh...
- Oh Shiju...
It's been so long!
- Take a chocolate...
This is my wife, Sajitha...
Meet Naushad bro... we were together in Dubai
This is my wife..Surumi...
It's been so long, you
have changed a lot
Lost all my hair...
- Why here of all places?
Same as everyone who comes here...
Tried many doctors back there, but
nothing worked, finally reached here
You did the right thing... now everything
will be fine
Dr. Ganapathy is brilliant
Do you know how many places we've tried?
Hey, come on, don't do this, kiddos!
Are they your kids, bro?
- What a question!
Don't they look just like me?
We came here seeking a baby,
and ended up with three at once!
Now we're completely occupied with them!
We visit Dr. Ganapathy every
year when we come home
I don't visit mosque or temple
For me, the doctor who blessed us
with our kids is the God
Shall we head in, it's already 10:30
All the best...
- See you
Off you go.. Surumi, come
Come on, let's go...
Is there love?
- Heh..?
Is there love between you two?
Of course
- Arh...
If there's love, the baby will come along
"Oh miracle, we're yearning for you"
"Silver anklets for your dainty ankles"
"Black bangles for your
cute little hands"
"Honey awaits your first
taste of sweetness"
"Your cute little home awaits you"
"Come our little miracle"
"Oh miracle, we're yearning for you"
"Oh miracle, appear before
us just this once"
"Lullabies await, who are you,
where do you abide?"
"Oh, my radiant offspring,
dwell within me."
"Come to this wondrous world,
oh my little miracle"
Sijo, make sure to fold all those clothes
Hey, Mom's super excited
to fly back right now
Why not? Shouldn't I be with them now?
Why bother... just to sleep all the time?
Do you know how much she sleeps here?
So, who's watching your little monsters
when you and your hubby are at work?
Don't fight.. Mom, hurry up and come
I already miss your sardine curry
Saju can't cook it properly
I'm flattered... I'm going to make it,
not for you, but for her
Why are you silent, dear?
She is yet to come in terms with it...
I was also in awe for a while. Felt
relieved only after the doctor confirmed it
How long it has been, Mom...
Oh.. is it Sindhu?
The real deal is still on its way, son...
Let the little guest arrive
Isn't that Sindhu?
- You all are already there!
We came when they called
and told us about it
We're staying over tonight...
Already started with a drink
We have fried fish too...
- have stared the drink!
You don't have that affection for me...
- Don't say so, bro-in-law
Sijo, see who's at the door
Why don't you go check?
Should I do everything?
Sijo.. - Martin...
- Buddy, good to see you again
Those are Sijo's friends
I don't like either of them
Lousy drunkards, both husband and wife
and Sijo gives them company
Meet Martin, my God of wines
Say hello...
So..let's go for a drink, man
Yes man..let's go ...
Alright, bye everybody... take care
- You should always have an eye on him
Who's coming at this time of the night?
- What? - Let me go check...
Some one has come ...
Shall call later
Oh, look who's here! Isn't is a
great news, and we came here too
We couldn't sit there either,
hearing this joyful news
Look at these surprise guests!
Come on in...
- Mom.. mmuah
Make yourselves comfortable...
Let's talk sitting down
Your Dad has been excited ever since
you guys called... could not resist coming
Is there any bus running at this time?
Had to wake up Maneesh to get his rickshaw
What's up, Dad.. Why are you acting like
we're strangers? It's your daughter here
True.. he's not talking
Oh... you wanted to come,
and now you're staying silent
Eh..! [She Chuckles]
Hm, Dad is here ...
Typically, parents get cheeky as they age
You kids won't be able to
handle us back then
That's where the grand kids come in-
they'll teach us a lesson
Saju, let the baby come,
and then I'll be good
Everyone is so happy, aren't they?
Dad has turned back into his old self
Why aren't you responding?
Are you even listening?
I was just thinking... when will you
get that baby bump?
The baby needs time to grow, you know
It will take a few months
Hmm... I wish it would come soon
I can't wait to see
Didn't you tell me to wait for
the miracle? So, let's just wait
I have started thinking
of baby names
This soon? Tell me anyways
If it's a girl.. Mazha (Rain)
What's wrong with it? It's just two words,
and it's so tender, too. foot.!
I have some other good names
- Must be some thunderstorm or some thing
There are other good names
- I don't want to hear
I don't know what's wrong with it...
Mazha is a good name.
Saju... Mazha if it's a girl, and
Sooryan (Sun) if it's a boy, fixed
[Baby Crying]
It's the second check-up, isn't it?
Wait, we'll call
Yes..result will be ready in half an hour
Hey... Can I have a Masala Dosa?
- Masala dosa or biryani, whatever you want
Can we see our baby during the scan?
- won't be that clear
It will be vague.
- Still, we can see...
Rahulan.. Rahulan...
We have won the lottery...
Where's that ticket you
bought from me last night?
Take it ..take it...
- Step back...
What's the matter? Why are you running?
- Give way...
Hello Dad.. what?
Did you get the ticket?!
Got the ticket?
Where's the ticket?
- Isn't this it?
[Reading out the result]
FS 613771
It that the same?
FS 613771
We have done it...
Dad won a lottery of Rs 50 lakhs
- What.. 50 lakhs?
What's happened? Are you crying?
Look how our baby is bringing
a bunch of lucky charms
Let me suggest a name? -Yes
Aiswarya Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth)
Aiswarya Lakshmi sounds awesome
Shiju, Sajitha...
Get up, man... we hit the jackpot!
Our luck has arrived...
everything's turning out great!
It's our
No one's eaten yet. Let's have something
- Let me call them
Shiju..Saju hasn't eaten yet
You come and tell her
Bro... my kid's life was so short
I couldn't even find out
if it was a boy or a girl
Could not even get to know...
Simply gone with the wind
Dad... you waited for so long,
and you hit the jackpot...
...while ours went in vain
Both of you come and have something.
- Saju, you please have this
At least have a little food
Please have some food...
Listen to us, Saju...
Hey, don't cry like this
Come on, have some food, dear
Saju.. Saju...
Come.. have something
- You too, sit here...
Have this.. please
Listen to me...
You will be tired...
Have this...
- I don't want this!
Shiju... - Leave me be, brother.
Let me have some peace on my own
It happens in some rare cases...
As of now, we have nothing much to do
Let me be honest, in your case,
naturally...'s about 99.9% impossible with
the ovaries not functioning properly
Don't be disappointed. Considering your age
and our medications, there is an option
We can collect your sperm
and find a good egg donor
Means what?
- Egg donor- the one who donates eggs
Sajitha can deliver if we IVF
Shiju's sperm and a donor's eggs
Your uterus is perfect
Doctor, then whose baby will it be?
Yours... Sajitha is delivering, right?
That's what our 'Hope' all about
Whose traits will the baby inherit?
- Traits.. obviously Shiju's and...
It's not like that. The baby is growing in
her womb and that's the hope I said...
Hope... that very word brought us here
I'm fed up with this, doctor
We wanted our baby, a child
with our traits and features
That's why we ended up here
after visiting several hospitals
Is this your 'Hope'?
I'm unable to accept this, Doctor
I am an ordinary farmer...
who walks barefoot in the mud
The world might have progressed a lot,
but I haven't reached there yet
I never use pesticides on my plants
Bye.. see you
Saju, what nonsense are you doing?
What are you doing?
- I don't know!
Taking all these medicines,
I've lost control of myself
Do we have anything else,
other than this hospital?
I'm completely fed up, Shiju
You can leave me and go
I can't do this anymore, you better leave
- Saju, hear me out...
Sit here and listen
What are you doing?
I really want a baby.
I want to be a mom...
But I can't, Shiju
I'm scared, Shiju. If this keeps going,
we'll start hating ourselves
Don't you hate me?
- What are you talking about, Saju?
Don't we know each other?
I am scared Shiju.. I am too scared...
Sorry, Saju. sorry
We aren't seeking any treatment anymore
No hospitals, nothing
We have each other
That's enough...
Look at me.. we have each other
That's enough
- I am not crying ...
We have each other
Don't cry...
Would you be upset if
I go home for a while?
I need a change.. shall I go?
Would you be sad..?
Sometimes we fail to understand
certain things when we stick together
It might be better to be alone sometimes
to get a better sense of things
So, finally you are here
Ayurveda is best for health and mind
Got it, homeopathy is
definitely the way to go!
We only give European-standard medicines
This won't work here ...
The tests should be done here
Is there love between you two?
You should stick together when there's
a problem.
You shouldn't leave your partner alone.
What the hell! I just wanted
to stay here for a while.
It's not like I've left my husband.
We love each other a thousand
times more than you two do
So, don't teach me
how to love my husband,
Got me?
- Oh!
She has a point... We don't have
as much love as they do
Says who? We love each other a thousand
times more than hey dot
- Really!
Nothing seems to be growing
Why don't we consult some other doctor?
- We are not doing it anymore
We need kids; otherwise, who will
take care of you when you're old?
Are you sure these kids
will care for you when you're old?
They will migrate to Canada or UK
Kids aren't born just to
take care of us when we're old
They have their own
lives and responsibilities
Then why did she go back home
after fighting with you?
Who fought with whom?
Can't she just stay with her parents?
It's been a while now,
Go and bring her back
Take the boys with you too,
that'll give you guys a break
You say they'll give
us a break... seriously?
How long can you send your kids
to us to keep us company?
Life long?
- Eh..!
Bro, you have a wife and two boys, right?
- Yes...
After all, you are happy, right?
Then you don't understand
what I'm going through, never
Then what about adopting a kid
from Father Philipose?
Let's leave this subject
Dad, he's beating me...
- Erh... stop it
I will teach you a lesson...
Dad... don't beat me
Leave me.. I will...
Come on get up...
Why does he always take my ball?
[Indistinct Chatter]
Everyone should grab a bite before leaving
The church event went smoothly, right?
Hello, brother! How's it going?
Glad I showed up, huh? - Of course
Saji.. hey Saji...
- Ah...
Where have you been lately?
- When did you arrive?
I had a tough time facing you.
I regret pushing you to marry again
What are you talking about?
The best thing that ever happened to me
is that policewoman you found for me
After all, we get to live every day
There's no better fortune than that
No one can motivate anyone just
through speeches or advice
Everyone should find their
motivation from their own life
I too will find it...
People are coming.. let's go.
Hey Titto
- Yes..bro, I'm coming
- Hi bro.. - Hi
Uncle, meet my wife
- I know
Uncle.. all good? - This is my wife
[Tito Greeting Everyone Around]
Hello.. Shiju what's up?
When did you come?
It's been a week, Angelina,
meet Shiju and Saji, my classmates
I live overseas, bro.
Haven't you seen?
I post photos on social media
of me standing by the waterfall
I am happy there...
When I was a bus driver here, nobody cared
Struck gold driving a truck there
Right, Angelina?
Does she know Malayalam?
- A little bit
She's no better either
Hello brother, what's up?
You're taking the Kannur
route these days, right?
I take Nedumbassery,
that's why we don't cross paths
Hope your vehicle business is going good
Okay then, see you there
Who is that?
- No idea...
is he your friend or relative?
- No at all
Related to Angelina?
- No way...
Is he your uncle in Dubai?
I rarely come home since
Mom and Dad passed away
Then my sister called from London,
saying she wants to marry her boyfriend
Then I thought of doing it here,
so we can also meet our friends
That's this this happened
- Hey..Shiju, Saji
Hey come, meet my friends...
Shiju, where's your wife?
- She didn't make it.
Oh, none of us has seen your new wife
You didn't invite us for the wedding
Why was that man?
But we had been there
for your first wedding
Do you have kids?
We are yet to have kids...
- But why?
Why the exclamation?
What's wrong with not having kids?
We've been married for six years
and still don't have kids
Do you think all childless
couples are unhappy?
Then listen up... we chose
not to have children
Why so?
What's the point of adding one more
to an already 1.4 billion country?
They will end up jobless, migrate,
and work in some other country too
After all, it's a rat race.
Why bring the burden of a child into it?
True that...
Kids are a huge responsibility
we feel we can't handle
We're awesome and we only
need each other, right Angelina?
[Protesters Sloganeering]
[Sloganeering Continues]
Why is your force acting like this?
Don't they know how to salute properly?
Do I need to teach you the protocol?
- Sorry, sir.
[Sloganeering Continues]
What's your WCPO doing?
Should I teach her to salute?
Oh, Sajitha, are you trying
to get me fired?
How ridiculous!
[Protesters Sloganeering]
I told you, he hasn't
done anything wrong.
He was tricked by them.
Useless! Come, let's go.
[Police radio chatter]
What is this, Sajitha madam?
Sweating too much?
Sleeping on duty! Do I need to turn
on the fan for you to sleep well?
This isn't fair... just so you know
Have some sweets, sir...
- What's it for? Any good news?
Yeah.. a little good news
- Oh..congrats - Thanks
Sajitha ma'am, there's good news
I'm pregnant
Come on.. take one
Chandran, take the sweets
- Not enough; a big party is in order
Sure..we will throw one
- CI sir has come...
Drag him down
- Please don't, sir.. she is lying
Don't resist, move your ass
- Please sir...
Please inquire in my office, sir
I'm a decent guy, Please don't do it, sir
Move your ass, you!
- Please don't hurt me
- Sir.
You go, sit there
Let me deal with this
Tell her
- Come with me, sister.. don't cry
Chandran, push him in. Let me come
and give him what he deserves
Get inside he cell
He needs a thorough beating, sir
You'll learn when you
spend a few days inside
What's the case, sir?
He should be thrashed to pulp for
what he's done to that woman
Manoj, take the vehicle...
Sajitha, when did you join the Police?
What do you want?
Why ..huh?
Do you want to hit me, do you?
- No...
Wanna hit me.. Huh?
Do you wanna hit me..?
Sajitha, don't hit me...
I made a mistake..Don't take revenge on me
I didn't think you would join Police
Please forgive me
Come on..hit me...
- Sorry...
Please don't hit me. Sajitha
I am a poor man
[He Continues wailing as she hits]
I have diabetes, Sajitha!
I have cholesterol, Sajitha!
Please don't hit me, Sajitha!
It's a shame if this gets
out to my office, please Sajitha...
Jalaja, please save me .
Or else this demons will kill me
Am I your husband, Jalaja? Please
Would you ever lay a hand on a woman again?
Finally, you got him in your hands, right?
My dear Shiju, I am going to sleep
peacefully tonight
I feel so relieved that
I gave him what he deserved
That's good...
- I was thinking of...
I had to stop my studies because of him.
How about I do my Post graduation now?
Any problems?
- What problem?
You can study as much as you like
Post-graduation first, then a PhD
Saju, do you know what my
biggest motivation in life is?
It's you...
I am serious, Saju
- Don't...
How is it?
- The setup is good...
Seems I am out of touch...
Forgetting everything...
Oh.. you are out of touch, right?
What about this touch
- Leave...
Then how about this touch?
Why are you not listening to my lessons?
- Let me study something
"You and I bound as one .."
"It's a treasure bestowed by time"
"You are the nectar I've long awaited,
A feast for my eyes, elated"
"You are the verses of my poetry,
The pollen of a beautiful blossom"
"You are the embodiment of goodness,
my tender delight"
"In you, my universe unfurls"
"You and I bound as one .."
"It's a treasure bestowed by time"
"Let's chase dawns,
in gardens we'll roam.."
"Let's stroll hand in hand,
simply being us.."
"Oh dawn, bearer of hope's pure light,
guide us through.."
"You and I bound as one .."
"It's a treasure bestowed by time"
"You are the nectar I've long awaited,
A feast for my eyes, elated"
"You are the verses of my poetry,
The pollen of a beautiful blossom"
"You are the embodiment of goodness,
my tender delight"
"In you, my universe unfurls"
Why are you staring at me?
- I was wondering, how did this happen?
Don't make me say it, your massage
and black tea every night ...!
Not that, sweetheart... didn't that doctor
say it was 99 percent impossible?
I don't know... anyway,
we've won the jackpot!
I doubt this pregnancy kit...
let's do the test once more
Come on quick...
[3 hours pass]
Here it is...
I'm done... I don't have
urine for another round
Hey... weren't you saying
our baby would be a miracle?
So miracles do happen.. this is that
miracle we were waiting for
Yeah..our little miracle
Our little miracle...
15 months later...
So, do you still have love?
- Yes...
If there is love,
the baby will come along ...
Don't worry... everything will be alright
Love brings happiness,
but babies? Not so sure.
Peace of mind is guaranteed!
- Sir, don't you recognise me?
Oh.. our organic
and Police woman!
Yep... we've got a guest you predicted
wouldn't come 99.99% of the time
She is the one...
- Wow ..what a cutie pie she is!
This is why we say
God rewards hard work
I wasn't wrong, Shiju...
there was that 0.1% chance left
That was not in my hands...
and that's what we call miracle
These miracles happen
once in a blue moon
But I will put you in that 99%
Oh, this doctor is phenomenal!
Actually Saju. Have you completely
forgotten about your PhD?
I haven't forgotten. We want
our baby and our dreams too
I will definitely do my PhD
Didn't I say that you are a wonder woman?
If a wife is to be Wonder Woman,
her husband must be a superhero
In short, you're a superhero, I'm
Wonder Woman, and she's our little miracle
So little miracle, you go with your Mom
- Come on...
Hey organic couple...
I forgot something...
What? - Shall I shoot an advt
for my hospital, featuring you guys?
- advertisement film
Please think about would be nice
[Good news]
"You and I bound as one .."
In a way we all are eagles...
Eagles who've fallen at times in life
We must transform, live, fly,
and soar high like eagles
Look here... just like this,
you can do it too. Any doubts?
"You are the verses of my poetry,
The pollen of a beautiful blossom"
"You are the embodiment of goodness,
my tender delight"
"In you, my universe unfurls"
"You and I bound as one .."
"It's a treasure bestowed by time"
"Let's chase dawns,
in gardens we'll roam.."
"Let's stroll hand in hand,
simply being us.."
"Oh dawn, bearer of hope's pure light,
guide us through.."
"You and I bound as one .."
"It's a treasure bestowed by time"
"You are the nectar I've long awaited,
A feast for my eyes, elated"
"You are the verses of my poetry,
The pollen of a beautiful blossom"
"You are the embodiment of goodness,
my tender delight"
"In you, my universe unfurls"