Voices of the New Gen (2022) Movie Script

What was I about to ask you?
Oh, I remember it now.
Where do you want to go
right after completing 10-week training?
Home, I guess.
Where else should I go?
Do you miss your home badly?
Yeah. You?
I guess I do.
You know what?
Lately, I've been dreaming about myself
standing in front of my house
all too often.
What about you? Where'd you go?
I have no idea.
Anywhere is fine.
A temple's fine. I don't mind.
I just don't want to go home now.
How about go get laid?
What do you miss about your home?
-Look at that
-they're bully-drilled again.
I just don't get it.
Why would they want us
to clean up the building
when they never fucking use it anyway?
Stop being so curious.
Just do what we're told.
I don't want to get into trouble.
I think
the money they cut out from our wages
is spent here building this building.
The point is you and I,
we don't even get to use it.
Which way did Drill Sarge go?
I'll be right back.
I have something to talk to him.
About what?
Wait for me, I'll come with you.
It's fine.
You stay here serving the nation.
Mind your damn business.
Ready front!
Head count! Go!
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine,
ten, eleven, twelve,
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
-seventeen, eighteen, nineteen
-One person is absent!
Half-left face!
Ready for push-ups!
-Don't stop till die.
-Won't stop till I die.
If none of you brats don't know
where he's gone,
forget about the damn family visit.
You don't get to see anyone.
Move! Jump!
Don't breathe! Until you figure it out!
Get up.
Come on.
-Do it.
-Go for it.
Come on.
What are you waiting for? Do it.
Damn, you're such a wimp.
The objective of this training
is for the new conscripts
to get used to the primary weapons
as if they're a part of your body.
Therefore, in case of insurgence,
soldiers can protect the nation
and its people.
the Gun Disassembly Test
and the Gun Safety Rules Recite Test
will be held.
You'll do it in pairs.
Now go pair up! Now!
Are you available?
Did you pair with someone yet?
Do you want to pair up with me?
"Rule number two:
point a weapon at anything
you intend to shoot."
It's actually,
"Never point a weapon at anything
you do not intend to shoot."
"Rule number two:
point a weapon at anything
you intend to shoot."
"Rule number one:
treat every weapon as if it were loaded,
so always check if it's loaded or not
every time you pick it up."
"Rule number two:
never point a weapon at anything
you intend to shoot."
-Rule number three
-"Rule number two:
never point a weapon at anything
you do not intend to shoot."
Rule number two
"Be sure of your target
and what's beyond it."
Excellent and precise.
All right, next.
What the hell is that song you're playing?
It's so corny.
I once thought it was corny.
But my dad played it too many times
-and now I can sing it.
Hey, Thong!
Can you sing?
No, I can't sing at all.
What a bummer!
Come sit with us, come on.
-Come over here.
-Come here.
you should apply for the next draft shift.
It's pretty laid-back.
What do you mean by laid-back?
Well. Can you tell him?
You don't have to do anything.
It's free and easy.
Just like we are now.
I'll think about it.
So many mosquitoes.
Hey, let's get inside.
-Come on.
-Let's go.
-All right.
I'm more scared of COVID-19
than mosquitoes.
-Later, Thong.
-See you, bro.
Where should we go tomorrow?
Where should I put this down?
Don't put it down.
We'll hang it up now.
Why do we have to hang this picture?
It's for the barrack's annual check.
This picture you're holding is important.
It's changed every damn year.
Can you hold it in place
for me to see first?
A little to the right.
There, there, hold it there.
Let me get the nails real quick.
Dang, it!
We're out of nails.
You keep holding it like that.
I'll be back.
All right.
Hey! Who's upstairs? Bring me the toolbox!
Fuck me!
We're screwed.
Shit. What do we do now?
The picture framing shop
has already closed.
What should we do now?
If Drill Sarge knows,
we're all doomed for sure.
I'll tell him I broke it.
Don't do that.
Just remember you didn't break it.
Don't tell anyone you broke it.
If you don't want to get into trouble,
find yourself a scapegoat.
You guys are still newbies,
you'll only get a light punishment.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Yes, sir.
If you can't find a scapegoat,
we're all going to be screwed for real.
I don't know who to pick.
I am the one who did it.
Isn't it too crappy to blame someone else?
Are you a dimwit?
There you go.
Find a scapegoat
if you don't want to get roasted.
Anyone is fine
or else I'll pick Tom.
What if he won't admit it?
No one would believe him.
Nobody would listen to him.
I'll testify you were there
and witnessed he did it.
I'll punish those who don't believe us.
Punish them for not helping out
with the chores too.
All you have to do is play along with it.
Then you'll be saved.
an eyewitness reported that
one of you new conscripts
broke the picture frame,
but did not admit it.
The punishment for he
who does not admit to his wrong,
is to crawl like a dog all day long!
Which breed should it be?
What about the breed with leprosy?
I prefer the Thai Bangkaew breed.
Because they are domesticated.
You, crawl around the troop in a circle.
Crawl around the troop in a circle! Now!
I want to make him act like a dog more.
Hey doggo,
come here and take this. Come on!
Between this doggo and Thong,
who gets to the whistle the last
will not get to eat your dinner!
I'm sorry.
I had to do it.
Fuck you.
Doing it to this great extent
and saying sorry?
I didn't have a choice.
No choice, my ass.
You made all your fucking choices, fucker!
Jerk, I just don't want to be fucking
bullied like you were.
Then fuck you!
Hello, welcome families and friends
of new conscripts.
Today's the first day for a family visit.
I hope you and your family
have quality time together
after basic training.
You all don't have to worry.
We've been taking care of them
like they're our family.
For those who just got here,
this way, please.
Families and Friends who just got here,
right this way, please.
How is the food?
Does it taste good as before?
Too bad it got a little cold.
It's a long way until I get here.
You're lucky I finally made it here.
If the food is delicious, eat it all up.
Even when it got cold.
I know.
I can atone for not finishing your food
by doing 100 push-ups.
Just eat.
Here's your water.
Have you been assigned to serve
at your superiors' houses?
Not to that extent yet.
But I think it's probably soon.
Do you have any friends here?
Definitely, Mom.
We're all friends here.
All get along well with each other.
Have some oranges.
Hmm? Why did you bring it here?
Look. Do you remember? On Bang Saen Beach,
you got lost.
Your dad was so scared he almost cried.
He thought the child kidnapping gang
already got you.
This one.
Do you still want to be in the army?
I have an assignment for you tomorrow.
The film crew will be coming in
for an interview
about life in a military barrack.
You are chosen as a representative.
Tomorrow morning
you don't have to go for roll call.
You go for an internal interview rehearsal
at 8:00 a.m. in my office.
Yes, sir.
The perks of being a soldier?
Well We get to practice patience.
To test how well
we can adjust to this place.
I also made a lot of new friends here.
I mean, we only get to stay here.
We don't go out at all.
We've got food. We've got friends.
And we each get paid
around 9,000 baht a month.
After adjusting to military life,
it's not bad after all--
Ten thousand baht a month.
Tell them you get 10,000 baht a month.
Let's talk about penalty.
How much can I say?
help me with these over here, will you?
This is a live report from Wanich Road.
Ms. Duangduean, Mr. Thammarong,
and Mr. Banyong,
and group leaders of
the "This Is Our Stand" group
were summoned and detained
at Pathumwan police station.
As a result, today,
there are many protesters gathered
all over Bangkok.
The gathering place near me
is Yaowarat Road.
According to the report,
today's key speakers will be
-Non, open the door!
-Mr. Mhee, Mr. Phum,
-Non, open right now!
-and Ms. May.
Officials began firing tear gas
to disperse protesters
in several gathering areas.
While in other intersection areas
such as Phaya Thai,
Mo Chit, Ratchaprasong,
Srinakarin, and Bangna intersections.
-People have begun to gather.
-Non, open now!
But it is expected that major mass groups
will gather on Yaowarat Road.
Non, open right now! Non!
Non, open right now!
-What took you so long?
-What are you doing here?
Help me first, let me go in.
Mhee, what's your problem?
I haven't seen you for a year,
and now you just barged into my house
saying nothing?
Remember the day that we went with Ake?
-What did he tell you then?
-I see.
Is that why you came here?
Can you tell me about that first?
About our conflict,
we can kiss and make up later.
I forgot what he told me.
Don't lie to me, you jerk.
I didn't.
Don't waste any more time!
Since Ake disappeared,
you're the only secret keeper.
Stop putting on airs
and look at the current situation.
Yeah, I know that!
I know what's happening right now.
How could you assume I don't?
But Ake just doesn't trust you.
He made me promise him
to keep it from you.
This is not a matter of trust now.
If only you realized what's happening!
It's time for us to retaliate
with what we have.
And this is what Ake is afraid of.
He doesn't believe that
your anger can change anything.
Especially the information I have,
I won't tell you.
Could you stop being an
image-conscious person like this?
Did you realize it at all?
Right now, Fang, Boss,
and Ming are in prison.
Praew just got an arrest warrant
this very morning.
If you think that this isn't critical,
I don't know what to say!
You think I don't care about my friends?
They're my friends too.
Do you think I'm not worried at all?
But look, Mhee.
You're falling for the government.
This is what they want.
This information
is our trump card, you know?
If I tell you, everyone will lose!
Can you understand now?
Because you keep being patient like this,
we kept on being hurt and never won.
Can you hear the noise outside?
Every minute
that you waste on holding me back,
your friends are risking their lives!
They sacrifice their safety
to fight against this vile system!
Do you understand?
Who? Then who?
Who escalated this matter
up to this point?
Weren't that you guys?
How could you say this, fucker?
In the past, I really admired you.
As not many students
dare to claim their collective rights,
and you're one of them.
But what have you become right now?
You push people out of the coalition.
No one wants to join you now!
And you dragged our movement down
to even lower,
as low as where our rivals are.
I've told you many times
that your approach and action were futile.
You only stirred up trouble.
I don't want to hear this shitty excuse.
Those who think
they have higher education than others
will never listen to us!
Offering roses before their guns
won't stop them from shooting!
You'll shoot them back or what?
I already left the group.
But I know that by doing this
will only hurt more people
and create more enemies.
And you should realize that
what you do is granting them
the righteousness of killing.
And others aren't stupid enough
to sacrifice their lives like you.
You think it's right
to just sit around and criticize?
I do what I can!
Hear me out.
I didn't always act up like you.
I have other things to think about
and take care of.
My father, my mother, my family.
Unlike you, I wouldn't risk my whole life
to fight an unbeatable enemy!
Can you understand now?
Let me ask you.
How are your parents doing?
Who do you live with?
How many places have you moved to?
I really wonder
whether you're doing it
because you really love your country
or you just have nothing else to do!
Damn right!
My whole damn life
doesn't have everything ready like yours.
I've been struggling, working my ass off
to support myself.
My parents have been putting in
blood, sweat, and tears
for every penny.
Just because I demand something
that should be mine,
I lost all of my friends.
And you, who have everything in life,
still dare to criticize me
who are losing everything!
What a dunderheaded you are!
if you'd sympathize with me for once,
tell me the secret.
Tell me, we can't wait any longer!
Non! We're running out of time! Tell me!
I don't trust you! I have no choice.
I told you I can't tell you!
Tell me.
We could use it to negotiate
for them to stop shooting.
Enough, I don't want this anymore.
Non, we could use it to negotiate
for them to stop shooting.
No, I couldn't take it anymore!
Please tell me.
-I can't!
-Tell me.
-No, I can't tell you.
You're not
Mister, calm down.
Please, I would do anything.
Please, please calm down. Please.
I-- I'm not with him.
I have my family to take care of.
Report to the station.
A scene of shooting and death.
There are two dead bodies.
Call for a forensic team.
You walk in right on my
On my own, on my own.
Did I sing it right?
Keep going. No one knows what it means.
Let me turn up the volume.
-Oh! Hi, boss.
The same room for today.
Sure. I'll be there shortly.
Whoa! Hey?
Leave her there.
Let her take a rest.
It's kind of weird.
He rarely visits this room.
And when you're alone with him,
does he try to touch you or something?
No, he doesn't.
Do you think he hates us?
I have no idea.
I've got to go.
-Keep this for me.
All right.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please enjoy the giggling gag.
I'm Kasemsian--
I'm here with Miss Malee Phakaphan.
We're going to share a story.
Let's hear it.
Today the first story is
It's for you.
Gosh, Silai.
Why don't you go see a doctor already?
It's freaking annoying
how you cough and type at the same time.
Rat, did you know about Miss Pear
from the Proofreading Dept?
She's now a journalist intern.
Are you serious?
Is it just because she presented them
some news updates?
I think it was more than that.
She's very close to the journalists.
Well, it doesn't concern us.
It's none of our business.
I never want to be a journalist.
It's so troublesome.
I want a fancy car like Miss Merawn's.
Don't you want it too?
Being just a political journalist,
but you can afford a Mercedes.
You don't want it, but I want one.
Mercedes isn't trendy anymore, Silai.
Gen. Prem wouldn't give you one.
But for a battle tank,
you might have a shot.
What the hell should I do
with the battle tank?
Drive it to the hospital?
So that you'd stop coughing.
What is it with me coughing, Yu?
Why do you give a fuck so much?
By the way,
did you guys know
what happened this morning?
Mr. Pong was shot dead.
Will our agency
publish this case tomorrow?
Absolutely, it is such a huge topic.
But Mr. Chai has been missing, hasn't he?
A week's absence.
The criminal news is his responsibility.
Who will take on his task then?
His team members, I guess.
Wouldn't he get fired
for missing this long?
Jeez, you're the one
who should get fired, not him.
Recently, he worked on
well-known hard news.
It's about a cafe, something like that.
He'd talked about this for a month.
What cafe? I've never heard about it.
I have no idea.
He told me only it's a cafe.
He didn't tell anyone
about what he was up to.
Why are you so curious about him?
You're just a document clerk.
Just do your own job.
It seems like you're the only one
who's so fond of
being a stupid document clerk.
What should we do this time?
Muff called us again.
Who will go?
Why don't you go, Yu?
Doing someone's menial suits you, Yu.
Let Rat go instead.
It's her turn, isn't it?
I'll go.
I have to bring her letters anyway.
What on earth does she want this time?
Her typewriter is not working.
Not working?
How come that bitch
didn't call the technician?
Does she think I can fix it?
Just suck it up and follow along.
It might help you become a journalist.
-You wanted to be one so bad, didn't you?
-What an absurd thing you babble!
That bitch can help us?
She's just a chief of the DCC.
Working here for a decade
and still can't help herself.
you're well aware of it.
Will we speak up more?
Mr. Charlie contacted the news agencies
to have them proclaim this story.
Should we add something more?
Any ideas?
Other agencies have the same opinion.
No agency is reckless enough
to do it for sure.
At most, the story would be
that the film crew
asking for her in the morning.
If she doesn't come,
there's no shooting.
Trust me, Chief.
No matter how long we keep discussing it,
the result will end up the same.
What about we publish
an interview with his sister?
During that time she met someone
at Ramkhamhaeng.
Though it is well-known,
we can still write about it again.
If it's only work-related,
Chamnong should say yes.
I believe we can publish it
if that's the case.
What do you think, Chief?
I wonder if the audience will catch it.
On second thought,
isn't it too doubtful
when we publish the same story repeatedly?
The audience should already know about it.
When it comes to Miss Sirintip's affair,
isn't it undoubtedly us
who can tell her story best?
What do you think we should do then?
Chai is our source.
The details are on his news desk
How about this?
Jom, bring me Chai's news file
that he hasn't finished yet.
I'll hand it over to others.
I have no clue
where Chai keeps that news file.
Rat, come here.
Is something wrong, Ms. Meaw?
Could you check this typewriter?
I don't know what went wrong.
Can you fix it?
I don't know how, ma'am.
Can you take a look at it first?
Is it this button?
I can't fix it, really.
I've never done it before.
I think there's nothing wrong with it.
I think it functioned well.
Would you take a look at it?
Check it out.
What's wrong with it?
Ms. Meaw, the typewriter has been fixed.
do you know
how to use this shoeshine brush?
How do I use it to shine my shoes?
I don't know, ma'am.
Polish it like this?
I literally don't know, ma'am.
I've never done it before.
Do I have to use this?
I have no clues.
You go for it. Have a try.
Yes, sir?
Miss Meaw,
why are the journalists' documents here?
Mustn't it be kept only on the news desk?
I don't know. Just ignore it.
What did she want?
She asked me to brush her shoes.
Such an evil woman.
Hang in there.
If we quit our jobs,
we can't feed ourselves.
Won't you oppress your underlings
if you have one?
If I had an underling like you,
I would oppress you, Yu.
There'll be a human resource restructuring
going on next week.
You guys should prepare for it.
What do you mean, ma'am?
Someone will be fired.
Why is that?
I don't know. That's all I was told.
Miss Meaw.
Thank you so much.
Wait, Ms. Meaw.
Why the hell did you thank her for?
Because she kindly came to tell us.
Are you really okay with it, Yu?
You're getting fired.
What can you do?
Do you own this company or what?
Let's just find a new job.
Which job?
Which job can we do?
How can they just fire us?
What mistake did we make?
I have no idea.
Is the company overstaffed?
Or some influential figures' kids
will work here.
And we'll just get kicked out
without knowing why?
Please stop finding the reason.
You'll never know why.
Just do our work for now.
We still have time to find the solution
and think about what to do next.
There's nothing we can do now.
Stop saying that we can't do anything.
What else should I say?
Please calm down.
You may find the news updates,
then make your way
to a journalist like Ms. Pear.
Who knows?
It's easy to say, Yu.
It's always easy for you
to say something like this.
Being you is not complicated.
So, tell me what I suppose to do next.
What else can you do?
I found a news file.
Risa, an 18-year-old, a night club singer
was raped and killed.
The murderer is at large.
Is this what Mr. Chai was working on?
I think it is.
Let me have a look.
It seems like some parts
of the document are missing.
Don't you come to take a look, Yu?
What benefit would we get out of it?
Received from Buagade Penluck
at Boonyong apartment.
We should start from there.
-Let's go there.
I'll go.
I'll stay here and find some connections.
Would you like to go, Yu?
Sorry, the door was broken.
So, what brings you here?
Do you mind if I jot down what you say?
Do you have that thingy?
Well, Mr. Chai wants more information.
So, I have to bother your time again.
That Mr. Chai,
I don't see him publish my story yet.
Are you guys a fraud?
I mean those
who cover themselves as journalists,
asking people to get their secrets.
The information from
the last time was not enough to publish.
What do you want more?
Is deceiving teenagers
to be hookers not enough?
Whom do you refer to?
Those singers.
How did you know?
How did you not know?
Everybody knows that
this cafe is a whorehouse.
Those who denies
are bullshiting
And for those who visit the cafe
to listen to music,
music isn't their interest,
the sex is.
What kind of cafe
would have rooms and beds
behind the store?
Customers just point at the girls
they prefer,
tell the boss who they choose.
I've got to hand it to Mr. Mangkorn.
He is good at procuring girls
to be singers.
The young girls, 17-18 max.
How come girls at that very young age
are willing to do some sort of this work?
Willing to? Come on.
Are you crazy?
Think carefully.
If you were them,
what would you do
when people around you
are doing such things as if it's nothing.
It is a normal thing for them.
The older generations
had instilled this idea in our heads.
The same goes for me.
At first, I wanted to become a singer.
The next thing I knew
you can see how I look as the proof.
So could you please
tell me more about Risa, Ms. Bua?
I think I never tell this story
to any journalist.
Mr. Chai went missing.
He didn't come to work.
We didn't know if he already quit or not.
We want to continue working on this story.
If I tell that story,
are you going to publish it?
So, Risa
must be a new cafe singer.
But regarding
whether she was killed or not,
I don't think she was.
Mr. Mangkorn certainly managed
to force her into prostitution.
Well, was there anything
weird before you left?
What caused
those singers to be killed?
Anything weird?
I don't think so.
Basically, those girls
fight among themselves
Oh, I remember one thing.
Before I left,
I noticed that
Mr. Mangkorn didn't let the singers
sell their bodies for sex.
Later he allowed it again.
He went back and forth like this.
It's as if he wanted nobody to know.
Well, in fact,
prostitution is banned, isn't it?
It's illegal.
What I meant by normal there is that
sexual service is run openly.
Let me explain
what is unusual there.
It's secretly running prostitution
and accepting only some customers,
Selling to certain customers only.
This is what's called unusual.
What's wrong, Risa?
Has there been any customers
who secretly told you
about weird things here?
Do you think boss knows about this?
What did you get?
I found this.
It says that
there are many cafes in Bangkok.
There are possibly
more than 20 cafes in total.
Plus, those 20 cafes
belong to the same owner.
But I'm not sure which one is the cafe
where Mr. Chai reported on.
Chantra Cafe
Where is it located?
Miss Bua told me that
they tricked the girls
into prostitution there.
I think it is possible
that Risa was deceived
to become a prostitute
against her will.
Why did he have to deceive them?
He pays these girls a large sum.
Someone died and yet he's not arrested.
He must be some sort of magnate.
What a big shot.
The organizational restructuring document
was put up at the printery.
Other employees went to check it already.
Why don't you guys go take a look?
Why does it have to be her
who didn't get fired?
The one who doesn't give a shit
about anything.
Yu used to be a different person.
It was before you started working here.
There were few employees
in this department.
She wanted to be a journalist so bad.
I thought she wanted it more than I did.
How has she become like this now?
I have no idea.
I think she is tired.
She had given it a try,
had tried as hard as she could.
Even harder than you and I did.
Perhaps she acted that way
because she wanted to warn us
about something.
Warning us to stop.
It sucks, man.
What will you do next?
Actually, I'm so sad.
But I am not that tired.
I think I'm going to a cafe.
I know one cafe.
Chantra Cafe.
Bitch! Are you for real?
It's going to be my last song for tonight.
Can I hear a round of applause?
Thank you.
I feel very elated by your great support.
I think nothing is helpful here.
If nothing is helpful here,
we must go to the journalist room.
But if we get caught, we'll be fired.
We're getting fired either way.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Why are you looking so confused?
I just wonder
what are these two ladies doing here.
Do you want some?
You sing so well.
Don't just flatter me.
If I sang that nice,
you would have bought me ribbon garlands.
By the way,
are you here for a comedy show?
-Excuse me then.
-Hold on.
We'll buy you some.
We have something to ask you.
What do you want to ask me about?
It's about someone who died here.
Someone died here?
You have to identify the name.
A singer named Risa.
Was she your friend?
One more garland.
I was in the dressing room.
Suddenly, I heard a loud gunshot sound.
It's freaking loud.
It's from the back of the cafe.
The cafe singers were taking their cover.
Only Mr. Mangkorn
ran to observe the situation.
Did you know who shot the gun
and why they did that?
I guess it was a customer
but I didn't know why.
Actually, Mr. Mangkorn got shot
in the stomach.
It was so scary.
That customer though
might be assassinated.
He just disappeared.
It's not a runaway disappearance,
it's a disappearance from the world.
Mr. Mangkorn didn't tell you guys
about anything at all?
He wouldn't say anything.
He doesn't even want to get near us.
He doesn't even lay his hands on us.
He only reads newspapers.
Every news update, every single day.
I'd never seen him read it before.
What the hell? Working together
but avoiding interacting with each other.
I don't know. You should go ask him.
Good for me he keeps his distance.
I feel disgusted as well.
And what about the lady
who was shot at the back of the cafe?
What did they do there in the first place?
Beats me. It's none of my business.
How'd I know? I was in the dressing room.
Are you a prostitute?
A prostitute? No, I'm not.
Oops! One sec.
Prostitution is illegal,
everybody knows that.
Come on! I've never done that, really.
Whatever. You guys are here
to watch a comedy show, right?
I'm leaving.
Damn. Coming here is a waste.
Other girls would give us the same answer.
She told me to ask Mr. Mangkorn.
Who'd be bold enough to ask?
There's such a big notice sign up front
saying "No weapon allowed".
And someone was killed in the back.
Then we should sneak into
a journalist room tomorrow.
Is this the Journalist building?
Mr. Chai works at a crime desk.
The crime desk?
I'll check here and you check there.
Hurry up!
Jesus! How can we find it?
Rat, this is Mr. Chai's desk.
Let's find the document
that includes Risa's name.
It's not here.
What about the filing cabinet?
The document we typed
should all be in here.
There's no way
we can dig through all of this.
-Let's find the criminal file.
How was yesterday, bro?
I haven't found it yet.
No idea where it is.
Where is that file?
How has it gone?
Or it's with Chai?
I think that file is here.
You should find it again.
What Mr. Mangkorn said is about
our company's employees
visited the cafe again.
What's going on? Hmm?
Or the file is there?
Or should we go check at that building?
It might accidentally
be on the delivery car.
Just two couriers,
Mr. Mangkorn can take care of them.
Using a gun?
Possibly not using a gun,
-dumping them down to the river it is.
Do you know
that people in the cafe
become infected with HIV.
If this news leaks,
nothing but scourge will happen.
I don't really understand.
How does Mr. Mangkorn live there?
It's full of sick people.
It's freaking disgusting.
Ladies there sleep with guys every day.
They have no idea if those guys have HIV.
It's good that you realize it.
Don't end up going there for sex.
It surely is awful if you do so.
What are you looking for?
The document that I took out
from the file yesterday.
It's here. I brought it out this morning.
I was about to bring it to Mr. Mangkorn.
You should hurry back to work.
I'll also go back to my meeting.
All right, bro.
Okay, off you go.
How did you guys get in here?
Who lets you two enter this room?
Shit! It really is AIDS.
I think we must go now.
How can you be so sure about it?
If it is true,
why are you back here again?
You told me
you're infected from here, didn't you?
I came back
because I haven't had sex with you yet.
But I may not have HIV yet.
I have a story to present.
Wait. What's that?
I think you guys
may be interested in this.
Because it's about the cafe.
What is it?
Take a seat if you want to talk with us.
I'm good. I can stand.
You better calm down and have a seat.
It's all right.
I don't want to inconvenience you.
A singer was raped and killed.
Her name is Risa.
She is a singer from Chantra Cafe.
The cafe belongs to Mr. Mangkorn.
Suppose that
you're HIV-negative,
do you want to get infected?
The way the cafe has been doing is
deceiving the girls from rural area
to be a singer.
But actually,
they'll be forced to become prostitutes.
But the worst thing is that
there is an HIV infection in this cafe.
Mr. Mangkorn knows about it,
but he just let it be.
He has those girls sell their bodies
just like that every day.
How do you find out about this?
Why are you sitting here?
The room is not available.
Help me transfer to another hospital.
What a ridiculous place Yu brought me to.
I have been waiting for the whole day.
Take it easy.
The doctor said that I have Tuberculosis.
It causes by that damn disease.
That HIV disease
we went to investigate at the cafe.
I said that I don't have HIV.
How could I have HIV?
I'm not promiscuous nor a prostitute.
I have sex only with my hubby.
That jerk didn't believe me.
-He asked me to fucking wait here.
How about your news presentation?
Did they believe you?
They were all in silence.
They didn't say a single word.
Why not?
They have already known about it.
Have they known before?
-They knew people there are HIV-positive?
And still, they didn't do anything?
Shut up!
Those people are humans too.
I have an idea.
Will you come with me there?
Both of us will go revile at the cafe,
saying that everyone has HIV.
Ensure everyone knows about it,
the customers there and all that.
We're shot dead if we do that.
So what? I'm not scared.
I'm dying soon. I am not scared.
I think if everyone had known,
I wouldn't have sat here.
Please wait a moment.
I think I won't go with you.
It-- It seems unlikely.
It seems impossible.
It's crazy.
I-- I don't want to go now.
I think I'm not infected.
You can go back.
I'm good.
I think I'm not infected.
I'm not infected.
Miss Warantorn Chetechai.
The clerk said that it depends on me.
Could you please read it for me?
You should read it yourself.
Read it for me, please.
I'm scared.
I'd like you to read it by yourself.
But I'm afraid.
Please. I'm not brave enough.
I want you to read it yourself.
Please help me.
It's better be you.
No, I can't read it anyway.
Am I infected?
Am I?
Is it true?
Don't you think
there's something you should tell us?
How come you did this to us?
Why don't you say something, motherfucker?
Are you seriously leaving me to die
of this damn disease?
-Where the fuck are you going?
Oh, well.
Are you that disgusted with me?
I wish you get infected. I wish your son--
I need your help.
Miss Meaw asked me
to send letters to 100 organizations.
She wanted it done by tomorrow.
Are you out of your mind?
A hundred letters
are the scale of a printery.
It seems that the printery is unavailable,
so she required us
to type those letters for now.
This is your last day of work, right?
How about
I type 50 letters
and the rest is yours?
You don't have to do it.
I'll type all 100 letters.
Why did you do that?
Why the heck did you do that?
I'm already infected.
I don't give a shit anymore.
I'll make the most out of fucking you.
Hey, Pong.
Go tell Subdistrict Headman
that your dad died
from being hit by a car.
He didn't tarry at all.
He rushed to the Headman's house
When he arrived at his place,
he shouted at the top of his lungs,
"Mr. Headman, Mr. Headman,
your dad got hit by a car
in front of the house and died."
Here comes the next story.
The title of this story is
Hello, mister.
Of course,
how could I forget about the rent?
Can I pay you next month?
Or could you lower the rent?
Thirty years ago,
people weren't that interested
to rent this place.
Tong wanted to help you
so he rented this place.
He even discarded cheaper places
he had found earlier.
Now that he's gone
I myself barely make ends meet.
Especially when you raised
the rent fee this high.
Besides, our families have known
each other for a long time.
Please help me,
as a gesture from one friend to another.
At least for Tong's sake.
Hello? Hello?
The next on our list.
This morning in the midst of
the Qingming Festival in China.
An elderly woman accidentally
caused a fire to break out
while burning joss paper
in the forest nearby.
Luckily, firefighters managed to
control the fire's spread.
I have a question, Ms. Ari.
Why do Chinese people burn papers?
The Chinese people believe that
smoke is the medium to the dead.
I guess it's similar to the way
Thai people light the incense sticks
or make a wish or something like that.
The next on our list.
It's about the disappearance of Mr. Jay,
a human rights activist.
Until now, there're still no words
from the police or the government.
His family believes that
his forced disappearance
is caused by influential figures
who were affected by his demand.
Mr. Jay demanded justice
for the Red Shirts protesters in 2010.
During this rally, many people
were either found dead or missing.
It's hard to imagine that
even after ten years,
we still haven't found
the perpetrator of this heinous act.
Hello, Ae.
I've been doing freelance jobs lately.
I plan to save up for my studies
so I can finally get a degree.
By the way, how's the idea I gave to you?
If the clients
are still wishy-washy like this,
I'd be starved to death for sure.
No, no, I'm fine.
Please tell me if you have any updates
from the clients.
Nok, you there?
You haven't paid the rent for months.
If you still insist on not paying,
we're locking this place up.
Is she in the back?
I don't see her.
Oh! Hey, Gramps.
Is Nok here?
He didn't answer.
Guess we'll come back later.
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Please have a look.
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Here, thank you!
Good houses
Hello, Ae.
How'd it go?
But that's my idea.
That goddamn customer stole our ideas
Can't we do something about it?
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Good houses, Good life,
comes at a cheap price!
Hold him.
Go back and tell the old hag
to pay what she owes us,
and move the fuck out already.
One more thing,
stop clinging on to the damn place
like a ghost.
Chasing you out is a tedious job.
Got it?
Where were you?
Why didn't you answer the phone?
Clean yourself up
and get ready for the prayers.
Granny, dinner's ready.
Granny, dinner's ready.
May we be blessed with peace, prosperity,
and may you bring Fei's dad back to us
What the hell, Fei?
Why did you mess things up?
Have you ever thought about moving out?
Why would we move out?
Many people still live
in this neighborhood.
I'm fine if you want to move out.
But what if your dad comes back--
Unlike us, people here at least
have enough money to get by!
Fei, where are you going?
What do you care?
Why don't you go back to your praying?
Hanging out with your friends again?
Jeez, leave me alone!
Do you know what I want, Mom?
I don't want to see you
working your ass off like this.
And I don't want you betting on
winning a lottery.
If I make a lot of money,
we don't have to worry
about debt collection,
or worry that our house
will be taken away from us!
Why do we hold out hope
for something impossible?
It's been almost ten years
since Dad went missing!
Do you know that a person went missing
is not the scariest thing?
The scariest thing is that
no one is there
waiting for them to come home.
That's why I have to stay
and take care of this house.
And we have to dump all our money
on this shithole?
Are you seriously insisting
on renting this damn place?
And if miracle does exist,
why the hell are our lives so miserable?
Gramps, Gramps!
Gramps, what's wrong?
Mom, where's his med?
Mom, Mom!
Gramps, Gramps!
Fei, call the ambulance. Fei!
Fei, what are you waiting for?
Gramps, Gramps!
Gramps, Gramps!
Why did this happen?
Gramps, Gramps!
Subtitle translation by:
A. Kulsakdinun, P. Promsri, J. Wuthiphan