Waking Nightmare (2023) Movie Script

[Elevator music]
[Squishy sounds]
[Ominous Chanting]
Let me in!
It's okay!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
It's me, sweetheart.
It's good. It's OK.
Did you have a nightmare?
I saw Jamie.
I'm sorry.
It's OK.
I'm fine.
I'm sorry.
You guys go back to sleep.
No, no, no.
No. I'm not a little
girl. I'm fine.
Go to bed.
Get some sleep, kiddo.
Good night, Dad. That is guys
Love you.
[chaotic rock music]
[Cellphone ringtone]
Dear God.
Why did you make me like this?
I can't have friends
or a boyfriend.
I might be alone forever.
In my last
college course, I learned
about the aye-ay
the nocturnal lemur with teeth
that never stop growing.
And fingers uniquely designed to
taunt and pull their prey from
their homes.
The aye-aye lives in isolation.
I don't know why I'm back.
I think I'm fucked up.
Have you guys spoken
since she's been in college?
Sometimes on Facebook.
But, you know, promising
young girls like ourselves
don't have time to just
hang out these
Zoey, you're a trip.
I try Mrs. M.
I'm sure she'll be floored
to see you.
And how's your mom doing?
She's all right.
You know her
still trying to save the world
one committee meeting at a time.
Well, look at you, Miss Harvard
in the flesh.
I'll let you two catch up.
Thanks, Mom.
Anytime, sweetie.
Later, Mrs. M.
- Do you want to go outside?
- Yes.
This place
started to make me
feel sentimental.
I think I'm going to be sick.
Still a bitch, huh?
The cutest bitch you know.
How long have you been back?
Almost two weeks.
You've been back two
fucking weeks
and I can't even get a text
or a Facebook message.
I'm sorry.
Look, ever since the accident,
I haven't really spoken
to anybody,
and I barely even speak
to my mom, Zoe.
How did you even find out
I was back anyway?
I heard those prissy Heathers
talking about you.
I figure if anyone's
going to talk shit about my
bitch, it can only be me.
Since when did I become
your bitch?
The way that I see it is I'm
the only friend you've got.
So it's basically like a law.
Even though we didn't
always talk
I get you, you know?
I know.
Oh, hey.
The sleepwalking has
gotten worse.
Holy fuck tits.
You still walking into
walls and shit?
Well, this new medication
they've got me on
basically doesn't do shit.
Pretty sure it makes it worse.
Zoey let's go.
We're going to be late.
Randy, Adams?
Wait are you dating Randy?
Something like that.
Oh my god.
I did not see that coming.
You know, I'm sitting
right here, right?
Okay. I got to take off.
I'll text you later.
You better.
She's so fucked up.
[Glass breaks.]
you need to give the
knife to Mommy, OK?
I'm going to take it from you
nice and slow.
Put the knife down
You don't want to
do this, honey.
I promise you
Trust me, sweetie.
23 years old,
college dropout.
Volatile somnambulism.
Hey, Dad. What's up?
Not much. Night Stalker.
Dad, if you're going
to associate me
with Richard Ramirez,
you can at least
give me a better nickname.
Like The Walk-In Killer.
Your mom's inside.
I guess she's got an appointment
at the clinic.
Can't wait to be a
certified comatose
Hi, Jordan.
It's been a while.
How are you today?
I'm well. How's Kara?
I haven't seen her
since graduation.
Oh, she's doing great.
She goes to Boston College
and is studying
to be a doctor like her old man.
That's cool.
Clearly you didn't come
here to visit me
How can I help you today?
the sleepwalking has
been coming back.
I see.
It's been a few years since
you experienced that,
if I'm not mistaken.
It's only just come back
after the accident.
I heard.
How are you handling that?
Is everything going
OK? I'm all right.
Just taking it day by day.
I see something as
traumatic as that can really
take a toll on a person.
What about the sleepwalking?
Anything out of the
ordinary happening?
Just the occasional
nightmare here and there.
I'll tell you what.
I'm going to prescribe
Ambien for you.
See if that doesn't calm
down the episodes
you've been experiencing lately.
If you think it'll help.
Yes, but, Jordan,
I don't mean to get
into your business,
but if you feel you can't talk
to your parents and would like
to speak to someone
I can refer you to someone.
No, I'm fine. I, um.
I appreciate the offer,
but honestly, I'm.
I'm fine.
All right, then.
I'll have Gina come in
and give you some paperwork.
But if you change your mind,
the offer is always there.
Take care of yourself.
I will.
And Jordan.
The nightmares will
eventually stop.
Just try to think positive, OK?
You got it, doc.
I really didn't want
to bring this up,
but after the other night,
I really think we need
to talk about this.
You said
in your nightmare that
you saw Jamie.
Was she trying to hurt you?
No, actually, she was
just trying to copy my biology
You can't blame yourself for her
committing suicide.
I really don't want
to get into this
right now.
It's time we talk about it.
I've been trying
to stay out of your business.
Give you some space.
Don't start now.
But you need to let me in,
I mean, sometimes it's good
to talk about things
with other people.
Yeah, I know.
I don't think you do.
I'd be a terrible mother
if I didn't bring this up.
You've been home for
a few weeks, and
you're just.
Just shutting yourself
out from the world.
What do you want from me?
What are you doing? Get
back in the car.
Where'd she go?
She was right here.
Jamie is gone, Jordan.
The sooner you realize
that, the better
Now get back in the car now.
Don't make me say it again.
You didn't see her?
Oh. I still can't believe I'm
sitting with you.
Is that weird?
We should take a picture to mark
this day in the history
Listen, I don't want to stir up
old shit or whatever,
but why didn't you call me
after the accident or
when you got back?
I don't know.
I'm weird as fuck right
now. And just kind
keep to myself.
I'm sorry you had to
go through that.
Must have been hard for you.
It's OK.
Except for the school's
psychiatric evaluation
they did on me to see
if I was a danger
to myself or other.
Oh, yeah.
It was not my idea
of a good time.
I bet you got some
good pills now.
Just the generic shit.
I know!
Hey. How did you find
out I was back
anyway, I thought
I was being slick and being
really under the radar.
I ran into Suzy Bogner
at the mall.
Chattiest loud mouth
from here to Woodsborough.
You're the ones to
talk considering
you're a nutcase
and you're a miserable,
lonely bitch.
Love you, too.
Yeah. Why are you
dating him again?
It's just, like, some
days I love him.
And other days
I just want to rip his face off.
So how have you been?
I feel like I haven't
seen you since...
Oh, um, Spring Fling.
Spring Fling, Gross!
That was the worst
night of my life.
One of them.
It's any consolation.
You looked great that night.
Lock your doors,
Ashburn Falls. Jordan's
back! [howls]
My keys.
Oh, Dad! Such a jerkface!
I'm a Dad. That's
what I'm supposed to do.
I got to keep you on your toes.
So where have you
been all night?
Oh, I was.
I was out with Zoe and Randy.
I don't know what she
sees in that guy.
That is what I've been saying
Since I found out.
So how have you been
since you've been back?
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I don't know why everybody keeps
checking up on me.
I know you'refine,
but I'm your dad.
You can tell me all this stuff
that you don't want
to tell your mom.
Yeah. She is overbearing
at times.
You should
see what it's like
living with her.
Even if my daughter
is fucked up,
I'm happy you're here
so I can escape.
I see.
You've been sneaking
over to David's
garage, drinking a
little moonshine?
You don't tell.
And I won't tell your mom that.
You smell like
I've had a few drinks tonight.
You sipping on Grandpa's
own cough
medicine again?
Plead the fifth. Hmm.
I'm happy you're back.
You're going to have
to get a job.
Or go back to school
or eventually.
But for now, I'm
happy to lay off
and let you breathe.
Can you tell Mom?
Not in this lifetime.
I'm only scared of two things
in this world.
Death and, well, her.
And I are one in the same. Huh?
And she means well.
Anyway, it's going to look weird
if we go in at the same time.
You go in first,
and I go take a leak
in the backyard.
Classy, Dad.
You know what, kiddo?
[staticky AM radio]
Get the fuck out of the road!
Hey, babe...
you mind getting out
of the street?
Wake up.
[Dogs barking]
You look so fucking beautiful.
You've gotta do some
work in this
fucking relationship
Are you fucking
Yo,I'm pretty sure
they're fucking.
Hey man, what's wrong
with a little
midnight action on lover's lane?
Kinda poetic. Don't you think?
What you know about poetics?
Statistics, dude.
What's two plus two, kid?
Oh so you a scientist now?
Fucking Max.
Let's let these two
bang in peace.
We can uh...
go back to my place and
take some shrooms.
Now you makin sense.
Honey, are you okay?
I'm I'm fine.
Just go back to bed, Mom.
Are you sure?
Do you want to talk about it?
Yeah right.
Did you have another nightmare?
No, Mom.
I just.
I woke up in the shower,
and I was scared.
You happy?
Your daughter's a big wuss.
Do you want to let me in?
No. Just go back to bed.
I'm fine.
I promise.
Well, if you change your mind,
just wake me up, ok?
OK. Mom.
What the fuck is happening?
[warped, muffled meditation]
Mom's been listening
to the same tape
since 1983.
She doesn't need to
hear what it says.
What if I woke up evil?
What if I woke up the bad guy?
What if the evil things I did
were not my choice?
Would the world understand?
I feel you man.
They just
don't get us.
They think waking up
screaming is bad.
I think it's worse when it's
not your screams.
[car alarm]
[cell phone ringtone]
Are you happy God? I'm up!
I'm not God.
But I appreciate the praise.
Fuck, dude.
How long have you been there?
Long enough to know that
you're a shitty person to share
a bed with. Such a bed hog.
How did you even get in here?
You know, the old Clarissa
Explains It All trick.
I came in through the window.
No, Jeff let me in.
Pretty sure he was checking
out my ass.
You think everybody
is checking out your ass?
Can't argue with that.
Get dressed. Let's
get out of here.
Where are we going?
I'm sorry.
Do you have plans?
Yeah, me plans?
Downstairs in 10 minutes.
Yes, Mom!
It looks like good timing.
Can I help you?
My name is Detective Moore.
You guys both live here?
She doesn't, but I do.
Hi, I'm Jordan.
My lovely friend here.
Is Zoey.
Nice to meet you guys both.
I was wondering,
did you guys hear anything
weird in the neighborhood
last night between midnight
and 1 a.m.?
No, I left my community
watch post.
Had to chase down
a couple of teenage hooligans
over a case of beer.
Appreciate your commitment.
I was sleeping.
What happened?
Are you parents home?
Yeah, one sec.
Did somebody die?
I bet somebody died. It's
probably old, man.
Clancy's been hitting
the bottle too much.
If you know what I mean.
No, I haven't met him.
Hi Officer. May I help you?
I'll see you later, Mom.
Oh, call me if you're
going to be late.
I hate intrude, but just
curious to know
if you heard anything
out of the ordinary last night.
Did something happen?
I think he was just cruising by
with his friend, smokin
a little weed.
Yeah, it's against his
parole, but, uh,
I think he's being
straight with us.
All right, let's
shake him loose,
but tell him we'll be in touch.
I want him to have the fear
of the local police department.
This is Detective
Moore is taking the
lead on this case.
I only deal with you.
That's our deal.
Sorry, Randy.
Detective Moore's got the reigns
one this one.
Come on.
Randy is it?
What were you doing last night?
Why'd you do it, you sick fuck?
Do what?
Oh come on.
You didn't think we'd find out?
You're your partner
in crime over there
in the next room,
singing like a goddamn canary.
Told us everything.
If you're
lying, I'm going to throw you
so fucking deep in that tank.
going to be begging a
rat out to be lucky.
the fuck boy for a
bag of Skittles.
Oh shit.
You know, you could be facing
life in prison for this, right?
You will be in Supermax so fast.
I swear to God, you
will be someone's
girlfriend by tomorrow morning.
Woa woa
We were just smoking
a little weed.
You can't go to prison for that.
Can you?
Tell me about the murder, Max!
Why did you kill them?
I didn't kill anybody.
Joseph Gavin, local
security officer
down in the warehouse district?
Had a little
domestic situation
with your sister back in 07?
Joe's dead?
OK, I get it.
Yeah. Guy like that roughs
up your sister.
Just a matter of time
before he gets what he deserves.
Hey Moore.
Looks like we got a confession.
Sounds like a confession to me.
Hey, hope you don't mind
shitting in front of
other dudes, Maxy.
No, no, no, wait, wait.
Well, yeah, that's what
I meant by that.
Oh, what the fuck, Randy?
What the fuck?
So, what are you doing
hanging around, Murphy?
We were just hanging out
but hanging out? Yeah.
Smoking some weed?
Having some fun with
your friends?
Possession is a felony.
I can have you thrown
in the tank
just walking in here.
Luckily for you,
you got a friend right here.
This detective, for some reason,
he's got your back.
So with that said,
I need you to tell me
everything that you saw,
and you go back home.
Play a little X-Box.
Hey, what was the Fed doing
at your door?
Fed. Really?
I got a commitment to
golf in the streets
of Ash Beezy.
I'm pretty sure no one
except you has ever
called it that.
I'm with her on this one.
You're stupid
You weren't saying
that last night.
Randy, shut up.
Right now we're just
looking for any help
we can get.
We're hoping a strong community
like this can help keep
us in the loop.
Well, if I hear anything
from any of the women
in the neighborhood,
I'll be sure to call.
I appreciate that.
You can reach me
at the station at any point.
Just I can't stress this enough.
Any cooperation that
you can give us can definitely
go a long way as far as
getting us in the
right direction
on this thing.
I just feel so bad
for that young boy's parents
I can't imagine
if anything ever happened
to my Jordan.
At times like this,
you got a whole family close.
I couldn't agree with you more.
Care for some more coffee?
[warped, muffled meditation]
What's with you?
Where were you last night?
I was out with Zoey and Randy.
What happened last night?
I was out with Zoey and Randy.
That's not what I mean. Jordan.
What did you do last night?
Jeez, Dad, ratted me out?
Ratted you out about what?
I was at Randy's apartment,
that's all.
What's with the third
degree, anyway?
Oh. Are you mad for
doing my laundry?
I didn't even ask you to do it.
Look inside the fucking
laundry basket, Jordan.
What? No.
I am your mother.
And if I asked you
to do something,
you better do it.
Look in that fucking laundry
basket, please.
Psycho bitch.
At first I thought it was paint.
I mean, considering
I was working in the garage,
I thought, oh, shoot.
I ruined her shirt.
This is paint.
You tell me, Jordan
What the fuck are you
trying to say?
Do you have any idea what
this is, Jordan?
Do you have any idea?
No! I don't know!
It's fucking blood Jordan!
How the fuck did you get
this on this shir
I don't know!
Tell me!
Who's blood is it, Jordan?
Tell your mother.
You need to tell me.
If you hurt somebody.
You must tell me.
You can't trust mother.
You can trust mother.
Honey, it's Mom.
Are you awake?
Honey, I'm sorry I freaked out
I don't know what that
was in your shirt.
I'm- I just want to
know what happened
Please don't shut me out again.
Ever since Jamie died, I-
Well you just shut
out the world.
I just was afraid
it was going to happen again.
I'm going to bed.
If you want to talk
I'll be up.
Just text me.
Dear God,
Can't move.
Can't breath.
Someone's here.
The grass is always wet.
My feet are always cold.
The asphalt stings like insects
as I move away from home.
My mind remains at rest.
Another in control.
Across the window.
Across the road.
You stupid fucking goof troop.
Look behind you.
Wow. Look at the titties
on that one.
Woo, doggy.
Put me in one of them
fucking horror movie
Huh? I'll show you
how it's done.
Ashburn Falls,
19 fucking 91 quarterback.
who the fuck I am.
Run! Run! Run!
God fucking dammit!
[Glass breaks]
No fucking ghosts.
[whispers] Jamie, I can't.
[Fumbling around]
You ready to play, motherfucker?
[whispers] Jamie, I can't.
You're ready to play
[Strangling sounds]
Time for bed, baby.
You've seen better
days, huh buddy?
I figured I'd run into you here.
Yeah, well, you know me.
Wherever there's a body,
someone's gotta film it.
That actually sounds
a little disturbing.
Yeah, well, you know,
when you see as many stiffs
as this guy it all
appears normal.
Maybe time for a vacation.
Uh, you know.
I've been doing this for longer
than you've been alive.
Bag em and tag em.
There's nothing new here, Kiddo?
How long you think
he's been here?
How the fuck do I know?
I'm not a doctor.
I just take pictures
of dead bodies.
Wise ass.
So you guys have any
lead on this guy?
This is murder number
two, right?
Yeah, that's correct.
Have a few suspects.
No hard hits yet.
Yeah. Well,
I sure hope you get them sooner
rather than later.
Yeah, you and me both.
This better be fuckin worth it.
What do you mean
we have another body?
Neighbor said they saw a female
mid twenties brunette around
the neighborhood.
[Cell ringtone]
You're up early.
Carpe fucking diem.
I woke up feeling
like I was meant to get
off my ass today.
Why do I feel like this plan
revolves around me?
It's like I can sense it.
Get out of bed you lazy bitch.
We're going to go hiking.
So when do you hike?
A lot's changed since
you've left.
Get off your ass.
Do I have to?
Come on.
We'll see the sights
taken from nature.
It'll be good for us.
Little girls adventure.
Where's Randy?
In the other room. Asleep.
His fat ass couldn't
make it up the hill
even if he tried.
I'm glad
at least one of you
is staying healthy.
I'll be there in 10
minutes, bitch.
See you soon.
Oh, fine.
I'll go. See you soon.
What the fuck?
All right, let's do it.
Are you OK?
Yeah, I'm fine.
It's just a cramp.
That time of the month huh?
No, idiot.
I'm already regretting this.
We haven't even started yet.
And might I mention
this was your idea?
Yeah, I know.
I felt it was time
I kept my New Year's resolution.
It's June.
Better late than never.
Well, hello, beautiful.
I thought you were going
fishing with Paul. No.
He canceled on me last minute.
He said he doesn't feel well.
Well, that's a shame.
I know you were looking
forward to that.
Yeah, I thought about dragging
our daughter with me, but, uh,
I just checked her room.
She's not there.
She texted me. She went
hiking with Zoey.
Zoey hiking?
Trust me, I said the same thing.
Is that Paul's house?
Saw a couple of cops
go over there earlier.
He's must be shit faced again.
You remember last summer
when he He.
He was [laughs]
He was up on his roof
with the shotgun,
and he was like, what was it?
King Kong ain't got shit on me.
Such a weirdo.
That's why you love me.
So the kid's not here.
Should we.
Hey. I just got a call
from one of our CI's
regarding your vic.
Hey when you guys let
me out of here?
when you stop stealing
DVDs from Wal-Mart.
They have cameras, Ricky.
Listen, I promise you, I'm
never, ever, ever going to steal
them again.
Just let me out of here. Hey.
Why don't you just pirate
films like everyone else?
All right, save us the
trouble of having to pull you in
here in goddamn month.
Can I at least get
my phone call?
My mom is going to be
so worried about me.
Yeah, well, we'll send
somebody right
The phone is right there.
You were saying about our vic.
He drove by, and he
said he saw the car
at the scene that night.
What else did he say?
How are you, ma'am?
I'm doing well, Detective.
It's a shame about Mr. Dyer.
Do you have any leads?
Well one of the neighbors
said they saw a woman
wandering the streets
last night.
Dark hair, early twenties,
Do you happen to recall
where Jordan was last night?
She was home, actually.
She wasn't feeling well.
She's been having nightmares.
Yes. Her college roommate
It's taken a real toll on her.
Well, when she's feeling better
have her give me a call.
I want to talk to her
about the case.
About what, Detective?
Just about the case itself.
I'm not sure it will help,
but I'll pass it along to her.
How far are we going?
I don't know. No,
Forever and ever.
At least it's downhill.
Yeah, what about on
the way back up?
And the nightmares
have slowly started to fade.
But occasionally I'll wake up
in different parts of the house.
Do you want to crash over at
Randy's with me tonight?
Why not?
You sure that won't be a problem
for Loverboy?
He'll be fine.
OK, but I have to warn you,
if I have a nightmare, or end up
walking around the house,
I might be, like,
hovering over you.
As fucking creepy
as that is, it's pretty cool.
Yeah, not so much
when you walk in on
Jeff laying naked.
Your dad sleeps naked?
I wish that was part
of a nightmare
and not the reality.
This won't do.
For the sake of argument,
all horror movies are
always the same.
What? No.
The blond always dies.
The Scarlet whore always
gets butchered.
And then there's never
any guys left to tell about it.
OK. For your information,
there are plenty
of horror flicks
where the guy lives.
Name one.
OK, Lost Boys, for starters.
Oh, yawn fest. Give
me a good one.
I think I'm going to
turn in Jordan.
Oh, don't be stupid.
I know exactly where
you're going.
Mama's got needs, you know?
OK, well, Mama, better
use protection.
I'm on the pill.
Works all the time.
If you say so.
Now, don't stay up too late.
You've got school
in the morning.
But Mom...
No buts about it.
It's like you're getting
me ready.
Oh, go to bed, creep.
Oh, yes.
Looks cozy.
Real cozy.
[nasty avant garde metal]
Randy, please have beer.
Please have beer.
Fucking Randy.
[warped, muffled meditation]
[Meditation tape stops]
[Old-timey folk music begins]
Now. Here we are.
It's sort of poetic,
the more you think about it.
The man who chases the girl
ends up losing her
and his life as well.
Oh, well it's-
You see, Mr. Moore,
I protect.
My child.
I mean, he's
My beautiful, beautiful daughter
suffers from sleepwalking.
It's been that way
since she was young.
I mean, though, back then,
we tried everything
to control it, but
Jordan got into a few accidents
along the way.
Well, as a proud, protective
I had to protect her
and help her along the way.
And clean up after her messes.
Are you okay?
Jordan and I would like
to discuss options
for her sleepwalking condition.
I'm happy to discuss that.
How are you doing, Jordan?
Fine, thanks.
How's the Ambien working?
That's why we're here.
Recently, she's had
a slight outburst.
Do you remember any of it?
No, she doesn't.
I'd like to up the
dose of Ambien
for her doctor.
Dear Jamie,
it's no fun being
stuck in my head.
You deserve better
I'm on to better things.
I think you should be too.
I'll always remember
you and the good times.
Even when I wake up.
Are you sure this
is what you want?
My mother knows best
I trust her.