Viva La Vida (2024) Movie Script

My name is Ling Min.
Ling means soaring, Min means agile.
I am a patient with uremia.
In three months, 12 days
five hours and 33 minutes
I will turn 25 years old.
I am not being sentimental.
I have been counting the seconds
ever since I got sick.
In the first six months,
I was trying to figure out
the cause of my kidney failure.
Was it due to holding in urine,
eating too much salt,
or irregular sleep patterns?
Then I got tired of thinking about this.
My doctor told me that
my renal tubules
had already undergone fibrosis.
To make it clearer
he pointed at the kidneys
on the diagram of human organs, saying...
Yours are like two loofahs hanging there.
Driven by the strong desire to live,
I started living a delicate
and self-disciplined life.
Taking medicines punctually,
drinking water meticulously,
eating food carefully.
To control my salt intake,
I quit my favorite kimchi
and Laoganma sauce.
To control my potassium intake,
I weigh and calculate
the potassium amount in every meal.
To control my phosphorus intake,
I blanch every single
piece of meat before eating it.
Blanching makes it as dry
as playdough and hard to swallow,
but it's still better than insomnia,
edema, whole-body itching
caused by hyperphosphatemia.
In addition to these,
my blood pressure, heart rate
and tiny amount of urine
also need to be monitored
every single moment.
If the fluctuation
of any indicator is overlooked,
my life might be taken away.
My pulse rate is 64 beats per minute.
What's more,
dialysis machines take over
the work of my two kidneys
helping me filter out toxins
from my blood regularly.
So I am living a life
with endless dialysis.
Three times every week,
four hours every time.
- Is there any bleeding in your body?
- No.
- Is the color of the stool normal?
- Normal.
- What's your name, please?
- Ling Min.
Puncture, administer
low molecular weight heparin sodium
draw blood, secure the circuit,
fix the tubing.
The coming four hours
will be a boring and empty wait.
After two years of personal experience
I have found that dialysis and longing
are both profound things.
Sometimes there is
a sudden rise in blood pressure
causing a splitting headache.
At other times,
when the blood pressure drops
the machine has to be
immediately discontinued.
- Sir, let me help you...
- Nurse!
Too much dialysis,
leg cramps happen every day.
Too little, water is retained in the body.
Even normal walking
causes shortness of breath.
In order to spare myself some trouble,
I control my weight like someone
with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Authentication successful.
Because the calculation of dehydration
is based on body weight,
even the slightest deviation
could potentially trigger a storm.
Weight increased by 2.1 today.
I will remove 2.4 units of water for you.
Yesterday, I had the 700th needle
stuck into my left arm
while Messi scored his 700th goal
in his club career.
It's funny saying this,
my ex-boyfriend was a super football fan.
He once solemnly promised me that
he would marry me
when Messi scored his 700th goal.
However, on the early morning
that Messi scored
his 636th goal for Barcelona,
he left without a word.
he cut off my bangs
and took them away while I was asleep,
claiming them as a keepsake.
What's even more absurd is that
when I woke up in the morning
and looked at myself in the mirror
my first reaction was:
at least my weight
must have dropped by 0.1 grams.
Off topic.
After all this talking
I just want everyone to know
that I'm not a scammer.
These are my medical records,
blood type and examination reports.
Once the kidney transplant is done
I can live a normal life
like everyone else.
But I've been waiting in line
for a kidney donor
at three different hospitals
for over two years.
There's been no news at all.
It is said that the average waiting time
is typically eight to nine years.
I am still young,
with enough time to wait.
But I've truly had enough of
living through these days,
relying on dialysis three times a week
to barely survive,
and just an extra sip
of water or a bite of meat
making me dizzy and nauseous.
Although uremia is not a terminal illness
its complications can be life-threatening.
Two days ago,
a fellow patient around my age passed away
because of the overindulgence
of eating a few bites of banana,
leading to heart failure.
Date of death is February 18, 2023.
I don't want to wait like this anymore.
I'm afraid I might not make it
before a kidney becomes available.
That's why I'm recording this video
to find a partner.
Of course, you can also
see it as searching for a kidney.
If someone in the tumor group
is a match for me
and is willing to donate one kidney to me
I'm willing to marry you,
accompany you,
and fight against illness together.
If one day you
pass away,
I will accept
your renal transplant, go on living
as your wife
taking care of your family, your parents.
I know it sounds selfish.
But to live,
please forgive my bluntness and crudeness.
- Mom!
- Who are you talking to
These vegetables bought last week
are not fresh anymore.
- Don't forget to eat them soon.
- Okay.
The onions are up top
and a chunk of beef is frozen down there.
Cook it soon.
- It's been a while.
- Mom, don't move.
Yan Song will be there soon
and the ambulance has been called.
Was it telepathy?
Your dad insisted on
checking the monitor at this late hour
and found your grandma
lying on the floor motionless.
We were so scared.
She kept yelling that her legs hurt
so they're probably broken.
Try not to fall asleep.
The floor is too cold.
Hold on for a while.
Dad! Grandma!
She is tired.
Perhaps she drifted off to sleep.
No worries. Your Uncle Xu is on his way.
Your mother and I also bought high-speed
train tickets for tomorrow morning.
We will arrive there in a few hours.
By the way, come with me.
These two burners are both acting up.
You need to press
and hold for three seconds
listen for a hissing sound,
and then ignite.
- Or else they won't light up.
- Okay.
I'm just worried
that you can't start a fire
and then you'll miss out on a meal.
- Plus, you can't have takeout.
- Don't worry, Dad.
- Dad.
- Ling!
Ling, quick, quick!
Yan Song is on the phone.
Maybe he has arrived.
Yan Song, you've arrived.
The password is 556655#.
Here are some pork buns I made tonight.
Take a few to Jiahui tomorrow.
She loves them.
She's currently on a wedding diet,
avoiding carbs.
She talked about dieting
when she last visited.
- But still ended up eating quite a few.
- Well, you were so persuasive.
How could she refuse?
You always try to argue with me.
Thanks to her giving you some work
you finally have income now.
Even the best relationships
need maintenance.
That is how society is.
Don't forget to bring it
tomorrow morning. Go to bed early.
Okay. I'll send you a photo.
I don't want to wait like this anymore.
I'm afraid I might not make it
before a kidney becomes available.
That's why I'm recording
this video to find a partner.
Of course, you can also
see it as searching for a kidney.
If someone in the tumor group
is a match for me...
One, two, three, four.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Two, two, three, four.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Three, two, three, four.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Four, two, three, four. Five, six, seven.
End pose. Bride and groom,
a bit closer, a bit cuter.
Raise your hands a bit higher.
Look ahead. Smile.
Hold that pose.
- How are you? Tired?
- I am all right.
Jia Hui,
I always seem out of sync with you all.
Maybe I shouldn't get involved.
No way.
You have to be in the bridesmaid group.
How about I talk to the teacher
to make the movements simpler?
All right then.
I've sent you the theme
for next month's WeChat official account.
It's about food.
I've been busy preparing
for the wedding recently
and we'll be going on
our honeymoon afterward.
You'll be the only one handling this post.
I'll give you an additional 500 yuan.
Thank you, boss.
Thank you.
My dear mother made these buns.
I told her you were on a diet.
But she didn't listen
and insisted on me bringing
her heavy load of love to you.
No worries.
If I can't finish them he can help out.
By the way
these sleeves are for you.
I saw them when I was
trying on wedding dresses.
They suit you.
Remember to wear them at the wedding.
No problem.
Three, two, three, four...
No way! Where am I
supposed to move to so suddenly?
In the beginning,
I wanted to pay a one-month deposit.
You promised
that the sale wouldn't affect the lease,
deceiving me into
paying a full year's rent.
Hello! One box of Hirudoid
and two boxes of Furosemide, please.
It's clearly stated on the contract that
if the landlord is selling the house
you have to notify me
at least two months in advance.
- Any prescription?
- Hold on.
I understand, my girl.
That's why I'm discussing it with you,
to find a suitable solution.
My parents recently
went back to our hometown.
I can't move by myself.
I'm not asking you to move right away.
Selling a house
doesn't happen in just a day or two.
Just say yes for now.
I'll gradually meet with clients.
It's uncertain when it'll be sold.
- Thank you very much, sir.
- It's fine.
My name is Ling Min.
Ling means soaring, Min means agile.
I am a patient with uremia.
In three months, 12 days
five hours and 33 minutes
I will turn 25 years old.
I am not being sentimental.
I have been counting
the seconds ever since...
All right. Turn it on.
- Wow.
- Just a short circuit.
This is the problem with old apartments.
Thank you, Mr. Liu.
I'll transfer the money to you
once my phone is charged.
No problem. I'll get going now.
If you need anything, just give me a call.
I am so sorry. It was a misunderstanding.
Let me call you to explain.
It's not good to discuss this on WeChat.
12:46, a face-to-face chat.
DA MEI BUFFEPassword for the rendezvous.
I'll say "sunny guy."
What about you?
I got it. You'll say "Come on."
- Come and catch me!
- Your drink.
I'm not waiting for you!
Sorry for the wait.
Sunny guy.
Sunny guy.
Sunny guy.
- What?
- Are you out of your mind?
Sunny guy.
- Huh?
- Hey.
Granny, who is he?
Sunny guy.
- Stop checking. It's me.
- Wrong password.
Come on.
Hi, Lin Min. I am Luu Tu.
Ling, L-I-N-G, Ling, Ling Min.
L-I-N, Lin, Lin Min.
- Right?
- Whatever.
What do you want to order?
I have a 50% off coupon.
I can't eat. As a patient with uremia
I've said farewell
to good food in my life.
- Then anything to drink?
- Can't drink either.
Every bottle of beverage behind you
can make me faint at midnight.
Well, I'll fetch you some fruit.
Not fruit either. Bananas, oranges, kiwis
are all strictly prohibited.
Once my potassium levels rise,
heart failure will be imminent.
- Let's get down to business.
- Go ahead.
I originally wanted to explain it
to you over the phone.
But since you prefer to meet in person
and discuss it face-to-face,
I'll explain it to you directly.
After all,
this misunderstanding is my fault.
Yesterday, the video
was mistakenly sent to the group.
I immediately recalled it.
I don't know how you managed to watch it.
My home internet is not working well
so I usually download videos
before watching.
I can still finish watching,
even if you recall it.
Sorry. Regardless of how you watched it,
just forget about it, okay?
- Is it untrue?
- It is true.
But not practical, nor moral.
I've changed my mind.
Why did he fall down?
When my intracranial pressure rises,
I instantly feel sleepy.
Have you ever had general anesthesia?
It's that kind of sensation.
Who is he?
Don't look at him.
Why does that guy keep looking over here?
How would I know?
- Is he your accomplice?
- Huh?
I've looked up online
the tactics used
by organ trafficking gangs like you.
Send a woman to lure someone first,
then bring them to
Myanmar or Vietnam and jump them.
You know the more I look at you, the more
you seem like someone from Myanmar.
That's not surprising.
You just mistook
a nearly 50-year-old woman for me.
Her age isn't written on her face.
I used to have a middle school classmate.
- She looked older than our teacher.
- Can we get back to the topic?
Is he calling someone?
- Can he hear us talking?
- Are you drunk?
- Are you crazy?
- Is this a listening device?
The Third Squad of
the Criminal Investigation Police Force!
Don't make any reckless moves.
You are surrounded.
I do martial arts.
0202, this is 07.
I need backup. I need backup.
- Okay, got it.
- Over there.
Lou, this way.
What are you doing?
We've been waiting for a while.
We are coming.
- This is insane.
- Moron.
I am so sorry. I misjudged it.
Have to be carefully
at our first meeting, right?
Prepare well
before your performance next time.
Don't use a cafeteria card
as if it was a police badge.
Drama queen.
It is not a cafeteria card.
Congratulations! You have passed
the first stage of the assessment.
Tell your friend to stop it.
This is a hospital
not a place for him to mess around in.
Okay, raise your hand.
I don't know him.
He said he's your friend and came to
keep you company while you have dialysis.
Measurement starts.
How did you find me here?
I have reviewed
your medical records and reports.
They are all from this hospital.
So I wanted to come over
and check on your situation.
What right do you have
to check on my situation?
If you want someone's kidney
can't someone check on you?
Lower your voice.
Why are you feeling guilty?
Didn't I explain myself clearly yesterday?
I said I didn't want to do it anymore.
I see.
You are just testing me.
You are afraid that I'm involved in
organ trafficking, aren't you?
What's wrong with you?
Listen carefully,
I'll make 3 things clear.
Firstly, I was impulsive
when I posted that video.
I don't want to find a kidney anymore.
Secondly, I don't feel guilty.
I'm a genuine patient with uremia
not the scammer you've imagined.
Thirdly, stop telling
everyone I'm your friend.
Technically, we don't even
know each other at all.
What you're doing is
stalking and following.
Be careful,
I could report you for harassment.
Since you put it this way.
Then I'll make 3 things clear as well.
Firstly, it's a huge hospital.
How do you know
I was stalking and following you.
I'll stop here for now.
Come in.
The living room is spacious enough.
The living room is spacious enough.
Though there's a lot of stuff around
it will look better when you tidy it up.
Let's take a look at the bedroom.
It is a typical layout with
a small living room and a large bedroom.
This south-facing balcony
is the biggest highlight.
This apartment is in a school district.
There is also a hospital nearby.
The nearest shopping district
is only two kilometers away.
And a subway is being planned.
So much medicine.
Feng Shui won't be an issue, right?
Absolutely not an issue.
She got sick before moving in.
This house has really good Feng Shui.
A top achiever
in the district lived here before.
How about we take a look
at other apartments?
Take a look at other apartments.
Sure, let's take a look at the next one.
I'll ask my colleague to go get the keys.
Girl, sorry to bother you.
By the way, one more family
will come to check this apartment
at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
I need to go for dialysis.
In the afternoon then.
Two o'clock in the afternoon.
It's settled then.
To be honest,
buying this apartment
is just for the children's education.
The old community is
definitely not as good as the new one.
The environment and greenery
are not as good.
It can't be helped.
Are you checking in on my apartment?
You said you were not stalking me.
Are you a pervert?
Haven't I make it clear? Are you done?
Which question should I answer first?
Are you stupid or just pretending?
I am giving you
the second stage of the assessment.
What are you going to do
if I pass all your assessments?
Don't be so sure.
- My assessment is quite difficult.
- What exactly do you want?
If you pass the assessment
as you said
we will get married.
I will give you one of my kidneys.
Then you help me take care of my mom.
I am telling you for the last time.
I will not marry you.
I don't want your kidney.
Nor will I take care of your mom.
- Are you clear now?
- Aren't your kidneys damaged?
They are.
- Why don't you want my kidney then?
- Cause it is not practical.
Then it's not true.
- Why are you talking about this again?
- Talking about what?
All right. Go on with your assessment.
Go on stalking me.
I must have had
eight lifetimes of misfortune
to meet someone like you,
a mental patient in a group of tumors.
I give up. I'll take it as a punishment
for my reckless behavior.
Take it as crossing a tribulation.
I deserve it. All right?
Don't blame yourself. It's not necessary.
Has a short
Miss, we have many other styles here.
Feel free to try on any you like.
- Ling Min.
- This dress looks great on you.
It makes you look slim, and more elegant.
Take a look at this. It really suits you,
and it's in the latest style.
No, it's fine. Anything else?
How about this one? It's French style.
- We'll take this one.
- Hey.
- Thank you, Min. Promote widely.
- You're welcome.
Girl, help me to promote too.
No problem. We'll focus on
promoting you in the next issue.
The way you get off the bike is so weird.
I think only girls use this kind
of leg-crossing when getting off a bike.
I have no choice. It's an aftereffect.
It's called ataxia.
If I dismount in any other position,
my head will get dizzy.
Why are you talking about position?
Are you driving a car
(telling me a dirty joke)?
No. I am riding a bike.
This character in
"dialysis" was mistakenly written.
I did it intentionally. Because dialysis
involves injecting into the arm
using a character with radical indicating
arm movements, makes more sense.
There are also injections into the legs
and tubes inserted into the stomach.
Grandma, you must listen to the doctor,
follow the diet restrictions.
Don't worry about me, Min.
I got injured, you suffered.
Should I let your mom go back next week
leaving your dad here
to take care of me alone?
Please don't, Grandma.
My dad can't even take care of
himself without my mom,
never mind take care of someone else.
What's going on?
Now you are a peeping Tom, eh?
You scared me.
I woke up in the hospital
and couldn't find you.
I was worried that
something happened to you.
You are overreacting.
I have no other enemies besides you.
The thing is, I had a dream
you suddenly experiencing complications
during dialysis and died.
Pooh! Don't curse me.
It's good that you are fine.
I am leaving now.
- What's this?
- Assessment report card.
What's with the passive skill?
Couldn't think of a sixth one
just adding it to make up the numbers.
I am going.
Hey, girl!
The people I brought around last time
would like to come and see
the apartment again tomorrow morning.
I will be home the whole morning.
I want to ask you to do me a favor.
Could you, for the time being, put away
your medicine or anything like that?
Having it out there makes
the clients a bit uncomfortable.
I don't mean to offend you.
Just for a while.
After all, we are in a service industry.
Please understand.
Have a look. Hello?
The apartment's selling point
is being in a top-tier school district.
What are you doing?
Stop spraying!
don't spray anymore.
What are you doing here?
When the landlord breached the contract
to sell the house, I accepted.
When you brought people
to view the apartment, I cooperated.
Now you are asking me
to put away my medicine.
Aren't you pushing it too far?
Is the patient so ill-fated,
so embarrassing?
The fact that there's
a sick person living in this apartment
is affecting
your real estate performance, isn't it?
Don't forget that
I signed an agreement to stay here.
I am the tenant, the one in charge here.
Girl. Listen. Let's talk inside.
Don't touch me. I'll talk right here.
I don't want to act crazy
or play the victim.
But you guys are such bullies.
I didn't choose to get sick.
We totally understand.
As the agency manager,
I assure you that
I will find you a better community.
I just want to live here.
It's within 5 km of the 3 hospitals
I'm on the waiting list for.
No matter where a kidney becomes available
I can get there in no time.
If complications like heart failure
or cerebral hemorrhage happen to me,
an ambulance can pick me up
before it's too late.
For you, it might be just property
in an established school district,
a business deal.
When customers want to rent
you persuade them to do so.
When it's time to sell,
you ask them to leave.
But for me, it's different.
It is my lifeline. I am a patient, man.
I am a patient.
I don't need a better community.
I just want to stay alive.
I need to be alive.
I understand your situation.
How about this? I'll find you
a new property in this community
as soon as possible.
I won't make you move before I find it.
And everything will be free, okay?
It's settled then.
Everything okay now?
Come in. Sit down for a while.
Stop staring!
Everything is okay now.
Come in and sit down.
Nothing to see here.
Can you stop sticking to me
like a big blob of sticky, thick snot?
Do you have anything to eat?
My blood sugar is a bit low.
Here you go.
Thank you.
It's normal.
I've never won a prize
from soft drinks in my life.
I said, thank you.
I can only drink this much.
Don't waste the rest of it.
You've seen it.
I've really been through a lot.
Could you please go easy on me?
These are my medical records.
I am a brain tumor patient
diagnosed with a Grade IV glioblastoma.
Four years ago, I had a craniotomy
to remove a piece of brain tissue,
saving my life.
We have the same blood type.
I have also undergone an HLA test before.
I am PRA negative.
We have four matching points.
I have checked.
The surgery can be done as long as
there are four matching points.
It would be quite challenging
to wait for five or six matching points.
I relapsed a month ago
and I don't think I have much time left.
The doctor said my illness cannot be cured
but will keep relapsing.
I will donate my kidney to you after I die
if you can take care of my mom for me.
No wonder you are brainless.
You can check on my situation
at the hospital if you don't believe me.
I don't have that much energy.
Compared to you,
I seem more like someone incurable.
Touch and feel the scar on my head,
it's super long.
I believe you.
I also appreciate your kindness.
But getting married is not that simple.
It involves a list of issues such as,
how you'll live together after marriage
and how to deal with property matters.
We can sign an agreement
and make everything clear in it.
Will your parents agree to it?
Will my parents agree to it?
My dad is gone,
also because of a brain tumor.
No need to ask for his approval.
Luu Tu,
I know this might have taken up
too much of your time.
It's all my fault.
I apologize to you sincerely.
I'm sorry.
An apology is not enough.
So? What else do you want?
Would you like to meet my mom?
Come with me.
Excuse us.
Officer, I want to report a case.
This pervert has been
stalking me every day,
following me for many days.
He's even recorded my actions.
Don't listen to her.
She is talking nonsense.
Officer, I am not a pervert.
That's how it is.
She posted a video in our tumor
WeChat group looking for a kidney.
- I downloaded the video.
- Wait.
- Looking for what?
- Looking for a kidney.
That is a kidney.
I suspected she was a scammer
sent by an organ trafficking gang.
So I tracked
and investigated her for a few days
to rule out her suspicious identity.
It's not true.
Both of you are quite suspicious to me.
You stay here. Both of you, come with me.
- Why did you say that?
- Somebody reported a case, Liu.
Related to organ trafficking.
Return to the station quickly.
Officer, you misunderstood.
I'm really not in organ trafficking.
He didn't make it clear.
It's true, officer. After my investigation
over the past few days,
she has been ruled out as a suspect.
Shut up! Stupid teammate!
Get in the car.
You can explain it at the station.
I am not, officer.
I'm really not in organ trafficking.
Get in.
I understand how you feel.
Everyone gets anxious when they are sick.
But the agreement you're talking about
violates transplant regulations
and has no legal effect.
Even for donations between married couples
there are national regulations,
which is that they must have been
married for three years.
Young man,
try to get some knowledge
about this in the future.
Also, don't follow
this young lady anymore.
It is a warning this time.
If it happens again,
it will be considered harassment.
Luu Tu.
You heard what the police said, right?
You can choose not to listen to me
but you have to listen to the police.
This is not only impractical
but also illegal.
Did you hear me, Luu Tu?
Young lady.
Where is that young man?
- He...
- His medical records were left, here.
Thank you.
Come in, girl.
It is just one building away
from the apartment you lived in.
It will be easy when you move.
The style of this apartment is a bit older
but the layout is much more spacious
than the one you had before.
Also, our manager said that
you will receive
a 5% discount on the rent.
You only need to pay
an additional 300 each month.
It will be a comfortable place
for the three of you to live in
when your parents come back.
This room is locked.
The landlord uses it as storage.
Girl, what do you think of this apartment?
Young lady, I am really sorry
about what happened before.
But I had no other choice.
My mom is now lying in the hospital.
I need that commission to save her life.
Let's sign the contract.
Thank you, girl.
Thank you.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Here, cheers.
How did you get in here?
You haven't given up, have you?
This is my best friend's wedding.
I warn you not to cause any trouble.
I am the videographer
from the wedding company.
I am working.
I took some close-up shots of you
when you were dancing.
Crystal clear.
I can make a copy for you if you want.
I don't need them.
Just don't tell anyone that you know me.
Step aside, please.
Don't get in the way of my filming.
Ling Min!
- Come here.
- Hey. Coming!
I didn't think you would smile.
None of your business. Stay out of it.
Thank you all, for what
you have done for my wedding.
- Let's have a drink. Come on.
- Cheers!
Let's liven things up a bit.
How about playing a small game?
Let's play!
- Bite a little more.
- Here you go.
Any tissue in your mouth?
Quick! Next one!
This is no fun.
- No fun at all.
- Cheating.
Is this fun?
- Is it fun now?
- A kiss!
A kiss!
Come on!
What do you want?
Security. Call security!
Security, help me get someone.
Are you crazy?
Come on!
- You're crazy, aren't you?
- You're a real pervert, eh?
Stop fighting. Stay still.
Are you crazy?
- He started it.
- Let's talk over there, okay?
You're a real pervert, huh?
- Stop it!
- Where are we going?
Stop it.
You psycho.
- Move.
- Calm down. Don't move.
What's going on?
- Does he really have to go this far?
- Yeah.
You know him?
Just a few words at the wedding.
Let's have a look.
- He's a pervert.
- Who is a pervert?
He is!
- You hit me first!
- Both of you hit each other.
What's wrong with you?
How can you send someone
like this to film a wedding?
We are truly sorry. He had already quit.
But too many weddings today, you know.
We are short-staffed at the moment
so we asked him
to cover just for this morning.
You'd better sort this out tonight.
- Sure. We will.
- Really sorry.
So sorry, guys.
This way, to the VIP room please.
- Why can't I leave now?
- Take a rest. Our manager is on the way.
- I've told you. It was his fault!
- He'll manage the situation.
Please wait in the VIP room.
Lin Min!
Come here!
This way. VIP room.
She is the girl I was telling you about.
You can ask her if you don't believe me.
Say something for me.
- Say what?
- He says you were being harassed.
That you asked him for help.
That's why he hit that guy.
He said he was being righteous.
Are you denying it?
I deny it because it didn't happen.
If she hadn't asked me for help,
I would never have hit anyone.
Although I know martial arts
I've never been in a fight.
Go ask my teacher!
I don't even know you,
why would I ask you for help?
Then why did you wink at me?
I didn't wink at you.
But you did look at me.
Maybe I did give you a glance.
When you looked at me
did you make an expression like this?
That's disgusting.
I would rather die.
Maybe it wasn't exactly like that
but she did make a similar expression
towards me.
I swear. I just gave him a casual look.
They have surveillance video over here.
Come and check.
You are too careless.
A fistula cannot take pressure.
I guess it is acute thrombosis
caused by external pressure
that blocked the fistula.
Here, hold my hand.
Hold still. See if I can clear it.
Ouch, it hurts!
Hold on.
Don't move.
No. It's completely blocked.
Let's make a new one. I will arrange it.
Creating a fistula for dialysis
commonly speaking
is connecting arteries and veins
to make vein arterialization happen...
...increasing blood flow in the vein.
This facilitates easier
puncturing during dialysis.
We can say
that an arteriovenous fistula is the
lifeline for patients undergoing dialysis.
During the arteriovenous fistula surgery
the doctor will make
a small incision on the skin.
- Wipe the blood.
- Connect the vein to the artery.
Thus creating a larger vessel
known as a fistula.
- A fistula is formed.
- Sew the blood vessel.
Then the patient can start
undergoing hemodialysis treatment.
The hand on the side
of the surgery should be raised.
It is helpful to the venous return.
Do not carry heavy things or get it wet.
Put it up while sleeping
and don't put pressure on it.
Stay in the hospital
for two days for observation.
- If all is fine, you can go home.
- Thank you, doctor.
Hello, Dahu!
I am sorry
that something happened
and I have to stay in the hospital.
Can I move another day?
I am fine with that, girl.
That was the moving company.
You may have to pay
extra money for the van.
Even if I am not moving?
But they are downstairs already.
Can't just let them
come for nothing, right?
I can help.
Keys in your purse?
Everything from the kitchen
and bathroom is all here now.
We'll start moving if it's okay.
Go ahead.
Mister, please move the refrigerator
and washing machine downstairs.
I'll take care of the small things.
- We need to move the desk.
- Come help us.
- Slow down.
- Watch out.
Do you still want them?
Not the spray-lacquer.
- Throw it out.
- Alright.
- Careful.
- Girl.
You have too many things.
I sprained my back the other day.
I can't help.
Thanks to your friend.
All the books from the bookshelf
are now in this box.
Here, move this.
Dahu, give me a hand.
Pass it.
Okay. Careful.
He is a true friend
and a strong man.
- Watch your back.
- No problem.
Be careful with the refrigerator.
Don't let it fall.
Heavy things on the bottom.
- Are you sure you can carry all of it?
- No problem.
This way, come on in.
What about putting
the refrigerator in this room?
- Okay. Put it down slowly. That's right.
- Okay.
We've packed up everything for you.
You can take your time to tidy up
when you are back. Don't worry.
Girl, I didn't expect this.
You have so much stuff to move.
But it should be done soon.
Your friend is really helpful.
Hard-working and interesting.
Watch it! Come on, handsome!
Come on!
The time is too tight,
I haven't had a chance to tidy up.
I cleaned up your bedroom first
so you can get some rest.
Let's eat first.
These dishes are prepared
strictly according to
the dietary guidelines
for uremic patients.
All the meat has been blanched.
It is safe to eat.
I don't know
if I can undergo dialysis soon.
Maybe I shouldn't eat for now.
I bought two lemons. Cut them for me.
When I need to control
the amount of water I drink
I relieve the thirst by sucking on them,
which stimulates saliva.
Eat your food before it gets cold.
I didn't know that you cooked.
I learned from my mom.
Sounds like a brat lives upstairs.
I might suffer a lot in the future.
Even so, it's better than
the apartment you lived in before.
There were Feng Shui problems with it.
- Are you familiar with Feng Shui?
- Didn't you see the nest?
In the tree across
from the balcony
of your previous apartment?
Any explanation?
You are asking the right person.
Since the 1980s all the birds in the world
have been replaced
by AI birds, by bad actors,
to monitor humans.
Look at these birds
whose eyes are like cameras.
Every word we say and everything we do
is captured and recorded by them.
Just think about it,
under constant surveillance every day,
one's essence is gradually fading away.
How can there be any positive Feng Shui?
Are you being serious?
Of course, I've raised
and studied a sparrow firsthand.
It's the first time
I've seen someone believe in this.
You don't believe in
the existence of aliens, do you?
- How do you know?
- Do you really believe in it?
I specifically joined a group
for contacting extraterrestrials beings.
The group leader claims
to sense interstellar energy fields.
When the cosmic wind is strong
group members will send Morse code
into outer space using infrared rays.
It is said that as soon as
extraterrestrials receive the signals
they will take the person
who transmitted the signal
back to their home planet.
- Back to where?
- "Mom Planet."
There are aliens on Jupiter?
"Mom Planet." "Mom" as in "mother."
All right. Mom, "Mom Planet."
Actually, we are all
descendants of extraterrestrials.
The Mom Planet we lived on before
had a much harsher environment than Earth
so we developed highly advanced brains.
We can only utilize about 10%
of our potential after coming to Earth
because survival is too easy here.
Survival is easy here?
Yeah, look at me.
I'm still doing quite well,
even with a part of my skull cut off.
I am so sorry, Lin Min.
I've put you through so much.
Does your arm still hurt?
I fell asleep again?
Maybe I was just too emotional.
I will be staying here,
starting from today.
I will take care of your daily life
until your arm stitches are removed.
You don't have to.
You are too nice.
This is my responsibility.
I am not being nice.
I mean, it's not convenient
for an unmarried man and woman.
Of course it's convenient. Lock your room
and do whatever you like.
I am not used to living with a stranger.
But the doctor told us that
you can't do anything with your left hand
before the stitches are removed.
I recovered on my own
after the fistula was created last time.
Last time,
I had no responsibility, I did nothing.
Maybe you should ask that good friend
of yours to take care of you.
She is on her honeymoon.
Or shall I call your dad?
How do you know my dad's phone number?
It is written on the delivery box.
He is called Lin Tianxiong, right?
Now you are not brainless.
Anyway, you can't live by yourself.
Let me call your dad.
Don't do that.
They are already swamped
with taking care of my grandma.
I suppose
I'll have to handle this important task.
Get me a pillow.
Don't swallow it.
That's the cup I use to measure urine.
There is no smell of urine at all.
The urine of patients
with uremia does not have a urinary odor.
Didn't you know that?
No words.
Doctor, here is the test result.
The creatinine levels have increased
while the new fistula is still healing.
Let's insert a temporary catheter
and initiate dialysis immediately.
She won't be able to move easily
after the tube is inserted into her neck.
- Can you be a caregiver?
- Sure.
- Go pay the bills.
- No problem.
Does it hurt?
It hurt before, but it's fine now.
Give me your phone.
My mom told me that
the echo produced in the glass
makes the music sound
better than using speakers.
Measurement begins.
Water, 50 milliliters.
Avoid getting water around
this temporary catheter.
If it's infected, it will be a problem.
No problem, I can handle it.
-Where should the sofa go
-Just place it against the wall.
Be careful underneath.
Put the TV cabinet over there.
Mister, please move the TV over here.
Hand me the picture frames.
The sofa, coffee table
and this cabinet were all bought by me.
Who helped you move all this stuff?
The real estate agency helped me.
Once I change the lock
I'll send you a key.
Your main responsibility
is taking care of Grandma.
Hey there! I've got the vegetables!
Who is there, Min?
Nobody. Delivery guy.
How is Grandma doing?
She's doing fine, recovering nicely.
Eating well, sleeping soundly.
What is it?
Nothing. I dropped something.
Capture the frying action,
then take a shot of the sign.
- Then shoot that stinky tofu.
- No problem.
- What are you doing?
- You just dozed off.
So I gave you a nudge.
Your extraterrestrial talents
are holding up well.
Our group leader says that
drooling while asleep is an ability
we developed on our Mom Planet
to eliminate harmful substances
from our bodies.
However, after coming to Earth
most people
have already lost this ability.
I am good now.
What's wrong with you?
What are you smelling?
I can't, I can't walk anymore.
Too much water retention.
Let me catch my breath for a moment.
- Get on, I'll carry you on my back.
- That's inappropriate.
Do you see those two AI birds over there?
They are tracking and monitoring us.
We need to hurry and leave.
Hurry up! Or our souls will be taken.
Are you still
feeling discomfort in your heart?
My heart rate is high.
Yesterday, I remembered,
when I was in elementary school
my grandma had a myna bird.
I used to play with it
every day after school.
It not only didn't monitor me
but also would say,
"I wish you good fortune!"
If a bird speaks,
isn't that AI?
- Are you stupid?
- Indeed, fools are often unaware.
- What does that mean?
- Never mind. Just keep going up.
Come on!
Take a photo of the pipe.
Can the composition be better
Take a picture.
What's wrong with you?
My pledge.
Due to Luu Tu's improper behavior,
Lin Min suffered a lot.
Luu Tu owes Lin Min a favor
and Lin Min can ask
Luu Tu for help at any time.
illegal activities are not included,
close brackets.
Luu Tu promises to brave any danger.
Signed with a fingerprint.
You mistakenly wrote the "p"
in "pledge" as "h."
I think it makes much more
sense with "h" in "head"
because failure to fulfill the pledge
would result in losing one's head.
My head is so itchy.
Is my brain developing?
You wish.
To the left.
Yes, that's it.
So itchy.
Did you forget
to blanch the meat for lunch?
I blanched it.
Maybe you didn't blanch it long enough.
It gets itchy only
when the phosphorus levels are high.
What are you smelling this time?
It is said that if you don't shower
for a while, you'll itch too.
You manage to talk about the wrong thing.
I wish I could. But with only one arm
it's even difficult for me
to undress myself,
let alone take a shower.
- I've got an idea.
- What is it?
Hey there!
Come on in, Mom!
Young lady.
It is this arm, right?
You've suffered a lot.
Luu Tu!
You're going to suffer the consequences.
- Ma!
- How could you be so clumsy?
How could you grab the girl's arm?
Stop beating me!
The show is over, Mom.
During rehearsals,
we agreed to no face-slapping.
I really, really got into the role.
This is my mom.
She forced me to play the role
of a child with a strict mother
or else she wouldn't
feel comfortable meeting you.
Mom, this is Lin Min.
Ling, L-I-N-G, Ling, Ling Min.
- Nice to meet you Lin Min, I am Tao Yi.
- "Yi" has a radical of heart on the side.
- You can call me Tao Yi.
- "Yi" as auntie.
I am very good at giving others baths.
Especially at scrubbing.
I bathed him when he was a child
and made sure to clean
every bit of mud from his little penis.
I know all the body parts
where dirt tends to hide.
Don't worry, my mom will
make sure to clean you thoroughly.
No need to trouble yourself.
- Where is the bathroom?
- Back there, Mom.
The stitches will be removed
in two more days,
I can bath myself by then.
Hurry up and take off your clothes.
- I'll run the water.
- Really, auntie, it's not necessary.
I am waiting for you.
- So this is the idea you had?
- What do you think?
Thank you so much.
Hey there! The water is hot.
Now I understand where
you get your drama queen genes from.
By the way,
my mom doesn't know that I relapsed.
Don't let her know.
When your parents find out about this
they will be heartbroken.
After you get the stitches removed
I'll treat you to a meal
to make it up to you
for the trouble caused by Luu Tu.
It doesn't matter, auntie.
He didn't mean it.
I'm not defending him.
He's just really timid.
He'd have nightmares
if he accidentally stepped on an ant.
The day he hurt you
he stayed in his room
crying the whole night.
- After a sip, my hands will stop shaking.
- This is alcohol.
I lied about quitting drinking
and what's inside
is a beverage with an alcoholic taste.
Does he believe it? This gullible boy
believes whatever you say.
Even if you tell him
the Earth is triangular,
as long as
your tone is firm, he won't doubt it.
He's a total nerd.
My dear,
you must never get attached to him.
He does not deserve you.
If he becomes fixated on you
it will be difficult for you
to endure after a while.
If you decide to break up with him
he won't be able get over you.
Both of you will end up getting hurt.
we are only fellow patients.
That's great.
- Lin Min.
- Come in.
Lin Min.
Come out for a moment and do me a favor.
Our group leader suddenly notified us
that today is Extraterrestrial Day.
I sent my receiving equipment for repairs
and set up a temporary replacement.
I need you to help me monitor the signal.
- What's this?
- The transmitter.
Are you using this ugly thing
to contact aliens?
You find it ugly now,
just wait until I power it up,
it'll blind those titanium alloy
eyes of yours.
Move your hand.
Shocking, isn't it?
- Even uglier now.
- You know nothing.
You don't always have to
worry so much about appearance.
Power on.
You know how to use this, do you?
Yes, I know. I used it
every day when I was a tour guide.
Look carefully.
If such a situation arises
call me on the walkie-talkie.
I'm warning you, Luu Tu don't go
blowing up my landlord's stereo, okay?
That's not possible.
Open the door for me.
I'll go to the rooftop first.
Stay in contact.
Any response from the router?
How about now?
There's a red light
flashing in the middle.
Okay, then.
I'm getting ready
to start transmitting the code.
If there's a signal coming back to Earth
the stereo will emit sound.
You must listen carefully.
The Earth has eight billion people.
Has anyone been taken away by aliens?
Of course.
Only the consciousness
of people is taken away,
leaving their bodies on Earth
in an unconscious state.
Once consciousness is restored,
the bodies are returned
and the individuals wake up.
Do you know the racing driver Schumacher?
He was in a coma on Earth
for five years before waking up.
It is said that his consciousness was
taken back to Mom Planet for treatment.
Who told you all of this?
Our group leader told us.
Is this guy a novelist?
He's a chef, can you believe it?
The stir-fried beef he cooks
is absolutely amazing.
He's also skilled at
making fish head with chopped chili.
He saved up money and bought a new house.
After moving into
the newly renovated house
both his wife and kid
got leukemia in less than half a year.
Excessive formaldehyde levels.
The wife passed away within a few months.
The kid also fell into a coma.
At his most desperate moment
suddenly, a beam
of bright light shone into his room,
he was captured
by aliens and taken aboard a UFO.
The aliens revealed to him
an earth-shattering secret.
His son was taken back
to Mom Planet for treatment.
That's right.
Upon hearing this news,
he regained his composure and spirit
and within a few months,
his kid also woke up.
Amazing, right?
It is amazing.
Just the probability is extremely low
only one in 300 million.
Indeed, it's low.
Do you know that, a kidney patient
posted a video looking for a kidney
retracted it within a minute
and then it was intercepted
by another person.
Moreover, this person
has a primary brain tumor
and shares four identical data points
with that kidney patient.
The probability of all these events
happening together
are roughly one in 300 million.
- Are you making this up?
- It's real.
I downloaded an app specifically
for calculating probabilities.
Then I wish you success.
If I succeed I'll leave my kidney to you.
After all,
I need to reset to factory settings
and they'll give me a new pair.
Why are you leaving it to me?
Transplantation is not legal.
Grill it for kebabs?
I've studied it deeply.
If we get married and I pass away
you would have
the priority in organ allocation rights.
Lay off, will you?
I spent 18.8 yuan
on a specialized online test.
Our marriage zodiac
seems to be a good match.
And your family name is "Lin,"
starts with "L"
my family name is "Luu,"
also starts with "L."
Isn't it fate?
Also when you trim your nails
do you start with the pinky finger?
I do too.
I have a "bad brain"
you have two "bad kidneys."
Of the two us, one is brainless
the other one is grumpy.
We seem to
complement each other quite well.
I somehow sense
a bit of confession in this.
Luu Tu,
are you falling asleep again?
Not happy?
No, not really.
Getting married
is really not as simple as you think.
Your mom hinted today
that I shouldn't get attached to you.
She's probably worried
that you might be deceived.
Is she worried about me?
She ought to check
how many times she's been fooled.
Let me tell you
my mom once encountered
a fake Taoist priest
at the hospital entrance
who claimed to be able
to ensure my health.
Without a second thought
she handed over all her valuables to him.
Your mom is kind of cute.
My mom seems doomed
to be devoid of good luck
in her lifetime.
When she was young,
she aspired to be an actress
and attempted to audition
for the theater group three times,
but never secured a spot.
Eventually, she gave up on her dream
and sought a simpler life,
hoping to marry and have children.
However, right after
her husband passed away
her son was diagnosed
with the same illness.
I spent 27 days
in the ICU after the surgery.
My mom,
overwhelmed with anxiety and distress
gradually turned to heavy drinking,
couldn't sleep
without getting drunk every night.
After I fell ill, there was quite
a significant change in my parents.
My dad used to be a very easygoing person
but now, to support
my emotional well-being as a patient
he's become incredibly careful
in his words and actions.
Over time,
I'm really afraid that he might suppress
his own feelings and get sick too.
So, anything I can handle on my own
I try not to bother them with.
So that they can catch a break too.
are you afraid of death?
To be honest, I'm not afraid of death.
But I'm afraid that nobody
will take care of my mom after I die.
Don't worry.
If it comes to that,
I will take care of her.
Taking care of yourself is tough enough.
How do you find the energy
to take care of others as well?
That's right.
We're like two empty drink bottles,
both hoping for another refill.
I reckon there's not much hope for me.
It seems that
my mom's "immune to good luck" bit
has been passed to me.
In this lifetime
I may be destined to, "Thank you."
Don't say that,
bring out that "Come On" spirit of yours.
Come on.
Come on.
- Come on!
- Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
- Come on!
- Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Luu Tu.
Actually, you're pretty awesome.
Signal interference, I didn't hear you.
I said,
you are pretty awesome.
Never mind.
Actually, you're pretty awesome too.
Yeah! Time for dinner!
Let's get started.
Lin Min.
I apologize on behalf of Luu Tu.
No worries, auntie.
Why are you looking at me?
- What's that?
- I'm not drinking alcohol.
It's a beverage with an alcoholic taste.
Being watched every day
is really annoying.
Hurry up and eat.
- Are you from the North?
- Yes, I had a boyfriend at that time.
He took on a graffiti project here
so I decided to come
with him from the North.
Must be fate that brought you to Hunan.
- A toast to it!
- Sure.
After you got sick
didn't your parents ask you
to return to the North?
The dialysis equipment is older
and kidney donors are scarcer there.
So, it's more convenient for me
to continue treatment here.
- Are you able to work with this illness?
- Sure!
I'm currently working with a travel agency
managing social media accounts
like public WeChat channels.
Sort of like an editor.
Is good to know you have connections
with a travel agency.
I have a few friends
who want to visit Changsha next month.
Could you help us book a tour?
No need to book a tour.
I'll be your guide.
I know Changsha inside out.
Ma, Lin Min used to be a tour guide
with a tour guide license.
Wow, that's so great!
Can your body handle that?
No problem. I'll do a detox beforehand.
I guarantee you excellent service.
Okay, I'll be there right away.
What's the matter?
There's a potential kidney match.
The hospital asked me to register
at the transplant department promptly.
What are you waiting for?
Hurry, take her to the hospital!
Hurry up!
Mom, hold on a second.
Let me explain first.
Mister, how much longer will it take?
Fifty minutes!
I'm going to the hospital to register now.
Why is it taking so long?
Then I will undergo
the lymphocyte cytotoxicity assessment.
There's no other road to take.
Mister, could you
take a detour from San Yi Road?
- Alright. Got it.
- Keep us updated.
I'll hang up now. Bye! How is it going?
The rain has caused
a complete jam downtown.
Wait a moment. I'll get a bike.
Let's cycle to the subway.
Get off. This way.
Come here.
Let's go.
Excuse us.
I'll do it myself.
Let me warm it up for you.
I am fine.
You might undergo surgery later.
It's better not to catch a cold.
Please don't crowd, make way for others.
Don't crowd.
Nurse, I'm here
to register for the transplant.
Head down the hall,
go up to the second floor.
- Thank you!
- Don't crowd.
Have you had a cold, fever,
or diarrhea recently?
Taking any anticoagulant
or anti-platelet medication?
Aspirin, clopidogrel,
or similar medication?
- No.
- When was your last dialysis?
Yesterday afternoon.
Starting fasting now.
No eating or drinking. During this...
Excuse me.
Hello, Director.
Yes. They are registering now.
I see.
I'll explain the situation to them.
I am sorry to tell you that
two relatives of the deceased
have recently arrived
voicing their concerns about the donation.
It seems we'll require
additional discussion and negotiation.
Didn't the family members agree
and sign the consent form?
They did, but minds can change.
We've encountered
similar situations before.
How about you go get a blood test first?
We'll figure out the plan
for the additional tests later.
I'll keep you informed.
is this the place
for organ transplant registration?
It is.
- You may go.
- Come in, please.
Thank you, doctor.
- Who is the patient?
- Him. He is.
Take a seat.
Stop looking.
Typically, donating both kidneys
can benefit two patients.
I guess he's another potential match.
We are fellow donors, not in competition.
Don't worry about that.
Wait for me downstairs.
I'll go for the blood draw.
Excuse us, please let us through.
Excuse us. Watch out.
Move aside!
All we have done is meaningless.
I won't get it.
I am tired.
Leave me alone, I'm begging you.
I'm begging you. Okay?
I am going home.
I won't get that kidney.
I'm tired of waiting.
I can't wait any longer.
All right.
We can go eat now.
I just realized that
I forgot to take out
the trash before heading out.
If I go through surgery
and return without dealing with it
I'll probably come back
to a house full of cockroaches.
Let's go.
Let's rock the sun together
Seize this golden moment
"Rock the sun"
sounds like an odd phrase, doesn't it?
Why would the sun be rocked?
It doesn't make sense.
Let's get married.
Are you proposing?
I want to find a good recipient
for my kidney before I die.
With your vitality and liveliness
you might live longer than I do.
The doctor said
before my condition worsens,
I'm just like any other person.
Once it starts deteriorating
I will be game over within a week.
If I donate my kidney to you
it's as if I haven't died.
You'll be living on for me.
As a matter of fact,
I used to ask my mom when I was a child
what "rock the sun" meant.
My mom told me that
the sun rises in the east
and sets in the west every day.
So it gets tired and takes a nap
which is why
we experience cloudy and rainy days.
During these times
we can rock the sun awake
using our thoughts.
I shared this idea
with all my classmates later.
Then, every Friday, the whole class
used our thoughts to rock the sun awake.
Because if it rained
PE classes on Fridays would be swapped
for a free-study session.
- Don't tell me that it worked.
- It worked.
Since then, every Friday was been sunny.
I don't buy it.
Lin Min.
Cheer up!
As long as we have faith,
we'll eventually rock the sun awake.
Give some more thought to getting married.
Hey, Mom!
Could you send me the household register?
I want to be included in the kidney
source list at the Third Hospital
and the household register is required.
Okay, heads closer.
A little closer.
APRIL 26TH, 2023
Get ready. Three, two, one!
Come on, please move forward.
Turn left and you'll see
the restaurant 50 meters ahead.
Those who are behind, catch up.
Turn left and walk for 50 meters,
you'll be there.
After the certificate,
should we have a wedding reception?
We just registered for marriage,
and we can't have a wedding.
Can you please let us...?
- No problem.
- Many thanks.
Dear friends, attention please.
Welcome all of you to Xingcheng.
Having fun is what we want on our trip.
Today, I have a beautiful colleague here
who would like to take this opportunity
to share something joyful with us.
- Interested in hearing it?
- Interested!
Applause for her!
Hello, everyone!
The beautiful colleague
your leader mentioned earlier is me,
though I may not fit
that description perfectly.
today has truly been
the most beautiful day of my life.
Just a while ago,
my partner Luu Tu and I,
registered for marriage,
stepping into
the sacred bond of matrimony.
Luu Tu! Come up!
Come up here!
Come up here!
It's a pity that our family and friends
aren't here with us.
But for such a big occasion
like getting married
it shouldn't be without
warmth and celebration, don't you think?
Just now, we noticed that
everyone is wearing red caps
which creates such a festive atmosphere.
We've decided to join in
and soak up the joy.
How about we celebrate together
with all of you?
Two more main dishes on each table
braised pork and double pepper fish head.
Our treat!
We'd love to
have your good wishes with us.
Thank you, everyone!
Happy newlyweds!
Happy newlyweds!
Many thanks!
Come on, Lin Min.
Five, four, three, two, one!
Spin two more times.
Luu Tu!
To your left!
Come on!
- I'll drink.
- Drink!
Start it off!
When I was in the restroom a moment ago
I bumped into a friend
and he asked
if we were secretly getting married
without our parents' knowledge.
I told him yes
and he nearly teared up right then.
He said he's envious of us
and that he was pressured
into marriage by his parents.
And then he told me...
Qian Liang.
Go play on your own.
It's been a long time.
I asked the landlord,
and he said you'd moved over here.
What's up?
I'd like to talk to you.
You can go back first.
It will be fine. Go back first.
As I look back now
I can see how immature I was at that time.
Maybe it was that I grew up in
favorable conditions since I was little.
When you got sick, I was completely lost.
So I ended up acting like a deserter.
I'm sorry.
I keep this strand of hair
with me all the time.
Whenever I miss you,
I take it out and give it a look.
Stop beating around the bush.
Get straight to the point.
Did you lose money again
from gambling on football?
I'm deep in debt from online loans.
Now I'm too scared
to even turn on my phone.
I should have listened to you back then.
Why did I get involved in gambling
when things were going well for me?
I've ruined my own life.
This is the wedding fund we saved.
7,600 yuan in total.
I haven't spent a penny.
The same old password.
Ling Min, I am not here for money.
I just want to be together with you again.
Please give me another chance.
- Close your eyes.
- What?
- Close your eyes.
- Okay.
Now we are even.
By the way,
the hair in the box isn't mine.
My hair isn't that good.
Return it promptly
to whoever it belongs to.
Too many love debts
may lead to adverse consequences.
What are you looking at?
I was worried he might mistreat you
so I followed you.
Legally speaking you are my wife.
Just legally?
Guess I'll try not to overthink things
besides legal matters.
After all,
there aren't many days left to live.
Talking nonsense again.
What are you doing?
You mentioned last time that
the urine of patients
with uremia doesn't have a strong odor.
I just want to check
if your tears are not salty either.
Luu Tu!
You're a big fool.
I am indeed missing
a piece of brain tissue.
Orange Island, also known as Shuiluzhou,
is a small island in the Xiang River
within the urban area of Changsha.
Back in the Tang Dynasty,
it gained fame for its bountiful harvests
of exquisite oranges
thus earning the name Orange Island.
- Mom, get closer, closer.
- Get closer.
Yuelu Academy is the most well-preserved
meticulously restored,
and largest ancient academy in China,
boasting a history of over 1,000 years.
Let it show. Don't block it.
Now, as we pass through the main gate
and arrive at the second gate,
we can see above the second gate
a tablet inscribed
with the words "Ming Shan Tan Xi."
Take photos of the ladies.
- That's naughty.
- Smile happily. Good.
Three, two, one.
Ladies, welcome to Taiping Old Street.
Due to the "Wenxi Fire,"
Changsha lost its ancient architecture.
The buildings
on both sides that we see now
are actually later constructions.
Only the stone slabs beneath
our feet span the millennia.
Let's rock the sun together
Seize this golden moment
- Thank you!
- Delicious!
After this bite,
I'll be craving it for six months.
- Are you tired?
- Not at all.
It's just one stroke.
Lin Min, what's that over there?
Luu Tu.
How is it? Not bad, huh?
Lin Min.
Welcome to Changsha, sisters.
It's happier than on New Year's Day!
What's the matter
with having a couple more drinks?
And many thanks to
our wonderful tour guide, Lin Min.
These past two days,
you patiently guided us
and put up with our antics.
- Thank you so much!
- That's my pleasure, aunties.
I haven't been so happy since I got sick.
So, if you come here again
would you like me
to lead the tour group again?
- Sounds great. It's a deal then!
- Yeah, thank you!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Zhao, wait a moment.
Let me put Tao Yi on the phone.
Zhao, you'll regret
not being here this time.
- Such a pity.
- Look, we are all here.
Zhao, we've been wandering around
and exploring everywhere these days.
It's been so much fun! Next time!
Next time,
bring your grandson along to join the fun.
Luu Tu!
Luu Tu!
You vomited.
No worries.
Maybe I had too much stinky tofu.
You go back first,
or my mom will start worrying.
Your situation is different from his.
It's unclear whether
his condition is benign or malignant
so a craniotomy is required
for a conclusive diagnosis.
In your case,
it's quite certain that it's malignant
and you need to undergo surgery promptly.
Thank you, doctor.
Hello, Dr. Jiang.
May I ask if you have any recollection
of a patient named Luu Tu?
Hey there!
I went to see Dr. Jiang.
You can definitely be treated,
why did you lie to me?
I don't want treatment.
I don't want to use up
my mother's retirement savings.
We can figure out a solution
for the money together.
I can ask my parents for help
and I can also approach
my classmates for assistance.
I don't want to undergo craniotomy
and I don't want to be
admitted to the ICU again.
I'm afraid.
Don't be afraid, Luu Tu.
I am here with you.
As long as you don't give up
we can overcome any difficulties together.
But if I am cured
what will you do?
You are not giving up on treatment
because you are considering donating
a kidney to me, are you?
After my last surgery
I lay in the ICU for 27 days
unable to distinguish day from night
unable to eat, drink, or move.
It was more unbearable than death.
At that time, I swore that
if I were to relapse again
I would absolutely forgo treatment.
I don't want to go through
that experience again.
But now that you're married
you have to consider not only yourself.
But us getting married
isn't it all about giving you my kidney?
Is that your way
of looking at our marriage?
Other than these two kidneys
I really don't know what else
about me would be worthy of your fondness.
Is this truly how you see me?
If so, let's get a divorce
and from now on,
let's go our separate ways.
Lin Min, that's not what I meant.
Divorce! We must divorce!
I was wondering why
you never wanted us to come back.
You have quite a lot going on here.
How long were you
planning to keep it from us?
If your dad and I hadn't suddenly
come back and stumbled upon it,
were you planning
to keep it from us forever?
Say something.
She is grown up.
It is very normal for her
to make her own decisions about dating.
Is it normal to get married?
Boy are you really willing
to donate a kidney to Min?
Can you stick to the main point?
It's not about the kidney now
it's about the need
for him to have surgery.
initially, I did consider using my kidney
to find someone for my mom to rely on.
after spending some time with Lin Min
I realized that I seem to have changed.
Every time I see her
exhausted from dialysis
I just want to die immediately
so that I can give her
my kidney as soon as possible.
To make it easier for me to live
you're choosing not to live, right?
There's probably little hope
of curing me anyway.
Whether you will get cured or not
is something for the doctor to consider.
Don't put the blame on me
for giving up on treatment yourself.
I wanted to leave you the opportunity
to get-one-free.
Thank you for that.
But I don't need it.
I would rather undergo dialysis
for the rest of my life.
Luu Tu, wait a moment.
- Come here.
- Sir, I don't.
Does your mom know about the two of you?
I am not going to tell my mom.
Will she say no to it?
She likes Lin Min very much.
Since Min got sick
I donate blood every time
I come across a blood donation station.
So that one day
when Min needs a blood transfusion
at least she has priority
as a direct relative.
Since I'm not a match for her
this is the only thing
I can do as her father.
What's this? Do you want to keep it?
Keep it.
I didn't think you would smile.
None of your business. Stay out of it.
What are you doing?
Playing video games.
Go! Why don't you go?
Don't move! Move backward!
Against the wall.
Take a picture of this,
capture the panoramic view.
If you've made it here
you won't get the money.
- You have to...
- No...
But I didn't get any money
in the last round.
Last round, you forgot.
You forgot to ask for your own money.
What does that have to do with me?
What are you doing?
It sounds like you have
a pretty severe case of diarrhea.
How about
going to the hospital to get checked?
No need.
Get away. Keep your distance.
What are you doing?
Somebody was just sniffing
under her armpits.
Delete it! Are you recording
- I am not.
- Delete it now!
No, I'm replying to my mom on WeChat.
What are you filming?
You're making me angry. Give it to me.
It's the best season for Bali.
Not too cold,
not too hot, and fewer tourists.
That sounds just right.
And our hotel is wonderful
right by the seaside
with an ocean-view room.
Then watching the ocean there
would be so romantic for you two.
They even upgraded our room
when they heard
that we are going on a honeymoon.
Love you!
- Say it!
- Come on!
- Say it!
- Come on!
On the foot! Do it gently this time.
Turn around.
Under the foot.
Do it under the foot one more time.
Under the foot.
- Why are you hitting me?
- What are you doing? Hey, girl!
What's happening this time?
I find your friend interesting and
just wanted to have fun with him a bit.
You are not having fun with him,
you are messing with him, you jerk!
Ask him yourself if I am messing with him.
There is truly something wrong
with your brain.
Why are you so willingly letting yourself
be played like a monkey by them?
Can't I hang out with your friend?
They are not my friends.
They are a bunch of tricksters.
Dahu is quite nice.
He is the worst.
He lies about his mom getting sick one day
and his father passing away
the next day, all to sell a house.
He has told so many lies
that he can't even keep track.
I just want to see you.
As long as you seek treatment,
I promise you'll see me every day.
Let's get divorced then.
Tomorrow morning at nine.
I'll be waiting for you at
the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.
Luu Tu.
Hello, why aren't you here?
Lin Min.
The tumor has grown
causing a cerebral edema.
We used mannitol
to reduce intracranial pressure.
The patient's condition
is stable at the moment,
but if we don't proceed with surgery soon
I'm afraid that he might not wake up
after the next fainting episode.
But you kept saying
there were no issues
in his follow-up checks.
When did I say that?
You told me on WeChat.
Here, take a look.
This isn't my WeChat ID.
Dr. Jiang, could you come over
and check on this patient?
Excuse me.
it was me.
I registered a new WeChat account
using Dr. Jiang's name
and profile picture,
and I added you as a WeChat friend.
Why did you do this?
Why did you lie to me?
- I don't want any treatment.
- Say that again.
I want no surgery.
I don't want to live anymore.
I'm tired of living.
You are tired of living
You don't want surgery.
Is it because of this?
Did you promise something to Lin Min?
It has nothing to do with Lin Min.
Then why did you do this?
What am I supposed to do?
Answer me.
You're really stressing me out!
- Dad.
- Why didn't you answer the phone?
My phone is on mute. I didn't hear it.
Luu Tu's mom is here.
Luu Tu was holding these things
in his hands
when he fainted today.
He has told me everything about you two.
The doctor said
his health has started to worsen.
It will be too late
if he doesn't get treatment soon.
But he is resolutely refusing
to go into the operating room.
I've said everything I can,
but he just won't listen.
Lin Min,
can you help me persuade him?
His illness has a high recurrence rate.
Even if the surgery
is successful this time
it doesn't guarantee that
there won't be a recurrence in the future.
If anything happens to him
I agree.
I agree with him
donating his kidneys to you.
I am not angry at all
about the matter between you two.
He is so blessed to have
the fondness of such a nice girl like you.
I might seem rough and unreliable at times
but I know clearly in my heart
that both of you are sincere.
Don't worry,
I won't bother you to take care of me
when the day comes.
What mother
wouldn't treasure her own child?
I will go with him
if it comes to that day.
Don't say that, auntie.
go talk to Luu Tu.
We must treat it if it can be treated.
I can sell the house
in our hometown if we have to.
After that, I will bring Grandma
here to live with us.
The surgery cost is not a problem.
No. I have money.
I will gather enough money for this
even if I have to sell everything.
I will go talk to him.
However, can you promise me
that you'll quit drinking?
My daughter,
I listen to you.
Surprisingly, this thing is not just ugly,
but also quite noisy.
- What brings you here?
- Why can't I be here?
We are still husband and wife.
My mom asked you to talk to me?
Not to talk,
to demand.
You said it.
Signed with a fingerprint.
You are not regretting it, right?
I have figured out something.
Four years ago
the surgery was like
a get-one-free award for me.
God gave me four years for cakes and ale,
knowing you,
marrying you.
I won the lottery.
What a coincidence.
That's why I am here today,
talking about winning the lottery.
I had a university classmate
who won get-one-free 17 times
when buying beverages in the cafeteria.
- It was really good luck.
- You can have it too.
Check this bottle. Open it.
How can you be so sure?
Is it a trick?
I promise it's never been opened.
Never opened.
Isn't it amazing?
There is no such thing as luck.
My classmate's dad works
as a cafeteria buyer.
He put all the "lucky" beverages
in the freezer in advance.
Now, is get-one-free
not that lucky anymore?
I heard that
we choose our own life scripts
after we read them.
But we forget what's written in them
the moment we are born.
Mine is terrible.
If I had read it earlier,
would I still have chosen it?
Come on. Mine is no better than yours.
But I trust myself.
There must have been a good reason
for me to choose it in the beginning.
No matter if it's terrible
or unsuccessful.
It must be temporary.
Having a brain tumor
might have given me inspiration
to make contact with aliens.
Maybe I will become
an expert on contacting aliens.
It's not impossible.
But it costs too much.
Higher costs, greater rewards.
- Think about Hawking.
- Makes sense.
Maybe I will win a Nobel Prize like him.
Think about something good
to makes you happy.
Aren't you tired of
always thinking about get-one-free?
Just like what you did before.
Isn't it great living a free life?
Crying when you want to.
Laughing when you want to.
Screaming when you feel frustrated.
Go for it! Come on!
Do it!
What if
there will be no next page in my script?
You will never know if you don't open it.
What if I get sequela,
amnesia, paralysis...
What if I get dumber?
You are too dumb to get any dumber.
What if during the surgery...
That's it. Don't dilly-dally.
You've given me your pledge.
Stop arguing with me.
Luu Tu,
before I met you, I was so tangled up.
Every day felt like
it was dragging on forever,
like life was set to half speed.
But ever since
you started goofing around with me,
I felt my life was back.
I know, from that moment,
I started to lean on you.
I don't want to live for you.
I want to live with you, together.
Can I?
I want to see the sunrise one more time.
I'm with you.
It seems like
the sun is taking a nap again today.
No problem.
We'll rock it awake together.
Come on!
Come on!
The patient's tumor is relatively large
and the lump can be
vaguely felt behind the ear.
It has been confirmed as being
a glioblastoma accompanied
by malignant meningioma.
The surgery is exceptionally challenging
we need to initiate
the incision from the primary site.
Clear out the spread of cells inside...
Afterward, on the other side
of the patient...
make some progress, and remove the...
Stop here.
Please proceed to the waiting area.
Auntie, let me explain
the postoperative precautions to you.
Mom, are you leaving?
Don't be afraid, son.
Mom is waiting for you right here.
Lin Min.
This is the eulogy I've prepared.
If I don't make it off the operating table
read it as it is written.
Okay. It's time.
I'm waiting for you.
Hello, everyone
I'm Luu Tu.
At this time, I've already left the world.
The body is the fortress of life,
mine has been breached for too long,
to the point of giving up long ago.
It's you, Ling Min.
It's you who made me
stand tall again for a while.
You always think I'm silly.
Actually, my passive skill
is playing dumb
to dodge the harsh realities of life.
Surprising, right?
I'm not as silly as you think.
I know my mom never really quit drinking.
I know by entrusting my mom to you,
you'll definitely be able to handle her.
You always say I'm silly.
But I know
only two people in the world
who don't take me as a fool.
One is my mom
and the other one is you.
Ling Min,
there's nothing specific to advise you.
I believe you will take care
of everything very well.
Because your passive skill
is called "Revenge at All Costs,"
which means that when life hits you hard
there's a 100% chance
you'll transform into a determined fighter
ready to confront this world head-on.
I leave you with only one sentence.
I'm leaving,
you can miss me but don't come to see me.
My mom will surely be sad for a while,
crying and wailing.
Parents burying their own children,
it's heart-wrenching even to think about.
When the time comes,
be sure to accompany her
and give her the time
she needs to adjust gradually.
By the way, there's another secret
I want to share with you.
Since we met
I secretly quit having roasted kidneys.
How's that? Don't roll your eyes at me.
You know I can see it.
Alright, time to wrap up.
I haven't written such a long composition
since high school.
Bye-bye, Ling Min.
I'm bowing out of the battle for now.
Forgive me.
Luu Tu.
Luu Tu! You are awake, Luu Tu!
Who are you?
I'm Ling Min!
I'm your wife! Take a good look at me.
Have you lost your memory?
Got you, right?
Nurse, Luu Tu in Bed 58 is awake.
Alright, I'll notify the doctor
to come right away.
Why are you reciting a eulogy
when I'm still alive?
I talked to you about other things,
but there was no response.
It was only
when I started reading the eulogy
that your eyes showed any reaction.
Maybe I'm touched by my own words.
Mr. Confident.
Where's my mom?
She went home to get some rest.
She did the night shift here last night.
Have I slept for a long time?
Seventeen days.
I guess the aliens received your signal
and summoned your consciousness
back to the Mom Planet.
I've changed my morse code
since we met.
The signal I sent to them
was in the hope that
they would take you back to the Mom Planet
and cure you.
You got me.
You've got
quite a few tricks up your sleeve.
Is there anything else I don't know?
Come clean.
One more thing.
Drooling in your sleep
isn't an extraterrestrial talent.
It's just something I made up.
Then I'll confess one thing too.
The 17 wins in a row
were also just something I made up.
The bottle of drink
you opened was a custom order.
I paid 30 bucks online
to get someone to make it for me.
How dare you lie to me
about something so important?
Is there anything else you can't do?
You wouldn't happen
to have a fake name, would you?
Are you really called Lin Min?
I wasn't originally named Lin Min either.
My name is Ling Min. L-I-N-G, Ling.
L-I-N, Lin.
L-I-N-G, Ling.
L-I-N, Lin.
Alright, whatever.
Let's have a belated wedding ceremony.
Let's do it.
Let's welcome the bride with applause.
Alright, the groom
may now kiss his beautiful bride.
Today is June 21st.
It's 10:06 in the morning.
Wishing my beloved Luu Tu
a farewell to his frustrating past.
May our married life
be filled with sunshine
from now on.
Did you get everything?
- Yes, I did.
- Okay.
Let's go.
Finally going home!
Come on!
Come on!
Letter of commitment.
I, Ling Min, solemnly commit that,
after we get married
I will maintain
a regular dialysis schedule,
uphold good daily routines. Don't zoom in.
And face the wait for a kidney transplant
with the most positive,
optimistic, and patient attitude,
and together with Luu Tu,
enjoy every happy day.
Confirmed by my signature.
Mr. Braised Egg
is keeping me company during dialysis.
Lin Min.
Do you think I might get into trouble
going out like this?
You kind of give off a tough vibe.
Stop it.
Luu Tu.
- What's up?
- How's it?
It's alright.
- How about me?
- Absolutely good!
I, Luu Tu, solemnly commit that,
after we get married
I will take medication on time every day,
undergo regular check-ups,
in brackets,
with no concealment
of the results from Lin Min,
and completely avoid
self-deconstructive behaviors.
Don't push me, okay?
You spelled "destructive" wrong.
It's "de-structive,"
not "de-con-structive."
How to be destructive
without being constructive?
- Almost there.
- One more.
It really looks like you.
You need to stick out a bit.
Luu Tu.
Here, Luu Tu. What an energetic Luu Tu!
Lin Min. I'll feed Lin Min as well.
Lin Min.
- First time!
- First time!
This is my first time in my life
riding a Ferris wheel.
And I am riding it with Luu Tu.
Now, there are only ten days left
until Luu Tu's birthday.
The kind of birthday gift you can get
depends on what you scratch.
It seems like you're mesmerized right now.
Wait a second.
Ten yuan. I got my money back.
- I got it!
- Another ten yuan.
Wow, 66 yuan, again.
I'm on fire.
No, you have to flip over.
Oh no.
This is you.
- It's good. It's really good.
- Is it? Isn't it?
- Let's go ride...
- the...
- Swinging.
- Ship.
To be honest, I'm a bit nervous right now.
Aren't you nervous?
I'm not.
Lin Min.
I don't want to ride it. I was wrong.
You got it.
We are reaching
the highest point in Changsha soon.
- Almost there.
- Really?
- Ten!
- Really.
Nine! Eight!
Seven! Six!
Five! Four! Three! Two!