Voiceless (2015) Movie Script

Does it look the same?
Well, as beautiful as ever.
Hey you!
You can't park there,
that's my spot!
I'm sorry about that.
Do you even have a car?
It doesn't matter, it's my spot!
Not a problem.
See what I mean?
Nothing like friendly neighbors.
Who was that?
Miss Elsie.
She's lived here forever.
Here, I got it.
Then we'll get the stuff, okay?
All right.
I am so excited with
what the Lord is doing
with our new outreach program.
And I pray that next
year at this time
we have many more
in our congregation.
You know, when I first
thought about this program
I knew that we would
need someone unique
and I believe that God
has sent us that person.
He's a self-taught
student of theology,
a decorated soldier,
but most importantly
he has the heart to
please and serve God.
The apartment
upstairs is all right?
You know, ever since I took
over this church six years ago
your mother has been
a tremendous help.
I think she sent Jesse's
resume to me 50 times
in the past six months.
There's a storefront downstairs
that we're using as storage.
It needs to be
cleaned up but I think
it's going to work out fine.
You know, Jesse,
I think you're going to be
the first outreach leader that
this church has had.
Let's give a warm
welcome to our new
community outreach
leader Jesse Dean.
Thanks, pastor.
Growing up a troubled kid
in the sticks of Oklahoma,
if someone would've told me
that one day I'd be
standing in a pulpit
in a church in Philadelphia,
well I would've
said they were nuts
and so would anyone
who knew me back then.
No, never question where
God is leading you,
even if sometimes it's
a bit uncomfortable.
Like Him leading me up
here to give this speech.
I thought my tour in
Afghanistan was hard.
It's a good thing public
speaking isn't part of his job.
It's ironic that my
new church is the one
my wife grew up in
because that's who He used
in my life to change me.
She got me into church,
she showed me what real love is
and kept me grounded.
What I'm trying to say is
I'm so grateful and thankful
for the opportunity to
serve God in this church
and this city.
Thank you very much.
Hey, thanks buddy.
All right.
Jesse, I want you
to meet Will Taylor.
Nice speech.
Oh thank you, sir.
Will is very active
in the community.
You ever hear Wet
Willy's Car Wash?
Aaaa, Wet Willy's?
No, I don't believe so.
He must be from the other
side of the country for sure.
We own six of them
here in the city.
Check this out.
I do a little outreach myself.
Every car that comes
through gets one of these.
Your car is clean,
but how about your soul?
You got to take every
opportunity, right?
And he will, believe me.
It'll open up an hour.
What's that?
Why are you beating up my door?
I'm Jesse Dean from
New Life Fellowship Church.
You must be Mr. Adorable.
Oh we got us a joker here.
We got some kind
of funny boy here.
Do I look Adorable to you?
Yeah, well I didn't say that.
Oh there's something
wrong with my hearing now?
I'm a liar, is that
what you're saying?
See, you said that...
I don't think that you're...
Oh now you think I'm ugly?
See, my wife, she said...
I'm goofing with you.
I didn't mean nothing by that.
Had you all nervous.
But on the for real side,
don't call me Adorable.
It's Ador-ah-bl.
Go ahead, say it.
No, say it again, Ador-ah-bl.
Eh, close enough.
Everybody here
knows me as guapo.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yeah, rolls up your tongue, eh?
You know what that
means in Spanish?
It means adorable.
One helping per
person, no seconds
until everybody has eaten.
Now put this hairnet
and these gloves on
and keep them on so you
can look adorable like me.
Mila, say hello to Popeye.
He's our new helper.
Follow me.
I serve 300 people
two meals a day.
You want to see
somebody go crazy nuts?
You just run out of bread.
And then what?
And then what?
Then you hide or
you get more bread.
What do you mean then what?
Oh look!
Actually, it's not that bad.
Put it in the oven
for about two minutes
they become fresh again.
But if you leave
'em there too long
they'll become hard as rocks.
You don't believe me?
Try some.
- No, I'm good.
- Okay.
One more thing.
Welcome to the show.
So you jumped out of a
plane without a chute or something?
Yeah, something like that.
Are you from
Philadelphia originally?
Oh no.
I'm New Yorkian, baby.
And you?
I'm from the south,
mostly Oklahoma originally.
Oklahoma, really?
I've never heard of it.
Hey, so let me guess.
Your dream was to
come to Philadelphia
to work at a big
time soup kitchen
and now your dreams
have come true.
No, I'd like to
think the Lord led me.
Ain't that why you're here?
No, my parole officer led me.
And she's going to get
a big kick thinking
you think she's the Lord.
I thought you're a volunteer.
You are funny.
Me a volunteer?
No, no-no-no.
You're a church going
man, you should know this.
It's all penance.
It's all penance, my friend.
It's what you make of it, right?
Hey, keep an eye on
the soup over there.
Come on, Popeye,
let's get going.
There you go, all right.
There you go, buddy.
There you go, little man.
He don't like soup.
You don't like soup?
Well I tell you what.
Hold on.
You like peanut
butter and jelly?
Here, take this.
But you got to keep
it a secret, okay?
You don't have to do that.
No, I insist.
What do you say, Charles?
Charles: Thank you.
Well you're very
welcome, Charles.
The bread.
What's that?
The bread.
Hey, let's go.
Hey, thanks for your help.
You're the new outreach guy
from church, right?
Yes, ma'am.
And I was going to say, Camille,
if you're looking for
more volunteer work...
That is perfect!
All right, well, maybe
I'll see you Friday?
All right.
Well it's nice meeting you.
Nice to meet you.
So, how often do
I have to come here?
This is your first
post psych eval, right?
That's correct.
Then just until I
sign off on your file.
I was discharged
three months ago.
It says here that you
work at a church now.
That's right.
So an army ranger who's
now running an outreach
at a church in the city.
How's that going?
It's fine.
And for your wife,
a film make-up artist?
She's a hairstylist.
On the scale of
1 to 10, how would you say
your time away has
affected your marriage?
10 being bad and one
being not at all.
We picked up right
where we left off.
It's like I never left.
So would you say
a three or a four?
A one.
You ever open up
to her or anyone else
about the incident
that took place?
No, not really.
Why don't you tell me about it?
Tell me what happened
in your own words.
Isn't it all right
there in my file?
It is, but I would like
to hear your take on it.
Well my take is that it's over.
I'm home now and I'm moving on.
Are you angry
about what happened?
Or do you feel
personally responsible?
I don't know.
But I do know not
to dwell on things.
God forgives and He forgets.
So it does me no good
to hash up something
that God's already wiped away,
regardless of who's responsible.
Well there, I talked about it.
Can I go now?
He that
Believeth in me is not condemned
but he that does not believe in
me is already condemned
And the question that I ask,
is He the Lord of your life?
Is He the Lord of your life?
What don't you get?
Nobody wants you here.
Beat it!
Turn away from your sins.
Come to Jesus Christ.
You go to hell!
Now he's baptisming him.
Not the priest, punk!
Come on, sweet heart.
That's enough, man, back off!
He's got a knife.
He's got a knife.
Get in the car.
Sir, please back up!
- He was helping me.
- Back up!
Those hoodlums were
harassing that preacher.
Okay, ma'am, please calm down.
Don't tell me to calm down.
You want truth?
I tell you, I saw it.
And I can vouch
for this young man,
he works at New Life Church.
Hey, he attacked us.
Do you want to press
charges against these guys?
That's right.
Stick to church business, okay?
I'm sorry about
the trouble, sir.
Hey, let's go.
I hope we didn't cause
more trouble for you, man.
You okay, man?
You pray for those guys, okay?
So what do you do, man?
You work?
Yeah, I work on
bikes, all types.
You work in a garage?
I used to, they laid me off.
I'm thinking of starting
some boxing training,
Wednesdays and Fridays,
if you're interested.
So you old school, huh?
Pac's side nigger, or
something like that.
I dabble in it.
I won't call what you did
back there dabbling, man.
That was annihilation.
Look, I told you
that was a mistake.
It is what it is, though.
But for real boxing at a church?
Yeah, boxing at a church.
You ever go?
I used to go all the time
growing up with my grandma.
Let me out here.
Cool, cool.
They with you?
Oh they're just my
neighbors and my girl Gigi.
Show up Friday
about four o'clock
and I'll show you what
you're doing wrong.
With boxing.
You know anybody else
who might be interested?
Bro, if it's free I
know a lot of people
who'd be interested.
Friday four o'clock?
All right, cool.
Keep reaching that
community now, all right?
Yo, what's up?
Say I'm a rocking flow
stand up I'mma go alone
You think Gil will notice?
Tell him you were
building relationships.
Just not in the normal way.
Let's see if that kid
comes to the meeting.
And that lady who
lives next door,
the one who yelled at us
for parking at her spot?
She is no...
No joke.
She came out of nowhere,
she got all balls,
she yelled at the cops.
She stuck up for me.
Her father actually started
this church 50 years ago.
Well, if you need a
corner man let me know.
Wow, look at this place.
Hey, pastor.
It's really coming along, huh?
Yeah, we're getting there.
Hey, I wanted to ask you.
What do you think about me
spicing the place up a little?
What do you have in mind?
I was thinking more
like a real boxing gym,
maybe getting some more bags,
some more gloves,
some mats, some music,
maybe even a ring eventually.
I like it.
Why don't you come up
with a fundraising plan?
That's not really my thing.
All right, I tell you what.
Write me out a summary of
what it's going to cost
and we'll see what
we can do, all right?
All right, thanks.
You should get
that lip fixed, too.
You play any sports?
What are we looking for?
Boxing stuff?
Yeah, as many
gloves as we can find.
Hey, what's up?
Hey, thanks for coming, man.
No problem.
How you doing, man?
How you doing, man?
How you doing?
So who do we have here?
This is my brother
and my sister.
Keshaun and Daryl.
You guys want to come
back here and color with me?
Go ahead guys.
Hey, we're at an
outreach community.
Let's reach you.
Come on.
All right.
All right, we're going
to start with the basics.
All right, Danny,
come on up here, man.
What would you do if I
got in your face right now
and wanted to fight?
I'll punch you in your jaw.
All right, show me.
You all right?
You want to know
what you did wrong?
First of all, I saw it
coming since last Tuesday.
You're not throwing a baseball,
you're launching a rocket
but you got to start
with solid foundation.
If that's not right you
can't strike with any power,
so anyone or anything can
come by and knock you over.
So let's stand on these yellow
lines, one foot in front
and one foot in back,
put your hands up,
answer the phone
and protect the grill.
Jab, step forward.
Jab, step forward.
Jab, step forward.
Jab, step forward.
Jab, step forward.
One, two.
Look at my back foot.
It's called switching above.
Pivot, pivot.
One, two.
Come on, give it to
me, give it to me.
That's it.
All right.
Step aside, grab the
wrist, put your hands up
and then drop the knife.
One, two here and
three drop the knife.
Right hand pushes away, up,
and then this hand
knocks it like that.
You got the good jab, good job.
Oh hey, Danny, hold up a sec.
You ever hear David
who fought Goliath?
The slingshot guy?
You want to see how
true warriors battle?
Read that with the bookmark.
One page, okay?
I'm not much in
that religious stuff...
It's just a story, I promise.
All right, hands up.
See you next Wednesday.
All right.
Well, well, well.
Mr. Will.
I like what you're
doing here, brother.
I'm getting there.
Maybe this will help.
Take it.
It's a gift.
Thank you, but I can't
promise you anything
with this place.
It's our first night.
I understand.
I already talked to Gil.
He's just as excited.
Take it.
Get the things you need.
Thank you.
Thank the Lord.
These programs are great
for reeling them in
but getting them up there,
what really matters.
Just remember, keep those
priorities straight.
Are you okay?
You work here?
Yeah, I do.
Can I ask you a question?
Will I see my baby in heaven?
Listen, what's your name?
Tracy, you don't
have to do this.
God doesn't want you to do this.
They told me it
has no feeling yet.
I don't believe that's true.
What are you saying?
They're lying to me?
Why are you doing this, Tracy?
God will forgive me, right?
That is a complicated question.
What do you look
so thrilled about?
Your unit didn't
call you, did they?
I'm discharged, Julia.
Nothing, I just got thrown
for a loop today that's all.
What happened?
A woman came who was
headed over to that clinic.
She needed some help.
What'd you tell her?
That's it, nothing.
I didn't know what to tell her.
And I said it was wrong.
Maybe you had no business
speaking to her at all.
Is that what you really believe?
Then what am I doing in
this job in the first place?
One, one-two-three,
One-two-three, one-two.
I got to go, bro.
Hey, I've been meaning
to ask you something
but I'm just not sure
if now's the best time.
Yeah, go ahead. What's up?
Yeah, I saw you guys
come out of that clinic
a couple of weeks ago.
Everything okay?
Yeah, it was nothing.
We're good.
'Cause if you ever need
to talk about anything,
anything at all.
Appreciate it, but we're good.
Work those feet,
work those feet.
Hit it square.
Keep your eyes on the bag.
She's not training
to get into ring, is she?
Well, we don't even have a ring.
No, she's just having fun.
Sweet girl.
You know, Jesse, I love
what you're doing here
but I just hope that these
kids are getting the message.
I love to see them all
in church on Sunday,
their parents, too.
Well I'm trying my best.
Is someone addressing
this situation?
I'm in the process
of filing a complaint.
Why, they didn't
come up with it yet?
I just told you,
I'm working on it.
Well it definitely
needs to be addressed.
How about church?
How about the prayer
meeting on Wednesday?
Can we at least
bring it up then?
Let's talk about it later.
Hey, Pastor Gil, thanks.
I'd like to make
a few announcements.
I encourage you all to attend
the prayer meeting
this Wednesday.
Jesse Dean will be
lifting up some issues
regarding community outreach.
What was that all about?
What do you think? Pastor
Gil: I like you all to please
stand and receive
our Lord's blessing.
If it isn't the
fighting minister.
Hey, thanks for sticking
up for me that day.
Let me walk you up.
I've been walking these stairs
for almost 50 years, okay?
And I appreciate you
not saying anything
about the fight and all.
"A righteous man falling
down before the wicked"
"is as a troubled fountain,
and a corrupt spring."
Don't you know Proverbs?
It means you got
to take a stand,
otherwise it stinks
worse than crap.
You know crap?
Yes, ma'am.
So my wife tells
me that you're one
of the original
members of the church,
but I haven't seen
you there yet.
I haven't been
interested in going.
Well, ma'am, if you
ever need anything
or if there's anything
I can do for you...
Actually, we're having a
prayer meeting tomorrow
about the clinic
across the street.
And we're going to be praying
about what to do about that.
So maybe...
Maybe not.
Thank you, ma'am.
Excuse me, can I
ask you a question?
I work at the church here.
There was this woman Tracy,
she came into your clinic and...
I can't discuss
patient information.
You don't have to
tell me anything,
but I'm sure you know
who I'm referring to.
She was crying, she seemed
unsure about what to do.
Listen, sir, I can't discuss...
She didn't seem in
the right frame of mind
to make that sort of a decision.
I got to go.
Thank you all for coming.
I have never held a
prayer meeting before,
so I'm not sure of
the proper format.
So I would like to start by
prayer for a situation that
I'm sure most of
you are aware of.
And I'm referring to the clinic
that's across the street.
I thought we could
pray specifically
for what to do about that.
It's a family
planning clinic, right?
They do offer some
good services.
And they also have about
five to 20 abortions a day.
What are you suggesting, Jesse?
Well, didn't we file
a grievance or something like that
about one of their
advertisements that time, right?
I was going to
but there really was
no legal grounds for it.
The best then we
can do for those women
is pray for their salvation.
For their soul.
Did you see that documentary
on abortion protest?
You're not implying a
protest campaign with signs,
are you?
You're not going to
change anyone's mind.
Not in that state anyway.
I'm not sure what
to do about it.
But a lot of women
are going there
for more than just
a regular check-up.
We should be reaching
out to the youth
and feeding the poor.
We need to be very careful
not to pull the church
into the political arena.
I mean that could cause
big problems here.
I think what Jesse's trying
to say is that we need to pray
for the situation
across the street.
Can I help you?
Hey, I need to speak to
someone about a business,
a conflict of interest?
I'm not really sure
how to explain...
What kind of business?
- It's an abortion clinic.
- An abortion clinic?
You need to see
a zoning officer.
That clinic is perfectly legal.
Unless they're doing
something to break the law
there's nothing you
can do about it.
You say they're doing
something illegal?
Not to my knowledge.
Well it's free
country, my friend.
There's nothing you can do.
Hey, man.
How you doing?
I heard you outside
of the court room.
About the clinic?
I thought maybe
you could use this.
There in Fishtown.
Fishtown, great.
What are you doing down here?
They got me on
a noise ordinance.
Judge threw it out.
Cop didn't measure the
noise decibels, but I did.
Well you can't argue
with that, right?
How do you stand
out there like that?
Preach, all that opposition?
Very carefully.
Once you speak the first
word, the rest is easy.
Gap will you take me back
will you show me
What's up fellas?
What's up, sis?
Wow, looking good y'all.
Hey, where's Camille?
She dropped out.
She dropped out?
Keep up the good work.
Hey, man, what's up?
Can we talk for a minute?
Danny said you saw us
coming out of the clinic.
I'm scheduled this Friday.
I'm at 23 weeks, so
I have to decide now.
My mom's telling me
to get rid of it.
It's not an it, Gigi.
Your baby is a real life.
Whatever you do, don't
go through with this.
Let's go.
Babe, chill out.
Look, wait, wait, wait.
What I mean is there are
other choices you can make.
Listen, man, her mom's
going to kick her out
if she has the baby.
So you want to keep the baby?
I don't know how I can do it.
Are you sure you're giving
your mom enough credit here?
Have you really
explained how you feel?
You don't know my mom.
She doesn't understand.
She doesn't think I
can handle anything.
Well have you tried
talking to her, Danny?
We ain't on good terms, man.
We were supposed to
get married last summer
but then Danny lost his job
and now she thinks
he's toying with me.
She just don't
like me in general.
Or anybody else.
Not true.
Not true.
I think maybe you
can talk to her.
I don't think I'm the
best person to do that.
I made you more harm than good.
In the meantime,
why don't you try
and have one more
talk with your mom?
She ain't going
to change her mind.
I'd love to help
out in any way I can
but we just don't
have the manpower.
Actually there's this young girl
and her mother's kicking her out
and she wants to keep the baby.
What about your church?
Anyone there willing to help?
I hadn't really asked.
Well, you can always
send her over here
but whatever your church can do
I suggest you follow
those steps first.
We're overbooked, understaffed
and barely funded.
I understand.
Wait a minute.
Take these in whatever
else you need.
Thank you.
Don't get discouraged.
It's a good thing you're doing.
Yeah, we'll see.
I guess you didn't care
too much for the prayer meeting.
Should I have
expected anything more?
No, really I shouldn't.
Take it!
Now that is a great picture.
My father's.
He loved the Black Douglas.
The Black Douglas.
Are you related to this guy?
According to my father,
a direct descendant.
Is this your father here?
That's my husband.
He died 15 years ago.
I'm sorry, I'm getting too nosy.
That's fine.
That's my father.
Is this his congregation?
What was left of it.
My father was very
vocal for civil rights
long before people
ever started marching.
He lost half his congregation.
Sorry, but is the Black Douglas,
was he a pastor or something?
Oh no, no-no, he was a soldier.
Sir James Douglas.
Or to his enemies
"The Black Douglas".
He lived in the early 1300s.
Douglas promised the king of
Scotland that after he died
he would take his
heart, preserve it
and carry it with
him into battle.
His actual heart.
As the legend goes, he
put it in an encasement
on a chain round his neck.
Then on the last day of his
life he fulfilled his promise.
As he was grossly outnumbered,
he rushed on to the frontline,
ripped the chain
from round his neck,
threw it forward into
battle and then rushed
to the enemy to his death.
This is the Scottish
Douglas Clan battle flag,
a symbol of courage and honor.
It was a gift from
his congregation.
He always told them,
"If the Black Douglas"
"charge into battle for
the king of Scotland,"
"shouldn't we have the courage
to do it for our king?"
You ever talk to Gil
about this stuff?
Are you kidding?
The church has changed, Jesse.
We've become more like a
lamp tucked under a basket
rather than a light
on top of a hill.
Yes, ma'am.
But that should never keep you
from going to church, right?
I've been to enough
potluck dinners.
Now we have murder mill
across the street
and what are we doing?
I'll tell you what
we're doing, nothing.
Miss Elsie...
Keep doing your
boxing, Mr. Dean.
At least you're
swinging at something.
You can let yourself out.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm so sorry.
Ma'am, I'm terribly
sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Sir, I'm so sorry.
I'm terribly sorry
all this happened.
Thank you.
Who are you again?
I'm sorry, I'm Jesse
Dean from New Life Church.
You messed with her head, man.
I was just trying to help her.
She came to the church.
What did you say to her?
Nothing, I was just
trying to help her.
All you religious nuts
do is to stick your nose
where it doesn't belong.
Get him out of here!
I'm terribly sorry.
Get out!
Ma'am, I'm so sorry.
I want to speak to the manager.
She's not available.
I just want to speak
with the manager.
Sir, you're going
to have to leave.
Did they tell you that you
could wind up like this girl?
Did they tell you that?
Look at this picture.
Let me guess.
You're going to council
these girls, is that right?
All right, let's go, out.
Don't do this, okay?
Call the police now.
A baby is a child of God.
Trust me.
You're going to regret this.
Let go!
Sir, let's go.
All right!
All right, enough!
Are you expecting someone?
Mr. Dean, open up.
It's the police.
The pastor told
us you live here.
Open the door now.
Mr. Dean, I see you're
sticking to church business.
We have witnesses
who claim you stormed
the family planning clinic and
assaulted a security guard.
I didn't assault him.
He kicked my bad leg and
threw me on the ground.
Let me guess, you
were defending yourself.
I wanted to talk to the manager.
They got physical, not me.
Can somebody please explain
to me what's going on?
Yeah, your husband here
seems to have a little bit
of a violent streak in him.
Listen, a woman who went
in there looking for help
end up killing herself.
I got upset.
It won't happen again.
They're not pressing
charges at this time,
but if you enter that clinic
or walk on its property,
you're going to jail.
Evening, ma'am.
When were you going
to tell me about this?
Like you would've understood.
What's gotten into you?
If Pastor Gil knows, that
means my mother knows.
I thought you were
done with this?
Now you're turning into
some kind of a fanatic?
They knew she wasn't sure!
They made her go
through it anyway!
I only went in there
to ask a few questions.
All right, that security guard
he's the one who
stepped out of line,
he's the one who pushed
me on the ground.
I do not need the police
coming through
these church doors.
This kind of a confrontation
is only going to cause problems
and I do not want
it in my church.
But something needs
to be said and done.
We are pro-life,
not pro-activists.
This isn't about activism.
This is about being a
voice for the voiceless,
about speaking up for those
who can't speak for themselves.
There are women in this church
who have abortion in their past.
You can't expect me to go
to them and try to explain...
Is it really about that?
Or is it about the
Sunday turnout?
What are you trying to say?
I know you want to build
this church and so do I,
but at what cost?
Listen to me.
I will not compromise
this church
over a fight that we cannot win
and I will not allow
you to do it either.
Do you understand me?
Do you understand me?
Yes, sir.
We have some guests
here to see you.
We didn't know where else
to go so I brought her here.
So where you at
with all this, Danny?
For whatever she wants.
So you're fine either way?
I'm not following you.
What I mean is she
has the baby you're fine
or she has an
abortion your fine?
I don't feel right about
having this abortion.
But like I said I
want what she wants.
That doesn't cut it.
This is just as much you're
responsibility as it is hers.
She needs to know
you're fully on board.
Yes, I want us
to have this baby.
Good, because she needs
to know you're with her
because you want to be.
And she'll need your support
every step of the way.
Why don't you stay
here tonight, Gigi?
Are you sure?
You can stay on the couch.
You asked her to stay
out of spite, didn't you?
What are we going to do?
Throw her out on the street?
Lower your voice.
You're the one who thinks
he has to rescue everyone.
I'm not going to pretend
like everything's fine.
A woman has already died.
And now we have an
18-year old pregnant girl
who's got no place to stay.
And top of it all,
they're murdering babies
right under our nose.
Don't say that!
I'm sorry but it's the truth.
I didn't ask for this.
Your job is to
run church outreach,
not a pregnancy center.
You should've taken these
situations right to the church.
And do what?
Have another prayer meeting?
This is what God
would want, Julia.
Look at me.
He saved us for the
world, not from the world.
It's funny that as soon
as it's something you want
you're all of a sudden
doing God's work.
Are you sure it's God
leading you or just guilt?
What is it you always say?
Sometimes what we run from,
God puts right in
front of our face.
And the only one running
from this situation is you.
I'm not sure what's going
on between you and Gigi
and really not my business.
That's why Gigi thought
it might be a good idea
if you and I, we just talk.
I'm listening.
She wants to have the baby.
Now I know that ain't
the best situation
but that baby is a child of God.
How long have you known Gigi?
Couple of weeks, I guess.
Well I've known her a
little longer than that
and she's about as ready
to have a baby as she is.
You tell me God wants a baby
coming into this situation?
Can we get some ice cream?
Yes, hunnies.
Go on in there, now
don't make a mess.
What, your church going
to bring us a few diapers?
There's always adoption, please.
Gigi ain't giving up no baby.
She may say that she
is but in the end
I'll be taking
care of that child.
- God doesn't want...
- Don't you God me.
Tell Gigi she can send as many
church people as she wants.
As long as she's having a baby
she is not welcome in
this house anymore.
Yes, ma'am.
I haven't lived with
anyone in over 15 years.
I wouldn't make a
very good roommate.
There are many good
shelters around.
I could find one for her.
What about all that
heart of the king stuff,
Miss Black Douglas?
I mean this is what you
were talking about, right?
Take action, get involved.
Listen, I'm not crazy, okay?
I'm not harboring any anger.
I'm fine.
How many more of these
do we have to do?
Can't you just sign
off on my file?
I'd like you to give me an idea
of what happened first.
All right.
We've been up into the
mountains for days,
we could barely even
stand at this point and we
came up on this village.
There was this old man and
he was shouting and pointing,
and by the time I looked
there was these men
up on the ridge and
they just unloaded.
I mean there's
gunfire everywhere, I
and there was this huge blast.
And even though I
was a few feet away
I still got blown
back in my leg.
My leg was hit.
And then this young woman,
she came out of a hut
and she'd been hit in the thigh.
And she crawled over to me
and her leg was barely there.
I tried to save her
but she bled out.
You did everything you
could, but could it be
you still feel some
When you have a chance
to save someone's life
and they die, don't
you always feel
like you could've
done more to help?
Are you sure that's
all that's bothering you?
I guess I just
wasn't there for her.
Okay, hun, I got to
go, I think I'm here.
All right, bye.
- Ma'am?
- Yeah?
You don't have to do this.
Aren't you going to, you know.
I'm not pregnant.
I'm going in for a check-up.
Not everybody is having an
abortion here, all right?
Get a life!
Yeah, whatever.
Ma'am, I'd love for you
to take a look at this
before you go in there.
Hey, ma'am, would you like
to take a look at this
before you walk inside there?
It's your buddy again.
Nut job.
- God bless you, dear.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Hey, hey you.
Take one of these.
Change your life.
Oh thank you.
You're quite welcome.
Jesus loves you.
If your baby is 10
weeks, he has a heartbeat.
10 fingers, 10 toes,
measureable brain waves.
- Alexis, let's go.
- Your baby is a person.
Don't take his life.
Sir, please.
Tell it to someone who cares.
Don't do this!
Don't take that baby's life.
Don't speak to
us, do you hear me?
You got it?
Get off of me!
Let's go inside now.
We are right across the street.
Let's go.
In the old days,
it was never about money.
What's wrong?
You've never had Scottish
meat pies before?
Back then you just get
married and worked it out.
It always works out.
What are you doing?
We pray first.
Well what are you waiting for?
I'm getting hungry.
You're the man at
the table, aren't you?
God, thank you for this food
and thank you for this child
and for bringing Miss
Elsie in our lives.
And just please let her
know how thankful we are
even though we don't
always show it sometimes.
Show me how thankful
you are by getting a job
and taking care of
this young lady here.
Mrs. Dean, can we
have a quick chitchat?
It's about your husband.
Look, my job is right here.
Can we do this some other time?
It'll only be a
minute, I promise.
Hurry up.
Come on!
Has he always been
the activist type?
He's not an activist.
He does community outreach.
Okay, and since he
got home from the army,
has he done anything
else out of character?
Other than building those
explosive devices at our house
there's really been nothing.
This is not funny, Mrs. Dean.
Has he done anything
weird, said anything weird,
started any violence?
Are we done?
You know, it just
doesn't seem like he's got
his priorities straight.
You know, for someone
to starting a new job.
Are you sure your
priorities are straight?
Hey, what's going on here?
It's nothing.
Let's just go.
What do you want with my wife?
Hey, calm down, man.
We're just talking here.
You mean harassing her.
Hey, watch your tone, pal!
We're just trying to make
sure everything's okay.
That's all.
What are you doing here?
Well I wanted to
surprise you for lunch.
What'd they say?
What do you think?
Just tell me what they said.
They wanted to know
if you were showing
any signs of violence, if
I felt I was in danger.
All normal questions
for a minister's wife.
And what did you say?
Well, other than
you trying to start
your own personal civil
rights movement, all is fine.
What is with you?
Why are you so against me
standing against this clinic?
Don't give me that!
You know I hate seeing
women go into that clinic.
Do you even remember
when I went?
Of course, I remember.
I told you I would go with you
and you said you were fine.
How would you know?
You've never even acknowledged
that it ever took place.
In six years, do you
know how many times
you've even spoken
to me about it?
Oh come on, Julia.
You're going to put
the blame on me?
You were the church girl.
I barely even knew
who God was back then.
We barely even knew each other.
But what's your excuse now?
Since then, every time
the subject brought up
it's always a quick,
"Julia, it's behind us."
"We're forgiven."
But, yeah, let me cheer you
on as you help these women.
You think this is easy for me?
I lost a child that day, too.
Do you know how I feel every
time I see a six-year old kid?
No, I don't.
Listen, we were both
selfish and scared back then.
You were the one who
helped me see that.
Now we have to help others,
we have to move on.
Maybe I can't move on.
One, one-two,
one-two-three, duck, duck.
That's it, come on.
Eyes on me.
Duck, duck.
Come on, keep it in, keep it in.
Keep your eyes on me,
keep your eyes on me.
One, one-two hook.
Alexis: So were you serious when
you said you could help me?
I was.
Did you father do that to you?
He's my husband.
And he has no interest
in keeping the baby?
That's the problem.
It ain't his baby and
he can't handle it.
So can you help me out or no?
Yeah, we can help.
So if you'll just take
a look at that, all right?
All right, thank you.
All right.
Hey, man.
Look at you.
Yeah, man.
Come on, man.
Look at you, man,
you look great.
I'm proud, yeah.
I'm sorry, Mr. Carlson,
but she didn't come in
for her appointment.
No, you check again.
I checked.
Alexis Carlson.
I don't see her name here, sir.
Now you look again!
Sir, she didn't come in.
Travis: Where is she?
I know she came to the church.
Who is this punk?
Back off, man, all right?
Just calm down.
I told you to mind
your own business.
I told you to mind your own...
Can we just talk for a second?
I told you.
I know this situation
must seem difficult for you.
You don't know!
You stay away from her.
Alexis: Travis!
You heard me, stay away!
These people are
trying to help me.
Leave them alone!
I'm having this baby!
No, you're not.
Get your hands off me!
Let go off her!
Hey, enough of you!
Calm down, all right?
I want to help you.
Let me go.
I don't want any trouble, okay?
Relax, all right?
Let me go, let me go.
I don't want any
trouble, all right?
- Okay.
- Okay?
Now you stay away
from her, okay?
And you just take off.
- You ready?
- Yes.
I'm going to let you
up and you take off.
All right, come on,
come on, come on.
Let's go.
Let's get you up, all right.
Just take off.
Is this what you want?
Put the gun down.
What you got to say
now, preacher man?
No words of wisdom?
What happened, huh?
What happened?
Are you happy now?
Don't shoot, please.
Is this what you want?
He ain't going to shoot nobody.
- Oh yeah?
- Don't!
An armed gunman was shot
and killed today by police
outside of this
family planning clinic
in the Frankford
section of the city.
The man was allegedly
threatening a pro-life activist
who was trying to
prevent the victim's wife
from entering the clinic.
Autumn Lexer.
I got to go.
Channel Six News.
Sit tight.
We'll take your statement
in a minute, all right?
You think this is
my fault, don't you?
If anyone it was me.
I was only trying
to help that girl.
It's funny how helping can
be perceived so differently.
What makes someone
decide to be a protester
or however it is you
refer to what you do
to take it to that level?
I guess I'm compelled
or obligated.
So it's not a
certain church's rule
or something like that?
I wouldn't say that.
It's more like how
someone sees God's rule.
You shouldn't kill means you
should protect life, too.
You feel like you're
helping people?
Is that what motivates you?
Is that why you do what you do?
What I wanted was to
provide a safe place
for women to get the
care that they deserve.
To get abortions?
To end their pregnancies, yes.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
Hey, Mr. Dean, let's go.
You saw this coming, pastor.
We're supposed to be saving
souls, not pushing them away.
Judge: Taking in consideration
your very impressive
military record,
there won't be any
jail time this time.
But if there is any
further violence
associated with
you and that clinic
or you come within 30
feet of that clinic
you, sir, will most
assuredly face jail time.
Is that clear?
Yes, Your Honor.
Judge: $200 fined,
disorderly conduct.
You're free to go.
What if he promises
to not be outside
of the clinic anymore?
Just give him another chance.
You know what something like
this could do to a church?
Protesting, reporters, now
a death across the street...
There's been death
across the street
for the past six months.
What if he goes before
the congregation
and explains how he regrets
all of this and apologizes?
Hey, how you doing, Juanita?
Look at you, you're beautiful.
Hey, sorry about
what happened, man.
You need me to do
anything you let me know.
I could talk to your pastor.
I'm good with people.
Got any PB and J?
Not today, buddy, sorry.
This is for you.
I saw you on the news.
Mom said that you're
saving babies.
That's you and that's the baby.
Thank you, buddy.
I'll take some soup.
You got it.
You got Charles eating soup.
That's a big
miracle right there.
Oh hey, Dwayne, how you doing?
Before we begin, Jesse
Dean would like to say a few words.
Stay here.
Don't move.
My husband agreed to come
up here today to promise
to go back to serving
this church and community
that we both have
grown to love so much
and to agree to
stop his outreach
to the clinic across the street.
But I'm up here now to tell
you he's not going to do that.
I was like you.
I thought standing in
front of an abortion clinic
was extreme.
What good can that do?
Our job isn't to protest,
it's simply to share
the love of God.
But then I had a
change of heart.
We all talk about how
much we love children
and how we're pro-life in
everything we do and say.
We hate abortion, it's murder,
it's terrible and so on.
But if we really believe
that why do we get upset
when someone starts
treating it like murder?
And that's all my
husband has been doing.
He was doing what he
believes is right.
I'd like to say another thing.
And, mommy, I'm truly sorry.
Six years ago, we took the
life of our unborn child.
To this day, it
haunts the both of us
like you can never imagine.
But you know, with
the very few people
that I've shared that with
all I've ever been told
is how forgiven we were.
And I do believe we're forgiven.
But, isn't this about
more than that?
And if so, isn't it
our responsibility
to protect these children
regardless of the consequences?
He's got to do what's
right, even if that means
that when he steps off that
curb he'll be going to jail.
So tomorrow when
that clinic reopens
I'll be standing by my husband
and I'll be praying for
those women and their babies.
But I'll be saying
another prayer, too,
thanking God for using my
husband to open my eyes
and hoping that he
opens yours as well.
Sorry, I'm late.
Gigi, we have some
special guests.
Minister: Can we begin?
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
There's always prison ministry.
- When do we want it?
- Now!
You ready?
Let's do this.
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
I want you to have this.
- What do we want?
- Choice!
- When do we want it?
- Now!
- What do we want?
- Choice!
It's a good thing.
We got this, bro.
Aren't you going
to do something?
He's at proper distance
and they're perfectly
within their rights.