Waiting for Dali (2023) Movie Script

In the last years of
Francisco Franco's dictatorship,
young people took to the streets with
a new spirit of freedom and change.
This is the story of
a different kind of revolution...
one that started in a kitchen.
Ten minutes. Heard me?
Yes, chef!
Is it ready, chef?
Five more minutes.
What are you looking at?
Five minutes more, chef.
Take it off.
But the chef said not to
Take it off.
One word about this,
and you're gone. Got it?
Yes, chef.
Where were you?
I'm sorry.
Look at me.
Hey, look at me!
Putting up posters again?
The French Prime Minister,
and Foreign Affairs Minister...
are out there having dinner
with their wives, and you knew it.
You realize how important tonight
is for the restaurant?
For Pierre?
I already said I'm sorry.
All right. Listen up!
Tonight, my brother will
clean the kitchen alone!
If I find out anyone helped him
They're gone. Got it?
Yes, chef!
Yes, chef!
Five minutes, gentlemen!
Got it?
Yes, chef!
I told them not to use
the plates as ashtrays
but they're arguing,
and talking about politics.
I'm sorry.
You've done a great job.
Thank you very much.
If you want to eat like pigs,
I will give you pigs to eat!
Is something wrong?
Keep working.
What now?
Now what?
I got fired.
And I'll leave.
It's not over yet.
Other restaurants will take you.
For the chef
it is important
to keep the fire burning.
But the fire in my stove
was long gone.
You've been under a lot of stress lately.
I wish it were so.
I dream of stress.
Make it stressful!
I miss stress.
I quit.
I see you are not sparing your
brother in any way...
He doesn't care about anything.
But he's great at getting into trouble.
It's just a job for him.
And for you...
it is the holy of holies.
This is your Vatican.
But you are the Pope.
You were always different.
Than others.
You see the food before
you start cooking it.
I learned it from you.
It's been a long time.
Now you cook your own way.
You changed the texture of my every meal.
Look at it.
Just look at your notes and sketches.
You doubt me and the foods
we are used to.
After all, even the chefs of the new cuisine
they use traditional products
such as salmon.
Or lobsters.
But you don't even see the difference...
between a sardine and a plate of caviar!
I am wrong?
You're right.
Why should caviar be better than sardines?
Everything matters
on the quality of the food, Pierre.
That's the magic.
You want to cook sardines in a
Michelin-starred restaurant, right?
No, no, no.
The problem is you're a coward.
Do you really enjoy
being around others all the time?
My hour will come.
Listen, Fernando.
Go away.
Get out of here
and find your own place to live.
Because you can't cook your own food
in a restaurant like this.
Forget about money and guests and create.
Get away from them.
Get out of here.
Courage, son!
Open your own restaurant.
What happened?
Someone gave us away.
Everything was going fucking great,
then they knew everything. Fuck!
They knew everything.
I'm calling a doctor.
What are you doing?
Your brother is fine.
He doesn't need a doctor.
I want to hear that from a doctor.
Look at him.
If you call, in two minutes,
the police will be here.
You should take Alberto,
and disappear for a while.
I'm not going anywhere.
You shut up.
What did you guys do?
None of your business.
We set government offices on fire.
That's great.
Franois, can you take them?
It's dangerous.
What? Take us where?
Franois has a restaurant,
in Cadaqus.
Not me.
Lola's father.
He has a restaurant on the beach.
Well, something like that.
In any case, it's out of the way.
They'll be safe there.
I said I'm not going anywhere.
You have to.
Or you'll put us all at risk.
We all have to disappear.
We'll regroup in a few months.
I'll go with you.
What are you talking about, Fer?
We'll leave. Just Franois and I.
You can't leave now, Fer.
Can't I? Why not?
You saying you'd give up the chance
to be the chef of Septime?
What the hell are you
talking about, Fer?
Who ever said I wanted to be
the chef at Septime?
Holy shit!
We're wasting time.
Are you coming to Cadaqus?
Or not?
We're coming.
Waiting for Dal
We're here.
Welcome to the kingdom
of Salvador Dal.
You met him?
Me? No.
That's Jules' problem.
He's desperate to meet him
so he'll go to his restaurant.
Poor Dal, here in Cadaqus,
everybody wants something from him.
What about him? And the priest?
People here mind their own business.
Be discreet and you'll be fine.
The wind is blowing strong
this morning!
Stay here a second.
So what?
They're friends, it won't be
like the last time.
I promise.
This kid saved me from
a real beating, Lola.
They're cooks, they can
help at El Surreal.
My father already has Jean.
Jean is a moron.
Lola, please.
Lola, please.
Franois, we'll find something else.
Yeah, it's okay. We'll go.
No, no.
Excuse Lola, she's angry at me
and you're paying for it.
I'll do what I can.
But don't think working for
my father is easy.
He's self-centered, chaotic,
screams all the time, and doesn't listen.
We're only looking for a place
to work for a little while.
A little while?
Nobody survives a little while
with my dad.
Let's go!
Good morning!
Let me pass!
Mister Dal!
It's Jules!
What's this?
It's my restaurant.
El Surreal. I gave it that name,
because of the Great Dal.
I'm just across the cove.
And what do you want?
You would do me a great honor if
you visited us one day.
My dear stranger, if you want Dal
to come to your restaurant
you must pay,
ten thousand dollars.
Ten thousand dollars?
I don't have that much money.
If I did, I wouldn't think twice to have
him in my restaurant for one night.
I believe you.
You sound sincere.
But you must understand.
I have to protect Dal,
from fanatics like you.
Take my advice.
Become a fisherman.
You were born to be a fisherman.
A fisherman?
Yes. Definitely.
Trust me.
Good day.
Fernando, where are we?
What is this, Fernando?
Somewhere safe, Alberto. Relax.
I'm here.
Jules. I'm here.
Here. Give this to the Swiss guy.
Have him develop it,
and get me a good price.
Did it come out okay?
I wish I could have seen it.
It was so memorable, my dear Luis.
Gala and Dal,
coming out of an egg.
You'll see.
When it's developed,
we'll show it on that wall.
It will be wonderful at night.
How are you doing, sweetie?
Ah, I see Franois is back.
You made her suffer this time.
I know. I had to help some friends.
I'm sorry.
Dad, they're cooks.
They can help you out.
We already have Jean.
We don't need anybody else.
Besides, look at that guy.
His face looks like a map.
Because he helped me.
He saved me from a huge beating.
They need a job for a little while.
After that, they'll move on.
You know Jean needs help in the kitchen.
Hey, listen up!
I only have room for a dishwasher,
and a kitchen helper.
Room and board included,
and I only talk salary when drunk.
If you accept, here's my hand.
Wait, wait.
From chef at Septime,
to kitchen helper in this asylum?
We're leaving right now.
Are you stupid, or what?
You've got a deal.
But we'll talk salary when you're sober.
Hi Juliette.
Hi Jean.
I've got to go.
Remember, my father doesn't know
the police are looking for Franois.
Be discreet.
Don't worry.
If you need me,
you know where to find me.
Okay. Thank you.
The side dishes, chef.
Where did you say you're from?
I've been in a few kitchens,
as an assistant.
Alberto, shut up.
(radio): The search continues for agitators...
...who set fire to government
offices last Tuesday in Barcelona.
(radio): Considerable damage was caused.
Hey, you!
Turn off the radio.
(radio): The police claim to have information,
to capture those responsible.
Jean, please finish the steak.
The steak is perfect. Tell your
customers to learn how to eat it.
I can't. If I tell them,
they'll tell me to go to hell.
Give it to me...
Jules, I'm sick of this.
You said this place was serious.
A place for select customers.
Look at what you make us do.
A steak...
I have a reputation in Lyon!
Jean. Don't scream.
My quenelle, I was known for it.
- What?
- The steak.
What about it?
You're overcooking it.
The sauce.
Hey, you!
What year was Mick Jagger born?
What year was Mick Jagger born?
I don't know.
Michael Philip Jagger. Born July 26th,
1943, in Dartford, Kent, England.
You're welcome.
Is that guy fishing with a saber?
With a saber.
That man is in permanent conflict
with humanity.
He's a wise man. You'll see.
Why do you have candles
around your hat?
Because that son of a bitch Edison
killed all the mystery...
...the day he invented the light bulb.
That was the beginning of the end.
And shut up.
You're spooking the fish!
This beautiful bottle,
was designed by Dal.
I like to drink this brandy.
It's like drinking from his wisdom.
This is Tonet, another Dal admirer.
He wants to impress him,
with a great feat.
Tell them what, Tonet.
I want to paint Cadaqus yellow.
Yellow? Why?
But the police are looking for Tonet.
For painting people's houses
while they sleep.
And that's wrong, Tonet.
Fuck them!
Not my fault they have no imagination.
I've told you a hundred times!
Dal likes white!
You'll upset him.
How about blue??
Why do you have, so many
mannequins, Jules?
They're... waiting for Dal.
Looks like they've been waiting a while.
They have been here a while, right, Jules?
I've heard Dal doesn't like to eat alone.
Some friends told me,
if he goes to a restaurant
he brings a mannequin,
to keep him company.
He'll come, Jules.
Sooner or later, you'll see.
You'll make him come.
Every once in a while,
Dal feels like going out
and visits a restaurant in town.
The Barroco.
That French son of a bitch who
owns it is so lucky.
Do you know what he does?
When Dal calls?
He goes to the market,
buys the best lobsters
and rides around town
with them in his basket.
That way, everyone knows
Dal is coming.
So how long have you been waiting?
A long time.
Too long!
This place is called Surreal,
but I could have named it Timeless.
A character embodies time.
A bit like Chronos.
This character is a little androgynous...
like a mix between David Bowie,
and Mick Jagger...
who embodies time.
Sometimes it's a woman,
sometimes a man.
It could be a woman, feminine,
like the word hour,
...or like the word time,
which is masculine.
And this character controls time.
It's here and it won't move.
It always remains,
as if suspended in space.
- Can we speak a moment?
- Sure.
Ah, shit!
It's Dal... He's earlier than scheduled.
- So what?
- What do you mean, so what?
The bouillabaisse!
Just like we said.
We have exactly two hours.
Make the bouillabaisse and I'll take it
on the boat when they get back. That's it!
I have it all calculated.
It usually takes two hours.
You can't run a restaurant like this, Jules.
Don't you want more customers?
And more exclusive ones?
Then make the fucking bouillabaisse!
Off you go.
Come on, come on!
This is not serious.
And then, sometimes,
time accelerates.
For example, right now,
I have two hours.
In two hours, you can make a bouillabaisse,
or nothing at all.
Come on. Hurry up.
Let's go, let's go. All aboard.
Now what?
we wait.
We wait.
Jean says, you know your way
around a kitchen.
Taste it.
What for?
To know your opinion.
What do you think?
Will Dal like it?
I don't know.
We're in the middle of the sea.
Nobody can hear you.
Tell me what you think of the bouillabaisse.
Not enough salt.
It's delicious.
You've no idea what you're talking about.
You're a snob.
That's settled then.
There's Dal. Get ready.
Mister Dal, wait!
Good morning!
Good morning!
I have something for you.
Mister Dal, wait!
Don't do it.
Don't do it.
Don't do what?
Don't do this?
I'm sorry, Lola.
I didn't know what to do.
He's leaving us.
Do something, convince him.
Please, please. Be reasonable.
At least wait until my father gets back.
I'm not staying one minute longer.
If we wait for Jules,
he'll end up convincing us to stay.
He always knows how to trick us.
Do you know?
I hate this place.
I hate the sea
I hate Cadaqus,
and I'm starting to hate you, Lola.
Calm down.
You're the only sane person
in this madhouse.
Trust me, Lola, only Freud
could understand this place.
Jean, you can't leave us like this!
It's okay.
Let them go.
Is that a police car?
It's Lieutenant Garrido.
Gentlemen, what can I get you?
Two small beers.
Where's your father?
Out for a ride on his boat...
Must be nice, doing nothing all day.
Business must be good.
Lieutenant, they're tourists.
It's a question of morals.
I promised Father Narcs.
Don't you have morals, Miguel?
Then keep your mouth shut.
Lieutenant Garrido. Always an honor!
I'm sick of this.
...of coming here,
and always seeing weirdos.
World is a weird place, Lieutenant.
Remote places like this,
attract all types of people.
But don't worry,
I have them under control.
I'm like a lion tamer.
That's your daughter's boyfriend, no?
I'm keeping an eye on him.
If she were my daughter, I wouldn't
let her hang around these riffraff.
Thank you, darling.
- Here, right?
- Hi.
If only these mannequins talked...
What amazing things they'd tell.
They're just mannequins.
And, as you know,
they don't talk, Lieutenant.
Miguel, let's go.
I knew it!
If someone looks stupid
and acts stupid,
it's because he's stupid!
I knew he'd leave us!
"You still owe 25.000 pesetas...
...here's our address, etc."
Go to hell!
You mediocre, lousy cook!
Here we are.
We have a new problem to solve.
But at El Surreal,
problems never last.
Luis, why?
Because you have everything under control?
Exactly, my dear Sancho Panza!
I have everything planned. Always two
steps ahead and on the lookout.
Yes, you.
You will be the new chef at El Surreal.
I didn't know El Surreal had a kitchen.
Look, Jules...
This is a madhouse,
and there are only four of us.
If I'm the new chef...
...you all need to be
as straight as a broom.
A broom which I can't find anywhere.
Well said. From now on
From now on, nothing.
From now on, in this kitchen,
what I say goes.
You have no idea how a
restaurant works, Jules.
You just want Dal sitting on that terrace.
Fine. We'll try to do that.
But cooking
Right now this place is chaos
El Surreal, in chaos?
Possibly the most chaos ever
conceived, Jules.
But Dal likes chaos.
Yes, but he likes good food.
And for good food,
you need an orderly kitchen.
You've been interested in everything...
except this kitchen.
I suppose I haven't shown enough
attention to the kitchen.
As for the restaurant...
There's a list of everything
I need over there.
- Alberto, go with him.
- Sure.
Let's go.
Stop, Tonet! Shit!
Run, Tonet, run!
They never catch him. He knows
every corner and cobblestone here.
He loves this town,
but nobody understands him.
Jules, what's this?
Look, it's Dal.
I know it's Dal.
He must really like this place.
It's getting late.
Look, look, he even signed it.
El Barroco.
That guy sitting next to him
must be the owner.
Must be good friends, huh?
Alberto, would you stop
busting my fucking balls?
Your brother is waiting.
Come on!
Okay. Okay. I'm coming.
Can you flamb?
You'll learn.
I'm just going to say hi
Let's go.
Kid, I'm thinking you're in big trouble.
Am I right?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I've seen your look when the
Police are near...
I know that look.
Come on!
Just tell me the truth.
If we're going to work together,
I need to trust you guys.
Come on...
Tell me.
Get the hell out of my kitchen.
- What?
- Get out!
Your brother explained it to me.
I don't want any trouble at El Surreal.
I put too much into this place...
...for you to come and fuck everything!
Where is my brother?
Packing his shit
which is what you should be doing.
Alberto is right.
You're an idiot.
Every time I let me guard down
every time I start trusting someone
they stab me in the back.
You have to try this.
His bouillabaisse.
Fernando made it for you.
Fuck him and his bouillabaisse!
- Jules!
- I said no!
Try the fucking bouillabaisse!
...bring me back that cook.
Offer him 15% of our profit.
But, for God's sake.
Bring him back.
Lamb tian Jacques Maximin
marinated red mullet
oysters with cava dressing
duck foie mousse,
and truffle with thrushes
...salmon gourmandise.
This is the work...
of a great chef.
Yes, it's wonderful...
But I thought you were going to stop
with all the French tradition.
Don't start again about Rafa and his seafood.
Listen to her, man.
She has great ideas.
I'm actually interested.
Let me hear it.
- May I?
- Yes.
People in Cadaqus eat seafood.
Shrimp, echinoderms, mollusks,
...delicious feasts...
...that we discovered at a small
restaurant in Cadaqus.
The owner, Rafa, is an expert.
You should meet him.
His cooking is...
It's more from this land.
You're not French.
Leave the French cooking
to the French.
Lola, please. He gave us
a wonderful demonstration...
...of French cuisine.
We cook French at El Surreal.
Dal loves French cooking.
I saw your sketches.
You're different.
You're not like other cooks my dad had.
You're terrible, Lola.
Give him back his notebook.
I know she's intense, man.
But she's very smart.
Makes me see things
I never would think of.
Come to the diving school.
See what I'm talking about.
It'll blow you away.
And we'll teach my
cocky father a lesson.
Now that I've seen your capabilities...
we'll have to work on marketing.
People need to hear of your talent.
I'll take care of that.
Hi Jules.
Jules, not again. Please.
Go away.
Madam is not in a good
mood today.
Who is it, Rosita?
Madame Gala?
May I speak with her, please?
Please, don't insist.
Who is it?
Who are you?
Good morning. I own El Surreal,
on the other side of the hill.
I remember.
What do you want?
I've brought the best suquet
you've ever tasted.
This is my chef.
Shut up.
My dear unknown
if you want us...
...to come to your restaurant...
...you must pay 15.000 dollars.
15.000 dollars?
You said 10.000 last time.
That was before you
knocked on my door.
I've already lost 5000 dollars.
You could see it coming, Jules.
You could see it coming.
Why don't you give up?
Dal respects those fishermen
much more...
...than anyone coming around begging.
I've explained it to you,
a thousand times.
You're too obvious.
I'm not like the rest.
I'm not asking for anything.
I'm offering something, Arturo.
You're the one who doesn't understand.
You're clueless.
Let's go.
Be right back.
What are you doing?
Not hungry?
Did I ever tell you about the
dangers of the Mediterranean?
The what?
Nothing, you'll figure it out
on your own.
How are you?
Hi Lola.
Take this to El Surreal, Luis.
This is Fernando.
The chef at El Surreal.
I've seen him around.
Always, his face looking lost.
Your mind always thinking, no?
- Maybe.
- He wants to try your cooking.
So he come to see old Rafa...
to taste a little piece
of the blessed Mediterranean?
Have a seat with Lola.
Why write so much?
There's nothing to write.
I write down everything.
Helps me put my ideas in order.
No order in the Mediterranean.
Just beauty.
Taste, touch
Order is good for a refrigerator.
Let yourself go.
You just tasted, a piece of this sea.
Now's the time to enjoy
...not to think.
I enjoy thinking.
You see him?
He's up to something.
I've noticed for days.
He's going after them.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Show me IDs, please.
- Why?
- Because I said so.
Just let us work and chill out.
The Lieutenant is watching,
and wants you gone.
They want to get rid of them
for no reason.
Don't resist!
Franois, stop!
I can't stay here.
I belong with them.
You'll just ignite the situation.
We're pacifists. It'll be okay.
Don't worry.
Franois, fuck!
May of '68 is over. You're still
stuck in the streets of Paris.
And where are you?
I hate injustice. Don't you?
Make love, not war!
Let's close. This is going
to be a shit show.
Make love, not war!
I don't know Franois well, but it
seems he can take care of himself.
No, he can't. He says...
...he hates violence,
but always finds a way near it.
Make love, not war!
Josep, play Strauss!
Violence always sounds
nicer with Strauss.
Why not Mahler this time?
Always Strauss!
What have you done?
Make love, not war!
Hi Jules.
I need to ask a favor.
Another favor?
I need you to give Lesya a job.
She lost everything.
They confiscated everything she had,
and destroyed her stand.
If it's about salary....
...I'll share mine with her.
You'd do this for Lesya?
I would.
Your blood boils
when you stare at her
seeing no flaws in sight?
I believe in her.
And I swear...
she won't disappoint you.
Damn it! What are you doing?
How can you be so clumsy?
Sorry, Alberto.
What are you doing?
Remember what Pierre said,
about Jacques Maximin at Hotel Negresco?
Creating is not copying.
From now on, we only use ideas
that come from this.
From your notebook?
Yes, and from this place.
This is for Rafa...
and this is for you.
Not bad, huh?
Today, you caught more than me.
It's unbelievable how quickly you learned.
What did you say,
was the name of that rock?
That one?
Es Cucurucuc.
What are you doing?
Es Cucurucuc.
Our chef calls it Air.
In this case, Carrot Air.
It's very fragile. That's where
the name comes from.
As fragile as air.
Do not chew.
Use only your palate.
Make sure to visit El Surreal.
A young chef,
trained in French kitchens...
...is starting a silent revolution...
For example, the Carrot Air
...a powerful reflection on fragility.
This chef deserves the five "toques"
from Gault & Millau
This is what I've waited for.
The passport for Dal coming here.
A review talking about us.
But how will you get it to him?
Maybe through Arturo?
You know me, my dear Luis.
You have everything planned.
Always two steps ahead.
Always on the lookout.
I look awful in this dress, Jules.
I don't look good in yellow.
It's Gala's favorite color.
Haven't you heard,
of the power of suggestion?
Tiny visual traps,
to seduce your target.
Dal visiting the restaurant is
very important to you, right?
Yes, Lesya.
It's what matters most.
Okay, then I'll bring him.
You've been so good to me.
You speak Russian?
Yes, I'm from Crimea.
I spent all my childhood
summers there.
You're very pretty.
Lots of interesting young men here.
Have you made love
a lot this summer?
Actually, yes.
And never with the same man.
El Surreal.
I've expected your call for days.
Yes, one moment.
I'm leaving.
I have a group tomorrow
at 8:00 in the morning.
And Dad, if he doesn't come,
it's okay.
Yeah, sure, I know.
Good luck.
What time is it?
Well, come on. He'll come.
You'll see. He'll come.
He's an artist, of course,
he must make us wait, right?
Do you know...
...what inspired him to
paint melting clocks?
Camembert cheese.
Cheese left by a window,
that melted in the sun.
And the famous image,
of melting clocks came to him.
And what do they mean?
It's a reflection about existential void...
How time, and existence are related...
How the hell should I know!
Do I know what Dal thinks??
No. So ask him if you want.
Oh, no. Sorry.
He didn't come.
Must have lost "track of the time"!
He's coming.
Dal's Cadillac...
He's coming!
Damn skeptics!
How could you have doubted?
I thought you weren't coming.
Well, his wife recommended the place...
...and he was indecisive,
until the last moment...
...he always does the same thing.
Changes his mind the last second.
I'm very sorry, Jules.
It's okay.
Mr. Dal is very...
The place looks better every day.
Okay, Jules...
Better luck next time.
We'll see.
Just be patient.
Always be patient.
And above all,
keep your dignity.
Dal! I brought a friend
who wants to meet you!
I've told her all about you!
She wants to meet you!
Jules, let's go.
Please, forget about him.
Let him hear me.
You don't deserve
another second of my time!
It's over. For Briggitte as well!
We're over you!
Okay, let's go.
I'm speaking to the great,
and admirable Salvador Dal!
Prince of the subconscious!
Emperor of Port Lligat!
The great and wonderful
Salvador Dal!
We don't need you,
or your melting clocks...
...or your rotten mustache!
And fuck your eggs!
Just shut the fuck up!
Chaos, chaos!
The chaos!
Tonet. What are you doing here?
Was going to paint Dal's house tonight.
You ruined my plan.
Don't you dare paint Dali's house.
Not Dali's house!
Who's there?
We've called the Police.
You won't have so much fun,
when they catch you.
Where did they go?
I don't know, over there.
Hey, Seargent!
They went that way!
A group of hooligans.
They looked like tourists.
If you hurry you can catch them.
Someone's going to sleep
nice and warm tonight.
Come on, damn it!
I can't see anything.
Light the way, damn it.
Get your ass moving.
Stay where you are till dawn.
If you can hear me, knock twice.
Good morning Jules!
Tonight, I'll greet Dal for you!
Tonet, don't! Come here!
Let him, Luis. At least he's making
dreams come true!
Tonet, paint everything!
Make everything blue!
Paint the whole town blue!
What a great idea, damn it!
What a great idea!
Well done, Tonet.
Paint everything.
Need any help?
No, thank you.
Come. I'll do it.
My father is irresponsible.
His head is full of nonsense.
Being near him, is a bad way
to lay low, you know?
I like it here.
I've never had a father, never.
Spent my whole life,
apologizing to everyone...
...for his nasty comments.
His hot-headed idealism.
His ups, his downs...
His downs!
Always chasing him...
...like his mother,
instead of his daughter.
I've become my father's mother
Franois' mother, and now you
and your brother's as well.
Jules is very passionate.
You think it's okay for him to
lose his mind like that?
Maybe losing your mind a little,
Is the way to make a dream come true?
What is this? Are all of you
some kind of a clan now?
The clan of the Dalinians?
You know Dal designed
the logo of this lollipop??
Nice, isn't it?
I'm sick and tired of Dal.
Dal is a dreamer.
Even you take part in his dreams.
Okay... that's it.
No more Dal.
You sure? There's a little left.
You didn't really wipe here.
Here. You finish it.
Lola, if you're so upset with
your father, talk to him.
Exactly what I'm going to do.
He's going to get an earful.
I like you.
I know. It's obvious.
Talk to him.
Please, he's not well.
What are you doing?
Being reasonable.
But that's not you.
What's not me?
You should be happy.
From now on, I'll be reasonable.
So, no more Dal?
I don't want to hear
any more about him.
I don't want his name,
ever mentioned here again.
Oh! That's amazing.
Iberian pork belly ravioli,
with summer truffle and charcoal oil.
And hot and cold pea soup.
Thank you very much.
It's extraordinary.
Excuse me.
How can I help you?
Frankly, surprised by your menu.
It's truly disconcerting.
We'd like to meet the chef.
We work for a French tourist guide.
We're very interested in making a
recommendation to our readers.
Thank you.
I'll see if Fernando is free.
I'm sure he'd love to speak to you.
We might be about to meet,
the new Dal of cooking.
The abstract elements.
The capacity your chef has
to confuse...
in a positive way, of course.
Totally the opposite of Dal,
who is nothing but a big bluff.
No, you have, in your kitchen,
a true artist.
Excuse me, what did you say?
That you have a true artist
in your kitchen.
No, no, about Dal.
That he's a big bluff"?
We've just been to his museum
in Figueres.
An overvalued artist at best,
don't you think?
With a lack of seriousness,
and a repetitive discourse.
Not very loquacious.
He decorates his message with two or
three obsessions from his childhood...
...and beats you over the head
with them.
See, that's funny,
what you say, because...
all I needed was a couple
of ignorant snobs talking about Dal.
And that's you.
This is an outrage.
What's wrong with you?
Have you lost your mind?
What do you know about Dal?
Have you read his books?
Have you made an effort,
to listen to his sorrow?
You take one look
at his outward image.
You know he invented it specifically
to put up with people like you?
Because, really...
how many people could keep up
a serious conversation with him...
...and not experience the most
crushing of embarrassments?
You're a fanatic!
I'm a fanatic!
You're damn right!
A fanatic, who has dug deep
into his discourse.
A fanatic who worked!
A fanatic who embraced
his wonderful ideas!
What do you know about his
paranoid-critical method?
About his love for Velzquez?
His obsession with science?
His love for the earth?
His love for the cosmos?
What do you know about
the immensity of his mind?
What do you know about
Greek mythology?
What do YOU know?
...opens roads.
He opens roads and people like you,
average, mediocre...
...you try to bury him with earth
sown of sterile ideas...
and meaningless words.
Go back to the cave you came from!
You should have stayed there.
And blocked it with a huge stone.
And, most importantly!
Never, ever, come back!
This is a place for a smart people!
Come on, let's go.
- You're insane!
- Yes!
I am insane!
That's it.
Give me back El Surreal.
I want to see El Surreal again!
Alberto's colleagues were arrested.
They'll torture them.
They'll talk.
This is serious.
Lieutenant Garrido.
Always knew, sooner or later,
we'd see each other here.
You get it?
Experience, Miguel, experience.
Look, Garrido, I...
Lieutenant Garrido!
Excuse me. Lieutenant Garrido.
I owe you an explanation.
Of course.
Take a seat.
Take note, Miguel.
You know they burnt
government offices
they're going to get into
a shitload of trouble.
We had no idea.
He came looking for work.
But listen, the kid has reformed.
Trust me.
It's not up to you to reform him.
They'll take care of that
in Barcelona...
...they'll beat the crap out of him.
Don't you worry about that.
actually, I'm not the one
who reformed him.
You're not?
Who then?
Your son-in-law?
It was him.
Him? Who?
What is he doing here?
You know Mr. Dal is a
customer at my restaurant.
You've got his favorite chef
locked up in there.
He kindly asks, that just this once,
you look the other way.
Tonight, many European politicians
and important artists are coming...
...and he told them about this
kid's cooking.
It would really make him look bad.
It's practically a State matter.
Lieutenant Garrido.
Up until today, you and I...
...have always been able to solve
our problems in...
...a friendly way.
I hope...
...you'll accept my friendship,
once again.
I'm thinking maybe there's
something we can work out.
My wife and I just remodeled
our home.
A modest apartment, of course.
But it has a sea view.
And my wife, suddenly,
wants everything...
...to match with the color blue.
It's probably
...that moron Tonet's fault.
She's being a real pain.
She even left a space,
by the window...
...for a painting.
And the painting must match
with a vase underneath
...which is guess what color?
That's right.
So you know what I'm thinking?
I think so.
Okay, then.
Go, and talk to him.
And get a painting.
But not one of those weird ones,
or any of that degenerate stuff.
Easy, right?
A nice, and decent blue painting.
Yes, yes.
You want me...
...to ask Salvador Dal
...for a decent blue painting.
No, no.
No "buts", Jules.
No buts.
How did it go?
He said no.
He said, who do you think you are?
He'll find someone
who can take action.
That he won't waste his time
with someone of your rank.
And he got, very angry...
...when he heard,
you arrested Tonet...
...whom he greatly admires,
and considers...
...to quote Dal's words:
...is a poetic, and millenary character...
...who the town of Cadaqus needs...
...to feed its mythology.
That's right.
Good morning!
I know you love Lola.
I know this is hard on you, man.
What are you talking about?
It's okay.
I need to talk to you.
Don't worry about it.
Love is free.
I've just been thinking about it
for a couple of days.
I don't know.
You think she's in love with you?
I don't know.
She seems different to me.
And it's since you got here.
She goes crazy over all those
things you do.
You're a passionate guy.
You know what women are like.
Suddenly they become
a huge enigma.
You look into their eyes,
and can't know their thoughts.
You can ask.
Come on, man.
I can't.
Why not?
Because yesterday...
...I asked her to marry me.
She said yes.
Well, it's not a
conventional wedding.
We don't believe in that.
It's more of a ritual.
We don't need papers.
Just something to bind us.
But now I don't know what to do.
Maybe I should cancel it.
What do you think?
What do I think you should do?
I think you should talk to her.
It's none of my business, Franois.
You're right.
She's none of your business.
But I would be very happy
if you handled the banquet.
Will you?
Even just for her?
Pretty please?
I'm sorry.
Why, Lola?
I love him.
I'm sorry, Lola
say it louder, we didn't hear.
I said, I'm in love with Fernando.
I love him.
I'm completely in love with him.
Nobody has ever
humiliated me like this.
Calm down, Franois.
I'm sorry.
I've been growing away from you.
I should have told you.
I don't know what to say.
Deep down
Deep down, Lola...
I've always known
you were a whore.
Now wait, Franois.
You won't talk to her like that.
You know, none of this
surprises me, Franois.
Let's go.
Let her go, kid.
Fucking pacifists.
A very nice wedding.
Lovely ceremony, right?
Jules, I apologize.
It was all my fault.
Gala was right.
I should be a fisherman.
The sea is balance...
...and respect.
What are you talking about?
We'll fix this.
No. I'm tired.
El Surreal is my wedding gift to you.
Do with it what you want. I don't care.
I'll be a fisherman.
I understand.
Can you hold a second?
It's Arturo.
He spoke with Dal, who wants
today to come to El Surreal.
No! Too late!
I have nothing to offer him.
Say yes.
We'll be waiting for him.
Everything will be ready
when he gets here.
We'll clean everything up.
Got a light?
We'll leave it exactly as it is.
The place is a mess.
It looks better than ever.
It's perfect like this.
I agree. It's perfect.
Now let's cook for Dal.
Shall we?
Let's go.
Good afternoon, mister Dal.
Good afternoon.
All that matters, is the food.
Why did you open the bottle
in the kitchen?
We always open the bottle
in front of the customer.
What's the name of this?
Chicken curry.
- Isn't it ice-cream?
- Chicken curry.
Chicken curry.
- It's ice-cream.
- No, it's not. It's chicken curry.
Yes, of course. It's chicken curry.
Chicken curry.
Smoked foam.
Sea urchin, with air of green beans.
Melon caviar.
Tomato slushy with almond gelatin.
I would have used caviar
instead of kiwi seeds...
You realize, we'll become
legends of the 1970s?
In a few years, there will be
photos of us everywhere.
We'll get 5 "toques" in
the Gault & Millau.
There will be painting exhibitions...
down by the beach.
All the celebrities
will want to come here.
David Bowie, the Rolling Stones,
Dal will be here with us,
every night...
Yeah, it'll be amazing.
A dream.
Like Churchill said:
"Success is all about going from failure
to failure without losing enthusiasm".
It'll be amazing.