Voice of Shadows (2023) Movie Script

When I was 12, my
father was killed.
We hid from the cartel in
a storm solo on the farm.
The owner was nice at first,
but then we barely
had anything to eat.
We worked hard,
but he wanted my mother.
And when he wouldn't have her,
he raped her.
One day after work,
he beat her so bad.
She wasn't hurt that bad,
and she made me
promise myself to God.
And I did.
But the next day I
killed the owner.
I killed the owner, Father.
I had to raise my
sister on my own.
And we survived.
We survived, Father.
But you know what?
I look around the world
and I see so many
terrible things
and I wonder what kind
of God would allow this?
Tell me, Father.
Tell me, because I feel
like I'm losing my faith.
Are you okay?
Milda asked us to come today.
We really need the money.
I know.
Where's Celeste?
How's it going, Birdie?
Oh, man.
Hey, you see this car?
I drove this every Friday
to get dinner at Puertas.
For 20 years.
But now I can't.
You know why?
Why is that, Birdie?
Because my wife,
she took my keys.
Well, maybe she has
your best interest.
Oh, you're not a believer?
One day I will get my keys and
I will drive over to Puertas.
Do you believe me?
About what?
One day you will believe.
Where are you so close to Milda?
I don't know.
She just never had
a family of her own.
It's so sad.
Some people that are alone
are alone for a reason.
Milda, we're here.
And here is where
we will stay for good.
Oh, no.
I'm sorry, I thought
you were someone else.
Oh, look, you
brought a new canvas.
Gabriel, please clean up the
yard out front, it's atrocious.
Oh, Emma, would you please
show me your new work?
You don't like it?
Oh, it's fine.
I mean, it isn't
finished yet, right?
Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit.
Emma, I know how
you love mussels.
Oh, no, Aunt.
Remember, I'm allergic.
Oh, well, I have a feeling
that someday you will love them.
Look at you, your mother
would be so proud.
I wish I could see her again.
You know, I know this
might sound crazy,
but sometimes I can
communicate with loved ones.
Perhaps I'll show you someday.
Even my parents?
Especially your parents.
You got a lot of
work to do here.
This place is a mess.
You have no idea.
- Hmm.
- My name is Joseph.
Excuse me.
Hey, does she know
about that cross?
About my what?
About that cross?
I don't know, man.
What's wrong?
Oh, that man.
He and his tribe think
they own this land.
Someone should put him away.
You can't talk like that, Milda.
There is good in everyone.
It's okay.
She can't help it, she's
always been an empath.
She used to bring home
injured birds to her mother.
What would I do without you two?
Just know we will
always be together.
Who's this?
This is Ernesto.
I'm a longtime
friend of your aunt.
I am sure she must
have mentioned me.
Oh, Ernesto, I'm so
sorry, I don't think so.
What time is it?
It's late.
I'm sorry to call you,
but I must inform you
that Milda has just passed away.
That's impossible,
I just saw her.
It was very sudden.
She went peacefully.
There will be a small funeral.
You and Celeste are to travel
here as soon as possible.
And Gabriel?
The governor?
He's my boyfriend.
If you prefer,
then bring him as well.
When's the funeral?
When can you get here?
Welcome, I was just
about to give up hope
anyone else would come.
Do you have a eulogy prepared?
In life there were two Mildas.
The first was a Christian
woman who lost her husband
and daughter in a
tragic accident.
But even after this accident
she committed herself
to becoming a nun
and she worked at the
Catholic orphanage.
But that changed.
Few would know the second Milda.
You see, this is not the first
time Milda's passed away.
She miraculously came
back to life once,
after a fire in which many
innocent children died.
What kind of God would
allow that to happen?
Don't you see?
After she came back to
life she couldn't commit
herself to God
and so she started life over.
She developed her own beliefs.
She was a good woman.
A loving woman.
Wonderful speech.
You must be her niece?
You see, we were very close.
She didn't speak much about
the people that she knew.
Well let's get to business.
All the documents
are at the house.
We have to go over some
unique stipulations.
She told you, right?
How very strange.
You see, you are the sole
beneficiary of her entire
Trust me, there's nothing
for you to worry about.
We'll sign the will and
then we'll head to the motel.
No, you go, I will stay.
You shouldn't
stay in the house
where somebody
just died, Celeste.
Looks like a scythe.
It was a gag gift actually.
I received it from a club
both Milda and I belonged to.
Hmm, what kind of club?
A very exclusive one.
This is a truly beautiful house.
It must be worth a fortune.
Have you thought about that?
Oh, her old friends.
Can you believe they still
call after all these years?
I can get that.
Ah, they can get very chatty.
Excuse me.
Oh, yes.
Yes, we are just
settling in here.
Maybe you can call
a little bit later.
I will send your condolences.
Thank you.
That was a man named Brett.
He escaped the fire too.
You see, one of the things
Milda wanted you to do
was to keep up with
all those callers
and just speak with
them regularly.
You mean, Milda meant
for me to live here?
Don't worry, it will
be worth your time.
Well, the final stipulation
is a little bit eccentric.
"Under no circumstances
is your friend Gabriel Verde
allowed to live or
stay in the house.
This is my final wish."
Wait, what, what?
What? Is this a joke?
Emma, can we just go, please?
You can't just leave town.
No, I'm not gonna do that.
And I can tell you right now,
I'm not letting either
of you stay here alone.
I don't like it either,
we can just get a motel
for the night.
No, can we just go
back to the apartment?
As the executor of the will,
I had to put it in front
of you, but shall we say
I'm willing to look the
other way on this matter?
Let's just finish
this and we can go.
"Hmm," what?
I must have forgotten
the preamble.
Can you just go back and get it?
I'm very sorry, I live far away
and I don't see well at night.
Don't worry, I can
give you a ride.
I think you're tired,
you should get some rest.
Get some rest.
I'll be in touch.
Look at this house.
This house is all ours.
Yesterday we couldn't
even pay our bills.
Let's just stay for tonight.
Just one night.
Where's Celeste?
Emma, Celeste doesn't want to...
What are you doing?
I just realized I've
never been down here before.
You come back.
Emma, come back.
- Boo!
- Emma.
You're funny.
Where are you going?
Do you hear?
Where are you going?
Emma, come back!
Yeah, yeah.
Why are you so
scared of basements?
You should have
outgrown that by now.
- Come on-
- Stop.
Emma, what are you doing?
What's wrong?
What happened?
Tell me.
My mom was killed
and I had to bury her, and
her killer, in the basement.
Are you happy now?
You killed the murderer?
Yes, I did.
why do you have that?
You didn't hear that?
You didn't?
Put it away.
Okay, okay.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
What was that?
Good morning.
Emma, if you don't mind, I
have a proposition for you.
Did you bring the papers?
Yes, we'll get to that,
but, first, there is a small
gallery in this town, they
need someone to take over
just for a few days.
An art gallery?
Milda thought it
would be a great place
for you to sell your work.
Would you mind?
Sure, let me get my jacket.
Actually, I don't
have room in the car,
but we'll be back shortly.
Enough, Celeste.
Who's this?
Leave or everyone dies.
Hey, how was it?
Well, I should be
done for the day.
I will see you tomorrow.
And the papers?
We took care of
that at the gallery.
What's he
talking about, tomorrow?
It's just for a few days, Gabe.
I was thinking...
What are you thinking?
You should go back
home for a few days.
What are
you talking about?
Look, this house is
making all of us crazy.
Can we just go?
You know I can't.
Emma, wake up.
Wake up!
Emma, wake up!
Wake up, wake up!
Emma! Emma!
Where are you going?
I need to go to the shop.
I need the car.
'Cause I wanna go to the church.
Let's go then.
Emma, the door's locked.
Why did you lock the door?
I'm sorry.
Can we talk about
what's going on?
What's going on
is you're drinking
more and more and
acting paranoid.
We can actually get ahead
and you're fucking this up.
Fucking this up?
Emma, I moved to
this country for you.
I moved my sister for you.
I changed my whole life for you.
For us.
When I met you in
Columbia, Gabriel,
I didn't imagine this for us.
Just go back to the
apartment for a little while.
Go back to work.
What are you even doing here?
What am I doing here?
I can't protect my mom, but I
will protect you and Celeste.
Protect us from what, Gabe?
Tell me.
You're a danger to us.
You're a danger to yourself.
Emma, you have to be
honest with yourself.
This is me being
honest with myself.
We're here.
Hello, are you here
for a confession?
No, I'm not.
I just moved out here.
My girlfriend inherited a house.
Milda's house?
Please come see me again,
now's not a good time.
I tried calling.
I unplugged the phone.
Oh, I'm so sorry for
the inconvenience.
Have you seen Celeste?
I thought she told you.
Celeste left.
Where did she go?
Her apartment, I guess.
Listen, I came here
for a friendly chat.
You see, Milda was a very
close friend of mine.
She had special qualities.
But, Emma, she doesn't want
to honor the stipulations
that are necessary
to the agreement.
I thought you said it was
fine for me to stay here.
It would be better if
you go home tonight.
Wouldn't you agree?
No, because I don't
have a way back.
I can make travel
arrangements for you.
Why don't you tell me what
the hell is going on here,
and who are these callers?
It's simple, if the
agreement is not fulfilled,
Emma will not
inherit the estate.
Well, we must be going.
Let me call Emma first.
Sure, yes, take your
time and talk it over.
We'll make the
arrangements for tomorrow.
Okay, thank you.
Hey, where's Celeste?
Ernesto brought her back.
Where is he?
I don't know.
Gabe, what's wrong?
Don't worry, she
said she'll call.
I should get that.
Hello, this is Emma.
And who's this?
Oh, hi, Ernesto.
Yeah, I was just
asking about you.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna call the
police about Celeste.
You know you can't
do that, right?
Her papers.
She's fine, just mad.
Look, she sent me a text.
She didn't say anything to me.
There were a lot of
things she told me
that she didn't
want you to know.
Like what?
I'm going to bed, I'm
too tired for this.
No, you don't deserve that.
No one does.
Yes, goodbye for now.
Talk soon.
Do you have
anything you wanna tell me?
About what?
I have a couple
questions for you.
Now is not a good time.
What can
you tell me about Milda?
I can tell you that
Milda was a troubled woman
and was once a
servant of the church.
May she rest in peace.
And that's all I have to say.
I know exactly who you are.
You do?
How do you know Milda?
Why are you living in her house?
It's temporary.
Well right now you
are in God's house.
I believe it is
always preferable
to play by the house rules.
Is it not?
Her house is corrupted, Father.
You come here dishonoring
one of this church's
most devout members?
Something is wrong.
Maybe you can go and
perform a cleansing.
A cleansing?
Yes, an exorcism.
How dare you even
suggest a thing?
A man such as you.
Such as me?
This is not the first
time you've committed
such an egregious sin, is it?
And then you come here so
bold as to be damning others.
How do you know?
Do you consider
yourself a man of God?
Yes, Father.
Well let me tell
you, God does not.
Later I will be
performing a eulogy,
and I think you know for whom?
Get out of my church!
This way.
Are you all right?
What happened?
He's no priest, Father John.
I can say this with certainty
that he is a man of deep faith.
He knows something about Milda.
He's involved with
her in some evil way.
Father John blamed himself
for how Milda turned out.
She was beyond reconciliation
after the tragedy.
And why did she have this?
This belonged to her?
Then Father John was
right to be concerned.
But the book is harmless.
The inverted pentagram,
or pentacle, was a device
designed by a dark occult
to protect it from the holy
power of the pentagram.
Much like how the Nazis
used the swastika.
For 500 years after
the death of Christ
the pentagram was a holy
symbol of strength and unity.
In ancient times, it
was thought to drive
away wicked spirits.
The inversion carries no power,
but it managed to scare
Christians from using it.
This is complete fiction.
Cynical art done
by wicked people.
Nothing more.
One school of thought
believes in layers of hell,
the lowest being where the
worst souls go to suffer.
These names...
What about the names?
Where did they...
What about the names?
Gabriel, I.
You have to tell me, what?
What's going on?
When I first came to the
church, there were rumors
about what had happened.
What kind of rumors?
That when Milda died,
she lost her faith
and while in the afterlife
she came across spirits
and souls who were seeking
to escape their fate.
Their fate?
From the lowest layer of hell.
She gave them life.
She's the creator of
ghosts, the echo of death.
The voice of shadows.
Now the spirits are
looking for a new vessel.
I thought
this was all a fantasy until...
Till what?
The names in the book,
these are all individuals.
Father John demanded
to bury himself.
These are...
These are people of
unspeakable sins.
These are the callers.
You must listen to me.
You have to leave.
You must stay away from Father
John, and don't come back.
I'm gonna have to
perform an exorcism.
God willing.
Father John may call
for an adorcism.
What's an adorcism?
It's the calling
of evil spirits,
the opposite of an exorcism.
You must stay away
from that house.
I can't.
I need to go, my
family's in there.
Thank you, Father.
gonna risk all of your lives.
Emma, open the door!
Stay there.
Em, where are you going?
Are you okay?
What's happening?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Let's go, right now.
Come on.
What was that torch?
I have no idea.
Maybe Joseph has
something to do with it.
Let's go back home and
contact the church.
What about Milda's priest?
I don't trust him.
Please, trust me.
We are going to
get Celeste back.
Don't let me into
that house again.
I won't.
Who's there?
Father John?
In the name of the Holy
Ghost, devil be gone.
You're up already?
You want some coffee?
You look like shit.
Did you sleep?
No, I didn't.
We should leave.
To where?
I want you to see my priest.
I'm gonna shower first.
Father John?
You motherfucker!
I'm getting rid
of that car today.
Did you help him with this?
I told you I'd do it.
I told you I'd do it.
Woo hoo!
Where is he?
Far away.
You should have killed him.
Emma wouldn't let me,
but she's all but gone now.
Well, hello, Milda.
We have work to do.
Father James?
Father James?
Father James?
Mom and dad
have always been here.
It's time for us to join them.
Help her! Help her!
Please stop!
Leave her alone!
Leave her alone!
So what are we going to do?
This evil seed
comes from your creed.
You must find a way.
The torch I gave you is to
help guide and protect you.
This lies upon you now.
This depends upon your faith.
Take care of her.
Emma are you here?
Open the door!
Hello, Gabriel.
When I was young, I had
so much love to give,
but your God took it away.
Your God tried to kill me.
He did it, but I came back.
And when I did, I brought with
me others who he had betrayed
and I kept them safe.
And I will continue
to keep them safe.
You see, it isn't people
who are flawed, it's God.
And you have been
corrupted by your evil God.
And you didn't listen to me.
You will now.
Thank you, Gabriel.
Help was what she needed, you
fucked that up, didn't you?
It's too bad, you were
like so many I protect.
A murderer.
But now you will go to
where I kept them safe from.
Your sister was so easy to turn.
Emma, she was a little
more complicated.
The inverted
pentagram, or pentacle,
was a device designed
by a dark cult
to protect it from the holy
power of the pentagram.
Are you okay?
Is it over?
It's over.